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Dead Code Elimination Regression at -Os (trunk vs. 13.0.0) #52965

Quarub opened this issue Jan 3, 2022 · 0 comments

Dead Code Elimination Regression at -Os (trunk vs. 13.0.0) #52965

Quarub opened this issue Jan 3, 2022 · 0 comments


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Quarub commented Jan 3, 2022

cat case.c

char b;
static int c = 1, e, f = 7, g;
short h, i;
void foo(void);
char(a)(char j, char k) { return k == 0 ? j : j / k; }
int main() {
  c = a(0, 0);
  for (; h < 1; ++h) {
    f = 8 <= e;
    g = i = c;
    if (c) {
      b = e = f |= b;
      f &= d && g;
    if (!a(1, f))

clang-550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e (trunk) -Os can not eliminate foo but clang-llvmorg-13.0.0 -Os can.

clang-550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e (trunk) -Os -S -o /dev/stdout case.c


	.file	"case.c"
	.globl	a                               # -- Begin function a
	.type	a,@function
a:                                      # @a
# %bb.0:
	movl	%edi, %eax
	testb	%sil, %sil
	je	.LBB0_2
# %bb.1:
	movsbl	%al, %eax
	movsbl	%sil, %ecx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax
	idivw	%cx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax def $eax
                                        # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
	.size	a, .Lfunc_end0-a
                                        # -- End function
	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
	.type	main,@function
main:                                   # @main
# %bb.0:
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	pushq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
	pushq	%rax
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
	.cfi_offset %rbx, -24
	.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
	movb	$1, c(%rip)
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
	testw	%ax, %ax
	jg	.LBB1_7
# %bb.1:
	xorl	%ecx, %ecx
	movl	e(%rip), %edx
	movb	$1, %bpl
.LBB1_2:                                # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
	xorl	%esi, %esi
	cmpl	$8, %edx
	setge	%bl
	movw	%cx, i(%rip)
	testl	%ecx, %ecx
	je	.LBB1_4
# %bb.3:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	movb	%bl, %sil
	movsbl	b(%rip), %edx
	orl	%esi, %edx
	movl	%edx, e(%rip)
	movb	%dl, b(%rip)
.LBB1_4:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	testb	%bpl, %bpl
	jne	.LBB1_6
# %bb.5:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	callq	foo
	movl	e(%rip), %edx
	movzbl	c(%rip), %ecx
	xorl	$1, %ecx
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
.LBB1_6:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	movzwl	%ax, %esi
	incl	%eax
	movw	%ax, h(%rip)
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax def $rax
	cmpl	$32766, %esi                    # imm = 0x7FFE
	ja	.LBB1_2
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	addq	$8, %rsp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
	popq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	popq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.size	main, .Lfunc_end1-main
                                        # -- End function
	.type	c,@object                       # @c
	.local	c
	.comm	c,1,4
	.type	h,@object                       # @h
	.globl	h
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	h, 2

	.type	e,@object                       # @e
	.local	e
	.comm	e,4,4
	.type	i,@object                       # @i
	.globl	i
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	i, 2

	.type	b,@object                       # @b
	.globl	b
	.byte	0                               # 0x0
	.size	b, 1

	.ident	"clang version 14.0.0 ( 550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e)"
	.section	".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

clang-llvmorg-13.0.0 -Os -S -o /dev/stdout case.c


	.file	"case.c"
	.globl	a                               # -- Begin function a
	.type	a,@function
a:                                      # @a
# %bb.0:
	movl	%edi, %eax
	testb	%sil, %sil
	je	.LBB0_2
# %bb.1:
	movsbl	%al, %eax
	movsbl	%sil, %ecx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax
	idivw	%cx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax def $eax
                                        # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
	.size	a, .Lfunc_end0-a
                                        # -- End function
	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
	.type	main,@function
main:                                   # @main
# %bb.0:
	movb	$1, c(%rip)
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
	testw	%ax, %ax
	jg	.LBB1_6
# %bb.1:
	movl	e(%rip), %edx
	movzbl	c(%rip), %r8d
	xorl	$1, %r8d
	xorl	%ecx, %ecx
.LBB1_2:                                # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
	movl	%ecx, %r9d
	testl	%ecx, %ecx
	je	.LBB1_4
# %bb.3:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	xorl	%ecx, %ecx
	cmpl	$8, %edx
	setge	%cl
	movsbl	b(%rip), %edx
	orl	%ecx, %edx
	movl	%edx, e(%rip)
	movb	%dl, b(%rip)
.LBB1_4:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	leal	1(%rax), %edi
	movzwl	%ax, %esi
	movl	%edi, %eax
	movl	%r8d, %ecx
	cmpl	$32766, %esi                    # imm = 0x7FFE
	ja	.LBB1_2
# %bb.5:
	movw	%r9w, i(%rip)
	movw	%di, h(%rip)
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	.size	main, .Lfunc_end1-main
                                        # -- End function
	.type	c,@object                       # @c
	.local	c
	.comm	c,1,4
	.type	h,@object                       # @h
	.globl	h
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	h, 2

	.type	e,@object                       # @e
	.local	e
	.comm	e,4,4
	.type	i,@object                       # @i
	.globl	i
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	i, 2

	.type	b,@object                       # @b
	.globl	b
	.byte	0                               # 0x0
	.size	b, 1

	.ident	"clang version 13.0.0 ( d7b669b3a30345cfcdb2fde2af6f48aa4b94845d)"
	.section	".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

clang-550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e -v


clang version 14.0.0 ( 550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /zdata/compiler_cache/clang-550ea385abc2805fd3e0a539bf55bc82edb5c13e/bin
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Candidate multilib: .;@m64
Candidate multilib: 32;@m32
Selected multilib: .;@m64

clang-ed403e4cb2e5c9c61d2fbb44bae03c5603290bf1 -v


clang version 13.0.0 ( d7b669b3a30345cfcdb2fde2af6f48aa4b94845d)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /zdata/compiler_cache/clang-ed403e4cb2e5c9c61d2fbb44bae03c5603290bf1/bin
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/11.1.0
Candidate multilib: .;@m64
Candidate multilib: 32;@m32
Selected multilib: .;@m64


Started with 0733381
clang-07333810caee48e94587891191a970be8a117fcf -Os -S -o /dev/stdout case.c


	.file	"case.c"
	.globl	a                               # -- Begin function a
	.type	a,@function
a:                                      # @a
# %bb.0:
	movl	%edi, %eax
	testb	%sil, %sil
	je	.LBB0_2
# %bb.1:
	movsbl	%al, %eax
	movsbl	%sil, %ecx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax
	idivw	%cx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax def $eax
                                        # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
	.size	a, .Lfunc_end0-a
                                        # -- End function
	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
	.type	main,@function
main:                                   # @main
# %bb.0:
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	pushq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
	pushq	%rax
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
	.cfi_offset %rbx, -24
	.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
	movb	$1, c(%rip)
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
	testw	%ax, %ax
	jg	.LBB1_7
# %bb.1:
	xorl	%ecx, %ecx
	movl	e(%rip), %edx
	movb	$1, %bpl
.LBB1_2:                                # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
	xorl	%esi, %esi
	cmpl	$8, %edx
	setge	%bl
	movw	%cx, i(%rip)
	testl	%ecx, %ecx
	je	.LBB1_4
# %bb.3:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	movb	%bl, %sil
	movsbl	b(%rip), %edx
	orl	%esi, %edx
	movl	%edx, e(%rip)
	movb	%dl, b(%rip)
.LBB1_4:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	testb	%bpl, %bpl
	jne	.LBB1_6
# %bb.5:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	callq	foo
	movl	e(%rip), %edx
	movzbl	c(%rip), %ecx
	xorl	$1, %ecx
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
.LBB1_6:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1
	movzwl	%ax, %esi
	incl	%eax
	movw	%ax, h(%rip)
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax def $rax
	cmpl	$32766, %esi                    # imm = 0x7FFE
	ja	.LBB1_2
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	addq	$8, %rsp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
	popq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	popq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.size	main, .Lfunc_end1-main
                                        # -- End function
	.type	c,@object                       # @c
	.local	c
	.comm	c,1,4
	.type	h,@object                       # @h
	.globl	h
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	h, 2

	.type	e,@object                       # @e
	.local	e
	.comm	e,4,4
	.type	i,@object                       # @i
	.globl	i
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	i, 2

	.type	b,@object                       # @b
	.globl	b
	.byte	0                               # 0x0
	.size	b, 1

	.ident	"clang version 14.0.0 ( 07333810caee48e94587891191a970be8a117fcf)"
	.section	".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

Previous commit: 8ec0f22

clang-8ec0f221843c51096cf3e7a479e780be371388a8 -Os -S -o /dev/stdout case.c


	.file	"case.c"
	.globl	a                               # -- Begin function a
	.type	a,@function
a:                                      # @a
# %bb.0:
	movl	%edi, %eax
	testb	%sil, %sil
	je	.LBB0_2
# %bb.1:
	movsbl	%al, %eax
	movsbl	%sil, %ecx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax
	idivw	%cx
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax def $eax
                                        # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
	.size	a, .Lfunc_end0-a
                                        # -- End function
	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
	.type	main,@function
main:                                   # @main
# %bb.0:
	movzwl	h(%rip), %eax
	testw	%ax, %ax
	jg	.LBB1_3
.LBB1_1:                                # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
                                        # kill: def $ax killed $ax killed $eax def $rax
	movzwl	%ax, %ecx
	incl	%eax
	cmpl	$32766, %ecx                    # imm = 0x7FFE
	ja	.LBB1_1
# %bb.2:
	movw	$0, i(%rip)
	movw	%ax, h(%rip)
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	.size	main, .Lfunc_end1-main
                                        # -- End function
	.type	h,@object                       # @h
	.globl	h
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	h, 2

	.type	i,@object                       # @i
	.globl	i
	.p2align	1
	.short	0                               # 0x0
	.size	i, 2

	.type	b,@object                       # @b
	.globl	b
	.byte	0                               # 0x0
	.size	b, 1

	.ident	"clang version 14.0.0 ( 8ec0f221843c51096cf3e7a479e780be371388a8)"
	.section	".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

@fhahn fhahn added regression and removed new issue labels Jan 3, 2022
fhahn referenced this issue Jan 3, 2022
… default case when switch cover all possible values."""""

This reverts commit c93f93b.
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