This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Fix ARM zero-cost exception table (part 3)

Authored by logan on Nov 15 2012, 1:26 AM.



This patch simply adds an experimental flag -mehabi to clang, so that the tester can test the exception by giving -mehabi to clang.

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Event Timeline

asl requested changes to this revision.Nov 15 2012, 1:28 AM

I don't think the patch is necessary. These flags are transient. And right now they can be enabled via -mllvm, so I do not see any reason why this patch is necessary.

logan abandoned this revision.Nov 15 2012, 1:37 AM

Thanks. I was not aware of -mllvm when I was creating this patch. Thank you for letting me know the existence of -mllvm.