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Bug 35 - [loopsimplify] -loopsimplify should reconstruct nested loops
Summary: [loopsimplify] -loopsimplify should reconstruct nested loops
Alias: None
Product: libraries
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scalar Optimizations (show other bugs)
Version: 1.0
Hardware: All All
: P enhancement
Assignee: Chris Lattner
Keywords: code-quality
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-10-12 20:09 PDT by Chris Lattner
Modified: 2010-02-22 12:52 PST (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Fixed By Commit(s):


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Description Chris Lattner 2003-10-12 20:09:54 PDT
The CFG simplification pass has a habit of merging the header nodes of loops
together into a single node.  To counteract this, the -loopsimplify pass should
break them back up.

For example, consider this simple matrix multiplication testcase:

    for( int i=0; i<L; i++ )
        for( int j=0; j<L; j++ ) {
            double sum = 0;
            for( int k=0; k<L; k++ )
                sum += C[L*i+k]*D[L*k+j];
            E[L*i+j] = sum;

This is currently compiled into:

        br bool %tmp.5, label %no_exit.2, label %loopexit.2

        br bool %tmp.3, label %no_exit.2, label %loopexit.1

        br bool %tmp.1, label %no_exit.2, label %return

Which is a single natural loop.

To fix this, the LoopSimplify pass should detect that a backedge dominates
another backedge, and turn the dominating backedge into an inner loop.
Comment 1 Chris Lattner 2003-12-09 10:33:46 PST
When looking at loop simplify, it would also be good to figure out why this

target endian = little
target pointersize = 32
        "complex double" = type { double, double }
        "complex float" = type { float, float }
        "complex long double" = type { double, double }
%data = external global [100 x int]             ; <[100 x int]*> [#uses=1]

implementation   ; Functions:

int %test(int %N) {
        %tmp.11 = setne int %N, 0               ; <bool> [#uses=1]
        br bool %tmp.11, label %no_exit, label %return

no_exit:                ; preds = %entry, %no_exit
        %N_addr.0.pn = phi int [ %dec, %no_exit ], [ %N, %entry ]              
; <int> [#uses=3]
        %tmp.4 = cast int %N_addr.0.pn to long          ; <long> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.5 = getelementptr [100 x int]* %data, long 0, long %tmp.4         
; <int*> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.6 = load int* %tmp.5               ; <int> [#uses=1]
        %dec = add int %N_addr.0.pn, -1         ; <int> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.1 = setne int %N_addr.0.pn, 1              ; <bool> [#uses=1]
        br bool %tmp.1, label %no_exit, label %return

return:         ; preds = %entry, %no_exit
        %Ret.0.pn = phi int [ %tmp.6, %no_exit ], [ 0, %entry ]         ; <int>
        ret int %Ret.0.pn

Inserts a one argument PHI node, like so:

target endian = little
target pointersize = 32
        "complex double" = type { double, double }
        "complex float" = type { float, float }
        "complex long double" = type { double, double }
%data = external global [100 x int]             ; <[100 x int]*> [#uses=1]

implementation   ; Functions:

int %test(int %N) {
        %tmp.11 = setne int %N, 0               ; <bool> [#uses=1]
        br bool %tmp.11, label %no_exit.preheader, label %return

no_exit.preheader:              ; preds = %entry
        %N_addr.0.pn.ph = phi int [ %N, %entry ]                ; <int> [#uses=1]
        br label %no_exit

no_exit:                ; preds = %no_exit.preheader, %no_exit
        %N_addr.0.pn = phi int [ %dec, %no_exit ], [ %N_addr.0.pn.ph,
%no_exit.preheader ]              ; <int> [#uses=3]
        %tmp.4 = cast int %N_addr.0.pn to long          ; <long> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.5 = getelementptr [100 x int]* %data, long 0, long %tmp.4         
; <int*> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.6 = load int* %tmp.5               ; <int> [#uses=1]
        %dec = add int %N_addr.0.pn, -1         ; <int> [#uses=1]
        %tmp.1 = setne int %N_addr.0.pn, 1              ; <bool> [#uses=1]
        br bool %tmp.1, label %no_exit, label %return.loopexit

return.loopexit:                ; preds = %no_exit
        %Ret.0.pn.ph = phi int [ %tmp.6, %no_exit ]             ; <int> [#uses=1]
        br label %return

return:         ; preds = %entry, %return.loopexit
        %Ret.0.pn = phi int [ 0, %entry ], [ %Ret.0.pn.ph, %return.loopexit ]  
        ; <int> [#uses=1]
        ret int %Ret.0.pn
Comment 2 Chris Lattner 2003-12-09 17:15:52 PST
The one argument PHI node thing has been fixed:
Comment 3 Chris Lattner 2004-02-26 15:29:51 PST
Changing all of these bugs who do not have people looking at them to be assigned
to "unassignedbugs", indicating that if someone is feeling ambitious, they can
take ownership of the bug.

If I stole your bug, and you still want it, feel free to take ownership back.

Comment 4 Chris Lattner 2004-04-12 00:59:38 PDT
Ugh, this bug is REALLY annoying.  It is killing our performance on a lot of
programs, destroying subsequent analysis capabilities.  For example, we cannot
compute the trip count of simple nested loops, hoist invariants, etc. :(

As such, I think I'll try to work on this.

Comment 5 Chris Lattner 2004-04-13 09:32:35 PDT
This has been fixed for a while now.
