LLVM 20.0.0git
Deprecated List
Member LLVMArrayType (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, unsigned ElementCount)
LLVMArrayType is deprecated in favor of the API accurate LLVMArrayType2
Member LLVMConstArray (LLVMTypeRef ElementTy, LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, unsigned Length)
LLVMConstArray is deprecated in favor of the API accurate LLVMConstArray2
Member LLVMConstStringInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Str, unsigned Length, LLVMBool DontNullTerminate)
LLVMConstStringInContext is deprecated in favor of the API accurate LLVMConstStringInContext2
Member LLVMGetArrayLength (LLVMTypeRef ArrayTy)
LLVMGetArrayLength is deprecated in favor of the API accurate LLVMGetArrayLength2
Member LLVMSetInstDebugLocation (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Inst)
LLVMSetInstDebugLocation is deprecated in favor of the more general LLVMAddMetadataToInst.