LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/Support - VersionTuple.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 44 44 100.0 %
Date: 2018-10-20 13:21:21 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //===- VersionTuple.cpp - Version Number Handling ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
       2             : //
       3             : //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
       4             : //
       5             : // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
       6             : // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
       7             : //
       8             : //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
       9             : //
      10             : // This file implements the VersionTuple class, which represents a version in
      11             : // the form major[.minor[.subminor]].
      12             : //
      13             : //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      14             : #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
      15             : #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
      16             : 
      17             : using namespace llvm;
      18             : 
      19        3251 : std::string VersionTuple::getAsString() const {
      20             :   std::string Result;
      21             :   {
      22        3251 :     llvm::raw_string_ostream Out(Result);
      23        3251 :     Out << *this;
      24             :   }
      25        3251 :   return Result;
      26             : }
      27             : 
      28        4305 : raw_ostream &llvm::operator<<(raw_ostream &Out, const VersionTuple &V) {
      29             :   Out << V.getMajor();
      30        4305 :   if (Optional<unsigned> Minor = V.getMinor())
      31             :     Out << '.' << *Minor;
      32        4305 :   if (Optional<unsigned> Subminor = V.getSubminor())
      33             :     Out << '.' << *Subminor;
      34        4305 :   if (Optional<unsigned> Build = V.getBuild())
      35             :     Out << '.' << *Build;
      36        4305 :   return Out;
      37             : }
      38             : 
      39        1291 : static bool parseInt(StringRef &input, unsigned &value) {
      40             :   assert(value == 0);
      41        1291 :   if (input.empty())
      42             :     return true;
      43             : 
      44        1287 :   char next = input[0];
      45        1287 :   input = input.substr(1);
      46        1287 :   if (next < '0' || next > '9')
      47             :     return true;
      48        1284 :   value = (unsigned)(next - '0');
      49             : 
      50        2004 :   while (!input.empty()) {
      51        1415 :     next = input[0];
      52        1415 :     if (next < '0' || next > '9')
      53             :       return false;
      54         720 :     input = input.substr(1);
      55         720 :     value = value * 10 + (unsigned)(next - '0');
      56             :   }
      57             : 
      58             :   return false;
      59             : }
      60             : 
      61         601 : bool VersionTuple::tryParse(StringRef input) {
      62         601 :   unsigned major = 0, minor = 0, micro = 0, build = 0;
      63             : 
      64             :   // Parse the major version, [0-9]+
      65         601 :   if (parseInt(input, major))
      66             :     return true;
      67             : 
      68         597 :   if (input.empty()) {
      69          32 :     *this = VersionTuple(major);
      70          32 :     return false;
      71             :   }
      72             : 
      73             :   // If we're not done, parse the minor version, \.[0-9]+
      74        1130 :   if (input[0] != '.')
      75             :     return true;
      76         562 :   input = input.substr(1);
      77         562 :   if (parseInt(input, minor))
      78             :     return true;
      79             : 
      80         561 :   if (input.empty()) {
      81         440 :     *this = VersionTuple(major, minor);
      82         440 :     return false;
      83             :   }
      84             : 
      85             :   // If we're not done, parse the micro version, \.[0-9]+
      86         242 :   if (input[0] != '.')
      87             :     return true;
      88         121 :   input = input.substr(1);
      89         121 :   if (parseInt(input, micro))
      90             :     return true;
      91             : 
      92         120 :   if (input.empty()) {
      93         113 :     *this = VersionTuple(major, minor, micro);
      94         113 :     return false;
      95             :   }
      96             : 
      97             :   // If we're not done, parse the micro version, \.[0-9]+
      98          14 :   if (input[0] != '.')
      99             :     return true;
     100           7 :   input = input.substr(1);
     101           7 :   if (parseInt(input, build))
     102             :     return true;
     103             : 
     104             :   // If we have characters left over, it's an error.
     105           6 :   if (!input.empty())
     106             :     return true;
     107             : 
     108           4 :   *this = VersionTuple(major, minor, micro, build);
     109           4 :   return false;
     110             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13