Bug Summary

Warning:line 686, column 31
Division by zero

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name Diagnostic.cpp -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mframe-pointer=none -relaxed-aliasing -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17 -D CLANG_REPOSITORY_STRING="++20230510111145+7df43bdb42ae-1~exp1~20230510111303.1288" -D _DEBUG -D _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -D _GNU_SOURCE -D _LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I tools/clang/lib/Basic -I /build/source/clang/lib/Basic -I /build/source/clang/include -I tools/clang/include -I include -I /build/source/llvm/include -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D NDEBUG -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/= -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/= -source-date-epoch 1683717183 -O2 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-class-memaccess -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-noexcept-type -Wno-comment -Wno-misleading-indentation -std=c++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/= -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2023-05-10-133810-16478-1 -x c++ /build/source/clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp
1//===- Diagnostic.cpp - C Language Family Diagnostic Handling -------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
13#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
14#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
15#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticError.h"
16#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
17#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
18#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
20#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
21#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
22#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
23#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/Unicode.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32#include <algorithm>
33#include <cassert>
34#include <cstddef>
35#include <cstdint>
36#include <cstring>
37#include <limits>
38#include <string>
39#include <utility>
40#include <vector>
42using namespace clang;
44const StreamingDiagnostic &clang::operator<<(const StreamingDiagnostic &DB,
45 DiagNullabilityKind nullability) {
46 DB.AddString(
47 ("'" +
48 getNullabilitySpelling(nullability.first,
49 /*isContextSensitive=*/nullability.second) +
50 "'")
51 .str());
52 return DB;
55const StreamingDiagnostic &clang::operator<<(const StreamingDiagnostic &DB,
56 llvm::Error &&E) {
57 DB.AddString(toString(std::move(E)));
58 return DB;
61static void DummyArgToStringFn(DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind AK, intptr_t QT,
62 StringRef Modifier, StringRef Argument,
63 ArrayRef<DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue> PrevArgs,
64 SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
65 void *Cookie,
66 ArrayRef<intptr_t> QualTypeVals) {
67 StringRef Str = "<can't format argument>";
68 Output.append(Str.begin(), Str.end());
72 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> diags,
73 IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts, DiagnosticConsumer *client,
74 bool ShouldOwnClient)
75 : Diags(std::move(diags)), DiagOpts(std::move(DiagOpts)) {
76 setClient(client, ShouldOwnClient);
77 ArgToStringFn = DummyArgToStringFn;
79 Reset();
82DiagnosticsEngine::~DiagnosticsEngine() {
83 // If we own the diagnostic client, destroy it first so that it can access the
84 // engine from its destructor.
85 setClient(nullptr);
88void DiagnosticsEngine::dump() const {
89 DiagStatesByLoc.dump(*SourceMgr);
92void DiagnosticsEngine::dump(StringRef DiagName) const {
93 DiagStatesByLoc.dump(*SourceMgr, DiagName);
96void DiagnosticsEngine::setClient(DiagnosticConsumer *client,
97 bool ShouldOwnClient) {
98 Owner.reset(ShouldOwnClient ? client : nullptr);
99 Client = client;
102void DiagnosticsEngine::pushMappings(SourceLocation Loc) {
103 DiagStateOnPushStack.push_back(GetCurDiagState());
106bool DiagnosticsEngine::popMappings(SourceLocation Loc) {
107 if (DiagStateOnPushStack.empty())
108 return false;
110 if (DiagStateOnPushStack.back() != GetCurDiagState()) {
111 // State changed at some point between push/pop.
112 PushDiagStatePoint(DiagStateOnPushStack.back(), Loc);
113 }
114 DiagStateOnPushStack.pop_back();
115 return true;
118void DiagnosticsEngine::Reset(bool soft /*=false*/) {
119 ErrorOccurred = false;
120 UncompilableErrorOccurred = false;
121 FatalErrorOccurred = false;
122 UnrecoverableErrorOccurred = false;
124 NumWarnings = 0;
125 NumErrors = 0;
126 TrapNumErrorsOccurred = 0;
127 TrapNumUnrecoverableErrorsOccurred = 0;
129 CurDiagID = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
130 LastDiagLevel = DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;
131 DelayedDiagID = 0;
133 if (!soft) {
134 // Clear state related to #pragma diagnostic.
135 DiagStates.clear();
136 DiagStatesByLoc.clear();
137 DiagStateOnPushStack.clear();
139 // Create a DiagState and DiagStatePoint representing diagnostic changes
140 // through command-line.
141 DiagStates.emplace_back();
142 DiagStatesByLoc.appendFirst(&DiagStates.back());
143 }
146void DiagnosticsEngine::SetDelayedDiagnostic(unsigned DiagID, StringRef Arg1,
147 StringRef Arg2, StringRef Arg3) {
148 if (DelayedDiagID)
149 return;
151 DelayedDiagID = DiagID;
152 DelayedDiagArg1 = Arg1.str();
153 DelayedDiagArg2 = Arg2.str();
154 DelayedDiagArg3 = Arg3.str();
157void DiagnosticsEngine::ReportDelayed() {
158 unsigned ID = DelayedDiagID;
159 DelayedDiagID = 0;
160 Report(ID) << DelayedDiagArg1 << DelayedDiagArg2 << DelayedDiagArg3;
163void DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::appendFirst(DiagState *State) {
164 assert(Files.empty() && "not first")(static_cast <bool> (Files.empty() && "not first"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Files.empty() && \"not first\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 164, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
165 FirstDiagState = CurDiagState = State;
166 CurDiagStateLoc = SourceLocation();
169void DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::append(SourceManager &SrcMgr,
170 SourceLocation Loc,
171 DiagState *State) {
172 CurDiagState = State;
173 CurDiagStateLoc = Loc;
175 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Decomp = SrcMgr.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
176 unsigned Offset = Decomp.second;
177 for (File *F = getFile(SrcMgr, Decomp.first); F;
178 Offset = F->ParentOffset, F = F->Parent) {
179 F->HasLocalTransitions = true;
180 auto &Last = F->StateTransitions.back();
181 assert(Last.Offset <= Offset && "state transitions added out of order")(static_cast <bool> (Last.Offset <= Offset &&
"state transitions added out of order") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Last.Offset <= Offset && \"state transitions added out of order\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 181, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
183 if (Last.Offset == Offset) {
184 if (Last.State == State)
185 break;
186 Last.State = State;
187 continue;
188 }
190 F->StateTransitions.push_back({State, Offset});
191 }
194DiagnosticsEngine::DiagState *
195DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::lookup(SourceManager &SrcMgr,
196 SourceLocation Loc) const {
197 // Common case: we have not seen any diagnostic pragmas.
198 if (Files.empty())
199 return FirstDiagState;
201 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Decomp = SrcMgr.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
202 const File *F = getFile(SrcMgr, Decomp.first);
203 return F->lookup(Decomp.second);
206DiagnosticsEngine::DiagState *
207DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::File::lookup(unsigned Offset) const {
208 auto OnePastIt =
209 llvm::partition_point(StateTransitions, [=](const DiagStatePoint &P) {
210 return P.Offset <= Offset;
211 });
212 assert(OnePastIt != StateTransitions.begin() && "missing initial state")(static_cast <bool> (OnePastIt != StateTransitions.begin
() && "missing initial state") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("OnePastIt != StateTransitions.begin() && \"missing initial state\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 212, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
213 return OnePastIt[-1].State;
216DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::File *
217DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::getFile(SourceManager &SrcMgr,
218 FileID ID) const {
219 // Get or insert the File for this ID.
220 auto Range = Files.equal_range(ID);
221 if (Range.first != Range.second)
222 return &Range.first->second;
223 auto &F = Files.insert(Range.first, std::make_pair(ID, File()))->second;
225 // We created a new File; look up the diagnostic state at the start of it and
226 // initialize it.
227 if (ID.isValid()) {
228 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Decomp = SrcMgr.getDecomposedIncludedLoc(ID);
229 F.Parent = getFile(SrcMgr, Decomp.first);
230 F.ParentOffset = Decomp.second;
231 F.StateTransitions.push_back({F.Parent->lookup(Decomp.second), 0});
232 } else {
233 // This is the (imaginary) root file into which we pretend all top-level
234 // files are included; it descends from the initial state.
235 //
236 // FIXME: This doesn't guarantee that we use the same ordering as
237 // isBeforeInTranslationUnit in the cases where someone invented another
238 // top-level file and added diagnostic pragmas to it. See the code at the
239 // end of isBeforeInTranslationUnit for the quirks it deals with.
240 F.StateTransitions.push_back({FirstDiagState, 0});
241 }
242 return &F;
245void DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStateMap::dump(SourceManager &SrcMgr,
246 StringRef DiagName) const {
247 llvm::errs() << "diagnostic state at ";
248 CurDiagStateLoc.print(llvm::errs(), SrcMgr);
249 llvm::errs() << ": " << CurDiagState << "\n";
251 for (auto &F : Files) {
252 FileID ID = F.first;
253 File &File = F.second;
255 bool PrintedOuterHeading = false;
256 auto PrintOuterHeading = [&] {
257 if (PrintedOuterHeading) return;
258 PrintedOuterHeading = true;
260 llvm::errs() << "File " << &File << " <FileID " << ID.getHashValue()
261 << ">: " << SrcMgr.getBufferOrFake(ID).getBufferIdentifier();
263 if (F.second.Parent) {
264 std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Decomp =
265 SrcMgr.getDecomposedIncludedLoc(ID);
266 assert(File.ParentOffset == Decomp.second)(static_cast <bool> (File.ParentOffset == Decomp.second
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("File.ParentOffset == Decomp.second"
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 266, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
267 llvm::errs() << " parent " << File.Parent << " <FileID "
268 << Decomp.first.getHashValue() << "> ";
269 SrcMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(Decomp.first)
270 .getLocWithOffset(Decomp.second)
271 .print(llvm::errs(), SrcMgr);
272 }
273 if (File.HasLocalTransitions)
274 llvm::errs() << " has_local_transitions";
275 llvm::errs() << "\n";
276 };
278 if (DiagName.empty())
279 PrintOuterHeading();
281 for (DiagStatePoint &Transition : File.StateTransitions) {
282 bool PrintedInnerHeading = false;
283 auto PrintInnerHeading = [&] {
284 if (PrintedInnerHeading) return;
285 PrintedInnerHeading = true;
287 PrintOuterHeading();
288 llvm::errs() << " ";
289 SrcMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(ID)
290 .getLocWithOffset(Transition.Offset)
291 .print(llvm::errs(), SrcMgr);
292 llvm::errs() << ": state " << Transition.State << ":\n";
293 };
295 if (DiagName.empty())
296 PrintInnerHeading();
298 for (auto &Mapping : *Transition.State) {
299 StringRef Option =
300 DiagnosticIDs::getWarningOptionForDiag(Mapping.first);
301 if (!DiagName.empty() && DiagName != Option)
302 continue;
304 PrintInnerHeading();
305 llvm::errs() << " ";
306 if (Option.empty())
307 llvm::errs() << "<unknown " << Mapping.first << ">";
308 else
309 llvm::errs() << Option;
310 llvm::errs() << ": ";
312 switch (Mapping.second.getSeverity()) {
313 case diag::Severity::Ignored: llvm::errs() << "ignored"; break;
314 case diag::Severity::Remark: llvm::errs() << "remark"; break;
315 case diag::Severity::Warning: llvm::errs() << "warning"; break;
316 case diag::Severity::Error: llvm::errs() << "error"; break;
317 case diag::Severity::Fatal: llvm::errs() << "fatal"; break;
318 }
320 if (!Mapping.second.isUser())
321 llvm::errs() << " default";
322 if (Mapping.second.isPragma())
323 llvm::errs() << " pragma";
324 if (Mapping.second.hasNoWarningAsError())
325 llvm::errs() << " no-error";
326 if (Mapping.second.hasNoErrorAsFatal())
327 llvm::errs() << " no-fatal";
328 if (Mapping.second.wasUpgradedFromWarning())
329 llvm::errs() << " overruled";
330 llvm::errs() << "\n";
331 }
332 }
333 }
336void DiagnosticsEngine::PushDiagStatePoint(DiagState *State,
337 SourceLocation Loc) {
338 assert(Loc.isValid() && "Adding invalid loc point")(static_cast <bool> (Loc.isValid() && "Adding invalid loc point"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Loc.isValid() && \"Adding invalid loc point\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 338, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
339 DiagStatesByLoc.append(*SourceMgr, Loc, State);
342void DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverity(diag::kind Diag, diag::Severity Map,
343 SourceLocation L) {
344 assert(Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&(static_cast <bool> (Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&
"Can only map builtin diagnostics") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT && \"Can only map builtin diagnostics\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 345, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
345 "Can only map builtin diagnostics")(static_cast <bool> (Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&
"Can only map builtin diagnostics") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT && \"Can only map builtin diagnostics\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 345, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
346 assert((Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag) ||(static_cast <bool> ((Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension
(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity
::Error)) && "Cannot map errors into warnings!") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("(Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) && \"Cannot map errors into warnings!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 348, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
347 (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) &&(static_cast <bool> ((Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension
(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity
::Error)) && "Cannot map errors into warnings!") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("(Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) && \"Cannot map errors into warnings!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 348, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
348 "Cannot map errors into warnings!")(static_cast <bool> ((Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension
(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity
::Error)) && "Cannot map errors into warnings!") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("(Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag) || (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) && \"Cannot map errors into warnings!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 348, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
349 assert((L.isInvalid() || SourceMgr) && "No SourceMgr for valid location")(static_cast <bool> ((L.isInvalid() || SourceMgr) &&
"No SourceMgr for valid location") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(L.isInvalid() || SourceMgr) && \"No SourceMgr for valid location\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 349, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
351 // Don't allow a mapping to a warning override an error/fatal mapping.
352 bool WasUpgradedFromWarning = false;
353 if (Map == diag::Severity::Warning) {
354 DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(Diag);
355 if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Error ||
356 Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal) {
357 Map = Info.getSeverity();
358 WasUpgradedFromWarning = true;
359 }
360 }
361 DiagnosticMapping Mapping = makeUserMapping(Map, L);
362 Mapping.setUpgradedFromWarning(WasUpgradedFromWarning);
364 // Make sure we propagate the NoWarningAsError flag from an existing
365 // mapping (which may be the default mapping).
366 DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(Diag);
367 Mapping.setNoWarningAsError(Info.hasNoWarningAsError() ||
368 Mapping.hasNoWarningAsError());
370 // Common case; setting all the diagnostics of a group in one place.
371 if ((L.isInvalid() || L == DiagStatesByLoc.getCurDiagStateLoc()) &&
372 DiagStatesByLoc.getCurDiagState()) {
373 // FIXME: This is theoretically wrong: if the current state is shared with
374 // some other location (via push/pop) we will change the state for that
375 // other location as well. This cannot currently happen, as we can't update
376 // the diagnostic state at the same location at which we pop.
377 DiagStatesByLoc.getCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
378 return;
379 }
381 // A diagnostic pragma occurred, create a new DiagState initialized with
382 // the current one and a new DiagStatePoint to record at which location
383 // the new state became active.
384 DiagStates.push_back(*GetCurDiagState());
385 DiagStates.back().setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
386 PushDiagStatePoint(&DiagStates.back(), L);
389bool DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor Flavor,
390 StringRef Group, diag::Severity Map,
391 SourceLocation Loc) {
392 // Get the diagnostics in this group.
393 SmallVector<diag::kind, 256> GroupDiags;
394 if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(Flavor, Group, GroupDiags))
395 return true;
397 // Set the mapping.
398 for (diag::kind Diag : GroupDiags)
399 setSeverity(Diag, Map, Loc);
401 return false;
404bool DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor Flavor,
405 diag::Group Group,
406 diag::Severity Map,
407 SourceLocation Loc) {
408 return setSeverityForGroup(Flavor, Diags->getWarningOptionForGroup(Group),
409 Map, Loc);
412bool DiagnosticsEngine::setDiagnosticGroupWarningAsError(StringRef Group,
413 bool Enabled) {
414 // If we are enabling this feature, just set the diagnostic mappings to map to
415 // errors.
416 if (Enabled)
417 return setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
418 diag::Severity::Error);
420 // Otherwise, we want to set the diagnostic mapping's "no Werror" bit, and
421 // potentially downgrade anything already mapped to be a warning.
423 // Get the diagnostics in this group.
424 SmallVector<diag::kind, 8> GroupDiags;
425 if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
426 GroupDiags))
427 return true;
429 // Perform the mapping change.
430 for (diag::kind Diag : GroupDiags) {
431 DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(Diag);
433 if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Error ||
434 Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
435 Info.setSeverity(diag::Severity::Warning);
437 Info.setNoWarningAsError(true);
438 }
440 return false;
443bool DiagnosticsEngine::setDiagnosticGroupErrorAsFatal(StringRef Group,
444 bool Enabled) {
445 // If we are enabling this feature, just set the diagnostic mappings to map to
446 // fatal errors.
447 if (Enabled)
448 return setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
449 diag::Severity::Fatal);
451 // Otherwise, we want to set the diagnostic mapping's "no Wfatal-errors" bit,
452 // and potentially downgrade anything already mapped to be a fatal error.
454 // Get the diagnostics in this group.
455 SmallVector<diag::kind, 8> GroupDiags;
456 if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
457 GroupDiags))
458 return true;
460 // Perform the mapping change.
461 for (diag::kind Diag : GroupDiags) {
462 DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(Diag);
464 if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
465 Info.setSeverity(diag::Severity::Error);
467 Info.setNoErrorAsFatal(true);
468 }
470 return false;
473void DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverityForAll(diag::Flavor Flavor,
474 diag::Severity Map,
475 SourceLocation Loc) {
476 // Get all the diagnostics.
477 std::vector<diag::kind> AllDiags;
478 DiagnosticIDs::getAllDiagnostics(Flavor, AllDiags);
480 // Set the mapping.
481 for (diag::kind Diag : AllDiags)
482 if (Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag))
483 setSeverity(Diag, Map, Loc);
486void DiagnosticsEngine::Report(const StoredDiagnostic &storedDiag) {
487 assert(CurDiagID == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() &&(static_cast <bool> (CurDiagID == std::numeric_limits<
unsigned>::max() && "Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("CurDiagID == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() && \"Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 488, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
488 "Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!")(static_cast <bool> (CurDiagID == std::numeric_limits<
unsigned>::max() && "Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("CurDiagID == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() && \"Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 488, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
490 CurDiagLoc = storedDiag.getLocation();
491 CurDiagID = storedDiag.getID();
492 DiagStorage.NumDiagArgs = 0;
494 DiagStorage.DiagRanges.clear();
495 DiagStorage.DiagRanges.append(storedDiag.range_begin(),
496 storedDiag.range_end());
498 DiagStorage.FixItHints.clear();
499 DiagStorage.FixItHints.append(storedDiag.fixit_begin(),
500 storedDiag.fixit_end());
502 assert(Client && "DiagnosticConsumer not set!")(static_cast <bool> (Client && "DiagnosticConsumer not set!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Client && \"DiagnosticConsumer not set!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 502, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
503 Level DiagLevel = storedDiag.getLevel();
504 Diagnostic Info(this, storedDiag.getMessage());
505 Client->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
506 if (Client->IncludeInDiagnosticCounts()) {
507 if (DiagLevel == DiagnosticsEngine::Warning)
508 ++NumWarnings;
509 }
511 CurDiagID = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
514bool DiagnosticsEngine::EmitCurrentDiagnostic(bool Force) {
515 assert(getClient() && "DiagnosticClient not set!")(static_cast <bool> (getClient() && "DiagnosticClient not set!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("getClient() && \"DiagnosticClient not set!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 515, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
517 bool Emitted;
518 if (Force) {
519 Diagnostic Info(this);
521 // Figure out the diagnostic level of this message.
522 DiagnosticIDs::Level DiagLevel
523 = Diags->getDiagnosticLevel(Info.getID(), Info.getLocation(), *this);
525 Emitted = (DiagLevel != DiagnosticIDs::Ignored);
526 if (Emitted) {
527 // Emit the diagnostic regardless of suppression level.
528 Diags->EmitDiag(*this, DiagLevel);
529 }
530 } else {
531 // Process the diagnostic, sending the accumulated information to the
532 // DiagnosticConsumer.
533 Emitted = ProcessDiag();
534 }
536 // Clear out the current diagnostic object.
537 Clear();
539 // If there was a delayed diagnostic, emit it now.
540 if (!Force && DelayedDiagID)
541 ReportDelayed();
543 return Emitted;
546DiagnosticConsumer::~DiagnosticConsumer() = default;
548void DiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
549 const Diagnostic &Info) {
550 if (!IncludeInDiagnosticCounts())
551 return;
553 if (DiagLevel == DiagnosticsEngine::Warning)
554 ++NumWarnings;
555 else if (DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error)
556 ++NumErrors;
559/// ModifierIs - Return true if the specified modifier matches specified string.
560template <std::size_t StrLen>
561static bool ModifierIs(const char *Modifier, unsigned ModifierLen,
562 const char (&Str)[StrLen]) {
563 return StrLen-1 == ModifierLen && memcmp(Modifier, Str, StrLen-1) == 0;
566/// ScanForward - Scans forward, looking for the given character, skipping
567/// nested clauses and escaped characters.
568static const char *ScanFormat(const char *I, const char *E, char Target) {
569 unsigned Depth = 0;
571 for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
572 if (Depth == 0 && *I == Target) return I;
573 if (Depth != 0 && *I == '}') Depth--;
575 if (*I == '%') {
576 I++;
577 if (I == E) break;
579 // Escaped characters get implicitly skipped here.
581 // Format specifier.
582 if (!isDigit(*I) && !isPunctuation(*I)) {
583 for (I++; I != E && !isDigit(*I) && *I != '{'; I++) ;
584 if (I == E) break;
585 if (*I == '{')
586 Depth++;
587 }
588 }
589 }
590 return E;
593/// HandleSelectModifier - Handle the integer 'select' modifier. This is used
594/// like this: %select{foo|bar|baz}2. This means that the integer argument
595/// "%2" has a value from 0-2. If the value is 0, the diagnostic prints 'foo'.
596/// If the value is 1, it prints 'bar'. If it has the value 2, it prints 'baz'.
597/// This is very useful for certain classes of variant diagnostics.
598static void HandleSelectModifier(const Diagnostic &DInfo, unsigned ValNo,
599 const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
600 SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
601 const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument+ArgumentLen;
603 // Skip over 'ValNo' |'s.
604 while (ValNo) {
605 const char *NextVal = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
606 assert(NextVal != ArgumentEnd && "Value for integer select modifier was"(static_cast <bool> (NextVal != ArgumentEnd && "Value for integer select modifier was"
" larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("NextVal != ArgumentEnd && \"Value for integer select modifier was\" \" larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 607, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
607 " larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!")(static_cast <bool> (NextVal != ArgumentEnd && "Value for integer select modifier was"
" larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("NextVal != ArgumentEnd && \"Value for integer select modifier was\" \" larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 607, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
608 Argument = NextVal+1; // Skip this string.
609 --ValNo;
610 }
612 // Get the end of the value. This is either the } or the |.
613 const char *EndPtr = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
615 // Recursively format the result of the select clause into the output string.
616 DInfo.FormatDiagnostic(Argument, EndPtr, OutStr);
619/// HandleIntegerSModifier - Handle the integer 's' modifier. This adds the
620/// letter 's' to the string if the value is not 1. This is used in cases like
621/// this: "you idiot, you have %4 parameter%s4!".
622static void HandleIntegerSModifier(unsigned ValNo,
623 SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
624 if (ValNo != 1)
625 OutStr.push_back('s');
628/// HandleOrdinalModifier - Handle the integer 'ord' modifier. This
629/// prints the ordinal form of the given integer, with 1 corresponding
630/// to the first ordinal. Currently this is hard-coded to use the
631/// English form.
632static void HandleOrdinalModifier(unsigned ValNo,
633 SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
634 assert(ValNo != 0 && "ValNo must be strictly positive!")(static_cast <bool> (ValNo != 0 && "ValNo must be strictly positive!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ValNo != 0 && \"ValNo must be strictly positive!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 634, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
636 llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(OutStr);
638 // We could use text forms for the first N ordinals, but the numeric
639 // forms are actually nicer in diagnostics because they stand out.
640 Out << ValNo << llvm::getOrdinalSuffix(ValNo);
643/// PluralNumber - Parse an unsigned integer and advance Start.
644static unsigned PluralNumber(const char *&Start, const char *End) {
645 // Programming 101: Parse a decimal number :-)
646 unsigned Val = 0;
'Val' initialized to 0
647 while (Start
'Start' is not equal to 'End'
!= End && *Start >= '0' && *Start <= '9') {
Assuming the condition is true
Assuming the condition is false
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 652
648 Val *= 10;
649 Val += *Start - '0';
650 ++Start;
651 }
652 return Val;
Returning zero (loaded from 'Val')
655/// TestPluralRange - Test if Val is in the parsed range. Modifies Start.
656static bool TestPluralRange(unsigned Val, const char *&Start, const char *End) {
657 if (*Start != '[') {
658 unsigned Ref = PluralNumber(Start, End);
659 return Ref == Val;
660 }
662 ++Start;
663 unsigned Low = PluralNumber(Start, End);
664 assert(*Start == ',' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected ,")(static_cast <bool> (*Start == ',' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected ,"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("*Start == ',' && \"Bad plural expression syntax: expected ,\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 664, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
665 ++Start;
666 unsigned High = PluralNumber(Start, End);
667 assert(*Start == ']' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected )")(static_cast <bool> (*Start == ']' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected )"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("*Start == ']' && \"Bad plural expression syntax: expected )\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 667, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
668 ++Start;
669 return Low <= Val && Val <= High;
672/// EvalPluralExpr - Actual expression evaluator for HandlePluralModifier.
673static bool EvalPluralExpr(unsigned ValNo, const char *Start, const char *End) {
674 // Empty condition?
675 if (*Start == ':')
Taking false branch
676 return true;
678 while (true) {
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
679 char C = *Start;
680 if (C == '%') {
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
681 // Modulo expression
682 ++Start;
683 unsigned Arg = PluralNumber(Start, End);
Calling 'PluralNumber'
Returning from 'PluralNumber'
'Arg' initialized to 0
684 assert(*Start == '=' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected =")(static_cast <bool> (*Start == '=' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected ="
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("*Start == '=' && \"Bad plural expression syntax: expected =\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 684, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
Assuming the condition is true
'?' condition is true
685 ++Start;
686 unsigned ValMod = ValNo % Arg;
Division by zero
687 if (TestPluralRange(ValMod, Start, End))
688 return true;
689 } else {
690 assert((C == '[' || (C >= '0' && C <= '9')) &&(static_cast <bool> ((C == '[' || (C >= '0' &&
C <= '9')) && "Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(C == '[' || (C >= '0' && C <= '9')) && \"Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 691, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
691 "Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character")(static_cast <bool> ((C == '[' || (C >= '0' &&
C <= '9')) && "Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(C == '[' || (C >= '0' && C <= '9')) && \"Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 691, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
692 // Range expression
693 if (TestPluralRange(ValNo, Start, End))
694 return true;
695 }
697 // Scan for next or-expr part.
698 Start = std::find(Start, End, ',');
699 if (Start == End)
700 break;
701 ++Start;
702 }
703 return false;
706/// HandlePluralModifier - Handle the integer 'plural' modifier. This is used
707/// for complex plural forms, or in languages where all plurals are complex.
708/// The syntax is: %plural{cond1:form1|cond2:form2|:form3}, where condn are
709/// conditions that are tested in order, the form corresponding to the first
710/// that applies being emitted. The empty condition is always true, making the
711/// last form a default case.
712/// Conditions are simple boolean expressions, where n is the number argument.
713/// Here are the rules.
714/// condition := expression | empty
715/// empty := -> always true
716/// expression := numeric [',' expression] -> logical or
717/// numeric := range -> true if n in range
718/// | '%' number '=' range -> true if n % number in range
719/// range := number
720/// | '[' number ',' number ']' -> ranges are inclusive both ends
722/// Here are some examples from the GNU gettext manual written in this form:
723/// English:
724/// {1:form0|:form1}
725/// Latvian:
726/// {0:form2|%100=11,%10=0,%10=[2,9]:form1|:form0}
727/// Gaeilge:
728/// {1:form0|2:form1|:form2}
729/// Romanian:
730/// {1:form0|0,%100=[1,19]:form1|:form2}
731/// Lithuanian:
732/// {%10=0,%100=[10,19]:form2|%10=1:form0|:form1}
733/// Russian (requires repeated form):
734/// {%100=[11,14]:form2|%10=1:form0|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
735/// Slovak
736/// {1:form0|[2,4]:form1|:form2}
737/// Polish (requires repeated form):
738/// {1:form0|%100=[10,20]:form2|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
739static void HandlePluralModifier(const Diagnostic &DInfo, unsigned ValNo,
740 const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
741 SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
742 const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
743 while (true) {
744 assert(Argument < ArgumentEnd && "Plural expression didn't match.")(static_cast <bool> (Argument < ArgumentEnd &&
"Plural expression didn't match.") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Argument < ArgumentEnd && \"Plural expression didn't match.\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 744, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'Argument' is < 'ArgumentEnd'
'?' condition is true
745 const char *ExprEnd = Argument;
746 while (*ExprEnd != ':') {
Assuming the condition is true
Assuming the condition is true
Assuming the condition is false
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 750
747 assert(ExprEnd != ArgumentEnd && "Plural missing expression end")(static_cast <bool> (ExprEnd != ArgumentEnd && "Plural missing expression end"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ExprEnd != ArgumentEnd && \"Plural missing expression end\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 747, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'ExprEnd' is not equal to 'ArgumentEnd'
'?' condition is true
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'ExprEnd' is not equal to 'ArgumentEnd'
'?' condition is true
748 ++ExprEnd;
749 }
750 if (EvalPluralExpr(ValNo, Argument, ExprEnd)) {
Calling 'EvalPluralExpr'
751 Argument = ExprEnd + 1;
752 ExprEnd = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
754 // Recursively format the result of the plural clause into the
755 // output string.
756 DInfo.FormatDiagnostic(Argument, ExprEnd, OutStr);
757 return;
758 }
759 Argument = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd - 1, '|') + 1;
760 }
763/// Returns the friendly description for a token kind that will appear
764/// without quotes in diagnostic messages. These strings may be translatable in
765/// future.
766static const char *getTokenDescForDiagnostic(tok::TokenKind Kind) {
767 switch (Kind) {
768 case tok::identifier:
769 return "identifier";
770 default:
771 return nullptr;
772 }
775/// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
776/// formal arguments into the %0 slots. The result is appended onto the Str
777/// array.
778void Diagnostic::
779FormatDiagnostic(SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
780 if (StoredDiagMessage.has_value()) {
781 OutStr.append(StoredDiagMessage->begin(), StoredDiagMessage->end());
782 return;
783 }
785 StringRef Diag =
786 getDiags()->getDiagnosticIDs()->getDescription(getID());
788 FormatDiagnostic(Diag.begin(), Diag.end(), OutStr);
791/// pushEscapedString - Append Str to the diagnostic buffer,
792/// escaping non-printable characters and ill-formed code unit sequences.
793static void pushEscapedString(StringRef Str, SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
794 OutStr.reserve(OutStr.size() + Str.size());
795 auto *Begin = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(Str.data());
796 llvm::raw_svector_ostream OutStream(OutStr);
797 const unsigned char *End = Begin + Str.size();
798 while (Begin != End) {
799 // ASCII case
800 if (isPrintable(*Begin) || isWhitespace(*Begin)) {
801 OutStream << *Begin;
802 ++Begin;
803 continue;
804 }
805 if (llvm::isLegalUTF8Sequence(Begin, End)) {
806 llvm::UTF32 CodepointValue;
807 llvm::UTF32 *CpPtr = &CodepointValue;
808 const unsigned char *CodepointBegin = Begin;
809 const unsigned char *CodepointEnd =
810 Begin + llvm::getNumBytesForUTF8(*Begin);
811 llvm::ConversionResult Res = llvm::ConvertUTF8toUTF32(
812 &Begin, CodepointEnd, &CpPtr, CpPtr + 1, llvm::strictConversion);
813 (void)Res;
814 assert((static_cast <bool> (llvm::conversionOK == Res &&
"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("llvm::conversionOK == Res && \"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 816, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
815 llvm::conversionOK == Res &&(static_cast <bool> (llvm::conversionOK == Res &&
"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("llvm::conversionOK == Res && \"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 816, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
816 "the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32")(static_cast <bool> (llvm::conversionOK == Res &&
"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("llvm::conversionOK == Res && \"the sequence is legal UTF-8 but we couldn't convert it to UTF-32\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 816, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
817 assert(Begin == CodepointEnd &&(static_cast <bool> (Begin == CodepointEnd && "we must be further along in the string now"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Begin == CodepointEnd && \"we must be further along in the string now\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 818, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
818 "we must be further along in the string now")(static_cast <bool> (Begin == CodepointEnd && "we must be further along in the string now"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Begin == CodepointEnd && \"we must be further along in the string now\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 818, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
819 if (llvm::sys::unicode::isPrintable(CodepointValue) ||
820 llvm::sys::unicode::isFormatting(CodepointValue)) {
821 OutStr.append(CodepointBegin, CodepointEnd);
822 continue;
823 }
824 // Unprintable code point.
825 OutStream << "<U+" << llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(CodepointValue, 4, true)
826 << ">";
827 continue;
828 }
829 // Invalid code unit.
830 OutStream << "<" << llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(*Begin, 2, true) << ">";
831 ++Begin;
832 }
835void Diagnostic::
836FormatDiagnostic(const char *DiagStr, const char *DiagEnd,
837 SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
838 // When the diagnostic string is only "%0", the entire string is being given
839 // by an outside source. Remove unprintable characters from this string
840 // and skip all the other string processing.
841 if (DiagEnd - DiagStr == 2 &&
842 StringRef(DiagStr, DiagEnd - DiagStr).equals("%0") &&
843 getArgKind(0) == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_std_string) {
844 const std::string &S = getArgStdStr(0);
845 pushEscapedString(S, OutStr);
846 return;
847 }
849 /// FormattedArgs - Keep track of all of the arguments formatted by
850 /// ConvertArgToString and pass them into subsequent calls to
851 /// ConvertArgToString, allowing the implementation to avoid redundancies in
852 /// obvious cases.
853 SmallVector<DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue, 8> FormattedArgs;
855 /// QualTypeVals - Pass a vector of arrays so that QualType names can be
856 /// compared to see if more information is needed to be printed.
857 SmallVector<intptr_t, 2> QualTypeVals;
858 SmallString<64> Tree;
860 for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumArgs(); i < e; ++i)
861 if (getArgKind(i) == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype)
862 QualTypeVals.push_back(getRawArg(i));
864 while (DiagStr != DiagEnd) {
865 if (DiagStr[0] != '%') {
866 // Append non-%0 substrings to Str if we have one.
867 const char *StrEnd = std::find(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '%');
868 OutStr.append(DiagStr, StrEnd);
869 DiagStr = StrEnd;
870 continue;
871 } else if (isPunctuation(DiagStr[1])) {
872 OutStr.push_back(DiagStr[1]); // %% -> %.
873 DiagStr += 2;
874 continue;
875 }
877 // Skip the %.
878 ++DiagStr;
880 // This must be a placeholder for a diagnostic argument. The format for a
881 // placeholder is one of "%0", "%modifier0", or "%modifier{arguments}0".
882 // The digit is a number from 0-9 indicating which argument this comes from.
883 // The modifier is a string of digits from the set [-a-z]+, arguments is a
884 // brace enclosed string.
885 const char *Modifier = nullptr, *Argument = nullptr;
886 unsigned ModifierLen = 0, ArgumentLen = 0;
888 // Check to see if we have a modifier. If so eat it.
889 if (!isDigit(DiagStr[0])) {
890 Modifier = DiagStr;
891 while (DiagStr[0] == '-' ||
892 (DiagStr[0] >= 'a' && DiagStr[0] <= 'z'))
893 ++DiagStr;
894 ModifierLen = DiagStr-Modifier;
896 // If we have an argument, get it next.
897 if (DiagStr[0] == '{') {
898 ++DiagStr; // Skip {.
899 Argument = DiagStr;
901 DiagStr = ScanFormat(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '}');
902 assert(DiagStr != DiagEnd && "Mismatched {}'s in diagnostic string!")(static_cast <bool> (DiagStr != DiagEnd && "Mismatched {}'s in diagnostic string!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("DiagStr != DiagEnd && \"Mismatched {}'s in diagnostic string!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 902, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
903 ArgumentLen = DiagStr-Argument;
904 ++DiagStr; // Skip }.
905 }
906 }
908 assert(isDigit(*DiagStr) && "Invalid format for argument in diagnostic")(static_cast <bool> (isDigit(*DiagStr) && "Invalid format for argument in diagnostic"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDigit(*DiagStr) && \"Invalid format for argument in diagnostic\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 908, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
909 unsigned ArgNo = *DiagStr++ - '0';
911 // Only used for type diffing.
912 unsigned ArgNo2 = ArgNo;
914 DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind Kind = getArgKind(ArgNo);
915 if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "diff")) {
916 assert(*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit(*(DiagStr + 1)) &&(static_cast <bool> (*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit
(*(DiagStr + 1)) && "Invalid format for diff modifier"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit(*(DiagStr + 1)) && \"Invalid format for diff modifier\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 917, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
917 "Invalid format for diff modifier")(static_cast <bool> (*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit
(*(DiagStr + 1)) && "Invalid format for diff modifier"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit(*(DiagStr + 1)) && \"Invalid format for diff modifier\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 917, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
918 ++DiagStr; // Comma.
919 ArgNo2 = *DiagStr++ - '0';
920 DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind Kind2 = getArgKind(ArgNo2);
921 if (Kind == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype &&
922 Kind2 == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype)
923 Kind = DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair;
924 else {
925 // %diff only supports QualTypes. For other kinds of arguments,
926 // use the default printing. For example, if the modifier is:
927 // "%diff{compare $ to $|other text}1,2"
928 // treat it as:
929 // "compare %1 to %2"
930 const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
931 const char *Pipe = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
932 assert(ScanFormat(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, '|') == ArgumentEnd &&(static_cast <bool> (ScanFormat(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, '|'
) == ArgumentEnd && "Found too many '|'s in a %diff modifier!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ScanFormat(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, '|') == ArgumentEnd && \"Found too many '|'s in a %diff modifier!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 933, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
933 "Found too many '|'s in a %diff modifier!")(static_cast <bool> (ScanFormat(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, '|'
) == ArgumentEnd && "Found too many '|'s in a %diff modifier!"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ScanFormat(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, '|') == ArgumentEnd && \"Found too many '|'s in a %diff modifier!\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 933, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
934 const char *FirstDollar = ScanFormat(Argument, Pipe, '$');
935 const char *SecondDollar = ScanFormat(FirstDollar + 1, Pipe, '$');
936 const char ArgStr1[] = { '%', static_cast<char>('0' + ArgNo) };
937 const char ArgStr2[] = { '%', static_cast<char>('0' + ArgNo2) };
938 FormatDiagnostic(Argument, FirstDollar, OutStr);
939 FormatDiagnostic(ArgStr1, ArgStr1 + 2, OutStr);
940 FormatDiagnostic(FirstDollar + 1, SecondDollar, OutStr);
941 FormatDiagnostic(ArgStr2, ArgStr2 + 2, OutStr);
942 FormatDiagnostic(SecondDollar + 1, Pipe, OutStr);
943 continue;
944 }
945 }
947 switch (Kind) {
948 // ---- STRINGS ----
949 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_std_string: {
950 const std::string &S = getArgStdStr(ArgNo);
951 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"No modifiers for strings yet\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 951, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
952 pushEscapedString(S, OutStr);
953 break;
954 }
955 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_c_string: {
956 const char *S = getArgCStr(ArgNo);
957 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"No modifiers for strings yet\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 957, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
959 // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
960 if (!S)
961 S = "(null)";
962 pushEscapedString(S, OutStr);
963 break;
964 }
965 // ---- INTEGERS ----
966 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_sint: {
967 int64_t Val = getArgSInt(ArgNo);
969 if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
970 HandleSelectModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
971 OutStr);
972 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
973 HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
974 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
975 HandlePluralModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
976 OutStr);
977 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
978 HandleOrdinalModifier((unsigned)Val, OutStr);
979 } else {
980 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"Unknown integer modifier\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 980, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
981 llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
982 }
983 break;
984 }
985 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_uint: {
986 uint64_t Val = getArgUInt(ArgNo);
988 if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
989 HandleSelectModifier(*this, Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
990 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
991 HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
992 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
993 HandlePluralModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
994 OutStr);
995 } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
996 HandleOrdinalModifier(Val, OutStr);
997 } else {
998 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"Unknown integer modifier\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 998, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
999 llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
1000 }
1001 break;
1002 }
1003 // ---- TOKEN SPELLINGS ----
1004 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_tokenkind: {
1005 tok::TokenKind Kind = static_cast<tok::TokenKind>(getRawArg(ArgNo));
1006 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for token kinds yet")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for token kinds yet"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"No modifiers for token kinds yet\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1006, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1008 llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(OutStr);
1009 if (const char *S = tok::getPunctuatorSpelling(Kind))
1010 // Quoted token spelling for punctuators.
1011 Out << '\'' << S << '\'';
1012 else if ((S = tok::getKeywordSpelling(Kind)))
1013 // Unquoted token spelling for keywords.
1014 Out << S;
1015 else if ((S = getTokenDescForDiagnostic(Kind)))
1016 // Unquoted translatable token name.
1017 Out << S;
1018 else if ((S = tok::getTokenName(Kind)))
1019 // Debug name, shouldn't appear in user-facing diagnostics.
1020 Out << '<' << S << '>';
1021 else
1022 Out << "(null)";
1023 break;
1024 }
1025 // ---- NAMES and TYPES ----
1026 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_identifierinfo: {
1027 const IdentifierInfo *II = getArgIdentifier(ArgNo);
1028 assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet")(static_cast <bool> (ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ModifierLen == 0 && \"No modifiers for strings yet\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1028, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1030 // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
1031 if (!II) {
1032 const char *S = "(null)";
1033 OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));
1034 continue;
1035 }
1037 llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << '\'' << II->getName() << '\'';
1038 break;
1039 }
1040 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_addrspace:
1041 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qual:
1042 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype:
1043 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declarationname:
1044 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nameddecl:
1045 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nestednamespec:
1046 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declcontext:
1047 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_attr:
1048 getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo),
1049 StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
1050 StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
1051 FormattedArgs,
1052 OutStr, QualTypeVals);
1053 break;
1054 case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair: {
1055 // Create a struct with all the info needed for printing.
1056 TemplateDiffTypes TDT;
1057 TDT.FromType = getRawArg(ArgNo);
1058 TDT.ToType = getRawArg(ArgNo2);
1059 TDT.ElideType = getDiags()->ElideType;
1060 TDT.ShowColors = getDiags()->ShowColors;
1061 TDT.TemplateDiffUsed = false;
1062 intptr_t val = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&TDT);
1064 const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
1065 const char *Pipe = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
1067 // Print the tree. If this diagnostic already has a tree, skip the
1068 // second tree.
1069 if (getDiags()->PrintTemplateTree && Tree.empty()) {
1070 TDT.PrintFromType = true;
1071 TDT.PrintTree = true;
1072 getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
1073 StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
1074 StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
1075 FormattedArgs,
1076 Tree, QualTypeVals);
1077 // If there is no tree information, fall back to regular printing.
1078 if (!Tree.empty()) {
1079 FormatDiagnostic(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, OutStr);
1080 break;
1081 }
1082 }
1084 // Non-tree printing, also the fall-back when tree printing fails.
1085 // The fall-back is triggered when the types compared are not templates.
1086 const char *FirstDollar = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '$');
1087 const char *SecondDollar = ScanFormat(FirstDollar + 1, ArgumentEnd, '$');
1089 // Append before text
1090 FormatDiagnostic(Argument, FirstDollar, OutStr);
1092 // Append first type
1093 TDT.PrintTree = false;
1094 TDT.PrintFromType = true;
1095 getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
1096 StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
1097 StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
1098 FormattedArgs,
1099 OutStr, QualTypeVals);
1100 if (!TDT.TemplateDiffUsed)
1101 FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype,
1102 TDT.FromType));
1104 // Append middle text
1105 FormatDiagnostic(FirstDollar + 1, SecondDollar, OutStr);
1107 // Append second type
1108 TDT.PrintFromType = false;
1109 getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
1110 StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
1111 StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
1112 FormattedArgs,
1113 OutStr, QualTypeVals);
1114 if (!TDT.TemplateDiffUsed)
1115 FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype,
1116 TDT.ToType));
1118 // Append end text
1119 FormatDiagnostic(SecondDollar + 1, Pipe, OutStr);
1120 break;
1121 }
1122 }
1124 // Remember this argument info for subsequent formatting operations. Turn
1125 // std::strings into a null terminated string to make it be the same case as
1126 // all the other ones.
1127 if (Kind == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair)
1128 continue;
1129 else if (Kind != DiagnosticsEngine::ak_std_string)
1130 FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo)));
1131 else
1132 FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_c_string,
1133 (intptr_t)getArgStdStr(ArgNo).c_str()));
1134 }
1136 // Append the type tree to the end of the diagnostics.
1137 OutStr.append(Tree.begin(), Tree.end());
1140StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, unsigned ID,
1141 StringRef Message)
1142 : ID(ID), Level(Level), Message(Message) {}
1144StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
1145 const Diagnostic &Info)
1146 : ID(Info.getID()), Level(Level) {
1147 assert((Info.getLocation().isInvalid() || Info.hasSourceManager()) &&(static_cast <bool> ((Info.getLocation().isInvalid() ||
Info.hasSourceManager()) && "Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(Info.getLocation().isInvalid() || Info.hasSourceManager()) && \"Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1148, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1148 "Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic")(static_cast <bool> ((Info.getLocation().isInvalid() ||
Info.hasSourceManager()) && "Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(Info.getLocation().isInvalid() || Info.hasSourceManager()) && \"Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1148, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1149 if (Info.getLocation().isValid())
1150 Loc = FullSourceLoc(Info.getLocation(), Info.getSourceManager());
1151 SmallString<64> Message;
1152 Info.FormatDiagnostic(Message);
1153 this->Message.assign(Message.begin(), Message.end());
1154 this->Ranges.assign(Info.getRanges().begin(), Info.getRanges().end());
1155 this->FixIts.assign(Info.getFixItHints().begin(), Info.getFixItHints().end());
1158StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, unsigned ID,
1159 StringRef Message, FullSourceLoc Loc,
1160 ArrayRef<CharSourceRange> Ranges,
1161 ArrayRef<FixItHint> FixIts)
1162 : ID(ID), Level(Level), Loc(Loc), Message(Message),
1163 Ranges(Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end()), FixIts(FixIts.begin(), FixIts.end())
1167llvm::raw_ostream &clang::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
1168 const StoredDiagnostic &SD) {
1169 if (SD.getLocation().hasManager())
1170 OS << SD.getLocation().printToString(SD.getLocation().getManager()) << ": ";
1171 OS << SD.getMessage();
1172 return OS;
1175/// IncludeInDiagnosticCounts - This method (whose default implementation
1176/// returns true) indicates whether the diagnostics handled by this
1177/// DiagnosticConsumer should be included in the number of diagnostics
1178/// reported by DiagnosticsEngine.
1179bool DiagnosticConsumer::IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const { return true; }
1181void IgnoringDiagConsumer::anchor() {}
1183ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::~ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer() = default;
1185void ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(
1186 DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
1187 const Diagnostic &Info) {
1188 Target.HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
1191void ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::clear() {
1192 DiagnosticConsumer::clear();
1193 Target.clear();
1196bool ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const {
1197 return Target.IncludeInDiagnosticCounts();
1200PartialDiagnostic::DiagStorageAllocator::DiagStorageAllocator() {
1201 for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumCached; ++I)
1202 FreeList[I] = Cached + I;
1203 NumFreeListEntries = NumCached;
1206PartialDiagnostic::DiagStorageAllocator::~DiagStorageAllocator() {
1207 // Don't assert if we are in a CrashRecovery context, as this invariant may
1208 // be invalidated during a crash.
1209 assert((NumFreeListEntries == NumCached ||(static_cast <bool> ((NumFreeListEntries == NumCached ||
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) &&
"A partial is on the lam") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(NumFreeListEntries == NumCached || llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) && \"A partial is on the lam\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1211, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1210 llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) &&(static_cast <bool> ((NumFreeListEntries == NumCached ||
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) &&
"A partial is on the lam") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(NumFreeListEntries == NumCached || llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) && \"A partial is on the lam\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1211, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1211 "A partial is on the lam")(static_cast <bool> ((NumFreeListEntries == NumCached ||
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) &&
"A partial is on the lam") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(NumFreeListEntries == NumCached || llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) && \"A partial is on the lam\""
, "clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp", 1211, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
1214char DiagnosticError::ID;