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Bug 19326 - PowerPC: invalid code generation at -O2 due to bad ordering of instructions
Summary: PowerPC: invalid code generation at -O2 due to bad ordering of instructions
Alias: None
Product: libraries
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Backend: PowerPC (show other bugs)
Version: trunk
Hardware: Other Linux
: P normal
Assignee: Hal Finkel
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-04-03 10:42 PDT by Andy Gibbs
Modified: 2014-04-04 10:39 PDT (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Andy Gibbs 2014-04-03 10:42:36 PDT
The problem I am observing is in the following snippet, where with optimisation level 2 switch on, the code inside the if block executes even if maxLength is 0:

GuiTextField::GuiTextField(int maxLength)
    : base(), valid(true) {
  asm volatile(".marker1":::"memory");
  if (maxLength > 0x1234) // testing; was > 0)
    asm volatile(".marker2":::"memory");
    printf("hmm %i %i\n", maxLength, maxLength > 0);
  asm volatile(".marker3":::"memory");

Here is example output from code compiled at -O2:

hmm 0 1

I am afraid that I have been unable to reduce a test-case out of this code (having spent maybe 6 hours on it today!), but hopefully the outputs below can help highlight the problem.

Here is the assembly between marker1 and marker3 when compiling with -O0 for PowerPC (targetting 603e):

	lwz 3, 68(31)
	cmpwi 0, 3, 4661
	blt 0, .LBB0_9
	b .LBB0_2
	lwz 3, 68(31)
	lis 4, .L.str@ha
	li 5, 0
	li 6, 1
	cmpwi 0, 3, 0
	la 4, .L.str@l(4)
	stw 3, 32(31)
	stw 6, 28(31)
	stw 5, 24(31)
	stw 4, 20(31)
	bgt 0, .LBB0_4
	lwz 3, 24(31)
	stw 3, 28(31)
	lwz 3, 28(31)
	lwz 4, 20(31)
	stw 3, 16(31)
	mr 3, 4
	lwz 4, 32(31)
	lwz 5, 16(31)
	crxor 6, 6, 6
	bl printf
	stw 3, 12(31)
	b .LBB0_5
	lwz 4, 68(31)
	lwz 3, 48(31)
	bl _ZN17GuiEntryFieldBase12SetMaxLengthEi
	b .LBB0_6
	b .LBB0_9
	stw 3, 64(31)
	stw 4, 60(31)
	b .LBB0_10
	stw 3, 64(31)
	stw 4, 60(31)
	lwz 3, 44(31)
	bl _ZN7QStringD2Ev
	b .LBB0_10

And here is the same but at -O1 (note that the cmpwi has moved relative to marker1 even though the marker1 declaration should prevent this, but the code still runs correctly in this case):

	cmpwi 0, 29, 4661
	stb 3, 56(30)
	blt 0, .LBB0_2
	lis 3, .L.str@ha
	mr 4, 29
	li 5, 1
	crxor 6, 6, 6
	la 3, .L.str@l(3)
	bl printf
	mr 3, 30
	mr 4, 29
	bl _ZN17GuiEntryFieldBase12SetMaxLengthEi
	lwz 30, 24(31)
	lwz 29, 20(31)
	lwz 28, 16(31)

And then at -O2 (by which point the cmpwi is miles away from its corresponding blt and the code inside the if block executes even though the condition is not met -- I expect corrupted by the lwarx/stwcx that is part of Qt's atomics operations):

	cmpwi 0, 29, 4661
	la 3, _ZTV17GuiTextInputField@l(3)
	la 12, _ZN7QString11shared_nullE@l(5)
	addi 4, 3, 8
	addi 3, 3, 368
	stw 4, 0(30)
	stw 3, 8(30)
	stw 12, 52(30)
	li 3, 1
	lwarx  5,0, 12
addi   6, 5, 1
stwcx. 6,0, 12
bne-   $-12

	stb 3, 56(30)
	blt 0, .LBB0_4
	lis 3, .L.str@ha
	mr 4, 29
	li 5, 1
	crxor 6, 6, 6
	la 3, .L.str@l(3)
	bl printf
	lwz 3, 40(30)
	lwz 4, 0(3)
	lwz 4, 12(4)
	mtctr 4
	mr 28, 3
	lwz 5, 28(28)
	lis 3, .L.str1@ha
	mr 4, 28
	mr 6, 29
	crxor 6, 6, 6
	la 3, .L.str1@l(3)
	bl printf
	stw 29, 28(28)
	lwz 3, 40(30)
	lwz 4, 0(3)
	lwz 4, 12(4)
	mtctr 4
	mr 4, 3
	lwz 5, 28(4)
	lis 3, .L.str2@ha
	crxor 6, 6, 6
	la 3, .L.str2@l(3)
	bl printf
	lwz 30, 24(31)
	lwz 29, 20(31)
	lwz 28, 16(31)

Compare the code from gcc 4.6 for ppc603e at -O2:

	cmpwi 7,30,4660
	bgt- 7,.L7
	lwz 0,36(1)
	lwz 29,20(1)
	mtlr 0
	lwz 30,24(1)
	lwz 31,28(1)
	addi 1,1,32
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 0
	.cfi_restore 31
	.cfi_restore 30
	.cfi_restore 29
	lis 4,.LC0@ha
	li 3,1
	la 4,.LC0@l(4)
	mr 5,30
	li 6,1
	crxor 6,6,6
	bl __printf_chk

And here is the same code for x86_64 compiled by clang (note that the code works correctly here):

	cmpl	$4661, %ebp             # imm = 0x1235
	jl	.LBB0_4
# BB#1:                                 # %invoke.cont5
	movl	$.L.str, %edi
	movl	$1, %edx
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	movl	%ebp, %esi
	callq	printf
	movq	80(%r14), %rdi
	movq	(%rdi), %rax
	movq	24(%rax), %rax
	callq	*%rax
	movq	%rax, %rbx
# BB#2:                                 # %call.i.i.noexc
	movl	52(%rbx), %edx
	movl	$.L.str1, %edi
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	movq	%rbx, %rsi
	movl	%ebp, %ecx
	callq	printf
	movl	%ebp, 52(%rbx)
	movq	80(%r14), %rdi
	movq	(%rdi), %rax
	movq	24(%rax), %rax
	callq	*%rax
	movq	%rax, %rcx
# BB#3:                                 # %_ZN17GuiEntryFieldBase12SetMaxLengthEi.exit
	movl	52(%rcx), %edx
	movl	$.L.str2, %edi
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	movq	%rcx, %rsi
	callq	printf
.LBB0_4:                                # %if.end

In case it is useful, here is the code for the Qt atomic function called in this example:

inline bool QBasicAtomicInt::ref()
    register int originalValue;
    register int newValue;
    asm volatile("lwarx  %[originalValue]," _Q_VALUE "\n"
                 "addi   %[newValue], %[originalValue], %[one]\n"
                 "stwcx. %[newValue]," _Q_VALUE "\n"
                 "bne-   $-12\n"
                 : [originalValue] "=&b" (originalValue),
                   [newValue] "=&r" (newValue),
                 : _Q_VALUE_REGISTER_OPERAND
                   [one] "i" (1)
                 : "cc", "memory");
    return newValue != 0;

If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that the PowerPC back-end is not taking due care of the asm constraints.
Comment 1 Andy Gibbs 2014-04-03 10:45:20 PDT
Sorry, I noticed after I submitted the bug that I'd somehow mistakenly marked it "release blocker", but then I thought that maybe this was reasonable after all!  Please drop its severity if you don't agree!  :o)
Comment 2 Hal Finkel 2014-04-03 11:16:46 PDT
Thanks for the report. It looks like LLVM does not currently understand the "cc" register clobber (which I suppose is intended to mean that it clobbers all condition registers). I'll fix this.

At the same time, you should submit a bug report against the upstream sources. "cc" is *very* pessimistic. "cr0" would be fine, and would still let the compiler use the other 7 cr registers.
Comment 3 Andy Gibbs 2014-04-03 11:36:11 PDT
I tried changing the "cc" to "cr0", and it seems to fix the issue.  The output is now...

	lwarx  5,0, 12
addi   6, 5, 1
stwcx. 6,0, 12
bne-   $-12

	stb 3, 56(30)
	cmpwi 0, 29, 4661
	blt 0, .LBB0_4

I will search and replace all instances of this and try the complete application to see if that solves all the issues.

Many, many thanks!
Comment 4 Hal Finkel 2014-04-04 10:39:27 PDT
Fixed in r205630. Thanks for the report and working on the reduction!