Bug Summary

Warning:line 451, column 18
Excessive padding in 'struct (anonymous at /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp:451:18)' (8 padding bytes, where 0 is optimal). Optimal fields order: Name, Op, CC, consider reordering the fields or adding explicit padding members

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ARMISelLowering.cpp -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-eagerly-assume -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mthread-model posix -fmath-errno -masm-verbose -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -fuse-init-array -target-cpu x86-64 -dwarf-column-info -debugger-tuning=gdb -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-7/lib/clang/7.0.0 -D _DEBUG -D _GNU_SOURCE -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/build-llvm/lib/Target/ARM -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/build-llvm/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/include -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/backward -internal-isystem /usr/include/clang/7.0.0/include/ -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-7/lib/clang/7.0.0/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O2 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-comment -std=c++11 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/build-llvm/lib/Target/ARM -ferror-limit 19 -fmessage-length 0 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fobjc-runtime=gcc -fdiagnostics-show-option -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-checker optin.performance.Padding -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -o /tmp/scan-build-2018-04-11-031539-24776-1 -x c++ /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp
1//===- ARMISelLowering.cpp - ARM DAG Lowering Implementation --------------===//
3// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines the interfaces that ARM uses to lower LLVM code into a
11// selection DAG.
15#include "ARMISelLowering.h"
16#include "ARMBaseInstrInfo.h"
17#include "ARMBaseRegisterInfo.h"
18#include "ARMCallingConv.h"
19#include "ARMConstantPoolValue.h"
20#include "ARMMachineFunctionInfo.h"
21#include "ARMPerfectShuffle.h"
22#include "ARMRegisterInfo.h"
23#include "ARMSelectionDAGInfo.h"
24#include "ARMSubtarget.h"
25#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMAddressingModes.h"
26#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMBaseInfo.h"
27#include "Utils/ARMBaseInfo.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
33#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
34#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
35#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
36#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
37#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
38#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
39#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
40#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
41#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
42#include "llvm/Analysis/VectorUtils.h"
43#include "llvm/CodeGen/CallingConvLower.h"
44#include "llvm/CodeGen/ISDOpcodes.h"
45#include "llvm/CodeGen/IntrinsicLowering.h"
46#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
47#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineConstantPool.h"
48#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
49#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
50#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
51#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
52#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineJumpTableInfo.h"
53#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineMemOperand.h"
54#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
55#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
56#include "llvm/CodeGen/RuntimeLibcalls.h"
57#include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAG.h"
58#include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAGNodes.h"
59#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
60#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetLowering.h"
61#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h"
62#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
63#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
64#include "llvm/CodeGen/ValueTypes.h"
65#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
66#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
67#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
68#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
69#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
70#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
71#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
72#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
73#include "llvm/IR/GlobalAlias.h"
74#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
75#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
76#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
77#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
78#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
79#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
80#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
81#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
82#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
83#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
84#include "llvm/IR/User.h"
85#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
86#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
87#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrItineraries.h"
88#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
89#include "llvm/MC/MCSchedule.h"
90#include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
91#include "llvm/Support/BranchProbability.h"
92#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
93#include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h"
94#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
95#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
96#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
97#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
98#include "llvm/Support/KnownBits.h"
99#include "llvm/Support/MachineValueType.h"
100#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
101#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
102#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
103#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
104#include <algorithm>
105#include <cassert>
106#include <cstdint>
107#include <cstdlib>
108#include <iterator>
109#include <limits>
110#include <string>
111#include <tuple>
112#include <utility>
113#include <vector>
115using namespace llvm;
117#define DEBUG_TYPE"arm-isel" "arm-isel"
119STATISTIC(NumTailCalls, "Number of tail calls")static llvm::Statistic NumTailCalls = {"arm-isel", "NumTailCalls"
, "Number of tail calls", {0}, {false}}
120STATISTIC(NumMovwMovt, "Number of GAs materialized with movw + movt")static llvm::Statistic NumMovwMovt = {"arm-isel", "NumMovwMovt"
, "Number of GAs materialized with movw + movt", {0}, {false}
121STATISTIC(NumLoopByVals, "Number of loops generated for byval arguments")static llvm::Statistic NumLoopByVals = {"arm-isel", "NumLoopByVals"
, "Number of loops generated for byval arguments", {0}, {false
122STATISTIC(NumConstpoolPromoted,static llvm::Statistic NumConstpoolPromoted = {"arm-isel", "NumConstpoolPromoted"
, "Number of constants with their storage promoted into constant pools"
, {0}, {false}}
123 "Number of constants with their storage promoted into constant pools")static llvm::Statistic NumConstpoolPromoted = {"arm-isel", "NumConstpoolPromoted"
, "Number of constants with their storage promoted into constant pools"
, {0}, {false}}
125static cl::opt<bool>
126ARMInterworking("arm-interworking", cl::Hidden,
127 cl::desc("Enable / disable ARM interworking (for debugging only)"),
128 cl::init(true));
130static cl::opt<bool> EnableConstpoolPromotion(
131 "arm-promote-constant", cl::Hidden,
132 cl::desc("Enable / disable promotion of unnamed_addr constants into "
133 "constant pools"),
134 cl::init(false)); // FIXME: set to true by default once PR32780 is fixed
135static cl::opt<unsigned> ConstpoolPromotionMaxSize(
136 "arm-promote-constant-max-size", cl::Hidden,
137 cl::desc("Maximum size of constant to promote into a constant pool"),
138 cl::init(64));
139static cl::opt<unsigned> ConstpoolPromotionMaxTotal(
140 "arm-promote-constant-max-total", cl::Hidden,
141 cl::desc("Maximum size of ALL constants to promote into a constant pool"),
142 cl::init(128));
144// The APCS parameter registers.
145static const MCPhysReg GPRArgRegs[] = {
146 ARM::R0, ARM::R1, ARM::R2, ARM::R3
149void ARMTargetLowering::addTypeForNEON(MVT VT, MVT PromotedLdStVT,
150 MVT PromotedBitwiseVT) {
151 if (VT != PromotedLdStVT) {
152 setOperationAction(ISD::LOAD, VT, Promote);
153 AddPromotedToType (ISD::LOAD, VT, PromotedLdStVT);
155 setOperationAction(ISD::STORE, VT, Promote);
156 AddPromotedToType (ISD::STORE, VT, PromotedLdStVT);
157 }
159 MVT ElemTy = VT.getVectorElementType();
160 if (ElemTy != MVT::f64)
161 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, VT, Custom);
162 setOperationAction(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, VT, Custom);
163 setOperationAction(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, VT, Custom);
164 if (ElemTy == MVT::i32) {
165 setOperationAction(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, VT, Custom);
166 setOperationAction(ISD::UINT_TO_FP, VT, Custom);
167 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, VT, Custom);
168 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_UINT, VT, Custom);
169 } else {
170 setOperationAction(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, VT, Expand);
171 setOperationAction(ISD::UINT_TO_FP, VT, Expand);
172 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, VT, Expand);
173 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_UINT, VT, Expand);
174 }
175 setOperationAction(ISD::BUILD_VECTOR, VT, Custom);
176 setOperationAction(ISD::VECTOR_SHUFFLE, VT, Custom);
177 setOperationAction(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, VT, Legal);
178 setOperationAction(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, VT, Legal);
179 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT, VT, Expand);
180 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT_CC, VT, Expand);
181 setOperationAction(ISD::VSELECT, VT, Expand);
182 setOperationAction(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG, VT, Expand);
183 if (VT.isInteger()) {
184 setOperationAction(ISD::SHL, VT, Custom);
185 setOperationAction(ISD::SRA, VT, Custom);
186 setOperationAction(ISD::SRL, VT, Custom);
187 }
189 // Promote all bit-wise operations.
190 if (VT.isInteger() && VT != PromotedBitwiseVT) {
191 setOperationAction(ISD::AND, VT, Promote);
192 AddPromotedToType (ISD::AND, VT, PromotedBitwiseVT);
193 setOperationAction(ISD::OR, VT, Promote);
194 AddPromotedToType (ISD::OR, VT, PromotedBitwiseVT);
195 setOperationAction(ISD::XOR, VT, Promote);
196 AddPromotedToType (ISD::XOR, VT, PromotedBitwiseVT);
197 }
199 // Neon does not support vector divide/remainder operations.
200 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, VT, Expand);
201 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, VT, Expand);
202 setOperationAction(ISD::FDIV, VT, Expand);
203 setOperationAction(ISD::SREM, VT, Expand);
204 setOperationAction(ISD::UREM, VT, Expand);
205 setOperationAction(ISD::FREM, VT, Expand);
207 if (!VT.isFloatingPoint() &&
208 VT != MVT::v2i64 && VT != MVT::v1i64)
209 for (auto Opcode : {ISD::ABS, ISD::SMIN, ISD::SMAX, ISD::UMIN, ISD::UMAX})
210 setOperationAction(Opcode, VT, Legal);
213void ARMTargetLowering::addDRTypeForNEON(MVT VT) {
214 addRegisterClass(VT, &ARM::DPRRegClass);
215 addTypeForNEON(VT, MVT::f64, MVT::v2i32);
218void ARMTargetLowering::addQRTypeForNEON(MVT VT) {
219 addRegisterClass(VT, &ARM::DPairRegClass);
220 addTypeForNEON(VT, MVT::v2f64, MVT::v4i32);
223ARMTargetLowering::ARMTargetLowering(const TargetMachine &TM,
224 const ARMSubtarget &STI)
225 : TargetLowering(TM), Subtarget(&STI) {
226 RegInfo = Subtarget->getRegisterInfo();
227 Itins = Subtarget->getInstrItineraryData();
229 setBooleanContents(ZeroOrOneBooleanContent);
230 setBooleanVectorContents(ZeroOrNegativeOneBooleanContent);
232 if (!Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() && !Subtarget->isTargetIOS() &&
233 !Subtarget->isTargetWatchOS()) {
234 bool IsHFTarget = TM.Options.FloatABIType == FloatABI::Hard;
236 setLibcallCallingConv(static_cast<RTLIB::Libcall>(LCID),
237 IsHFTarget ? CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP
238 : CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS);
239 }
241 if (Subtarget->isTargetMachO()) {
242 // Uses VFP for Thumb libfuncs if available.
243 if (Subtarget->isThumb() && Subtarget->hasVFP2() &&
244 Subtarget->hasARMOps() && !Subtarget->useSoftFloat()) {
245 static const struct {
246 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
247 const char * const Name;
248 const ISD::CondCode Cond;
249 } LibraryCalls[] = {
250 // Single-precision floating-point arithmetic.
251 { RTLIB::ADD_F32, "__addsf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
252 { RTLIB::SUB_F32, "__subsf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
253 { RTLIB::MUL_F32, "__mulsf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
254 { RTLIB::DIV_F32, "__divsf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
256 // Double-precision floating-point arithmetic.
257 { RTLIB::ADD_F64, "__adddf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
258 { RTLIB::SUB_F64, "__subdf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
259 { RTLIB::MUL_F64, "__muldf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
260 { RTLIB::DIV_F64, "__divdf3vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
262 // Single-precision comparisons.
263 { RTLIB::OEQ_F32, "__eqsf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
264 { RTLIB::UNE_F32, "__nesf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
265 { RTLIB::OLT_F32, "__ltsf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
266 { RTLIB::OLE_F32, "__lesf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
267 { RTLIB::OGE_F32, "__gesf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
268 { RTLIB::OGT_F32, "__gtsf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
269 { RTLIB::UO_F32, "__unordsf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
270 { RTLIB::O_F32, "__unordsf2vfp", ISD::SETEQ },
272 // Double-precision comparisons.
273 { RTLIB::OEQ_F64, "__eqdf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
274 { RTLIB::UNE_F64, "__nedf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
275 { RTLIB::OLT_F64, "__ltdf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
276 { RTLIB::OLE_F64, "__ledf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
277 { RTLIB::OGE_F64, "__gedf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
278 { RTLIB::OGT_F64, "__gtdf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
279 { RTLIB::UO_F64, "__unorddf2vfp", ISD::SETNE },
280 { RTLIB::O_F64, "__unorddf2vfp", ISD::SETEQ },
282 // Floating-point to integer conversions.
283 // i64 conversions are done via library routines even when generating VFP
284 // instructions, so use the same ones.
285 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F64_I32, "__fixdfsivfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
286 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F64_I32, "__fixunsdfsivfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
287 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F32_I32, "__fixsfsivfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
288 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F32_I32, "__fixunssfsivfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
290 // Conversions between floating types.
291 { RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F32, "__truncdfsf2vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
292 { RTLIB::FPEXT_F32_F64, "__extendsfdf2vfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
294 // Integer to floating-point conversions.
295 // i64 conversions are done via library routines even when generating VFP
296 // instructions, so use the same ones.
297 // FIXME: There appears to be some naming inconsistency in ARM libgcc:
298 // e.g., __floatunsidf vs. __floatunssidfvfp.
299 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I32_F64, "__floatsidfvfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
300 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I32_F64, "__floatunssidfvfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
301 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I32_F32, "__floatsisfvfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
302 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I32_F32, "__floatunssisfvfp", ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
303 };
305 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
306 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
307 if (LC.Cond != ISD::SETCC_INVALID)
308 setCmpLibcallCC(LC.Op, LC.Cond);
309 }
310 }
312 // Set the correct calling convention for ARMv7k WatchOS. It's just
313 // AAPCS_VFP for functions as simple as libcalls.
314 if (Subtarget->isTargetWatchABI()) {
315 for (int i = 0; i < RTLIB::UNKNOWN_LIBCALL; ++i)
316 setLibcallCallingConv((RTLIB::Libcall)i, CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP);
317 }
318 }
320 // These libcalls are not available in 32-bit.
321 setLibcallName(RTLIB::SHL_I128, nullptr);
322 setLibcallName(RTLIB::SRL_I128, nullptr);
323 setLibcallName(RTLIB::SRA_I128, nullptr);
325 // RTLIB
326 if (Subtarget->isAAPCS_ABI() &&
327 (Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() ||
328 Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid())) {
329 static const struct {
330 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
331 const char * const Name;
332 const CallingConv::ID CC;
333 const ISD::CondCode Cond;
334 } LibraryCalls[] = {
335 // Double-precision floating-point arithmetic helper functions
336 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 2
337 { RTLIB::ADD_F64, "__aeabi_dadd", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
338 { RTLIB::DIV_F64, "__aeabi_ddiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
339 { RTLIB::MUL_F64, "__aeabi_dmul", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
340 { RTLIB::SUB_F64, "__aeabi_dsub", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
342 // Double-precision floating-point comparison helper functions
343 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 3
344 { RTLIB::OEQ_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpeq", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
345 { RTLIB::UNE_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpeq", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETEQ },
346 { RTLIB::OLT_F64, "__aeabi_dcmplt", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
347 { RTLIB::OLE_F64, "__aeabi_dcmple", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
348 { RTLIB::OGE_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpge", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
349 { RTLIB::OGT_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpgt", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
350 { RTLIB::UO_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpun", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
351 { RTLIB::O_F64, "__aeabi_dcmpun", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETEQ },
353 // Single-precision floating-point arithmetic helper functions
354 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 4
355 { RTLIB::ADD_F32, "__aeabi_fadd", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
356 { RTLIB::DIV_F32, "__aeabi_fdiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
357 { RTLIB::MUL_F32, "__aeabi_fmul", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
358 { RTLIB::SUB_F32, "__aeabi_fsub", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
360 // Single-precision floating-point comparison helper functions
361 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 5
362 { RTLIB::OEQ_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpeq", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
363 { RTLIB::UNE_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpeq", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETEQ },
364 { RTLIB::OLT_F32, "__aeabi_fcmplt", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
365 { RTLIB::OLE_F32, "__aeabi_fcmple", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
366 { RTLIB::OGE_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpge", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
367 { RTLIB::OGT_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpgt", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
368 { RTLIB::UO_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpun", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETNE },
369 { RTLIB::O_F32, "__aeabi_fcmpun", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETEQ },
371 // Floating-point to integer conversions.
372 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 6
373 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F64_I32, "__aeabi_d2iz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
374 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F64_I32, "__aeabi_d2uiz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
375 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F64_I64, "__aeabi_d2lz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
376 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F64_I64, "__aeabi_d2ulz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
377 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F32_I32, "__aeabi_f2iz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
378 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F32_I32, "__aeabi_f2uiz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
379 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F32_I64, "__aeabi_f2lz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
380 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F32_I64, "__aeabi_f2ulz", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
382 // Conversions between floating types.
383 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 7
384 { RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F32, "__aeabi_d2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
385 { RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F16, "__aeabi_d2h", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
386 { RTLIB::FPEXT_F32_F64, "__aeabi_f2d", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
388 // Integer to floating-point conversions.
389 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 8
390 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I32_F64, "__aeabi_i2d", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
391 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I32_F64, "__aeabi_ui2d", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
392 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I64_F64, "__aeabi_l2d", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
393 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I64_F64, "__aeabi_ul2d", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
394 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I32_F32, "__aeabi_i2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
395 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I32_F32, "__aeabi_ui2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
396 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I64_F32, "__aeabi_l2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
397 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I64_F32, "__aeabi_ul2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
399 // Long long helper functions
400 // RTABI chapter 4.2, Table 9
401 { RTLIB::MUL_I64, "__aeabi_lmul", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
402 { RTLIB::SHL_I64, "__aeabi_llsl", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
403 { RTLIB::SRL_I64, "__aeabi_llsr", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
404 { RTLIB::SRA_I64, "__aeabi_lasr", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
406 // Integer division functions
407 // RTABI chapter 4.3.1
408 { RTLIB::SDIV_I8, "__aeabi_idiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
409 { RTLIB::SDIV_I16, "__aeabi_idiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
410 { RTLIB::SDIV_I32, "__aeabi_idiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
411 { RTLIB::SDIV_I64, "__aeabi_ldivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
412 { RTLIB::UDIV_I8, "__aeabi_uidiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
413 { RTLIB::UDIV_I16, "__aeabi_uidiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
414 { RTLIB::UDIV_I32, "__aeabi_uidiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
415 { RTLIB::UDIV_I64, "__aeabi_uldivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
416 };
418 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
419 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
420 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
421 if (LC.Cond != ISD::SETCC_INVALID)
422 setCmpLibcallCC(LC.Op, LC.Cond);
423 }
425 // EABI dependent RTLIB
426 if (TM.Options.EABIVersion == EABI::EABI4 ||
427 TM.Options.EABIVersion == EABI::EABI5) {
428 static const struct {
429 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
430 const char *const Name;
431 const CallingConv::ID CC;
432 const ISD::CondCode Cond;
433 } MemOpsLibraryCalls[] = {
434 // Memory operations
435 // RTABI chapter 4.3.4
436 { RTLIB::MEMCPY, "__aeabi_memcpy", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
437 { RTLIB::MEMMOVE, "__aeabi_memmove", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
438 { RTLIB::MEMSET, "__aeabi_memset", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, ISD::SETCC_INVALID },
439 };
441 for (const auto &LC : MemOpsLibraryCalls) {
442 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
443 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
444 if (LC.Cond != ISD::SETCC_INVALID)
445 setCmpLibcallCC(LC.Op, LC.Cond);
446 }
447 }
448 }
450 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) {
451 static const struct {
Excessive padding in 'struct (anonymous at /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp:451:18)' (8 padding bytes, where 0 is optimal). Optimal fields order: Name, Op, CC, consider reordering the fields or adding explicit padding members
452 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
453 const char * const Name;
454 const CallingConv::ID CC;
455 } LibraryCalls[] = {
456 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F32_I64, "__stoi64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
457 { RTLIB::FPTOSINT_F64_I64, "__dtoi64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
458 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F32_I64, "__stou64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
459 { RTLIB::FPTOUINT_F64_I64, "__dtou64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
460 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I64_F32, "__i64tos", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
461 { RTLIB::SINTTOFP_I64_F64, "__i64tod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
462 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I64_F32, "__u64tos", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
463 { RTLIB::UINTTOFP_I64_F64, "__u64tod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP },
464 };
466 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
467 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
468 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
469 }
470 }
472 // Use divmod compiler-rt calls for iOS 5.0 and later.
473 if (Subtarget->isTargetMachO() &&
474 !(Subtarget->isTargetIOS() &&
475 Subtarget->getTargetTriple().isOSVersionLT(5, 0))) {
476 setLibcallName(RTLIB::SDIVREM_I32, "__divmodsi4");
477 setLibcallName(RTLIB::UDIVREM_I32, "__udivmodsi4");
478 }
480 // The half <-> float conversion functions are always soft-float on
481 // non-watchos platforms, but are needed for some targets which use a
482 // hard-float calling convention by default.
483 if (!Subtarget->isTargetWatchABI()) {
484 if (Subtarget->isAAPCS_ABI()) {
485 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPROUND_F32_F16, CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS);
486 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F16, CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS);
487 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPEXT_F16_F32, CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS);
488 } else {
489 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPROUND_F32_F16, CallingConv::ARM_APCS);
490 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F16, CallingConv::ARM_APCS);
491 setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::FPEXT_F16_F32, CallingConv::ARM_APCS);
492 }
493 }
495 // In EABI, these functions have an __aeabi_ prefix, but in GNUEABI they have
496 // a __gnu_ prefix (which is the default).
497 if (Subtarget->isTargetAEABI()) {
498 static const struct {
499 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
500 const char * const Name;
501 const CallingConv::ID CC;
502 } LibraryCalls[] = {
503 { RTLIB::FPROUND_F32_F16, "__aeabi_f2h", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
504 { RTLIB::FPROUND_F64_F16, "__aeabi_d2h", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
505 { RTLIB::FPEXT_F16_F32, "__aeabi_h2f", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
506 };
508 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
509 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
510 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
511 }
512 }
514 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
515 addRegisterClass(MVT::i32, &ARM::tGPRRegClass);
516 else
517 addRegisterClass(MVT::i32, &ARM::GPRRegClass);
519 if (!Subtarget->useSoftFloat() && Subtarget->hasVFP2() &&
520 !Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
521 addRegisterClass(MVT::f32, &ARM::SPRRegClass);
522 addRegisterClass(MVT::f64, &ARM::DPRRegClass);
523 }
525 if (Subtarget->hasFullFP16()) {
526 addRegisterClass(MVT::f16, &ARM::HPRRegClass);
527 setOperationAction(ISD::BITCAST, MVT::i16, Custom);
528 setOperationAction(ISD::BITCAST, MVT::i32, Custom);
529 setOperationAction(ISD::BITCAST, MVT::f16, Custom);
530 }
532 for (MVT VT : MVT::vector_valuetypes()) {
533 for (MVT InnerVT : MVT::vector_valuetypes()) {
534 setTruncStoreAction(VT, InnerVT, Expand);
535 setLoadExtAction(ISD::SEXTLOAD, VT, InnerVT, Expand);
536 setLoadExtAction(ISD::ZEXTLOAD, VT, InnerVT, Expand);
537 setLoadExtAction(ISD::EXTLOAD, VT, InnerVT, Expand);
538 }
540 setOperationAction(ISD::MULHS, VT, Expand);
541 setOperationAction(ISD::SMUL_LOHI, VT, Expand);
542 setOperationAction(ISD::MULHU, VT, Expand);
543 setOperationAction(ISD::UMUL_LOHI, VT, Expand);
545 setOperationAction(ISD::BSWAP, VT, Expand);
546 }
548 setOperationAction(ISD::ConstantFP, MVT::f32, Custom);
549 setOperationAction(ISD::ConstantFP, MVT::f64, Custom);
551 setOperationAction(ISD::READ_REGISTER, MVT::i64, Custom);
552 setOperationAction(ISD::WRITE_REGISTER, MVT::i64, Custom);
554 if (Subtarget->hasNEON()) {
555 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v2f32);
556 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v8i8);
557 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v4i16);
558 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v2i32);
559 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v1i64);
561 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v4f32);
562 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v2f64);
563 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v16i8);
564 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v8i16);
565 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v4i32);
566 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v2i64);
568 if (Subtarget->hasFullFP16()) {
569 addQRTypeForNEON(MVT::v8f16);
570 addDRTypeForNEON(MVT::v4f16);
571 }
573 // v2f64 is legal so that QR subregs can be extracted as f64 elements, but
574 // neither Neon nor VFP support any arithmetic operations on it.
575 // The same with v4f32. But keep in mind that vadd, vsub, vmul are natively
576 // supported for v4f32.
577 setOperationAction(ISD::FADD, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
578 setOperationAction(ISD::FSUB, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
579 setOperationAction(ISD::FMUL, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
580 // FIXME: Code duplication: FDIV and FREM are expanded always, see
581 // ARMTargetLowering::addTypeForNEON method for details.
582 setOperationAction(ISD::FDIV, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
583 setOperationAction(ISD::FREM, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
584 // FIXME: Create unittest.
585 // In another words, find a way when "copysign" appears in DAG with vector
586 // operands.
587 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOPYSIGN, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
588 // FIXME: Code duplication: SETCC has custom operation action, see
589 // ARMTargetLowering::addTypeForNEON method for details.
590 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
591 // FIXME: Create unittest for FNEG and for FABS.
592 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEG, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
593 setOperationAction(ISD::FABS, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
594 setOperationAction(ISD::FSQRT, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
595 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
596 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
597 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
598 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
599 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG2, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
600 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG10, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
601 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
602 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP2, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
604 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
605 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
606 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
607 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
608 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
609 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
611 setOperationAction(ISD::FSQRT, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
612 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
613 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
614 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
615 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
616 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG2, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
617 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG10, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
618 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
619 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP2, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
620 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
621 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
622 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
623 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
624 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
626 // Mark v2f32 intrinsics.
627 setOperationAction(ISD::FSQRT, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
628 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
629 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
630 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
631 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
632 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG2, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
633 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG10, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
634 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
635 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP2, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
636 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
637 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
638 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
639 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
640 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
642 // Neon does not support some operations on v1i64 and v2i64 types.
643 setOperationAction(ISD::MUL, MVT::v1i64, Expand);
644 // Custom handling for some quad-vector types to detect VMULL.
645 setOperationAction(ISD::MUL, MVT::v8i16, Custom);
646 setOperationAction(ISD::MUL, MVT::v4i32, Custom);
647 setOperationAction(ISD::MUL, MVT::v2i64, Custom);
648 // Custom handling for some vector types to avoid expensive expansions
649 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
650 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, MVT::v8i8, Custom);
651 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
652 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, MVT::v8i8, Custom);
653 // Neon does not have single instruction SINT_TO_FP and UINT_TO_FP with
654 // a destination type that is wider than the source, and nor does
655 // it have a FP_TO_[SU]INT instruction with a narrower destination than
656 // source.
657 setOperationAction(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
658 setOperationAction(ISD::UINT_TO_FP, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
659 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_UINT, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
660 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
662 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_ROUND, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
663 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_EXTEND, MVT::v2f64, Expand);
665 // NEON does not have single instruction CTPOP for vectors with element
666 // types wider than 8-bits. However, custom lowering can leverage the
667 // v8i8/v16i8 vcnt instruction.
668 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v2i32, Custom);
669 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v4i32, Custom);
670 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
671 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v8i16, Custom);
672 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v1i64, Expand);
673 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::v2i64, Expand);
675 setOperationAction(ISD::CTLZ, MVT::v1i64, Expand);
676 setOperationAction(ISD::CTLZ, MVT::v2i64, Expand);
678 // NEON does not have single instruction CTTZ for vectors.
679 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v8i8, Custom);
680 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
681 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v2i32, Custom);
682 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v1i64, Custom);
684 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v16i8, Custom);
685 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v8i16, Custom);
686 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v4i32, Custom);
687 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::v2i64, Custom);
689 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v8i8, Custom);
690 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v4i16, Custom);
691 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v2i32, Custom);
692 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v1i64, Custom);
694 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v16i8, Custom);
695 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v8i16, Custom);
696 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v4i32, Custom);
697 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF, MVT::v2i64, Custom);
699 // NEON only has FMA instructions as of VFP4.
700 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP4()) {
701 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::v2f32, Expand);
702 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::v4f32, Expand);
703 }
705 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::INTRINSIC_VOID);
706 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN);
707 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN);
708 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SHL);
709 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SRL);
710 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SRA);
711 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND);
712 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND);
713 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::ANY_EXTEND);
714 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::BUILD_VECTOR);
715 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::VECTOR_SHUFFLE);
716 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT);
717 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::STORE);
718 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::FP_TO_SINT);
719 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::FP_TO_UINT);
720 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::FDIV);
721 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::LOAD);
723 // It is legal to extload from v4i8 to v4i16 or v4i32.
724 for (MVT Ty : {MVT::v8i8, MVT::v4i8, MVT::v2i8, MVT::v4i16, MVT::v2i16,
725 MVT::v2i32}) {
726 for (MVT VT : MVT::integer_vector_valuetypes()) {
727 setLoadExtAction(ISD::EXTLOAD, VT, Ty, Legal);
728 setLoadExtAction(ISD::ZEXTLOAD, VT, Ty, Legal);
729 setLoadExtAction(ISD::SEXTLOAD, VT, Ty, Legal);
730 }
731 }
732 }
734 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP()) {
735 // When targeting a floating-point unit with only single-precision
736 // operations, f64 is legal for the few double-precision instructions which
737 // are present However, no double-precision operations other than moves,
738 // loads and stores are provided by the hardware.
739 setOperationAction(ISD::FADD, MVT::f64, Expand);
740 setOperationAction(ISD::FSUB, MVT::f64, Expand);
741 setOperationAction(ISD::FMUL, MVT::f64, Expand);
742 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::f64, Expand);
743 setOperationAction(ISD::FDIV, MVT::f64, Expand);
744 setOperationAction(ISD::FREM, MVT::f64, Expand);
745 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOPYSIGN, MVT::f64, Expand);
746 setOperationAction(ISD::FGETSIGN, MVT::f64, Expand);
747 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEG, MVT::f64, Expand);
748 setOperationAction(ISD::FABS, MVT::f64, Expand);
749 setOperationAction(ISD::FSQRT, MVT::f64, Expand);
750 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::f64, Expand);
751 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::f64, Expand);
752 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::f64, Expand);
753 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG, MVT::f64, Expand);
754 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG2, MVT::f64, Expand);
755 setOperationAction(ISD::FLOG10, MVT::f64, Expand);
756 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP, MVT::f64, Expand);
757 setOperationAction(ISD::FEXP2, MVT::f64, Expand);
758 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::f64, Expand);
759 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::f64, Expand);
760 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::f64, Expand);
761 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::f64, Expand);
762 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::f64, Expand);
763 setOperationAction(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, MVT::i32, Custom);
764 setOperationAction(ISD::UINT_TO_FP, MVT::i32, Custom);
765 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, MVT::i32, Custom);
766 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_UINT, MVT::i32, Custom);
767 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, MVT::f64, Custom);
768 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_UINT, MVT::f64, Custom);
769 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_ROUND, MVT::f32, Custom);
770 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_EXTEND, MVT::f64, Custom);
771 }
773 computeRegisterProperties(Subtarget->getRegisterInfo());
775 // ARM does not have floating-point extending loads.
776 for (MVT VT : MVT::fp_valuetypes()) {
777 setLoadExtAction(ISD::EXTLOAD, VT, MVT::f32, Expand);
778 setLoadExtAction(ISD::EXTLOAD, VT, MVT::f16, Expand);
779 }
781 // ... or truncating stores
782 setTruncStoreAction(MVT::f64, MVT::f32, Expand);
783 setTruncStoreAction(MVT::f32, MVT::f16, Expand);
784 setTruncStoreAction(MVT::f64, MVT::f16, Expand);
786 // ARM does not have i1 sign extending load.
787 for (MVT VT : MVT::integer_valuetypes())
788 setLoadExtAction(ISD::SEXTLOAD, VT, MVT::i1, Promote);
790 // ARM supports all 4 flavors of integer indexed load / store.
791 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
792 for (unsigned im = (unsigned)ISD::PRE_INC;
793 im != (unsigned)ISD::LAST_INDEXED_MODE; ++im) {
794 setIndexedLoadAction(im, MVT::i1, Legal);
795 setIndexedLoadAction(im, MVT::i8, Legal);
796 setIndexedLoadAction(im, MVT::i16, Legal);
797 setIndexedLoadAction(im, MVT::i32, Legal);
798 setIndexedStoreAction(im, MVT::i1, Legal);
799 setIndexedStoreAction(im, MVT::i8, Legal);
800 setIndexedStoreAction(im, MVT::i16, Legal);
801 setIndexedStoreAction(im, MVT::i32, Legal);
802 }
803 } else {
804 // Thumb-1 has limited post-inc load/store support - LDM r0!, {r1}.
805 setIndexedLoadAction(ISD::POST_INC, MVT::i32, Legal);
806 setIndexedStoreAction(ISD::POST_INC, MVT::i32, Legal);
807 }
809 setOperationAction(ISD::SADDO, MVT::i32, Custom);
810 setOperationAction(ISD::UADDO, MVT::i32, Custom);
811 setOperationAction(ISD::SSUBO, MVT::i32, Custom);
812 setOperationAction(ISD::USUBO, MVT::i32, Custom);
814 setOperationAction(ISD::ADDCARRY, MVT::i32, Custom);
815 setOperationAction(ISD::SUBCARRY, MVT::i32, Custom);
817 // i64 operation support.
818 setOperationAction(ISD::MUL, MVT::i64, Expand);
819 setOperationAction(ISD::MULHU, MVT::i32, Expand);
820 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
821 setOperationAction(ISD::UMUL_LOHI, MVT::i32, Expand);
822 setOperationAction(ISD::SMUL_LOHI, MVT::i32, Expand);
823 }
824 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only() || !Subtarget->hasV6Ops()
825 || (Subtarget->isThumb2() && !Subtarget->hasDSP()))
826 setOperationAction(ISD::MULHS, MVT::i32, Expand);
828 setOperationAction(ISD::SHL_PARTS, MVT::i32, Custom);
829 setOperationAction(ISD::SRA_PARTS, MVT::i32, Custom);
830 setOperationAction(ISD::SRL_PARTS, MVT::i32, Custom);
831 setOperationAction(ISD::SRL, MVT::i64, Custom);
832 setOperationAction(ISD::SRA, MVT::i64, Custom);
833 setOperationAction(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, MVT::i64, Custom);
835 // Expand to __aeabi_l{lsl,lsr,asr} calls for Thumb1.
836 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
837 setOperationAction(ISD::SHL_PARTS, MVT::i32, Expand);
838 setOperationAction(ISD::SRA_PARTS, MVT::i32, Expand);
839 setOperationAction(ISD::SRL_PARTS, MVT::i32, Expand);
840 }
842 setOperationAction(ISD::ADDC, MVT::i32, Custom);
843 setOperationAction(ISD::ADDE, MVT::i32, Custom);
844 setOperationAction(ISD::SUBC, MVT::i32, Custom);
845 setOperationAction(ISD::SUBE, MVT::i32, Custom);
847 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops())
848 setOperationAction(ISD::BITREVERSE, MVT::i32, Legal);
850 // ARM does not have ROTL.
851 setOperationAction(ISD::ROTL, MVT::i32, Expand);
852 for (MVT VT : MVT::vector_valuetypes()) {
853 setOperationAction(ISD::ROTL, VT, Expand);
854 setOperationAction(ISD::ROTR, VT, Expand);
855 }
856 setOperationAction(ISD::CTTZ, MVT::i32, Custom);
857 setOperationAction(ISD::CTPOP, MVT::i32, Expand);
858 if (!Subtarget->hasV5TOps() || Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
859 setOperationAction(ISD::CTLZ, MVT::i32, Expand);
861 // @llvm.readcyclecounter requires the Performance Monitors extension.
862 // Default to the 0 expansion on unsupported platforms.
863 // FIXME: Technically there are older ARM CPUs that have
864 // implementation-specific ways of obtaining this information.
865 if (Subtarget->hasPerfMon())
866 setOperationAction(ISD::READCYCLECOUNTER, MVT::i64, Custom);
868 // Only ARMv6 has BSWAP.
869 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops())
870 setOperationAction(ISD::BSWAP, MVT::i32, Expand);
872 bool hasDivide = Subtarget->isThumb() ? Subtarget->hasDivideInThumbMode()
873 : Subtarget->hasDivideInARMMode();
874 if (!hasDivide) {
875 // These are expanded into libcalls if the cpu doesn't have HW divider.
876 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, MVT::i32, LibCall);
877 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, MVT::i32, LibCall);
878 }
880 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && !Subtarget->hasDivideInThumbMode()) {
881 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, MVT::i32, Custom);
882 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, MVT::i32, Custom);
884 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIV, MVT::i64, Custom);
885 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIV, MVT::i64, Custom);
886 }
888 setOperationAction(ISD::SREM, MVT::i32, Expand);
889 setOperationAction(ISD::UREM, MVT::i32, Expand);
891 // Register based DivRem for AEABI (RTABI 4.2)
892 if (Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() ||
893 Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() ||
894 Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) {
895 setOperationAction(ISD::SREM, MVT::i64, Custom);
896 setOperationAction(ISD::UREM, MVT::i64, Custom);
897 HasStandaloneRem = false;
899 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) {
900 const struct {
901 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
902 const char * const Name;
903 const CallingConv::ID CC;
904 } LibraryCalls[] = {
905 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I8, "__rt_sdiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
906 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I16, "__rt_sdiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
907 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I32, "__rt_sdiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
908 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I64, "__rt_sdiv64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
910 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I8, "__rt_udiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
911 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I16, "__rt_udiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
912 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I32, "__rt_udiv", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
913 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I64, "__rt_udiv64", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
914 };
916 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
917 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
918 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
919 }
920 } else {
921 const struct {
922 const RTLIB::Libcall Op;
923 const char * const Name;
924 const CallingConv::ID CC;
925 } LibraryCalls[] = {
926 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I8, "__aeabi_idivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
927 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I16, "__aeabi_idivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
928 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I32, "__aeabi_idivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
929 { RTLIB::SDIVREM_I64, "__aeabi_ldivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
931 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I8, "__aeabi_uidivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
932 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I16, "__aeabi_uidivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
933 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I32, "__aeabi_uidivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
934 { RTLIB::UDIVREM_I64, "__aeabi_uldivmod", CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS },
935 };
937 for (const auto &LC : LibraryCalls) {
938 setLibcallName(LC.Op, LC.Name);
939 setLibcallCallingConv(LC.Op, LC.CC);
940 }
941 }
943 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIVREM, MVT::i32, Custom);
944 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIVREM, MVT::i32, Custom);
945 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIVREM, MVT::i64, Custom);
946 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIVREM, MVT::i64, Custom);
947 } else {
948 setOperationAction(ISD::SDIVREM, MVT::i32, Expand);
949 setOperationAction(ISD::UDIVREM, MVT::i32, Expand);
950 }
952 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && Subtarget->getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT())
953 for (auto &VT : {MVT::f32, MVT::f64})
954 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOWI, VT, Custom);
956 setOperationAction(ISD::GlobalAddress, MVT::i32, Custom);
957 setOperationAction(ISD::ConstantPool, MVT::i32, Custom);
958 setOperationAction(ISD::GlobalTLSAddress, MVT::i32, Custom);
959 setOperationAction(ISD::BlockAddress, MVT::i32, Custom);
961 setOperationAction(ISD::TRAP, MVT::Other, Legal);
963 // Use the default implementation.
964 setOperationAction(ISD::VASTART, MVT::Other, Custom);
965 setOperationAction(ISD::VAARG, MVT::Other, Expand);
966 setOperationAction(ISD::VACOPY, MVT::Other, Expand);
967 setOperationAction(ISD::VAEND, MVT::Other, Expand);
968 setOperationAction(ISD::STACKSAVE, MVT::Other, Expand);
969 setOperationAction(ISD::STACKRESTORE, MVT::Other, Expand);
971 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows())
972 setOperationAction(ISD::DYNAMIC_STACKALLOC, MVT::i32, Custom);
973 else
974 setOperationAction(ISD::DYNAMIC_STACKALLOC, MVT::i32, Expand);
976 // ARMv6 Thumb1 (except for CPUs that support dmb / dsb) and earlier use
977 // the default expansion.
978 InsertFencesForAtomic = false;
979 if (Subtarget->hasAnyDataBarrier() &&
980 (!Subtarget->isThumb() || Subtarget->hasV8MBaselineOps())) {
981 // ATOMIC_FENCE needs custom lowering; the others should have been expanded
982 // to ldrex/strex loops already.
983 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE, MVT::Other, Custom);
984 if (!Subtarget->isThumb() || !Subtarget->isMClass())
985 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP, MVT::i64, Custom);
987 // On v8, we have particularly efficient implementations of atomic fences
988 // if they can be combined with nearby atomic loads and stores.
989 if (!Subtarget->hasV8Ops() || getTargetMachine().getOptLevel() == 0) {
990 // Automatically insert fences (dmb ish) around ATOMIC_SWAP etc.
991 InsertFencesForAtomic = true;
992 }
993 } else {
994 // If there's anything we can use as a barrier, go through custom lowering
995 // for ATOMIC_FENCE.
996 // If target has DMB in thumb, Fences can be inserted.
997 if (Subtarget->hasDataBarrier())
998 InsertFencesForAtomic = true;
1000 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE, MVT::Other,
1001 Subtarget->hasAnyDataBarrier() ? Custom : Expand);
1003 // Set them all for expansion, which will force libcalls.
1004 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP, MVT::i32, Expand);
1005 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_SWAP, MVT::i32, Expand);
1006 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD, MVT::i32, Expand);
1007 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB, MVT::i32, Expand);
1008 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_AND, MVT::i32, Expand);
1009 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_OR, MVT::i32, Expand);
1010 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR, MVT::i32, Expand);
1011 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND, MVT::i32, Expand);
1012 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_MIN, MVT::i32, Expand);
1013 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_MAX, MVT::i32, Expand);
1014 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_UMIN, MVT::i32, Expand);
1015 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD_UMAX, MVT::i32, Expand);
1016 // Mark ATOMIC_LOAD and ATOMIC_STORE custom so we can handle the
1017 // Unordered/Monotonic case.
1018 if (!InsertFencesForAtomic) {
1019 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD, MVT::i32, Custom);
1020 setOperationAction(ISD::ATOMIC_STORE, MVT::i32, Custom);
1021 }
1022 }
1024 setOperationAction(ISD::PREFETCH, MVT::Other, Custom);
1026 // Requires SXTB/SXTH, available on v6 and up in both ARM and Thumb modes.
1027 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops()) {
1028 setOperationAction(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG, MVT::i16, Expand);
1029 setOperationAction(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG, MVT::i8, Expand);
1030 }
1031 setOperationAction(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG, MVT::i1, Expand);
1033 if (!Subtarget->useSoftFloat() && Subtarget->hasVFP2() &&
1034 !Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
1035 // Turn f64->i64 into VMOVRRD, i64 -> f64 to VMOVDRR
1036 // iff target supports vfp2.
1037 setOperationAction(ISD::BITCAST, MVT::i64, Custom);
1038 setOperationAction(ISD::FLT_ROUNDS_, MVT::i32, Custom);
1039 }
1041 // We want to custom lower some of our intrinsics.
1042 setOperationAction(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, MVT::Other, Custom);
1043 setOperationAction(ISD::EH_SJLJ_SETJMP, MVT::i32, Custom);
1044 setOperationAction(ISD::EH_SJLJ_LONGJMP, MVT::Other, Custom);
1045 setOperationAction(ISD::EH_SJLJ_SETUP_DISPATCH, MVT::Other, Custom);
1046 if (Subtarget->useSjLjEH())
1047 setLibcallName(RTLIB::UNWIND_RESUME, "_Unwind_SjLj_Resume");
1049 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, MVT::i32, Expand);
1050 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, MVT::f16, Expand);
1051 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, MVT::f32, Expand);
1052 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCC, MVT::f64, Expand);
1053 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT, MVT::i32, Custom);
1054 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT, MVT::f32, Custom);
1055 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT, MVT::f64, Custom);
1056 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT_CC, MVT::f16, Custom);
1057 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT_CC, MVT::i32, Custom);
1058 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT_CC, MVT::f32, Custom);
1059 setOperationAction(ISD::SELECT_CC, MVT::f64, Custom);
1061 // Thumb-1 cannot currently select ARMISD::SUBE.
1062 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
1063 setOperationAction(ISD::SETCCE, MVT::i32, Custom);
1065 setOperationAction(ISD::BRCOND, MVT::Other, Custom);
1066 setOperationAction(ISD::BR_CC, MVT::i32, Custom);
1067 setOperationAction(ISD::BR_CC, MVT::f16, Custom);
1068 setOperationAction(ISD::BR_CC, MVT::f32, Custom);
1069 setOperationAction(ISD::BR_CC, MVT::f64, Custom);
1070 setOperationAction(ISD::BR_JT, MVT::Other, Custom);
1072 // We don't support sin/cos/fmod/copysign/pow
1073 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::f64, Expand);
1074 setOperationAction(ISD::FSIN, MVT::f32, Expand);
1075 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::f32, Expand);
1076 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOS, MVT::f64, Expand);
1077 setOperationAction(ISD::FSINCOS, MVT::f64, Expand);
1078 setOperationAction(ISD::FSINCOS, MVT::f32, Expand);
1079 setOperationAction(ISD::FREM, MVT::f64, Expand);
1080 setOperationAction(ISD::FREM, MVT::f32, Expand);
1081 if (!Subtarget->useSoftFloat() && Subtarget->hasVFP2() &&
1082 !Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
1083 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOPYSIGN, MVT::f64, Custom);
1084 setOperationAction(ISD::FCOPYSIGN, MVT::f32, Custom);
1085 }
1086 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::f64, Expand);
1087 setOperationAction(ISD::FPOW, MVT::f32, Expand);
1089 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP4()) {
1090 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::f64, Expand);
1091 setOperationAction(ISD::FMA, MVT::f32, Expand);
1092 }
1094 // Various VFP goodness
1095 if (!Subtarget->useSoftFloat() && !Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
1096 // FP-ARMv8 adds f64 <-> f16 conversion. Before that it should be expanded.
1097 if (!Subtarget->hasFPARMv8() || Subtarget->isFPOnlySP()) {
1098 setOperationAction(ISD::FP16_TO_FP, MVT::f64, Expand);
1099 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_FP16, MVT::f64, Expand);
1100 }
1102 // fp16 is a special v7 extension that adds f16 <-> f32 conversions.
1103 if (!Subtarget->hasFP16()) {
1104 setOperationAction(ISD::FP16_TO_FP, MVT::f32, Expand);
1105 setOperationAction(ISD::FP_TO_FP16, MVT::f32, Expand);
1106 }
1107 }
1109 // Use __sincos_stret if available.
1110 if (getLibcallName(RTLIB::SINCOS_STRET_F32) != nullptr &&
1111 getLibcallName(RTLIB::SINCOS_STRET_F64) != nullptr) {
1112 setOperationAction(ISD::FSINCOS, MVT::f64, Custom);
1113 setOperationAction(ISD::FSINCOS, MVT::f32, Custom);
1114 }
1116 // FP-ARMv8 implements a lot of rounding-like FP operations.
1117 if (Subtarget->hasFPARMv8()) {
1118 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::f32, Legal);
1119 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::f32, Legal);
1120 setOperationAction(ISD::FROUND, MVT::f32, Legal);
1121 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::f32, Legal);
1122 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::f32, Legal);
1123 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::f32, Legal);
1124 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNUM, MVT::f32, Legal);
1125 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNUM, MVT::f32, Legal);
1126 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNUM, MVT::v2f32, Legal);
1127 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNUM, MVT::v2f32, Legal);
1128 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNUM, MVT::v4f32, Legal);
1129 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNUM, MVT::v4f32, Legal);
1131 if (!Subtarget->isFPOnlySP()) {
1132 setOperationAction(ISD::FFLOOR, MVT::f64, Legal);
1133 setOperationAction(ISD::FCEIL, MVT::f64, Legal);
1134 setOperationAction(ISD::FROUND, MVT::f64, Legal);
1135 setOperationAction(ISD::FTRUNC, MVT::f64, Legal);
1136 setOperationAction(ISD::FNEARBYINT, MVT::f64, Legal);
1137 setOperationAction(ISD::FRINT, MVT::f64, Legal);
1138 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNUM, MVT::f64, Legal);
1139 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNUM, MVT::f64, Legal);
1140 }
1141 }
1143 if (Subtarget->hasNEON()) {
1144 // vmin and vmax aren't available in a scalar form, so we use
1145 // a NEON instruction with an undef lane instead.
1146 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNAN, MVT::f32, Legal);
1147 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNAN, MVT::f32, Legal);
1148 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNAN, MVT::v2f32, Legal);
1149 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNAN, MVT::v2f32, Legal);
1150 setOperationAction(ISD::FMINNAN, MVT::v4f32, Legal);
1151 setOperationAction(ISD::FMAXNAN, MVT::v4f32, Legal);
1152 }
1154 // We have target-specific dag combine patterns for the following nodes:
1155 // ARMISD::VMOVRRD - No need to call setTargetDAGCombine
1156 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::ADD);
1157 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SUB);
1158 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::MUL);
1159 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::AND);
1160 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::OR);
1161 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::XOR);
1163 if (Subtarget->hasV6Ops())
1164 setTargetDAGCombine(ISD::SRL);
1166 setStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore(ARM::SP);
1168 if (Subtarget->useSoftFloat() || Subtarget->isThumb1Only() ||
1169 !Subtarget->hasVFP2())
1170 setSchedulingPreference(Sched::RegPressure);
1171 else
1172 setSchedulingPreference(Sched::Hybrid);
1174 //// temporary - rewrite interface to use type
1175 MaxStoresPerMemset = 8;
1176 MaxStoresPerMemsetOptSize = 4;
1177 MaxStoresPerMemcpy = 4; // For @llvm.memcpy -> sequence of stores
1178 MaxStoresPerMemcpyOptSize = 2;
1179 MaxStoresPerMemmove = 4; // For @llvm.memmove -> sequence of stores
1180 MaxStoresPerMemmoveOptSize = 2;
1182 // On ARM arguments smaller than 4 bytes are extended, so all arguments
1183 // are at least 4 bytes aligned.
1184 setMinStackArgumentAlignment(4);
1186 // Prefer likely predicted branches to selects on out-of-order cores.
1187 PredictableSelectIsExpensive = Subtarget->getSchedModel().isOutOfOrder();
1189 setMinFunctionAlignment(Subtarget->isThumb() ? 1 : 2);
1192bool ARMTargetLowering::useSoftFloat() const {
1193 return Subtarget->useSoftFloat();
1196// FIXME: It might make sense to define the representative register class as the
1197// nearest super-register that has a non-null superset. For example, DPR_VFP2 is
1198// a super-register of SPR, and DPR is a superset if DPR_VFP2. Consequently,
1199// SPR's representative would be DPR_VFP2. This should work well if register
1200// pressure tracking were modified such that a register use would increment the
1201// pressure of the register class's representative and all of it's super
1202// classes' representatives transitively. We have not implemented this because
1203// of the difficulty prior to coalescing of modeling operand register classes
1204// due to the common occurrence of cross class copies and subregister insertions
1205// and extractions.
1206std::pair<const TargetRegisterClass *, uint8_t>
1207ARMTargetLowering::findRepresentativeClass(const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
1208 MVT VT) const {
1209 const TargetRegisterClass *RRC = nullptr;
1210 uint8_t Cost = 1;
1211 switch (VT.SimpleTy) {
1212 default:
1213 return TargetLowering::findRepresentativeClass(TRI, VT);
1214 // Use DPR as representative register class for all floating point
1215 // and vector types. Since there are 32 SPR registers and 32 DPR registers so
1216 // the cost is 1 for both f32 and f64.
1217 case MVT::f32: case MVT::f64: case MVT::v8i8: case MVT::v4i16:
1218 case MVT::v2i32: case MVT::v1i64: case MVT::v2f32:
1219 RRC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
1220 // When NEON is used for SP, only half of the register file is available
1221 // because operations that define both SP and DP results will be constrained
1222 // to the VFP2 class (D0-D15). We currently model this constraint prior to
1223 // coalescing by double-counting the SP regs. See the FIXME above.
1224 if (Subtarget->useNEONForSinglePrecisionFP())
1225 Cost = 2;
1226 break;
1227 case MVT::v16i8: case MVT::v8i16: case MVT::v4i32: case MVT::v2i64:
1228 case MVT::v4f32: case MVT::v2f64:
1229 RRC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
1230 Cost = 2;
1231 break;
1232 case MVT::v4i64:
1233 RRC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
1234 Cost = 4;
1235 break;
1236 case MVT::v8i64:
1237 RRC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
1238 Cost = 8;
1239 break;
1240 }
1241 return std::make_pair(RRC, Cost);
1244const char *ARMTargetLowering::getTargetNodeName(unsigned Opcode) const {
1245 switch ((ARMISD::NodeType)Opcode) {
1246 case ARMISD::FIRST_NUMBER: break;
1247 case ARMISD::Wrapper: return "ARMISD::Wrapper";
1248 case ARMISD::WrapperPIC: return "ARMISD::WrapperPIC";
1249 case ARMISD::WrapperJT: return "ARMISD::WrapperJT";
1251 case ARMISD::CALL: return "ARMISD::CALL";
1252 case ARMISD::CALL_PRED: return "ARMISD::CALL_PRED";
1254 case ARMISD::BRCOND: return "ARMISD::BRCOND";
1255 case ARMISD::BR_JT: return "ARMISD::BR_JT";
1256 case ARMISD::BR2_JT: return "ARMISD::BR2_JT";
1257 case ARMISD::RET_FLAG: return "ARMISD::RET_FLAG";
1259 case ARMISD::PIC_ADD: return "ARMISD::PIC_ADD";
1260 case ARMISD::CMP: return "ARMISD::CMP";
1261 case ARMISD::CMN: return "ARMISD::CMN";
1262 case ARMISD::CMPZ: return "ARMISD::CMPZ";
1263 case ARMISD::CMPFP: return "ARMISD::CMPFP";
1264 case ARMISD::CMPFPw0: return "ARMISD::CMPFPw0";
1265 case ARMISD::BCC_i64: return "ARMISD::BCC_i64";
1266 case ARMISD::FMSTAT: return "ARMISD::FMSTAT";
1268 case ARMISD::CMOV: return "ARMISD::CMOV";
1270 case ARMISD::SSAT: return "ARMISD::SSAT";
1271 case ARMISD::USAT: return "ARMISD::USAT";
1273 case ARMISD::SRL_FLAG: return "ARMISD::SRL_FLAG";
1274 case ARMISD::SRA_FLAG: return "ARMISD::SRA_FLAG";
1275 case ARMISD::RRX: return "ARMISD::RRX";
1277 case ARMISD::ADDC: return "ARMISD::ADDC";
1278 case ARMISD::ADDE: return "ARMISD::ADDE";
1279 case ARMISD::SUBC: return "ARMISD::SUBC";
1280 case ARMISD::SUBE: return "ARMISD::SUBE";
1282 case ARMISD::VMOVRRD: return "ARMISD::VMOVRRD";
1283 case ARMISD::VMOVDRR: return "ARMISD::VMOVDRR";
1284 case ARMISD::VMOVhr: return "ARMISD::VMOVhr";
1285 case ARMISD::VMOVrh: return "ARMISD::VMOVrh";
1286 case ARMISD::VMOVSR: return "ARMISD::VMOVSR";
1292 case ARMISD::TC_RETURN: return "ARMISD::TC_RETURN";
1296 case ARMISD::DYN_ALLOC: return "ARMISD::DYN_ALLOC";
1300 case ARMISD::PRELOAD: return "ARMISD::PRELOAD";
1302 case ARMISD::WIN__CHKSTK: return "ARMISD::WIN__CHKSTK";
1303 case ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK: return "ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK";
1305 case ARMISD::VCEQ: return "ARMISD::VCEQ";
1306 case ARMISD::VCEQZ: return "ARMISD::VCEQZ";
1307 case ARMISD::VCGE: return "ARMISD::VCGE";
1308 case ARMISD::VCGEZ: return "ARMISD::VCGEZ";
1309 case ARMISD::VCLEZ: return "ARMISD::VCLEZ";
1310 case ARMISD::VCGEU: return "ARMISD::VCGEU";
1311 case ARMISD::VCGT: return "ARMISD::VCGT";
1312 case ARMISD::VCGTZ: return "ARMISD::VCGTZ";
1313 case ARMISD::VCLTZ: return "ARMISD::VCLTZ";
1314 case ARMISD::VCGTU: return "ARMISD::VCGTU";
1315 case ARMISD::VTST: return "ARMISD::VTST";
1317 case ARMISD::VSHL: return "ARMISD::VSHL";
1318 case ARMISD::VSHRs: return "ARMISD::VSHRs";
1319 case ARMISD::VSHRu: return "ARMISD::VSHRu";
1320 case ARMISD::VRSHRs: return "ARMISD::VRSHRs";
1321 case ARMISD::VRSHRu: return "ARMISD::VRSHRu";
1322 case ARMISD::VRSHRN: return "ARMISD::VRSHRN";
1323 case ARMISD::VQSHLs: return "ARMISD::VQSHLs";
1324 case ARMISD::VQSHLu: return "ARMISD::VQSHLu";
1325 case ARMISD::VQSHLsu: return "ARMISD::VQSHLsu";
1326 case ARMISD::VQSHRNs: return "ARMISD::VQSHRNs";
1327 case ARMISD::VQSHRNu: return "ARMISD::VQSHRNu";
1328 case ARMISD::VQSHRNsu: return "ARMISD::VQSHRNsu";
1329 case ARMISD::VQRSHRNs: return "ARMISD::VQRSHRNs";
1330 case ARMISD::VQRSHRNu: return "ARMISD::VQRSHRNu";
1331 case ARMISD::VQRSHRNsu: return "ARMISD::VQRSHRNsu";
1332 case ARMISD::VSLI: return "ARMISD::VSLI";
1333 case ARMISD::VSRI: return "ARMISD::VSRI";
1334 case ARMISD::VGETLANEu: return "ARMISD::VGETLANEu";
1335 case ARMISD::VGETLANEs: return "ARMISD::VGETLANEs";
1336 case ARMISD::VMOVIMM: return "ARMISD::VMOVIMM";
1337 case ARMISD::VMVNIMM: return "ARMISD::VMVNIMM";
1339 case ARMISD::VDUP: return "ARMISD::VDUP";
1341 case ARMISD::VEXT: return "ARMISD::VEXT";
1342 case ARMISD::VREV64: return "ARMISD::VREV64";
1343 case ARMISD::VREV32: return "ARMISD::VREV32";
1344 case ARMISD::VREV16: return "ARMISD::VREV16";
1345 case ARMISD::VZIP: return "ARMISD::VZIP";
1346 case ARMISD::VUZP: return "ARMISD::VUZP";
1347 case ARMISD::VTRN: return "ARMISD::VTRN";
1348 case ARMISD::VTBL1: return "ARMISD::VTBL1";
1349 case ARMISD::VTBL2: return "ARMISD::VTBL2";
1350 case ARMISD::VMULLs: return "ARMISD::VMULLs";
1351 case ARMISD::VMULLu: return "ARMISD::VMULLu";
1352 case ARMISD::UMAAL: return "ARMISD::UMAAL";
1353 case ARMISD::UMLAL: return "ARMISD::UMLAL";
1354 case ARMISD::SMLAL: return "ARMISD::SMLAL";
1355 case ARMISD::SMLALBB: return "ARMISD::SMLALBB";
1356 case ARMISD::SMLALBT: return "ARMISD::SMLALBT";
1357 case ARMISD::SMLALTB: return "ARMISD::SMLALTB";
1358 case ARMISD::SMLALTT: return "ARMISD::SMLALTT";
1359 case ARMISD::SMULWB: return "ARMISD::SMULWB";
1360 case ARMISD::SMULWT: return "ARMISD::SMULWT";
1361 case ARMISD::SMLALD: return "ARMISD::SMLALD";
1362 case ARMISD::SMLALDX: return "ARMISD::SMLALDX";
1363 case ARMISD::SMLSLD: return "ARMISD::SMLSLD";
1364 case ARMISD::SMLSLDX: return "ARMISD::SMLSLDX";
1365 case ARMISD::SMMLAR: return "ARMISD::SMMLAR";
1366 case ARMISD::SMMLSR: return "ARMISD::SMMLSR";
1368 case ARMISD::BFI: return "ARMISD::BFI";
1369 case ARMISD::VORRIMM: return "ARMISD::VORRIMM";
1370 case ARMISD::VBICIMM: return "ARMISD::VBICIMM";
1371 case ARMISD::VBSL: return "ARMISD::VBSL";
1372 case ARMISD::MEMCPY: return "ARMISD::MEMCPY";
1373 case ARMISD::VLD1DUP: return "ARMISD::VLD1DUP";
1374 case ARMISD::VLD2DUP: return "ARMISD::VLD2DUP";
1375 case ARMISD::VLD3DUP: return "ARMISD::VLD3DUP";
1376 case ARMISD::VLD4DUP: return "ARMISD::VLD4DUP";
1377 case ARMISD::VLD1_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD1_UPD";
1378 case ARMISD::VLD2_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD2_UPD";
1379 case ARMISD::VLD3_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD3_UPD";
1380 case ARMISD::VLD4_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD4_UPD";
1381 case ARMISD::VLD2LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD2LN_UPD";
1382 case ARMISD::VLD3LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD3LN_UPD";
1383 case ARMISD::VLD4LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD4LN_UPD";
1384 case ARMISD::VLD1DUP_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD1DUP_UPD";
1385 case ARMISD::VLD2DUP_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD2DUP_UPD";
1386 case ARMISD::VLD3DUP_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD3DUP_UPD";
1387 case ARMISD::VLD4DUP_UPD: return "ARMISD::VLD4DUP_UPD";
1388 case ARMISD::VST1_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST1_UPD";
1389 case ARMISD::VST2_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST2_UPD";
1390 case ARMISD::VST3_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST3_UPD";
1391 case ARMISD::VST4_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST4_UPD";
1392 case ARMISD::VST2LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST2LN_UPD";
1393 case ARMISD::VST3LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST3LN_UPD";
1394 case ARMISD::VST4LN_UPD: return "ARMISD::VST4LN_UPD";
1395 }
1396 return nullptr;
1399EVT ARMTargetLowering::getSetCCResultType(const DataLayout &DL, LLVMContext &,
1400 EVT VT) const {
1401 if (!VT.isVector())
1402 return getPointerTy(DL);
1403 return VT.changeVectorElementTypeToInteger();
1406/// getRegClassFor - Return the register class that should be used for the
1407/// specified value type.
1408const TargetRegisterClass *ARMTargetLowering::getRegClassFor(MVT VT) const {
1409 // Map v4i64 to QQ registers but do not make the type legal. Similarly map
1410 // v8i64 to QQQQ registers. v4i64 and v8i64 are only used for REG_SEQUENCE to
1411 // load / store 4 to 8 consecutive D registers.
1412 if (Subtarget->hasNEON()) {
1413 if (VT == MVT::v4i64)
1414 return &ARM::QQPRRegClass;
1415 if (VT == MVT::v8i64)
1416 return &ARM::QQQQPRRegClass;
1417 }
1418 return TargetLowering::getRegClassFor(VT);
1421// memcpy, and other memory intrinsics, typically tries to use LDM/STM if the
1422// source/dest is aligned and the copy size is large enough. We therefore want
1423// to align such objects passed to memory intrinsics.
1424bool ARMTargetLowering::shouldAlignPointerArgs(CallInst *CI, unsigned &MinSize,
1425 unsigned &PrefAlign) const {
1426 if (!isa<MemIntrinsic>(CI))
1427 return false;
1428 MinSize = 8;
1429 // On ARM11 onwards (excluding M class) 8-byte aligned LDM is typically 1
1430 // cycle faster than 4-byte aligned LDM.
1431 PrefAlign = (Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && !Subtarget->isMClass() ? 8 : 4);
1432 return true;
1435// Create a fast isel object.
1436FastISel *
1437ARMTargetLowering::createFastISel(FunctionLoweringInfo &funcInfo,
1438 const TargetLibraryInfo *libInfo) const {
1439 return ARM::createFastISel(funcInfo, libInfo);
1442Sched::Preference ARMTargetLowering::getSchedulingPreference(SDNode *N) const {
1443 unsigned NumVals = N->getNumValues();
1444 if (!NumVals)
1445 return Sched::RegPressure;
1447 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumVals; ++i) {
1448 EVT VT = N->getValueType(i);
1449 if (VT == MVT::Glue || VT == MVT::Other)
1450 continue;
1451 if (VT.isFloatingPoint() || VT.isVector())
1452 return Sched::ILP;
1453 }
1455 if (!N->isMachineOpcode())
1456 return Sched::RegPressure;
1458 // Load are scheduled for latency even if there instruction itinerary
1459 // is not available.
1460 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
1461 const MCInstrDesc &MCID = TII->get(N->getMachineOpcode());
1463 if (MCID.getNumDefs() == 0)
1464 return Sched::RegPressure;
1465 if (!Itins->isEmpty() &&
1466 Itins->getOperandCycle(MCID.getSchedClass(), 0) > 2)
1467 return Sched::ILP;
1469 return Sched::RegPressure;
1473// Lowering Code
1476static bool isSRL16(const SDValue &Op) {
1477 if (Op.getOpcode() != ISD::SRL)
1478 return false;
1479 if (auto Const = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1)))
1480 return Const->getZExtValue() == 16;
1481 return false;
1484static bool isSRA16(const SDValue &Op) {
1485 if (Op.getOpcode() != ISD::SRA)
1486 return false;
1487 if (auto Const = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1)))
1488 return Const->getZExtValue() == 16;
1489 return false;
1492static bool isSHL16(const SDValue &Op) {
1493 if (Op.getOpcode() != ISD::SHL)
1494 return false;
1495 if (auto Const = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1)))
1496 return Const->getZExtValue() == 16;
1497 return false;
1500// Check for a signed 16-bit value. We special case SRA because it makes it
1501// more simple when also looking for SRAs that aren't sign extending a
1502// smaller value. Without the check, we'd need to take extra care with
1503// checking order for some operations.
1504static bool isS16(const SDValue &Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
1505 if (isSRA16(Op))
1506 return isSHL16(Op.getOperand(0));
1507 return DAG.ComputeNumSignBits(Op) == 17;
1510/// IntCCToARMCC - Convert a DAG integer condition code to an ARM CC
1511static ARMCC::CondCodes IntCCToARMCC(ISD::CondCode CC) {
1512 switch (CC) {
1513 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown condition code!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown condition code!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1513)
1514 case ISD::SETNE: return ARMCC::NE;
1515 case ISD::SETEQ: return ARMCC::EQ;
1516 case ISD::SETGT: return ARMCC::GT;
1517 case ISD::SETGE: return ARMCC::GE;
1518 case ISD::SETLT: return ARMCC::LT;
1519 case ISD::SETLE: return ARMCC::LE;
1520 case ISD::SETUGT: return ARMCC::HI;
1521 case ISD::SETUGE: return ARMCC::HS;
1522 case ISD::SETULT: return ARMCC::LO;
1523 case ISD::SETULE: return ARMCC::LS;
1524 }
1527/// FPCCToARMCC - Convert a DAG fp condition code to an ARM CC.
1528static void FPCCToARMCC(ISD::CondCode CC, ARMCC::CondCodes &CondCode,
1529 ARMCC::CondCodes &CondCode2, bool &InvalidOnQNaN) {
1530 CondCode2 = ARMCC::AL;
1531 InvalidOnQNaN = true;
1532 switch (CC) {
1533 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown FP condition!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown FP condition!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1533)
1534 case ISD::SETEQ:
1535 case ISD::SETOEQ:
1536 CondCode = ARMCC::EQ;
1537 InvalidOnQNaN = false;
1538 break;
1539 case ISD::SETGT:
1540 case ISD::SETOGT: CondCode = ARMCC::GT; break;
1541 case ISD::SETGE:
1542 case ISD::SETOGE: CondCode = ARMCC::GE; break;
1543 case ISD::SETOLT: CondCode = ARMCC::MI; break;
1544 case ISD::SETOLE: CondCode = ARMCC::LS; break;
1545 case ISD::SETONE:
1546 CondCode = ARMCC::MI;
1547 CondCode2 = ARMCC::GT;
1548 InvalidOnQNaN = false;
1549 break;
1550 case ISD::SETO: CondCode = ARMCC::VC; break;
1551 case ISD::SETUO: CondCode = ARMCC::VS; break;
1552 case ISD::SETUEQ:
1553 CondCode = ARMCC::EQ;
1554 CondCode2 = ARMCC::VS;
1555 InvalidOnQNaN = false;
1556 break;
1557 case ISD::SETUGT: CondCode = ARMCC::HI; break;
1558 case ISD::SETUGE: CondCode = ARMCC::PL; break;
1559 case ISD::SETLT:
1560 case ISD::SETULT: CondCode = ARMCC::LT; break;
1561 case ISD::SETLE:
1562 case ISD::SETULE: CondCode = ARMCC::LE; break;
1563 case ISD::SETNE:
1564 case ISD::SETUNE:
1565 CondCode = ARMCC::NE;
1566 InvalidOnQNaN = false;
1567 break;
1568 }
1572// Calling Convention Implementation
1575#include "ARMGenCallingConv.inc"
1577/// getEffectiveCallingConv - Get the effective calling convention, taking into
1578/// account presence of floating point hardware and calling convention
1579/// limitations, such as support for variadic functions.
1581ARMTargetLowering::getEffectiveCallingConv(CallingConv::ID CC,
1582 bool isVarArg) const {
1583 switch (CC) {
1584 default:
1585 report_fatal_error("Unsupported calling convention");
1586 case CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS:
1587 case CallingConv::ARM_APCS:
1588 case CallingConv::GHC:
1589 return CC;
1590 case CallingConv::PreserveMost:
1591 return CallingConv::PreserveMost;
1592 case CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP:
1593 case CallingConv::Swift:
1594 return isVarArg ? CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS : CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP;
1595 case CallingConv::C:
1596 if (!Subtarget->isAAPCS_ABI())
1597 return CallingConv::ARM_APCS;
1598 else if (Subtarget->hasVFP2() && !Subtarget->isThumb1Only() &&
1599 getTargetMachine().Options.FloatABIType == FloatABI::Hard &&
1600 !isVarArg)
1601 return CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP;
1602 else
1603 return CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS;
1604 case CallingConv::Fast:
1605 case CallingConv::CXX_FAST_TLS:
1606 if (!Subtarget->isAAPCS_ABI()) {
1607 if (Subtarget->hasVFP2() && !Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && !isVarArg)
1608 return CallingConv::Fast;
1609 return CallingConv::ARM_APCS;
1610 } else if (Subtarget->hasVFP2() && !Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && !isVarArg)
1611 return CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP;
1612 else
1613 return CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS;
1614 }
1617CCAssignFn *ARMTargetLowering::CCAssignFnForCall(CallingConv::ID CC,
1618 bool isVarArg) const {
1619 return CCAssignFnForNode(CC, false, isVarArg);
1622CCAssignFn *ARMTargetLowering::CCAssignFnForReturn(CallingConv::ID CC,
1623 bool isVarArg) const {
1624 return CCAssignFnForNode(CC, true, isVarArg);
1627/// CCAssignFnForNode - Selects the correct CCAssignFn for the given
1628/// CallingConvention.
1629CCAssignFn *ARMTargetLowering::CCAssignFnForNode(CallingConv::ID CC,
1630 bool Return,
1631 bool isVarArg) const {
1632 switch (getEffectiveCallingConv(CC, isVarArg)) {
1633 default:
1634 report_fatal_error("Unsupported calling convention");
1635 case CallingConv::ARM_APCS:
1636 return (Return ? RetCC_ARM_APCS : CC_ARM_APCS);
1637 case CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS:
1638 return (Return ? RetCC_ARM_AAPCS : CC_ARM_AAPCS);
1639 case CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP:
1640 return (Return ? RetCC_ARM_AAPCS_VFP : CC_ARM_AAPCS_VFP);
1641 case CallingConv::Fast:
1642 return (Return ? RetFastCC_ARM_APCS : FastCC_ARM_APCS);
1643 case CallingConv::GHC:
1644 return (Return ? RetCC_ARM_APCS : CC_ARM_APCS_GHC);
1645 case CallingConv::PreserveMost:
1646 return (Return ? RetCC_ARM_AAPCS : CC_ARM_AAPCS);
1647 }
1650/// LowerCallResult - Lower the result values of a call into the
1651/// appropriate copies out of appropriate physical registers.
1652SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerCallResult(
1653 SDValue Chain, SDValue InFlag, CallingConv::ID CallConv, bool isVarArg,
1654 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> &Ins, const SDLoc &dl,
1655 SelectionDAG &DAG, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &InVals, bool isThisReturn,
1656 SDValue ThisVal) const {
1657 // Assign locations to each value returned by this call.
1658 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> RVLocs;
1659 CCState CCInfo(CallConv, isVarArg, DAG.getMachineFunction(), RVLocs,
1660 *DAG.getContext());
1661 CCInfo.AnalyzeCallResult(Ins, CCAssignFnForReturn(CallConv, isVarArg));
1663 // Copy all of the result registers out of their specified physreg.
1664 for (unsigned i = 0; i != RVLocs.size(); ++i) {
1665 CCValAssign VA = RVLocs[i];
1667 // Pass 'this' value directly from the argument to return value, to avoid
1668 // reg unit interference
1669 if (i == 0 && isThisReturn) {
1670 assert(!VA.needsCustom() && VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (!VA.needsCustom() && VA.getLocVT
() == MVT::i32 && "unexpected return calling convention register assignment"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!VA.needsCustom() && VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected return calling convention register assignment\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1671, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1671 "unexpected return calling convention register assignment")(static_cast <bool> (!VA.needsCustom() && VA.getLocVT
() == MVT::i32 && "unexpected return calling convention register assignment"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!VA.needsCustom() && VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected return calling convention register assignment\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1671, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1672 InVals.push_back(ThisVal);
1673 continue;
1674 }
1676 SDValue Val;
1677 if (VA.needsCustom()) {
1678 // Handle f64 or half of a v2f64.
1679 SDValue Lo = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), MVT::i32,
1680 InFlag);
1681 Chain = Lo.getValue(1);
1682 InFlag = Lo.getValue(2);
1683 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
1684 SDValue Hi = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), MVT::i32,
1685 InFlag);
1686 Chain = Hi.getValue(1);
1687 InFlag = Hi.getValue(2);
1688 if (!Subtarget->isLittle())
1689 std::swap (Lo, Hi);
1690 Val = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, Lo, Hi);
1692 if (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::v2f64) {
1693 SDValue Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::UNDEF, dl, MVT::v2f64);
1694 Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64, Vec, Val,
1695 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
1697 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
1698 Lo = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), MVT::i32, InFlag);
1699 Chain = Lo.getValue(1);
1700 InFlag = Lo.getValue(2);
1701 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
1702 Hi = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), MVT::i32, InFlag);
1703 Chain = Hi.getValue(1);
1704 InFlag = Hi.getValue(2);
1705 if (!Subtarget->isLittle())
1706 std::swap (Lo, Hi);
1707 Val = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, Lo, Hi);
1708 Val = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64, Vec, Val,
1709 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
1710 }
1711 } else {
1712 Val = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), VA.getLocVT(),
1713 InFlag);
1714 Chain = Val.getValue(1);
1715 InFlag = Val.getValue(2);
1716 }
1718 switch (VA.getLocInfo()) {
1719 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown loc info!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown loc info!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1719)
1720 case CCValAssign::Full: break;
1721 case CCValAssign::BCvt:
1722 Val = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VA.getValVT(), Val);
1723 break;
1724 }
1726 InVals.push_back(Val);
1727 }
1729 return Chain;
1732/// LowerMemOpCallTo - Store the argument to the stack.
1733SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerMemOpCallTo(SDValue Chain, SDValue StackPtr,
1734 SDValue Arg, const SDLoc &dl,
1735 SelectionDAG &DAG,
1736 const CCValAssign &VA,
1737 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags) const {
1738 unsigned LocMemOffset = VA.getLocMemOffset();
1739 SDValue PtrOff = DAG.getIntPtrConstant(LocMemOffset, dl);
1740 PtrOff = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()),
1741 StackPtr, PtrOff);
1742 return DAG.getStore(
1743 Chain, dl, Arg, PtrOff,
1744 MachinePointerInfo::getStack(DAG.getMachineFunction(), LocMemOffset));
1747void ARMTargetLowering::PassF64ArgInRegs(const SDLoc &dl, SelectionDAG &DAG,
1748 SDValue Chain, SDValue &Arg,
1749 RegsToPassVector &RegsToPass,
1750 CCValAssign &VA, CCValAssign &NextVA,
1751 SDValue &StackPtr,
1752 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &MemOpChains,
1753 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags) const {
1754 SDValue fmrrd = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
1755 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Arg);
1756 unsigned id = Subtarget->isLittle() ? 0 : 1;
1757 RegsToPass.push_back(std::make_pair(VA.getLocReg(), fmrrd.getValue(id)));
1759 if (NextVA.isRegLoc())
1760 RegsToPass.push_back(std::make_pair(NextVA.getLocReg(), fmrrd.getValue(1-id)));
1761 else {
1762 assert(NextVA.isMemLoc())(static_cast <bool> (NextVA.isMemLoc()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("NextVA.isMemLoc()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1762, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1763 if (!StackPtr.getNode())
1764 StackPtr = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, ARM::SP,
1765 getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
1767 MemOpChains.push_back(LowerMemOpCallTo(Chain, StackPtr, fmrrd.getValue(1-id),
1768 dl, DAG, NextVA,
1769 Flags));
1770 }
1773/// LowerCall - Lowering a call into a callseq_start <-
1774/// ARMISD:CALL <- callseq_end chain. Also add input and output parameter
1775/// nodes.
1777ARMTargetLowering::LowerCall(TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo &CLI,
1778 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &InVals) const {
1779 SelectionDAG &DAG = CLI.DAG;
1780 SDLoc &dl = CLI.DL;
1781 SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &Outs = CLI.Outs;
1782 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &OutVals = CLI.OutVals;
1783 SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> &Ins = CLI.Ins;
1784 SDValue Chain = CLI.Chain;
1785 SDValue Callee = CLI.Callee;
1786 bool &isTailCall = CLI.IsTailCall;
1787 CallingConv::ID CallConv = CLI.CallConv;
1788 bool doesNotRet = CLI.DoesNotReturn;
1789 bool isVarArg = CLI.IsVarArg;
1791 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
1792 bool isStructRet = (Outs.empty()) ? false : Outs[0].Flags.isSRet();
1793 bool isThisReturn = false;
1794 bool isSibCall = false;
1795 auto Attr = MF.getFunction().getFnAttribute("disable-tail-calls");
1797 // Disable tail calls if they're not supported.
1798 if (!Subtarget->supportsTailCall() || Attr.getValueAsString() == "true")
1799 isTailCall = false;
1801 if (isTailCall) {
1802 // Check if it's really possible to do a tail call.
1803 isTailCall = IsEligibleForTailCallOptimization(Callee, CallConv,
1804 isVarArg, isStructRet, MF.getFunction().hasStructRetAttr(),
1805 Outs, OutVals, Ins, DAG);
1806 if (!isTailCall && CLI.CS && CLI.CS.isMustTailCall())
1807 report_fatal_error("failed to perform tail call elimination on a call "
1808 "site marked musttail");
1809 // We don't support GuaranteedTailCallOpt for ARM, only automatically
1810 // detected sibcalls.
1811 if (isTailCall) {
1812 ++NumTailCalls;
1813 isSibCall = true;
1814 }
1815 }
1817 // Analyze operands of the call, assigning locations to each operand.
1818 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> ArgLocs;
1819 CCState CCInfo(CallConv, isVarArg, DAG.getMachineFunction(), ArgLocs,
1820 *DAG.getContext());
1821 CCInfo.AnalyzeCallOperands(Outs, CCAssignFnForCall(CallConv, isVarArg));
1823 // Get a count of how many bytes are to be pushed on the stack.
1824 unsigned NumBytes = CCInfo.getNextStackOffset();
1826 // For tail calls, memory operands are available in our caller's stack.
1827 if (isSibCall)
1828 NumBytes = 0;
1830 // Adjust the stack pointer for the new arguments...
1831 // These operations are automatically eliminated by the prolog/epilog pass
1832 if (!isSibCall)
1833 Chain = DAG.getCALLSEQ_START(Chain, NumBytes, 0, dl);
1835 SDValue StackPtr =
1836 DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, ARM::SP, getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
1838 RegsToPassVector RegsToPass;
1839 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> MemOpChains;
1841 // Walk the register/memloc assignments, inserting copies/loads. In the case
1842 // of tail call optimization, arguments are handled later.
1843 for (unsigned i = 0, realArgIdx = 0, e = ArgLocs.size();
1844 i != e;
1845 ++i, ++realArgIdx) {
1846 CCValAssign &VA = ArgLocs[i];
1847 SDValue Arg = OutVals[realArgIdx];
1848 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags = Outs[realArgIdx].Flags;
1849 bool isByVal = Flags.isByVal();
1851 // Promote the value if needed.
1852 switch (VA.getLocInfo()) {
1853 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown loc info!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown loc info!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1853)
1854 case CCValAssign::Full: break;
1855 case CCValAssign::SExt:
1856 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, VA.getLocVT(), Arg);
1857 break;
1858 case CCValAssign::ZExt:
1859 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, dl, VA.getLocVT(), Arg);
1860 break;
1861 case CCValAssign::AExt:
1862 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::ANY_EXTEND, dl, VA.getLocVT(), Arg);
1863 break;
1864 case CCValAssign::BCvt:
1865 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VA.getLocVT(), Arg);
1866 break;
1867 }
1869 // f64 and v2f64 might be passed in i32 pairs and must be split into pieces
1870 if (VA.needsCustom()) {
1871 if (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::v2f64) {
1872 SDValue Op0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f64, Arg,
1873 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
1874 SDValue Op1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f64, Arg,
1875 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
1877 PassF64ArgInRegs(dl, DAG, Chain, Op0, RegsToPass,
1878 VA, ArgLocs[++i], StackPtr, MemOpChains, Flags);
1880 VA = ArgLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
1881 if (VA.isRegLoc()) {
1882 PassF64ArgInRegs(dl, DAG, Chain, Op1, RegsToPass,
1883 VA, ArgLocs[++i], StackPtr, MemOpChains, Flags);
1884 } else {
1885 assert(VA.isMemLoc())(static_cast <bool> (VA.isMemLoc()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("VA.isMemLoc()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1885, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1887 MemOpChains.push_back(LowerMemOpCallTo(Chain, StackPtr, Op1,
1888 dl, DAG, VA, Flags));
1889 }
1890 } else {
1891 PassF64ArgInRegs(dl, DAG, Chain, Arg, RegsToPass, VA, ArgLocs[++i],
1892 StackPtr, MemOpChains, Flags);
1893 }
1894 } else if (VA.isRegLoc()) {
1895 if (realArgIdx == 0 && Flags.isReturned() && !Flags.isSwiftSelf() &&
1896 Outs[0].VT == MVT::i32) {
1897 assert(VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 &&
"unexpected calling convention register assignment") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected calling convention register assignment\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1898, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1898 "unexpected calling convention register assignment")(static_cast <bool> (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 &&
"unexpected calling convention register assignment") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("VA.getLocVT() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected calling convention register assignment\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1898, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1899 assert(!Ins.empty() && Ins[0].VT == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (!Ins.empty() && Ins[0].VT ==
MVT::i32 && "unexpected use of 'returned'") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("!Ins.empty() && Ins[0].VT == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected use of 'returned'\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1900, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1900 "unexpected use of 'returned'")(static_cast <bool> (!Ins.empty() && Ins[0].VT ==
MVT::i32 && "unexpected use of 'returned'") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("!Ins.empty() && Ins[0].VT == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected use of 'returned'\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1900, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1901 isThisReturn = true;
1902 }
1903 RegsToPass.push_back(std::make_pair(VA.getLocReg(), Arg));
1904 } else if (isByVal) {
1905 assert(VA.isMemLoc())(static_cast <bool> (VA.isMemLoc()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("VA.isMemLoc()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1905, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1906 unsigned offset = 0;
1908 // True if this byval aggregate will be split between registers
1909 // and memory.
1910 unsigned ByValArgsCount = CCInfo.getInRegsParamsCount();
1911 unsigned CurByValIdx = CCInfo.getInRegsParamsProcessed();
1913 if (CurByValIdx < ByValArgsCount) {
1915 unsigned RegBegin, RegEnd;
1916 CCInfo.getInRegsParamInfo(CurByValIdx, RegBegin, RegEnd);
1918 EVT PtrVT =
1919 DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
1920 unsigned int i, j;
1921 for (i = 0, j = RegBegin; j < RegEnd; i++, j++) {
1922 SDValue Const = DAG.getConstant(4*i, dl, MVT::i32);
1923 SDValue AddArg = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, Arg, Const);
1924 SDValue Load = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, dl, Chain, AddArg,
1925 MachinePointerInfo(),
1926 DAG.InferPtrAlignment(AddArg));
1927 MemOpChains.push_back(Load.getValue(1));
1928 RegsToPass.push_back(std::make_pair(j, Load));
1929 }
1931 // If parameter size outsides register area, "offset" value
1932 // helps us to calculate stack slot for remained part properly.
1933 offset = RegEnd - RegBegin;
1935 CCInfo.nextInRegsParam();
1936 }
1938 if (Flags.getByValSize() > 4*offset) {
1939 auto PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
1940 unsigned LocMemOffset = VA.getLocMemOffset();
1941 SDValue StkPtrOff = DAG.getIntPtrConstant(LocMemOffset, dl);
1942 SDValue Dst = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, StackPtr, StkPtrOff);
1943 SDValue SrcOffset = DAG.getIntPtrConstant(4*offset, dl);
1944 SDValue Src = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, Arg, SrcOffset);
1945 SDValue SizeNode = DAG.getConstant(Flags.getByValSize() - 4*offset, dl,
1946 MVT::i32);
1947 SDValue AlignNode = DAG.getConstant(Flags.getByValAlign(), dl,
1948 MVT::i32);
1950 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);
1951 SDValue Ops[] = { Chain, Dst, Src, SizeNode, AlignNode};
1952 MemOpChains.push_back(DAG.getNode(ARMISD::COPY_STRUCT_BYVAL, dl, VTs,
1953 Ops));
1954 }
1955 } else if (!isSibCall) {
1956 assert(VA.isMemLoc())(static_cast <bool> (VA.isMemLoc()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("VA.isMemLoc()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 1956, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1958 MemOpChains.push_back(LowerMemOpCallTo(Chain, StackPtr, Arg,
1959 dl, DAG, VA, Flags));
1960 }
1961 }
1963 if (!MemOpChains.empty())
1964 Chain = DAG.getNode(ISD::TokenFactor, dl, MVT::Other, MemOpChains);
1966 // Build a sequence of copy-to-reg nodes chained together with token chain
1967 // and flag operands which copy the outgoing args into the appropriate regs.
1968 SDValue InFlag;
1969 // Tail call byval lowering might overwrite argument registers so in case of
1970 // tail call optimization the copies to registers are lowered later.
1971 if (!isTailCall)
1972 for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegsToPass.size(); i != e; ++i) {
1973 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, RegsToPass[i].first,
1974 RegsToPass[i].second, InFlag);
1975 InFlag = Chain.getValue(1);
1976 }
1978 // For tail calls lower the arguments to the 'real' stack slot.
1979 if (isTailCall) {
1980 // Force all the incoming stack arguments to be loaded from the stack
1981 // before any new outgoing arguments are stored to the stack, because the
1982 // outgoing stack slots may alias the incoming argument stack slots, and
1983 // the alias isn't otherwise explicit. This is slightly more conservative
1984 // than necessary, because it means that each store effectively depends
1985 // on every argument instead of just those arguments it would clobber.
1987 // Do not flag preceding copytoreg stuff together with the following stuff.
1988 InFlag = SDValue();
1989 for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegsToPass.size(); i != e; ++i) {
1990 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, RegsToPass[i].first,
1991 RegsToPass[i].second, InFlag);
1992 InFlag = Chain.getValue(1);
1993 }
1994 InFlag = SDValue();
1995 }
1997 // If the callee is a GlobalAddress/ExternalSymbol node (quite common, every
1998 // direct call is) turn it into a TargetGlobalAddress/TargetExternalSymbol
1999 // node so that legalize doesn't hack it.
2000 bool isDirect = false;
2002 const TargetMachine &TM = getTargetMachine();
2003 const Module *Mod = MF.getFunction().getParent();
2004 const GlobalValue *GV = nullptr;
2005 if (GlobalAddressSDNode *G = dyn_cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee))
2006 GV = G->getGlobal();
2007 bool isStub =
2008 !TM.shouldAssumeDSOLocal(*Mod, GV) && Subtarget->isTargetMachO();
2010 bool isARMFunc = !Subtarget->isThumb() || (isStub && !Subtarget->isMClass());
2011 bool isLocalARMFunc = false;
2012 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2013 auto PtrVt = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
2015 if (Subtarget->genLongCalls()) {
2016 assert((!isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) &&(static_cast <bool> ((!isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget
->isTargetWindows()) && "long-calls codegen is not position independent!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"long-calls codegen is not position independent!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2017, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2017 "long-calls codegen is not position independent!")(static_cast <bool> ((!isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget
->isTargetWindows()) && "long-calls codegen is not position independent!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"long-calls codegen is not position independent!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2017, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2018 // Handle a global address or an external symbol. If it's not one of
2019 // those, the target's already in a register, so we don't need to do
2020 // anything extra.
2021 if (isa<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee)) {
2022 // Create a constant pool entry for the callee address
2023 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2024 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2025 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GV, ARMPCLabelIndex, ARMCP::CPValue, 0);
2027 // Get the address of the callee into a register
2028 SDValue CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVt, 4);
2029 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
2030 Callee = DAG.getLoad(
2031 PtrVt, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
2032 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2033 } else if (ExternalSymbolSDNode *S=dyn_cast<ExternalSymbolSDNode>(Callee)) {
2034 const char *Sym = S->getSymbol();
2036 // Create a constant pool entry for the callee address
2037 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2038 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2039 ARMConstantPoolSymbol::Create(*DAG.getContext(), Sym,
2040 ARMPCLabelIndex, 0);
2041 // Get the address of the callee into a register
2042 SDValue CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVt, 4);
2043 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
2044 Callee = DAG.getLoad(
2045 PtrVt, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
2046 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2047 }
2048 } else if (isa<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee)) {
2049 // If we're optimizing for minimum size and the function is called three or
2050 // more times in this block, we can improve codesize by calling indirectly
2051 // as BLXr has a 16-bit encoding.
2052 auto *GV = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee)->getGlobal();
2053 auto *BB = CLI.CS.getParent();
2054 bool PreferIndirect =
2055 Subtarget->isThumb() && MF.getFunction().optForMinSize() &&
2056 count_if(GV->users(), [&BB](const User *U) {
2057 return isa<Instruction>(U) && cast<Instruction>(U)->getParent() == BB;
2058 }) > 2;
2060 if (!PreferIndirect) {
2061 isDirect = true;
2062 bool isDef = GV->isStrongDefinitionForLinker();
2064 // ARM call to a local ARM function is predicable.
2065 isLocalARMFunc = !Subtarget->isThumb() && (isDef || !ARMInterworking);
2066 // tBX takes a register source operand.
2067 if (isStub && Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && !Subtarget->hasV5TOps()) {
2068 assert(Subtarget->isTargetMachO() && "WrapperPIC use on non-MachO?")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetMachO() &&
"WrapperPIC use on non-MachO?") ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"Subtarget->isTargetMachO() && \"WrapperPIC use on non-MachO?\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2068, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2069 Callee = DAG.getNode(
2070 ARMISD::WrapperPIC, dl, PtrVt,
2071 DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVt, 0, ARMII::MO_NONLAZY));
2072 Callee = DAG.getLoad(
2073 PtrVt, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), Callee,
2074 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()),
2075 /* Alignment = */ 0, MachineMemOperand::MODereferenceable |
2076 MachineMemOperand::MOInvariant);
2077 } else if (Subtarget->isTargetCOFF()) {
2078 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"Windows is the only supported COFF target") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"Windows is the only supported COFF target\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2079, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2079 "Windows is the only supported COFF target")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"Windows is the only supported COFF target") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"Windows is the only supported COFF target\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2079, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2080 unsigned TargetFlags = GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass()
2083 Callee = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVt, /*Offset=*/0,
2084 TargetFlags);
2085 if (GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass())
2086 Callee =
2087 DAG.getLoad(PtrVt, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(),
2088 DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, PtrVt, Callee),
2089 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2090 } else {
2091 Callee = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVt, 0, 0);
2092 }
2093 }
2094 } else if (ExternalSymbolSDNode *S = dyn_cast<ExternalSymbolSDNode>(Callee)) {
2095 isDirect = true;
2096 // tBX takes a register source operand.
2097 const char *Sym = S->getSymbol();
2098 if (isARMFunc && Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && !Subtarget->hasV5TOps()) {
2099 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2100 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2101 ARMConstantPoolSymbol::Create(*DAG.getContext(), Sym,
2102 ARMPCLabelIndex, 4);
2103 SDValue CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVt, 4);
2104 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
2105 Callee = DAG.getLoad(
2106 PtrVt, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
2107 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2108 SDValue PICLabel = DAG.getConstant(ARMPCLabelIndex, dl, MVT::i32);
2109 Callee = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PIC_ADD, dl, PtrVt, Callee, PICLabel);
2110 } else {
2111 Callee = DAG.getTargetExternalSymbol(Sym, PtrVt, 0);
2112 }
2113 }
2115 // FIXME: handle tail calls differently.
2116 unsigned CallOpc;
2117 if (Subtarget->isThumb()) {
2118 if ((!isDirect || isARMFunc) && !Subtarget->hasV5TOps())
2120 else
2121 CallOpc = ARMISD::CALL;
2122 } else {
2123 if (!isDirect && !Subtarget->hasV5TOps())
2125 else if (doesNotRet && isDirect && Subtarget->hasRetAddrStack() &&
2126 // Emit regular call when code size is the priority
2127 !MF.getFunction().optForMinSize())
2128 // "mov lr, pc; b _foo" to avoid confusing the RSP
2130 else
2131 CallOpc = isLocalARMFunc ? ARMISD::CALL_PRED : ARMISD::CALL;
2132 }
2134 std::vector<SDValue> Ops;
2135 Ops.push_back(Chain);
2136 Ops.push_back(Callee);
2138 // Add argument registers to the end of the list so that they are known live
2139 // into the call.
2140 for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegsToPass.size(); i != e; ++i)
2141 Ops.push_back(DAG.getRegister(RegsToPass[i].first,
2142 RegsToPass[i].second.getValueType()));
2144 // Add a register mask operand representing the call-preserved registers.
2145 if (!isTailCall) {
2146 const uint32_t *Mask;
2147 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo *ARI = Subtarget->getRegisterInfo();
2148 if (isThisReturn) {
2149 // For 'this' returns, use the R0-preserving mask if applicable
2150 Mask = ARI->getThisReturnPreservedMask(MF, CallConv);
2151 if (!Mask) {
2152 // Set isThisReturn to false if the calling convention is not one that
2153 // allows 'returned' to be modeled in this way, so LowerCallResult does
2154 // not try to pass 'this' straight through
2155 isThisReturn = false;
2156 Mask = ARI->getCallPreservedMask(MF, CallConv);
2157 }
2158 } else
2159 Mask = ARI->getCallPreservedMask(MF, CallConv);
2161 assert(Mask && "Missing call preserved mask for calling convention")(static_cast <bool> (Mask && "Missing call preserved mask for calling convention"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Mask && \"Missing call preserved mask for calling convention\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2161, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2162 Ops.push_back(DAG.getRegisterMask(Mask));
2163 }
2165 if (InFlag.getNode())
2166 Ops.push_back(InFlag);
2168 SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);
2169 if (isTailCall) {
2170 MF.getFrameInfo().setHasTailCall();
2171 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::TC_RETURN, dl, NodeTys, Ops);
2172 }
2174 // Returns a chain and a flag for retval copy to use.
2175 Chain = DAG.getNode(CallOpc, dl, NodeTys, Ops);
2176 InFlag = Chain.getValue(1);
2178 Chain = DAG.getCALLSEQ_END(Chain, DAG.getIntPtrConstant(NumBytes, dl, true),
2179 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl, true), InFlag, dl);
2180 if (!Ins.empty())
2181 InFlag = Chain.getValue(1);
2183 // Handle result values, copying them out of physregs into vregs that we
2184 // return.
2185 return LowerCallResult(Chain, InFlag, CallConv, isVarArg, Ins, dl, DAG,
2186 InVals, isThisReturn,
2187 isThisReturn ? OutVals[0] : SDValue());
2190/// HandleByVal - Every parameter *after* a byval parameter is passed
2191/// on the stack. Remember the next parameter register to allocate,
2192/// and then confiscate the rest of the parameter registers to insure
2193/// this.
2194void ARMTargetLowering::HandleByVal(CCState *State, unsigned &Size,
2195 unsigned Align) const {
2196 // Byval (as with any stack) slots are always at least 4 byte aligned.
2197 Align = std::max(Align, 4U);
2199 unsigned Reg = State->AllocateReg(GPRArgRegs);
2200 if (!Reg)
2201 return;
2203 unsigned AlignInRegs = Align / 4;
2204 unsigned Waste = (ARM::R4 - Reg) % AlignInRegs;
2205 for (unsigned i = 0; i < Waste; ++i)
2206 Reg = State->AllocateReg(GPRArgRegs);
2208 if (!Reg)
2209 return;
2211 unsigned Excess = 4 * (ARM::R4 - Reg);
2213 // Special case when NSAA != SP and parameter size greater than size of
2214 // all remained GPR regs. In that case we can't split parameter, we must
2215 // send it to stack. We also must set NCRN to R4, so waste all
2216 // remained registers.
2217 const unsigned NSAAOffset = State->getNextStackOffset();
2218 if (NSAAOffset != 0 && Size > Excess) {
2219 while (State->AllocateReg(GPRArgRegs))
2220 ;
2221 return;
2222 }
2224 // First register for byval parameter is the first register that wasn't
2225 // allocated before this method call, so it would be "reg".
2226 // If parameter is small enough to be saved in range [reg, r4), then
2227 // the end (first after last) register would be reg + param-size-in-regs,
2228 // else parameter would be splitted between registers and stack,
2229 // end register would be r4 in this case.
2230 unsigned ByValRegBegin = Reg;
2231 unsigned ByValRegEnd = std::min<unsigned>(Reg + Size / 4, ARM::R4);
2232 State->addInRegsParamInfo(ByValRegBegin, ByValRegEnd);
2233 // Note, first register is allocated in the beginning of function already,
2234 // allocate remained amount of registers we need.
2235 for (unsigned i = Reg + 1; i != ByValRegEnd; ++i)
2236 State->AllocateReg(GPRArgRegs);
2237 // A byval parameter that is split between registers and memory needs its
2238 // size truncated here.
2239 // In the case where the entire structure fits in registers, we set the
2240 // size in memory to zero.
2241 Size = std::max<int>(Size - Excess, 0);
2244/// MatchingStackOffset - Return true if the given stack call argument is
2245/// already available in the same position (relatively) of the caller's
2246/// incoming argument stack.
2248bool MatchingStackOffset(SDValue Arg, unsigned Offset, ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags,
2249 MachineFrameInfo &MFI, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI,
2250 const TargetInstrInfo *TII) {
2251 unsigned Bytes = Arg.getValueSizeInBits() / 8;
2252 int FI = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
2253 if (Arg.getOpcode() == ISD::CopyFromReg) {
2254 unsigned VR = cast<RegisterSDNode>(Arg.getOperand(1))->getReg();
2255 if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(VR))
2256 return false;
2257 MachineInstr *Def = MRI->getVRegDef(VR);
2258 if (!Def)
2259 return false;
2260 if (!Flags.isByVal()) {
2261 if (!TII->isLoadFromStackSlot(*Def, FI))
2262 return false;
2263 } else {
2264 return false;
2265 }
2266 } else if (LoadSDNode *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(Arg)) {
2267 if (Flags.isByVal())
2268 // ByVal argument is passed in as a pointer but it's now being
2269 // dereferenced. e.g.
2270 // define @foo(%struct.X* %A) {
2271 // tail call @bar(%struct.X* byval %A)
2272 // }
2273 return false;
2274 SDValue Ptr = Ld->getBasePtr();
2275 FrameIndexSDNode *FINode = dyn_cast<FrameIndexSDNode>(Ptr);
2276 if (!FINode)
2277 return false;
2278 FI = FINode->getIndex();
2279 } else
2280 return false;
2282 assert(FI != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())(static_cast <bool> (FI != std::numeric_limits<int>
::max()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("FI != std::numeric_limits<int>::max()"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2282, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2283 if (!MFI.isFixedObjectIndex(FI))
2284 return false;
2285 return Offset == MFI.getObjectOffset(FI) && Bytes == MFI.getObjectSize(FI);
2288/// IsEligibleForTailCallOptimization - Check whether the call is eligible
2289/// for tail call optimization. Targets which want to do tail call
2290/// optimization should implement this function.
2292ARMTargetLowering::IsEligibleForTailCallOptimization(SDValue Callee,
2293 CallingConv::ID CalleeCC,
2294 bool isVarArg,
2295 bool isCalleeStructRet,
2296 bool isCallerStructRet,
2297 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &Outs,
2298 const SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &OutVals,
2299 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> &Ins,
2300 SelectionDAG& DAG) const {
2301 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2302 const Function &CallerF = MF.getFunction();
2303 CallingConv::ID CallerCC = CallerF.getCallingConv();
2305 assert(Subtarget->supportsTailCall())(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->supportsTailCall()) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->supportsTailCall()"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2305, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2307 // Tail calls to function pointers cannot be optimized for Thumb1 if the args
2308 // to the call take up r0-r3. The reason is that there are no legal registers
2309 // left to hold the pointer to the function to be called.
2310 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && Outs.size() >= 4 &&
2311 !isa<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee.getNode()))
2312 return false;
2314 // Look for obvious safe cases to perform tail call optimization that do not
2315 // require ABI changes. This is what gcc calls sibcall.
2317 // Exception-handling functions need a special set of instructions to indicate
2318 // a return to the hardware. Tail-calling another function would probably
2319 // break this.
2320 if (CallerF.hasFnAttribute("interrupt"))
2321 return false;
2323 // Also avoid sibcall optimization if either caller or callee uses struct
2324 // return semantics.
2325 if (isCalleeStructRet || isCallerStructRet)
2326 return false;
2328 // Externally-defined functions with weak linkage should not be
2329 // tail-called on ARM when the OS does not support dynamic
2330 // pre-emption of symbols, as the AAELF spec requires normal calls
2331 // to undefined weak functions to be replaced with a NOP or jump to the
2332 // next instruction. The behaviour of branch instructions in this
2333 // situation (as used for tail calls) is implementation-defined, so we
2334 // cannot rely on the linker replacing the tail call with a return.
2335 if (GlobalAddressSDNode *G = dyn_cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Callee)) {
2336 const GlobalValue *GV = G->getGlobal();
2337 const Triple &TT = getTargetMachine().getTargetTriple();
2338 if (GV->hasExternalWeakLinkage() &&
2339 (!TT.isOSWindows() || TT.isOSBinFormatELF() || TT.isOSBinFormatMachO()))
2340 return false;
2341 }
2343 // Check that the call results are passed in the same way.
2344 LLVMContext &C = *DAG.getContext();
2345 if (!CCState::resultsCompatible(CalleeCC, CallerCC, MF, C, Ins,
2346 CCAssignFnForReturn(CalleeCC, isVarArg),
2347 CCAssignFnForReturn(CallerCC, isVarArg)))
2348 return false;
2349 // The callee has to preserve all registers the caller needs to preserve.
2350 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo *TRI = Subtarget->getRegisterInfo();
2351 const uint32_t *CallerPreserved = TRI->getCallPreservedMask(MF, CallerCC);
2352 if (CalleeCC != CallerCC) {
2353 const uint32_t *CalleePreserved = TRI->getCallPreservedMask(MF, CalleeCC);
2354 if (!TRI->regmaskSubsetEqual(CallerPreserved, CalleePreserved))
2355 return false;
2356 }
2358 // If Caller's vararg or byval argument has been split between registers and
2359 // stack, do not perform tail call, since part of the argument is in caller's
2360 // local frame.
2361 const ARMFunctionInfo *AFI_Caller = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2362 if (AFI_Caller->getArgRegsSaveSize())
2363 return false;
2365 // If the callee takes no arguments then go on to check the results of the
2366 // call.
2367 if (!Outs.empty()) {
2368 // Check if stack adjustment is needed. For now, do not do this if any
2369 // argument is passed on the stack.
2370 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> ArgLocs;
2371 CCState CCInfo(CalleeCC, isVarArg, MF, ArgLocs, C);
2372 CCInfo.AnalyzeCallOperands(Outs, CCAssignFnForCall(CalleeCC, isVarArg));
2373 if (CCInfo.getNextStackOffset()) {
2374 // Check if the arguments are already laid out in the right way as
2375 // the caller's fixed stack objects.
2376 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2377 const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
2378 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
2379 for (unsigned i = 0, realArgIdx = 0, e = ArgLocs.size();
2380 i != e;
2381 ++i, ++realArgIdx) {
2382 CCValAssign &VA = ArgLocs[i];
2383 EVT RegVT = VA.getLocVT();
2384 SDValue Arg = OutVals[realArgIdx];
2385 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags = Outs[realArgIdx].Flags;
2386 if (VA.getLocInfo() == CCValAssign::Indirect)
2387 return false;
2388 if (VA.needsCustom()) {
2389 // f64 and vector types are split into multiple registers or
2390 // register/stack-slot combinations. The types will not match
2391 // the registers; give up on memory f64 refs until we figure
2392 // out what to do about this.
2393 if (!VA.isRegLoc())
2394 return false;
2395 if (!ArgLocs[++i].isRegLoc())
2396 return false;
2397 if (RegVT == MVT::v2f64) {
2398 if (!ArgLocs[++i].isRegLoc())
2399 return false;
2400 if (!ArgLocs[++i].isRegLoc())
2401 return false;
2402 }
2403 } else if (!VA.isRegLoc()) {
2404 if (!MatchingStackOffset(Arg, VA.getLocMemOffset(), Flags,
2405 MFI, MRI, TII))
2406 return false;
2407 }
2408 }
2409 }
2411 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();
2412 if (!parametersInCSRMatch(MRI, CallerPreserved, ArgLocs, OutVals))
2413 return false;
2414 }
2416 return true;
2420ARMTargetLowering::CanLowerReturn(CallingConv::ID CallConv,
2421 MachineFunction &MF, bool isVarArg,
2422 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &Outs,
2423 LLVMContext &Context) const {
2424 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> RVLocs;
2425 CCState CCInfo(CallConv, isVarArg, MF, RVLocs, Context);
2426 return CCInfo.CheckReturn(Outs, CCAssignFnForReturn(CallConv, isVarArg));
2429static SDValue LowerInterruptReturn(SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &RetOps,
2430 const SDLoc &DL, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
2431 const MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2432 const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
2434 StringRef IntKind = F.getFnAttribute("interrupt").getValueAsString();
2436 // See ARM ARM v7 B1.8.3. On exception entry LR is set to a possibly offset
2437 // version of the "preferred return address". These offsets affect the return
2438 // instruction if this is a return from PL1 without hypervisor extensions.
2439 // IRQ/FIQ: +4 "subs pc, lr, #4"
2440 // SWI: 0 "subs pc, lr, #0"
2441 // ABORT: +4 "subs pc, lr, #4"
2442 // UNDEF: +4/+2 "subs pc, lr, #0"
2443 // UNDEF varies depending on where the exception came from ARM or Thumb
2444 // mode. Alongside GCC, we throw our hands up in disgust and pretend it's 0.
2446 int64_t LROffset;
2447 if (IntKind == "" || IntKind == "IRQ" || IntKind == "FIQ" ||
2448 IntKind == "ABORT")
2449 LROffset = 4;
2450 else if (IntKind == "SWI" || IntKind == "UNDEF")
2451 LROffset = 0;
2452 else
2453 report_fatal_error("Unsupported interrupt attribute. If present, value "
2454 "must be one of: IRQ, FIQ, SWI, ABORT or UNDEF");
2456 RetOps.insert(RetOps.begin() + 1,
2457 DAG.getConstant(LROffset, DL, MVT::i32, false));
2459 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::INTRET_FLAG, DL, MVT::Other, RetOps);
2463ARMTargetLowering::LowerReturn(SDValue Chain, CallingConv::ID CallConv,
2464 bool isVarArg,
2465 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &Outs,
2466 const SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &OutVals,
2467 const SDLoc &dl, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2468 // CCValAssign - represent the assignment of the return value to a location.
2469 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> RVLocs;
2471 // CCState - Info about the registers and stack slots.
2472 CCState CCInfo(CallConv, isVarArg, DAG.getMachineFunction(), RVLocs,
2473 *DAG.getContext());
2475 // Analyze outgoing return values.
2476 CCInfo.AnalyzeReturn(Outs, CCAssignFnForReturn(CallConv, isVarArg));
2478 SDValue Flag;
2479 SmallVector<SDValue, 4> RetOps;
2480 RetOps.push_back(Chain); // Operand #0 = Chain (updated below)
2481 bool isLittleEndian = Subtarget->isLittle();
2483 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2484 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2485 AFI->setReturnRegsCount(RVLocs.size());
2487 // Copy the result values into the output registers.
2488 for (unsigned i = 0, realRVLocIdx = 0;
2489 i != RVLocs.size();
2490 ++i, ++realRVLocIdx) {
2491 CCValAssign &VA = RVLocs[i];
2492 assert(VA.isRegLoc() && "Can only return in registers!")(static_cast <bool> (VA.isRegLoc() && "Can only return in registers!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VA.isRegLoc() && \"Can only return in registers!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2492, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2494 SDValue Arg = OutVals[realRVLocIdx];
2495 bool ReturnF16 = false;
2497 if (Subtarget->hasFullFP16() && Subtarget->isTargetHardFloat()) {
2498 // Half-precision return values can be returned like this:
2499 //
2500 // t11 f16 = fadd ...
2501 // t12: i16 = bitcast t11
2502 // t13: i32 = zero_extend t12
2503 // t14: f32 = bitcast t13 <~~~~~~~ Arg
2504 //
2505 // to avoid code generation for bitcasts, we simply set Arg to the node
2506 // that produces the f16 value, t11 in this case.
2507 //
2508 if (Arg.getValueType() == MVT::f32 && Arg.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST) {
2509 SDValue ZE = Arg.getOperand(0);
2510 if (ZE.getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND && ZE.getValueType() == MVT::i32) {
2511 SDValue BC = ZE.getOperand(0);
2512 if (BC.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST && BC.getValueType() == MVT::i16) {
2513 Arg = BC.getOperand(0);
2514 ReturnF16 = true;
2515 }
2516 }
2517 }
2518 }
2520 switch (VA.getLocInfo()) {
2521 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown loc info!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown loc info!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2521)
2522 case CCValAssign::Full: break;
2523 case CCValAssign::BCvt:
2524 if (!ReturnF16)
2525 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VA.getLocVT(), Arg);
2526 break;
2527 }
2529 if (VA.needsCustom()) {
2530 if (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::v2f64) {
2531 // Extract the first half and return it in two registers.
2532 SDValue Half = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f64, Arg,
2533 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
2534 SDValue HalfGPRs = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
2535 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Half);
2537 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(),
2538 HalfGPRs.getValue(isLittleEndian ? 0 : 1),
2539 Flag);
2540 Flag = Chain.getValue(1);
2541 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(VA.getLocReg(), VA.getLocVT()));
2542 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
2543 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(),
2544 HalfGPRs.getValue(isLittleEndian ? 1 : 0),
2545 Flag);
2546 Flag = Chain.getValue(1);
2547 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(VA.getLocReg(), VA.getLocVT()));
2548 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
2550 // Extract the 2nd half and fall through to handle it as an f64 value.
2551 Arg = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f64, Arg,
2552 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
2553 }
2554 // Legalize ret f64 -> ret 2 x i32. We always have fmrrd if f64 is
2555 // available.
2556 SDValue fmrrd = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
2557 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Arg);
2558 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(),
2559 fmrrd.getValue(isLittleEndian ? 0 : 1),
2560 Flag);
2561 Flag = Chain.getValue(1);
2562 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(VA.getLocReg(), VA.getLocVT()));
2563 VA = RVLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
2564 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(),
2565 fmrrd.getValue(isLittleEndian ? 1 : 0),
2566 Flag);
2567 } else
2568 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, dl, VA.getLocReg(), Arg, Flag);
2570 // Guarantee that all emitted copies are
2571 // stuck together, avoiding something bad.
2572 Flag = Chain.getValue(1);
2573 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(VA.getLocReg(),
2574 ReturnF16 ? MVT::f16 : VA.getLocVT()));
2575 }
2576 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo *TRI = Subtarget->getRegisterInfo();
2577 const MCPhysReg *I =
2578 TRI->getCalleeSavedRegsViaCopy(&DAG.getMachineFunction());
2579 if (I) {
2580 for (; *I; ++I) {
2581 if (ARM::GPRRegClass.contains(*I))
2582 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(*I, MVT::i32));
2583 else if (ARM::DPRRegClass.contains(*I))
2584 RetOps.push_back(DAG.getRegister(*I, MVT::getFloatingPointVT(64)));
2585 else
2586 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected register class in CSRsViaCopy!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected register class in CSRsViaCopy!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2586)
2587 }
2588 }
2590 // Update chain and glue.
2591 RetOps[0] = Chain;
2592 if (Flag.getNode())
2593 RetOps.push_back(Flag);
2595 // CPUs which aren't M-class use a special sequence to return from
2596 // exceptions (roughly, any instruction setting pc and cpsr simultaneously,
2597 // though we use "subs pc, lr, #N").
2598 //
2599 // M-class CPUs actually use a normal return sequence with a special
2600 // (hardware-provided) value in LR, so the normal code path works.
2601 if (DAG.getMachineFunction().getFunction().hasFnAttribute("interrupt") &&
2602 !Subtarget->isMClass()) {
2603 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
2604 report_fatal_error("interrupt attribute is not supported in Thumb1");
2605 return LowerInterruptReturn(RetOps, dl, DAG);
2606 }
2608 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::RET_FLAG, dl, MVT::Other, RetOps);
2611bool ARMTargetLowering::isUsedByReturnOnly(SDNode *N, SDValue &Chain) const {
2612 if (N->getNumValues() != 1)
2613 return false;
2614 if (!N->hasNUsesOfValue(1, 0))
2615 return false;
2617 SDValue TCChain = Chain;
2618 SDNode *Copy = *N->use_begin();
2619 if (Copy->getOpcode() == ISD::CopyToReg) {
2620 // If the copy has a glue operand, we conservatively assume it isn't safe to
2621 // perform a tail call.
2622 if (Copy->getOperand(Copy->getNumOperands()-1).getValueType() == MVT::Glue)
2623 return false;
2624 TCChain = Copy->getOperand(0);
2625 } else if (Copy->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVRRD) {
2626 SDNode *VMov = Copy;
2627 // f64 returned in a pair of GPRs.
2628 SmallPtrSet<SDNode*, 2> Copies;
2629 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = VMov->use_begin(), UE = VMov->use_end();
2630 UI != UE; ++UI) {
2631 if (UI->getOpcode() != ISD::CopyToReg)
2632 return false;
2633 Copies.insert(*UI);
2634 }
2635 if (Copies.size() > 2)
2636 return false;
2638 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = VMov->use_begin(), UE = VMov->use_end();
2639 UI != UE; ++UI) {
2640 SDValue UseChain = UI->getOperand(0);
2641 if (Copies.count(UseChain.getNode()))
2642 // Second CopyToReg
2643 Copy = *UI;
2644 else {
2645 // We are at the top of this chain.
2646 // If the copy has a glue operand, we conservatively assume it
2647 // isn't safe to perform a tail call.
2648 if (UI->getOperand(UI->getNumOperands()-1).getValueType() == MVT::Glue)
2649 return false;
2650 // First CopyToReg
2651 TCChain = UseChain;
2652 }
2653 }
2654 } else if (Copy->getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST) {
2655 // f32 returned in a single GPR.
2656 if (!Copy->hasOneUse())
2657 return false;
2658 Copy = *Copy->use_begin();
2659 if (Copy->getOpcode() != ISD::CopyToReg || !Copy->hasNUsesOfValue(1, 0))
2660 return false;
2661 // If the copy has a glue operand, we conservatively assume it isn't safe to
2662 // perform a tail call.
2663 if (Copy->getOperand(Copy->getNumOperands()-1).getValueType() == MVT::Glue)
2664 return false;
2665 TCChain = Copy->getOperand(0);
2666 } else {
2667 return false;
2668 }
2670 bool HasRet = false;
2671 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = Copy->use_begin(), UE = Copy->use_end();
2672 UI != UE; ++UI) {
2673 if (UI->getOpcode() != ARMISD::RET_FLAG &&
2674 UI->getOpcode() != ARMISD::INTRET_FLAG)
2675 return false;
2676 HasRet = true;
2677 }
2679 if (!HasRet)
2680 return false;
2682 Chain = TCChain;
2683 return true;
2686bool ARMTargetLowering::mayBeEmittedAsTailCall(const CallInst *CI) const {
2687 if (!Subtarget->supportsTailCall())
2688 return false;
2690 auto Attr =
2691 CI->getParent()->getParent()->getFnAttribute("disable-tail-calls");
2692 if (!CI->isTailCall() || Attr.getValueAsString() == "true")
2693 return false;
2695 return true;
2698// Trying to write a 64 bit value so need to split into two 32 bit values first,
2699// and pass the lower and high parts through.
2700static SDValue LowerWRITE_REGISTER(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
2701 SDLoc DL(Op);
2702 SDValue WriteValue = Op->getOperand(2);
2704 // This function is only supposed to be called for i64 type argument.
2705 assert(WriteValue.getValueType() == MVT::i64(static_cast <bool> (WriteValue.getValueType() == MVT::
i64 && "LowerWRITE_REGISTER called for non-i64 type argument."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("WriteValue.getValueType() == MVT::i64 && \"LowerWRITE_REGISTER called for non-i64 type argument.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2706, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2706 && "LowerWRITE_REGISTER called for non-i64 type argument.")(static_cast <bool> (WriteValue.getValueType() == MVT::
i64 && "LowerWRITE_REGISTER called for non-i64 type argument."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("WriteValue.getValueType() == MVT::i64 && \"LowerWRITE_REGISTER called for non-i64 type argument.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2706, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2708 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, DL, MVT::i32, WriteValue,
2709 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32));
2710 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, DL, MVT::i32, WriteValue,
2711 DAG.getConstant(1, DL, MVT::i32));
2712 SDValue Ops[] = { Op->getOperand(0), Op->getOperand(1), Lo, Hi };
2713 return DAG.getNode(ISD::WRITE_REGISTER, DL, MVT::Other, Ops);
2716// ConstantPool, JumpTable, GlobalAddress, and ExternalSymbol are lowered as
2717// their target counterpart wrapped in the ARMISD::Wrapper node. Suppose N is
2718// one of the above mentioned nodes. It has to be wrapped because otherwise
2719// Select(N) returns N. So the raw TargetGlobalAddress nodes, etc. can only
2720// be used to form addressing mode. These wrapped nodes will be selected
2721// into MOVi.
2722SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerConstantPool(SDValue Op,
2723 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2724 EVT PtrVT = Op.getValueType();
2725 // FIXME there is no actual debug info here
2726 SDLoc dl(Op);
2727 ConstantPoolSDNode *CP = cast<ConstantPoolSDNode>(Op);
2728 SDValue Res;
2730 // When generating execute-only code Constant Pools must be promoted to the
2731 // global data section. It's a bit ugly that we can't share them across basic
2732 // blocks, but this way we guarantee that execute-only behaves correct with
2733 // position-independent addressing modes.
2734 if (Subtarget->genExecuteOnly()) {
2735 auto AFI = DAG.getMachineFunction().getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2736 auto T = const_cast<Type*>(CP->getType());
2737 auto C = const_cast<Constant*>(CP->getConstVal());
2738 auto M = const_cast<Module*>(DAG.getMachineFunction().
2739 getFunction().getParent());
2740 auto GV = new GlobalVariable(
2741 *M, T, /*isConst=*/true, GlobalVariable::InternalLinkage, C,
2742 Twine(DAG.getDataLayout().getPrivateGlobalPrefix()) + "CP" +
2743 Twine(DAG.getMachineFunction().getFunctionNumber()) + "_" +
2744 Twine(AFI->createPICLabelUId())
2745 );
2746 SDValue GA = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(GV),
2747 dl, PtrVT);
2748 return LowerGlobalAddress(GA, DAG);
2749 }
2751 if (CP->isMachineConstantPoolEntry())
2752 Res = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CP->getMachineCPVal(), PtrVT,
2753 CP->getAlignment());
2754 else
2755 Res = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CP->getConstVal(), PtrVT,
2756 CP->getAlignment());
2757 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, Res);
2760unsigned ARMTargetLowering::getJumpTableEncoding() const {
2761 return MachineJumpTableInfo::EK_Inline;
2764SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerBlockAddress(SDValue Op,
2765 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2766 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2767 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2768 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = 0;
2769 SDLoc DL(Op);
2770 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
2771 const BlockAddress *BA = cast<BlockAddressSDNode>(Op)->getBlockAddress();
2772 SDValue CPAddr;
2773 bool IsPositionIndependent = isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget->isROPI();
2774 if (!IsPositionIndependent) {
2775 CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(BA, PtrVT, 4);
2776 } else {
2777 unsigned PCAdj = Subtarget->isThumb() ? 4 : 8;
2778 ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2779 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2780 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(BA, ARMPCLabelIndex,
2781 ARMCP::CPBlockAddress, PCAdj);
2782 CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
2783 }
2784 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, DL, PtrVT, CPAddr);
2785 SDValue Result = DAG.getLoad(
2786 PtrVT, DL, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
2787 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2788 if (!IsPositionIndependent)
2789 return Result;
2790 SDValue PICLabel = DAG.getConstant(ARMPCLabelIndex, DL, MVT::i32);
2791 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PIC_ADD, DL, PtrVT, Result, PICLabel);
2794/// \brief Convert a TLS address reference into the correct sequence of loads
2795/// and calls to compute the variable's address for Darwin, and return an
2796/// SDValue containing the final node.
2798/// Darwin only has one TLS scheme which must be capable of dealing with the
2799/// fully general situation, in the worst case. This means:
2800/// + "extern __thread" declaration.
2801/// + Defined in a possibly unknown dynamic library.
2803/// The general system is that each __thread variable has a [3 x i32] descriptor
2804/// which contains information used by the runtime to calculate the address. The
2805/// only part of this the compiler needs to know about is the first word, which
2806/// contains a function pointer that must be called with the address of the
2807/// entire descriptor in "r0".
2809/// Since this descriptor may be in a different unit, in general access must
2810/// proceed along the usual ARM rules. A common sequence to produce is:
2812/// movw rT1, :lower16:_var$non_lazy_ptr
2813/// movt rT1, :upper16:_var$non_lazy_ptr
2814/// ldr r0, [rT1]
2815/// ldr rT2, [r0]
2816/// blx rT2
2817/// [...address now in r0...]
2819ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalTLSAddressDarwin(SDValue Op,
2820 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2821 assert(Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() &&
"This function expects a Darwin target") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() && \"This function expects a Darwin target\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2822, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2822 "This function expects a Darwin target")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() &&
"This function expects a Darwin target") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetDarwin() && \"This function expects a Darwin target\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2822, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2823 SDLoc DL(Op);
2825 // First step is to get the address of the actua global symbol. This is where
2826 // the TLS descriptor lives.
2827 SDValue DescAddr = LowerGlobalAddressDarwin(Op, DAG);
2829 // The first entry in the descriptor is a function pointer that we must call
2830 // to obtain the address of the variable.
2831 SDValue Chain = DAG.getEntryNode();
2832 SDValue FuncTLVGet = DAG.getLoad(
2833 MVT::i32, DL, Chain, DescAddr,
2834 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()),
2835 /* Alignment = */ 4,
2836 MachineMemOperand::MONonTemporal | MachineMemOperand::MODereferenceable |
2837 MachineMemOperand::MOInvariant);
2838 Chain = FuncTLVGet.getValue(1);
2840 MachineFunction &F = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2841 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = F.getFrameInfo();
2842 MFI.setAdjustsStack(true);
2844 // TLS calls preserve all registers except those that absolutely must be
2845 // trashed: R0 (it takes an argument), LR (it's a call) and CPSR (let's not be
2846 // silly).
2847 auto TRI =
2848 getTargetMachine().getSubtargetImpl(F.getFunction())->getRegisterInfo();
2849 auto ARI = static_cast<const ARMRegisterInfo *>(TRI);
2850 const uint32_t *Mask = ARI->getTLSCallPreservedMask(DAG.getMachineFunction());
2852 // Finally, we can make the call. This is just a degenerate version of a
2853 // normal AArch64 call node: r0 takes the address of the descriptor, and
2854 // returns the address of the variable in this thread.
2855 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, DL, ARM::R0, DescAddr, SDValue());
2856 Chain =
2857 DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CALL, DL, DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue),
2858 Chain, FuncTLVGet, DAG.getRegister(ARM::R0, MVT::i32),
2859 DAG.getRegisterMask(Mask), Chain.getValue(1));
2860 return DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, DL, ARM::R0, MVT::i32, Chain.getValue(1));
2864ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalTLSAddressWindows(SDValue Op,
2865 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2866 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && "Windows specific TLS lowering")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"Windows specific TLS lowering") ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"Windows specific TLS lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2866, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2868 SDValue Chain = DAG.getEntryNode();
2869 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
2870 SDLoc DL(Op);
2872 // Load the current TEB (thread environment block)
2873 SDValue Ops[] = {Chain,
2874 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_mrc, DL, MVT::i32),
2875 DAG.getConstant(15, DL, MVT::i32),
2876 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32),
2877 DAG.getConstant(13, DL, MVT::i32),
2878 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32),
2879 DAG.getConstant(2, DL, MVT::i32)};
2880 SDValue CurrentTEB = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN, DL,
2881 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::Other), Ops);
2883 SDValue TEB = CurrentTEB.getValue(0);
2884 Chain = CurrentTEB.getValue(1);
2886 // Load the ThreadLocalStoragePointer from the TEB
2887 // A pointer to the TLS array is located at offset 0x2c from the TEB.
2888 SDValue TLSArray =
2889 DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, TEB, DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0x2c, DL));
2890 TLSArray = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, DL, Chain, TLSArray, MachinePointerInfo());
2892 // The pointer to the thread's TLS data area is at the TLS Index scaled by 4
2893 // offset into the TLSArray.
2895 // Load the TLS index from the C runtime
2896 SDValue TLSIndex =
2897 DAG.getTargetExternalSymbol("_tls_index", PtrVT, ARMII::MO_NO_FLAG);
2898 TLSIndex = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, DL, PtrVT, TLSIndex);
2899 TLSIndex = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, DL, Chain, TLSIndex, MachinePointerInfo());
2901 SDValue Slot = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, PtrVT, TLSIndex,
2902 DAG.getConstant(2, DL, MVT::i32));
2903 SDValue TLS = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, DL, Chain,
2904 DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, TLSArray, Slot),
2905 MachinePointerInfo());
2907 // Get the offset of the start of the .tls section (section base)
2908 const auto *GA = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op);
2909 auto *CPV = ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GA->getGlobal(), ARMCP::SECREL);
2910 SDValue Offset = DAG.getLoad(
2911 PtrVT, DL, Chain, DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, DL, MVT::i32,
2912 DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4)),
2913 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2915 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, PtrVT, TLS, Offset);
2918// Lower ISD::GlobalTLSAddress using the "general dynamic" model
2920ARMTargetLowering::LowerToTLSGeneralDynamicModel(GlobalAddressSDNode *GA,
2921 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
2922 SDLoc dl(GA);
2923 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
2924 unsigned char PCAdj = Subtarget->isThumb() ? 4 : 8;
2925 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2926 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2927 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2928 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2929 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GA->getGlobal(), ARMPCLabelIndex,
2930 ARMCP::CPValue, PCAdj, ARMCP::TLSGD, true);
2931 SDValue Argument = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
2932 Argument = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, Argument);
2933 Argument = DAG.getLoad(
2934 PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), Argument,
2935 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2936 SDValue Chain = Argument.getValue(1);
2938 SDValue PICLabel = DAG.getConstant(ARMPCLabelIndex, dl, MVT::i32);
2939 Argument = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PIC_ADD, dl, PtrVT, Argument, PICLabel);
2941 // call __tls_get_addr.
2942 ArgListTy Args;
2943 ArgListEntry Entry;
2944 Entry.Node = Argument;
2945 Entry.Ty = (Type *) Type::getInt32Ty(*DAG.getContext());
2946 Args.push_back(Entry);
2948 // FIXME: is there useful debug info available here?
2949 TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
2950 CLI.setDebugLoc(dl).setChain(Chain).setLibCallee(
2951 CallingConv::C, Type::getInt32Ty(*DAG.getContext()),
2952 DAG.getExternalSymbol("__tls_get_addr", PtrVT), std::move(Args));
2954 std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CallResult = LowerCallTo(CLI);
2955 return CallResult.first;
2958// Lower ISD::GlobalTLSAddress using the "initial exec" or
2959// "local exec" model.
2961ARMTargetLowering::LowerToTLSExecModels(GlobalAddressSDNode *GA,
2962 SelectionDAG &DAG,
2963 TLSModel::Model model) const {
2964 const GlobalValue *GV = GA->getGlobal();
2965 SDLoc dl(GA);
2966 SDValue Offset;
2967 SDValue Chain = DAG.getEntryNode();
2968 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
2969 // Get the Thread Pointer
2970 SDValue ThreadPointer = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::THREAD_POINTER, dl, PtrVT);
2972 if (model == TLSModel::InitialExec) {
2973 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
2974 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
2975 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
2976 // Initial exec model.
2977 unsigned char PCAdj = Subtarget->isThumb() ? 4 : 8;
2978 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2979 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GA->getGlobal(), ARMPCLabelIndex,
2981 true);
2982 Offset = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
2983 Offset = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, Offset);
2984 Offset = DAG.getLoad(
2985 PtrVT, dl, Chain, Offset,
2986 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2987 Chain = Offset.getValue(1);
2989 SDValue PICLabel = DAG.getConstant(ARMPCLabelIndex, dl, MVT::i32);
2990 Offset = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PIC_ADD, dl, PtrVT, Offset, PICLabel);
2992 Offset = DAG.getLoad(
2993 PtrVT, dl, Chain, Offset,
2994 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
2995 } else {
2996 // local exec model
2997 assert(model == TLSModel::LocalExec)(static_cast <bool> (model == TLSModel::LocalExec) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("model == TLSModel::LocalExec", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 2997, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2998 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
2999 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GV, ARMCP::TPOFF);
3000 Offset = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
3001 Offset = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, Offset);
3002 Offset = DAG.getLoad(
3003 PtrVT, dl, Chain, Offset,
3004 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3005 }
3007 // The address of the thread local variable is the add of the thread
3008 // pointer with the offset of the variable.
3009 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, ThreadPointer, Offset);
3013ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalTLSAddress(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3014 GlobalAddressSDNode *GA = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op);
3015 if (DAG.getTarget().useEmulatedTLS())
3016 return LowerToTLSEmulatedModel(GA, DAG);
3018 if (Subtarget->isTargetDarwin())
3019 return LowerGlobalTLSAddressDarwin(Op, DAG);
3021 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows())
3022 return LowerGlobalTLSAddressWindows(Op, DAG);
3024 // TODO: implement the "local dynamic" model
3025 assert(Subtarget->isTargetELF() && "Only ELF implemented here")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetELF() &&
"Only ELF implemented here") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->isTargetELF() && \"Only ELF implemented here\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3025, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3026 TLSModel::Model model = getTargetMachine().getTLSModel(GA->getGlobal());
3028 switch (model) {
3029 case TLSModel::GeneralDynamic:
3030 case TLSModel::LocalDynamic:
3031 return LowerToTLSGeneralDynamicModel(GA, DAG);
3032 case TLSModel::InitialExec:
3033 case TLSModel::LocalExec:
3034 return LowerToTLSExecModels(GA, DAG, model);
3035 }
3036 llvm_unreachable("bogus TLS model")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("bogus TLS model", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3036)
3039/// Return true if all users of V are within function F, looking through
3040/// ConstantExprs.
3041static bool allUsersAreInFunction(const Value *V, const Function *F) {
3042 SmallVector<const User*,4> Worklist;
3043 for (auto *U : V->users())
3044 Worklist.push_back(U);
3045 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
3046 auto *U = Worklist.pop_back_val();
3047 if (isa<ConstantExpr>(U)) {
3048 for (auto *UU : U->users())
3049 Worklist.push_back(UU);
3050 continue;
3051 }
3053 auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U);
3054 if (!I || I->getParent()->getParent() != F)
3055 return false;
3056 }
3057 return true;
3060/// Return true if all users of V are within some (any) function, looking through
3061/// ConstantExprs. In other words, are there any global constant users?
3062static bool allUsersAreInFunctions(const Value *V) {
3063 SmallVector<const User*,4> Worklist;
3064 for (auto *U : V->users())
3065 Worklist.push_back(U);
3066 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
3067 auto *U = Worklist.pop_back_val();
3068 if (isa<ConstantExpr>(U)) {
3069 for (auto *UU : U->users())
3070 Worklist.push_back(UU);
3071 continue;
3072 }
3074 if (!isa<Instruction>(U))
3075 return false;
3076 }
3077 return true;
3080// Return true if T is an integer, float or an array/vector of either.
3081static bool isSimpleType(Type *T) {
3082 if (T->isIntegerTy() || T->isFloatingPointTy())
3083 return true;
3084 Type *SubT = nullptr;
3085 if (T->isArrayTy())
3086 SubT = T->getArrayElementType();
3087 else if (T->isVectorTy())
3088 SubT = T->getVectorElementType();
3089 else
3090 return false;
3091 return SubT->isIntegerTy() || SubT->isFloatingPointTy();
3094static SDValue promoteToConstantPool(const GlobalValue *GV, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3095 EVT PtrVT, const SDLoc &dl) {
3096 // If we're creating a pool entry for a constant global with unnamed address,
3097 // and the global is small enough, we can emit it inline into the constant pool
3098 // to save ourselves an indirection.
3099 //
3100 // This is a win if the constant is only used in one function (so it doesn't
3101 // need to be duplicated) or duplicating the constant wouldn't increase code
3102 // size (implying the constant is no larger than 4 bytes).
3103 const Function &F = DAG.getMachineFunction().getFunction();
3105 // We rely on this decision to inline being idemopotent and unrelated to the
3106 // use-site. We know that if we inline a variable at one use site, we'll
3107 // inline it elsewhere too (and reuse the constant pool entry). Fast-isel
3108 // doesn't know about this optimization, so bail out if it's enabled else
3109 // we could decide to inline here (and thus never emit the GV) but require
3110 // the GV from fast-isel generated code.
3111 if (!EnableConstpoolPromotion ||
3112 DAG.getMachineFunction().getTarget().Options.EnableFastISel)
3113 return SDValue();
3115 auto *GVar = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(GV);
3116 if (!GVar || !GVar->hasInitializer() ||
3117 !GVar->isConstant() || !GVar->hasGlobalUnnamedAddr() ||
3118 !GVar->hasLocalLinkage())
3119 return SDValue();
3121 // Ensure that we don't try and inline any type that contains pointers. If
3122 // we inline a value that contains relocations, we move the relocations from
3123 // .data to .text which is not ideal.
3124 auto *Init = GVar->getInitializer();
3125 if (!isSimpleType(Init->getType()))
3126 return SDValue();
3128 // The constant islands pass can only really deal with alignment requests
3129 // <= 4 bytes and cannot pad constants itself. Therefore we cannot promote
3130 // any type wanting greater alignment requirements than 4 bytes. We also
3131 // can only promote constants that are multiples of 4 bytes in size or
3132 // are paddable to a multiple of 4. Currently we only try and pad constants
3133 // that are strings for simplicity.
3134 auto *CDAInit = dyn_cast<ConstantDataArray>(Init);
3135 unsigned Size = DAG.getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(Init->getType());
3136 unsigned Align = GVar->getAlignment();
3137 unsigned RequiredPadding = 4 - (Size % 4);
3138 bool PaddingPossible =
3139 RequiredPadding == 4 || (CDAInit && CDAInit->isString());
3140 if (!PaddingPossible || Align > 4 || Size > ConstpoolPromotionMaxSize ||
3141 Size == 0)
3142 return SDValue();
3144 unsigned PaddedSize = Size + ((RequiredPadding == 4) ? 0 : RequiredPadding);
3145 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3146 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3148 // We can't bloat the constant pool too much, else the ConstantIslands pass
3149 // may fail to converge. If we haven't promoted this global yet (it may have
3150 // multiple uses), and promoting it would increase the constant pool size (Sz
3151 // > 4), ensure we have space to do so up to MaxTotal.
3152 if (!AFI->getGlobalsPromotedToConstantPool().count(GVar) && Size > 4)
3153 if (AFI->getPromotedConstpoolIncrease() + PaddedSize - 4 >=
3154 ConstpoolPromotionMaxTotal)
3155 return SDValue();
3157 // This is only valid if all users are in a single function OR it has users
3158 // in multiple functions but it no larger than a pointer. We also check if
3159 // GVar has constant (non-ConstantExpr) users. If so, it essentially has its
3160 // address taken.
3161 if (!allUsersAreInFunction(GVar, &F) &&
3162 !(Size <= 4 && allUsersAreInFunctions(GVar)))
3163 return SDValue();
3165 // We're going to inline this global. Pad it out if needed.
3166 if (RequiredPadding != 4) {
3167 StringRef S = CDAInit->getAsString();
3169 SmallVector<uint8_t,16> V(S.size());
3170 std::copy(S.bytes_begin(), S.bytes_end(), V.begin());
3171 while (RequiredPadding--)
3172 V.push_back(0);
3173 Init = ConstantDataArray::get(*DAG.getContext(), V);
3174 }
3176 auto CPVal = ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GVar, Init);
3177 SDValue CPAddr =
3178 DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPVal, PtrVT, /*Align=*/4);
3179 if (!AFI->getGlobalsPromotedToConstantPool().count(GVar)) {
3180 AFI->markGlobalAsPromotedToConstantPool(GVar);
3181 AFI->setPromotedConstpoolIncrease(AFI->getPromotedConstpoolIncrease() +
3182 PaddedSize - 4);
3183 }
3184 ++NumConstpoolPromoted;
3185 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
3188bool ARMTargetLowering::isReadOnly(const GlobalValue *GV) const {
3189 if (const GlobalAlias *GA = dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(GV))
3190 GV = GA->getBaseObject();
3191 return (isa<GlobalVariable>(GV) && cast<GlobalVariable>(GV)->isConstant()) ||
3192 isa<Function>(GV);
3195SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalAddress(SDValue Op,
3196 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3197 switch (Subtarget->getTargetTriple().getObjectFormat()) {
3198 default: llvm_unreachable("unknown object format")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unknown object format", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3198)
3199 case Triple::COFF:
3200 return LowerGlobalAddressWindows(Op, DAG);
3201 case Triple::ELF:
3202 return LowerGlobalAddressELF(Op, DAG);
3203 case Triple::MachO:
3204 return LowerGlobalAddressDarwin(Op, DAG);
3205 }
3208SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalAddressELF(SDValue Op,
3209 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3210 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3211 SDLoc dl(Op);
3212 const GlobalValue *GV = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op)->getGlobal();
3213 const TargetMachine &TM = getTargetMachine();
3214 bool IsRO = isReadOnly(GV);
3216 // promoteToConstantPool only if not generating XO text section
3217 if (TM.shouldAssumeDSOLocal(*GV->getParent(), GV) && !Subtarget->genExecuteOnly())
3218 if (SDValue V = promoteToConstantPool(GV, DAG, PtrVT, dl))
3219 return V;
3221 if (isPositionIndependent()) {
3222 bool UseGOT_PREL = !TM.shouldAssumeDSOLocal(*GV->getParent(), GV);
3223 SDValue G = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVT, 0,
3224 UseGOT_PREL ? ARMII::MO_GOT : 0);
3225 SDValue Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WrapperPIC, dl, PtrVT, G);
3226 if (UseGOT_PREL)
3227 Result =
3228 DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), Result,
3229 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3230 return Result;
3231 } else if (Subtarget->isROPI() && IsRO) {
3232 // PC-relative.
3233 SDValue G = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVT);
3234 SDValue Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WrapperPIC, dl, PtrVT, G);
3235 return Result;
3236 } else if (Subtarget->isRWPI() && !IsRO) {
3237 // SB-relative.
3238 SDValue RelAddr;
3239 if (Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction())) {
3240 ++NumMovwMovt;
3241 SDValue G = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVT, 0, ARMII::MO_SBREL);
3242 RelAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, PtrVT, G);
3243 } else { // use literal pool for address constant
3244 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
3245 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(GV, ARMCP::SBREL);
3246 SDValue CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
3247 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
3248 RelAddr = DAG.getLoad(
3249 PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
3250 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3251 }
3252 SDValue SB = DAG.getCopyFromReg(DAG.getEntryNode(), dl, ARM::R9, PtrVT);
3253 SDValue Result = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, SB, RelAddr);
3254 return Result;
3255 }
3257 // If we have T2 ops, we can materialize the address directly via movt/movw
3258 // pair. This is always cheaper.
3259 if (Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction())) {
3260 ++NumMovwMovt;
3261 // FIXME: Once remat is capable of dealing with instructions with register
3262 // operands, expand this into two nodes.
3263 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, PtrVT,
3264 DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVT));
3265 } else {
3266 SDValue CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(GV, PtrVT, 4);
3267 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
3268 return DAG.getLoad(
3269 PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
3270 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3271 }
3274SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalAddressDarwin(SDValue Op,
3275 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3276 assert(!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() &&(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Darwin"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Darwin\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3277, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3277 "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Darwin")(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Darwin"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Darwin\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3277, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3278 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3279 SDLoc dl(Op);
3280 const GlobalValue *GV = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op)->getGlobal();
3282 if (Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction()))
3283 ++NumMovwMovt;
3285 // FIXME: Once remat is capable of dealing with instructions with register
3286 // operands, expand this into multiple nodes
3287 unsigned Wrapper =
3288 isPositionIndependent() ? ARMISD::WrapperPIC : ARMISD::Wrapper;
3290 SDValue G = DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, dl, PtrVT, 0, ARMII::MO_NONLAZY);
3291 SDValue Result = DAG.getNode(Wrapper, dl, PtrVT, G);
3293 if (Subtarget->isGVIndirectSymbol(GV))
3294 Result = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), Result,
3295 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3296 return Result;
3299SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerGlobalAddressWindows(SDValue Op,
3300 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3301 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && "non-Windows COFF is not supported")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"non-Windows COFF is not supported") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"non-Windows COFF is not supported\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3301, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3302 assert(Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction()) &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction
()) && "Windows on ARM expects to use movw/movt") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction()) && \"Windows on ARM expects to use movw/movt\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3303, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3303 "Windows on ARM expects to use movw/movt")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction
()) && "Windows on ARM expects to use movw/movt") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->useMovt(DAG.getMachineFunction()) && \"Windows on ARM expects to use movw/movt\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3303, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3304 assert(!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() &&(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Windows"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Windows\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3305, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3305 "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Windows")(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Windows"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported for Windows\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3305, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3307 const GlobalValue *GV = cast<GlobalAddressSDNode>(Op)->getGlobal();
3308 const ARMII::TOF TargetFlags =
3309 (GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass() ? ARMII::MO_DLLIMPORT : ARMII::MO_NO_FLAG);
3310 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3311 SDValue Result;
3312 SDLoc DL(Op);
3314 ++NumMovwMovt;
3316 // FIXME: Once remat is capable of dealing with instructions with register
3317 // operands, expand this into two nodes.
3318 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, DL, PtrVT,
3319 DAG.getTargetGlobalAddress(GV, DL, PtrVT, /*Offset=*/0,
3320 TargetFlags));
3321 if (GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass())
3322 Result = DAG.getLoad(PtrVT, DL, DAG.getEntryNode(), Result,
3323 MachinePointerInfo::getGOT(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3324 return Result;
3328ARMTargetLowering::LowerEH_SJLJ_SETJMP(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3329 SDLoc dl(Op);
3330 SDValue Val = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32);
3331 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::EH_SJLJ_SETJMP, dl,
3332 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::Other), Op.getOperand(0),
3333 Op.getOperand(1), Val);
3337ARMTargetLowering::LowerEH_SJLJ_LONGJMP(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3338 SDLoc dl(Op);
3339 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::EH_SJLJ_LONGJMP, dl, MVT::Other, Op.getOperand(0),
3340 Op.getOperand(1), DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
3343SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerEH_SJLJ_SETUP_DISPATCH(SDValue Op,
3344 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3345 SDLoc dl(Op);
3346 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::EH_SJLJ_SETUP_DISPATCH, dl, MVT::Other,
3347 Op.getOperand(0));
3351ARMTargetLowering::LowerINTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3352 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) const {
3353 unsigned IntNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
3354 SDLoc dl(Op);
3355 switch (IntNo) {
3356 default: return SDValue(); // Don't custom lower most intrinsics.
3357 case Intrinsic::thread_pointer: {
3358 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3359 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::THREAD_POINTER, dl, PtrVT);
3360 }
3361 case Intrinsic::eh_sjlj_lsda: {
3362 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3363 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3364 unsigned ARMPCLabelIndex = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
3365 EVT PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3366 SDValue CPAddr;
3367 bool IsPositionIndependent = isPositionIndependent();
3368 unsigned PCAdj = IsPositionIndependent ? (Subtarget->isThumb() ? 4 : 8) : 0;
3369 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
3370 ARMConstantPoolConstant::Create(&MF.getFunction(), ARMPCLabelIndex,
3372 CPAddr = DAG.getTargetConstantPool(CPV, PtrVT, 4);
3373 CPAddr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::Wrapper, dl, MVT::i32, CPAddr);
3374 SDValue Result = DAG.getLoad(
3375 PtrVT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), CPAddr,
3376 MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
3378 if (IsPositionIndependent) {
3379 SDValue PICLabel = DAG.getConstant(ARMPCLabelIndex, dl, MVT::i32);
3380 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PIC_ADD, dl, PtrVT, Result, PICLabel);
3381 }
3382 return Result;
3383 }
3384 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vabs:
3385 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ABS, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3386 Op.getOperand(1));
3387 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmulls:
3388 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmullu: {
3389 unsigned NewOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmulls)
3391 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3392 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3393 }
3394 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vminnm:
3395 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmaxnm: {
3396 unsigned NewOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vminnm)
3398 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3399 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3400 }
3401 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vminu:
3402 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmaxu: {
3403 if (Op.getValueType().isFloatingPoint())
3404 return SDValue();
3405 unsigned NewOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vminu)
3406 ? ISD::UMIN : ISD::UMAX;
3407 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3408 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3409 }
3410 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmins:
3411 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmaxs: {
3412 // v{min,max}s is overloaded between signed integers and floats.
3413 if (!Op.getValueType().isFloatingPoint()) {
3414 unsigned NewOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmins)
3415 ? ISD::SMIN : ISD::SMAX;
3416 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3417 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3418 }
3419 unsigned NewOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vmins)
3421 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3422 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3423 }
3424 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vtbl1:
3425 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VTBL1, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3426 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
3427 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vtbl2:
3428 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VTBL2, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType(),
3429 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2), Op.getOperand(3));
3430 }
3433static SDValue LowerATOMIC_FENCE(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3434 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
3435 SDLoc dl(Op);
3436 ConstantSDNode *SSIDNode = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(2));
3437 auto SSID = static_cast<SyncScope::ID>(SSIDNode->getZExtValue());
3438 if (SSID == SyncScope::SingleThread)
3439 return Op;
3441 if (!Subtarget->hasDataBarrier()) {
3442 // Some ARMv6 cpus can support data barriers with an mcr instruction.
3443 // Thumb1 and pre-v6 ARM mode use a libcall instead and should never get
3444 // here.
3445 assert(Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && !Subtarget->isThumb() &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->hasV6Ops() &&
!Subtarget->isThumb() && "Unexpected ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE encountered. Should be libcall!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && !Subtarget->isThumb() && \"Unexpected ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE encountered. Should be libcall!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3446, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3446 "Unexpected ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE encountered. Should be libcall!")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->hasV6Ops() &&
!Subtarget->isThumb() && "Unexpected ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE encountered. Should be libcall!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && !Subtarget->isThumb() && \"Unexpected ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE encountered. Should be libcall!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3446, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3447 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::MEMBARRIER_MCR, dl, MVT::Other, Op.getOperand(0),
3448 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
3449 }
3451 ConstantSDNode *OrdN = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1));
3452 AtomicOrdering Ord = static_cast<AtomicOrdering>(OrdN->getZExtValue());
3453 ARM_MB::MemBOpt Domain = ARM_MB::ISH;
3454 if (Subtarget->isMClass()) {
3455 // Only a full system barrier exists in the M-class architectures.
3456 Domain = ARM_MB::SY;
3457 } else if (Subtarget->preferISHSTBarriers() &&
3458 Ord == AtomicOrdering::Release) {
3459 // Swift happens to implement ISHST barriers in a way that's compatible with
3460 // Release semantics but weaker than ISH so we'd be fools not to use
3461 // it. Beware: other processors probably don't!
3462 Domain = ARM_MB::ISHST;
3463 }
3465 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_VOID, dl, MVT::Other, Op.getOperand(0),
3466 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_dmb, dl, MVT::i32),
3467 DAG.getConstant(Domain, dl, MVT::i32));
3470static SDValue LowerPREFETCH(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3471 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
3472 // ARM pre v5TE and Thumb1 does not have preload instructions.
3473 if (!(Subtarget->isThumb2() ||
3474 (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && Subtarget->hasV5TEOps())))
3475 // Just preserve the chain.
3476 return Op.getOperand(0);
3478 SDLoc dl(Op);
3479 unsigned isRead = ~cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(2))->getZExtValue() & 1;
3480 if (!isRead &&
3481 (!Subtarget->hasV7Ops() || !Subtarget->hasMPExtension()))
3482 // ARMv7 with MP extension has PLDW.
3483 return Op.getOperand(0);
3485 unsigned isData = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(4))->getZExtValue();
3486 if (Subtarget->isThumb()) {
3487 // Invert the bits.
3488 isRead = ~isRead & 1;
3489 isData = ~isData & 1;
3490 }
3492 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::PRELOAD, dl, MVT::Other, Op.getOperand(0),
3493 Op.getOperand(1), DAG.getConstant(isRead, dl, MVT::i32),
3494 DAG.getConstant(isData, dl, MVT::i32));
3497static SDValue LowerVASTART(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
3498 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3499 ARMFunctionInfo *FuncInfo = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3501 // vastart just stores the address of the VarArgsFrameIndex slot into the
3502 // memory location argument.
3503 SDLoc dl(Op);
3504 EVT PtrVT = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3505 SDValue FR = DAG.getFrameIndex(FuncInfo->getVarArgsFrameIndex(), PtrVT);
3506 const Value *SV = cast<SrcValueSDNode>(Op.getOperand(2))->getValue();
3507 return DAG.getStore(Op.getOperand(0), dl, FR, Op.getOperand(1),
3508 MachinePointerInfo(SV));
3511SDValue ARMTargetLowering::GetF64FormalArgument(CCValAssign &VA,
3512 CCValAssign &NextVA,
3513 SDValue &Root,
3514 SelectionDAG &DAG,
3515 const SDLoc &dl) const {
3516 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3517 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3519 const TargetRegisterClass *RC;
3520 if (AFI->isThumb1OnlyFunction())
3521 RC = &ARM::tGPRRegClass;
3522 else
3523 RC = &ARM::GPRRegClass;
3525 // Transform the arguments stored in physical registers into virtual ones.
3526 unsigned Reg = MF.addLiveIn(VA.getLocReg(), RC);
3527 SDValue ArgValue = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Root, dl, Reg, MVT::i32);
3529 SDValue ArgValue2;
3530 if (NextVA.isMemLoc()) {
3531 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3532 int FI = MFI.CreateFixedObject(4, NextVA.getLocMemOffset(), true);
3534 // Create load node to retrieve arguments from the stack.
3535 SDValue FIN = DAG.getFrameIndex(FI, getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
3536 ArgValue2 = DAG.getLoad(
3537 MVT::i32, dl, Root, FIN,
3538 MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(DAG.getMachineFunction(), FI));
3539 } else {
3540 Reg = MF.addLiveIn(NextVA.getLocReg(), RC);
3541 ArgValue2 = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Root, dl, Reg, MVT::i32);
3542 }
3543 if (!Subtarget->isLittle())
3544 std::swap (ArgValue, ArgValue2);
3545 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, ArgValue, ArgValue2);
3548// The remaining GPRs hold either the beginning of variable-argument
3549// data, or the beginning of an aggregate passed by value (usually
3550// byval). Either way, we allocate stack slots adjacent to the data
3551// provided by our caller, and store the unallocated registers there.
3552// If this is a variadic function, the va_list pointer will begin with
3553// these values; otherwise, this reassembles a (byval) structure that
3554// was split between registers and memory.
3555// Return: The frame index registers were stored into.
3556int ARMTargetLowering::StoreByValRegs(CCState &CCInfo, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3557 const SDLoc &dl, SDValue &Chain,
3558 const Value *OrigArg,
3559 unsigned InRegsParamRecordIdx,
3560 int ArgOffset, unsigned ArgSize) const {
3561 // Currently, two use-cases possible:
3562 // Case #1. Non-var-args function, and we meet first byval parameter.
3563 // Setup first unallocated register as first byval register;
3564 // eat all remained registers
3565 // (these two actions are performed by HandleByVal method).
3566 // Then, here, we initialize stack frame with
3567 // "store-reg" instructions.
3568 // Case #2. Var-args function, that doesn't contain byval parameters.
3569 // The same: eat all remained unallocated registers,
3570 // initialize stack frame.
3572 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3573 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3574 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3575 unsigned RBegin, REnd;
3576 if (InRegsParamRecordIdx < CCInfo.getInRegsParamsCount()) {
3577 CCInfo.getInRegsParamInfo(InRegsParamRecordIdx, RBegin, REnd);
3578 } else {
3579 unsigned RBeginIdx = CCInfo.getFirstUnallocated(GPRArgRegs);
3580 RBegin = RBeginIdx == 4 ? (unsigned)ARM::R4 : GPRArgRegs[RBeginIdx];
3581 REnd = ARM::R4;
3582 }
3584 if (REnd != RBegin)
3585 ArgOffset = -4 * (ARM::R4 - RBegin);
3587 auto PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3588 int FrameIndex = MFI.CreateFixedObject(ArgSize, ArgOffset, false);
3589 SDValue FIN = DAG.getFrameIndex(FrameIndex, PtrVT);
3591 SmallVector<SDValue, 4> MemOps;
3592 const TargetRegisterClass *RC =
3593 AFI->isThumb1OnlyFunction() ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass : &ARM::GPRRegClass;
3595 for (unsigned Reg = RBegin, i = 0; Reg < REnd; ++Reg, ++i) {
3596 unsigned VReg = MF.addLiveIn(Reg, RC);
3597 SDValue Val = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, VReg, MVT::i32);
3598 SDValue Store = DAG.getStore(Val.getValue(1), dl, Val, FIN,
3599 MachinePointerInfo(OrigArg, 4 * i));
3600 MemOps.push_back(Store);
3601 FIN = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, FIN, DAG.getConstant(4, dl, PtrVT));
3602 }
3604 if (!MemOps.empty())
3605 Chain = DAG.getNode(ISD::TokenFactor, dl, MVT::Other, MemOps);
3606 return FrameIndex;
3609// Setup stack frame, the va_list pointer will start from.
3610void ARMTargetLowering::VarArgStyleRegisters(CCState &CCInfo, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3611 const SDLoc &dl, SDValue &Chain,
3612 unsigned ArgOffset,
3613 unsigned TotalArgRegsSaveSize,
3614 bool ForceMutable) const {
3615 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3616 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3618 // Try to store any remaining integer argument regs
3619 // to their spots on the stack so that they may be loaded by dereferencing
3620 // the result of va_next.
3621 // If there is no regs to be stored, just point address after last
3622 // argument passed via stack.
3623 int FrameIndex = StoreByValRegs(CCInfo, DAG, dl, Chain, nullptr,
3624 CCInfo.getInRegsParamsCount(),
3625 CCInfo.getNextStackOffset(), 4);
3626 AFI->setVarArgsFrameIndex(FrameIndex);
3629SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFormalArguments(
3630 SDValue Chain, CallingConv::ID CallConv, bool isVarArg,
3631 const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> &Ins, const SDLoc &dl,
3632 SelectionDAG &DAG, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &InVals) const {
3633 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
3634 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3636 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
3638 // Assign locations to all of the incoming arguments.
3639 SmallVector<CCValAssign, 16> ArgLocs;
3640 CCState CCInfo(CallConv, isVarArg, DAG.getMachineFunction(), ArgLocs,
3641 *DAG.getContext());
3642 CCInfo.AnalyzeFormalArguments(Ins, CCAssignFnForCall(CallConv, isVarArg));
3644 SmallVector<SDValue, 16> ArgValues;
3645 SDValue ArgValue;
3646 Function::const_arg_iterator CurOrigArg = MF.getFunction().arg_begin();
3647 unsigned CurArgIdx = 0;
3649 // Initially ArgRegsSaveSize is zero.
3650 // Then we increase this value each time we meet byval parameter.
3651 // We also increase this value in case of varargs function.
3652 AFI->setArgRegsSaveSize(0);
3654 // Calculate the amount of stack space that we need to allocate to store
3655 // byval and variadic arguments that are passed in registers.
3656 // We need to know this before we allocate the first byval or variadic
3657 // argument, as they will be allocated a stack slot below the CFA (Canonical
3658 // Frame Address, the stack pointer at entry to the function).
3659 unsigned ArgRegBegin = ARM::R4;
3660 for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgLocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
3661 if (CCInfo.getInRegsParamsProcessed() >= CCInfo.getInRegsParamsCount())
3662 break;
3664 CCValAssign &VA = ArgLocs[i];
3665 unsigned Index = VA.getValNo();
3666 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags = Ins[Index].Flags;
3667 if (!Flags.isByVal())
3668 continue;
3670 assert(VA.isMemLoc() && "unexpected byval pointer in reg")(static_cast <bool> (VA.isMemLoc() && "unexpected byval pointer in reg"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VA.isMemLoc() && \"unexpected byval pointer in reg\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3670, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3671 unsigned RBegin, REnd;
3672 CCInfo.getInRegsParamInfo(CCInfo.getInRegsParamsProcessed(), RBegin, REnd);
3673 ArgRegBegin = std::min(ArgRegBegin, RBegin);
3675 CCInfo.nextInRegsParam();
3676 }
3677 CCInfo.rewindByValRegsInfo();
3679 int lastInsIndex = -1;
3680 if (isVarArg && MFI.hasVAStart()) {
3681 unsigned RegIdx = CCInfo.getFirstUnallocated(GPRArgRegs);
3682 if (RegIdx != array_lengthof(GPRArgRegs))
3683 ArgRegBegin = std::min(ArgRegBegin, (unsigned)GPRArgRegs[RegIdx]);
3684 }
3686 unsigned TotalArgRegsSaveSize = 4 * (ARM::R4 - ArgRegBegin);
3687 AFI->setArgRegsSaveSize(TotalArgRegsSaveSize);
3688 auto PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
3690 for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgLocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
3691 CCValAssign &VA = ArgLocs[i];
3692 if (Ins[VA.getValNo()].isOrigArg()) {
3693 std::advance(CurOrigArg,
3694 Ins[VA.getValNo()].getOrigArgIndex() - CurArgIdx);
3695 CurArgIdx = Ins[VA.getValNo()].getOrigArgIndex();
3696 }
3697 // Arguments stored in registers.
3698 if (VA.isRegLoc()) {
3699 EVT RegVT = VA.getLocVT();
3701 if (VA.needsCustom()) {
3702 // f64 and vector types are split up into multiple registers or
3703 // combinations of registers and stack slots.
3704 if (VA.getLocVT() == MVT::v2f64) {
3705 SDValue ArgValue1 = GetF64FormalArgument(VA, ArgLocs[++i],
3706 Chain, DAG, dl);
3707 VA = ArgLocs[++i]; // skip ahead to next loc
3708 SDValue ArgValue2;
3709 if (VA.isMemLoc()) {
3710 int FI = MFI.CreateFixedObject(8, VA.getLocMemOffset(), true);
3711 SDValue FIN = DAG.getFrameIndex(FI, PtrVT);
3712 ArgValue2 = DAG.getLoad(MVT::f64, dl, Chain, FIN,
3713 MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(
3714 DAG.getMachineFunction(), FI));
3715 } else {
3716 ArgValue2 = GetF64FormalArgument(VA, ArgLocs[++i],
3717 Chain, DAG, dl);
3718 }
3719 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::UNDEF, dl, MVT::v2f64);
3720 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64,
3721 ArgValue, ArgValue1,
3722 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
3723 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64,
3724 ArgValue, ArgValue2,
3725 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(1, dl));
3726 } else
3727 ArgValue = GetF64FormalArgument(VA, ArgLocs[++i], Chain, DAG, dl);
3728 } else {
3729 const TargetRegisterClass *RC;
3732 if (RegVT == MVT::f16)
3733 RC = &ARM::HPRRegClass;
3734 else if (RegVT == MVT::f32)
3735 RC = &ARM::SPRRegClass;
3736 else if (RegVT == MVT::f64 || RegVT == MVT::v4f16)
3737 RC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
3738 else if (RegVT == MVT::v2f64 || RegVT == MVT::v8f16)
3739 RC = &ARM::QPRRegClass;
3740 else if (RegVT == MVT::i32)
3741 RC = AFI->isThumb1OnlyFunction() ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass
3742 : &ARM::GPRRegClass;
3743 else
3744 llvm_unreachable("RegVT not supported by FORMAL_ARGUMENTS Lowering")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("RegVT not supported by FORMAL_ARGUMENTS Lowering"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3744)
3746 // Transform the arguments in physical registers into virtual ones.
3747 unsigned Reg = MF.addLiveIn(VA.getLocReg(), RC);
3748 ArgValue = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, dl, Reg, RegVT);
3749 }
3751 // If this is an 8 or 16-bit value, it is really passed promoted
3752 // to 32 bits. Insert an assert[sz]ext to capture this, then
3753 // truncate to the right size.
3754 switch (VA.getLocInfo()) {
3755 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown loc info!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown loc info!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3755)
3756 case CCValAssign::Full: break;
3757 case CCValAssign::BCvt:
3758 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VA.getValVT(), ArgValue);
3759 break;
3760 case CCValAssign::SExt:
3761 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::AssertSext, dl, RegVT, ArgValue,
3762 DAG.getValueType(VA.getValVT()));
3763 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, VA.getValVT(), ArgValue);
3764 break;
3765 case CCValAssign::ZExt:
3766 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::AssertZext, dl, RegVT, ArgValue,
3767 DAG.getValueType(VA.getValVT()));
3768 ArgValue = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, VA.getValVT(), ArgValue);
3769 break;
3770 }
3772 InVals.push_back(ArgValue);
3773 } else { // VA.isRegLoc()
3774 // sanity check
3775 assert(VA.isMemLoc())(static_cast <bool> (VA.isMemLoc()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("VA.isMemLoc()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3775, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3776 assert(VA.getValVT() != MVT::i64 && "i64 should already be lowered")(static_cast <bool> (VA.getValVT() != MVT::i64 &&
"i64 should already be lowered") ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"VA.getValVT() != MVT::i64 && \"i64 should already be lowered\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3776, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3778 int index = VA.getValNo();
3780 // Some Ins[] entries become multiple ArgLoc[] entries.
3781 // Process them only once.
3782 if (index != lastInsIndex)
3783 {
3784 ISD::ArgFlagsTy Flags = Ins[index].Flags;
3785 // FIXME: For now, all byval parameter objects are marked mutable.
3786 // This can be changed with more analysis.
3787 // In case of tail call optimization mark all arguments mutable.
3788 // Since they could be overwritten by lowering of arguments in case of
3789 // a tail call.
3790 if (Flags.isByVal()) {
3791 assert(Ins[index].isOrigArg() &&(static_cast <bool> (Ins[index].isOrigArg() && "Byval arguments cannot be implicit"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ins[index].isOrigArg() && \"Byval arguments cannot be implicit\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3792, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3792 "Byval arguments cannot be implicit")(static_cast <bool> (Ins[index].isOrigArg() && "Byval arguments cannot be implicit"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ins[index].isOrigArg() && \"Byval arguments cannot be implicit\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3792, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3793 unsigned CurByValIndex = CCInfo.getInRegsParamsProcessed();
3795 int FrameIndex = StoreByValRegs(
3796 CCInfo, DAG, dl, Chain, &*CurOrigArg, CurByValIndex,
3797 VA.getLocMemOffset(), Flags.getByValSize());
3798 InVals.push_back(DAG.getFrameIndex(FrameIndex, PtrVT));
3799 CCInfo.nextInRegsParam();
3800 } else {
3801 unsigned FIOffset = VA.getLocMemOffset();
3802 int FI = MFI.CreateFixedObject(VA.getLocVT().getSizeInBits()/8,
3803 FIOffset, true);
3805 // Create load nodes to retrieve arguments from the stack.
3806 SDValue FIN = DAG.getFrameIndex(FI, PtrVT);
3807 InVals.push_back(DAG.getLoad(VA.getValVT(), dl, Chain, FIN,
3808 MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(
3809 DAG.getMachineFunction(), FI)));
3810 }
3811 lastInsIndex = index;
3812 }
3813 }
3814 }
3816 // varargs
3817 if (isVarArg && MFI.hasVAStart())
3818 VarArgStyleRegisters(CCInfo, DAG, dl, Chain,
3819 CCInfo.getNextStackOffset(),
3820 TotalArgRegsSaveSize);
3822 AFI->setArgumentStackSize(CCInfo.getNextStackOffset());
3824 return Chain;
3827/// isFloatingPointZero - Return true if this is +0.0.
3828static bool isFloatingPointZero(SDValue Op) {
3829 if (ConstantFPSDNode *CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFPSDNode>(Op))
3830 return CFP->getValueAPF().isPosZero();
3831 else if (ISD::isEXTLoad(Op.getNode()) || ISD::isNON_EXTLoad(Op.getNode())) {
3832 // Maybe this has already been legalized into the constant pool?
3833 if (Op.getOperand(1).getOpcode() == ARMISD::Wrapper) {
3834 SDValue WrapperOp = Op.getOperand(1).getOperand(0);
3835 if (ConstantPoolSDNode *CP = dyn_cast<ConstantPoolSDNode>(WrapperOp))
3836 if (const ConstantFP *CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(CP->getConstVal()))
3837 return CFP->getValueAPF().isPosZero();
3838 }
3839 } else if (Op->getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST &&
3840 Op->getValueType(0) == MVT::f64) {
3841 // Handle (ISD::BITCAST (ARMISD::VMOVIMM (ISD::TargetConstant 0)) MVT::f64)
3842 // created by LowerConstantFP().
3843 SDValue BitcastOp = Op->getOperand(0);
3844 if (BitcastOp->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVIMM &&
3845 isNullConstant(BitcastOp->getOperand(0)))
3846 return true;
3847 }
3848 return false;
3851/// Returns appropriate ARM CMP (cmp) and corresponding condition code for
3852/// the given operands.
3853SDValue ARMTargetLowering::getARMCmp(SDValue LHS, SDValue RHS, ISD::CondCode CC,
3854 SDValue &ARMcc, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3855 const SDLoc &dl) const {
3856 if (ConstantSDNode *RHSC = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(RHS.getNode())) {
3857 unsigned C = RHSC->getZExtValue();
3858 if (!isLegalICmpImmediate(C)) {
3859 // Constant does not fit, try adjusting it by one?
3860 switch (CC) {
3861 default: break;
3862 case ISD::SETLT:
3863 case ISD::SETGE:
3864 if (C != 0x80000000 && isLegalICmpImmediate(C-1)) {
3866 RHS = DAG.getConstant(C - 1, dl, MVT::i32);
3867 }
3868 break;
3869 case ISD::SETULT:
3870 case ISD::SETUGE:
3871 if (C != 0 && isLegalICmpImmediate(C-1)) {
3873 RHS = DAG.getConstant(C - 1, dl, MVT::i32);
3874 }
3875 break;
3876 case ISD::SETLE:
3877 case ISD::SETGT:
3878 if (C != 0x7fffffff && isLegalICmpImmediate(C+1)) {
3880 RHS = DAG.getConstant(C + 1, dl, MVT::i32);
3881 }
3882 break;
3883 case ISD::SETULE:
3884 case ISD::SETUGT:
3885 if (C != 0xffffffff && isLegalICmpImmediate(C+1)) {
3887 RHS = DAG.getConstant(C + 1, dl, MVT::i32);
3888 }
3889 break;
3890 }
3891 }
3892 } else if ((ARM_AM::getShiftOpcForNode(LHS.getOpcode()) != ARM_AM::no_shift) &&
3893 (ARM_AM::getShiftOpcForNode(RHS.getOpcode()) == ARM_AM::no_shift)) {
3894 // In ARM and Thumb-2, the compare instructions can shift their second
3895 // operand.
3896 CC = ISD::getSetCCSwappedOperands(CC);
3897 std::swap(LHS, RHS);
3898 }
3900 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode = IntCCToARMCC(CC);
3901 ARMISD::NodeType CompareType;
3902 switch (CondCode) {
3903 default:
3904 CompareType = ARMISD::CMP;
3905 break;
3906 case ARMCC::EQ:
3907 case ARMCC::NE:
3908 // Uses only Z Flag
3909 CompareType = ARMISD::CMPZ;
3910 break;
3911 }
3912 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, dl, MVT::i32);
3913 return DAG.getNode(CompareType, dl, MVT::Glue, LHS, RHS);
3916/// Returns a appropriate VFP CMP (fcmp{s|d}+fmstat) for the given operands.
3917SDValue ARMTargetLowering::getVFPCmp(SDValue LHS, SDValue RHS,
3918 SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDLoc &dl,
3919 bool InvalidOnQNaN) const {
3920 assert(!Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() || RHS.getValueType() != MVT::f64)(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() || RHS
.getValueType() != MVT::f64) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() || RHS.getValueType() != MVT::f64"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3920, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3921 SDValue Cmp;
3922 SDValue C = DAG.getConstant(InvalidOnQNaN, dl, MVT::i32);
3923 if (!isFloatingPointZero(RHS))
3924 Cmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMPFP, dl, MVT::Glue, LHS, RHS, C);
3925 else
3926 Cmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMPFPw0, dl, MVT::Glue, LHS, C);
3927 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::FMSTAT, dl, MVT::Glue, Cmp);
3930/// duplicateCmp - Glue values can have only one use, so this function
3931/// duplicates a comparison node.
3933ARMTargetLowering::duplicateCmp(SDValue Cmp, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
3934 unsigned Opc = Cmp.getOpcode();
3935 SDLoc DL(Cmp);
3936 if (Opc == ARMISD::CMP || Opc == ARMISD::CMPZ)
3937 return DAG.getNode(Opc, DL, MVT::Glue, Cmp.getOperand(0),Cmp.getOperand(1));
3939 assert(Opc == ARMISD::FMSTAT && "unexpected comparison operation")(static_cast <bool> (Opc == ARMISD::FMSTAT && "unexpected comparison operation"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Opc == ARMISD::FMSTAT && \"unexpected comparison operation\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3939, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3940 Cmp = Cmp.getOperand(0);
3941 Opc = Cmp.getOpcode();
3942 if (Opc == ARMISD::CMPFP)
3943 Cmp = DAG.getNode(Opc, DL, MVT::Glue, Cmp.getOperand(0),
3944 Cmp.getOperand(1), Cmp.getOperand(2));
3945 else {
3946 assert(Opc == ARMISD::CMPFPw0 && "unexpected operand of FMSTAT")(static_cast <bool> (Opc == ARMISD::CMPFPw0 && "unexpected operand of FMSTAT"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Opc == ARMISD::CMPFPw0 && \"unexpected operand of FMSTAT\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3946, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3947 Cmp = DAG.getNode(Opc, DL, MVT::Glue, Cmp.getOperand(0),
3948 Cmp.getOperand(1));
3949 }
3950 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::FMSTAT, DL, MVT::Glue, Cmp);
3953// This function returns three things: the arithmetic computation itself
3954// (Value), a comparison (OverflowCmp), and a condition code (ARMcc). The
3955// comparison and the condition code define the case in which the arithmetic
3956// computation *does not* overflow.
3957std::pair<SDValue, SDValue>
3958ARMTargetLowering::getARMXALUOOp(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
3959 SDValue &ARMcc) const {
3960 assert(Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 && "Unsupported value type")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 &&
"Unsupported value type") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"Unsupported value type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3960, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
3962 SDValue Value, OverflowCmp;
3963 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
3964 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
3965 SDLoc dl(Op);
3967 // FIXME: We are currently always generating CMPs because we don't support
3968 // generating CMN through the backend. This is not as good as the natural
3969 // CMP case because it causes a register dependency and cannot be folded
3970 // later.
3972 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
3973 default:
3974 llvm_unreachable("Unknown overflow instruction!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown overflow instruction!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 3974)
3975 case ISD::SADDO:
3976 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::VC, dl, MVT::i32);
3977 Value = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, Op.getValueType(), LHS, RHS);
3978 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, Value, LHS);
3979 break;
3980 case ISD::UADDO:
3981 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::HS, dl, MVT::i32);
3982 // We use ADDC here to correspond to its use in LowerUnsignedALUO.
3983 // We do not use it in the USUBO case as Value may not be used.
3984 Value = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::ADDC, dl,
3985 DAG.getVTList(Op.getValueType(), MVT::i32), LHS, RHS)
3986 .getValue(0);
3987 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, Value, LHS);
3988 break;
3989 case ISD::SSUBO:
3990 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::VC, dl, MVT::i32);
3991 Value = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, Op.getValueType(), LHS, RHS);
3992 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, LHS, RHS);
3993 break;
3994 case ISD::USUBO:
3995 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::HS, dl, MVT::i32);
3996 Value = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, Op.getValueType(), LHS, RHS);
3997 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, LHS, RHS);
3998 break;
3999 case ISD::UMULO:
4000 // We generate a UMUL_LOHI and then check if the high word is 0.
4001 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::EQ, dl, MVT::i32);
4002 Value = DAG.getNode(ISD::UMUL_LOHI, dl,
4003 DAG.getVTList(Op.getValueType(), Op.getValueType()),
4004 LHS, RHS);
4005 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, Value.getValue(1),
4006 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
4007 Value = Value.getValue(0); // We only want the low 32 bits for the result.
4008 break;
4009 case ISD::SMULO:
4010 // We generate a SMUL_LOHI and then check if all the bits of the high word
4011 // are the same as the sign bit of the low word.
4012 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::EQ, dl, MVT::i32);
4013 Value = DAG.getNode(ISD::SMUL_LOHI, dl,
4014 DAG.getVTList(Op.getValueType(), Op.getValueType()),
4015 LHS, RHS);
4016 OverflowCmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMP, dl, MVT::Glue, Value.getValue(1),
4017 DAG.getNode(ISD::SRA, dl, Op.getValueType(),
4018 Value.getValue(0),
4019 DAG.getConstant(31, dl, MVT::i32)));
4020 Value = Value.getValue(0); // We only want the low 32 bits for the result.
4021 break;
4022 } // switch (...)
4024 return std::make_pair(Value, OverflowCmp);
4028ARMTargetLowering::LowerSignedALUO(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4029 // Let legalize expand this if it isn't a legal type yet.
4030 if (!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(Op.getValueType()))
4031 return SDValue();
4033 SDValue Value, OverflowCmp;
4034 SDValue ARMcc;
4035 std::tie(Value, OverflowCmp) = getARMXALUOOp(Op, DAG, ARMcc);
4036 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4037 SDLoc dl(Op);
4038 // We use 0 and 1 as false and true values.
4039 SDValue TVal = DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32);
4040 SDValue FVal = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32);
4041 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4043 SDValue Overflow = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, TVal, FVal,
4044 ARMcc, CCR, OverflowCmp);
4046 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(Op.getValueType(), MVT::i32);
4047 return DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, dl, VTs, Value, Overflow);
4050static SDValue ConvertBooleanCarryToCarryFlag(SDValue BoolCarry,
4051 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
4052 SDLoc DL(BoolCarry);
4053 EVT CarryVT = BoolCarry.getValueType();
4055 // This converts the boolean value carry into the carry flag by doing
4056 // ARMISD::SUBC Carry, 1
4057 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::SUBC, DL, DAG.getVTList(CarryVT, MVT::i32),
4058 BoolCarry, DAG.getConstant(1, DL, CarryVT));
4061static SDValue ConvertCarryFlagToBooleanCarry(SDValue Flags, EVT VT,
4062 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
4063 SDLoc DL(Flags);
4065 // Now convert the carry flag into a boolean carry. We do this
4066 // using ARMISD:ADDE 0, 0, Carry
4067 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::ADDE, DL, DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32),
4068 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32),
4069 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32), Flags);
4072SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerUnsignedALUO(SDValue Op,
4073 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4074 // Let legalize expand this if it isn't a legal type yet.
4075 if (!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(Op.getValueType()))
4076 return SDValue();
4078 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
4079 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
4080 SDLoc dl(Op);
4082 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4083 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32);
4084 SDValue Value;
4085 SDValue Overflow;
4086 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
4087 default:
4088 llvm_unreachable("Unknown overflow instruction!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown overflow instruction!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4088)
4089 case ISD::UADDO:
4090 Value = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::ADDC, dl, VTs, LHS, RHS);
4091 // Convert the carry flag into a boolean value.
4092 Overflow = ConvertCarryFlagToBooleanCarry(Value.getValue(1), VT, DAG);
4093 break;
4094 case ISD::USUBO: {
4095 Value = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::SUBC, dl, VTs, LHS, RHS);
4096 // Convert the carry flag into a boolean value.
4097 Overflow = ConvertCarryFlagToBooleanCarry(Value.getValue(1), VT, DAG);
4098 // ARMISD::SUBC returns 0 when we have to borrow, so make it an overflow
4099 // value. So compute 1 - C.
4100 Overflow = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32,
4101 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32), Overflow);
4102 break;
4103 }
4104 }
4106 return DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, dl, VTs, Value, Overflow);
4109SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerSELECT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4110 SDValue Cond = Op.getOperand(0);
4111 SDValue SelectTrue = Op.getOperand(1);
4112 SDValue SelectFalse = Op.getOperand(2);
4113 SDLoc dl(Op);
4114 unsigned Opc = Cond.getOpcode();
4116 if (Cond.getResNo() == 1 &&
4117 (Opc == ISD::SADDO || Opc == ISD::UADDO || Opc == ISD::SSUBO ||
4118 Opc == ISD::USUBO)) {
4119 if (!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(Cond->getValueType(0)))
4120 return SDValue();
4122 SDValue Value, OverflowCmp;
4123 SDValue ARMcc;
4124 std::tie(Value, OverflowCmp) = getARMXALUOOp(Cond, DAG, ARMcc);
4125 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4126 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4128 return getCMOV(dl, VT, SelectTrue, SelectFalse, ARMcc, CCR,
4129 OverflowCmp, DAG);
4130 }
4132 // Convert:
4133 //
4134 // (select (cmov 1, 0, cond), t, f) -> (cmov t, f, cond)
4135 // (select (cmov 0, 1, cond), t, f) -> (cmov f, t, cond)
4136 //
4137 if (Cond.getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMOV && Cond.hasOneUse()) {
4138 const ConstantSDNode *CMOVTrue =
4139 dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Cond.getOperand(0));
4140 const ConstantSDNode *CMOVFalse =
4141 dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Cond.getOperand(1));
4143 if (CMOVTrue && CMOVFalse) {
4144 unsigned CMOVTrueVal = CMOVTrue->getZExtValue();
4145 unsigned CMOVFalseVal = CMOVFalse->getZExtValue();
4147 SDValue True;
4148 SDValue False;
4149 if (CMOVTrueVal == 1 && CMOVFalseVal == 0) {
4150 True = SelectTrue;
4151 False = SelectFalse;
4152 } else if (CMOVTrueVal == 0 && CMOVFalseVal == 1) {
4153 True = SelectFalse;
4154 False = SelectTrue;
4155 }
4157 if (True.getNode() && False.getNode()) {
4158 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4159 SDValue ARMcc = Cond.getOperand(2);
4160 SDValue CCR = Cond.getOperand(3);
4161 SDValue Cmp = duplicateCmp(Cond.getOperand(4), DAG);
4162 assert(True.getValueType() == VT)(static_cast <bool> (True.getValueType() == VT) ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("True.getValueType() == VT", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4162, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
4163 return getCMOV(dl, VT, True, False, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp, DAG);
4164 }
4165 }
4166 }
4168 // ARM's BooleanContents value is UndefinedBooleanContent. Mask out the
4169 // undefined bits before doing a full-word comparison with zero.
4170 Cond = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, Cond.getValueType(), Cond,
4171 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, Cond.getValueType()));
4173 return DAG.getSelectCC(dl, Cond,
4174 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, Cond.getValueType()),
4175 SelectTrue, SelectFalse, ISD::SETNE);
4178static void checkVSELConstraints(ISD::CondCode CC, ARMCC::CondCodes &CondCode,
4179 bool &swpCmpOps, bool &swpVselOps) {
4180 // Start by selecting the GE condition code for opcodes that return true for
4181 // 'equality'
4182 if (CC == ISD::SETUGE || CC == ISD::SETOGE || CC == ISD::SETOLE ||
4183 CC == ISD::SETULE)
4184 CondCode = ARMCC::GE;
4186 // and GT for opcodes that return false for 'equality'.
4187 else if (CC == ISD::SETUGT || CC == ISD::SETOGT || CC == ISD::SETOLT ||
4188 CC == ISD::SETULT)
4189 CondCode = ARMCC::GT;
4191 // Since we are constrained to GE/GT, if the opcode contains 'less', we need
4192 // to swap the compare operands.
4193 if (CC == ISD::SETOLE || CC == ISD::SETULE || CC == ISD::SETOLT ||
4194 CC == ISD::SETULT)
4195 swpCmpOps = true;
4197 // Both GT and GE are ordered comparisons, and return false for 'unordered'.
4198 // If we have an unordered opcode, we need to swap the operands to the VSEL
4199 // instruction (effectively negating the condition).
4200 //
4201 // This also has the effect of swapping which one of 'less' or 'greater'
4202 // returns true, so we also swap the compare operands. It also switches
4203 // whether we return true for 'equality', so we compensate by picking the
4204 // opposite condition code to our original choice.
4205 if (CC == ISD::SETULE || CC == ISD::SETULT || CC == ISD::SETUGE ||
4206 CC == ISD::SETUGT) {
4207 swpCmpOps = !swpCmpOps;
4208 swpVselOps = !swpVselOps;
4209 CondCode = CondCode == ARMCC::GT ? ARMCC::GE : ARMCC::GT;
4210 }
4212 // 'ordered' is 'anything but unordered', so use the VS condition code and
4213 // swap the VSEL operands.
4214 if (CC == ISD::SETO) {
4215 CondCode = ARMCC::VS;
4216 swpVselOps = true;
4217 }
4219 // 'unordered or not equal' is 'anything but equal', so use the EQ condition
4220 // code and swap the VSEL operands.
4221 if (CC == ISD::SETUNE) {
4222 CondCode = ARMCC::EQ;
4223 swpVselOps = true;
4224 }
4227SDValue ARMTargetLowering::getCMOV(const SDLoc &dl, EVT VT, SDValue FalseVal,
4228 SDValue TrueVal, SDValue ARMcc, SDValue CCR,
4229 SDValue Cmp, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4230 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && VT == MVT::f64) {
4231 FalseVal = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
4232 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), FalseVal);
4233 TrueVal = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
4234 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), TrueVal);
4236 SDValue TrueLow = TrueVal.getValue(0);
4237 SDValue TrueHigh = TrueVal.getValue(1);
4238 SDValue FalseLow = FalseVal.getValue(0);
4239 SDValue FalseHigh = FalseVal.getValue(1);
4241 SDValue Low = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, MVT::i32, FalseLow, TrueLow,
4242 ARMcc, CCR, Cmp);
4243 SDValue High = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, MVT::i32, FalseHigh, TrueHigh,
4244 ARMcc, CCR, duplicateCmp(Cmp, DAG));
4246 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, Low, High);
4247 } else {
4248 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, FalseVal, TrueVal, ARMcc, CCR,
4249 Cmp);
4250 }
4253static bool isGTorGE(ISD::CondCode CC) {
4254 return CC == ISD::SETGT || CC == ISD::SETGE;
4257static bool isLTorLE(ISD::CondCode CC) {
4258 return CC == ISD::SETLT || CC == ISD::SETLE;
4261// See if a conditional (LHS CC RHS ? TrueVal : FalseVal) is lower-saturating.
4262// All of these conditions (and their <= and >= counterparts) will do:
4263// x < k ? k : x
4264// x > k ? x : k
4265// k < x ? x : k
4266// k > x ? k : x
4267static bool isLowerSaturate(const SDValue LHS, const SDValue RHS,
4268 const SDValue TrueVal, const SDValue FalseVal,
4269 const ISD::CondCode CC, const SDValue K) {
4270 return (isGTorGE(CC) &&
4271 ((K == LHS && K == TrueVal) || (K == RHS && K == FalseVal))) ||
4272 (isLTorLE(CC) &&
4273 ((K == RHS && K == TrueVal) || (K == LHS && K == FalseVal)));
4276// Similar to isLowerSaturate(), but checks for upper-saturating conditions.
4277static bool isUpperSaturate(const SDValue LHS, const SDValue RHS,
4278 const SDValue TrueVal, const SDValue FalseVal,
4279 const ISD::CondCode CC, const SDValue K) {
4280 return (isGTorGE(CC) &&
4281 ((K == RHS && K == TrueVal) || (K == LHS && K == FalseVal))) ||
4282 (isLTorLE(CC) &&
4283 ((K == LHS && K == TrueVal) || (K == RHS && K == FalseVal)));
4286// Check if two chained conditionals could be converted into SSAT or USAT.
4288// SSAT can replace a set of two conditional selectors that bound a number to an
4289// interval of type [k, ~k] when k + 1 is a power of 2. Here are some examples:
4291// x < -k ? -k : (x > k ? k : x)
4292// x < -k ? -k : (x < k ? x : k)
4293// x > -k ? (x > k ? k : x) : -k
4294// x < k ? (x < -k ? -k : x) : k
4295// etc.
4297// USAT works similarily to SSAT but bounds on the interval [0, k] where k + 1 is
4298// a power of 2.
4300// It returns true if the conversion can be done, false otherwise.
4301// Additionally, the variable is returned in parameter V, the constant in K and
4302// usat is set to true if the conditional represents an unsigned saturation
4303static bool isSaturatingConditional(const SDValue &Op, SDValue &V,
4304 uint64_t &K, bool &usat) {
4305 SDValue LHS1 = Op.getOperand(0);
4306 SDValue RHS1 = Op.getOperand(1);
4307 SDValue TrueVal1 = Op.getOperand(2);
4308 SDValue FalseVal1 = Op.getOperand(3);
4309 ISD::CondCode CC1 = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op.getOperand(4))->get();
4311 const SDValue Op2 = isa<ConstantSDNode>(TrueVal1) ? FalseVal1 : TrueVal1;
4312 if (Op2.getOpcode() != ISD::SELECT_CC)
4313 return false;
4315 SDValue LHS2 = Op2.getOperand(0);
4316 SDValue RHS2 = Op2.getOperand(1);
4317 SDValue TrueVal2 = Op2.getOperand(2);
4318 SDValue FalseVal2 = Op2.getOperand(3);
4319 ISD::CondCode CC2 = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op2.getOperand(4))->get();
4321 // Find out which are the constants and which are the variables
4322 // in each conditional
4323 SDValue *K1 = isa<ConstantSDNode>(LHS1) ? &LHS1 : isa<ConstantSDNode>(RHS1)
4324 ? &RHS1
4325 : nullptr;
4326 SDValue *K2 = isa<ConstantSDNode>(LHS2) ? &LHS2 : isa<ConstantSDNode>(RHS2)
4327 ? &RHS2
4328 : nullptr;
4329 SDValue K2Tmp = isa<ConstantSDNode>(TrueVal2) ? TrueVal2 : FalseVal2;
4330 SDValue V1Tmp = (K1 && *K1 == LHS1) ? RHS1 : LHS1;
4331 SDValue V2Tmp = (K2 && *K2 == LHS2) ? RHS2 : LHS2;
4332 SDValue V2 = (K2Tmp == TrueVal2) ? FalseVal2 : TrueVal2;
4334 // We must detect cases where the original operations worked with 16- or
4335 // 8-bit values. In such case, V2Tmp != V2 because the comparison operations
4336 // must work with sign-extended values but the select operations return
4337 // the original non-extended value.
4338 SDValue V2TmpReg = V2Tmp;
4339 if (V2Tmp->getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND_INREG)
4340 V2TmpReg = V2Tmp->getOperand(0);
4342 // Check that the registers and the constants have the correct values
4343 // in both conditionals
4344 if (!K1 || !K2 || *K1 == Op2 || *K2 != K2Tmp || V1Tmp != V2Tmp ||
4345 V2TmpReg != V2)
4346 return false;
4348 // Figure out which conditional is saturating the lower/upper bound.
4349 const SDValue *LowerCheckOp =
4350 isLowerSaturate(LHS1, RHS1, TrueVal1, FalseVal1, CC1, *K1)
4351 ? &Op
4352 : isLowerSaturate(LHS2, RHS2, TrueVal2, FalseVal2, CC2, *K2)
4353 ? &Op2
4354 : nullptr;
4355 const SDValue *UpperCheckOp =
4356 isUpperSaturate(LHS1, RHS1, TrueVal1, FalseVal1, CC1, *K1)
4357 ? &Op
4358 : isUpperSaturate(LHS2, RHS2, TrueVal2, FalseVal2, CC2, *K2)
4359 ? &Op2
4360 : nullptr;
4362 if (!UpperCheckOp || !LowerCheckOp || LowerCheckOp == UpperCheckOp)
4363 return false;
4365 // Check that the constant in the lower-bound check is
4366 // the opposite of the constant in the upper-bound check
4367 // in 1's complement.
4368 int64_t Val1 = cast<ConstantSDNode>(*K1)->getSExtValue();
4369 int64_t Val2 = cast<ConstantSDNode>(*K2)->getSExtValue();
4370 int64_t PosVal = std::max(Val1, Val2);
4371 int64_t NegVal = std::min(Val1, Val2);
4373 if (((Val1 > Val2 && UpperCheckOp == &Op) ||
4374 (Val1 < Val2 && UpperCheckOp == &Op2)) &&
4375 isPowerOf2_64(PosVal + 1)) {
4377 // Handle the difference between USAT (unsigned) and SSAT (signed) saturation
4378 if (Val1 == ~Val2)
4379 usat = false;
4380 else if (NegVal == 0)
4381 usat = true;
4382 else
4383 return false;
4385 V = V2;
4386 K = (uint64_t)PosVal; // At this point, PosVal is guaranteed to be positive
4388 return true;
4389 }
4391 return false;
4394// Check if a condition of the type x < k ? k : x can be converted into a
4395// bit operation instead of conditional moves.
4396// Currently this is allowed given:
4397// - The conditions and values match up
4398// - k is 0 or -1 (all ones)
4399// This function will not check the last condition, thats up to the caller
4400// It returns true if the transformation can be made, and in such case
4401// returns x in V, and k in SatK.
4402static bool isLowerSaturatingConditional(const SDValue &Op, SDValue &V,
4403 SDValue &SatK)
4405 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
4406 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
4407 ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op.getOperand(4))->get();
4408 SDValue TrueVal = Op.getOperand(2);
4409 SDValue FalseVal = Op.getOperand(3);
4411 SDValue *K = isa<ConstantSDNode>(LHS) ? &LHS : isa<ConstantSDNode>(RHS)
4412 ? &RHS
4413 : nullptr;
4415 // No constant operation in comparison, early out
4416 if (!K)
4417 return false;
4419 SDValue KTmp = isa<ConstantSDNode>(TrueVal) ? TrueVal : FalseVal;
4420 V = (KTmp == TrueVal) ? FalseVal : TrueVal;
4421 SDValue VTmp = (K && *K == LHS) ? RHS : LHS;
4423 // If the constant on left and right side, or variable on left and right,
4424 // does not match, early out
4425 if (*K != KTmp || V != VTmp)
4426 return false;
4428 if (isLowerSaturate(LHS, RHS, TrueVal, FalseVal, CC, *K)) {
4429 SatK = *K;
4430 return true;
4431 }
4433 return false;
4436SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerSELECT_CC(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4437 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4438 SDLoc dl(Op);
4440 // Try to convert two saturating conditional selects into a single SSAT
4441 SDValue SatValue;
4442 uint64_t SatConstant;
4443 bool SatUSat;
4444 if (((!Subtarget->isThumb() && Subtarget->hasV6Ops()) || Subtarget->isThumb2()) &&
4445 isSaturatingConditional(Op, SatValue, SatConstant, SatUSat)) {
4446 if (SatUSat)
4447 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::USAT, dl, VT, SatValue,
4448 DAG.getConstant(countTrailingOnes(SatConstant), dl, VT));
4449 else
4450 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::SSAT, dl, VT, SatValue,
4451 DAG.getConstant(countTrailingOnes(SatConstant), dl, VT));
4452 }
4454 // Try to convert expressions of the form x < k ? k : x (and similar forms)
4455 // into more efficient bit operations, which is possible when k is 0 or -1
4456 // On ARM and Thumb-2 which have flexible operand 2 this will result in
4457 // single instructions. On Thumb the shift and the bit operation will be two
4458 // instructions.
4459 // Only allow this transformation on full-width (32-bit) operations
4460 SDValue LowerSatConstant;
4461 if (VT == MVT::i32 &&
4462 isLowerSaturatingConditional(Op, SatValue, LowerSatConstant)) {
4463 SDValue ShiftV = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRA, dl, VT, SatValue,
4464 DAG.getConstant(31, dl, VT));
4465 if (isNullConstant(LowerSatConstant)) {
4466 SDValue NotShiftV = DAG.getNode(ISD::XOR, dl, VT, ShiftV,
4467 DAG.getAllOnesConstant(dl, VT));
4468 return DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, VT, SatValue, NotShiftV);
4469 } else if (isAllOnesConstant(LowerSatConstant))
4470 return DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, VT, SatValue, ShiftV);
4471 }
4473 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
4474 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
4475 ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op.getOperand(4))->get();
4476 SDValue TrueVal = Op.getOperand(2);
4477 SDValue FalseVal = Op.getOperand(3);
4479 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && LHS.getValueType() == MVT::f64) {
4480 DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().softenSetCCOperands(DAG, MVT::f64, LHS, RHS, CC,
4481 dl);
4483 // If softenSetCCOperands only returned one value, we should compare it to
4484 // zero.
4485 if (!RHS.getNode()) {
4486 RHS = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, LHS.getValueType());
4487 CC = ISD::SETNE;
4488 }
4489 }
4491 if (LHS.getValueType() == MVT::i32) {
4492 // Try to generate VSEL on ARMv8.
4493 // The VSEL instruction can't use all the usual ARM condition
4494 // codes: it only has two bits to select the condition code, so it's
4495 // constrained to use only GE, GT, VS and EQ.
4496 //
4497 // To implement all the various ISD::SETXXX opcodes, we sometimes need to
4498 // swap the operands of the previous compare instruction (effectively
4499 // inverting the compare condition, swapping 'less' and 'greater') and
4500 // sometimes need to swap the operands to the VSEL (which inverts the
4501 // condition in the sense of firing whenever the previous condition didn't)
4502 if (Subtarget->hasFPARMv8() && (TrueVal.getValueType() == MVT::f32 ||
4503 TrueVal.getValueType() == MVT::f64)) {
4504 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode = IntCCToARMCC(CC);
4505 if (CondCode == ARMCC::LT || CondCode == ARMCC::LE ||
4506 CondCode == ARMCC::VC || CondCode == ARMCC::NE) {
4507 CC = ISD::getSetCCInverse(CC, true);
4508 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
4509 }
4510 }
4512 SDValue ARMcc;
4513 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4514 SDValue Cmp = getARMCmp(LHS, RHS, CC, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
4515 return getCMOV(dl, VT, FalseVal, TrueVal, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp, DAG);
4516 }
4518 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode, CondCode2;
4519 bool InvalidOnQNaN;
4520 FPCCToARMCC(CC, CondCode, CondCode2, InvalidOnQNaN);
4522 // Normalize the fp compare. If RHS is zero we keep it there so we match
4523 // CMPFPw0 instead of CMPFP.
4524 if (Subtarget->hasFPARMv8() && !isFloatingPointZero(RHS) &&
4525 (TrueVal.getValueType() == MVT::f32 || TrueVal.getValueType() == MVT::f64)) {
4526 bool swpCmpOps = false;
4527 bool swpVselOps = false;
4528 checkVSELConstraints(CC, CondCode, swpCmpOps, swpVselOps);
4530 if (CondCode == ARMCC::GT || CondCode == ARMCC::GE ||
4531 CondCode == ARMCC::VS || CondCode == ARMCC::EQ) {
4532 if (swpCmpOps)
4533 std::swap(LHS, RHS);
4534 if (swpVselOps)
4535 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
4536 }
4537 }
4539 SDValue ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, dl, MVT::i32);
4540 SDValue Cmp = getVFPCmp(LHS, RHS, DAG, dl, InvalidOnQNaN);
4541 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4542 SDValue Result = getCMOV(dl, VT, FalseVal, TrueVal, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp, DAG);
4543 if (CondCode2 != ARMCC::AL) {
4544 SDValue ARMcc2 = DAG.getConstant(CondCode2, dl, MVT::i32);
4545 // FIXME: Needs another CMP because flag can have but one use.
4546 SDValue Cmp2 = getVFPCmp(LHS, RHS, DAG, dl, InvalidOnQNaN);
4547 Result = getCMOV(dl, VT, Result, TrueVal, ARMcc2, CCR, Cmp2, DAG);
4548 }
4549 return Result;
4552/// canChangeToInt - Given the fp compare operand, return true if it is suitable
4553/// to morph to an integer compare sequence.
4554static bool canChangeToInt(SDValue Op, bool &SeenZero,
4555 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
4556 SDNode *N = Op.getNode();
4557 if (!N->hasOneUse())
4558 // Otherwise it requires moving the value from fp to integer registers.
4559 return false;
4560 if (!N->getNumValues())
4561 return false;
4562 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4563 if (VT != MVT::f32 && !Subtarget->isFPBrccSlow())
4564 // f32 case is generally profitable. f64 case only makes sense when vcmpe +
4565 // vmrs are very slow, e.g. cortex-a8.
4566 return false;
4568 if (isFloatingPointZero(Op)) {
4569 SeenZero = true;
4570 return true;
4571 }
4572 return ISD::isNormalLoad(N);
4575static SDValue bitcastf32Toi32(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
4576 if (isFloatingPointZero(Op))
4577 return DAG.getConstant(0, SDLoc(Op), MVT::i32);
4579 if (LoadSDNode *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(Op))
4580 return DAG.getLoad(MVT::i32, SDLoc(Op), Ld->getChain(), Ld->getBasePtr(),
4581 Ld->getPointerInfo(), Ld->getAlignment(),
4582 Ld->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
4584 llvm_unreachable("Unknown VFP cmp argument!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown VFP cmp argument!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4584)
4587static void expandf64Toi32(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4588 SDValue &RetVal1, SDValue &RetVal2) {
4589 SDLoc dl(Op);
4591 if (isFloatingPointZero(Op)) {
4592 RetVal1 = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32);
4593 RetVal2 = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32);
4594 return;
4595 }
4597 if (LoadSDNode *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(Op)) {
4598 SDValue Ptr = Ld->getBasePtr();
4599 RetVal1 =
4600 DAG.getLoad(MVT::i32, dl, Ld->getChain(), Ptr, Ld->getPointerInfo(),
4601 Ld->getAlignment(), Ld->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
4603 EVT PtrType = Ptr.getValueType();
4604 unsigned NewAlign = MinAlign(Ld->getAlignment(), 4);
4605 SDValue NewPtr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl,
4606 PtrType, Ptr, DAG.getConstant(4, dl, PtrType));
4607 RetVal2 = DAG.getLoad(MVT::i32, dl, Ld->getChain(), NewPtr,
4608 Ld->getPointerInfo().getWithOffset(4), NewAlign,
4609 Ld->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
4610 return;
4611 }
4613 llvm_unreachable("Unknown VFP cmp argument!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown VFP cmp argument!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4613)
4616/// OptimizeVFPBrcond - With -enable-unsafe-fp-math, it's legal to optimize some
4617/// f32 and even f64 comparisons to integer ones.
4619ARMTargetLowering::OptimizeVFPBrcond(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4620 SDValue Chain = Op.getOperand(0);
4621 ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1))->get();
4622 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(2);
4623 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(3);
4624 SDValue Dest = Op.getOperand(4);
4625 SDLoc dl(Op);
4627 bool LHSSeenZero = false;
4628 bool LHSOk = canChangeToInt(LHS, LHSSeenZero, Subtarget);
4629 bool RHSSeenZero = false;
4630 bool RHSOk = canChangeToInt(RHS, RHSSeenZero, Subtarget);
4631 if (LHSOk && RHSOk && (LHSSeenZero || RHSSeenZero)) {
4632 // If unsafe fp math optimization is enabled and there are no other uses of
4633 // the CMP operands, and the condition code is EQ or NE, we can optimize it
4634 // to an integer comparison.
4635 if (CC == ISD::SETOEQ)
4636 CC = ISD::SETEQ;
4637 else if (CC == ISD::SETUNE)
4638 CC = ISD::SETNE;
4640 SDValue Mask = DAG.getConstant(0x7fffffff, dl, MVT::i32);
4641 SDValue ARMcc;
4642 if (LHS.getValueType() == MVT::f32) {
4643 LHS = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32,
4644 bitcastf32Toi32(LHS, DAG), Mask);
4645 RHS = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32,
4646 bitcastf32Toi32(RHS, DAG), Mask);
4647 SDValue Cmp = getARMCmp(LHS, RHS, CC, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
4648 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4649 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, MVT::Other,
4650 Chain, Dest, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp);
4651 }
4653 SDValue LHS1, LHS2;
4654 SDValue RHS1, RHS2;
4655 expandf64Toi32(LHS, DAG, LHS1, LHS2);
4656 expandf64Toi32(RHS, DAG, RHS1, RHS2);
4657 LHS2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32, LHS2, Mask);
4658 RHS2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32, RHS2, Mask);
4659 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode = IntCCToARMCC(CC);
4660 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, dl, MVT::i32);
4661 SDVTList VTList = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);
4662 SDValue Ops[] = { Chain, ARMcc, LHS1, LHS2, RHS1, RHS2, Dest };
4663 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BCC_i64, dl, VTList, Ops);
4664 }
4666 return SDValue();
4669SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerBRCOND(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4670 SDValue Chain = Op.getOperand(0);
4671 SDValue Cond = Op.getOperand(1);
4672 SDValue Dest = Op.getOperand(2);
4673 SDLoc dl(Op);
4675 // Optimize {s|u}{add|sub|mul}.with.overflow feeding into a branch
4676 // instruction.
4677 unsigned Opc = Cond.getOpcode();
4678 if (Cond.getResNo() == 1 &&
4679 (Opc == ISD::SADDO || Opc == ISD::UADDO || Opc == ISD::SSUBO ||
4680 Opc == ISD::USUBO || Opc == ISD::SMULO || Opc == ISD::UMULO)) {
4681 // Only lower legal XALUO ops.
4682 if (!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(Cond->getValueType(0)))
4683 return SDValue();
4685 // The actual operation with overflow check.
4686 SDValue Value, OverflowCmp;
4687 SDValue ARMcc;
4688 std::tie(Value, OverflowCmp) = getARMXALUOOp(Cond, DAG, ARMcc);
4690 // Reverse the condition code.
4691 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode =
4692 (ARMCC::CondCodes)cast<const ConstantSDNode>(ARMcc)->getZExtValue();
4693 CondCode = ARMCC::getOppositeCondition(CondCode);
4694 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, SDLoc(ARMcc), MVT::i32);
4695 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4697 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, MVT::Other, Chain, Dest, ARMcc, CCR,
4698 OverflowCmp);
4699 }
4701 return SDValue();
4704SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerBR_CC(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4705 SDValue Chain = Op.getOperand(0);
4706 ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1))->get();
4707 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(2);
4708 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(3);
4709 SDValue Dest = Op.getOperand(4);
4710 SDLoc dl(Op);
4712 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && LHS.getValueType() == MVT::f64) {
4713 DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().softenSetCCOperands(DAG, MVT::f64, LHS, RHS, CC,
4714 dl);
4716 // If softenSetCCOperands only returned one value, we should compare it to
4717 // zero.
4718 if (!RHS.getNode()) {
4719 RHS = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, LHS.getValueType());
4720 CC = ISD::SETNE;
4721 }
4722 }
4724 // Optimize {s|u}{add|sub|mul}.with.overflow feeding into a branch
4725 // instruction.
4726 unsigned Opc = LHS.getOpcode();
4727 if (LHS.getResNo() == 1 && (isOneConstant(RHS) || isNullConstant(RHS)) &&
4728 (Opc == ISD::SADDO || Opc == ISD::UADDO || Opc == ISD::SSUBO ||
4729 Opc == ISD::USUBO || Opc == ISD::SMULO || Opc == ISD::UMULO) &&
4730 (CC == ISD::SETEQ || CC == ISD::SETNE)) {
4731 // Only lower legal XALUO ops.
4732 if (!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(LHS->getValueType(0)))
4733 return SDValue();
4735 // The actual operation with overflow check.
4736 SDValue Value, OverflowCmp;
4737 SDValue ARMcc;
4738 std::tie(Value, OverflowCmp) = getARMXALUOOp(LHS.getValue(0), DAG, ARMcc);
4740 if ((CC == ISD::SETNE) != isOneConstant(RHS)) {
4741 // Reverse the condition code.
4742 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode =
4743 (ARMCC::CondCodes)cast<const ConstantSDNode>(ARMcc)->getZExtValue();
4744 CondCode = ARMCC::getOppositeCondition(CondCode);
4745 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, SDLoc(ARMcc), MVT::i32);
4746 }
4747 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4749 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, MVT::Other, Chain, Dest, ARMcc, CCR,
4750 OverflowCmp);
4751 }
4753 if (LHS.getValueType() == MVT::i32) {
4754 SDValue ARMcc;
4755 SDValue Cmp = getARMCmp(LHS, RHS, CC, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
4756 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4757 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, MVT::Other,
4758 Chain, Dest, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp);
4759 }
4761 if (getTargetMachine().Options.UnsafeFPMath &&
4762 (CC == ISD::SETEQ || CC == ISD::SETOEQ ||
4763 CC == ISD::SETNE || CC == ISD::SETUNE)) {
4764 if (SDValue Result = OptimizeVFPBrcond(Op, DAG))
4765 return Result;
4766 }
4768 ARMCC::CondCodes CondCode, CondCode2;
4769 bool InvalidOnQNaN;
4770 FPCCToARMCC(CC, CondCode, CondCode2, InvalidOnQNaN);
4772 SDValue ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode, dl, MVT::i32);
4773 SDValue Cmp = getVFPCmp(LHS, RHS, DAG, dl, InvalidOnQNaN);
4774 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
4775 SDVTList VTList = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);
4776 SDValue Ops[] = { Chain, Dest, ARMcc, CCR, Cmp };
4777 SDValue Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, VTList, Ops);
4778 if (CondCode2 != ARMCC::AL) {
4779 ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(CondCode2, dl, MVT::i32);
4780 SDValue Ops[] = { Res, Dest, ARMcc, CCR, Res.getValue(1) };
4781 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, VTList, Ops);
4782 }
4783 return Res;
4786SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerBR_JT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4787 SDValue Chain = Op.getOperand(0);
4788 SDValue Table = Op.getOperand(1);
4789 SDValue Index = Op.getOperand(2);
4790 SDLoc dl(Op);
4792 EVT PTy = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
4793 JumpTableSDNode *JT = cast<JumpTableSDNode>(Table);
4794 SDValue JTI = DAG.getTargetJumpTable(JT->getIndex(), PTy);
4795 Table = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WrapperJT, dl, MVT::i32, JTI);
4796 Index = DAG.getNode(ISD::MUL, dl, PTy, Index, DAG.getConstant(4, dl, PTy));
4797 SDValue Addr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PTy, Table, Index);
4798 if (Subtarget->isThumb2() || (Subtarget->hasV8MBaselineOps() && Subtarget->isThumb())) {
4799 // Thumb2 and ARMv8-M use a two-level jump. That is, it jumps into the jump table
4800 // which does another jump to the destination. This also makes it easier
4801 // to translate it to TBB / TBH later (Thumb2 only).
4802 // FIXME: This might not work if the function is extremely large.
4803 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BR2_JT, dl, MVT::Other, Chain,
4804 Addr, Op.getOperand(2), JTI);
4805 }
4806 if (isPositionIndependent() || Subtarget->isROPI()) {
4807 Addr =
4808 DAG.getLoad((EVT)MVT::i32, dl, Chain, Addr,
4809 MachinePointerInfo::getJumpTable(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
4810 Chain = Addr.getValue(1);
4811 Addr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PTy, Table, Addr);
4812 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BR_JT, dl, MVT::Other, Chain, Addr, JTI);
4813 } else {
4814 Addr =
4815 DAG.getLoad(PTy, dl, Chain, Addr,
4816 MachinePointerInfo::getJumpTable(DAG.getMachineFunction()));
4817 Chain = Addr.getValue(1);
4818 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BR_JT, dl, MVT::Other, Chain, Addr, JTI);
4819 }
4822static SDValue LowerVectorFP_TO_INT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
4823 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4824 SDLoc dl(Op);
4826 if (Op.getValueType().getVectorElementType() == MVT::i32) {
4827 if (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType().getVectorElementType() == MVT::f32)
4828 return Op;
4829 return DAG.UnrollVectorOp(Op.getNode());
4830 }
4832 assert(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4f32 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::v4f32 && "Invalid type for custom lowering!") ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4f32 && \"Invalid type for custom lowering!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4833, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
4833 "Invalid type for custom lowering!")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::v4f32 && "Invalid type for custom lowering!") ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4f32 && \"Invalid type for custom lowering!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4833, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
4834 if (VT != MVT::v4i16)
4835 return DAG.UnrollVectorOp(Op.getNode());
4837 Op = DAG.getNode(Op.getOpcode(), dl, MVT::v4i32, Op.getOperand(0));
4838 return DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, VT, Op);
4841SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFP_TO_INT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4842 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4843 if (VT.isVector())
4844 return LowerVectorFP_TO_INT(Op, DAG);
4845 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::f64) {
4846 RTLIB::Libcall LC;
4847 if (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::FP_TO_SINT)
4848 LC = RTLIB::getFPTOSINT(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(),
4849 Op.getValueType());
4850 else
4851 LC = RTLIB::getFPTOUINT(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(),
4852 Op.getValueType());
4853 return makeLibCall(DAG, LC, Op.getValueType(), Op.getOperand(0),
4854 /*isSigned*/ false, SDLoc(Op)).first;
4855 }
4857 return Op;
4860static SDValue LowerVectorINT_TO_FP(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
4861 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4862 SDLoc dl(Op);
4864 if (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType().getVectorElementType() == MVT::i32) {
4865 if (VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::f32)
4866 return Op;
4867 return DAG.UnrollVectorOp(Op.getNode());
4868 }
4870 assert(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4i16 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::v4i16 && "Invalid type for custom lowering!") ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4i16 && \"Invalid type for custom lowering!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4871, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
4871 "Invalid type for custom lowering!")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::v4i16 && "Invalid type for custom lowering!") ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::v4i16 && \"Invalid type for custom lowering!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4871, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
4872 if (VT != MVT::v4f32)
4873 return DAG.UnrollVectorOp(Op.getNode());
4875 unsigned CastOpc;
4876 unsigned Opc;
4877 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
4878 default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid opcode!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Invalid opcode!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 4878)
4879 case ISD::SINT_TO_FP:
4880 CastOpc = ISD::SIGN_EXTEND;
4881 Opc = ISD::SINT_TO_FP;
4882 break;
4883 case ISD::UINT_TO_FP:
4884 CastOpc = ISD::ZERO_EXTEND;
4885 Opc = ISD::UINT_TO_FP;
4886 break;
4887 }
4889 Op = DAG.getNode(CastOpc, dl, MVT::v4i32, Op.getOperand(0));
4890 return DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, VT, Op);
4893SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerINT_TO_FP(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4894 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4895 if (VT.isVector())
4896 return LowerVectorINT_TO_FP(Op, DAG);
4897 if (Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64) {
4898 RTLIB::Libcall LC;
4899 if (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SINT_TO_FP)
4900 LC = RTLIB::getSINTTOFP(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(),
4901 Op.getValueType());
4902 else
4903 LC = RTLIB::getUINTTOFP(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(),
4904 Op.getValueType());
4905 return makeLibCall(DAG, LC, Op.getValueType(), Op.getOperand(0),
4906 /*isSigned*/ false, SDLoc(Op)).first;
4907 }
4909 return Op;
4912SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFCOPYSIGN(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4913 // Implement fcopysign with a fabs and a conditional fneg.
4914 SDValue Tmp0 = Op.getOperand(0);
4915 SDValue Tmp1 = Op.getOperand(1);
4916 SDLoc dl(Op);
4917 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
4918 EVT SrcVT = Tmp1.getValueType();
4919 bool InGPR = Tmp0.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST ||
4920 Tmp0.getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVDRR;
4921 bool UseNEON = !InGPR && Subtarget->hasNEON();
4923 if (UseNEON) {
4924 // Use VBSL to copy the sign bit.
4925 unsigned EncodedVal = ARM_AM::createNEONModImm(0x6, 0x80);
4926 SDValue Mask = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, MVT::v2i32,
4927 DAG.getTargetConstant(EncodedVal, dl, MVT::i32));
4928 EVT OpVT = (VT == MVT::f32) ? MVT::v2i32 : MVT::v1i64;
4929 if (VT == MVT::f64)
4930 Mask = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHL, dl, OpVT,
4931 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, OpVT, Mask),
4932 DAG.getConstant(32, dl, MVT::i32));
4933 else /*if (VT == MVT::f32)*/
4934 Tmp0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SCALAR_TO_VECTOR, dl, MVT::v2f32, Tmp0);
4935 if (SrcVT == MVT::f32) {
4936 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SCALAR_TO_VECTOR, dl, MVT::v2f32, Tmp1);
4937 if (VT == MVT::f64)
4938 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHL, dl, OpVT,
4939 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, OpVT, Tmp1),
4940 DAG.getConstant(32, dl, MVT::i32));
4941 } else if (VT == MVT::f32)
4942 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHRu, dl, MVT::v1i64,
4943 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v1i64, Tmp1),
4944 DAG.getConstant(32, dl, MVT::i32));
4945 Tmp0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, OpVT, Tmp0);
4946 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, OpVT, Tmp1);
4948 SDValue AllOnes = DAG.getTargetConstant(ARM_AM::createNEONModImm(0xe, 0xff),
4949 dl, MVT::i32);
4950 AllOnes = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, MVT::v8i8, AllOnes);
4951 SDValue MaskNot = DAG.getNode(ISD::XOR, dl, OpVT, Mask,
4952 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, OpVT, AllOnes));
4954 SDValue Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, OpVT,
4955 DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, OpVT, Tmp1, Mask),
4956 DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, OpVT, Tmp0, MaskNot));
4957 if (VT == MVT::f32) {
4958 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v2f32, Res);
4959 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f32, Res,
4960 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
4961 } else {
4962 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f64, Res);
4963 }
4965 return Res;
4966 }
4968 // Bitcast operand 1 to i32.
4969 if (SrcVT == MVT::f64)
4970 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl, DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
4971 Tmp1).getValue(1);
4972 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::i32, Tmp1);
4974 // Or in the signbit with integer operations.
4975 SDValue Mask1 = DAG.getConstant(0x80000000, dl, MVT::i32);
4976 SDValue Mask2 = DAG.getConstant(0x7fffffff, dl, MVT::i32);
4977 Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32, Tmp1, Mask1);
4978 if (VT == MVT::f32) {
4979 Tmp0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32,
4980 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::i32, Tmp0), Mask2);
4981 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f32,
4982 DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, MVT::i32, Tmp0, Tmp1));
4983 }
4985 // f64: Or the high part with signbit and then combine two parts.
4986 Tmp0 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl, DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
4987 Tmp0);
4988 SDValue Lo = Tmp0.getValue(0);
4989 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32, Tmp0.getValue(1), Mask2);
4990 Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, MVT::i32, Hi, Tmp1);
4991 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, Lo, Hi);
4994SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerRETURNADDR(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const{
4995 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
4996 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
4997 MFI.setReturnAddressIsTaken(true);
4999 if (verifyReturnAddressArgumentIsConstant(Op, DAG))
5000 return SDValue();
5002 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5003 SDLoc dl(Op);
5004 unsigned Depth = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
5005 if (Depth) {
5006 SDValue FrameAddr = LowerFRAMEADDR(Op, DAG);
5007 SDValue Offset = DAG.getConstant(4, dl, MVT::i32);
5008 return DAG.getLoad(VT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(),
5009 DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, VT, FrameAddr, Offset),
5010 MachinePointerInfo());
5011 }
5013 // Return LR, which contains the return address. Mark it an implicit live-in.
5014 unsigned Reg = MF.addLiveIn(ARM::LR, getRegClassFor(MVT::i32));
5015 return DAG.getCopyFromReg(DAG.getEntryNode(), dl, Reg, VT);
5018SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFRAMEADDR(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5019 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo &ARI =
5020 *static_cast<const ARMBaseRegisterInfo*>(RegInfo);
5021 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
5022 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
5023 MFI.setFrameAddressIsTaken(true);
5025 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5026 SDLoc dl(Op); // FIXME probably not meaningful
5027 unsigned Depth = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
5028 unsigned FrameReg = ARI.getFrameRegister(MF);
5029 SDValue FrameAddr = DAG.getCopyFromReg(DAG.getEntryNode(), dl, FrameReg, VT);
5030 while (Depth--)
5031 FrameAddr = DAG.getLoad(VT, dl, DAG.getEntryNode(), FrameAddr,
5032 MachinePointerInfo());
5033 return FrameAddr;
5036// FIXME? Maybe this could be a TableGen attribute on some registers and
5037// this table could be generated automatically from RegInfo.
5038unsigned ARMTargetLowering::getRegisterByName(const char* RegName, EVT VT,
5039 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5040 unsigned Reg = StringSwitch<unsigned>(RegName)
5041 .Case("sp", ARM::SP)
5042 .Default(0);
5043 if (Reg)
5044 return Reg;
5045 report_fatal_error(Twine("Invalid register name \""
5046 + StringRef(RegName) + "\"."));
5049// Result is 64 bit value so split into two 32 bit values and return as a
5050// pair of values.
5051static void ExpandREAD_REGISTER(SDNode *N, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results,
5052 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5053 SDLoc DL(N);
5055 // This function is only supposed to be called for i64 type destination.
5056 assert(N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64(static_cast <bool> (N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 &&
"ExpandREAD_REGISTER called for non-i64 type result.") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 && \"ExpandREAD_REGISTER called for non-i64 type result.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5057, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5057 && "ExpandREAD_REGISTER called for non-i64 type result.")(static_cast <bool> (N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 &&
"ExpandREAD_REGISTER called for non-i64 type result.") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 && \"ExpandREAD_REGISTER called for non-i64 type result.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5057, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5059 SDValue Read = DAG.getNode(ISD::READ_REGISTER, DL,
5060 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32, MVT::Other),
5061 N->getOperand(0),
5062 N->getOperand(1));
5064 Results.push_back(DAG.getNode(ISD::BUILD_PAIR, DL, MVT::i64, Read.getValue(0),
5065 Read.getValue(1)));
5066 Results.push_back(Read.getOperand(0));
5069/// \p BC is a bitcast that is about to be turned into a VMOVDRR.
5070/// When \p DstVT, the destination type of \p BC, is on the vector
5071/// register bank and the source of bitcast, \p Op, operates on the same bank,
5072/// it might be possible to combine them, such that everything stays on the
5073/// vector register bank.
5074/// \p return The node that would replace \p BT, if the combine
5075/// is possible.
5076static SDValue CombineVMOVDRRCandidateWithVecOp(const SDNode *BC,
5077 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5078 SDValue Op = BC->getOperand(0);
5079 EVT DstVT = BC->getValueType(0);
5081 // The only vector instruction that can produce a scalar (remember,
5082 // since the bitcast was about to be turned into VMOVDRR, the source
5083 // type is i64) from a vector is EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT.
5084 // Moreover, we can do this combine only if there is one use.
5085 // Finally, if the destination type is not a vector, there is not
5086 // much point on forcing everything on the vector bank.
5087 if (!DstVT.isVector() || Op.getOpcode() != ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT ||
5088 !Op.hasOneUse())
5089 return SDValue();
5091 // If the index is not constant, we will introduce an additional
5092 // multiply that will stick.
5093 // Give up in that case.
5094 ConstantSDNode *Index = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(1));
5095 if (!Index)
5096 return SDValue();
5097 unsigned DstNumElt = DstVT.getVectorNumElements();
5099 // Compute the new index.
5100 const APInt &APIntIndex = Index->getAPIntValue();
5101 APInt NewIndex(APIntIndex.getBitWidth(), DstNumElt);
5102 NewIndex *= APIntIndex;
5103 // Check if the new constant index fits into i32.
5104 if (NewIndex.getBitWidth() > 32)
5105 return SDValue();
5107 // vMTy bitcast(i64 extractelt vNi64 src, i32 index) ->
5108 // vMTy extractsubvector vNxMTy (bitcast vNi64 src), i32 index*M)
5109 SDLoc dl(Op);
5110 SDValue ExtractSrc = Op.getOperand(0);
5111 EVT VecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(
5112 *DAG.getContext(), DstVT.getScalarType(),
5113 ExtractSrc.getValueType().getVectorNumElements() * DstNumElt);
5114 SDValue BitCast = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VecVT, ExtractSrc);
5115 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, DstVT, BitCast,
5116 DAG.getConstant(NewIndex.getZExtValue(), dl, MVT::i32));
5119/// ExpandBITCAST - If the target supports VFP, this function is called to
5120/// expand a bit convert where either the source or destination type is i64 to
5121/// use a VMOVDRR or VMOVRRD node. This should not be done when the non-i64
5122/// operand type is illegal (e.g., v2f32 for a target that doesn't support
5123/// vectors), since the legalizer won't know what to do with that.
5124static SDValue ExpandBITCAST(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5125 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
5126 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
5127 SDLoc dl(N);
5128 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(0);
5130 // This function is only supposed to be called for i64 types, either as the
5131 // source or destination of the bit convert.
5132 EVT SrcVT = Op.getValueType();
5133 EVT DstVT = N->getValueType(0);
5134 const bool HasFullFP16 = Subtarget->hasFullFP16();
5136 if (SrcVT == MVT::f32 && DstVT == MVT::i32) {
5137 // FullFP16: half values are passed in S-registers, and we don't
5138 // need any of the bitcast and moves:
5139 //
5140 // t2: f32,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:f32 %0
5141 // t5: i32 = bitcast t2
5142 // t18: f16 = ARMISD::VMOVhr t5
5143 if (Op.getOpcode() != ISD::CopyFromReg ||
5144 Op.getValueType() != MVT::f32)
5145 return SDValue();
5147 auto Move = N->use_begin();
5148 if (Move->getOpcode() != ARMISD::VMOVhr)
5149 return SDValue();
5151 SDValue Ops[] = { Op.getOperand(0), Op.getOperand(1) };
5152 SDValue Copy = DAG.getNode(ISD::CopyFromReg, SDLoc(Op), MVT::f16, Ops);
5153 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(*Move, &Copy);
5154 return Copy;
5155 }
5157 if (SrcVT == MVT::i16 && DstVT == MVT::f16) {
5158 if (!HasFullFP16)
5159 return SDValue();
5160 // SoftFP: read half-precision arguments:
5161 //
5162 // t2: i32,ch = ...
5163 // t7: i16 = truncate t2 <~~~~ Op
5164 // t8: f16 = bitcast t7 <~~~~ N
5165 //
5166 if (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::i32)
5167 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVhr, SDLoc(Op),
5168 MVT::f16, Op.getOperand(0));
5170 return SDValue();
5171 }
5173 // Half-precision return values
5174 if (SrcVT == MVT::f16 && DstVT == MVT::i16) {
5175 if (!HasFullFP16)
5176 return SDValue();
5177 //
5178 // t11: f16 = fadd t8, t10
5179 // t12: i16 = bitcast t11 <~~~ SDNode N
5180 // t13: i32 = zero_extend t12
5181 // t16: ch,glue = CopyToReg t0, Register:i32 %r0, t13
5182 // t17: ch = ARMISD::RET_FLAG t16, Register:i32 %r0, t16:1
5183 //
5184 // transform this into:
5185 //
5186 // t20: i32 = ARMISD::VMOVrh t11
5187 // t16: ch,glue = CopyToReg t0, Register:i32 %r0, t20
5188 //
5189 auto ZeroExtend = N->use_begin();
5190 if (N->use_size() != 1 || ZeroExtend->getOpcode() != ISD::ZERO_EXTEND ||
5191 ZeroExtend->getValueType(0) != MVT::i32)
5192 return SDValue();
5194 auto Copy = ZeroExtend->use_begin();
5195 if (Copy->getOpcode() == ISD::CopyToReg &&
5196 Copy->use_begin()->getOpcode() == ARMISD::RET_FLAG) {
5197 SDValue Cvt = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVrh, SDLoc(Op), MVT::i32, Op);
5198 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(*ZeroExtend, &Cvt);
5199 return Cvt;
5200 }
5201 return SDValue();
5202 }
5204 if (!(SrcVT == MVT::i64 || DstVT == MVT::i64))
5205 return SDValue();
5207 // Turn i64->f64 into VMOVDRR.
5208 if (SrcVT == MVT::i64 && TLI.isTypeLegal(DstVT)) {
5209 // Do not force values to GPRs (this is what VMOVDRR does for the inputs)
5210 // if we can combine the bitcast with its source.
5211 if (SDValue Val = CombineVMOVDRRCandidateWithVecOp(N, DAG))
5212 return Val;
5214 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32, Op,
5215 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
5216 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32, Op,
5217 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
5218 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, DstVT,
5219 DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, dl, MVT::f64, Lo, Hi));
5220 }
5222 // Turn f64->i64 into VMOVRRD.
5223 if (DstVT == MVT::i64 && TLI.isTypeLegal(SrcVT)) {
5224 SDValue Cvt;
5225 if (DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian() && SrcVT.isVector() &&
5226 SrcVT.getVectorNumElements() > 1)
5227 Cvt = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
5228 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
5229 DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, dl, SrcVT, Op));
5230 else
5231 Cvt = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVRRD, dl,
5232 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Op);
5233 // Merge the pieces into a single i64 value.
5234 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BUILD_PAIR, dl, MVT::i64, Cvt, Cvt.getValue(1));
5235 }
5237 return SDValue();
5240/// getZeroVector - Returns a vector of specified type with all zero elements.
5241/// Zero vectors are used to represent vector negation and in those cases
5242/// will be implemented with the NEON VNEG instruction. However, VNEG does
5243/// not support i64 elements, so sometimes the zero vectors will need to be
5244/// explicitly constructed. Regardless, use a canonical VMOV to create the
5245/// zero vector.
5246static SDValue getZeroVector(EVT VT, SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDLoc &dl) {
5247 assert(VT.isVector() && "Expected a vector type")(static_cast <bool> (VT.isVector() && "Expected a vector type"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.isVector() && \"Expected a vector type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5247, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5248 // The canonical modified immediate encoding of a zero vector is....0!
5249 SDValue EncodedVal = DAG.getTargetConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32);
5250 EVT VmovVT = VT.is128BitVector() ? MVT::v4i32 : MVT::v2i32;
5251 SDValue Vmov = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VmovVT, EncodedVal);
5252 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vmov);
5255/// LowerShiftRightParts - Lower SRA_PARTS, which returns two
5256/// i32 values and take a 2 x i32 value to shift plus a shift amount.
5257SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerShiftRightParts(SDValue Op,
5258 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5259 assert(Op.getNumOperands() == 3 && "Not a double-shift!")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getNumOperands() == 3 &&
"Not a double-shift!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getNumOperands() == 3 && \"Not a double-shift!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5259, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5260 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5261 unsigned VTBits = VT.getSizeInBits();
5262 SDLoc dl(Op);
5263 SDValue ShOpLo = Op.getOperand(0);
5264 SDValue ShOpHi = Op.getOperand(1);
5265 SDValue ShAmt = Op.getOperand(2);
5266 SDValue ARMcc;
5267 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
5268 unsigned Opc = (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRA_PARTS) ? ISD::SRA : ISD::SRL;
5270 assert(Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRA_PARTS || Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRL_PARTS)(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRA_PARTS ||
Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRL_PARTS) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRA_PARTS || Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SRL_PARTS"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5270, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5272 SDValue RevShAmt = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32,
5273 DAG.getConstant(VTBits, dl, MVT::i32), ShAmt);
5274 SDValue Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, VT, ShOpLo, ShAmt);
5275 SDValue ExtraShAmt = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32, ShAmt,
5276 DAG.getConstant(VTBits, dl, MVT::i32));
5277 SDValue Tmp2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, VT, ShOpHi, RevShAmt);
5278 SDValue LoSmallShift = DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, VT, Tmp1, Tmp2);
5279 SDValue LoBigShift = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, VT, ShOpHi, ExtraShAmt);
5280 SDValue CmpLo = getARMCmp(ExtraShAmt, DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32),
5281 ISD::SETGE, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
5282 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, LoSmallShift, LoBigShift,
5283 ARMcc, CCR, CmpLo);
5285 SDValue HiSmallShift = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, VT, ShOpHi, ShAmt);
5286 SDValue HiBigShift = Opc == ISD::SRA
5287 ? DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, VT, ShOpHi,
5288 DAG.getConstant(VTBits - 1, dl, VT))
5289 : DAG.getConstant(0, dl, VT);
5290 SDValue CmpHi = getARMCmp(ExtraShAmt, DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32),
5291 ISD::SETGE, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
5292 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, HiSmallShift, HiBigShift,
5293 ARMcc, CCR, CmpHi);
5295 SDValue Ops[2] = { Lo, Hi };
5296 return DAG.getMergeValues(Ops, dl);
5299/// LowerShiftLeftParts - Lower SHL_PARTS, which returns two
5300/// i32 values and take a 2 x i32 value to shift plus a shift amount.
5301SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerShiftLeftParts(SDValue Op,
5302 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5303 assert(Op.getNumOperands() == 3 && "Not a double-shift!")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getNumOperands() == 3 &&
"Not a double-shift!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getNumOperands() == 3 && \"Not a double-shift!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5303, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5304 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5305 unsigned VTBits = VT.getSizeInBits();
5306 SDLoc dl(Op);
5307 SDValue ShOpLo = Op.getOperand(0);
5308 SDValue ShOpHi = Op.getOperand(1);
5309 SDValue ShAmt = Op.getOperand(2);
5310 SDValue ARMcc;
5311 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
5313 assert(Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SHL_PARTS)(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SHL_PARTS) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SHL_PARTS"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5313, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5314 SDValue RevShAmt = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32,
5315 DAG.getConstant(VTBits, dl, MVT::i32), ShAmt);
5316 SDValue Tmp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, VT, ShOpLo, RevShAmt);
5317 SDValue Tmp2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, VT, ShOpHi, ShAmt);
5318 SDValue HiSmallShift = DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, dl, VT, Tmp1, Tmp2);
5320 SDValue ExtraShAmt = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32, ShAmt,
5321 DAG.getConstant(VTBits, dl, MVT::i32));
5322 SDValue HiBigShift = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, VT, ShOpLo, ExtraShAmt);
5323 SDValue CmpHi = getARMCmp(ExtraShAmt, DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32),
5324 ISD::SETGE, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
5325 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, HiSmallShift, HiBigShift,
5326 ARMcc, CCR, CmpHi);
5328 SDValue CmpLo = getARMCmp(ExtraShAmt, DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32),
5329 ISD::SETGE, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
5330 SDValue LoSmallShift = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, VT, ShOpLo, ShAmt);
5331 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, LoSmallShift,
5332 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, VT), ARMcc, CCR, CmpLo);
5334 SDValue Ops[2] = { Lo, Hi };
5335 return DAG.getMergeValues(Ops, dl);
5338SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFLT_ROUNDS_(SDValue Op,
5339 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5340 // The rounding mode is in bits 23:22 of the FPSCR.
5341 // The ARM rounding mode value to FLT_ROUNDS mapping is 0->1, 1->2, 2->3, 3->0
5342 // The formula we use to implement this is (((FPSCR + 1 << 22) >> 22) & 3)
5343 // so that the shift + and get folded into a bitfield extract.
5344 SDLoc dl(Op);
5345 SDValue Ops[] = { DAG.getEntryNode(),
5346 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_get_fpscr, dl, MVT::i32) };
5348 SDValue FPSCR = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN, dl, MVT::i32, Ops);
5349 SDValue FltRounds = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, MVT::i32, FPSCR,
5350 DAG.getConstant(1U << 22, dl, MVT::i32));
5351 SDValue RMODE = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, MVT::i32, FltRounds,
5352 DAG.getConstant(22, dl, MVT::i32));
5353 return DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, MVT::i32, RMODE,
5354 DAG.getConstant(3, dl, MVT::i32));
5357static SDValue LowerCTTZ(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5358 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
5359 SDLoc dl(N);
5360 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5361 if (VT.isVector()) {
5362 assert(ST->hasNEON())(static_cast <bool> (ST->hasNEON()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ST->hasNEON()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5362, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5364 // Compute the least significant set bit: LSB = X & -X
5365 SDValue X = N->getOperand(0);
5366 SDValue NX = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, getZeroVector(VT, DAG, dl), X);
5367 SDValue LSB = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, VT, X, NX);
5369 EVT ElemTy = VT.getVectorElementType();
5371 if (ElemTy == MVT::i8) {
5372 // Compute with: cttz(x) = ctpop(lsb - 1)
5373 SDValue One = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VT,
5374 DAG.getTargetConstant(1, dl, ElemTy));
5375 SDValue Bits = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LSB, One);
5376 return DAG.getNode(ISD::CTPOP, dl, VT, Bits);
5377 }
5379 if ((ElemTy == MVT::i16 || ElemTy == MVT::i32) &&
5380 (N->getOpcode() == ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF)) {
5381 // Compute with: cttz(x) = (width - 1) - ctlz(lsb), if x != 0
5382 unsigned NumBits = ElemTy.getSizeInBits();
5383 SDValue WidthMinus1 =
5384 DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VT,
5385 DAG.getTargetConstant(NumBits - 1, dl, ElemTy));
5386 SDValue CTLZ = DAG.getNode(ISD::CTLZ, dl, VT, LSB);
5387 return DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, WidthMinus1, CTLZ);
5388 }
5390 // Compute with: cttz(x) = ctpop(lsb - 1)
5392 // Since we can only compute the number of bits in a byte with vcnt.8, we
5393 // have to gather the result with pairwise addition (vpaddl) for i16, i32,
5394 // and i64.
5396 // Compute LSB - 1.
5397 SDValue Bits;
5398 if (ElemTy == MVT::i64) {
5399 // Load constant 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff to register.
5400 SDValue FF = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VT,
5401 DAG.getTargetConstant(0x1eff, dl, MVT::i32));
5402 Bits = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, VT, LSB, FF);
5403 } else {
5404 SDValue One = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VT,
5405 DAG.getTargetConstant(1, dl, ElemTy));
5406 Bits = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LSB, One);
5407 }
5409 // Count #bits with vcnt.8.
5410 EVT VT8Bit = VT.is64BitVector() ? MVT::v8i8 : MVT::v16i8;
5411 SDValue BitsVT8 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT8Bit, Bits);
5412 SDValue Cnt8 = DAG.getNode(ISD::CTPOP, dl, VT8Bit, BitsVT8);
5414 // Gather the #bits with vpaddl (pairwise add.)
5415 EVT VT16Bit = VT.is64BitVector() ? MVT::v4i16 : MVT::v8i16;
5416 SDValue Cnt16 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT16Bit,
5417 DAG.getTargetConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddlu, dl, MVT::i32),
5418 Cnt8);
5419 if (ElemTy == MVT::i16)
5420 return Cnt16;
5422 EVT VT32Bit = VT.is64BitVector() ? MVT::v2i32 : MVT::v4i32;
5423 SDValue Cnt32 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT32Bit,
5424 DAG.getTargetConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddlu, dl, MVT::i32),
5425 Cnt16);
5426 if (ElemTy == MVT::i32)
5427 return Cnt32;
5429 assert(ElemTy == MVT::i64)(static_cast <bool> (ElemTy == MVT::i64) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ElemTy == MVT::i64", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5429, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5430 SDValue Cnt64 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT,
5431 DAG.getTargetConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddlu, dl, MVT::i32),
5432 Cnt32);
5433 return Cnt64;
5434 }
5436 if (!ST->hasV6T2Ops())
5437 return SDValue();
5439 SDValue rbit = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITREVERSE, dl, VT, N->getOperand(0));
5440 return DAG.getNode(ISD::CTLZ, dl, VT, rbit);
5443/// getCTPOP16BitCounts - Returns a v8i8/v16i8 vector containing the bit-count
5444/// for each 16-bit element from operand, repeated. The basic idea is to
5445/// leverage vcnt to get the 8-bit counts, gather and add the results.
5447/// Trace for v4i16:
5448/// input = [v0 v1 v2 v3 ] (vi 16-bit element)
5449/// cast: N0 = [w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7] (v0 = [w0 w1], wi 8-bit element)
5450/// vcnt: N1 = [b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7] (bi = bit-count of 8-bit element wi)
5451/// vrev: N2 = [b1 b0 b3 b2 b5 b4 b7 b6]
5452/// [b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]
5453/// +[b1 b0 b3 b2 b5 b4 b7 b6]
5454/// N3=N1+N2 = [k0 k0 k1 k1 k2 k2 k3 k3] (k0 = b0+b1 = bit-count of 16-bit v0,
5455/// vuzp: = [k0 k1 k2 k3 k0 k1 k2 k3] each ki is 8-bits)
5456static SDValue getCTPOP16BitCounts(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5457 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5458 SDLoc DL(N);
5460 EVT VT8Bit = VT.is64BitVector() ? MVT::v8i8 : MVT::v16i8;
5461 SDValue N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, VT8Bit, N->getOperand(0));
5462 SDValue N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::CTPOP, DL, VT8Bit, N0);
5463 SDValue N2 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV16, DL, VT8Bit, N1);
5464 SDValue N3 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT8Bit, N1, N2);
5465 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VUZP, DL, VT8Bit, N3, N3);
5468/// lowerCTPOP16BitElements - Returns a v4i16/v8i16 vector containing the
5469/// bit-count for each 16-bit element from the operand. We need slightly
5470/// different sequencing for v4i16 and v8i16 to stay within NEON's available
5471/// 64/128-bit registers.
5473/// Trace for v4i16:
5474/// input = [v0 v1 v2 v3 ] (vi 16-bit element)
5475/// v8i8: BitCounts = [k0 k1 k2 k3 k0 k1 k2 k3 ] (ki is the bit-count of vi)
5476/// v8i16:Extended = [k0 k1 k2 k3 k0 k1 k2 k3 ]
5477/// v4i16:Extracted = [k0 k1 k2 k3 ]
5478static SDValue lowerCTPOP16BitElements(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5479 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5480 SDLoc DL(N);
5482 SDValue BitCounts = getCTPOP16BitCounts(N, DAG);
5483 if (VT.is64BitVector()) {
5484 SDValue Extended = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, DL, MVT::v8i16, BitCounts);
5485 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, DL, MVT::v4i16, Extended,
5486 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, DL));
5487 } else {
5488 SDValue Extracted = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, DL, MVT::v8i8,
5489 BitCounts, DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, DL));
5490 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, DL, MVT::v8i16, Extracted);
5491 }
5494/// lowerCTPOP32BitElements - Returns a v2i32/v4i32 vector containing the
5495/// bit-count for each 32-bit element from the operand. The idea here is
5496/// to split the vector into 16-bit elements, leverage the 16-bit count
5497/// routine, and then combine the results.
5499/// Trace for v2i32 (v4i32 similar with Extracted/Extended exchanged):
5500/// input = [v0 v1 ] (vi: 32-bit elements)
5501/// Bitcast = [w0 w1 w2 w3 ] (wi: 16-bit elements, v0 = [w0 w1])
5502/// Counts16 = [k0 k1 k2 k3 ] (ki: 16-bit elements, bit-count of wi)
5503/// vrev: N0 = [k1 k0 k3 k2 ]
5504/// [k0 k1 k2 k3 ]
5505/// N1 =+[k1 k0 k3 k2 ]
5506/// [k0 k2 k1 k3 ]
5507/// N2 =+[k1 k3 k0 k2 ]
5508/// [k0 k2 k1 k3 ]
5509/// Extended =+[k1 k3 k0 k2 ]
5510/// [k0 k2 ]
5511/// Extracted=+[k1 k3 ]
5513static SDValue lowerCTPOP32BitElements(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5514 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5515 SDLoc DL(N);
5517 EVT VT16Bit = VT.is64BitVector() ? MVT::v4i16 : MVT::v8i16;
5519 SDValue Bitcast = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, VT16Bit, N->getOperand(0));
5520 SDValue Counts16 = lowerCTPOP16BitElements(Bitcast.getNode(), DAG);
5521 SDValue N0 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV32, DL, VT16Bit, Counts16);
5522 SDValue N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT16Bit, Counts16, N0);
5523 SDValue N2 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VUZP, DL, VT16Bit, N1, N1);
5525 if (VT.is64BitVector()) {
5526 SDValue Extended = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, DL, MVT::v4i32, N2);
5527 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, DL, MVT::v2i32, Extended,
5528 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, DL));
5529 } else {
5530 SDValue Extracted = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, DL, MVT::v4i16, N2,
5531 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, DL));
5532 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, DL, MVT::v4i32, Extracted);
5533 }
5536static SDValue LowerCTPOP(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5537 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
5538 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5540 assert(ST->hasNEON() && "Custom ctpop lowering requires NEON.")(static_cast <bool> (ST->hasNEON() && "Custom ctpop lowering requires NEON."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ST->hasNEON() && \"Custom ctpop lowering requires NEON.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5540, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5541 assert((VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32 ||(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32
|| VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && "Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32 || VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && \"Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5543, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5542 VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) &&(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32
|| VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && "Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32 || VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && \"Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5543, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5543 "Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering")(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32
|| VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && "Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v2i32 || VT == MVT::v4i32 || VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i16) && \"Unexpected type for custom ctpop lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5543, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5545 if (VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i32)
5546 return lowerCTPOP32BitElements(N, DAG);
5547 else
5548 return lowerCTPOP16BitElements(N, DAG);
5551static SDValue LowerShift(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5552 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
5553 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5554 SDLoc dl(N);
5556 if (!VT.isVector())
5557 return SDValue();
5559 // Lower vector shifts on NEON to use VSHL.
5560 assert(ST->hasNEON() && "unexpected vector shift")(static_cast <bool> (ST->hasNEON() && "unexpected vector shift"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ST->hasNEON() && \"unexpected vector shift\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5560, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5562 // Left shifts translate directly to the vshiftu intrinsic.
5563 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SHL)
5564 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT,
5565 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftu, dl,
5566 MVT::i32),
5567 N->getOperand(0), N->getOperand(1));
5569 assert((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA ||(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA || N
->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL) && "unexpected vector shift opcode"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL) && \"unexpected vector shift opcode\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5570, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5570 N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL) && "unexpected vector shift opcode")(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA || N
->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL) && "unexpected vector shift opcode"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL) && \"unexpected vector shift opcode\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5570, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5572 // NEON uses the same intrinsics for both left and right shifts. For
5573 // right shifts, the shift amounts are negative, so negate the vector of
5574 // shift amounts.
5575 EVT ShiftVT = N->getOperand(1).getValueType();
5576 SDValue NegatedCount = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, ShiftVT,
5577 getZeroVector(ShiftVT, DAG, dl),
5578 N->getOperand(1));
5579 Intrinsic::ID vshiftInt = (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA ?
5580 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshifts :
5581 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftu);
5582 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT,
5583 DAG.getConstant(vshiftInt, dl, MVT::i32),
5584 N->getOperand(0), NegatedCount);
5587static SDValue Expand64BitShift(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5588 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
5589 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
5590 SDLoc dl(N);
5592 // We can get here for a node like i32 = ISD::SHL i32, i64
5593 if (VT != MVT::i64)
5594 return SDValue();
5596 assert((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA) &&(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL || N
->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA) && "Unknown shift to lower!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA) && \"Unknown shift to lower!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5597, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5597 "Unknown shift to lower!")(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL || N
->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA) && "Unknown shift to lower!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA) && \"Unknown shift to lower!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5597, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5599 // We only lower SRA, SRL of 1 here, all others use generic lowering.
5600 if (!isOneConstant(N->getOperand(1)))
5601 return SDValue();
5603 // If we are in thumb mode, we don't have RRX.
5604 if (ST->isThumb1Only()) return SDValue();
5606 // Okay, we have a 64-bit SRA or SRL of 1. Lower this to an RRX expr.
5607 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32, N->getOperand(0),
5608 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
5609 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32, N->getOperand(0),
5610 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
5612 // First, build a SRA_FLAG/SRL_FLAG op, which shifts the top part by one and
5613 // captures the result into a carry flag.
5614 unsigned Opc = N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL ? ARMISD::SRL_FLAG:ARMISD::SRA_FLAG;
5615 Hi = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::Glue), Hi);
5617 // The low part is an ARMISD::RRX operand, which shifts the carry in.
5618 Lo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::RRX, dl, MVT::i32, Lo, Hi.getValue(1));
5620 // Merge the pieces into a single i64 value.
5621 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BUILD_PAIR, dl, MVT::i64, Lo, Hi);
5624static SDValue LowerVSETCC(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5625 SDValue TmpOp0, TmpOp1;
5626 bool Invert = false;
5627 bool Swap = false;
5628 unsigned Opc = 0;
5630 SDValue Op0 = Op.getOperand(0);
5631 SDValue Op1 = Op.getOperand(1);
5632 SDValue CC = Op.getOperand(2);
5633 EVT CmpVT = Op0.getValueType().changeVectorElementTypeToInteger();
5634 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5635 ISD::CondCode SetCCOpcode = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(CC)->get();
5636 SDLoc dl(Op);
5638 if (Op0.getValueType().getVectorElementType() == MVT::i64 &&
5639 (SetCCOpcode == ISD::SETEQ || SetCCOpcode == ISD::SETNE)) {
5640 // Special-case integer 64-bit equality comparisons. They aren't legal,
5641 // but they can be lowered with a few vector instructions.
5642 unsigned CmpElements = CmpVT.getVectorNumElements() * 2;
5643 EVT SplitVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::i32, CmpElements);
5644 SDValue CastOp0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, SplitVT, Op0);
5645 SDValue CastOp1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, SplitVT, Op1);
5646 SDValue Cmp = DAG.getNode(ISD::SETCC, dl, SplitVT, CastOp0, CastOp1,
5647 DAG.getCondCode(ISD::SETEQ));
5648 SDValue Reversed = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, dl, SplitVT, Cmp);
5649 SDValue Merged = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, dl, SplitVT, Cmp, Reversed);
5650 Merged = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, CmpVT, Merged);
5651 if (SetCCOpcode == ISD::SETNE)
5652 Merged = DAG.getNOT(dl, Merged, CmpVT);
5653 Merged = DAG.getSExtOrTrunc(Merged, dl, VT);
5654 return Merged;
5655 }
5657 if (CmpVT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i64)
5658 // 64-bit comparisons are not legal in general.
5659 return SDValue();
5661 if (Op1.getValueType().isFloatingPoint()) {
5662 switch (SetCCOpcode) {
5663 default: llvm_unreachable("Illegal FP comparison")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Illegal FP comparison", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5663)
5664 case ISD::SETUNE:
5665 case ISD::SETNE: Invert = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5666 case ISD::SETOEQ:
5667 case ISD::SETEQ: Opc = ARMISD::VCEQ; break;
5668 case ISD::SETOLT:
5669 case ISD::SETLT: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5670 case ISD::SETOGT:
5671 case ISD::SETGT: Opc = ARMISD::VCGT; break;
5672 case ISD::SETOLE:
5673 case ISD::SETLE: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5674 case ISD::SETOGE:
5675 case ISD::SETGE: Opc = ARMISD::VCGE; break;
5676 case ISD::SETUGE: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5677 case ISD::SETULE: Invert = true; Opc = ARMISD::VCGT; break;
5678 case ISD::SETUGT: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5679 case ISD::SETULT: Invert = true; Opc = ARMISD::VCGE; break;
5680 case ISD::SETUEQ: Invert = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5681 case ISD::SETONE:
5682 // Expand this to (OLT | OGT).
5683 TmpOp0 = Op0;
5684 TmpOp1 = Op1;
5685 Opc = ISD::OR;
5686 Op0 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGT, dl, CmpVT, TmpOp1, TmpOp0);
5687 Op1 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGT, dl, CmpVT, TmpOp0, TmpOp1);
5688 break;
5689 case ISD::SETUO:
5690 Invert = true;
5691 LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5692 case ISD::SETO:
5693 // Expand this to (OLT | OGE).
5694 TmpOp0 = Op0;
5695 TmpOp1 = Op1;
5696 Opc = ISD::OR;
5697 Op0 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGT, dl, CmpVT, TmpOp1, TmpOp0);
5698 Op1 = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGE, dl, CmpVT, TmpOp0, TmpOp1);
5699 break;
5700 }
5701 } else {
5702 // Integer comparisons.
5703 switch (SetCCOpcode) {
5704 default: llvm_unreachable("Illegal integer comparison")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Illegal integer comparison"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5704)
5705 case ISD::SETNE: Invert = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5706 case ISD::SETEQ: Opc = ARMISD::VCEQ; break;
5707 case ISD::SETLT: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5708 case ISD::SETGT: Opc = ARMISD::VCGT; break;
5709 case ISD::SETLE: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5710 case ISD::SETGE: Opc = ARMISD::VCGE; break;
5711 case ISD::SETULT: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5712 case ISD::SETUGT: Opc = ARMISD::VCGTU; break;
5713 case ISD::SETULE: Swap = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
5714 case ISD::SETUGE: Opc = ARMISD::VCGEU; break;
5715 }
5717 // Detect VTST (Vector Test Bits) = icmp ne (and (op0, op1), zero).
5718 if (Opc == ARMISD::VCEQ) {
5719 SDValue AndOp;
5720 if (ISD::isBuildVectorAllZeros(Op1.getNode()))
5721 AndOp = Op0;
5722 else if (ISD::isBuildVectorAllZeros(Op0.getNode()))
5723 AndOp = Op1;
5725 // Ignore bitconvert.
5726 if (AndOp.getNode() && AndOp.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST)
5727 AndOp = AndOp.getOperand(0);
5729 if (AndOp.getNode() && AndOp.getOpcode() == ISD::AND) {
5730 Opc = ARMISD::VTST;
5731 Op0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, CmpVT, AndOp.getOperand(0));
5732 Op1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, CmpVT, AndOp.getOperand(1));
5733 Invert = !Invert;
5734 }
5735 }
5736 }
5738 if (Swap)
5739 std::swap(Op0, Op1);
5741 // If one of the operands is a constant vector zero, attempt to fold the
5742 // comparison to a specialized compare-against-zero form.
5743 SDValue SingleOp;
5744 if (ISD::isBuildVectorAllZeros(Op1.getNode()))
5745 SingleOp = Op0;
5746 else if (ISD::isBuildVectorAllZeros(Op0.getNode())) {
5747 if (Opc == ARMISD::VCGE)
5748 Opc = ARMISD::VCLEZ;
5749 else if (Opc == ARMISD::VCGT)
5750 Opc = ARMISD::VCLTZ;
5751 SingleOp = Op1;
5752 }
5754 SDValue Result;
5755 if (SingleOp.getNode()) {
5756 switch (Opc) {
5757 case ARMISD::VCEQ:
5758 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCEQZ, dl, CmpVT, SingleOp); break;
5759 case ARMISD::VCGE:
5760 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGEZ, dl, CmpVT, SingleOp); break;
5761 case ARMISD::VCLEZ:
5762 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCLEZ, dl, CmpVT, SingleOp); break;
5763 case ARMISD::VCGT:
5764 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCGTZ, dl, CmpVT, SingleOp); break;
5765 case ARMISD::VCLTZ:
5766 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VCLTZ, dl, CmpVT, SingleOp); break;
5767 default:
5768 Result = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, CmpVT, Op0, Op1);
5769 }
5770 } else {
5771 Result = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl, CmpVT, Op0, Op1);
5772 }
5774 Result = DAG.getSExtOrTrunc(Result, dl, VT);
5776 if (Invert)
5777 Result = DAG.getNOT(dl, Result, VT);
5779 return Result;
5782static SDValue LowerSETCCE(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
5783 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
5784 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
5785 SDValue Carry = Op.getOperand(2);
5786 SDValue Cond = Op.getOperand(3);
5787 SDLoc DL(Op);
5789 assert(LHS.getSimpleValueType().isInteger() && "SETCCE is integer only.")(static_cast <bool> (LHS.getSimpleValueType().isInteger
() && "SETCCE is integer only.") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("LHS.getSimpleValueType().isInteger() && \"SETCCE is integer only.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5789, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5791 assert(Carry.getOpcode() != ISD::CARRY_FALSE)(static_cast <bool> (Carry.getOpcode() != ISD::CARRY_FALSE
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Carry.getOpcode() != ISD::CARRY_FALSE"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5791, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5792 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(LHS.getValueType(), MVT::i32);
5793 SDValue Cmp = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::SUBE, DL, VTs, LHS, RHS, Carry);
5795 SDValue FVal = DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32);
5796 SDValue TVal = DAG.getConstant(1, DL, MVT::i32);
5797 SDValue ARMcc = DAG.getConstant(
5798 IntCCToARMCC(cast<CondCodeSDNode>(Cond)->get()), DL, MVT::i32);
5799 SDValue CCR = DAG.getRegister(ARM::CPSR, MVT::i32);
5800 SDValue Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(DAG.getEntryNode(), DL, ARM::CPSR,
5801 Cmp.getValue(1), SDValue());
5802 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, DL, Op.getValueType(), FVal, TVal, ARMcc,
5803 CCR, Chain.getValue(1));
5806/// isNEONModifiedImm - Check if the specified splat value corresponds to a
5807/// valid vector constant for a NEON instruction with a "modified immediate"
5808/// operand (e.g., VMOV). If so, return the encoded value.
5809static SDValue isNEONModifiedImm(uint64_t SplatBits, uint64_t SplatUndef,
5810 unsigned SplatBitSize, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5811 const SDLoc &dl, EVT &VT, bool is128Bits,
5812 NEONModImmType type) {
5813 unsigned OpCmode, Imm;
5815 // SplatBitSize is set to the smallest size that splats the vector, so a
5816 // zero vector will always have SplatBitSize == 8. However, NEON modified
5817 // immediate instructions others than VMOV do not support the 8-bit encoding
5818 // of a zero vector, and the default encoding of zero is supposed to be the
5819 // 32-bit version.
5820 if (SplatBits == 0)
5821 SplatBitSize = 32;
5823 switch (SplatBitSize) {
5824 case 8:
5825 if (type != VMOVModImm)
5826 return SDValue();
5827 // Any 1-byte value is OK. Op=0, Cmode=1110.
5828 assert((SplatBits & ~0xff) == 0 && "one byte splat value is too big")(static_cast <bool> ((SplatBits & ~0xff) == 0 &&
"one byte splat value is too big") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(SplatBits & ~0xff) == 0 && \"one byte splat value is too big\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5828, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
5829 OpCmode = 0xe;
5830 Imm = SplatBits;
5831 VT = is128Bits ? MVT::v16i8 : MVT::v8i8;
5832 break;
5834 case 16:
5835 // NEON's 16-bit VMOV supports splat values where only one byte is nonzero.
5836 VT = is128Bits ? MVT::v8i16 : MVT::v4i16;
5837 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff) == 0) {
5838 // Value = 0x00nn: Op=x, Cmode=100x.
5839 OpCmode = 0x8;
5840 Imm = SplatBits;
5841 break;
5842 }
5843 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff00) == 0) {
5844 // Value = 0xnn00: Op=x, Cmode=101x.
5845 OpCmode = 0xa;
5846 Imm = SplatBits >> 8;
5847 break;
5848 }
5849 return SDValue();
5851 case 32:
5852 // NEON's 32-bit VMOV supports splat values where:
5853 // * only one byte is nonzero, or
5854 // * the least significant byte is 0xff and the second byte is nonzero, or
5855 // * the least significant 2 bytes are 0xff and the third is nonzero.
5856 VT = is128Bits ? MVT::v4i32 : MVT::v2i32;
5857 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff) == 0) {
5858 // Value = 0x000000nn: Op=x, Cmode=000x.
5859 OpCmode = 0;
5860 Imm = SplatBits;
5861 break;
5862 }
5863 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff00) == 0) {
5864 // Value = 0x0000nn00: Op=x, Cmode=001x.
5865 OpCmode = 0x2;
5866 Imm = SplatBits >> 8;
5867 break;
5868 }
5869 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff0000) == 0) {
5870 // Value = 0x00nn0000: Op=x, Cmode=010x.
5871 OpCmode = 0x4;
5872 Imm = SplatBits >> 16;
5873 break;
5874 }
5875 if ((SplatBits & ~0xff000000) == 0) {
5876 // Value = 0xnn000000: Op=x, Cmode=011x.
5877 OpCmode = 0x6;
5878 Imm = SplatBits >> 24;
5879 break;
5880 }
5882 // cmode == 0b1100 and cmode == 0b1101 are not supported for VORR or VBIC
5883 if (type == OtherModImm) return SDValue();
5885 if ((SplatBits & ~0xffff) == 0 &&
5886 ((SplatBits | SplatUndef) & 0xff) == 0xff) {
5887 // Value = 0x0000nnff: Op=x, Cmode=1100.
5888 OpCmode = 0xc;
5889 Imm = SplatBits >> 8;
5890 break;
5891 }
5893 if ((SplatBits & ~0xffffff) == 0 &&
5894 ((SplatBits | SplatUndef) & 0xffff) == 0xffff) {
5895 // Value = 0x00nnffff: Op=x, Cmode=1101.
5896 OpCmode = 0xd;
5897 Imm = SplatBits >> 16;
5898 break;
5899 }
5901 // Note: there are a few 32-bit splat values (specifically: 00ffff00,
5902 // ff000000, ff0000ff, and ffff00ff) that are valid for VMOV.I64 but not
5903 // VMOV.I32. A (very) minor optimization would be to replicate the value
5904 // and fall through here to test for a valid 64-bit splat. But, then the
5905 // caller would also need to check and handle the change in size.
5906 return SDValue();
5908 case 64: {
5909 if (type != VMOVModImm)
5910 return SDValue();
5911 // NEON has a 64-bit VMOV splat where each byte is either 0 or 0xff.
5912 uint64_t BitMask = 0xff;
5913 uint64_t Val = 0;
5914 unsigned ImmMask = 1;
5915 Imm = 0;
5916 for (int ByteNum = 0; ByteNum < 8; ++ByteNum) {
5917 if (((SplatBits | SplatUndef) & BitMask) == BitMask) {
5918 Val |= BitMask;
5919 Imm |= ImmMask;
5920 } else if ((SplatBits & BitMask) != 0) {
5921 return SDValue();
5922 }
5923 BitMask <<= 8;
5924 ImmMask <<= 1;
5925 }
5927 if (DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian())
5928 // swap higher and lower 32 bit word
5929 Imm = ((Imm & 0xf) << 4) | ((Imm & 0xf0) >> 4);
5931 // Op=1, Cmode=1110.
5932 OpCmode = 0x1e;
5933 VT = is128Bits ? MVT::v2i64 : MVT::v1i64;
5934 break;
5935 }
5937 default:
5938 llvm_unreachable("unexpected size for isNEONModifiedImm")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected size for isNEONModifiedImm"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5938)
5939 }
5941 unsigned EncodedVal = ARM_AM::createNEONModImm(OpCmode, Imm);
5942 return DAG.getTargetConstant(EncodedVal, dl, MVT::i32);
5945SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerConstantFP(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5946 const ARMSubtarget *ST) const {
5947 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
5948 bool IsDouble = (VT == MVT::f64);
5949 ConstantFPSDNode *CFP = cast<ConstantFPSDNode>(Op);
5950 const APFloat &FPVal = CFP->getValueAPF();
5952 // Prevent floating-point constants from using literal loads
5953 // when execute-only is enabled.
5954 if (ST->genExecuteOnly()) {
5955 // If we can represent the constant as an immediate, don't lower it
5956 if (isFPImmLegal(FPVal, VT))
5957 return Op;
5958 // Otherwise, construct as integer, and move to float register
5959 APInt INTVal = FPVal.bitcastToAPInt();
5960 SDLoc DL(CFP);
5961 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
5962 default:
5963 llvm_unreachable("Unknown floating point type!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown floating point type!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 5963)
5964 break;
5965 case MVT::f64: {
5966 SDValue Lo = DAG.getConstant(INTVal.trunc(32), DL, MVT::i32);
5967 SDValue Hi = DAG.getConstant(INTVal.lshr(32).trunc(32), DL, MVT::i32);
5968 if (!ST->isLittle())
5969 std::swap(Lo, Hi);
5970 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVDRR, DL, MVT::f64, Lo, Hi);
5971 }
5972 case MVT::f32:
5973 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVSR, DL, VT,
5974 DAG.getConstant(INTVal, DL, MVT::i32));
5975 }
5976 }
5978 if (!ST->hasVFP3())
5979 return SDValue();
5981 // Use the default (constant pool) lowering for double constants when we have
5982 // an SP-only FPU
5983 if (IsDouble && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP())
5984 return SDValue();
5986 // Try splatting with a VMOV.f32...
5987 int ImmVal = IsDouble ? ARM_AM::getFP64Imm(FPVal) : ARM_AM::getFP32Imm(FPVal);
5989 if (ImmVal != -1) {
5990 if (IsDouble || !ST->useNEONForSinglePrecisionFP()) {
5991 // We have code in place to select a valid ConstantFP already, no need to
5992 // do any mangling.
5993 return Op;
5994 }
5996 // It's a float and we are trying to use NEON operations where
5997 // possible. Lower it to a splat followed by an extract.
5998 SDLoc DL(Op);
5999 SDValue NewVal = DAG.getTargetConstant(ImmVal, DL, MVT::i32);
6000 SDValue VecConstant = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVFPIMM, DL, MVT::v2f32,
6001 NewVal);
6002 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, DL, MVT::f32, VecConstant,
6003 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32));
6004 }
6006 // The rest of our options are NEON only, make sure that's allowed before
6007 // proceeding..
6008 if (!ST->hasNEON() || (!IsDouble && !ST->useNEONForSinglePrecisionFP()))
6009 return SDValue();
6011 EVT VMovVT;
6012 uint64_t iVal = FPVal.bitcastToAPInt().getZExtValue();
6014 // It wouldn't really be worth bothering for doubles except for one very
6015 // important value, which does happen to match: 0.0. So make sure we don't do
6016 // anything stupid.
6017 if (IsDouble && (iVal & 0xffffffff) != (iVal >> 32))
6018 return SDValue();
6020 // Try a VMOV.i32 (FIXME: i8, i16, or i64 could work too).
6021 SDValue NewVal = isNEONModifiedImm(iVal & 0xffffffffU, 0, 32, DAG, SDLoc(Op),
6022 VMovVT, false, VMOVModImm);
6023 if (NewVal != SDValue()) {
6024 SDLoc DL(Op);
6025 SDValue VecConstant = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, DL, VMovVT,
6026 NewVal);
6027 if (IsDouble)
6028 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::f64, VecConstant);
6030 // It's a float: cast and extract a vector element.
6031 SDValue VecFConstant = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::v2f32,
6032 VecConstant);
6033 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, DL, MVT::f32, VecFConstant,
6034 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32));
6035 }
6037 // Finally, try a VMVN.i32
6038 NewVal = isNEONModifiedImm(~iVal & 0xffffffffU, 0, 32, DAG, SDLoc(Op), VMovVT,
6039 false, VMVNModImm);
6040 if (NewVal != SDValue()) {
6041 SDLoc DL(Op);
6042 SDValue VecConstant = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMVNIMM, DL, VMovVT, NewVal);
6044 if (IsDouble)
6045 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::f64, VecConstant);
6047 // It's a float: cast and extract a vector element.
6048 SDValue VecFConstant = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::v2f32,
6049 VecConstant);
6050 return DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, DL, MVT::f32, VecFConstant,
6051 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32));
6052 }
6054 return SDValue();
6057// check if an VEXT instruction can handle the shuffle mask when the
6058// vector sources of the shuffle are the same.
6059static bool isSingletonVEXTMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &Imm) {
6060 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6062 // Assume that the first shuffle index is not UNDEF. Fail if it is.
6063 if (M[0] < 0)
6064 return false;
6066 Imm = M[0];
6068 // If this is a VEXT shuffle, the immediate value is the index of the first
6069 // element. The other shuffle indices must be the successive elements after
6070 // the first one.
6071 unsigned ExpectedElt = Imm;
6072 for (unsigned i = 1; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6073 // Increment the expected index. If it wraps around, just follow it
6074 // back to index zero and keep going.
6075 ++ExpectedElt;
6076 if (ExpectedElt == NumElts)
6077 ExpectedElt = 0;
6079 if (M[i] < 0) continue; // ignore UNDEF indices
6080 if (ExpectedElt != static_cast<unsigned>(M[i]))
6081 return false;
6082 }
6084 return true;
6087static bool isVEXTMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT,
6088 bool &ReverseVEXT, unsigned &Imm) {
6089 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6090 ReverseVEXT = false;
6092 // Assume that the first shuffle index is not UNDEF. Fail if it is.
6093 if (M[0] < 0)
6094 return false;
6096 Imm = M[0];
6098 // If this is a VEXT shuffle, the immediate value is the index of the first
6099 // element. The other shuffle indices must be the successive elements after
6100 // the first one.
6101 unsigned ExpectedElt = Imm;
6102 for (unsigned i = 1; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6103 // Increment the expected index. If it wraps around, it may still be
6104 // a VEXT but the source vectors must be swapped.
6105 ExpectedElt += 1;
6106 if (ExpectedElt == NumElts * 2) {
6107 ExpectedElt = 0;
6108 ReverseVEXT = true;
6109 }
6111 if (M[i] < 0) continue; // ignore UNDEF indices
6112 if (ExpectedElt != static_cast<unsigned>(M[i]))
6113 return false;
6114 }
6116 // Adjust the index value if the source operands will be swapped.
6117 if (ReverseVEXT)
6118 Imm -= NumElts;
6120 return true;
6123/// isVREVMask - Check if a vector shuffle corresponds to a VREV
6124/// instruction with the specified blocksize. (The order of the elements
6125/// within each block of the vector is reversed.)
6126static bool isVREVMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned BlockSize) {
6127 assert((BlockSize==16 || BlockSize==32 || BlockSize==64) &&(static_cast <bool> ((BlockSize==16 || BlockSize==32 ||
BlockSize==64) && "Only possible block sizes for VREV are: 16, 32, 64"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(BlockSize==16 || BlockSize==32 || BlockSize==64) && \"Only possible block sizes for VREV are: 16, 32, 64\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6128, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6128 "Only possible block sizes for VREV are: 16, 32, 64")(static_cast <bool> ((BlockSize==16 || BlockSize==32 ||
BlockSize==64) && "Only possible block sizes for VREV are: 16, 32, 64"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(BlockSize==16 || BlockSize==32 || BlockSize==64) && \"Only possible block sizes for VREV are: 16, 32, 64\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6128, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6130 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6131 if (EltSz == 64)
6132 return false;
6134 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6135 unsigned BlockElts = M[0] + 1;
6136 // If the first shuffle index is UNDEF, be optimistic.
6137 if (M[0] < 0)
6138 BlockElts = BlockSize / EltSz;
6140 if (BlockSize <= EltSz || BlockSize != BlockElts * EltSz)
6141 return false;
6143 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6144 if (M[i] < 0) continue; // ignore UNDEF indices
6145 if ((unsigned) M[i] != (i - i%BlockElts) + (BlockElts - 1 - i%BlockElts))
6146 return false;
6147 }
6149 return true;
6152static bool isVTBLMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT) {
6153 // We can handle <8 x i8> vector shuffles. If the index in the mask is out of
6154 // range, then 0 is placed into the resulting vector. So pretty much any mask
6155 // of 8 elements can work here.
6156 return VT == MVT::v8i8 && M.size() == 8;
6159static unsigned SelectPairHalf(unsigned Elements, ArrayRef<int> Mask,
6160 unsigned Index) {
6161 if (Mask.size() == Elements * 2)
6162 return Index / Elements;
6163 return Mask[Index] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
6166// Checks whether the shuffle mask represents a vector transpose (VTRN) by
6167// checking that pairs of elements in the shuffle mask represent the same index
6168// in each vector, incrementing the expected index by 2 at each step.
6169// e.g. For v1,v2 of type v4i32 a valid shuffle mask is: [0, 4, 2, 6]
6170// v1={a,b,c,d} => x=shufflevector v1, v2 shufflemask => x={a,e,c,g}
6171// v2={e,f,g,h}
6172// WhichResult gives the offset for each element in the mask based on which
6173// of the two results it belongs to.
6175// The transpose can be represented either as:
6176// result1 = shufflevector v1, v2, result1_shuffle_mask
6177// result2 = shufflevector v1, v2, result2_shuffle_mask
6178// where v1/v2 and the shuffle masks have the same number of elements
6179// (here WhichResult (see below) indicates which result is being checked)
6181// or as:
6182// results = shufflevector v1, v2, shuffle_mask
6183// where both results are returned in one vector and the shuffle mask has twice
6184// as many elements as v1/v2 (here WhichResult will always be 0 if true) here we
6185// want to check the low half and high half of the shuffle mask as if it were
6186// the other case
6187static bool isVTRNMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult) {
6188 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6189 if (EltSz == 64)
6190 return false;
6192 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6193 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6194 return false;
6196 // If the mask is twice as long as the input vector then we need to check the
6197 // upper and lower parts of the mask with a matching value for WhichResult
6198 // FIXME: A mask with only even values will be rejected in case the first
6199 // element is undefined, e.g. [-1, 4, 2, 6] will be rejected, because only
6200 // M[0] is used to determine WhichResult
6201 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6202 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6203 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; j += 2) {
6204 if ((M[i+j] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j] != j + WhichResult) ||
6205 (M[i+j+1] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j+1] != j + NumElts + WhichResult))
6206 return false;
6207 }
6208 }
6210 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6211 WhichResult = 0;
6213 return true;
6216/// isVTRN_v_undef_Mask - Special case of isVTRNMask for canonical form of
6217/// "vector_shuffle v, v", i.e., "vector_shuffle v, undef".
6218/// Mask is e.g., <0, 0, 2, 2> instead of <0, 4, 2, 6>.
6219static bool isVTRN_v_undef_Mask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult){
6220 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6221 if (EltSz == 64)
6222 return false;
6224 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6225 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6226 return false;
6228 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6229 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6230 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; j += 2) {
6231 if ((M[i+j] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j] != j + WhichResult) ||
6232 (M[i+j+1] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j+1] != j + WhichResult))
6233 return false;
6234 }
6235 }
6237 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6238 WhichResult = 0;
6240 return true;
6243// Checks whether the shuffle mask represents a vector unzip (VUZP) by checking
6244// that the mask elements are either all even and in steps of size 2 or all odd
6245// and in steps of size 2.
6246// e.g. For v1,v2 of type v4i32 a valid shuffle mask is: [0, 2, 4, 6]
6247// v1={a,b,c,d} => x=shufflevector v1, v2 shufflemask => x={a,c,e,g}
6248// v2={e,f,g,h}
6249// Requires similar checks to that of isVTRNMask with
6250// respect the how results are returned.
6251static bool isVUZPMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult) {
6252 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6253 if (EltSz == 64)
6254 return false;
6256 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6257 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6258 return false;
6260 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6261 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6262 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; ++j) {
6263 if (M[i+j] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j] != 2 * j + WhichResult)
6264 return false;
6265 }
6266 }
6268 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6269 WhichResult = 0;
6271 // VUZP.32 for 64-bit vectors is a pseudo-instruction alias for VTRN.32.
6272 if (VT.is64BitVector() && EltSz == 32)
6273 return false;
6275 return true;
6278/// isVUZP_v_undef_Mask - Special case of isVUZPMask for canonical form of
6279/// "vector_shuffle v, v", i.e., "vector_shuffle v, undef".
6280/// Mask is e.g., <0, 2, 0, 2> instead of <0, 2, 4, 6>,
6281static bool isVUZP_v_undef_Mask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult){
6282 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6283 if (EltSz == 64)
6284 return false;
6286 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6287 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6288 return false;
6290 unsigned Half = NumElts / 2;
6291 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6292 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6293 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; j += Half) {
6294 unsigned Idx = WhichResult;
6295 for (unsigned k = 0; k < Half; ++k) {
6296 int MIdx = M[i + j + k];
6297 if (MIdx >= 0 && (unsigned) MIdx != Idx)
6298 return false;
6299 Idx += 2;
6300 }
6301 }
6302 }
6304 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6305 WhichResult = 0;
6307 // VUZP.32 for 64-bit vectors is a pseudo-instruction alias for VTRN.32.
6308 if (VT.is64BitVector() && EltSz == 32)
6309 return false;
6311 return true;
6314// Checks whether the shuffle mask represents a vector zip (VZIP) by checking
6315// that pairs of elements of the shufflemask represent the same index in each
6316// vector incrementing sequentially through the vectors.
6317// e.g. For v1,v2 of type v4i32 a valid shuffle mask is: [0, 4, 1, 5]
6318// v1={a,b,c,d} => x=shufflevector v1, v2 shufflemask => x={a,e,b,f}
6319// v2={e,f,g,h}
6320// Requires similar checks to that of isVTRNMask with respect the how results
6321// are returned.
6322static bool isVZIPMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult) {
6323 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6324 if (EltSz == 64)
6325 return false;
6327 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6328 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6329 return false;
6331 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6332 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6333 unsigned Idx = WhichResult * NumElts / 2;
6334 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; j += 2) {
6335 if ((M[i+j] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j] != Idx) ||
6336 (M[i+j+1] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j+1] != Idx + NumElts))
6337 return false;
6338 Idx += 1;
6339 }
6340 }
6342 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6343 WhichResult = 0;
6345 // VZIP.32 for 64-bit vectors is a pseudo-instruction alias for VTRN.32.
6346 if (VT.is64BitVector() && EltSz == 32)
6347 return false;
6349 return true;
6352/// isVZIP_v_undef_Mask - Special case of isVZIPMask for canonical form of
6353/// "vector_shuffle v, v", i.e., "vector_shuffle v, undef".
6354/// Mask is e.g., <0, 0, 1, 1> instead of <0, 4, 1, 5>.
6355static bool isVZIP_v_undef_Mask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT, unsigned &WhichResult){
6356 unsigned EltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6357 if (EltSz == 64)
6358 return false;
6360 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6361 if (M.size() != NumElts && M.size() != NumElts*2)
6362 return false;
6364 for (unsigned i = 0; i < M.size(); i += NumElts) {
6365 WhichResult = SelectPairHalf(NumElts, M, i);
6366 unsigned Idx = WhichResult * NumElts / 2;
6367 for (unsigned j = 0; j < NumElts; j += 2) {
6368 if ((M[i+j] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j] != Idx) ||
6369 (M[i+j+1] >= 0 && (unsigned) M[i+j+1] != Idx))
6370 return false;
6371 Idx += 1;
6372 }
6373 }
6375 if (M.size() == NumElts*2)
6376 WhichResult = 0;
6378 // VZIP.32 for 64-bit vectors is a pseudo-instruction alias for VTRN.32.
6379 if (VT.is64BitVector() && EltSz == 32)
6380 return false;
6382 return true;
6385/// Check if \p ShuffleMask is a NEON two-result shuffle (VZIP, VUZP, VTRN),
6386/// and return the corresponding ARMISD opcode if it is, or 0 if it isn't.
6387static unsigned isNEONTwoResultShuffleMask(ArrayRef<int> ShuffleMask, EVT VT,
6388 unsigned &WhichResult,
6389 bool &isV_UNDEF) {
6390 isV_UNDEF = false;
6391 if (isVTRNMask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6392 return ARMISD::VTRN;
6393 if (isVUZPMask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6394 return ARMISD::VUZP;
6395 if (isVZIPMask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6396 return ARMISD::VZIP;
6398 isV_UNDEF = true;
6399 if (isVTRN_v_undef_Mask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6400 return ARMISD::VTRN;
6401 if (isVUZP_v_undef_Mask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6402 return ARMISD::VUZP;
6403 if (isVZIP_v_undef_Mask(ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult))
6404 return ARMISD::VZIP;
6406 return 0;
6409/// \return true if this is a reverse operation on an vector.
6410static bool isReverseMask(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT) {
6411 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6412 // Make sure the mask has the right size.
6413 if (NumElts != M.size())
6414 return false;
6416 // Look for <15, ..., 3, -1, 1, 0>.
6417 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumElts; ++i)
6418 if (M[i] >= 0 && M[i] != (int) (NumElts - 1 - i))
6419 return false;
6421 return true;
6424// If N is an integer constant that can be moved into a register in one
6425// instruction, return an SDValue of such a constant (will become a MOV
6426// instruction). Otherwise return null.
6427static SDValue IsSingleInstrConstant(SDValue N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
6428 const ARMSubtarget *ST, const SDLoc &dl) {
6429 uint64_t Val;
6430 if (!isa<ConstantSDNode>(N))
6431 return SDValue();
6432 Val = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N)->getZExtValue();
6434 if (ST->isThumb1Only()) {
6435 if (Val <= 255 || ~Val <= 255)
6436 return DAG.getConstant(Val, dl, MVT::i32);
6437 } else {
6438 if (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(Val) != -1 || ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(~Val) != -1)
6439 return DAG.getConstant(Val, dl, MVT::i32);
6440 }
6441 return SDValue();
6444// If this is a case we can't handle, return null and let the default
6445// expansion code take care of it.
6446SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerBUILD_VECTOR(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
6447 const ARMSubtarget *ST) const {
6448 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN = cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(Op.getNode());
6449 SDLoc dl(Op);
6450 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
6452 APInt SplatBits, SplatUndef;
6453 unsigned SplatBitSize;
6454 bool HasAnyUndefs;
6455 if (BVN->isConstantSplat(SplatBits, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize, HasAnyUndefs)) {
6456 if (SplatUndef.isAllOnesValue())
6457 return DAG.getUNDEF(VT);
6459 if (SplatBitSize <= 64) {
6460 // Check if an immediate VMOV works.
6461 EVT VmovVT;
6462 SDValue Val = isNEONModifiedImm(SplatBits.getZExtValue(),
6463 SplatUndef.getZExtValue(), SplatBitSize,
6464 DAG, dl, VmovVT, VT.is128BitVector(),
6465 VMOVModImm);
6466 if (Val.getNode()) {
6467 SDValue Vmov = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVIMM, dl, VmovVT, Val);
6468 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vmov);
6469 }
6471 // Try an immediate VMVN.
6472 uint64_t NegatedImm = (~SplatBits).getZExtValue();
6473 Val = isNEONModifiedImm(NegatedImm,
6474 SplatUndef.getZExtValue(), SplatBitSize,
6475 DAG, dl, VmovVT, VT.is128BitVector(),
6476 VMVNModImm);
6477 if (Val.getNode()) {
6478 SDValue Vmov = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMVNIMM, dl, VmovVT, Val);
6479 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vmov);
6480 }
6482 // Use vmov.f32 to materialize other v2f32 and v4f32 splats.
6483 if ((VT == MVT::v2f32 || VT == MVT::v4f32) && SplatBitSize == 32) {
6484 int ImmVal = ARM_AM::getFP32Imm(SplatBits);
6485 if (ImmVal != -1) {
6486 SDValue Val = DAG.getTargetConstant(ImmVal, dl, MVT::i32);
6487 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMOVFPIMM, dl, VT, Val);
6488 }
6489 }
6490 }
6491 }
6493 // Scan through the operands to see if only one value is used.
6494 //
6495 // As an optimisation, even if more than one value is used it may be more
6496 // profitable to splat with one value then change some lanes.
6497 //
6498 // Heuristically we decide to do this if the vector has a "dominant" value,
6499 // defined as splatted to more than half of the lanes.
6500 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6501 bool isOnlyLowElement = true;
6502 bool usesOnlyOneValue = true;
6503 bool hasDominantValue = false;
6504 bool isConstant = true;
6506 // Map of the number of times a particular SDValue appears in the
6507 // element list.
6508 DenseMap<SDValue, unsigned> ValueCounts;
6509 SDValue Value;
6510 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6511 SDValue V = Op.getOperand(i);
6512 if (V.isUndef())
6513 continue;
6514 if (i > 0)
6515 isOnlyLowElement = false;
6516 if (!isa<ConstantFPSDNode>(V) && !isa<ConstantSDNode>(V))
6517 isConstant = false;
6519 ValueCounts.insert(std::make_pair(V, 0));
6520 unsigned &Count = ValueCounts[V];
6522 // Is this value dominant? (takes up more than half of the lanes)
6523 if (++Count > (NumElts / 2)) {
6524 hasDominantValue = true;
6525 Value = V;
6526 }
6527 }
6528 if (ValueCounts.size() != 1)
6529 usesOnlyOneValue = false;
6530 if (!Value.getNode() && !ValueCounts.empty())
6531 Value = ValueCounts.begin()->first;
6533 if (ValueCounts.empty())
6534 return DAG.getUNDEF(VT);
6536 // Loads are better lowered with insert_vector_elt/ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR.
6537 // Keep going if we are hitting this case.
6538 if (isOnlyLowElement && !ISD::isNormalLoad(Value.getNode()))
6539 return DAG.getNode(ISD::SCALAR_TO_VECTOR, dl, VT, Value);
6541 unsigned EltSize = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6543 // Use VDUP for non-constant splats. For f32 constant splats, reduce to
6544 // i32 and try again.
6545 if (hasDominantValue && EltSize <= 32) {
6546 if (!isConstant) {
6547 SDValue N;
6549 // If we are VDUPing a value that comes directly from a vector, that will
6550 // cause an unnecessary move to and from a GPR, where instead we could
6551 // just use VDUPLANE. We can only do this if the lane being extracted
6552 // is at a constant index, as the VDUP from lane instructions only have
6553 // constant-index forms.
6554 ConstantSDNode *constIndex;
6555 if (Value->getOpcode() == ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT &&
6556 (constIndex = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Value->getOperand(1)))) {
6557 // We need to create a new undef vector to use for the VDUPLANE if the
6558 // size of the vector from which we get the value is different than the
6559 // size of the vector that we need to create. We will insert the element
6560 // such that the register coalescer will remove unnecessary copies.
6561 if (VT != Value->getOperand(0).getValueType()) {
6562 unsigned index = constIndex->getAPIntValue().getLimitedValue() %
6563 VT.getVectorNumElements();
6564 N = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUPLANE, dl, VT,
6566 Value, DAG.getConstant(index, dl, MVT::i32)),
6567 DAG.getConstant(index, dl, MVT::i32));
6568 } else
6569 N = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUPLANE, dl, VT,
6570 Value->getOperand(0), Value->getOperand(1));
6571 } else
6572 N = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUP, dl, VT, Value);
6574 if (!usesOnlyOneValue) {
6575 // The dominant value was splatted as 'N', but we now have to insert
6576 // all differing elements.
6577 for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumElts; ++I) {
6578 if (Op.getOperand(I) == Value)
6579 continue;
6580 SmallVector<SDValue, 3> Ops;
6581 Ops.push_back(N);
6582 Ops.push_back(Op.getOperand(I));
6583 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(I, dl, MVT::i32));
6584 N = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, VT, Ops);
6585 }
6586 }
6587 return N;
6588 }
6589 if (VT.getVectorElementType().isFloatingPoint()) {
6590 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
6591 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i)
6592 Ops.push_back(DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::i32,
6593 Op.getOperand(i)));
6594 EVT VecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::i32, NumElts);
6595 SDValue Val = DAG.getBuildVector(VecVT, dl, Ops);
6596 Val = LowerBUILD_VECTOR(Val, DAG, ST);
6597 if (Val.getNode())
6598 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Val);
6599 }
6600 if (usesOnlyOneValue) {
6601 SDValue Val = IsSingleInstrConstant(Value, DAG, ST, dl);
6602 if (isConstant && Val.getNode())
6603 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUP, dl, VT, Val);
6604 }
6605 }
6607 // If all elements are constants and the case above didn't get hit, fall back
6608 // to the default expansion, which will generate a load from the constant
6609 // pool.
6610 if (isConstant)
6611 return SDValue();
6613 // Empirical tests suggest this is rarely worth it for vectors of length <= 2.
6614 if (NumElts >= 4) {
6615 SDValue shuffle = ReconstructShuffle(Op, DAG);
6616 if (shuffle != SDValue())
6617 return shuffle;
6618 }
6620 if (VT.is128BitVector() && VT != MVT::v2f64 && VT != MVT::v4f32) {
6621 // If we haven't found an efficient lowering, try splitting a 128-bit vector
6622 // into two 64-bit vectors; we might discover a better way to lower it.
6623 SmallVector<SDValue, 64> Ops(Op->op_begin(), Op->op_begin() + NumElts);
6624 EVT ExtVT = VT.getVectorElementType();
6625 EVT HVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), ExtVT, NumElts / 2);
6626 SDValue Lower =
6627 DAG.getBuildVector(HVT, dl, makeArrayRef(&Ops[0], NumElts / 2));
6628 if (Lower.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR)
6629 Lower = LowerBUILD_VECTOR(Lower, DAG, ST);
6630 SDValue Upper = DAG.getBuildVector(
6631 HVT, dl, makeArrayRef(&Ops[NumElts / 2], NumElts / 2));
6632 if (Upper.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR)
6633 Upper = LowerBUILD_VECTOR(Upper, DAG, ST);
6634 if (Lower && Upper)
6635 return DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, dl, VT, Lower, Upper);
6636 }
6638 // Vectors with 32- or 64-bit elements can be built by directly assigning
6639 // the subregisters. Lower it to an ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR so the operands
6640 // will be legalized.
6641 if (EltSize >= 32) {
6642 // Do the expansion with floating-point types, since that is what the VFP
6643 // registers are defined to use, and since i64 is not legal.
6644 EVT EltVT = EVT::getFloatingPointVT(EltSize);
6645 EVT VecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), EltVT, NumElts);
6646 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
6647 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i)
6648 Ops.push_back(DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, EltVT, Op.getOperand(i)));
6649 SDValue Val = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR, dl, VecVT, Ops);
6650 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Val);
6651 }
6653 // If all else fails, just use a sequence of INSERT_VECTOR_ELT when we
6654 // know the default expansion would otherwise fall back on something even
6655 // worse. For a vector with one or two non-undef values, that's
6656 // scalar_to_vector for the elements followed by a shuffle (provided the
6657 // shuffle is valid for the target) and materialization element by element
6658 // on the stack followed by a load for everything else.
6659 if (!isConstant && !usesOnlyOneValue) {
6660 SDValue Vec = DAG.getUNDEF(VT);
6661 for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6662 SDValue V = Op.getOperand(i);
6663 if (V.isUndef())
6664 continue;
6665 SDValue LaneIdx = DAG.getConstant(i, dl, MVT::i32);
6666 Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, VT, Vec, V, LaneIdx);
6667 }
6668 return Vec;
6669 }
6671 return SDValue();
6674// Gather data to see if the operation can be modelled as a
6675// shuffle in combination with VEXTs.
6676SDValue ARMTargetLowering::ReconstructShuffle(SDValue Op,
6677 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
6678 assert(Op.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && "Unknown opcode!")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR
&& "Unknown opcode!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && \"Unknown opcode!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6678, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6679 SDLoc dl(Op);
6680 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
6681 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
6683 struct ShuffleSourceInfo {
6684 SDValue Vec;
6685 unsigned MinElt = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
6686 unsigned MaxElt = 0;
6688 // We may insert some combination of BITCASTs and VEXT nodes to force Vec to
6689 // be compatible with the shuffle we intend to construct. As a result
6690 // ShuffleVec will be some sliding window into the original Vec.
6691 SDValue ShuffleVec;
6693 // Code should guarantee that element i in Vec starts at element "WindowBase
6694 // + i * WindowScale in ShuffleVec".
6695 int WindowBase = 0;
6696 int WindowScale = 1;
6698 ShuffleSourceInfo(SDValue Vec) : Vec(Vec), ShuffleVec(Vec) {}
6700 bool operator ==(SDValue OtherVec) { return Vec == OtherVec; }
6701 };
6703 // First gather all vectors used as an immediate source for this BUILD_VECTOR
6704 // node.
6705 SmallVector<ShuffleSourceInfo, 2> Sources;
6706 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
6707 SDValue V = Op.getOperand(i);
6708 if (V.isUndef())
6709 continue;
6710 else if (V.getOpcode() != ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT) {
6711 // A shuffle can only come from building a vector from various
6712 // elements of other vectors.
6713 return SDValue();
6714 } else if (!isa<ConstantSDNode>(V.getOperand(1))) {
6715 // Furthermore, shuffles require a constant mask, whereas extractelts
6716 // accept variable indices.
6717 return SDValue();
6718 }
6720 // Add this element source to the list if it's not already there.
6721 SDValue SourceVec = V.getOperand(0);
6722 auto Source = llvm::find(Sources, SourceVec);
6723 if (Source == Sources.end())
6724 Source = Sources.insert(Sources.end(), ShuffleSourceInfo(SourceVec));
6726 // Update the minimum and maximum lane number seen.
6727 unsigned EltNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(V.getOperand(1))->getZExtValue();
6728 Source->MinElt = std::min(Source->MinElt, EltNo);
6729 Source->MaxElt = std::max(Source->MaxElt, EltNo);
6730 }
6732 // Currently only do something sane when at most two source vectors
6733 // are involved.
6734 if (Sources.size() > 2)
6735 return SDValue();
6737 // Find out the smallest element size among result and two sources, and use
6738 // it as element size to build the shuffle_vector.
6739 EVT SmallestEltTy = VT.getVectorElementType();
6740 for (auto &Source : Sources) {
6741 EVT SrcEltTy = Source.Vec.getValueType().getVectorElementType();
6742 if (SrcEltTy.bitsLT(SmallestEltTy))
6743 SmallestEltTy = SrcEltTy;
6744 }
6745 unsigned ResMultiplier =
6746 VT.getScalarSizeInBits() / SmallestEltTy.getSizeInBits();
6747 NumElts = VT.getSizeInBits() / SmallestEltTy.getSizeInBits();
6748 EVT ShuffleVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), SmallestEltTy, NumElts);
6750 // If the source vector is too wide or too narrow, we may nevertheless be able
6751 // to construct a compatible shuffle either by concatenating it with UNDEF or
6752 // extracting a suitable range of elements.
6753 for (auto &Src : Sources) {
6754 EVT SrcVT = Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType();
6756 if (SrcVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits())
6757 continue;
6759 // This stage of the search produces a source with the same element type as
6760 // the original, but with a total width matching the BUILD_VECTOR output.
6761 EVT EltVT = SrcVT.getVectorElementType();
6762 unsigned NumSrcElts = VT.getSizeInBits() / EltVT.getSizeInBits();
6763 EVT DestVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), EltVT, NumSrcElts);
6765 if (SrcVT.getSizeInBits() < VT.getSizeInBits()) {
6766 if (2 * SrcVT.getSizeInBits() != VT.getSizeInBits())
6767 return SDValue();
6768 // We can pad out the smaller vector for free, so if it's part of a
6769 // shuffle...
6770 Src.ShuffleVec =
6771 DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, dl, DestVT, Src.ShuffleVec,
6772 DAG.getUNDEF(Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType()));
6773 continue;
6774 }
6776 if (SrcVT.getSizeInBits() != 2 * VT.getSizeInBits())
6777 return SDValue();
6779 if (Src.MaxElt - Src.MinElt >= NumSrcElts) {
6780 // Span too large for a VEXT to cope
6781 return SDValue();
6782 }
6784 if (Src.MinElt >= NumSrcElts) {
6785 // The extraction can just take the second half
6786 Src.ShuffleVec =
6787 DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, DestVT, Src.ShuffleVec,
6788 DAG.getConstant(NumSrcElts, dl, MVT::i32));
6789 Src.WindowBase = -NumSrcElts;
6790 } else if (Src.MaxElt < NumSrcElts) {
6791 // The extraction can just take the first half
6792 Src.ShuffleVec =
6793 DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, DestVT, Src.ShuffleVec,
6794 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
6795 } else {
6796 // An actual VEXT is needed
6797 SDValue VEXTSrc1 =
6798 DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, DestVT, Src.ShuffleVec,
6799 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
6800 SDValue VEXTSrc2 =
6801 DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, DestVT, Src.ShuffleVec,
6802 DAG.getConstant(NumSrcElts, dl, MVT::i32));
6804 Src.ShuffleVec = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VEXT, dl, DestVT, VEXTSrc1,
6805 VEXTSrc2,
6806 DAG.getConstant(Src.MinElt, dl, MVT::i32));
6807 Src.WindowBase = -Src.MinElt;
6808 }
6809 }
6811 // Another possible incompatibility occurs from the vector element types. We
6812 // can fix this by bitcasting the source vectors to the same type we intend
6813 // for the shuffle.
6814 for (auto &Src : Sources) {
6815 EVT SrcEltTy = Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType().getVectorElementType();
6816 if (SrcEltTy == SmallestEltTy)
6817 continue;
6818 assert(ShuffleVT.getVectorElementType() == SmallestEltTy)(static_cast <bool> (ShuffleVT.getVectorElementType() ==
SmallestEltTy) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ShuffleVT.getVectorElementType() == SmallestEltTy"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6818, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6819 Src.ShuffleVec = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, ShuffleVT, Src.ShuffleVec);
6820 Src.WindowScale = SrcEltTy.getSizeInBits() / SmallestEltTy.getSizeInBits();
6821 Src.WindowBase *= Src.WindowScale;
6822 }
6824 // Final sanity check before we try to actually produce a shuffle.
6825 DEBUG(do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { for (auto Src : Sources) (static_cast <bool
> (Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT",
, 6827, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));; } } while (false
6826 for (auto Src : Sources)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { for (auto Src : Sources) (static_cast <bool
> (Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT",
, 6827, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));; } } while (false
6827 assert(Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT);do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { for (auto Src : Sources) (static_cast <bool
> (Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT",
, 6827, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));; } } while (false
6828 )do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { for (auto Src : Sources) (static_cast <bool
> (Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Src.ShuffleVec.getValueType() == ShuffleVT",
, 6827, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));; } } while (false
6830 // The stars all align, our next step is to produce the mask for the shuffle.
6831 SmallVector<int, 8> Mask(ShuffleVT.getVectorNumElements(), -1);
6832 int BitsPerShuffleLane = ShuffleVT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6833 for (unsigned i = 0; i < VT.getVectorNumElements(); ++i) {
6834 SDValue Entry = Op.getOperand(i);
6835 if (Entry.isUndef())
6836 continue;
6838 auto Src = llvm::find(Sources, Entry.getOperand(0));
6839 int EltNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Entry.getOperand(1))->getSExtValue();
6841 // EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT performs an implicit any_ext; BUILD_VECTOR an implicit
6842 // trunc. So only std::min(SrcBits, DestBits) actually get defined in this
6843 // segment.
6844 EVT OrigEltTy = Entry.getOperand(0).getValueType().getVectorElementType();
6845 int BitsDefined = std::min(OrigEltTy.getSizeInBits(),
6846 VT.getScalarSizeInBits());
6847 int LanesDefined = BitsDefined / BitsPerShuffleLane;
6849 // This source is expected to fill ResMultiplier lanes of the final shuffle,
6850 // starting at the appropriate offset.
6851 int *LaneMask = &Mask[i * ResMultiplier];
6853 int ExtractBase = EltNo * Src->WindowScale + Src->WindowBase;
6854 ExtractBase += NumElts * (Src - Sources.begin());
6855 for (int j = 0; j < LanesDefined; ++j)
6856 LaneMask[j] = ExtractBase + j;
6857 }
6859 // Final check before we try to produce nonsense...
6860 if (!isShuffleMaskLegal(Mask, ShuffleVT))
6861 return SDValue();
6863 // We can't handle more than two sources. This should have already
6864 // been checked before this point.
6865 assert(Sources.size() <= 2 && "Too many sources!")(static_cast <bool> (Sources.size() <= 2 && "Too many sources!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Sources.size() <= 2 && \"Too many sources!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6865, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6867 SDValue ShuffleOps[] = { DAG.getUNDEF(ShuffleVT), DAG.getUNDEF(ShuffleVT) };
6868 for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sources.size(); ++i)
6869 ShuffleOps[i] = Sources[i].ShuffleVec;
6871 SDValue Shuffle = DAG.getVectorShuffle(ShuffleVT, dl, ShuffleOps[0],
6872 ShuffleOps[1], Mask);
6873 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Shuffle);
6876/// isShuffleMaskLegal - Targets can use this to indicate that they only
6877/// support *some* VECTOR_SHUFFLE operations, those with specific masks.
6878/// By default, if a target supports the VECTOR_SHUFFLE node, all mask values
6879/// are assumed to be legal.
6880bool ARMTargetLowering::isShuffleMaskLegal(ArrayRef<int> M, EVT VT) const {
6881 if (VT.getVectorNumElements() == 4 &&
6882 (VT.is128BitVector() || VT.is64BitVector())) {
6883 unsigned PFIndexes[4];
6884 for (unsigned i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
6885 if (M[i] < 0)
6886 PFIndexes[i] = 8;
6887 else
6888 PFIndexes[i] = M[i];
6889 }
6891 // Compute the index in the perfect shuffle table.
6892 unsigned PFTableIndex =
6893 PFIndexes[0]*9*9*9+PFIndexes[1]*9*9+PFIndexes[2]*9+PFIndexes[3];
6894 unsigned PFEntry = PerfectShuffleTable[PFTableIndex];
6895 unsigned Cost = (PFEntry >> 30);
6897 if (Cost <= 4)
6898 return true;
6899 }
6901 bool ReverseVEXT, isV_UNDEF;
6902 unsigned Imm, WhichResult;
6904 unsigned EltSize = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
6905 return (EltSize >= 32 ||
6906 ShuffleVectorSDNode::isSplatMask(&M[0], VT) ||
6907 isVREVMask(M, VT, 64) ||
6908 isVREVMask(M, VT, 32) ||
6909 isVREVMask(M, VT, 16) ||
6910 isVEXTMask(M, VT, ReverseVEXT, Imm) ||
6911 isVTBLMask(M, VT) ||
6912 isNEONTwoResultShuffleMask(M, VT, WhichResult, isV_UNDEF) ||
6913 ((VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8) && isReverseMask(M, VT)));
6916/// GeneratePerfectShuffle - Given an entry in the perfect-shuffle table, emit
6917/// the specified operations to build the shuffle.
6918static SDValue GeneratePerfectShuffle(unsigned PFEntry, SDValue LHS,
6919 SDValue RHS, SelectionDAG &DAG,
6920 const SDLoc &dl) {
6921 unsigned OpNum = (PFEntry >> 26) & 0x0F;
6922 unsigned LHSID = (PFEntry >> 13) & ((1 << 13)-1);
6923 unsigned RHSID = (PFEntry >> 0) & ((1 << 13)-1);
6925 enum {
6926 OP_COPY = 0, // Copy, used for things like <u,u,u,3> to say it is <0,1,2,3>
6927 OP_VREV,
6928 OP_VDUP0,
6929 OP_VDUP1,
6930 OP_VDUP2,
6931 OP_VDUP3,
6932 OP_VEXT1,
6933 OP_VEXT2,
6934 OP_VEXT3,
6935 OP_VUZPL, // VUZP, left result
6936 OP_VUZPR, // VUZP, right result
6937 OP_VZIPL, // VZIP, left result
6938 OP_VZIPR, // VZIP, right result
6939 OP_VTRNL, // VTRN, left result
6940 OP_VTRNR // VTRN, right result
6941 };
6943 if (OpNum == OP_COPY) {
6944 if (LHSID == (1*9+2)*9+3) return LHS;
6945 assert(LHSID == ((4*9+5)*9+6)*9+7 && "Illegal OP_COPY!")(static_cast <bool> (LHSID == ((4*9+5)*9+6)*9+7 &&
"Illegal OP_COPY!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("LHSID == ((4*9+5)*9+6)*9+7 && \"Illegal OP_COPY!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6945, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6946 return RHS;
6947 }
6949 SDValue OpLHS, OpRHS;
6950 OpLHS = GeneratePerfectShuffle(PerfectShuffleTable[LHSID], LHS, RHS, DAG, dl);
6951 OpRHS = GeneratePerfectShuffle(PerfectShuffleTable[RHSID], LHS, RHS, DAG, dl);
6952 EVT VT = OpLHS.getValueType();
6954 switch (OpNum) {
6955 default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown shuffle opcode!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown shuffle opcode!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6955)
6956 case OP_VREV:
6957 // VREV divides the vector in half and swaps within the half.
6958 if (VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i32 ||
6959 VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::f32)
6960 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, dl, VT, OpLHS);
6961 // vrev <4 x i16> -> VREV32
6962 if (VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i16)
6963 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV32, dl, VT, OpLHS);
6964 // vrev <4 x i8> -> VREV16
6965 assert(VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i8)(static_cast <bool> (VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::
i8) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i8"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 6965, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
6966 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV16, dl, VT, OpLHS);
6967 case OP_VDUP0:
6968 case OP_VDUP1:
6969 case OP_VDUP2:
6970 case OP_VDUP3:
6971 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUPLANE, dl, VT,
6972 OpLHS, DAG.getConstant(OpNum-OP_VDUP0, dl, MVT::i32));
6973 case OP_VEXT1:
6974 case OP_VEXT2:
6975 case OP_VEXT3:
6976 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VEXT, dl, VT,
6977 OpLHS, OpRHS,
6978 DAG.getConstant(OpNum - OP_VEXT1 + 1, dl, MVT::i32));
6979 case OP_VUZPL:
6980 case OP_VUZPR:
6981 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VUZP, dl, DAG.getVTList(VT, VT),
6982 OpLHS, OpRHS).getValue(OpNum-OP_VUZPL);
6983 case OP_VZIPL:
6984 case OP_VZIPR:
6985 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VZIP, dl, DAG.getVTList(VT, VT),
6986 OpLHS, OpRHS).getValue(OpNum-OP_VZIPL);
6987 case OP_VTRNL:
6988 case OP_VTRNR:
6989 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VTRN, dl, DAG.getVTList(VT, VT),
6990 OpLHS, OpRHS).getValue(OpNum-OP_VTRNL);
6991 }
6994static SDValue LowerVECTOR_SHUFFLEv8i8(SDValue Op,
6995 ArrayRef<int> ShuffleMask,
6996 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
6997 // Check to see if we can use the VTBL instruction.
6998 SDValue V1 = Op.getOperand(0);
6999 SDValue V2 = Op.getOperand(1);
7000 SDLoc DL(Op);
7002 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> VTBLMask;
7003 for (ArrayRef<int>::iterator
7004 I = ShuffleMask.begin(), E = ShuffleMask.end(); I != E; ++I)
7005 VTBLMask.push_back(DAG.getConstant(*I, DL, MVT::i32));
7007 if (V2.getNode()->isUndef())
7008 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VTBL1, DL, MVT::v8i8, V1,
7009 DAG.getBuildVector(MVT::v8i8, DL, VTBLMask));
7011 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VTBL2, DL, MVT::v8i8, V1, V2,
7012 DAG.getBuildVector(MVT::v8i8, DL, VTBLMask));
7015static SDValue LowerReverse_VECTOR_SHUFFLEv16i8_v8i16(SDValue Op,
7016 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7017 SDLoc DL(Op);
7018 SDValue OpLHS = Op.getOperand(0);
7019 EVT VT = OpLHS.getValueType();
7021 assert((VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8) &&(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8
) && "Expect an v8i16/v16i8 type") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8) && \"Expect an v8i16/v16i8 type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7022, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7022 "Expect an v8i16/v16i8 type")(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8
) && "Expect an v8i16/v16i8 type") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8) && \"Expect an v8i16/v16i8 type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7022, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7023 OpLHS = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, DL, VT, OpLHS);
7024 // For a v16i8 type: After the VREV, we have got <8, ...15, 8, ..., 0>. Now,
7025 // extract the first 8 bytes into the top double word and the last 8 bytes
7026 // into the bottom double word. The v8i16 case is similar.
7027 unsigned ExtractNum = (VT == MVT::v16i8) ? 8 : 4;
7028 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VEXT, DL, VT, OpLHS, OpLHS,
7029 DAG.getConstant(ExtractNum, DL, MVT::i32));
7032static SDValue LowerVECTOR_SHUFFLE(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7033 SDValue V1 = Op.getOperand(0);
7034 SDValue V2 = Op.getOperand(1);
7035 SDLoc dl(Op);
7036 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
7037 ShuffleVectorSDNode *SVN = cast<ShuffleVectorSDNode>(Op.getNode());
7039 // Convert shuffles that are directly supported on NEON to target-specific
7040 // DAG nodes, instead of keeping them as shuffles and matching them again
7041 // during code selection. This is more efficient and avoids the possibility
7042 // of inconsistencies between legalization and selection.
7043 // FIXME: floating-point vectors should be canonicalized to integer vectors
7044 // of the same time so that they get CSEd properly.
7045 ArrayRef<int> ShuffleMask = SVN->getMask();
7047 unsigned EltSize = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
7048 if (EltSize <= 32) {
7049 if (SVN->isSplat()) {
7050 int Lane = SVN->getSplatIndex();
7051 // If this is undef splat, generate it via "just" vdup, if possible.
7052 if (Lane == -1) Lane = 0;
7054 // Test if V1 is a SCALAR_TO_VECTOR.
7055 if (Lane == 0 && V1.getOpcode() == ISD::SCALAR_TO_VECTOR) {
7056 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUP, dl, VT, V1.getOperand(0));
7057 }
7058 // Test if V1 is a BUILD_VECTOR which is equivalent to a SCALAR_TO_VECTOR
7059 // (and probably will turn into a SCALAR_TO_VECTOR once legalization
7060 // reaches it).
7061 if (Lane == 0 && V1.getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR &&
7062 !isa<ConstantSDNode>(V1.getOperand(0))) {
7063 bool IsScalarToVector = true;
7064 for (unsigned i = 1, e = V1.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
7065 if (!V1.getOperand(i).isUndef()) {
7066 IsScalarToVector = false;
7067 break;
7068 }
7069 if (IsScalarToVector)
7070 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUP, dl, VT, V1.getOperand(0));
7071 }
7072 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VDUPLANE, dl, VT, V1,
7073 DAG.getConstant(Lane, dl, MVT::i32));
7074 }
7076 bool ReverseVEXT;
7077 unsigned Imm;
7078 if (isVEXTMask(ShuffleMask, VT, ReverseVEXT, Imm)) {
7079 if (ReverseVEXT)
7080 std::swap(V1, V2);
7081 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VEXT, dl, VT, V1, V2,
7082 DAG.getConstant(Imm, dl, MVT::i32));
7083 }
7085 if (isVREVMask(ShuffleMask, VT, 64))
7086 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, dl, VT, V1);
7087 if (isVREVMask(ShuffleMask, VT, 32))
7088 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV32, dl, VT, V1);
7089 if (isVREVMask(ShuffleMask, VT, 16))
7090 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV16, dl, VT, V1);
7092 if (V2->isUndef() && isSingletonVEXTMask(ShuffleMask, VT, Imm)) {
7093 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VEXT, dl, VT, V1, V1,
7094 DAG.getConstant(Imm, dl, MVT::i32));
7095 }
7097 // Check for Neon shuffles that modify both input vectors in place.
7098 // If both results are used, i.e., if there are two shuffles with the same
7099 // source operands and with masks corresponding to both results of one of
7100 // these operations, DAG memoization will ensure that a single node is
7101 // used for both shuffles.
7102 unsigned WhichResult;
7103 bool isV_UNDEF;
7104 if (unsigned ShuffleOpc = isNEONTwoResultShuffleMask(
7105 ShuffleMask, VT, WhichResult, isV_UNDEF)) {
7106 if (isV_UNDEF)
7107 V2 = V1;
7108 return DAG.getNode(ShuffleOpc, dl, DAG.getVTList(VT, VT), V1, V2)
7109 .getValue(WhichResult);
7110 }
7112 // Also check for these shuffles through CONCAT_VECTORS: we canonicalize
7113 // shuffles that produce a result larger than their operands with:
7114 // shuffle(concat(v1, undef), concat(v2, undef))
7115 // ->
7116 // shuffle(concat(v1, v2), undef)
7117 // because we can access quad vectors (see PerformVECTOR_SHUFFLECombine).
7118 //
7119 // This is useful in the general case, but there are special cases where
7120 // native shuffles produce larger results: the two-result ops.
7121 //
7122 // Look through the concat when lowering them:
7123 // shuffle(concat(v1, v2), undef)
7124 // ->
7125 // concat(VZIP(v1, v2):0, :1)
7126 //
7127 if (V1->getOpcode() == ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS && V2->isUndef()) {
7128 SDValue SubV1 = V1->getOperand(0);
7129 SDValue SubV2 = V1->getOperand(1);
7130 EVT SubVT = SubV1.getValueType();
7132 // We expect these to have been canonicalized to -1.
7133 assert(llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](int i) {(static_cast <bool> (llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](
int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) &&
"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!") ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) && \"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7134 return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements();(static_cast <bool> (llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](
int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) &&
"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!") ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) && \"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7135 }) && "Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!")(static_cast <bool> (llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](
int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) &&
"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!") ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("llvm::all_of(ShuffleMask, [&](int i) { return i < (int)VT.getVectorNumElements(); }) && \"Unexpected shuffle index into UNDEF operand!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7137 if (unsigned ShuffleOpc = isNEONTwoResultShuffleMask(
7138 ShuffleMask, SubVT, WhichResult, isV_UNDEF)) {
7139 if (isV_UNDEF)
7140 SubV2 = SubV1;
7141 assert((WhichResult == 0) &&(static_cast <bool> ((WhichResult == 0) && "In-place shuffle of concat can only have one result!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(WhichResult == 0) && \"In-place shuffle of concat can only have one result!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7142, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7142 "In-place shuffle of concat can only have one result!")(static_cast <bool> ((WhichResult == 0) && "In-place shuffle of concat can only have one result!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(WhichResult == 0) && \"In-place shuffle of concat can only have one result!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7142, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7143 SDValue Res = DAG.getNode(ShuffleOpc, dl, DAG.getVTList(SubVT, SubVT),
7144 SubV1, SubV2);
7145 return DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, dl, VT, Res.getValue(0),
7146 Res.getValue(1));
7147 }
7148 }
7149 }
7151 // If the shuffle is not directly supported and it has 4 elements, use
7152 // the PerfectShuffle-generated table to synthesize it from other shuffles.
7153 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
7154 if (NumElts == 4) {
7155 unsigned PFIndexes[4];
7156 for (unsigned i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
7157 if (ShuffleMask[i] < 0)
7158 PFIndexes[i] = 8;
7159 else
7160 PFIndexes[i] = ShuffleMask[i];
7161 }
7163 // Compute the index in the perfect shuffle table.
7164 unsigned PFTableIndex =
7165 PFIndexes[0]*9*9*9+PFIndexes[1]*9*9+PFIndexes[2]*9+PFIndexes[3];
7166 unsigned PFEntry = PerfectShuffleTable[PFTableIndex];
7167 unsigned Cost = (PFEntry >> 30);
7169 if (Cost <= 4)
7170 return GeneratePerfectShuffle(PFEntry, V1, V2, DAG, dl);
7171 }
7173 // Implement shuffles with 32- or 64-bit elements as ARMISD::BUILD_VECTORs.
7174 if (EltSize >= 32) {
7175 // Do the expansion with floating-point types, since that is what the VFP
7176 // registers are defined to use, and since i64 is not legal.
7177 EVT EltVT = EVT::getFloatingPointVT(EltSize);
7178 EVT VecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), EltVT, NumElts);
7179 V1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VecVT, V1);
7180 V2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VecVT, V2);
7181 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
7182 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
7183 if (ShuffleMask[i] < 0)
7184 Ops.push_back(DAG.getUNDEF(EltVT));
7185 else
7186 Ops.push_back(DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, EltVT,
7187 ShuffleMask[i] < (int)NumElts ? V1 : V2,
7188 DAG.getConstant(ShuffleMask[i] & (NumElts-1),
7189 dl, MVT::i32)));
7190 }
7191 SDValue Val = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR, dl, VecVT, Ops);
7192 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Val);
7193 }
7195 if ((VT == MVT::v8i16 || VT == MVT::v16i8) && isReverseMask(ShuffleMask, VT))
7196 return LowerReverse_VECTOR_SHUFFLEv16i8_v8i16(Op, DAG);
7198 if (VT == MVT::v8i8)
7199 if (SDValue NewOp = LowerVECTOR_SHUFFLEv8i8(Op, ShuffleMask, DAG))
7200 return NewOp;
7202 return SDValue();
7205static SDValue LowerINSERT_VECTOR_ELT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7206 // INSERT_VECTOR_ELT is legal only for immediate indexes.
7207 SDValue Lane = Op.getOperand(2);
7208 if (!isa<ConstantSDNode>(Lane))
7209 return SDValue();
7211 return Op;
7214static SDValue LowerEXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7215 // EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT is legal only for immediate indexes.
7216 SDValue Lane = Op.getOperand(1);
7217 if (!isa<ConstantSDNode>(Lane))
7218 return SDValue();
7220 SDValue Vec = Op.getOperand(0);
7221 if (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 && Vec.getScalarValueSizeInBits() < 32) {
7222 SDLoc dl(Op);
7223 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VGETLANEu, dl, MVT::i32, Vec, Lane);
7224 }
7226 return Op;
7229static SDValue LowerCONCAT_VECTORS(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7230 // The only time a CONCAT_VECTORS operation can have legal types is when
7231 // two 64-bit vectors are concatenated to a 128-bit vector.
7232 assert(Op.getValueType().is128BitVector() && Op.getNumOperands() == 2 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType().is128BitVector()
&& Op.getNumOperands() == 2 && "unexpected CONCAT_VECTORS"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getValueType().is128BitVector() && Op.getNumOperands() == 2 && \"unexpected CONCAT_VECTORS\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7233, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7233 "unexpected CONCAT_VECTORS")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType().is128BitVector()
&& Op.getNumOperands() == 2 && "unexpected CONCAT_VECTORS"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getValueType().is128BitVector() && Op.getNumOperands() == 2 && \"unexpected CONCAT_VECTORS\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7233, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7234 SDLoc dl(Op);
7235 SDValue Val = DAG.getUNDEF(MVT::v2f64);
7236 SDValue Op0 = Op.getOperand(0);
7237 SDValue Op1 = Op.getOperand(1);
7238 if (!Op0.isUndef())
7239 Val = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64, Val,
7240 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f64, Op0),
7241 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
7242 if (!Op1.isUndef())
7243 Val = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::v2f64, Val,
7244 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f64, Op1),
7245 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(1, dl));
7246 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, Op.getValueType(), Val);
7249/// isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR - Check if N is a constant BUILD_VECTOR where each
7250/// element has been zero/sign-extended, depending on the isSigned parameter,
7251/// from an integer type half its size.
7252static bool isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
7253 bool isSigned) {
7254 // A v2i64 BUILD_VECTOR will have been legalized to a BITCAST from v4i32.
7255 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
7256 if (VT == MVT::v2i64 && N->getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST) {
7257 SDNode *BVN = N->getOperand(0).getNode();
7258 if (BVN->getValueType(0) != MVT::v4i32 ||
7259 BVN->getOpcode() != ISD::BUILD_VECTOR)
7260 return false;
7261 unsigned LoElt = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian() ? 1 : 0;
7262 unsigned HiElt = 1 - LoElt;
7263 ConstantSDNode *Lo0 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(BVN->getOperand(LoElt));
7264 ConstantSDNode *Hi0 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(BVN->getOperand(HiElt));
7265 ConstantSDNode *Lo1 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(BVN->getOperand(LoElt+2));
7266 ConstantSDNode *Hi1 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(BVN->getOperand(HiElt+2));
7267 if (!Lo0 || !Hi0 || !Lo1 || !Hi1)
7268 return false;
7269 if (isSigned) {
7270 if (Hi0->getSExtValue() == Lo0->getSExtValue() >> 32 &&
7271 Hi1->getSExtValue() == Lo1->getSExtValue() >> 32)
7272 return true;
7273 } else {
7274 if (Hi0->isNullValue() && Hi1->isNullValue())
7275 return true;
7276 }
7277 return false;
7278 }
7280 if (N->getOpcode() != ISD::BUILD_VECTOR)
7281 return false;
7283 for (unsigned i = 0, e = N->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
7284 SDNode *Elt = N->getOperand(i).getNode();
7285 if (ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Elt)) {
7286 unsigned EltSize = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
7287 unsigned HalfSize = EltSize / 2;
7288 if (isSigned) {
7289 if (!isIntN(HalfSize, C->getSExtValue()))
7290 return false;
7291 } else {
7292 if (!isUIntN(HalfSize, C->getZExtValue()))
7293 return false;
7294 }
7295 continue;
7296 }
7297 return false;
7298 }
7300 return true;
7303/// isSignExtended - Check if a node is a vector value that is sign-extended
7304/// or a constant BUILD_VECTOR with sign-extended elements.
7305static bool isSignExtended(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7306 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND || ISD::isSEXTLoad(N))
7307 return true;
7308 if (isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(N, DAG, true))
7309 return true;
7310 return false;
7313/// isZeroExtended - Check if a node is a vector value that is zero-extended
7314/// or a constant BUILD_VECTOR with zero-extended elements.
7315static bool isZeroExtended(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7316 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND || ISD::isZEXTLoad(N))
7317 return true;
7318 if (isExtendedBUILD_VECTOR(N, DAG, false))
7319 return true;
7320 return false;
7323static EVT getExtensionTo64Bits(const EVT &OrigVT) {
7324 if (OrigVT.getSizeInBits() >= 64)
7325 return OrigVT;
7327 assert(OrigVT.isSimple() && "Expecting a simple value type")(static_cast <bool> (OrigVT.isSimple() && "Expecting a simple value type"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("OrigVT.isSimple() && \"Expecting a simple value type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7327, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7329 MVT::SimpleValueType OrigSimpleTy = OrigVT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy;
7330 switch (OrigSimpleTy) {
7331 default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected Vector Type")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected Vector Type", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7331)
7332 case MVT::v2i8:
7333 case MVT::v2i16:
7334 return MVT::v2i32;
7335 case MVT::v4i8:
7336 return MVT::v4i16;
7337 }
7340/// AddRequiredExtensionForVMULL - Add a sign/zero extension to extend the total
7341/// value size to 64 bits. We need a 64-bit D register as an operand to VMULL.
7342/// We insert the required extension here to get the vector to fill a D register.
7343static SDValue AddRequiredExtensionForVMULL(SDValue N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
7344 const EVT &OrigTy,
7345 const EVT &ExtTy,
7346 unsigned ExtOpcode) {
7347 // The vector originally had a size of OrigTy. It was then extended to ExtTy.
7348 // We expect the ExtTy to be 128-bits total. If the OrigTy is less than
7349 // 64-bits we need to insert a new extension so that it will be 64-bits.
7350 assert(ExtTy.is128BitVector() && "Unexpected extension size")(static_cast <bool> (ExtTy.is128BitVector() && "Unexpected extension size"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ExtTy.is128BitVector() && \"Unexpected extension size\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7350, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7351 if (OrigTy.getSizeInBits() >= 64)
7352 return N;
7354 // Must extend size to at least 64 bits to be used as an operand for VMULL.
7355 EVT NewVT = getExtensionTo64Bits(OrigTy);
7357 return DAG.getNode(ExtOpcode, SDLoc(N), NewVT, N);
7360/// SkipLoadExtensionForVMULL - return a load of the original vector size that
7361/// does not do any sign/zero extension. If the original vector is less
7362/// than 64 bits, an appropriate extension will be added after the load to
7363/// reach a total size of 64 bits. We have to add the extension separately
7364/// because ARM does not have a sign/zero extending load for vectors.
7365static SDValue SkipLoadExtensionForVMULL(LoadSDNode *LD, SelectionDAG& DAG) {
7366 EVT ExtendedTy = getExtensionTo64Bits(LD->getMemoryVT());
7368 // The load already has the right type.
7369 if (ExtendedTy == LD->getMemoryVT())
7370 return DAG.getLoad(LD->getMemoryVT(), SDLoc(LD), LD->getChain(),
7371 LD->getBasePtr(), LD->getPointerInfo(),
7372 LD->getAlignment(), LD->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
7374 // We need to create a zextload/sextload. We cannot just create a load
7375 // followed by a zext/zext node because LowerMUL is also run during normal
7376 // operation legalization where we can't create illegal types.
7377 return DAG.getExtLoad(LD->getExtensionType(), SDLoc(LD), ExtendedTy,
7378 LD->getChain(), LD->getBasePtr(), LD->getPointerInfo(),
7379 LD->getMemoryVT(), LD->getAlignment(),
7380 LD->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
7383/// SkipExtensionForVMULL - For a node that is a SIGN_EXTEND, ZERO_EXTEND,
7384/// extending load, or BUILD_VECTOR with extended elements, return the
7385/// unextended value. The unextended vector should be 64 bits so that it can
7386/// be used as an operand to a VMULL instruction. If the original vector size
7387/// before extension is less than 64 bits we add a an extension to resize
7388/// the vector to 64 bits.
7389static SDValue SkipExtensionForVMULL(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7390 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND || N->getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND)
7391 return AddRequiredExtensionForVMULL(N->getOperand(0), DAG,
7392 N->getOperand(0)->getValueType(0),
7393 N->getValueType(0),
7394 N->getOpcode());
7396 if (LoadSDNode *LD = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(N)) {
7397 assert((ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) || ISD::isZEXTLoad(LD)) &&(static_cast <bool> ((ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) || ISD::isZEXTLoad
(LD)) && "Expected extending load") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) || ISD::isZEXTLoad(LD)) && \"Expected extending load\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7398, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7398 "Expected extending load")(static_cast <bool> ((ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) || ISD::isZEXTLoad
(LD)) && "Expected extending load") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) || ISD::isZEXTLoad(LD)) && \"Expected extending load\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7398, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7400 SDValue newLoad = SkipLoadExtensionForVMULL(LD, DAG);
7401 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(LD, 1), newLoad.getValue(1));
7402 unsigned Opcode = ISD::isSEXTLoad(LD) ? ISD::SIGN_EXTEND : ISD::ZERO_EXTEND;
7403 SDValue extLoad =
7404 DAG.getNode(Opcode, SDLoc(newLoad), LD->getValueType(0), newLoad);
7405 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(LD, 0), extLoad);
7407 return newLoad;
7408 }
7410 // Otherwise, the value must be a BUILD_VECTOR. For v2i64, it will
7411 // have been legalized as a BITCAST from v4i32.
7412 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST) {
7413 SDNode *BVN = N->getOperand(0).getNode();
7414 assert(BVN->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR &&(static_cast <bool> (BVN->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR
&& BVN->getValueType(0) == MVT::v4i32 && "expected v4i32 BUILD_VECTOR"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("BVN->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && BVN->getValueType(0) == MVT::v4i32 && \"expected v4i32 BUILD_VECTOR\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7415, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7415 BVN->getValueType(0) == MVT::v4i32 && "expected v4i32 BUILD_VECTOR")(static_cast <bool> (BVN->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR
&& BVN->getValueType(0) == MVT::v4i32 && "expected v4i32 BUILD_VECTOR"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("BVN->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && BVN->getValueType(0) == MVT::v4i32 && \"expected v4i32 BUILD_VECTOR\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7415, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7416 unsigned LowElt = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian() ? 1 : 0;
7417 return DAG.getBuildVector(
7418 MVT::v2i32, SDLoc(N),
7419 {BVN->getOperand(LowElt), BVN->getOperand(LowElt + 2)});
7420 }
7421 // Construct a new BUILD_VECTOR with elements truncated to half the size.
7422 assert(N->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && "expected BUILD_VECTOR")(static_cast <bool> (N->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR
&& "expected BUILD_VECTOR") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("N->getOpcode() == ISD::BUILD_VECTOR && \"expected BUILD_VECTOR\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7422, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7423 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
7424 unsigned EltSize = VT.getScalarSizeInBits() / 2;
7425 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
7426 MVT TruncVT = MVT::getIntegerVT(EltSize);
7427 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
7428 SDLoc dl(N);
7429 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumElts; ++i) {
7430 ConstantSDNode *C = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(i));
7431 const APInt &CInt = C->getAPIntValue();
7432 // Element types smaller than 32 bits are not legal, so use i32 elements.
7433 // The values are implicitly truncated so sext vs. zext doesn't matter.
7434 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(CInt.zextOrTrunc(32), dl, MVT::i32));
7435 }
7436 return DAG.getBuildVector(MVT::getVectorVT(TruncVT, NumElts), dl, Ops);
7439static bool isAddSubSExt(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7440 unsigned Opcode = N->getOpcode();
7441 if (Opcode == ISD::ADD || Opcode == ISD::SUB) {
7442 SDNode *N0 = N->getOperand(0).getNode();
7443 SDNode *N1 = N->getOperand(1).getNode();
7444 return N0->hasOneUse() && N1->hasOneUse() &&
7445 isSignExtended(N0, DAG) && isSignExtended(N1, DAG);
7446 }
7447 return false;
7450static bool isAddSubZExt(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7451 unsigned Opcode = N->getOpcode();
7452 if (Opcode == ISD::ADD || Opcode == ISD::SUB) {
7453 SDNode *N0 = N->getOperand(0).getNode();
7454 SDNode *N1 = N->getOperand(1).getNode();
7455 return N0->hasOneUse() && N1->hasOneUse() &&
7456 isZeroExtended(N0, DAG) && isZeroExtended(N1, DAG);
7457 }
7458 return false;
7461static SDValue LowerMUL(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7462 // Multiplications are only custom-lowered for 128-bit vectors so that
7463 // VMULL can be detected. Otherwise v2i64 multiplications are not legal.
7464 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
7465 assert(VT.is128BitVector() && VT.isInteger() &&(static_cast <bool> (VT.is128BitVector() && VT.
isInteger() && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::MUL"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.is128BitVector() && VT.isInteger() && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::MUL\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7466, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7466 "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::MUL")(static_cast <bool> (VT.is128BitVector() && VT.
isInteger() && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::MUL"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.is128BitVector() && VT.isInteger() && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::MUL\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7466, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7467 SDNode *N0 = Op.getOperand(0).getNode();
7468 SDNode *N1 = Op.getOperand(1).getNode();
7469 unsigned NewOpc = 0;
7470 bool isMLA = false;
7471 bool isN0SExt = isSignExtended(N0, DAG);
7472 bool isN1SExt = isSignExtended(N1, DAG);
7473 if (isN0SExt && isN1SExt)
7474 NewOpc = ARMISD::VMULLs;
7475 else {
7476 bool isN0ZExt = isZeroExtended(N0, DAG);
7477 bool isN1ZExt = isZeroExtended(N1, DAG);
7478 if (isN0ZExt && isN1ZExt)
7479 NewOpc = ARMISD::VMULLu;
7480 else if (isN1SExt || isN1ZExt) {
7481 // Look for (s/zext A + s/zext B) * (s/zext C). We want to turn these
7482 // into (s/zext A * s/zext C) + (s/zext B * s/zext C)
7483 if (isN1SExt && isAddSubSExt(N0, DAG)) {
7484 NewOpc = ARMISD::VMULLs;
7485 isMLA = true;
7486 } else if (isN1ZExt && isAddSubZExt(N0, DAG)) {
7487 NewOpc = ARMISD::VMULLu;
7488 isMLA = true;
7489 } else if (isN0ZExt && isAddSubZExt(N1, DAG)) {
7490 std::swap(N0, N1);
7491 NewOpc = ARMISD::VMULLu;
7492 isMLA = true;
7493 }
7494 }
7496 if (!NewOpc) {
7497 if (VT == MVT::v2i64)
7498 // Fall through to expand this. It is not legal.
7499 return SDValue();
7500 else
7501 // Other vector multiplications are legal.
7502 return Op;
7503 }
7504 }
7506 // Legalize to a VMULL instruction.
7507 SDLoc DL(Op);
7508 SDValue Op0;
7509 SDValue Op1 = SkipExtensionForVMULL(N1, DAG);
7510 if (!isMLA) {
7511 Op0 = SkipExtensionForVMULL(N0, DAG);
7512 assert(Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector() &&(static_cast <bool> (Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector()
&& Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && "unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector() && Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && \"unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7514, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7513 Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() &&(static_cast <bool> (Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector()
&& Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && "unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector() && Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && \"unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7514, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7514 "unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL")(static_cast <bool> (Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector()
&& Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && "unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op0.getValueType().is64BitVector() && Op1.getValueType().is64BitVector() && \"unexpected types for extended operands to VMULL\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7514, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7515 return DAG.getNode(NewOpc, DL, VT, Op0, Op1);
7516 }
7518 // Optimizing (zext A + zext B) * C, to (VMULL A, C) + (VMULL B, C) during
7519 // isel lowering to take advantage of no-stall back to back vmul + vmla.
7520 // vmull q0, d4, d6
7521 // vmlal q0, d5, d6
7522 // is faster than
7523 // vaddl q0, d4, d5
7524 // vmovl q1, d6
7525 // vmul q0, q0, q1
7526 SDValue N00 = SkipExtensionForVMULL(N0->getOperand(0).getNode(), DAG);
7527 SDValue N01 = SkipExtensionForVMULL(N0->getOperand(1).getNode(), DAG);
7528 EVT Op1VT = Op1.getValueType();
7529 return DAG.getNode(N0->getOpcode(), DL, VT,
7530 DAG.getNode(NewOpc, DL, VT,
7531 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, Op1VT, N00), Op1),
7532 DAG.getNode(NewOpc, DL, VT,
7533 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, Op1VT, N01), Op1));
7536static SDValue LowerSDIV_v4i8(SDValue X, SDValue Y, const SDLoc &dl,
7537 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7538 // TODO: Should this propagate fast-math-flags?
7540 // Convert to float
7541 // float4 xf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_s16(a.lo));
7542 // float4 yf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_s16(b.lo));
7543 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, X);
7544 Y = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, Y);
7545 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, X);
7546 Y = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, Y);
7547 // Get reciprocal estimate.
7548 // float4 recip = vrecpeq_f32(yf);
7549 Y = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7550 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecpe, dl, MVT::i32),
7551 Y);
7552 // Because char has a smaller range than uchar, we can actually get away
7553 // without any newton steps. This requires that we use a weird bias
7554 // of 0xb000, however (again, this has been exhaustively tested).
7555 // float4 result = as_float4(as_int4(xf*recip) + 0xb000);
7556 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, X, Y);
7557 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4i32, X);
7558 Y = DAG.getConstant(0xb000, dl, MVT::v4i32);
7559 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, MVT::v4i32, X, Y);
7560 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4f32, X);
7561 // Convert back to short.
7562 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, dl, MVT::v4i32, X);
7563 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::v4i16, X);
7564 return X;
7567static SDValue LowerSDIV_v4i16(SDValue N0, SDValue N1, const SDLoc &dl,
7568 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7569 // TODO: Should this propagate fast-math-flags?
7571 SDValue N2;
7572 // Convert to float.
7573 // float4 yf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_s16(y));
7574 // float4 xf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_s16(x));
7575 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7576 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, N1);
7577 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0);
7578 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, N1);
7580 // Use reciprocal estimate and one refinement step.
7581 // float4 recip = vrecpeq_f32(yf);
7582 // recip *= vrecpsq_f32(yf, recip);
7583 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7584 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecpe, dl, MVT::i32),
7585 N1);
7586 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7587 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecps, dl, MVT::i32),
7588 N1, N2);
7589 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, N1, N2);
7590 // Because short has a smaller range than ushort, we can actually get away
7591 // with only a single newton step. This requires that we use a weird bias
7592 // of 89, however (again, this has been exhaustively tested).
7593 // float4 result = as_float4(as_int4(xf*recip) + 0x89);
7594 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0, N2);
7595 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7596 N1 = DAG.getConstant(0x89, dl, MVT::v4i32);
7597 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0, N1);
7598 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0);
7599 // Convert back to integer and return.
7600 // return vmovn_s32(vcvt_s32_f32(result));
7601 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7602 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0);
7603 return N0;
7606static SDValue LowerSDIV(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7607 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
7608 assert((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) &&(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8
) && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::SDIV")
? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::SDIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7609, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7609 "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::SDIV")(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8
) && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::SDIV")
? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::SDIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7609, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7611 SDLoc dl(Op);
7612 SDValue N0 = Op.getOperand(0);
7613 SDValue N1 = Op.getOperand(1);
7614 SDValue N2, N3;
7616 if (VT == MVT::v8i8) {
7617 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v8i16, N0);
7618 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SIGN_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v8i16, N1);
7620 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0,
7621 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(4, dl));
7622 N3 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N1,
7623 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(4, dl));
7624 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0,
7625 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
7626 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N1,
7627 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
7629 N0 = LowerSDIV_v4i8(N0, N1, dl, DAG); // v4i16
7630 N2 = LowerSDIV_v4i8(N2, N3, dl, DAG); // v4i16
7632 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, dl, MVT::v8i16, N0, N2);
7633 N0 = LowerCONCAT_VECTORS(N0, DAG);
7635 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::v8i8, N0);
7636 return N0;
7637 }
7638 return LowerSDIV_v4i16(N0, N1, dl, DAG);
7641static SDValue LowerUDIV(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7642 // TODO: Should this propagate fast-math-flags?
7643 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
7644 assert((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) &&(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8
) && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::UDIV")
? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::UDIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7645, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7645 "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::UDIV")(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8
) && "unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::UDIV")
? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::v4i16 || VT == MVT::v8i8) && \"unexpected type for custom-lowering ISD::UDIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7645, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7647 SDLoc dl(Op);
7648 SDValue N0 = Op.getOperand(0);
7649 SDValue N1 = Op.getOperand(1);
7650 SDValue N2, N3;
7652 if (VT == MVT::v8i8) {
7653 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v8i16, N0);
7654 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v8i16, N1);
7656 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0,
7657 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(4, dl));
7658 N3 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N1,
7659 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(4, dl));
7660 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0,
7661 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
7662 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, dl, MVT::v4i16, N1,
7663 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(0, dl));
7665 N0 = LowerSDIV_v4i16(N0, N1, dl, DAG); // v4i16
7666 N2 = LowerSDIV_v4i16(N2, N3, dl, DAG); // v4i16
7668 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, dl, MVT::v8i16, N0, N2);
7669 N0 = LowerCONCAT_VECTORS(N0, DAG);
7671 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v8i8,
7672 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqmovnsu, dl,
7673 MVT::i32),
7674 N0);
7675 return N0;
7676 }
7678 // v4i16 sdiv ... Convert to float.
7679 // float4 yf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_u16(y));
7680 // float4 xf = vcvt_f32_s32(vmovl_u16(x));
7681 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7682 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ZERO_EXTEND, dl, MVT::v4i32, N1);
7683 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0);
7684 SDValue BN1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, MVT::v4f32, N1);
7686 // Use reciprocal estimate and two refinement steps.
7687 // float4 recip = vrecpeq_f32(yf);
7688 // recip *= vrecpsq_f32(yf, recip);
7689 // recip *= vrecpsq_f32(yf, recip);
7690 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7691 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecpe, dl, MVT::i32),
7692 BN1);
7693 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7694 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecps, dl, MVT::i32),
7695 BN1, N2);
7696 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, N1, N2);
7697 N1 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, MVT::v4f32,
7698 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrecps, dl, MVT::i32),
7699 BN1, N2);
7700 N2 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, N1, N2);
7701 // Simply multiplying by the reciprocal estimate can leave us a few ulps
7702 // too low, so we add 2 ulps (exhaustive testing shows that this is enough,
7703 // and that it will never cause us to return an answer too large).
7704 // float4 result = as_float4(as_int4(xf*recip) + 2);
7705 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0, N2);
7706 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7707 N1 = DAG.getConstant(2, dl, MVT::v4i32);
7708 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0, N1);
7709 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::v4f32, N0);
7710 // Convert back to integer and return.
7711 // return vmovn_u32(vcvt_s32_f32(result));
7712 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::FP_TO_SINT, dl, MVT::v4i32, N0);
7713 N0 = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::v4i16, N0);
7714 return N0;
7717static SDValue LowerADDC_ADDE_SUBC_SUBE(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7718 EVT VT = Op.getNode()->getValueType(0);
7719 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32);
7721 unsigned Opc;
7722 bool ExtraOp = false;
7723 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
7724 default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid code")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Invalid code", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7724)
7725 case ISD::ADDC: Opc = ARMISD::ADDC; break;
7726 case ISD::ADDE: Opc = ARMISD::ADDE; ExtraOp = true; break;
7727 case ISD::SUBC: Opc = ARMISD::SUBC; break;
7728 case ISD::SUBE: Opc = ARMISD::SUBE; ExtraOp = true; break;
7729 }
7731 if (!ExtraOp)
7732 return DAG.getNode(Opc, SDLoc(Op), VTs, Op.getOperand(0),
7733 Op.getOperand(1));
7734 return DAG.getNode(Opc, SDLoc(Op), VTs, Op.getOperand(0),
7735 Op.getOperand(1), Op.getOperand(2));
7738static SDValue LowerADDSUBCARRY(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7739 SDNode *N = Op.getNode();
7740 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
7741 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32);
7743 SDValue Carry = Op.getOperand(2);
7745 SDLoc DL(Op);
7747 SDValue Result;
7748 if (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::ADDCARRY) {
7749 // This converts the boolean value carry into the carry flag.
7750 Carry = ConvertBooleanCarryToCarryFlag(Carry, DAG);
7752 // Do the addition proper using the carry flag we wanted.
7753 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::ADDE, DL, VTs, Op.getOperand(0),
7754 Op.getOperand(1), Carry.getValue(1));
7756 // Now convert the carry flag into a boolean value.
7757 Carry = ConvertCarryFlagToBooleanCarry(Result.getValue(1), VT, DAG);
7758 } else {
7759 // ARMISD::SUBE expects a carry not a borrow like ISD::SUBCARRY so we
7760 // have to invert the carry first.
7761 Carry = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, MVT::i32,
7762 DAG.getConstant(1, DL, MVT::i32), Carry);
7763 // This converts the boolean value carry into the carry flag.
7764 Carry = ConvertBooleanCarryToCarryFlag(Carry, DAG);
7766 // Do the subtraction proper using the carry flag we wanted.
7767 Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::SUBE, DL, VTs, Op.getOperand(0),
7768 Op.getOperand(1), Carry.getValue(1));
7770 // Now convert the carry flag into a boolean value.
7771 Carry = ConvertCarryFlagToBooleanCarry(Result.getValue(1), VT, DAG);
7772 // But the carry returned by ARMISD::SUBE is not a borrow as expected
7773 // by ISD::SUBCARRY, so compute 1 - C.
7774 Carry = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, MVT::i32,
7775 DAG.getConstant(1, DL, MVT::i32), Carry);
7776 }
7778 // Return both values.
7779 return DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, DL, N->getVTList(), Result, Carry);
7782SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFSINCOS(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
7783 assert(Subtarget->isTargetDarwin())(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetDarwin()) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->isTargetDarwin()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7783, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7785 // For iOS, we want to call an alternative entry point: __sincos_stret,
7786 // return values are passed via sret.
7787 SDLoc dl(Op);
7788 SDValue Arg = Op.getOperand(0);
7789 EVT ArgVT = Arg.getValueType();
7790 Type *ArgTy = ArgVT.getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
7791 auto PtrVT = getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout());
7793 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = DAG.getMachineFunction().getFrameInfo();
7794 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
7796 // Pair of floats / doubles used to pass the result.
7797 Type *RetTy = StructType::get(ArgTy, ArgTy);
7798 auto &DL = DAG.getDataLayout();
7800 ArgListTy Args;
7801 bool ShouldUseSRet = Subtarget->isAPCS_ABI();
7802 SDValue SRet;
7803 if (ShouldUseSRet) {
7804 // Create stack object for sret.
7805 const uint64_t ByteSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(RetTy);
7806 const unsigned StackAlign = DL.getPrefTypeAlignment(RetTy);
7807 int FrameIdx = MFI.CreateStackObject(ByteSize, StackAlign, false);
7808 SRet = DAG.getFrameIndex(FrameIdx, TLI.getPointerTy(DL));
7810 ArgListEntry Entry;
7811 Entry.Node = SRet;
7812 Entry.Ty = RetTy->getPointerTo();
7813 Entry.IsSExt = false;
7814 Entry.IsZExt = false;
7815 Entry.IsSRet = true;
7816 Args.push_back(Entry);
7817 RetTy = Type::getVoidTy(*DAG.getContext());
7818 }
7820 ArgListEntry Entry;
7821 Entry.Node = Arg;
7822 Entry.Ty = ArgTy;
7823 Entry.IsSExt = false;
7824 Entry.IsZExt = false;
7825 Args.push_back(Entry);
7827 RTLIB::Libcall LC =
7829 const char *LibcallName = getLibcallName(LC);
7830 CallingConv::ID CC = getLibcallCallingConv(LC);
7831 SDValue Callee = DAG.getExternalSymbol(LibcallName, getPointerTy(DL));
7833 TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
7834 CLI.setDebugLoc(dl)
7835 .setChain(DAG.getEntryNode())
7836 .setCallee(CC, RetTy, Callee, std::move(Args))
7837 .setDiscardResult(ShouldUseSRet);
7838 std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CallResult = LowerCallTo(CLI);
7840 if (!ShouldUseSRet)
7841 return CallResult.first;
7843 SDValue LoadSin =
7844 DAG.getLoad(ArgVT, dl, CallResult.second, SRet, MachinePointerInfo());
7846 // Address of cos field.
7847 SDValue Add = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, dl, PtrVT, SRet,
7848 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(ArgVT.getStoreSize(), dl));
7849 SDValue LoadCos =
7850 DAG.getLoad(ArgVT, dl, LoadSin.getValue(1), Add, MachinePointerInfo());
7852 SDVTList Tys = DAG.getVTList(ArgVT, ArgVT);
7853 return DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, dl, Tys,
7854 LoadSin.getValue(0), LoadCos.getValue(0));
7857SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerWindowsDIVLibCall(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
7858 bool Signed,
7859 SDValue &Chain) const {
7860 EVT VT = Op.getValueType();
7861 assert((VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i64) &&(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i64)
&& "unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i64) && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7862, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7862 "unexpected type for custom lowering DIV")(static_cast <bool> ((VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i64)
&& "unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("(VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i64) && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7862, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7863 SDLoc dl(Op);
7865 const auto &DL = DAG.getDataLayout();
7866 const auto &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
7868 const char *Name = nullptr;
7869 if (Signed)
7870 Name = (VT == MVT::i32) ? "__rt_sdiv" : "__rt_sdiv64";
7871 else
7872 Name = (VT == MVT::i32) ? "__rt_udiv" : "__rt_udiv64";
7874 SDValue ES = DAG.getExternalSymbol(Name, TLI.getPointerTy(DL));
7876 ARMTargetLowering::ArgListTy Args;
7878 for (auto AI : {1, 0}) {
7879 ArgListEntry Arg;
7880 Arg.Node = Op.getOperand(AI);
7881 Arg.Ty = Arg.Node.getValueType().getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
7882 Args.push_back(Arg);
7883 }
7885 CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
7886 CLI.setDebugLoc(dl)
7887 .setChain(Chain)
7888 .setCallee(CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP, VT.getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext()),
7889 ES, std::move(Args));
7891 return LowerCallTo(CLI).first;
7894SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerDIV_Windows(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
7895 bool Signed) const {
7896 assert(Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 &&
"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7897, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7897 "unexpected type for custom lowering DIV")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 &&
"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op.getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7897, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7898 SDLoc dl(Op);
7900 SDValue DBZCHK = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK, dl, MVT::Other,
7901 DAG.getEntryNode(), Op.getOperand(1));
7903 return LowerWindowsDIVLibCall(Op, DAG, Signed, DBZCHK);
7906static SDValue WinDBZCheckDenominator(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDNode *N, SDValue InChain) {
7907 SDLoc DL(N);
7908 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(1);
7909 if (N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32)
7910 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK, DL, MVT::Other, InChain, Op);
7911 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, DL, MVT::i32, Op,
7912 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32));
7913 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, DL, MVT::i32, Op,
7914 DAG.getConstant(1, DL, MVT::i32));
7915 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK, DL, MVT::Other, InChain,
7916 DAG.getNode(ISD::OR, DL, MVT::i32, Lo, Hi));
7919void ARMTargetLowering::ExpandDIV_Windows(
7920 SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG, bool Signed,
7921 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results) const {
7922 const auto &DL = DAG.getDataLayout();
7923 const auto &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
7925 assert(Op.getValueType() == MVT::i64 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i64 &&
"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op.getValueType() == MVT::i64 && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7926, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7926 "unexpected type for custom lowering DIV")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::i64 &&
"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op.getValueType() == MVT::i64 && \"unexpected type for custom lowering DIV\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7926, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7927 SDLoc dl(Op);
7929 SDValue DBZCHK = WinDBZCheckDenominator(DAG, Op.getNode(), DAG.getEntryNode());
7931 SDValue Result = LowerWindowsDIVLibCall(Op, DAG, Signed, DBZCHK);
7933 SDValue Lower = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::i32, Result);
7934 SDValue Upper = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, MVT::i64, Result,
7935 DAG.getConstant(32, dl, TLI.getPointerTy(DL)));
7936 Upper = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, MVT::i32, Upper);
7938 Results.push_back(Lower);
7939 Results.push_back(Upper);
7942static SDValue LowerAtomicLoadStore(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7943 if (isStrongerThanMonotonic(cast<AtomicSDNode>(Op)->getOrdering()))
7944 // Acquire/Release load/store is not legal for targets without a dmb or
7945 // equivalent available.
7946 return SDValue();
7948 // Monotonic load/store is legal for all targets.
7949 return Op;
7952static void ReplaceREADCYCLECOUNTER(SDNode *N,
7953 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results,
7954 SelectionDAG &DAG,
7955 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
7956 SDLoc DL(N);
7957 // Under Power Management extensions, the cycle-count is:
7958 // mrc p15, #0, <Rt>, c9, c13, #0
7959 SDValue Ops[] = { N->getOperand(0), // Chain
7960 DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_mrc, DL, MVT::i32),
7961 DAG.getConstant(15, DL, MVT::i32),
7962 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32),
7963 DAG.getConstant(9, DL, MVT::i32),
7964 DAG.getConstant(13, DL, MVT::i32),
7965 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32)
7966 };
7968 SDValue Cycles32 = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN, DL,
7969 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::Other), Ops);
7970 Results.push_back(DAG.getNode(ISD::BUILD_PAIR, DL, MVT::i64, Cycles32,
7971 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32)));
7972 Results.push_back(Cycles32.getValue(1));
7975static SDValue createGPRPairNode(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue V) {
7976 SDLoc dl(V.getNode());
7977 SDValue VLo = DAG.getAnyExtOrTrunc(V, dl, MVT::i32);
7978 SDValue VHi = DAG.getAnyExtOrTrunc(
7979 DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, MVT::i64, V, DAG.getConstant(32, dl, MVT::i32)),
7980 dl, MVT::i32);
7981 bool isBigEndian = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian();
7982 if (isBigEndian)
7983 std::swap (VLo, VHi);
7984 SDValue RegClass =
7985 DAG.getTargetConstant(ARM::GPRPairRegClassID, dl, MVT::i32);
7986 SDValue SubReg0 = DAG.getTargetConstant(ARM::gsub_0, dl, MVT::i32);
7987 SDValue SubReg1 = DAG.getTargetConstant(ARM::gsub_1, dl, MVT::i32);
7988 const SDValue Ops[] = { RegClass, VLo, SubReg0, VHi, SubReg1 };
7989 return SDValue(
7990 DAG.getMachineNode(TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE, dl, MVT::Untyped, Ops), 0);
7993static void ReplaceCMP_SWAP_64Results(SDNode *N,
7994 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> & Results,
7995 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
7996 assert(N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 &&(static_cast <bool> (N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 &&
"AtomicCmpSwap on types less than 64 should be legal") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 && \"AtomicCmpSwap on types less than 64 should be legal\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7997, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7997 "AtomicCmpSwap on types less than 64 should be legal")(static_cast <bool> (N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 &&
"AtomicCmpSwap on types less than 64 should be legal") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("N->getValueType(0) == MVT::i64 && \"AtomicCmpSwap on types less than 64 should be legal\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 7997, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
7998 SDValue Ops[] = {N->getOperand(1),
7999 createGPRPairNode(DAG, N->getOperand(2)),
8000 createGPRPairNode(DAG, N->getOperand(3)),
8001 N->getOperand(0)};
8002 SDNode *CmpSwap = DAG.getMachineNode(
8003 ARM::CMP_SWAP_64, SDLoc(N),
8004 DAG.getVTList(MVT::Untyped, MVT::i32, MVT::Other), Ops);
8006 MachineFunction &MF = DAG.getMachineFunction();
8007 MachineSDNode::mmo_iterator MemOp = MF.allocateMemRefsArray(1);
8008 MemOp[0] = cast<MemSDNode>(N)->getMemOperand();
8009 cast<MachineSDNode>(CmpSwap)->setMemRefs(MemOp, MemOp + 1);
8011 bool isBigEndian = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian();
8013 Results.push_back(
8014 DAG.getTargetExtractSubreg(isBigEndian ? ARM::gsub_1 : ARM::gsub_0,
8015 SDLoc(N), MVT::i32, SDValue(CmpSwap, 0)));
8016 Results.push_back(
8017 DAG.getTargetExtractSubreg(isBigEndian ? ARM::gsub_0 : ARM::gsub_1,
8018 SDLoc(N), MVT::i32, SDValue(CmpSwap, 0)));
8019 Results.push_back(SDValue(CmpSwap, 2));
8022static SDValue LowerFPOWI(SDValue Op, const ARMSubtarget &Subtarget,
8023 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
8024 const auto &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
8026 assert(Subtarget.getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT() &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget.getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT
() && "Custom lowering is MSVCRT specific!") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget.getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT() && \"Custom lowering is MSVCRT specific!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8027, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8027 "Custom lowering is MSVCRT specific!")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget.getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT
() && "Custom lowering is MSVCRT specific!") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget.getTargetTriple().isOSMSVCRT() && \"Custom lowering is MSVCRT specific!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8027, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8029 SDLoc dl(Op);
8030 SDValue Val = Op.getOperand(0);
8031 MVT Ty = Val->getSimpleValueType(0);
8032 SDValue Exponent = DAG.getNode(ISD::SINT_TO_FP, dl, Ty, Op.getOperand(1));
8033 SDValue Callee = DAG.getExternalSymbol(Ty == MVT::f32 ? "powf" : "pow",
8034 TLI.getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
8036 TargetLowering::ArgListTy Args;
8037 TargetLowering::ArgListEntry Entry;
8039 Entry.Node = Val;
8040 Entry.Ty = Val.getValueType().getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
8041 Entry.IsZExt = true;
8042 Args.push_back(Entry);
8044 Entry.Node = Exponent;
8045 Entry.Ty = Exponent.getValueType().getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
8046 Entry.IsZExt = true;
8047 Args.push_back(Entry);
8049 Type *LCRTy = Val.getValueType().getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
8051 // In the in-chain to the call is the entry node If we are emitting a
8052 // tailcall, the chain will be mutated if the node has a non-entry input
8053 // chain.
8054 SDValue InChain = DAG.getEntryNode();
8055 SDValue TCChain = InChain;
8057 const Function &F = DAG.getMachineFunction().getFunction();
8058 bool IsTC = TLI.isInTailCallPosition(DAG, Op.getNode(), TCChain) &&
8059 F.getReturnType() == LCRTy;
8060 if (IsTC)
8061 InChain = TCChain;
8063 TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
8064 CLI.setDebugLoc(dl)
8065 .setChain(InChain)
8066 .setCallee(CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP, LCRTy, Callee, std::move(Args))
8067 .setTailCall(IsTC);
8068 std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CI = TLI.LowerCallTo(CLI);
8070 // Return the chain (the DAG root) if it is a tail call
8071 return !CI.second.getNode() ? DAG.getRoot() : CI.first;
8074SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerOperation(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
8075 DEBUG(dbgs() << "Lowering node: "; Op.dump())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { dbgs() << "Lowering node: "; Op.dump();
} } while (false)
8076 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
8077 default: llvm_unreachable("Don't know how to custom lower this!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Don't know how to custom lower this!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8077)
8079 case ISD::ConstantPool: return LowerConstantPool(Op, DAG);
8080 case ISD::BlockAddress: return LowerBlockAddress(Op, DAG);
8081 case ISD::GlobalAddress: return LowerGlobalAddress(Op, DAG);
8082 case ISD::GlobalTLSAddress: return LowerGlobalTLSAddress(Op, DAG);
8083 case ISD::SELECT: return LowerSELECT(Op, DAG);
8084 case ISD::SELECT_CC: return LowerSELECT_CC(Op, DAG);
8085 case ISD::BRCOND: return LowerBRCOND(Op, DAG);
8086 case ISD::BR_CC: return LowerBR_CC(Op, DAG);
8087 case ISD::BR_JT: return LowerBR_JT(Op, DAG);
8088 case ISD::VASTART: return LowerVASTART(Op, DAG);
8089 case ISD::ATOMIC_FENCE: return LowerATOMIC_FENCE(Op, DAG, Subtarget);
8090 case ISD::PREFETCH: return LowerPREFETCH(Op, DAG, Subtarget);
8091 case ISD::SINT_TO_FP:
8092 case ISD::UINT_TO_FP: return LowerINT_TO_FP(Op, DAG);
8093 case ISD::FP_TO_SINT:
8094 case ISD::FP_TO_UINT: return LowerFP_TO_INT(Op, DAG);
8095 case ISD::FCOPYSIGN: return LowerFCOPYSIGN(Op, DAG);
8096 case ISD::RETURNADDR: return LowerRETURNADDR(Op, DAG);
8097 case ISD::FRAMEADDR: return LowerFRAMEADDR(Op, DAG);
8098 case ISD::EH_SJLJ_SETJMP: return LowerEH_SJLJ_SETJMP(Op, DAG);
8099 case ISD::EH_SJLJ_LONGJMP: return LowerEH_SJLJ_LONGJMP(Op, DAG);
8102 Subtarget);
8103 case ISD::BITCAST: return ExpandBITCAST(Op.getNode(), DAG, Subtarget);
8104 case ISD::SHL:
8105 case ISD::SRL:
8106 case ISD::SRA: return LowerShift(Op.getNode(), DAG, Subtarget);
8107 case ISD::SREM: return LowerREM(Op.getNode(), DAG);
8108 case ISD::UREM: return LowerREM(Op.getNode(), DAG);
8109 case ISD::SHL_PARTS: return LowerShiftLeftParts(Op, DAG);
8110 case ISD::SRL_PARTS:
8111 case ISD::SRA_PARTS: return LowerShiftRightParts(Op, DAG);
8112 case ISD::CTTZ:
8113 case ISD::CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF: return LowerCTTZ(Op.getNode(), DAG, Subtarget);
8114 case ISD::CTPOP: return LowerCTPOP(Op.getNode(), DAG, Subtarget);
8115 case ISD::SETCC: return LowerVSETCC(Op, DAG);
8116 case ISD::SETCCE: return LowerSETCCE(Op, DAG);
8117 case ISD::ConstantFP: return LowerConstantFP(Op, DAG, Subtarget);
8118 case ISD::BUILD_VECTOR: return LowerBUILD_VECTOR(Op, DAG, Subtarget);
8123 case ISD::FLT_ROUNDS_: return LowerFLT_ROUNDS_(Op, DAG);
8124 case ISD::MUL: return LowerMUL(Op, DAG);
8125 case ISD::SDIV:
8126 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && !Op.getValueType().isVector())
8127 return LowerDIV_Windows(Op, DAG, /* Signed */ true);
8128 return LowerSDIV(Op, DAG);
8129 case ISD::UDIV:
8130 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && !Op.getValueType().isVector())
8131 return LowerDIV_Windows(Op, DAG, /* Signed */ false);
8132 return LowerUDIV(Op, DAG);
8133 case ISD::ADDC:
8134 case ISD::ADDE:
8135 case ISD::SUBC:
8136 case ISD::SUBE: return LowerADDC_ADDE_SUBC_SUBE(Op, DAG);
8137 case ISD::ADDCARRY:
8138 case ISD::SUBCARRY: return LowerADDSUBCARRY(Op, DAG);
8139 case ISD::SADDO:
8140 case ISD::SSUBO:
8141 return LowerSignedALUO(Op, DAG);
8142 case ISD::UADDO:
8143 case ISD::USUBO:
8144 return LowerUnsignedALUO(Op, DAG);
8145 case ISD::ATOMIC_LOAD:
8146 case ISD::ATOMIC_STORE: return LowerAtomicLoadStore(Op, DAG);
8147 case ISD::FSINCOS: return LowerFSINCOS(Op, DAG);
8148 case ISD::SDIVREM:
8149 case ISD::UDIVREM: return LowerDivRem(Op, DAG);
8151 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows())
8152 return LowerDYNAMIC_STACKALLOC(Op, DAG);
8153 llvm_unreachable("Don't know how to custom lower this!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Don't know how to custom lower this!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8153)
8154 case ISD::FP_ROUND: return LowerFP_ROUND(Op, DAG);
8155 case ISD::FP_EXTEND: return LowerFP_EXTEND(Op, DAG);
8156 case ISD::FPOWI: return LowerFPOWI(Op, *Subtarget, DAG);
8157 case ARMISD::WIN__DBZCHK: return SDValue();
8158 }
8161static void ReplaceLongIntrinsic(SDNode *N, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results,
8162 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
8163 unsigned IntNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
8164 unsigned Opc = 0;
8165 if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_smlald)
8166 Opc = ARMISD::SMLALD;
8167 else if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_smlaldx)
8169 else if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_smlsld)
8170 Opc = ARMISD::SMLSLD;
8171 else if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_smlsldx)
8173 else
8174 return;
8176 SDLoc dl(N);
8177 SDValue Lo = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32,
8178 N->getOperand(3),
8179 DAG.getConstant(0, dl, MVT::i32));
8180 SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_ELEMENT, dl, MVT::i32,
8181 N->getOperand(3),
8182 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32));
8184 SDValue LongMul = DAG.getNode(Opc, dl,
8185 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
8186 N->getOperand(1), N->getOperand(2),
8187 Lo, Hi);
8188 Results.push_back(LongMul.getValue(0));
8189 Results.push_back(LongMul.getValue(1));
8192/// ReplaceNodeResults - Replace the results of node with an illegal result
8193/// type with new values built out of custom code.
8194void ARMTargetLowering::ReplaceNodeResults(SDNode *N,
8195 SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results,
8196 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
8197 SDValue Res;
8198 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
8199 default:
8200 llvm_unreachable("Don't know how to custom expand this!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Don't know how to custom expand this!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8200)
8202 ExpandREAD_REGISTER(N, Results, DAG);
8203 break;
8204 case ISD::BITCAST:
8205 Res = ExpandBITCAST(N, DAG, Subtarget);
8206 break;
8207 case ISD::SRL:
8208 case ISD::SRA:
8209 Res = Expand64BitShift(N, DAG, Subtarget);
8210 break;
8211 case ISD::SREM:
8212 case ISD::UREM:
8213 Res = LowerREM(N, DAG);
8214 break;
8215 case ISD::SDIVREM:
8216 case ISD::UDIVREM:
8217 Res = LowerDivRem(SDValue(N, 0), DAG);
8218 assert(Res.getNumOperands() == 2 && "DivRem needs two values")(static_cast <bool> (Res.getNumOperands() == 2 &&
"DivRem needs two values") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Res.getNumOperands() == 2 && \"DivRem needs two values\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8218, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8219 Results.push_back(Res.getValue(0));
8220 Results.push_back(Res.getValue(1));
8221 return;
8223 ReplaceREADCYCLECOUNTER(N, Results, DAG, Subtarget);
8224 return;
8225 case ISD::UDIV:
8226 case ISD::SDIV:
8227 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && "can only expand DIV on Windows")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"can only expand DIV on Windows") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"can only expand DIV on Windows\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8227, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8228 return ExpandDIV_Windows(SDValue(N, 0), DAG, N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIV,
8229 Results);
8231 ReplaceCMP_SWAP_64Results(N, Results, DAG);
8232 return;
8234 return ReplaceLongIntrinsic(N, Results, DAG);
8235 }
8236 if (Res.getNode())
8237 Results.push_back(Res);
8241// ARM Scheduler Hooks
8244/// SetupEntryBlockForSjLj - Insert code into the entry block that creates and
8245/// registers the function context.
8246void ARMTargetLowering::SetupEntryBlockForSjLj(MachineInstr &MI,
8247 MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
8248 MachineBasicBlock *DispatchBB,
8249 int FI) const {
8250 assert(!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() &&(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported with SjLj"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported with SjLj\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8251, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8251 "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported with SjLj")(static_cast <bool> (!Subtarget->isROPI() &&
!Subtarget->isRWPI() && "ROPI/RWPI not currently supported with SjLj"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Subtarget->isROPI() && !Subtarget->isRWPI() && \"ROPI/RWPI not currently supported with SjLj\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8251, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8252 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
8253 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
8254 MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
8255 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = &MF->getRegInfo();
8256 MachineConstantPool *MCP = MF->getConstantPool();
8257 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = MF->getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
8258 const Function &F = MF->getFunction();
8260 bool isThumb = Subtarget->isThumb();
8261 bool isThumb2 = Subtarget->isThumb2();
8263 unsigned PCLabelId = AFI->createPICLabelUId();
8264 unsigned PCAdj = (isThumb || isThumb2) ? 4 : 8;
8265 ARMConstantPoolValue *CPV =
8266 ARMConstantPoolMBB::Create(F.getContext(), DispatchBB, PCLabelId, PCAdj);
8267 unsigned CPI = MCP->getConstantPoolIndex(CPV, 4);
8269 const TargetRegisterClass *TRC = isThumb ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass
8270 : &ARM::GPRRegClass;
8272 // Grab constant pool and fixed stack memory operands.
8273 MachineMemOperand *CPMMO =
8274 MF->getMachineMemOperand(MachinePointerInfo::getConstantPool(*MF),
8275 MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, 4, 4);
8277 MachineMemOperand *FIMMOSt =
8278 MF->getMachineMemOperand(MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(*MF, FI),
8279 MachineMemOperand::MOStore, 4, 4);
8281 // Load the address of the dispatch MBB into the jump buffer.
8282 if (isThumb2) {
8283 // Incoming value: jbuf
8284 // ldr.n r5, LCPI1_1
8285 // orr r5, r5, #1
8286 // add r5, pc
8287 // str r5, [$jbuf, #+4] ; &jbuf[1]
8288 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8289 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2LDRpci), NewVReg1)
8290 .addConstantPoolIndex(CPI)
8291 .addMemOperand(CPMMO)
8292 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8293 // Set the low bit because of thumb mode.
8294 unsigned NewVReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8295 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2ORRri), NewVReg2)
8296 .addReg(NewVReg1, RegState::Kill)
8297 .addImm(0x01)
8298 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
8299 .add(condCodeOp());
8300 unsigned NewVReg3 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8301 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tPICADD), NewVReg3)
8302 .addReg(NewVReg2, RegState::Kill)
8303 .addImm(PCLabelId);
8304 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2STRi12))
8305 .addReg(NewVReg3, RegState::Kill)
8306 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8307 .addImm(36) // &jbuf[1] :: pc
8308 .addMemOperand(FIMMOSt)
8309 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8310 } else if (isThumb) {
8311 // Incoming value: jbuf
8312 // ldr.n r1, LCPI1_4
8313 // add r1, pc
8314 // mov r2, #1
8315 // orrs r1, r2
8316 // add r2, $jbuf, #+4 ; &jbuf[1]
8317 // str r1, [r2]
8318 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8319 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDRpci), NewVReg1)
8320 .addConstantPoolIndex(CPI)
8321 .addMemOperand(CPMMO)
8322 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8323 unsigned NewVReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8324 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tPICADD), NewVReg2)
8325 .addReg(NewVReg1, RegState::Kill)
8326 .addImm(PCLabelId);
8327 // Set the low bit because of thumb mode.
8328 unsigned NewVReg3 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8329 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tMOVi8), NewVReg3)
8330 .addReg(ARM::CPSR, RegState::Define)
8331 .addImm(1)
8332 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8333 unsigned NewVReg4 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8334 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tORR), NewVReg4)
8335 .addReg(ARM::CPSR, RegState::Define)
8336 .addReg(NewVReg2, RegState::Kill)
8337 .addReg(NewVReg3, RegState::Kill)
8338 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8339 unsigned NewVReg5 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8340 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tADDframe), NewVReg5)
8341 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8342 .addImm(36); // &jbuf[1] :: pc
8343 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tSTRi))
8344 .addReg(NewVReg4, RegState::Kill)
8345 .addReg(NewVReg5, RegState::Kill)
8346 .addImm(0)
8347 .addMemOperand(FIMMOSt)
8348 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8349 } else {
8350 // Incoming value: jbuf
8351 // ldr r1, LCPI1_1
8352 // add r1, pc, r1
8353 // str r1, [$jbuf, #+4] ; &jbuf[1]
8354 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8355 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::LDRi12), NewVReg1)
8356 .addConstantPoolIndex(CPI)
8357 .addImm(0)
8358 .addMemOperand(CPMMO)
8359 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8360 unsigned NewVReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8361 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::PICADD), NewVReg2)
8362 .addReg(NewVReg1, RegState::Kill)
8363 .addImm(PCLabelId)
8364 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8365 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::STRi12))
8366 .addReg(NewVReg2, RegState::Kill)
8367 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8368 .addImm(36) // &jbuf[1] :: pc
8369 .addMemOperand(FIMMOSt)
8370 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8371 }
8374void ARMTargetLowering::EmitSjLjDispatchBlock(MachineInstr &MI,
8375 MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const {
8376 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
8377 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
8378 MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
8379 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = &MF->getRegInfo();
8380 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF->getFrameInfo();
8381 int FI = MFI.getFunctionContextIndex();
8383 const TargetRegisterClass *TRC = Subtarget->isThumb() ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass
8384 : &ARM::GPRnopcRegClass;
8386 // Get a mapping of the call site numbers to all of the landing pads they're
8387 // associated with.
8388 DenseMap<unsigned, SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock*, 2>> CallSiteNumToLPad;
8389 unsigned MaxCSNum = 0;
8390 for (MachineFunction::iterator BB = MF->begin(), E = MF->end(); BB != E;
8391 ++BB) {
8392 if (!BB->isEHPad()) continue;
8394 // FIXME: We should assert that the EH_LABEL is the first MI in the landing
8395 // pad.
8396 for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator
8397 II = BB->begin(), IE = BB->end(); II != IE; ++II) {
8398 if (!II->isEHLabel()) continue;
8400 MCSymbol *Sym = II->getOperand(0).getMCSymbol();
8401 if (!MF->hasCallSiteLandingPad(Sym)) continue;
8403 SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &CallSiteIdxs = MF->getCallSiteLandingPad(Sym);
8404 for (SmallVectorImpl<unsigned>::iterator
8405 CSI = CallSiteIdxs.begin(), CSE = CallSiteIdxs.end();
8406 CSI != CSE; ++CSI) {
8407 CallSiteNumToLPad[*CSI].push_back(&*BB);
8408 MaxCSNum = std::max(MaxCSNum, *CSI);
8409 }
8410 break;
8411 }
8412 }
8414 // Get an ordered list of the machine basic blocks for the jump table.
8415 std::vector<MachineBasicBlock*> LPadList;
8416 SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*, 32> InvokeBBs;
8417 LPadList.reserve(CallSiteNumToLPad.size());
8418 for (unsigned I = 1; I <= MaxCSNum; ++I) {
8419 SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock*> &MBBList = CallSiteNumToLPad[I];
8420 for (SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock*>::iterator
8421 II = MBBList.begin(), IE = MBBList.end(); II != IE; ++II) {
8422 LPadList.push_back(*II);
8423 InvokeBBs.insert((*II)->pred_begin(), (*II)->pred_end());
8424 }
8425 }
8427 assert(!LPadList.empty() &&(static_cast <bool> (!LPadList.empty() && "No landing pad destinations for the dispatch jump table!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!LPadList.empty() && \"No landing pad destinations for the dispatch jump table!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8428, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8428 "No landing pad destinations for the dispatch jump table!")(static_cast <bool> (!LPadList.empty() && "No landing pad destinations for the dispatch jump table!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!LPadList.empty() && \"No landing pad destinations for the dispatch jump table!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8428, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8430 // Create the jump table and associated information.
8431 MachineJumpTableInfo *JTI =
8432 MF->getOrCreateJumpTableInfo(MachineJumpTableInfo::EK_Inline);
8433 unsigned MJTI = JTI->createJumpTableIndex(LPadList);
8435 // Create the MBBs for the dispatch code.
8437 // Shove the dispatch's address into the return slot in the function context.
8438 MachineBasicBlock *DispatchBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
8439 DispatchBB->setIsEHPad();
8441 MachineBasicBlock *TrapBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
8442 unsigned trap_opcode;
8443 if (Subtarget->isThumb())
8444 trap_opcode = ARM::tTRAP;
8445 else
8446 trap_opcode = Subtarget->useNaClTrap() ? ARM::TRAPNaCl : ARM::TRAP;
8448 BuildMI(TrapBB, dl, TII->get(trap_opcode));
8449 DispatchBB->addSuccessor(TrapBB);
8451 MachineBasicBlock *DispContBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
8452 DispatchBB->addSuccessor(DispContBB);
8454 // Insert and MBBs.
8455 MF->insert(MF->end(), DispatchBB);
8456 MF->insert(MF->end(), DispContBB);
8457 MF->insert(MF->end(), TrapBB);
8459 // Insert code into the entry block that creates and registers the function
8460 // context.
8461 SetupEntryBlockForSjLj(MI, MBB, DispatchBB, FI);
8463 MachineMemOperand *FIMMOLd = MF->getMachineMemOperand(
8464 MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(*MF, FI),
8465 MachineMemOperand::MOLoad | MachineMemOperand::MOVolatile, 4, 4);
8467 MachineInstrBuilder MIB;
8468 MIB = BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::Int_eh_sjlj_dispatchsetup));
8470 const ARMBaseInstrInfo *AII = static_cast<const ARMBaseInstrInfo*>(TII);
8471 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo &RI = AII->getRegisterInfo();
8473 // Add a register mask with no preserved registers. This results in all
8474 // registers being marked as clobbered. This can't work if the dispatch block
8475 // is in a Thumb1 function and is linked with ARM code which uses the FP
8476 // registers, as there is no way to preserve the FP registers in Thumb1 mode.
8477 MIB.addRegMask(RI.getSjLjDispatchPreservedMask(*MF));
8479 bool IsPositionIndependent = isPositionIndependent();
8480 unsigned NumLPads = LPadList.size();
8481 if (Subtarget->isThumb2()) {
8482 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8483 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2LDRi12), NewVReg1)
8484 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8485 .addImm(4)
8486 .addMemOperand(FIMMOLd)
8487 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8489 if (NumLPads < 256) {
8490 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2CMPri))
8491 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8492 .addImm(LPadList.size())
8493 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8494 } else {
8495 unsigned VReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8496 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2MOVi16), VReg1)
8497 .addImm(NumLPads & 0xFFFF)
8498 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8500 unsigned VReg2 = VReg1;
8501 if ((NumLPads & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) {
8502 VReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8503 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2MOVTi16), VReg2)
8504 .addReg(VReg1)
8505 .addImm(NumLPads >> 16)
8506 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8507 }
8509 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2CMPrr))
8510 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8511 .addReg(VReg2)
8512 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8513 }
8515 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2Bcc))
8516 .addMBB(TrapBB)
8517 .addImm(ARMCC::HI)
8518 .addReg(ARM::CPSR);
8520 unsigned NewVReg3 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8521 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2LEApcrelJT), NewVReg3)
8522 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI)
8523 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8525 unsigned NewVReg4 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8526 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2ADDrs), NewVReg4)
8527 .addReg(NewVReg3, RegState::Kill)
8528 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8529 .addImm(ARM_AM::getSORegOpc(ARM_AM::lsl, 2))
8530 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
8531 .add(condCodeOp());
8533 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2BR_JT))
8534 .addReg(NewVReg4, RegState::Kill)
8535 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8536 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI);
8537 } else if (Subtarget->isThumb()) {
8538 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8539 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDRspi), NewVReg1)
8540 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8541 .addImm(1)
8542 .addMemOperand(FIMMOLd)
8543 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8545 if (NumLPads < 256) {
8546 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tCMPi8))
8547 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8548 .addImm(NumLPads)
8549 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8550 } else {
8551 MachineConstantPool *ConstantPool = MF->getConstantPool();
8552 Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(MF->getFunction().getContext());
8553 const Constant *C = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, NumLPads);
8555 // MachineConstantPool wants an explicit alignment.
8556 unsigned Align = MF->getDataLayout().getPrefTypeAlignment(Int32Ty);
8557 if (Align == 0)
8558 Align = MF->getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(C->getType());
8559 unsigned Idx = ConstantPool->getConstantPoolIndex(C, Align);
8561 unsigned VReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8562 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDRpci))
8563 .addReg(VReg1, RegState::Define)
8564 .addConstantPoolIndex(Idx)
8565 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8566 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tCMPr))
8567 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8568 .addReg(VReg1)
8569 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8570 }
8572 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tBcc))
8573 .addMBB(TrapBB)
8574 .addImm(ARMCC::HI)
8575 .addReg(ARM::CPSR);
8577 unsigned NewVReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8578 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLSLri), NewVReg2)
8579 .addReg(ARM::CPSR, RegState::Define)
8580 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8581 .addImm(2)
8582 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8584 unsigned NewVReg3 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8585 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLEApcrelJT), NewVReg3)
8586 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI)
8587 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8589 unsigned NewVReg4 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8590 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tADDrr), NewVReg4)
8591 .addReg(ARM::CPSR, RegState::Define)
8592 .addReg(NewVReg2, RegState::Kill)
8593 .addReg(NewVReg3)
8594 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8596 MachineMemOperand *JTMMOLd = MF->getMachineMemOperand(
8597 MachinePointerInfo::getJumpTable(*MF), MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, 4, 4);
8599 unsigned NewVReg5 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8600 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDRi), NewVReg5)
8601 .addReg(NewVReg4, RegState::Kill)
8602 .addImm(0)
8603 .addMemOperand(JTMMOLd)
8604 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8606 unsigned NewVReg6 = NewVReg5;
8607 if (IsPositionIndependent) {
8608 NewVReg6 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8609 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tADDrr), NewVReg6)
8610 .addReg(ARM::CPSR, RegState::Define)
8611 .addReg(NewVReg5, RegState::Kill)
8612 .addReg(NewVReg3)
8613 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8614 }
8616 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tBR_JTr))
8617 .addReg(NewVReg6, RegState::Kill)
8618 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI);
8619 } else {
8620 unsigned NewVReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8621 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::LDRi12), NewVReg1)
8622 .addFrameIndex(FI)
8623 .addImm(4)
8624 .addMemOperand(FIMMOLd)
8625 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8627 if (NumLPads < 256) {
8628 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::CMPri))
8629 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8630 .addImm(NumLPads)
8631 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8632 } else if (Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops() && isUInt<16>(NumLPads)) {
8633 unsigned VReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8634 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::MOVi16), VReg1)
8635 .addImm(NumLPads & 0xFFFF)
8636 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8638 unsigned VReg2 = VReg1;
8639 if ((NumLPads & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) {
8640 VReg2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8641 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::MOVTi16), VReg2)
8642 .addReg(VReg1)
8643 .addImm(NumLPads >> 16)
8644 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8645 }
8647 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::CMPrr))
8648 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8649 .addReg(VReg2)
8650 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8651 } else {
8652 MachineConstantPool *ConstantPool = MF->getConstantPool();
8653 Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(MF->getFunction().getContext());
8654 const Constant *C = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, NumLPads);
8656 // MachineConstantPool wants an explicit alignment.
8657 unsigned Align = MF->getDataLayout().getPrefTypeAlignment(Int32Ty);
8658 if (Align == 0)
8659 Align = MF->getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(C->getType());
8660 unsigned Idx = ConstantPool->getConstantPoolIndex(C, Align);
8662 unsigned VReg1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8663 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::LDRcp))
8664 .addReg(VReg1, RegState::Define)
8665 .addConstantPoolIndex(Idx)
8666 .addImm(0)
8667 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8668 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::CMPrr))
8669 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8670 .addReg(VReg1, RegState::Kill)
8671 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8672 }
8674 BuildMI(DispatchBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::Bcc))
8675 .addMBB(TrapBB)
8676 .addImm(ARMCC::HI)
8677 .addReg(ARM::CPSR);
8679 unsigned NewVReg3 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8680 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::MOVsi), NewVReg3)
8681 .addReg(NewVReg1)
8682 .addImm(ARM_AM::getSORegOpc(ARM_AM::lsl, 2))
8683 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
8684 .add(condCodeOp());
8685 unsigned NewVReg4 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8686 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::LEApcrelJT), NewVReg4)
8687 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI)
8688 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8690 MachineMemOperand *JTMMOLd = MF->getMachineMemOperand(
8691 MachinePointerInfo::getJumpTable(*MF), MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, 4, 4);
8692 unsigned NewVReg5 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8693 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::LDRrs), NewVReg5)
8694 .addReg(NewVReg3, RegState::Kill)
8695 .addReg(NewVReg4)
8696 .addImm(0)
8697 .addMemOperand(JTMMOLd)
8698 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8700 if (IsPositionIndependent) {
8701 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::BR_JTadd))
8702 .addReg(NewVReg5, RegState::Kill)
8703 .addReg(NewVReg4)
8704 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI);
8705 } else {
8706 BuildMI(DispContBB, dl, TII->get(ARM::BR_JTr))
8707 .addReg(NewVReg5, RegState::Kill)
8708 .addJumpTableIndex(MJTI);
8709 }
8710 }
8712 // Add the jump table entries as successors to the MBB.
8713 SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*, 8> SeenMBBs;
8714 for (std::vector<MachineBasicBlock*>::iterator
8715 I = LPadList.begin(), E = LPadList.end(); I != E; ++I) {
8716 MachineBasicBlock *CurMBB = *I;
8717 if (SeenMBBs.insert(CurMBB).second)
8718 DispContBB->addSuccessor(CurMBB);
8719 }
8721 // N.B. the order the invoke BBs are processed in doesn't matter here.
8722 const MCPhysReg *SavedRegs = RI.getCalleeSavedRegs(MF);
8723 SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock*, 64> MBBLPads;
8724 for (MachineBasicBlock *BB : InvokeBBs) {
8726 // Remove the landing pad successor from the invoke block and replace it
8727 // with the new dispatch block.
8728 SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock*, 4> Successors(BB->succ_begin(),
8729 BB->succ_end());
8730 while (!Successors.empty()) {
8731 MachineBasicBlock *SMBB = Successors.pop_back_val();
8732 if (SMBB->isEHPad()) {
8733 BB->removeSuccessor(SMBB);
8734 MBBLPads.push_back(SMBB);
8735 }
8736 }
8738 BB->addSuccessor(DispatchBB, BranchProbability::getZero());
8739 BB->normalizeSuccProbs();
8741 // Find the invoke call and mark all of the callee-saved registers as
8742 // 'implicit defined' so that they're spilled. This prevents code from
8743 // moving instructions to before the EH block, where they will never be
8744 // executed.
8745 for (MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator
8746 II = BB->rbegin(), IE = BB->rend(); II != IE; ++II) {
8747 if (!II->isCall()) continue;
8749 DenseMap<unsigned, bool> DefRegs;
8750 for (MachineInstr::mop_iterator
8751 OI = II->operands_begin(), OE = II->operands_end();
8752 OI != OE; ++OI) {
8753 if (!OI->isReg()) continue;
8754 DefRegs[OI->getReg()] = true;
8755 }
8757 MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*MF, &*II);
8759 for (unsigned i = 0; SavedRegs[i] != 0; ++i) {
8760 unsigned Reg = SavedRegs[i];
8761 if (Subtarget->isThumb2() &&
8762 !ARM::tGPRRegClass.contains(Reg) &&
8763 !ARM::hGPRRegClass.contains(Reg))
8764 continue;
8765 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && !ARM::tGPRRegClass.contains(Reg))
8766 continue;
8767 if (!Subtarget->isThumb() && !ARM::GPRRegClass.contains(Reg))
8768 continue;
8769 if (!DefRegs[Reg])
8770 MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::ImplicitDefine | RegState::Dead);
8771 }
8773 break;
8774 }
8775 }
8777 // Mark all former landing pads as non-landing pads. The dispatch is the only
8778 // landing pad now.
8779 for (SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock*>::iterator
8780 I = MBBLPads.begin(), E = MBBLPads.end(); I != E; ++I)
8781 (*I)->setIsEHPad(false);
8783 // The instruction is gone now.
8784 MI.eraseFromParent();
8788MachineBasicBlock *OtherSucc(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, MachineBasicBlock *Succ) {
8789 for (MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator I = MBB->succ_begin(),
8790 E = MBB->succ_end(); I != E; ++I)
8791 if (*I != Succ)
8792 return *I;
8793 llvm_unreachable("Expecting a BB with two successors!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Expecting a BB with two successors!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8793)
8796/// Return the load opcode for a given load size. If load size >= 8,
8797/// neon opcode will be returned.
8798static unsigned getLdOpcode(unsigned LdSize, bool IsThumb1, bool IsThumb2) {
8799 if (LdSize >= 8)
8800 return LdSize == 16 ? ARM::VLD1q32wb_fixed
8801 : LdSize == 8 ? ARM::VLD1d32wb_fixed : 0;
8802 if (IsThumb1)
8803 return LdSize == 4 ? ARM::tLDRi
8804 : LdSize == 2 ? ARM::tLDRHi
8805 : LdSize == 1 ? ARM::tLDRBi : 0;
8806 if (IsThumb2)
8807 return LdSize == 4 ? ARM::t2LDR_POST
8808 : LdSize == 2 ? ARM::t2LDRH_POST
8809 : LdSize == 1 ? ARM::t2LDRB_POST : 0;
8810 return LdSize == 4 ? ARM::LDR_POST_IMM
8811 : LdSize == 2 ? ARM::LDRH_POST
8812 : LdSize == 1 ? ARM::LDRB_POST_IMM : 0;
8815/// Return the store opcode for a given store size. If store size >= 8,
8816/// neon opcode will be returned.
8817static unsigned getStOpcode(unsigned StSize, bool IsThumb1, bool IsThumb2) {
8818 if (StSize >= 8)
8819 return StSize == 16 ? ARM::VST1q32wb_fixed
8820 : StSize == 8 ? ARM::VST1d32wb_fixed : 0;
8821 if (IsThumb1)
8822 return StSize == 4 ? ARM::tSTRi
8823 : StSize == 2 ? ARM::tSTRHi
8824 : StSize == 1 ? ARM::tSTRBi : 0;
8825 if (IsThumb2)
8826 return StSize == 4 ? ARM::t2STR_POST
8827 : StSize == 2 ? ARM::t2STRH_POST
8828 : StSize == 1 ? ARM::t2STRB_POST : 0;
8829 return StSize == 4 ? ARM::STR_POST_IMM
8830 : StSize == 2 ? ARM::STRH_POST
8831 : StSize == 1 ? ARM::STRB_POST_IMM : 0;
8834/// Emit a post-increment load operation with given size. The instructions
8835/// will be added to BB at Pos.
8836static void emitPostLd(MachineBasicBlock *BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos,
8837 const TargetInstrInfo *TII, const DebugLoc &dl,
8838 unsigned LdSize, unsigned Data, unsigned AddrIn,
8839 unsigned AddrOut, bool IsThumb1, bool IsThumb2) {
8840 unsigned LdOpc = getLdOpcode(LdSize, IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
8841 assert(LdOpc != 0 && "Should have a load opcode")(static_cast <bool> (LdOpc != 0 && "Should have a load opcode"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("LdOpc != 0 && \"Should have a load opcode\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8842 if (LdSize >= 8) {
8843 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(LdOpc), Data)
8844 .addReg(AddrOut, RegState::Define)
8845 .addReg(AddrIn)
8846 .addImm(0)
8847 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8848 } else if (IsThumb1) {
8849 // load + update AddrIn
8850 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(LdOpc), Data)
8851 .addReg(AddrIn)
8852 .addImm(0)
8853 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8854 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(ARM::tADDi8), AddrOut)
8855 .add(t1CondCodeOp())
8856 .addReg(AddrIn)
8857 .addImm(LdSize)
8858 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8859 } else if (IsThumb2) {
8860 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(LdOpc), Data)
8861 .addReg(AddrOut, RegState::Define)
8862 .addReg(AddrIn)
8863 .addImm(LdSize)
8864 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8865 } else { // arm
8866 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(LdOpc), Data)
8867 .addReg(AddrOut, RegState::Define)
8868 .addReg(AddrIn)
8869 .addReg(0)
8870 .addImm(LdSize)
8871 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8872 }
8875/// Emit a post-increment store operation with given size. The instructions
8876/// will be added to BB at Pos.
8877static void emitPostSt(MachineBasicBlock *BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos,
8878 const TargetInstrInfo *TII, const DebugLoc &dl,
8879 unsigned StSize, unsigned Data, unsigned AddrIn,
8880 unsigned AddrOut, bool IsThumb1, bool IsThumb2) {
8881 unsigned StOpc = getStOpcode(StSize, IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
8882 assert(StOpc != 0 && "Should have a store opcode")(static_cast <bool> (StOpc != 0 && "Should have a store opcode"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("StOpc != 0 && \"Should have a store opcode\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 8882, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
8883 if (StSize >= 8) {
8884 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(StOpc), AddrOut)
8885 .addReg(AddrIn)
8886 .addImm(0)
8887 .addReg(Data)
8888 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8889 } else if (IsThumb1) {
8890 // store + update AddrIn
8891 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(StOpc))
8892 .addReg(Data)
8893 .addReg(AddrIn)
8894 .addImm(0)
8895 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8896 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(ARM::tADDi8), AddrOut)
8897 .add(t1CondCodeOp())
8898 .addReg(AddrIn)
8899 .addImm(StSize)
8900 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8901 } else if (IsThumb2) {
8902 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(StOpc), AddrOut)
8903 .addReg(Data)
8904 .addReg(AddrIn)
8905 .addImm(StSize)
8906 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8907 } else { // arm
8908 BuildMI(*BB, Pos, dl, TII->get(StOpc), AddrOut)
8909 .addReg(Data)
8910 .addReg(AddrIn)
8911 .addReg(0)
8912 .addImm(StSize)
8913 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
8914 }
8917MachineBasicBlock *
8918ARMTargetLowering::EmitStructByval(MachineInstr &MI,
8919 MachineBasicBlock *BB) const {
8920 // This pseudo instruction has 3 operands: dst, src, size
8921 // We expand it to a loop if size > Subtarget->getMaxInlineSizeThreshold().
8922 // Otherwise, we will generate unrolled scalar copies.
8923 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
8924 const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
8925 MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();
8927 unsigned dest = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
8928 unsigned src = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
8929 unsigned SizeVal = MI.getOperand(2).getImm();
8930 unsigned Align = MI.getOperand(3).getImm();
8931 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
8933 MachineFunction *MF = BB->getParent();
8934 MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF->getRegInfo();
8935 unsigned UnitSize = 0;
8936 const TargetRegisterClass *TRC = nullptr;
8937 const TargetRegisterClass *VecTRC = nullptr;
8939 bool IsThumb1 = Subtarget->isThumb1Only();
8940 bool IsThumb2 = Subtarget->isThumb2();
8941 bool IsThumb = Subtarget->isThumb();
8943 if (Align & 1) {
8944 UnitSize = 1;
8945 } else if (Align & 2) {
8946 UnitSize = 2;
8947 } else {
8948 // Check whether we can use NEON instructions.
8949 if (!MF->getFunction().hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoImplicitFloat) &&
8950 Subtarget->hasNEON()) {
8951 if ((Align % 16 == 0) && SizeVal >= 16)
8952 UnitSize = 16;
8953 else if ((Align % 8 == 0) && SizeVal >= 8)
8954 UnitSize = 8;
8955 }
8956 // Can't use NEON instructions.
8957 if (UnitSize == 0)
8958 UnitSize = 4;
8959 }
8961 // Select the correct opcode and register class for unit size load/store
8962 bool IsNeon = UnitSize >= 8;
8963 TRC = IsThumb ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass : &ARM::GPRRegClass;
8964 if (IsNeon)
8965 VecTRC = UnitSize == 16 ? &ARM::DPairRegClass
8966 : UnitSize == 8 ? &ARM::DPRRegClass
8967 : nullptr;
8969 unsigned BytesLeft = SizeVal % UnitSize;
8970 unsigned LoopSize = SizeVal - BytesLeft;
8972 if (SizeVal <= Subtarget->getMaxInlineSizeThreshold()) {
8973 // Use LDR and STR to copy.
8974 // [scratch, srcOut] = LDR_POST(srcIn, UnitSize)
8975 // [destOut] = STR_POST(scratch, destIn, UnitSize)
8976 unsigned srcIn = src;
8977 unsigned destIn = dest;
8978 for (unsigned i = 0; i < LoopSize; i+=UnitSize) {
8979 unsigned srcOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8980 unsigned destOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8981 unsigned scratch = MRI.createVirtualRegister(IsNeon ? VecTRC : TRC);
8982 emitPostLd(BB, MI, TII, dl, UnitSize, scratch, srcIn, srcOut,
8983 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
8984 emitPostSt(BB, MI, TII, dl, UnitSize, scratch, destIn, destOut,
8985 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
8986 srcIn = srcOut;
8987 destIn = destOut;
8988 }
8990 // Handle the leftover bytes with LDRB and STRB.
8991 // [scratch, srcOut] = LDRB_POST(srcIn, 1)
8992 // [destOut] = STRB_POST(scratch, destIn, 1)
8993 for (unsigned i = 0; i < BytesLeft; i++) {
8994 unsigned srcOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8995 unsigned destOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8996 unsigned scratch = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
8997 emitPostLd(BB, MI, TII, dl, 1, scratch, srcIn, srcOut,
8998 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
8999 emitPostSt(BB, MI, TII, dl, 1, scratch, destIn, destOut,
9000 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
9001 srcIn = srcOut;
9002 destIn = destOut;
9003 }
9004 MI.eraseFromParent(); // The instruction is gone now.
9005 return BB;
9006 }
9008 // Expand the pseudo op to a loop.
9009 // thisMBB:
9010 // ...
9011 // movw varEnd, # --> with thumb2
9012 // movt varEnd, #
9013 // ldrcp varEnd, idx --> without thumb2
9014 // fallthrough --> loopMBB
9015 // loopMBB:
9016 // PHI varPhi, varEnd, varLoop
9017 // PHI srcPhi, src, srcLoop
9018 // PHI destPhi, dst, destLoop
9019 // [scratch, srcLoop] = LDR_POST(srcPhi, UnitSize)
9020 // [destLoop] = STR_POST(scratch, destPhi, UnitSize)
9021 // subs varLoop, varPhi, #UnitSize
9022 // bne loopMBB
9023 // fallthrough --> exitMBB
9024 // exitMBB:
9025 // epilogue to handle left-over bytes
9026 // [scratch, srcOut] = LDRB_POST(srcLoop, 1)
9027 // [destOut] = STRB_POST(scratch, destLoop, 1)
9028 MachineBasicBlock *loopMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9029 MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9030 MF->insert(It, loopMBB);
9031 MF->insert(It, exitMBB);
9033 // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to exitMBB.
9034 exitMBB->splice(exitMBB->begin(), BB,
9035 std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());
9036 exitMBB->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(BB);
9038 // Load an immediate to varEnd.
9039 unsigned varEnd = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9040 if (Subtarget->useMovt(*MF)) {
9041 unsigned Vtmp = varEnd;
9042 if ((LoopSize & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
9043 Vtmp = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9044 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(IsThumb ? ARM::t2MOVi16 : ARM::MOVi16), Vtmp)
9045 .addImm(LoopSize & 0xFFFF)
9046 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9048 if ((LoopSize & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
9049 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(IsThumb ? ARM::t2MOVTi16 : ARM::MOVTi16), varEnd)
9050 .addReg(Vtmp)
9051 .addImm(LoopSize >> 16)
9052 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9053 } else {
9054 MachineConstantPool *ConstantPool = MF->getConstantPool();
9055 Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(MF->getFunction().getContext());
9056 const Constant *C = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, LoopSize);
9058 // MachineConstantPool wants an explicit alignment.
9059 unsigned Align = MF->getDataLayout().getPrefTypeAlignment(Int32Ty);
9060 if (Align == 0)
9061 Align = MF->getDataLayout().getTypeAllocSize(C->getType());
9062 unsigned Idx = ConstantPool->getConstantPoolIndex(C, Align);
9064 if (IsThumb)
9065 BuildMI(*BB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDRpci))
9066 .addReg(varEnd, RegState::Define)
9067 .addConstantPoolIndex(Idx)
9068 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9069 else
9070 BuildMI(*BB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::LDRcp))
9071 .addReg(varEnd, RegState::Define)
9072 .addConstantPoolIndex(Idx)
9073 .addImm(0)
9074 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9075 }
9076 BB->addSuccessor(loopMBB);
9078 // Generate the loop body:
9079 // varPhi = PHI(varLoop, varEnd)
9080 // srcPhi = PHI(srcLoop, src)
9081 // destPhi = PHI(destLoop, dst)
9082 MachineBasicBlock *entryBB = BB;
9083 BB = loopMBB;
9084 unsigned varLoop = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9085 unsigned varPhi = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9086 unsigned srcLoop = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9087 unsigned srcPhi = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9088 unsigned destLoop = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9089 unsigned destPhi = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9091 BuildMI(*BB, BB->begin(), dl, TII->get(ARM::PHI), varPhi)
9092 .addReg(varLoop).addMBB(loopMBB)
9093 .addReg(varEnd).addMBB(entryBB);
9094 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(ARM::PHI), srcPhi)
9095 .addReg(srcLoop).addMBB(loopMBB)
9096 .addReg(src).addMBB(entryBB);
9097 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(ARM::PHI), destPhi)
9098 .addReg(destLoop).addMBB(loopMBB)
9099 .addReg(dest).addMBB(entryBB);
9101 // [scratch, srcLoop] = LDR_POST(srcPhi, UnitSize)
9102 // [destLoop] = STR_POST(scratch, destPhi, UnitSiz)
9103 unsigned scratch = MRI.createVirtualRegister(IsNeon ? VecTRC : TRC);
9104 emitPostLd(BB, BB->end(), TII, dl, UnitSize, scratch, srcPhi, srcLoop,
9105 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
9106 emitPostSt(BB, BB->end(), TII, dl, UnitSize, scratch, destPhi, destLoop,
9107 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
9109 // Decrement loop variable by UnitSize.
9110 if (IsThumb1) {
9111 BuildMI(*BB, BB->end(), dl, TII->get(ARM::tSUBi8), varLoop)
9112 .add(t1CondCodeOp())
9113 .addReg(varPhi)
9114 .addImm(UnitSize)
9115 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9116 } else {
9117 MachineInstrBuilder MIB =
9118 BuildMI(*BB, BB->end(), dl,
9119 TII->get(IsThumb2 ? ARM::t2SUBri : ARM::SUBri), varLoop);
9120 MIB.addReg(varPhi)
9121 .addImm(UnitSize)
9122 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
9123 .add(condCodeOp());
9124 MIB->getOperand(5).setReg(ARM::CPSR);
9125 MIB->getOperand(5).setIsDef(true);
9126 }
9127 BuildMI(*BB, BB->end(), dl,
9128 TII->get(IsThumb1 ? ARM::tBcc : IsThumb2 ? ARM::t2Bcc : ARM::Bcc))
9129 .addMBB(loopMBB).addImm(ARMCC::NE).addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9131 // loopMBB can loop back to loopMBB or fall through to exitMBB.
9132 BB->addSuccessor(loopMBB);
9133 BB->addSuccessor(exitMBB);
9135 // Add epilogue to handle BytesLeft.
9136 BB = exitMBB;
9137 auto StartOfExit = exitMBB->begin();
9139 // [scratch, srcOut] = LDRB_POST(srcLoop, 1)
9140 // [destOut] = STRB_POST(scratch, destLoop, 1)
9141 unsigned srcIn = srcLoop;
9142 unsigned destIn = destLoop;
9143 for (unsigned i = 0; i < BytesLeft; i++) {
9144 unsigned srcOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9145 unsigned destOut = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9146 unsigned scratch = MRI.createVirtualRegister(TRC);
9147 emitPostLd(BB, StartOfExit, TII, dl, 1, scratch, srcIn, srcOut,
9148 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
9149 emitPostSt(BB, StartOfExit, TII, dl, 1, scratch, destIn, destOut,
9150 IsThumb1, IsThumb2);
9151 srcIn = srcOut;
9152 destIn = destOut;
9153 }
9155 MI.eraseFromParent(); // The instruction is gone now.
9156 return BB;
9159MachineBasicBlock *
9160ARMTargetLowering::EmitLowered__chkstk(MachineInstr &MI,
9161 MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const {
9162 const TargetMachine &TM = getTargetMachine();
9163 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
9164 DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
9166 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"__chkstk is only supported on Windows") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"__chkstk is only supported on Windows\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9167, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9167 "__chkstk is only supported on Windows")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"__chkstk is only supported on Windows") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"__chkstk is only supported on Windows\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9167, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9168 assert(Subtarget->isThumb2() && "Windows on ARM requires Thumb-2 mode")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isThumb2() &&
"Windows on ARM requires Thumb-2 mode") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Subtarget->isThumb2() && \"Windows on ARM requires Thumb-2 mode\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9168, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9170 // __chkstk takes the number of words to allocate on the stack in R4, and
9171 // returns the stack adjustment in number of bytes in R4. This will not
9172 // clober any other registers (other than the obvious lr).
9173 //
9174 // Although, technically, IP should be considered a register which may be
9175 // clobbered, the call itself will not touch it. Windows on ARM is a pure
9176 // thumb-2 environment, so there is no interworking required. As a result, we
9177 // do not expect a veneer to be emitted by the linker, clobbering IP.
9178 //
9179 // Each module receives its own copy of __chkstk, so no import thunk is
9180 // required, again, ensuring that IP is not clobbered.
9181 //
9182 // Finally, although some linkers may theoretically provide a trampoline for
9183 // out of range calls (which is quite common due to a 32M range limitation of
9184 // branches for Thumb), we can generate the long-call version via
9185 // -mcmodel=large, alleviating the need for the trampoline which may clobber
9186 // IP.
9188 switch (TM.getCodeModel()) {
9189 case CodeModel::Small:
9190 case CodeModel::Medium:
9191 case CodeModel::Kernel:
9192 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII.get(ARM::tBL))
9193 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
9194 .addExternalSymbol("__chkstk")
9195 .addReg(ARM::R4, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Kill)
9196 .addReg(ARM::R4, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define)
9197 .addReg(ARM::R12,
9198 RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
9199 .addReg(ARM::CPSR,
9200 RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead);
9201 break;
9202 case CodeModel::Large: {
9203 MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MBB->getParent()->getRegInfo();
9204 unsigned Reg = MRI.createVirtualRegister(&ARM::rGPRRegClass);
9206 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII.get(ARM::t2MOVi32imm), Reg)
9207 .addExternalSymbol("__chkstk");
9208 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII.get(ARM::tBLXr))
9209 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
9210 .addReg(Reg, RegState::Kill)
9211 .addReg(ARM::R4, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Kill)
9212 .addReg(ARM::R4, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define)
9213 .addReg(ARM::R12,
9214 RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
9215 .addReg(ARM::CPSR,
9216 RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead);
9217 break;
9218 }
9219 }
9221 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII.get(ARM::t2SUBrr), ARM::SP)
9222 .addReg(ARM::SP, RegState::Kill)
9223 .addReg(ARM::R4, RegState::Kill)
9224 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup)
9225 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
9226 .add(condCodeOp());
9228 MI.eraseFromParent();
9229 return MBB;
9232MachineBasicBlock *
9233ARMTargetLowering::EmitLowered__dbzchk(MachineInstr &MI,
9234 MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const {
9235 DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
9236 MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
9237 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
9239 MachineBasicBlock *ContBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
9240 MF->insert(++MBB->getIterator(), ContBB);
9241 ContBB->splice(ContBB->begin(), MBB,
9242 std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), MBB->end());
9243 ContBB->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(MBB);
9244 MBB->addSuccessor(ContBB);
9246 MachineBasicBlock *TrapBB = MF->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
9247 BuildMI(TrapBB, DL, TII->get(ARM::t__brkdiv0));
9248 MF->push_back(TrapBB);
9249 MBB->addSuccessor(TrapBB);
9251 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(ARM::tCMPi8))
9252 .addReg(MI.getOperand(0).getReg())
9253 .addImm(0)
9254 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9255 BuildMI(*MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(ARM::t2Bcc))
9256 .addMBB(TrapBB)
9257 .addImm(ARMCC::EQ)
9258 .addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9260 MI.eraseFromParent();
9261 return ContBB;
9264MachineBasicBlock *
9265ARMTargetLowering::EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(MachineInstr &MI,
9266 MachineBasicBlock *BB) const {
9267 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
9268 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
9269 bool isThumb2 = Subtarget->isThumb2();
9270 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
9271 default: {
9272 MI.print(errs());
9273 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected instr type to insert")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected instr type to insert"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9273)
9274 }
9276 // Thumb1 post-indexed loads are really just single-register LDMs.
9277 case ARM::tLDR_postidx: {
9278 MachineOperand Def(MI.getOperand(1));
9279 BuildMI(*BB, MI, dl, TII->get(ARM::tLDMIA_UPD))
9280 .add(Def) // Rn_wb
9281 .add(MI.getOperand(2)) // Rn
9282 .add(MI.getOperand(3)) // PredImm
9283 .add(MI.getOperand(4)) // PredReg
9284 .add(MI.getOperand(0)); // Rt
9285 MI.eraseFromParent();
9286 return BB;
9287 }
9289 // The Thumb2 pre-indexed stores have the same MI operands, they just
9290 // define them differently in the .td files from the isel patterns, so
9291 // they need pseudos.
9292 case ARM::t2STR_preidx:
9293 MI.setDesc(TII->get(ARM::t2STR_PRE));
9294 return BB;
9295 case ARM::t2STRB_preidx:
9296 MI.setDesc(TII->get(ARM::t2STRB_PRE));
9297 return BB;
9298 case ARM::t2STRH_preidx:
9299 MI.setDesc(TII->get(ARM::t2STRH_PRE));
9300 return BB;
9302 case ARM::STRi_preidx:
9303 case ARM::STRBi_preidx: {
9304 unsigned NewOpc = MI.getOpcode() == ARM::STRi_preidx ? ARM::STR_PRE_IMM
9306 // Decode the offset.
9307 unsigned Offset = MI.getOperand(4).getImm();
9308 bool isSub = ARM_AM::getAM2Op(Offset) == ARM_AM::sub;
9309 Offset = ARM_AM::getAM2Offset(Offset);
9310 if (isSub)
9311 Offset = -Offset;
9313 MachineMemOperand *MMO = *MI.memoperands_begin();
9314 BuildMI(*BB, MI, dl, TII->get(NewOpc))
9315 .add(MI.getOperand(0)) // Rn_wb
9316 .add(MI.getOperand(1)) // Rt
9317 .add(MI.getOperand(2)) // Rn
9318 .addImm(Offset) // offset (skip GPR==zero_reg)
9319 .add(MI.getOperand(5)) // pred
9320 .add(MI.getOperand(6))
9321 .addMemOperand(MMO);
9322 MI.eraseFromParent();
9323 return BB;
9324 }
9325 case ARM::STRr_preidx:
9326 case ARM::STRBr_preidx:
9327 case ARM::STRH_preidx: {
9328 unsigned NewOpc;
9329 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
9330 default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected opcode!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected opcode!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9330)
9331 case ARM::STRr_preidx: NewOpc = ARM::STR_PRE_REG; break;
9332 case ARM::STRBr_preidx: NewOpc = ARM::STRB_PRE_REG; break;
9333 case ARM::STRH_preidx: NewOpc = ARM::STRH_PRE; break;
9334 }
9335 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(*BB, MI, dl, TII->get(NewOpc));
9336 for (unsigned i = 0; i < MI.getNumOperands(); ++i)
9337 MIB.add(MI.getOperand(i));
9338 MI.eraseFromParent();
9339 return BB;
9340 }
9342 case ARM::tMOVCCr_pseudo: {
9343 // To "insert" a SELECT_CC instruction, we actually have to insert the
9344 // diamond control-flow pattern. The incoming instruction knows the
9345 // destination vreg to set, the condition code register to branch on, the
9346 // true/false values to select between, and a branch opcode to use.
9347 const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
9348 MachineFunction::iterator It = ++BB->getIterator();
9350 // thisMBB:
9351 // ...
9352 // TrueVal = ...
9353 // cmpTY ccX, r1, r2
9354 // bCC copy1MBB
9355 // fallthrough --> copy0MBB
9356 MachineBasicBlock *thisMBB = BB;
9357 MachineFunction *F = BB->getParent();
9358 MachineBasicBlock *copy0MBB = F->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9359 MachineBasicBlock *sinkMBB = F->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9360 F->insert(It, copy0MBB);
9361 F->insert(It, sinkMBB);
9363 // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to sinkMBB.
9364 sinkMBB->splice(sinkMBB->begin(), BB,
9365 std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());
9366 sinkMBB->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(BB);
9368 BB->addSuccessor(copy0MBB);
9369 BB->addSuccessor(sinkMBB);
9371 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(ARM::tBcc))
9372 .addMBB(sinkMBB)
9373 .addImm(MI.getOperand(3).getImm())
9374 .addReg(MI.getOperand(4).getReg());
9376 // copy0MBB:
9377 // %FalseValue = ...
9378 // # fallthrough to sinkMBB
9379 BB = copy0MBB;
9381 // Update machine-CFG edges
9382 BB->addSuccessor(sinkMBB);
9384 // sinkMBB:
9385 // %Result = phi [ %FalseValue, copy0MBB ], [ %TrueValue, thisMBB ]
9386 // ...
9387 BB = sinkMBB;
9388 BuildMI(*BB, BB->begin(), dl, TII->get(ARM::PHI), MI.getOperand(0).getReg())
9389 .addReg(MI.getOperand(1).getReg())
9390 .addMBB(copy0MBB)
9391 .addReg(MI.getOperand(2).getReg())
9392 .addMBB(thisMBB);
9394 MI.eraseFromParent(); // The pseudo instruction is gone now.
9395 return BB;
9396 }
9398 case ARM::BCCi64:
9399 case ARM::BCCZi64: {
9400 // If there is an unconditional branch to the other successor, remove it.
9401 BB->erase(std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());
9403 // Compare both parts that make up the double comparison separately for
9404 // equality.
9405 bool RHSisZero = MI.getOpcode() == ARM::BCCZi64;
9407 unsigned LHS1 = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
9408 unsigned LHS2 = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();
9409 if (RHSisZero) {
9410 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2CMPri : ARM::CMPri))
9411 .addReg(LHS1)
9412 .addImm(0)
9413 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9414 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2CMPri : ARM::CMPri))
9415 .addReg(LHS2).addImm(0)
9416 .addImm(ARMCC::EQ).addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9417 } else {
9418 unsigned RHS1 = MI.getOperand(3).getReg();
9419 unsigned RHS2 = MI.getOperand(4).getReg();
9420 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2CMPrr : ARM::CMPrr))
9421 .addReg(LHS1)
9422 .addReg(RHS1)
9423 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9424 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2CMPrr : ARM::CMPrr))
9425 .addReg(LHS2).addReg(RHS2)
9426 .addImm(ARMCC::EQ).addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9427 }
9429 MachineBasicBlock *destMBB = MI.getOperand(RHSisZero ? 3 : 5).getMBB();
9430 MachineBasicBlock *exitMBB = OtherSucc(BB, destMBB);
9431 if (MI.getOperand(0).getImm() == ARMCC::NE)
9432 std::swap(destMBB, exitMBB);
9434 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2Bcc : ARM::Bcc))
9435 .addMBB(destMBB).addImm(ARMCC::EQ).addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9436 if (isThumb2)
9437 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(ARM::t2B))
9438 .addMBB(exitMBB)
9439 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9440 else
9441 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(ARM::B)) .addMBB(exitMBB);
9443 MI.eraseFromParent(); // The pseudo instruction is gone now.
9444 return BB;
9445 }
9447 case ARM::Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp:
9448 case ARM::Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp_nofp:
9449 case ARM::tInt_eh_sjlj_setjmp:
9450 case ARM::t2Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp:
9451 case ARM::t2Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp_nofp:
9452 return BB;
9454 case ARM::Int_eh_sjlj_setup_dispatch:
9455 EmitSjLjDispatchBlock(MI, BB);
9456 return BB;
9458 case ARM::ABS:
9459 case ARM::t2ABS: {
9460 // To insert an ABS instruction, we have to insert the
9461 // diamond control-flow pattern. The incoming instruction knows the
9462 // source vreg to test against 0, the destination vreg to set,
9463 // the condition code register to branch on, the
9464 // true/false values to select between, and a branch opcode to use.
9465 // It transforms
9466 // V1 = ABS V0
9467 // into
9468 // V2 = MOVS V0
9469 // BCC (branch to SinkBB if V0 >= 0)
9470 // RSBBB: V3 = RSBri V2, 0 (compute ABS if V2 < 0)
9471 // SinkBB: V1 = PHI(V2, V3)
9472 const BasicBlock *LLVM_BB = BB->getBasicBlock();
9473 MachineFunction::iterator BBI = ++BB->getIterator();
9474 MachineFunction *Fn = BB->getParent();
9475 MachineBasicBlock *RSBBB = Fn->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9476 MachineBasicBlock *SinkBB = Fn->CreateMachineBasicBlock(LLVM_BB);
9477 Fn->insert(BBI, RSBBB);
9478 Fn->insert(BBI, SinkBB);
9480 unsigned int ABSSrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
9481 unsigned int ABSDstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
9482 bool ABSSrcKIll = MI.getOperand(1).isKill();
9483 bool isThumb2 = Subtarget->isThumb2();
9484 MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = Fn->getRegInfo();
9485 // In Thumb mode S must not be specified if source register is the SP or
9486 // PC and if destination register is the SP, so restrict register class
9487 unsigned NewRsbDstReg =
9488 MRI.createVirtualRegister(isThumb2 ? &ARM::rGPRRegClass : &ARM::GPRRegClass);
9490 // Transfer the remainder of BB and its successor edges to sinkMBB.
9491 SinkBB->splice(SinkBB->begin(), BB,
9492 std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI)), BB->end());
9493 SinkBB->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(BB);
9495 BB->addSuccessor(RSBBB);
9496 BB->addSuccessor(SinkBB);
9498 // fall through to SinkMBB
9499 RSBBB->addSuccessor(SinkBB);
9501 // insert a cmp at the end of BB
9502 BuildMI(BB, dl, TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2CMPri : ARM::CMPri))
9503 .addReg(ABSSrcReg)
9504 .addImm(0)
9505 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL));
9507 // insert a bcc with opposite CC to ARMCC::MI at the end of BB
9508 BuildMI(BB, dl,
9509 TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2Bcc : ARM::Bcc)).addMBB(SinkBB)
9510 .addImm(ARMCC::getOppositeCondition(ARMCC::MI)).addReg(ARM::CPSR);
9512 // insert rsbri in RSBBB
9513 // Note: BCC and rsbri will be converted into predicated rsbmi
9514 // by if-conversion pass
9515 BuildMI(*RSBBB, RSBBB->begin(), dl,
9516 TII->get(isThumb2 ? ARM::t2RSBri : ARM::RSBri), NewRsbDstReg)
9517 .addReg(ABSSrcReg, ABSSrcKIll ? RegState::Kill : 0)
9518 .addImm(0)
9519 .add(predOps(ARMCC::AL))
9520 .add(condCodeOp());
9522 // insert PHI in SinkBB,
9523 // reuse ABSDstReg to not change uses of ABS instruction
9524 BuildMI(*SinkBB, SinkBB->begin(), dl,
9525 TII->get(ARM::PHI), ABSDstReg)
9526 .addReg(NewRsbDstReg).addMBB(RSBBB)
9527 .addReg(ABSSrcReg).addMBB(BB);
9529 // remove ABS instruction
9530 MI.eraseFromParent();
9532 // return last added BB
9533 return SinkBB;
9534 }
9536 ++NumLoopByVals;
9537 return EmitStructByval(MI, BB);
9538 case ARM::WIN__CHKSTK:
9539 return EmitLowered__chkstk(MI, BB);
9540 case ARM::WIN__DBZCHK:
9541 return EmitLowered__dbzchk(MI, BB);
9542 }
9545/// \brief Attaches vregs to MEMCPY that it will use as scratch registers
9546/// when it is expanded into LDM/STM. This is done as a post-isel lowering
9547/// instead of as a custom inserter because we need the use list from the SDNode.
9548static void attachMEMCPYScratchRegs(const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget,
9549 MachineInstr &MI, const SDNode *Node) {
9550 bool isThumb1 = Subtarget->isThumb1Only();
9552 DebugLoc DL = MI.getDebugLoc();
9553 MachineFunction *MF = MI.getParent()->getParent();
9554 MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF->getRegInfo();
9555 MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*MF, MI);
9557 // If the new dst/src is unused mark it as dead.
9558 if (!Node->hasAnyUseOfValue(0)) {
9559 MI.getOperand(0).setIsDead(true);
9560 }
9561 if (!Node->hasAnyUseOfValue(1)) {
9562 MI.getOperand(1).setIsDead(true);
9563 }
9565 // The MEMCPY both defines and kills the scratch registers.
9566 for (unsigned I = 0; I != MI.getOperand(4).getImm(); ++I) {
9567 unsigned TmpReg = MRI.createVirtualRegister(isThumb1 ? &ARM::tGPRRegClass
9568 : &ARM::GPRRegClass);
9569 MIB.addReg(TmpReg, RegState::Define|RegState::Dead);
9570 }
9573void ARMTargetLowering::AdjustInstrPostInstrSelection(MachineInstr &MI,
9574 SDNode *Node) const {
9575 if (MI.getOpcode() == ARM::MEMCPY) {
9576 attachMEMCPYScratchRegs(Subtarget, MI, Node);
9577 return;
9578 }
9580 const MCInstrDesc *MCID = &MI.getDesc();
9581 // Adjust potentially 's' setting instructions after isel, i.e. ADC, SBC, RSB,
9582 // RSC. Coming out of isel, they have an implicit CPSR def, but the optional
9583 // operand is still set to noreg. If needed, set the optional operand's
9584 // register to CPSR, and remove the redundant implicit def.
9585 //
9586 // e.g. ADCS (..., implicit-def CPSR) -> ADC (... opt:def CPSR).
9588 // Rename pseudo opcodes.
9589 unsigned NewOpc = convertAddSubFlagsOpcode(MI.getOpcode());
9590 unsigned ccOutIdx;
9591 if (NewOpc) {
9592 const ARMBaseInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
9593 MCID = &TII->get(NewOpc);
9595 assert(MCID->getNumOperands() ==(static_cast <bool> (MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc
().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && "converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out"
" (and, on Thumb1, pred)") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && \"converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out\" \" (and, on Thumb1, pred)\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9598, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9596 MI.getDesc().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize()(static_cast <bool> (MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc
().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && "converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out"
" (and, on Thumb1, pred)") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && \"converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out\" \" (and, on Thumb1, pred)\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9598, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9597 && "converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out"(static_cast <bool> (MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc
().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && "converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out"
" (and, on Thumb1, pred)") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && \"converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out\" \" (and, on Thumb1, pred)\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9598, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9598 " (and, on Thumb1, pred)")(static_cast <bool> (MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc
().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && "converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out"
" (and, on Thumb1, pred)") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCID->getNumOperands() == MI.getDesc().getNumOperands() + 5 - MI.getDesc().getSize() && \"converted opcode should be the same except for cc_out\" \" (and, on Thumb1, pred)\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9598, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9600 MI.setDesc(*MCID);
9602 // Add the optional cc_out operand
9603 MI.addOperand(MachineOperand::CreateReg(0, /*isDef=*/true));
9605 // On Thumb1, move all input operands to the end, then add the predicate
9606 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
9607 for (unsigned c = MCID->getNumOperands() - 4; c--;) {
9608 MI.addOperand(MI.getOperand(1));
9609 MI.RemoveOperand(1);
9610 }
9612 // Restore the ties
9613 for (unsigned i = MI.getNumOperands(); i--;) {
9614 const MachineOperand& op = MI.getOperand(i);
9615 if (op.isReg() && op.isUse()) {
9616 int DefIdx = MCID->getOperandConstraint(i, MCOI::TIED_TO);
9617 if (DefIdx != -1)
9618 MI.tieOperands(DefIdx, i);
9619 }
9620 }
9622 MI.addOperand(MachineOperand::CreateImm(ARMCC::AL));
9623 MI.addOperand(MachineOperand::CreateReg(0, /*isDef=*/false));
9624 ccOutIdx = 1;
9625 } else
9626 ccOutIdx = MCID->getNumOperands() - 1;
9627 } else
9628 ccOutIdx = MCID->getNumOperands() - 1;
9630 // Any ARM instruction that sets the 's' bit should specify an optional
9631 // "cc_out" operand in the last operand position.
9632 if (!MI.hasOptionalDef() || !MCID->OpInfo[ccOutIdx].isOptionalDef()) {
9633 assert(!NewOpc && "Optional cc_out operand required")(static_cast <bool> (!NewOpc && "Optional cc_out operand required"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!NewOpc && \"Optional cc_out operand required\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9633, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9634 return;
9635 }
9636 // Look for an implicit def of CPSR added by MachineInstr ctor. Remove it
9637 // since we already have an optional CPSR def.
9638 bool definesCPSR = false;
9639 bool deadCPSR = false;
9640 for (unsigned i = MCID->getNumOperands(), e = MI.getNumOperands(); i != e;
9641 ++i) {
9642 const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(i);
9643 if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg() == ARM::CPSR) {
9644 definesCPSR = true;
9645 if (MO.isDead())
9646 deadCPSR = true;
9647 MI.RemoveOperand(i);
9648 break;
9649 }
9650 }
9651 if (!definesCPSR) {
9652 assert(!NewOpc && "Optional cc_out operand required")(static_cast <bool> (!NewOpc && "Optional cc_out operand required"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!NewOpc && \"Optional cc_out operand required\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9652, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9653 return;
9654 }
9655 assert(deadCPSR == !Node->hasAnyUseOfValue(1) && "inconsistent dead flag")(static_cast <bool> (deadCPSR == !Node->hasAnyUseOfValue
(1) && "inconsistent dead flag") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("deadCPSR == !Node->hasAnyUseOfValue(1) && \"inconsistent dead flag\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9655, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9656 if (deadCPSR) {
9657 assert(!MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx).getReg() &&(static_cast <bool> (!MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx).getReg() &&
"expect uninitialized optional cc_out operand") ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("!MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx).getReg() && \"expect uninitialized optional cc_out operand\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9658, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9658 "expect uninitialized optional cc_out operand")(static_cast <bool> (!MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx).getReg() &&
"expect uninitialized optional cc_out operand") ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("!MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx).getReg() && \"expect uninitialized optional cc_out operand\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9658, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
9659 // Thumb1 instructions must have the S bit even if the CPSR is dead.
9660 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
9661 return;
9662 }
9664 // If this instruction was defined with an optional CPSR def and its dag node
9665 // had a live implicit CPSR def, then activate the optional CPSR def.
9666 MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(ccOutIdx);
9667 MO.setReg(ARM::CPSR);
9668 MO.setIsDef(true);
9672// ARM Optimization Hooks
9675// Helper function that checks if N is a null or all ones constant.
9676static inline bool isZeroOrAllOnes(SDValue N, bool AllOnes) {
9677 return AllOnes ? isAllOnesConstant(N) : isNullConstant(N);
9680// Return true if N is conditionally 0 or all ones.
9681// Detects these expressions where cc is an i1 value:
9683// (select cc 0, y) [AllOnes=0]
9684// (select cc y, 0) [AllOnes=0]
9685// (zext cc) [AllOnes=0]
9686// (sext cc) [AllOnes=0/1]
9687// (select cc -1, y) [AllOnes=1]
9688// (select cc y, -1) [AllOnes=1]
9690// Invert is set when N is the null/all ones constant when CC is false.
9691// OtherOp is set to the alternative value of N.
9692static bool isConditionalZeroOrAllOnes(SDNode *N, bool AllOnes,
9693 SDValue &CC, bool &Invert,
9694 SDValue &OtherOp,
9695 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
9696 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
9697 default: return false;
9698 case ISD::SELECT: {
9699 CC = N->getOperand(0);
9700 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
9701 SDValue N2 = N->getOperand(2);
9702 if (isZeroOrAllOnes(N1, AllOnes)) {
9703 Invert = false;
9704 OtherOp = N2;
9705 return true;
9706 }
9707 if (isZeroOrAllOnes(N2, AllOnes)) {
9708 Invert = true;
9709 OtherOp = N1;
9710 return true;
9711 }
9712 return false;
9713 }
9714 case ISD::ZERO_EXTEND:
9715 // (zext cc) can never be the all ones value.
9716 if (AllOnes)
9717 return false;
9718 LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
9719 case ISD::SIGN_EXTEND: {
9720 SDLoc dl(N);
9721 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
9722 CC = N->getOperand(0);
9723 if (CC.getValueType() != MVT::i1 || CC.getOpcode() != ISD::SETCC)
9724 return false;
9725 Invert = !AllOnes;
9726 if (AllOnes)
9727 // When looking for an AllOnes constant, N is an sext, and the 'other'
9728 // value is 0.
9729 OtherOp = DAG.getConstant(0, dl, VT);
9730 else if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND)
9731 // When looking for a 0 constant, N can be zext or sext.
9732 OtherOp = DAG.getConstant(1, dl, VT);
9733 else
9734 OtherOp = DAG.getConstant(APInt::getAllOnesValue(VT.getSizeInBits()), dl,
9735 VT);
9736 return true;
9737 }
9738 }
9741// Combine a constant select operand into its use:
9743// (add (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (add, x, c))
9744// (sub x, (select cc, 0, c)) -> (select cc, x, (sub, x, c))
9745// (and (select cc, -1, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (and, x, c)) [AllOnes=1]
9746// (or (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (or, x, c))
9747// (xor (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (xor, x, c))
9749// The transform is rejected if the select doesn't have a constant operand that
9750// is null, or all ones when AllOnes is set.
9752// Also recognize sext/zext from i1:
9754// (add (zext cc), x) -> (select cc (add x, 1), x)
9755// (add (sext cc), x) -> (select cc (add x, -1), x)
9757// These transformations eventually create predicated instructions.
9759// @param N The node to transform.
9760// @param Slct The N operand that is a select.
9761// @param OtherOp The other N operand (x above).
9762// @param DCI Context.
9763// @param AllOnes Require the select constant to be all ones instead of null.
9764// @returns The new node, or SDValue() on failure.
9766SDValue combineSelectAndUse(SDNode *N, SDValue Slct, SDValue OtherOp,
9767 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
9768 bool AllOnes = false) {
9769 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
9770 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
9771 SDValue NonConstantVal;
9772 SDValue CCOp;
9773 bool SwapSelectOps;
9774 if (!isConditionalZeroOrAllOnes(Slct.getNode(), AllOnes, CCOp, SwapSelectOps,
9775 NonConstantVal, DAG))
9776 return SDValue();
9778 // Slct is now know to be the desired identity constant when CC is true.
9779 SDValue TrueVal = OtherOp;
9780 SDValue FalseVal = DAG.getNode(N->getOpcode(), SDLoc(N), VT,
9781 OtherOp, NonConstantVal);
9782 // Unless SwapSelectOps says CC should be false.
9783 if (SwapSelectOps)
9784 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
9786 return DAG.getNode(ISD::SELECT, SDLoc(N), VT,
9787 CCOp, TrueVal, FalseVal);
9790// Attempt combineSelectAndUse on each operand of a commutative operator N.
9792SDValue combineSelectAndUseCommutative(SDNode *N, bool AllOnes,
9793 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
9794 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
9795 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
9796 if (N0.getNode()->hasOneUse())
9797 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUse(N, N0, N1, DCI, AllOnes))
9798 return Result;
9799 if (N1.getNode()->hasOneUse())
9800 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUse(N, N1, N0, DCI, AllOnes))
9801 return Result;
9802 return SDValue();
9805static bool IsVUZPShuffleNode(SDNode *N) {
9806 // VUZP shuffle node.
9807 if (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VUZP)
9808 return true;
9810 // "VUZP" on i32 is an alias for VTRN.
9811 if (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VTRN && N->getValueType(0) == MVT::v2i32)
9812 return true;
9814 return false;
9817static SDValue AddCombineToVPADD(SDNode *N, SDValue N0, SDValue N1,
9818 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
9819 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
9820 // Look for ADD(VUZP.0, VUZP.1).
9821 if (!IsVUZPShuffleNode(N0.getNode()) || N0.getNode() != N1.getNode() ||
9822 N0 == N1)
9823 return SDValue();
9825 // Make sure the ADD is a 64-bit add; there is no 128-bit VPADD.
9826 if (!N->getValueType(0).is64BitVector())
9827 return SDValue();
9829 // Generate vpadd.
9830 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
9831 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
9832 SDLoc dl(N);
9833 SDNode *Unzip = N0.getNode();
9834 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
9836 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
9837 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpadd, dl,
9838 TLI.getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout())));
9839 Ops.push_back(Unzip->getOperand(0));
9840 Ops.push_back(Unzip->getOperand(1));
9842 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT, Ops);
9845static SDValue AddCombineVUZPToVPADDL(SDNode *N, SDValue N0, SDValue N1,
9846 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
9847 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
9848 // Check for two extended operands.
9849 if (!(N0.getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND &&
9850 N1.getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND) &&
9851 !(N0.getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND &&
9852 N1.getOpcode() == ISD::ZERO_EXTEND))
9853 return SDValue();
9855 SDValue N00 = N0.getOperand(0);
9856 SDValue N10 = N1.getOperand(0);
9858 // Look for ADD(SEXT(VUZP.0), SEXT(VUZP.1))
9859 if (!IsVUZPShuffleNode(N00.getNode()) || N00.getNode() != N10.getNode() ||
9860 N00 == N10)
9861 return SDValue();
9863 // We only recognize Q register paddl here; this can't be reached until
9864 // after type legalization.
9865 if (!N00.getValueType().is64BitVector() ||
9866 !N0.getValueType().is128BitVector())
9867 return SDValue();
9869 // Generate vpaddl.
9870 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
9871 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
9872 SDLoc dl(N);
9873 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
9875 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
9876 // Form vpaddl.sN or vpaddl.uN depending on the kind of extension.
9877 unsigned Opcode;
9878 if (N0.getOpcode() == ISD::SIGN_EXTEND)
9879 Opcode = Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddls;
9880 else
9881 Opcode = Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddlu;
9882 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(Opcode, dl,
9883 TLI.getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout())));
9884 EVT ElemTy = N00.getValueType().getVectorElementType();
9885 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
9886 EVT ConcatVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), ElemTy, NumElts * 2);
9887 SDValue Concat = DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, SDLoc(N), ConcatVT,
9888 N00.getOperand(0), N00.getOperand(1));
9889 Ops.push_back(Concat);
9891 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, VT, Ops);
9894// FIXME: This function shouldn't be necessary; if we lower BUILD_VECTOR in
9895// an appropriate manner, we end up with ADD(VUZP(ZEXT(N))), which is
9896// much easier to match.
9897static SDValue
9898AddCombineBUILD_VECTORToVPADDL(SDNode *N, SDValue N0, SDValue N1,
9899 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
9900 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
9901 // Only perform optimization if after legalize, and if NEON is available. We
9902 // also expected both operands to be BUILD_VECTORs.
9903 if (DCI.isBeforeLegalize() || !Subtarget->hasNEON()
9904 || N0.getOpcode() != ISD::BUILD_VECTOR
9905 || N1.getOpcode() != ISD::BUILD_VECTOR)
9906 return SDValue();
9908 // Check output type since VPADDL operand elements can only be 8, 16, or 32.
9909 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
9910 if (!VT.isInteger() || VT.getVectorElementType() == MVT::i64)
9911 return SDValue();
9913 // Check that the vector operands are of the right form.
9914 // N0 and N1 are BUILD_VECTOR nodes with N number of EXTRACT_VECTOR
9915 // operands, where N is the size of the formed vector.
9916 // Each EXTRACT_VECTOR should have the same input vector and odd or even
9917 // index such that we have a pair wise add pattern.
9919 // Grab the vector that all EXTRACT_VECTOR nodes should be referencing.
9920 if (N0->getOperand(0)->getOpcode() != ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT)
9921 return SDValue();
9922 SDValue Vec = N0->getOperand(0)->getOperand(0);
9923 SDNode *V = Vec.getNode();
9924 unsigned nextIndex = 0;
9926 // For each operands to the ADD which are BUILD_VECTORs,
9927 // check to see if each of their operands are an EXTRACT_VECTOR with
9928 // the same vector and appropriate index.
9929 for (unsigned i = 0, e = N0->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
9930 if (N0->getOperand(i)->getOpcode() == ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT
9931 && N1->getOperand(i)->getOpcode() == ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT) {
9933 SDValue ExtVec0 = N0->getOperand(i);
9934 SDValue ExtVec1 = N1->getOperand(i);
9936 // First operand is the vector, verify its the same.
9937 if (V != ExtVec0->getOperand(0).getNode() ||
9938 V != ExtVec1->getOperand(0).getNode())
9939 return SDValue();
9941 // Second is the constant, verify its correct.
9942 ConstantSDNode *C0 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(ExtVec0->getOperand(1));
9943 ConstantSDNode *C1 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(ExtVec1->getOperand(1));
9945 // For the constant, we want to see all the even or all the odd.
9946 if (!C0 || !C1 || C0->getZExtValue() != nextIndex
9947 || C1->getZExtValue() != nextIndex+1)
9948 return SDValue();
9950 // Increment index.
9951 nextIndex+=2;
9952 } else
9953 return SDValue();
9954 }
9956 // Don't generate vpaddl+vmovn; we'll match it to vpadd later. Also make sure
9957 // we're using the entire input vector, otherwise there's a size/legality
9958 // mismatch somewhere.
9959 if (nextIndex != Vec.getValueType().getVectorNumElements() ||
9960 Vec.getValueType().getVectorElementType() == VT.getVectorElementType())
9961 return SDValue();
9963 // Create VPADDL node.
9964 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
9965 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
9967 SDLoc dl(N);
9969 // Build operand list.
9970 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
9971 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(Intrinsic::arm_neon_vpaddls, dl,
9972 TLI.getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout())));
9974 // Input is the vector.
9975 Ops.push_back(Vec);
9977 // Get widened type and narrowed type.
9978 MVT widenType;
9979 unsigned numElem = VT.getVectorNumElements();
9981 EVT inputLaneType = Vec.getValueType().getVectorElementType();
9982 switch (inputLaneType.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
9983 case MVT::i8: widenType = MVT::getVectorVT(MVT::i16, numElem); break;
9984 case MVT::i16: widenType = MVT::getVectorVT(MVT::i32, numElem); break;
9985 case MVT::i32: widenType = MVT::getVectorVT(MVT::i64, numElem); break;
9986 default:
9987 llvm_unreachable("Invalid vector element type for padd optimization.")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Invalid vector element type for padd optimization."
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 9987)
9988 }
9990 SDValue tmp = DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, widenType, Ops);
9991 unsigned ExtOp = VT.bitsGT(tmp.getValueType()) ? ISD::ANY_EXTEND : ISD::TRUNCATE;
9992 return DAG.getNode(ExtOp, dl, VT, tmp);
9995static SDValue findMUL_LOHI(SDValue V) {
9996 if (V->getOpcode() == ISD::UMUL_LOHI ||
9997 V->getOpcode() == ISD::SMUL_LOHI)
9998 return V;
9999 return SDValue();
10002static SDValue AddCombineTo64BitSMLAL16(SDNode *AddcNode, SDNode *AddeNode,
10003 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10004 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10005 if (Subtarget->isThumb()) {
10006 if (!Subtarget->hasDSP())
10007 return SDValue();
10008 } else if (!Subtarget->hasV5TEOps())
10009 return SDValue();
10011 // SMLALBB, SMLALBT, SMLALTB, SMLALTT multiply two 16-bit values and
10012 // accumulates the product into a 64-bit value. The 16-bit values will
10013 // be sign extended somehow or SRA'd into 32-bit values
10014 // (addc (adde (mul 16bit, 16bit), lo), hi)
10015 SDValue Mul = AddcNode->getOperand(0);
10016 SDValue Lo = AddcNode->getOperand(1);
10017 if (Mul.getOpcode() != ISD::MUL) {
10018 Lo = AddcNode->getOperand(0);
10019 Mul = AddcNode->getOperand(1);
10020 if (Mul.getOpcode() != ISD::MUL)
10021 return SDValue();
10022 }
10024 SDValue SRA = AddeNode->getOperand(0);
10025 SDValue Hi = AddeNode->getOperand(1);
10026 if (SRA.getOpcode() != ISD::SRA) {
10027 SRA = AddeNode->getOperand(1);
10028 Hi = AddeNode->getOperand(0);
10029 if (SRA.getOpcode() != ISD::SRA)
10030 return SDValue();
10031 }
10032 if (auto Const = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(SRA.getOperand(1))) {
10033 if (Const->getZExtValue() != 31)
10034 return SDValue();
10035 } else
10036 return SDValue();
10038 if (SRA.getOperand(0) != Mul)
10039 return SDValue();
10041 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10042 SDLoc dl(AddcNode);
10043 unsigned Opcode = 0;
10044 SDValue Op0;
10045 SDValue Op1;
10047 if (isS16(Mul.getOperand(0), DAG) && isS16(Mul.getOperand(1), DAG)) {
10048 Opcode = ARMISD::SMLALBB;
10049 Op0 = Mul.getOperand(0);
10050 Op1 = Mul.getOperand(1);
10051 } else if (isS16(Mul.getOperand(0), DAG) && isSRA16(Mul.getOperand(1))) {
10052 Opcode = ARMISD::SMLALBT;
10053 Op0 = Mul.getOperand(0);
10054 Op1 = Mul.getOperand(1).getOperand(0);
10055 } else if (isSRA16(Mul.getOperand(0)) && isS16(Mul.getOperand(1), DAG)) {
10056 Opcode = ARMISD::SMLALTB;
10057 Op0 = Mul.getOperand(0).getOperand(0);
10058 Op1 = Mul.getOperand(1);
10059 } else if (isSRA16(Mul.getOperand(0)) && isSRA16(Mul.getOperand(1))) {
10060 Opcode = ARMISD::SMLALTT;
10061 Op0 = Mul->getOperand(0).getOperand(0);
10062 Op1 = Mul->getOperand(1).getOperand(0);
10063 }
10065 if (!Op0 || !Op1)
10066 return SDValue();
10068 SDValue SMLAL = DAG.getNode(Opcode, dl, DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
10069 Op0, Op1, Lo, Hi);
10070 // Replace the ADDs' nodes uses by the MLA node's values.
10071 SDValue HiMLALResult(SMLAL.getNode(), 1);
10072 SDValue LoMLALResult(SMLAL.getNode(), 0);
10074 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddcNode, 0), LoMLALResult);
10075 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddeNode, 0), HiMLALResult);
10077 // Return original node to notify the driver to stop replacing.
10078 SDValue resNode(AddcNode, 0);
10079 return resNode;
10082static SDValue AddCombineTo64bitMLAL(SDNode *AddeSubeNode,
10083 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10084 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10085 // Look for multiply add opportunities.
10086 // The pattern is a ISD::UMUL_LOHI followed by two add nodes, where
10087 // each add nodes consumes a value from ISD::UMUL_LOHI and there is
10088 // a glue link from the first add to the second add.
10089 // If we find this pattern, we can replace the U/SMUL_LOHI, ADDC, and ADDE by
10090 // a S/UMLAL instruction.
10091 // UMUL_LOHI
10092 // / :lo \ :hi
10093 // V \ [no multiline comment]
10094 // loAdd -> ADDC |
10095 // \ :carry /
10096 // V V
10097 // ADDE <- hiAdd
10098 //
10099 // In the special case where only the higher part of a signed result is used
10100 // and the add to the low part of the result of ISD::UMUL_LOHI adds or subtracts
10101 // a constant with the exact value of 0x80000000, we recognize we are dealing
10102 // with a "rounded multiply and add" (or subtract) and transform it into
10103 // either a ARMISD::SMMLAR or ARMISD::SMMLSR respectively.
10105 assert((AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE ||(static_cast <bool> ((AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD
::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) &&
"Expect an ADDE or SUBE") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) && \"Expect an ADDE or SUBE\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10107, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10106 AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) &&(static_cast <bool> ((AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD
::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) &&
"Expect an ADDE or SUBE") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) && \"Expect an ADDE or SUBE\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10107, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10107 "Expect an ADDE or SUBE")(static_cast <bool> ((AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD
::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) &&
"Expect an ADDE or SUBE") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE || AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE) && \"Expect an ADDE or SUBE\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10107, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10109 assert(AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() == 3 &&(static_cast <bool> (AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() ==
3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() ==
MVT::i32 && "ADDE node has the wrong inputs") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() == 3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"ADDE node has the wrong inputs\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10111, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10110 AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() ==
3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() ==
MVT::i32 && "ADDE node has the wrong inputs") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() == 3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"ADDE node has the wrong inputs\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10111, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10111 "ADDE node has the wrong inputs")(static_cast <bool> (AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() ==
3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() ==
MVT::i32 && "ADDE node has the wrong inputs") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("AddeSubeNode->getNumOperands() == 3 && AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getValueType() == MVT::i32 && \"ADDE node has the wrong inputs\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10111, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10113 // Check that we are chained to the right ADDC or SUBC node.
10114 SDNode *AddcSubcNode = AddeSubeNode->getOperand(2).getNode();
10115 if ((AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE &&
10116 AddcSubcNode->getOpcode() != ARMISD::ADDC) ||
10117 (AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBE &&
10118 AddcSubcNode->getOpcode() != ARMISD::SUBC))
10119 return SDValue();
10121 SDValue AddcSubcOp0 = AddcSubcNode->getOperand(0);
10122 SDValue AddcSubcOp1 = AddcSubcNode->getOperand(1);
10124 // Check if the two operands are from the same mul_lohi node.
10125 if (AddcSubcOp0.getNode() == AddcSubcOp1.getNode())
10126 return SDValue();
10128 assert(AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() == 2 &&(static_cast <bool> (AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() ==
2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 &&
"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32") ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() == 2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 && \"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10130, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10129 AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 &&(static_cast <bool> (AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() ==
2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 &&
"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32") ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() == 2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 && \"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10130, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10130 "Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32")(static_cast <bool> (AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() ==
2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 &&
"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32") ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("AddcSubcNode->getNumValues() == 2 && AddcSubcNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 && \"Expect ADDC with two result values. First: i32\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 10130, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
10132 // Check that the ADDC adds the low result of the S/UMUL_LOHI. If not, it
10133 // maybe a SMLAL which multiplies two 16-bit values.
10134 if (AddeSubeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE &&
10135 AddcSubcOp0->getOpcode() != ISD::UMUL_LOHI &&
10136 AddcSubcOp0->getOpcode() != ISD::SMUL_LOHI &&
10137 AddcSubcOp1->getOpcode() != ISD::UMUL_LOHI &&
10138 AddcSubcOp1->getOpcode() != ISD::SMUL_LOHI)
10139 return AddCombineTo64BitSMLAL16(AddcSubcNode, AddeSubeNode, DCI, Subtarget);
10141 // Check for the triangle shape.
10142 SDValue AddeSubeOp0 = AddeSubeNode->getOperand(0);
10143 SDValue AddeSubeOp1 = AddeSubeNode->getOperand(1);
10145 // Make sure that the ADDE/SUBE operands are not coming from the same node.
10146 if (AddeSubeOp0.getNode() == AddeSubeOp1.getNode())
10147 return SDValue();
10149 // Find the MUL_LOHI node walking up ADDE/SUBE's operands.
10150 bool IsLeftOperandMUL = false;
10151 SDValue MULOp = findMUL_LOHI(AddeSubeOp0);
10152 if (MULOp == SDValue())
10153 MULOp = findMUL_LOHI(AddeSubeOp1);
10154 else
10155 IsLeftOperandMUL = true;
10156 if (MULOp == SDValue())
10157 return SDValue();
10159 // Figure out the right opcode.
10160 unsigned Opc = MULOp->getOpcode();
10161 unsigned FinalOpc = (Opc == ISD::SMUL_LOHI) ? ARMISD::SMLAL : ARMISD::UMLAL;
10163 // Figure out the high and low input values to the MLAL node.
10164 SDValue *HiAddSub = nullptr;
10165 SDValue *LoMul = nullptr;
10166 SDValue *LowAddSub = nullptr;
10168 // Ensure that ADDE/SUBE is from high result of ISD::xMUL_LOHI.
10169 if ((AddeSubeOp0 != MULOp.getValue(1)) && (AddeSubeOp1 != MULOp.getValue(1)))
10170 return SDValue();
10172 if (IsLeftOperandMUL)
10173 HiAddSub = &AddeSubeOp1;
10174 else
10175 HiAddSub = &AddeSubeOp0;
10177 // Ensure that LoMul and LowAddSub are taken from correct ISD::SMUL_LOHI node
10178 // whose low result is fed to the ADDC/SUBC we are checking.
10180 if (AddcSubcOp0 == MULOp.getValue(0)) {
10181 LoMul = &AddcSubcOp0;
10182 LowAddSub = &AddcSubcOp1;
10183 }
10184 if (AddcSubcOp1 == MULOp.getValue(0)) {
10185 LoMul = &AddcSubcOp1;
10186 LowAddSub = &AddcSubcOp0;
10187 }
10189 if (!LoMul)
10190 return SDValue();
10192 // If HiAddSub is the same node as ADDC/SUBC or is a predecessor of ADDC/SUBC
10193 // the replacement below will create a cycle.
10194 if (AddcSubcNode == HiAddSub->getNode() ||
10195 AddcSubcNode->isPredecessorOf(HiAddSub->getNode()))
10196 return SDValue();
10198 // Create the merged node.
10199 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10201 // Start building operand list.
10202 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
10203 Ops.push_back(LoMul->getOperand(0));
10204 Ops.push_back(LoMul->getOperand(1));
10206 // Check whether we can use SMMLAR, SMMLSR or SMMULR instead. For this to be
10207 // the case, we must be doing signed multiplication and only use the higher
10208 // part of the result of the MLAL, furthermore the LowAddSub must be a constant
10209 // addition or subtraction with the value of 0x800000.
10210 if (Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && Subtarget->hasDSP() && Subtarget->useMulOps() &&
10211 FinalOpc == ARMISD::SMLAL && !AddeSubeNode->hasAnyUseOfValue(1) &&
10212 LowAddSub->getNode()->getOpcode() == ISD::Constant &&
10213 static_cast<ConstantSDNode *>(LowAddSub->getNode())->getZExtValue() ==
10214 0x80000000) {
10215 Ops.push_back(*HiAddSub);
10216 if (AddcSubcNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBC) {
10217 FinalOpc = ARMISD::SMMLSR;
10218 } else {
10219 FinalOpc = ARMISD::SMMLAR;
10220 }
10221 SDValue NewNode = DAG.getNode(FinalOpc, SDLoc(AddcSubcNode), MVT::i32, Ops);
10222 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddeSubeNode, 0), NewNode);
10224 return SDValue(AddeSubeNode, 0);
10225 } else if (AddcSubcNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBC)
10226 // SMMLS is generated during instruction selection and the rest of this
10227 // function can not handle the case where AddcSubcNode is a SUBC.
10228 return SDValue();
10230 // Finish building the operand list for {U/S}MLAL
10231 Ops.push_back(*LowAddSub);
10232 Ops.push_back(*HiAddSub);
10234 SDValue MLALNode = DAG.getNode(FinalOpc, SDLoc(AddcSubcNode),
10235 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Ops);
10237 // Replace the ADDs' nodes uses by the MLA node's values.
10238 SDValue HiMLALResult(MLALNode.getNode(), 1);
10239 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddeSubeNode, 0), HiMLALResult);
10241 SDValue LoMLALResult(MLALNode.getNode(), 0);
10242 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddcSubcNode, 0), LoMLALResult);
10244 // Return original node to notify the driver to stop replacing.
10245 return SDValue(AddeSubeNode, 0);
10248static SDValue AddCombineTo64bitUMAAL(SDNode *AddeNode,
10249 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10250 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10251 // UMAAL is similar to UMLAL except that it adds two unsigned values.
10252 // While trying to combine for the other MLAL nodes, first search for the
10253 // chance to use UMAAL. Check if Addc uses a node which has already
10254 // been combined into a UMLAL. The other pattern is UMLAL using Addc/Adde
10255 // as the addend, and it's handled in PerformUMLALCombine.
10257 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops() || !Subtarget->hasDSP())
10258 return AddCombineTo64bitMLAL(AddeNode, DCI, Subtarget);
10260 // Check that we have a glued ADDC node.
10261 SDNode* AddcNode = AddeNode->getOperand(2).getNode();
10262 if (AddcNode->getOpcode() != ARMISD::ADDC)
10263 return SDValue();
10265 // Find the converted UMAAL or quit if it doesn't exist.
10266 SDNode *UmlalNode = nullptr;
10267 SDValue AddHi;
10268 if (AddcNode->getOperand(0).getOpcode() == ARMISD::UMLAL) {
10269 UmlalNode = AddcNode->getOperand(0).getNode();
10270 AddHi = AddcNode->getOperand(1);
10271 } else if (AddcNode->getOperand(1).getOpcode() == ARMISD::UMLAL) {
10272 UmlalNode = AddcNode->getOperand(1).getNode();
10273 AddHi = AddcNode->getOperand(0);
10274 } else {
10275 return AddCombineTo64bitMLAL(AddeNode, DCI, Subtarget);
10276 }
10278 // The ADDC should be glued to an ADDE node, which uses the same UMLAL as
10279 // the ADDC as well as Zero.
10280 if (!isNullConstant(UmlalNode->getOperand(3)))
10281 return SDValue();
10283 if ((isNullConstant(AddeNode->getOperand(0)) &&
10284 AddeNode->getOperand(1).getNode() == UmlalNode) ||
10285 (AddeNode->getOperand(0).getNode() == UmlalNode &&
10286 isNullConstant(AddeNode->getOperand(1)))) {
10287 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10288 SDValue Ops[] = { UmlalNode->getOperand(0), UmlalNode->getOperand(1),
10289 UmlalNode->getOperand(2), AddHi };
10290 SDValue UMAAL = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::UMAAL, SDLoc(AddcNode),
10291 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32), Ops);
10293 // Replace the ADDs' nodes uses by the UMAAL node's values.
10294 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddeNode, 0), SDValue(UMAAL.getNode(), 1));
10295 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(AddcNode, 0), SDValue(UMAAL.getNode(), 0));
10297 // Return original node to notify the driver to stop replacing.
10298 return SDValue(AddeNode, 0);
10299 }
10300 return SDValue();
10303static SDValue PerformUMLALCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
10304 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10305 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops() || !Subtarget->hasDSP())
10306 return SDValue();
10308 // Check that we have a pair of ADDC and ADDE as operands.
10309 // Both addends of the ADDE must be zero.
10310 SDNode* AddcNode = N->getOperand(2).getNode();
10311 SDNode* AddeNode = N->getOperand(3).getNode();
10312 if ((AddcNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDC) &&
10313 (AddeNode->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE) &&
10314 isNullConstant(AddeNode->getOperand(0)) &&
10315 isNullConstant(AddeNode->getOperand(1)) &&
10316 (AddeNode->getOperand(2).getNode() == AddcNode))
10317 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::UMAAL, SDLoc(N),
10318 DAG.getVTList(MVT::i32, MVT::i32),
10319 {N->getOperand(0), N->getOperand(1),
10320 AddcNode->getOperand(0), AddcNode->getOperand(1)});
10321 else
10322 return SDValue();
10325static SDValue PerformAddcSubcCombine(SDNode *N,
10326 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10327 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10328 SelectionDAG &DAG(DCI.DAG);
10330 if (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::SUBC) {
10331 // (SUBC (ADDE 0, 0, C), 1) -> C
10332 SDValue LHS = N->getOperand(0);
10333 SDValue RHS = N->getOperand(1);
10334 if (LHS->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE &&
10335 isNullConstant(LHS->getOperand(0)) &&
10336 isNullConstant(LHS->getOperand(1)) && isOneConstant(RHS)) {
10337 return DCI.CombineTo(N, SDValue(N, 0), LHS->getOperand(2));
10338 }
10339 }
10341 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
10342 SDValue RHS = N->getOperand(1);
10343 if (ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(RHS)) {
10344 int32_t imm = C->getSExtValue();
10345 if (imm < 0 && imm > std::numeric_limits<int>::min()) {
10346 SDLoc DL(N);
10347 RHS = DAG.getConstant(-imm, DL, MVT::i32);
10348 unsigned Opcode = (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDC) ? ARMISD::SUBC
10349 : ARMISD::ADDC;
10350 return DAG.getNode(Opcode, DL, N->getVTList(), N->getOperand(0), RHS);
10351 }
10352 }
10353 }
10354 return SDValue();
10357static SDValue PerformAddeSubeCombine(SDNode *N,
10358 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10359 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10360 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
10361 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10362 SDValue RHS = N->getOperand(1);
10363 if (ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(RHS)) {
10364 int64_t imm = C->getSExtValue();
10365 if (imm < 0) {
10366 SDLoc DL(N);
10368 // The with-carry-in form matches bitwise not instead of the negation.
10369 // Effectively, the inverse interpretation of the carry flag already
10370 // accounts for part of the negation.
10371 RHS = DAG.getConstant(~imm, DL, MVT::i32);
10373 unsigned Opcode = (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE) ? ARMISD::SUBE
10374 : ARMISD::ADDE;
10375 return DAG.getNode(Opcode, DL, N->getVTList(),
10376 N->getOperand(0), RHS, N->getOperand(2));
10377 }
10378 }
10379 } else if (N->getOperand(1)->getOpcode() == ISD::SMUL_LOHI) {
10380 return AddCombineTo64bitMLAL(N, DCI, Subtarget);
10381 }
10382 return SDValue();
10385/// PerformADDECombine - Target-specific dag combine transform from
10388static SDValue PerformADDECombine(SDNode *N,
10389 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10390 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10391 // Only ARM and Thumb2 support UMLAL/SMLAL.
10392 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
10393 return PerformAddeSubeCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
10395 // Only perform the checks after legalize when the pattern is available.
10396 if (DCI.isBeforeLegalize()) return SDValue();
10398 return AddCombineTo64bitUMAAL(N, DCI, Subtarget);
10401/// PerformADDCombineWithOperands - Try DAG combinations for an ADD with
10402/// operands N0 and N1. This is a helper for PerformADDCombine that is
10403/// called with the default operands, and if that fails, with commuted
10404/// operands.
10405static SDValue PerformADDCombineWithOperands(SDNode *N, SDValue N0, SDValue N1,
10406 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10407 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget){
10408 // Attempt to create vpadd for this add.
10409 if (SDValue Result = AddCombineToVPADD(N, N0, N1, DCI, Subtarget))
10410 return Result;
10412 // Attempt to create vpaddl for this add.
10413 if (SDValue Result = AddCombineVUZPToVPADDL(N, N0, N1, DCI, Subtarget))
10414 return Result;
10415 if (SDValue Result = AddCombineBUILD_VECTORToVPADDL(N, N0, N1, DCI,
10416 Subtarget))
10417 return Result;
10419 // fold (add (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (add, x, c))
10420 if (N0.getNode()->hasOneUse())
10421 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUse(N, N0, N1, DCI))
10422 return Result;
10423 return SDValue();
10426static SDValue PerformSHLSimplify(SDNode *N,
10427 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10428 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
10429 // Allow the generic combiner to identify potential bswaps.
10430 if (DCI.isBeforeLegalize())
10431 return SDValue();
10433 // DAG combiner will fold:
10434 // (shl (add x, c1), c2) -> (add (shl x, c2), c1 << c2)
10435 // (shl (or x, c1), c2) -> (or (shl x, c2), c1 << c2
10436 // Other code patterns that can be also be modified have the following form:
10437 // b + ((a << 1) | 510)
10438 // b + ((a << 1) & 510)
10439 // b + ((a << 1) ^ 510)
10440 // b + ((a << 1) + 510)
10442 // Many instructions can perform the shift for free, but it requires both
10443 // the operands to be registers. If c1 << c2 is too large, a mov immediate
10444 // instruction will needed. So, unfold back to the original pattern if:
10445 // - if c1 and c2 are small enough that they don't require mov imms.
10446 // - the user(s) of the node can perform an shl
10448 // No shifted operands for 16-bit instructions.
10449 if (ST->isThumb() && ST->isThumb1Only())
10450 return SDValue();
10452 // Check that all the users could perform the shl themselves.
10453 for (auto U : N->uses()) {
10454 switch(U->getOpcode()) {
10455 default:
10456 return SDValue();
10457 case ISD::SUB:
10458 case ISD::ADD:
10459 case ISD::AND:
10460 case ISD::OR:
10461 case ISD::XOR:
10462 case ISD::SETCC:
10463 case ARMISD::CMP:
10464 // Check that the user isn't already using a constant because there
10465 // aren't any instructions that support an immediate operand and a
10466 // shifted operand.
10467 if (isa<ConstantSDNode>(U->getOperand(0)) ||
10468 isa<ConstantSDNode>(U->getOperand(1)))
10469 return SDValue();
10471 // Check that it's not already using a shift.
10472 if (U->getOperand(0).getOpcode() == ISD::SHL ||
10473 U->getOperand(1).getOpcode() == ISD::SHL)
10474 return SDValue();
10475 break;
10476 }
10477 }
10479 if (N->getOpcode() != ISD::ADD && N->getOpcode() != ISD::OR &&
10480 N->getOpcode() != ISD::XOR && N->getOpcode() != ISD::AND)
10481 return SDValue();
10483 if (N->getOperand(0).getOpcode() != ISD::SHL)
10484 return SDValue();
10486 SDValue SHL = N->getOperand(0);
10488 auto *C1ShlC2 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(1));
10489 auto *C2 = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(SHL.getOperand(1));
10490 if (!C1ShlC2 || !C2)
10491 return SDValue();
10493 APInt C2Int = C2->getAPIntValue();
10494 APInt C1Int = C1ShlC2->getAPIntValue();
10496 // Check that performing a lshr will not lose any information.
10497 APInt Mask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(C2Int.getBitWidth(),
10498 C2Int.getBitWidth() - C2->getZExtValue());
10499 if ((C1Int & Mask) != C1Int)
10500 return SDValue();
10502 // Shift the first constant.
10503 C1Int.lshrInPlace(C2Int);
10505 // The immediates are encoded as an 8-bit value that can be rotated.
10506 auto LargeImm = [](const APInt &Imm) {
10507 unsigned Zeros = Imm.countLeadingZeros() + Imm.countTrailingZeros();
10508 return Imm.getBitWidth() - Zeros > 8;
10509 };
10511 if (LargeImm(C1Int) || LargeImm(C2Int))
10512 return SDValue();
10514 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10515 SDLoc dl(N);
10516 SDValue X = SHL.getOperand(0);
10517 SDValue BinOp = DAG.getNode(N->getOpcode(), dl, MVT::i32, X,
10518 DAG.getConstant(C1Int, dl, MVT::i32));
10519 // Shift left to compensate for the lshr of C1Int.
10520 SDValue Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, MVT::i32, BinOp, SHL.getOperand(1));
10522 DEBUG(dbgs() << "Simplify shl use:\n"; SHL.getOperand(0).dump(); SHL.dump();do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { dbgs() << "Simplify shl use:\n"; SHL.getOperand
(0).dump(); SHL.dump(); N->dump(); } } while (false)
10523 N->dump())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { dbgs() << "Simplify shl use:\n"; SHL.getOperand
(0).dump(); SHL.dump(); N->dump(); } } while (false)
10524 DEBUG(dbgs() << "Into:\n"; X.dump(); BinOp.dump(); Res.dump())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { dbgs() << "Into:\n"; X.dump(); BinOp.dump
(); Res.dump(); } } while (false)
10526 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(SDValue(N, 0), Res);
10527 return SDValue(N, 0);
10531/// PerformADDCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for ISD::ADD.
10533static SDValue PerformADDCombine(SDNode *N,
10534 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10535 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10536 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
10537 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
10539 // Only works one way, because it needs an immediate operand.
10540 if (SDValue Result = PerformSHLSimplify(N, DCI, Subtarget))
10541 return Result;
10543 // First try with the default operand order.
10544 if (SDValue Result = PerformADDCombineWithOperands(N, N0, N1, DCI, Subtarget))
10545 return Result;
10547 // If that didn't work, try again with the operands commuted.
10548 return PerformADDCombineWithOperands(N, N1, N0, DCI, Subtarget);
10551/// PerformSUBCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for ISD::SUB.
10553static SDValue PerformSUBCombine(SDNode *N,
10554 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
10555 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
10556 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
10558 // fold (sub x, (select cc, 0, c)) -> (select cc, x, (sub, x, c))
10559 if (N1.getNode()->hasOneUse())
10560 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUse(N, N1, N0, DCI))
10561 return Result;
10563 return SDValue();
10566/// PerformVMULCombine
10567/// Distribute (A + B) * C to (A * C) + (B * C) to take advantage of the
10568/// special multiplier accumulator forwarding.
10569/// vmul d3, d0, d2
10570/// vmla d3, d1, d2
10571/// is faster than
10572/// vadd d3, d0, d1
10573/// vmul d3, d3, d2
10574// However, for (A + B) * (A + B),
10575// vadd d2, d0, d1
10576// vmul d3, d0, d2
10577// vmla d3, d1, d2
10578// is slower than
10579// vadd d2, d0, d1
10580// vmul d3, d2, d2
10581static SDValue PerformVMULCombine(SDNode *N,
10582 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10583 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10584 if (!Subtarget->hasVMLxForwarding())
10585 return SDValue();
10587 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10588 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
10589 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
10590 unsigned Opcode = N0.getOpcode();
10591 if (Opcode != ISD::ADD && Opcode != ISD::SUB &&
10592 Opcode != ISD::FADD && Opcode != ISD::FSUB) {
10593 Opcode = N1.getOpcode();
10594 if (Opcode != ISD::ADD && Opcode != ISD::SUB &&
10595 Opcode != ISD::FADD && Opcode != ISD::FSUB)
10596 return SDValue();
10597 std::swap(N0, N1);
10598 }
10600 if (N0 == N1)
10601 return SDValue();
10603 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
10604 SDLoc DL(N);
10605 SDValue N00 = N0->getOperand(0);
10606 SDValue N01 = N0->getOperand(1);
10607 return DAG.getNode(Opcode, DL, VT,
10608 DAG.getNode(ISD::MUL, DL, VT, N00, N1),
10609 DAG.getNode(ISD::MUL, DL, VT, N01, N1));
10612static SDValue PerformMULCombine(SDNode *N,
10613 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10614 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10615 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10617 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
10618 return SDValue();
10620 if (DCI.isBeforeLegalize() || DCI.isCalledByLegalizer())
10621 return SDValue();
10623 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
10624 if (VT.is64BitVector() || VT.is128BitVector())
10625 return PerformVMULCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
10626 if (VT != MVT::i32)
10627 return SDValue();
10629 ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(1));
10630 if (!C)
10631 return SDValue();
10633 int64_t MulAmt = C->getSExtValue();
10634 unsigned ShiftAmt = countTrailingZeros<uint64_t>(MulAmt);
10636 ShiftAmt = ShiftAmt & (32 - 1);
10637 SDValue V = N->getOperand(0);
10638 SDLoc DL(N);
10640 SDValue Res;
10641 MulAmt >>= ShiftAmt;
10643 if (MulAmt >= 0) {
10644 if (isPowerOf2_32(MulAmt - 1)) {
10645 // (mul x, 2^N + 1) => (add (shl x, N), x)
10646 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT,
10647 V,
10648 DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT,
10649 V,
10650 DAG.getConstant(Log2_32(MulAmt - 1), DL,
10651 MVT::i32)));
10652 } else if (isPowerOf2_32(MulAmt + 1)) {
10653 // (mul x, 2^N - 1) => (sub (shl x, N), x)
10654 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, VT,
10655 DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT,
10656 V,
10657 DAG.getConstant(Log2_32(MulAmt + 1), DL,
10658 MVT::i32)),
10659 V);
10660 } else
10661 return SDValue();
10662 } else {
10663 uint64_t MulAmtAbs = -MulAmt;
10664 if (isPowerOf2_32(MulAmtAbs + 1)) {
10665 // (mul x, -(2^N - 1)) => (sub x, (shl x, N))
10666 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, VT,
10667 V,
10668 DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT,
10669 V,
10670 DAG.getConstant(Log2_32(MulAmtAbs + 1), DL,
10671 MVT::i32)));
10672 } else if (isPowerOf2_32(MulAmtAbs - 1)) {
10673 // (mul x, -(2^N + 1)) => - (add (shl x, N), x)
10674 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT,
10675 V,
10676 DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT,
10677 V,
10678 DAG.getConstant(Log2_32(MulAmtAbs - 1), DL,
10679 MVT::i32)));
10680 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, VT,
10681 DAG.getConstant(0, DL, MVT::i32), Res);
10682 } else
10683 return SDValue();
10684 }
10686 if (ShiftAmt != 0)
10687 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT,
10688 Res, DAG.getConstant(ShiftAmt, DL, MVT::i32));
10690 // Do not add new nodes to DAG combiner worklist.
10691 DCI.CombineTo(N, Res, false);
10692 return SDValue();
10695static SDValue PerformANDCombine(SDNode *N,
10696 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10697 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10698 // Attempt to use immediate-form VBIC
10699 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN = dyn_cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(N->getOperand(1));
10700 SDLoc dl(N);
10701 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
10702 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10704 if(!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT))
10705 return SDValue();
10707 APInt SplatBits, SplatUndef;
10708 unsigned SplatBitSize;
10709 bool HasAnyUndefs;
10710 if (BVN &&
10711 BVN->isConstantSplat(SplatBits, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize, HasAnyUndefs)) {
10712 if (SplatBitSize <= 64) {
10713 EVT VbicVT;
10714 SDValue Val = isNEONModifiedImm((~SplatBits).getZExtValue(),
10715 SplatUndef.getZExtValue(), SplatBitSize,
10716 DAG, dl, VbicVT, VT.is128BitVector(),
10717 OtherModImm);
10718 if (Val.getNode()) {
10719 SDValue Input =
10720 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VbicVT, N->getOperand(0));
10721 SDValue Vbic = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VBICIMM, dl, VbicVT, Input, Val);
10722 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vbic);
10723 }
10724 }
10725 }
10727 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
10728 // fold (and (select cc, -1, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (and, x, c))
10729 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUseCommutative(N, true, DCI))
10730 return Result;
10732 if (SDValue Result = PerformSHLSimplify(N, DCI, Subtarget))
10733 return Result;
10734 }
10736 return SDValue();
10739// Try combining OR nodes to SMULWB, SMULWT.
10740static SDValue PerformORCombineToSMULWBT(SDNode *OR,
10741 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10742 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10743 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops() ||
10744 (Subtarget->isThumb() &&
10745 (!Subtarget->hasThumb2() || !Subtarget->hasDSP())))
10746 return SDValue();
10748 SDValue SRL = OR->getOperand(0);
10749 SDValue SHL = OR->getOperand(1);
10751 if (SRL.getOpcode() != ISD::SRL || SHL.getOpcode() != ISD::SHL) {
10752 SRL = OR->getOperand(1);
10753 SHL = OR->getOperand(0);
10754 }
10755 if (!isSRL16(SRL) || !isSHL16(SHL))
10756 return SDValue();
10758 // The first operands to the shifts need to be the two results from the
10759 // same smul_lohi node.
10760 if ((SRL.getOperand(0).getNode() != SHL.getOperand(0).getNode()) ||
10761 SRL.getOperand(0).getOpcode() != ISD::SMUL_LOHI)
10762 return SDValue();
10764 SDNode *SMULLOHI = SRL.getOperand(0).getNode();
10765 if (SRL.getOperand(0) != SDValue(SMULLOHI, 0) ||
10766 SHL.getOperand(0) != SDValue(SMULLOHI, 1))
10767 return SDValue();
10769 // Now we have:
10770 // (or (srl (smul_lohi ?, ?), 16), (shl (smul_lohi ?, ?), 16)))
10771 // For SMUL[B|T] smul_lohi will take a 32-bit and a 16-bit arguments.
10772 // For SMUWB the 16-bit value will signed extended somehow.
10773 // For SMULWT only the SRA is required.
10774 // Check both sides of SMUL_LOHI
10775 SDValue OpS16 = SMULLOHI->getOperand(0);
10776 SDValue OpS32 = SMULLOHI->getOperand(1);
10778 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10779 if (!isS16(OpS16, DAG) && !isSRA16(OpS16)) {
10780 OpS16 = OpS32;
10781 OpS32 = SMULLOHI->getOperand(0);
10782 }
10784 SDLoc dl(OR);
10785 unsigned Opcode = 0;
10786 if (isS16(OpS16, DAG))
10787 Opcode = ARMISD::SMULWB;
10788 else if (isSRA16(OpS16)) {
10789 Opcode = ARMISD::SMULWT;
10790 OpS16 = OpS16->getOperand(0);
10791 }
10792 else
10793 return SDValue();
10795 SDValue Res = DAG.getNode(Opcode, dl, MVT::i32, OpS32, OpS16);
10796 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(OR, 0), Res);
10797 return SDValue(OR, 0);
10800static SDValue PerformORCombineToBFI(SDNode *N,
10801 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10802 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10803 // BFI is only available on V6T2+
10804 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only() || !Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops())
10805 return SDValue();
10807 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
10808 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
10809 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
10810 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10811 SDLoc DL(N);
10812 // 1) or (and A, mask), val => ARMbfi A, val, mask
10813 // iff (val & mask) == val
10814 //
10815 // 2) or (and A, mask), (and B, mask2) => ARMbfi A, (lsr B, amt), mask
10816 // 2a) iff isBitFieldInvertedMask(mask) && isBitFieldInvertedMask(~mask2)
10817 // && mask == ~mask2
10818 // 2b) iff isBitFieldInvertedMask(~mask) && isBitFieldInvertedMask(mask2)
10819 // && ~mask == mask2
10820 // (i.e., copy a bitfield value into another bitfield of the same width)
10822 if (VT != MVT::i32)
10823 return SDValue();
10825 SDValue N00 = N0.getOperand(0);
10827 // The value and the mask need to be constants so we can verify this is
10828 // actually a bitfield set. If the mask is 0xffff, we can do better
10829 // via a movt instruction, so don't use BFI in that case.
10830 SDValue MaskOp = N0.getOperand(1);
10831 ConstantSDNode *MaskC = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(MaskOp);
10832 if (!MaskC)
10833 return SDValue();
10834 unsigned Mask = MaskC->getZExtValue();
10835 if (Mask == 0xffff)
10836 return SDValue();
10837 SDValue Res;
10838 // Case (1): or (and A, mask), val => ARMbfi A, val, mask
10839 ConstantSDNode *N1C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N1);
10840 if (N1C) {
10841 unsigned Val = N1C->getZExtValue();
10842 if ((Val & ~Mask) != Val)
10843 return SDValue();
10845 if (ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask(Mask)) {
10846 Val >>= countTrailingZeros(~Mask);
10848 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, DL, VT, N00,
10849 DAG.getConstant(Val, DL, MVT::i32),
10850 DAG.getConstant(Mask, DL, MVT::i32));
10852 DCI.CombineTo(N, Res, false);
10853 // Return value from the original node to inform the combiner than N is
10854 // now dead.
10855 return SDValue(N, 0);
10856 }
10857 } else if (N1.getOpcode() == ISD::AND) {
10858 // case (2) or (and A, mask), (and B, mask2) => ARMbfi A, (lsr B, amt), mask
10859 ConstantSDNode *N11C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N1.getOperand(1));
10860 if (!N11C)
10861 return SDValue();
10862 unsigned Mask2 = N11C->getZExtValue();
10864 // Mask and ~Mask2 (or reverse) must be equivalent for the BFI pattern
10865 // as is to match.
10866 if (ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask(Mask) &&
10867 (Mask == ~Mask2)) {
10868 // The pack halfword instruction works better for masks that fit it,
10869 // so use that when it's available.
10870 if (Subtarget->hasDSP() &&
10871 (Mask == 0xffff || Mask == 0xffff0000))
10872 return SDValue();
10873 // 2a
10874 unsigned amt = countTrailingZeros(Mask2);
10875 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, DL, VT, N1.getOperand(0),
10876 DAG.getConstant(amt, DL, MVT::i32));
10877 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, DL, VT, N00, Res,
10878 DAG.getConstant(Mask, DL, MVT::i32));
10879 DCI.CombineTo(N, Res, false);
10880 // Return value from the original node to inform the combiner than N is
10881 // now dead.
10882 return SDValue(N, 0);
10883 } else if (ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask(~Mask) &&
10884 (~Mask == Mask2)) {
10885 // The pack halfword instruction works better for masks that fit it,
10886 // so use that when it's available.
10887 if (Subtarget->hasDSP() &&
10888 (Mask2 == 0xffff || Mask2 == 0xffff0000))
10889 return SDValue();
10890 // 2b
10891 unsigned lsb = countTrailingZeros(Mask);
10892 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, DL, VT, N00,
10893 DAG.getConstant(lsb, DL, MVT::i32));
10894 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, DL, VT, N1.getOperand(0), Res,
10895 DAG.getConstant(Mask2, DL, MVT::i32));
10896 DCI.CombineTo(N, Res, false);
10897 // Return value from the original node to inform the combiner than N is
10898 // now dead.
10899 return SDValue(N, 0);
10900 }
10901 }
10903 if (DAG.MaskedValueIsZero(N1, MaskC->getAPIntValue()) &&
10904 N00.getOpcode() == ISD::SHL && isa<ConstantSDNode>(N00.getOperand(1)) &&
10905 ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask(~Mask)) {
10906 // Case (3): or (and (shl A, #shamt), mask), B => ARMbfi B, A, ~mask
10907 // where lsb(mask) == #shamt and masked bits of B are known zero.
10908 SDValue ShAmt = N00.getOperand(1);
10909 unsigned ShAmtC = cast<ConstantSDNode>(ShAmt)->getZExtValue();
10910 unsigned LSB = countTrailingZeros(Mask);
10911 if (ShAmtC != LSB)
10912 return SDValue();
10914 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, DL, VT, N1, N00.getOperand(0),
10915 DAG.getConstant(~Mask, DL, MVT::i32));
10917 DCI.CombineTo(N, Res, false);
10918 // Return value from the original node to inform the combiner than N is
10919 // now dead.
10920 return SDValue(N, 0);
10921 }
10923 return SDValue();
10926/// PerformORCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for ISD::OR
10927static SDValue PerformORCombine(SDNode *N,
10928 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
10929 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
10930 // Attempt to use immediate-form VORR
10931 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN = dyn_cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(N->getOperand(1));
10932 SDLoc dl(N);
10933 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
10934 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
10936 if(!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT))
10937 return SDValue();
10939 APInt SplatBits, SplatUndef;
10940 unsigned SplatBitSize;
10941 bool HasAnyUndefs;
10942 if (BVN && Subtarget->hasNEON() &&
10943 BVN->isConstantSplat(SplatBits, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize, HasAnyUndefs)) {
10944 if (SplatBitSize <= 64) {
10945 EVT VorrVT;
10946 SDValue Val = isNEONModifiedImm(SplatBits.getZExtValue(),
10947 SplatUndef.getZExtValue(), SplatBitSize,
10948 DAG, dl, VorrVT, VT.is128BitVector(),
10949 OtherModImm);
10950 if (Val.getNode()) {
10951 SDValue Input =
10952 DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VorrVT, N->getOperand(0));
10953 SDValue Vorr = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VORRIMM, dl, VorrVT, Input, Val);
10954 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vorr);
10955 }
10956 }
10957 }
10959 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
10960 // fold (or (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (or, x, c))
10961 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUseCommutative(N, false, DCI))
10962 return Result;
10963 if (SDValue Result = PerformORCombineToSMULWBT(N, DCI, Subtarget))
10964 return Result;
10965 }
10967 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
10968 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
10970 // (or (and B, A), (and C, ~A)) => (VBSL A, B, C) when A is a constant.
10971 if (Subtarget->hasNEON() && N1.getOpcode() == ISD::AND && VT.isVector() &&
10972 DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT)) {
10974 // The code below optimizes (or (and X, Y), Z).
10975 // The AND operand needs to have a single user to make these optimizations
10976 // profitable.
10977 if (N0.getOpcode() != ISD::AND || !N0.hasOneUse())
10978 return SDValue();
10980 APInt SplatUndef;
10981 unsigned SplatBitSize;
10982 bool HasAnyUndefs;
10984 APInt SplatBits0, SplatBits1;
10985 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN0 = dyn_cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(N0->getOperand(1));
10986 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN1 = dyn_cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(N1->getOperand(1));
10987 // Ensure that the second operand of both ands are constants
10988 if (BVN0 && BVN0->isConstantSplat(SplatBits0, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize,
10989 HasAnyUndefs) && !HasAnyUndefs) {
10990 if (BVN1 && BVN1->isConstantSplat(SplatBits1, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize,
10991 HasAnyUndefs) && !HasAnyUndefs) {
10992 // Ensure that the bit width of the constants are the same and that
10993 // the splat arguments are logical inverses as per the pattern we
10994 // are trying to simplify.
10995 if (SplatBits0.getBitWidth() == SplatBits1.getBitWidth() &&
10996 SplatBits0 == ~SplatBits1) {
10997 // Canonicalize the vector type to make instruction selection
10998 // simpler.
10999 EVT CanonicalVT = VT.is128BitVector() ? MVT::v4i32 : MVT::v2i32;
11000 SDValue Result = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VBSL, dl, CanonicalVT,
11001 N0->getOperand(1),
11002 N0->getOperand(0),
11003 N1->getOperand(0));
11004 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Result);
11005 }
11006 }
11007 }
11008 }
11010 // Try to use the ARM/Thumb2 BFI (bitfield insert) instruction when
11011 // reasonable.
11012 if (N0.getOpcode() == ISD::AND && N0.hasOneUse()) {
11013 if (SDValue Res = PerformORCombineToBFI(N, DCI, Subtarget))
11014 return Res;
11015 }
11017 if (SDValue Result = PerformSHLSimplify(N, DCI, Subtarget))
11018 return Result;
11020 return SDValue();
11023static SDValue PerformXORCombine(SDNode *N,
11024 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
11025 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
11026 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11027 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11029 if(!DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT))
11030 return SDValue();
11032 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
11033 // fold (xor (select cc, 0, c), x) -> (select cc, x, (xor, x, c))
11034 if (SDValue Result = combineSelectAndUseCommutative(N, false, DCI))
11035 return Result;
11037 if (SDValue Result = PerformSHLSimplify(N, DCI, Subtarget))
11038 return Result;
11039 }
11041 return SDValue();
11044// ParseBFI - given a BFI instruction in N, extract the "from" value (Rn) and return it,
11045// and fill in FromMask and ToMask with (consecutive) bits in "from" to be extracted and
11046// their position in "to" (Rd).
11047static SDValue ParseBFI(SDNode *N, APInt &ToMask, APInt &FromMask) {
11048 assert(N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::BFI)(static_cast <bool> (N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::BFI) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("N->getOpcode() == ARMISD::BFI"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11048, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11050 SDValue From = N->getOperand(1);
11051 ToMask = ~cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(2))->getAPIntValue();
11052 FromMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(ToMask.getBitWidth(), ToMask.countPopulation());
11054 // If the Base came from a SHR #C, we can deduce that it is really testing bit
11055 // #C in the base of the SHR.
11056 if (From->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL &&
11057 isa<ConstantSDNode>(From->getOperand(1))) {
11058 APInt Shift = cast<ConstantSDNode>(From->getOperand(1))->getAPIntValue();
11059 assert(Shift.getLimitedValue() < 32 && "Shift too large!")(static_cast <bool> (Shift.getLimitedValue() < 32 &&
"Shift too large!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Shift.getLimitedValue() < 32 && \"Shift too large!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11059, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11060 FromMask <<= Shift.getLimitedValue(31);
11061 From = From->getOperand(0);
11062 }
11064 return From;
11067// If A and B contain one contiguous set of bits, does A | B == A . B?
11069// Neither A nor B must be zero.
11070static bool BitsProperlyConcatenate(const APInt &A, const APInt &B) {
11071 unsigned LastActiveBitInA = A.countTrailingZeros();
11072 unsigned FirstActiveBitInB = B.getBitWidth() - B.countLeadingZeros() - 1;
11073 return LastActiveBitInA - 1 == FirstActiveBitInB;
11076static SDValue FindBFIToCombineWith(SDNode *N) {
11077 // We have a BFI in N. Follow a possible chain of BFIs and find a BFI it can combine with,
11078 // if one exists.
11079 APInt ToMask, FromMask;
11080 SDValue From = ParseBFI(N, ToMask, FromMask);
11081 SDValue To = N->getOperand(0);
11083 // Now check for a compatible BFI to merge with. We can pass through BFIs that
11084 // aren't compatible, but not if they set the same bit in their destination as
11085 // we do (or that of any BFI we're going to combine with).
11086 SDValue V = To;
11087 APInt CombinedToMask = ToMask;
11088 while (V.getOpcode() == ARMISD::BFI) {
11089 APInt NewToMask, NewFromMask;
11090 SDValue NewFrom = ParseBFI(V.getNode(), NewToMask, NewFromMask);
11091 if (NewFrom != From) {
11092 // This BFI has a different base. Keep going.
11093 CombinedToMask |= NewToMask;
11094 V = V.getOperand(0);
11095 continue;
11096 }
11098 // Do the written bits conflict with any we've seen so far?
11099 if ((NewToMask & CombinedToMask).getBoolValue())
11100 // Conflicting bits - bail out because going further is unsafe.
11101 return SDValue();
11103 // Are the new bits contiguous when combined with the old bits?
11104 if (BitsProperlyConcatenate(ToMask, NewToMask) &&
11105 BitsProperlyConcatenate(FromMask, NewFromMask))
11106 return V;
11107 if (BitsProperlyConcatenate(NewToMask, ToMask) &&
11108 BitsProperlyConcatenate(NewFromMask, FromMask))
11109 return V;
11111 // We've seen a write to some bits, so track it.
11112 CombinedToMask |= NewToMask;
11113 // Keep going...
11114 V = V.getOperand(0);
11115 }
11117 return SDValue();
11120static SDValue PerformBFICombine(SDNode *N,
11121 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11122 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
11123 if (N1.getOpcode() == ISD::AND) {
11124 // (bfi A, (and B, Mask1), Mask2) -> (bfi A, B, Mask2) iff
11125 // the bits being cleared by the AND are not demanded by the BFI.
11126 ConstantSDNode *N11C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N1.getOperand(1));
11127 if (!N11C)
11128 return SDValue();
11129 unsigned InvMask = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(2))->getZExtValue();
11130 unsigned LSB = countTrailingZeros(~InvMask);
11131 unsigned Width = (32 - countLeadingZeros(~InvMask)) - LSB;
11132 assert(Width <(static_cast <bool> (Width < static_cast<unsigned
>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && "undefined behavior"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Width < static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && \"undefined behavior\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11134, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11133 static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) &&(static_cast <bool> (Width < static_cast<unsigned
>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && "undefined behavior"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Width < static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && \"undefined behavior\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11134, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11134 "undefined behavior")(static_cast <bool> (Width < static_cast<unsigned
>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && "undefined behavior"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Width < static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits) && \"undefined behavior\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11134, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11135 unsigned Mask = (1u << Width) - 1;
11136 unsigned Mask2 = N11C->getZExtValue();
11137 if ((Mask & (~Mask2)) == 0)
11138 return DCI.DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, SDLoc(N), N->getValueType(0),
11139 N->getOperand(0), N1.getOperand(0),
11140 N->getOperand(2));
11141 } else if (N->getOperand(0).getOpcode() == ARMISD::BFI) {
11142 // We have a BFI of a BFI. Walk up the BFI chain to see how long it goes.
11143 // Keep track of any consecutive bits set that all come from the same base
11144 // value. We can combine these together into a single BFI.
11145 SDValue CombineBFI = FindBFIToCombineWith(N);
11146 if (CombineBFI == SDValue())
11147 return SDValue();
11149 // We've found a BFI.
11150 APInt ToMask1, FromMask1;
11151 SDValue From1 = ParseBFI(N, ToMask1, FromMask1);
11153 APInt ToMask2, FromMask2;
11154 SDValue From2 = ParseBFI(CombineBFI.getNode(), ToMask2, FromMask2);
11155 assert(From1 == From2)(static_cast <bool> (From1 == From2) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("From1 == From2", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11155, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11156 (void)From2;
11158 // First, unlink CombineBFI.
11159 DCI.DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(CombineBFI, CombineBFI.getOperand(0));
11160 // Then create a new BFI, combining the two together.
11161 APInt NewFromMask = FromMask1 | FromMask2;
11162 APInt NewToMask = ToMask1 | ToMask2;
11164 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11165 SDLoc dl(N);
11167 if (NewFromMask[0] == 0)
11168 From1 = DCI.DAG.getNode(
11169 ISD::SRL, dl, VT, From1,
11170 DCI.DAG.getConstant(NewFromMask.countTrailingZeros(), dl, VT));
11171 return DCI.DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, dl, VT, N->getOperand(0), From1,
11172 DCI.DAG.getConstant(~NewToMask, dl, VT));
11173 }
11174 return SDValue();
11177/// PerformVMOVRRDCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11179static SDValue PerformVMOVRRDCombine(SDNode *N,
11180 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
11181 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
11182 // vmovrrd(vmovdrr x, y) -> x,y
11183 SDValue InDouble = N->getOperand(0);
11184 if (InDouble.getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVDRR && !Subtarget->isFPOnlySP())
11185 return DCI.CombineTo(N, InDouble.getOperand(0), InDouble.getOperand(1));
11187 // vmovrrd(load f64) -> (load i32), (load i32)
11188 SDNode *InNode = InDouble.getNode();
11189 if (ISD::isNormalLoad(InNode) && InNode->hasOneUse() &&
11190 InNode->getValueType(0) == MVT::f64 &&
11191 InNode->getOperand(1).getOpcode() == ISD::FrameIndex &&
11192 !cast<LoadSDNode>(InNode)->isVolatile()) {
11193 // TODO: Should this be done for non-FrameIndex operands?
11194 LoadSDNode *LD = cast<LoadSDNode>(InNode);
11196 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11197 SDLoc DL(LD);
11198 SDValue BasePtr = LD->getBasePtr();
11199 SDValue NewLD1 =
11200 DAG.getLoad(MVT::i32, DL, LD->getChain(), BasePtr, LD->getPointerInfo(),
11201 LD->getAlignment(), LD->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
11203 SDValue OffsetPtr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, MVT::i32, BasePtr,
11204 DAG.getConstant(4, DL, MVT::i32));
11205 SDValue NewLD2 = DAG.getLoad(
11206 MVT::i32, DL, NewLD1.getValue(1), OffsetPtr, LD->getPointerInfo(),
11207 std::min(4U, LD->getAlignment() / 2), LD->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
11209 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(LD, 1), NewLD2.getValue(1));
11210 if (DCI.DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian())
11211 std::swap (NewLD1, NewLD2);
11212 SDValue Result = DCI.CombineTo(N, NewLD1, NewLD2);
11213 return Result;
11214 }
11216 return SDValue();
11219/// PerformVMOVDRRCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11220/// ARMISD::VMOVDRR. This is also used for BUILD_VECTORs with 2 operands.
11221static SDValue PerformVMOVDRRCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
11222 // N=vmovrrd(X); vmovdrr(N:0, N:1) -> bit_convert(X)
11223 SDValue Op0 = N->getOperand(0);
11224 SDValue Op1 = N->getOperand(1);
11225 if (Op0.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST)
11226 Op0 = Op0.getOperand(0);
11227 if (Op1.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST)
11228 Op1 = Op1.getOperand(0);
11229 if (Op0.getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVRRD &&
11230 Op0.getNode() == Op1.getNode() &&
11231 Op0.getResNo() == 0 && Op1.getResNo() == 1)
11232 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, SDLoc(N),
11233 N->getValueType(0), Op0.getOperand(0));
11234 return SDValue();
11237/// hasNormalLoadOperand - Check if any of the operands of a BUILD_VECTOR node
11238/// are normal, non-volatile loads. If so, it is profitable to bitcast an
11239/// i64 vector to have f64 elements, since the value can then be loaded
11240/// directly into a VFP register.
11241static bool hasNormalLoadOperand(SDNode *N) {
11242 unsigned NumElts = N->getValueType(0).getVectorNumElements();
11243 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
11244 SDNode *Elt = N->getOperand(i).getNode();
11245 if (ISD::isNormalLoad(Elt) && !cast<LoadSDNode>(Elt)->isVolatile())
11246 return true;
11247 }
11248 return false;
11251/// PerformBUILD_VECTORCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11253static SDValue PerformBUILD_VECTORCombine(SDNode *N,
11254 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
11255 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
11256 // build_vector(N=ARMISD::VMOVRRD(X), N:1) -> bit_convert(X):
11257 // VMOVRRD is introduced when legalizing i64 types. It forces the i64 value
11258 // into a pair of GPRs, which is fine when the value is used as a scalar,
11259 // but if the i64 value is converted to a vector, we need to undo the VMOVRRD.
11260 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11261 if (N->getNumOperands() == 2)
11262 if (SDValue RV = PerformVMOVDRRCombine(N, DAG))
11263 return RV;
11265 // Load i64 elements as f64 values so that type legalization does not split
11266 // them up into i32 values.
11267 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11268 if (VT.getVectorElementType() != MVT::i64 || !hasNormalLoadOperand(N))
11269 return SDValue();
11270 SDLoc dl(N);
11271 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
11272 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
11273 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElts; ++i) {
11274 SDValue V = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f64, N->getOperand(i));
11275 Ops.push_back(V);
11276 // Make the DAGCombiner fold the bitcast.
11277 DCI.AddToWorklist(V.getNode());
11278 }
11279 EVT FloatVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::f64, NumElts);
11280 SDValue BV = DAG.getBuildVector(FloatVT, dl, Ops);
11281 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, BV);
11284/// \brief Target-specific dag combine xforms for ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR.
11285static SDValue
11286PerformARMBUILD_VECTORCombine(SDNode *N, TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11287 // ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR is introduced when legalizing ISD::BUILD_VECTOR.
11288 // At that time, we may have inserted bitcasts from integer to float.
11289 // If these bitcasts have survived DAGCombine, change the lowering of this
11290 // BUILD_VECTOR in something more vector friendly, i.e., that does not
11291 // force to use floating point types.
11293 // Make sure we can change the type of the vector.
11294 // This is possible iff:
11295 // 1. The vector is only used in a bitcast to a integer type. I.e.,
11296 // 1.1. Vector is used only once.
11297 // 1.2. Use is a bit convert to an integer type.
11298 // 2. The size of its operands are 32-bits (64-bits are not legal).
11299 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11300 EVT EltVT = VT.getVectorElementType();
11302 // Check 1.1. and 2.
11303 if (EltVT.getSizeInBits() != 32 || !N->hasOneUse())
11304 return SDValue();
11306 // By construction, the input type must be float.
11307 assert(EltVT == MVT::f32 && "Unexpected type!")(static_cast <bool> (EltVT == MVT::f32 && "Unexpected type!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("EltVT == MVT::f32 && \"Unexpected type!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11307, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11309 // Check 1.2.
11310 SDNode *Use = *N->use_begin();
11311 if (Use->getOpcode() != ISD::BITCAST ||
11312 Use->getValueType(0).isFloatingPoint())
11313 return SDValue();
11315 // Check profitability.
11316 // Model is, if more than half of the relevant operands are bitcast from
11317 // i32, turn the build_vector into a sequence of insert_vector_elt.
11318 // Relevant operands are everything that is not statically
11319 // (i.e., at compile time) bitcasted.
11320 unsigned NumOfBitCastedElts = 0;
11321 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
11322 unsigned NumOfRelevantElts = NumElts;
11323 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumElts; ++Idx) {
11324 SDValue Elt = N->getOperand(Idx);
11325 if (Elt->getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST) {
11326 // Assume only bit cast to i32 will go away.
11327 if (Elt->getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::i32)
11328 ++NumOfBitCastedElts;
11329 } else if (Elt.isUndef() || isa<ConstantSDNode>(Elt))
11330 // Constants are statically casted, thus do not count them as
11331 // relevant operands.
11332 --NumOfRelevantElts;
11333 }
11335 // Check if more than half of the elements require a non-free bitcast.
11336 if (NumOfBitCastedElts <= NumOfRelevantElts / 2)
11337 return SDValue();
11339 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11340 // Create the new vector type.
11341 EVT VecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::i32, NumElts);
11342 // Check if the type is legal.
11343 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
11344 if (!TLI.isTypeLegal(VecVT))
11345 return SDValue();
11347 // Combine:
11348 // ARMISD::BUILD_VECTOR E1, E2, ..., EN.
11350 // (INSERT_VECTOR_ELT (...), (BITCAST EN-1), N-1),
11351 // (BITCAST EN), N.
11352 SDValue Vec = DAG.getUNDEF(VecVT);
11353 SDLoc dl(N);
11354 for (unsigned Idx = 0 ; Idx < NumElts; ++Idx) {
11355 SDValue V = N->getOperand(Idx);
11356 if (V.isUndef())
11357 continue;
11358 if (V.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST &&
11359 V->getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::i32)
11360 // Fold obvious case.
11361 V = V.getOperand(0);
11362 else {
11363 V = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, SDLoc(V), MVT::i32, V);
11364 // Make the DAGCombiner fold the bitcasts.
11365 DCI.AddToWorklist(V.getNode());
11366 }
11367 SDValue LaneIdx = DAG.getConstant(Idx, dl, MVT::i32);
11368 Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, VecVT, Vec, V, LaneIdx);
11369 }
11370 Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, Vec);
11371 // Make the DAGCombiner fold the bitcasts.
11372 DCI.AddToWorklist(Vec.getNode());
11373 return Vec;
11376/// PerformInsertEltCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11378static SDValue PerformInsertEltCombine(SDNode *N,
11379 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11380 // Bitcast an i64 load inserted into a vector to f64.
11381 // Otherwise, the i64 value will be legalized to a pair of i32 values.
11382 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11383 SDNode *Elt = N->getOperand(1).getNode();
11384 if (VT.getVectorElementType() != MVT::i64 ||
11385 !ISD::isNormalLoad(Elt) || cast<LoadSDNode>(Elt)->isVolatile())
11386 return SDValue();
11388 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11389 SDLoc dl(N);
11390 EVT FloatVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::f64,
11391 VT.getVectorNumElements());
11392 SDValue Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, FloatVT, N->getOperand(0));
11393 SDValue V = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::f64, N->getOperand(1));
11394 // Make the DAGCombiner fold the bitcasts.
11395 DCI.AddToWorklist(Vec.getNode());
11396 DCI.AddToWorklist(V.getNode());
11397 SDValue InsElt = DAG.getNode(ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, FloatVT,
11398 Vec, V, N->getOperand(2));
11399 return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VT, InsElt);
11402/// PerformVECTOR_SHUFFLECombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11404static SDValue PerformVECTOR_SHUFFLECombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
11405 // The LLVM shufflevector instruction does not require the shuffle mask
11406 // length to match the operand vector length, but ISD::VECTOR_SHUFFLE does
11407 // have that requirement. When translating to ISD::VECTOR_SHUFFLE, if the
11408 // operands do not match the mask length, they are extended by concatenating
11409 // them with undef vectors. That is probably the right thing for other
11410 // targets, but for NEON it is better to concatenate two double-register
11411 // size vector operands into a single quad-register size vector. Do that
11412 // transformation here:
11413 // shuffle(concat(v1, undef), concat(v2, undef)) ->
11414 // shuffle(concat(v1, v2), undef)
11415 SDValue Op0 = N->getOperand(0);
11416 SDValue Op1 = N->getOperand(1);
11417 if (Op0.getOpcode() != ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS ||
11418 Op1.getOpcode() != ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS ||
11419 Op0.getNumOperands() != 2 ||
11420 Op1.getNumOperands() != 2)
11421 return SDValue();
11422 SDValue Concat0Op1 = Op0.getOperand(1);
11423 SDValue Concat1Op1 = Op1.getOperand(1);
11424 if (!Concat0Op1.isUndef() || !Concat1Op1.isUndef())
11425 return SDValue();
11426 // Skip the transformation if any of the types are illegal.
11427 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
11428 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11429 if (!TLI.isTypeLegal(VT) ||
11430 !TLI.isTypeLegal(Concat0Op1.getValueType()) ||
11431 !TLI.isTypeLegal(Concat1Op1.getValueType()))
11432 return SDValue();
11434 SDValue NewConcat = DAG.getNode(ISD::CONCAT_VECTORS, SDLoc(N), VT,
11435 Op0.getOperand(0), Op1.getOperand(0));
11436 // Translate the shuffle mask.
11437 SmallVector<int, 16> NewMask;
11438 unsigned NumElts = VT.getVectorNumElements();
11439 unsigned HalfElts = NumElts/2;
11440 ShuffleVectorSDNode *SVN = cast<ShuffleVectorSDNode>(N);
11441 for (unsigned n = 0; n < NumElts; ++n) {
11442 int MaskElt = SVN->getMaskElt(n);
11443 int NewElt = -1;
11444 if (MaskElt < (int)HalfElts)
11445 NewElt = MaskElt;
11446 else if (MaskElt >= (int)NumElts && MaskElt < (int)(NumElts + HalfElts))
11447 NewElt = HalfElts + MaskElt - NumElts;
11448 NewMask.push_back(NewElt);
11449 }
11450 return DAG.getVectorShuffle(VT, SDLoc(N), NewConcat,
11451 DAG.getUNDEF(VT), NewMask);
11454/// CombineBaseUpdate - Target-specific DAG combine function for VLDDUP,
11455/// NEON load/store intrinsics, and generic vector load/stores, to merge
11456/// base address updates.
11457/// For generic load/stores, the memory type is assumed to be a vector.
11458/// The caller is assumed to have checked legality.
11459static SDValue CombineBaseUpdate(SDNode *N,
11460 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11461 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11462 const bool isIntrinsic = (N->getOpcode() == ISD::INTRINSIC_VOID ||
11463 N->getOpcode() == ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN);
11464 const bool isStore = N->getOpcode() == ISD::STORE;
11465 const unsigned AddrOpIdx = ((isIntrinsic || isStore) ? 2 : 1);
11466 SDValue Addr = N->getOperand(AddrOpIdx);
11467 MemSDNode *MemN = cast<MemSDNode>(N);
11468 SDLoc dl(N);
11470 // Search for a use of the address operand that is an increment.
11471 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = Addr.getNode()->use_begin(),
11472 UE = Addr.getNode()->use_end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
11473 SDNode *User = *UI;
11474 if (User->getOpcode() != ISD::ADD ||
11475 UI.getUse().getResNo() != Addr.getResNo())
11476 continue;
11478 // Check that the add is independent of the load/store. Otherwise, folding
11479 // it would create a cycle.
11480 if (User->isPredecessorOf(N) || N->isPredecessorOf(User))
11481 continue;
11483 // Find the new opcode for the updating load/store.
11484 bool isLoadOp = true;
11485 bool isLaneOp = false;
11486 unsigned NewOpc = 0;
11487 unsigned NumVecs = 0;
11488 if (isIntrinsic) {
11489 unsigned IntNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(1))->getZExtValue();
11490 switch (IntNo) {
11491 default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected intrinsic for Neon base update")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected intrinsic for Neon base update"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11491)
11492 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld1: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD1_UPD;
11493 NumVecs = 1; break;
11494 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD2_UPD;
11495 NumVecs = 2; break;
11496 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD3_UPD;
11497 NumVecs = 3; break;
11498 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD4_UPD;
11499 NumVecs = 4; break;
11500 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD2LN_UPD;
11501 NumVecs = 2; isLaneOp = true; break;
11502 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD3LN_UPD;
11503 NumVecs = 3; isLaneOp = true; break;
11504 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD4LN_UPD;
11505 NumVecs = 4; isLaneOp = true; break;
11506 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst1: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST1_UPD;
11507 NumVecs = 1; isLoadOp = false; break;
11508 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST2_UPD;
11509 NumVecs = 2; isLoadOp = false; break;
11510 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST3_UPD;
11511 NumVecs = 3; isLoadOp = false; break;
11512 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST4_UPD;
11513 NumVecs = 4; isLoadOp = false; break;
11514 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST2LN_UPD;
11515 NumVecs = 2; isLoadOp = false; isLaneOp = true; break;
11516 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST3LN_UPD;
11517 NumVecs = 3; isLoadOp = false; isLaneOp = true; break;
11518 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4lane: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST4LN_UPD;
11519 NumVecs = 4; isLoadOp = false; isLaneOp = true; break;
11520 }
11521 } else {
11522 isLaneOp = true;
11523 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
11524 default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected opcode for Neon base update")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected opcode for Neon base update"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11524)
11525 case ARMISD::VLD1DUP: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD1DUP_UPD; NumVecs = 1; break;
11526 case ARMISD::VLD2DUP: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD2DUP_UPD; NumVecs = 2; break;
11527 case ARMISD::VLD3DUP: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD3DUP_UPD; NumVecs = 3; break;
11528 case ARMISD::VLD4DUP: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD4DUP_UPD; NumVecs = 4; break;
11529 case ISD::LOAD: NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD1_UPD;
11530 NumVecs = 1; isLaneOp = false; break;
11531 case ISD::STORE: NewOpc = ARMISD::VST1_UPD;
11532 NumVecs = 1; isLaneOp = false; isLoadOp = false; break;
11533 }
11534 }
11536 // Find the size of memory referenced by the load/store.
11537 EVT VecTy;
11538 if (isLoadOp) {
11539 VecTy = N->getValueType(0);
11540 } else if (isIntrinsic) {
11541 VecTy = N->getOperand(AddrOpIdx+1).getValueType();
11542 } else {
11543 assert(isStore && "Node has to be a load, a store, or an intrinsic!")(static_cast <bool> (isStore && "Node has to be a load, a store, or an intrinsic!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isStore && \"Node has to be a load, a store, or an intrinsic!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11543, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11544 VecTy = N->getOperand(1).getValueType();
11545 }
11547 unsigned NumBytes = NumVecs * VecTy.getSizeInBits() / 8;
11548 if (isLaneOp)
11549 NumBytes /= VecTy.getVectorNumElements();
11551 // If the increment is a constant, it must match the memory ref size.
11552 SDValue Inc = User->getOperand(User->getOperand(0) == Addr ? 1 : 0);
11553 ConstantSDNode *CInc = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Inc.getNode());
11554 if (NumBytes >= 3 * 16 && (!CInc || CInc->getZExtValue() != NumBytes)) {
11555 // VLD3/4 and VST3/4 for 128-bit vectors are implemented with two
11556 // separate instructions that make it harder to use a non-constant update.
11557 continue;
11558 }
11560 // OK, we found an ADD we can fold into the base update.
11561 // Now, create a _UPD node, taking care of not breaking alignment.
11563 EVT AlignedVecTy = VecTy;
11564 unsigned Alignment = MemN->getAlignment();
11566 // If this is a less-than-standard-aligned load/store, change the type to
11567 // match the standard alignment.
11568 // The alignment is overlooked when selecting _UPD variants; and it's
11569 // easier to introduce bitcasts here than fix that.
11570 // There are 3 ways to get to this base-update combine:
11571 // - intrinsics: they are assumed to be properly aligned (to the standard
11572 // alignment of the memory type), so we don't need to do anything.
11573 // - ARMISD::VLDx nodes: they are only generated from the aforementioned
11574 // intrinsics, so, likewise, there's nothing to do.
11575 // - generic load/store instructions: the alignment is specified as an
11576 // explicit operand, rather than implicitly as the standard alignment
11577 // of the memory type (like the intrisics). We need to change the
11578 // memory type to match the explicit alignment. That way, we don't
11579 // generate non-standard-aligned ARMISD::VLDx nodes.
11580 if (isa<LSBaseSDNode>(N)) {
11581 if (Alignment == 0)
11582 Alignment = 1;
11583 if (Alignment < VecTy.getScalarSizeInBits() / 8) {
11584 MVT EltTy = MVT::getIntegerVT(Alignment * 8);
11585 assert(NumVecs == 1 && "Unexpected multi-element generic load/store.")(static_cast <bool> (NumVecs == 1 && "Unexpected multi-element generic load/store."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("NumVecs == 1 && \"Unexpected multi-element generic load/store.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11585, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11586 assert(!isLaneOp && "Unexpected generic load/store lane.")(static_cast <bool> (!isLaneOp && "Unexpected generic load/store lane."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!isLaneOp && \"Unexpected generic load/store lane.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11586, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11587 unsigned NumElts = NumBytes / (EltTy.getSizeInBits() / 8);
11588 AlignedVecTy = MVT::getVectorVT(EltTy, NumElts);
11589 }
11590 // Don't set an explicit alignment on regular load/stores that we want
11591 // to transform to VLD/VST 1_UPD nodes.
11592 // This matches the behavior of regular load/stores, which only get an
11593 // explicit alignment if the MMO alignment is larger than the standard
11594 // alignment of the memory type.
11595 // Intrinsics, however, always get an explicit alignment, set to the
11596 // alignment of the MMO.
11597 Alignment = 1;
11598 }
11600 // Create the new updating load/store node.
11601 // First, create an SDVTList for the new updating node's results.
11602 EVT Tys[6];
11603 unsigned NumResultVecs = (isLoadOp ? NumVecs : 0);
11604 unsigned n;
11605 for (n = 0; n < NumResultVecs; ++n)
11606 Tys[n] = AlignedVecTy;
11607 Tys[n++] = MVT::i32;
11608 Tys[n] = MVT::Other;
11609 SDVTList SDTys = DAG.getVTList(makeArrayRef(Tys, NumResultVecs+2));
11611 // Then, gather the new node's operands.
11612 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Ops;
11613 Ops.push_back(N->getOperand(0)); // incoming chain
11614 Ops.push_back(N->getOperand(AddrOpIdx));
11615 Ops.push_back(Inc);
11617 if (StoreSDNode *StN = dyn_cast<StoreSDNode>(N)) {
11618 // Try to match the intrinsic's signature
11619 Ops.push_back(StN->getValue());
11620 } else {
11621 // Loads (and of course intrinsics) match the intrinsics' signature,
11622 // so just add all but the alignment operand.
11623 for (unsigned i = AddrOpIdx + 1; i < N->getNumOperands() - 1; ++i)
11624 Ops.push_back(N->getOperand(i));
11625 }
11627 // For all node types, the alignment operand is always the last one.
11628 Ops.push_back(DAG.getConstant(Alignment, dl, MVT::i32));
11630 // If this is a non-standard-aligned STORE, the penultimate operand is the
11631 // stored value. Bitcast it to the aligned type.
11632 if (AlignedVecTy != VecTy && N->getOpcode() == ISD::STORE) {
11633 SDValue &StVal = Ops[Ops.size()-2];
11634 StVal = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, AlignedVecTy, StVal);
11635 }
11637 EVT LoadVT = isLaneOp ? VecTy.getVectorElementType() : AlignedVecTy;
11638 SDValue UpdN = DAG.getMemIntrinsicNode(NewOpc, dl, SDTys, Ops, LoadVT,
11639 MemN->getMemOperand());
11641 // Update the uses.
11642 SmallVector<SDValue, 5> NewResults;
11643 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumResultVecs; ++i)
11644 NewResults.push_back(SDValue(UpdN.getNode(), i));
11646 // If this is an non-standard-aligned LOAD, the first result is the loaded
11647 // value. Bitcast it to the expected result type.
11648 if (AlignedVecTy != VecTy && N->getOpcode() == ISD::LOAD) {
11649 SDValue &LdVal = NewResults[0];
11650 LdVal = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, VecTy, LdVal);
11651 }
11653 NewResults.push_back(SDValue(UpdN.getNode(), NumResultVecs+1)); // chain
11654 DCI.CombineTo(N, NewResults);
11655 DCI.CombineTo(User, SDValue(UpdN.getNode(), NumResultVecs));
11657 break;
11658 }
11659 return SDValue();
11662static SDValue PerformVLDCombine(SDNode *N,
11663 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11664 if (DCI.isBeforeLegalize() || DCI.isCalledByLegalizer())
11665 return SDValue();
11667 return CombineBaseUpdate(N, DCI);
11670/// CombineVLDDUP - For a VDUPLANE node N, check if its source operand is a
11671/// vldN-lane (N > 1) intrinsic, and if all the other uses of that intrinsic
11672/// are also VDUPLANEs. If so, combine them to a vldN-dup operation and
11673/// return true.
11674static bool CombineVLDDUP(SDNode *N, TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11675 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11676 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11677 // vldN-dup instructions only support 64-bit vectors for N > 1.
11678 if (!VT.is64BitVector())
11679 return false;
11681 // Check if the VDUPLANE operand is a vldN-dup intrinsic.
11682 SDNode *VLD = N->getOperand(0).getNode();
11683 if (VLD->getOpcode() != ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN)
11684 return false;
11685 unsigned NumVecs = 0;
11686 unsigned NewOpc = 0;
11687 unsigned IntNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(VLD->getOperand(1))->getZExtValue();
11688 if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2lane) {
11689 NumVecs = 2;
11690 NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD2DUP;
11691 } else if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3lane) {
11692 NumVecs = 3;
11693 NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD3DUP;
11694 } else if (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4lane) {
11695 NumVecs = 4;
11696 NewOpc = ARMISD::VLD4DUP;
11697 } else {
11698 return false;
11699 }
11701 // First check that all the vldN-lane uses are VDUPLANEs and that the lane
11702 // numbers match the load.
11703 unsigned VLDLaneNo =
11704 cast<ConstantSDNode>(VLD->getOperand(NumVecs+3))->getZExtValue();
11705 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = VLD->use_begin(), UE = VLD->use_end();
11706 UI != UE; ++UI) {
11707 // Ignore uses of the chain result.
11708 if (UI.getUse().getResNo() == NumVecs)
11709 continue;
11710 SDNode *User = *UI;
11711 if (User->getOpcode() != ARMISD::VDUPLANE ||
11712 VLDLaneNo != cast<ConstantSDNode>(User->getOperand(1))->getZExtValue())
11713 return false;
11714 }
11716 // Create the vldN-dup node.
11717 EVT Tys[5];
11718 unsigned n;
11719 for (n = 0; n < NumVecs; ++n)
11720 Tys[n] = VT;
11721 Tys[n] = MVT::Other;
11722 SDVTList SDTys = DAG.getVTList(makeArrayRef(Tys, NumVecs+1));
11723 SDValue Ops[] = { VLD->getOperand(0), VLD->getOperand(2) };
11724 MemIntrinsicSDNode *VLDMemInt = cast<MemIntrinsicSDNode>(VLD);
11725 SDValue VLDDup = DAG.getMemIntrinsicNode(NewOpc, SDLoc(VLD), SDTys,
11726 Ops, VLDMemInt->getMemoryVT(),
11727 VLDMemInt->getMemOperand());
11729 // Update the uses.
11730 for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = VLD->use_begin(), UE = VLD->use_end();
11731 UI != UE; ++UI) {
11732 unsigned ResNo = UI.getUse().getResNo();
11733 // Ignore uses of the chain result.
11734 if (ResNo == NumVecs)
11735 continue;
11736 SDNode *User = *UI;
11737 DCI.CombineTo(User, SDValue(VLDDup.getNode(), ResNo));
11738 }
11740 // Now the vldN-lane intrinsic is dead except for its chain result.
11741 // Update uses of the chain.
11742 std::vector<SDValue> VLDDupResults;
11743 for (unsigned n = 0; n < NumVecs; ++n)
11744 VLDDupResults.push_back(SDValue(VLDDup.getNode(), n));
11745 VLDDupResults.push_back(SDValue(VLDDup.getNode(), NumVecs));
11746 DCI.CombineTo(VLD, VLDDupResults);
11748 return true;
11751/// PerformVDUPLANECombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11753static SDValue PerformVDUPLANECombine(SDNode *N,
11754 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11755 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(0);
11757 // If the source is a vldN-lane (N > 1) intrinsic, and all the other uses
11758 // of that intrinsic are also VDUPLANEs, combine them to a vldN-dup operation.
11759 if (CombineVLDDUP(N, DCI))
11760 return SDValue(N, 0);
11762 // If the source is already a VMOVIMM or VMVNIMM splat, the VDUPLANE is
11763 // redundant. Ignore bit_converts for now; element sizes are checked below.
11764 while (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST)
11765 Op = Op.getOperand(0);
11766 if (Op.getOpcode() != ARMISD::VMOVIMM && Op.getOpcode() != ARMISD::VMVNIMM)
11767 return SDValue();
11769 // Make sure the VMOV element size is not bigger than the VDUPLANE elements.
11770 unsigned EltSize = Op.getScalarValueSizeInBits();
11771 // The canonical VMOV for a zero vector uses a 32-bit element size.
11772 unsigned Imm = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
11773 unsigned EltBits;
11774 if (ARM_AM::decodeNEONModImm(Imm, EltBits) == 0)
11775 EltSize = 8;
11776 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11777 if (EltSize > VT.getScalarSizeInBits())
11778 return SDValue();
11780 return DCI.DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, SDLoc(N), VT, Op);
11783/// PerformVDUPCombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for ARMISD::VDUP.
11784static SDValue PerformVDUPCombine(SDNode *N,
11785 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11786 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11787 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(0);
11789 // Match VDUP(LOAD) -> VLD1DUP.
11790 // We match this pattern here rather than waiting for isel because the
11791 // transform is only legal for unindexed loads.
11792 LoadSDNode *LD = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(Op.getNode());
11793 if (LD && Op.hasOneUse() && LD->isUnindexed() &&
11794 LD->getMemoryVT() == N->getValueType(0).getVectorElementType()) {
11795 SDValue Ops[] = { LD->getOperand(0), LD->getOperand(1),
11796 DAG.getConstant(LD->getAlignment(), SDLoc(N), MVT::i32) };
11797 SDVTList SDTys = DAG.getVTList(N->getValueType(0), MVT::Other);
11798 SDValue VLDDup = DAG.getMemIntrinsicNode(ARMISD::VLD1DUP, SDLoc(N), SDTys,
11799 Ops, LD->getMemoryVT(),
11800 LD->getMemOperand());
11801 DAG.ReplaceAllUsesOfValueWith(SDValue(LD, 1), VLDDup.getValue(1));
11802 return VLDDup;
11803 }
11805 return SDValue();
11808static SDValue PerformLOADCombine(SDNode *N,
11809 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11810 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
11812 // If this is a legal vector load, try to combine it into a VLD1_UPD.
11813 if (ISD::isNormalLoad(N) && VT.isVector() &&
11814 DCI.DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT))
11815 return CombineBaseUpdate(N, DCI);
11817 return SDValue();
11820/// PerformSTORECombine - Target-specific dag combine xforms for
11821/// ISD::STORE.
11822static SDValue PerformSTORECombine(SDNode *N,
11823 TargetLowering::DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) {
11824 StoreSDNode *St = cast<StoreSDNode>(N);
11825 if (St->isVolatile())
11826 return SDValue();
11828 // Optimize trunc store (of multiple scalars) to shuffle and store. First,
11829 // pack all of the elements in one place. Next, store to memory in fewer
11830 // chunks.
11831 SDValue StVal = St->getValue();
11832 EVT VT = StVal.getValueType();
11833 if (St->isTruncatingStore() && VT.isVector()) {
11834 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11835 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
11836 EVT StVT = St->getMemoryVT();
11837 unsigned NumElems = VT.getVectorNumElements();
11838 assert(StVT != VT && "Cannot truncate to the same type")(static_cast <bool> (StVT != VT && "Cannot truncate to the same type"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("StVT != VT && \"Cannot truncate to the same type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11838, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11839 unsigned FromEltSz = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
11840 unsigned ToEltSz = StVT.getScalarSizeInBits();
11842 // From, To sizes and ElemCount must be pow of two
11843 if (!isPowerOf2_32(NumElems * FromEltSz * ToEltSz)) return SDValue();
11845 // We are going to use the original vector elt for storing.
11846 // Accumulated smaller vector elements must be a multiple of the store size.
11847 if (0 != (NumElems * FromEltSz) % ToEltSz) return SDValue();
11849 unsigned SizeRatio = FromEltSz / ToEltSz;
11850 assert(SizeRatio * NumElems * ToEltSz == VT.getSizeInBits())(static_cast <bool> (SizeRatio * NumElems * ToEltSz == VT
.getSizeInBits()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("SizeRatio * NumElems * ToEltSz == VT.getSizeInBits()"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11850, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11852 // Create a type on which we perform the shuffle.
11853 EVT WideVecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), StVT.getScalarType(),
11854 NumElems*SizeRatio);
11855 assert(WideVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits())(static_cast <bool> (WideVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits
()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("WideVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits()"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11855, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11857 SDLoc DL(St);
11858 SDValue WideVec = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, WideVecVT, StVal);
11859 SmallVector<int, 8> ShuffleVec(NumElems * SizeRatio, -1);
11860 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElems; ++i)
11861 ShuffleVec[i] = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian()
11862 ? (i + 1) * SizeRatio - 1
11863 : i * SizeRatio;
11865 // Can't shuffle using an illegal type.
11866 if (!TLI.isTypeLegal(WideVecVT)) return SDValue();
11868 SDValue Shuff = DAG.getVectorShuffle(WideVecVT, DL, WideVec,
11869 DAG.getUNDEF(WideVec.getValueType()),
11870 ShuffleVec);
11871 // At this point all of the data is stored at the bottom of the
11872 // register. We now need to save it to mem.
11874 // Find the largest store unit
11875 MVT StoreType = MVT::i8;
11876 for (MVT Tp : MVT::integer_valuetypes()) {
11877 if (TLI.isTypeLegal(Tp) && Tp.getSizeInBits() <= NumElems * ToEltSz)
11878 StoreType = Tp;
11879 }
11880 // Didn't find a legal store type.
11881 if (!TLI.isTypeLegal(StoreType))
11882 return SDValue();
11884 // Bitcast the original vector into a vector of store-size units
11885 EVT StoreVecVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(),
11886 StoreType, VT.getSizeInBits()/EVT(StoreType).getSizeInBits());
11887 assert(StoreVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits())(static_cast <bool> (StoreVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits
()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("StoreVecVT.getSizeInBits() == VT.getSizeInBits()"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 11887, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
11888 SDValue ShuffWide = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, StoreVecVT, Shuff);
11889 SmallVector<SDValue, 8> Chains;
11890 SDValue Increment = DAG.getConstant(StoreType.getSizeInBits() / 8, DL,
11891 TLI.getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
11892 SDValue BasePtr = St->getBasePtr();
11894 // Perform one or more big stores into memory.
11895 unsigned E = (ToEltSz*NumElems)/StoreType.getSizeInBits();
11896 for (unsigned I = 0; I < E; I++) {
11897 SDValue SubVec = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, DL,
11898 StoreType, ShuffWide,
11899 DAG.getIntPtrConstant(I, DL));
11900 SDValue Ch = DAG.getStore(St->getChain(), DL, SubVec, BasePtr,
11901 St->getPointerInfo(), St->getAlignment(),
11902 St->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
11903 BasePtr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, BasePtr.getValueType(), BasePtr,
11904 Increment);
11905 Chains.push_back(Ch);
11906 }
11907 return DAG.getNode(ISD::TokenFactor, DL, MVT::Other, Chains);
11908 }
11910 if (!ISD::isNormalStore(St))
11911 return SDValue();
11913 // Split a store of a VMOVDRR into two integer stores to avoid mixing NEON and
11914 // ARM stores of arguments in the same cache line.
11915 if (StVal.getNode()->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VMOVDRR &&
11916 StVal.getNode()->hasOneUse()) {
11917 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11918 bool isBigEndian = DAG.getDataLayout().isBigEndian();
11919 SDLoc DL(St);
11920 SDValue BasePtr = St->getBasePtr();
11921 SDValue NewST1 = DAG.getStore(
11922 St->getChain(), DL, StVal.getNode()->getOperand(isBigEndian ? 1 : 0),
11923 BasePtr, St->getPointerInfo(), St->getAlignment(),
11924 St->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
11926 SDValue OffsetPtr = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, MVT::i32, BasePtr,
11927 DAG.getConstant(4, DL, MVT::i32));
11928 return DAG.getStore(NewST1.getValue(0), DL,
11929 StVal.getNode()->getOperand(isBigEndian ? 0 : 1),
11930 OffsetPtr, St->getPointerInfo(),
11931 std::min(4U, St->getAlignment() / 2),
11932 St->getMemOperand()->getFlags());
11933 }
11935 if (StVal.getValueType() == MVT::i64 &&
11936 StVal.getNode()->getOpcode() == ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT) {
11938 // Bitcast an i64 store extracted from a vector to f64.
11939 // Otherwise, the i64 value will be legalized to a pair of i32 values.
11940 SelectionDAG &DAG = DCI.DAG;
11941 SDLoc dl(StVal);
11942 SDValue IntVec = StVal.getOperand(0);
11943 EVT FloatVT = EVT::getVectorVT(*DAG.getContext(), MVT::f64,
11944 IntVec.getValueType().getVectorNumElements());
11945 SDValue Vec = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, FloatVT, IntVec);
11946 SDValue ExtElt = DAG.getNode(ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT, dl, MVT::f64,
11947 Vec, StVal.getOperand(1));
11948 dl = SDLoc(N);
11949 SDValue V = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, dl, MVT::i64, ExtElt);
11950 // Make the DAGCombiner fold the bitcasts.
11951 DCI.AddToWorklist(Vec.getNode());
11952 DCI.AddToWorklist(ExtElt.getNode());
11953 DCI.AddToWorklist(V.getNode());
11954 return DAG.getStore(St->getChain(), dl, V, St->getBasePtr(),
11955 St->getPointerInfo(), St->getAlignment(),
11956 St->getMemOperand()->getFlags(), St->getAAInfo());
11957 }
11959 // If this is a legal vector store, try to combine it into a VST1_UPD.
11960 if (ISD::isNormalStore(N) && VT.isVector() &&
11961 DCI.DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().isTypeLegal(VT))
11962 return CombineBaseUpdate(N, DCI);
11964 return SDValue();
11967/// PerformVCVTCombine - VCVT (floating-point to fixed-point, Advanced SIMD)
11968/// can replace combinations of VMUL and VCVT (floating-point to integer)
11969/// when the VMUL has a constant operand that is a power of 2.
11971/// Example (assume d17 = <float 8.000000e+00, float 8.000000e+00>):
11972/// vmul.f32 d16, d17, d16
11973/// vcvt.s32.f32 d16, d16
11974/// becomes:
11975/// vcvt.s32.f32 d16, d16, #3
11976static SDValue PerformVCVTCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
11977 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
11978 if (!Subtarget->hasNEON())
11979 return SDValue();
11981 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(0);
11982 if (!Op.getValueType().isVector() || !Op.getValueType().isSimple() ||
11983 Op.getOpcode() != ISD::FMUL)
11984 return SDValue();
11986 SDValue ConstVec = Op->getOperand(1);
11987 if (!isa<BuildVectorSDNode>(ConstVec))
11988 return SDValue();
11990 MVT FloatTy = Op.getSimpleValueType().getVectorElementType();
11991 uint32_t FloatBits = FloatTy.getSizeInBits();
11992 MVT IntTy = N->getSimpleValueType(0).getVectorElementType();
11993 uint32_t IntBits = IntTy.getSizeInBits();
11994 unsigned NumLanes = Op.getValueType().getVectorNumElements();
11995 if (FloatBits != 32 || IntBits > 32 || NumLanes > 4) {
11996 // These instructions only exist converting from f32 to i32. We can handle
11997 // smaller integers by generating an extra truncate, but larger ones would
11998 // be lossy. We also can't handle more then 4 lanes, since these intructions
11999 // only support v2i32/v4i32 types.
12000 return SDValue();
12001 }
12003 BitVector UndefElements;
12004 BuildVectorSDNode *BV = cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(ConstVec);
12005 int32_t C = BV->getConstantFPSplatPow2ToLog2Int(&UndefElements, 33);
12006 if (C == -1 || C == 0 || C > 32)
12007 return SDValue();
12009 SDLoc dl(N);
12010 bool isSigned = N->getOpcode() == ISD::FP_TO_SINT;
12011 unsigned IntrinsicOpcode = isSigned ? Intrinsic::arm_neon_vcvtfp2fxs :
12012 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vcvtfp2fxu;
12013 SDValue FixConv = DAG.getNode(
12014 ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl, NumLanes == 2 ? MVT::v2i32 : MVT::v4i32,
12015 DAG.getConstant(IntrinsicOpcode, dl, MVT::i32), Op->getOperand(0),
12016 DAG.getConstant(C, dl, MVT::i32));
12018 if (IntBits < FloatBits)
12019 FixConv = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, N->getValueType(0), FixConv);
12021 return FixConv;
12024/// PerformVDIVCombine - VCVT (fixed-point to floating-point, Advanced SIMD)
12025/// can replace combinations of VCVT (integer to floating-point) and VDIV
12026/// when the VDIV has a constant operand that is a power of 2.
12028/// Example (assume d17 = <float 8.000000e+00, float 8.000000e+00>):
12029/// vcvt.f32.s32 d16, d16
12030/// vdiv.f32 d16, d17, d16
12031/// becomes:
12032/// vcvt.f32.s32 d16, d16, #3
12033static SDValue PerformVDIVCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
12034 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
12035 if (!Subtarget->hasNEON())
12036 return SDValue();
12038 SDValue Op = N->getOperand(0);
12039 unsigned OpOpcode = Op.getNode()->getOpcode();
12040 if (!N->getValueType(0).isVector() || !N->getValueType(0).isSimple() ||
12041 (OpOpcode != ISD::SINT_TO_FP && OpOpcode != ISD::UINT_TO_FP))
12042 return SDValue();
12044 SDValue ConstVec = N->getOperand(1);
12045 if (!isa<BuildVectorSDNode>(ConstVec))
12046 return SDValue();
12048 MVT FloatTy = N->getSimpleValueType(0).getVectorElementType();
12049 uint32_t FloatBits = FloatTy.getSizeInBits();
12050 MVT IntTy = Op.getOperand(0).getSimpleValueType().getVectorElementType();
12051 uint32_t IntBits = IntTy.getSizeInBits();
12052 unsigned NumLanes = Op.getValueType().getVectorNumElements();
12053 if (FloatBits != 32 || IntBits > 32 || NumLanes > 4) {
12054 // These instructions only exist converting from i32 to f32. We can handle
12055 // smaller integers by generating an extra extend, but larger ones would
12056 // be lossy. We also can't handle more then 4 lanes, since these intructions
12057 // only support v2i32/v4i32 types.
12058 return SDValue();
12059 }
12061 BitVector UndefElements;
12062 BuildVectorSDNode *BV = cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(ConstVec);
12063 int32_t C = BV->getConstantFPSplatPow2ToLog2Int(&UndefElements, 33);
12064 if (C == -1 || C == 0 || C > 32)
12065 return SDValue();
12067 SDLoc dl(N);
12068 bool isSigned = OpOpcode == ISD::SINT_TO_FP;
12069 SDValue ConvInput = Op.getOperand(0);
12070 if (IntBits < FloatBits)
12071 ConvInput = DAG.getNode(isSigned ? ISD::SIGN_EXTEND : ISD::ZERO_EXTEND,
12072 dl, NumLanes == 2 ? MVT::v2i32 : MVT::v4i32,
12073 ConvInput);
12075 unsigned IntrinsicOpcode = isSigned ? Intrinsic::arm_neon_vcvtfxs2fp :
12076 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vcvtfxu2fp;
12077 return DAG.getNode(ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN, dl,
12078 Op.getValueType(),
12079 DAG.getConstant(IntrinsicOpcode, dl, MVT::i32),
12080 ConvInput, DAG.getConstant(C, dl, MVT::i32));
12083/// Getvshiftimm - Check if this is a valid build_vector for the immediate
12084/// operand of a vector shift operation, where all the elements of the
12085/// build_vector must have the same constant integer value.
12086static bool getVShiftImm(SDValue Op, unsigned ElementBits, int64_t &Cnt) {
12087 // Ignore bit_converts.
12088 while (Op.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST)
12089 Op = Op.getOperand(0);
12090 BuildVectorSDNode *BVN = dyn_cast<BuildVectorSDNode>(Op.getNode());
12091 APInt SplatBits, SplatUndef;
12092 unsigned SplatBitSize;
12093 bool HasAnyUndefs;
12094 if (! BVN || ! BVN->isConstantSplat(SplatBits, SplatUndef, SplatBitSize,
12095 HasAnyUndefs, ElementBits) ||
12096 SplatBitSize > ElementBits)
12097 return false;
12098 Cnt = SplatBits.getSExtValue();
12099 return true;
12102/// isVShiftLImm - Check if this is a valid build_vector for the immediate
12103/// operand of a vector shift left operation. That value must be in the range:
12104/// 0 <= Value < ElementBits for a left shift; or
12105/// 0 <= Value <= ElementBits for a long left shift.
12106static bool isVShiftLImm(SDValue Op, EVT VT, bool isLong, int64_t &Cnt) {
12107 assert(VT.isVector() && "vector shift count is not a vector type")(static_cast <bool> (VT.isVector() && "vector shift count is not a vector type"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.isVector() && \"vector shift count is not a vector type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12107, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12108 int64_t ElementBits = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
12109 if (! getVShiftImm(Op, ElementBits, Cnt))
12110 return false;
12111 return (Cnt >= 0 && (isLong ? Cnt-1 : Cnt) < ElementBits);
12114/// isVShiftRImm - Check if this is a valid build_vector for the immediate
12115/// operand of a vector shift right operation. For a shift opcode, the value
12116/// is positive, but for an intrinsic the value count must be negative. The
12117/// absolute value must be in the range:
12118/// 1 <= |Value| <= ElementBits for a right shift; or
12119/// 1 <= |Value| <= ElementBits/2 for a narrow right shift.
12120static bool isVShiftRImm(SDValue Op, EVT VT, bool isNarrow, bool isIntrinsic,
12121 int64_t &Cnt) {
12122 assert(VT.isVector() && "vector shift count is not a vector type")(static_cast <bool> (VT.isVector() && "vector shift count is not a vector type"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("VT.isVector() && \"vector shift count is not a vector type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12122, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12123 int64_t ElementBits = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
12124 if (! getVShiftImm(Op, ElementBits, Cnt))
12125 return false;
12126 if (!isIntrinsic)
12127 return (Cnt >= 1 && Cnt <= (isNarrow ? ElementBits/2 : ElementBits));
12128 if (Cnt >= -(isNarrow ? ElementBits/2 : ElementBits) && Cnt <= -1) {
12129 Cnt = -Cnt;
12130 return true;
12131 }
12132 return false;
12135/// PerformIntrinsicCombine - ARM-specific DAG combining for intrinsics.
12136static SDValue PerformIntrinsicCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) {
12137 unsigned IntNo = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(0))->getZExtValue();
12138 switch (IntNo) {
12139 default:
12140 // Don't do anything for most intrinsics.
12141 break;
12143 // Vector shifts: check for immediate versions and lower them.
12144 // Note: This is done during DAG combining instead of DAG legalizing because
12145 // the build_vectors for 64-bit vector element shift counts are generally
12146 // not legal, and it is hard to see their values after they get legalized to
12147 // loads from a constant pool.
12148 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshifts:
12149 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftu:
12150 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshifts:
12151 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftu:
12152 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftn:
12153 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshifts:
12154 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftu:
12155 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftsu:
12156 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftns:
12157 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnu:
12158 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnsu:
12159 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftns:
12160 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnu:
12161 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnsu: {
12162 EVT VT = N->getOperand(1).getValueType();
12163 int64_t Cnt;
12164 unsigned VShiftOpc = 0;
12166 switch (IntNo) {
12167 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshifts:
12168 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftu:
12169 if (isVShiftLImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, false, Cnt)) {
12170 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VSHL;
12171 break;
12172 }
12173 if (isVShiftRImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, false, true, Cnt)) {
12174 VShiftOpc = (IntNo == Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshifts ?
12176 break;
12177 }
12178 return SDValue();
12180 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshifts:
12181 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftu:
12182 if (isVShiftRImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, false, true, Cnt))
12183 break;
12184 return SDValue();
12186 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshifts:
12187 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftu:
12188 if (isVShiftLImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, false, Cnt))
12189 break;
12190 return SDValue();
12192 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftsu:
12193 if (isVShiftLImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, false, Cnt))
12194 break;
12195 llvm_unreachable("invalid shift count for vqshlu intrinsic")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("invalid shift count for vqshlu intrinsic"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12195)
12197 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftn:
12198 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftns:
12199 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnu:
12200 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnsu:
12201 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftns:
12202 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnu:
12203 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnsu:
12204 // Narrowing shifts require an immediate right shift.
12205 if (isVShiftRImm(N->getOperand(2), VT, true, true, Cnt))
12206 break;
12207 llvm_unreachable("invalid shift count for narrowing vector shift "::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("invalid shift count for narrowing vector shift "
"intrinsic", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12208)
12208 "intrinsic")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("invalid shift count for narrowing vector shift "
"intrinsic", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12208)
12210 default:
12211 llvm_unreachable("unhandled vector shift")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unhandled vector shift", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12211)
12212 }
12214 switch (IntNo) {
12215 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshifts:
12216 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftu:
12217 // Opcode already set above.
12218 break;
12219 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshifts:
12220 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VRSHRs; break;
12221 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftu:
12222 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VRSHRu; break;
12223 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vrshiftn:
12224 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VRSHRN; break;
12225 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshifts:
12226 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHLs; break;
12227 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftu:
12228 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHLu; break;
12229 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftsu:
12230 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHLsu; break;
12231 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftns:
12232 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHRNs; break;
12233 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnu:
12234 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHRNu; break;
12235 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqshiftnsu:
12236 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQSHRNsu; break;
12237 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftns:
12238 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQRSHRNs; break;
12239 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnu:
12240 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQRSHRNu; break;
12241 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftnsu:
12242 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VQRSHRNsu; break;
12243 }
12245 SDLoc dl(N);
12246 return DAG.getNode(VShiftOpc, dl, N->getValueType(0),
12247 N->getOperand(1), DAG.getConstant(Cnt, dl, MVT::i32));
12248 }
12250 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vshiftins: {
12251 EVT VT = N->getOperand(1).getValueType();
12252 int64_t Cnt;
12253 unsigned VShiftOpc = 0;
12255 if (isVShiftLImm(N->getOperand(3), VT, false, Cnt))
12256 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VSLI;
12257 else if (isVShiftRImm(N->getOperand(3), VT, false, true, Cnt))
12258 VShiftOpc = ARMISD::VSRI;
12259 else {
12260 llvm_unreachable("invalid shift count for vsli/vsri intrinsic")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("invalid shift count for vsli/vsri intrinsic"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12260)
12261 }
12263 SDLoc dl(N);
12264 return DAG.getNode(VShiftOpc, dl, N->getValueType(0),
12265 N->getOperand(1), N->getOperand(2),
12266 DAG.getConstant(Cnt, dl, MVT::i32));
12267 }
12269 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshifts:
12270 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vqrshiftu:
12271 // No immediate versions of these to check for.
12272 break;
12273 }
12275 return SDValue();
12278/// PerformShiftCombine - Checks for immediate versions of vector shifts and
12279/// lowers them. As with the vector shift intrinsics, this is done during DAG
12280/// combining instead of DAG legalizing because the build_vectors for 64-bit
12281/// vector element shift counts are generally not legal, and it is hard to see
12282/// their values after they get legalized to loads from a constant pool.
12283static SDValue PerformShiftCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
12284 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
12285 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
12286 if (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRL && VT == MVT::i32 && ST->hasV6Ops()) {
12287 // Canonicalize (srl (bswap x), 16) to (rotr (bswap x), 16) if the high
12288 // 16-bits of x is zero. This optimizes rev + lsr 16 to rev16.
12289 SDValue N1 = N->getOperand(1);
12290 if (ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(N1)) {
12291 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
12292 if (C->getZExtValue() == 16 && N0.getOpcode() == ISD::BSWAP &&
12293 DAG.MaskedValueIsZero(N0.getOperand(0),
12294 APInt::getHighBitsSet(32, 16)))
12295 return DAG.getNode(ISD::ROTR, SDLoc(N), VT, N0, N1);
12296 }
12297 }
12299 // Nothing to be done for scalar shifts.
12300 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
12301 if (!VT.isVector() || !TLI.isTypeLegal(VT))
12302 return SDValue();
12304 assert(ST->hasNEON() && "unexpected vector shift")(static_cast <bool> (ST->hasNEON() && "unexpected vector shift"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ST->hasNEON() && \"unexpected vector shift\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12304, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12305 int64_t Cnt;
12307 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
12308 default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected shift opcode")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected shift opcode", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12308)
12310 case ISD::SHL:
12311 if (isVShiftLImm(N->getOperand(1), VT, false, Cnt)) {
12312 SDLoc dl(N);
12313 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHL, dl, VT, N->getOperand(0),
12314 DAG.getConstant(Cnt, dl, MVT::i32));
12315 }
12316 break;
12318 case ISD::SRA:
12319 case ISD::SRL:
12320 if (isVShiftRImm(N->getOperand(1), VT, false, false, Cnt)) {
12321 unsigned VShiftOpc = (N->getOpcode() == ISD::SRA ?
12323 SDLoc dl(N);
12324 return DAG.getNode(VShiftOpc, dl, VT, N->getOperand(0),
12325 DAG.getConstant(Cnt, dl, MVT::i32));
12326 }
12327 }
12328 return SDValue();
12331/// PerformExtendCombine - Target-specific DAG combining for ISD::SIGN_EXTEND,
12333static SDValue PerformExtendCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
12334 const ARMSubtarget *ST) {
12335 SDValue N0 = N->getOperand(0);
12337 // Check for sign- and zero-extensions of vector extract operations of 8-
12338 // and 16-bit vector elements. NEON supports these directly. They are
12339 // handled during DAG combining because type legalization will promote them
12340 // to 32-bit types and it is messy to recognize the operations after that.
12341 if (ST->hasNEON() && N0.getOpcode() == ISD::EXTRACT_VECTOR_ELT) {
12342 SDValue Vec = N0.getOperand(0);
12343 SDValue Lane = N0.getOperand(1);
12344 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
12345 EVT EltVT = N0.getValueType();
12346 const TargetLowering &TLI = DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo();
12348 if (VT == MVT::i32 &&
12349 (EltVT == MVT::i8 || EltVT == MVT::i16) &&
12350 TLI.isTypeLegal(Vec.getValueType()) &&
12351 isa<ConstantSDNode>(Lane)) {
12353 unsigned Opc = 0;
12354 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
12355 default: llvm_unreachable("unexpected opcode")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unexpected opcode", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12355)
12356 case ISD::SIGN_EXTEND:
12357 Opc = ARMISD::VGETLANEs;
12358 break;
12359 case ISD::ZERO_EXTEND:
12360 case ISD::ANY_EXTEND:
12361 Opc = ARMISD::VGETLANEu;
12362 break;
12363 }
12364 return DAG.getNode(Opc, SDLoc(N), VT, Vec, Lane);
12365 }
12366 }
12368 return SDValue();
12371static const APInt *isPowerOf2Constant(SDValue V) {
12372 ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(V);
12373 if (!C)
12374 return nullptr;
12375 const APInt *CV = &C->getAPIntValue();
12376 return CV->isPowerOf2() ? CV : nullptr;
12379SDValue ARMTargetLowering::PerformCMOVToBFICombine(SDNode *CMOV, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
12380 // If we have a CMOV, OR and AND combination such as:
12381 // if (x & CN)
12382 // y |= CM;
12383 //
12384 // And:
12385 // * CN is a single bit;
12386 // * All bits covered by CM are known zero in y
12387 //
12388 // Then we can convert this into a sequence of BFI instructions. This will
12389 // always be a win if CM is a single bit, will always be no worse than the
12390 // TST&OR sequence if CM is two bits, and for thumb will be no worse if CM is
12391 // three bits (due to the extra IT instruction).
12393 SDValue Op0 = CMOV->getOperand(0);
12394 SDValue Op1 = CMOV->getOperand(1);
12395 auto CCNode = cast<ConstantSDNode>(CMOV->getOperand(2));
12396 auto CC = CCNode->getAPIntValue().getLimitedValue();
12397 SDValue CmpZ = CMOV->getOperand(4);
12399 // The compare must be against zero.
12400 if (!isNullConstant(CmpZ->getOperand(1)))
12401 return SDValue();
12403 assert(CmpZ->getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMPZ)(static_cast <bool> (CmpZ->getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMPZ
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("CmpZ->getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMPZ"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12403, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12404 SDValue And = CmpZ->getOperand(0);
12405 if (And->getOpcode() != ISD::AND)
12406 return SDValue();
12407 const APInt *AndC = isPowerOf2Constant(And->getOperand(1));
12408 if (!AndC)
12409 return SDValue();
12410 SDValue X = And->getOperand(0);
12412 if (CC == ARMCC::EQ) {
12413 // We're performing an "equal to zero" compare. Swap the operands so we
12414 // canonicalize on a "not equal to zero" compare.
12415 std::swap(Op0, Op1);
12416 } else {
12417 assert(CC == ARMCC::NE && "How can a CMPZ node not be EQ or NE?")(static_cast <bool> (CC == ARMCC::NE && "How can a CMPZ node not be EQ or NE?"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("CC == ARMCC::NE && \"How can a CMPZ node not be EQ or NE?\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12417, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12418 }
12420 if (Op1->getOpcode() != ISD::OR)
12421 return SDValue();
12423 ConstantSDNode *OrC = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op1->getOperand(1));
12424 if (!OrC)
12425 return SDValue();
12426 SDValue Y = Op1->getOperand(0);
12428 if (Op0 != Y)
12429 return SDValue();
12431 // Now, is it profitable to continue?
12432 APInt OrCI = OrC->getAPIntValue();
12433 unsigned Heuristic = Subtarget->isThumb() ? 3 : 2;
12434 if (OrCI.countPopulation() > Heuristic)
12435 return SDValue();
12437 // Lastly, can we determine that the bits defined by OrCI
12438 // are zero in Y?
12439 KnownBits Known;
12440 DAG.computeKnownBits(Y, Known);
12441 if ((OrCI & Known.Zero) != OrCI)
12442 return SDValue();
12444 // OK, we can do the combine.
12445 SDValue V = Y;
12446 SDLoc dl(X);
12447 EVT VT = X.getValueType();
12448 unsigned BitInX = AndC->logBase2();
12450 if (BitInX != 0) {
12451 // We must shift X first.
12452 X = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, VT, X,
12453 DAG.getConstant(BitInX, dl, VT));
12454 }
12456 for (unsigned BitInY = 0, NumActiveBits = OrCI.getActiveBits();
12457 BitInY < NumActiveBits; ++BitInY) {
12458 if (OrCI[BitInY] == 0)
12459 continue;
12460 APInt Mask(VT.getSizeInBits(), 0);
12461 Mask.setBit(BitInY);
12462 V = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::BFI, dl, VT, V, X,
12463 // Confusingly, the operand is an *inverted* mask.
12464 DAG.getConstant(~Mask, dl, VT));
12465 }
12467 return V;
12470/// PerformBRCONDCombine - Target-specific DAG combining for ARMISD::BRCOND.
12472ARMTargetLowering::PerformBRCONDCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
12473 SDValue Cmp = N->getOperand(4);
12474 if (Cmp.getOpcode() != ARMISD::CMPZ)
12475 // Only looking at NE cases.
12476 return SDValue();
12478 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
12479 SDLoc dl(N);
12480 SDValue LHS = Cmp.getOperand(0);
12481 SDValue RHS = Cmp.getOperand(1);
12482 SDValue Chain = N->getOperand(0);
12483 SDValue BB = N->getOperand(1);
12484 SDValue ARMcc = N->getOperand(2);
12485 ARMCC::CondCodes CC =
12486 (ARMCC::CondCodes)cast<ConstantSDNode>(ARMcc)->getZExtValue();
12488 // (brcond Chain BB ne CPSR (cmpz (and (cmov 0 1 CC CPSR Cmp) 1) 0))
12489 // -> (brcond Chain BB CC CPSR Cmp)
12490 if (CC == ARMCC::NE && LHS.getOpcode() == ISD::AND && LHS->hasOneUse() &&
12491 LHS->getOperand(0)->getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMOV &&
12492 LHS->getOperand(0)->hasOneUse()) {
12493 auto *LHS00C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(LHS->getOperand(0)->getOperand(0));
12494 auto *LHS01C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(LHS->getOperand(0)->getOperand(1));
12495 auto *LHS1C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(LHS->getOperand(1));
12496 auto *RHSC = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(RHS);
12497 if ((LHS00C && LHS00C->getZExtValue() == 0) &&
12498 (LHS01C && LHS01C->getZExtValue() == 1) &&
12499 (LHS1C && LHS1C->getZExtValue() == 1) &&
12500 (RHSC && RHSC->getZExtValue() == 0)) {
12501 return DAG.getNode(
12502 ARMISD::BRCOND, dl, VT, Chain, BB, LHS->getOperand(0)->getOperand(2),
12503 LHS->getOperand(0)->getOperand(3), LHS->getOperand(0)->getOperand(4));
12504 }
12505 }
12507 return SDValue();
12510/// PerformCMOVCombine - Target-specific DAG combining for ARMISD::CMOV.
12512ARMTargetLowering::PerformCMOVCombine(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
12513 SDValue Cmp = N->getOperand(4);
12514 if (Cmp.getOpcode() != ARMISD::CMPZ)
12515 // Only looking at EQ and NE cases.
12516 return SDValue();
12518 EVT VT = N->getValueType(0);
12519 SDLoc dl(N);
12520 SDValue LHS = Cmp.getOperand(0);
12521 SDValue RHS = Cmp.getOperand(1);
12522 SDValue FalseVal = N->getOperand(0);
12523 SDValue TrueVal = N->getOperand(1);
12524 SDValue ARMcc = N->getOperand(2);
12525 ARMCC::CondCodes CC =
12526 (ARMCC::CondCodes)cast<ConstantSDNode>(ARMcc)->getZExtValue();
12528 // BFI is only available on V6T2+.
12529 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops()) {
12530 SDValue R = PerformCMOVToBFICombine(N, DAG);
12531 if (R)
12532 return R;
12533 }
12535 // Simplify
12536 // mov r1, r0
12537 // cmp r1, x
12538 // mov r0, y
12539 // moveq r0, x
12540 // to
12541 // cmp r0, x
12542 // movne r0, y
12543 //
12544 // mov r1, r0
12545 // cmp r1, x
12546 // mov r0, x
12547 // movne r0, y
12548 // to
12549 // cmp r0, x
12550 // movne r0, y
12551 /// FIXME: Turn this into a target neutral optimization?
12552 SDValue Res;
12553 if (CC == ARMCC::NE && FalseVal == RHS && FalseVal != LHS) {
12554 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, LHS, TrueVal, ARMcc,
12555 N->getOperand(3), Cmp);
12556 } else if (CC == ARMCC::EQ && TrueVal == RHS) {
12557 SDValue ARMcc;
12558 SDValue NewCmp = getARMCmp(LHS, RHS, ISD::SETNE, ARMcc, DAG, dl);
12559 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, LHS, FalseVal, ARMcc,
12560 N->getOperand(3), NewCmp);
12561 }
12563 // (cmov F T ne CPSR (cmpz (cmov 0 1 CC CPSR Cmp) 0))
12564 // -> (cmov F T CC CPSR Cmp)
12565 if (CC == ARMCC::NE && LHS.getOpcode() == ARMISD::CMOV && LHS->hasOneUse()) {
12566 auto *LHS0C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(LHS->getOperand(0));
12567 auto *LHS1C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(LHS->getOperand(1));
12568 auto *RHSC = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(RHS);
12569 if ((LHS0C && LHS0C->getZExtValue() == 0) &&
12570 (LHS1C && LHS1C->getZExtValue() == 1) &&
12571 (RHSC && RHSC->getZExtValue() == 0)) {
12572 return DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, FalseVal, TrueVal,
12573 LHS->getOperand(2), LHS->getOperand(3),
12574 LHS->getOperand(4));
12575 }
12576 }
12578 if (!VT.isInteger())
12579 return SDValue();
12581 // Materialize a boolean comparison for integers so we can avoid branching.
12582 if (isNullConstant(FalseVal)) {
12583 if (CC == ARMCC::EQ && isOneConstant(TrueVal)) {
12584 if (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && Subtarget->hasV5TOps()) {
12585 // If x == y then x - y == 0 and ARM's CLZ will return 32, shifting it
12586 // right 5 bits will make that 32 be 1, otherwise it will be 0.
12587 // CMOV 0, 1, ==, (CMPZ x, y) -> SRL (CTLZ (SUB x, y)), 5
12588 SDValue Sub = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LHS, RHS);
12589 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, dl, VT, DAG.getNode(ISD::CTLZ, dl, VT, Sub),
12590 DAG.getConstant(5, dl, MVT::i32));
12591 } else {
12592 // CMOV 0, 1, ==, (CMPZ x, y) ->
12593 // (ADDCARRY (SUB x, y), t:0, t:1)
12594 // where t = (SUBCARRY 0, (SUB x, y), 0)
12595 //
12596 // The SUBCARRY computes 0 - (x - y) and this will give a borrow when
12597 // x != y. In other words, a carry C == 1 when x == y, C == 0
12598 // otherwise.
12599 // The final ADDCARRY computes
12600 // x - y + (0 - (x - y)) + C == C
12601 SDValue Sub = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LHS, RHS);
12602 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32);
12603 SDValue Neg = DAG.getNode(ISD::USUBO, dl, VTs, FalseVal, Sub);
12604 // ISD::SUBCARRY returns a borrow but we want the carry here
12605 // actually.
12606 SDValue Carry =
12607 DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, MVT::i32,
12608 DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32), Neg.getValue(1));
12609 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADDCARRY, dl, VTs, Sub, Neg, Carry);
12610 }
12611 } else if (CC == ARMCC::NE && LHS != RHS &&
12612 (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() || isPowerOf2Constant(TrueVal))) {
12613 // This seems pointless but will allow us to combine it further below.
12614 // CMOV 0, z, !=, (CMPZ x, y) -> CMOV (SUB x, y), z, !=, (CMPZ x, y)
12615 SDValue Sub = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LHS, RHS);
12616 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, Sub, TrueVal, ARMcc,
12617 N->getOperand(3), Cmp);
12618 }
12619 } else if (isNullConstant(TrueVal)) {
12620 if (CC == ARMCC::EQ && LHS != RHS &&
12621 (!Subtarget->isThumb1Only() || isPowerOf2Constant(FalseVal))) {
12622 // This seems pointless but will allow us to combine it further below
12623 // Note that we change == for != as this is the dual for the case above.
12624 // CMOV z, 0, ==, (CMPZ x, y) -> CMOV (SUB x, y), z, !=, (CMPZ x, y)
12625 SDValue Sub = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, LHS, RHS);
12626 Res = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::CMOV, dl, VT, Sub, FalseVal,
12627 DAG.getConstant(ARMCC::NE, dl, MVT::i32),
12628 N->getOperand(3), Cmp);
12629 }
12630 }
12632 // On Thumb1, the DAG above may be further combined if z is a power of 2
12633 // (z == 2 ^ K).
12634 // CMOV (SUB x, y), z, !=, (CMPZ x, y) ->
12635 // merge t3, t4
12636 // where t1 = (SUBCARRY (SUB x, y), z, 0)
12637 // t2 = (SUBCARRY (SUB x, y), t1:0, t1:1)
12638 // t3 = if K != 0 then (SHL t2:0, K) else t2:0
12639 // t4 = (SUB 1, t2:1) [ we want a carry, not a borrow ]
12640 const APInt *TrueConst;
12641 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only() && CC == ARMCC::NE &&
12642 (FalseVal.getOpcode() == ISD::SUB) && (FalseVal.getOperand(0) == LHS) &&
12643 (FalseVal.getOperand(1) == RHS) &&
12644 (TrueConst = isPowerOf2Constant(TrueVal))) {
12645 SDVTList VTs = DAG.getVTList(VT, MVT::i32);
12646 unsigned ShiftAmount = TrueConst->logBase2();
12647 if (ShiftAmount)
12648 TrueVal = DAG.getConstant(1, dl, VT);
12649 SDValue Subc = DAG.getNode(ISD::USUBO, dl, VTs, FalseVal, TrueVal);
12650 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUBCARRY, dl, VTs, FalseVal, Subc, Subc.getValue(1));
12651 // Make it a carry, not a borrow.
12652 SDValue Carry = DAG.getNode(
12653 ISD::SUB, dl, VT, DAG.getConstant(1, dl, MVT::i32), Res.getValue(1));
12654 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, dl, VTs, Res, Carry);
12656 if (ShiftAmount)
12657 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, dl, VT, Res,
12658 DAG.getConstant(ShiftAmount, dl, MVT::i32));
12659 }
12661 if (Res.getNode()) {
12662 KnownBits Known;
12663 DAG.computeKnownBits(SDValue(N,0), Known);
12664 // Capture demanded bits information that would be otherwise lost.
12665 if (Known.Zero == 0xfffffffe)
12666 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::AssertZext, dl, MVT::i32, Res,
12667 DAG.getValueType(MVT::i1));
12668 else if (Known.Zero == 0xffffff00)
12669 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::AssertZext, dl, MVT::i32, Res,
12670 DAG.getValueType(MVT::i8));
12671 else if (Known.Zero == 0xffff0000)
12672 Res = DAG.getNode(ISD::AssertZext, dl, MVT::i32, Res,
12673 DAG.getValueType(MVT::i16));
12674 }
12676 return Res;
12679SDValue ARMTargetLowering::PerformDAGCombine(SDNode *N,
12680 DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const {
12681 switch (N->getOpcode()) {
12682 default: break;
12683 case ARMISD::ADDE: return PerformADDECombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12684 case ARMISD::UMLAL: return PerformUMLALCombine(N, DCI.DAG, Subtarget);
12685 case ISD::ADD: return PerformADDCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12686 case ISD::SUB: return PerformSUBCombine(N, DCI);
12687 case ISD::MUL: return PerformMULCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12688 case ISD::OR: return PerformORCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12689 case ISD::XOR: return PerformXORCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12690 case ISD::AND: return PerformANDCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12691 case ARMISD::ADDC:
12692 case ARMISD::SUBC: return PerformAddcSubcCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12693 case ARMISD::SUBE: return PerformAddeSubeCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12694 case ARMISD::BFI: return PerformBFICombine(N, DCI);
12695 case ARMISD::VMOVRRD: return PerformVMOVRRDCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12696 case ARMISD::VMOVDRR: return PerformVMOVDRRCombine(N, DCI.DAG);
12697 case ISD::STORE: return PerformSTORECombine(N, DCI);
12698 case ISD::BUILD_VECTOR: return PerformBUILD_VECTORCombine(N, DCI, Subtarget);
12699 case ISD::INSERT_VECTOR_ELT: return PerformInsertEltCombine(N, DCI);
12700 case ISD::VECTOR_SHUFFLE: return PerformVECTOR_SHUFFLECombine(N, DCI.DAG);
12701 case ARMISD::VDUPLANE: return PerformVDUPLANECombine(N, DCI);
12702 case ARMISD::VDUP: return PerformVDUPCombine(N, DCI);
12703 case ISD::FP_TO_SINT:
12704 case ISD::FP_TO_UINT:
12705 return PerformVCVTCombine(N, DCI.DAG, Subtarget);
12706 case ISD::FDIV:
12707 return PerformVDIVCombine(N, DCI.DAG, Subtarget);
12708 case ISD::INTRINSIC_WO_CHAIN: return PerformIntrinsicCombine(N, DCI.DAG);
12709 case ISD::SHL:
12710 case ISD::SRA:
12711 case ISD::SRL: return PerformShiftCombine(N, DCI.DAG, Subtarget);
12712 case ISD::SIGN_EXTEND:
12713 case ISD::ZERO_EXTEND:
12714 case ISD::ANY_EXTEND: return PerformExtendCombine(N, DCI.DAG, Subtarget);
12715 case ARMISD::CMOV: return PerformCMOVCombine(N, DCI.DAG);
12716 case ARMISD::BRCOND: return PerformBRCONDCombine(N, DCI.DAG);
12717 case ISD::LOAD: return PerformLOADCombine(N, DCI);
12718 case ARMISD::VLD1DUP:
12719 case ARMISD::VLD2DUP:
12720 case ARMISD::VLD3DUP:
12721 case ARMISD::VLD4DUP:
12722 return PerformVLDCombine(N, DCI);
12724 return PerformARMBUILD_VECTORCombine(N, DCI);
12725 case ARMISD::SMULWB: {
12726 unsigned BitWidth = N->getValueType(0).getSizeInBits();
12727 APInt DemandedMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth, 16);
12728 if (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), DemandedMask, DCI))
12729 return SDValue();
12730 break;
12731 }
12732 case ARMISD::SMULWT: {
12733 unsigned BitWidth = N->getValueType(0).getSizeInBits();
12734 APInt DemandedMask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, 16);
12735 if (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), DemandedMask, DCI))
12736 return SDValue();
12737 break;
12738 }
12739 case ARMISD::SMLALBB: {
12740 unsigned BitWidth = N->getValueType(0).getSizeInBits();
12741 APInt DemandedMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(BitWidth, 16);
12742 if ((SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(0), DemandedMask, DCI)) ||
12743 (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), DemandedMask, DCI)))
12744 return SDValue();
12745 break;
12746 }
12747 case ARMISD::SMLALBT: {
12748 unsigned LowWidth = N->getOperand(0).getValueType().getSizeInBits();
12749 APInt LowMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(LowWidth, 16);
12750 unsigned HighWidth = N->getOperand(1).getValueType().getSizeInBits();
12751 APInt HighMask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(HighWidth, 16);
12752 if ((SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(0), LowMask, DCI)) ||
12753 (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), HighMask, DCI)))
12754 return SDValue();
12755 break;
12756 }
12757 case ARMISD::SMLALTB: {
12758 unsigned HighWidth = N->getOperand(0).getValueType().getSizeInBits();
12759 APInt HighMask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(HighWidth, 16);
12760 unsigned LowWidth = N->getOperand(1).getValueType().getSizeInBits();
12761 APInt LowMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(LowWidth, 16);
12762 if ((SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(0), HighMask, DCI)) ||
12763 (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), LowMask, DCI)))
12764 return SDValue();
12765 break;
12766 }
12767 case ARMISD::SMLALTT: {
12768 unsigned BitWidth = N->getValueType(0).getSizeInBits();
12769 APInt DemandedMask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, 16);
12770 if ((SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(0), DemandedMask, DCI)) ||
12771 (SimplifyDemandedBits(N->getOperand(1), DemandedMask, DCI)))
12772 return SDValue();
12773 break;
12774 }
12777 switch (cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(1))->getZExtValue()) {
12778 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld1:
12779 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2:
12780 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3:
12781 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4:
12782 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2lane:
12783 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3lane:
12784 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4lane:
12785 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst1:
12786 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2:
12787 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3:
12788 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4:
12789 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2lane:
12790 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3lane:
12791 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4lane:
12792 return PerformVLDCombine(N, DCI);
12793 default: break;
12794 }
12795 break;
12796 }
12797 return SDValue();
12800bool ARMTargetLowering::isDesirableToTransformToIntegerOp(unsigned Opc,
12801 EVT VT) const {
12802 return (VT == MVT::f32) && (Opc == ISD::LOAD || Opc == ISD::STORE);
12805bool ARMTargetLowering::allowsMisalignedMemoryAccesses(EVT VT,
12806 unsigned,
12807 unsigned,
12808 bool *Fast) const {
12809 // The AllowsUnaliged flag models the SCTLR.A setting in ARM cpus
12810 bool AllowsUnaligned = Subtarget->allowsUnalignedMem();
12812 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
12813 default:
12814 return false;
12815 case MVT::i8:
12816 case MVT::i16:
12817 case MVT::i32: {
12818 // Unaligned access can use (for example) LRDB, LRDH, LDR
12819 if (AllowsUnaligned) {
12820 if (Fast)
12821 *Fast = Subtarget->hasV7Ops();
12822 return true;
12823 }
12824 return false;
12825 }
12826 case MVT::f64:
12827 case MVT::v2f64: {
12828 // For any little-endian targets with neon, we can support unaligned ld/st
12829 // of D and Q (e.g. {D0,D1}) registers by using vld1.i8/vst1.i8.
12830 // A big-endian target may also explicitly support unaligned accesses
12831 if (Subtarget->hasNEON() && (AllowsUnaligned || Subtarget->isLittle())) {
12832 if (Fast)
12833 *Fast = true;
12834 return true;
12835 }
12836 return false;
12837 }
12838 }
12841static bool memOpAlign(unsigned DstAlign, unsigned SrcAlign,
12842 unsigned AlignCheck) {
12843 return ((SrcAlign == 0 || SrcAlign % AlignCheck == 0) &&
12844 (DstAlign == 0 || DstAlign % AlignCheck == 0));
12847EVT ARMTargetLowering::getOptimalMemOpType(uint64_t Size,
12848 unsigned DstAlign, unsigned SrcAlign,
12849 bool IsMemset, bool ZeroMemset,
12850 bool MemcpyStrSrc,
12851 MachineFunction &MF) const {
12852 const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
12854 // See if we can use NEON instructions for this...
12855 if ((!IsMemset || ZeroMemset) && Subtarget->hasNEON() &&
12856 !F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoImplicitFloat)) {
12857 bool Fast;
12858 if (Size >= 16 &&
12859 (memOpAlign(SrcAlign, DstAlign, 16) ||
12860 (allowsMisalignedMemoryAccesses(MVT::v2f64, 0, 1, &Fast) && Fast))) {
12861 return MVT::v2f64;
12862 } else if (Size >= 8 &&
12863 (memOpAlign(SrcAlign, DstAlign, 8) ||
12864 (allowsMisalignedMemoryAccesses(MVT::f64, 0, 1, &Fast) &&
12865 Fast))) {
12866 return MVT::f64;
12867 }
12868 }
12870 // Let the target-independent logic figure it out.
12871 return MVT::Other;
12874// 64-bit integers are split into their high and low parts and held in two
12875// different registers, so the trunc is free since the low register can just
12876// be used.
12877bool ARMTargetLowering::isTruncateFree(Type *SrcTy, Type *DstTy) const {
12878 if (!SrcTy->isIntegerTy() || !DstTy->isIntegerTy())
12879 return false;
12880 unsigned SrcBits = SrcTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
12881 unsigned DestBits = DstTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
12882 return (SrcBits == 64 && DestBits == 32);
12885bool ARMTargetLowering::isTruncateFree(EVT SrcVT, EVT DstVT) const {
12886 if (SrcVT.isVector() || DstVT.isVector() || !SrcVT.isInteger() ||
12887 !DstVT.isInteger())
12888 return false;
12889 unsigned SrcBits = SrcVT.getSizeInBits();
12890 unsigned DestBits = DstVT.getSizeInBits();
12891 return (SrcBits == 64 && DestBits == 32);
12894bool ARMTargetLowering::isZExtFree(SDValue Val, EVT VT2) const {
12895 if (Val.getOpcode() != ISD::LOAD)
12896 return false;
12898 EVT VT1 = Val.getValueType();
12899 if (!VT1.isSimple() || !VT1.isInteger() ||
12900 !VT2.isSimple() || !VT2.isInteger())
12901 return false;
12903 switch (VT1.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
12904 default: break;
12905 case MVT::i1:
12906 case MVT::i8:
12907 case MVT::i16:
12908 // 8-bit and 16-bit loads implicitly zero-extend to 32-bits.
12909 return true;
12910 }
12912 return false;
12915bool ARMTargetLowering::isFNegFree(EVT VT) const {
12916 if (!VT.isSimple())
12917 return false;
12919 // There are quite a few FP16 instructions (e.g. VNMLA, VNMLS, etc.) that
12920 // negate values directly (fneg is free). So, we don't want to let the DAG
12921 // combiner rewrite fneg into xors and some other instructions. For f16 and
12922 // FullFP16 argument passing, some bitcast nodes may be introduced,
12923 // triggering this DAG combine rewrite, so we are avoiding that with this.
12924 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
12925 default: break;
12926 case MVT::f16:
12927 return Subtarget->hasFullFP16();
12928 }
12930 return false;
12933bool ARMTargetLowering::isVectorLoadExtDesirable(SDValue ExtVal) const {
12934 EVT VT = ExtVal.getValueType();
12936 if (!isTypeLegal(VT))
12937 return false;
12939 // Don't create a loadext if we can fold the extension into a wide/long
12940 // instruction.
12941 // If there's more than one user instruction, the loadext is desirable no
12942 // matter what. There can be two uses by the same instruction.
12943 if (ExtVal->use_empty() ||
12944 !ExtVal->use_begin()->isOnlyUserOf(ExtVal.getNode()))
12945 return true;
12947 SDNode *U = *ExtVal->use_begin();
12948 if ((U->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD || U->getOpcode() == ISD::SUB ||
12949 U->getOpcode() == ISD::SHL || U->getOpcode() == ARMISD::VSHL))
12950 return false;
12952 return true;
12955bool ARMTargetLowering::allowTruncateForTailCall(Type *Ty1, Type *Ty2) const {
12956 if (!Ty1->isIntegerTy() || !Ty2->isIntegerTy())
12957 return false;
12959 if (!isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(Ty1)))
12960 return false;
12962 assert(Ty1->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() <= 64 && "i128 is probably not a noop")(static_cast <bool> (Ty1->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() <=
64 && "i128 is probably not a noop") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Ty1->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() <= 64 && \"i128 is probably not a noop\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 12962, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
12964 // Assuming the caller doesn't have a zeroext or signext return parameter,
12965 // truncation all the way down to i1 is valid.
12966 return true;
12969int ARMTargetLowering::getScalingFactorCost(const DataLayout &DL,
12970 const AddrMode &AM, Type *Ty,
12971 unsigned AS) const {
12972 if (isLegalAddressingMode(DL, AM, Ty, AS)) {
12973 if (Subtarget->hasFPAO())
12974 return AM.Scale < 0 ? 1 : 0; // positive offsets execute faster
12975 return 0;
12976 }
12977 return -1;
12980static bool isLegalT1AddressImmediate(int64_t V, EVT VT) {
12981 if (V < 0)
12982 return false;
12984 unsigned Scale = 1;
12985 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
12986 default: return false;
12987 case MVT::i1:
12988 case MVT::i8:
12989 // Scale == 1;
12990 break;
12991 case MVT::i16:
12992 // Scale == 2;
12993 Scale = 2;
12994 break;
12995 case MVT::i32:
12996 // Scale == 4;
12997 Scale = 4;
12998 break;
12999 }
13001 if ((V & (Scale - 1)) != 0)
13002 return false;
13003 V /= Scale;
13004 return V == (V & ((1LL << 5) - 1));
13007static bool isLegalT2AddressImmediate(int64_t V, EVT VT,
13008 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
13009 bool isNeg = false;
13010 if (V < 0) {
13011 isNeg = true;
13012 V = - V;
13013 }
13015 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
13016 default: return false;
13017 case MVT::i1:
13018 case MVT::i8:
13019 case MVT::i16:
13020 case MVT::i32:
13021 // + imm12 or - imm8
13022 if (isNeg)
13023 return V == (V & ((1LL << 8) - 1));
13024 return V == (V & ((1LL << 12) - 1));
13025 case MVT::f32:
13026 case MVT::f64:
13027 // Same as ARM mode. FIXME: NEON?
13028 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP2())
13029 return false;
13030 if ((V & 3) != 0)
13031 return false;
13032 V >>= 2;
13033 return V == (V & ((1LL << 8) - 1));
13034 }
13037/// isLegalAddressImmediate - Return true if the integer value can be used
13038/// as the offset of the target addressing mode for load / store of the
13039/// given type.
13040static bool isLegalAddressImmediate(int64_t V, EVT VT,
13041 const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
13042 if (V == 0)
13043 return true;
13045 if (!VT.isSimple())
13046 return false;
13048 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
13049 return isLegalT1AddressImmediate(V, VT);
13050 else if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13051 return isLegalT2AddressImmediate(V, VT, Subtarget);
13053 // ARM mode.
13054 if (V < 0)
13055 V = - V;
13056 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
13057 default: return false;
13058 case MVT::i1:
13059 case MVT::i8:
13060 case MVT::i32:
13061 // +- imm12
13062 return V == (V & ((1LL << 12) - 1));
13063 case MVT::i16:
13064 // +- imm8
13065 return V == (V & ((1LL << 8) - 1));
13066 case MVT::f32:
13067 case MVT::f64:
13068 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP2()) // FIXME: NEON?
13069 return false;
13070 if ((V & 3) != 0)
13071 return false;
13072 V >>= 2;
13073 return V == (V & ((1LL << 8) - 1));
13074 }
13077bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalT2ScaledAddressingMode(const AddrMode &AM,
13078 EVT VT) const {
13079 int Scale = AM.Scale;
13080 if (Scale < 0)
13081 return false;
13083 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
13084 default: return false;
13085 case MVT::i1:
13086 case MVT::i8:
13087 case MVT::i16:
13088 case MVT::i32:
13089 if (Scale == 1)
13090 return true;
13091 // r + r << imm
13092 Scale = Scale & ~1;
13093 return Scale == 2 || Scale == 4 || Scale == 8;
13094 case MVT::i64:
13095 // FIXME: What are we trying to model here? ldrd doesn't have an r + r
13096 // version in Thumb mode.
13097 // r + r
13098 if (Scale == 1)
13099 return true;
13100 // r * 2 (this can be lowered to r + r).
13101 if (!AM.HasBaseReg && Scale == 2)
13102 return true;
13103 return false;
13104 case MVT::isVoid:
13105 // Note, we allow "void" uses (basically, uses that aren't loads or
13106 // stores), because arm allows folding a scale into many arithmetic
13107 // operations. This should be made more precise and revisited later.
13109 // Allow r << imm, but the imm has to be a multiple of two.
13110 if (Scale & 1) return false;
13111 return isPowerOf2_32(Scale);
13112 }
13115bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalT1ScaledAddressingMode(const AddrMode &AM,
13116 EVT VT) const {
13117 const int Scale = AM.Scale;
13119 // Negative scales are not supported in Thumb1.
13120 if (Scale < 0)
13121 return false;
13123 // Thumb1 addressing modes do not support register scaling excepting the
13124 // following cases:
13125 // 1. Scale == 1 means no scaling.
13126 // 2. Scale == 2 this can be lowered to r + r if there is no base register.
13127 return (Scale == 1) || (!AM.HasBaseReg && Scale == 2);
13130/// isLegalAddressingMode - Return true if the addressing mode represented
13131/// by AM is legal for this target, for a load/store of the specified type.
13132bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalAddressingMode(const DataLayout &DL,
13133 const AddrMode &AM, Type *Ty,
13134 unsigned AS, Instruction *I) const {
13135 EVT VT = getValueType(DL, Ty, true);
13136 if (!isLegalAddressImmediate(AM.BaseOffs, VT, Subtarget))
13137 return false;
13139 // Can never fold addr of global into load/store.
13140 if (AM.BaseGV)
13141 return false;
13143 switch (AM.Scale) {
13144 case 0: // no scale reg, must be "r+i" or "r", or "i".
13145 break;
13146 default:
13147 // ARM doesn't support any R+R*scale+imm addr modes.
13148 if (AM.BaseOffs)
13149 return false;
13151 if (!VT.isSimple())
13152 return false;
13154 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
13155 return isLegalT1ScaledAddressingMode(AM, VT);
13157 if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13158 return isLegalT2ScaledAddressingMode(AM, VT);
13160 int Scale = AM.Scale;
13161 switch (VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
13162 default: return false;
13163 case MVT::i1:
13164 case MVT::i8:
13165 case MVT::i32:
13166 if (Scale < 0) Scale = -Scale;
13167 if (Scale == 1)
13168 return true;
13169 // r + r << imm
13170 return isPowerOf2_32(Scale & ~1);
13171 case MVT::i16:
13172 case MVT::i64:
13173 // r +/- r
13174 if (Scale == 1 || (AM.HasBaseReg && Scale == -1))
13175 return true;
13176 // r * 2 (this can be lowered to r + r).
13177 if (!AM.HasBaseReg && Scale == 2)
13178 return true;
13179 return false;
13181 case MVT::isVoid:
13182 // Note, we allow "void" uses (basically, uses that aren't loads or
13183 // stores), because arm allows folding a scale into many arithmetic
13184 // operations. This should be made more precise and revisited later.
13186 // Allow r << imm, but the imm has to be a multiple of two.
13187 if (Scale & 1) return false;
13188 return isPowerOf2_32(Scale);
13189 }
13190 }
13191 return true;
13194/// isLegalICmpImmediate - Return true if the specified immediate is legal
13195/// icmp immediate, that is the target has icmp instructions which can compare
13196/// a register against the immediate without having to materialize the
13197/// immediate into a register.
13198bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalICmpImmediate(int64_t Imm) const {
13199 // Thumb2 and ARM modes can use cmn for negative immediates.
13200 if (!Subtarget->isThumb())
13201 return ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(std::abs(Imm)) != -1;
13202 if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13203 return ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(std::abs(Imm)) != -1;
13204 // Thumb1 doesn't have cmn, and only 8-bit immediates.
13205 return Imm >= 0 && Imm <= 255;
13208/// isLegalAddImmediate - Return true if the specified immediate is a legal add
13209/// *or sub* immediate, that is the target has add or sub instructions which can
13210/// add a register with the immediate without having to materialize the
13211/// immediate into a register.
13212bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalAddImmediate(int64_t Imm) const {
13213 // Same encoding for add/sub, just flip the sign.
13214 int64_t AbsImm = std::abs(Imm);
13215 if (!Subtarget->isThumb())
13216 return ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(AbsImm) != -1;
13217 if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13218 return ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(AbsImm) != -1;
13219 // Thumb1 only has 8-bit unsigned immediate.
13220 return AbsImm >= 0 && AbsImm <= 255;
13223static bool getARMIndexedAddressParts(SDNode *Ptr, EVT VT,
13224 bool isSEXTLoad, SDValue &Base,
13225 SDValue &Offset, bool &isInc,
13226 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
13227 if (Ptr->getOpcode() != ISD::ADD && Ptr->getOpcode() != ISD::SUB)
13228 return false;
13230 if (VT == MVT::i16 || ((VT == MVT::i8 || VT == MVT::i1) && isSEXTLoad)) {
13231 // AddressingMode 3
13232 Base = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13233 if (ConstantSDNode *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Ptr->getOperand(1))) {
13234 int RHSC = (int)RHS->getZExtValue();
13235 if (RHSC < 0 && RHSC > -256) {
13236 assert(Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD)(static_cast <bool> (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD",
, 13236, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13237 isInc = false;
13238 Offset = DAG.getConstant(-RHSC, SDLoc(Ptr), RHS->getValueType(0));
13239 return true;
13240 }
13241 }
13242 isInc = (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD);
13243 Offset = Ptr->getOperand(1);
13244 return true;
13245 } else if (VT == MVT::i32 || VT == MVT::i8 || VT == MVT::i1) {
13246 // AddressingMode 2
13247 if (ConstantSDNode *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Ptr->getOperand(1))) {
13248 int RHSC = (int)RHS->getZExtValue();
13249 if (RHSC < 0 && RHSC > -0x1000) {
13250 assert(Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD)(static_cast <bool> (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD",
, 13250, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13251 isInc = false;
13252 Offset = DAG.getConstant(-RHSC, SDLoc(Ptr), RHS->getValueType(0));
13253 Base = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13254 return true;
13255 }
13256 }
13258 if (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD) {
13259 isInc = true;
13260 ARM_AM::ShiftOpc ShOpcVal=
13261 ARM_AM::getShiftOpcForNode(Ptr->getOperand(0).getOpcode());
13262 if (ShOpcVal != ARM_AM::no_shift) {
13263 Base = Ptr->getOperand(1);
13264 Offset = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13265 } else {
13266 Base = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13267 Offset = Ptr->getOperand(1);
13268 }
13269 return true;
13270 }
13272 isInc = (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD);
13273 Base = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13274 Offset = Ptr->getOperand(1);
13275 return true;
13276 }
13278 // FIXME: Use VLDM / VSTM to emulate indexed FP load / store.
13279 return false;
13282static bool getT2IndexedAddressParts(SDNode *Ptr, EVT VT,
13283 bool isSEXTLoad, SDValue &Base,
13284 SDValue &Offset, bool &isInc,
13285 SelectionDAG &DAG) {
13286 if (Ptr->getOpcode() != ISD::ADD && Ptr->getOpcode() != ISD::SUB)
13287 return false;
13289 Base = Ptr->getOperand(0);
13290 if (ConstantSDNode *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Ptr->getOperand(1))) {
13291 int RHSC = (int)RHS->getZExtValue();
13292 if (RHSC < 0 && RHSC > -0x100) { // 8 bits.
13293 assert(Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD)(static_cast <bool> (Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD) ?
void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD",
, 13293, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13294 isInc = false;
13295 Offset = DAG.getConstant(-RHSC, SDLoc(Ptr), RHS->getValueType(0));
13296 return true;
13297 } else if (RHSC > 0 && RHSC < 0x100) { // 8 bit, no zero.
13298 isInc = Ptr->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD;
13299 Offset = DAG.getConstant(RHSC, SDLoc(Ptr), RHS->getValueType(0));
13300 return true;
13301 }
13302 }
13304 return false;
13307/// getPreIndexedAddressParts - returns true by value, base pointer and
13308/// offset pointer and addressing mode by reference if the node's address
13309/// can be legally represented as pre-indexed load / store address.
13311ARMTargetLowering::getPreIndexedAddressParts(SDNode *N, SDValue &Base,
13312 SDValue &Offset,
13313 ISD::MemIndexedMode &AM,
13314 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13315 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
13316 return false;
13318 EVT VT;
13319 SDValue Ptr;
13320 bool isSEXTLoad = false;
13321 if (LoadSDNode *LD = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(N)) {
13322 Ptr = LD->getBasePtr();
13323 VT = LD->getMemoryVT();
13324 isSEXTLoad = LD->getExtensionType() == ISD::SEXTLOAD;
13325 } else if (StoreSDNode *ST = dyn_cast<StoreSDNode>(N)) {
13326 Ptr = ST->getBasePtr();
13327 VT = ST->getMemoryVT();
13328 } else
13329 return false;
13331 bool isInc;
13332 bool isLegal = false;
13333 if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13334 isLegal = getT2IndexedAddressParts(Ptr.getNode(), VT, isSEXTLoad, Base,
13335 Offset, isInc, DAG);
13336 else
13337 isLegal = getARMIndexedAddressParts(Ptr.getNode(), VT, isSEXTLoad, Base,
13338 Offset, isInc, DAG);
13339 if (!isLegal)
13340 return false;
13342 AM = isInc ? ISD::PRE_INC : ISD::PRE_DEC;
13343 return true;
13346/// getPostIndexedAddressParts - returns true by value, base pointer and
13347/// offset pointer and addressing mode by reference if this node can be
13348/// combined with a load / store to form a post-indexed load / store.
13349bool ARMTargetLowering::getPostIndexedAddressParts(SDNode *N, SDNode *Op,
13350 SDValue &Base,
13351 SDValue &Offset,
13352 ISD::MemIndexedMode &AM,
13353 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13354 EVT VT;
13355 SDValue Ptr;
13356 bool isSEXTLoad = false, isNonExt;
13357 if (LoadSDNode *LD = dyn_cast<LoadSDNode>(N)) {
13358 VT = LD->getMemoryVT();
13359 Ptr = LD->getBasePtr();
13360 isSEXTLoad = LD->getExtensionType() == ISD::SEXTLOAD;
13361 isNonExt = LD->getExtensionType() == ISD::NON_EXTLOAD;
13362 } else if (StoreSDNode *ST = dyn_cast<StoreSDNode>(N)) {
13363 VT = ST->getMemoryVT();
13364 Ptr = ST->getBasePtr();
13365 isNonExt = !ST->isTruncatingStore();
13366 } else
13367 return false;
13369 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13370 // Thumb-1 can do a limited post-inc load or store as an updating LDM. It
13371 // must be non-extending/truncating, i32, with an offset of 4.
13372 assert(Op->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 && "Non-i32 post-inc op?!")(static_cast <bool> (Op->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32
&& "Non-i32 post-inc op?!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Op->getValueType(0) == MVT::i32 && \"Non-i32 post-inc op?!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13372, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13373 if (Op->getOpcode() != ISD::ADD || !isNonExt)
13374 return false;
13375 auto *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op->getOperand(1));
13376 if (!RHS || RHS->getZExtValue() != 4)
13377 return false;
13379 Offset = Op->getOperand(1);
13380 Base = Op->getOperand(0);
13381 AM = ISD::POST_INC;
13382 return true;
13383 }
13385 bool isInc;
13386 bool isLegal = false;
13387 if (Subtarget->isThumb2())
13388 isLegal = getT2IndexedAddressParts(Op, VT, isSEXTLoad, Base, Offset,
13389 isInc, DAG);
13390 else
13391 isLegal = getARMIndexedAddressParts(Op, VT, isSEXTLoad, Base, Offset,
13392 isInc, DAG);
13393 if (!isLegal)
13394 return false;
13396 if (Ptr != Base) {
13397 // Swap base ptr and offset to catch more post-index load / store when
13398 // it's legal. In Thumb2 mode, offset must be an immediate.
13399 if (Ptr == Offset && Op->getOpcode() == ISD::ADD &&
13400 !Subtarget->isThumb2())
13401 std::swap(Base, Offset);
13403 // Post-indexed load / store update the base pointer.
13404 if (Ptr != Base)
13405 return false;
13406 }
13408 AM = isInc ? ISD::POST_INC : ISD::POST_DEC;
13409 return true;
13412void ARMTargetLowering::computeKnownBitsForTargetNode(const SDValue Op,
13413 KnownBits &Known,
13414 const APInt &DemandedElts,
13415 const SelectionDAG &DAG,
13416 unsigned Depth) const {
13417 unsigned BitWidth = Known.getBitWidth();
13418 Known.resetAll();
13419 switch (Op.getOpcode()) {
13420 default: break;
13421 case ARMISD::ADDC:
13422 case ARMISD::ADDE:
13423 case ARMISD::SUBC:
13424 case ARMISD::SUBE:
13425 // Special cases when we convert a carry to a boolean.
13426 if (Op.getResNo() == 0) {
13427 SDValue LHS = Op.getOperand(0);
13428 SDValue RHS = Op.getOperand(1);
13429 // (ADDE 0, 0, C) will give us a single bit.
13430 if (Op->getOpcode() == ARMISD::ADDE && isNullConstant(LHS) &&
13431 isNullConstant(RHS)) {
13432 Known.Zero |= APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, BitWidth - 1);
13433 return;
13434 }
13435 }
13436 break;
13437 case ARMISD::CMOV: {
13438 // Bits are known zero/one if known on the LHS and RHS.
13439 DAG.computeKnownBits(Op.getOperand(0), Known, Depth+1);
13440 if (Known.isUnknown())
13441 return;
13443 KnownBits KnownRHS;
13444 DAG.computeKnownBits(Op.getOperand(1), KnownRHS, Depth+1);
13445 Known.Zero &= KnownRHS.Zero;
13446 Known.One &= KnownRHS.One;
13447 return;
13448 }
13449 case ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN: {
13450 ConstantSDNode *CN = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op->getOperand(1));
13451 Intrinsic::ID IntID = static_cast<Intrinsic::ID>(CN->getZExtValue());
13452 switch (IntID) {
13453 default: return;
13454 case Intrinsic::arm_ldaex:
13455 case Intrinsic::arm_ldrex: {
13456 EVT VT = cast<MemIntrinsicSDNode>(Op)->getMemoryVT();
13457 unsigned MemBits = VT.getScalarSizeInBits();
13458 Known.Zero |= APInt::getHighBitsSet(BitWidth, BitWidth - MemBits);
13459 return;
13460 }
13461 }
13462 }
13463 case ARMISD::BFI: {
13464 // Conservatively, we can recurse down the first operand
13465 // and just mask out all affected bits.
13466 DAG.computeKnownBits(Op.getOperand(0), Known, Depth + 1);
13468 // The operand to BFI is already a mask suitable for removing the bits it
13469 // sets.
13470 ConstantSDNode *CI = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(2));
13471 const APInt &Mask = CI->getAPIntValue();
13472 Known.Zero &= Mask;
13473 Known.One &= Mask;
13474 return;
13475 }
13476 }
13480// ARM Inline Assembly Support
13483bool ARMTargetLowering::ExpandInlineAsm(CallInst *CI) const {
13484 // Looking for "rev" which is V6+.
13485 if (!Subtarget->hasV6Ops())
13486 return false;
13488 InlineAsm *IA = cast<InlineAsm>(CI->getCalledValue());
13489 std::string AsmStr = IA->getAsmString();
13490 SmallVector<StringRef, 4> AsmPieces;
13491 SplitString(AsmStr, AsmPieces, ";\n");
13493 switch (AsmPieces.size()) {
13494 default: return false;
13495 case 1:
13496 AsmStr = AsmPieces[0];
13497 AsmPieces.clear();
13498 SplitString(AsmStr, AsmPieces, " \t,");
13500 // rev $0, $1
13501 if (AsmPieces.size() == 3 &&
13502 AsmPieces[0] == "rev" && AsmPieces[1] == "$0" && AsmPieces[2] == "$1" &&
13503 IA->getConstraintString().compare(0, 4, "=l,l") == 0) {
13504 IntegerType *Ty = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(CI->getType());
13505 if (Ty && Ty->getBitWidth() == 32)
13506 return IntrinsicLowering::LowerToByteSwap(CI);
13507 }
13508 break;
13509 }
13511 return false;
13514const char *ARMTargetLowering::LowerXConstraint(EVT ConstraintVT) const {
13515 // At this point, we have to lower this constraint to something else, so we
13516 // lower it to an "r" or "w". However, by doing this we will force the result
13517 // to be in register, while the X constraint is much more permissive.
13518 //
13519 // Although we are correct (we are free to emit anything, without
13520 // constraints), we might break use cases that would expect us to be more
13521 // efficient and emit something else.
13522 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP2())
13523 return "r";
13524 if (ConstraintVT.isFloatingPoint())
13525 return "w";
13526 if (ConstraintVT.isVector() && Subtarget->hasNEON() &&
13527 (ConstraintVT.getSizeInBits() == 64 ||
13528 ConstraintVT.getSizeInBits() == 128))
13529 return "w";
13531 return "r";
13534/// getConstraintType - Given a constraint letter, return the type of
13535/// constraint it is for this target.
13537ARMTargetLowering::getConstraintType(StringRef Constraint) const {
13538 if (Constraint.size() == 1) {
13539 switch (Constraint[0]) {
13540 default: break;
13541 case 'l': return C_RegisterClass;
13542 case 'w': return C_RegisterClass;
13543 case 'h': return C_RegisterClass;
13544 case 'x': return C_RegisterClass;
13545 case 't': return C_RegisterClass;
13546 case 'j': return C_Other; // Constant for movw.
13547 // An address with a single base register. Due to the way we
13548 // currently handle addresses it is the same as an 'r' memory constraint.
13549 case 'Q': return C_Memory;
13550 }
13551 } else if (Constraint.size() == 2) {
13552 switch (Constraint[0]) {
13553 default: break;
13554 // All 'U+' constraints are addresses.
13555 case 'U': return C_Memory;
13556 }
13557 }
13558 return TargetLowering::getConstraintType(Constraint);
13561/// Examine constraint type and operand type and determine a weight value.
13562/// This object must already have been set up with the operand type
13563/// and the current alternative constraint selected.
13566 AsmOperandInfo &info, const char *constraint) const {
13567 ConstraintWeight weight = CW_Invalid;
13568 Value *CallOperandVal = info.CallOperandVal;
13569 // If we don't have a value, we can't do a match,
13570 // but allow it at the lowest weight.
13571 if (!CallOperandVal)
13572 return CW_Default;
13573 Type *type = CallOperandVal->getType();
13574 // Look at the constraint type.
13575 switch (*constraint) {
13576 default:
13577 weight = TargetLowering::getSingleConstraintMatchWeight(info, constraint);
13578 break;
13579 case 'l':
13580 if (type->isIntegerTy()) {
13581 if (Subtarget->isThumb())
13582 weight = CW_SpecificReg;
13583 else
13584 weight = CW_Register;
13585 }
13586 break;
13587 case 'w':
13588 if (type->isFloatingPointTy())
13589 weight = CW_Register;
13590 break;
13591 }
13592 return weight;
13595using RCPair = std::pair<unsigned, const TargetRegisterClass *>;
13597RCPair ARMTargetLowering::getRegForInlineAsmConstraint(
13598 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, StringRef Constraint, MVT VT) const {
13599 if (Constraint.size() == 1) {
13600 // GCC ARM Constraint Letters
13601 switch (Constraint[0]) {
13602 case 'l': // Low regs or general regs.
13603 if (Subtarget->isThumb())
13604 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::tGPRRegClass);
13605 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::GPRRegClass);
13606 case 'h': // High regs or no regs.
13607 if (Subtarget->isThumb())
13608 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::hGPRRegClass);
13609 break;
13610 case 'r':
13611 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only())
13612 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::tGPRRegClass);
13613 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::GPRRegClass);
13614 case 'w':
13615 if (VT == MVT::Other)
13616 break;
13617 if (VT == MVT::f32)
13618 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::SPRRegClass);
13619 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 64)
13620 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::DPRRegClass);
13621 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 128)
13622 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::QPRRegClass);
13623 break;
13624 case 'x':
13625 if (VT == MVT::Other)
13626 break;
13627 if (VT == MVT::f32)
13628 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::SPR_8RegClass);
13629 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 64)
13630 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::DPR_8RegClass);
13631 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 128)
13632 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::QPR_8RegClass);
13633 break;
13634 case 't':
13635 if (VT == MVT::Other)
13636 break;
13637 if (VT == MVT::f32 || VT == MVT::i32)
13638 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::SPRRegClass);
13639 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 64)
13640 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::DPR_VFP2RegClass);
13641 if (VT.getSizeInBits() == 128)
13642 return RCPair(0U, &ARM::QPR_VFP2RegClass);
13643 break;
13644 }
13645 }
13646 if (StringRef("{cc}").equals_lower(Constraint))
13647 return std::make_pair(unsigned(ARM::CPSR), &ARM::CCRRegClass);
13649 return TargetLowering::getRegForInlineAsmConstraint(TRI, Constraint, VT);
13652/// LowerAsmOperandForConstraint - Lower the specified operand into the Ops
13653/// vector. If it is invalid, don't add anything to Ops.
13654void ARMTargetLowering::LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(SDValue Op,
13655 std::string &Constraint,
13656 std::vector<SDValue>&Ops,
13657 SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13658 SDValue Result;
13660 // Currently only support length 1 constraints.
13661 if (Constraint.length() != 1) return;
13663 char ConstraintLetter = Constraint[0];
13664 switch (ConstraintLetter) {
13665 default: break;
13666 case 'j':
13667 case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
13668 case 'M': case 'N': case 'O':
13669 ConstantSDNode *C = dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op);
13670 if (!C)
13671 return;
13673 int64_t CVal64 = C->getSExtValue();
13674 int CVal = (int) CVal64;
13675 // None of these constraints allow values larger than 32 bits. Check
13676 // that the value fits in an int.
13677 if (CVal != CVal64)
13678 return;
13680 switch (ConstraintLetter) {
13681 case 'j':
13682 // Constant suitable for movw, must be between 0 and
13683 // 65535.
13684 if (Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops())
13685 if (CVal >= 0 && CVal <= 65535)
13686 break;
13687 return;
13688 case 'I':
13689 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13690 // This must be a constant between 0 and 255, for ADD
13691 // immediates.
13692 if (CVal >= 0 && CVal <= 255)
13693 break;
13694 } else if (Subtarget->isThumb2()) {
13695 // A constant that can be used as an immediate value in a
13696 // data-processing instruction.
13697 if (ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(CVal) != -1)
13698 break;
13699 } else {
13700 // A constant that can be used as an immediate value in a
13701 // data-processing instruction.
13702 if (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(CVal) != -1)
13703 break;
13704 }
13705 return;
13707 case 'J':
13708 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13709 // This must be a constant between -255 and -1, for negated ADD
13710 // immediates. This can be used in GCC with an "n" modifier that
13711 // prints the negated value, for use with SUB instructions. It is
13712 // not useful otherwise but is implemented for compatibility.
13713 if (CVal >= -255 && CVal <= -1)
13714 break;
13715 } else {
13716 // This must be a constant between -4095 and 4095. It is not clear
13717 // what this constraint is intended for. Implemented for
13718 // compatibility with GCC.
13719 if (CVal >= -4095 && CVal <= 4095)
13720 break;
13721 }
13722 return;
13724 case 'K':
13725 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13726 // A 32-bit value where only one byte has a nonzero value. Exclude
13727 // zero to match GCC. This constraint is used by GCC internally for
13728 // constants that can be loaded with a move/shift combination.
13729 // It is not useful otherwise but is implemented for compatibility.
13730 if (CVal != 0 && ARM_AM::isThumbImmShiftedVal(CVal))
13731 break;
13732 } else if (Subtarget->isThumb2()) {
13733 // A constant whose bitwise inverse can be used as an immediate
13734 // value in a data-processing instruction. This can be used in GCC
13735 // with a "B" modifier that prints the inverted value, for use with
13736 // BIC and MVN instructions. It is not useful otherwise but is
13737 // implemented for compatibility.
13738 if (ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(~CVal) != -1)
13739 break;
13740 } else {
13741 // A constant whose bitwise inverse can be used as an immediate
13742 // value in a data-processing instruction. This can be used in GCC
13743 // with a "B" modifier that prints the inverted value, for use with
13744 // BIC and MVN instructions. It is not useful otherwise but is
13745 // implemented for compatibility.
13746 if (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(~CVal) != -1)
13747 break;
13748 }
13749 return;
13751 case 'L':
13752 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13753 // This must be a constant between -7 and 7,
13754 // for 3-operand ADD/SUB immediate instructions.
13755 if (CVal >= -7 && CVal < 7)
13756 break;
13757 } else if (Subtarget->isThumb2()) {
13758 // A constant whose negation can be used as an immediate value in a
13759 // data-processing instruction. This can be used in GCC with an "n"
13760 // modifier that prints the negated value, for use with SUB
13761 // instructions. It is not useful otherwise but is implemented for
13762 // compatibility.
13763 if (ARM_AM::getT2SOImmVal(-CVal) != -1)
13764 break;
13765 } else {
13766 // A constant whose negation can be used as an immediate value in a
13767 // data-processing instruction. This can be used in GCC with an "n"
13768 // modifier that prints the negated value, for use with SUB
13769 // instructions. It is not useful otherwise but is implemented for
13770 // compatibility.
13771 if (ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(-CVal) != -1)
13772 break;
13773 }
13774 return;
13776 case 'M':
13777 if (Subtarget->isThumb1Only()) {
13778 // This must be a multiple of 4 between 0 and 1020, for
13779 // ADD sp + immediate.
13780 if ((CVal >= 0 && CVal <= 1020) && ((CVal & 3) == 0))
13781 break;
13782 } else {
13783 // A power of two or a constant between 0 and 32. This is used in
13784 // GCC for the shift amount on shifted register operands, but it is
13785 // useful in general for any shift amounts.
13786 if ((CVal >= 0 && CVal <= 32) || ((CVal & (CVal - 1)) == 0))
13787 break;
13788 }
13789 return;
13791 case 'N':
13792 if (Subtarget->isThumb()) { // FIXME thumb2
13793 // This must be a constant between 0 and 31, for shift amounts.
13794 if (CVal >= 0 && CVal <= 31)
13795 break;
13796 }
13797 return;
13799 case 'O':
13800 if (Subtarget->isThumb()) { // FIXME thumb2
13801 // This must be a multiple of 4 between -508 and 508, for
13802 // ADD/SUB sp = sp + immediate.
13803 if ((CVal >= -508 && CVal <= 508) && ((CVal & 3) == 0))
13804 break;
13805 }
13806 return;
13807 }
13808 Result = DAG.getTargetConstant(CVal, SDLoc(Op), Op.getValueType());
13809 break;
13810 }
13812 if (Result.getNode()) {
13813 Ops.push_back(Result);
13814 return;
13815 }
13816 return TargetLowering::LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(Op, Constraint, Ops, DAG);
13819static RTLIB::Libcall getDivRemLibcall(
13820 const SDNode *N, MVT::SimpleValueType SVT) {
13821 assert((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM ||(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13823, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13822 N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) &&(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13823, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13823 "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall")(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemLibcall\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13823, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13824 bool isSigned = N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM ||
13825 N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM;
13826 RTLIB::Libcall LC;
13827 switch (SVT) {
13828 default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected request for libcall!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected request for libcall!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13828)
13829 case MVT::i8: LC = isSigned ? RTLIB::SDIVREM_I8 : RTLIB::UDIVREM_I8; break;
13830 case MVT::i16: LC = isSigned ? RTLIB::SDIVREM_I16 : RTLIB::UDIVREM_I16; break;
13831 case MVT::i32: LC = isSigned ? RTLIB::SDIVREM_I32 : RTLIB::UDIVREM_I32; break;
13832 case MVT::i64: LC = isSigned ? RTLIB::SDIVREM_I64 : RTLIB::UDIVREM_I64; break;
13833 }
13834 return LC;
13837static TargetLowering::ArgListTy getDivRemArgList(
13838 const SDNode *N, LLVMContext *Context, const ARMSubtarget *Subtarget) {
13839 assert((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM ||(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13840 N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) &&(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13841 "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList")(static_cast <bool> ((N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM
|| N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() ==
ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && "Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UDIVREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM || N->getOpcode() == ISD::UREM) && \"Unhandled Opcode in getDivRemArgList\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13842 bool isSigned = N->getOpcode() == ISD::SDIVREM ||
13843 N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM;
13844 TargetLowering::ArgListTy Args;
13845 TargetLowering::ArgListEntry Entry;
13846 for (unsigned i = 0, e = N->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
13847 EVT ArgVT = N->getOperand(i).getValueType();
13848 Type *ArgTy = ArgVT.getTypeForEVT(*Context);
13849 Entry.Node = N->getOperand(i);
13850 Entry.Ty = ArgTy;
13851 Entry.IsSExt = isSigned;
13852 Entry.IsZExt = !isSigned;
13853 Args.push_back(Entry);
13854 }
13855 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && Args.size() >= 2)
13856 std::swap(Args[0], Args[1]);
13857 return Args;
13860SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerDivRem(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13861 assert((Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() ||(static_cast <bool> ((Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget
->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() ||
Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows
()) && "Register-based DivRem lowering only") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("(Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"Register-based DivRem lowering only\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13864, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13862 Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() ||(static_cast <bool> ((Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget
->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() ||
Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows
()) && "Register-based DivRem lowering only") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("(Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"Register-based DivRem lowering only\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13864, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13863 Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) &&(static_cast <bool> ((Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget
->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() ||
Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows
()) && "Register-based DivRem lowering only") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("(Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"Register-based DivRem lowering only\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13864, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13864 "Register-based DivRem lowering only")(static_cast <bool> ((Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget
->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() ||
Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows
()) && "Register-based DivRem lowering only") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("(Subtarget->isTargetAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetAndroid() || Subtarget->isTargetGNUAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetMuslAEABI() || Subtarget->isTargetWindows()) && \"Register-based DivRem lowering only\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13864, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13865 unsigned Opcode = Op->getOpcode();
13866 assert((Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM || Opcode == ISD::UDIVREM) &&(static_cast <bool> ((Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM || Opcode ==
ISD::UDIVREM) && "Invalid opcode for Div/Rem lowering"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM || Opcode == ISD::UDIVREM) && \"Invalid opcode for Div/Rem lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13867, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13867 "Invalid opcode for Div/Rem lowering")(static_cast <bool> ((Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM || Opcode ==
ISD::UDIVREM) && "Invalid opcode for Div/Rem lowering"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM || Opcode == ISD::UDIVREM) && \"Invalid opcode for Div/Rem lowering\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13867, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13868 bool isSigned = (Opcode == ISD::SDIVREM);
13869 EVT VT = Op->getValueType(0);
13870 Type *Ty = VT.getTypeForEVT(*DAG.getContext());
13871 SDLoc dl(Op);
13873 // If the target has hardware divide, use divide + multiply + subtract:
13874 // div = a / b
13875 // rem = a - b * div
13876 // return {div, rem}
13877 // This should be lowered into UDIV/SDIV + MLS later on.
13878 bool hasDivide = Subtarget->isThumb() ? Subtarget->hasDivideInThumbMode()
13879 : Subtarget->hasDivideInARMMode();
13880 if (hasDivide && Op->getValueType(0).isSimple() &&
13881 Op->getSimpleValueType(0) == MVT::i32) {
13882 unsigned DivOpcode = isSigned ? ISD::SDIV : ISD::UDIV;
13883 const SDValue Dividend = Op->getOperand(0);
13884 const SDValue Divisor = Op->getOperand(1);
13885 SDValue Div = DAG.getNode(DivOpcode, dl, VT, Dividend, Divisor);
13886 SDValue Mul = DAG.getNode(ISD::MUL, dl, VT, Div, Divisor);
13887 SDValue Rem = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, dl, VT, Dividend, Mul);
13889 SDValue Values[2] = {Div, Rem};
13890 return DAG.getNode(ISD::MERGE_VALUES, dl, DAG.getVTList(VT, VT), Values);
13891 }
13893 RTLIB::Libcall LC = getDivRemLibcall(Op.getNode(),
13894 VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy);
13895 SDValue InChain = DAG.getEntryNode();
13897 TargetLowering::ArgListTy Args = getDivRemArgList(Op.getNode(),
13898 DAG.getContext(),
13899 Subtarget);
13901 SDValue Callee = DAG.getExternalSymbol(getLibcallName(LC),
13902 getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
13904 Type *RetTy = StructType::get(Ty, Ty);
13906 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows())
13907 InChain = WinDBZCheckDenominator(DAG, Op.getNode(), InChain);
13909 TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
13910 CLI.setDebugLoc(dl).setChain(InChain)
13911 .setCallee(getLibcallCallingConv(LC), RetTy, Callee, std::move(Args))
13912 .setInRegister().setSExtResult(isSigned).setZExtResult(!isSigned);
13914 std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CallInfo = LowerCallTo(CLI);
13915 return CallInfo.first;
13918// Lowers REM using divmod helpers
13919// see RTABI section 4.2/4.3
13920SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerREM(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13921 // Build return types (div and rem)
13922 std::vector<Type*> RetTyParams;
13923 Type *RetTyElement;
13925 switch (N->getValueType(0).getSimpleVT().SimpleTy) {
13926 default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected request for libcall!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected request for libcall!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13926)
13927 case MVT::i8: RetTyElement = Type::getInt8Ty(*DAG.getContext()); break;
13928 case MVT::i16: RetTyElement = Type::getInt16Ty(*DAG.getContext()); break;
13929 case MVT::i32: RetTyElement = Type::getInt32Ty(*DAG.getContext()); break;
13930 case MVT::i64: RetTyElement = Type::getInt64Ty(*DAG.getContext()); break;
13931 }
13933 RetTyParams.push_back(RetTyElement);
13934 RetTyParams.push_back(RetTyElement);
13935 ArrayRef<Type*> ret = ArrayRef<Type*>(RetTyParams);
13936 Type *RetTy = StructType::get(*DAG.getContext(), ret);
13938 RTLIB::Libcall LC = getDivRemLibcall(N, N->getValueType(0).getSimpleVT().
13939 SimpleTy);
13940 SDValue InChain = DAG.getEntryNode();
13941 TargetLowering::ArgListTy Args = getDivRemArgList(N, DAG.getContext(),
13942 Subtarget);
13943 bool isSigned = N->getOpcode() == ISD::SREM;
13944 SDValue Callee = DAG.getExternalSymbol(getLibcallName(LC),
13945 getPointerTy(DAG.getDataLayout()));
13947 if (Subtarget->isTargetWindows())
13948 InChain = WinDBZCheckDenominator(DAG, N, InChain);
13950 // Lower call
13951 CallLoweringInfo CLI(DAG);
13952 CLI.setChain(InChain)
13953 .setCallee(CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS, RetTy, Callee, std::move(Args))
13954 .setSExtResult(isSigned).setZExtResult(!isSigned).setDebugLoc(SDLoc(N));
13955 std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> CallResult = LowerCallTo(CLI);
13957 // Return second (rem) result operand (first contains div)
13958 SDNode *ResNode = CallResult.first.getNode();
13959 assert(ResNode->getNumOperands() == 2 && "divmod should return two operands")(static_cast <bool> (ResNode->getNumOperands() == 2 &&
"divmod should return two operands") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ResNode->getNumOperands() == 2 && \"divmod should return two operands\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13959, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13960 return ResNode->getOperand(1);
13964ARMTargetLowering::LowerDYNAMIC_STACKALLOC(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
13965 assert(Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && "unsupported target platform")(static_cast <bool> (Subtarget->isTargetWindows() &&
"unsupported target platform") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Subtarget->isTargetWindows() && \"unsupported target platform\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 13965, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
13966 SDLoc DL(Op);
13968 // Get the inputs.
13969 SDValue Chain = Op.getOperand(0);
13970 SDValue Size = Op.getOperand(1);
13972 if (DAG.getMachineFunction().getFunction().hasFnAttribute(
13973 "no-stack-arg-probe")) {
13974 unsigned Align = cast<ConstantSDNode>(Op.getOperand(2))->getZExtValue();
13975 SDValue SP = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, DL, ARM::SP, MVT::i32);
13976 Chain = SP.getValue(1);
13977 SP = DAG.getNode(ISD::SUB, DL, MVT::i32, SP, Size);
13978 if (Align)
13979 SP = DAG.getNode(ISD::AND, DL, MVT::i32, SP.getValue(0),
13980 DAG.getConstant(-(uint64_t)Align, DL, MVT::i32));
13981 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, DL, ARM::SP, SP);
13982 SDValue Ops[2] = { SP, Chain };
13983 return DAG.getMergeValues(Ops, DL);
13984 }
13986 SDValue Words = DAG.getNode(ISD::SRL, DL, MVT::i32, Size,
13987 DAG.getConstant(2, DL, MVT::i32));
13989 SDValue Flag;
13990 Chain = DAG.getCopyToReg(Chain, DL, ARM::R4, Words, Flag);
13991 Flag = Chain.getValue(1);
13993 SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);
13994 Chain = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::WIN__CHKSTK, DL, NodeTys, Chain, Flag);
13996 SDValue NewSP = DAG.getCopyFromReg(Chain, DL, ARM::SP, MVT::i32);
13997 Chain = NewSP.getValue(1);
13999 SDValue Ops[2] = { NewSP, Chain };
14000 return DAG.getMergeValues(Ops, DL);
14003SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFP_EXTEND(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
14004 assert(Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64 &&
Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_EXTEND"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && \"Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_EXTEND\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14005, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14005 "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_EXTEND")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64 &&
Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_EXTEND"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && \"Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_EXTEND\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14005, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14007 RTLIB::Libcall LC;
14008 LC = RTLIB::getFPEXT(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(), Op.getValueType());
14010 SDValue SrcVal = Op.getOperand(0);
14011 return makeLibCall(DAG, LC, Op.getValueType(), SrcVal, /*isSigned*/ false,
14012 SDLoc(Op)).first;
14015SDValue ARMTargetLowering::LowerFP_ROUND(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
14016 assert(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::f64 &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && \"Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14018, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14017 Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() &&(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && \"Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14018, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14018 "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() ==
MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && "Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getOperand(0).getValueType() == MVT::f64 && Subtarget->isFPOnlySP() && \"Unexpected type for custom-lowering FP_ROUND\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14018, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14020 RTLIB::Libcall LC;
14021 LC = RTLIB::getFPROUND(Op.getOperand(0).getValueType(), Op.getValueType());
14023 SDValue SrcVal = Op.getOperand(0);
14024 return makeLibCall(DAG, LC, Op.getValueType(), SrcVal, /*isSigned*/ false,
14025 SDLoc(Op)).first;
14029ARMTargetLowering::isOffsetFoldingLegal(const GlobalAddressSDNode *GA) const {
14030 // The ARM target isn't yet aware of offsets.
14031 return false;
14034bool ARM::isBitFieldInvertedMask(unsigned v) {
14035 if (v == 0xffffffff)
14036 return false;
14038 // there can be 1's on either or both "outsides", all the "inside"
14039 // bits must be 0's
14040 return isShiftedMask_32(~v);
14043/// isFPImmLegal - Returns true if the target can instruction select the
14044/// specified FP immediate natively. If false, the legalizer will
14045/// materialize the FP immediate as a load from a constant pool.
14046bool ARMTargetLowering::isFPImmLegal(const APFloat &Imm, EVT VT) const {
14047 if (!Subtarget->hasVFP3())
14048 return false;
14049 if (VT == MVT::f16 && Subtarget->hasFullFP16())
14050 return ARM_AM::getFP16Imm(Imm) != -1;
14051 if (VT == MVT::f32)
14052 return ARM_AM::getFP32Imm(Imm) != -1;
14053 if (VT == MVT::f64 && !Subtarget->isFPOnlySP())
14054 return ARM_AM::getFP64Imm(Imm) != -1;
14055 return false;
14058/// getTgtMemIntrinsic - Represent NEON load and store intrinsics as
14059/// MemIntrinsicNodes. The associated MachineMemOperands record the alignment
14060/// specified in the intrinsic calls.
14061bool ARMTargetLowering::getTgtMemIntrinsic(IntrinsicInfo &Info,
14062 const CallInst &I,
14063 MachineFunction &MF,
14064 unsigned Intrinsic) const {
14065 switch (Intrinsic) {
14066 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld1:
14067 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2:
14068 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3:
14069 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4:
14070 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2lane:
14071 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3lane:
14072 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4lane: {
14073 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN;
14074 // Conservatively set memVT to the entire set of vectors loaded.
14075 auto &DL = I.getCalledFunction()->getParent()->getDataLayout();
14076 uint64_t NumElts = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(I.getType()) / 64;
14077 Info.memVT = EVT::getVectorVT(I.getType()->getContext(), MVT::i64, NumElts);
14078 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(0);
14079 Info.offset = 0;
14080 Value *AlignArg = I.getArgOperand(I.getNumArgOperands() - 1);
14081 Info.align = cast<ConstantInt>(AlignArg)->getZExtValue();
14082 // volatile loads with NEON intrinsics not supported
14083 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOLoad;
14084 return true;
14085 }
14086 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst1:
14087 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2:
14088 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3:
14089 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4:
14090 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2lane:
14091 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3lane:
14092 case Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4lane: {
14093 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_VOID;
14094 // Conservatively set memVT to the entire set of vectors stored.
14095 auto &DL = I.getCalledFunction()->getParent()->getDataLayout();
14096 unsigned NumElts = 0;
14097 for (unsigned ArgI = 1, ArgE = I.getNumArgOperands(); ArgI < ArgE; ++ArgI) {
14098 Type *ArgTy = I.getArgOperand(ArgI)->getType();
14099 if (!ArgTy->isVectorTy())
14100 break;
14101 NumElts += DL.getTypeSizeInBits(ArgTy) / 64;
14102 }
14103 Info.memVT = EVT::getVectorVT(I.getType()->getContext(), MVT::i64, NumElts);
14104 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(0);
14105 Info.offset = 0;
14106 Value *AlignArg = I.getArgOperand(I.getNumArgOperands() - 1);
14107 Info.align = cast<ConstantInt>(AlignArg)->getZExtValue();
14108 // volatile stores with NEON intrinsics not supported
14109 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOStore;
14110 return true;
14111 }
14112 case Intrinsic::arm_ldaex:
14113 case Intrinsic::arm_ldrex: {
14114 auto &DL = I.getCalledFunction()->getParent()->getDataLayout();
14115 PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(I.getArgOperand(0)->getType());
14116 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN;
14117 Info.memVT = MVT::getVT(PtrTy->getElementType());
14118 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(0);
14119 Info.offset = 0;
14120 Info.align = DL.getABITypeAlignment(PtrTy->getElementType());
14121 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOLoad | MachineMemOperand::MOVolatile;
14122 return true;
14123 }
14124 case Intrinsic::arm_stlex:
14125 case Intrinsic::arm_strex: {
14126 auto &DL = I.getCalledFunction()->getParent()->getDataLayout();
14127 PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(I.getArgOperand(1)->getType());
14128 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN;
14129 Info.memVT = MVT::getVT(PtrTy->getElementType());
14130 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(1);
14131 Info.offset = 0;
14132 Info.align = DL.getABITypeAlignment(PtrTy->getElementType());
14133 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOStore | MachineMemOperand::MOVolatile;
14134 return true;
14135 }
14136 case Intrinsic::arm_stlexd:
14137 case Intrinsic::arm_strexd:
14138 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN;
14139 Info.memVT = MVT::i64;
14140 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(2);
14141 Info.offset = 0;
14142 Info.align = 8;
14143 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOStore | MachineMemOperand::MOVolatile;
14144 return true;
14146 case Intrinsic::arm_ldaexd:
14147 case Intrinsic::arm_ldrexd:
14148 Info.opc = ISD::INTRINSIC_W_CHAIN;
14149 Info.memVT = MVT::i64;
14150 Info.ptrVal = I.getArgOperand(0);
14151 Info.offset = 0;
14152 Info.align = 8;
14153 Info.flags = MachineMemOperand::MOLoad | MachineMemOperand::MOVolatile;
14154 return true;
14156 default:
14157 break;
14158 }
14160 return false;
14163/// \brief Returns true if it is beneficial to convert a load of a constant
14164/// to just the constant itself.
14165bool ARMTargetLowering::shouldConvertConstantLoadToIntImm(const APInt &Imm,
14166 Type *Ty) const {
14167 assert(Ty->isIntegerTy())(static_cast <bool> (Ty->isIntegerTy()) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Ty->isIntegerTy()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14167, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14169 unsigned Bits = Ty->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
14170 if (Bits == 0 || Bits > 32)
14171 return false;
14172 return true;
14175bool ARMTargetLowering::isExtractSubvectorCheap(EVT ResVT, EVT SrcVT,
14176 unsigned Index) const {
14177 if (!isOperationLegalOrCustom(ISD::EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR, ResVT))
14178 return false;
14180 return (Index == 0 || Index == ResVT.getVectorNumElements());
14183Instruction* ARMTargetLowering::makeDMB(IRBuilder<> &Builder,
14184 ARM_MB::MemBOpt Domain) const {
14185 Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
14187 // First, if the target has no DMB, see what fallback we can use.
14188 if (!Subtarget->hasDataBarrier()) {
14189 // Some ARMv6 cpus can support data barriers with an mcr instruction.
14190 // Thumb1 and pre-v6 ARM mode use a libcall instead and should never get
14191 // here.
14192 if (Subtarget->hasV6Ops() && !Subtarget->isThumb()) {
14193 Function *MCR = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::arm_mcr);
14194 Value* args[6] = {Builder.getInt32(15), Builder.getInt32(0),
14195 Builder.getInt32(0), Builder.getInt32(7),
14196 Builder.getInt32(10), Builder.getInt32(5)};
14197 return Builder.CreateCall(MCR, args);
14198 } else {
14199 // Instead of using barriers, atomic accesses on these subtargets use
14200 // libcalls.
14201 llvm_unreachable("makeDMB on a target so old that it has no barriers")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("makeDMB on a target so old that it has no barriers"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14201)
14202 }
14203 } else {
14204 Function *DMB = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::arm_dmb);
14205 // Only a full system barrier exists in the M-class architectures.
14206 Domain = Subtarget->isMClass() ? ARM_MB::SY : Domain;
14207 Constant *CDomain = Builder.getInt32(Domain);
14208 return Builder.CreateCall(DMB, CDomain);
14209 }
14212// Based on http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pes20/cpp/cpp0xmappings.html
14213Instruction *ARMTargetLowering::emitLeadingFence(IRBuilder<> &Builder,
14214 Instruction *Inst,
14215 AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
14216 switch (Ord) {
14217 case AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic:
14218 case AtomicOrdering::Unordered:
14219 llvm_unreachable("Invalid fence: unordered/non-atomic")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Invalid fence: unordered/non-atomic"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14219)
14220 case AtomicOrdering::Monotonic:
14221 case AtomicOrdering::Acquire:
14222 return nullptr; // Nothing to do
14223 case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
14224 if (!Inst->hasAtomicStore())
14225 return nullptr; // Nothing to do
14226 LLVM_FALLTHROUGH[[clang::fallthrough]];
14227 case AtomicOrdering::Release:
14228 case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
14229 if (Subtarget->preferISHSTBarriers())
14230 return makeDMB(Builder, ARM_MB::ISHST);
14231 // FIXME: add a comment with a link to documentation justifying this.
14232 else
14233 return makeDMB(Builder, ARM_MB::ISH);
14234 }
14235 llvm_unreachable("Unknown fence ordering in emitLeadingFence")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown fence ordering in emitLeadingFence"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14235)
14238Instruction *ARMTargetLowering::emitTrailingFence(IRBuilder<> &Builder,
14239 Instruction *Inst,
14240 AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
14241 switch (Ord) {
14242 case AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic:
14243 case AtomicOrdering::Unordered:
14244 llvm_unreachable("Invalid fence: unordered/not-atomic")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Invalid fence: unordered/not-atomic"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14244)
14245 case AtomicOrdering::Monotonic:
14246 case AtomicOrdering::Release:
14247 return nullptr; // Nothing to do
14248 case AtomicOrdering::Acquire:
14249 case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
14250 case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
14251 return makeDMB(Builder, ARM_MB::ISH);
14252 }
14253 llvm_unreachable("Unknown fence ordering in emitTrailingFence")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unknown fence ordering in emitTrailingFence"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14253)
14256// Loads and stores less than 64-bits are already atomic; ones above that
14257// are doomed anyway, so defer to the default libcall and blame the OS when
14258// things go wrong. Cortex M doesn't have ldrexd/strexd though, so don't emit
14259// anything for those.
14260bool ARMTargetLowering::shouldExpandAtomicStoreInIR(StoreInst *SI) const {
14261 unsigned Size = SI->getValueOperand()->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
14262 return (Size == 64) && !Subtarget->isMClass();
14265// Loads and stores less than 64-bits are already atomic; ones above that
14266// are doomed anyway, so defer to the default libcall and blame the OS when
14267// things go wrong. Cortex M doesn't have ldrexd/strexd though, so don't emit
14268// anything for those.
14269// FIXME: ldrd and strd are atomic if the CPU has LPAE (e.g. A15 has that
14270// guarantee, see DDI0406C ARM architecture reference manual,
14271// sections A8.8.72-74 LDRD)
14273ARMTargetLowering::shouldExpandAtomicLoadInIR(LoadInst *LI) const {
14274 unsigned Size = LI->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
14275 return ((Size == 64) && !Subtarget->isMClass()) ? AtomicExpansionKind::LLOnly
14276 : AtomicExpansionKind::None;
14279// For the real atomic operations, we have ldrex/strex up to 32 bits,
14280// and up to 64 bits on the non-M profiles
14282ARMTargetLowering::shouldExpandAtomicRMWInIR(AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
14283 unsigned Size = AI->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
14284 bool hasAtomicRMW = !Subtarget->isThumb() || Subtarget->hasV8MBaselineOps();
14285 return (Size <= (Subtarget->isMClass() ? 32U : 64U) && hasAtomicRMW)
14286 ? AtomicExpansionKind::LLSC
14287 : AtomicExpansionKind::None;
14290bool ARMTargetLowering::shouldExpandAtomicCmpXchgInIR(
14291 AtomicCmpXchgInst *AI) const {
14292 // At -O0, fast-regalloc cannot cope with the live vregs necessary to
14293 // implement cmpxchg without spilling. If the address being exchanged is also
14294 // on the stack and close enough to the spill slot, this can lead to a
14295 // situation where the monitor always gets cleared and the atomic operation
14296 // can never succeed. So at -O0 we need a late-expanded pseudo-inst instead.
14297 bool hasAtomicCmpXchg =
14298 !Subtarget->isThumb() || Subtarget->hasV8MBaselineOps();
14299 return getTargetMachine().getOptLevel() != 0 && hasAtomicCmpXchg;
14302bool ARMTargetLowering::shouldInsertFencesForAtomic(
14303 const Instruction *I) const {
14304 return InsertFencesForAtomic;
14307// This has so far only been implemented for MachO.
14308bool ARMTargetLowering::useLoadStackGuardNode() const {
14309 return Subtarget->isTargetMachO();
14312bool ARMTargetLowering::canCombineStoreAndExtract(Type *VectorTy, Value *Idx,
14313 unsigned &Cost) const {
14314 // If we do not have NEON, vector types are not natively supported.
14315 if (!Subtarget->hasNEON())
14316 return false;
14318 // Floating point values and vector values map to the same register file.
14319 // Therefore, although we could do a store extract of a vector type, this is
14320 // better to leave at float as we have more freedom in the addressing mode for
14321 // those.
14322 if (VectorTy->isFPOrFPVectorTy())
14323 return false;
14325 // If the index is unknown at compile time, this is very expensive to lower
14326 // and it is not possible to combine the store with the extract.
14327 if (!isa<ConstantInt>(Idx))
14328 return false;
14330 assert(VectorTy->isVectorTy() && "VectorTy is not a vector type")(static_cast <bool> (VectorTy->isVectorTy() &&
"VectorTy is not a vector type") ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"VectorTy->isVectorTy() && \"VectorTy is not a vector type\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14330, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14331 unsigned BitWidth = cast<VectorType>(VectorTy)->getBitWidth();
14332 // We can do a store + vector extract on any vector that fits perfectly in a D
14333 // or Q register.
14334 if (BitWidth == 64 || BitWidth == 128) {
14335 Cost = 0;
14336 return true;
14337 }
14338 return false;
14341bool ARMTargetLowering::isCheapToSpeculateCttz() const {
14342 return Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops();
14345bool ARMTargetLowering::isCheapToSpeculateCtlz() const {
14346 return Subtarget->hasV6T2Ops();
14349Value *ARMTargetLowering::emitLoadLinked(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Addr,
14350 AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
14351 Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
14352 Type *ValTy = cast<PointerType>(Addr->getType())->getElementType();
14353 bool IsAcquire = isAcquireOrStronger(Ord);
14355 // Since i64 isn't legal and intrinsics don't get type-lowered, the ldrexd
14356 // intrinsic must return {i32, i32} and we have to recombine them into a
14357 // single i64 here.
14358 if (ValTy->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == 64) {
14359 Intrinsic::ID Int =
14360 IsAcquire ? Intrinsic::arm_ldaexd : Intrinsic::arm_ldrexd;
14361 Function *Ldrex = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Int);
14363 Addr = Builder.CreateBitCast(Addr, Type::getInt8PtrTy(M->getContext()));
14364 Value *LoHi = Builder.CreateCall(Ldrex, Addr, "lohi");
14366 Value *Lo = Builder.CreateExtractValue(LoHi, 0, "lo");
14367 Value *Hi = Builder.CreateExtractValue(LoHi, 1, "hi");
14368 if (!Subtarget->isLittle())
14369 std::swap (Lo, Hi);
14370 Lo = Builder.CreateZExt(Lo, ValTy, "lo64");
14371 Hi = Builder.CreateZExt(Hi, ValTy, "hi64");
14372 return Builder.CreateOr(
14373 Lo, Builder.CreateShl(Hi, ConstantInt::get(ValTy, 32)), "val64");
14374 }
14376 Type *Tys[] = { Addr->getType() };
14377 Intrinsic::ID Int = IsAcquire ? Intrinsic::arm_ldaex : Intrinsic::arm_ldrex;
14378 Function *Ldrex = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Int, Tys);
14380 return Builder.CreateTruncOrBitCast(
14381 Builder.CreateCall(Ldrex, Addr),
14382 cast<PointerType>(Addr->getType())->getElementType());
14385void ARMTargetLowering::emitAtomicCmpXchgNoStoreLLBalance(
14386 IRBuilder<> &Builder) const {
14387 if (!Subtarget->hasV7Ops())
14388 return;
14389 Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
14390 Builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::arm_clrex));
14393Value *ARMTargetLowering::emitStoreConditional(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val,
14394 Value *Addr,
14395 AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
14396 Module *M = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent()->getParent();
14397 bool IsRelease = isReleaseOrStronger(Ord);
14399 // Since the intrinsics must have legal type, the i64 intrinsics take two
14400 // parameters: "i32, i32". We must marshal Val into the appropriate form
14401 // before the call.
14402 if (Val->getType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() == 64) {
14403 Intrinsic::ID Int =
14404 IsRelease ? Intrinsic::arm_stlexd : Intrinsic::arm_strexd;
14405 Function *Strex = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Int);
14406 Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(M->getContext());
14408 Value *Lo = Builder.CreateTrunc(Val, Int32Ty, "lo");
14409 Value *Hi = Builder.CreateTrunc(Builder.CreateLShr(Val, 32), Int32Ty, "hi");
14410 if (!Subtarget->isLittle())
14411 std::swap(Lo, Hi);
14412 Addr = Builder.CreateBitCast(Addr, Type::getInt8PtrTy(M->getContext()));
14413 return Builder.CreateCall(Strex, {Lo, Hi, Addr});
14414 }
14416 Intrinsic::ID Int = IsRelease ? Intrinsic::arm_stlex : Intrinsic::arm_strex;
14417 Type *Tys[] = { Addr->getType() };
14418 Function *Strex = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Int, Tys);
14420 return Builder.CreateCall(
14421 Strex, {Builder.CreateZExtOrBitCast(
14422 Val, Strex->getFunctionType()->getParamType(0)),
14423 Addr});
14426/// A helper function for determining the number of interleaved accesses we
14427/// will generate when lowering accesses of the given type.
14429ARMTargetLowering::getNumInterleavedAccesses(VectorType *VecTy,
14430 const DataLayout &DL) const {
14431 return (DL.getTypeSizeInBits(VecTy) + 127) / 128;
14434bool ARMTargetLowering::isLegalInterleavedAccessType(
14435 VectorType *VecTy, const DataLayout &DL) const {
14437 unsigned VecSize = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(VecTy);
14438 unsigned ElSize = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(VecTy->getElementType());
14440 // Ensure the vector doesn't have f16 elements. Even though we could do an
14441 // i16 vldN, we can't hold the f16 vectors and will end up converting via
14442 // f32.
14443 if (VecTy->getElementType()->isHalfTy())
14444 return false;
14446 // Ensure the number of vector elements is greater than 1.
14447 if (VecTy->getNumElements() < 2)
14448 return false;
14450 // Ensure the element type is legal.
14451 if (ElSize != 8 && ElSize != 16 && ElSize != 32)
14452 return false;
14454 // Ensure the total vector size is 64 or a multiple of 128. Types larger than
14455 // 128 will be split into multiple interleaved accesses.
14456 return VecSize == 64 || VecSize % 128 == 0;
14459/// \brief Lower an interleaved load into a vldN intrinsic.
14461/// E.g. Lower an interleaved load (Factor = 2):
14462/// %wide.vec = load <8 x i32>, <8 x i32>* %ptr, align 4
14463/// %v0 = shuffle %wide.vec, undef, <0, 2, 4, 6> ; Extract even elements
14464/// %v1 = shuffle %wide.vec, undef, <1, 3, 5, 7> ; Extract odd elements
14466/// Into:
14467/// %vld2 = { <4 x i32>, <4 x i32> } call llvm.arm.neon.vld2(%ptr, 4)
14468/// %vec0 = extractelement { <4 x i32>, <4 x i32> } %vld2, i32 0
14469/// %vec1 = extractelement { <4 x i32>, <4 x i32> } %vld2, i32 1
14470bool ARMTargetLowering::lowerInterleavedLoad(
14471 LoadInst *LI, ArrayRef<ShuffleVectorInst *> Shuffles,
14472 ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices, unsigned Factor) const {
14473 assert(Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() &&(static_cast <bool> (Factor >= 2 && Factor <=
getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && "Invalid interleave factor"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && \"Invalid interleave factor\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14474, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14474 "Invalid interleave factor")(static_cast <bool> (Factor >= 2 && Factor <=
getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && "Invalid interleave factor"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && \"Invalid interleave factor\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14474, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14475 assert(!Shuffles.empty() && "Empty shufflevector input")(static_cast <bool> (!Shuffles.empty() && "Empty shufflevector input"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Shuffles.empty() && \"Empty shufflevector input\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14475, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14476 assert(Shuffles.size() == Indices.size() &&(static_cast <bool> (Shuffles.size() == Indices.size() &&
"Unmatched number of shufflevectors and indices") ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("Shuffles.size() == Indices.size() && \"Unmatched number of shufflevectors and indices\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14477, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14477 "Unmatched number of shufflevectors and indices")(static_cast <bool> (Shuffles.size() == Indices.size() &&
"Unmatched number of shufflevectors and indices") ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("Shuffles.size() == Indices.size() && \"Unmatched number of shufflevectors and indices\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14477, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14479 VectorType *VecTy = Shuffles[0]->getType();
14480 Type *EltTy = VecTy->getVectorElementType();
14482 const DataLayout &DL = LI->getModule()->getDataLayout();
14484 // Skip if we do not have NEON and skip illegal vector types. We can
14485 // "legalize" wide vector types into multiple interleaved accesses as long as
14486 // the vector types are divisible by 128.
14487 if (!Subtarget->hasNEON() || !isLegalInterleavedAccessType(VecTy, DL))
14488 return false;
14490 unsigned NumLoads = getNumInterleavedAccesses(VecTy, DL);
14492 // A pointer vector can not be the return type of the ldN intrinsics. Need to
14493 // load integer vectors first and then convert to pointer vectors.
14494 if (EltTy->isPointerTy())
14495 VecTy =
14496 VectorType::get(DL.getIntPtrType(EltTy), VecTy->getVectorNumElements());
14498 IRBuilder<> Builder(LI);
14500 // The base address of the load.
14501 Value *BaseAddr = LI->getPointerOperand();
14503 if (NumLoads > 1) {
14504 // If we're going to generate more than one load, reset the sub-vector type
14505 // to something legal.
14506 VecTy = VectorType::get(VecTy->getVectorElementType(),
14507 VecTy->getVectorNumElements() / NumLoads);
14509 // We will compute the pointer operand of each load from the original base
14510 // address using GEPs. Cast the base address to a pointer to the scalar
14511 // element type.
14512 BaseAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
14513 BaseAddr, VecTy->getVectorElementType()->getPointerTo(
14514 LI->getPointerAddressSpace()));
14515 }
14517 assert(isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(VecTy)) && "Illegal vldN vector type!")(static_cast <bool> (isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(VecTy)) &&
"Illegal vldN vector type!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(VecTy)) && \"Illegal vldN vector type!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14517, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14519 Type *Int8Ptr = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(LI->getPointerAddressSpace());
14520 Type *Tys[] = {VecTy, Int8Ptr};
14521 static const Intrinsic::ID LoadInts[3] = {Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld2,
14522 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld3,
14523 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vld4};
14524 Function *VldnFunc =
14525 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(LI->getModule(), LoadInts[Factor - 2], Tys);
14527 // Holds sub-vectors extracted from the load intrinsic return values. The
14528 // sub-vectors are associated with the shufflevector instructions they will
14529 // replace.
14530 DenseMap<ShuffleVectorInst *, SmallVector<Value *, 4>> SubVecs;
14532 for (unsigned LoadCount = 0; LoadCount < NumLoads; ++LoadCount) {
14533 // If we're generating more than one load, compute the base address of
14534 // subsequent loads as an offset from the previous.
14535 if (LoadCount > 0)
14536 BaseAddr = Builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(
14537 BaseAddr, VecTy->getVectorNumElements() * Factor);
14539 SmallVector<Value *, 2> Ops;
14540 Ops.push_back(Builder.CreateBitCast(BaseAddr, Int8Ptr));
14541 Ops.push_back(Builder.getInt32(LI->getAlignment()));
14543 CallInst *VldN = Builder.CreateCall(VldnFunc, Ops, "vldN");
14545 // Replace uses of each shufflevector with the corresponding vector loaded
14546 // by ldN.
14547 for (unsigned i = 0; i < Shuffles.size(); i++) {
14548 ShuffleVectorInst *SV = Shuffles[i];
14549 unsigned Index = Indices[i];
14551 Value *SubVec = Builder.CreateExtractValue(VldN, Index);
14553 // Convert the integer vector to pointer vector if the element is pointer.
14554 if (EltTy->isPointerTy())
14555 SubVec = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(
14556 SubVec, VectorType::get(SV->getType()->getVectorElementType(),
14557 VecTy->getVectorNumElements()));
14559 SubVecs[SV].push_back(SubVec);
14560 }
14561 }
14563 // Replace uses of the shufflevector instructions with the sub-vectors
14564 // returned by the load intrinsic. If a shufflevector instruction is
14565 // associated with more than one sub-vector, those sub-vectors will be
14566 // concatenated into a single wide vector.
14567 for (ShuffleVectorInst *SVI : Shuffles) {
14568 auto &SubVec = SubVecs[SVI];
14569 auto *WideVec =
14570 SubVec.size() > 1 ? concatenateVectors(Builder, SubVec) : SubVec[0];
14571 SVI->replaceAllUsesWith(WideVec);
14572 }
14574 return true;
14577/// \brief Lower an interleaved store into a vstN intrinsic.
14579/// E.g. Lower an interleaved store (Factor = 3):
14580/// %i.vec = shuffle <8 x i32> %v0, <8 x i32> %v1,
14581/// <0, 4, 8, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11>
14582/// store <12 x i32> %i.vec, <12 x i32>* %ptr, align 4
14584/// Into:
14585/// %sub.v0 = shuffle <8 x i32> %v0, <8 x i32> v1, <0, 1, 2, 3>
14586/// %sub.v1 = shuffle <8 x i32> %v0, <8 x i32> v1, <4, 5, 6, 7>
14587/// %sub.v2 = shuffle <8 x i32> %v0, <8 x i32> v1, <8, 9, 10, 11>
14588/// call void llvm.arm.neon.vst3(%ptr, %sub.v0, %sub.v1, %sub.v2, 4)
14590/// Note that the new shufflevectors will be removed and we'll only generate one
14591/// vst3 instruction in CodeGen.
14593/// Example for a more general valid mask (Factor 3). Lower:
14594/// %i.vec = shuffle <32 x i32> %v0, <32 x i32> %v1,
14595/// <4, 32, 16, 5, 33, 17, 6, 34, 18, 7, 35, 19>
14596/// store <12 x i32> %i.vec, <12 x i32>* %ptr
14598/// Into:
14599/// %sub.v0 = shuffle <32 x i32> %v0, <32 x i32> v1, <4, 5, 6, 7>
14600/// %sub.v1 = shuffle <32 x i32> %v0, <32 x i32> v1, <32, 33, 34, 35>
14601/// %sub.v2 = shuffle <32 x i32> %v0, <32 x i32> v1, <16, 17, 18, 19>
14602/// call void llvm.arm.neon.vst3(%ptr, %sub.v0, %sub.v1, %sub.v2, 4)
14603bool ARMTargetLowering::lowerInterleavedStore(StoreInst *SI,
14604 ShuffleVectorInst *SVI,
14605 unsigned Factor) const {
14606 assert(Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() &&(static_cast <bool> (Factor >= 2 && Factor <=
getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && "Invalid interleave factor"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && \"Invalid interleave factor\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14607, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14607 "Invalid interleave factor")(static_cast <bool> (Factor >= 2 && Factor <=
getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && "Invalid interleave factor"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Factor >= 2 && Factor <= getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() && \"Invalid interleave factor\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14607, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14609 VectorType *VecTy = SVI->getType();
14610 assert(VecTy->getVectorNumElements() % Factor == 0 &&(static_cast <bool> (VecTy->getVectorNumElements() %
Factor == 0 && "Invalid interleaved store") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("VecTy->getVectorNumElements() % Factor == 0 && \"Invalid interleaved store\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14611, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14611 "Invalid interleaved store")(static_cast <bool> (VecTy->getVectorNumElements() %
Factor == 0 && "Invalid interleaved store") ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("VecTy->getVectorNumElements() % Factor == 0 && \"Invalid interleaved store\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14611, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14613 unsigned LaneLen = VecTy->getVectorNumElements() / Factor;
14614 Type *EltTy = VecTy->getVectorElementType();
14615 VectorType *SubVecTy = VectorType::get(EltTy, LaneLen);
14617 const DataLayout &DL = SI->getModule()->getDataLayout();
14619 // Skip if we do not have NEON and skip illegal vector types. We can
14620 // "legalize" wide vector types into multiple interleaved accesses as long as
14621 // the vector types are divisible by 128.
14622 if (!Subtarget->hasNEON() || !isLegalInterleavedAccessType(SubVecTy, DL))
14623 return false;
14625 unsigned NumStores = getNumInterleavedAccesses(SubVecTy, DL);
14627 Value *Op0 = SVI->getOperand(0);
14628 Value *Op1 = SVI->getOperand(1);
14629 IRBuilder<> Builder(SI);
14631 // StN intrinsics don't support pointer vectors as arguments. Convert pointer
14632 // vectors to integer vectors.
14633 if (EltTy->isPointerTy()) {
14634 Type *IntTy = DL.getIntPtrType(EltTy);
14636 // Convert to the corresponding integer vector.
14637 Type *IntVecTy =
14638 VectorType::get(IntTy, Op0->getType()->getVectorNumElements());
14639 Op0 = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(Op0, IntVecTy);
14640 Op1 = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(Op1, IntVecTy);
14642 SubVecTy = VectorType::get(IntTy, LaneLen);
14643 }
14645 // The base address of the store.
14646 Value *BaseAddr = SI->getPointerOperand();
14648 if (NumStores > 1) {
14649 // If we're going to generate more than one store, reset the lane length
14650 // and sub-vector type to something legal.
14651 LaneLen /= NumStores;
14652 SubVecTy = VectorType::get(SubVecTy->getVectorElementType(), LaneLen);
14654 // We will compute the pointer operand of each store from the original base
14655 // address using GEPs. Cast the base address to a pointer to the scalar
14656 // element type.
14657 BaseAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(
14658 BaseAddr, SubVecTy->getVectorElementType()->getPointerTo(
14659 SI->getPointerAddressSpace()));
14660 }
14662 assert(isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(SubVecTy)) && "Illegal vstN vector type!")(static_cast <bool> (isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(SubVecTy))
&& "Illegal vstN vector type!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("isTypeLegal(EVT::getEVT(SubVecTy)) && \"Illegal vstN vector type!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14662, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14664 auto Mask = SVI->getShuffleMask();
14666 Type *Int8Ptr = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(SI->getPointerAddressSpace());
14667 Type *Tys[] = {Int8Ptr, SubVecTy};
14668 static const Intrinsic::ID StoreInts[3] = {Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst2,
14669 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst3,
14670 Intrinsic::arm_neon_vst4};
14672 for (unsigned StoreCount = 0; StoreCount < NumStores; ++StoreCount) {
14673 // If we generating more than one store, we compute the base address of
14674 // subsequent stores as an offset from the previous.
14675 if (StoreCount > 0)
14676 BaseAddr = Builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(BaseAddr, LaneLen * Factor);
14678 SmallVector<Value *, 6> Ops;
14679 Ops.push_back(Builder.CreateBitCast(BaseAddr, Int8Ptr));
14681 Function *VstNFunc =
14682 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(SI->getModule(), StoreInts[Factor - 2], Tys);
14684 // Split the shufflevector operands into sub vectors for the new vstN call.
14685 for (unsigned i = 0; i < Factor; i++) {
14686 unsigned IdxI = StoreCount * LaneLen * Factor + i;
14687 if (Mask[IdxI] >= 0) {
14688 Ops.push_back(Builder.CreateShuffleVector(
14689 Op0, Op1, createSequentialMask(Builder, Mask[IdxI], LaneLen, 0)));
14690 } else {
14691 unsigned StartMask = 0;
14692 for (unsigned j = 1; j < LaneLen; j++) {
14693 unsigned IdxJ = StoreCount * LaneLen * Factor + j;
14694 if (Mask[IdxJ * Factor + IdxI] >= 0) {
14695 StartMask = Mask[IdxJ * Factor + IdxI] - IdxJ;
14696 break;
14697 }
14698 }
14699 // Note: If all elements in a chunk are undefs, StartMask=0!
14700 // Note: Filling undef gaps with random elements is ok, since
14701 // those elements were being written anyway (with undefs).
14702 // In the case of all undefs we're defaulting to using elems from 0
14703 // Note: StartMask cannot be negative, it's checked in
14704 // isReInterleaveMask
14705 Ops.push_back(Builder.CreateShuffleVector(
14706 Op0, Op1, createSequentialMask(Builder, StartMask, LaneLen, 0)));
14707 }
14708 }
14710 Ops.push_back(Builder.getInt32(SI->getAlignment()));
14711 Builder.CreateCall(VstNFunc, Ops);
14712 }
14713 return true;
14716enum HABaseType {
14717 HA_UNKNOWN = 0,
14718 HA_FLOAT,
14719 HA_DOUBLE,
14720 HA_VECT64,
14721 HA_VECT128
14724static bool isHomogeneousAggregate(Type *Ty, HABaseType &Base,
14725 uint64_t &Members) {
14726 if (auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
14727 for (unsigned i = 0; i < ST->getNumElements(); ++i) {
14728 uint64_t SubMembers = 0;
14729 if (!isHomogeneousAggregate(ST->getElementType(i), Base, SubMembers))
14730 return false;
14731 Members += SubMembers;
14732 }
14733 } else if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
14734 uint64_t SubMembers = 0;
14735 if (!isHomogeneousAggregate(AT->getElementType(), Base, SubMembers))
14736 return false;
14737 Members += SubMembers * AT->getNumElements();
14738 } else if (Ty->isFloatTy()) {
14739 if (Base != HA_UNKNOWN && Base != HA_FLOAT)
14740 return false;
14741 Members = 1;
14742 Base = HA_FLOAT;
14743 } else if (Ty->isDoubleTy()) {
14744 if (Base != HA_UNKNOWN && Base != HA_DOUBLE)
14745 return false;
14746 Members = 1;
14747 Base = HA_DOUBLE;
14748 } else if (auto *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
14749 Members = 1;
14750 switch (Base) {
14751 case HA_FLOAT:
14752 case HA_DOUBLE:
14753 return false;
14754 case HA_VECT64:
14755 return VT->getBitWidth() == 64;
14756 case HA_VECT128:
14757 return VT->getBitWidth() == 128;
14758 case HA_UNKNOWN:
14759 switch (VT->getBitWidth()) {
14760 case 64:
14761 Base = HA_VECT64;
14762 return true;
14763 case 128:
14764 Base = HA_VECT128;
14765 return true;
14766 default:
14767 return false;
14768 }
14769 }
14770 }
14772 return (Members > 0 && Members <= 4);
14775/// \brief Return true if a type is an AAPCS-VFP homogeneous aggregate or one of
14776/// [N x i32] or [N x i64]. This allows front-ends to skip emitting padding when
14777/// passing according to AAPCS rules.
14778bool ARMTargetLowering::functionArgumentNeedsConsecutiveRegisters(
14779 Type *Ty, CallingConv::ID CallConv, bool isVarArg) const {
14780 if (getEffectiveCallingConv(CallConv, isVarArg) !=
14781 CallingConv::ARM_AAPCS_VFP)
14782 return false;
14784 HABaseType Base = HA_UNKNOWN;
14785 uint64_t Members = 0;
14786 bool IsHA = isHomogeneousAggregate(Ty, Base, Members);
14787 DEBUG(dbgs() << "isHA: " << IsHA << " "; Ty->dump())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("arm-isel")) { dbgs() << "isHA: " << IsHA <<
" "; Ty->dump(); } } while (false)
14789 bool IsIntArray = Ty->isArrayTy() && Ty->getArrayElementType()->isIntegerTy();
14790 return IsHA || IsIntArray;
14793unsigned ARMTargetLowering::getExceptionPointerRegister(
14794 const Constant *PersonalityFn) const {
14795 // Platforms which do not use SjLj EH may return values in these registers
14796 // via the personality function.
14797 return Subtarget->useSjLjEH() ? ARM::NoRegister : ARM::R0;
14800unsigned ARMTargetLowering::getExceptionSelectorRegister(
14801 const Constant *PersonalityFn) const {
14802 // Platforms which do not use SjLj EH may return values in these registers
14803 // via the personality function.
14804 return Subtarget->useSjLjEH() ? ARM::NoRegister : ARM::R1;
14807void ARMTargetLowering::initializeSplitCSR(MachineBasicBlock *Entry) const {
14808 // Update IsSplitCSR in ARMFunctionInfo.
14809 ARMFunctionInfo *AFI = Entry->getParent()->getInfo<ARMFunctionInfo>();
14810 AFI->setIsSplitCSR(true);
14813void ARMTargetLowering::insertCopiesSplitCSR(
14814 MachineBasicBlock *Entry,
14815 const SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &Exits) const {
14816 const ARMBaseRegisterInfo *TRI = Subtarget->getRegisterInfo();
14817 const MCPhysReg *IStart = TRI->getCalleeSavedRegsViaCopy(Entry->getParent());
14818 if (!IStart)
14819 return;
14821 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget->getInstrInfo();
14822 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = &Entry->getParent()->getRegInfo();
14823 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = Entry->begin();
14824 for (const MCPhysReg *I = IStart; *I; ++I) {
14825 const TargetRegisterClass *RC = nullptr;
14826 if (ARM::GPRRegClass.contains(*I))
14827 RC = &ARM::GPRRegClass;
14828 else if (ARM::DPRRegClass.contains(*I))
14829 RC = &ARM::DPRRegClass;
14830 else
14831 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected register class in CSRsViaCopy!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected register class in CSRsViaCopy!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14831)
14833 unsigned NewVR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(RC);
14834 // Create copy from CSR to a virtual register.
14835 // FIXME: this currently does not emit CFI pseudo-instructions, it works
14836 // fine for CXX_FAST_TLS since the C++-style TLS access functions should be
14837 // nounwind. If we want to generalize this later, we may need to emit
14838 // CFI pseudo-instructions.
14839 assert(Entry->getParent()->getFunction().hasFnAttribute((static_cast <bool> (Entry->getParent()->getFunction
().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && "Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Entry->getParent()->getFunction().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && \"Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14840 Attribute::NoUnwind) &&(static_cast <bool> (Entry->getParent()->getFunction
().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && "Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Entry->getParent()->getFunction().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && \"Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14841 "Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!")(static_cast <bool> (Entry->getParent()->getFunction
().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && "Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Entry->getParent()->getFunction().hasFnAttribute( Attribute::NoUnwind) && \"Function should be nounwind in insertCopiesSplitCSR!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-7~svn329677/lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp"
, 14841, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
14842 Entry->addLiveIn(*I);
14843 BuildMI(*Entry, MBBI, DebugLoc(), TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), NewVR)
14844 .addReg(*I);
14846 // Insert the copy-back instructions right before the terminator.
14847 for (auto *Exit : Exits)
14848 BuildMI(*Exit, Exit->getFirstTerminator(), DebugLoc(),
14849 TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), *I)
14850 .addReg(NewVR);
14851 }
14854void ARMTargetLowering::finalizeLowering(MachineFunction &MF) const {
14855 MF.getFrameInfo().computeMaxCallFrameSize(MF);
14856 TargetLoweringBase::finalizeLowering(MF);