Bug Summary

Location:line 1315, column 45
Description:Value stored to 'class_symfile' is never read

Annotated Source Code

1//===-- DWARFASTParserClang.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#include "DWARFASTParserClang.h"
11#include "DWARFCompileUnit.h"
12#include "DWARFDebugInfo.h"
13#include "DWARFDeclContext.h"
14#include "DWARFDefines.h"
15#include "DWARFDIE.h"
16#include "DWARFDIECollection.h"
17#include "SymbolFileDWARF.h"
18#include "SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap.h"
19#include "UniqueDWARFASTType.h"
21#include "Plugins/Language/ObjC/ObjCLanguage.h"
22#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
23#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
24#include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
25#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
26#include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
27#include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
28#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTImporter.h"
29#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangExternalASTSourceCommon.h"
30#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangUtil.h"
31#include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
32#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
33#include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
34#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolVendor.h"
35#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeList.h"
36#include "lldb/Symbol/TypeMap.h"
37#include "lldb/Target/Language.h"
38#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBAssert.h"
40#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
41#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
43#include <map>
44#include <vector>
49#include <stdio.h>
50#define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
52#define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...)
56using namespace lldb;
57using namespace lldb_private;
58DWARFASTParserClang::DWARFASTParserClang (ClangASTContext &ast) :
59 m_ast (ast),
60 m_die_to_decl_ctx (),
61 m_decl_ctx_to_die ()
65DWARFASTParserClang::~DWARFASTParserClang ()
70static AccessType
71DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType (uint32_t dwarf_accessibility)
73 switch (dwarf_accessibility)
74 {
75 case DW_ACCESS_public: return eAccessPublic;
76 case DW_ACCESS_private: return eAccessPrivate;
77 case DW_ACCESS_protected: return eAccessProtected;
78 default: break;
79 }
80 return eAccessNone;
83static bool
84DeclKindIsCXXClass (clang::Decl::Kind decl_kind)
86 switch (decl_kind)
87 {
88 case clang::Decl::CXXRecord:
89 case clang::Decl::ClassTemplateSpecialization:
90 return true;
91 default:
92 break;
93 }
94 return false;
97struct BitfieldInfo
99 uint64_t bit_size;
100 uint64_t bit_offset;
102 BitfieldInfo () :
103 bit_size (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL)),
104 bit_offset (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL))
105 {
106 }
108 void
109 Clear()
110 {
111 bit_size = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL);
112 bit_offset = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL);
113 }
115 bool IsValid ()
116 {
117 return (bit_size != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL)) &&
118 (bit_offset != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL));
119 }
123ClangASTImporter &
126 if (!m_clang_ast_importer_ap)
127 {
128 m_clang_ast_importer_ap.reset (new ClangASTImporter);
129 }
130 return *m_clang_ast_importer_ap;
135DWARFASTParserClang::ParseTypeFromDWO (const DWARFDIE &die, Log *log)
137 ModuleSP dwo_module_sp = die.GetContainingDWOModule();
138 if (dwo_module_sp)
139 {
140 // This type comes from an external DWO module
141 std::vector<CompilerContext> dwo_context;
142 die.GetDWOContext(dwo_context);
143 TypeMap dwo_types;
144 if (dwo_module_sp->GetSymbolVendor()->FindTypes(dwo_context, true, dwo_types))
145 {
146 const size_t num_dwo_types = dwo_types.GetSize();
147 if (num_dwo_types == 1)
148 {
149 // We found a real definition for this type elsewhere
150 // so lets use it and cache the fact that we found
151 // a complete type for this die
152 TypeSP dwo_type_sp = dwo_types.GetTypeAtIndex(0);
153 if (dwo_type_sp)
154 {
155 lldb_private::CompilerType dwo_type = dwo_type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType();
157 lldb_private::CompilerType type = GetClangASTImporter().CopyType (m_ast, dwo_type);
159 //printf ("copied_qual_type: ast = %p, clang_type = %p, name = '%s'\n", m_ast, copied_qual_type.getAsOpaquePtr(), external_type->GetName().GetCString());
160 if (type)
161 {
162 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
163 TypeSP type_sp (new Type (die.GetID(),
164 dwarf,
165 dwo_type_sp->GetName(),
166 dwo_type_sp->GetByteSize(),
167 NULL__null,
168 LLDB_INVALID_UID(18446744073709551615UL),
169 Type::eEncodingInvalid,
170 &dwo_type_sp->GetDeclaration(),
171 type,
172 Type::eResolveStateForward));
174 dwarf->GetTypeList()->Insert(type_sp);
175 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
176 clang::TagDecl *tag_decl = ClangASTContext::GetAsTagDecl(type);
177 if (tag_decl)
178 LinkDeclContextToDIE(tag_decl, die);
179 else
180 {
181 clang::DeclContext *defn_decl_ctx = GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE(die);
182 if (defn_decl_ctx)
183 LinkDeclContextToDIE(defn_decl_ctx, die);
184 }
185 return type_sp;
186 }
187 }
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 return TypeSP();
195DWARFASTParserClang::ParseTypeFromDWARF (const SymbolContext& sc,
196 const DWARFDIE &die,
197 Log *log,
198 bool *type_is_new_ptr)
200 TypeSP type_sp;
202 if (type_is_new_ptr)
203 *type_is_new_ptr = false;
205 AccessType accessibility = eAccessNone;
206 if (die)
207 {
208 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
209 if (log)
210 {
211 DWARFDIE context_die;
212 clang::DeclContext *context = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, &context_die);
214 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log, "SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType (die = 0x%8.8x, decl_ctx = %p (die 0x%8.8x)) %s name = '%s')",
215 die.GetOffset(),
216 static_cast<void*>(context),
217 context_die.GetOffset(),
218 die.GetTagAsCString(),
219 die.GetName());
221 }
222 //
223 // Log *log (LogChannelDWARF::GetLogIfAll(DWARF_LOG_DEBUG_INFO));
224 // if (log && dwarf_cu)
225 // {
226 // StreamString s;
227 // die->DumpLocation (this, dwarf_cu, s);
228 // dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log, "SymbolFileDwarf::%s %s", __FUNCTION__, s.GetData());
229 //
230 // }
232 Type *type_ptr = dwarf->GetDIEToType().lookup (die.GetDIE());
233 TypeList* type_list = dwarf->GetTypeList();
234 if (type_ptr == NULL__null)
235 {
236 if (type_is_new_ptr)
237 *type_is_new_ptr = true;
239 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
241 bool is_forward_declaration = false;
242 DWARFAttributes attributes;
243 const char *type_name_cstr = NULL__null;
244 ConstString type_name_const_str;
245 Type::ResolveState resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateUnresolved;
246 uint64_t byte_size = 0;
247 Declaration decl;
249 Type::EncodingDataType encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsUID;
250 CompilerType clang_type;
251 DWARFFormValue form_value;
253 dw_attr_t attr;
255 switch (tag)
256 {
257 case DW_TAG_typedef:
258 // Try to parse a typedef from the DWO file first as modules
259 // can contain typedef'ed structures that have no names like:
260 //
261 // typedef struct { int a; } Foo;
262 //
263 // In this case we will have a structure with no name and a
264 // typedef named "Foo" that points to this unnamed structure.
265 // The name in the typedef is the only identifier for the struct,
266 // so always try to get typedefs from DWO files if possible.
267 //
268 // The type_sp returned will be empty if the typedef doesn't exist
269 // in a DWO file, so it is cheap to call this function just to check.
270 //
271 // If we don't do this we end up creating a TypeSP that says this
272 // is a typedef to type 0x123 (the DW_AT_type value would be 0x123
273 // in the DW_TAG_typedef), and this is the unnamed structure type.
274 // We will have a hard time tracking down an unnammed structure
275 // type in the module DWO file, so we make sure we don't get into
276 // this situation by always resolving typedefs from the DWO file.
277 type_sp = ParseTypeFromDWO(die, log);
278 if (type_sp)
279 return type_sp;
281 LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
282 case DW_TAG_base_type:
283 case DW_TAG_pointer_type:
284 case DW_TAG_reference_type:
285 case DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type:
286 case DW_TAG_const_type:
287 case DW_TAG_restrict_type:
288 case DW_TAG_volatile_type:
289 case DW_TAG_unspecified_type:
290 {
291 // Set a bit that lets us know that we are currently parsing this
292 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1);
294 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
295 uint32_t encoding = 0;
296 DWARFFormValue encoding_uid;
298 if (num_attributes > 0)
299 {
300 uint32_t i;
301 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
302 {
303 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
304 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
305 {
306 switch (attr)
307 {
308 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
309 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
310 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
311 case DW_AT_name:
313 type_name_cstr = form_value.AsCString();
314 // Work around a bug in llvm-gcc where they give a name to a reference type which doesn't
315 // include the "&"...
316 if (tag == DW_TAG_reference_type)
317 {
318 if (strchr (type_name_cstr, '&') == NULL__null)
319 type_name_cstr = NULL__null;
320 }
321 if (type_name_cstr)
322 type_name_const_str.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
323 break;
324 case DW_AT_byte_size: byte_size = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
325 case DW_AT_encoding: encoding = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
326 case DW_AT_type: encoding_uid = form_value; break;
327 default:
328 case DW_AT_sibling:
329 break;
330 }
331 }
332 }
333 }
335 DEBUG_PRINTF ("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": %s (\"%s\") type => 0x%8.8lx\n", die.GetID(), DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag), type_name_cstr, encoding_uid.Reference());
337 switch (tag)
338 {
339 default:
340 break;
342 case DW_TAG_unspecified_type:
343 if (strcmp(type_name_cstr, "nullptr_t") == 0 ||
344 strcmp(type_name_cstr, "decltype(nullptr)") == 0 )
345 {
346 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
347 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeNullPtr);
348 break;
349 }
350 // Fall through to base type below in case we can handle the type there...
351 LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
353 case DW_TAG_base_type:
354 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
355 clang_type = m_ast.GetBuiltinTypeForDWARFEncodingAndBitSize (type_name_cstr,
356 encoding,
357 byte_size * 8);
358 break;
360 case DW_TAG_pointer_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsPointerUID; break;
361 case DW_TAG_reference_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsLValueReferenceUID; break;
362 case DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsRValueReferenceUID; break;
363 case DW_TAG_typedef: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsTypedefUID; break;
364 case DW_TAG_const_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsConstUID; break;
365 case DW_TAG_restrict_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsRestrictUID; break;
366 case DW_TAG_volatile_type: encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsVolatileUID; break;
367 }
369 if (!clang_type && (encoding_data_type == Type::eEncodingIsPointerUID || encoding_data_type == Type::eEncodingIsTypedefUID) && sc.comp_unit != NULL__null)
370 {
371 bool translation_unit_is_objc = (sc.comp_unit->GetLanguage() == eLanguageTypeObjC || sc.comp_unit->GetLanguage() == eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus);
373 if (translation_unit_is_objc)
374 {
375 if (type_name_cstr != NULL__null)
376 {
377 static ConstString g_objc_type_name_id("id");
378 static ConstString g_objc_type_name_Class("Class");
379 static ConstString g_objc_type_name_selector("SEL");
381 if (type_name_const_str == g_objc_type_name_id)
382 {
383 if (log)
384 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
385 "SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType (die = 0x%8.8x) %s '%s' is Objective C 'id' built-in type.",
386 die.GetOffset(),
387 die.GetTagAsCString(),
388 die.GetName());
389 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeObjCID);
390 encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsUID;
391 encoding_uid.Clear();
392 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
394 }
395 else if (type_name_const_str == g_objc_type_name_Class)
396 {
397 if (log)
398 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
399 "SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType (die = 0x%8.8x) %s '%s' is Objective C 'Class' built-in type.",
400 die.GetOffset(),
401 die.GetTagAsCString(),
402 die.GetName());
403 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeObjCClass);
404 encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsUID;
405 encoding_uid.Clear();
406 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
407 }
408 else if (type_name_const_str == g_objc_type_name_selector)
409 {
410 if (log)
411 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
412 "SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType (die = 0x%8.8x) %s '%s' is Objective C 'selector' built-in type.",
413 die.GetOffset(),
414 die.GetTagAsCString(),
415 die.GetName());
416 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeObjCSel);
417 encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsUID;
418 encoding_uid.Clear();
419 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
420 }
421 }
422 else if (encoding_data_type == Type::eEncodingIsPointerUID && encoding_uid.IsValid())
423 {
424 // Clang sometimes erroneously emits id as objc_object*. In that case we fix up the type to "id".
426 const DWARFDIE encoding_die = dwarf->GetDIE(DIERef(encoding_uid));
428 if (encoding_die && encoding_die.Tag() == DW_TAG_structure_type)
429 {
430 if (const char *struct_name = encoding_die.GetName())
431 {
432 if (!strcmp(struct_name, "objc_object"))
433 {
434 if (log)
435 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
436 "SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType (die = 0x%8.8x) %s '%s' is 'objc_object*', which we overrode to 'id'.",
437 die.GetOffset(),
438 die.GetTagAsCString(),
439 die.GetName());
440 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeObjCID);
441 encoding_data_type = Type::eEncodingIsUID;
442 encoding_uid.Clear();
443 resolve_state = Type::eResolveStateFull;
444 }
445 }
446 }
447 }
448 }
449 }
451 type_sp.reset( new Type (die.GetID(),
452 dwarf,
453 type_name_const_str,
454 byte_size,
455 NULL__null,
456 DIERef(encoding_uid).GetUID(dwarf),
457 encoding_data_type,
458 &decl,
459 clang_type,
460 resolve_state));
462 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
464 // Type* encoding_type = GetUniquedTypeForDIEOffset(encoding_uid, type_sp, NULL, 0, 0, false);
465 // if (encoding_type != NULL)
466 // {
467 // if (encoding_type != DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED)
468 // type_sp->SetEncodingType(encoding_type);
469 // else
470 // m_indirect_fixups.push_back(type_sp.get());
471 // }
472 }
473 break;
475 case DW_TAG_structure_type:
476 case DW_TAG_union_type:
477 case DW_TAG_class_type:
478 {
479 // Set a bit that lets us know that we are currently parsing this
480 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1);
481 bool byte_size_valid = false;
483 LanguageType class_language = eLanguageTypeUnknown;
484 bool is_complete_objc_class = false;
485 //bool struct_is_class = false;
486 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
487 if (num_attributes > 0)
488 {
489 uint32_t i;
490 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
491 {
492 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
493 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
494 {
495 switch (attr)
496 {
497 case DW_AT_decl_file:
498 if (die.GetCU()->DW_AT_decl_file_attributes_are_invalid())
499 {
500 // llvm-gcc outputs invalid DW_AT_decl_file attributes that always
501 // point to the compile unit file, so we clear this invalid value
502 // so that we can still unique types efficiently.
503 decl.SetFile(FileSpec ("<invalid>", false));
504 }
505 else
506 decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned()));
507 break;
509 case DW_AT_decl_line:
510 decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned());
511 break;
513 case DW_AT_decl_column:
514 decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned());
515 break;
517 case DW_AT_name:
518 type_name_cstr = form_value.AsCString();
519 type_name_const_str.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
520 break;
522 case DW_AT_byte_size:
523 byte_size = form_value.Unsigned();
524 byte_size_valid = true;
525 break;
527 case DW_AT_accessibility:
528 accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType(form_value.Unsigned());
529 break;
531 case DW_AT_declaration:
532 is_forward_declaration = form_value.Boolean();
533 break;
535 case DW_AT_APPLE_runtime_class:
536 class_language = (LanguageType)form_value.Signed();
537 break;
539 case DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type:
540 is_complete_objc_class = form_value.Signed();
541 break;
543 case DW_AT_allocated:
544 case DW_AT_associated:
545 case DW_AT_data_location:
546 case DW_AT_description:
547 case DW_AT_start_scope:
548 case DW_AT_visibility:
549 default:
550 case DW_AT_sibling:
551 break;
552 }
553 }
554 }
555 }
557 // UniqueDWARFASTType is large, so don't create a local variables on the
558 // stack, put it on the heap. This function is often called recursively
559 // and clang isn't good and sharing the stack space for variables in different blocks.
560 std::unique_ptr<UniqueDWARFASTType> unique_ast_entry_ap(new UniqueDWARFASTType());
562 ConstString unique_typename(type_name_const_str);
563 Declaration unique_decl(decl);
565 if (type_name_const_str)
566 {
567 LanguageType die_language = die.GetLanguage();
568 if (Language::LanguageIsCPlusPlus(die_language))
569 {
570 // For C++, we rely solely upon the one definition rule that says only
571 // one thing can exist at a given decl context. We ignore the file and
572 // line that things are declared on.
573 std::string qualified_name;
574 if (die.GetQualifiedName(qualified_name))
575 unique_typename = ConstString(qualified_name);
576 unique_decl.Clear();
577 }
579 if (dwarf->GetUniqueDWARFASTTypeMap().Find(unique_typename, die, unique_decl,
580 byte_size_valid ? byte_size : -1,
581 *unique_ast_entry_ap))
582 {
583 type_sp = unique_ast_entry_ap->m_type_sp;
584 if (type_sp)
585 {
586 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
587 return type_sp;
588 }
589 }
590 }
592 DEBUG_PRINTF ("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": %s (\"%s\")\n", die.GetID(), DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag), type_name_cstr);
594 int tag_decl_kind = -1;
595 AccessType default_accessibility = eAccessNone;
596 if (tag == DW_TAG_structure_type)
597 {
598 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Struct;
599 default_accessibility = eAccessPublic;
600 }
601 else if (tag == DW_TAG_union_type)
602 {
603 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Union;
604 default_accessibility = eAccessPublic;
605 }
606 else if (tag == DW_TAG_class_type)
607 {
608 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Class;
609 default_accessibility = eAccessPrivate;
610 }
612 if (byte_size_valid && byte_size == 0 && type_name_cstr &&
613 die.HasChildren() == false &&
614 sc.comp_unit->GetLanguage() == eLanguageTypeObjC)
615 {
616 // Work around an issue with clang at the moment where
617 // forward declarations for objective C classes are emitted
618 // as:
619 // DW_TAG_structure_type [2]
620 // DW_AT_name( "ForwardObjcClass" )
621 // DW_AT_byte_size( 0x00 )
622 // DW_AT_decl_file( "..." )
623 // DW_AT_decl_line( 1 )
624 //
625 // Note that there is no DW_AT_declaration and there are
626 // no children, and the byte size is zero.
627 is_forward_declaration = true;
628 }
630 if (class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC ||
631 class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus)
632 {
633 if (!is_complete_objc_class && die.Supports_DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type())
634 {
635 // We have a valid eSymbolTypeObjCClass class symbol whose
636 // name matches the current objective C class that we
637 // are trying to find and this DIE isn't the complete
638 // definition (we checked is_complete_objc_class above and
639 // know it is false), so the real definition is in here somewhere
640 type_sp = dwarf->FindCompleteObjCDefinitionTypeForDIE (die, type_name_const_str, true);
642 if (!type_sp)
643 {
644 SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap *debug_map_symfile = dwarf->GetDebugMapSymfile();
645 if (debug_map_symfile)
646 {
647 // We weren't able to find a full declaration in
648 // this DWARF, see if we have a declaration anywhere
649 // else...
650 type_sp = debug_map_symfile->FindCompleteObjCDefinitionTypeForDIE (die, type_name_const_str, true);
651 }
652 }
654 if (type_sp)
655 {
656 if (log)
657 {
658 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
659 "SymbolFileDWARF(%p) - 0x%8.8x: %s type \"%s\" is an incomplete objc type, complete type is 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x",
660 static_cast<void*>(this),
661 die.GetOffset(),
662 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag),
663 type_name_cstr,
664 type_sp->GetID());
665 }
667 // We found a real definition for this type elsewhere
668 // so lets use it and cache the fact that we found
669 // a complete type for this die
670 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
671 return type_sp;
672 }
673 }
674 }
677 if (is_forward_declaration)
678 {
679 // We have a forward declaration to a type and we need
680 // to try and find a full declaration. We look in the
681 // current type index just in case we have a forward
682 // declaration followed by an actual declarations in the
683 // DWARF. If this fails, we need to look elsewhere...
684 if (log)
685 {
686 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
687 "SymbolFileDWARF(%p) - 0x%8.8x: %s type \"%s\" is a forward declaration, trying to find complete type",
688 static_cast<void*>(this),
689 die.GetOffset(),
690 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag),
691 type_name_cstr);
692 }
694 // See if the type comes from a DWO module and if so, track down that type.
695 type_sp = ParseTypeFromDWO(die, log);
696 if (type_sp)
697 return type_sp;
699 DWARFDeclContext die_decl_ctx;
700 die.GetDWARFDeclContext(die_decl_ctx);
702 //type_sp = FindDefinitionTypeForDIE (dwarf_cu, die, type_name_const_str);
703 type_sp = dwarf->FindDefinitionTypeForDWARFDeclContext (die_decl_ctx);
705 if (!type_sp)
706 {
707 SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap *debug_map_symfile = dwarf->GetDebugMapSymfile();
708 if (debug_map_symfile)
709 {
710 // We weren't able to find a full declaration in
711 // this DWARF, see if we have a declaration anywhere
712 // else...
713 type_sp = debug_map_symfile->FindDefinitionTypeForDWARFDeclContext (die_decl_ctx);
714 }
715 }
717 if (type_sp)
718 {
719 if (log)
720 {
721 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
722 "SymbolFileDWARF(%p) - 0x%8.8x: %s type \"%s\" is a forward declaration, complete type is 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x",
723 static_cast<void*>(this),
724 die.GetOffset(),
725 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag),
726 type_name_cstr,
727 type_sp->GetID());
728 }
730 // We found a real definition for this type elsewhere
731 // so lets use it and cache the fact that we found
732 // a complete type for this die
733 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
734 clang::DeclContext *defn_decl_ctx = GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE(
735 dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE(DIERef(type_sp->GetID(), dwarf)));
736 if (defn_decl_ctx)
737 LinkDeclContextToDIE(defn_decl_ctx, die);
738 return type_sp;
739 }
740 }
741 assert (tag_decl_kind != -1)((tag_decl_kind != -1) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("tag_decl_kind != -1", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 741, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
742 bool clang_type_was_created = false;
743 clang_type.SetCompilerType(&m_ast, dwarf->GetForwardDeclDieToClangType().lookup (die.GetDIE()));
744 if (!clang_type)
745 {
746 clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, nullptr);
747 if (accessibility == eAccessNone && decl_ctx)
748 {
749 // Check the decl context that contains this class/struct/union.
750 // If it is a class we must give it an accessibility.
751 const clang::Decl::Kind containing_decl_kind = decl_ctx->getDeclKind();
752 if (DeclKindIsCXXClass (containing_decl_kind))
753 accessibility = default_accessibility;
754 }
756 ClangASTMetadata metadata;
757 metadata.SetUserID(die.GetID());
758 metadata.SetIsDynamicCXXType(dwarf->ClassOrStructIsVirtual (die));
760 if (type_name_cstr && strchr (type_name_cstr, '<'))
761 {
762 ClangASTContext::TemplateParameterInfos template_param_infos;
763 if (ParseTemplateParameterInfos (die, template_param_infos))
764 {
765 clang::ClassTemplateDecl *class_template_decl = m_ast.ParseClassTemplateDecl (decl_ctx,
766 accessibility,
767 type_name_cstr,
768 tag_decl_kind,
769 template_param_infos);
771 clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *class_specialization_decl = m_ast.CreateClassTemplateSpecializationDecl (decl_ctx,
772 class_template_decl,
773 tag_decl_kind,
774 template_param_infos);
775 clang_type = m_ast.CreateClassTemplateSpecializationType (class_specialization_decl);
776 clang_type_was_created = true;
778 m_ast.SetMetadata (class_template_decl, metadata);
779 m_ast.SetMetadata (class_specialization_decl, metadata);
780 }
781 }
783 if (!clang_type_was_created)
784 {
785 clang_type_was_created = true;
786 clang_type = m_ast.CreateRecordType (decl_ctx,
787 accessibility,
788 type_name_cstr,
789 tag_decl_kind,
790 class_language,
791 &metadata);
792 }
793 }
795 // Store a forward declaration to this class type in case any
796 // parameters in any class methods need it for the clang
797 // types for function prototypes.
798 LinkDeclContextToDIE(m_ast.GetDeclContextForType(clang_type), die);
799 type_sp.reset (new Type (die.GetID(),
800 dwarf,
801 type_name_const_str,
802 byte_size,
803 NULL__null,
804 LLDB_INVALID_UID(18446744073709551615UL),
805 Type::eEncodingIsUID,
806 &decl,
807 clang_type,
808 Type::eResolveStateForward));
810 type_sp->SetIsCompleteObjCClass(is_complete_objc_class);
813 // Add our type to the unique type map so we don't
814 // end up creating many copies of the same type over
815 // and over in the ASTContext for our module
816 unique_ast_entry_ap->m_type_sp = type_sp;
817 unique_ast_entry_ap->m_die = die;
818 unique_ast_entry_ap->m_declaration = unique_decl;
819 unique_ast_entry_ap->m_byte_size = byte_size;
820 dwarf->GetUniqueDWARFASTTypeMap().Insert (unique_typename,
821 *unique_ast_entry_ap);
823 if (is_forward_declaration && die.HasChildren())
824 {
825 // Check to see if the DIE actually has a definition, some version of GCC will
826 // emit DIEs with DW_AT_declaration set to true, but yet still have subprogram,
827 // members, or inheritance, so we can't trust it
828 DWARFDIE child_die = die.GetFirstChild();
829 while (child_die)
830 {
831 switch (child_die.Tag())
832 {
833 case DW_TAG_inheritance:
834 case DW_TAG_subprogram:
835 case DW_TAG_member:
836 case DW_TAG_APPLE_property:
837 case DW_TAG_class_type:
838 case DW_TAG_structure_type:
839 case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
840 case DW_TAG_typedef:
841 case DW_TAG_union_type:
842 child_die.Clear();
843 is_forward_declaration = false;
844 break;
845 default:
846 child_die = child_die.GetSibling();
847 break;
848 }
849 }
850 }
852 if (!is_forward_declaration)
853 {
854 // Always start the definition for a class type so that
855 // if the class has child classes or types that require
856 // the class to be created for use as their decl contexts
857 // the class will be ready to accept these child definitions.
858 if (die.HasChildren() == false)
859 {
860 // No children for this struct/union/class, lets finish it
861 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
862 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
864 if (tag == DW_TAG_structure_type) // this only applies in C
865 {
866 clang::RecordDecl *record_decl = ClangASTContext::GetAsRecordDecl(clang_type);
868 if (record_decl)
869 {
870 GetClangASTImporter().InsertRecordDecl(record_decl, ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo());
871 }
872 }
873 }
874 else if (clang_type_was_created)
875 {
876 // Start the definition if the class is not objective C since
877 // the underlying decls respond to isCompleteDefinition(). Objective
878 // C decls don't respond to isCompleteDefinition() so we can't
879 // start the declaration definition right away. For C++ class/union/structs
880 // we want to start the definition in case the class is needed as the
881 // declaration context for a contained class or type without the need
882 // to complete that type..
884 if (class_language != eLanguageTypeObjC &&
885 class_language != eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus)
886 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
888 // Leave this as a forward declaration until we need
889 // to know the details of the type. lldb_private::Type
890 // will automatically call the SymbolFile virtual function
891 // "SymbolFileDWARF::CompleteType(Type *)"
892 // When the definition needs to be defined.
893 assert(!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count(((!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::
RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) &&
"Type already in the forward declaration map!") ? static_cast
<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) && \"Type already in the forward declaration map!\""
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 895, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
894 ClangUtil::RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) &&((!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::
RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) &&
"Type already in the forward declaration map!") ? static_cast
<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) && \"Type already in the forward declaration map!\""
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 895, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
895 "Type already in the forward declaration map!")((!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::
RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) &&
"Type already in the forward declaration map!") ? static_cast
<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("!dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie().count( ClangUtil::RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type).GetOpaqueQualType()) && \"Type already in the forward declaration map!\""
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 895, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
896 // Can't assume m_ast.GetSymbolFile() is actually a SymbolFileDWARF, it can be a
897 // SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap for Apple binaries.
898 dwarf->GetForwardDeclDieToClangType()[die.GetDIE()] = clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType();
899 dwarf->GetForwardDeclClangTypeToDie()[ClangUtil::RemoveFastQualifiers(clang_type)
900 .GetOpaqueQualType()] = die.GetDIERef();
901 m_ast.SetHasExternalStorage (clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(), true);
902 }
903 }
904 }
905 break;
907 case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
908 {
909 // Set a bit that lets us know that we are currently parsing this
910 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1);
912 DWARFFormValue encoding_form;
914 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
915 if (num_attributes > 0)
916 {
917 uint32_t i;
919 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
920 {
921 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
922 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
923 {
924 switch (attr)
925 {
926 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
927 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
928 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
929 case DW_AT_name:
930 type_name_cstr = form_value.AsCString();
931 type_name_const_str.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
932 break;
933 case DW_AT_type: encoding_form = form_value; break;
934 case DW_AT_byte_size: byte_size = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
935 case DW_AT_accessibility: break; //accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
936 case DW_AT_declaration: is_forward_declaration = form_value.Boolean(); break;
937 case DW_AT_allocated:
938 case DW_AT_associated:
939 case DW_AT_bit_stride:
940 case DW_AT_byte_stride:
941 case DW_AT_data_location:
942 case DW_AT_description:
943 case DW_AT_start_scope:
944 case DW_AT_visibility:
945 case DW_AT_specification:
946 case DW_AT_abstract_origin:
947 case DW_AT_sibling:
948 break;
949 }
950 }
951 }
953 if (is_forward_declaration)
954 {
955 type_sp = ParseTypeFromDWO(die, log);
956 if (type_sp)
957 return type_sp;
959 DWARFDeclContext die_decl_ctx;
960 die.GetDWARFDeclContext(die_decl_ctx);
962 type_sp = dwarf->FindDefinitionTypeForDWARFDeclContext (die_decl_ctx);
964 if (!type_sp)
965 {
966 SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap *debug_map_symfile = dwarf->GetDebugMapSymfile();
967 if (debug_map_symfile)
968 {
969 // We weren't able to find a full declaration in
970 // this DWARF, see if we have a declaration anywhere
971 // else...
972 type_sp = debug_map_symfile->FindDefinitionTypeForDWARFDeclContext (die_decl_ctx);
973 }
974 }
976 if (type_sp)
977 {
978 if (log)
979 {
980 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
981 "SymbolFileDWARF(%p) - 0x%8.8x: %s type \"%s\" is a forward declaration, complete type is 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x",
982 static_cast<void*>(this),
983 die.GetOffset(),
984 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag),
985 type_name_cstr,
986 type_sp->GetID());
987 }
989 // We found a real definition for this type elsewhere
990 // so lets use it and cache the fact that we found
991 // a complete type for this die
992 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
993 clang::DeclContext *defn_decl_ctx = GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE(dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE(DIERef(type_sp->GetID(), dwarf)));
994 if (defn_decl_ctx)
995 LinkDeclContextToDIE(defn_decl_ctx, die);
996 return type_sp;
997 }
999 }
1000 DEBUG_PRINTF ("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": %s (\"%s\")\n", die.GetID(), DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag), type_name_cstr);
1002 CompilerType enumerator_clang_type;
1003 clang_type.SetCompilerType (&m_ast, dwarf->GetForwardDeclDieToClangType().lookup (die.GetDIE()));
1004 if (!clang_type)
1005 {
1006 if (encoding_form.IsValid())
1007 {
1008 Type *enumerator_type = dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(encoding_form));
1009 if (enumerator_type)
1010 enumerator_clang_type = enumerator_type->GetFullCompilerType ();
1011 }
1013 if (!enumerator_clang_type)
1014 enumerator_clang_type = m_ast.GetBuiltinTypeForDWARFEncodingAndBitSize (NULL__null,
1015 DW_ATE_signed,
1016 byte_size * 8);
1018 clang_type = m_ast.CreateEnumerationType (type_name_cstr,
1019 GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, nullptr),
1020 decl,
1021 enumerator_clang_type);
1022 }
1023 else
1024 {
1025 enumerator_clang_type = m_ast.GetEnumerationIntegerType (clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType());
1026 }
1028 LinkDeclContextToDIE(ClangASTContext::GetDeclContextForType(clang_type), die);
1030 type_sp.reset( new Type (die.GetID(),
1031 dwarf,
1032 type_name_const_str,
1033 byte_size,
1034 NULL__null,
1035 DIERef(encoding_form).GetUID(dwarf),
1036 Type::eEncodingIsUID,
1037 &decl,
1038 clang_type,
1039 Type::eResolveStateForward));
1041 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
1042 if (die.HasChildren())
1043 {
1044 SymbolContext cu_sc(die.GetLLDBCompileUnit());
1045 bool is_signed = false;
1046 enumerator_clang_type.IsIntegerType(is_signed);
1047 ParseChildEnumerators(cu_sc, clang_type, is_signed, type_sp->GetByteSize(), die);
1048 }
1049 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
1050 }
1051 }
1052 break;
1054 case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:
1055 case DW_TAG_subprogram:
1056 case DW_TAG_subroutine_type:
1057 {
1058 // Set a bit that lets us know that we are currently parsing this
1059 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1);
1061 DWARFFormValue type_die_form;
1062 bool is_variadic = false;
1063 bool is_inline = false;
1064 bool is_static = false;
1065 bool is_virtual = false;
1066 bool is_explicit = false;
1067 bool is_artificial = false;
1068 bool has_template_params = false;
1069 DWARFFormValue specification_die_form;
1070 DWARFFormValue abstract_origin_die_form;
1071 dw_offset_t object_pointer_die_offset = DW_INVALID_OFFSET(~(dw_offset_t)0);
1073 unsigned type_quals = 0;
1074 clang::StorageClass storage = clang::SC_None;//, Extern, Static, PrivateExtern
1077 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
1078 if (num_attributes > 0)
1079 {
1080 uint32_t i;
1081 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
1082 {
1083 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
1084 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1085 {
1086 switch (attr)
1087 {
1088 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
1089 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1090 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1091 case DW_AT_name:
1092 type_name_cstr = form_value.AsCString();
1093 type_name_const_str.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
1094 break;
1096 case DW_AT_linkage_name:
1097 case DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name: break; // mangled = form_value.AsCString(&dwarf->get_debug_str_data()); break;
1098 case DW_AT_type: type_die_form = form_value; break;
1099 case DW_AT_accessibility: accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1100 case DW_AT_declaration: break; // is_forward_declaration = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1101 case DW_AT_inline: is_inline = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1102 case DW_AT_virtuality: is_virtual = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1103 case DW_AT_explicit: is_explicit = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1104 case DW_AT_artificial: is_artificial = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1107 case DW_AT_external:
1108 if (form_value.Unsigned())
1109 {
1110 if (storage == clang::SC_None)
1111 storage = clang::SC_Extern;
1112 else
1113 storage = clang::SC_PrivateExtern;
1114 }
1115 break;
1117 case DW_AT_specification:
1118 specification_die_form = form_value;
1119 break;
1121 case DW_AT_abstract_origin:
1122 abstract_origin_die_form = form_value;
1123 break;
1125 case DW_AT_object_pointer:
1126 object_pointer_die_offset = form_value.Reference();
1127 break;
1129 case DW_AT_allocated:
1130 case DW_AT_associated:
1131 case DW_AT_address_class:
1132 case DW_AT_calling_convention:
1133 case DW_AT_data_location:
1134 case DW_AT_elemental:
1135 case DW_AT_entry_pc:
1136 case DW_AT_frame_base:
1137 case DW_AT_high_pc:
1138 case DW_AT_low_pc:
1139 case DW_AT_prototyped:
1140 case DW_AT_pure:
1141 case DW_AT_ranges:
1142 case DW_AT_recursive:
1143 case DW_AT_return_addr:
1144 case DW_AT_segment:
1145 case DW_AT_start_scope:
1146 case DW_AT_static_link:
1147 case DW_AT_trampoline:
1148 case DW_AT_visibility:
1149 case DW_AT_vtable_elem_location:
1150 case DW_AT_description:
1151 case DW_AT_sibling:
1152 break;
1153 }
1154 }
1155 }
1156 }
1158 std::string object_pointer_name;
1159 if (object_pointer_die_offset != DW_INVALID_OFFSET(~(dw_offset_t)0))
1160 {
1161 DWARFDIE object_pointer_die = die.GetDIE (object_pointer_die_offset);
1162 if (object_pointer_die)
1163 {
1164 const char *object_pointer_name_cstr = object_pointer_die.GetName();
1165 if (object_pointer_name_cstr)
1166 object_pointer_name = object_pointer_name_cstr;
1167 }
1168 }
1170 DEBUG_PRINTF ("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": %s (\"%s\")\n", die.GetID(), DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag), type_name_cstr);
1172 CompilerType return_clang_type;
1173 Type *func_type = NULL__null;
1175 if (type_die_form.IsValid())
1176 func_type = dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(type_die_form));
1178 if (func_type)
1179 return_clang_type = func_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1180 else
1181 return_clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeVoid);
1184 std::vector<CompilerType> function_param_types;
1185 std::vector<clang::ParmVarDecl*> function_param_decls;
1187 // Parse the function children for the parameters
1189 DWARFDIE decl_ctx_die;
1190 clang::DeclContext *containing_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, &decl_ctx_die);
1191 const clang::Decl::Kind containing_decl_kind = containing_decl_ctx->getDeclKind();
1193 bool is_cxx_method = DeclKindIsCXXClass (containing_decl_kind);
1194 // Start off static. This will be set to false in ParseChildParameters(...)
1195 // if we find a "this" parameters as the first parameter
1196 if (is_cxx_method)
1197 {
1198 is_static = true;
1199 }
1201 if (die.HasChildren())
1202 {
1203 bool skip_artificial = true;
1204 ParseChildParameters (sc,
1205 containing_decl_ctx,
1206 die,
1207 skip_artificial,
1208 is_static,
1209 is_variadic,
1210 has_template_params,
1211 function_param_types,
1212 function_param_decls,
1213 type_quals);
1214 }
1216 bool ignore_containing_context = false;
1217 // Check for templatized class member functions. If we had any DW_TAG_template_type_parameter
1218 // or DW_TAG_template_value_parameter the DW_TAG_subprogram DIE, then we can't let this become
1219 // a method in a class. Why? Because templatized functions are only emitted if one of the
1220 // templatized methods is used in the current compile unit and we will end up with classes
1221 // that may or may not include these member functions and this means one class won't match another
1222 // class definition and it affects our ability to use a class in the clang expression parser. So
1223 // for the greater good, we currently must not allow any template member functions in a class definition.
1224 if (is_cxx_method && has_template_params)
1225 {
1226 ignore_containing_context = true;
1227 is_cxx_method = false;
1228 }
1230 // clang_type will get the function prototype clang type after this call
1231 clang_type = m_ast.CreateFunctionType (return_clang_type,
1232 function_param_types.data(),
1233 function_param_types.size(),
1234 is_variadic,
1235 type_quals);
1238 if (type_name_cstr)
1239 {
1240 bool type_handled = false;
1241 if (tag == DW_TAG_subprogram ||
1242 tag == DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine)
1243 {
1244 ObjCLanguage::MethodName objc_method (type_name_cstr, true);
1245 if (objc_method.IsValid(true))
1246 {
1247 CompilerType class_opaque_type;
1248 ConstString class_name(objc_method.GetClassName());
1249 if (class_name)
1250 {
1251 TypeSP complete_objc_class_type_sp (dwarf->FindCompleteObjCDefinitionTypeForDIE (DWARFDIE(), class_name, false));
1253 if (complete_objc_class_type_sp)
1254 {
1255 CompilerType type_clang_forward_type = complete_objc_class_type_sp->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1256 if (ClangASTContext::IsObjCObjectOrInterfaceType(type_clang_forward_type))
1257 class_opaque_type = type_clang_forward_type;
1258 }
1259 }
1261 if (class_opaque_type)
1262 {
1263 // If accessibility isn't set to anything valid, assume public for
1264 // now...
1265 if (accessibility == eAccessNone)
1266 accessibility = eAccessPublic;
1268 clang::ObjCMethodDecl *objc_method_decl = m_ast.AddMethodToObjCObjectType (class_opaque_type,
1269 type_name_cstr,
1270 clang_type,
1271 accessibility,
1272 is_artificial);
1273 type_handled = objc_method_decl != NULL__null;
1274 if (type_handled)
1275 {
1276 LinkDeclContextToDIE(ClangASTContext::GetAsDeclContext(objc_method_decl), die);
1277 m_ast.SetMetadataAsUserID (objc_method_decl, die.GetID());
1278 }
1279 else
1280 {
1281 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->ReportError ("{0x%8.8x}: invalid Objective-C method 0x%4.4x (%s), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message",
1282 die.GetOffset(),
1283 tag,
1284 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag));
1285 }
1286 }
1287 }
1288 else if (is_cxx_method)
1289 {
1290 // Look at the parent of this DIE and see if is is
1291 // a class or struct and see if this is actually a
1292 // C++ method
1293 Type *class_type = dwarf->ResolveType (decl_ctx_die);
1294 if (class_type)
1295 {
1296 bool alternate_defn = false;
1297 if (class_type->GetID() != decl_ctx_die.GetID() || decl_ctx_die.GetContainingDWOModuleDIE())
1298 {
1299 alternate_defn = true;
1301 // We uniqued the parent class of this function to another class
1302 // so we now need to associate all dies under "decl_ctx_die" to
1303 // DIEs in the DIE for "class_type"...
1304 SymbolFileDWARF *class_symfile = NULL__null;
1305 DWARFDIE class_type_die;
1307 SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap *debug_map_symfile = dwarf->GetDebugMapSymfile();
1308 if (debug_map_symfile)
1309 {
1310 class_symfile = debug_map_symfile->GetSymbolFileByOSOIndex(SymbolFileDWARFDebugMap::GetOSOIndexFromUserID(class_type->GetID()));
1311 class_type_die = class_symfile->DebugInfo()->GetDIE (DIERef(class_type->GetID(), dwarf));
1312 }
1313 else
1314 {
1315 class_symfile = dwarf;
Value stored to 'class_symfile' is never read
1316 class_type_die = dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE (DIERef(class_type->GetID(), dwarf));
1317 }
1318 if (class_type_die)
1319 {
1320 DWARFDIECollection failures;
1322 CopyUniqueClassMethodTypes (decl_ctx_die,
1323 class_type_die,
1324 class_type,
1325 failures);
1327 // FIXME do something with these failures that's smarter than
1328 // just dropping them on the ground. Unfortunately classes don't
1329 // like having stuff added to them after their definitions are
1330 // complete...
1332 type_ptr = dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()];
1333 if (type_ptr && type_ptr != DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1))
1334 {
1335 type_sp = type_ptr->shared_from_this();
1336 break;
1337 }
1338 }
1339 }
1341 if (specification_die_form.IsValid())
1342 {
1343 // We have a specification which we are going to base our function
1344 // prototype off of, so we need this type to be completed so that the
1345 // m_die_to_decl_ctx for the method in the specification has a valid
1346 // clang decl context.
1347 class_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1348 // If we have a specification, then the function type should have been
1349 // made with the specification and not with this die.
1350 DWARFDIE spec_die = dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE(DIERef(specification_die_form));
1351 clang::DeclContext *spec_clang_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextForDIE (spec_die);
1352 if (spec_clang_decl_ctx)
1353 {
1354 LinkDeclContextToDIE(spec_clang_decl_ctx, die);
1355 }
1356 else
1357 {
1358 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->ReportWarning ("0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_AT_specification(0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ") has no decl\n",
1359 die.GetID(),
1360 specification_die_form.Reference());
1361 }
1362 type_handled = true;
1363 }
1364 else if (abstract_origin_die_form.IsValid())
1365 {
1366 // We have a specification which we are going to base our function
1367 // prototype off of, so we need this type to be completed so that the
1368 // m_die_to_decl_ctx for the method in the abstract origin has a valid
1369 // clang decl context.
1370 class_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1372 DWARFDIE abs_die = dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE (DIERef(abstract_origin_die_form));
1373 clang::DeclContext *abs_clang_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextForDIE (abs_die);
1374 if (abs_clang_decl_ctx)
1375 {
1376 LinkDeclContextToDIE (abs_clang_decl_ctx, die);
1377 }
1378 else
1379 {
1380 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->ReportWarning ("0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_AT_abstract_origin(0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ") has no decl\n",
1381 die.GetID(),
1382 abstract_origin_die_form.Reference());
1383 }
1384 type_handled = true;
1385 }
1386 else
1387 {
1388 CompilerType class_opaque_type = class_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1389 if (ClangASTContext::IsCXXClassType(class_opaque_type))
1390 {
1391 if (class_opaque_type.IsBeingDefined () || alternate_defn)
1392 {
1393 if (!is_static && !die.HasChildren())
1394 {
1395 // We have a C++ member function with no children (this pointer!)
1396 // and clang will get mad if we try and make a function that isn't
1397 // well formed in the DWARF, so we will just skip it...
1398 type_handled = true;
1399 }
1400 else
1401 {
1402 bool add_method = true;
1403 if (alternate_defn)
1404 {
1405 // If an alternate definition for the class exists, then add the method only if an
1406 // equivalent is not already present.
1407 clang::CXXRecordDecl *record_decl = m_ast.GetAsCXXRecordDecl(class_opaque_type.GetOpaqueQualType());
1408 if (record_decl)
1409 {
1410 for (auto method_iter = record_decl->method_begin();
1411 method_iter != record_decl->method_end();
1412 method_iter++)
1413 {
1414 clang::CXXMethodDecl *method_decl = *method_iter;
1415 if (method_decl->getNameInfo().getAsString() == std::string(type_name_cstr))
1416 {
1417 if (method_decl->getType() ==
1418 ClangUtil::GetQualType(clang_type))
1419 {
1420 add_method = false;
1421 LinkDeclContextToDIE(ClangASTContext::GetAsDeclContext(method_decl), die);
1422 type_handled = true;
1424 break;
1425 }
1426 }
1427 }
1428 }
1429 }
1431 if (add_method)
1432 {
1434 Host::SetCrashDescriptionWithFormat ("SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType() is adding a method %s to class %s in DIE 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" " from %s",
1435 type_name_cstr,
1436 class_type->GetName().GetCString(),
1437 die.GetID(),
1438 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str());
1440 const bool is_attr_used = false;
1441 // Neither GCC 4.2 nor clang++ currently set a valid accessibility
1442 // in the DWARF for C++ methods... Default to public for now...
1443 if (accessibility == eAccessNone)
1444 accessibility = eAccessPublic;
1446 clang::CXXMethodDecl *cxx_method_decl;
1447 cxx_method_decl = m_ast.AddMethodToCXXRecordType (class_opaque_type.GetOpaqueQualType(),
1448 type_name_cstr,
1449 clang_type,
1450 accessibility,
1451 is_virtual,
1452 is_static,
1453 is_inline,
1454 is_explicit,
1455 is_attr_used,
1456 is_artificial);
1458 type_handled = cxx_method_decl != NULL__null;
1460 if (type_handled)
1461 {
1462 LinkDeclContextToDIE(ClangASTContext::GetAsDeclContext(cxx_method_decl), die);
1464 Host::SetCrashDescription (NULL__null);
1466 ClangASTMetadata metadata;
1467 metadata.SetUserID(die.GetID());
1469 if (!object_pointer_name.empty())
1470 {
1471 metadata.SetObjectPtrName(object_pointer_name.c_str());
1472 if (log)
1473 log->Printf ("Setting object pointer name: %s on method object %p.\n",
1474 object_pointer_name.c_str(),
1475 static_cast<void*>(cxx_method_decl));
1476 }
1477 m_ast.SetMetadata (cxx_method_decl, metadata);
1478 }
1479 else
1480 {
1481 ignore_containing_context = true;
1482 }
1483 }
1484 }
1485 }
1486 else
1487 {
1488 // We were asked to parse the type for a method in a class, yet the
1489 // class hasn't been asked to complete itself through the
1490 // clang::ExternalASTSource protocol, so we need to just have the
1491 // class complete itself and do things the right way, then our
1492 // DIE should then have an entry in the dwarf->GetDIEToType() map. First
1493 // we need to modify the dwarf->GetDIEToType() so it doesn't think we are
1494 // trying to parse this DIE anymore...
1495 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = NULL__null;
1497 // Now we get the full type to force our class type to complete itself
1498 // using the clang::ExternalASTSource protocol which will parse all
1499 // base classes and all methods (including the method for this DIE).
1500 class_type->GetFullCompilerType ();
1502 // The type for this DIE should have been filled in the function call above
1503 type_ptr = dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()];
1504 if (type_ptr && type_ptr != DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1))
1505 {
1506 type_sp = type_ptr->shared_from_this();
1507 break;
1508 }
1510 // FIXME This is fixing some even uglier behavior but we really need to
1511 // uniq the methods of each class as well as the class itself.
1512 // <rdar://problem/11240464>
1513 type_handled = true;
1514 }
1515 }
1516 }
1517 }
1518 }
1519 }
1521 if (!type_handled)
1522 {
1523 clang::FunctionDecl *function_decl = nullptr;
1525 if (abstract_origin_die_form.IsValid())
1526 {
1527 DWARFDIE abs_die = dwarf->DebugInfo()->GetDIE (DIERef(abstract_origin_die_form));
1529 SymbolContext sc;
1531 if (dwarf->ResolveType (abs_die))
1532 {
1533 function_decl = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::FunctionDecl>(GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE(abs_die));
1535 if (function_decl)
1536 {
1537 LinkDeclContextToDIE(function_decl, die);
1538 }
1539 }
1540 }
1542 if (!function_decl)
1543 {
1544 // We just have a function that isn't part of a class
1545 function_decl = m_ast.CreateFunctionDeclaration (ignore_containing_context ? m_ast.GetTranslationUnitDecl() : containing_decl_ctx,
1546 type_name_cstr,
1547 clang_type,
1548 storage,
1549 is_inline);
1551 // if (template_param_infos.GetSize() > 0)
1552 // {
1553 // clang::FunctionTemplateDecl *func_template_decl = CreateFunctionTemplateDecl (containing_decl_ctx,
1554 // function_decl,
1555 // type_name_cstr,
1556 // template_param_infos);
1557 //
1558 // CreateFunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo (function_decl,
1559 // func_template_decl,
1560 // template_param_infos);
1561 // }
1562 // Add the decl to our DIE to decl context map
1564 lldbassert (function_decl)lldb_private::lldb_assert(function_decl, "function_decl", __FUNCTION__
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 1564)
1566 if (function_decl)
1567 {
1568 LinkDeclContextToDIE(function_decl, die);
1570 if (!function_param_decls.empty())
1571 m_ast.SetFunctionParameters (function_decl,
1572 &function_param_decls.front(),
1573 function_param_decls.size());
1575 ClangASTMetadata metadata;
1576 metadata.SetUserID(die.GetID());
1578 if (!object_pointer_name.empty())
1579 {
1580 metadata.SetObjectPtrName(object_pointer_name.c_str());
1581 if (log)
1582 log->Printf ("Setting object pointer name: %s on function object %p.",
1583 object_pointer_name.c_str(),
1584 static_cast<void*>(function_decl));
1585 }
1586 m_ast.SetMetadata (function_decl, metadata);
1587 }
1588 }
1589 }
1590 }
1591 type_sp.reset( new Type (die.GetID(),
1592 dwarf,
1593 type_name_const_str,
1594 0,
1595 NULL__null,
1596 LLDB_INVALID_UID(18446744073709551615UL),
1597 Type::eEncodingIsUID,
1598 &decl,
1599 clang_type,
1600 Type::eResolveStateFull));
1601 assert(type_sp.get())((type_sp.get()) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("type_sp.get()", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 1601, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1602 }
1603 break;
1605 case DW_TAG_array_type:
1606 {
1607 // Set a bit that lets us know that we are currently parsing this
1608 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1);
1610 DWARFFormValue type_die_form;
1611 int64_t first_index = 0;
1612 uint32_t byte_stride = 0;
1613 uint32_t bit_stride = 0;
1614 bool is_vector = false;
1615 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
1617 if (num_attributes > 0)
1618 {
1619 uint32_t i;
1620 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
1621 {
1622 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
1623 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1624 {
1625 switch (attr)
1626 {
1627 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
1628 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1629 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1630 case DW_AT_name:
1631 type_name_cstr = form_value.AsCString();
1632 type_name_const_str.SetCString(type_name_cstr);
1633 break;
1635 case DW_AT_type: type_die_form = form_value; break;
1636 case DW_AT_byte_size: break; // byte_size = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
1637 case DW_AT_byte_stride: byte_stride = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
1638 case DW_AT_bit_stride: bit_stride = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
1639 case DW_AT_GNU_vector: is_vector = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1640 case DW_AT_accessibility: break; // accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
1641 case DW_AT_declaration: break; // is_forward_declaration = form_value.Boolean(); break;
1642 case DW_AT_allocated:
1643 case DW_AT_associated:
1644 case DW_AT_data_location:
1645 case DW_AT_description:
1646 case DW_AT_ordering:
1647 case DW_AT_start_scope:
1648 case DW_AT_visibility:
1649 case DW_AT_specification:
1650 case DW_AT_abstract_origin:
1651 case DW_AT_sibling:
1652 break;
1653 }
1654 }
1655 }
1657 DEBUG_PRINTF ("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": %s (\"%s\")\n", die.GetID(), DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag), type_name_cstr);
1659 DIERef type_die_ref(type_die_form);
1660 Type *element_type = dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(type_die_ref);
1662 if (element_type)
1663 {
1664 std::vector<uint64_t> element_orders;
1665 ParseChildArrayInfo(sc, die, first_index, element_orders, byte_stride, bit_stride);
1666 if (byte_stride == 0 && bit_stride == 0)
1667 byte_stride = element_type->GetByteSize();
1668 CompilerType array_element_type = element_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1670 if (ClangASTContext::IsCXXClassType(array_element_type) && array_element_type.GetCompleteType() == false)
1671 {
1672 ModuleSP module_sp = die.GetModule();
1673 if (module_sp)
1674 {
1675 if (die.GetCU()->GetProducer() == DWARFCompileUnit::eProducerClang)
1676 module_sp->ReportError ("DWARF DW_TAG_array_type DIE at 0x%8.8x has a class/union/struct element type DIE 0x%8.8x that is a forward declaration, not a complete definition.\nTry compiling the source file with -fno-limit-debug-info or disable -gmodule",
1677 die.GetOffset(),
1678 type_die_ref.die_offset);
1679 else
1680 module_sp->ReportError ("DWARF DW_TAG_array_type DIE at 0x%8.8x has a class/union/struct element type DIE 0x%8.8x that is a forward declaration, not a complete definition.\nPlease file a bug against the compiler and include the preprocessed output for %s",
1681 die.GetOffset(),
1682 type_die_ref.die_offset,
1683 die.GetLLDBCompileUnit() ? die.GetLLDBCompileUnit()->GetPath().c_str() : "the source file");
1684 }
1686 // We have no choice other than to pretend that the element class type
1687 // is complete. If we don't do this, clang will crash when trying
1688 // to layout the class. Since we provide layout assistance, all
1689 // ivars in this class and other classes will be fine, this is
1690 // the best we can do short of crashing.
1691 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition(array_element_type);
1692 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition(array_element_type);
1693 }
1695 uint64_t array_element_bit_stride = byte_stride * 8 + bit_stride;
1696 if (element_orders.size() > 0)
1697 {
1698 uint64_t num_elements = 0;
1699 std::vector<uint64_t>::const_reverse_iterator pos;
1700 std::vector<uint64_t>::const_reverse_iterator end = element_orders.rend();
1701 for (pos = element_orders.rbegin(); pos != end; ++pos)
1702 {
1703 num_elements = *pos;
1704 clang_type = m_ast.CreateArrayType (array_element_type,
1705 num_elements,
1706 is_vector);
1707 array_element_type = clang_type;
1708 array_element_bit_stride = num_elements ?
1709 array_element_bit_stride * num_elements :
1710 array_element_bit_stride;
1711 }
1712 }
1713 else
1714 {
1715 clang_type = m_ast.CreateArrayType (array_element_type, 0, is_vector);
1716 }
1717 ConstString empty_name;
1718 type_sp.reset( new Type (die.GetID(),
1719 dwarf,
1720 empty_name,
1721 array_element_bit_stride / 8,
1722 NULL__null,
1723 DIERef(type_die_form).GetUID(dwarf),
1724 Type::eEncodingIsUID,
1725 &decl,
1726 clang_type,
1727 Type::eResolveStateFull));
1728 type_sp->SetEncodingType (element_type);
1729 }
1730 }
1731 }
1732 break;
1734 case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type:
1735 {
1736 DWARFFormValue type_die_form;
1737 DWARFFormValue containing_type_die_form;
1739 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
1741 if (num_attributes > 0) {
1742 uint32_t i;
1743 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
1744 {
1745 attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
1746 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1747 {
1748 switch (attr)
1749 {
1750 case DW_AT_type:
1751 type_die_form = form_value; break;
1752 case DW_AT_containing_type:
1753 containing_type_die_form = form_value; break;
1754 }
1755 }
1756 }
1758 Type *pointee_type = dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(type_die_form));
1759 Type *class_type = dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(containing_type_die_form));
1761 CompilerType pointee_clang_type = pointee_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1762 CompilerType class_clang_type = class_type->GetLayoutCompilerType ();
1764 clang_type = ClangASTContext::CreateMemberPointerType(class_clang_type, pointee_clang_type);
1766 byte_size = clang_type.GetByteSize(nullptr);
1768 type_sp.reset(new Type(die.GetID(), dwarf, type_name_const_str, byte_size, NULL__null,
1769 LLDB_INVALID_UID(18446744073709551615UL), Type::eEncodingIsUID, NULL__null, clang_type,
1770 Type::eResolveStateForward));
1771 }
1773 break;
1774 }
1775 default:
1776 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->ReportError ("{0x%8.8x}: unhandled type tag 0x%4.4x (%s), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message",
1777 die.GetOffset(),
1778 tag,
1779 DW_TAG_value_to_name(tag));
1780 break;
1781 }
1783 if (type_sp.get())
1784 {
1785 DWARFDIE sc_parent_die = SymbolFileDWARF::GetParentSymbolContextDIE(die);
1786 dw_tag_t sc_parent_tag = sc_parent_die.Tag();
1788 SymbolContextScope * symbol_context_scope = NULL__null;
1789 if (sc_parent_tag == DW_TAG_compile_unit)
1790 {
1791 symbol_context_scope = sc.comp_unit;
1792 }
1793 else if (sc.function != NULL__null && sc_parent_die)
1794 {
1795 symbol_context_scope = sc.function->GetBlock(true).FindBlockByID(sc_parent_die.GetID());
1796 if (symbol_context_scope == NULL__null)
1797 symbol_context_scope = sc.function;
1798 }
1800 if (symbol_context_scope != NULL__null)
1801 {
1802 type_sp->SetSymbolContextScope(symbol_context_scope);
1803 }
1805 // We are ready to put this type into the uniqued list up at the module level
1806 type_list->Insert (type_sp);
1808 dwarf->GetDIEToType()[die.GetDIE()] = type_sp.get();
1809 }
1810 }
1811 else if (type_ptr != DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED((lldb_private::Type*)1))
1812 {
1813 type_sp = type_ptr->shared_from_this();
1814 }
1815 }
1816 return type_sp;
1819// DWARF parsing functions
1821class DWARFASTParserClang::DelayedAddObjCClassProperty
1824 DelayedAddObjCClassProperty(const CompilerType &class_opaque_type,
1825 const char *property_name,
1826 const CompilerType &property_opaque_type, // The property type is only required if you don't have an ivar decl
1827 clang::ObjCIvarDecl *ivar_decl,
1828 const char *property_setter_name,
1829 const char *property_getter_name,
1830 uint32_t property_attributes,
1831 const ClangASTMetadata *metadata) :
1832 m_class_opaque_type (class_opaque_type),
1833 m_property_name (property_name),
1834 m_property_opaque_type (property_opaque_type),
1835 m_ivar_decl (ivar_decl),
1836 m_property_setter_name (property_setter_name),
1837 m_property_getter_name (property_getter_name),
1838 m_property_attributes (property_attributes)
1839 {
1840 if (metadata != NULL__null)
1841 {
1842 m_metadata_ap.reset(new ClangASTMetadata());
1843 *m_metadata_ap = *metadata;
1844 }
1845 }
1847 DelayedAddObjCClassProperty (const DelayedAddObjCClassProperty &rhs)
1848 {
1849 *this = rhs;
1850 }
1852 DelayedAddObjCClassProperty& operator= (const DelayedAddObjCClassProperty &rhs)
1853 {
1854 m_class_opaque_type = rhs.m_class_opaque_type;
1855 m_property_name = rhs.m_property_name;
1856 m_property_opaque_type = rhs.m_property_opaque_type;
1857 m_ivar_decl = rhs.m_ivar_decl;
1858 m_property_setter_name = rhs.m_property_setter_name;
1859 m_property_getter_name = rhs.m_property_getter_name;
1860 m_property_attributes = rhs.m_property_attributes;
1862 if (rhs.m_metadata_ap.get())
1863 {
1864 m_metadata_ap.reset (new ClangASTMetadata());
1865 *m_metadata_ap = *rhs.m_metadata_ap;
1866 }
1867 return *this;
1868 }
1870 bool
1871 Finalize()
1872 {
1873 return ClangASTContext::AddObjCClassProperty (m_class_opaque_type,
1874 m_property_name,
1875 m_property_opaque_type,
1876 m_ivar_decl,
1877 m_property_setter_name,
1878 m_property_getter_name,
1879 m_property_attributes,
1880 m_metadata_ap.get());
1881 }
1884 CompilerType m_class_opaque_type;
1885 const char *m_property_name;
1886 CompilerType m_property_opaque_type;
1887 clang::ObjCIvarDecl *m_ivar_decl;
1888 const char *m_property_setter_name;
1889 const char *m_property_getter_name;
1890 uint32_t m_property_attributes;
1891 std::unique_ptr<ClangASTMetadata> m_metadata_ap;
1895DWARFASTParserClang::ParseTemplateDIE (const DWARFDIE &die,
1896 ClangASTContext::TemplateParameterInfos &template_param_infos)
1898 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
1900 switch (tag)
1901 {
1902 case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter:
1903 case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter:
1904 {
1905 DWARFAttributes attributes;
1906 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
1907 const char *name = NULL__null;
1908 Type *lldb_type = NULL__null;
1909 CompilerType clang_type;
1910 uint64_t uval64 = 0;
1911 bool uval64_valid = false;
1912 if (num_attributes > 0)
1913 {
1914 DWARFFormValue form_value;
1915 for (size_t i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
1916 {
1917 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
1919 switch (attr)
1920 {
1921 case DW_AT_name:
1922 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1923 name = form_value.AsCString();
1924 break;
1926 case DW_AT_type:
1927 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1928 {
1929 lldb_type = die.ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(form_value));
1930 if (lldb_type)
1931 clang_type = lldb_type->GetForwardCompilerType ();
1932 }
1933 break;
1935 case DW_AT_const_value:
1936 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
1937 {
1938 uval64_valid = true;
1939 uval64 = form_value.Unsigned();
1940 }
1941 break;
1942 default:
1943 break;
1944 }
1945 }
1947 clang::ASTContext *ast = m_ast.getASTContext();
1948 if (!clang_type)
1949 clang_type = m_ast.GetBasicType(eBasicTypeVoid);
1951 if (clang_type)
1952 {
1953 bool is_signed = false;
1954 if (name && name[0])
1955 template_param_infos.names.push_back(name);
1956 else
1957 template_param_infos.names.push_back(NULL__null);
1959 if (tag == DW_TAG_template_value_parameter &&
1960 lldb_type != NULL__null &&
1961 clang_type.IsIntegerType (is_signed) &&
1962 uval64_valid)
1963 {
1964 llvm::APInt apint (lldb_type->GetByteSize() * 8, uval64, is_signed);
1965 template_param_infos.args.push_back(
1966 clang::TemplateArgument(*ast, llvm::APSInt(apint), ClangUtil::GetQualType(clang_type)));
1967 }
1968 else
1969 {
1970 template_param_infos.args.push_back(
1971 clang::TemplateArgument(ClangUtil::GetQualType(clang_type)));
1972 }
1973 }
1974 else
1975 {
1976 return false;
1977 }
1979 }
1980 }
1981 return true;
1983 default:
1984 break;
1985 }
1986 return false;
1990DWARFASTParserClang::ParseTemplateParameterInfos (const DWARFDIE &parent_die,
1991 ClangASTContext::TemplateParameterInfos &template_param_infos)
1994 if (!parent_die)
1995 return false;
1997 Args template_parameter_names;
1998 for (DWARFDIE die = parent_die.GetFirstChild();
1999 die.IsValid();
2000 die = die.GetSibling())
2001 {
2002 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
2004 switch (tag)
2005 {
2006 case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter:
2007 case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter:
2008 ParseTemplateDIE (die, template_param_infos);
2009 break;
2011 default:
2012 break;
2013 }
2014 }
2015 if (template_param_infos.args.empty())
2016 return false;
2017 return template_param_infos.args.size() == template_param_infos.names.size();
2021DWARFASTParserClang::CompleteTypeFromDWARF(const DWARFDIE &die, lldb_private::Type *type, CompilerType &clang_type)
2023 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
2025 lldb_private::Mutex::Locker locker(dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->GetMutex());
2027 // Disable external storage for this type so we don't get anymore
2028 // clang::ExternalASTSource queries for this type.
2029 m_ast.SetHasExternalStorage (clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(), false);
2031 if (!die)
2032 return false;
2034 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
2036 Log *log = nullptr; // (LogChannelDWARF::GetLogIfAny(DWARF_LOG_DEBUG_INFO|DWARF_LOG_TYPE_COMPLETION));
2037 if (log)
2038 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessageVerboseBacktrace (log,
2039 "0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": %s '%s' resolving forward declaration...",
2040 die.GetID(),
2041 die.GetTagAsCString(),
2042 type->GetName().AsCString());
2043 assert (clang_type)((clang_type) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail (
"clang_type", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 2043, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2044 DWARFAttributes attributes;
2045 switch (tag)
2046 {
2047 case DW_TAG_structure_type:
2048 case DW_TAG_union_type:
2049 case DW_TAG_class_type:
2050 {
2051 ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo layout_info;
2053 {
2054 if (die.HasChildren())
2055 {
2056 LanguageType class_language = eLanguageTypeUnknown;
2057 if (ClangASTContext::IsObjCObjectOrInterfaceType(clang_type))
2058 {
2059 class_language = eLanguageTypeObjC;
2060 // For objective C we don't start the definition when
2061 // the class is created.
2062 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
2063 }
2065 int tag_decl_kind = -1;
2066 AccessType default_accessibility = eAccessNone;
2067 if (tag == DW_TAG_structure_type)
2068 {
2069 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Struct;
2070 default_accessibility = eAccessPublic;
2071 }
2072 else if (tag == DW_TAG_union_type)
2073 {
2074 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Union;
2075 default_accessibility = eAccessPublic;
2076 }
2077 else if (tag == DW_TAG_class_type)
2078 {
2079 tag_decl_kind = clang::TTK_Class;
2080 default_accessibility = eAccessPrivate;
2081 }
2083 SymbolContext sc(die.GetLLDBCompileUnit());
2084 std::vector<clang::CXXBaseSpecifier *> base_classes;
2085 std::vector<int> member_accessibilities;
2086 bool is_a_class = false;
2087 // Parse members and base classes first
2088 DWARFDIECollection member_function_dies;
2090 DelayedPropertyList delayed_properties;
2091 ParseChildMembers (sc,
2092 die,
2093 clang_type,
2094 class_language,
2095 base_classes,
2096 member_accessibilities,
2097 member_function_dies,
2098 delayed_properties,
2099 default_accessibility,
2100 is_a_class,
2101 layout_info);
2103 // Now parse any methods if there were any...
2104 size_t num_functions = member_function_dies.Size();
2105 if (num_functions > 0)
2106 {
2107 for (size_t i=0; i<num_functions; ++i)
2108 {
2109 dwarf->ResolveType(member_function_dies.GetDIEAtIndex(i));
2110 }
2111 }
2113 if (class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC)
2114 {
2115 ConstString class_name (clang_type.GetTypeName());
2116 if (class_name)
2117 {
2118 DIEArray method_die_offsets;
2119 dwarf->GetObjCMethodDIEOffsets(class_name, method_die_offsets);
2121 if (!method_die_offsets.empty())
2122 {
2123 DWARFDebugInfo* debug_info = dwarf->DebugInfo();
2125 const size_t num_matches = method_die_offsets.size();
2126 for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
2127 {
2128 const DIERef& die_ref = method_die_offsets[i];
2129 DWARFDIE method_die = debug_info->GetDIE (die_ref);
2131 if (method_die)
2132 method_die.ResolveType ();
2133 }
2134 }
2136 for (DelayedPropertyList::iterator pi = delayed_properties.begin(), pe = delayed_properties.end();
2137 pi != pe;
2138 ++pi)
2139 pi->Finalize();
2140 }
2141 }
2143 // If we have a DW_TAG_structure_type instead of a DW_TAG_class_type we
2144 // need to tell the clang type it is actually a class.
2145 if (class_language != eLanguageTypeObjC)
2146 {
2147 if (is_a_class && tag_decl_kind != clang::TTK_Class)
2148 m_ast.SetTagTypeKind(ClangUtil::GetQualType(clang_type), clang::TTK_Class);
2149 }
2151 // Since DW_TAG_structure_type gets used for both classes
2152 // and structures, we may need to set any DW_TAG_member
2153 // fields to have a "private" access if none was specified.
2154 // When we parsed the child members we tracked that actual
2155 // accessibility value for each DW_TAG_member in the
2156 // "member_accessibilities" array. If the value for the
2157 // member is zero, then it was set to the "default_accessibility"
2158 // which for structs was "public". Below we correct this
2159 // by setting any fields to "private" that weren't correctly
2160 // set.
2161 if (is_a_class && !member_accessibilities.empty())
2162 {
2163 // This is a class and all members that didn't have
2164 // their access specified are private.
2165 m_ast.SetDefaultAccessForRecordFields (m_ast.GetAsRecordDecl(clang_type),
2166 eAccessPrivate,
2167 &member_accessibilities.front(),
2168 member_accessibilities.size());
2169 }
2171 if (!base_classes.empty())
2172 {
2173 // Make sure all base classes refer to complete types and not
2174 // forward declarations. If we don't do this, clang will crash
2175 // with an assertion in the call to clang_type.SetBaseClassesForClassType()
2176 for (auto &base_class : base_classes)
2177 {
2178 clang::TypeSourceInfo *type_source_info = base_class->getTypeSourceInfo();
2179 if (type_source_info)
2180 {
2181 CompilerType base_class_type (&m_ast, type_source_info->getType().getAsOpaquePtr());
2182 if (base_class_type.GetCompleteType() == false)
2183 {
2184 auto module = dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule();
2185 module->ReportError (
2186 ":: Class '%s' has a base class '%s' which does not have a complete definition.",
2187 die.GetName(),
2188 base_class_type.GetTypeName().GetCString());
2189 if (die.GetCU()->GetProducer() == DWARFCompileUnit::eProducerClang)
2190 module->ReportError (":: Try compiling the source file with -fno-limit-debug-info.");
2192 // We have no choice other than to pretend that the base class
2193 // is complete. If we don't do this, clang will crash when we
2194 // call setBases() inside of "clang_type.SetBaseClassesForClassType()"
2195 // below. Since we provide layout assistance, all ivars in this
2196 // class and other classes will be fine, this is the best we can do
2197 // short of crashing.
2198 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (base_class_type);
2199 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (base_class_type);
2200 }
2201 }
2202 }
2203 m_ast.SetBaseClassesForClassType (clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(),
2204 &base_classes.front(),
2205 base_classes.size());
2207 // Clang will copy each CXXBaseSpecifier in "base_classes"
2208 // so we have to free them all.
2209 ClangASTContext::DeleteBaseClassSpecifiers (&base_classes.front(),
2210 base_classes.size());
2211 }
2212 }
2213 }
2215 ClangASTContext::BuildIndirectFields (clang_type);
2216 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
2218 if (!layout_info.field_offsets.empty() ||
2219 !layout_info.base_offsets.empty() ||
2220 !layout_info.vbase_offsets.empty() )
2221 {
2222 if (type)
2223 layout_info.bit_size = type->GetByteSize() * 8;
2224 if (layout_info.bit_size == 0)
2225 layout_info.bit_size = die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_byte_size, 0) * 8;
2227 clang::CXXRecordDecl *record_decl = m_ast.GetAsCXXRecordDecl(clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType());
2228 if (record_decl)
2229 {
2230 if (log)
2231 {
2232 ModuleSP module_sp = dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule();
2234 if (module_sp)
2235 {
2236 module_sp->LogMessage (log,
2237 "ClangASTContext::CompleteTypeFromDWARF (clang_type = %p) caching layout info for record_decl = %p, bit_size = %" PRIu64"l" "u" ", alignment = %" PRIu64"l" "u" ", field_offsets[%u], base_offsets[%u], vbase_offsets[%u])",
2238 static_cast<void*>(clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType()),
2239 static_cast<void*>(record_decl),
2240 layout_info.bit_size,
2241 layout_info.alignment,
2242 static_cast<uint32_t>(layout_info.field_offsets.size()),
2243 static_cast<uint32_t>(layout_info.base_offsets.size()),
2244 static_cast<uint32_t>(layout_info.vbase_offsets.size()));
2246 uint32_t idx;
2247 {
2248 llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FieldDecl *, uint64_t>::const_iterator pos,
2249 end = layout_info.field_offsets.end();
2250 for (idx = 0, pos = layout_info.field_offsets.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++idx)
2251 {
2252 module_sp->LogMessage(log,
2253 "ClangASTContext::CompleteTypeFromDWARF (clang_type = %p) field[%u] = { bit_offset=%u, name='%s' }",
2254 static_cast<void *>(clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType()),
2255 idx,
2256 static_cast<uint32_t>(pos->second),
2257 pos->first->getNameAsString().c_str());
2258 }
2259 }
2261 {
2262 llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits>::const_iterator base_pos,
2263 base_end = layout_info.base_offsets.end();
2264 for (idx = 0, base_pos = layout_info.base_offsets.begin(); base_pos != base_end; ++base_pos, ++idx)
2265 {
2266 module_sp->LogMessage(log,
2267 "ClangASTContext::CompleteTypeFromDWARF (clang_type = %p) base[%u] = { byte_offset=%u, name='%s' }",
2268 clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(), idx, (uint32_t)base_pos->second.getQuantity(),
2269 base_pos->first->getNameAsString().c_str());
2270 }
2271 }
2272 {
2273 llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits>::const_iterator vbase_pos,
2274 vbase_end = layout_info.vbase_offsets.end();
2275 for (idx = 0, vbase_pos = layout_info.vbase_offsets.begin(); vbase_pos != vbase_end; ++vbase_pos, ++idx)
2276 {
2277 module_sp->LogMessage(log,
2278 "ClangASTContext::CompleteTypeFromDWARF (clang_type = %p) vbase[%u] = { byte_offset=%u, name='%s' }",
2279 static_cast<void *>(clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType()), idx,
2280 static_cast<uint32_t>(vbase_pos->second.getQuantity()),
2281 vbase_pos->first->getNameAsString().c_str());
2282 }
2283 }
2285 }
2286 }
2287 GetClangASTImporter().InsertRecordDecl(record_decl, layout_info);
2288 }
2289 }
2290 }
2292 return (bool)clang_type;
2294 case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
2295 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
2296 if (die.HasChildren())
2297 {
2298 SymbolContext sc(die.GetLLDBCompileUnit());
2299 bool is_signed = false;
2300 clang_type.IsIntegerType(is_signed);
2301 ParseChildEnumerators(sc, clang_type, is_signed, type->GetByteSize(), die);
2302 }
2303 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (clang_type);
2304 return (bool)clang_type;
2306 default:
2307 assert(false && "not a forward clang type decl!")((false && "not a forward clang type decl!") ? static_cast
<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("false && \"not a forward clang type decl!\""
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 2307, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2308 break;
2309 }
2311 return false;
2315DWARFASTParserClang::GetDIEForDeclContext(lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext decl_context)
2317 std::vector<DWARFDIE> result;
2318 for (auto it = m_decl_ctx_to_die.find((clang::DeclContext *)decl_context.GetOpaqueDeclContext()); it != m_decl_ctx_to_die.end(); it++)
2319 result.push_back(it->second);
2320 return result;
2324DWARFASTParserClang::GetDeclForUIDFromDWARF (const DWARFDIE &die)
2326 clang::Decl *clang_decl = GetClangDeclForDIE(die);
2327 if (clang_decl != nullptr)
2328 return CompilerDecl(&m_ast, clang_decl);
2329 return CompilerDecl();
2333DWARFASTParserClang::GetDeclContextForUIDFromDWARF (const DWARFDIE &die)
2335 clang::DeclContext *clang_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextForDIE (die);
2336 if (clang_decl_ctx)
2337 return CompilerDeclContext(&m_ast, clang_decl_ctx);
2338 return CompilerDeclContext();
2342DWARFASTParserClang::GetDeclContextContainingUIDFromDWARF (const DWARFDIE &die)
2344 clang::DeclContext *clang_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, nullptr);
2345 if (clang_decl_ctx)
2346 return CompilerDeclContext(&m_ast, clang_decl_ctx);
2347 return CompilerDeclContext();
2351DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildEnumerators (const SymbolContext& sc,
2352 lldb_private::CompilerType &clang_type,
2353 bool is_signed,
2354 uint32_t enumerator_byte_size,
2355 const DWARFDIE &parent_die)
2357 if (!parent_die)
2358 return 0;
2360 size_t enumerators_added = 0;
2362 for (DWARFDIE die = parent_die.GetFirstChild(); die.IsValid(); die = die.GetSibling())
2363 {
2364 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
2365 if (tag == DW_TAG_enumerator)
2366 {
2367 DWARFAttributes attributes;
2368 const size_t num_child_attributes = die.GetAttributes(attributes);
2369 if (num_child_attributes > 0)
2370 {
2371 const char *name = NULL__null;
2372 bool got_value = false;
2373 int64_t enum_value = 0;
2374 Declaration decl;
2376 uint32_t i;
2377 for (i=0; i<num_child_attributes; ++i)
2378 {
2379 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
2380 DWARFFormValue form_value;
2381 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
2382 {
2383 switch (attr)
2384 {
2385 case DW_AT_const_value:
2386 got_value = true;
2387 if (is_signed)
2388 enum_value = form_value.Signed();
2389 else
2390 enum_value = form_value.Unsigned();
2391 break;
2393 case DW_AT_name:
2394 name = form_value.AsCString();
2395 break;
2397 case DW_AT_description:
2398 default:
2399 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
2400 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
2401 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
2402 case DW_AT_sibling:
2403 break;
2404 }
2405 }
2406 }
2408 if (name && name[0] && got_value)
2409 {
2410 m_ast.AddEnumerationValueToEnumerationType (clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(),
2411 m_ast.GetEnumerationIntegerType(clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType()),
2412 decl,
2413 name,
2414 enum_value,
2415 enumerator_byte_size * 8);
2416 ++enumerators_added;
2417 }
2418 }
2419 }
2420 }
2421 return enumerators_added;
2426class DIEStack
2430 void Push (const DWARFDIE &die)
2431 {
2432 m_dies.push_back (die);
2433 }
2436 void LogDIEs (Log *log)
2437 {
2438 StreamString log_strm;
2439 const size_t n = m_dies.size();
2440 log_strm.Printf("DIEStack[%" PRIu64"l" "u" "]:\n", (uint64_t)n);
2441 for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
2442 {
2443 std::string qualified_name;
2444 const DWARFDIE &die = m_dies[i];
2445 die.GetQualifiedName(qualified_name);
2446 log_strm.Printf ("[%" PRIu64"l" "u" "] 0x%8.8x: %s name='%s'\n",
2447 (uint64_t)i,
2448 die.GetOffset(),
2449 die.GetTagAsCString(),
2450 qualified_name.c_str());
2451 }
2452 log->PutCString(log_strm.GetData());
2453 }
2454 void Pop ()
2455 {
2456 m_dies.pop_back();
2457 }
2459 class ScopedPopper
2460 {
2461 public:
2462 ScopedPopper (DIEStack &die_stack) :
2463 m_die_stack (die_stack),
2464 m_valid (false)
2465 {
2466 }
2468 void
2469 Push (const DWARFDIE &die)
2470 {
2471 m_valid = true;
2472 m_die_stack.Push (die);
2473 }
2475 ~ScopedPopper ()
2476 {
2477 if (m_valid)
2478 m_die_stack.Pop();
2479 }
2483 protected:
2484 DIEStack &m_die_stack;
2485 bool m_valid;
2486 };
2489 typedef std::vector<DWARFDIE> Stack;
2490 Stack m_dies;
2494Function *
2495DWARFASTParserClang::ParseFunctionFromDWARF (const SymbolContext& sc,
2496 const DWARFDIE &die)
2498 DWARFRangeList func_ranges;
2499 const char *name = NULL__null;
2500 const char *mangled = NULL__null;
2501 int decl_file = 0;
2502 int decl_line = 0;
2503 int decl_column = 0;
2504 int call_file = 0;
2505 int call_line = 0;
2506 int call_column = 0;
2507 DWARFExpression frame_base(die.GetCU());
2509 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
2511 if (tag != DW_TAG_subprogram)
2512 return NULL__null;
2514 if (die.GetDIENamesAndRanges (name,
2515 mangled,
2516 func_ranges,
2517 decl_file,
2518 decl_line,
2519 decl_column,
2520 call_file,
2521 call_line,
2522 call_column,
2523 &frame_base))
2524 {
2526 // Union of all ranges in the function DIE (if the function is discontiguous)
2527 AddressRange func_range;
2528 lldb::addr_t lowest_func_addr = func_ranges.GetMinRangeBase (0);
2529 lldb::addr_t highest_func_addr = func_ranges.GetMaxRangeEnd (0);
2530 if (lowest_func_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS(18446744073709551615UL) && lowest_func_addr <= highest_func_addr)
2531 {
2532 ModuleSP module_sp (die.GetModule());
2533 func_range.GetBaseAddress().ResolveAddressUsingFileSections (lowest_func_addr, module_sp->GetSectionList());
2534 if (func_range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid())
2535 func_range.SetByteSize(highest_func_addr - lowest_func_addr);
2536 }
2538 if (func_range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid())
2539 {
2540 Mangled func_name;
2541 if (mangled)
2542 func_name.SetValue(ConstString(mangled), true);
2543 else if (die.GetParent().Tag() == DW_TAG_compile_unit &&
2544 Language::LanguageIsCPlusPlus(die.GetLanguage()) &&
2545 name && strcmp(name, "main") != 0)
2546 {
2547 // If the mangled name is not present in the DWARF, generate the demangled name
2548 // using the decl context. We skip if the function is "main" as its name is
2549 // never mangled.
2550 bool is_static = false;
2551 bool is_variadic = false;
2552 bool has_template_params = false;
2553 unsigned type_quals = 0;
2554 std::vector<CompilerType> param_types;
2555 std::vector<clang::ParmVarDecl*> param_decls;
2556 DWARFDeclContext decl_ctx;
2557 StreamString sstr;
2559 die.GetDWARFDeclContext(decl_ctx);
2560 sstr << decl_ctx.GetQualifiedName();
2562 clang::DeclContext *containing_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE(die, nullptr);
2563 ParseChildParameters(sc,
2564 containing_decl_ctx,
2565 die,
2566 true,
2567 is_static,
2568 is_variadic,
2569 has_template_params,
2570 param_types,
2571 param_decls,
2572 type_quals);
2573 sstr << "(";
2574 for (size_t i = 0; i < param_types.size(); i++)
2575 {
2576 if (i > 0)
2577 sstr << ", ";
2578 sstr << param_types[i].GetTypeName();
2579 }
2580 if (is_variadic)
2581 sstr << ", ...";
2582 sstr << ")";
2583 if (type_quals & clang::Qualifiers::Const)
2584 sstr << " const";
2586 func_name.SetValue(ConstString(sstr.GetData()), false);
2587 }
2588 else
2589 func_name.SetValue(ConstString(name), false);
2591 FunctionSP func_sp;
2592 std::unique_ptr<Declaration> decl_ap;
2593 if (decl_file != 0 || decl_line != 0 || decl_column != 0)
2594 decl_ap.reset(new Declaration (sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(decl_file),
2595 decl_line,
2596 decl_column));
2598 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
2599 // Supply the type _only_ if it has already been parsed
2600 Type *func_type = dwarf->GetDIEToType().lookup (die.GetDIE());
2602 assert(func_type == NULL || func_type != DIE_IS_BEING_PARSED)((func_type == __null || func_type != ((lldb_private::Type*)1
)) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail ("func_type == __null || func_type != ((lldb_private::Type*)1)"
, "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 2602, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2604 if (dwarf->FixupAddress (func_range.GetBaseAddress()))
2605 {
2606 const user_id_t func_user_id = die.GetID();
2607 func_sp.reset(new Function (sc.comp_unit,
2608 func_user_id, // UserID is the DIE offset
2609 func_user_id,
2610 func_name,
2611 func_type,
2612 func_range)); // first address range
2614 if (func_sp.get() != NULL__null)
2615 {
2616 if (frame_base.IsValid())
2617 func_sp->GetFrameBaseExpression() = frame_base;
2618 sc.comp_unit->AddFunction(func_sp);
2619 return func_sp.get();
2620 }
2621 }
2622 }
2623 }
2624 return NULL__null;
2628DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildMembers(const SymbolContext &sc, const DWARFDIE &parent_die,
2629 CompilerType &class_clang_type, const LanguageType class_language,
2630 std::vector<clang::CXXBaseSpecifier *> &base_classes,
2631 std::vector<int> &member_accessibilities,
2632 DWARFDIECollection &member_function_dies,
2633 DelayedPropertyList &delayed_properties, AccessType &default_accessibility,
2634 bool &is_a_class, ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo &layout_info)
2636 if (!parent_die)
2637 return 0;
2639 uint32_t member_idx = 0;
2640 BitfieldInfo last_field_info;
2642 ModuleSP module_sp = parent_die.GetDWARF()->GetObjectFile()->GetModule();
2643 ClangASTContext *ast = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<ClangASTContext>(class_clang_type.GetTypeSystem());
2644 if (ast == nullptr)
2645 return 0;
2647 for (DWARFDIE die = parent_die.GetFirstChild(); die.IsValid(); die = die.GetSibling())
2648 {
2649 dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
2651 switch (tag)
2652 {
2653 case DW_TAG_member:
2654 case DW_TAG_APPLE_property:
2655 {
2656 DWARFAttributes attributes;
2657 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
2658 if (num_attributes > 0)
2659 {
2660 Declaration decl;
2661 //DWARFExpression location;
2662 const char *name = NULL__null;
2663 const char *prop_name = NULL__null;
2664 const char *prop_getter_name = NULL__null;
2665 const char *prop_setter_name = NULL__null;
2666 uint32_t prop_attributes = 0;
2669 bool is_artificial = false;
2670 DWARFFormValue encoding_form;
2671 AccessType accessibility = eAccessNone;
2672 uint32_t member_byte_offset = (parent_die.Tag() == DW_TAG_union_type) ? 0 : UINT32_MAX(4294967295U);
2673 size_t byte_size = 0;
2674 int64_t bit_offset = 0;
2675 size_t bit_size = 0;
2676 bool is_external = false; // On DW_TAG_members, this means the member is static
2677 uint32_t i;
2678 for (i=0; i<num_attributes && !is_artificial; ++i)
2679 {
2680 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
2681 DWARFFormValue form_value;
2682 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
2683 {
2684 switch (attr)
2685 {
2686 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
2687 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
2688 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
2689 case DW_AT_name: name = form_value.AsCString(); break;
2690 case DW_AT_type: encoding_form = form_value; break;
2691 case DW_AT_bit_offset: bit_offset = form_value.Signed(); break;
2692 case DW_AT_bit_size: bit_size = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
2693 case DW_AT_byte_size: byte_size = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
2694 case DW_AT_data_member_location:
2695 if (form_value.BlockData())
2696 {
2697 Value initialValue(0);
2698 Value memberOffset(0);
2699 const DWARFDataExtractor& debug_info_data = die.GetDWARF()->get_debug_info_data();
2700 uint32_t block_length = form_value.Unsigned();
2701 uint32_t block_offset = form_value.BlockData() - debug_info_data.GetDataStart();
2702 if (DWARFExpression::Evaluate(nullptr, // ExecutionContext *
2703 nullptr, // ClangExpressionVariableList *
2704 nullptr, // ClangExpressionDeclMap *
2705 nullptr, // RegisterContext *
2706 module_sp,
2707 debug_info_data,
2708 die.GetCU(),
2709 block_offset,
2710 block_length,
2711 eRegisterKindDWARF,
2712 &initialValue,
2713 nullptr,
2714 memberOffset,
2715 nullptr))
2716 {
2717 member_byte_offset = memberOffset.ResolveValue(NULL__null).UInt();
2718 }
2719 }
2720 else
2721 {
2722 // With DWARF 3 and later, if the value is an integer constant,
2723 // this form value is the offset in bytes from the beginning
2724 // of the containing entity.
2725 member_byte_offset = form_value.Unsigned();
2726 }
2727 break;
2729 case DW_AT_accessibility: accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType (form_value.Unsigned()); break;
2730 case DW_AT_artificial: is_artificial = form_value.Boolean(); break;
2731 case DW_AT_APPLE_property_name: prop_name = form_value.AsCString();
2732 break;
2733 case DW_AT_APPLE_property_getter: prop_getter_name = form_value.AsCString();
2734 break;
2735 case DW_AT_APPLE_property_setter: prop_setter_name = form_value.AsCString();
2736 break;
2737 case DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute: prop_attributes = form_value.Unsigned(); break;
2738 case DW_AT_external: is_external = form_value.Boolean(); break;
2740 default:
2741 case DW_AT_declaration:
2742 case DW_AT_description:
2743 case DW_AT_mutable:
2744 case DW_AT_visibility:
2745 case DW_AT_sibling:
2746 break;
2747 }
2748 }
2749 }
2751 if (prop_name)
2752 {
2753 ConstString fixed_getter;
2754 ConstString fixed_setter;
2756 // Check if the property getter/setter were provided as full
2757 // names. We want basenames, so we extract them.
2759 if (prop_getter_name && prop_getter_name[0] == '-')
2760 {
2761 ObjCLanguage::MethodName prop_getter_method(prop_getter_name, true);
2762 prop_getter_name = prop_getter_method.GetSelector().GetCString();
2763 }
2765 if (prop_setter_name && prop_setter_name[0] == '-')
2766 {
2767 ObjCLanguage::MethodName prop_setter_method(prop_setter_name, true);
2768 prop_setter_name = prop_setter_method.GetSelector().GetCString();
2769 }
2771 // If the names haven't been provided, they need to be
2772 // filled in.
2774 if (!prop_getter_name)
2775 {
2776 prop_getter_name = prop_name;
2777 }
2778 if (!prop_setter_name && prop_name[0] && !(prop_attributes & DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_readonly))
2779 {
2780 StreamString ss;
2782 ss.Printf("set%c%s:",
2783 toupper(prop_name[0]),
2784 &prop_name[1]);
2786 fixed_setter.SetCString(ss.GetData());
2787 prop_setter_name = fixed_setter.GetCString();
2788 }
2789 }
2791 // Clang has a DWARF generation bug where sometimes it
2792 // represents fields that are references with bad byte size
2793 // and bit size/offset information such as:
2794 //
2795 // DW_AT_byte_size( 0x00 )
2796 // DW_AT_bit_size( 0x40 )
2797 // DW_AT_bit_offset( 0xffffffffffffffc0 )
2798 //
2799 // So check the bit offset to make sure it is sane, and if
2800 // the values are not sane, remove them. If we don't do this
2801 // then we will end up with a crash if we try to use this
2802 // type in an expression when clang becomes unhappy with its
2803 // recycled debug info.
2805 if (byte_size == 0 && bit_offset < 0)
2806 {
2807 bit_size = 0;
2808 bit_offset = 0;
2809 }
2811 // FIXME: Make Clang ignore Objective-C accessibility for expressions
2812 if (class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC ||
2813 class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus)
2814 accessibility = eAccessNone;
2816 if (member_idx == 0 && !is_artificial && name && (strstr (name, "_vptr$") == name))
2817 {
2818 // Not all compilers will mark the vtable pointer
2819 // member as artificial (llvm-gcc). We can't have
2820 // the virtual members in our classes otherwise it
2821 // throws off all child offsets since we end up
2822 // having and extra pointer sized member in our
2823 // class layouts.
2824 is_artificial = true;
2825 }
2827 // Handle static members
2828 if (is_external && member_byte_offset == UINT32_MAX(4294967295U))
2829 {
2830 Type *var_type = die.ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(encoding_form));
2832 if (var_type)
2833 {
2834 if (accessibility == eAccessNone)
2835 accessibility = eAccessPublic;
2836 ClangASTContext::AddVariableToRecordType (class_clang_type,
2837 name,
2838 var_type->GetLayoutCompilerType (),
2839 accessibility);
2840 }
2841 break;
2842 }
2844 if (is_artificial == false)
2845 {
2846 Type *member_type = die.ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(encoding_form));
2848 clang::FieldDecl *field_decl = NULL__null;
2849 if (tag == DW_TAG_member)
2850 {
2851 if (member_type)
2852 {
2853 if (accessibility == eAccessNone)
2854 accessibility = default_accessibility;
2855 member_accessibilities.push_back(accessibility);
2857 uint64_t field_bit_offset = (member_byte_offset == UINT32_MAX(4294967295U) ? 0 : (member_byte_offset * 8));
2858 if (bit_size > 0)
2859 {
2861 BitfieldInfo this_field_info;
2862 this_field_info.bit_offset = field_bit_offset;
2863 this_field_info.bit_size = bit_size;
2865 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2866 // How to locate a field given the DWARF debug information
2867 //
2868 // AT_byte_size indicates the size of the word in which the
2869 // bit offset must be interpreted.
2870 //
2871 // AT_data_member_location indicates the byte offset of the
2872 // word from the base address of the structure.
2873 //
2874 // AT_bit_offset indicates how many bits into the word
2875 // (according to the host endianness) the low-order bit of
2876 // the field starts. AT_bit_offset can be negative.
2877 //
2878 // AT_bit_size indicates the size of the field in bits.
2879 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2881 if (byte_size == 0)
2882 byte_size = member_type->GetByteSize();
2884 if (die.GetDWARF()->GetObjectFile()->GetByteOrder() == eByteOrderLittle)
2885 {
2886 this_field_info.bit_offset += byte_size * 8;
2887 this_field_info.bit_offset -= (bit_offset + bit_size);
2888 }
2889 else
2890 {
2891 this_field_info.bit_offset += bit_offset;
2892 }
2894 // Update the field bit offset we will report for layout
2895 field_bit_offset = this_field_info.bit_offset;
2897 // If the member to be emitted did not start on a character boundary and there is
2898 // empty space between the last field and this one, then we need to emit an
2899 // anonymous member filling up the space up to its start. There are three cases
2900 // here:
2901 //
2902 // 1 If the previous member ended on a character boundary, then we can emit an
2903 // anonymous member starting at the most recent character boundary.
2904 //
2905 // 2 If the previous member did not end on a character boundary and the distance
2906 // from the end of the previous member to the current member is less than a
2907 // word width, then we can emit an anonymous member starting right after the
2908 // previous member and right before this member.
2909 //
2910 // 3 If the previous member did not end on a character boundary and the distance
2911 // from the end of the previous member to the current member is greater than
2912 // or equal a word width, then we act as in Case 1.
2914 const uint64_t character_width = 8;
2915 const uint64_t word_width = 32;
2917 // Objective-C has invalid DW_AT_bit_offset values in older versions
2918 // of clang, so we have to be careful and only insert unnamed bitfields
2919 // if we have a new enough clang.
2920 bool detect_unnamed_bitfields = true;
2922 if (class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC || class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus)
2923 detect_unnamed_bitfields = die.GetCU()->Supports_unnamed_objc_bitfields ();
2925 if (detect_unnamed_bitfields)
2926 {
2927 BitfieldInfo anon_field_info;
2929 if ((this_field_info.bit_offset % character_width) != 0) // not char aligned
2930 {
2931 uint64_t last_field_end = 0;
2933 if (last_field_info.IsValid())
2934 last_field_end = last_field_info.bit_offset + last_field_info.bit_size;
2936 if (this_field_info.bit_offset != last_field_end)
2937 {
2938 if (((last_field_end % character_width) == 0) || // case 1
2939 (this_field_info.bit_offset - last_field_end >= word_width)) // case 3
2940 {
2941 anon_field_info.bit_size = this_field_info.bit_offset % character_width;
2942 anon_field_info.bit_offset = this_field_info.bit_offset - anon_field_info.bit_size;
2943 }
2944 else // case 2
2945 {
2946 anon_field_info.bit_size = this_field_info.bit_offset - last_field_end;
2947 anon_field_info.bit_offset = last_field_end;
2948 }
2949 }
2950 }
2952 if (anon_field_info.IsValid())
2953 {
2954 clang::FieldDecl *unnamed_bitfield_decl =
2955 ClangASTContext::AddFieldToRecordType (class_clang_type,
2956 NULL__null,
2957 m_ast.GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize(eEncodingSint, word_width),
2958 accessibility,
2959 anon_field_info.bit_size);
2961 layout_info.field_offsets.insert(
2962 std::make_pair(unnamed_bitfield_decl, anon_field_info.bit_offset));
2963 }
2964 }
2965 last_field_info = this_field_info;
2966 }
2967 else
2968 {
2969 last_field_info.Clear();
2970 }
2972 CompilerType member_clang_type = member_type->GetLayoutCompilerType ();
2973 if (!member_clang_type.IsCompleteType())
2974 member_clang_type.GetCompleteType();
2976 {
2977 // Older versions of clang emit array[0] and array[1] in the same way (<rdar://problem/12566646>).
2978 // If the current field is at the end of the structure, then there is definitely no room for extra
2979 // elements and we override the type to array[0].
2981 CompilerType member_array_element_type;
2982 uint64_t member_array_size;
2983 bool member_array_is_incomplete;
2985 if (member_clang_type.IsArrayType(&member_array_element_type,
2986 &member_array_size,
2987 &member_array_is_incomplete) &&
2988 !member_array_is_incomplete)
2989 {
2990 uint64_t parent_byte_size = parent_die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_byte_size, UINT64_MAX(18446744073709551615UL));
2992 if (member_byte_offset >= parent_byte_size)
2993 {
2994 if (member_array_size != 1 && (member_array_size != 0 || member_byte_offset > parent_byte_size))
2995 {
2996 module_sp->ReportError ("0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_TAG_member '%s' refers to type 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" " which extends beyond the bounds of 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x",
2997 die.GetID(),
2998 name,
2999 encoding_form.Reference(),
3000 parent_die.GetID());
3001 }
3003 member_clang_type = m_ast.CreateArrayType(member_array_element_type, 0, false);
3004 }
3005 }
3006 }
3008 if (ClangASTContext::IsCXXClassType(member_clang_type) && member_clang_type.GetCompleteType() == false)
3009 {
3010 if (die.GetCU()->GetProducer() == DWARFCompileUnit::eProducerClang)
3011 module_sp->ReportError ("DWARF DIE at 0x%8.8x (class %s) has a member variable 0x%8.8x (%s) whose type is a forward declaration, not a complete definition.\nTry compiling the source file with -fno-limit-debug-info",
3012 parent_die.GetOffset(),
3013 parent_die.GetName(),
3014 die.GetOffset(),
3015 name);
3016 else
3017 module_sp->ReportError ("DWARF DIE at 0x%8.8x (class %s) has a member variable 0x%8.8x (%s) whose type is a forward declaration, not a complete definition.\nPlease file a bug against the compiler and include the preprocessed output for %s",
3018 parent_die.GetOffset(),
3019 parent_die.GetName(),
3020 die.GetOffset(),
3021 name,
3022 sc.comp_unit ? sc.comp_unit->GetPath().c_str() : "the source file");
3023 // We have no choice other than to pretend that the member class
3024 // is complete. If we don't do this, clang will crash when trying
3025 // to layout the class. Since we provide layout assistance, all
3026 // ivars in this class and other classes will be fine, this is
3027 // the best we can do short of crashing.
3028 ClangASTContext::StartTagDeclarationDefinition(member_clang_type);
3029 ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition(member_clang_type);
3030 }
3032 field_decl = ClangASTContext::AddFieldToRecordType (class_clang_type,
3033 name,
3034 member_clang_type,
3035 accessibility,
3036 bit_size);
3038 m_ast.SetMetadataAsUserID (field_decl, die.GetID());
3040 layout_info.field_offsets.insert(std::make_pair(field_decl, field_bit_offset));
3041 }
3042 else
3043 {
3044 if (name)
3045 module_sp->ReportError ("0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_TAG_member '%s' refers to type 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" " which was unable to be parsed",
3046 die.GetID(),
3047 name,
3048 encoding_form.Reference());
3049 else
3050 module_sp->ReportError ("0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_TAG_member refers to type 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" " which was unable to be parsed",
3051 die.GetID(),
3052 encoding_form.Reference());
3053 }
3054 }
3056 if (prop_name != NULL__null && member_type)
3057 {
3058 clang::ObjCIvarDecl *ivar_decl = NULL__null;
3060 if (field_decl)
3061 {
3062 ivar_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::ObjCIvarDecl>(field_decl);
3063 assert (ivar_decl != NULL)((ivar_decl != __null) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("ivar_decl != __null", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 3063, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3064 }
3066 ClangASTMetadata metadata;
3067 metadata.SetUserID (die.GetID());
3068 delayed_properties.push_back(DelayedAddObjCClassProperty(class_clang_type,
3069 prop_name,
3070 member_type->GetLayoutCompilerType (),
3071 ivar_decl,
3072 prop_setter_name,
3073 prop_getter_name,
3074 prop_attributes,
3075 &metadata));
3077 if (ivar_decl)
3078 m_ast.SetMetadataAsUserID (ivar_decl, die.GetID());
3079 }
3080 }
3081 }
3082 ++member_idx;
3083 }
3084 break;
3086 case DW_TAG_subprogram:
3087 // Let the type parsing code handle this one for us.
3088 member_function_dies.Append (die);
3089 break;
3091 case DW_TAG_inheritance:
3092 {
3093 is_a_class = true;
3094 if (default_accessibility == eAccessNone)
3095 default_accessibility = eAccessPrivate;
3096 // TODO: implement DW_TAG_inheritance type parsing
3097 DWARFAttributes attributes;
3098 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes (attributes);
3099 if (num_attributes > 0)
3100 {
3101 Declaration decl;
3102 DWARFExpression location(die.GetCU());
3103 DWARFFormValue encoding_form;
3104 AccessType accessibility = default_accessibility;
3105 bool is_virtual = false;
3106 bool is_base_of_class = true;
3107 off_t member_byte_offset = 0;
3108 uint32_t i;
3109 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
3110 {
3111 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
3112 DWARFFormValue form_value;
3113 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
3114 {
3115 switch (attr)
3116 {
3117 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
3118 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
3119 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
3120 case DW_AT_type: encoding_form = form_value; break;
3121 case DW_AT_data_member_location:
3122 if (form_value.BlockData())
3123 {
3124 Value initialValue(0);
3125 Value memberOffset(0);
3126 const DWARFDataExtractor& debug_info_data = die.GetDWARF()->get_debug_info_data();
3127 uint32_t block_length = form_value.Unsigned();
3128 uint32_t block_offset = form_value.BlockData() - debug_info_data.GetDataStart();
3129 if (DWARFExpression::Evaluate (nullptr,
3130 nullptr,
3131 nullptr,
3132 nullptr,
3133 module_sp,
3134 debug_info_data,
3135 die.GetCU(),
3136 block_offset,
3137 block_length,
3138 eRegisterKindDWARF,
3139 &initialValue,
3140 nullptr,
3141 memberOffset,
3142 nullptr))
3143 {
3144 member_byte_offset = memberOffset.ResolveValue(NULL__null).UInt();
3145 }
3146 }
3147 else
3148 {
3149 // With DWARF 3 and later, if the value is an integer constant,
3150 // this form value is the offset in bytes from the beginning
3151 // of the containing entity.
3152 member_byte_offset = form_value.Unsigned();
3153 }
3154 break;
3156 case DW_AT_accessibility:
3157 accessibility = DW_ACCESS_to_AccessType(form_value.Unsigned());
3158 break;
3160 case DW_AT_virtuality:
3161 is_virtual = form_value.Boolean();
3162 break;
3164 case DW_AT_sibling:
3165 break;
3167 default:
3168 break;
3169 }
3170 }
3171 }
3173 Type *base_class_type = die.ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(encoding_form));
3174 if (base_class_type == NULL__null)
3175 {
3176 module_sp->ReportError("0x%8.8x: DW_TAG_inheritance failed to resolve the base class at 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" " from enclosing type 0x%8.8x. \nPlease file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message",
3177 die.GetOffset(),
3178 encoding_form.Reference(),
3179 parent_die.GetOffset());
3180 break;
3181 }
3183 CompilerType base_class_clang_type = base_class_type->GetFullCompilerType ();
3184 assert (base_class_clang_type)((base_class_clang_type) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("base_class_clang_type", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 3184, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3185 if (class_language == eLanguageTypeObjC)
3186 {
3187 ast->SetObjCSuperClass(class_clang_type, base_class_clang_type);
3188 }
3189 else
3190 {
3191 base_classes.push_back (ast->CreateBaseClassSpecifier (base_class_clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType(),
3192 accessibility,
3193 is_virtual,
3194 is_base_of_class));
3196 if (is_virtual)
3197 {
3198 // Do not specify any offset for virtual inheritance. The DWARF produced by clang doesn't
3199 // give us a constant offset, but gives us a DWARF expressions that requires an actual object
3200 // in memory. the DW_AT_data_member_location for a virtual base class looks like:
3201 // DW_AT_data_member_location( DW_OP_dup, DW_OP_deref, DW_OP_constu(0x00000018), DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_deref, DW_OP_plus )
3202 // Given this, there is really no valid response we can give to clang for virtual base
3203 // class offsets, and this should eventually be removed from LayoutRecordType() in the external
3204 // AST source in clang.
3205 }
3206 else
3207 {
3208 layout_info.base_offsets.insert(
3209 std::make_pair(ast->GetAsCXXRecordDecl(base_class_clang_type.GetOpaqueQualType()),
3210 clang::CharUnits::fromQuantity(member_byte_offset)));
3211 }
3212 }
3213 }
3214 }
3215 break;
3217 default:
3218 break;
3219 }
3220 }
3222 return true;
3227DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildParameters (const SymbolContext& sc,
3228 clang::DeclContext *containing_decl_ctx,
3229 const DWARFDIE &parent_die,
3230 bool skip_artificial,
3231 bool &is_static,
3232 bool &is_variadic,
3233 bool &has_template_params,
3234 std::vector<CompilerType>& function_param_types,
3235 std::vector<clang::ParmVarDecl*>& function_param_decls,
3236 unsigned &type_quals)
3238 if (!parent_die)
3239 return 0;
3241 size_t arg_idx = 0;
3242 for (DWARFDIE die = parent_die.GetFirstChild(); die.IsValid(); die = die.GetSibling())
3243 {
3244 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
3245 switch (tag)
3246 {
3247 case DW_TAG_formal_parameter:
3248 {
3249 DWARFAttributes attributes;
3250 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes(attributes);
3251 if (num_attributes > 0)
3252 {
3253 const char *name = NULL__null;
3254 Declaration decl;
3255 DWARFFormValue param_type_die_form;
3256 bool is_artificial = false;
3257 // one of None, Auto, Register, Extern, Static, PrivateExtern
3259 clang::StorageClass storage = clang::SC_None;
3260 uint32_t i;
3261 for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
3262 {
3263 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
3264 DWARFFormValue form_value;
3265 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
3266 {
3267 switch (attr)
3268 {
3269 case DW_AT_decl_file: decl.SetFile(sc.comp_unit->GetSupportFiles().GetFileSpecAtIndex(form_value.Unsigned())); break;
3270 case DW_AT_decl_line: decl.SetLine(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
3271 case DW_AT_decl_column: decl.SetColumn(form_value.Unsigned()); break;
3272 case DW_AT_name: name = form_value.AsCString();
3273 break;
3274 case DW_AT_type: param_type_die_form = form_value; break;
3275 case DW_AT_artificial: is_artificial = form_value.Boolean(); break;
3276 case DW_AT_location:
3277 // if (form_value.BlockData())
3278 // {
3279 // const DWARFDataExtractor& debug_info_data = debug_info();
3280 // uint32_t block_length = form_value.Unsigned();
3281 // DWARFDataExtractor location(debug_info_data, form_value.BlockData() - debug_info_data.GetDataStart(), block_length);
3282 // }
3283 // else
3284 // {
3285 // }
3286 // break;
3287 case DW_AT_const_value:
3288 case DW_AT_default_value:
3289 case DW_AT_description:
3290 case DW_AT_endianity:
3291 case DW_AT_is_optional:
3292 case DW_AT_segment:
3293 case DW_AT_variable_parameter:
3294 default:
3295 case DW_AT_abstract_origin:
3296 case DW_AT_sibling:
3297 break;
3298 }
3299 }
3300 }
3302 bool skip = false;
3303 if (skip_artificial)
3304 {
3305 if (is_artificial)
3306 {
3307 // In order to determine if a C++ member function is
3308 // "const" we have to look at the const-ness of "this"...
3309 // Ugly, but that
3310 if (arg_idx == 0)
3311 {
3312 if (DeclKindIsCXXClass(containing_decl_ctx->getDeclKind()))
3313 {
3314 // Often times compilers omit the "this" name for the
3315 // specification DIEs, so we can't rely upon the name
3316 // being in the formal parameter DIE...
3317 if (name == NULL__null || ::strcmp(name, "this")==0)
3318 {
3319 Type *this_type = die.ResolveTypeUID (DIERef(param_type_die_form));
3320 if (this_type)
3321 {
3322 uint32_t encoding_mask = this_type->GetEncodingMask();
3323 if (encoding_mask & Type::eEncodingIsPointerUID)
3324 {
3325 is_static = false;
3327 if (encoding_mask & (1u << Type::eEncodingIsConstUID))
3328 type_quals |= clang::Qualifiers::Const;
3329 if (encoding_mask & (1u << Type::eEncodingIsVolatileUID))
3330 type_quals |= clang::Qualifiers::Volatile;
3331 }
3332 }
3333 }
3334 }
3335 }
3336 skip = true;
3337 }
3338 else
3339 {
3341 // HACK: Objective C formal parameters "self" and "_cmd"
3342 // are not marked as artificial in the DWARF...
3343 CompileUnit *comp_unit = die.GetLLDBCompileUnit();
3344 if (comp_unit)
3345 {
3346 switch (comp_unit->GetLanguage())
3347 {
3348 case eLanguageTypeObjC:
3349 case eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus:
3350 if (name && name[0] && (strcmp (name, "self") == 0 || strcmp (name, "_cmd") == 0))
3351 skip = true;
3352 break;
3353 default:
3354 break;
3355 }
3356 }
3357 }
3358 }
3360 if (!skip)
3361 {
3362 Type *type = die.ResolveTypeUID(DIERef(param_type_die_form));
3363 if (type)
3364 {
3365 function_param_types.push_back (type->GetForwardCompilerType ());
3367 clang::ParmVarDecl *param_var_decl = m_ast.CreateParameterDeclaration (name,
3368 type->GetForwardCompilerType (),
3369 storage);
3370 assert(param_var_decl)((param_var_decl) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("param_var_decl", "/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.9~svn267387/tools/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp"
, 3370, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3371 function_param_decls.push_back(param_var_decl);
3373 m_ast.SetMetadataAsUserID (param_var_decl, die.GetID());
3374 }
3375 }
3376 }
3377 arg_idx++;
3378 }
3379 break;
3381 case DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters:
3382 is_variadic = true;
3383 break;
3385 case DW_TAG_template_type_parameter:
3386 case DW_TAG_template_value_parameter:
3387 // The one caller of this was never using the template_param_infos,
3388 // and the local variable was taking up a large amount of stack space
3389 // in SymbolFileDWARF::ParseType() so this was removed. If we ever need
3390 // the template params back, we can add them back.
3391 // ParseTemplateDIE (dwarf_cu, die, template_param_infos);
3392 has_template_params = true;
3393 break;
3395 default:
3396 break;
3397 }
3398 }
3399 return arg_idx;
3403DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildArrayInfo (const SymbolContext& sc,
3404 const DWARFDIE &parent_die,
3405 int64_t& first_index,
3406 std::vector<uint64_t>& element_orders,
3407 uint32_t& byte_stride,
3408 uint32_t& bit_stride)
3410 if (!parent_die)
3411 return;
3413 for (DWARFDIE die = parent_die.GetFirstChild(); die.IsValid(); die = die.GetSibling())
3414 {
3415 const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
3416 switch (tag)
3417 {
3418 case DW_TAG_subrange_type:
3419 {
3420 DWARFAttributes attributes;
3421 const size_t num_child_attributes = die.GetAttributes(attributes);
3422 if (num_child_attributes > 0)
3423 {
3424 uint64_t num_elements = 0;
3425 uint64_t lower_bound = 0;
3426 uint64_t upper_bound = 0;
3427 bool upper_bound_valid = false;
3428 uint32_t i;
3429 for (i=0; i<num_child_attributes; ++i)
3430 {
3431 const dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
3432 DWARFFormValue form_value;
3433 if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
3434 {
3435 switch (attr)
3436 {
3437 case DW_AT_name:
3438 break;
3440 case DW_AT_count:
3441 num_elements = form_value.Unsigned();
3442 break;
3444 case DW_AT_bit_stride:
3445 bit_stride = form_value.Unsigned();
3446 break;
3448 case DW_AT_byte_stride:
3449 byte_stride = form_value.Unsigned();
3450 break;
3452 case DW_AT_lower_bound:
3453 lower_bound = form_value.Unsigned();
3454 break;
3456 case DW_AT_upper_bound:
3457 upper_bound_valid = true;
3458 upper_bound = form_value.Unsigned();
3459 break;
3461 default:
3462 case DW_AT_abstract_origin:
3463 case DW_AT_accessibility:
3464 case DW_AT_allocated:
3465 case DW_AT_associated:
3466 case DW_AT_data_location:
3467 case DW_AT_declaration:
3468 case DW_AT_description:
3469 case DW_AT_sibling:
3470 case DW_AT_threads_scaled:
3471 case DW_AT_type:
3472 case DW_AT_visibility:
3473 break;
3474 }
3475 }
3476 }
3478 if (num_elements == 0)
3479 {
3480 if (upper_bound_valid && upper_bound >= lower_bound)
3481 num_elements = upper_bound - lower_bound + 1;
3482 }
3484 element_orders.push_back (num_elements);
3485 }
3486 }
3487 break;
3488 }
3489 }
3492Type *
3493DWARFASTParserClang::GetTypeForDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3495 if (die)
3496 {
3497 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3498 DWARFAttributes attributes;
3499 const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes(attributes);
3500 if (num_attributes > 0)
3501 {
3502 DWARFFormValue type_die_form;
3503 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_attributes; ++i)
3504 {
3505 dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
3506 DWARFFormValue form_value;
3508 if (attr == DW_AT_type && attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(i, form_value))
3509 return dwarf->ResolveTypeUID(dwarf->GetDIE (DIERef(form_value)), true);
3510 }
3511 }
3512 }
3514 return nullptr;
3517clang::Decl *
3518DWARFASTParserClang::GetClangDeclForDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3520 if (!die)
3521 return nullptr;
3523 switch (die.Tag())
3524 {
3525 case DW_TAG_variable:
3526 case DW_TAG_constant:
3527 case DW_TAG_formal_parameter:
3528 case DW_TAG_imported_declaration:
3529 case DW_TAG_imported_module:
3530 break;
3531 default:
3532 return nullptr;
3533 }
3535 DIEToDeclMap::iterator cache_pos = m_die_to_decl.find(die.GetDIE());
3536 if (cache_pos != m_die_to_decl.end())
3537 return cache_pos->second;
3539 if (DWARFDIE spec_die = die.GetReferencedDIE(DW_AT_specification))
3540 {
3541 clang::Decl *decl = GetClangDeclForDIE(spec_die);
3542 m_die_to_decl[die.GetDIE()] = decl;
3543 m_decl_to_die[decl].insert(die.GetDIE());
3544 return decl;
3545 }
3547 clang::Decl *decl = nullptr;
3548 switch (die.Tag())
3549 {
3550 case DW_TAG_variable:
3551 case DW_TAG_constant:
3552 case DW_TAG_formal_parameter:
3553 {
3554 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3555 Type *type = GetTypeForDIE(die);
3556 const char *name = die.GetName();
3557 clang::DeclContext *decl_context = ClangASTContext::DeclContextGetAsDeclContext(dwarf->GetDeclContextContainingUID(die.GetID()));
3558 decl = m_ast.CreateVariableDeclaration(decl_context, name,
3559 ClangUtil::GetQualType(type->GetForwardCompilerType()));
3560 break;
3561 }
3562 case DW_TAG_imported_declaration:
3563 {
3564 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3565 DWARFDIE imported_uid = die.GetAttributeValueAsReferenceDIE(DW_AT_import);
3566 if (imported_uid)
3567 {
3568 CompilerDecl imported_decl = imported_uid.GetDecl();
3569 if (imported_decl)
3570 {
3571 clang::DeclContext *decl_context = ClangASTContext::DeclContextGetAsDeclContext(dwarf->GetDeclContextContainingUID(die.GetID()));
3572 if (clang::NamedDecl *clang_imported_decl = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>((clang::Decl *)imported_decl.GetOpaqueDecl()))
3573 decl = m_ast.CreateUsingDeclaration(decl_context, clang_imported_decl);
3574 }
3575 }
3576 break;
3577 }
3578 case DW_TAG_imported_module:
3579 {
3580 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3581 DWARFDIE imported_uid = die.GetAttributeValueAsReferenceDIE(DW_AT_import);
3583 if (imported_uid)
3584 {
3585 CompilerDeclContext imported_decl_ctx = imported_uid.GetDeclContext();
3586 if (imported_decl_ctx)
3587 {
3588 clang::DeclContext *decl_context = ClangASTContext::DeclContextGetAsDeclContext(dwarf->GetDeclContextContainingUID(die.GetID()));
3589 if (clang::NamespaceDecl *ns_decl = ClangASTContext::DeclContextGetAsNamespaceDecl(imported_decl_ctx))
3590 decl = m_ast.CreateUsingDirectiveDeclaration(decl_context, ns_decl);
3591 }
3592 }
3593 break;
3594 }
3595 default:
3596 break;
3597 }
3599 m_die_to_decl[die.GetDIE()] = decl;
3600 m_decl_to_die[decl].insert(die.GetDIE());
3602 return decl;
3605clang::DeclContext *
3606DWARFASTParserClang::GetClangDeclContextForDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3608 if (die)
3609 {
3610 clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx = GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE (die);
3611 if (decl_ctx)
3612 return decl_ctx;
3614 bool try_parsing_type = true;
3615 switch (die.Tag())
3616 {
3617 case DW_TAG_compile_unit:
3618 decl_ctx = m_ast.GetTranslationUnitDecl();
3619 try_parsing_type = false;
3620 break;
3622 case DW_TAG_namespace:
3623 decl_ctx = ResolveNamespaceDIE (die);
3624 try_parsing_type = false;
3625 break;
3627 case DW_TAG_lexical_block:
3628 decl_ctx = (clang::DeclContext *)ResolveBlockDIE(die);
3629 try_parsing_type = false;
3630 break;
3632 default:
3633 break;
3634 }
3636 if (decl_ctx == nullptr && try_parsing_type)
3637 {
3638 Type* type = die.GetDWARF()->ResolveType (die);
3639 if (type)
3640 decl_ctx = GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE (die);
3641 }
3643 if (decl_ctx)
3644 {
3645 LinkDeclContextToDIE (decl_ctx, die);
3646 return decl_ctx;
3647 }
3648 }
3649 return nullptr;
3652clang::BlockDecl *
3653DWARFASTParserClang::ResolveBlockDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3655 if (die && die.Tag() == DW_TAG_lexical_block)
3656 {
3657 clang::BlockDecl *decl = llvm::cast_or_null<clang::BlockDecl>(m_die_to_decl_ctx[die.GetDIE()]);
3659 if (!decl)
3660 {
3661 DWARFDIE decl_context_die;
3662 clang::DeclContext *decl_context = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE(die, &decl_context_die);
3663 decl = m_ast.CreateBlockDeclaration(decl_context);
3665 if (decl)
3666 LinkDeclContextToDIE((clang::DeclContext *)decl, die);
3667 }
3669 return decl;
3670 }
3671 return nullptr;
3674clang::NamespaceDecl *
3675DWARFASTParserClang::ResolveNamespaceDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3677 if (die && die.Tag() == DW_TAG_namespace)
3678 {
3679 // See if we already parsed this namespace DIE and associated it with a
3680 // uniqued namespace declaration
3681 clang::NamespaceDecl *namespace_decl = static_cast<clang::NamespaceDecl *>(m_die_to_decl_ctx[die.GetDIE()]);
3682 if (namespace_decl)
3683 return namespace_decl;
3684 else
3685 {
3686 const char *namespace_name = die.GetName();
3687 clang::DeclContext *containing_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (die, nullptr);
3688 namespace_decl = m_ast.GetUniqueNamespaceDeclaration (namespace_name, containing_decl_ctx);
3689 Log *log = nullptr;// (LogChannelDWARF::GetLogIfAll(DWARF_LOG_DEBUG_INFO));
3690 if (log)
3691 {
3692 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3693 if (namespace_name)
3694 {
3695 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
3696 "ASTContext => %p: 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_TAG_namespace with DW_AT_name(\"%s\") => clang::NamespaceDecl *%p (original = %p)",
3697 static_cast<void*>(m_ast.getASTContext()),
3698 die.GetID(),
3699 namespace_name,
3700 static_cast<void*>(namespace_decl),
3701 static_cast<void*>(namespace_decl->getOriginalNamespace()));
3702 }
3703 else
3704 {
3705 dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetModule()->LogMessage (log,
3706 "ASTContext => %p: 0x%8.8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": DW_TAG_namespace (anonymous) => clang::NamespaceDecl *%p (original = %p)",
3707 static_cast<void*>(m_ast.getASTContext()),
3708 die.GetID(),
3709 static_cast<void*>(namespace_decl),
3710 static_cast<void*>(namespace_decl->getOriginalNamespace()));
3711 }
3712 }
3714 if (namespace_decl)
3715 LinkDeclContextToDIE((clang::DeclContext*)namespace_decl, die);
3716 return namespace_decl;
3717 }
3718 }
3719 return nullptr;
3722clang::DeclContext *
3723DWARFASTParserClang::GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE (const DWARFDIE &die,
3724 DWARFDIE *decl_ctx_die_copy)
3726 SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = die.GetDWARF();
3728 DWARFDIE decl_ctx_die = dwarf->GetDeclContextDIEContainingDIE (die);
3730 if (decl_ctx_die_copy)
3731 *decl_ctx_die_copy = decl_ctx_die;
3733 if (decl_ctx_die)
3734 {
3735 clang::DeclContext *clang_decl_ctx = GetClangDeclContextForDIE (decl_ctx_die);
3736 if (clang_decl_ctx)
3737 return clang_decl_ctx;
3738 }
3739 return m_ast.GetTranslationUnitDecl();
3742clang::DeclContext *
3743DWARFASTParserClang::GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE (const DWARFDIE &die)
3745 if (die)
3746 {
3747 DIEToDeclContextMap::iterator pos = m_die_to_decl_ctx.find(die.GetDIE());
3748 if (pos != m_die_to_decl_ctx.end())
3749 return pos->second;
3750 }
3751 return nullptr;
3755DWARFASTParserClang::LinkDeclContextToDIE (clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx, const DWARFDIE &die)
3757 m_die_to_decl_ctx[die.GetDIE()] = decl_ctx;
3758 // There can be many DIEs for a single decl context
3759 //m_decl_ctx_to_die[decl_ctx].insert(die.GetDIE());
3760 m_decl_ctx_to_die.insert(std::make_pair(decl_ctx, die));
3764DWARFASTParserClang::CopyUniqueClassMethodTypes (const DWARFDIE &src_class_die,
3765 const DWARFDIE &dst_class_die,
3766 lldb_private::Type *class_type,
3767 DWARFDIECollection &failures)
3769 if (!class_type || !src_class_die || !dst_class_die)
3770 return false;
3771 if (src_class_die.Tag() != dst_class_die.Tag())
3772 return false;
3774 // We need to complete the class type so we can get all of the method types
3775 // parsed so we can then unique those types to their equivalent counterparts
3776 // in "dst_cu" and "dst_class_die"
3777 class_type->GetFullCompilerType ();
3779 DWARFDIE src_die;
3780 DWARFDIE dst_die;
3781 UniqueCStringMap<DWARFDIE> src_name_to_die;
3782 UniqueCStringMap<DWARFDIE> dst_name_to_die;
3783 UniqueCStringMap<DWARFDIE> src_name_to_die_artificial;
3784 UniqueCStringMap<DWARFDIE> dst_name_to_die_artificial;
3785 for (src_die = src_class_die.GetFirstChild(); src_die.IsValid(); src_die = src_die.GetSibling())
3786 {
3787 if (src_die.Tag() == DW_TAG_subprogram)
3788 {
3789 // Make sure this is a declaration and not a concrete instance by looking
3790 // for DW_AT_declaration set to 1. Sometimes concrete function instances
3791 // are placed inside the class definitions and shouldn't be included in
3792 // the list of things are are tracking here.
3793 if (src_die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_declaration, 0) == 1)
3794 {
3795 const char *src_name = src_die.GetMangledName ();
3796 if (src_name)
3797 {
3798 ConstString src_const_name(src_name);
3799 if (src_die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_artificial, 0))
3800 src_name_to_die_artificial.Append(src_const_name.GetCString(), src_die);
3801 else
3802 src_name_to_die.Append(src_const_name.GetCString(), src_die);
3803 }
3804 }
3805 }
3806 }
3807 for (dst_die = dst_class_die.GetFirstChild(); dst_die.IsValid(); dst_die = dst_die.GetSibling())
3808 {
3809 if (dst_die.Tag() == DW_TAG_subprogram)
3810 {
3811 // Make sure this is a declaration and not a concrete instance by looking
3812 // for DW_AT_declaration set to 1. Sometimes concrete function instances
3813 // are placed inside the class definitions and shouldn't be included in
3814 // the list of things are are tracking here.
3815 if (dst_die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_declaration, 0) == 1)
3816 {
3817 const char *dst_name = dst_die.GetMangledName ();
3818 if (dst_name)
3819 {
3820 ConstString dst_const_name(dst_name);
3821 if ( dst_die.GetAttributeValueAsUnsigned(DW_AT_artificial, 0))
3822 dst_name_to_die_artificial.Append(dst_const_name.GetCString(), dst_die);
3823 else
3824 dst_name_to_die.Append(dst_const_name.GetCString(), dst_die);
3825 }
3826 }
3827 }
3828 }
3829 const uint32_t src_size = src_name_to_die.GetSize ();
3830 const uint32_t dst_size = dst_name_to_die.GetSize ();
3831 Log *log = nullptr; // (LogChannelDWARF::GetLogIfAny(DWARF_LOG_DEBUG_INFO | DWARF_LOG_TYPE_COMPLETION));
3833 // Is everything kosher so we can go through the members at top speed?
3834 bool fast_path = true;
3836 if (src_size != dst_size)
3837 {
3838 if (src_size != 0 && dst_size != 0)
3839 {
3840 if (log)
3841 log->Printf("warning: trying to unique class DIE 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x, but they didn't have the same size (src=%d, dst=%d)",
3842 src_class_die.GetOffset(),
3843 dst_class_die.GetOffset(),
3844 src_size,
3845 dst_size);
3846 }
3848 fast_path = false;
3849 }
3851 uint32_t idx;
3853 if (fast_path)
3854 {
3855 for (idx = 0; idx < src_size; ++idx)
3856 {
3857 src_die = src_name_to_die.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
3858 dst_die = dst_name_to_die.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
3860 if (src_die.Tag() != dst_die.Tag())
3861 {
3862 if (log)
3863 log->Printf("warning: tried to unique class DIE 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x, but 0x%8.8x (%s) tags didn't match 0x%8.8x (%s)",
3864 src_class_die.GetOffset(),
3865 dst_class_die.GetOffset(),
3866 src_die.GetOffset(),
3867 src_die.GetTagAsCString(),
3868 dst_die.GetOffset(),
3869 dst_die.GetTagAsCString());
3870 fast_path = false;
3871 }
3873 const char *src_name = src_die.GetMangledName ();
3874 const char *dst_name = dst_die.GetMangledName ();
3876 // Make sure the names match
3877 if (src_name == dst_name || (strcmp (src_name, dst_name) == 0))
3878 continue;
3880 if (log)
3881 log->Printf("warning: tried to unique class DIE 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x, but 0x%8.8x (%s) names didn't match 0x%8.8x (%s)",
3882 src_class_die.GetOffset(),
3883 dst_class_die.GetOffset(),
3884 src_die.GetOffset(),
3885 src_name,
3886 dst_die.GetOffset(),
3887 dst_name);
3889 fast_path = false;
3890 }
3891 }
3893 DWARFASTParserClang *src_dwarf_ast_parser = (DWARFASTParserClang *)src_die.GetDWARFParser();
3894 DWARFASTParserClang *dst_dwarf_ast_parser = (DWARFASTParserClang *)dst_die.GetDWARFParser();
3896 // Now do the work of linking the DeclContexts and Types.
3897 if (fast_path)
3898 {
3899 // We can do this quickly. Just run across the tables index-for-index since
3900 // we know each node has matching names and tags.
3901 for (idx = 0; idx < src_size; ++idx)
3902 {
3903 src_die = src_name_to_die.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
3904 dst_die = dst_name_to_die.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
3906 clang::DeclContext *src_decl_ctx = src_dwarf_ast_parser->m_die_to_decl_ctx[src_die.GetDIE()];
3907 if (src_decl_ctx)
3908 {
3909 if (log)
3910 log->Printf ("uniquing decl context %p from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
3911 static_cast<void*>(src_decl_ctx),
3912 src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3913 dst_dwarf_ast_parser->LinkDeclContextToDIE (src_decl_ctx, dst_die);
3914 }
3915 else
3916 {
3917 if (log)
3918 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique decl context from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found",
3919 src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3920 }
3922 Type *src_child_type = dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[src_die.GetDIE()];
3923 if (src_child_type)
3924 {
3925 if (log)
3926 log->Printf ("uniquing type %p (uid=0x%" PRIx64"l" "x" ") from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
3927 static_cast<void*>(src_child_type),
3928 src_child_type->GetID(),
3929 src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3930 dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[dst_die.GetDIE()] = src_child_type;
3931 }
3932 else
3933 {
3934 if (log)
3935 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique lldb_private::Type from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found", src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3936 }
3937 }
3938 }
3939 else
3940 {
3941 // We must do this slowly. For each member of the destination, look
3942 // up a member in the source with the same name, check its tag, and
3943 // unique them if everything matches up. Report failures.
3945 if (!src_name_to_die.IsEmpty() && !dst_name_to_die.IsEmpty())
3946 {
3947 src_name_to_die.Sort();
3949 for (idx = 0; idx < dst_size; ++idx)
3950 {
3951 const char *dst_name = dst_name_to_die.GetCStringAtIndex(idx);
3952 dst_die = dst_name_to_die.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked(idx);
3953 src_die = src_name_to_die.Find(dst_name, DWARFDIE());
3955 if (src_die && (src_die.Tag() == dst_die.Tag()))
3956 {
3957 clang::DeclContext *src_decl_ctx = src_dwarf_ast_parser->m_die_to_decl_ctx[src_die.GetDIE()];
3958 if (src_decl_ctx)
3959 {
3960 if (log)
3961 log->Printf ("uniquing decl context %p from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
3962 static_cast<void*>(src_decl_ctx),
3963 src_die.GetOffset(),
3964 dst_die.GetOffset());
3965 dst_dwarf_ast_parser->LinkDeclContextToDIE (src_decl_ctx, dst_die);
3966 }
3967 else
3968 {
3969 if (log)
3970 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique decl context from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found", src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3971 }
3973 Type *src_child_type = dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[src_die.GetDIE()];
3974 if (src_child_type)
3975 {
3976 if (log)
3977 log->Printf ("uniquing type %p (uid=0x%" PRIx64"l" "x" ") from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
3978 static_cast<void*>(src_child_type),
3979 src_child_type->GetID(),
3980 src_die.GetOffset(),
3981 dst_die.GetOffset());
3982 dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[dst_die.GetDIE()] = src_child_type;
3983 }
3984 else
3985 {
3986 if (log)
3987 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique lldb_private::Type from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found", src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
3988 }
3989 }
3990 else
3991 {
3992 if (log)
3993 log->Printf ("warning: couldn't find a match for 0x%8.8x", dst_die.GetOffset());
3995 failures.Append(dst_die);
3996 }
3997 }
3998 }
3999 }
4001 const uint32_t src_size_artificial = src_name_to_die_artificial.GetSize ();
4002 const uint32_t dst_size_artificial = dst_name_to_die_artificial.GetSize ();
4004 if (src_size_artificial && dst_size_artificial)
4005 {
4006 dst_name_to_die_artificial.Sort();
4008 for (idx = 0; idx < src_size_artificial; ++idx)
4009 {
4010 const char *src_name_artificial = src_name_to_die_artificial.GetCStringAtIndex(idx);
4011 src_die = src_name_to_die_artificial.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
4012 dst_die = dst_name_to_die_artificial.Find(src_name_artificial, DWARFDIE());
4014 if (dst_die)
4015 {
4016 // Both classes have the artificial types, link them
4017 clang::DeclContext *src_decl_ctx = src_dwarf_ast_parser->m_die_to_decl_ctx[src_die.GetDIE()];
4018 if (src_decl_ctx)
4019 {
4020 if (log)
4021 log->Printf ("uniquing decl context %p from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
4022 static_cast<void*>(src_decl_ctx),
4023 src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
4024 dst_dwarf_ast_parser->LinkDeclContextToDIE (src_decl_ctx, dst_die);
4025 }
4026 else
4027 {
4028 if (log)
4029 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique decl context from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found", src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
4030 }
4032 Type *src_child_type = dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[src_die.GetDIE()];
4033 if (src_child_type)
4034 {
4035 if (log)
4036 log->Printf ("uniquing type %p (uid=0x%" PRIx64"l" "x" ") from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x",
4037 static_cast<void*>(src_child_type),
4038 src_child_type->GetID(),
4039 src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
4040 dst_die.GetDWARF()->GetDIEToType()[dst_die.GetDIE()] = src_child_type;
4041 }
4042 else
4043 {
4044 if (log)
4045 log->Printf ("warning: tried to unique lldb_private::Type from 0x%8.8x for 0x%8.8x, but none was found", src_die.GetOffset(), dst_die.GetOffset());
4046 }
4047 }
4048 }
4049 }
4051 if (dst_size_artificial)
4052 {
4053 for (idx = 0; idx < dst_size_artificial; ++idx)
4054 {
4055 const char *dst_name_artificial = dst_name_to_die_artificial.GetCStringAtIndex(idx);
4056 dst_die = dst_name_to_die_artificial.GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (idx);
4057 if (log)
4058 log->Printf ("warning: need to create artificial method for 0x%8.8x for method '%s'", dst_die.GetOffset(), dst_name_artificial);
4060 failures.Append(dst_die);
4061 }
4062 }
4064 return (failures.Size() != 0);