Bug Summary

Warning:line 74, column 53
Division by zero

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name HexagonConstExtenders.cpp -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17 -D _DEBUG -D _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -D _GNU_SOURCE -D _LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I lib/Target/Hexagon -I /build/source/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon -I include -I /build/source/llvm/include -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D NDEBUG -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/= -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/= -source-date-epoch 1683717183 -O2 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-class-memaccess -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-noexcept-type -Wno-comment -Wno-misleading-indentation -std=c++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/= -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2023-05-10-133810-16478-1 -x c++ /build/source/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp


1//===- HexagonConstExtenders.cpp ------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "HexagonInstrInfo.h"
10#include "HexagonRegisterInfo.h"
11#include "HexagonSubtarget.h"
12#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
13#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
14#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
15#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
16#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
17#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
18#include "llvm/CodeGen/Register.h"
19#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
20#include "llvm/Pass.h"
21#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
22#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
23#include <map>
24#include <set>
25#include <utility>
26#include <vector>
28#define DEBUG_TYPE"hexagon-cext-opt" "hexagon-cext-opt"
30using namespace llvm;
32static cl::opt<unsigned> CountThreshold(
33 "hexagon-cext-threshold", cl::init(3), cl::Hidden,
34 cl::desc("Minimum number of extenders to trigger replacement"));
36static cl::opt<unsigned>
37 ReplaceLimit("hexagon-cext-limit", cl::init(0), cl::Hidden,
38 cl::desc("Maximum number of replacements"));
40namespace llvm {
41 void initializeHexagonConstExtendersPass(PassRegistry&);
42 FunctionPass *createHexagonConstExtenders();
45static int32_t adjustUp(int32_t V, uint8_t A, uint8_t O) {
46 assert(isPowerOf2_32(A))(static_cast <bool> (isPowerOf2_32(A)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("isPowerOf2_32(A)", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 46, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
47 int32_t U = (V & -A) + O;
48 return U >= V ? U : U+A;
51static int32_t adjustDown(int32_t V, uint8_t A, uint8_t O) {
52 assert(isPowerOf2_32(A))(static_cast <bool> (isPowerOf2_32(A)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("isPowerOf2_32(A)", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 52, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
53 int32_t U = (V & -A) + O;
54 return U <= V ? U : U-A;
57namespace {
58 struct OffsetRange {
59 // The range of values between Min and Max that are of form Align*N+Offset,
60 // for some integer N. Min and Max are required to be of that form as well,
61 // except in the case of an empty range.
62 int32_t Min = INT_MIN(-2147483647 -1), Max = INT_MAX2147483647;
63 uint8_t Align = 1;
64 uint8_t Offset = 0;
66 OffsetRange() = default;
67 OffsetRange(int32_t L, int32_t H, uint8_t A, uint8_t O = 0)
68 : Min(L), Max(H), Align(A), Offset(O) {}
69 OffsetRange &intersect(OffsetRange A) {
70 if (Align < A.Align)
Assuming 'Align' is < 'A.Align'
Taking true branch
71 std::swap(*this, A);
Calling 'swap<(anonymous namespace)::OffsetRange>'
Returning from 'swap<(anonymous namespace)::OffsetRange>'
73 // Align >= A.Align.
74 if (Offset >= A.Offset && (Offset - A.Offset) % A.Align == 0) {
Assuming 'Offset' is >= 'A.Offset'
Division by zero
75 Min = adjustUp(std::max(Min, A.Min), Align, Offset);
76 Max = adjustDown(std::min(Max, A.Max), Align, Offset);
77 } else {
78 // Make an empty range.
79 Min = 0;
80 Max = -1;
81 }
82 // Canonicalize empty ranges.
83 if (Min > Max)
84 std::tie(Min, Max, Align) = std::make_tuple(0, -1, 1);
85 return *this;
86 }
87 OffsetRange &shift(int32_t S) {
88 Min += S;
89 Max += S;
90 Offset = (Offset+S) % Align;
91 return *this;
92 }
93 OffsetRange &extendBy(int32_t D) {
94 // If D < 0, extend Min, otherwise extend Max.
95 assert(D % Align == 0)(static_cast <bool> (D % Align == 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("D % Align == 0", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 95, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
96 if (D < 0)
97 Min = (INT_MIN(-2147483647 -1)-D < Min) ? Min+D : INT_MIN(-2147483647 -1);
98 else
99 Max = (INT_MAX2147483647-D > Max) ? Max+D : INT_MAX2147483647;
100 return *this;
101 }
102 bool empty() const {
103 return Min > Max;
104 }
105 bool contains(int32_t V) const {
106 return Min <= V && V <= Max && (V-Offset) % Align == 0;
107 }
108 bool operator==(const OffsetRange &R) const {
109 return Min == R.Min && Max == R.Max && Align == R.Align;
110 }
111 bool operator!=(const OffsetRange &R) const {
112 return !operator==(R);
113 }
114 bool operator<(const OffsetRange &R) const {
115 if (Min != R.Min)
116 return Min < R.Min;
117 if (Max != R.Max)
118 return Max < R.Max;
119 return Align < R.Align;
120 }
121 static OffsetRange zero() { return {0, 0, 1}; }
122 };
124 struct RangeTree {
125 struct Node {
126 Node(const OffsetRange &R) : MaxEnd(R.Max), Range(R) {}
127 unsigned Height = 1;
128 unsigned Count = 1;
129 int32_t MaxEnd;
130 const OffsetRange &Range;
131 Node *Left = nullptr, *Right = nullptr;
132 };
134 Node *Root = nullptr;
136 void add(const OffsetRange &R) {
137 Root = add(Root, R);
138 }
139 void erase(const Node *N) {
140 Root = remove(Root, N);
141 delete N;
142 }
143 void order(SmallVectorImpl<Node*> &Seq) const {
144 order(Root, Seq);
145 }
146 SmallVector<Node*,8> nodesWith(int32_t P, bool CheckAlign = true) {
147 SmallVector<Node*,8> Nodes;
148 nodesWith(Root, P, CheckAlign, Nodes);
149 return Nodes;
150 }
151 void dump() const;
152 ~RangeTree() {
153 SmallVector<Node*,8> Nodes;
154 order(Nodes);
155 for (Node *N : Nodes)
156 delete N;
157 }
159 private:
160 void dump(const Node *N) const;
161 void order(Node *N, SmallVectorImpl<Node*> &Seq) const;
162 void nodesWith(Node *N, int32_t P, bool CheckA,
163 SmallVectorImpl<Node*> &Seq) const;
165 Node *add(Node *N, const OffsetRange &R);
166 Node *remove(Node *N, const Node *D);
167 Node *rotateLeft(Node *Lower, Node *Higher);
168 Node *rotateRight(Node *Lower, Node *Higher);
169 unsigned height(Node *N) {
170 return N != nullptr ? N->Height : 0;
171 }
172 Node *update(Node *N) {
173 assert(N != nullptr)(static_cast <bool> (N != nullptr) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("N != nullptr", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 173, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
174 N->Height = 1 + std::max(height(N->Left), height(N->Right));
175 if (N->Left)
176 N->MaxEnd = std::max(N->MaxEnd, N->Left->MaxEnd);
177 if (N->Right)
178 N->MaxEnd = std::max(N->MaxEnd, N->Right->MaxEnd);
179 return N;
180 }
181 Node *rebalance(Node *N) {
182 assert(N != nullptr)(static_cast <bool> (N != nullptr) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("N != nullptr", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 182, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
183 int32_t Balance = height(N->Right) - height(N->Left);
184 if (Balance < -1)
185 return rotateRight(N->Left, N);
186 if (Balance > 1)
187 return rotateLeft(N->Right, N);
188 return N;
189 }
190 };
192 struct Loc {
193 MachineBasicBlock *Block = nullptr;
194 MachineBasicBlock::iterator At;
196 Loc(MachineBasicBlock *B, MachineBasicBlock::iterator It)
197 : Block(B), At(It) {
198 if (B->end() == It) {
199 Pos = -1;
200 } else {
201 assert(It->getParent() == B)(static_cast <bool> (It->getParent() == B) ? void (0
) : __assert_fail ("It->getParent() == B", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 201, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
202 Pos = std::distance(B->begin(), It);
203 }
204 }
205 bool operator<(Loc A) const {
206 if (Block != A.Block)
207 return Block->getNumber() < A.Block->getNumber();
208 if (A.Pos == -1)
209 return Pos != A.Pos;
210 return Pos != -1 && Pos < A.Pos;
211 }
212 private:
213 int Pos = 0;
214 };
216 struct HexagonConstExtenders : public MachineFunctionPass {
217 static char ID;
218 HexagonConstExtenders() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
220 void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
221 AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
222 AU.addPreserved<MachineDominatorTree>();
223 MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
224 }
226 StringRef getPassName() const override {
227 return "Hexagon constant-extender optimization";
228 }
229 bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
231 private:
232 struct Register {
233 Register() = default;
234 Register(llvm::Register R, unsigned S) : Reg(R), Sub(S) {}
235 Register(const MachineOperand &Op)
236 : Reg(Op.getReg()), Sub(Op.getSubReg()) {}
237 Register &operator=(const MachineOperand &Op) {
238 if (Op.isReg()) {
239 Reg = Op.getReg();
240 Sub = Op.getSubReg();
241 } else if (Op.isFI()) {
242 Reg = llvm::Register::index2StackSlot(Op.getIndex());
243 }
244 return *this;
245 }
246 bool isVReg() const {
247 return Reg != 0 && !Reg.isStack() && Reg.isVirtual();
248 }
249 bool isSlot() const { return Reg != 0 && Reg.isStack(); }
250 operator MachineOperand() const {
251 if (isVReg())
252 return MachineOperand::CreateReg(Reg, /*Def*/false, /*Imp*/false,
253 /*Kill*/false, /*Dead*/false, /*Undef*/false,
254 /*EarlyClobber*/false, Sub);
255 if (Reg.isStack()) {
256 int FI = llvm::Register::stackSlot2Index(Reg);
257 return MachineOperand::CreateFI(FI);
258 }
259 llvm_unreachable("Cannot create MachineOperand")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Cannot create MachineOperand"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 259)
260 }
261 bool operator==(Register R) const { return Reg == R.Reg && Sub == R.Sub; }
262 bool operator!=(Register R) const { return !operator==(R); }
263 bool operator<(Register R) const {
264 // For std::map.
265 return Reg < R.Reg || (Reg == R.Reg && Sub < R.Sub);
266 }
267 llvm::Register Reg;
268 unsigned Sub = 0;
269 };
271 struct ExtExpr {
272 // A subexpression in which the extender is used. In general, this
273 // represents an expression where adding D to the extender will be
274 // equivalent to adding D to the expression as a whole. In other
275 // words, expr(add(##V,D) = add(expr(##V),D).
277 // The original motivation for this are the io/ur addressing modes,
278 // where the offset is extended. Consider the io example:
279 // In memw(Rs+##V), the ##V could be replaced by a register Rt to
280 // form the rr mode: memw(Rt+Rs<<0). In such case, however, the
281 // register Rt must have exactly the value of ##V. If there was
282 // another instruction memw(Rs+##V+4), it would need a different Rt.
283 // Now, if Rt was initialized as "##V+Rs<<0", both of these
284 // instructions could use the same Rt, just with different offsets.
285 // Here it's clear that "initializer+4" should be the same as if
286 // the offset 4 was added to the ##V in the initializer.
288 // The only kinds of expressions that support the requirement of
289 // commuting with addition are addition and subtraction from ##V.
290 // Include shifting the Rs to account for the ur addressing mode:
291 // ##Val + Rs << S
292 // ##Val - Rs
293 Register Rs;
294 unsigned S = 0;
295 bool Neg = false;
297 ExtExpr() = default;
298 ExtExpr(Register RS, bool NG, unsigned SH) : Rs(RS), S(SH), Neg(NG) {}
299 // Expression is trivial if it does not modify the extender.
300 bool trivial() const {
301 return Rs.Reg == 0;
302 }
303 bool operator==(const ExtExpr &Ex) const {
304 return Rs == Ex.Rs && S == Ex.S && Neg == Ex.Neg;
305 }
306 bool operator!=(const ExtExpr &Ex) const {
307 return !operator==(Ex);
308 }
309 bool operator<(const ExtExpr &Ex) const {
310 if (Rs != Ex.Rs)
311 return Rs < Ex.Rs;
312 if (S != Ex.S)
313 return S < Ex.S;
314 return !Neg && Ex.Neg;
315 }
316 };
318 struct ExtDesc {
319 MachineInstr *UseMI = nullptr;
320 unsigned OpNum = -1u;
321 // The subexpression in which the extender is used (e.g. address
322 // computation).
323 ExtExpr Expr;
324 // Optional register that is assigned the value of Expr.
325 Register Rd;
326 // Def means that the output of the instruction may differ from the
327 // original by a constant c, and that the difference can be corrected
328 // by adding/subtracting c in all users of the defined register.
329 bool IsDef = false;
331 MachineOperand &getOp() {
332 return UseMI->getOperand(OpNum);
333 }
334 const MachineOperand &getOp() const {
335 return UseMI->getOperand(OpNum);
336 }
337 };
339 struct ExtRoot {
340 union {
341 const ConstantFP *CFP; // MO_FPImmediate
342 const char *SymbolName; // MO_ExternalSymbol
343 const GlobalValue *GV; // MO_GlobalAddress
344 const BlockAddress *BA; // MO_BlockAddress
345 int64_t ImmVal; // MO_Immediate, MO_TargetIndex,
346 // and MO_ConstantPoolIndex
347 } V;
348 unsigned Kind; // Same as in MachineOperand.
349 unsigned char TF; // TargetFlags.
351 ExtRoot(const MachineOperand &Op);
352 bool operator==(const ExtRoot &ER) const {
353 return Kind == ER.Kind && V.ImmVal == ER.V.ImmVal;
354 }
355 bool operator!=(const ExtRoot &ER) const {
356 return !operator==(ER);
357 }
358 bool operator<(const ExtRoot &ER) const;
359 };
361 struct ExtValue : public ExtRoot {
362 int32_t Offset;
364 ExtValue(const MachineOperand &Op);
365 ExtValue(const ExtDesc &ED) : ExtValue(ED.getOp()) {}
366 ExtValue(const ExtRoot &ER, int32_t Off) : ExtRoot(ER), Offset(Off) {}
367 bool operator<(const ExtValue &EV) const;
368 bool operator==(const ExtValue &EV) const {
369 return ExtRoot(*this) == ExtRoot(EV) && Offset == EV.Offset;
370 }
371 bool operator!=(const ExtValue &EV) const {
372 return !operator==(EV);
373 }
374 explicit operator MachineOperand() const;
375 };
377 using IndexList = SetVector<unsigned>;
378 using ExtenderInit = std::pair<ExtValue, ExtExpr>;
379 using AssignmentMap = std::map<ExtenderInit, IndexList>;
380 using LocDefList = std::vector<std::pair<Loc, IndexList>>;
382 const HexagonSubtarget *HST = nullptr;
383 const HexagonInstrInfo *HII = nullptr;
384 const HexagonRegisterInfo *HRI = nullptr;
385 MachineDominatorTree *MDT = nullptr;
386 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = nullptr;
387 std::vector<ExtDesc> Extenders;
388 std::vector<unsigned> NewRegs;
390 bool isStoreImmediate(unsigned Opc) const;
391 bool isRegOffOpcode(unsigned ExtOpc) const ;
392 unsigned getRegOffOpcode(unsigned ExtOpc) const;
393 unsigned getDirectRegReplacement(unsigned ExtOpc) const;
394 OffsetRange getOffsetRange(Register R, const MachineInstr &MI) const;
395 OffsetRange getOffsetRange(const ExtDesc &ED) const;
396 OffsetRange getOffsetRange(Register Rd) const;
398 void recordExtender(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpNum);
399 void collectInstr(MachineInstr &MI);
400 void collect(MachineFunction &MF);
401 void assignInits(const ExtRoot &ER, unsigned Begin, unsigned End,
402 AssignmentMap &IMap);
403 void calculatePlacement(const ExtenderInit &ExtI, const IndexList &Refs,
404 LocDefList &Defs);
405 Register insertInitializer(Loc DefL, const ExtenderInit &ExtI);
406 bool replaceInstrExact(const ExtDesc &ED, Register ExtR);
407 bool replaceInstrExpr(const ExtDesc &ED, const ExtenderInit &ExtI,
408 Register ExtR, int32_t &Diff);
409 bool replaceInstr(unsigned Idx, Register ExtR, const ExtenderInit &ExtI);
410 bool replaceExtenders(const AssignmentMap &IMap);
412 unsigned getOperandIndex(const MachineInstr &MI,
413 const MachineOperand &Op) const;
414 const MachineOperand &getPredicateOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
415 const MachineOperand &getLoadResultOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
416 const MachineOperand &getStoredValueOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
418 friend struct PrintRegister;
419 friend struct PrintExpr;
420 friend struct PrintInit;
421 friend struct PrintIMap;
422 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS,
423 const struct PrintRegister &P);
424 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const struct PrintExpr &P);
425 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const struct PrintInit &P);
426 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ExtDesc &ED);
427 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ExtRoot &ER);
428 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ExtValue &EV);
429 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const OffsetRange &OR);
430 friend raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const struct PrintIMap &P);
431 };
433 using HCE = HexagonConstExtenders;
435 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
436 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const OffsetRange &OR) {
437 if (OR.Min > OR.Max)
438 OS << '!';
439 OS << '[' << OR.Min << ',' << OR.Max << "]a" << unsigned(OR.Align)
440 << '+' << unsigned(OR.Offset);
441 return OS;
442 }
444 struct PrintRegister {
445 PrintRegister(HCE::Register R, const HexagonRegisterInfo &I)
446 : Rs(R), HRI(I) {}
447 HCE::Register Rs;
448 const HexagonRegisterInfo &HRI;
449 };
451 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
452 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintRegister &P) {
453 if (P.Rs.Reg != 0)
454 OS << printReg(P.Rs.Reg, &P.HRI, P.Rs.Sub);
455 else
456 OS << "noreg";
457 return OS;
458 }
460 struct PrintExpr {
461 PrintExpr(const HCE::ExtExpr &E, const HexagonRegisterInfo &I)
462 : Ex(E), HRI(I) {}
463 const HCE::ExtExpr &Ex;
464 const HexagonRegisterInfo &HRI;
465 };
467 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
468 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintExpr &P) {
469 OS << "## " << (P.Ex.Neg ? "- " : "+ ");
470 if (P.Ex.Rs.Reg != 0)
471 OS << printReg(P.Ex.Rs.Reg, &P.HRI, P.Ex.Rs.Sub);
472 else
473 OS << "__";
474 OS << " << " << P.Ex.S;
475 return OS;
476 }
478 struct PrintInit {
479 PrintInit(const HCE::ExtenderInit &EI, const HexagonRegisterInfo &I)
480 : ExtI(EI), HRI(I) {}
481 const HCE::ExtenderInit &ExtI;
482 const HexagonRegisterInfo &HRI;
483 };
485 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
486 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintInit &P) {
487 OS << '[' << P.ExtI.first << ", "
488 << PrintExpr(P.ExtI.second, P.HRI) << ']';
489 return OS;
490 }
492 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
493 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const HCE::ExtDesc &ED) {
494 assert(ED.OpNum != -1u)(static_cast <bool> (ED.OpNum != -1u) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ED.OpNum != -1u", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 494, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
495 const MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *ED.getOp().getParent()->getParent();
496 const MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
497 const auto &HRI = *MF.getSubtarget<HexagonSubtarget>().getRegisterInfo();
498 OS << "bb#" << MBB.getNumber() << ": ";
499 if (ED.Rd.Reg != 0)
500 OS << printReg(ED.Rd.Reg, &HRI, ED.Rd.Sub);
501 else
502 OS << "__";
503 OS << " = " << PrintExpr(ED.Expr, HRI);
504 if (ED.IsDef)
505 OS << ", def";
506 return OS;
507 }
509 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
510 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const HCE::ExtRoot &ER) {
511 switch (ER.Kind) {
512 case MachineOperand::MO_Immediate:
513 OS << "imm:" << ER.V.ImmVal;
514 break;
515 case MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate:
516 OS << "fpi:" << *ER.V.CFP;
517 break;
518 case MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol:
519 OS << "sym:" << *ER.V.SymbolName;
520 break;
521 case MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress:
522 OS << "gad:" << ER.V.GV->getName();
523 break;
524 case MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress:
525 OS << "blk:" << *ER.V.BA;
526 break;
527 case MachineOperand::MO_TargetIndex:
528 OS << "tgi:" << ER.V.ImmVal;
529 break;
530 case MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex:
531 OS << "cpi:" << ER.V.ImmVal;
532 break;
533 case MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex:
534 OS << "jti:" << ER.V.ImmVal;
535 break;
536 default:
537 OS << "???:" << ER.V.ImmVal;
538 break;
539 }
540 return OS;
541 }
543 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
544 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const HCE::ExtValue &EV) {
545 OS << HCE::ExtRoot(EV) << " off:" << EV.Offset;
546 return OS;
547 }
549 struct PrintIMap {
550 PrintIMap(const HCE::AssignmentMap &M, const HexagonRegisterInfo &I)
551 : IMap(M), HRI(I) {}
552 const HCE::AssignmentMap &IMap;
553 const HexagonRegisterInfo &HRI;
554 };
556 LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED__attribute__((__unused__))
557 raw_ostream &operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const PrintIMap &P) {
558 OS << "{\n";
559 for (const std::pair<const HCE::ExtenderInit, HCE::IndexList> &Q : P.IMap) {
560 OS << " " << PrintInit(Q.first, P.HRI) << " -> {";
561 for (unsigned I : Q.second)
562 OS << ' ' << I;
563 OS << " }\n";
564 }
565 OS << "}\n";
566 return OS;
567 }
570INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(HexagonConstExtenders, "hexagon-cext-opt",static void *initializeHexagonConstExtendersPassOnce(PassRegistry
&Registry) {
571 "Hexagon constant-extender optimization", false, false)static void *initializeHexagonConstExtendersPassOnce(PassRegistry
&Registry) {
573INITIALIZE_PASS_END(HexagonConstExtenders, "hexagon-cext-opt",PassInfo *PI = new PassInfo( "Hexagon constant-extender optimization"
, "hexagon-cext-opt", &HexagonConstExtenders::ID, PassInfo
false, false); Registry.registerPass(*PI, true); return PI; }
static llvm::once_flag InitializeHexagonConstExtendersPassFlag
; void llvm::initializeHexagonConstExtendersPass(PassRegistry
&Registry) { llvm::call_once(InitializeHexagonConstExtendersPassFlag
, initializeHexagonConstExtendersPassOnce, std::ref(Registry)
); }
574 "Hexagon constant-extender optimization", false, false)PassInfo *PI = new PassInfo( "Hexagon constant-extender optimization"
, "hexagon-cext-opt", &HexagonConstExtenders::ID, PassInfo
false, false); Registry.registerPass(*PI, true); return PI; }
static llvm::once_flag InitializeHexagonConstExtendersPassFlag
; void llvm::initializeHexagonConstExtendersPass(PassRegistry
&Registry) { llvm::call_once(InitializeHexagonConstExtendersPassFlag
, initializeHexagonConstExtendersPassOnce, std::ref(Registry)
); }
576static unsigned ReplaceCounter = 0;
578char HCE::ID = 0;
580#ifndef NDEBUG
581LLVM_DUMP_METHOD__attribute__((noinline)) __attribute__((__used__)) void RangeTree::dump() const {
582 dbgs() << "Root: " << Root << '\n';
583 if (Root)
584 dump(Root);
587LLVM_DUMP_METHOD__attribute__((noinline)) __attribute__((__used__)) void RangeTree::dump(const Node *N) const {
588 dbgs() << "Node: " << N << '\n';
589 dbgs() << " Height: " << N->Height << '\n';
590 dbgs() << " Count: " << N->Count << '\n';
591 dbgs() << " MaxEnd: " << N->MaxEnd << '\n';
592 dbgs() << " Range: " << N->Range << '\n';
593 dbgs() << " Left: " << N->Left << '\n';
594 dbgs() << " Right: " << N->Right << "\n\n";
596 if (N->Left)
597 dump(N->Left);
598 if (N->Right)
599 dump(N->Right);
603void RangeTree::order(Node *N, SmallVectorImpl<Node*> &Seq) const {
604 if (N == nullptr)
605 return;
606 order(N->Left, Seq);
607 Seq.push_back(N);
608 order(N->Right, Seq);
611void RangeTree::nodesWith(Node *N, int32_t P, bool CheckA,
612 SmallVectorImpl<Node*> &Seq) const {
613 if (N == nullptr || N->MaxEnd < P)
614 return;
615 nodesWith(N->Left, P, CheckA, Seq);
616 if (N->Range.Min <= P) {
617 if ((CheckA && N->Range.contains(P)) || (!CheckA && P <= N->Range.Max))
618 Seq.push_back(N);
619 nodesWith(N->Right, P, CheckA, Seq);
620 }
623RangeTree::Node *RangeTree::add(Node *N, const OffsetRange &R) {
624 if (N == nullptr)
625 return new Node(R);
627 if (N->Range == R) {
628 N->Count++;
629 return N;
630 }
632 if (R < N->Range)
633 N->Left = add(N->Left, R);
634 else
635 N->Right = add(N->Right, R);
636 return rebalance(update(N));
639RangeTree::Node *RangeTree::remove(Node *N, const Node *D) {
640 assert(N != nullptr)(static_cast <bool> (N != nullptr) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("N != nullptr", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 640, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
642 if (N != D) {
643 assert(N->Range != D->Range && "N and D should not be equal")(static_cast <bool> (N->Range != D->Range &&
"N and D should not be equal") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("N->Range != D->Range && \"N and D should not be equal\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 643, __extension__
644 if (D->Range < N->Range)
645 N->Left = remove(N->Left, D);
646 else
647 N->Right = remove(N->Right, D);
648 return rebalance(update(N));
649 }
651 // We got to the node we need to remove. If any of its children are
652 // missing, simply replace it with the other child.
653 if (N->Left == nullptr || N->Right == nullptr)
654 return (N->Left == nullptr) ? N->Right : N->Left;
656 // Find the rightmost child of N->Left, remove it and plug it in place
657 // of N.
658 Node *M = N->Left;
659 while (M->Right)
660 M = M->Right;
661 M->Left = remove(N->Left, M);
662 M->Right = N->Right;
663 return rebalance(update(M));
666RangeTree::Node *RangeTree::rotateLeft(Node *Lower, Node *Higher) {
667 assert(Higher->Right == Lower)(static_cast <bool> (Higher->Right == Lower) ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("Higher->Right == Lower", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 667, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
668 // The Lower node is on the right from Higher. Make sure that Lower's
669 // balance is greater to the right. Otherwise the rotation will create
670 // an unbalanced tree again.
671 if (height(Lower->Left) > height(Lower->Right))
672 Lower = rotateRight(Lower->Left, Lower);
673 assert(height(Lower->Left) <= height(Lower->Right))(static_cast <bool> (height(Lower->Left) <= height
(Lower->Right)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("height(Lower->Left) <= height(Lower->Right)"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 673, __extension__
674 Higher->Right = Lower->Left;
675 update(Higher);
676 Lower->Left = Higher;
677 update(Lower);
678 return Lower;
681RangeTree::Node *RangeTree::rotateRight(Node *Lower, Node *Higher) {
682 assert(Higher->Left == Lower)(static_cast <bool> (Higher->Left == Lower) ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("Higher->Left == Lower", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 682, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
683 // The Lower node is on the left from Higher. Make sure that Lower's
684 // balance is greater to the left. Otherwise the rotation will create
685 // an unbalanced tree again.
686 if (height(Lower->Left) < height(Lower->Right))
687 Lower = rotateLeft(Lower->Right, Lower);
688 assert(height(Lower->Left) >= height(Lower->Right))(static_cast <bool> (height(Lower->Left) >= height
(Lower->Right)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("height(Lower->Left) >= height(Lower->Right)"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 688, __extension__
689 Higher->Left = Lower->Right;
690 update(Higher);
691 Lower->Right = Higher;
692 update(Lower);
693 return Lower;
697HCE::ExtRoot::ExtRoot(const MachineOperand &Op) {
698 // Always store ImmVal, since it's the field used for comparisons.
699 V.ImmVal = 0;
700 if (Op.isImm())
701 ; // Keep 0. Do not use Op.getImm() for value here (treat 0 as the root).
702 else if (Op.isFPImm())
703 V.CFP = Op.getFPImm();
704 else if (Op.isSymbol())
705 V.SymbolName = Op.getSymbolName();
706 else if (Op.isGlobal())
707 V.GV = Op.getGlobal();
708 else if (Op.isBlockAddress())
709 V.BA = Op.getBlockAddress();
710 else if (Op.isCPI() || Op.isTargetIndex() || Op.isJTI())
711 V.ImmVal = Op.getIndex();
712 else
713 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand type")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected operand type", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 713)
715 Kind = Op.getType();
716 TF = Op.getTargetFlags();
719bool HCE::ExtRoot::operator< (const HCE::ExtRoot &ER) const {
720 if (Kind != ER.Kind)
721 return Kind < ER.Kind;
722 switch (Kind) {
723 case MachineOperand::MO_Immediate:
724 case MachineOperand::MO_TargetIndex:
725 case MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex:
726 case MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex:
727 return V.ImmVal < ER.V.ImmVal;
728 case MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate: {
729 const APFloat &ThisF = V.CFP->getValueAPF();
730 const APFloat &OtherF = ER.V.CFP->getValueAPF();
731 return ThisF.bitcastToAPInt().ult(OtherF.bitcastToAPInt());
732 }
733 case MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol:
734 return StringRef(V.SymbolName) < StringRef(ER.V.SymbolName);
735 case MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress:
736 // Do not use GUIDs, since they depend on the source path. Moving the
737 // source file to a different directory could cause different GUID
738 // values for a pair of given symbols. These symbols could then compare
739 // "less" in one directory, but "greater" in another.
740 assert(!V.GV->getName().empty() && !ER.V.GV->getName().empty())(static_cast <bool> (!V.GV->getName().empty() &&
!ER.V.GV->getName().empty()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"!V.GV->getName().empty() && !ER.V.GV->getName().empty()"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 740, __extension__
741 return V.GV->getName() < ER.V.GV->getName();
742 case MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress: {
743 const BasicBlock *ThisB = V.BA->getBasicBlock();
744 const BasicBlock *OtherB = ER.V.BA->getBasicBlock();
745 assert(ThisB->getParent() == OtherB->getParent())(static_cast <bool> (ThisB->getParent() == OtherB->
getParent()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ThisB->getParent() == OtherB->getParent()"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 745, __extension__
746 const Function &F = *ThisB->getParent();
747 return std::distance(F.begin(), ThisB->getIterator()) <
748 std::distance(F.begin(), OtherB->getIterator());
749 }
750 }
751 return V.ImmVal < ER.V.ImmVal;
754HCE::ExtValue::ExtValue(const MachineOperand &Op) : ExtRoot(Op) {
755 if (Op.isImm())
756 Offset = Op.getImm();
757 else if (Op.isFPImm() || Op.isJTI())
758 Offset = 0;
759 else if (Op.isSymbol() || Op.isGlobal() || Op.isBlockAddress() ||
760 Op.isCPI() || Op.isTargetIndex())
761 Offset = Op.getOffset();
762 else
763 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand type")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected operand type", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 763)
766bool HCE::ExtValue::operator< (const HCE::ExtValue &EV) const {
767 const ExtRoot &ER = *this;
768 if (!(ER == ExtRoot(EV)))
769 return ER < EV;
770 return Offset < EV.Offset;
773HCE::ExtValue::operator MachineOperand() const {
774 switch (Kind) {
775 case MachineOperand::MO_Immediate:
776 return MachineOperand::CreateImm(V.ImmVal + Offset);
777 case MachineOperand::MO_FPImmediate:
778 assert(Offset == 0)(static_cast <bool> (Offset == 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Offset == 0", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 778, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
779 return MachineOperand::CreateFPImm(V.CFP);
780 case MachineOperand::MO_ExternalSymbol:
781 assert(Offset == 0)(static_cast <bool> (Offset == 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Offset == 0", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 781, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
782 return MachineOperand::CreateES(V.SymbolName, TF);
783 case MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress:
784 return MachineOperand::CreateGA(V.GV, Offset, TF);
785 case MachineOperand::MO_BlockAddress:
786 return MachineOperand::CreateBA(V.BA, Offset, TF);
787 case MachineOperand::MO_TargetIndex:
788 return MachineOperand::CreateTargetIndex(V.ImmVal, Offset, TF);
789 case MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex:
790 return MachineOperand::CreateCPI(V.ImmVal, Offset, TF);
791 case MachineOperand::MO_JumpTableIndex:
792 assert(Offset == 0)(static_cast <bool> (Offset == 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Offset == 0", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 792, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
793 return MachineOperand::CreateJTI(V.ImmVal, TF);
794 default:
795 llvm_unreachable("Unhandled kind")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unhandled kind", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 795)
796 }
799bool HCE::isStoreImmediate(unsigned Opc) const {
800 switch (Opc) {
801 case Hexagon::S4_storeirbt_io:
802 case Hexagon::S4_storeirbf_io:
803 case Hexagon::S4_storeirht_io:
804 case Hexagon::S4_storeirhf_io:
805 case Hexagon::S4_storeirit_io:
806 case Hexagon::S4_storeirif_io:
807 case Hexagon::S4_storeirb_io:
808 case Hexagon::S4_storeirh_io:
809 case Hexagon::S4_storeiri_io:
810 return true;
811 default:
812 break;
813 }
814 return false;
817bool HCE::isRegOffOpcode(unsigned Opc) const {
818 switch (Opc) {
819 case Hexagon::L2_loadrub_io:
820 case Hexagon::L2_loadrb_io:
821 case Hexagon::L2_loadruh_io:
822 case Hexagon::L2_loadrh_io:
823 case Hexagon::L2_loadri_io:
824 case Hexagon::L2_loadrd_io:
825 case Hexagon::L2_loadbzw2_io:
826 case Hexagon::L2_loadbzw4_io:
827 case Hexagon::L2_loadbsw2_io:
828 case Hexagon::L2_loadbsw4_io:
829 case Hexagon::L2_loadalignh_io:
830 case Hexagon::L2_loadalignb_io:
831 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrubt_io:
832 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrubf_io:
833 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrbt_io:
834 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrbf_io:
835 case Hexagon::L2_ploadruht_io:
836 case Hexagon::L2_ploadruhf_io:
837 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrht_io:
838 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrhf_io:
839 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrit_io:
840 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrif_io:
841 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrdt_io:
842 case Hexagon::L2_ploadrdf_io:
843 case Hexagon::S2_storerb_io:
844 case Hexagon::S2_storerh_io:
845 case Hexagon::S2_storerf_io:
846 case Hexagon::S2_storeri_io:
847 case Hexagon::S2_storerd_io:
848 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerbt_io:
849 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerbf_io:
850 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerht_io:
851 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerhf_io:
852 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerft_io:
853 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerff_io:
854 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerit_io:
855 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerif_io:
856 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerdt_io:
857 case Hexagon::S2_pstorerdf_io:
858 case Hexagon::A2_addi:
859 return true;
860 default:
861 break;
862 }
863 return false;
866unsigned HCE::getRegOffOpcode(unsigned ExtOpc) const {
867 // If there exists an instruction that takes a register and offset,
868 // that corresponds to the ExtOpc, return it, otherwise return 0.
869 using namespace Hexagon;
870 switch (ExtOpc) {
871 case A2_tfrsi: return A2_addi;
872 default:
873 break;
874 }
875 const MCInstrDesc &D = HII->get(ExtOpc);
876 if (D.mayLoad() || D.mayStore()) {
877 uint64_t F = D.TSFlags;
878 unsigned AM = (F >> HexagonII::AddrModePos) & HexagonII::AddrModeMask;
879 switch (AM) {
880 case HexagonII::Absolute:
881 case HexagonII::AbsoluteSet:
882 case HexagonII::BaseLongOffset:
883 switch (ExtOpc) {
884 case PS_loadrubabs:
885 case L4_loadrub_ap:
886 case L4_loadrub_ur: return L2_loadrub_io;
887 case PS_loadrbabs:
888 case L4_loadrb_ap:
889 case L4_loadrb_ur: return L2_loadrb_io;
890 case PS_loadruhabs:
891 case L4_loadruh_ap:
892 case L4_loadruh_ur: return L2_loadruh_io;
893 case PS_loadrhabs:
894 case L4_loadrh_ap:
895 case L4_loadrh_ur: return L2_loadrh_io;
896 case PS_loadriabs:
897 case L4_loadri_ap:
898 case L4_loadri_ur: return L2_loadri_io;
899 case PS_loadrdabs:
900 case L4_loadrd_ap:
901 case L4_loadrd_ur: return L2_loadrd_io;
902 case L4_loadbzw2_ap:
903 case L4_loadbzw2_ur: return L2_loadbzw2_io;
904 case L4_loadbzw4_ap:
905 case L4_loadbzw4_ur: return L2_loadbzw4_io;
906 case L4_loadbsw2_ap:
907 case L4_loadbsw2_ur: return L2_loadbsw2_io;
908 case L4_loadbsw4_ap:
909 case L4_loadbsw4_ur: return L2_loadbsw4_io;
910 case L4_loadalignh_ap:
911 case L4_loadalignh_ur: return L2_loadalignh_io;
912 case L4_loadalignb_ap:
913 case L4_loadalignb_ur: return L2_loadalignb_io;
914 case L4_ploadrubt_abs: return L2_ploadrubt_io;
915 case L4_ploadrubf_abs: return L2_ploadrubf_io;
916 case L4_ploadrbt_abs: return L2_ploadrbt_io;
917 case L4_ploadrbf_abs: return L2_ploadrbf_io;
918 case L4_ploadruht_abs: return L2_ploadruht_io;
919 case L4_ploadruhf_abs: return L2_ploadruhf_io;
920 case L4_ploadrht_abs: return L2_ploadrht_io;
921 case L4_ploadrhf_abs: return L2_ploadrhf_io;
922 case L4_ploadrit_abs: return L2_ploadrit_io;
923 case L4_ploadrif_abs: return L2_ploadrif_io;
924 case L4_ploadrdt_abs: return L2_ploadrdt_io;
925 case L4_ploadrdf_abs: return L2_ploadrdf_io;
926 case PS_storerbabs:
927 case S4_storerb_ap:
928 case S4_storerb_ur: return S2_storerb_io;
929 case PS_storerhabs:
930 case S4_storerh_ap:
931 case S4_storerh_ur: return S2_storerh_io;
932 case PS_storerfabs:
933 case S4_storerf_ap:
934 case S4_storerf_ur: return S2_storerf_io;
935 case PS_storeriabs:
936 case S4_storeri_ap:
937 case S4_storeri_ur: return S2_storeri_io;
938 case PS_storerdabs:
939 case S4_storerd_ap:
940 case S4_storerd_ur: return S2_storerd_io;
941 case S4_pstorerbt_abs: return S2_pstorerbt_io;
942 case S4_pstorerbf_abs: return S2_pstorerbf_io;
943 case S4_pstorerht_abs: return S2_pstorerht_io;
944 case S4_pstorerhf_abs: return S2_pstorerhf_io;
945 case S4_pstorerft_abs: return S2_pstorerft_io;
946 case S4_pstorerff_abs: return S2_pstorerff_io;
947 case S4_pstorerit_abs: return S2_pstorerit_io;
948 case S4_pstorerif_abs: return S2_pstorerif_io;
949 case S4_pstorerdt_abs: return S2_pstorerdt_io;
950 case S4_pstorerdf_abs: return S2_pstorerdf_io;
951 default:
952 break;
953 }
954 break;
955 case HexagonII::BaseImmOffset:
956 if (!isStoreImmediate(ExtOpc))
957 return ExtOpc;
958 break;
959 default:
960 break;
961 }
962 }
963 return 0;
966unsigned HCE::getDirectRegReplacement(unsigned ExtOpc) const {
967 switch (ExtOpc) {
968 case Hexagon::A2_addi: return Hexagon::A2_add;
969 case Hexagon::A2_andir: return Hexagon::A2_and;
970 case Hexagon::A2_combineii: return Hexagon::A4_combineri;
971 case Hexagon::A2_orir: return Hexagon::A2_or;
972 case Hexagon::A2_paddif: return Hexagon::A2_paddf;
973 case Hexagon::A2_paddit: return Hexagon::A2_paddt;
974 case Hexagon::A2_subri: return Hexagon::A2_sub;
975 case Hexagon::A2_tfrsi: return TargetOpcode::COPY;
976 case Hexagon::A4_cmpbeqi: return Hexagon::A4_cmpbeq;
977 case Hexagon::A4_cmpbgti: return Hexagon::A4_cmpbgt;
978 case Hexagon::A4_cmpbgtui: return Hexagon::A4_cmpbgtu;
979 case Hexagon::A4_cmpheqi: return Hexagon::A4_cmpheq;
980 case Hexagon::A4_cmphgti: return Hexagon::A4_cmphgt;
981 case Hexagon::A4_cmphgtui: return Hexagon::A4_cmphgtu;
982 case Hexagon::A4_combineii: return Hexagon::A4_combineir;
983 case Hexagon::A4_combineir: return TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE;
984 case Hexagon::A4_combineri: return TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE;
985 case Hexagon::A4_rcmpeqi: return Hexagon::A4_rcmpeq;
986 case Hexagon::A4_rcmpneqi: return Hexagon::A4_rcmpneq;
987 case Hexagon::C2_cmoveif: return Hexagon::A2_tfrpf;
988 case Hexagon::C2_cmoveit: return Hexagon::A2_tfrpt;
989 case Hexagon::C2_cmpeqi: return Hexagon::C2_cmpeq;
990 case Hexagon::C2_cmpgti: return Hexagon::C2_cmpgt;
991 case Hexagon::C2_cmpgtui: return Hexagon::C2_cmpgtu;
992 case Hexagon::C2_muxii: return Hexagon::C2_muxir;
993 case Hexagon::C2_muxir: return Hexagon::C2_mux;
994 case Hexagon::C2_muxri: return Hexagon::C2_mux;
995 case Hexagon::C4_cmpltei: return Hexagon::C4_cmplte;
996 case Hexagon::C4_cmplteui: return Hexagon::C4_cmplteu;
997 case Hexagon::C4_cmpneqi: return Hexagon::C4_cmpneq;
998 case Hexagon::M2_accii: return Hexagon::M2_acci; // T -> T
999 /* No M2_macsin */
1000 case Hexagon::M2_macsip: return Hexagon::M2_maci; // T -> T
1001 case Hexagon::M2_mpysin: return Hexagon::M2_mpyi;
1002 case Hexagon::M2_mpysip: return Hexagon::M2_mpyi;
1003 case Hexagon::M2_mpysmi: return Hexagon::M2_mpyi;
1004 case Hexagon::M2_naccii: return Hexagon::M2_nacci; // T -> T
1005 case Hexagon::M4_mpyri_addi: return Hexagon::M4_mpyri_addr;
1006 case Hexagon::M4_mpyri_addr: return Hexagon::M4_mpyrr_addr; // _ -> T
1007 case Hexagon::M4_mpyrr_addi: return Hexagon::M4_mpyrr_addr; // _ -> T
1008 case Hexagon::S4_addaddi: return Hexagon::M2_acci; // _ -> T
1009 case Hexagon::S4_addi_asl_ri: return Hexagon::S2_asl_i_r_acc; // T -> T
1010 case Hexagon::S4_addi_lsr_ri: return Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_r_acc; // T -> T
1011 case Hexagon::S4_andi_asl_ri: return Hexagon::S2_asl_i_r_and; // T -> T
1012 case Hexagon::S4_andi_lsr_ri: return Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_r_and; // T -> T
1013 case Hexagon::S4_ori_asl_ri: return Hexagon::S2_asl_i_r_or; // T -> T
1014 case Hexagon::S4_ori_lsr_ri: return Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_r_or; // T -> T
1015 case Hexagon::S4_subaddi: return Hexagon::M2_subacc; // _ -> T
1016 case Hexagon::S4_subi_asl_ri: return Hexagon::S2_asl_i_r_nac; // T -> T
1017 case Hexagon::S4_subi_lsr_ri: return Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_r_nac; // T -> T
1019 // Store-immediates:
1020 case Hexagon::S4_storeirbf_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerbf_io;
1021 case Hexagon::S4_storeirb_io: return Hexagon::S2_storerb_io;
1022 case Hexagon::S4_storeirbt_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerbt_io;
1023 case Hexagon::S4_storeirhf_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerhf_io;
1024 case Hexagon::S4_storeirh_io: return Hexagon::S2_storerh_io;
1025 case Hexagon::S4_storeirht_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerht_io;
1026 case Hexagon::S4_storeirif_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerif_io;
1027 case Hexagon::S4_storeiri_io: return Hexagon::S2_storeri_io;
1028 case Hexagon::S4_storeirit_io: return Hexagon::S2_pstorerit_io;
1030 default:
1031 break;
1032 }
1033 return 0;
1036// Return the allowable deviation from the current value of Rb (i.e. the
1037// range of values that can be added to the current value) which the
1038// instruction MI can accommodate.
1039// The instruction MI is a user of register Rb, which is defined via an
1040// extender. It may be possible for MI to be tweaked to work for a register
1041// defined with a slightly different value. For example
1042// ... = L2_loadrub_io Rb, 1
1043// can be modifed to be
1044// ... = L2_loadrub_io Rb', 0
1045// if Rb' = Rb+1.
1046// The range for Rb would be [Min+1, Max+1], where [Min, Max] is a range
1047// for L2_loadrub with offset 0. That means that Rb could be replaced with
1048// Rc, where Rc-Rb belongs to [Min+1, Max+1].
1049OffsetRange HCE::getOffsetRange(Register Rb, const MachineInstr &MI) const {
1050 unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
1051 // Instructions that are constant-extended may be replaced with something
1052 // else that no longer offers the same range as the original.
1053 if (!isRegOffOpcode(Opc) || HII->isConstExtended(MI))
1054 return OffsetRange::zero();
1056 if (Opc == Hexagon::A2_addi) {
1057 const MachineOperand &Op1 = MI.getOperand(1), &Op2 = MI.getOperand(2);
1058 if (Rb != Register(Op1) || !Op2.isImm())
1059 return OffsetRange::zero();
1060 OffsetRange R = { -(1<<15)+1, (1<<15)-1, 1 };
1061 return R.shift(Op2.getImm());
1062 }
1064 // HII::getBaseAndOffsetPosition returns the increment position as "offset".
1065 if (HII->isPostIncrement(MI))
1066 return OffsetRange::zero();
1068 const MCInstrDesc &D = HII->get(Opc);
1069 assert(D.mayLoad() || D.mayStore())(static_cast <bool> (D.mayLoad() || D.mayStore()) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("D.mayLoad() || D.mayStore()", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1069, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1071 unsigned BaseP, OffP;
1072 if (!HII->getBaseAndOffsetPosition(MI, BaseP, OffP) ||
1073 Rb != Register(MI.getOperand(BaseP)) ||
1074 !MI.getOperand(OffP).isImm())
1075 return OffsetRange::zero();
1077 uint64_t F = (D.TSFlags >> HexagonII::MemAccessSizePos) &
1078 HexagonII::MemAccesSizeMask;
1079 uint8_t A = HexagonII::getMemAccessSizeInBytes(HexagonII::MemAccessSize(F));
1080 unsigned L = Log2_32(A);
1081 unsigned S = 10+L; // sint11_L
1082 int32_t Min = -alignDown((1<<S)-1, A);
1084 // The range will be shifted by Off. To prefer non-negative offsets,
1085 // adjust Max accordingly.
1086 int32_t Off = MI.getOperand(OffP).getImm();
1087 int32_t Max = Off >= 0 ? 0 : -Off;
1089 OffsetRange R = { Min, Max, A };
1090 return R.shift(Off);
1093// Return the allowable deviation from the current value of the extender ED,
1094// for which the instruction corresponding to ED can be modified without
1095// using an extender.
1096// The instruction uses the extender directly. It will be replaced with
1097// another instruction, say MJ, where the extender will be replaced with a
1098// register. MJ can allow some variability with respect to the value of
1099// that register, as is the case with indexed memory instructions.
1100OffsetRange HCE::getOffsetRange(const ExtDesc &ED) const {
1101 // The only way that there can be a non-zero range available is if
1102 // the instruction using ED will be converted to an indexed memory
1103 // instruction.
1104 unsigned IdxOpc = getRegOffOpcode(ED.UseMI->getOpcode());
1105 switch (IdxOpc) {
1106 case 0:
1107 return OffsetRange::zero();
1108 case Hexagon::A2_addi: // s16
1109 return { -32767, 32767, 1 };
1110 case Hexagon::A2_subri: // s10
1111 return { -511, 511, 1 };
1112 }
1114 if (!ED.UseMI->mayLoad() && !ED.UseMI->mayStore())
1115 return OffsetRange::zero();
1116 const MCInstrDesc &D = HII->get(IdxOpc);
1117 uint64_t F = (D.TSFlags >> HexagonII::MemAccessSizePos) &
1118 HexagonII::MemAccesSizeMask;
1119 uint8_t A = HexagonII::getMemAccessSizeInBytes(HexagonII::MemAccessSize(F));
1120 unsigned L = Log2_32(A);
1121 unsigned S = 10+L; // sint11_L
1122 int32_t Min = -alignDown((1<<S)-1, A);
1123 int32_t Max = 0; // Force non-negative offsets.
1124 return { Min, Max, A };
1127// Get the allowable deviation from the current value of Rd by checking
1128// all uses of Rd.
1129OffsetRange HCE::getOffsetRange(Register Rd) const {
1130 OffsetRange Range;
1131 for (const MachineOperand &Op : MRI->use_operands(Rd.Reg)) {
1132 // Make sure that the register being used by this operand is identical
1133 // to the register that was defined: using a different subregister
1134 // precludes any non-trivial range.
1135 if (Rd != Register(Op))
1136 return OffsetRange::zero();
1137 Range.intersect(getOffsetRange(Rd, *Op.getParent()));
1138 }
1139 return Range;
1142void HCE::recordExtender(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpNum) {
1143 unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
1144 ExtDesc ED;
1145 ED.OpNum = OpNum;
1147 bool IsLoad = MI.mayLoad();
1148 bool IsStore = MI.mayStore();
1150 // Fixed stack slots have negative indexes, and they cannot be used
1151 // with TRI::stackSlot2Index and TRI::index2StackSlot. This is somewhat
1152 // unfortunate, but should not be a frequent thing.
1153 for (MachineOperand &Op : MI.operands())
1154 if (Op.isFI() && Op.getIndex() < 0)
1155 return;
1157 if (IsLoad || IsStore) {
1158 unsigned AM = HII->getAddrMode(MI);
1159 switch (AM) {
1160 // (Re: ##Off + Rb<<S) = Rd: ##Val
1161 case HexagonII::Absolute: // (__: ## + __<<_)
1162 break;
1163 case HexagonII::AbsoluteSet: // (Rd: ## + __<<_)
1164 ED.Rd = MI.getOperand(OpNum-1);
1165 ED.IsDef = true;
1166 break;
1167 case HexagonII::BaseImmOffset: // (__: ## + Rs<<0)
1168 // Store-immediates are treated as non-memory operations, since
1169 // it's the value being stored that is extended (as opposed to
1170 // a part of the address).
1171 if (!isStoreImmediate(Opc))
1172 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum-1);
1173 break;
1174 case HexagonII::BaseLongOffset: // (__: ## + Rs<<S)
1175 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum-2);
1176 ED.Expr.S = MI.getOperand(OpNum-1).getImm();
1177 break;
1178 default:
1179 llvm_unreachable("Unhandled memory instruction")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unhandled memory instruction"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1179)
1180 }
1181 } else {
1182 switch (Opc) {
1183 case Hexagon::A2_tfrsi: // (Rd: ## + __<<_)
1184 ED.Rd = MI.getOperand(0);
1185 ED.IsDef = true;
1186 break;
1187 case Hexagon::A2_combineii: // (Rd: ## + __<<_)
1188 case Hexagon::A4_combineir:
1189 ED.Rd = { MI.getOperand(0).getReg(), Hexagon::isub_hi };
1190 ED.IsDef = true;
1191 break;
1192 case Hexagon::A4_combineri: // (Rd: ## + __<<_)
1193 ED.Rd = { MI.getOperand(0).getReg(), Hexagon::isub_lo };
1194 ED.IsDef = true;
1195 break;
1196 case Hexagon::A2_addi: // (Rd: ## + Rs<<0)
1197 ED.Rd = MI.getOperand(0);
1198 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum-1);
1199 break;
1200 case Hexagon::M2_accii: // (__: ## + Rs<<0)
1201 case Hexagon::M2_naccii:
1202 case Hexagon::S4_addaddi:
1203 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum-1);
1204 break;
1205 case Hexagon::A2_subri: // (Rd: ## - Rs<<0)
1206 ED.Rd = MI.getOperand(0);
1207 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum+1);
1208 ED.Expr.Neg = true;
1209 break;
1210 case Hexagon::S4_subaddi: // (__: ## - Rs<<0)
1211 ED.Expr.Rs = MI.getOperand(OpNum+1);
1212 ED.Expr.Neg = true;
1213 break;
1214 default: // (__: ## + __<<_)
1215 break;
1216 }
1217 }
1219 ED.UseMI = &MI;
1221 // Ignore unnamed globals.
1222 ExtRoot ER(ED.getOp());
1223 if (ER.Kind == MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress)
1224 if (ER.V.GV->getName().empty())
1225 return;
1226 Extenders.push_back(ED);
1229void HCE::collectInstr(MachineInstr &MI) {
1230 if (!HII->isConstExtended(MI))
1231 return;
1233 // Skip some non-convertible instructions.
1234 unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
1235 switch (Opc) {
1236 case Hexagon::M2_macsin: // There is no Rx -= mpyi(Rs,Rt).
1237 case Hexagon::C4_addipc:
1238 case Hexagon::S4_or_andi:
1239 case Hexagon::S4_or_andix:
1240 case Hexagon::S4_or_ori:
1241 return;
1242 }
1243 recordExtender(MI, HII->getCExtOpNum(MI));
1246void HCE::collect(MachineFunction &MF) {
1247 Extenders.clear();
1248 for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF) {
1249 // Skip unreachable blocks.
1250 if (MBB.getNumber() == -1)
1251 continue;
1252 for (MachineInstr &MI : MBB)
1253 collectInstr(MI);
1254 }
1257void HCE::assignInits(const ExtRoot &ER, unsigned Begin, unsigned End,
1258 AssignmentMap &IMap) {
1259 // Basic correctness: make sure that all extenders in the range [Begin..End)
1260 // share the same root ER.
1261 for (unsigned I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
Assuming 'I' is not equal to 'End'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'I' is equal to 'End'
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1268
1262 assert(ER == ExtRoot(Extenders[I].getOp()))(static_cast <bool> (ER == ExtRoot(Extenders[I].getOp()
)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ER == ExtRoot(Extenders[I].getOp())"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1262, __extension__
'?' condition is true
1264 // Construct the list of ranges, such that for each P in Ranges[I],
1265 // a register Reg = ER+P can be used in place of Extender[I]. If the
1266 // instruction allows, uses in the form of Reg+Off are considered
1267 // (here, Off = required_value - P).
1268 std::vector<OffsetRange> Ranges(End-Begin);
1270 // For each extender that is a def, visit all uses of the defined register,
1271 // and produce an offset range that works for all uses. The def doesn't
1272 // have to be checked, because it can become dead if all uses can be updated
1273 // to use a different reg/offset.
1274 for (unsigned I = Begin; I
'I' is not equal to 'End'
'I' is equal to 'End'
'I' is not equal to 'End'
'I' is equal to 'End'
!= End; ++I) {
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 1294
1275 const ExtDesc &ED = Extenders[I];
1276 if (!ED.IsDef)
Assuming field 'IsDef' is false
Taking true branch
1277 continue;
Execution continues on line 1274
1278 ExtValue EV(ED);
1279 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " =" << I << ". " << EV << " " << ED << '\n')do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << " =" << I <<
". " << EV << " " << ED << '\n'; } }
while (false)
1280 assert(ED.Rd.Reg != 0)(static_cast <bool> (ED.Rd.Reg != 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ED.Rd.Reg != 0", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1280, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1281 Ranges[I-Begin] = getOffsetRange(ED.Rd).shift(EV.Offset);
1282 // A2_tfrsi is a special case: it will be replaced with A2_addi, which
1283 // has a 16-bit signed offset. This means that A2_tfrsi not only has a
1284 // range coming from its uses, but also from the fact that its replacement
1285 // has a range as well.
1286 if (ED.UseMI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::A2_tfrsi) {
1287 int32_t D = alignDown(32767, Ranges[I-Begin].Align); // XXX hardcoded
1288 Ranges[I-Begin].extendBy(-D).extendBy(D);
1289 }
1290 }
1292 // Visit all non-def extenders. For each one, determine the offset range
1293 // available for it.
1294 for (unsigned I = Begin; I
'I' is not equal to 'End'
'I' is not equal to 'End'
!= End; ++I) {
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
1295 const ExtDesc &ED = Extenders[I];
1296 if (ED.IsDef)
Assuming field 'IsDef' is false
Taking false branch
1297 continue;
1298 ExtValue EV(ED);
1299 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << I << ". " << EV << " " << ED << '\n')do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << EV << " " << ED << '\n'; } }
while (false)
Assuming 'DebugFlag' is false
Loop condition is false. Exiting loop
1300 OffsetRange Dev = getOffsetRange(ED);
1301 Ranges[I-Begin].intersect(Dev.shift(EV.Offset));
Calling 'OffsetRange::intersect'
1302 }
1304 // Here for each I there is a corresponding Range[I]. Construct the
1305 // inverse map, that to each range will assign the set of indexes in
1306 // [Begin..End) that this range corresponds to.
1307 std::map<OffsetRange, IndexList> RangeMap;
1308 for (unsigned I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
1309 RangeMap[Ranges[I-Begin]].insert(I);
1311 LLVM_DEBUG({do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1312 dbgs() << "Ranges\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1313 for (unsigned I = Begin; I != End; ++I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1314 dbgs() << " " << I << ". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n';do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1315 dbgs() << "RangeMap\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1316 for (auto &P : RangeMap) {do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1317 dbgs() << " " << P.first << " ->";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1318 for (unsigned I : P.second)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1319 dbgs() << ' ' << I;do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1320 dbgs() << '\n';do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1321 }do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1322 })do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { dbgs() << "Ranges\n"; for (unsigned
I = Begin; I != End; ++I) dbgs() << " " << I <<
". " << Ranges[I-Begin] << '\n'; dbgs() <<
"RangeMap\n"; for (auto &P : RangeMap) { dbgs() <<
" " << P.first << " ->"; for (unsigned I : P
.second) dbgs() << ' ' << I; dbgs() << '\n'
; } }; } } while (false)
1324 // Select the definition points, and generate the assignment between
1325 // these points and the uses.
1327 // For each candidate offset, keep a pair CandData consisting of
1328 // the total number of ranges containing that candidate, and the
1329 // vector of corresponding RangeTree nodes.
1330 using CandData = std::pair<unsigned, SmallVector<RangeTree::Node*,8>>;
1331 std::map<int32_t, CandData> CandMap;
1333 RangeTree Tree;
1334 for (const OffsetRange &R : Ranges)
1335 Tree.add(R);
1336 SmallVector<RangeTree::Node*,8> Nodes;
1337 Tree.order(Nodes);
1339 auto MaxAlign = [](const SmallVectorImpl<RangeTree::Node*> &Nodes,
1340 uint8_t Align, uint8_t Offset) {
1341 for (RangeTree::Node *N : Nodes) {
1342 if (N->Range.Align <= Align || N->Range.Offset < Offset)
1343 continue;
1344 if ((N->Range.Offset - Offset) % Align != 0)
1345 continue;
1346 Align = N->Range.Align;
1347 Offset = N->Range.Offset;
1348 }
1349 return std::make_pair(Align, Offset);
1350 };
1352 // Construct the set of all potential definition points from the endpoints
1353 // of the ranges. If a given endpoint also belongs to a different range,
1354 // but with a higher alignment, also consider the more-highly-aligned
1355 // value of this endpoint.
1356 std::set<int32_t> CandSet;
1357 for (RangeTree::Node *N : Nodes) {
1358 const OffsetRange &R = N->Range;
1359 auto P0 = MaxAlign(Tree.nodesWith(R.Min, false), R.Align, R.Offset);
1360 CandSet.insert(R.Min);
1361 if (R.Align < P0.first)
1362 CandSet.insert(adjustUp(R.Min, P0.first, P0.second));
1363 auto P1 = MaxAlign(Tree.nodesWith(R.Max, false), R.Align, R.Offset);
1364 CandSet.insert(R.Max);
1365 if (R.Align < P1.first)
1366 CandSet.insert(adjustDown(R.Max, P1.first, P1.second));
1367 }
1369 // Build the assignment map: candidate C -> { list of extender indexes }.
1370 // This has to be done iteratively:
1371 // - pick the candidate that covers the maximum number of extenders,
1372 // - add the candidate to the map,
1373 // - remove the extenders from the pool.
1374 while (true) {
1375 using CMap = std::map<int32_t,unsigned>;
1376 CMap Counts;
1377 for (auto It = CandSet.begin(), Et = CandSet.end(); It != Et; ) {
1378 auto &&V = Tree.nodesWith(*It);
1379 unsigned N = std::accumulate(V.begin(), V.end(), 0u,
1380 [](unsigned Acc, const RangeTree::Node *N) {
1381 return Acc + N->Count;
1382 });
1383 if (N != 0)
1384 Counts.insert({*It, N});
1385 It = (N != 0) ? std::next(It) : CandSet.erase(It);
1386 }
1387 if (Counts.empty())
1388 break;
1390 // Find the best candidate with respect to the number of extenders covered.
1391 auto BestIt = std::max_element(Counts.begin(), Counts.end(),
1392 [](const CMap::value_type &A, const CMap::value_type &B) {
1393 return A.second < B.second ||
1394 (A.second == B.second && A < B);
1395 });
1396 int32_t Best = BestIt->first;
1397 ExtValue BestV(ER, Best);
1398 for (RangeTree::Node *N : Tree.nodesWith(Best)) {
1399 for (unsigned I : RangeMap[N->Range])
1400 IMap[{BestV,Extenders[I].Expr}].insert(I);
1401 Tree.erase(N);
1402 }
1403 }
1405 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "IMap (before fixup) = " << PrintIMap(IMap, *HRI))do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "IMap (before fixup) = "
<< PrintIMap(IMap, *HRI); } } while (false)
1407 // There is some ambiguity in what initializer should be used, if the
1408 // descriptor's subexpression is non-trivial: it can be the entire
1409 // subexpression (which is what has been done so far), or it can be
1410 // the extender's value itself, if all corresponding extenders have the
1411 // exact value of the initializer (i.e. require offset of 0).
1413 // To reduce the number of initializers, merge such special cases.
1414 for (std::pair<const ExtenderInit,IndexList> &P : IMap) {
1415 // Skip trivial initializers.
1416 if (P.first.second.trivial())
1417 continue;
1418 // If the corresponding trivial initializer does not exist, skip this
1419 // entry.
1420 const ExtValue &EV = P.first.first;
1421 AssignmentMap::iterator F = IMap.find({EV, ExtExpr()});
1422 if (F == IMap.end())
1423 continue;
1425 // Finally, check if all extenders have the same value as the initializer.
1426 // Make sure that extenders that are a part of a stack address are not
1427 // merged with those that aren't. Stack addresses need an offset field
1428 // (to be used by frame index elimination), while non-stack expressions
1429 // can be replaced with forms (such as rr) that do not have such a field.
1430 // Example:
1431 //
1432 // Collected 3 extenders
1433 // =2. imm:0 off:32968 bb#2: %7 = ## + __ << 0, def
1434 // 0. imm:0 off:267 bb#0: __ = ## + SS#1 << 0
1435 // 1. imm:0 off:267 bb#1: __ = ## + SS#1 << 0
1436 // Ranges
1437 // 0. [-756,267]a1+0
1438 // 1. [-756,267]a1+0
1439 // 2. [201,65735]a1+0
1440 // RangeMap
1441 // [-756,267]a1+0 -> 0 1
1442 // [201,65735]a1+0 -> 2
1443 // IMap (before fixup) = {
1444 // [imm:0 off:267, ## + __ << 0] -> { 2 }
1445 // [imm:0 off:267, ## + SS#1 << 0] -> { 0 1 }
1446 // }
1447 // IMap (after fixup) = {
1448 // [imm:0 off:267, ## + __ << 0] -> { 2 0 1 }
1449 // [imm:0 off:267, ## + SS#1 << 0] -> { }
1450 // }
1451 // Inserted def in bb#0 for initializer: [imm:0 off:267, ## + __ << 0]
1452 // %12:intregs = A2_tfrsi 267
1453 //
1454 // The result was
1455 // %12:intregs = A2_tfrsi 267
1456 // S4_pstorerbt_rr %3, %12, %stack.1, 0, killed %4
1457 // Which became
1458 // r0 = #267
1459 // if (p0.new) memb(r0+r29<<#4) = r2
1461 bool IsStack = any_of(F->second, [this](unsigned I) {
1462 return Extenders[I].Expr.Rs.isSlot();
1463 });
1464 auto SameValue = [&EV,this,IsStack](unsigned I) {
1465 const ExtDesc &ED = Extenders[I];
1466 return ED.Expr.Rs.isSlot() == IsStack &&
1467 ExtValue(ED).Offset == EV.Offset;
1468 };
1469 if (all_of(P.second, SameValue)) {
1470 F->second.insert(P.second.begin(), P.second.end());
1471 P.second.clear();
1472 }
1473 }
1475 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "IMap (after fixup) = " << PrintIMap(IMap, *HRI))do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "IMap (after fixup) = "
<< PrintIMap(IMap, *HRI); } } while (false)
1478void HCE::calculatePlacement(const ExtenderInit &ExtI, const IndexList &Refs,
1479 LocDefList &Defs) {
1480 if (Refs.empty())
1481 return;
1483 // The placement calculation is somewhat simple right now: it finds a
1484 // single location for the def that dominates all refs. Since this may
1485 // place the def far from the uses, producing several locations for
1486 // defs that collectively dominate all refs could be better.
1487 // For now only do the single one.
1488 DenseSet<MachineBasicBlock*> Blocks;
1489 DenseSet<MachineInstr*> RefMIs;
1490 const ExtDesc &ED0 = Extenders[Refs[0]];
1491 MachineBasicBlock *DomB = ED0.UseMI->getParent();
1492 RefMIs.insert(ED0.UseMI);
1493 Blocks.insert(DomB);
1494 for (unsigned i = 1, e = Refs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
1495 const ExtDesc &ED = Extenders[Refs[i]];
1496 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = ED.UseMI->getParent();
1497 RefMIs.insert(ED.UseMI);
1498 DomB = MDT->findNearestCommonDominator(DomB, MBB);
1499 Blocks.insert(MBB);
1500 }
1502#ifndef NDEBUG
1503 // The block DomB should be dominated by the def of each register used
1504 // in the initializer.
1505 Register Rs = ExtI.second.Rs; // Only one reg allowed now.
1506 const MachineInstr *DefI = Rs.isVReg() ? MRI->getVRegDef(Rs.Reg) : nullptr;
1508 // This should be guaranteed given that the entire expression is used
1509 // at each instruction in Refs. Add an assertion just in case.
1510 assert(!DefI || MDT->dominates(DefI->getParent(), DomB))(static_cast <bool> (!DefI || MDT->dominates(DefI->
getParent(), DomB)) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!DefI || MDT->dominates(DefI->getParent(), DomB)"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1510, __extension__
1513 MachineBasicBlock::iterator It;
1514 if (Blocks.count(DomB)) {
1515 // Try to find the latest possible location for the def.
1516 MachineBasicBlock::iterator End = DomB->end();
1517 for (It = DomB->begin(); It != End; ++It)
1518 if (RefMIs.count(&*It))
1519 break;
1520 assert(It != End && "Should have found a ref in DomB")(static_cast <bool> (It != End && "Should have found a ref in DomB"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("It != End && \"Should have found a ref in DomB\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1520, __extension__
1521 } else {
1522 // DomB does not contain any refs.
1523 It = DomB->getFirstTerminator();
1524 }
1525 Loc DefLoc(DomB, It);
1526 Defs.emplace_back(DefLoc, Refs);
1529HCE::Register HCE::insertInitializer(Loc DefL, const ExtenderInit &ExtI) {
1530 llvm::Register DefR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&Hexagon::IntRegsRegClass);
1531 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *DefL.Block;
1532 MachineBasicBlock::iterator At = DefL.At;
1533 DebugLoc dl = DefL.Block->findDebugLoc(DefL.At);
1534 const ExtValue &EV = ExtI.first;
1535 MachineOperand ExtOp(EV);
1537 const ExtExpr &Ex = ExtI.second;
1538 const MachineInstr *InitI = nullptr;
1540 if (Ex.Rs.isSlot()) {
1541 assert(Ex.S == 0 && "Cannot have a shift of a stack slot")(static_cast <bool> (Ex.S == 0 && "Cannot have a shift of a stack slot"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ex.S == 0 && \"Cannot have a shift of a stack slot\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1541, __extension__
1542 assert(!Ex.Neg && "Cannot subtract a stack slot")(static_cast <bool> (!Ex.Neg && "Cannot subtract a stack slot"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!Ex.Neg && \"Cannot subtract a stack slot\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1542, __extension__
1543 // DefR = PS_fi Rb,##EV
1544 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::PS_fi), DefR)
1545 .add(MachineOperand(Ex.Rs))
1546 .add(ExtOp);
1547 } else {
1548 assert((Ex.Rs.Reg == 0 || Ex.Rs.isVReg()) && "Expecting virtual register")(static_cast <bool> ((Ex.Rs.Reg == 0 || Ex.Rs.isVReg())
&& "Expecting virtual register") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("(Ex.Rs.Reg == 0 || Ex.Rs.isVReg()) && \"Expecting virtual register\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1548, __extension__
1549 if (Ex.trivial()) {
1550 // DefR = ##EV
1551 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::A2_tfrsi), DefR)
1552 .add(ExtOp);
1553 } else if (Ex.S == 0) {
1554 if (Ex.Neg) {
1555 // DefR = sub(##EV,Rb)
1556 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::A2_subri), DefR)
1557 .add(ExtOp)
1558 .add(MachineOperand(Ex.Rs));
1559 } else {
1560 // DefR = add(Rb,##EV)
1561 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::A2_addi), DefR)
1562 .add(MachineOperand(Ex.Rs))
1563 .add(ExtOp);
1564 }
1565 } else {
1566 if (HST->useCompound()) {
1567 unsigned NewOpc = Ex.Neg ? Hexagon::S4_subi_asl_ri
1568 : Hexagon::S4_addi_asl_ri;
1569 // DefR = add(##EV,asl(Rb,S))
1570 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(NewOpc), DefR)
1571 .add(ExtOp)
1572 .add(MachineOperand(Ex.Rs))
1573 .addImm(Ex.S);
1574 } else {
1575 // No compounds are available. It is not clear whether we should
1576 // even process such extenders where the initializer cannot be
1577 // a single instruction, but do it for now.
1578 llvm::Register TmpR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&Hexagon::IntRegsRegClass);
1579 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::S2_asl_i_r), TmpR)
1580 .add(MachineOperand(Ex.Rs))
1581 .addImm(Ex.S);
1582 if (Ex.Neg)
1583 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::A2_subri), DefR)
1584 .add(ExtOp)
1585 .add(MachineOperand(Register(TmpR, 0)));
1586 else
1587 InitI = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(Hexagon::A2_addi), DefR)
1588 .add(MachineOperand(Register(TmpR, 0)))
1589 .add(ExtOp);
1590 }
1591 }
1592 }
1594 assert(InitI)(static_cast <bool> (InitI) ? void (0) : __assert_fail (
"InitI", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp",
1594, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1595 (void)InitI;
1596 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inserted def in bb#" << MBB.getNumber()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "Inserted def in bb#"
<< MBB.getNumber() << " for initializer: " <<
PrintInit(ExtI, *HRI) << "\n " << *InitI; } } while
1597 << " for initializer: " << PrintInit(ExtI, *HRI) << "\n "do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "Inserted def in bb#"
<< MBB.getNumber() << " for initializer: " <<
PrintInit(ExtI, *HRI) << "\n " << *InitI; } } while
1598 << *InitI)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "Inserted def in bb#"
<< MBB.getNumber() << " for initializer: " <<
PrintInit(ExtI, *HRI) << "\n " << *InitI; } } while
1599 return { DefR, 0 };
1602// Replace the extender at index Idx with the register ExtR.
1603bool HCE::replaceInstrExact(const ExtDesc &ED, Register ExtR) {
1604 MachineInstr &MI = *ED.UseMI;
1605 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MI.getParent();
1606 MachineBasicBlock::iterator At = MI.getIterator();
1607 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
1608 unsigned ExtOpc = MI.getOpcode();
1610 // With a few exceptions, direct replacement amounts to creating an
1611 // instruction with a corresponding register opcode, with all operands
1612 // the same, except for the register used in place of the extender.
1613 unsigned RegOpc = getDirectRegReplacement(ExtOpc);
1615 if (RegOpc == TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE) {
1616 if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::A4_combineri)
1617 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(RegOpc))
1618 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1619 .add(MI.getOperand(1))
1620 .addImm(Hexagon::isub_hi)
1621 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR))
1622 .addImm(Hexagon::isub_lo);
1623 else if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::A4_combineir)
1624 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(RegOpc))
1625 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1626 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR))
1627 .addImm(Hexagon::isub_hi)
1628 .add(MI.getOperand(2))
1629 .addImm(Hexagon::isub_lo);
1630 else
1631 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected opcode became REG_SEQUENCE")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected opcode became REG_SEQUENCE"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1631)
1632 MBB.erase(MI);
1633 return true;
1634 }
1635 if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::C2_cmpgei || ExtOpc == Hexagon::C2_cmpgeui) {
1636 unsigned NewOpc = ExtOpc == Hexagon::C2_cmpgei ? Hexagon::C2_cmplt
1637 : Hexagon::C2_cmpltu;
1638 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(NewOpc))
1639 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1640 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR))
1641 .add(MI.getOperand(1));
1642 MBB.erase(MI);
1643 return true;
1644 }
1646 if (RegOpc != 0) {
1647 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(RegOpc));
1648 unsigned RegN = ED.OpNum;
1649 // Copy all operands except the one that has the extender.
1650 for (unsigned i = 0, e = MI.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
1651 if (i != RegN)
1652 MIB.add(MI.getOperand(i));
1653 else
1654 MIB.add(MachineOperand(ExtR));
1655 }
1656 MIB.cloneMemRefs(MI);
1657 MBB.erase(MI);
1658 return true;
1659 }
1661 if (MI.mayLoadOrStore() && !isStoreImmediate(ExtOpc)) {
1662 // For memory instructions, there is an asymmetry in the addressing
1663 // modes. Addressing modes allowing extenders can be replaced with
1664 // addressing modes that use registers, but the order of operands
1665 // (or even their number) may be different.
1666 // Replacements:
1667 // BaseImmOffset (io) -> BaseRegOffset (rr)
1668 // BaseLongOffset (ur) -> BaseRegOffset (rr)
1669 unsigned RegOpc, Shift;
1670 unsigned AM = HII->getAddrMode(MI);
1671 if (AM == HexagonII::BaseImmOffset) {
1672 RegOpc = HII->changeAddrMode_io_rr(ExtOpc);
1673 Shift = 0;
1674 } else if (AM == HexagonII::BaseLongOffset) {
1675 // Loads: Rd = L4_loadri_ur Rs, S, ##
1676 // Stores: S4_storeri_ur Rs, S, ##, Rt
1677 RegOpc = HII->changeAddrMode_ur_rr(ExtOpc);
1678 Shift = MI.getOperand(MI.mayLoad() ? 2 : 1).getImm();
1679 } else {
1680 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected addressing mode")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected addressing mode"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1680)
1681 }
1682#ifndef NDEBUG
1683 if (RegOpc == -1u) {
1684 dbgs() << "\nExtOpc: " << HII->getName(ExtOpc) << " has no rr version\n";
1685 llvm_unreachable("No corresponding rr instruction")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("No corresponding rr instruction"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1685)
1686 }
1689 unsigned BaseP, OffP;
1690 HII->getBaseAndOffsetPosition(MI, BaseP, OffP);
1692 // Build an rr instruction: (RegOff + RegBase<<0)
1693 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(RegOpc));
1694 // First, add the def for loads.
1695 if (MI.mayLoad())
1696 MIB.add(getLoadResultOp(MI));
1697 // Handle possible predication.
1698 if (HII->isPredicated(MI))
1699 MIB.add(getPredicateOp(MI));
1700 // Build the address.
1701 MIB.add(MachineOperand(ExtR)); // RegOff
1702 MIB.add(MI.getOperand(BaseP)); // RegBase
1703 MIB.addImm(Shift); // << Shift
1704 // Add the stored value for stores.
1705 if (MI.mayStore())
1706 MIB.add(getStoredValueOp(MI));
1707 MIB.cloneMemRefs(MI);
1708 MBB.erase(MI);
1709 return true;
1710 }
1712#ifndef NDEBUG
1713 dbgs() << '\n' << MI;
1715 llvm_unreachable("Unhandled exact replacement")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unhandled exact replacement"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1715)
1716 return false;
1719// Replace the extender ED with a form corresponding to the initializer ExtI.
1720bool HCE::replaceInstrExpr(const ExtDesc &ED, const ExtenderInit &ExtI,
1721 Register ExtR, int32_t &Diff) {
1722 MachineInstr &MI = *ED.UseMI;
1723 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MI.getParent();
1724 MachineBasicBlock::iterator At = MI.getIterator();
1725 DebugLoc dl = MI.getDebugLoc();
1726 unsigned ExtOpc = MI.getOpcode();
1728 if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::A2_tfrsi) {
1729 // A2_tfrsi is a special case: it's replaced with A2_addi, which introduces
1730 // another range. One range is the one that's common to all tfrsi's uses,
1731 // this one is the range of immediates in A2_addi. When calculating ranges,
1732 // the addi's 16-bit argument was included, so now we need to make it such
1733 // that the produced value is in the range for the uses alone.
1734 // Most of the time, simply adding Diff will make the addi produce exact
1735 // result, but if Diff is outside of the 16-bit range, some adjustment
1736 // will be needed.
1737 unsigned IdxOpc = getRegOffOpcode(ExtOpc);
1738 assert(IdxOpc == Hexagon::A2_addi)(static_cast <bool> (IdxOpc == Hexagon::A2_addi) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("IdxOpc == Hexagon::A2_addi", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1738, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1740 // Clamp Diff to the 16 bit range.
1741 int32_t D = isInt<16>(Diff) ? Diff : (Diff > 0 ? 32767 : -32768);
1742 if (Diff > 32767) {
1743 // Split Diff into two values: one that is close to min/max int16,
1744 // and the other being the rest, and such that both have the same
1745 // "alignment" as Diff.
1746 uint32_t UD = Diff;
1747 OffsetRange R = getOffsetRange(MI.getOperand(0));
1748 uint32_t A = std::min<uint32_t>(R.Align, 1u << llvm::countr_zero(UD));
1749 D &= ~(A-1);
1750 }
1751 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(IdxOpc))
1752 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1753 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR))
1754 .addImm(D);
1755 Diff -= D;
1756#ifndef NDEBUG
1757 // Make sure the output is within allowable range for uses.
1758 // "Diff" is a difference in the "opposite direction", i.e. Ext - DefV,
1759 // not DefV - Ext, as the getOffsetRange would calculate.
1760 OffsetRange Uses = getOffsetRange(MI.getOperand(0));
1761 if (!Uses.contains(-Diff))
1762 dbgs() << "Diff: " << -Diff << " out of range " << Uses
1763 << " for " << MI;
1764 assert(Uses.contains(-Diff))(static_cast <bool> (Uses.contains(-Diff)) ? void (0) :
__assert_fail ("Uses.contains(-Diff)", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1764, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1766 MBB.erase(MI);
1767 return true;
1768 }
1770 const ExtValue &EV = ExtI.first; (void)EV;
1771 const ExtExpr &Ex = ExtI.second; (void)Ex;
1773 if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::A2_addi || ExtOpc == Hexagon::A2_subri) {
1774 // If addi/subri are replaced with the exactly matching initializer,
1775 // they amount to COPY.
1776 // Check that the initializer is an exact match (for simplicity).
1777#ifndef NDEBUG
1778 bool IsAddi = ExtOpc == Hexagon::A2_addi;
1779 const MachineOperand &RegOp = MI.getOperand(IsAddi ? 1 : 2);
1780 const MachineOperand &ImmOp = MI.getOperand(IsAddi ? 2 : 1);
1781 assert(Ex.Rs == RegOp && EV == ImmOp && Ex.Neg != IsAddi &&(static_cast <bool> (Ex.Rs == RegOp && EV == ImmOp
&& Ex.Neg != IsAddi && "Initializer mismatch"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ex.Rs == RegOp && EV == ImmOp && Ex.Neg != IsAddi && \"Initializer mismatch\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1782, __extension__
1782 "Initializer mismatch")(static_cast <bool> (Ex.Rs == RegOp && EV == ImmOp
&& Ex.Neg != IsAddi && "Initializer mismatch"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Ex.Rs == RegOp && EV == ImmOp && Ex.Neg != IsAddi && \"Initializer mismatch\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1782, __extension__
1784 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY))
1785 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1786 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR));
1787 Diff = 0;
1788 MBB.erase(MI);
1789 return true;
1790 }
1791 if (ExtOpc == Hexagon::M2_accii || ExtOpc == Hexagon::M2_naccii ||
1792 ExtOpc == Hexagon::S4_addaddi || ExtOpc == Hexagon::S4_subaddi) {
1793 // M2_accii: add(Rt,add(Rs,V)) (tied)
1794 // M2_naccii: sub(Rt,add(Rs,V))
1795 // S4_addaddi: add(Rt,add(Rs,V))
1796 // S4_subaddi: add(Rt,sub(V,Rs))
1797 // Check that Rs and V match the initializer expression. The Rs+V is the
1798 // combination that is considered "subexpression" for V, although Rx+V
1799 // would also be valid.
1800#ifndef NDEBUG
1801 bool IsSub = ExtOpc == Hexagon::S4_subaddi;
1802 Register Rs = MI.getOperand(IsSub ? 3 : 2);
1803 ExtValue V = MI.getOperand(IsSub ? 2 : 3);
1804 assert(EV == V && Rs == Ex.Rs && IsSub == Ex.Neg && "Initializer mismatch")(static_cast <bool> (EV == V && Rs == Ex.Rs &&
IsSub == Ex.Neg && "Initializer mismatch") ? void (0
) : __assert_fail ("EV == V && Rs == Ex.Rs && IsSub == Ex.Neg && \"Initializer mismatch\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1804, __extension__
1806 unsigned NewOpc = ExtOpc == Hexagon::M2_naccii ? Hexagon::A2_sub
1807 : Hexagon::A2_add;
1808 BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(NewOpc))
1809 .add(MI.getOperand(0))
1810 .add(MI.getOperand(1))
1811 .add(MachineOperand(ExtR));
1812 MBB.erase(MI);
1813 return true;
1814 }
1816 if (MI.mayLoadOrStore()) {
1817 unsigned IdxOpc = getRegOffOpcode(ExtOpc);
1818 assert(IdxOpc && "Expecting indexed opcode")(static_cast <bool> (IdxOpc && "Expecting indexed opcode"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("IdxOpc && \"Expecting indexed opcode\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1818, __extension__
1819 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(MBB, At, dl, HII->get(IdxOpc));
1820 // Construct the new indexed instruction.
1821 // First, add the def for loads.
1822 if (MI.mayLoad())
1823 MIB.add(getLoadResultOp(MI));
1824 // Handle possible predication.
1825 if (HII->isPredicated(MI))
1826 MIB.add(getPredicateOp(MI));
1827 // Build the address.
1828 MIB.add(MachineOperand(ExtR));
1829 MIB.addImm(Diff);
1830 // Add the stored value for stores.
1831 if (MI.mayStore())
1832 MIB.add(getStoredValueOp(MI));
1833 MIB.cloneMemRefs(MI);
1834 MBB.erase(MI);
1835 return true;
1836 }
1838#ifndef NDEBUG
1839 dbgs() << '\n' << PrintInit(ExtI, *HRI) << " " << MI;
1841 llvm_unreachable("Unhandled expr replacement")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unhandled expr replacement"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1841)
1842 return false;
1845bool HCE::replaceInstr(unsigned Idx, Register ExtR, const ExtenderInit &ExtI) {
1846 if (ReplaceLimit.getNumOccurrences()) {
1847 if (ReplaceLimit <= ReplaceCounter)
1848 return false;
1849 ++ReplaceCounter;
1850 }
1851 const ExtDesc &ED = Extenders[Idx];
1852 assert((!ED.IsDef || ED.Rd.Reg != 0) && "Missing Rd for def")(static_cast <bool> ((!ED.IsDef || ED.Rd.Reg != 0) &&
"Missing Rd for def") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!ED.IsDef || ED.Rd.Reg != 0) && \"Missing Rd for def\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1852, __extension__
1853 const ExtValue &DefV = ExtI.first;
1854 assert(ExtRoot(ExtValue(ED)) == ExtRoot(DefV) && "Extender root mismatch")(static_cast <bool> (ExtRoot(ExtValue(ED)) == ExtRoot(DefV
) && "Extender root mismatch") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("ExtRoot(ExtValue(ED)) == ExtRoot(DefV) && \"Extender root mismatch\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1854, __extension__
1855 const ExtExpr &DefEx = ExtI.second;
1857 ExtValue EV(ED);
1858 int32_t Diff = EV.Offset - DefV.Offset;
1859 const MachineInstr &MI = *ED.UseMI;
1860 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << __func__ << " Idx:" << Idx << " ExtR:"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << __func__ << " Idx:"
<< Idx << " ExtR:" << PrintRegister(ExtR, *
HRI) << " Diff:" << Diff << '\n'; } } while
1861 << PrintRegister(ExtR, *HRI) << " Diff:" << Diff << '\n')do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << __func__ << " Idx:"
<< Idx << " ExtR:" << PrintRegister(ExtR, *
HRI) << " Diff:" << Diff << '\n'; } } while
1863 // These two addressing modes must be converted into indexed forms
1864 // regardless of what the initializer looks like.
1865 bool IsAbs = false, IsAbsSet = false;
1866 if (MI.mayLoadOrStore()) {
1867 unsigned AM = HII->getAddrMode(MI);
1868 IsAbs = AM == HexagonII::Absolute;
1869 IsAbsSet = AM == HexagonII::AbsoluteSet;
1870 }
1872 // If it's a def, remember all operands that need to be updated.
1873 // If ED is a def, and Diff is not 0, then all uses of the register Rd
1874 // defined by ED must be in the form (Rd, imm), i.e. the immediate offset
1875 // must follow the Rd in the operand list.
1876 std::vector<std::pair<MachineInstr*,unsigned>> RegOps;
1877 if (ED.IsDef && Diff != 0) {
1878 for (MachineOperand &Op : MRI->use_operands(ED.Rd.Reg)) {
1879 MachineInstr &UI = *Op.getParent();
1880 RegOps.push_back({&UI, getOperandIndex(UI, Op)});
1881 }
1882 }
1884 // Replace the instruction.
1885 bool Replaced = false;
1886 if (Diff == 0 && DefEx.trivial() && !IsAbs && !IsAbsSet)
1887 Replaced = replaceInstrExact(ED, ExtR);
1888 else
1889 Replaced = replaceInstrExpr(ED, ExtI, ExtR, Diff);
1891 if (Diff != 0 && Replaced && ED.IsDef) {
1892 // Update offsets of the def's uses.
1893 for (std::pair<MachineInstr*,unsigned> P : RegOps) {
1894 unsigned J = P.second;
1895 assert(P.first->getNumOperands() > J+1 &&(static_cast <bool> (P.first->getNumOperands() > J
+1 && P.first->getOperand(J+1).isImm()) ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("P.first->getNumOperands() > J+1 && P.first->getOperand(J+1).isImm()"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1896, __extension__
1896 P.first->getOperand(J+1).isImm())(static_cast <bool> (P.first->getNumOperands() > J
+1 && P.first->getOperand(J+1).isImm()) ? void (0)
: __assert_fail ("P.first->getNumOperands() > J+1 && P.first->getOperand(J+1).isImm()"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1896, __extension__
1897 MachineOperand &ImmOp = P.first->getOperand(J+1);
1898 ImmOp.setImm(ImmOp.getImm() + Diff);
1899 }
1900 // If it was an absolute-set instruction, the "set" part has been removed.
1901 // ExtR will now be the register with the extended value, and since all
1902 // users of Rd have been updated, all that needs to be done is to replace
1903 // Rd with ExtR.
1904 if (IsAbsSet) {
1905 assert(ED.Rd.Sub == 0 && ExtR.Sub == 0)(static_cast <bool> (ED.Rd.Sub == 0 && ExtR.Sub
== 0) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("ED.Rd.Sub == 0 && ExtR.Sub == 0"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1905, __extension__
1906 MRI->replaceRegWith(ED.Rd.Reg, ExtR.Reg);
1907 }
1908 }
1910 return Replaced;
1913bool HCE::replaceExtenders(const AssignmentMap &IMap) {
1914 LocDefList Defs;
1915 bool Changed = false;
1917 for (const std::pair<const ExtenderInit, IndexList> &P : IMap) {
1918 const IndexList &Idxs = P.second;
1919 if (Idxs.size() < CountThreshold)
1920 continue;
1922 Defs.clear();
1923 calculatePlacement(P.first, Idxs, Defs);
1924 for (const std::pair<Loc,IndexList> &Q : Defs) {
1925 Register DefR = insertInitializer(Q.first, P.first);
1926 NewRegs.push_back(DefR.Reg);
1927 for (unsigned I : Q.second)
1928 Changed |= replaceInstr(I, DefR, P.first);
1929 }
1930 }
1931 return Changed;
1934unsigned HCE::getOperandIndex(const MachineInstr &MI,
1935 const MachineOperand &Op) const {
1936 for (unsigned i = 0, n = MI.getNumOperands(); i != n; ++i)
1937 if (&MI.getOperand(i) == &Op)
1938 return i;
1939 llvm_unreachable("Not an operand of MI")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Not an operand of MI", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1939)
1942const MachineOperand &HCE::getPredicateOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
1943 assert(HII->isPredicated(MI))(static_cast <bool> (HII->isPredicated(MI)) ? void (
0) : __assert_fail ("HII->isPredicated(MI)", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1943, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1944 for (const MachineOperand &Op : MI.operands()) {
1945 if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isUse() ||
1946 MRI->getRegClass(Op.getReg()) != &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass)
1947 continue;
1948 assert(Op.getSubReg() == 0 && "Predicate register with a subregister")(static_cast <bool> (Op.getSubReg() == 0 && "Predicate register with a subregister"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("Op.getSubReg() == 0 && \"Predicate register with a subregister\""
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1948, __extension__
1949 return Op;
1950 }
1951 llvm_unreachable("Predicate operand not found")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Predicate operand not found"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1951)
1954const MachineOperand &HCE::getLoadResultOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
1955 assert(MI.mayLoad())(static_cast <bool> (MI.mayLoad()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("MI.mayLoad()", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1955, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1956 return MI.getOperand(0);
1959const MachineOperand &HCE::getStoredValueOp(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
1960 assert(MI.mayStore())(static_cast <bool> (MI.mayStore()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("MI.mayStore()", "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp"
, 1960, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1961 return MI.getOperand(MI.getNumExplicitOperands()-1);
1964bool HCE::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
1965 if (skipFunction(MF.getFunction()))
1966 return false;
1967 if (MF.getFunction().hasPersonalityFn()) {
1968 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << getPassName() << ": skipping " << MF.getName()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << getPassName() <<
": skipping " << MF.getName() << " due to exception handling\n"
; } } while (false)
1969 << " due to exception handling\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << getPassName() <<
": skipping " << MF.getName() << " due to exception handling\n"
; } } while (false)
1970 return false;
1971 }
1972 LLVM_DEBUG(MF.print(dbgs() << "Before " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr))do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { MF.print(dbgs() << "Before " <<
getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); } } while (false)
1974 HST = &MF.getSubtarget<HexagonSubtarget>();
1975 HII = HST->getInstrInfo();
1976 HRI = HST->getRegisterInfo();
1977 MDT = &getAnalysis<MachineDominatorTree>();
1978 MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
1979 AssignmentMap IMap;
1981 collect(MF);
1982 llvm::sort(Extenders, [this](const ExtDesc &A, const ExtDesc &B) {
1983 ExtValue VA(A), VB(B);
1984 if (VA != VB)
1985 return VA < VB;
1986 const MachineInstr *MA = A.UseMI;
1987 const MachineInstr *MB = B.UseMI;
1988 if (MA == MB) {
1989 // If it's the same instruction, compare operand numbers.
1990 return A.OpNum < B.OpNum;
1991 }
1993 const MachineBasicBlock *BA = MA->getParent();
1994 const MachineBasicBlock *BB = MB->getParent();
1995 assert(BA->getNumber() != -1 && BB->getNumber() != -1)(static_cast <bool> (BA->getNumber() != -1 &&
BB->getNumber() != -1) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("BA->getNumber() != -1 && BB->getNumber() != -1"
, "llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonConstExtenders.cpp", 1995, __extension__
1996 if (BA != BB)
1997 return BA->getNumber() < BB->getNumber();
1998 return MDT->dominates(MA, MB);
1999 });
2001 bool Changed = false;
2002 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Collected " << Extenders.size() << " extenders\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { dbgs() << "Collected " <<
Extenders.size() << " extenders\n"; } } while (false)
2003 for (unsigned I = 0, E = Extenders.size(); I != E; ) {
2004 unsigned B = I;
2005 const ExtRoot &T = Extenders[B].getOp();
2006 while (I != E && ExtRoot(Extenders[I].getOp()) == T)
2007 ++I;
2009 IMap.clear();
2010 assignInits(T, B, I, IMap);
2011 Changed |= replaceExtenders(IMap);
2012 }
2014 LLVM_DEBUG({do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2015 if (Changed)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2016 MF.print(dbgs() << "After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr);do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2017 elsedo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2018 dbgs() << "No changes\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2019 })do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("hexagon-cext-opt")) { { if (Changed) MF.print(dbgs() <<
"After " << getPassName() << '\n', nullptr); else
dbgs() << "No changes\n"; }; } } while (false)
2020 return Changed;
2023FunctionPass *llvm::createHexagonConstExtenders() {
2024 return new HexagonConstExtenders();


1// Move, forward and identity for C++11 + swap -*- C++ -*-
3// Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
6// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
7// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
9// any later version.
11// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14// GNU General Public License for more details.
16// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
17// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
18// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
20// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
21// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
22// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
23// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25/** @file bits/move.h
26 * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
27 * Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{utility}
28 */
30#ifndef _MOVE_H1
31#define _MOVE_H1 1
33#include <bits/c++config.h>
34#if __cplusplus201703L < 201103L
35# include <bits/concept_check.h>
38namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)__attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default")))
42 // Used, in C++03 mode too, by allocators, etc.
43 /**
44 * @brief Same as C++11 std::addressof
45 * @ingroup utilities
46 */
47 template<typename _Tp>
48 inline _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPRconstexpr _Tp*
49 __addressof(_Tp& __r) _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPTnoexcept
50 { return __builtin_addressof(__r); }
52#if __cplusplus201703L >= 201103L
55} // namespace
57#include <type_traits> // Brings in std::declval too.
59namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)__attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default")))
63 /**
64 * @addtogroup utilities
65 * @{
66 */
68 /**
69 * @brief Forward an lvalue.
70 * @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
71 *
72 * This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
73 */
74 template<typename _Tp>
75 constexpr _Tp&&
76 forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
77 { return static_cast<_Tp&&>(__t); }
79 /**
80 * @brief Forward an rvalue.
81 * @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
82 *
83 * This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
84 */
85 template<typename _Tp>
86 constexpr _Tp&&
87 forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& __t) noexcept
88 {
89 static_assert(!std::is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::value, "template argument"
90 " substituting _Tp is an lvalue reference type");
91 return static_cast<_Tp&&>(__t);
92 }
94 /**
95 * @brief Convert a value to an rvalue.
96 * @param __t A thing of arbitrary type.
97 * @return The parameter cast to an rvalue-reference to allow moving it.
98 */
99 template<typename _Tp>
100 constexpr typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&&
101 move(_Tp&& __t) noexcept
102 { return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&&>(__t); }
105 template<typename _Tp>
106 struct __move_if_noexcept_cond
107 : public __and_<__not_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>>,
108 is_copy_constructible<_Tp>>::type { };
110 /**
111 * @brief Conditionally convert a value to an rvalue.
112 * @param __x A thing of arbitrary type.
113 * @return The parameter, possibly cast to an rvalue-reference.
114 *
115 * Same as std::move unless the type's move constructor could throw and the
116 * type is copyable, in which case an lvalue-reference is returned instead.
117 */
118 template<typename _Tp>
119 constexpr typename
120 conditional<__move_if_noexcept_cond<_Tp>::value, const _Tp&, _Tp&&>::type
121 move_if_noexcept(_Tp& __x) noexcept
122 { return std::move(__x); }
124 // declval, from type_traits.
126#if __cplusplus201703L > 201402L
128 // 2296. std::addressof should be constexpr
129# define __cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr201603 201603
131 /**
132 * @brief Returns the actual address of the object or function
133 * referenced by r, even in the presence of an overloaded
134 * operator&.
135 * @param __r Reference to an object or function.
136 * @return The actual address.
137 */
138 template<typename _Tp>
139 inline _GLIBCXX17_CONSTEXPRconstexpr _Tp*
140 addressof(_Tp& __r) noexcept
141 { return std::__addressof(__r); }
144 // 2598. addressof works on temporaries
145 template<typename _Tp>
146 const _Tp* addressof(const _Tp&&) = delete;
148 // C++11 version of std::exchange for internal use.
149 template <typename _Tp, typename _Up = _Tp>
151 inline _Tp
152 __exchange(_Tp& __obj, _Up&& __new_val)
153 {
154 _Tp __old_val = std::move(__obj);
155 __obj = std::forward<_Up>(__new_val);
156 return __old_val;
157 }
159 /// @} group utilities
161#define _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__val)std::move(__val) std::move(__val)
162#define _GLIBCXX_FORWARD(_Tp, __val)std::forward<_Tp>(__val) std::forward<_Tp>(__val)
164#define _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__val)std::move(__val) (__val)
165#define _GLIBCXX_FORWARD(_Tp, __val)std::forward<_Tp>(__val) (__val)
168 /**
169 * @addtogroup utilities
170 * @{
171 */
173 /**
174 * @brief Swaps two values.
175 * @param __a A thing of arbitrary type.
176 * @param __b Another thing of arbitrary type.
177 * @return Nothing.
178 */
179 template<typename _Tp>
181 inline
182#if __cplusplus201703L >= 201103L
183 typename enable_if<__and_<__not_<__is_tuple_like<_Tp>>,
184 is_move_constructible<_Tp>,
185 is_move_assignable<_Tp>>::value>::type
187 void
189 swap(_Tp& __a, _Tp& __b)
190 _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT_IF(__and_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>,noexcept(__and_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>, is_nothrow_move_assignable
191 is_nothrow_move_assignable<_Tp>>::value)noexcept(__and_<is_nothrow_move_constructible<_Tp>, is_nothrow_move_assignable
192 {
193#if __cplusplus201703L < 201103L
194 // concept requirements
195 __glibcxx_function_requires(_SGIAssignableConcept<_Tp>)
197 _Tp __tmp = _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__a)std::move(__a);
198 __a = _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__b)std::move(__b);
199 __b = _GLIBCXX_MOVE(__tmp)std::move(__tmp);
Value assigned to 'A.Align'
200 }
203 // DR 809. std::swap should be overloaded for array types.
204 /// Swap the contents of two arrays.
205 template<typename _Tp, size_t _Nm>
207 inline
208#if __cplusplus201703L >= 201103L
209 typename enable_if<__is_swappable<_Tp>::value>::type
211 void
213 swap(_Tp (&__a)[_Nm], _Tp (&__b)[_Nm])
214 _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT_IF(__is_nothrow_swappable<_Tp>::value)noexcept(__is_nothrow_swappable<_Tp>::value)
215 {
216 for (size_t __n = 0; __n < _Nm; ++__n)
217 swap(__a[__n], __b[__n]);
218 }
220 /// @} group utilities
222} // namespace
224#endif /* _MOVE_H */