Bug Summary

Warning:line 758, column 7
The expression is an uninitialized value. The computed value will also be garbage

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name IfConversion.cpp -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -fhalf-no-semantic-interposition -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/build-llvm/lib/CodeGen -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-13/lib/clang/13.0.0 -D _DEBUG -D _GNU_SOURCE -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/build-llvm/lib/CodeGen -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/build-llvm/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include -D NDEBUG -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-13/lib/clang/13.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O2 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-class-memaccess -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-noexcept-type -Wno-comment -std=c++14 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/build-llvm/lib/CodeGen -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d=. -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2021-05-07-005843-9350-1 -x c++ /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp


1//===- IfConversion.cpp - Machine code if conversion pass -----------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the machine instruction level if-conversion pass, which
10// tries to convert conditional branches into predicated instructions.
14#include "BranchFolding.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/SparseSet.h"
20#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
21#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
22#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileSummaryInfo.h"
23#include "llvm/CodeGen/LivePhysRegs.h"
24#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBlockFrequencyInfo.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBranchProbabilityInfo.h"
27#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
28#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
29#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
30#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
31#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
32#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
33#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
34#include "llvm/CodeGen/MBFIWrapper.h"
35#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
36#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetLowering.h"
37#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
38#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSchedule.h"
39#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
40#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
41#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
42#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
43#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
44#include "llvm/Pass.h"
45#include "llvm/Support/BranchProbability.h"
46#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
47#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
48#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
49#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
50#include <algorithm>
51#include <cassert>
52#include <functional>
53#include <iterator>
54#include <memory>
55#include <utility>
56#include <vector>
58using namespace llvm;
60#define DEBUG_TYPE"if-converter" "if-converter"
62// Hidden options for help debugging.
63static cl::opt<int> IfCvtFnStart("ifcvt-fn-start", cl::init(-1), cl::Hidden);
64static cl::opt<int> IfCvtFnStop("ifcvt-fn-stop", cl::init(-1), cl::Hidden);
65static cl::opt<int> IfCvtLimit("ifcvt-limit", cl::init(-1), cl::Hidden);
66static cl::opt<bool> DisableSimple("disable-ifcvt-simple",
67 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
68static cl::opt<bool> DisableSimpleF("disable-ifcvt-simple-false",
69 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
70static cl::opt<bool> DisableTriangle("disable-ifcvt-triangle",
71 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
72static cl::opt<bool> DisableTriangleR("disable-ifcvt-triangle-rev",
73 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
74static cl::opt<bool> DisableTriangleF("disable-ifcvt-triangle-false",
75 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
76static cl::opt<bool> DisableTriangleFR("disable-ifcvt-triangle-false-rev",
77 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
78static cl::opt<bool> DisableDiamond("disable-ifcvt-diamond",
79 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
80static cl::opt<bool> DisableForkedDiamond("disable-ifcvt-forked-diamond",
81 cl::init(false), cl::Hidden);
82static cl::opt<bool> IfCvtBranchFold("ifcvt-branch-fold",
83 cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
85STATISTIC(NumSimple, "Number of simple if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumSimple = {"if-converter", "NumSimple"
, "Number of simple if-conversions performed"}
86STATISTIC(NumSimpleFalse, "Number of simple (F) if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumSimpleFalse = {"if-converter", "NumSimpleFalse"
, "Number of simple (F) if-conversions performed"}
87STATISTIC(NumTriangle, "Number of triangle if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumTriangle = {"if-converter", "NumTriangle"
, "Number of triangle if-conversions performed"}
88STATISTIC(NumTriangleRev, "Number of triangle (R) if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumTriangleRev = {"if-converter", "NumTriangleRev"
, "Number of triangle (R) if-conversions performed"}
89STATISTIC(NumTriangleFalse,"Number of triangle (F) if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumTriangleFalse = {"if-converter", "NumTriangleFalse"
, "Number of triangle (F) if-conversions performed"}
90STATISTIC(NumTriangleFRev, "Number of triangle (F/R) if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumTriangleFRev = {"if-converter", "NumTriangleFRev"
, "Number of triangle (F/R) if-conversions performed"}
91STATISTIC(NumDiamonds, "Number of diamond if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumDiamonds = {"if-converter", "NumDiamonds"
, "Number of diamond if-conversions performed"}
92STATISTIC(NumForkedDiamonds, "Number of forked-diamond if-conversions performed")static llvm::Statistic NumForkedDiamonds = {"if-converter", "NumForkedDiamonds"
, "Number of forked-diamond if-conversions performed"}
93STATISTIC(NumIfConvBBs, "Number of if-converted blocks")static llvm::Statistic NumIfConvBBs = {"if-converter", "NumIfConvBBs"
, "Number of if-converted blocks"}
94STATISTIC(NumDupBBs, "Number of duplicated blocks")static llvm::Statistic NumDupBBs = {"if-converter", "NumDupBBs"
, "Number of duplicated blocks"}
95STATISTIC(NumUnpred, "Number of true blocks of diamonds unpredicated")static llvm::Statistic NumUnpred = {"if-converter", "NumUnpred"
, "Number of true blocks of diamonds unpredicated"}
97namespace {
99 class IfConverter : public MachineFunctionPass {
100 enum IfcvtKind {
101 ICNotClassfied, // BB data valid, but not classified.
102 ICSimpleFalse, // Same as ICSimple, but on the false path.
103 ICSimple, // BB is entry of an one split, no rejoin sub-CFG.
104 ICTriangleFRev, // Same as ICTriangleFalse, but false path rev condition.
105 ICTriangleRev, // Same as ICTriangle, but true path rev condition.
106 ICTriangleFalse, // Same as ICTriangle, but on the false path.
107 ICTriangle, // BB is entry of a triangle sub-CFG.
108 ICDiamond, // BB is entry of a diamond sub-CFG.
109 ICForkedDiamond // BB is entry of an almost diamond sub-CFG, with a
110 // common tail that can be shared.
111 };
113 /// One per MachineBasicBlock, this is used to cache the result
114 /// if-conversion feasibility analysis. This includes results from
115 /// TargetInstrInfo::analyzeBranch() (i.e. TBB, FBB, and Cond), and its
116 /// classification, and common tail block of its successors (if it's a
117 /// diamond shape), its size, whether it's predicable, and whether any
118 /// instruction can clobber the 'would-be' predicate.
119 ///
120 /// IsDone - True if BB is not to be considered for ifcvt.
121 /// IsBeingAnalyzed - True if BB is currently being analyzed.
122 /// IsAnalyzed - True if BB has been analyzed (info is still valid).
123 /// IsEnqueued - True if BB has been enqueued to be ifcvt'ed.
124 /// IsBrAnalyzable - True if analyzeBranch() returns false.
125 /// HasFallThrough - True if BB may fallthrough to the following BB.
126 /// IsUnpredicable - True if BB is known to be unpredicable.
127 /// ClobbersPred - True if BB could modify predicates (e.g. has
128 /// cmp, call, etc.)
129 /// NonPredSize - Number of non-predicated instructions.
130 /// ExtraCost - Extra cost for multi-cycle instructions.
131 /// ExtraCost2 - Some instructions are slower when predicated
132 /// BB - Corresponding MachineBasicBlock.
133 /// TrueBB / FalseBB- See analyzeBranch().
134 /// BrCond - Conditions for end of block conditional branches.
135 /// Predicate - Predicate used in the BB.
136 struct BBInfo {
137 bool IsDone : 1;
138 bool IsBeingAnalyzed : 1;
139 bool IsAnalyzed : 1;
140 bool IsEnqueued : 1;
141 bool IsBrAnalyzable : 1;
142 bool IsBrReversible : 1;
143 bool HasFallThrough : 1;
144 bool IsUnpredicable : 1;
145 bool CannotBeCopied : 1;
146 bool ClobbersPred : 1;
147 unsigned NonPredSize = 0;
148 unsigned ExtraCost = 0;
149 unsigned ExtraCost2 = 0;
150 MachineBasicBlock *BB = nullptr;
151 MachineBasicBlock *TrueBB = nullptr;
152 MachineBasicBlock *FalseBB = nullptr;
153 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> BrCond;
154 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Predicate;
156 BBInfo() : IsDone(false), IsBeingAnalyzed(false),
157 IsAnalyzed(false), IsEnqueued(false), IsBrAnalyzable(false),
158 IsBrReversible(false), HasFallThrough(false),
159 IsUnpredicable(false), CannotBeCopied(false),
160 ClobbersPred(false) {}
161 };
163 /// Record information about pending if-conversions to attempt:
164 /// BBI - Corresponding BBInfo.
165 /// Kind - Type of block. See IfcvtKind.
166 /// NeedSubsumption - True if the to-be-predicated BB has already been
167 /// predicated.
168 /// NumDups - Number of instructions that would be duplicated due
169 /// to this if-conversion. (For diamonds, the number of
170 /// identical instructions at the beginnings of both
171 /// paths).
172 /// NumDups2 - For diamonds, the number of identical instructions
173 /// at the ends of both paths.
174 struct IfcvtToken {
175 BBInfo &BBI;
176 IfcvtKind Kind;
177 unsigned NumDups;
178 unsigned NumDups2;
179 bool NeedSubsumption : 1;
180 bool TClobbersPred : 1;
181 bool FClobbersPred : 1;
183 IfcvtToken(BBInfo &b, IfcvtKind k, bool s, unsigned d, unsigned d2 = 0,
184 bool tc = false, bool fc = false)
185 : BBI(b), Kind(k), NumDups(d), NumDups2(d2), NeedSubsumption(s),
186 TClobbersPred(tc), FClobbersPred(fc) {}
187 };
189 /// Results of if-conversion feasibility analysis indexed by basic block
190 /// number.
191 std::vector<BBInfo> BBAnalysis;
192 TargetSchedModel SchedModel;
194 const TargetLoweringBase *TLI;
195 const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
196 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
197 const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI;
198 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
200 LivePhysRegs Redefs;
202 bool PreRegAlloc;
203 bool MadeChange;
204 int FnNum = -1;
205 std::function<bool(const MachineFunction &)> PredicateFtor;
207 public:
208 static char ID;
210 IfConverter(std::function<bool(const MachineFunction &)> Ftor = nullptr)
211 : MachineFunctionPass(ID), PredicateFtor(std::move(Ftor)) {
212 initializeIfConverterPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
213 }
215 void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
216 AU.addRequired<MachineBlockFrequencyInfo>();
217 AU.addRequired<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
218 AU.addRequired<ProfileSummaryInfoWrapperPass>();
219 MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
220 }
222 bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
224 MachineFunctionProperties getRequiredProperties() const override {
225 return MachineFunctionProperties().set(
226 MachineFunctionProperties::Property::NoVRegs);
227 }
229 private:
230 bool reverseBranchCondition(BBInfo &BBI) const;
231 bool ValidSimple(BBInfo &TrueBBI, unsigned &Dups,
232 BranchProbability Prediction) const;
233 bool ValidTriangle(BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
234 bool FalseBranch, unsigned &Dups,
235 BranchProbability Prediction) const;
236 bool CountDuplicatedInstructions(
237 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIB,
238 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIE, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIE,
239 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
240 MachineBasicBlock &TBB, MachineBasicBlock &FBB,
241 bool SkipUnconditionalBranches) const;
242 bool ValidDiamond(BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
243 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
244 BBInfo &TrueBBICalc, BBInfo &FalseBBICalc) const;
245 bool ValidForkedDiamond(BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
246 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
247 BBInfo &TrueBBICalc, BBInfo &FalseBBICalc) const;
248 void AnalyzeBranches(BBInfo &BBI);
249 void ScanInstructions(BBInfo &BBI,
250 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &Begin,
251 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &End,
252 bool BranchUnpredicable = false) const;
253 bool RescanInstructions(
254 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIB,
255 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIE, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIE,
256 BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI) const;
257 void AnalyzeBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
258 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken>> &Tokens);
259 bool FeasibilityAnalysis(BBInfo &BBI, SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Pred,
260 bool isTriangle = false, bool RevBranch = false,
261 bool hasCommonTail = false);
262 void AnalyzeBlocks(MachineFunction &MF,
263 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken>> &Tokens);
264 void InvalidatePreds(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
265 bool IfConvertSimple(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind);
266 bool IfConvertTriangle(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind);
267 bool IfConvertDiamondCommon(BBInfo &BBI, BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
268 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
269 bool TClobbersPred, bool FClobbersPred,
270 bool RemoveBranch, bool MergeAddEdges);
271 bool IfConvertDiamond(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind,
272 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
273 bool TClobbers, bool FClobbers);
274 bool IfConvertForkedDiamond(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind,
275 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
276 bool TClobbers, bool FClobbers);
277 void PredicateBlock(BBInfo &BBI,
278 MachineBasicBlock::iterator E,
279 SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond,
280 SmallSet<MCPhysReg, 4> *LaterRedefs = nullptr);
281 void CopyAndPredicateBlock(BBInfo &ToBBI, BBInfo &FromBBI,
282 SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond,
283 bool IgnoreBr = false);
284 void MergeBlocks(BBInfo &ToBBI, BBInfo &FromBBI, bool AddEdges = true);
286 bool MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(MachineBasicBlock &BB,
287 unsigned Cycle, unsigned Extra,
288 BranchProbability Prediction) const {
289 return Cycle > 0 && TII->isProfitableToIfCvt(BB, Cycle, Extra,
290 Prediction);
291 }
293 bool MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BBInfo &TBBInfo, BBInfo &FBBInfo,
294 MachineBasicBlock &CommBB, unsigned Dups,
295 BranchProbability Prediction, bool Forked) const {
296 const MachineFunction &MF = *TBBInfo.BB->getParent();
297 if (MF.getFunction().hasMinSize()) {
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
298 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIB = TBBInfo.BB->begin();
299 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIB = FBBInfo.BB->begin();
300 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIE = TBBInfo.BB->end();
301 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIE = FBBInfo.BB->end();
303 unsigned Dups1, Dups2;
'Dups1' declared without an initial value
304 if (!CountDuplicatedInstructions(TIB, FIB, TIE, FIE, Dups1, Dups2,
Passing value via 5th parameter 'Dups1'
Calling 'IfConverter::CountDuplicatedInstructions'
305 *TBBInfo.BB, *FBBInfo.BB,
306 /*SkipUnconditionalBranches*/ true))
307 llvm_unreachable("should already have been checked by ValidDiamond")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("should already have been checked by ValidDiamond"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 307)
309 unsigned BranchBytes = 0;
310 unsigned CommonBytes = 0;
312 // Count common instructions at the start of the true and false blocks.
313 for (auto &I : make_range(TBBInfo.BB->begin(), TIB)) {
314 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I
; } } while (false)
315 CommonBytes += TII->getInstSizeInBytes(I);
316 }
317 for (auto &I : make_range(FBBInfo.BB->begin(), FIB)) {
318 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I
; } } while (false)
319 CommonBytes += TII->getInstSizeInBytes(I);
320 }
322 // Count instructions at the end of the true and false blocks, after
323 // the ones we plan to predicate. Analyzable branches will be removed
324 // (unless this is a forked diamond), and all other instructions are
325 // common between the two blocks.
326 for (auto &I : make_range(TIE, TBBInfo.BB->end())) {
327 if (I.isBranch() && TBBInfo.IsBrAnalyzable && !Forked) {
328 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Saving branch: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Saving branch: " <<
I; } } while (false)
329 BranchBytes += TII->predictBranchSizeForIfCvt(I);
330 } else {
331 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I
; } } while (false)
332 CommonBytes += TII->getInstSizeInBytes(I);
333 }
334 }
335 for (auto &I : make_range(FIE, FBBInfo.BB->end())) {
336 if (I.isBranch() && FBBInfo.IsBrAnalyzable && !Forked) {
337 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Saving branch: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Saving branch: " <<
I; } } while (false)
338 BranchBytes += TII->predictBranchSizeForIfCvt(I);
339 } else {
340 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Common inst: " << I
; } } while (false)
341 CommonBytes += TII->getInstSizeInBytes(I);
342 }
343 }
344 for (auto &I : CommBB.terminators()) {
345 if (I.isBranch()) {
346 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Saving branch: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Saving branch: " <<
I; } } while (false)
347 BranchBytes += TII->predictBranchSizeForIfCvt(I);
348 }
349 }
351 // The common instructions in one branch will be eliminated, halving
352 // their code size.
353 CommonBytes /= 2;
355 // Count the instructions which we need to predicate.
356 unsigned NumPredicatedInstructions = 0;
357 for (auto &I : make_range(TIB, TIE)) {
358 if (!I.isDebugInstr()) {
359 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Predicating: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Predicating: " << I
; } } while (false)
360 NumPredicatedInstructions++;
361 }
362 }
363 for (auto &I : make_range(FIB, FIE)) {
364 if (!I.isDebugInstr()) {
365 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Predicating: " << I)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Predicating: " << I
; } } while (false)
366 NumPredicatedInstructions++;
367 }
368 }
370 // Even though we're optimising for size at the expense of performance,
371 // avoid creating really long predicated blocks.
372 if (NumPredicatedInstructions > 15)
373 return false;
375 // Some targets (e.g. Thumb2) need to insert extra instructions to
376 // start predicated blocks.
377 unsigned ExtraPredicateBytes = TII->extraSizeToPredicateInstructions(
378 MF, NumPredicatedInstructions);
380 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes=" << BranchBytesdo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
381 << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytesdo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
382 << ", NumPredicatedInstructions="do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
383 << NumPredicatedInstructionsdo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
384 << ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytesdo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
385 << ")\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(BranchBytes="
<< BranchBytes << ", CommonBytes=" << CommonBytes
<< ", NumPredicatedInstructions=" << NumPredicatedInstructions
<< ", ExtraPredicateBytes=" << ExtraPredicateBytes
<< ")\n"; } } while (false)
386 return (BranchBytes + CommonBytes) > ExtraPredicateBytes;
387 } else {
388 unsigned TCycle = TBBInfo.NonPredSize + TBBInfo.ExtraCost - Dups;
389 unsigned FCycle = FBBInfo.NonPredSize + FBBInfo.ExtraCost - Dups;
390 bool Res = TCycle > 0 && FCycle > 0 &&
391 TII->isProfitableToIfCvt(
392 *TBBInfo.BB, TCycle, TBBInfo.ExtraCost2, *FBBInfo.BB,
393 FCycle, FBBInfo.ExtraCost2, Prediction);
394 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TCycle=" << TCycledo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TCycle="
<< TCycle << ", FCycle=" << FCycle <<
", TExtra=" << TBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ", FExtra="
<< FBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ") = " << Res <<
"\n"; } } while (false)
395 << ", FCycle=" << FCycledo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TCycle="
<< TCycle << ", FCycle=" << FCycle <<
", TExtra=" << TBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ", FExtra="
<< FBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ") = " << Res <<
"\n"; } } while (false)
396 << ", TExtra=" << TBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ", FExtra="do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TCycle="
<< TCycle << ", FCycle=" << FCycle <<
", TExtra=" << TBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ", FExtra="
<< FBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ") = " << Res <<
"\n"; } } while (false)
397 << FBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ") = " << Res << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TCycle="
<< TCycle << ", FCycle=" << FCycle <<
", TExtra=" << TBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ", FExtra="
<< FBBInfo.ExtraCost2 << ") = " << Res <<
"\n"; } } while (false)
398 return Res;
399 }
400 }
402 /// Returns true if Block ends without a terminator.
403 bool blockAlwaysFallThrough(BBInfo &BBI) const {
404 return BBI.IsBrAnalyzable && BBI.TrueBB == nullptr;
405 }
407 /// Used to sort if-conversion candidates.
408 static bool IfcvtTokenCmp(const std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken> &C1,
409 const std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken> &C2) {
410 int Incr1 = (C1->Kind == ICDiamond)
411 ? -(int)(C1->NumDups + C1->NumDups2) : (int)C1->NumDups;
412 int Incr2 = (C2->Kind == ICDiamond)
413 ? -(int)(C2->NumDups + C2->NumDups2) : (int)C2->NumDups;
414 if (Incr1 > Incr2)
415 return true;
416 else if (Incr1 == Incr2) {
417 // Favors subsumption.
418 if (!C1->NeedSubsumption && C2->NeedSubsumption)
419 return true;
420 else if (C1->NeedSubsumption == C2->NeedSubsumption) {
421 // Favors diamond over triangle, etc.
422 if ((unsigned)C1->Kind < (unsigned)C2->Kind)
423 return true;
424 else if (C1->Kind == C2->Kind)
425 return C1->BBI.BB->getNumber() < C2->BBI.BB->getNumber();
426 }
427 }
428 return false;
429 }
430 };
432} // end anonymous namespace
434char IfConverter::ID = 0;
436char &llvm::IfConverterID = IfConverter::ID;
438INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(IfConverter, DEBUG_TYPE, "If Converter", false, false)static void *initializeIfConverterPassOnce(PassRegistry &
Registry) {
441INITIALIZE_PASS_END(IfConverter, DEBUG_TYPE, "If Converter", false, false)PassInfo *PI = new PassInfo( "If Converter", "if-converter", &
IfConverter::ID, PassInfo::NormalCtor_t(callDefaultCtor<IfConverter
>), false, false); Registry.registerPass(*PI, true); return
PI; } static llvm::once_flag InitializeIfConverterPassFlag; void
llvm::initializeIfConverterPass(PassRegistry &Registry) {
llvm::call_once(InitializeIfConverterPassFlag, initializeIfConverterPassOnce
, std::ref(Registry)); }
443bool IfConverter::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
444 if (skipFunction(MF.getFunction()) || (PredicateFtor && !PredicateFtor(MF)))
445 return false;
447 const TargetSubtargetInfo &ST = MF.getSubtarget();
448 TLI = ST.getTargetLowering();
449 TII = ST.getInstrInfo();
450 TRI = ST.getRegisterInfo();
451 MBFIWrapper MBFI(getAnalysis<MachineBlockFrequencyInfo>());
452 MBPI = &getAnalysis<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
453 ProfileSummaryInfo *PSI =
454 &getAnalysis<ProfileSummaryInfoWrapperPass>().getPSI();
455 MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
456 SchedModel.init(&ST);
458 if (!TII) return false;
460 PreRegAlloc = MRI->isSSA();
462 bool BFChange = false;
463 if (!PreRegAlloc) {
464 // Tail merge tend to expose more if-conversion opportunities.
465 BranchFolder BF(true, false, MBFI, *MBPI, PSI);
466 BFChange = BF.OptimizeFunction(MF, TII, ST.getRegisterInfo());
467 }
469 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nIfcvt: function (" << ++FnNum << ") \'"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "\nIfcvt: function (" <<
++FnNum << ") \'" << MF.getName() << "\'";
} } while (false)
470 << MF.getName() << "\'")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "\nIfcvt: function (" <<
++FnNum << ") \'" << MF.getName() << "\'";
} } while (false)
472 if (FnNum < IfCvtFnStart || (IfCvtFnStop != -1 && FnNum > IfCvtFnStop)) {
473 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " skipped\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << " skipped\n"; } } while (
474 return false;
475 }
476 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "\n"; } } while (false)
478 MF.RenumberBlocks();
479 BBAnalysis.resize(MF.getNumBlockIDs());
481 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken>> Tokens;
482 MadeChange = false;
483 unsigned NumIfCvts = NumSimple + NumSimpleFalse + NumTriangle +
484 NumTriangleRev + NumTriangleFalse + NumTriangleFRev + NumDiamonds;
485 while (IfCvtLimit == -1 || (int)NumIfCvts < IfCvtLimit) {
486 // Do an initial analysis for each basic block and find all the potential
487 // candidates to perform if-conversion.
488 bool Change = false;
489 AnalyzeBlocks(MF, Tokens);
490 while (!Tokens.empty()) {
491 std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken> Token = std::move(Tokens.back());
492 Tokens.pop_back();
493 BBInfo &BBI = Token->BBI;
494 IfcvtKind Kind = Token->Kind;
495 unsigned NumDups = Token->NumDups;
496 unsigned NumDups2 = Token->NumDups2;
498 // If the block has been evicted out of the queue or it has already been
499 // marked dead (due to it being predicated), then skip it.
500 if (BBI.IsDone)
501 BBI.IsEnqueued = false;
502 if (!BBI.IsEnqueued)
503 continue;
505 BBI.IsEnqueued = false;
507 bool RetVal = false;
508 switch (Kind) {
509 default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unexpected!", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 509)
510 case ICSimple:
511 case ICSimpleFalse: {
512 bool isFalse = Kind == ICSimpleFalse;
513 if ((isFalse && DisableSimpleF) || (!isFalse && DisableSimple)) break;
514 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
515 << (Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
516 << "): " << printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " ("do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
517 << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
518 : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
519 << ") ")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Simple" << (
Kind == ICSimpleFalse ? " false" : "") << "): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (" << ((Kind == ICSimpleFalse
) ? BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() : BBI.TrueBB->getNumber())
<< ") "; } } while (false)
520 RetVal = IfConvertSimple(BBI, Kind);
521 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!") << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!"
) << "\n"; } } while (false)
522 if (RetVal) {
523 if (isFalse) ++NumSimpleFalse;
524 else ++NumSimple;
525 }
526 break;
527 }
528 case ICTriangle:
529 case ICTriangleRev:
530 case ICTriangleFalse:
531 case ICTriangleFRev: {
532 bool isFalse = Kind == ICTriangleFalse;
533 bool isRev = (Kind == ICTriangleRev || Kind == ICTriangleFRev);
534 if (DisableTriangle && !isFalse && !isRev) break;
535 if (DisableTriangleR && !isFalse && isRev) break;
536 if (DisableTriangleF && isFalse && !isRev) break;
537 if (DisableTriangleFR && isFalse && isRev) break;
538 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Triangle")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Triangle"; } } while
539 if (isFalse)
540 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " false")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << " false"; } } while (false
541 if (isRev)
542 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " rev")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << " rev"; } } while (false)
543 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "): " << printMBBReference(*BBI.BB)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "): " << printMBBReference
(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()
<< ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() <<
") "; } } while (false)
544 << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "): " << printMBBReference
(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()
<< ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() <<
") "; } } while (false)
545 << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() << ") ")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "): " << printMBBReference
(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()
<< ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() <<
") "; } } while (false)
546 RetVal = IfConvertTriangle(BBI, Kind);
547 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!") << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!"
) << "\n"; } } while (false)
548 if (RetVal) {
549 if (isFalse) {
550 if (isRev) ++NumTriangleFRev;
551 else ++NumTriangleFalse;
552 } else {
553 if (isRev) ++NumTriangleRev;
554 else ++NumTriangle;
555 }
556 }
557 break;
558 }
559 case ICDiamond:
560 if (DisableDiamond) break;
561 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Diamond): " << printMBBReference(*BBI.BB)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Diamond): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB
->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber
() << ") "; } } while (false)
562 << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Diamond): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB
->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber
() << ") "; } } while (false)
563 << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() << ") ")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Diamond): " <<
printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB
->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber
() << ") "; } } while (false)
564 RetVal = IfConvertDiamond(BBI, Kind, NumDups, NumDups2,
565 Token->TClobbersPred,
566 Token->FClobbersPred);
567 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!") << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!"
) << "\n"; } } while (false)
568 if (RetVal) ++NumDiamonds;
569 break;
570 case ICForkedDiamond:
571 if (DisableForkedDiamond) break;
572 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Forked Diamond): "do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Forked Diamond): "
<< printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" <<
BBI.TrueBB->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB
->getNumber() << ") "; } } while (false)
573 << printMBBReference(*BBI.BB)do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Forked Diamond): "
<< printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" <<
BBI.TrueBB->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB
->getNumber() << ") "; } } while (false)
574 << " (T:" << BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Forked Diamond): "
<< printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" <<
BBI.TrueBB->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB
->getNumber() << ") "; } } while (false)
575 << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB->getNumber() << ") ")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << "Ifcvt (Forked Diamond): "
<< printMBBReference(*BBI.BB) << " (T:" <<
BBI.TrueBB->getNumber() << ",F:" << BBI.FalseBB
->getNumber() << ") "; } } while (false)
576 RetVal = IfConvertForkedDiamond(BBI, Kind, NumDups, NumDups2,
577 Token->TClobbersPred,
578 Token->FClobbersPred);
579 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!") << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("if-converter")) { dbgs() << (RetVal ? "succeeded!" : "failed!"
) << "\n"; } } while (false)
580 if (RetVal) ++NumForkedDiamonds;
581 break;
582 }
584 if (RetVal && MRI->tracksLiveness())
585 recomputeLivenessFlags(*BBI.BB);
587 Change |= RetVal;
589 NumIfCvts = NumSimple + NumSimpleFalse + NumTriangle + NumTriangleRev +
590 NumTriangleFalse + NumTriangleFRev + NumDiamonds;
591 if (IfCvtLimit != -1 && (int)NumIfCvts >= IfCvtLimit)
592 break;
593 }
595 if (!Change)
596 break;
597 MadeChange |= Change;
598 }
600 Tokens.clear();
601 BBAnalysis.clear();
603 if (MadeChange && IfCvtBranchFold) {
604 BranchFolder BF(false, false, MBFI, *MBPI, PSI);
605 BF.OptimizeFunction(MF, TII, MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());
606 }
608 MadeChange |= BFChange;
609 return MadeChange;
612/// BB has a fallthrough. Find its 'false' successor given its 'true' successor.
613static MachineBasicBlock *findFalseBlock(MachineBasicBlock *BB,
614 MachineBasicBlock *TrueBB) {
615 for (MachineBasicBlock *SuccBB : BB->successors()) {
616 if (SuccBB != TrueBB)
617 return SuccBB;
618 }
619 return nullptr;
622/// Reverse the condition of the end of the block branch. Swap block's 'true'
623/// and 'false' successors.
624bool IfConverter::reverseBranchCondition(BBInfo &BBI) const {
625 DebugLoc dl; // FIXME: this is nowhere
626 if (!TII->reverseBranchCondition(BBI.BrCond)) {
627 TII->removeBranch(*BBI.BB);
628 TII->insertBranch(*BBI.BB, BBI.FalseBB, BBI.TrueBB, BBI.BrCond, dl);
629 std::swap(BBI.TrueBB, BBI.FalseBB);
630 return true;
631 }
632 return false;
635/// Returns the next block in the function blocks ordering. If it is the end,
636/// returns NULL.
637static inline MachineBasicBlock *getNextBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
638 MachineFunction::iterator I = MBB.getIterator();
639 MachineFunction::iterator E = MBB.getParent()->end();
640 if (++I == E)
641 return nullptr;
642 return &*I;
645/// Returns true if the 'true' block (along with its predecessor) forms a valid
646/// simple shape for ifcvt. It also returns the number of instructions that the
647/// ifcvt would need to duplicate if performed in Dups.
648bool IfConverter::ValidSimple(BBInfo &TrueBBI, unsigned &Dups,
649 BranchProbability Prediction) const {
650 Dups = 0;
651 if (TrueBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || TrueBBI.IsDone)
652 return false;
654 if (TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable)
655 return false;
657 if (TrueBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1) {
658 if (TrueBBI.CannotBeCopied ||
659 !TII->isProfitableToDupForIfCvt(*TrueBBI.BB, TrueBBI.NonPredSize,
660 Prediction))
661 return false;
662 Dups = TrueBBI.NonPredSize;
663 }
665 return true;
668/// Returns true if the 'true' and 'false' blocks (along with their common
669/// predecessor) forms a valid triangle shape for ifcvt. If 'FalseBranch' is
670/// true, it checks if 'true' block's false branch branches to the 'false' block
671/// rather than the other way around. It also returns the number of instructions
672/// that the ifcvt would need to duplicate if performed in 'Dups'.
673bool IfConverter::ValidTriangle(BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
674 bool FalseBranch, unsigned &Dups,
675 BranchProbability Prediction) const {
676 Dups = 0;
677 if (TrueBBI.BB == FalseBBI.BB)
678 return false;
680 if (TrueBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || TrueBBI.IsDone)
681 return false;
683 if (TrueBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1) {
684 if (TrueBBI.CannotBeCopied)
685 return false;
687 unsigned Size = TrueBBI.NonPredSize;
688 if (TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable) {
689 if (TrueBBI.TrueBB && TrueBBI.BrCond.empty())
690 // Ends with an unconditional branch. It will be removed.
691 --Size;
692 else {
693 MachineBasicBlock *FExit = FalseBranch
694 ? TrueBBI.TrueBB : TrueBBI.FalseBB;
695 if (FExit)
696 // Require a conditional branch
697 ++Size;
698 }
699 }
700 if (!TII->isProfitableToDupForIfCvt(*TrueBBI.BB, Size, Prediction))
701 return false;
702 Dups = Size;
703 }
705 MachineBasicBlock *TExit = FalseBranch ? TrueBBI.FalseBB : TrueBBI.TrueBB;
706 if (!TExit && blockAlwaysFallThrough(TrueBBI)) {
707 MachineFunction::iterator I = TrueBBI.BB->getIterator();
708 if (++I == TrueBBI.BB->getParent()->end())
709 return false;
710 TExit = &*I;
711 }
712 return TExit && TExit == FalseBBI.BB;
715/// Count duplicated instructions and move the iterators to show where they
716/// are.
717/// @param TIB True Iterator Begin
718/// @param FIB False Iterator Begin
719/// These two iterators initially point to the first instruction of the two
720/// blocks, and finally point to the first non-shared instruction.
721/// @param TIE True Iterator End
722/// @param FIE False Iterator End
723/// These two iterators initially point to End() for the two blocks() and
724/// finally point to the first shared instruction in the tail.
725/// Upon return [TIB, TIE), and [FIB, FIE) mark the un-duplicated portions of
726/// two blocks.
727/// @param Dups1 count of duplicated instructions at the beginning of the 2
728/// blocks.
729/// @param Dups2 count of duplicated instructions at the end of the 2 blocks.
730/// @param SkipUnconditionalBranches if true, Don't make sure that
731/// unconditional branches at the end of the blocks are the same. True is
732/// passed when the blocks are analyzable to allow for fallthrough to be
733/// handled.
734/// @return false if the shared portion prevents if conversion.
735bool IfConverter::CountDuplicatedInstructions(
736 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIB,
737 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIB,
738 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIE,
739 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIE,
740 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
741 MachineBasicBlock &TBB, MachineBasicBlock &FBB,
742 bool SkipUnconditionalBranches) const {
743 while (TIB != TIE && FIB != FIE) {
Calling 'operator!='
Returning from 'operator!='
Calling 'operator!='
Returning from 'operator!='
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
744 // Skip dbg_value instructions. These do not count.
745 TIB = skipDebugInstructionsForward(TIB, TIE, false);
746 FIB = skipDebugInstructionsForward(FIB, FIE, false);
747 if (TIB == TIE || FIB == FIE)
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Taking false branch
748 break;
749 if (!TIB->isIdenticalTo(*FIB))
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
750 break;
751 // A pred-clobbering instruction in the shared portion prevents
752 // if-conversion.
753 std::vector<MachineOperand> PredDefs;
754 if (TII->ClobbersPredicate(*TIB, PredDefs, false))
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
755 return false;
756 // If we get all the way to the branch instructions, don't count them.
757 if (!TIB->isBranch())
Calling 'MachineInstr::isBranch'
Returning from 'MachineInstr::isBranch'
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
758 ++Dups1;
The expression is an uninitialized value. The computed value will also be garbage
759 ++TIB;
760 ++FIB;
761 }
763 // Check for already containing all of the block.
764 if (TIB == TIE || FIB == FIE)
765 return true;
766 // Now, in preparation for counting duplicate instructions at the ends of the
767 // blocks, switch to reverse_iterators. Note that getReverse() returns an
768 // iterator that points to the same instruction, unlike std::reverse_iterator.
769 // We have to do our own shifting so that we get the same range.
770 MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator RTIE = std::next(TIE.getReverse());
771 MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator RFIE = std::next(FIE.getReverse());
772 const MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator RTIB = std::next(TIB.getReverse());
773 const MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator RFIB = std::next(FIB.getReverse());
775 if (!TBB.succ_empty() || !FBB.succ_empty()) {
776 if (SkipUnconditionalBranches) {
777 while (RTIE != RTIB && RTIE->isUnconditionalBranch())
778 ++RTIE;
779 while (RFIE != RFIB && RFIE->isUnconditionalBranch())
780 ++RFIE;
781 }
782 }
784 // Count duplicate instructions at the ends of the blocks.
785 while (RTIE != RTIB && RFIE != RFIB) {
786 // Skip dbg_value instructions. These do not count.
787 // Note that these are reverse iterators going forward.
788 RTIE = skipDebugInstructionsForward(RTIE, RTIB, false);
789 RFIE = skipDebugInstructionsForward(RFIE, RFIB, false);
790 if (RTIE == RTIB || RFIE == RFIB)
791 break;
792 if (!RTIE->isIdenticalTo(*RFIE))
793 break;
794 // We have to verify that any branch instructions are the same, and then we
795 // don't count them toward the # of duplicate instructions.
796 if (!RTIE->isBranch())
797 ++Dups2;
798 ++RTIE;
799 ++RFIE;
800 }
801 TIE = std::next(RTIE.getReverse());
802 FIE = std::next(RFIE.getReverse());
803 return true;
806/// RescanInstructions - Run ScanInstructions on a pair of blocks.
807/// @param TIB - True Iterator Begin, points to first non-shared instruction
808/// @param FIB - False Iterator Begin, points to first non-shared instruction
809/// @param TIE - True Iterator End, points past last non-shared instruction
810/// @param FIE - False Iterator End, points past last non-shared instruction
811/// @param TrueBBI - BBInfo to update for the true block.
812/// @param FalseBBI - BBInfo to update for the false block.
813/// @returns - false if either block cannot be predicated or if both blocks end
814/// with a predicate-clobbering instruction.
815bool IfConverter::RescanInstructions(
816 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIB,
817 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &TIE, MachineBasicBlock::iterator &FIE,
818 BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI) const {
819 bool BranchUnpredicable = true;
820 TrueBBI.IsUnpredicable = FalseBBI.IsUnpredicable = false;
821 ScanInstructions(TrueBBI, TIB, TIE, BranchUnpredicable);
822 if (TrueBBI.IsUnpredicable)
823 return false;
824 ScanInstructions(FalseBBI, FIB, FIE, BranchUnpredicable);
825 if (FalseBBI.IsUnpredicable)
826 return false;
827 if (TrueBBI.ClobbersPred && FalseBBI.ClobbersPred)
828 return false;
829 return true;
832#ifndef NDEBUG
833static void verifySameBranchInstructions(
834 MachineBasicBlock *MBB1,
835 MachineBasicBlock *MBB2) {
836 const MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator B1 = MBB1->rend();
837 const MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator B2 = MBB2->rend();
838 MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator E1 = MBB1->rbegin();
839 MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator E2 = MBB2->rbegin();
840 while (E1 != B1 && E2 != B2) {
841 skipDebugInstructionsForward(E1, B1, false);
842 skipDebugInstructionsForward(E2, B2, false);
843 if (E1 == B1 && E2 == B2)
844 break;
846 if (E1 == B1) {
847 assert(!E2->isBranch() && "Branch mis-match, one block is empty.")(static_cast <bool> (!E2->isBranch() && "Branch mis-match, one block is empty."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!E2->isBranch() && \"Branch mis-match, one block is empty.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 847, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
848 break;
849 }
850 if (E2 == B2) {
851 assert(!E1->isBranch() && "Branch mis-match, one block is empty.")(static_cast <bool> (!E1->isBranch() && "Branch mis-match, one block is empty."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!E1->isBranch() && \"Branch mis-match, one block is empty.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 851, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
852 break;
853 }
855 if (E1->isBranch() || E2->isBranch())
856 assert(E1->isIdenticalTo(*E2) &&(static_cast <bool> (E1->isIdenticalTo(*E2) &&
"Branch mis-match, branch instructions don't match.") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("E1->isIdenticalTo(*E2) && \"Branch mis-match, branch instructions don't match.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 857, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
857 "Branch mis-match, branch instructions don't match.")(static_cast <bool> (E1->isIdenticalTo(*E2) &&
"Branch mis-match, branch instructions don't match.") ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("E1->isIdenticalTo(*E2) && \"Branch mis-match, branch instructions don't match.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 857, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
858 else
859 break;
860 ++E1;
861 ++E2;
862 }
866/// ValidForkedDiamond - Returns true if the 'true' and 'false' blocks (along
867/// with their common predecessor) form a diamond if a common tail block is
868/// extracted.
869/// While not strictly a diamond, this pattern would form a diamond if
870/// tail-merging had merged the shared tails.
871/// EBB
872/// _/ \_
873/// | |
874/// TBB FBB
875/// / \ / \
876/// FalseBB TrueBB FalseBB
877/// Currently only handles analyzable branches.
878/// Specifically excludes actual diamonds to avoid overlap.
879bool IfConverter::ValidForkedDiamond(
880 BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
881 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
882 BBInfo &TrueBBICalc, BBInfo &FalseBBICalc) const {
883 Dups1 = Dups2 = 0;
884 if (TrueBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || TrueBBI.IsDone ||
885 FalseBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || FalseBBI.IsDone)
886 return false;
888 if (!TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable || !FalseBBI.IsBrAnalyzable)
889 return false;
890 // Don't IfConvert blocks that can't be folded into their predecessor.
891 if (TrueBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1 || FalseBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1)
892 return false;
894 // This function is specifically looking for conditional tails, as
895 // unconditional tails are already handled by the standard diamond case.
896 if (TrueBBI.BrCond.size() == 0 ||
897 FalseBBI.BrCond.size() == 0)
898 return false;
900 MachineBasicBlock *TT = TrueBBI.TrueBB;
901 MachineBasicBlock *TF = TrueBBI.FalseBB;
902 MachineBasicBlock *FT = FalseBBI.TrueBB;
903 MachineBasicBlock *FF = FalseBBI.FalseBB;
905 if (!TT)
906 TT = getNextBlock(*TrueBBI.BB);
907 if (!TF)
908 TF = getNextBlock(*TrueBBI.BB);
909 if (!FT)
910 FT = getNextBlock(*FalseBBI.BB);
911 if (!FF)
912 FF = getNextBlock(*FalseBBI.BB);
914 if (!TT || !TF)
915 return false;
917 // Check successors. If they don't match, bail.
918 if (!((TT == FT && TF == FF) || (TF == FT && TT == FF)))
919 return false;
921 bool FalseReversed = false;
922 if (TF == FT && TT == FF) {
923 // If the branches are opposing, but we can't reverse, don't do it.
924 if (!FalseBBI.IsBrReversible)
925 return false;
926 FalseReversed = true;
927 reverseBranchCondition(FalseBBI);
928 }
929 auto UnReverseOnExit = make_scope_exit([&]() {
930 if (FalseReversed)
931 reverseBranchCondition(FalseBBI);
932 });
934 // Count duplicate instructions at the beginning of the true and false blocks.
935 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIB = TrueBBI.BB->begin();
936 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIB = FalseBBI.BB->begin();
937 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIE = TrueBBI.BB->end();
938 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIE = FalseBBI.BB->end();
939 if(!CountDuplicatedInstructions(TIB, FIB, TIE, FIE, Dups1, Dups2,
940 *TrueBBI.BB, *FalseBBI.BB,
941 /* SkipUnconditionalBranches */ true))
942 return false;
944 TrueBBICalc.BB = TrueBBI.BB;
945 FalseBBICalc.BB = FalseBBI.BB;
946 TrueBBICalc.IsBrAnalyzable = TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable;
947 FalseBBICalc.IsBrAnalyzable = FalseBBI.IsBrAnalyzable;
948 if (!RescanInstructions(TIB, FIB, TIE, FIE, TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc))
949 return false;
951 // The size is used to decide whether to if-convert, and the shared portions
952 // are subtracted off. Because of the subtraction, we just use the size that
953 // was calculated by the original ScanInstructions, as it is correct.
954 TrueBBICalc.NonPredSize = TrueBBI.NonPredSize;
955 FalseBBICalc.NonPredSize = FalseBBI.NonPredSize;
956 return true;
959/// ValidDiamond - Returns true if the 'true' and 'false' blocks (along
960/// with their common predecessor) forms a valid diamond shape for ifcvt.
961bool IfConverter::ValidDiamond(
962 BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
963 unsigned &Dups1, unsigned &Dups2,
964 BBInfo &TrueBBICalc, BBInfo &FalseBBICalc) const {
965 Dups1 = Dups2 = 0;
966 if (TrueBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || TrueBBI.IsDone ||
967 FalseBBI.IsBeingAnalyzed || FalseBBI.IsDone)
968 return false;
970 // If the True and False BBs are equal we're dealing with a degenerate case
971 // that we don't treat as a diamond.
972 if (TrueBBI.BB == FalseBBI.BB)
973 return false;
975 MachineBasicBlock *TT = TrueBBI.TrueBB;
976 MachineBasicBlock *FT = FalseBBI.TrueBB;
978 if (!TT && blockAlwaysFallThrough(TrueBBI))
979 TT = getNextBlock(*TrueBBI.BB);
980 if (!FT && blockAlwaysFallThrough(FalseBBI))
981 FT = getNextBlock(*FalseBBI.BB);
982 if (TT != FT)
983 return false;
984 if (!TT && (TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable || FalseBBI.IsBrAnalyzable))
985 return false;
986 if (TrueBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1 || FalseBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1)
987 return false;
989 // FIXME: Allow true block to have an early exit?
990 if (TrueBBI.FalseBB || FalseBBI.FalseBB)
991 return false;
993 // Count duplicate instructions at the beginning and end of the true and
994 // false blocks.
995 // Skip unconditional branches only if we are considering an analyzable
996 // diamond. Otherwise the branches must be the same.
997 bool SkipUnconditionalBranches =
998 TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable && FalseBBI.IsBrAnalyzable;
999 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIB = TrueBBI.BB->begin();
1000 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIB = FalseBBI.BB->begin();
1001 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIE = TrueBBI.BB->end();
1002 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FIE = FalseBBI.BB->end();
1003 if(!CountDuplicatedInstructions(TIB, FIB, TIE, FIE, Dups1, Dups2,
1004 *TrueBBI.BB, *FalseBBI.BB,
1005 SkipUnconditionalBranches))
1006 return false;
1008 TrueBBICalc.BB = TrueBBI.BB;
1009 FalseBBICalc.BB = FalseBBI.BB;
1010 TrueBBICalc.IsBrAnalyzable = TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable;
1011 FalseBBICalc.IsBrAnalyzable = FalseBBI.IsBrAnalyzable;
1012 if (!RescanInstructions(TIB, FIB, TIE, FIE, TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc))
1013 return false;
1014 // The size is used to decide whether to if-convert, and the shared portions
1015 // are subtracted off. Because of the subtraction, we just use the size that
1016 // was calculated by the original ScanInstructions, as it is correct.
1017 TrueBBICalc.NonPredSize = TrueBBI.NonPredSize;
1018 FalseBBICalc.NonPredSize = FalseBBI.NonPredSize;
1019 return true;
1022/// AnalyzeBranches - Look at the branches at the end of a block to determine if
1023/// the block is predicable.
1024void IfConverter::AnalyzeBranches(BBInfo &BBI) {
1025 if (BBI.IsDone)
1026 return;
1028 BBI.TrueBB = BBI.FalseBB = nullptr;
1029 BBI.BrCond.clear();
1030 BBI.IsBrAnalyzable =
1031 !TII->analyzeBranch(*BBI.BB, BBI.TrueBB, BBI.FalseBB, BBI.BrCond);
1032 if (!BBI.IsBrAnalyzable) {
1033 BBI.TrueBB = nullptr;
1034 BBI.FalseBB = nullptr;
1035 BBI.BrCond.clear();
1036 }
1038 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> RevCond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1039 BBI.IsBrReversible = (RevCond.size() == 0) ||
1040 !TII->reverseBranchCondition(RevCond);
1041 BBI.HasFallThrough = BBI.IsBrAnalyzable && BBI.FalseBB == nullptr;
1043 if (BBI.BrCond.size()) {
1044 // No false branch. This BB must end with a conditional branch and a
1045 // fallthrough.
1046 if (!BBI.FalseBB)
1047 BBI.FalseBB = findFalseBlock(BBI.BB, BBI.TrueBB);
1048 if (!BBI.FalseBB) {
1049 // Malformed bcc? True and false blocks are the same?
1050 BBI.IsUnpredicable = true;
1051 }
1052 }
1055/// ScanInstructions - Scan all the instructions in the block to determine if
1056/// the block is predicable. In most cases, that means all the instructions
1057/// in the block are isPredicable(). Also checks if the block contains any
1058/// instruction which can clobber a predicate (e.g. condition code register).
1059/// If so, the block is not predicable unless it's the last instruction.
1060void IfConverter::ScanInstructions(BBInfo &BBI,
1061 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &Begin,
1062 MachineBasicBlock::iterator &End,
1063 bool BranchUnpredicable) const {
1064 if (BBI.IsDone || BBI.IsUnpredicable)
1065 return;
1067 bool AlreadyPredicated = !BBI.Predicate.empty();
1069 BBI.NonPredSize = 0;
1070 BBI.ExtraCost = 0;
1071 BBI.ExtraCost2 = 0;
1072 BBI.ClobbersPred = false;
1073 for (MachineInstr &MI : make_range(Begin, End)) {
1074 if (MI.isDebugInstr())
1075 continue;
1077 // It's unsafe to duplicate convergent instructions in this context, so set
1078 // BBI.CannotBeCopied to true if MI is convergent. To see why, consider the
1079 // following CFG, which is subject to our "simple" transformation.
1080 //
1081 // BB0 // if (c1) goto BB1; else goto BB2;
1082 // / \
1083 // BB1 |
1084 // | BB2 // if (c2) goto TBB; else goto FBB;
1085 // | / |
1086 // | / |
1087 // TBB |
1088 // | |
1089 // | FBB
1090 // |
1091 // exit
1092 //
1093 // Suppose we want to move TBB's contents up into BB1 and BB2 (in BB1 they'd
1094 // be unconditional, and in BB2, they'd be predicated upon c2), and suppose
1095 // TBB contains a convergent instruction. This is safe iff doing so does
1096 // not add a control-flow dependency to the convergent instruction -- i.e.,
1097 // it's safe iff the set of control flows that leads us to the convergent
1098 // instruction does not get smaller after the transformation.
1099 //
1100 // Originally we executed TBB if c1 || c2. After the transformation, there
1101 // are two copies of TBB's instructions. We get to the first if c1, and we
1102 // get to the second if !c1 && c2.
1103 //
1104 // There are clearly fewer ways to satisfy the condition "c1" than
1105 // "c1 || c2". Since we've shrunk the set of control flows which lead to
1106 // our convergent instruction, the transformation is unsafe.
1107 if (MI.isNotDuplicable() || MI.isConvergent())
1108 BBI.CannotBeCopied = true;
1110 bool isPredicated = TII->isPredicated(MI);
1111 bool isCondBr = BBI.IsBrAnalyzable && MI.isConditionalBranch();
1113 if (BranchUnpredicable && MI.isBranch()) {
1114 BBI.IsUnpredicable = true;
1115 return;
1116 }
1118 // A conditional branch is not predicable, but it may be eliminated.
1119 if (isCondBr)
1120 continue;
1122 if (!isPredicated) {
1123 BBI.NonPredSize++;
1124 unsigned ExtraPredCost = TII->getPredicationCost(MI);
1125 unsigned NumCycles = SchedModel.computeInstrLatency(&MI, false);
1126 if (NumCycles > 1)
1127 BBI.ExtraCost += NumCycles-1;
1128 BBI.ExtraCost2 += ExtraPredCost;
1129 } else if (!AlreadyPredicated) {
1130 // FIXME: This instruction is already predicated before the
1131 // if-conversion pass. It's probably something like a conditional move.
1132 // Mark this block unpredicable for now.
1133 BBI.IsUnpredicable = true;
1134 return;
1135 }
1137 if (BBI.ClobbersPred && !isPredicated) {
1138 // Predicate modification instruction should end the block (except for
1139 // already predicated instructions and end of block branches).
1140 // Predicate may have been modified, the subsequent (currently)
1141 // unpredicated instructions cannot be correctly predicated.
1142 BBI.IsUnpredicable = true;
1143 return;
1144 }
1146 // FIXME: Make use of PredDefs? e.g. ADDC, SUBC sets predicates but are
1147 // still potentially predicable.
1148 std::vector<MachineOperand> PredDefs;
1149 if (TII->ClobbersPredicate(MI, PredDefs, true))
1150 BBI.ClobbersPred = true;
1152 if (!TII->isPredicable(MI)) {
1153 BBI.IsUnpredicable = true;
1154 return;
1155 }
1156 }
1159/// Determine if the block is a suitable candidate to be predicated by the
1160/// specified predicate.
1161/// @param BBI BBInfo for the block to check
1162/// @param Pred Predicate array for the branch that leads to BBI
1163/// @param isTriangle true if the Analysis is for a triangle
1164/// @param RevBranch true if Reverse(Pred) leads to BBI (e.g. BBI is the false
1165/// case
1166/// @param hasCommonTail true if BBI shares a tail with a sibling block that
1167/// contains any instruction that would make the block unpredicable.
1168bool IfConverter::FeasibilityAnalysis(BBInfo &BBI,
1169 SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Pred,
1170 bool isTriangle, bool RevBranch,
1171 bool hasCommonTail) {
1172 // If the block is dead or unpredicable, then it cannot be predicated.
1173 // Two blocks may share a common unpredicable tail, but this doesn't prevent
1174 // them from being if-converted. The non-shared portion is assumed to have
1175 // been checked
1176 if (BBI.IsDone || (BBI.IsUnpredicable && !hasCommonTail))
1177 return false;
1179 // If it is already predicated but we couldn't analyze its terminator, the
1180 // latter might fallthrough, but we can't determine where to.
1181 // Conservatively avoid if-converting again.
1182 if (BBI.Predicate.size() && !BBI.IsBrAnalyzable)
1183 return false;
1185 // If it is already predicated, check if the new predicate subsumes
1186 // its predicate.
1187 if (BBI.Predicate.size() && !TII->SubsumesPredicate(Pred, BBI.Predicate))
1188 return false;
1190 if (!hasCommonTail && BBI.BrCond.size()) {
1191 if (!isTriangle)
1192 return false;
1194 // Test predicate subsumption.
1195 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> RevPred(Pred.begin(), Pred.end());
1196 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Cond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1197 if (RevBranch) {
1198 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(Cond))
1199 return false;
1200 }
1201 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(RevPred) ||
1202 !TII->SubsumesPredicate(Cond, RevPred))
1203 return false;
1204 }
1206 return true;
1209/// Analyze the structure of the sub-CFG starting from the specified block.
1210/// Record its successors and whether it looks like an if-conversion candidate.
1211void IfConverter::AnalyzeBlock(
1212 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken>> &Tokens) {
1213 struct BBState {
1214 BBState(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) : MBB(&MBB), SuccsAnalyzed(false) {}
1215 MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
1217 /// This flag is true if MBB's successors have been analyzed.
1218 bool SuccsAnalyzed;
1219 };
1221 // Push MBB to the stack.
1222 SmallVector<BBState, 16> BBStack(1, MBB);
1224 while (!BBStack.empty()) {
1225 BBState &State = BBStack.back();
1226 MachineBasicBlock *BB = State.MBB;
1227 BBInfo &BBI = BBAnalysis[BB->getNumber()];
1229 if (!State.SuccsAnalyzed) {
1230 if (BBI.IsAnalyzed || BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed) {
1231 BBStack.pop_back();
1232 continue;
1233 }
1235 BBI.BB = BB;
1236 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = true;
1238 AnalyzeBranches(BBI);
1239 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Begin = BBI.BB->begin();
1240 MachineBasicBlock::iterator End = BBI.BB->end();
1241 ScanInstructions(BBI, Begin, End);
1243 // Unanalyzable or ends with fallthrough or unconditional branch, or if is
1244 // not considered for ifcvt anymore.
1245 if (!BBI.IsBrAnalyzable || BBI.BrCond.empty() || BBI.IsDone) {
1246 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = false;
1247 BBI.IsAnalyzed = true;
1248 BBStack.pop_back();
1249 continue;
1250 }
1252 // Do not ifcvt if either path is a back edge to the entry block.
1253 if (BBI.TrueBB == BB || BBI.FalseBB == BB) {
1254 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = false;
1255 BBI.IsAnalyzed = true;
1256 BBStack.pop_back();
1257 continue;
1258 }
1260 // Do not ifcvt if true and false fallthrough blocks are the same.
1261 if (!BBI.FalseBB) {
1262 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = false;
1263 BBI.IsAnalyzed = true;
1264 BBStack.pop_back();
1265 continue;
1266 }
1268 // Push the False and True blocks to the stack.
1269 State.SuccsAnalyzed = true;
1270 BBStack.push_back(*BBI.FalseBB);
1271 BBStack.push_back(*BBI.TrueBB);
1272 continue;
1273 }
1275 BBInfo &TrueBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()];
1276 BBInfo &FalseBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()];
1278 if (TrueBBI.IsDone && FalseBBI.IsDone) {
1279 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = false;
1280 BBI.IsAnalyzed = true;
1281 BBStack.pop_back();
1282 continue;
1283 }
1285 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4>
1286 RevCond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1287 bool CanRevCond = !TII->reverseBranchCondition(RevCond);
1289 unsigned Dups = 0;
1290 unsigned Dups2 = 0;
1291 bool TNeedSub = !TrueBBI.Predicate.empty();
1292 bool FNeedSub = !FalseBBI.Predicate.empty();
1293 bool Enqueued = false;
1295 BranchProbability Prediction = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(BB, TrueBBI.BB);
1297 if (CanRevCond) {
1298 BBInfo TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc;
1299 auto feasibleDiamond = [&](bool Forked) {
1300 bool MeetsSize = MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc, *BB,
1301 Dups + Dups2, Prediction, Forked);
1302 bool TrueFeasible = FeasibilityAnalysis(TrueBBI, BBI.BrCond,
1303 /* IsTriangle */ false, /* RevCond */ false,
1304 /* hasCommonTail */ true);
1305 bool FalseFeasible = FeasibilityAnalysis(FalseBBI, RevCond,
1306 /* IsTriangle */ false, /* RevCond */ false,
1307 /* hasCommonTail */ true);
1308 return MeetsSize && TrueFeasible && FalseFeasible;
1309 };
1311 if (ValidDiamond(TrueBBI, FalseBBI, Dups, Dups2,
1312 TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc)) {
1313 if (feasibleDiamond(false)) {
1314 // Diamond:
1315 // EBB
1316 // / \_
1317 // | |
1318 // TBB FBB
1319 // \ /
1320 // TailBB
1321 // Note TailBB can be empty.
1322 Tokens.push_back(std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(
1323 BBI, ICDiamond, TNeedSub | FNeedSub, Dups, Dups2,
1324 (bool) TrueBBICalc.ClobbersPred, (bool) FalseBBICalc.ClobbersPred));
1325 Enqueued = true;
1326 }
1327 } else if (ValidForkedDiamond(TrueBBI, FalseBBI, Dups, Dups2,
1328 TrueBBICalc, FalseBBICalc)) {
1329 if (feasibleDiamond(true)) {
1330 // ForkedDiamond:
1331 // if TBB and FBB have a common tail that includes their conditional
1332 // branch instructions, then we can If Convert this pattern.
1333 // EBB
1334 // _/ \_
1335 // | |
1336 // TBB FBB
1337 // / \ / \
1338 // FalseBB TrueBB FalseBB
1339 //
1340 Tokens.push_back(std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(
1341 BBI, ICForkedDiamond, TNeedSub | FNeedSub, Dups, Dups2,
1342 (bool) TrueBBICalc.ClobbersPred, (bool) FalseBBICalc.ClobbersPred));
1343 Enqueued = true;
1344 }
1345 }
1346 }
1348 if (ValidTriangle(TrueBBI, FalseBBI, false, Dups, Prediction) &&
1349 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*TrueBBI.BB, TrueBBI.NonPredSize + TrueBBI.ExtraCost,
1350 TrueBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction) &&
1351 FeasibilityAnalysis(TrueBBI, BBI.BrCond, true)) {
1352 // Triangle:
1353 // EBB
1354 // | \_
1355 // | |
1356 // | TBB
1357 // | /
1358 // FBB
1359 Tokens.push_back(
1360 std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICTriangle, TNeedSub, Dups));
1361 Enqueued = true;
1362 }
1364 if (ValidTriangle(TrueBBI, FalseBBI, true, Dups, Prediction) &&
1365 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*TrueBBI.BB, TrueBBI.NonPredSize + TrueBBI.ExtraCost,
1366 TrueBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction) &&
1367 FeasibilityAnalysis(TrueBBI, BBI.BrCond, true, true)) {
1368 Tokens.push_back(
1369 std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICTriangleRev, TNeedSub, Dups));
1370 Enqueued = true;
1371 }
1373 if (ValidSimple(TrueBBI, Dups, Prediction) &&
1374 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*TrueBBI.BB, TrueBBI.NonPredSize + TrueBBI.ExtraCost,
1375 TrueBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction) &&
1376 FeasibilityAnalysis(TrueBBI, BBI.BrCond)) {
1377 // Simple (split, no rejoin):
1378 // EBB
1379 // | \_
1380 // | |
1381 // | TBB---> exit
1382 // |
1383 // FBB
1384 Tokens.push_back(
1385 std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICSimple, TNeedSub, Dups));
1386 Enqueued = true;
1387 }
1389 if (CanRevCond) {
1390 // Try the other path...
1391 if (ValidTriangle(FalseBBI, TrueBBI, false, Dups,
1392 Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1393 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*FalseBBI.BB,
1394 FalseBBI.NonPredSize + FalseBBI.ExtraCost,
1395 FalseBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1396 FeasibilityAnalysis(FalseBBI, RevCond, true)) {
1397 Tokens.push_back(std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICTriangleFalse,
1398 FNeedSub, Dups));
1399 Enqueued = true;
1400 }
1402 if (ValidTriangle(FalseBBI, TrueBBI, true, Dups,
1403 Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1404 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*FalseBBI.BB,
1405 FalseBBI.NonPredSize + FalseBBI.ExtraCost,
1406 FalseBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1407 FeasibilityAnalysis(FalseBBI, RevCond, true, true)) {
1408 Tokens.push_back(
1409 std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICTriangleFRev, FNeedSub, Dups));
1410 Enqueued = true;
1411 }
1413 if (ValidSimple(FalseBBI, Dups, Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1414 MeetIfcvtSizeLimit(*FalseBBI.BB,
1415 FalseBBI.NonPredSize + FalseBBI.ExtraCost,
1416 FalseBBI.ExtraCost2, Prediction.getCompl()) &&
1417 FeasibilityAnalysis(FalseBBI, RevCond)) {
1418 Tokens.push_back(
1419 std::make_unique<IfcvtToken>(BBI, ICSimpleFalse, FNeedSub, Dups));
1420 Enqueued = true;
1421 }
1422 }
1424 BBI.IsEnqueued = Enqueued;
1425 BBI.IsBeingAnalyzed = false;
1426 BBI.IsAnalyzed = true;
1427 BBStack.pop_back();
1428 }
1431/// Analyze all blocks and find entries for all if-conversion candidates.
1432void IfConverter::AnalyzeBlocks(
1433 MachineFunction &MF, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IfcvtToken>> &Tokens) {
1434 for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF)
1435 AnalyzeBlock(MBB, Tokens);
1437 // Sort to favor more complex ifcvt scheme.
1438 llvm::stable_sort(Tokens, IfcvtTokenCmp);
1441/// Returns true either if ToMBB is the next block after MBB or that all the
1442/// intervening blocks are empty (given MBB can fall through to its next block).
1443static bool canFallThroughTo(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock &ToMBB) {
1444 MachineFunction::iterator PI = MBB.getIterator();
1445 MachineFunction::iterator I = std::next(PI);
1446 MachineFunction::iterator TI = ToMBB.getIterator();
1447 MachineFunction::iterator E = MBB.getParent()->end();
1448 while (I != TI) {
1449 // Check isSuccessor to avoid case where the next block is empty, but
1450 // it's not a successor.
1451 if (I == E || !I->empty() || !PI->isSuccessor(&*I))
1452 return false;
1453 PI = I++;
1454 }
1455 // Finally see if the last I is indeed a successor to PI.
1456 return PI->isSuccessor(&*I);
1459/// Invalidate predecessor BB info so it would be re-analyzed to determine if it
1460/// can be if-converted. If predecessor is already enqueued, dequeue it!
1461void IfConverter::InvalidatePreds(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
1462 for (const MachineBasicBlock *Predecessor : MBB.predecessors()) {
1463 BBInfo &PBBI = BBAnalysis[Predecessor->getNumber()];
1464 if (PBBI.IsDone || PBBI.BB == &MBB)
1465 continue;
1466 PBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1467 PBBI.IsEnqueued = false;
1468 }
1471/// Inserts an unconditional branch from \p MBB to \p ToMBB.
1472static void InsertUncondBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock &ToMBB,
1473 const TargetInstrInfo *TII) {
1474 DebugLoc dl; // FIXME: this is nowhere
1475 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 0> NoCond;
1476 TII->insertBranch(MBB, &ToMBB, nullptr, NoCond, dl);
1479/// Behaves like LiveRegUnits::StepForward() but also adds implicit uses to all
1480/// values defined in MI which are also live/used by MI.
1481static void UpdatePredRedefs(MachineInstr &MI, LivePhysRegs &Redefs) {
1482 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MI.getMF()->getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
1484 // Before stepping forward past MI, remember which regs were live
1485 // before MI. This is needed to set the Undef flag only when reg is
1486 // dead.
1487 SparseSet<MCPhysReg, identity<MCPhysReg>> LiveBeforeMI;
1488 LiveBeforeMI.setUniverse(TRI->getNumRegs());
1489 for (unsigned Reg : Redefs)
1490 LiveBeforeMI.insert(Reg);
1492 SmallVector<std::pair<MCPhysReg, const MachineOperand*>, 4> Clobbers;
1493 Redefs.stepForward(MI, Clobbers);
1495 // Now add the implicit uses for each of the clobbered values.
1496 for (auto Clobber : Clobbers) {
1497 // FIXME: Const cast here is nasty, but better than making StepForward
1498 // take a mutable instruction instead of const.
1499 unsigned Reg = Clobber.first;
1500 MachineOperand &Op = const_cast<MachineOperand&>(*Clobber.second);
1501 MachineInstr *OpMI = Op.getParent();
1502 MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*OpMI->getMF(), OpMI);
1503 if (Op.isRegMask()) {
1504 // First handle regmasks. They clobber any entries in the mask which
1505 // means that we need a def for those registers.
1506 if (LiveBeforeMI.count(Reg))
1507 MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Implicit);
1509 // We also need to add an implicit def of this register for the later
1510 // use to read from.
1511 // For the register allocator to have allocated a register clobbered
1512 // by the call which is used later, it must be the case that
1513 // the call doesn't return.
1514 MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define);
1515 continue;
1516 }
1517 if (LiveBeforeMI.count(Reg))
1518 MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Implicit);
1519 else {
1520 bool HasLiveSubReg = false;
1521 for (MCSubRegIterator S(Reg, TRI); S.isValid(); ++S) {
1522 if (!LiveBeforeMI.count(*S))
1523 continue;
1524 HasLiveSubReg = true;
1525 break;
1526 }
1527 if (HasLiveSubReg)
1528 MIB.addReg(Reg, RegState::Implicit);
1529 }
1530 }
1533/// If convert a simple (split, no rejoin) sub-CFG.
1534bool IfConverter::IfConvertSimple(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind) {
1535 BBInfo &TrueBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()];
1536 BBInfo &FalseBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()];
1537 BBInfo *CvtBBI = &TrueBBI;
1538 BBInfo *NextBBI = &FalseBBI;
1540 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Cond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1541 if (Kind == ICSimpleFalse)
1542 std::swap(CvtBBI, NextBBI);
1544 MachineBasicBlock &CvtMBB = *CvtBBI->BB;
1545 MachineBasicBlock &NextMBB = *NextBBI->BB;
1546 if (CvtBBI->IsDone ||
1547 (CvtBBI->CannotBeCopied && CvtMBB.pred_size() > 1)) {
1548 // Something has changed. It's no longer safe to predicate this block.
1549 BBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1550 CvtBBI->IsAnalyzed = false;
1551 return false;
1552 }
1554 if (CvtMBB.hasAddressTaken())
1555 // Conservatively abort if-conversion if BB's address is taken.
1556 return false;
1558 if (Kind == ICSimpleFalse)
1559 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(Cond))
1560 llvm_unreachable("Unable to reverse branch condition!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unable to reverse branch condition!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1560)
1562 Redefs.init(*TRI);
1564 if (MRI->tracksLiveness()) {
1565 // Initialize liveins to the first BB. These are potentially redefined by
1566 // predicated instructions.
1567 Redefs.addLiveIns(CvtMBB);
1568 Redefs.addLiveIns(NextMBB);
1569 }
1571 // Remove the branches from the entry so we can add the contents of the true
1572 // block to it.
1573 BBI.NonPredSize -= TII->removeBranch(*BBI.BB);
1575 if (CvtMBB.pred_size() > 1) {
1576 // Copy instructions in the true block, predicate them, and add them to
1577 // the entry block.
1578 CopyAndPredicateBlock(BBI, *CvtBBI, Cond);
1580 // Keep the CFG updated.
1581 BBI.BB->removeSuccessor(&CvtMBB, true);
1582 } else {
1583 // Predicate the instructions in the true block.
1584 PredicateBlock(*CvtBBI, CvtMBB.end(), Cond);
1586 // Merge converted block into entry block. The BB to Cvt edge is removed
1587 // by MergeBlocks.
1588 MergeBlocks(BBI, *CvtBBI);
1589 }
1591 bool IterIfcvt = true;
1592 if (!canFallThroughTo(*BBI.BB, NextMBB)) {
1593 InsertUncondBranch(*BBI.BB, NextMBB, TII);
1594 BBI.HasFallThrough = false;
1595 // Now ifcvt'd block will look like this:
1596 // BB:
1597 // ...
1598 // t, f = cmp
1599 // if t op
1600 // b BBf
1601 //
1602 // We cannot further ifcvt this block because the unconditional branch
1603 // will have to be predicated on the new condition, that will not be
1604 // available if cmp executes.
1605 IterIfcvt = false;
1606 }
1608 // Update block info. BB can be iteratively if-converted.
1609 if (!IterIfcvt)
1610 BBI.IsDone = true;
1611 InvalidatePreds(*BBI.BB);
1612 CvtBBI->IsDone = true;
1614 // FIXME: Must maintain LiveIns.
1615 return true;
1618/// If convert a triangle sub-CFG.
1619bool IfConverter::IfConvertTriangle(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind) {
1620 BBInfo &TrueBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()];
1621 BBInfo &FalseBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()];
1622 BBInfo *CvtBBI = &TrueBBI;
1623 BBInfo *NextBBI = &FalseBBI;
1624 DebugLoc dl; // FIXME: this is nowhere
1626 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Cond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1627 if (Kind == ICTriangleFalse || Kind == ICTriangleFRev)
1628 std::swap(CvtBBI, NextBBI);
1630 MachineBasicBlock &CvtMBB = *CvtBBI->BB;
1631 MachineBasicBlock &NextMBB = *NextBBI->BB;
1632 if (CvtBBI->IsDone ||
1633 (CvtBBI->CannotBeCopied && CvtMBB.pred_size() > 1)) {
1634 // Something has changed. It's no longer safe to predicate this block.
1635 BBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1636 CvtBBI->IsAnalyzed = false;
1637 return false;
1638 }
1640 if (CvtMBB.hasAddressTaken())
1641 // Conservatively abort if-conversion if BB's address is taken.
1642 return false;
1644 if (Kind == ICTriangleFalse || Kind == ICTriangleFRev)
1645 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(Cond))
1646 llvm_unreachable("Unable to reverse branch condition!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unable to reverse branch condition!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1646)
1648 if (Kind == ICTriangleRev || Kind == ICTriangleFRev) {
1649 if (reverseBranchCondition(*CvtBBI)) {
1650 // BB has been changed, modify its predecessors (except for this
1651 // one) so they don't get ifcvt'ed based on bad intel.
1652 for (MachineBasicBlock *PBB : CvtMBB.predecessors()) {
1653 if (PBB == BBI.BB)
1654 continue;
1655 BBInfo &PBBI = BBAnalysis[PBB->getNumber()];
1656 if (PBBI.IsEnqueued) {
1657 PBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1658 PBBI.IsEnqueued = false;
1659 }
1660 }
1661 }
1662 }
1664 // Initialize liveins to the first BB. These are potentially redefined by
1665 // predicated instructions.
1666 Redefs.init(*TRI);
1667 if (MRI->tracksLiveness()) {
1668 Redefs.addLiveIns(CvtMBB);
1669 Redefs.addLiveIns(NextMBB);
1670 }
1672 bool HasEarlyExit = CvtBBI->FalseBB != nullptr;
1673 BranchProbability CvtNext, CvtFalse, BBNext, BBCvt;
1675 if (HasEarlyExit) {
1676 // Get probabilities before modifying CvtMBB and BBI.BB.
1677 CvtNext = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(&CvtMBB, &NextMBB);
1678 CvtFalse = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(&CvtMBB, CvtBBI->FalseBB);
1679 BBNext = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(BBI.BB, &NextMBB);
1680 BBCvt = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(BBI.BB, &CvtMBB);
1681 }
1683 // Remove the branches from the entry so we can add the contents of the true
1684 // block to it.
1685 BBI.NonPredSize -= TII->removeBranch(*BBI.BB);
1687 if (CvtMBB.pred_size() > 1) {
1688 // Copy instructions in the true block, predicate them, and add them to
1689 // the entry block.
1690 CopyAndPredicateBlock(BBI, *CvtBBI, Cond, true);
1691 } else {
1692 // Predicate the 'true' block after removing its branch.
1693 CvtBBI->NonPredSize -= TII->removeBranch(CvtMBB);
1694 PredicateBlock(*CvtBBI, CvtMBB.end(), Cond);
1696 // Now merge the entry of the triangle with the true block.
1697 MergeBlocks(BBI, *CvtBBI, false);
1698 }
1700 // Keep the CFG updated.
1701 BBI.BB->removeSuccessor(&CvtMBB, true);
1703 // If 'true' block has a 'false' successor, add an exit branch to it.
1704 if (HasEarlyExit) {
1705 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> RevCond(CvtBBI->BrCond.begin(),
1706 CvtBBI->BrCond.end());
1707 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(RevCond))
1708 llvm_unreachable("Unable to reverse branch condition!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unable to reverse branch condition!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1708)
1710 // Update the edge probability for both CvtBBI->FalseBB and NextBBI.
1711 // NewNext = New_Prob(BBI.BB, NextMBB) =
1712 // Prob(BBI.BB, NextMBB) +
1713 // Prob(BBI.BB, CvtMBB) * Prob(CvtMBB, NextMBB)
1714 // NewFalse = New_Prob(BBI.BB, CvtBBI->FalseBB) =
1715 // Prob(BBI.BB, CvtMBB) * Prob(CvtMBB, CvtBBI->FalseBB)
1716 auto NewTrueBB = getNextBlock(*BBI.BB);
1717 auto NewNext = BBNext + BBCvt * CvtNext;
1718 auto NewTrueBBIter = find(BBI.BB->successors(), NewTrueBB);
1719 if (NewTrueBBIter != BBI.BB->succ_end())
1720 BBI.BB->setSuccProbability(NewTrueBBIter, NewNext);
1722 auto NewFalse = BBCvt * CvtFalse;
1723 TII->insertBranch(*BBI.BB, CvtBBI->FalseBB, nullptr, RevCond, dl);
1724 BBI.BB->addSuccessor(CvtBBI->FalseBB, NewFalse);
1725 }
1727 // Merge in the 'false' block if the 'false' block has no other
1728 // predecessors. Otherwise, add an unconditional branch to 'false'.
1729 bool FalseBBDead = false;
1730 bool IterIfcvt = true;
1731 bool isFallThrough = canFallThroughTo(*BBI.BB, NextMBB);
1732 if (!isFallThrough) {
1733 // Only merge them if the true block does not fallthrough to the false
1734 // block. By not merging them, we make it possible to iteratively
1735 // ifcvt the blocks.
1736 if (!HasEarlyExit &&
1737 NextMBB.pred_size() == 1 && !NextBBI->HasFallThrough &&
1738 !NextMBB.hasAddressTaken()) {
1739 MergeBlocks(BBI, *NextBBI);
1740 FalseBBDead = true;
1741 } else {
1742 InsertUncondBranch(*BBI.BB, NextMBB, TII);
1743 BBI.HasFallThrough = false;
1744 }
1745 // Mixed predicated and unpredicated code. This cannot be iteratively
1746 // predicated.
1747 IterIfcvt = false;
1748 }
1750 // Update block info. BB can be iteratively if-converted.
1751 if (!IterIfcvt)
1752 BBI.IsDone = true;
1753 InvalidatePreds(*BBI.BB);
1754 CvtBBI->IsDone = true;
1755 if (FalseBBDead)
1756 NextBBI->IsDone = true;
1758 // FIXME: Must maintain LiveIns.
1759 return true;
1762/// Common code shared between diamond conversions.
1763/// \p BBI, \p TrueBBI, and \p FalseBBI form the diamond shape.
1764/// \p NumDups1 - number of shared instructions at the beginning of \p TrueBBI
1765/// and FalseBBI
1766/// \p NumDups2 - number of shared instructions at the end of \p TrueBBI
1767/// and \p FalseBBI
1768/// \p RemoveBranch - Remove the common branch of the two blocks before
1769/// predicating. Only false for unanalyzable fallthrough
1770/// cases. The caller will replace the branch if necessary.
1771/// \p MergeAddEdges - Add successor edges when merging blocks. Only false for
1772/// unanalyzable fallthrough
1773bool IfConverter::IfConvertDiamondCommon(
1774 BBInfo &BBI, BBInfo &TrueBBI, BBInfo &FalseBBI,
1775 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
1776 bool TClobbersPred, bool FClobbersPred,
1777 bool RemoveBranch, bool MergeAddEdges) {
1779 if (TrueBBI.IsDone || FalseBBI.IsDone ||
1780 TrueBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1 || FalseBBI.BB->pred_size() > 1) {
1781 // Something has changed. It's no longer safe to predicate these blocks.
1782 BBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1783 TrueBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1784 FalseBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
1785 return false;
1786 }
1788 if (TrueBBI.BB->hasAddressTaken() || FalseBBI.BB->hasAddressTaken())
1789 // Conservatively abort if-conversion if either BB has its address taken.
1790 return false;
1792 // Put the predicated instructions from the 'true' block before the
1793 // instructions from the 'false' block, unless the true block would clobber
1794 // the predicate, in which case, do the opposite.
1795 BBInfo *BBI1 = &TrueBBI;
1796 BBInfo *BBI2 = &FalseBBI;
1797 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> RevCond(BBI.BrCond.begin(), BBI.BrCond.end());
1798 if (TII->reverseBranchCondition(RevCond))
1799 llvm_unreachable("Unable to reverse branch condition!")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unable to reverse branch condition!"
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1799)
1800 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> *Cond1 = &BBI.BrCond;
1801 SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> *Cond2 = &RevCond;
1803 // Figure out the more profitable ordering.
1804 bool DoSwap = false;
1805 if (TClobbersPred && !FClobbersPred)
1806 DoSwap = true;
1807 else if (!TClobbersPred && !FClobbersPred) {
1808 if (TrueBBI.NonPredSize > FalseBBI.NonPredSize)
1809 DoSwap = true;
1810 } else if (TClobbersPred && FClobbersPred)
1811 llvm_unreachable("Predicate info cannot be clobbered by both sides.")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Predicate info cannot be clobbered by both sides."
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1811)
1812 if (DoSwap) {
1813 std::swap(BBI1, BBI2);
1814 std::swap(Cond1, Cond2);
1815 }
1817 // Remove the conditional branch from entry to the blocks.
1818 BBI.NonPredSize -= TII->removeBranch(*BBI.BB);
1820 MachineBasicBlock &MBB1 = *BBI1->BB;
1821 MachineBasicBlock &MBB2 = *BBI2->BB;
1823 // Initialize the Redefs:
1824 // - BB2 live-in regs need implicit uses before being redefined by BB1
1825 // instructions.
1826 // - BB1 live-out regs need implicit uses before being redefined by BB2
1827 // instructions. We start with BB1 live-ins so we have the live-out regs
1828 // after tracking the BB1 instructions.
1829 Redefs.init(*TRI);
1830 if (MRI->tracksLiveness()) {
1831 Redefs.addLiveIns(MBB1);
1832 Redefs.addLiveIns(MBB2);
1833 }
1835 // Remove the duplicated instructions at the beginnings of both paths.
1836 // Skip dbg_value instructions.
1837 MachineBasicBlock::iterator DI1 = MBB1.getFirstNonDebugInstr(false);
1838 MachineBasicBlock::iterator DI2 = MBB2.getFirstNonDebugInstr(false);
1839 BBI1->NonPredSize -= NumDups1;
1840 BBI2->NonPredSize -= NumDups1;
1842 // Skip past the dups on each side separately since there may be
1843 // differing dbg_value entries. NumDups1 can include a "return"
1844 // instruction, if it's not marked as "branch".
1845 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumDups1; ++DI1) {
1846 if (DI1 == MBB1.end())
1847 break;
1848 if (!DI1->isDebugInstr())
1849 ++i;
1850 }
1851 while (NumDups1 != 0) {
1852 // Since this instruction is going to be deleted, update call
1853 // site info state if the instruction is call instruction.
1854 if (DI2->shouldUpdateCallSiteInfo())
1855 MBB2.getParent()->eraseCallSiteInfo(&*DI2);
1857 ++DI2;
1858 if (DI2 == MBB2.end())
1859 break;
1860 if (!DI2->isDebugInstr())
1861 --NumDups1;
1862 }
1864 if (MRI->tracksLiveness()) {
1865 for (const MachineInstr &MI : make_range(MBB1.begin(), DI1)) {
1866 SmallVector<std::pair<MCPhysReg, const MachineOperand*>, 4> Dummy;
1867 Redefs.stepForward(MI, Dummy);
1868 }
1869 }
1871 BBI.BB->splice(BBI.BB->end(), &MBB1, MBB1.begin(), DI1);
1872 MBB2.erase(MBB2.begin(), DI2);
1874 // The branches have been checked to match, so it is safe to remove the
1875 // branch in BB1 and rely on the copy in BB2. The complication is that
1876 // the blocks may end with a return instruction, which may or may not
1877 // be marked as "branch". If it's not, then it could be included in
1878 // "dups1", leaving the blocks potentially empty after moving the common
1879 // duplicates.
1880#ifndef NDEBUG
1881 // Unanalyzable branches must match exactly. Check that now.
1882 if (!BBI1->IsBrAnalyzable)
1883 verifySameBranchInstructions(&MBB1, &MBB2);
1885 // Remove duplicated instructions from the tail of MBB1: any branch
1886 // instructions, and the common instructions counted by NumDups2.
1887 DI1 = MBB1.end();
1888 while (DI1 != MBB1.begin()) {
1889 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Prev = std::prev(DI1);
1890 if (!Prev->isBranch() && !Prev->isDebugInstr())
1891 break;
1892 DI1 = Prev;
1893 }
1894 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumDups2; ) {
1895 // NumDups2 only counted non-dbg_value instructions, so this won't
1896 // run off the head of the list.
1897 assert(DI1 != MBB1.begin())(static_cast <bool> (DI1 != MBB1.begin()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("DI1 != MBB1.begin()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1897, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1899 --DI1;
1901 // Since this instruction is going to be deleted, update call
1902 // site info state if the instruction is call instruction.
1903 if (DI1->shouldUpdateCallSiteInfo())
1904 MBB1.getParent()->eraseCallSiteInfo(&*DI1);
1906 // skip dbg_value instructions
1907 if (!DI1->isDebugInstr())
1908 ++i;
1909 }
1910 MBB1.erase(DI1, MBB1.end());
1912 DI2 = BBI2->BB->end();
1913 // The branches have been checked to match. Skip over the branch in the false
1914 // block so that we don't try to predicate it.
1915 if (RemoveBranch)
1916 BBI2->NonPredSize -= TII->removeBranch(*BBI2->BB);
1917 else {
1918 // Make DI2 point to the end of the range where the common "tail"
1919 // instructions could be found.
1920 while (DI2 != MBB2.begin()) {
1921 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Prev = std::prev(DI2);
1922 if (!Prev->isBranch() && !Prev->isDebugInstr())
1923 break;
1924 DI2 = Prev;
1925 }
1926 }
1927 while (NumDups2 != 0) {
1928 // NumDups2 only counted non-dbg_value instructions, so this won't
1929 // run off the head of the list.
1930 assert(DI2 != MBB2.begin())(static_cast <bool> (DI2 != MBB2.begin()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("DI2 != MBB2.begin()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 1930, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1931 --DI2;
1932 // skip dbg_value instructions
1933 if (!DI2->isDebugInstr())
1934 --NumDups2;
1935 }
1937 // Remember which registers would later be defined by the false block.
1938 // This allows us not to predicate instructions in the true block that would
1939 // later be re-defined. That is, rather than
1940 // subeq r0, r1, #1
1941 // addne r0, r1, #1
1942 // generate:
1943 // sub r0, r1, #1
1944 // addne r0, r1, #1
1945 SmallSet<MCPhysReg, 4> RedefsByFalse;
1946 SmallSet<MCPhysReg, 4> ExtUses;
1947 if (TII->isProfitableToUnpredicate(MBB1, MBB2)) {
1948 for (const MachineInstr &FI : make_range(MBB2.begin(), DI2)) {
1949 if (FI.isDebugInstr())
1950 continue;
1951 SmallVector<MCPhysReg, 4> Defs;
1952 for (const MachineOperand &MO : FI.operands()) {
1953 if (!MO.isReg())
1954 continue;
1955 Register Reg = MO.getReg();
1956 if (!Reg)
1957 continue;
1958 if (MO.isDef()) {
1959 Defs.push_back(Reg);
1960 } else if (!RedefsByFalse.count(Reg)) {
1961 // These are defined before ctrl flow reach the 'false' instructions.
1962 // They cannot be modified by the 'true' instructions.
1963 for (MCSubRegIterator SubRegs(Reg, TRI, /*IncludeSelf=*/true);
1964 SubRegs.isValid(); ++SubRegs)
1965 ExtUses.insert(*SubRegs);
1966 }
1967 }
1969 for (MCPhysReg Reg : Defs) {
1970 if (!ExtUses.count(Reg)) {
1971 for (MCSubRegIterator SubRegs(Reg, TRI, /*IncludeSelf=*/true);
1972 SubRegs.isValid(); ++SubRegs)
1973 RedefsByFalse.insert(*SubRegs);
1974 }
1975 }
1976 }
1977 }
1979 // Predicate the 'true' block.
1980 PredicateBlock(*BBI1, MBB1.end(), *Cond1, &RedefsByFalse);
1982 // After predicating BBI1, if there is a predicated terminator in BBI1 and
1983 // a non-predicated in BBI2, then we don't want to predicate the one from
1984 // BBI2. The reason is that if we merged these blocks, we would end up with
1985 // two predicated terminators in the same block.
1986 // Also, if the branches in MBB1 and MBB2 were non-analyzable, then don't
1987 // predicate them either. They were checked to be identical, and so the
1988 // same branch would happen regardless of which path was taken.
1989 if (!MBB2.empty() && (DI2 == MBB2.end())) {
1990 MachineBasicBlock::iterator BBI1T = MBB1.getFirstTerminator();
1991 MachineBasicBlock::iterator BBI2T = MBB2.getFirstTerminator();
1992 bool BB1Predicated = BBI1T != MBB1.end() && TII->isPredicated(*BBI1T);
1993 bool BB2NonPredicated = BBI2T != MBB2.end() && !TII->isPredicated(*BBI2T);
1994 if (BB2NonPredicated && (BB1Predicated || !BBI2->IsBrAnalyzable))
1995 --DI2;
1996 }
1998 // Predicate the 'false' block.
1999 PredicateBlock(*BBI2, DI2, *Cond2);
2001 // Merge the true block into the entry of the diamond.
2002 MergeBlocks(BBI, *BBI1, MergeAddEdges);
2003 MergeBlocks(BBI, *BBI2, MergeAddEdges);
2004 return true;
2007/// If convert an almost-diamond sub-CFG where the true
2008/// and false blocks share a common tail.
2009bool IfConverter::IfConvertForkedDiamond(
2010 BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind,
2011 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
2012 bool TClobbersPred, bool FClobbersPred) {
2013 BBInfo &TrueBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()];
2014 BBInfo &FalseBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()];
2016 // Save the debug location for later.
2017 DebugLoc dl;
2018 MachineBasicBlock::iterator TIE = TrueBBI.BB->getFirstTerminator();
2019 if (TIE != TrueBBI.BB->end())
2020 dl = TIE->getDebugLoc();
2021 // Removing branches from both blocks is safe, because we have already
2022 // determined that both blocks have the same branch instructions. The branch
2023 // will be added back at the end, unpredicated.
2024 if (!IfConvertDiamondCommon(
2025 BBI, TrueBBI, FalseBBI,
2026 NumDups1, NumDups2,
2027 TClobbersPred, FClobbersPred,
2028 /* RemoveBranch */ true, /* MergeAddEdges */ true))
2029 return false;
2031 // Add back the branch.
2032 // Debug location saved above when removing the branch from BBI2
2033 TII->insertBranch(*BBI.BB, TrueBBI.TrueBB, TrueBBI.FalseBB,
2034 TrueBBI.BrCond, dl);
2036 // Update block info.
2037 BBI.IsDone = TrueBBI.IsDone = FalseBBI.IsDone = true;
2038 InvalidatePreds(*BBI.BB);
2040 // FIXME: Must maintain LiveIns.
2041 return true;
2044/// If convert a diamond sub-CFG.
2045bool IfConverter::IfConvertDiamond(BBInfo &BBI, IfcvtKind Kind,
2046 unsigned NumDups1, unsigned NumDups2,
2047 bool TClobbersPred, bool FClobbersPred) {
2048 BBInfo &TrueBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.TrueBB->getNumber()];
2049 BBInfo &FalseBBI = BBAnalysis[BBI.FalseBB->getNumber()];
2050 MachineBasicBlock *TailBB = TrueBBI.TrueBB;
2052 // True block must fall through or end with an unanalyzable terminator.
2053 if (!TailBB) {
2054 if (blockAlwaysFallThrough(TrueBBI))
2055 TailBB = FalseBBI.TrueBB;
2056 assert((TailBB || !TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable) && "Unexpected!")(static_cast <bool> ((TailBB || !TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable
) && "Unexpected!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(TailBB || !TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable) && \"Unexpected!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 2056, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2057 }
2059 if (!IfConvertDiamondCommon(
2060 BBI, TrueBBI, FalseBBI,
2061 NumDups1, NumDups2,
2062 TClobbersPred, FClobbersPred,
2063 /* RemoveBranch */ TrueBBI.IsBrAnalyzable,
2064 /* MergeAddEdges */ TailBB == nullptr))
2065 return false;
2067 // If the if-converted block falls through or unconditionally branches into
2068 // the tail block, and the tail block does not have other predecessors, then
2069 // fold the tail block in as well. Otherwise, unless it falls through to the
2070 // tail, add a unconditional branch to it.
2071 if (TailBB) {
2072 // We need to remove the edges to the true and false blocks manually since
2073 // we didn't let IfConvertDiamondCommon update the CFG.
2074 BBI.BB->removeSuccessor(TrueBBI.BB);
2075 BBI.BB->removeSuccessor(FalseBBI.BB, true);
2077 BBInfo &TailBBI = BBAnalysis[TailBB->getNumber()];
2078 bool CanMergeTail = !TailBBI.HasFallThrough &&
2079 !TailBBI.BB->hasAddressTaken();
2080 // The if-converted block can still have a predicated terminator
2081 // (e.g. a predicated return). If that is the case, we cannot merge
2082 // it with the tail block.
2083 MachineBasicBlock::const_iterator TI = BBI.BB->getFirstTerminator();
2084 if (TI != BBI.BB->end() && TII->isPredicated(*TI))
2085 CanMergeTail = false;
2086 // There may still be a fall-through edge from BBI1 or BBI2 to TailBB;
2087 // check if there are any other predecessors besides those.
2088 unsigned NumPreds = TailBB->pred_size();
2089 if (NumPreds > 1)
2090 CanMergeTail = false;
2091 else if (NumPreds == 1 && CanMergeTail) {
2092 MachineBasicBlock::pred_iterator PI = TailBB->pred_begin();
2093 if (*PI != TrueBBI.BB && *PI != FalseBBI.BB)
2094 CanMergeTail = false;
2095 }
2096 if (CanMergeTail) {
2097 MergeBlocks(BBI, TailBBI);
2098 TailBBI.IsDone = true;
2099 } else {
2100 BBI.BB->addSuccessor(TailBB, BranchProbability::getOne());
2101 InsertUncondBranch(*BBI.BB, *TailBB, TII);
2102 BBI.HasFallThrough = false;
2103 }
2104 }
2106 // Update block info.
2107 BBI.IsDone = TrueBBI.IsDone = FalseBBI.IsDone = true;
2108 InvalidatePreds(*BBI.BB);
2110 // FIXME: Must maintain LiveIns.
2111 return true;
2114static bool MaySpeculate(const MachineInstr &MI,
2115 SmallSet<MCPhysReg, 4> &LaterRedefs) {
2116 bool SawStore = true;
2117 if (!MI.isSafeToMove(nullptr, SawStore))
2118 return false;
2120 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
2121 if (!MO.isReg())
2122 continue;
2123 Register Reg = MO.getReg();
2124 if (!Reg)
2125 continue;
2126 if (MO.isDef() && !LaterRedefs.count(Reg))
2127 return false;
2128 }
2130 return true;
2133/// Predicate instructions from the start of the block to the specified end with
2134/// the specified condition.
2135void IfConverter::PredicateBlock(BBInfo &BBI,
2136 MachineBasicBlock::iterator E,
2137 SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond,
2138 SmallSet<MCPhysReg, 4> *LaterRedefs) {
2139 bool AnyUnpred = false;
2140 bool MaySpec = LaterRedefs != nullptr;
2141 for (MachineInstr &I : make_range(BBI.BB->begin(), E)) {
2142 if (I.isDebugInstr() || TII->isPredicated(I))
2143 continue;
2144 // It may be possible not to predicate an instruction if it's the 'true'
2145 // side of a diamond and the 'false' side may re-define the instruction's
2146 // defs.
2147 if (MaySpec && MaySpeculate(I, *LaterRedefs)) {
2148 AnyUnpred = true;
2149 continue;
2150 }
2151 // If any instruction is predicated, then every instruction after it must
2152 // be predicated.
2153 MaySpec = false;
2154 if (!TII->PredicateInstruction(I, Cond)) {
2155#ifndef NDEBUG
2156 dbgs() << "Unable to predicate " << I << "!\n";
2158 llvm_unreachable(nullptr)::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal(nullptr, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 2158)
2159 }
2161 // If the predicated instruction now redefines a register as the result of
2162 // if-conversion, add an implicit kill.
2163 UpdatePredRedefs(I, Redefs);
2164 }
2166 BBI.Predicate.append(Cond.begin(), Cond.end());
2168 BBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
2169 BBI.NonPredSize = 0;
2171 ++NumIfConvBBs;
2172 if (AnyUnpred)
2173 ++NumUnpred;
2176/// Copy and predicate instructions from source BB to the destination block.
2177/// Skip end of block branches if IgnoreBr is true.
2178void IfConverter::CopyAndPredicateBlock(BBInfo &ToBBI, BBInfo &FromBBI,
2179 SmallVectorImpl<MachineOperand> &Cond,
2180 bool IgnoreBr) {
2181 MachineFunction &MF = *ToBBI.BB->getParent();
2183 MachineBasicBlock &FromMBB = *FromBBI.BB;
2184 for (MachineInstr &I : FromMBB) {
2185 // Do not copy the end of the block branches.
2186 if (IgnoreBr && I.isBranch())
2187 break;
2189 MachineInstr *MI = MF.CloneMachineInstr(&I);
2190 // Make a copy of the call site info.
2191 if (I.isCandidateForCallSiteEntry())
2192 MF.copyCallSiteInfo(&I, MI);
2194 ToBBI.BB->insert(ToBBI.BB->end(), MI);
2195 ToBBI.NonPredSize++;
2196 unsigned ExtraPredCost = TII->getPredicationCost(I);
2197 unsigned NumCycles = SchedModel.computeInstrLatency(&I, false);
2198 if (NumCycles > 1)
2199 ToBBI.ExtraCost += NumCycles-1;
2200 ToBBI.ExtraCost2 += ExtraPredCost;
2202 if (!TII->isPredicated(I) && !MI->isDebugInstr()) {
2203 if (!TII->PredicateInstruction(*MI, Cond)) {
2204#ifndef NDEBUG
2205 dbgs() << "Unable to predicate " << I << "!\n";
2207 llvm_unreachable(nullptr)::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal(nullptr, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 2207)
2208 }
2209 }
2211 // If the predicated instruction now redefines a register as the result of
2212 // if-conversion, add an implicit kill.
2213 UpdatePredRedefs(*MI, Redefs);
2214 }
2216 if (!IgnoreBr) {
2217 std::vector<MachineBasicBlock *> Succs(FromMBB.succ_begin(),
2218 FromMBB.succ_end());
2219 MachineBasicBlock *NBB = getNextBlock(FromMBB);
2220 MachineBasicBlock *FallThrough = FromBBI.HasFallThrough ? NBB : nullptr;
2222 for (MachineBasicBlock *Succ : Succs) {
2223 // Fallthrough edge can't be transferred.
2224 if (Succ == FallThrough)
2225 continue;
2226 ToBBI.BB->addSuccessor(Succ);
2227 }
2228 }
2230 ToBBI.Predicate.append(FromBBI.Predicate.begin(), FromBBI.Predicate.end());
2231 ToBBI.Predicate.append(Cond.begin(), Cond.end());
2233 ToBBI.ClobbersPred |= FromBBI.ClobbersPred;
2234 ToBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
2236 ++NumDupBBs;
2239/// Move all instructions from FromBB to the end of ToBB. This will leave
2240/// FromBB as an empty block, so remove all of its successor edges and move it
2241/// to the end of the function. If AddEdges is true, i.e., when FromBBI's
2242/// branch is being moved, add those successor edges to ToBBI and remove the old
2243/// edge from ToBBI to FromBBI.
2244void IfConverter::MergeBlocks(BBInfo &ToBBI, BBInfo &FromBBI, bool AddEdges) {
2245 MachineBasicBlock &FromMBB = *FromBBI.BB;
2246 assert(!FromMBB.hasAddressTaken() &&(static_cast <bool> (!FromMBB.hasAddressTaken() &&
"Removing a BB whose address is taken!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("!FromMBB.hasAddressTaken() && \"Removing a BB whose address is taken!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 2247, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2247 "Removing a BB whose address is taken!")(static_cast <bool> (!FromMBB.hasAddressTaken() &&
"Removing a BB whose address is taken!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("!FromMBB.hasAddressTaken() && \"Removing a BB whose address is taken!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/lib/CodeGen/IfConversion.cpp"
, 2247, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
2249 // In case FromMBB contains terminators (e.g. return instruction),
2250 // first move the non-terminator instructions, then the terminators.
2251 MachineBasicBlock::iterator FromTI = FromMBB.getFirstTerminator();
2252 MachineBasicBlock::iterator ToTI = ToBBI.BB->getFirstTerminator();
2253 ToBBI.BB->splice(ToTI, &FromMBB, FromMBB.begin(), FromTI);
2255 // If FromBB has non-predicated terminator we should copy it at the end.
2256 if (FromTI != FromMBB.end() && !TII->isPredicated(*FromTI))
2257 ToTI = ToBBI.BB->end();
2258 ToBBI.BB->splice(ToTI, &FromMBB, FromTI, FromMBB.end());
2260 // Force normalizing the successors' probabilities of ToBBI.BB to convert all
2261 // unknown probabilities into known ones.
2262 // FIXME: This usage is too tricky and in the future we would like to
2263 // eliminate all unknown probabilities in MBB.
2264 if (ToBBI.IsBrAnalyzable)
2265 ToBBI.BB->normalizeSuccProbs();
2267 SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 4> FromSuccs(FromMBB.successors());
2268 MachineBasicBlock *NBB = getNextBlock(FromMBB);
2269 MachineBasicBlock *FallThrough = FromBBI.HasFallThrough ? NBB : nullptr;
2270 // The edge probability from ToBBI.BB to FromMBB, which is only needed when
2271 // AddEdges is true and FromMBB is a successor of ToBBI.BB.
2272 auto To2FromProb = BranchProbability::getZero();
2273 if (AddEdges && ToBBI.BB->isSuccessor(&FromMBB)) {
2274 // Remove the old edge but remember the edge probability so we can calculate
2275 // the correct weights on the new edges being added further down.
2276 To2FromProb = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(ToBBI.BB, &FromMBB);
2277 ToBBI.BB->removeSuccessor(&FromMBB);
2278 }
2280 for (MachineBasicBlock *Succ : FromSuccs) {
2281 // Fallthrough edge can't be transferred.
2282 if (Succ == FallThrough) {
2283 FromMBB.removeSuccessor(Succ);
2284 continue;
2285 }
2287 auto NewProb = BranchProbability::getZero();
2288 if (AddEdges) {
2289 // Calculate the edge probability for the edge from ToBBI.BB to Succ,
2290 // which is a portion of the edge probability from FromMBB to Succ. The
2291 // portion ratio is the edge probability from ToBBI.BB to FromMBB (if
2292 // FromBBI is a successor of ToBBI.BB. See comment below for exception).
2293 NewProb = MBPI->getEdgeProbability(&FromMBB, Succ);
2295 // To2FromProb is 0 when FromMBB is not a successor of ToBBI.BB. This
2296 // only happens when if-converting a diamond CFG and FromMBB is the
2297 // tail BB. In this case FromMBB post-dominates ToBBI.BB and hence we
2298 // could just use the probabilities on FromMBB's out-edges when adding
2299 // new successors.
2300 if (!To2FromProb.isZero())
2301 NewProb *= To2FromProb;
2302 }
2304 FromMBB.removeSuccessor(Succ);
2306 if (AddEdges) {
2307 // If the edge from ToBBI.BB to Succ already exists, update the
2308 // probability of this edge by adding NewProb to it. An example is shown
2309 // below, in which A is ToBBI.BB and B is FromMBB. In this case we
2310 // don't have to set C as A's successor as it already is. We only need to
2311 // update the edge probability on A->C. Note that B will not be
2312 // immediately removed from A's successors. It is possible that B->D is
2313 // not removed either if D is a fallthrough of B. Later the edge A->D
2314 // (generated here) and B->D will be combined into one edge. To maintain
2315 // correct edge probability of this combined edge, we need to set the edge
2316 // probability of A->B to zero, which is already done above. The edge
2317 // probability on A->D is calculated by scaling the original probability
2318 // on A->B by the probability of B->D.
2319 //
2320 // Before ifcvt: After ifcvt (assume B->D is kept):
2321 //
2322 // A A
2323 // /| /|\
2324 // / B / B|
2325 // | /| | ||
2326 // |/ | | |/
2327 // C D C D
2328 //
2329 if (ToBBI.BB->isSuccessor(Succ))
2330 ToBBI.BB->setSuccProbability(
2331 find(ToBBI.BB->successors(), Succ),
2332 MBPI->getEdgeProbability(ToBBI.BB, Succ) + NewProb);
2333 else
2334 ToBBI.BB->addSuccessor(Succ, NewProb);
2335 }
2336 }
2338 // Move the now empty FromMBB out of the way to the end of the function so
2339 // it doesn't interfere with fallthrough checks done by canFallThroughTo().
2340 MachineBasicBlock *Last = &*FromMBB.getParent()->rbegin();
2341 if (Last != &FromMBB)
2342 FromMBB.moveAfter(Last);
2344 // Normalize the probabilities of ToBBI.BB's successors with all adjustment
2345 // we've done above.
2346 if (ToBBI.IsBrAnalyzable && FromBBI.IsBrAnalyzable)
2347 ToBBI.BB->normalizeSuccProbs();
2349 ToBBI.Predicate.append(FromBBI.Predicate.begin(), FromBBI.Predicate.end());
2350 FromBBI.Predicate.clear();
2352 ToBBI.NonPredSize += FromBBI.NonPredSize;
2353 ToBBI.ExtraCost += FromBBI.ExtraCost;
2354 ToBBI.ExtraCost2 += FromBBI.ExtraCost2;
2355 FromBBI.NonPredSize = 0;
2356 FromBBI.ExtraCost = 0;
2357 FromBBI.ExtraCost2 = 0;
2359 ToBBI.ClobbersPred |= FromBBI.ClobbersPred;
2360 ToBBI.HasFallThrough = FromBBI.HasFallThrough;
2361 ToBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
2362 FromBBI.IsAnalyzed = false;
2365FunctionPass *
2366llvm::createIfConverter(std::function<bool(const MachineFunction &)> Ftor) {
2367 return new IfConverter(std::move(Ftor));


1//===- llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Defines an iterator class that bundles MachineInstr.
16#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/simple_ilist.h"
18#include <cassert>
19#include <iterator>
20#include <type_traits>
22namespace llvm {
24template <class T, bool IsReverse> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits;
25template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<T, false> {
26 using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
27 using instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
28 using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
29 using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
31template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<T, true> {
32 using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
33 using instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
34 using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
35 using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
37template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<const T, false> {
38 using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
39 using instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
40 using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::iterator;
41 using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
43template <class T> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<const T, true> {
44 using list_type = simple_ilist<T, ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>>;
45 using instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
46 using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename list_type::reverse_iterator;
47 using const_instr_iterator = typename list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
50template <bool IsReverse> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper;
51template <> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false> {
52 /// Get the beginning of the current bundle.
53 template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleBegin(Iterator I) {
54 if (!I.isEnd())
55 while (I->isBundledWithPred())
56 --I;
57 return I;
58 }
60 /// Get the final node of the current bundle.
61 template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleFinal(Iterator I) {
62 if (!I.isEnd())
63 while (I->isBundledWithSucc())
64 ++I;
65 return I;
66 }
68 /// Increment forward ilist iterator.
69 template <class Iterator> static void increment(Iterator &I) {
70 I = std::next(getBundleFinal(I));
71 }
73 /// Decrement forward ilist iterator.
74 template <class Iterator> static void decrement(Iterator &I) {
75 I = getBundleBegin(std::prev(I));
76 }
79template <> struct MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<true> {
80 /// Get the beginning of the current bundle.
81 template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleBegin(Iterator I) {
82 return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false>::getBundleBegin(
83 I.getReverse())
84 .getReverse();
85 }
87 /// Get the final node of the current bundle.
88 template <class Iterator> static Iterator getBundleFinal(Iterator I) {
89 return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<false>::getBundleFinal(
90 I.getReverse())
91 .getReverse();
92 }
94 /// Increment reverse ilist iterator.
95 template <class Iterator> static void increment(Iterator &I) {
96 I = getBundleBegin(std::next(I));
97 }
99 /// Decrement reverse ilist iterator.
100 template <class Iterator> static void decrement(Iterator &I) {
101 I = std::prev(getBundleFinal(I));
102 }
105/// MachineBasicBlock iterator that automatically skips over MIs that are
106/// inside bundles (i.e. walk top level MIs only).
107template <typename Ty, bool IsReverse = false>
108class MachineInstrBundleIterator : MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<IsReverse> {
109 using Traits = MachineInstrBundleIteratorTraits<Ty, IsReverse>;
110 using instr_iterator = typename Traits::instr_iterator;
112 instr_iterator MII;
115 using value_type = typename instr_iterator::value_type;
116 using difference_type = typename instr_iterator::difference_type;
117 using pointer = typename instr_iterator::pointer;
118 using reference = typename instr_iterator::reference;
119 using const_pointer = typename instr_iterator::const_pointer;
120 using const_reference = typename instr_iterator::const_reference;
121 using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
124 using nonconst_instr_iterator = typename Traits::nonconst_instr_iterator;
125 using const_instr_iterator = typename Traits::const_instr_iterator;
126 using nonconst_iterator =
127 MachineInstrBundleIterator<typename nonconst_instr_iterator::value_type,
128 IsReverse>;
129 using reverse_iterator = MachineInstrBundleIterator<Ty, !IsReverse>;
132 MachineInstrBundleIterator(instr_iterator MI) : MII(MI) {
133 assert((!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) &&(static_cast <bool> ((!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() ||
!MI->isBundledWithPred()) && "It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
134 "It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "(static_cast <bool> ((!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() ||
!MI->isBundledWithPred()) && "It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
135 "bundled MI")(static_cast <bool> ((!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() ||
!MI->isBundledWithPred()) && "It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI.getNodePtr() || MI.isEnd() || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 135, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
136 }
138 MachineInstrBundleIterator(reference MI) : MII(MI) {
139 assert(!MI.isBundledWithPred() && "It's not legal to initialize "(static_cast <bool> (!MI.isBundledWithPred() &&
"It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!MI.isBundledWithPred() && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 141, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
140 "MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "(static_cast <bool> (!MI.isBundledWithPred() &&
"It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!MI.isBundledWithPred() && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 141, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
141 "bundled MI")(static_cast <bool> (!MI.isBundledWithPred() &&
"It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator with a "
"bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!MI.isBundledWithPred() && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator with a \" \"bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 141, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
142 }
144 MachineInstrBundleIterator(pointer MI) : MII(MI) {
145 // FIXME: This conversion should be explicit.
146 assert((!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && "It's not legal to initialize "(static_cast <bool> ((!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred(
)) && "It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator "
"with a bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator \" \"with a bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 148, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
147 "MachineInstrBundleIterator "(static_cast <bool> ((!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred(
)) && "It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator "
"with a bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator \" \"with a bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 148, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
148 "with a bundled MI")(static_cast <bool> ((!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred(
)) && "It's not legal to initialize " "MachineInstrBundleIterator "
"with a bundled MI") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("(!MI || !MI->isBundledWithPred()) && \"It's not legal to initialize \" \"MachineInstrBundleIterator \" \"with a bundled MI\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBundleIterator.h"
, 148, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
149 }
151 // Template allows conversion from const to nonconst.
152 template <class OtherTy>
153 MachineInstrBundleIterator(
154 const MachineInstrBundleIterator<OtherTy, IsReverse> &I,
155 std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<OtherTy *, Ty *>::value, void *> =
156 nullptr)
157 : MII(I.getInstrIterator()) {}
159 MachineInstrBundleIterator() : MII(nullptr) {}
161 /// Explicit conversion between forward/reverse iterators.
162 ///
163 /// Translate between forward and reverse iterators without changing range
164 /// boundaries. The resulting iterator will dereference (and have a handle)
165 /// to the previous node, which is somewhat unexpected; but converting the
166 /// two endpoints in a range will give the same range in reverse.
167 ///
168 /// This matches std::reverse_iterator conversions.
169 explicit MachineInstrBundleIterator(
170 const MachineInstrBundleIterator<Ty, !IsReverse> &I)
171 : MachineInstrBundleIterator(++I.getReverse()) {}
173 /// Get the bundle iterator for the given instruction's bundle.
174 static MachineInstrBundleIterator getAtBundleBegin(instr_iterator MI) {
175 return MachineInstrBundleIteratorHelper<IsReverse>::getBundleBegin(MI);
176 }
178 reference operator*() const { return *MII; }
179 pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
181 /// Check for null.
182 bool isValid() const { return MII.getNodePtr(); }
184 friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
185 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
186 return L.MII == R.MII;
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
187 }
188 friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
189 const const_instr_iterator &R) {
190 return L.MII == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
191 }
192 friend bool operator==(const const_instr_iterator &L,
193 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
194 return L == R.MII; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
195 }
196 friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
197 const nonconst_instr_iterator &R) {
198 return L.MII == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
199 }
200 friend bool operator==(const nonconst_instr_iterator &L,
201 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
202 return L == R.MII; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
203 }
204 friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L, const_pointer R) {
205 return L == const_instr_iterator(R); // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
206 }
207 friend bool operator==(const_pointer L, const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
208 return const_instr_iterator(L) == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
209 }
210 friend bool operator==(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
211 const_reference R) {
212 return L == &R; // Avoid assertion about validity of R.
213 }
214 friend bool operator==(const_reference L,
215 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
216 return &L == R; // Avoid assertion about validity of L.
217 }
219 friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
220 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
221 return !(L == R);
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning the value 1, which participates in a condition later
Calling 'operator=='
Returning from 'operator=='
Returning the value 1, which participates in a condition later
222 }
223 friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
224 const const_instr_iterator &R) {
225 return !(L == R);
226 }
227 friend bool operator!=(const const_instr_iterator &L,
228 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
229 return !(L == R);
230 }
231 friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
232 const nonconst_instr_iterator &R) {
233 return !(L == R);
234 }
235 friend bool operator!=(const nonconst_instr_iterator &L,
236 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
237 return !(L == R);
238 }
239 friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L, const_pointer R) {
240 return !(L == R);
241 }
242 friend bool operator!=(const_pointer L, const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
243 return !(L == R);
244 }
245 friend bool operator!=(const MachineInstrBundleIterator &L,
246 const_reference R) {
247 return !(L == R);
248 }
249 friend bool operator!=(const_reference L,
250 const MachineInstrBundleIterator &R) {
251 return !(L == R);
252 }
254 // Increment and decrement operators...
255 MachineInstrBundleIterator &operator--() {
256 this->decrement(MII);
257 return *this;
258 }
259 MachineInstrBundleIterator &operator++() {
260 this->increment(MII);
261 return *this;
262 }
263 MachineInstrBundleIterator operator--(int) {
264 MachineInstrBundleIterator Temp = *this;
265 --*this;
266 return Temp;
267 }
268 MachineInstrBundleIterator operator++(int) {
269 MachineInstrBundleIterator Temp = *this;
270 ++*this;
271 return Temp;
272 }
274 instr_iterator getInstrIterator() const { return MII; }
276 nonconst_iterator getNonConstIterator() const { return MII.getNonConst(); }
278 /// Get a reverse iterator to the same node.
279 ///
280 /// Gives a reverse iterator that will dereference (and have a handle) to the
281 /// same node. Converting the endpoint iterators in a range will give a
282 /// different range; for range operations, use the explicit conversions.
283 reverse_iterator getReverse() const { return MII.getReverse(); }
286} // end namespace llvm


1//===- llvm/ADT/ilist_iterator.h - Intrusive List Iterator ------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
13#include <cassert>
14#include <cstddef>
15#include <iterator>
16#include <type_traits>
18namespace llvm {
20namespace ilist_detail {
22/// Find const-correct node types.
23template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst> struct IteratorTraits;
24template <class OptionsT> struct IteratorTraits<OptionsT, false> {
25 using value_type = typename OptionsT::value_type;
26 using pointer = typename OptionsT::pointer;
27 using reference = typename OptionsT::reference;
28 using node_pointer = ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> *;
29 using node_reference = ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> &;
31template <class OptionsT> struct IteratorTraits<OptionsT, true> {
32 using value_type = const typename OptionsT::value_type;
33 using pointer = typename OptionsT::const_pointer;
34 using reference = typename OptionsT::const_reference;
35 using node_pointer = const ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> *;
36 using node_reference = const ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> &;
39template <bool IsReverse> struct IteratorHelper;
40template <> struct IteratorHelper<false> : ilist_detail::NodeAccess {
41 using Access = ilist_detail::NodeAccess;
43 template <class T> static void increment(T *&I) { I = Access::getNext(*I); }
44 template <class T> static void decrement(T *&I) { I = Access::getPrev(*I); }
46template <> struct IteratorHelper<true> : ilist_detail::NodeAccess {
47 using Access = ilist_detail::NodeAccess;
49 template <class T> static void increment(T *&I) { I = Access::getPrev(*I); }
50 template <class T> static void decrement(T *&I) { I = Access::getNext(*I); }
53} // end namespace ilist_detail
55/// Iterator for intrusive lists based on ilist_node.
56template <class OptionsT, bool IsReverse, bool IsConst>
57class ilist_iterator : ilist_detail::SpecificNodeAccess<OptionsT> {
58 friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, !IsConst>;
59 friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>;
60 friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, !IsConst>;
62 using Traits = ilist_detail::IteratorTraits<OptionsT, IsConst>;
63 using Access = ilist_detail::SpecificNodeAccess<OptionsT>;
66 using value_type = typename Traits::value_type;
67 using pointer = typename Traits::pointer;
68 using reference = typename Traits::reference;
69 using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
70 using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
71 using const_pointer = typename OptionsT::const_pointer;
72 using const_reference = typename OptionsT::const_reference;
75 using node_pointer = typename Traits::node_pointer;
76 using node_reference = typename Traits::node_reference;
78 node_pointer NodePtr = nullptr;
81 /// Create from an ilist_node.
82 explicit ilist_iterator(node_reference N) : NodePtr(&N) {}
84 explicit ilist_iterator(pointer NP) : NodePtr(Access::getNodePtr(NP)) {}
85 explicit ilist_iterator(reference NR) : NodePtr(Access::getNodePtr(&NR)) {}
86 ilist_iterator() = default;
88 // This is templated so that we can allow constructing a const iterator from
89 // a nonconst iterator...
90 template <bool RHSIsConst>
91 ilist_iterator(const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, RHSIsConst> &RHS,
92 std::enable_if_t<IsConst || !RHSIsConst, void *> = nullptr)
93 : NodePtr(RHS.NodePtr) {}
95 // This is templated so that we can allow assigning to a const iterator from
96 // a nonconst iterator...
97 template <bool RHSIsConst>
98 std::enable_if_t<IsConst || !RHSIsConst, ilist_iterator &>
99 operator=(const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, RHSIsConst> &RHS) {
100 NodePtr = RHS.NodePtr;
101 return *this;
102 }
104 /// Explicit conversion between forward/reverse iterators.
105 ///
106 /// Translate between forward and reverse iterators without changing range
107 /// boundaries. The resulting iterator will dereference (and have a handle)
108 /// to the previous node, which is somewhat unexpected; but converting the
109 /// two endpoints in a range will give the same range in reverse.
110 ///
111 /// This matches std::reverse_iterator conversions.
112 explicit ilist_iterator(
113 const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst> &RHS)
114 : ilist_iterator(++RHS.getReverse()) {}
116 /// Get a reverse iterator to the same node.
117 ///
118 /// Gives a reverse iterator that will dereference (and have a handle) to the
119 /// same node. Converting the endpoint iterators in a range will give a
120 /// different range; for range operations, use the explicit conversions.
121 ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst> getReverse() const {
122 if (NodePtr)
123 return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>(*NodePtr);
124 return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>();
125 }
127 /// Const-cast.
128 ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false> getNonConst() const {
129 if (NodePtr)
130 return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false>(
131 const_cast<typename ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse,
132 false>::node_reference>(*NodePtr));
133 return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false>();
134 }
136 // Accessors...
137 reference operator*() const {
138 assert(!NodePtr->isKnownSentinel())(static_cast <bool> (!NodePtr->isKnownSentinel()) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("!NodePtr->isKnownSentinel()", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/ilist_iterator.h"
, 138, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
139 return *Access::getValuePtr(NodePtr);
140 }
141 pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
143 // Comparison operators
144 friend bool operator==(const ilist_iterator &LHS, const ilist_iterator &RHS) {
145 return LHS.NodePtr
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
== RHS.NodePtr
Assuming 'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Assuming 'LHS.NodePtr' is not equal to 'RHS.NodePtr'
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
Returning zero, which participates in a condition later
146 }
147 friend bool operator!=(const ilist_iterator &LHS, const ilist_iterator &RHS) {
148 return LHS.NodePtr != RHS.NodePtr;
149 }
151 // Increment and decrement operators...
152 ilist_iterator &operator--() {
153 NodePtr = IsReverse ? NodePtr->getNext() : NodePtr->getPrev();
154 return *this;
155 }
156 ilist_iterator &operator++() {
157 NodePtr = IsReverse ? NodePtr->getPrev() : NodePtr->getNext();
158 return *this;
159 }
160 ilist_iterator operator--(int) {
161 ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
162 --*this;
163 return tmp;
164 }
165 ilist_iterator operator++(int) {
166 ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
167 ++*this;
168 return tmp;
169 }
171 /// Get the underlying ilist_node.
172 node_pointer getNodePtr() const { return static_cast<node_pointer>(NodePtr); }
174 /// Check for end. Only valid if ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>.
175 bool isEnd() const { return NodePtr ? NodePtr->isSentinel() : false; }
178template <typename From> struct simplify_type;
180/// Allow ilist_iterators to convert into pointers to a node automatically when
181/// used by the dyn_cast, cast, isa mechanisms...
183/// FIXME: remove this, since there is no implicit conversion to NodeTy.
184template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst>
185struct simplify_type<ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>> {
186 using iterator = ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>;
187 using SimpleType = typename iterator::pointer;
189 static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const iterator &Node) { return &*Node; }
191template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst>
192struct simplify_type<const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>>
193 : simplify_type<ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>> {};
195} // end namespace llvm


1//===- llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h - MachineInstr class ---------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file contains the declaration of the MachineInstr class, which is the
10// basic representation for all target dependent machine instructions used by
11// the back end.
18#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/PointerSumType.h"
20#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
21#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
24#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineMemOperand.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h"
27#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
28#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/PseudoProbe.h"
30#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
31#include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/ArrayRecycler.h"
33#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
34#include <algorithm>
35#include <cassert>
36#include <cstdint>
37#include <utility>
39namespace llvm {
41class AAResults;
42template <typename T> class ArrayRef;
43class DIExpression;
44class DILocalVariable;
45class MachineBasicBlock;
46class MachineFunction;
47class MachineRegisterInfo;
48class ModuleSlotTracker;
49class raw_ostream;
50template <typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
51class SmallBitVector;
52class StringRef;
53class TargetInstrInfo;
54class TargetRegisterClass;
55class TargetRegisterInfo;
58/// Representation of each machine instruction.
60/// This class isn't a POD type, but it must have a trivial destructor. When a
61/// MachineFunction is deleted, all the contained MachineInstrs are deallocated
62/// without having their destructor called.
64class MachineInstr
65 : public ilist_node_with_parent<MachineInstr, MachineBasicBlock,
66 ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>> {
68 using mmo_iterator = ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *>::iterator;
70 /// Flags to specify different kinds of comments to output in
71 /// assembly code. These flags carry semantic information not
72 /// otherwise easily derivable from the IR text.
73 ///
74 enum CommentFlag {
75 ReloadReuse = 0x1, // higher bits are reserved for target dep comments.
76 NoSchedComment = 0x2,
77 TAsmComments = 0x4 // Target Asm comments should start from this value.
78 };
80 enum MIFlag {
81 NoFlags = 0,
82 FrameSetup = 1 << 0, // Instruction is used as a part of
83 // function frame setup code.
84 FrameDestroy = 1 << 1, // Instruction is used as a part of
85 // function frame destruction code.
86 BundledPred = 1 << 2, // Instruction has bundled predecessors.
87 BundledSucc = 1 << 3, // Instruction has bundled successors.
88 FmNoNans = 1 << 4, // Instruction does not support Fast
89 // math nan values.
90 FmNoInfs = 1 << 5, // Instruction does not support Fast
91 // math infinity values.
92 FmNsz = 1 << 6, // Instruction is not required to retain
93 // signed zero values.
94 FmArcp = 1 << 7, // Instruction supports Fast math
95 // reciprocal approximations.
96 FmContract = 1 << 8, // Instruction supports Fast math
97 // contraction operations like fma.
98 FmAfn = 1 << 9, // Instruction may map to Fast math
99 // instrinsic approximation.
100 FmReassoc = 1 << 10, // Instruction supports Fast math
101 // reassociation of operand order.
102 NoUWrap = 1 << 11, // Instruction supports binary operator
103 // no unsigned wrap.
104 NoSWrap = 1 << 12, // Instruction supports binary operator
105 // no signed wrap.
106 IsExact = 1 << 13, // Instruction supports division is
107 // known to be exact.
108 NoFPExcept = 1 << 14, // Instruction does not raise
109 // floatint-point exceptions.
110 NoMerge = 1 << 15, // Passes that drop source location info
111 // (e.g. branch folding) should skip
112 // this instruction.
113 };
116 const MCInstrDesc *MCID; // Instruction descriptor.
117 MachineBasicBlock *Parent = nullptr; // Pointer to the owning basic block.
119 // Operands are allocated by an ArrayRecycler.
120 MachineOperand *Operands = nullptr; // Pointer to the first operand.
121 unsigned NumOperands = 0; // Number of operands on instruction.
123 uint16_t Flags = 0; // Various bits of additional
124 // information about machine
125 // instruction.
127 uint8_t AsmPrinterFlags = 0; // Various bits of information used by
128 // the AsmPrinter to emit helpful
129 // comments. This is *not* semantic
130 // information. Do not use this for
131 // anything other than to convey comment
132 // information to AsmPrinter.
134 // OperandCapacity has uint8_t size, so it should be next to AsmPrinterFlags
135 // to properly pack.
136 using OperandCapacity = ArrayRecycler<MachineOperand>::Capacity;
137 OperandCapacity CapOperands; // Capacity of the Operands array.
139 /// Internal implementation detail class that provides out-of-line storage for
140 /// extra info used by the machine instruction when this info cannot be stored
141 /// in-line within the instruction itself.
142 ///
143 /// This has to be defined eagerly due to the implementation constraints of
144 /// `PointerSumType` where it is used.
145 class ExtraInfo final
146 : TrailingObjects<ExtraInfo, MachineMemOperand *, MCSymbol *, MDNode *> {
147 public:
148 static ExtraInfo *create(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator,
149 ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *> MMOs,
150 MCSymbol *PreInstrSymbol = nullptr,
151 MCSymbol *PostInstrSymbol = nullptr,
152 MDNode *HeapAllocMarker = nullptr) {
153 bool HasPreInstrSymbol = PreInstrSymbol != nullptr;
154 bool HasPostInstrSymbol = PostInstrSymbol != nullptr;
155 bool HasHeapAllocMarker = HeapAllocMarker != nullptr;
156 auto *Result = new (Allocator.Allocate(
157 totalSizeToAlloc<MachineMemOperand *, MCSymbol *, MDNode *>(
158 MMOs.size(), HasPreInstrSymbol + HasPostInstrSymbol,
159 HasHeapAllocMarker),
160 alignof(ExtraInfo)))
161 ExtraInfo(MMOs.size(), HasPreInstrSymbol, HasPostInstrSymbol,
162 HasHeapAllocMarker);
164 // Copy the actual data into the trailing objects.
165 std::copy(MMOs.begin(), MMOs.end(),
166 Result->getTrailingObjects<MachineMemOperand *>());
168 if (HasPreInstrSymbol)
169 Result->getTrailingObjects<MCSymbol *>()[0] = PreInstrSymbol;
170 if (HasPostInstrSymbol)
171 Result->getTrailingObjects<MCSymbol *>()[HasPreInstrSymbol] =
172 PostInstrSymbol;
173 if (HasHeapAllocMarker)
174 Result->getTrailingObjects<MDNode *>()[0] = HeapAllocMarker;
176 return Result;
177 }
179 ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *> getMMOs() const {
180 return makeArrayRef(getTrailingObjects<MachineMemOperand *>(), NumMMOs);
181 }
183 MCSymbol *getPreInstrSymbol() const {
184 return HasPreInstrSymbol ? getTrailingObjects<MCSymbol *>()[0] : nullptr;
185 }
187 MCSymbol *getPostInstrSymbol() const {
188 return HasPostInstrSymbol
189 ? getTrailingObjects<MCSymbol *>()[HasPreInstrSymbol]
190 : nullptr;
191 }
193 MDNode *getHeapAllocMarker() const {
194 return HasHeapAllocMarker ? getTrailingObjects<MDNode *>()[0] : nullptr;
195 }
197 private:
198 friend TrailingObjects;
200 // Description of the extra info, used to interpret the actual optional
201 // data appended.
202 //
203 // Note that this is not terribly space optimized. This leaves a great deal
204 // of flexibility to fit more in here later.
205 const int NumMMOs;
206 const bool HasPreInstrSymbol;
207 const bool HasPostInstrSymbol;
208 const bool HasHeapAllocMarker;
210 // Implement the `TrailingObjects` internal API.
211 size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MachineMemOperand *>) const {
212 return NumMMOs;
213 }
214 size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MCSymbol *>) const {
215 return HasPreInstrSymbol + HasPostInstrSymbol;
216 }
217 size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MDNode *>) const {
218 return HasHeapAllocMarker;
219 }
221 // Just a boring constructor to allow us to initialize the sizes. Always use
222 // the `create` routine above.
223 ExtraInfo(int NumMMOs, bool HasPreInstrSymbol, bool HasPostInstrSymbol,
224 bool HasHeapAllocMarker)
225 : NumMMOs(NumMMOs), HasPreInstrSymbol(HasPreInstrSymbol),
226 HasPostInstrSymbol(HasPostInstrSymbol),
227 HasHeapAllocMarker(HasHeapAllocMarker) {}
228 };
230 /// Enumeration of the kinds of inline extra info available. It is important
231 /// that the `MachineMemOperand` inline kind has a tag value of zero to make
232 /// it accessible as an `ArrayRef`.
233 enum ExtraInfoInlineKinds {
234 EIIK_MMO = 0,
235 EIIK_PreInstrSymbol,
236 EIIK_PostInstrSymbol,
237 EIIK_OutOfLine
238 };
240 // We store extra information about the instruction here. The common case is
241 // expected to be nothing or a single pointer (typically a MMO or a symbol).
242 // We work to optimize this common case by storing it inline here rather than
243 // requiring a separate allocation, but we fall back to an allocation when
244 // multiple pointers are needed.
245 PointerSumType<ExtraInfoInlineKinds,
246 PointerSumTypeMember<EIIK_MMO, MachineMemOperand *>,
247 PointerSumTypeMember<EIIK_PreInstrSymbol, MCSymbol *>,
248 PointerSumTypeMember<EIIK_PostInstrSymbol, MCSymbol *>,
249 PointerSumTypeMember<EIIK_OutOfLine, ExtraInfo *>>
250 Info;
252 DebugLoc debugLoc; // Source line information.
254 /// Unique instruction number. Used by DBG_INSTR_REFs to refer to the values
255 /// defined by this instruction.
256 unsigned DebugInstrNum;
258 // Intrusive list support
259 friend struct ilist_traits<MachineInstr>;
260 friend struct ilist_callback_traits<MachineBasicBlock>;
261 void setParent(MachineBasicBlock *P) { Parent = P; }
263 /// This constructor creates a copy of the given
264 /// MachineInstr in the given MachineFunction.
265 MachineInstr(MachineFunction &, const MachineInstr &);
267 /// This constructor create a MachineInstr and add the implicit operands.
268 /// It reserves space for number of operands specified by
269 /// MCInstrDesc. An explicit DebugLoc is supplied.
270 MachineInstr(MachineFunction &, const MCInstrDesc &tid, DebugLoc dl,
271 bool NoImp = false);
273 // MachineInstrs are pool-allocated and owned by MachineFunction.
274 friend class MachineFunction;
276 void
277 dumprImpl(const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned Depth, unsigned MaxDepth,
278 SmallPtrSetImpl<const MachineInstr *> &AlreadySeenInstrs) const;
281 MachineInstr(const MachineInstr &) = delete;
282 MachineInstr &operator=(const MachineInstr &) = delete;
283 // Use MachineFunction::DeleteMachineInstr() instead.
284 ~MachineInstr() = delete;
286 const MachineBasicBlock* getParent() const { return Parent; }
287 MachineBasicBlock* getParent() { return Parent; }
289 /// Move the instruction before \p MovePos.
290 void moveBefore(MachineInstr *MovePos);
292 /// Return the function that contains the basic block that this instruction
293 /// belongs to.
294 ///
295 /// Note: this is undefined behaviour if the instruction does not have a
296 /// parent.
297 const MachineFunction *getMF() const;
298 MachineFunction *getMF() {
299 return const_cast<MachineFunction *>(
300 static_cast<const MachineInstr *>(this)->getMF());
301 }
303 /// Return the asm printer flags bitvector.
304 uint8_t getAsmPrinterFlags() const { return AsmPrinterFlags; }
306 /// Clear the AsmPrinter bitvector.
307 void clearAsmPrinterFlags() { AsmPrinterFlags = 0; }
309 /// Return whether an AsmPrinter flag is set.
310 bool getAsmPrinterFlag(CommentFlag Flag) const {
311 return AsmPrinterFlags & Flag;
312 }
314 /// Set a flag for the AsmPrinter.
315 void setAsmPrinterFlag(uint8_t Flag) {
316 AsmPrinterFlags |= Flag;
317 }
319 /// Clear specific AsmPrinter flags.
320 void clearAsmPrinterFlag(CommentFlag Flag) {
321 AsmPrinterFlags &= ~Flag;
322 }
324 /// Return the MI flags bitvector.
325 uint16_t getFlags() const {
326 return Flags;
327 }
329 /// Return whether an MI flag is set.
330 bool getFlag(MIFlag Flag) const {
331 return Flags & Flag;
332 }
334 /// Set a MI flag.
335 void setFlag(MIFlag Flag) {
336 Flags |= (uint16_t)Flag;
337 }
339 void setFlags(unsigned flags) {
340 // Filter out the automatically maintained flags.
341 unsigned Mask = BundledPred | BundledSucc;
342 Flags = (Flags & Mask) | (flags & ~Mask);
343 }
345 /// clearFlag - Clear a MI flag.
346 void clearFlag(MIFlag Flag) {
347 Flags &= ~((uint16_t)Flag);
348 }
350 /// Return true if MI is in a bundle (but not the first MI in a bundle).
351 ///
352 /// A bundle looks like this before it's finalized:
353 /// ----------------
354 /// | MI |
355 /// ----------------
356 /// |
357 /// ----------------
358 /// | MI * |
359 /// ----------------
360 /// |
361 /// ----------------
362 /// | MI * |
363 /// ----------------
364 /// In this case, the first MI starts a bundle but is not inside a bundle, the
365 /// next 2 MIs are considered "inside" the bundle.
366 ///
367 /// After a bundle is finalized, it looks like this:
368 /// ----------------
369 /// | Bundle |
370 /// ----------------
371 /// |
372 /// ----------------
373 /// | MI * |
374 /// ----------------
375 /// |
376 /// ----------------
377 /// | MI * |
378 /// ----------------
379 /// |
380 /// ----------------
381 /// | MI * |
382 /// ----------------
383 /// The first instruction has the special opcode "BUNDLE". It's not "inside"
384 /// a bundle, but the next three MIs are.
385 bool isInsideBundle() const {
386 return getFlag(BundledPred);
387 }
389 /// Return true if this instruction part of a bundle. This is true
390 /// if either itself or its following instruction is marked "InsideBundle".
391 bool isBundled() const {
392 return isBundledWithPred() || isBundledWithSucc();
393 }
395 /// Return true if this instruction is part of a bundle, and it is not the
396 /// first instruction in the bundle.
397 bool isBundledWithPred() const { return getFlag(BundledPred); }
399 /// Return true if this instruction is part of a bundle, and it is not the
400 /// last instruction in the bundle.
401 bool isBundledWithSucc() const { return getFlag(BundledSucc); }
403 /// Bundle this instruction with its predecessor. This can be an unbundled
404 /// instruction, or it can be the first instruction in a bundle.
405 void bundleWithPred();
407 /// Bundle this instruction with its successor. This can be an unbundled
408 /// instruction, or it can be the last instruction in a bundle.
409 void bundleWithSucc();
411 /// Break bundle above this instruction.
412 void unbundleFromPred();
414 /// Break bundle below this instruction.
415 void unbundleFromSucc();
417 /// Returns the debug location id of this MachineInstr.
418 const DebugLoc &getDebugLoc() const { return debugLoc; }
420 /// Return the operand containing the offset to be used if this DBG_VALUE
421 /// instruction is indirect; will be an invalid register if this value is
422 /// not indirect, and an immediate with value 0 otherwise.
423 const MachineOperand &getDebugOffset() const {
424 assert(isNonListDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE")(static_cast <bool> (isNonListDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isNonListDebugValue() && \"not a DBG_VALUE\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 424, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
425 return getOperand(1);
426 }
427 MachineOperand &getDebugOffset() {
428 assert(isNonListDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE")(static_cast <bool> (isNonListDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isNonListDebugValue() && \"not a DBG_VALUE\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 428, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
429 return getOperand(1);
430 }
432 /// Return the operand for the debug variable referenced by
433 /// this DBG_VALUE instruction.
434 const MachineOperand &getDebugVariableOp() const;
435 MachineOperand &getDebugVariableOp();
437 /// Return the debug variable referenced by
438 /// this DBG_VALUE instruction.
439 const DILocalVariable *getDebugVariable() const;
441 /// Return the operand for the complex address expression referenced by
442 /// this DBG_VALUE instruction.
443 const MachineOperand &getDebugExpressionOp() const;
444 MachineOperand &getDebugExpressionOp();
446 /// Return the complex address expression referenced by
447 /// this DBG_VALUE instruction.
448 const DIExpression *getDebugExpression() const;
450 /// Return the debug label referenced by
451 /// this DBG_LABEL instruction.
452 const DILabel *getDebugLabel() const;
454 /// Fetch the instruction number of this MachineInstr. If it does not have
455 /// one already, a new and unique number will be assigned.
456 unsigned getDebugInstrNum();
458 /// Examine the instruction number of this MachineInstr. May be zero if
459 /// it hasn't been assigned a number yet.
460 unsigned peekDebugInstrNum() const { return DebugInstrNum; }
462 /// Set instruction number of this MachineInstr. Avoid using unless you're
463 /// deserializing this information.
464 void setDebugInstrNum(unsigned Num) { DebugInstrNum = Num; }
466 /// Emit an error referring to the source location of this instruction.
467 /// This should only be used for inline assembly that is somehow
468 /// impossible to compile. Other errors should have been handled much
469 /// earlier.
470 ///
471 /// If this method returns, the caller should try to recover from the error.
472 void emitError(StringRef Msg) const;
474 /// Returns the target instruction descriptor of this MachineInstr.
475 const MCInstrDesc &getDesc() const { return *MCID; }
477 /// Returns the opcode of this MachineInstr.
478 unsigned getOpcode() const { return MCID->Opcode; }
480 /// Retuns the total number of operands.
481 unsigned getNumOperands() const { return NumOperands; }
483 /// Returns the total number of operands which are debug locations.
484 unsigned getNumDebugOperands() const {
485 return std::distance(debug_operands().begin(), debug_operands().end());
486 }
488 const MachineOperand& getOperand(unsigned i) const {
489 assert(i < getNumOperands() && "getOperand() out of range!")(static_cast <bool> (i < getNumOperands() &&
"getOperand() out of range!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("i < getNumOperands() && \"getOperand() out of range!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 489, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
490 return Operands[i];
491 }
492 MachineOperand& getOperand(unsigned i) {
493 assert(i < getNumOperands() && "getOperand() out of range!")(static_cast <bool> (i < getNumOperands() &&
"getOperand() out of range!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("i < getNumOperands() && \"getOperand() out of range!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 493, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
494 return Operands[i];
495 }
497 MachineOperand &getDebugOperand(unsigned Index) {
498 assert(Index < getNumDebugOperands() && "getDebugOperand() out of range!")(static_cast <bool> (Index < getNumDebugOperands() &&
"getDebugOperand() out of range!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Index < getNumDebugOperands() && \"getDebugOperand() out of range!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 498, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
499 return *(debug_operands().begin() + Index);
500 }
501 const MachineOperand &getDebugOperand(unsigned Index) const {
502 assert(Index < getNumDebugOperands() && "getDebugOperand() out of range!")(static_cast <bool> (Index < getNumDebugOperands() &&
"getDebugOperand() out of range!") ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Index < getNumDebugOperands() && \"getDebugOperand() out of range!\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 502, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
503 return *(debug_operands().begin() + Index);
504 }
506 SmallSet<Register, 4> getUsedDebugRegs() const {
507 assert(isDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE*")(static_cast <bool> (isDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE*"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDebugValue() && \"not a DBG_VALUE*\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 507, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
508 SmallSet<Register, 4> UsedRegs;
509 for (auto MO : debug_operands())
510 if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg())
511 UsedRegs.insert(MO.getReg());
512 return UsedRegs;
513 }
515 /// Returns whether this debug value has at least one debug operand with the
516 /// register \p Reg.
517 bool hasDebugOperandForReg(Register Reg) const {
518 return any_of(debug_operands(), [Reg](const MachineOperand &Op) {
519 return Op.isReg() && Op.getReg() == Reg;
520 });
521 }
523 /// Returns a range of all of the operands that correspond to a debug use of
524 /// \p Reg.
525 template <typename Operand, typename Instruction>
526 static iterator_range<
527 filter_iterator<Operand *, std::function<bool(Operand &Op)>>>
528 getDebugOperandsForReg(Instruction *MI, Register Reg) {
529 std::function<bool(Operand & Op)> OpUsesReg(
530 [Reg](Operand &Op) { return Op.isReg() && Op.getReg() == Reg; });
531 return make_filter_range(MI->debug_operands(), OpUsesReg);
532 }
533 iterator_range<filter_iterator<const MachineOperand *,
534 std::function<bool(const MachineOperand &Op)>>>
535 getDebugOperandsForReg(Register Reg) const {
536 return MachineInstr::getDebugOperandsForReg<const MachineOperand,
537 const MachineInstr>(this, Reg);
538 }
539 iterator_range<filter_iterator<MachineOperand *,
540 std::function<bool(MachineOperand &Op)>>>
541 getDebugOperandsForReg(Register Reg) {
542 return MachineInstr::getDebugOperandsForReg<MachineOperand, MachineInstr>(
543 this, Reg);
544 }
546 bool isDebugOperand(const MachineOperand *Op) const {
547 return Op >= adl_begin(debug_operands()) && Op <= adl_end(debug_operands());
548 }
550 unsigned getDebugOperandIndex(const MachineOperand *Op) const {
551 assert(isDebugOperand(Op) && "Expected a debug operand.")(static_cast <bool> (isDebugOperand(Op) && "Expected a debug operand."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDebugOperand(Op) && \"Expected a debug operand.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 551, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
552 return std::distance(adl_begin(debug_operands()), Op);
553 }
555 /// Returns the total number of definitions.
556 unsigned getNumDefs() const {
557 return getNumExplicitDefs() + MCID->getNumImplicitDefs();
558 }
560 /// Returns true if the instruction has implicit definition.
561 bool hasImplicitDef() const {
562 for (unsigned I = getNumExplicitOperands(), E = getNumOperands();
563 I != E; ++I) {
564 const MachineOperand &MO = getOperand(I);
565 if (MO.isDef() && MO.isImplicit())
566 return true;
567 }
568 return false;
569 }
571 /// Returns the implicit operands number.
572 unsigned getNumImplicitOperands() const {
573 return getNumOperands() - getNumExplicitOperands();
574 }
576 /// Return true if operand \p OpIdx is a subregister index.
577 bool isOperandSubregIdx(unsigned OpIdx) const {
578 assert(getOperand(OpIdx).getType() == MachineOperand::MO_Immediate &&(static_cast <bool> (getOperand(OpIdx).getType() == MachineOperand
::MO_Immediate && "Expected MO_Immediate operand type."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("getOperand(OpIdx).getType() == MachineOperand::MO_Immediate && \"Expected MO_Immediate operand type.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 579, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
579 "Expected MO_Immediate operand type.")(static_cast <bool> (getOperand(OpIdx).getType() == MachineOperand
::MO_Immediate && "Expected MO_Immediate operand type."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("getOperand(OpIdx).getType() == MachineOperand::MO_Immediate && \"Expected MO_Immediate operand type.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 579, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
580 if (isExtractSubreg() && OpIdx == 2)
581 return true;
582 if (isInsertSubreg() && OpIdx == 3)
583 return true;
584 if (isRegSequence() && OpIdx > 1 && (OpIdx % 2) == 0)
585 return true;
586 if (isSubregToReg() && OpIdx == 3)
587 return true;
588 return false;
589 }
591 /// Returns the number of non-implicit operands.
592 unsigned getNumExplicitOperands() const;
594 /// Returns the number of non-implicit definitions.
595 unsigned getNumExplicitDefs() const;
597 /// iterator/begin/end - Iterate over all operands of a machine instruction.
598 using mop_iterator = MachineOperand *;
599 using const_mop_iterator = const MachineOperand *;
601 mop_iterator operands_begin() { return Operands; }
602 mop_iterator operands_end() { return Operands + NumOperands; }
604 const_mop_iterator operands_begin() const { return Operands; }
605 const_mop_iterator operands_end() const { return Operands + NumOperands; }
607 iterator_range<mop_iterator> operands() {
608 return make_range(operands_begin(), operands_end());
609 }
610 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> operands() const {
611 return make_range(operands_begin(), operands_end());
612 }
613 iterator_range<mop_iterator> explicit_operands() {
614 return make_range(operands_begin(),
615 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitOperands());
616 }
617 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> explicit_operands() const {
618 return make_range(operands_begin(),
619 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitOperands());
620 }
621 iterator_range<mop_iterator> implicit_operands() {
622 return make_range(explicit_operands().end(), operands_end());
623 }
624 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> implicit_operands() const {
625 return make_range(explicit_operands().end(), operands_end());
626 }
627 /// Returns a range over all operands that are used to determine the variable
628 /// location for this DBG_VALUE instruction.
629 iterator_range<mop_iterator> debug_operands() {
630 assert(isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction.")(static_cast <bool> (isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDebugValue() && \"Must be a debug value instruction.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 630, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
631 return isDebugValueList()
632 ? make_range(operands_begin() + 2, operands_end())
633 : make_range(operands_begin(), operands_begin() + 1);
634 }
635 /// \copydoc debug_operands()
636 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> debug_operands() const {
637 assert(isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction.")(static_cast <bool> (isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDebugValue() && \"Must be a debug value instruction.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 637, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
638 return isDebugValueList()
639 ? make_range(operands_begin() + 2, operands_end())
640 : make_range(operands_begin(), operands_begin() + 1);
641 }
642 /// Returns a range over all explicit operands that are register definitions.
643 /// Implicit definition are not included!
644 iterator_range<mop_iterator> defs() {
645 return make_range(operands_begin(),
646 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs());
647 }
648 /// \copydoc defs()
649 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> defs() const {
650 return make_range(operands_begin(),
651 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs());
652 }
653 /// Returns a range that includes all operands that are register uses.
654 /// This may include unrelated operands which are not register uses.
655 iterator_range<mop_iterator> uses() {
656 return make_range(operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs(), operands_end());
657 }
658 /// \copydoc uses()
659 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> uses() const {
660 return make_range(operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs(), operands_end());
661 }
662 iterator_range<mop_iterator> explicit_uses() {
663 return make_range(operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs(),
664 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitOperands());
665 }
666 iterator_range<const_mop_iterator> explicit_uses() const {
667 return make_range(operands_begin() + getNumExplicitDefs(),
668 operands_begin() + getNumExplicitOperands());
669 }
671 /// Returns the number of the operand iterator \p I points to.
672 unsigned getOperandNo(const_mop_iterator I) const {
673 return I - operands_begin();
674 }
676 /// Access to memory operands of the instruction. If there are none, that does
677 /// not imply anything about whether the function accesses memory. Instead,
678 /// the caller must behave conservatively.
679 ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *> memoperands() const {
680 if (!Info)
681 return {};
683 if (Info.is<EIIK_MMO>())
684 return makeArrayRef(Info.getAddrOfZeroTagPointer(), 1);
686 if (ExtraInfo *EI = Info.get<EIIK_OutOfLine>())
687 return EI->getMMOs();
689 return {};
690 }
692 /// Access to memory operands of the instruction.
693 ///
694 /// If `memoperands_begin() == memoperands_end()`, that does not imply
695 /// anything about whether the function accesses memory. Instead, the caller
696 /// must behave conservatively.
697 mmo_iterator memoperands_begin() const { return memoperands().begin(); }
699 /// Access to memory operands of the instruction.
700 ///
701 /// If `memoperands_begin() == memoperands_end()`, that does not imply
702 /// anything about whether the function accesses memory. Instead, the caller
703 /// must behave conservatively.
704 mmo_iterator memoperands_end() const { return memoperands().end(); }
706 /// Return true if we don't have any memory operands which described the
707 /// memory access done by this instruction. If this is true, calling code
708 /// must be conservative.
709 bool memoperands_empty() const { return memoperands().empty(); }
711 /// Return true if this instruction has exactly one MachineMemOperand.
712 bool hasOneMemOperand() const { return memoperands().size() == 1; }
714 /// Return the number of memory operands.
715 unsigned getNumMemOperands() const { return memoperands().size(); }
717 /// Helper to extract a pre-instruction symbol if one has been added.
718 MCSymbol *getPreInstrSymbol() const {
719 if (!Info)
720 return nullptr;
721 if (MCSymbol *S = Info.get<EIIK_PreInstrSymbol>())
722 return S;
723 if (ExtraInfo *EI = Info.get<EIIK_OutOfLine>())
724 return EI->getPreInstrSymbol();
726 return nullptr;
727 }
729 /// Helper to extract a post-instruction symbol if one has been added.
730 MCSymbol *getPostInstrSymbol() const {
731 if (!Info)
732 return nullptr;
733 if (MCSymbol *S = Info.get<EIIK_PostInstrSymbol>())
734 return S;
735 if (ExtraInfo *EI = Info.get<EIIK_OutOfLine>())
736 return EI->getPostInstrSymbol();
738 return nullptr;
739 }
741 /// Helper to extract a heap alloc marker if one has been added.
742 MDNode *getHeapAllocMarker() const {
743 if (!Info)
744 return nullptr;
745 if (ExtraInfo *EI = Info.get<EIIK_OutOfLine>())
746 return EI->getHeapAllocMarker();
748 return nullptr;
749 }
751 /// API for querying MachineInstr properties. They are the same as MCInstrDesc
752 /// queries but they are bundle aware.
754 enum QueryType {
755 IgnoreBundle, // Ignore bundles
756 AnyInBundle, // Return true if any instruction in bundle has property
757 AllInBundle // Return true if all instructions in bundle have property
758 };
760 /// Return true if the instruction (or in the case of a bundle,
761 /// the instructions inside the bundle) has the specified property.
762 /// The first argument is the property being queried.
763 /// The second argument indicates whether the query should look inside
764 /// instruction bundles.
765 bool hasProperty(unsigned MCFlag, QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
766 assert(MCFlag < 64 &&(static_cast <bool> (MCFlag < 64 && "MCFlag out of range for bit mask in getFlags/hasPropertyInBundle."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCFlag < 64 && \"MCFlag out of range for bit mask in getFlags/hasPropertyInBundle.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 767, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
'?' condition is true
767 "MCFlag out of range for bit mask in getFlags/hasPropertyInBundle.")(static_cast <bool> (MCFlag < 64 && "MCFlag out of range for bit mask in getFlags/hasPropertyInBundle."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("MCFlag < 64 && \"MCFlag out of range for bit mask in getFlags/hasPropertyInBundle.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 767, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
768 // Inline the fast path for unbundled or bundle-internal instructions.
769 if (Type
'Type' is not equal to IgnoreBundle
'Type' is not equal to IgnoreBundle
'Type' is not equal to IgnoreBundle
'Type' is not equal to IgnoreBundle
== IgnoreBundle || !isBundled() || isBundledWithPred())
Taking true branch
770 return getDesc().getFlags() & (1ULL << MCFlag);
Returning value, which participates in a condition later
772 // If this is the first instruction in a bundle, take the slow path.
773 return hasPropertyInBundle(1ULL << MCFlag, Type);
774 }
776 /// Return true if this is an instruction that should go through the usual
777 /// legalization steps.
778 bool isPreISelOpcode(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
779 return hasProperty(MCID::PreISelOpcode, Type);
780 }
782 /// Return true if this instruction can have a variable number of operands.
783 /// In this case, the variable operands will be after the normal
784 /// operands but before the implicit definitions and uses (if any are
785 /// present).
786 bool isVariadic(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
787 return hasProperty(MCID::Variadic, Type);
788 }
790 /// Set if this instruction has an optional definition, e.g.
791 /// ARM instructions which can set condition code if 's' bit is set.
792 bool hasOptionalDef(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
793 return hasProperty(MCID::HasOptionalDef, Type);
794 }
796 /// Return true if this is a pseudo instruction that doesn't
797 /// correspond to a real machine instruction.
798 bool isPseudo(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
799 return hasProperty(MCID::Pseudo, Type);
800 }
802 bool isReturn(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
803 return hasProperty(MCID::Return, Type);
804 }
806 /// Return true if this is an instruction that marks the end of an EH scope,
807 /// i.e., a catchpad or a cleanuppad instruction.
808 bool isEHScopeReturn(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
809 return hasProperty(MCID::EHScopeReturn, Type);
810 }
812 bool isCall(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
813 return hasProperty(MCID::Call, Type);
814 }
816 /// Return true if this is a call instruction that may have an associated
817 /// call site entry in the debug info.
818 bool isCandidateForCallSiteEntry(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const;
819 /// Return true if copying, moving, or erasing this instruction requires
820 /// updating Call Site Info (see \ref copyCallSiteInfo, \ref moveCallSiteInfo,
821 /// \ref eraseCallSiteInfo).
822 bool shouldUpdateCallSiteInfo() const;
824 /// Returns true if the specified instruction stops control flow
825 /// from executing the instruction immediately following it. Examples include
826 /// unconditional branches and return instructions.
827 bool isBarrier(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
828 return hasProperty(MCID::Barrier, Type);
829 }
831 /// Returns true if this instruction part of the terminator for a basic block.
832 /// Typically this is things like return and branch instructions.
833 ///
834 /// Various passes use this to insert code into the bottom of a basic block,
835 /// but before control flow occurs.
836 bool isTerminator(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
837 return hasProperty(MCID::Terminator, Type);
838 }
840 /// Returns true if this is a conditional, unconditional, or indirect branch.
841 /// Predicates below can be used to discriminate between
842 /// these cases, and the TargetInstrInfo::analyzeBranch method can be used to
843 /// get more information.
844 bool isBranch(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
845 return hasProperty(MCID::Branch, Type);
Calling 'MachineInstr::hasProperty'
Returning from 'MachineInstr::hasProperty'
Returning value, which participates in a condition later
846 }
848 /// Return true if this is an indirect branch, such as a
849 /// branch through a register.
850 bool isIndirectBranch(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
851 return hasProperty(MCID::IndirectBranch, Type);
852 }
854 /// Return true if this is a branch which may fall
855 /// through to the next instruction or may transfer control flow to some other
856 /// block. The TargetInstrInfo::analyzeBranch method can be used to get more
857 /// information about this branch.
858 bool isConditionalBranch(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
859 return isBranch(Type) && !isBarrier(Type) && !isIndirectBranch(Type);
860 }
862 /// Return true if this is a branch which always
863 /// transfers control flow to some other block. The
864 /// TargetInstrInfo::analyzeBranch method can be used to get more information
865 /// about this branch.
866 bool isUnconditionalBranch(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
867 return isBranch(Type) && isBarrier(Type) && !isIndirectBranch(Type);
868 }
870 /// Return true if this instruction has a predicate operand that
871 /// controls execution. It may be set to 'always', or may be set to other
872 /// values. There are various methods in TargetInstrInfo that can be used to
873 /// control and modify the predicate in this instruction.
874 bool isPredicable(QueryType Type = AllInBundle) const {
875 // If it's a bundle than all bundled instructions must be predicable for this
876 // to return true.
877 return hasProperty(MCID::Predicable, Type);
878 }
880 /// Return true if this instruction is a comparison.
881 bool isCompare(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
882 return hasProperty(MCID::Compare, Type);
883 }
885 /// Return true if this instruction is a move immediate
886 /// (including conditional moves) instruction.
887 bool isMoveImmediate(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
888 return hasProperty(MCID::MoveImm, Type);
889 }
891 /// Return true if this instruction is a register move.
892 /// (including moving values from subreg to reg)
893 bool isMoveReg(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
894 return hasProperty(MCID::MoveReg, Type);
895 }
897 /// Return true if this instruction is a bitcast instruction.
898 bool isBitcast(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
899 return hasProperty(MCID::Bitcast, Type);
900 }
902 /// Return true if this instruction is a select instruction.
903 bool isSelect(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
904 return hasProperty(MCID::Select, Type);
905 }
907 /// Return true if this instruction cannot be safely duplicated.
908 /// For example, if the instruction has a unique labels attached
909 /// to it, duplicating it would cause multiple definition errors.
910 bool isNotDuplicable(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
911 return hasProperty(MCID::NotDuplicable, Type);
912 }
914 /// Return true if this instruction is convergent.
915 /// Convergent instructions can not be made control-dependent on any
916 /// additional values.
917 bool isConvergent(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
918 if (isInlineAsm()) {
919 unsigned ExtraInfo = getOperand(InlineAsm::MIOp_ExtraInfo).getImm();
920 if (ExtraInfo & InlineAsm::Extra_IsConvergent)
921 return true;
922 }
923 return hasProperty(MCID::Convergent, Type);
924 }
926 /// Returns true if the specified instruction has a delay slot
927 /// which must be filled by the code generator.
928 bool hasDelaySlot(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
929 return hasProperty(MCID::DelaySlot, Type);
930 }
932 /// Return true for instructions that can be folded as
933 /// memory operands in other instructions. The most common use for this
934 /// is instructions that are simple loads from memory that don't modify
935 /// the loaded value in any way, but it can also be used for instructions
936 /// that can be expressed as constant-pool loads, such as V_SETALLONES
937 /// on x86, to allow them to be folded when it is beneficial.
938 /// This should only be set on instructions that return a value in their
939 /// only virtual register definition.
940 bool canFoldAsLoad(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
941 return hasProperty(MCID::FoldableAsLoad, Type);
942 }
944 /// Return true if this instruction behaves
945 /// the same way as the generic REG_SEQUENCE instructions.
946 /// E.g., on ARM,
947 /// dX VMOVDRR rY, rZ
948 /// is equivalent to
949 /// dX = REG_SEQUENCE rY, ssub_0, rZ, ssub_1.
950 ///
951 /// Note that for the optimizers to be able to take advantage of
952 /// this property, TargetInstrInfo::getRegSequenceLikeInputs has to be
953 /// override accordingly.
954 bool isRegSequenceLike(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
955 return hasProperty(MCID::RegSequence, Type);
956 }
958 /// Return true if this instruction behaves
959 /// the same way as the generic EXTRACT_SUBREG instructions.
960 /// E.g., on ARM,
961 /// rX, rY VMOVRRD dZ
962 /// is equivalent to two EXTRACT_SUBREG:
963 /// rX = EXTRACT_SUBREG dZ, ssub_0
964 /// rY = EXTRACT_SUBREG dZ, ssub_1
965 ///
966 /// Note that for the optimizers to be able to take advantage of
967 /// this property, TargetInstrInfo::getExtractSubregLikeInputs has to be
968 /// override accordingly.
969 bool isExtractSubregLike(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
970 return hasProperty(MCID::ExtractSubreg, Type);
971 }
973 /// Return true if this instruction behaves
974 /// the same way as the generic INSERT_SUBREG instructions.
975 /// E.g., on ARM,
976 /// dX = VSETLNi32 dY, rZ, Imm
977 /// is equivalent to a INSERT_SUBREG:
978 /// dX = INSERT_SUBREG dY, rZ, translateImmToSubIdx(Imm)
979 ///
980 /// Note that for the optimizers to be able to take advantage of
981 /// this property, TargetInstrInfo::getInsertSubregLikeInputs has to be
982 /// override accordingly.
983 bool isInsertSubregLike(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
984 return hasProperty(MCID::InsertSubreg, Type);
985 }
987 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
988 // Side Effect Analysis
989 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
991 /// Return true if this instruction could possibly read memory.
992 /// Instructions with this flag set are not necessarily simple load
993 /// instructions, they may load a value and modify it, for example.
994 bool mayLoad(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
995 if (isInlineAsm()) {
996 unsigned ExtraInfo = getOperand(InlineAsm::MIOp_ExtraInfo).getImm();
997 if (ExtraInfo & InlineAsm::Extra_MayLoad)
998 return true;
999 }
1000 return hasProperty(MCID::MayLoad, Type);
1001 }
1003 /// Return true if this instruction could possibly modify memory.
1004 /// Instructions with this flag set are not necessarily simple store
1005 /// instructions, they may store a modified value based on their operands, or
1006 /// may not actually modify anything, for example.
1007 bool mayStore(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
1008 if (isInlineAsm()) {
1009 unsigned ExtraInfo = getOperand(InlineAsm::MIOp_ExtraInfo).getImm();
1010 if (ExtraInfo & InlineAsm::Extra_MayStore)
1011 return true;
1012 }
1013 return hasProperty(MCID::MayStore, Type);
1014 }
1016 /// Return true if this instruction could possibly read or modify memory.
1017 bool mayLoadOrStore(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
1018 return mayLoad(Type) || mayStore(Type);
1019 }
1021 /// Return true if this instruction could possibly raise a floating-point
1022 /// exception. This is the case if the instruction is a floating-point
1023 /// instruction that can in principle raise an exception, as indicated
1024 /// by the MCID::MayRaiseFPException property, *and* at the same time,
1025 /// the instruction is used in a context where we expect floating-point
1026 /// exceptions are not disabled, as indicated by the NoFPExcept MI flag.
1027 bool mayRaiseFPException() const {
1028 return hasProperty(MCID::MayRaiseFPException) &&
1029 !getFlag(MachineInstr::MIFlag::NoFPExcept);
1030 }
1032 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1033 // Flags that indicate whether an instruction can be modified by a method.
1034 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1036 /// Return true if this may be a 2- or 3-address
1037 /// instruction (of the form "X = op Y, Z, ..."), which produces the same
1038 /// result if Y and Z are exchanged. If this flag is set, then the
1039 /// TargetInstrInfo::commuteInstruction method may be used to hack on the
1040 /// instruction.
1041 ///
1042 /// Note that this flag may be set on instructions that are only commutable
1043 /// sometimes. In these cases, the call to commuteInstruction will fail.
1044 /// Also note that some instructions require non-trivial modification to
1045 /// commute them.
1046 bool isCommutable(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
1047 return hasProperty(MCID::Commutable, Type);
1048 }
1050 /// Return true if this is a 2-address instruction
1051 /// which can be changed into a 3-address instruction if needed. Doing this
1052 /// transformation can be profitable in the register allocator, because it
1053 /// means that the instruction can use a 2-address form if possible, but
1054 /// degrade into a less efficient form if the source and dest register cannot
1055 /// be assigned to the same register. For example, this allows the x86
1056 /// backend to turn a "shl reg, 3" instruction into an LEA instruction, which
1057 /// is the same speed as the shift but has bigger code size.
1058 ///
1059 /// If this returns true, then the target must implement the
1060 /// TargetInstrInfo::convertToThreeAddress method for this instruction, which
1061 /// is allowed to fail if the transformation isn't valid for this specific
1062 /// instruction (e.g. shl reg, 4 on x86).
1063 ///
1064 bool isConvertibleTo3Addr(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
1065 return hasProperty(MCID::ConvertibleTo3Addr, Type);
1066 }
1068 /// Return true if this instruction requires
1069 /// custom insertion support when the DAG scheduler is inserting it into a
1070 /// machine basic block. If this is true for the instruction, it basically
1071 /// means that it is a pseudo instruction used at SelectionDAG time that is
1072 /// expanded out into magic code by the target when MachineInstrs are formed.
1073 ///
1074 /// If this is true, the TargetLoweringInfo::InsertAtEndOfBasicBlock method
1075 /// is used to insert this into the MachineBasicBlock.
1076 bool usesCustomInsertionHook(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
1077 return hasProperty(MCID::UsesCustomInserter, Type);
1078 }
1080 /// Return true if this instruction requires *adjustment*
1081 /// after instruction selection by calling a target hook. For example, this
1082 /// can be used to fill in ARM 's' optional operand depending on whether
1083 /// the conditional flag register is used.
1084 bool hasPostISelHook(QueryType Type = IgnoreBundle) const {
1085 return hasProperty(MCID::HasPostISelHook, Type);
1086 }
1088 /// Returns true if this instruction is a candidate for remat.
1089 /// This flag is deprecated, please don't use it anymore. If this
1090 /// flag is set, the isReallyTriviallyReMaterializable() method is called to
1091 /// verify the instruction is really rematable.
1092 bool isRematerializable(QueryType Type = AllInBundle) const {
1093 // It's only possible to re-mat a bundle if all bundled instructions are
1094 // re-materializable.
1095 return hasProperty(MCID::Rematerializable, Type);
1096 }
1098 /// Returns true if this instruction has the same cost (or less) than a move
1099 /// instruction. This is useful during certain types of optimizations
1100 /// (e.g., remat during two-address conversion or machine licm)
1101 /// where we would like to remat or hoist the instruction, but not if it costs
1102 /// more than moving the instruction into the appropriate register. Note, we
1103 /// are not marking copies from and to the same register class with this flag.
1104 bool isAsCheapAsAMove(QueryType Type = AllInBundle) const {
1105 // Only returns true for a bundle if all bundled instructions are cheap.
1106 return hasProperty(MCID::CheapAsAMove, Type);
1107 }
1109 /// Returns true if this instruction source operands
1110 /// have special register allocation requirements that are not captured by the
1111 /// operand register classes. e.g. ARM::STRD's two source registers must be an
1112 /// even / odd pair, ARM::STM registers have to be in ascending order.
1113 /// Post-register allocation passes should not attempt to change allocations
1114 /// for sources of instructions with this flag.
1115 bool hasExtraSrcRegAllocReq(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
1116 return hasProperty(MCID::ExtraSrcRegAllocReq, Type);
1117 }
1119 /// Returns true if this instruction def operands
1120 /// have special register allocation requirements that are not captured by the
1121 /// operand register classes. e.g. ARM::LDRD's two def registers must be an
1122 /// even / odd pair, ARM::LDM registers have to be in ascending order.
1123 /// Post-register allocation passes should not attempt to change allocations
1124 /// for definitions of instructions with this flag.
1125 bool hasExtraDefRegAllocReq(QueryType Type = AnyInBundle) const {
1126 return hasProperty(MCID::ExtraDefRegAllocReq, Type);
1127 }
1129 enum MICheckType {
1130 CheckDefs, // Check all operands for equality
1131 CheckKillDead, // Check all operands including kill / dead markers
1132 IgnoreDefs, // Ignore all definitions
1133 IgnoreVRegDefs // Ignore virtual register definitions
1134 };
1136 /// Return true if this instruction is identical to \p Other.
1137 /// Two instructions are identical if they have the same opcode and all their
1138 /// operands are identical (with respect to MachineOperand::isIdenticalTo()).
1139 /// Note that this means liveness related flags (dead, undef, kill) do not
1140 /// affect the notion of identical.
1141 bool isIdenticalTo(const MachineInstr &Other,
1142 MICheckType Check = CheckDefs) const;
1144 /// Unlink 'this' from the containing basic block, and return it without
1145 /// deleting it.
1146 ///
1147 /// This function can not be used on bundled instructions, use
1148 /// removeFromBundle() to remove individual instructions from a bundle.
1149 MachineInstr *removeFromParent();
1151 /// Unlink this instruction from its basic block and return it without
1152 /// deleting it.
1153 ///
1154 /// If the instruction is part of a bundle, the other instructions in the
1155 /// bundle remain bundled.
1156 MachineInstr *removeFromBundle();
1158 /// Unlink 'this' from the containing basic block and delete it.
1159 ///
1160 /// If this instruction is the header of a bundle, the whole bundle is erased.
1161 /// This function can not be used for instructions inside a bundle, use
1162 /// eraseFromBundle() to erase individual bundled instructions.
1163 void eraseFromParent();
1165 /// Unlink 'this' from the containing basic block and delete it.
1166 ///
1167 /// For all definitions mark their uses in DBG_VALUE nodes
1168 /// as undefined. Otherwise like eraseFromParent().
1169 void eraseFromParentAndMarkDBGValuesForRemoval();
1171 /// Unlink 'this' form its basic block and delete it.
1172 ///
1173 /// If the instruction is part of a bundle, the other instructions in the
1174 /// bundle remain bundled.
1175 void eraseFromBundle();
1177 bool isEHLabel() const { return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::EH_LABEL; }
1178 bool isGCLabel() const { return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::GC_LABEL; }
1179 bool isAnnotationLabel() const {
1180 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::ANNOTATION_LABEL;
1181 }
1183 /// Returns true if the MachineInstr represents a label.
1184 bool isLabel() const {
1185 return isEHLabel() || isGCLabel() || isAnnotationLabel();
1186 }
1188 bool isCFIInstruction() const {
1189 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION;
1190 }
1192 bool isPseudoProbe() const {
1193 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::PSEUDO_PROBE;
1194 }
1196 // True if the instruction represents a position in the function.
1197 bool isPosition() const { return isLabel() || isCFIInstruction(); }
1199 bool isNonListDebugValue() const {
1200 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE;
1201 }
1202 bool isDebugValueList() const {
1203 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE_LIST;
1204 }
1205 bool isDebugValue() const {
1206 return isNonListDebugValue() || isDebugValueList();
1207 }
1208 bool isDebugLabel() const { return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::DBG_LABEL; }
1209 bool isDebugRef() const { return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::DBG_INSTR_REF; }
1210 bool isDebugInstr() const {
1211 return isDebugValue() || isDebugLabel() || isDebugRef();
1212 }
1213 bool isDebugOrPseudoInstr() const {
1214 return isDebugInstr() || isPseudoProbe();
1215 }
1217 bool isDebugOffsetImm() const {
1218 return isNonListDebugValue() && getDebugOffset().isImm();
1219 }
1221 /// A DBG_VALUE is indirect iff the location operand is a register and
1222 /// the offset operand is an immediate.
1223 bool isIndirectDebugValue() const {
1224 return isDebugOffsetImm() && getDebugOperand(0).isReg();
1225 }
1227 /// A DBG_VALUE is an entry value iff its debug expression contains the
1228 /// DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value operation.
1229 bool isDebugEntryValue() const;
1231 /// Return true if the instruction is a debug value which describes a part of
1232 /// a variable as unavailable.
1233 bool isUndefDebugValue() const {
1234 if (!isDebugValue())
1235 return false;
1236 // If any $noreg locations are given, this DV is undef.
1237 for (const MachineOperand &Op : debug_operands())
1238 if (Op.isReg() && !Op.getReg().isValid())
1239 return true;
1240 return false;
1241 }
1243 bool isPHI() const {
1244 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::PHI ||
1245 getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_PHI;
1246 }
1247 bool isKill() const { return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::KILL; }
1248 bool isImplicitDef() const { return getOpcode()==TargetOpcode::IMPLICIT_DEF; }
1249 bool isInlineAsm() const {
1250 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::INLINEASM ||
1251 getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::INLINEASM_BR;
1252 }
1254 /// FIXME: Seems like a layering violation that the AsmDialect, which is X86
1255 /// specific, be attached to a generic MachineInstr.
1256 bool isMSInlineAsm() const {
1257 return isInlineAsm() && getInlineAsmDialect() == InlineAsm::AD_Intel;
1258 }
1260 bool isStackAligningInlineAsm() const;
1261 InlineAsm::AsmDialect getInlineAsmDialect() const;
1263 bool isInsertSubreg() const {
1264 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::INSERT_SUBREG;
1265 }
1267 bool isSubregToReg() const {
1268 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::SUBREG_TO_REG;
1269 }
1271 bool isRegSequence() const {
1272 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE;
1273 }
1275 bool isBundle() const {
1276 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::BUNDLE;
1277 }
1279 bool isCopy() const {
1280 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::COPY;
1281 }
1283 bool isFullCopy() const {
1284 return isCopy() && !getOperand(0).getSubReg() && !getOperand(1).getSubReg();
1285 }
1287 bool isExtractSubreg() const {
1288 return getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::EXTRACT_SUBREG;
1289 }
1291 /// Return true if the instruction behaves like a copy.
1292 /// This does not include native copy instructions.
1293 bool isCopyLike() const {
1294 return isCopy() || isSubregToReg();
1295 }
1297 /// Return true is the instruction is an identity copy.
1298 bool isIdentityCopy() const {
1299 return isCopy() && getOperand(0).getReg() == getOperand(1).getReg() &&
1300 getOperand(0).getSubReg() == getOperand(1).getSubReg();
1301 }
1303 /// Return true if this instruction doesn't produce any output in the form of
1304 /// executable instructions.
1305 bool isMetaInstruction() const {
1306 switch (getOpcode()) {
1307 default:
1308 return false;
1309 case TargetOpcode::IMPLICIT_DEF:
1310 case TargetOpcode::KILL:
1311 case TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION:
1312 case TargetOpcode::EH_LABEL:
1313 case TargetOpcode::GC_LABEL:
1314 case TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE:
1315 case TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE_LIST:
1316 case TargetOpcode::DBG_INSTR_REF:
1317 case TargetOpcode::DBG_LABEL:
1318 case TargetOpcode::LIFETIME_START:
1319 case TargetOpcode::LIFETIME_END:
1320 case TargetOpcode::PSEUDO_PROBE:
1321 return true;
1322 }
1323 }
1325 /// Return true if this is a transient instruction that is either very likely
1326 /// to be eliminated during register allocation (such as copy-like
1327 /// instructions), or if this instruction doesn't have an execution-time cost.
1328 bool isTransient() const {
1329 switch (getOpcode()) {
1330 default:
1331 return isMetaInstruction();
1332 // Copy-like instructions are usually eliminated during register allocation.
1333 case TargetOpcode::PHI:
1334 case TargetOpcode::G_PHI:
1335 case TargetOpcode::COPY:
1336 case TargetOpcode::INSERT_SUBREG:
1337 case TargetOpcode::SUBREG_TO_REG:
1338 case TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE:
1339 return true;
1340 }
1341 }
1343 /// Return the number of instructions inside the MI bundle, excluding the
1344 /// bundle header.
1345 ///
1346 /// This is the number of instructions that MachineBasicBlock::iterator
1347 /// skips, 0 for unbundled instructions.
1348 unsigned getBundleSize() const;
1350 /// Return true if the MachineInstr reads the specified register.
1351 /// If TargetRegisterInfo is passed, then it also checks if there
1352 /// is a read of a super-register.
1353 /// This does not count partial redefines of virtual registers as reads:
1354 /// %reg1024:6 = OP.
1355 bool readsRegister(Register Reg,
1356 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1357 return findRegisterUseOperandIdx(Reg, false, TRI) != -1;
1358 }
1360 /// Return true if the MachineInstr reads the specified virtual register.
1361 /// Take into account that a partial define is a
1362 /// read-modify-write operation.
1363 bool readsVirtualRegister(Register Reg) const {
1364 return readsWritesVirtualRegister(Reg).first;
1365 }
1367 /// Return a pair of bools (reads, writes) indicating if this instruction
1368 /// reads or writes Reg. This also considers partial defines.
1369 /// If Ops is not null, all operand indices for Reg are added.
1370 std::pair<bool,bool> readsWritesVirtualRegister(Register Reg,
1371 SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *Ops = nullptr) const;
1373 /// Return true if the MachineInstr kills the specified register.
1374 /// If TargetRegisterInfo is passed, then it also checks if there is
1375 /// a kill of a super-register.
1376 bool killsRegister(Register Reg,
1377 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1378 return findRegisterUseOperandIdx(Reg, true, TRI) != -1;
1379 }
1381 /// Return true if the MachineInstr fully defines the specified register.
1382 /// If TargetRegisterInfo is passed, then it also checks
1383 /// if there is a def of a super-register.
1384 /// NOTE: It's ignoring subreg indices on virtual registers.
1385 bool definesRegister(Register Reg,
1386 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1387 return findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Reg, false, false, TRI) != -1;
1388 }
1390 /// Return true if the MachineInstr modifies (fully define or partially
1391 /// define) the specified register.
1392 /// NOTE: It's ignoring subreg indices on virtual registers.
1393 bool modifiesRegister(Register Reg,
1394 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1395 return findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Reg, false, true, TRI) != -1;
1396 }
1398 /// Returns true if the register is dead in this machine instruction.
1399 /// If TargetRegisterInfo is passed, then it also checks
1400 /// if there is a dead def of a super-register.
1401 bool registerDefIsDead(Register Reg,
1402 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1403 return findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Reg, true, false, TRI) != -1;
1404 }
1406 /// Returns true if the MachineInstr has an implicit-use operand of exactly
1407 /// the given register (not considering sub/super-registers).
1408 bool hasRegisterImplicitUseOperand(Register Reg) const;
1410 /// Returns the operand index that is a use of the specific register or -1
1411 /// if it is not found. It further tightens the search criteria to a use
1412 /// that kills the register if isKill is true.
1413 int findRegisterUseOperandIdx(Register Reg, bool isKill = false,
1414 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const;
1416 /// Wrapper for findRegisterUseOperandIdx, it returns
1417 /// a pointer to the MachineOperand rather than an index.
1418 MachineOperand *findRegisterUseOperand(Register Reg, bool isKill = false,
1419 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) {
1420 int Idx = findRegisterUseOperandIdx(Reg, isKill, TRI);
1421 return (Idx == -1) ? nullptr : &getOperand(Idx);
1422 }
1424 const MachineOperand *findRegisterUseOperand(
1425 Register Reg, bool isKill = false,
1426 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1427 return const_cast<MachineInstr *>(this)->
1428 findRegisterUseOperand(Reg, isKill, TRI);
1429 }
1431 /// Returns the operand index that is a def of the specified register or
1432 /// -1 if it is not found. If isDead is true, defs that are not dead are
1433 /// skipped. If Overlap is true, then it also looks for defs that merely
1434 /// overlap the specified register. If TargetRegisterInfo is non-null,
1435 /// then it also checks if there is a def of a super-register.
1436 /// This may also return a register mask operand when Overlap is true.
1437 int findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Register Reg,
1438 bool isDead = false, bool Overlap = false,
1439 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const;
1441 /// Wrapper for findRegisterDefOperandIdx, it returns
1442 /// a pointer to the MachineOperand rather than an index.
1443 MachineOperand *
1444 findRegisterDefOperand(Register Reg, bool isDead = false,
1445 bool Overlap = false,
1446 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) {
1447 int Idx = findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Reg, isDead, Overlap, TRI);
1448 return (Idx == -1) ? nullptr : &getOperand(Idx);
1449 }
1451 const MachineOperand *
1452 findRegisterDefOperand(Register Reg, bool isDead = false,
1453 bool Overlap = false,
1454 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = nullptr) const {
1455 return const_cast<MachineInstr *>(this)->findRegisterDefOperand(
1456 Reg, isDead, Overlap, TRI);
1457 }
1459 /// Find the index of the first operand in the
1460 /// operand list that is used to represent the predicate. It returns -1 if
1461 /// none is found.
1462 int findFirstPredOperandIdx() const;
1464 /// Find the index of the flag word operand that
1465 /// corresponds to operand OpIdx on an inline asm instruction. Returns -1 if
1466 /// getOperand(OpIdx) does not belong to an inline asm operand group.
1467 ///
1468 /// If GroupNo is not NULL, it will receive the number of the operand group
1469 /// containing OpIdx.
1470 ///
1471 /// The flag operand is an immediate that can be decoded with methods like
1472 /// InlineAsm::hasRegClassConstraint().
1473 int findInlineAsmFlagIdx(unsigned OpIdx, unsigned *GroupNo = nullptr) const;
1475 /// Compute the static register class constraint for operand OpIdx.
1476 /// For normal instructions, this is derived from the MCInstrDesc.
1477 /// For inline assembly it is derived from the flag words.
1478 ///
1479 /// Returns NULL if the static register class constraint cannot be
1480 /// determined.
1481 const TargetRegisterClass*
1482 getRegClassConstraint(unsigned OpIdx,
1483 const TargetInstrInfo *TII,
1484 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const;
1486 /// Applies the constraints (def/use) implied by this MI on \p Reg to
1487 /// the given \p CurRC.
1488 /// If \p ExploreBundle is set and MI is part of a bundle, all the
1489 /// instructions inside the bundle will be taken into account. In other words,
1490 /// this method accumulates all the constraints of the operand of this MI and
1491 /// the related bundle if MI is a bundle or inside a bundle.
1492 ///
1493 /// Returns the register class that satisfies both \p CurRC and the
1494 /// constraints set by MI. Returns NULL if such a register class does not
1495 /// exist.
1496 ///
1497 /// \pre CurRC must not be NULL.
1498 const TargetRegisterClass *getRegClassConstraintEffectForVReg(
1499 Register Reg, const TargetRegisterClass *CurRC,
1500 const TargetInstrInfo *TII, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
1501 bool ExploreBundle = false) const;
1503 /// Applies the constraints (def/use) implied by the \p OpIdx operand
1504 /// to the given \p CurRC.
1505 ///
1506 /// Returns the register class that satisfies both \p CurRC and the
1507 /// constraints set by \p OpIdx MI. Returns NULL if such a register class
1508 /// does not exist.
1509 ///
1510 /// \pre CurRC must not be NULL.
1511 /// \pre The operand at \p OpIdx must be a register.
1512 const TargetRegisterClass *
1513 getRegClassConstraintEffect(unsigned OpIdx, const TargetRegisterClass *CurRC,
1514 const TargetInstrInfo *TII,
1515 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const;
1517 /// Add a tie between the register operands at DefIdx and UseIdx.
1518 /// The tie will cause the register allocator to ensure that the two
1519 /// operands are assigned the same physical register.
1520 ///
1521 /// Tied operands are managed automatically for explicit operands in the
1522 /// MCInstrDesc. This method is for exceptional cases like inline asm.
1523 void tieOperands(unsigned DefIdx, unsigned UseIdx);
1525 /// Given the index of a tied register operand, find the
1526 /// operand it is tied to. Defs are tied to uses and vice versa. Returns the
1527 /// index of the tied operand which must exist.
1528 unsigned findTiedOperandIdx(unsigned OpIdx) const;
1530 /// Given the index of a register def operand,
1531 /// check if the register def is tied to a source operand, due to either
1532 /// two-address elimination or inline assembly constraints. Returns the
1533 /// first tied use operand index by reference if UseOpIdx is not null.
1534 bool isRegTiedToUseOperand(unsigned DefOpIdx,
1535 unsigned *UseOpIdx = nullptr) const {
1536 const MachineOperand &MO = getOperand(DefOpIdx);
1537 if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isDef() || !MO.isTied())
1538 return false;
1539 if (UseOpIdx)
1540 *UseOpIdx = findTiedOperandIdx(DefOpIdx);
1541 return true;
1542 }
1544 /// Return true if the use operand of the specified index is tied to a def
1545 /// operand. It also returns the def operand index by reference if DefOpIdx
1546 /// is not null.
1547 bool isRegTiedToDefOperand(unsigned UseOpIdx,
1548 unsigned *DefOpIdx = nullptr) const {
1549 const MachineOperand &MO = getOperand(UseOpIdx);
1550 if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isUse() || !MO.isTied())
1551 return false;
1552 if (DefOpIdx)
1553 *DefOpIdx = findTiedOperandIdx(UseOpIdx);
1554 return true;
1555 }
1557 /// Clears kill flags on all operands.
1558 void clearKillInfo();
1560 /// Replace all occurrences of FromReg with ToReg:SubIdx,
1561 /// properly composing subreg indices where necessary.
1562 void substituteRegister(Register FromReg, Register ToReg, unsigned SubIdx,
1563 const TargetRegisterInfo &RegInfo);
1565 /// We have determined MI kills a register. Look for the
1566 /// operand that uses it and mark it as IsKill. If AddIfNotFound is true,
1567 /// add a implicit operand if it's not found. Returns true if the operand
1568 /// exists / is added.
1569 bool addRegisterKilled(Register IncomingReg,
1570 const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo,
1571 bool AddIfNotFound = false);
1573 /// Clear all kill flags affecting Reg. If RegInfo is provided, this includes
1574 /// all aliasing registers.
1575 void clearRegisterKills(Register Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo);
1577 /// We have determined MI defined a register without a use.
1578 /// Look for the operand that defines it and mark it as IsDead. If
1579 /// AddIfNotFound is true, add a implicit operand if it's not found. Returns
1580 /// true if the operand exists / is added.
1581 bool addRegisterDead(Register Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo,
1582 bool AddIfNotFound = false);
1584 /// Clear all dead flags on operands defining register @p Reg.
1585 void clearRegisterDeads(Register Reg);
1587 /// Mark all subregister defs of register @p Reg with the undef flag.
1588 /// This function is used when we determined to have a subregister def in an
1589 /// otherwise undefined super register.
1590 void setRegisterDefReadUndef(Register Reg, bool IsUndef = true);
1592 /// We have determined MI defines a register. Make sure there is an operand
1593 /// defining Reg.
1594 void addRegisterDefined(Register Reg,
1595 const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo = nullptr);
1597 /// Mark every physreg used by this instruction as
1598 /// dead except those in the UsedRegs list.
1599 ///
1600 /// On instructions with register mask operands, also add implicit-def
1601 /// operands for all registers in UsedRegs.
1602 void setPhysRegsDeadExcept(ArrayRef<Register> UsedRegs,
1603 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI);
1605 /// Return true if it is safe to move this instruction. If
1606 /// SawStore is set to true, it means that there is a store (or call) between
1607 /// the instruction's location and its intended destination.
1608 bool isSafeToMove(AAResults *AA, bool &SawStore) const;
1610 /// Returns true if this instruction's memory access aliases the memory
1611 /// access of Other.
1612 //
1613 /// Assumes any physical registers used to compute addresses
1614 /// have the same value for both instructions. Returns false if neither
1615 /// instruction writes to memory.
1616 ///
1617 /// @param AA Optional alias analysis, used to compare memory operands.
1618 /// @param Other MachineInstr to check aliasing against.
1619 /// @param UseTBAA Whether to pass TBAA information to alias analysis.
1620 bool mayAlias(AAResults *AA, const MachineInstr &Other, bool UseTBAA) const;
1622 /// Return true if this instruction may have an ordered
1623 /// or volatile memory reference, or if the information describing the memory
1624 /// reference is not available. Return false if it is known to have no
1625 /// ordered or volatile memory references.
1626 bool hasOrderedMemoryRef() const;
1628 /// Return true if this load instruction never traps and points to a memory
1629 /// location whose value doesn't change during the execution of this function.
1630 ///
1631 /// Examples include loading a value from the constant pool or from the
1632 /// argument area of a function (if it does not change). If the instruction
1633 /// does multiple loads, this returns true only if all of the loads are
1634 /// dereferenceable and invariant.
1635 bool isDereferenceableInvariantLoad(AAResults *AA) const;
1637 /// If the specified instruction is a PHI that always merges together the
1638 /// same virtual register, return the register, otherwise return 0.
1639 unsigned isConstantValuePHI() const;
1641 /// Return true if this instruction has side effects that are not modeled
1642 /// by mayLoad / mayStore, etc.
1643 /// For all instructions, the property is encoded in MCInstrDesc::Flags
1644 /// (see MCInstrDesc::hasUnmodeledSideEffects(). The only exception is
1645 /// INLINEASM instruction, in which case the side effect property is encoded
1646 /// in one of its operands (see InlineAsm::Extra_HasSideEffect).
1647 ///
1648 bool hasUnmodeledSideEffects() const;
1650 /// Returns true if it is illegal to fold a load across this instruction.
1651 bool isLoadFoldBarrier() const;
1653 /// Return true if all the defs of this instruction are dead.
1654 bool allDefsAreDead() const;
1656 /// Return a valid size if the instruction is a spill instruction.
1657 Optional<unsigned> getSpillSize(const TargetInstrInfo *TII) const;
1659 /// Return a valid size if the instruction is a folded spill instruction.
1660 Optional<unsigned> getFoldedSpillSize(const TargetInstrInfo *TII) const;
1662 /// Return a valid size if the instruction is a restore instruction.
1663 Optional<unsigned> getRestoreSize(const TargetInstrInfo *TII) const;
1665 /// Return a valid size if the instruction is a folded restore instruction.
1666 Optional<unsigned>
1667 getFoldedRestoreSize(const TargetInstrInfo *TII) const;
1669 /// Copy implicit register operands from specified
1670 /// instruction to this instruction.
1671 void copyImplicitOps(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineInstr &MI);
1673 /// Debugging support
1674 /// @{
1675 /// Determine the generic type to be printed (if needed) on uses and defs.
1676 LLT getTypeToPrint(unsigned OpIdx, SmallBitVector &PrintedTypes,
1677 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) const;
1679 /// Return true when an instruction has tied register that can't be determined
1680 /// by the instruction's descriptor. This is useful for MIR printing, to
1681 /// determine whether we need to print the ties or not.
1682 bool hasComplexRegisterTies() const;
1684 /// Print this MI to \p OS.
1685 /// Don't print information that can be inferred from other instructions if
1686 /// \p IsStandalone is false. It is usually true when only a fragment of the
1687 /// function is printed.
1688 /// Only print the defs and the opcode if \p SkipOpers is true.
1689 /// Otherwise, also print operands if \p SkipDebugLoc is true.
1690 /// Otherwise, also print the debug loc, with a terminating newline.
1691 /// \p TII is used to print the opcode name. If it's not present, but the
1692 /// MI is in a function, the opcode will be printed using the function's TII.
1693 void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool IsStandalone = true, bool SkipOpers = false,
1694 bool SkipDebugLoc = false, bool AddNewLine = true,
1695 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = nullptr) const;
1696 void print(raw_ostream &OS, ModuleSlotTracker &MST, bool IsStandalone = true,
1697 bool SkipOpers = false, bool SkipDebugLoc = false,
1698 bool AddNewLine = true,
1699 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = nullptr) const;
1700 void dump() const;
1701 /// Print on dbgs() the current instruction and the instructions defining its
1702 /// operands and so on until we reach \p MaxDepth.
1703 void dumpr(const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
1704 unsigned MaxDepth = UINT_MAX(2147483647 *2U +1U)) const;
1705 /// @}
1707 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1708 // Accessors used to build up machine instructions.
1710 /// Add the specified operand to the instruction. If it is an implicit
1711 /// operand, it is added to the end of the operand list. If it is an
1712 /// explicit operand it is added at the end of the explicit operand list
1713 /// (before the first implicit operand).
1714 ///
1715 /// MF must be the machine function that was used to allocate this
1716 /// instruction.
1717 ///
1718 /// MachineInstrBuilder provides a more convenient interface for creating
1719 /// instructions and adding operands.
1720 void addOperand(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineOperand &Op);
1722 /// Add an operand without providing an MF reference. This only works for
1723 /// instructions that are inserted in a basic block.
1724 ///
1725 /// MachineInstrBuilder and the two-argument addOperand(MF, MO) should be
1726 /// preferred.
1727 void addOperand(const MachineOperand &Op);
1729 /// Replace the instruction descriptor (thus opcode) of
1730 /// the current instruction with a new one.
1731 void setDesc(const MCInstrDesc &tid) { MCID = &tid; }
1733 /// Replace current source information with new such.
1734 /// Avoid using this, the constructor argument is preferable.
1735 void setDebugLoc(DebugLoc dl) {
1736 debugLoc = std::move(dl);
1737 assert(debugLoc.hasTrivialDestructor() && "Expected trivial destructor")(static_cast <bool> (debugLoc.hasTrivialDestructor() &&
"Expected trivial destructor") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("debugLoc.hasTrivialDestructor() && \"Expected trivial destructor\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 1737, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1738 }
1740 /// Erase an operand from an instruction, leaving it with one
1741 /// fewer operand than it started with.
1742 void RemoveOperand(unsigned OpNo);
1744 /// Clear this MachineInstr's memory reference descriptor list. This resets
1745 /// the memrefs to their most conservative state. This should be used only
1746 /// as a last resort since it greatly pessimizes our knowledge of the memory
1747 /// access performed by the instruction.
1748 void dropMemRefs(MachineFunction &MF);
1750 /// Assign this MachineInstr's memory reference descriptor list.
1751 ///
1752 /// Unlike other methods, this *will* allocate them into a new array
1753 /// associated with the provided `MachineFunction`.
1754 void setMemRefs(MachineFunction &MF, ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *> MemRefs);
1756 /// Add a MachineMemOperand to the machine instruction.
1757 /// This function should be used only occasionally. The setMemRefs function
1758 /// is the primary method for setting up a MachineInstr's MemRefs list.
1759 void addMemOperand(MachineFunction &MF, MachineMemOperand *MO);
1761 /// Clone another MachineInstr's memory reference descriptor list and replace
1762 /// ours with it.
1763 ///
1764 /// Note that `*this` may be the incoming MI!
1765 ///
1766 /// Prefer this API whenever possible as it can avoid allocations in common
1767 /// cases.
1768 void cloneMemRefs(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineInstr &MI);
1770 /// Clone the merge of multiple MachineInstrs' memory reference descriptors
1771 /// list and replace ours with it.
1772 ///
1773 /// Note that `*this` may be one of the incoming MIs!
1774 ///
1775 /// Prefer this API whenever possible as it can avoid allocations in common
1776 /// cases.
1777 void cloneMergedMemRefs(MachineFunction &MF,
1778 ArrayRef<const MachineInstr *> MIs);
1780 /// Set a symbol that will be emitted just prior to the instruction itself.
1781 ///
1782 /// Setting this to a null pointer will remove any such symbol.
1783 ///
1784 /// FIXME: This is not fully implemented yet.
1785 void setPreInstrSymbol(MachineFunction &MF, MCSymbol *Symbol);
1787 /// Set a symbol that will be emitted just after the instruction itself.
1788 ///
1789 /// Setting this to a null pointer will remove any such symbol.
1790 ///
1791 /// FIXME: This is not fully implemented yet.
1792 void setPostInstrSymbol(MachineFunction &MF, MCSymbol *Symbol);
1794 /// Clone another MachineInstr's pre- and post- instruction symbols and
1795 /// replace ours with it.
1796 void cloneInstrSymbols(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineInstr &MI);
1798 /// Set a marker on instructions that denotes where we should create and emit
1799 /// heap alloc site labels. This waits until after instruction selection and
1800 /// optimizations to create the label, so it should still work if the
1801 /// instruction is removed or duplicated.
1802 void setHeapAllocMarker(MachineFunction &MF, MDNode *MD);
1804 /// Return the MIFlags which represent both MachineInstrs. This
1805 /// should be used when merging two MachineInstrs into one. This routine does
1806 /// not modify the MIFlags of this MachineInstr.
1807 uint16_t mergeFlagsWith(const MachineInstr& Other) const;
1809 static uint16_t copyFlagsFromInstruction(const Instruction &I);
1811 /// Copy all flags to MachineInst MIFlags
1812 void copyIRFlags(const Instruction &I);
1814 /// Break any tie involving OpIdx.
1815 void untieRegOperand(unsigned OpIdx) {
1816 MachineOperand &MO = getOperand(OpIdx);
1817 if (MO.isReg() && MO.isTied()) {
1818 getOperand(findTiedOperandIdx(OpIdx)).TiedTo = 0;
1819 MO.TiedTo = 0;
1820 }
1821 }
1823 /// Add all implicit def and use operands to this instruction.
1824 void addImplicitDefUseOperands(MachineFunction &MF);
1826 /// Scan instructions immediately following MI and collect any matching
1827 /// DBG_VALUEs.
1828 void collectDebugValues(SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &DbgValues);
1830 /// Find all DBG_VALUEs that point to the register def in this instruction
1831 /// and point them to \p Reg instead.
1832 void changeDebugValuesDefReg(Register Reg);
1834 /// Returns the Intrinsic::ID for this instruction.
1835 /// \pre Must have an intrinsic ID operand.
1836 unsigned getIntrinsicID() const {
1837 return getOperand(getNumExplicitDefs()).getIntrinsicID();
1838 }
1840 /// Sets all register debug operands in this debug value instruction to be
1841 /// undef.
1842 void setDebugValueUndef() {
1843 assert(isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction.")(static_cast <bool> (isDebugValue() && "Must be a debug value instruction."
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isDebugValue() && \"Must be a debug value instruction.\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 1843, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1844 for (MachineOperand &MO : debug_operands()) {
1845 if (MO.isReg()) {
1846 MO.setReg(0);
1847 MO.setSubReg(0);
1848 }
1849 }
1850 }
1852 PseudoProbeAttributes getPseudoProbeAttribute() const {
1853 assert(isPseudoProbe() && "Must be a pseudo probe instruction")(static_cast <bool> (isPseudoProbe() && "Must be a pseudo probe instruction"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isPseudoProbe() && \"Must be a pseudo probe instruction\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 1853, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1854 return (PseudoProbeAttributes)getOperand(3).getImm();
1855 }
1857 void addPseudoProbeAttribute(PseudoProbeAttributes Attr) {
1858 assert(isPseudoProbe() && "Must be a pseudo probe instruction")(static_cast <bool> (isPseudoProbe() && "Must be a pseudo probe instruction"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("isPseudoProbe() && \"Must be a pseudo probe instruction\""
, "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-13~++20210506100649+6304c0836a4d/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
, 1858, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1859 MachineOperand &AttrOperand = getOperand(3);
1860 AttrOperand.setImm(AttrOperand.getImm() | (uint32_t)Attr);
1861 }
1864 /// If this instruction is embedded into a MachineFunction, return the
1865 /// MachineRegisterInfo object for the current function, otherwise
1866 /// return null.
1867 MachineRegisterInfo *getRegInfo();
1869 /// Unlink all of the register operands in this instruction from their
1870 /// respective use lists. This requires that the operands already be on their
1871 /// use lists.
1872 void RemoveRegOperandsFromUseLists(MachineRegisterInfo&);
1874 /// Add all of the register operands in this instruction from their
1875 /// respective use lists. This requires that the operands not be on their
1876 /// use lists yet.
1877 void AddRegOperandsToUseLists(MachineRegisterInfo&);
1879 /// Slow path for hasProperty when we're dealing with a bundle.
1880 bool hasPropertyInBundle(uint64_t Mask, QueryType Type) const;
1882 /// Implements the logic of getRegClassConstraintEffectForVReg for the
1883 /// this MI and the given operand index \p OpIdx.
1884 /// If the related operand does not constrained Reg, this returns CurRC.
1885 const TargetRegisterClass *getRegClassConstraintEffectForVRegImpl(
1886 unsigned OpIdx, Register Reg, const TargetRegisterClass *CurRC,
1887 const TargetInstrInfo *TII, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const;
1889 /// Stores extra instruction information inline or allocates as ExtraInfo
1890 /// based on the number of pointers.
1891 void setExtraInfo(MachineFunction &MF, ArrayRef<MachineMemOperand *> MMOs,
1892 MCSymbol *PreInstrSymbol, MCSymbol *PostInstrSymbol,
1893 MDNode *HeapAllocMarker);
1896/// Special DenseMapInfo traits to compare MachineInstr* by *value* of the
1897/// instruction rather than by pointer value.
1898/// The hashing and equality testing functions ignore definitions so this is
1899/// useful for CSE, etc.
1900struct MachineInstrExpressionTrait : DenseMapInfo<MachineInstr*> {
1901 static inline MachineInstr *getEmptyKey() {
1902 return nullptr;
1903 }
1905 static inline MachineInstr *getTombstoneKey() {
1906 return reinterpret_cast<MachineInstr*>(-1);
1907 }
1909 static unsigned getHashValue(const MachineInstr* const &MI);
1911 static bool isEqual(const MachineInstr* const &LHS,
1912 const MachineInstr* const &RHS) {
1913 if (RHS == getEmptyKey() || RHS == getTombstoneKey() ||
1914 LHS == getEmptyKey() || LHS == getTombstoneKey())
1915 return LHS == RHS;
1916 return LHS->isIdenticalTo(*RHS, MachineInstr::IgnoreVRegDefs);
1917 }
1921// Debugging Support
1923inline raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const MachineInstr &MI) {
1924 MI.print(OS);
1925 return OS;
1928} // end namespace llvm