Bug Summary

Warning:line 814, column 7
Value stored to 'lc' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mthread-model posix -fmath-errno -masm-verbose -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -fuse-init-array -target-cpu x86-64 -dwarf-column-info -debugger-tuning=gdb -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/clang/8.0.0 -D _DEBUG -D _GNU_SOURCE -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/build-llvm/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/build-llvm/tools/lld/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/build-llvm/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/include -I /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/. -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/c++/6.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/6.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/6.3.0 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.3.0/../../../../include/c++/6.3.0/backward -internal-isystem /usr/include/clang/8.0.0/include/ -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/clang/8.0.0/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O2 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-comment -std=c++11 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/build-llvm/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO -ferror-limit 19 -fmessage-length 0 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fobjc-runtime=gcc -fdiagnostics-show-option -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -o /tmp/scan-build-2018-10-27-211344-32123-1 -x c++ /build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp -faddrsig
1//===- lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp ---------===//
3// The LLVM Linker
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
11/// \file For mach-o object files, this implementation converts normalized
12/// mach-o in memory to mach-o binary on disk.
14/// +---------------+
15/// | binary mach-o |
16/// +---------------+
17/// ^
18/// |
19/// |
20/// +------------+
21/// | normalized |
22/// +------------+
24#include "MachONormalizedFile.h"
25#include "MachONormalizedFileBinaryUtils.h"
26#include "lld/Common/LLVM.h"
27#include "lld/Core/Error.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
33#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
34#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
35#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
37#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
38#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
39#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
40#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
41#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
42#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
43#include <functional>
44#include <list>
45#include <map>
46#include <system_error>
48using namespace llvm::MachO;
50namespace lld {
51namespace mach_o {
52namespace normalized {
54struct TrieNode; // Forward declaration.
56struct TrieEdge : public llvm::ilist_node<TrieEdge> {
57 TrieEdge(StringRef s, TrieNode *node) : _subString(s), _child(node) {}
59 StringRef _subString;
60 struct TrieNode *_child;
63} // namespace normalized
64} // namespace mach_o
65} // namespace lld
68namespace llvm {
69using lld::mach_o::normalized::TrieEdge;
70template <>
71struct ilist_alloc_traits<TrieEdge> : ilist_noalloc_traits<TrieEdge> {};
72} // namespace llvm
75namespace lld {
76namespace mach_o {
77namespace normalized {
79struct TrieNode {
80 typedef llvm::ilist<TrieEdge> TrieEdgeList;
82 TrieNode(StringRef s)
83 : _cummulativeString(s), _address(0), _flags(0), _other(0),
84 _trieOffset(0), _hasExportInfo(false) {}
85 ~TrieNode() = default;
87 void addSymbol(const Export &entry, BumpPtrAllocator &allocator,
88 std::vector<TrieNode *> &allNodes);
90 void addOrderedNodes(const Export &entry,
91 std::vector<TrieNode *> &allNodes);
92 bool updateOffset(uint32_t &offset);
93 void appendToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer &out);
96 StringRef _cummulativeString;
97 TrieEdgeList _children;
98 uint64_t _address;
99 uint64_t _flags;
100 uint64_t _other;
101 StringRef _importedName;
102 uint32_t _trieOffset;
103 bool _hasExportInfo;
104 bool _ordered = false;
107/// Utility class for writing a mach-o binary file given an in-memory
108/// normalized file.
109class MachOFileLayout {
111 /// All layout computation is done in the constructor.
112 MachOFileLayout(const NormalizedFile &file);
114 /// Returns the final file size as computed in the constructor.
115 size_t size() const;
117 // Returns size of the mach_header and load commands.
118 size_t headerAndLoadCommandsSize() const;
120 /// Writes the normalized file as a binary mach-o file to the specified
121 /// path. This does not have a stream interface because the generated
122 /// file may need the 'x' bit set.
123 llvm::Error writeBinary(StringRef path);
126 uint32_t loadCommandsSize(uint32_t &count);
127 void buildFileOffsets();
128 void writeMachHeader();
129 llvm::Error writeLoadCommands();
130 void writeSectionContent();
131 void writeRelocations();
132 void writeSymbolTable();
133 void writeRebaseInfo();
134 void writeBindingInfo();
135 void writeLazyBindingInfo();
136 void writeExportInfo();
137 void writeFunctionStartsInfo();
138 void writeDataInCodeInfo();
139 void writeLinkEditContent();
140 void buildLinkEditInfo();
141 void buildRebaseInfo();
142 void buildBindInfo();
143 void buildLazyBindInfo();
144 void buildExportTrie();
145 void computeFunctionStartsSize();
146 void computeDataInCodeSize();
147 void computeSymbolTableSizes();
148 void buildSectionRelocations();
149 void appendSymbols(const std::vector<Symbol> &symbols,
150 uint32_t &symOffset, uint32_t &strOffset);
151 uint32_t indirectSymbolIndex(const Section &sect, uint32_t &index);
152 uint32_t indirectSymbolElementSize(const Section &sect);
154 // For use as template parameter to load command methods.
155 struct MachO64Trait {
156 typedef llvm::MachO::segment_command_64 command;
157 typedef llvm::MachO::section_64 section;
158 enum { LC = llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64 };
159 };
161 // For use as template parameter to load command methods.
162 struct MachO32Trait {
163 typedef llvm::MachO::segment_command command;
164 typedef llvm::MachO::section section;
165 enum { LC = llvm::MachO::LC_SEGMENT };
166 };
168 template <typename T>
169 llvm::Error writeSingleSegmentLoadCommand(uint8_t *&lc);
170 template <typename T> llvm::Error writeSegmentLoadCommands(uint8_t *&lc);
172 uint32_t pointerAlign(uint32_t value);
173 static StringRef dyldPath();
175 struct SegExtraInfo {
176 uint32_t fileOffset;
177 uint32_t fileSize;
178 std::vector<const Section*> sections;
179 };
180 typedef std::map<const Segment*, SegExtraInfo> SegMap;
181 struct SectionExtraInfo {
182 uint32_t fileOffset;
183 };
184 typedef std::map<const Section*, SectionExtraInfo> SectionMap;
186 const NormalizedFile &_file;
187 std::error_code _ec;
188 uint8_t *_buffer;
189 const bool _is64;
190 const bool _swap;
191 const bool _bigEndianArch;
192 uint64_t _seg1addr;
193 uint32_t _startOfLoadCommands;
194 uint32_t _countOfLoadCommands;
195 uint32_t _endOfLoadCommands;
196 uint32_t _startOfRelocations;
197 uint32_t _startOfFunctionStarts;
198 uint32_t _startOfDataInCode;
199 uint32_t _startOfSymbols;
200 uint32_t _startOfIndirectSymbols;
201 uint32_t _startOfSymbolStrings;
202 uint32_t _endOfSymbolStrings;
203 uint32_t _symbolTableLocalsStartIndex;
204 uint32_t _symbolTableGlobalsStartIndex;
205 uint32_t _symbolTableUndefinesStartIndex;
206 uint32_t _symbolStringPoolSize;
207 uint32_t _symbolTableSize;
208 uint32_t _functionStartsSize;
209 uint32_t _dataInCodeSize;
210 uint32_t _indirectSymbolTableCount;
211 // Used in object file creation only
212 uint32_t _startOfSectionsContent;
213 uint32_t _endOfSectionsContent;
214 // Used in final linked image only
215 uint32_t _startOfLinkEdit;
216 uint32_t _startOfRebaseInfo;
217 uint32_t _endOfRebaseInfo;
218 uint32_t _startOfBindingInfo;
219 uint32_t _endOfBindingInfo;
220 uint32_t _startOfLazyBindingInfo;
221 uint32_t _endOfLazyBindingInfo;
222 uint32_t _startOfExportTrie;
223 uint32_t _endOfExportTrie;
224 uint32_t _endOfLinkEdit;
225 uint64_t _addressOfLinkEdit;
226 SegMap _segInfo;
227 SectionMap _sectInfo;
228 ByteBuffer _rebaseInfo;
229 ByteBuffer _bindingInfo;
230 ByteBuffer _lazyBindingInfo;
231 ByteBuffer _weakBindingInfo;
232 ByteBuffer _exportTrie;
235size_t headerAndLoadCommandsSize(const NormalizedFile &file) {
236 MachOFileLayout layout(file);
237 return layout.headerAndLoadCommandsSize();
240StringRef MachOFileLayout::dyldPath() {
241 return "/usr/lib/dyld";
244uint32_t MachOFileLayout::pointerAlign(uint32_t value) {
245 return llvm::alignTo(value, _is64 ? 8 : 4);
249size_t MachOFileLayout::headerAndLoadCommandsSize() const {
250 return _endOfLoadCommands;
253MachOFileLayout::MachOFileLayout(const NormalizedFile &file)
254 : _file(file),
255 _is64(MachOLinkingContext::is64Bit(file.arch)),
256 _swap(!MachOLinkingContext::isHostEndian(file.arch)),
257 _bigEndianArch(MachOLinkingContext::isBigEndian(file.arch)),
258 _seg1addr(INT64_MAX(9223372036854775807L)) {
259 _startOfLoadCommands = _is64 ? sizeof(mach_header_64) : sizeof(mach_header);
260 const size_t segCommandBaseSize =
261 (_is64 ? sizeof(segment_command_64) : sizeof(segment_command));
262 const size_t sectsSize = (_is64 ? sizeof(section_64) : sizeof(section));
263 if (file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
264 // object files have just one segment load command containing all sections
265 _endOfLoadCommands = _startOfLoadCommands
266 + segCommandBaseSize
267 + file.sections.size() * sectsSize
268 + sizeof(symtab_command);
269 _countOfLoadCommands = 2;
270 if (file.hasMinVersionLoadCommand) {
271 _endOfLoadCommands += sizeof(version_min_command);
272 _countOfLoadCommands++;
273 }
274 if (!_file.functionStarts.empty()) {
275 _endOfLoadCommands += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
276 _countOfLoadCommands++;
277 }
278 if (_file.generateDataInCodeLoadCommand) {
279 _endOfLoadCommands += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
280 _countOfLoadCommands++;
281 }
282 // Assign file offsets to each section.
283 _startOfSectionsContent = _endOfLoadCommands;
284 unsigned relocCount = 0;
285 uint64_t offset = _startOfSectionsContent;
286 for (const Section &sect : file.sections) {
287 if (isZeroFillSection(sect.type))
288 _sectInfo[&sect].fileOffset = 0;
289 else {
290 offset = llvm::alignTo(offset, sect.alignment);
291 _sectInfo[&sect].fileOffset = offset;
292 offset += sect.content.size();
293 }
294 relocCount += sect.relocations.size();
295 }
296 _endOfSectionsContent = offset;
298 computeSymbolTableSizes();
299 computeFunctionStartsSize();
300 computeDataInCodeSize();
302 // Align start of relocations.
303 _startOfRelocations = pointerAlign(_endOfSectionsContent);
304 _startOfFunctionStarts = _startOfRelocations + relocCount * 8;
305 _startOfDataInCode = _startOfFunctionStarts + _functionStartsSize;
306 _startOfSymbols = _startOfDataInCode + _dataInCodeSize;
307 // Add Indirect symbol table.
308 _startOfIndirectSymbols = _startOfSymbols + _symbolTableSize;
309 // Align start of symbol table and symbol strings.
310 _startOfSymbolStrings = _startOfIndirectSymbols
311 + pointerAlign(_indirectSymbolTableCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
312 _endOfSymbolStrings = _startOfSymbolStrings
313 + pointerAlign(_symbolStringPoolSize);
314 _endOfLinkEdit = _endOfSymbolStrings;
315 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("MachOFileLayout",do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
316 llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
317 << " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
318 << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
319 << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
320 << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
321 << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
322 << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
323 << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
324 << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
325 << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfRelocations=" << _startOfRelocations
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " startOfSectionsContent=" << _startOfSectionsContent
<< "\n" << " endOfSectionsContent=" << _endOfSectionsContent
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
326 } else {
327 // Final linked images have one load command per segment.
328 _endOfLoadCommands = _startOfLoadCommands
329 + loadCommandsSize(_countOfLoadCommands);
331 // Assign section file offsets.
332 buildFileOffsets();
333 buildLinkEditInfo();
335 // LINKEDIT of final linked images has in order:
336 // rebase info, binding info, lazy binding info, weak binding info,
337 // data-in-code, symbol table, indirect symbol table, symbol table strings.
338 _startOfRebaseInfo = _startOfLinkEdit;
339 _endOfRebaseInfo = _startOfRebaseInfo + _rebaseInfo.size();
340 _startOfBindingInfo = _endOfRebaseInfo;
341 _endOfBindingInfo = _startOfBindingInfo + _bindingInfo.size();
342 _startOfLazyBindingInfo = _endOfBindingInfo;
343 _endOfLazyBindingInfo = _startOfLazyBindingInfo + _lazyBindingInfo.size();
344 _startOfExportTrie = _endOfLazyBindingInfo;
345 _endOfExportTrie = _startOfExportTrie + _exportTrie.size();
346 _startOfFunctionStarts = _endOfExportTrie;
347 _startOfDataInCode = _startOfFunctionStarts + _functionStartsSize;
348 _startOfSymbols = _startOfDataInCode + _dataInCodeSize;
349 _startOfIndirectSymbols = _startOfSymbols + _symbolTableSize;
350 _startOfSymbolStrings = _startOfIndirectSymbols
351 + pointerAlign(_indirectSymbolTableCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
352 _endOfSymbolStrings = _startOfSymbolStrings
353 + pointerAlign(_symbolStringPoolSize);
354 _endOfLinkEdit = _endOfSymbolStrings;
355 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("MachOFileLayout",do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
356 llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
357 << " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
358 << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
359 << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
360 << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
361 << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
362 << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
363 << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
364 << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
365 << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
366 << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
367 << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
368 << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
369 << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
370 << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
371 << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
372 << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
373 << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings << "\n"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
374 << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "MachOFileLayout()\n"
<< " startOfLoadCommands=" << _startOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " countOfLoadCommands=" << _countOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " endOfLoadCommands=" << _endOfLoadCommands
<< "\n" << " startOfLinkEdit=" << _startOfLinkEdit
<< "\n" << " startOfRebaseInfo=" << _startOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfRebaseInfo=" << _endOfRebaseInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfBindingInfo=" << _startOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfBindingInfo=" << _endOfBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _startOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " endOfLazyBindingInfo=" << _endOfLazyBindingInfo
<< "\n" << " startOfExportTrie=" << _startOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " endOfExportTrie=" << _endOfExportTrie
<< "\n" << " startOfFunctionStarts=" << _startOfFunctionStarts
<< "\n" << " startOfDataInCode=" << _startOfDataInCode
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbols=" << _startOfSymbols
<< "\n" << " startOfSymbolStrings=" << _startOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " endOfSymbolStrings=" << _endOfSymbolStrings
<< "\n" << " addressOfLinkEdit=" << _addressOfLinkEdit
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
375 }
378uint32_t MachOFileLayout::loadCommandsSize(uint32_t &count) {
379 uint32_t size = 0;
380 count = 0;
382 const size_t segCommandSize =
383 (_is64 ? sizeof(segment_command_64) : sizeof(segment_command));
384 const size_t sectionSize = (_is64 ? sizeof(section_64) : sizeof(section));
386 // Add LC_SEGMENT for each segment.
387 size += _file.segments.size() * segCommandSize;
388 count += _file.segments.size();
389 // Add section record for each section.
390 size += _file.sections.size() * sectionSize;
392 // If creating a dylib, add LC_ID_DYLIB.
393 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_DYLIB) {
394 size += sizeof(dylib_command) + pointerAlign(_file.installName.size() + 1);
395 ++count;
396 }
398 // Add LC_DYLD_INFO
399 size += sizeof(dyld_info_command);
400 ++count;
402 // Add LC_SYMTAB
403 size += sizeof(symtab_command);
404 ++count;
406 // Add LC_DYSYMTAB
407 if (_file.fileType != llvm::MachO::MH_PRELOAD) {
408 size += sizeof(dysymtab_command);
409 ++count;
410 }
412 // If main executable add LC_LOAD_DYLINKER
413 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE) {
414 size += pointerAlign(sizeof(dylinker_command) + dyldPath().size()+1);
415 ++count;
416 }
420 if (_file.hasMinVersionLoadCommand) {
421 size += sizeof(version_min_command);
422 ++count;
423 }
426 size += sizeof(source_version_command);
427 ++count;
429 // If main executable add LC_MAIN
430 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE) {
431 size += sizeof(entry_point_command);
432 ++count;
433 }
435 // Add LC_LOAD_DYLIB for each dependent dylib.
436 for (const DependentDylib &dep : _file.dependentDylibs) {
437 size += sizeof(dylib_command) + pointerAlign(dep.path.size()+1);
438 ++count;
439 }
441 // Add LC_RPATH
442 for (const StringRef &path : _file.rpaths) {
443 size += pointerAlign(sizeof(rpath_command) + path.size() + 1);
444 ++count;
445 }
447 // Add LC_FUNCTION_STARTS if needed
448 if (!_file.functionStarts.empty()) {
449 size += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
450 ++count;
451 }
453 // Add LC_DATA_IN_CODE if requested. Note, we do encode zero length entries.
454 // FIXME: Zero length entries is only to match ld64. Should we change this?
455 if (_file.generateDataInCodeLoadCommand) {
456 size += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
457 ++count;
458 }
460 return size;
463static bool overlaps(const Segment &s1, const Segment &s2) {
464 if (s2.address >= s1.address+s1.size)
465 return false;
466 if (s1.address >= s2.address+s2.size)
467 return false;
468 return true;
471static bool overlaps(const Section &s1, const Section &s2) {
472 if (s2.address >= s1.address+s1.content.size())
473 return false;
474 if (s1.address >= s2.address+s2.content.size())
475 return false;
476 return true;
479void MachOFileLayout::buildFileOffsets() {
480 // Verify no segments overlap
481 for (const Segment &sg1 : _file.segments) {
482 for (const Segment &sg2 : _file.segments) {
483 if (&sg1 == &sg2)
484 continue;
485 if (overlaps(sg1,sg2)) {
486 _ec = make_error_code(llvm::errc::executable_format_error);
487 return;
488 }
489 }
490 }
492 // Verify no sections overlap
493 for (const Section &s1 : _file.sections) {
494 for (const Section &s2 : _file.sections) {
495 if (&s1 == &s2)
496 continue;
497 if (overlaps(s1,s2)) {
498 _ec = make_error_code(llvm::errc::executable_format_error);
499 return;
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 // Build side table of extra info about segments and sections.
505 SegExtraInfo t;
506 t.fileOffset = 0;
507 for (const Segment &sg : _file.segments) {
508 _segInfo[&sg] = t;
509 }
510 SectionExtraInfo t2;
511 t2.fileOffset = 0;
512 // Assign sections to segments.
513 for (const Section &s : _file.sections) {
514 _sectInfo[&s] = t2;
515 bool foundSegment = false;
516 for (const Segment &sg : _file.segments) {
517 if (sg.name.equals(s.segmentName)) {
518 if ((s.address >= sg.address)
519 && (s.address+s.content.size() <= sg.address+sg.size)) {
520 _segInfo[&sg].sections.push_back(&s);
521 foundSegment = true;
522 break;
523 }
524 }
525 }
526 if (!foundSegment) {
527 _ec = make_error_code(llvm::errc::executable_format_error);
528 return;
529 }
530 }
532 // Assign file offsets.
533 uint32_t fileOffset = 0;
534 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("MachOFileLayout",do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "buildFileOffsets()\n"
; } } while (false)
535 llvm::dbgs() << "buildFileOffsets()\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << "buildFileOffsets()\n"
; } } while (false)
536 for (const Segment &sg : _file.segments) {
537 _segInfo[&sg].fileOffset = fileOffset;
538 if ((_seg1addr == INT64_MAX(9223372036854775807L)) && sg.init_access)
539 _seg1addr = sg.address;
540 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("MachOFileLayout",do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " segment=" <<
sg.name << ", fileOffset=" << _segInfo[&sg].
fileOffset << "\n"; } } while (false)
541 llvm::dbgs() << " segment=" << sg.namedo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " segment=" <<
sg.name << ", fileOffset=" << _segInfo[&sg].
fileOffset << "\n"; } } while (false)
542 << ", fileOffset=" << _segInfo[&sg].fileOffset << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " segment=" <<
sg.name << ", fileOffset=" << _segInfo[&sg].
fileOffset << "\n"; } } while (false)
544 uint32_t segFileSize = 0;
545 // A segment that is not zero-fill must use a least one page of disk space.
546 if (sg.init_access)
547 segFileSize = _file.pageSize;
548 for (const Section *s : _segInfo[&sg].sections) {
549 uint32_t sectOffset = s->address - sg.address;
550 uint32_t sectFileSize =
551 isZeroFillSection(s->type) ? 0 : s->content.size();
552 segFileSize = std::max(segFileSize, sectOffset + sectFileSize);
554 _sectInfo[s].fileOffset = _segInfo[&sg].fileOffset + sectOffset;
555 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("MachOFileLayout",do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " section=" <<
s->sectionName << ", fileOffset=" << fileOffset
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
556 llvm::dbgs() << " section=" << s->sectionNamedo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " section=" <<
s->sectionName << ", fileOffset=" << fileOffset
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
557 << ", fileOffset=" << fileOffset << "\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("MachOFileLayout")) { llvm::dbgs() << " section=" <<
s->sectionName << ", fileOffset=" << fileOffset
<< "\n"; } } while (false)
558 }
560 // round up all segments to page aligned, except __LINKEDIT
561 if (!sg.name.equals("__LINKEDIT")) {
562 _segInfo[&sg].fileSize = llvm::alignTo(segFileSize, _file.pageSize);
563 fileOffset = llvm::alignTo(fileOffset + segFileSize, _file.pageSize);
564 }
565 _addressOfLinkEdit = sg.address + sg.size;
566 }
567 _startOfLinkEdit = fileOffset;
570size_t MachOFileLayout::size() const {
571 return _endOfSymbolStrings;
574void MachOFileLayout::writeMachHeader() {
575 auto cpusubtype = MachOLinkingContext::cpuSubtypeFromArch(_file.arch);
576 // dynamic x86 executables on newer OS version should also set the
577 // CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64 mask in the CPU subtype.
578 // FIXME: Check that this is a dynamic executable, not a static one.
579 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE &&
580 cpusubtype == CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL &&
581 _file.os == MachOLinkingContext::OS::macOSX) {
582 uint32_t version;
583 bool failed = MachOLinkingContext::parsePackedVersion("10.5", version);
584 if (!failed && _file.minOSverson >= version)
585 cpusubtype |= CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64;
586 }
588 mach_header *mh = reinterpret_cast<mach_header*>(_buffer);
589 mh->magic = _is64 ? llvm::MachO::MH_MAGIC_64 : llvm::MachO::MH_MAGIC;
590 mh->cputype = MachOLinkingContext::cpuTypeFromArch(_file.arch);
591 mh->cpusubtype = cpusubtype;
592 mh->filetype = _file.fileType;
593 mh->ncmds = _countOfLoadCommands;
594 mh->sizeofcmds = _endOfLoadCommands - _startOfLoadCommands;
595 mh->flags = _file.flags;
596 if (_swap)
597 swapStruct(*mh);
600uint32_t MachOFileLayout::indirectSymbolIndex(const Section &sect,
601 uint32_t &index) {
602 if (sect.indirectSymbols.empty())
603 return 0;
604 uint32_t result = index;
605 index += sect.indirectSymbols.size();
606 return result;
609uint32_t MachOFileLayout::indirectSymbolElementSize(const Section &sect) {
610 if (sect.indirectSymbols.empty())
611 return 0;
612 if (sect.type != S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
613 return 0;
614 return sect.content.size() / sect.indirectSymbols.size();
617template <typename T>
618llvm::Error MachOFileLayout::writeSingleSegmentLoadCommand(uint8_t *&lc) {
619 typename T::command* seg = reinterpret_cast<typename T::command*>(lc);
620 seg->cmd = T::LC;
621 seg->cmdsize = sizeof(typename T::command)
622 + _file.sections.size() * sizeof(typename T::section);
623 uint8_t *next = lc + seg->cmdsize;
624 memset(seg->segname, 0, 16);
625 seg->vmaddr = 0;
626 seg->vmsize = _file.sections.back().address
627 + _file.sections.back().content.size();
628 seg->fileoff = _endOfLoadCommands;
629 seg->filesize = _sectInfo[&_file.sections.back()].fileOffset +
630 _file.sections.back().content.size() -
631 _sectInfo[&_file.sections.front()].fileOffset;
634 seg->nsects = _file.sections.size();
635 seg->flags = 0;
636 if (_swap)
637 swapStruct(*seg);
638 typename T::section *sout = reinterpret_cast<typename T::section*>
639 (lc+sizeof(typename T::command));
640 uint32_t relOffset = _startOfRelocations;
641 uint32_t indirectSymRunningIndex = 0;
642 for (const Section &sin : _file.sections) {
643 setString16(sin.sectionName, sout->sectname);
644 setString16(sin.segmentName, sout->segname);
645 sout->addr = sin.address;
646 sout->size = sin.content.size();
647 sout->offset = _sectInfo[&sin].fileOffset;
648 sout->align = llvm::Log2_32(sin.alignment);
649 sout->reloff = sin.relocations.empty() ? 0 : relOffset;
650 sout->nreloc = sin.relocations.size();
651 sout->flags = sin.type | sin.attributes;
652 sout->reserved1 = indirectSymbolIndex(sin, indirectSymRunningIndex);
653 sout->reserved2 = indirectSymbolElementSize(sin);
654 relOffset += sin.relocations.size() * sizeof(any_relocation_info);
655 if (_swap)
656 swapStruct(*sout);
657 ++sout;
658 }
659 lc = next;
660 return llvm::Error::success();
663template <typename T>
664llvm::Error MachOFileLayout::writeSegmentLoadCommands(uint8_t *&lc) {
665 uint32_t indirectSymRunningIndex = 0;
666 for (const Segment &seg : _file.segments) {
667 // Link edit has no sections and a custom range of address, so handle it
668 // specially.
669 SegExtraInfo &segInfo = _segInfo[&seg];
670 if (seg.name.equals("__LINKEDIT")) {
671 size_t linkeditSize = _endOfLinkEdit - _startOfLinkEdit;
672 typename T::command* cmd = reinterpret_cast<typename T::command*>(lc);
673 cmd->cmd = T::LC;
674 cmd->cmdsize = sizeof(typename T::command);
675 uint8_t *next = lc + cmd->cmdsize;
676 setString16("__LINKEDIT", cmd->segname);
677 cmd->vmaddr = _addressOfLinkEdit;
678 cmd->vmsize = llvm::alignTo(linkeditSize, _file.pageSize);
679 cmd->fileoff = _startOfLinkEdit;
680 cmd->filesize = linkeditSize;
681 cmd->initprot = seg.init_access;
682 cmd->maxprot = seg.max_access;
683 cmd->nsects = 0;
684 cmd->flags = 0;
685 if (_swap)
686 swapStruct(*cmd);
687 lc = next;
688 continue;
689 }
690 // Write segment command with trailing sections.
691 typename T::command* cmd = reinterpret_cast<typename T::command*>(lc);
692 cmd->cmd = T::LC;
693 cmd->cmdsize = sizeof(typename T::command)
694 + segInfo.sections.size() * sizeof(typename T::section);
695 uint8_t *next = lc + cmd->cmdsize;
696 setString16(seg.name, cmd->segname);
697 cmd->vmaddr = seg.address;
698 cmd->vmsize = seg.size;
699 cmd->fileoff = segInfo.fileOffset;
700 cmd->filesize = segInfo.fileSize;
701 cmd->initprot = seg.init_access;
702 cmd->maxprot = seg.max_access;
703 cmd->nsects = segInfo.sections.size();
704 cmd->flags = 0;
705 if (_swap)
706 swapStruct(*cmd);
707 typename T::section *sect = reinterpret_cast<typename T::section*>
708 (lc+sizeof(typename T::command));
709 for (const Section *section : segInfo.sections) {
710 setString16(section->sectionName, sect->sectname);
711 setString16(section->segmentName, sect->segname);
712 sect->addr = section->address;
713 sect->size = section->content.size();
714 if (isZeroFillSection(section->type))
715 sect->offset = 0;
716 else
717 sect->offset = section->address - seg.address + segInfo.fileOffset;
718 sect->align = llvm::Log2_32(section->alignment);
719 sect->reloff = 0;
720 sect->nreloc = 0;
721 sect->flags = section->type | section->attributes;
722 sect->reserved1 = indirectSymbolIndex(*section, indirectSymRunningIndex);
723 sect->reserved2 = indirectSymbolElementSize(*section);
724 if (_swap)
725 swapStruct(*sect);
726 ++sect;
727 }
728 lc = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(next);
729 }
730 return llvm::Error::success();
733static void writeVersionMinLoadCommand(const NormalizedFile &_file,
734 bool _swap,
735 uint8_t *&lc) {
736 if (!_file.hasMinVersionLoadCommand)
737 return;
738 version_min_command *vm = reinterpret_cast<version_min_command*>(lc);
739 switch (_file.os) {
740 case MachOLinkingContext::OS::unknown:
741 vm->cmd = _file.minOSVersionKind;
742 vm->cmdsize = sizeof(version_min_command);
743 vm->version = _file.minOSverson;
744 vm->sdk = 0;
745 break;
746 case MachOLinkingContext::OS::macOSX:
747 vm->cmd = LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX;
748 vm->cmdsize = sizeof(version_min_command);
749 vm->version = _file.minOSverson;
750 vm->sdk = _file.sdkVersion;
751 break;
752 case MachOLinkingContext::OS::iOS:
753 case MachOLinkingContext::OS::iOS_simulator:
755 vm->cmdsize = sizeof(version_min_command);
756 vm->version = _file.minOSverson;
757 vm->sdk = _file.sdkVersion;
758 break;
759 }
760 if (_swap)
761 swapStruct(*vm);
762 lc += sizeof(version_min_command);
765llvm::Error MachOFileLayout::writeLoadCommands() {
766 uint8_t *lc = &_buffer[_startOfLoadCommands];
767 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
768 // Object files have one unnamed segment which holds all sections.
769 if (_is64) {
770 if (auto ec = writeSingleSegmentLoadCommand<MachO64Trait>(lc))
771 return ec;
772 } else {
773 if (auto ec = writeSingleSegmentLoadCommand<MachO32Trait>(lc))
774 return ec;
775 }
776 // Add LC_SYMTAB with symbol table info
777 symtab_command* st = reinterpret_cast<symtab_command*>(lc);
778 st->cmd = LC_SYMTAB;
779 st->cmdsize = sizeof(symtab_command);
780 st->symoff = _startOfSymbols;
781 st->nsyms = _file.stabsSymbols.size() + _file.localSymbols.size() +
782 _file.globalSymbols.size() + _file.undefinedSymbols.size();
783 st->stroff = _startOfSymbolStrings;
784 st->strsize = _endOfSymbolStrings - _startOfSymbolStrings;
785 if (_swap)
786 swapStruct(*st);
787 lc += sizeof(symtab_command);
791 writeVersionMinLoadCommand(_file, _swap, lc);
793 // Add LC_FUNCTION_STARTS if needed.
794 if (_functionStartsSize != 0) {
795 linkedit_data_command* dl = reinterpret_cast<linkedit_data_command*>(lc);
796 dl->cmd = LC_FUNCTION_STARTS;
797 dl->cmdsize = sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
798 dl->dataoff = _startOfFunctionStarts;
799 dl->datasize = _functionStartsSize;
800 if (_swap)
801 swapStruct(*dl);
802 lc += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
803 }
805 // Add LC_DATA_IN_CODE if requested.
806 if (_file.generateDataInCodeLoadCommand) {
807 linkedit_data_command* dl = reinterpret_cast<linkedit_data_command*>(lc);
808 dl->cmd = LC_DATA_IN_CODE;
809 dl->cmdsize = sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
810 dl->dataoff = _startOfDataInCode;
811 dl->datasize = _dataInCodeSize;
812 if (_swap)
813 swapStruct(*dl);
814 lc += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
Value stored to 'lc' is never read
815 }
816 } else {
817 // Final linked images have sections under segments.
818 if (_is64) {
819 if (auto ec = writeSegmentLoadCommands<MachO64Trait>(lc))
820 return ec;
821 } else {
822 if (auto ec = writeSegmentLoadCommands<MachO32Trait>(lc))
823 return ec;
824 }
826 // Add LC_ID_DYLIB command for dynamic libraries.
827 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_DYLIB) {
828 dylib_command *dc = reinterpret_cast<dylib_command*>(lc);
829 StringRef path = _file.installName;
830 uint32_t size = sizeof(dylib_command) + pointerAlign(path.size() + 1);
831 dc->cmd = LC_ID_DYLIB;
832 dc->cmdsize = size;
833 dc->dylib.name = sizeof(dylib_command); // offset
834 // needs to be some constant value different than the one in LC_LOAD_DYLIB
835 dc->dylib.timestamp = 1;
836 dc->dylib.current_version = _file.currentVersion;
837 dc->dylib.compatibility_version = _file.compatVersion;
838 if (_swap)
839 swapStruct(*dc);
840 memcpy(lc + sizeof(dylib_command), path.begin(), path.size());
841 lc[sizeof(dylib_command) + path.size()] = '\0';
842 lc += size;
843 }
846 dyld_info_command* di = reinterpret_cast<dyld_info_command*>(lc);
847 di->cmd = LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY;
848 di->cmdsize = sizeof(dyld_info_command);
849 di->rebase_off = _rebaseInfo.size() ? _startOfRebaseInfo : 0;
850 di->rebase_size = _rebaseInfo.size();
851 di->bind_off = _bindingInfo.size() ? _startOfBindingInfo : 0;
852 di->bind_size = _bindingInfo.size();
853 di->weak_bind_off = 0;
854 di->weak_bind_size = 0;
855 di->lazy_bind_off = _lazyBindingInfo.size() ? _startOfLazyBindingInfo : 0;
856 di->lazy_bind_size = _lazyBindingInfo.size();
857 di->export_off = _exportTrie.size() ? _startOfExportTrie : 0;
858 di->export_size = _exportTrie.size();
859 if (_swap)
860 swapStruct(*di);
861 lc += sizeof(dyld_info_command);
863 // Add LC_SYMTAB with symbol table info.
864 symtab_command* st = reinterpret_cast<symtab_command*>(lc);
865 st->cmd = LC_SYMTAB;
866 st->cmdsize = sizeof(symtab_command);
867 st->symoff = _startOfSymbols;
868 st->nsyms = _file.stabsSymbols.size() + _file.localSymbols.size() +
869 _file.globalSymbols.size() + _file.undefinedSymbols.size();
870 st->stroff = _startOfSymbolStrings;
871 st->strsize = _endOfSymbolStrings - _startOfSymbolStrings;
872 if (_swap)
873 swapStruct(*st);
874 lc += sizeof(symtab_command);
876 // Add LC_DYSYMTAB
877 if (_file.fileType != llvm::MachO::MH_PRELOAD) {
878 dysymtab_command* dst = reinterpret_cast<dysymtab_command*>(lc);
879 dst->cmd = LC_DYSYMTAB;
880 dst->cmdsize = sizeof(dysymtab_command);
881 dst->ilocalsym = _symbolTableLocalsStartIndex;
882 dst->nlocalsym = _file.stabsSymbols.size() +
883 _file.localSymbols.size();
884 dst->iextdefsym = _symbolTableGlobalsStartIndex;
885 dst->nextdefsym = _file.globalSymbols.size();
886 dst->iundefsym = _symbolTableUndefinesStartIndex;
887 dst->nundefsym = _file.undefinedSymbols.size();
888 dst->tocoff = 0;
889 dst->ntoc = 0;
890 dst->modtaboff = 0;
891 dst->nmodtab = 0;
892 dst->extrefsymoff = 0;
893 dst->nextrefsyms = 0;
894 dst->indirectsymoff = _startOfIndirectSymbols;
895 dst->nindirectsyms = _indirectSymbolTableCount;
896 dst->extreloff = 0;
897 dst->nextrel = 0;
898 dst->locreloff = 0;
899 dst->nlocrel = 0;
900 if (_swap)
901 swapStruct(*dst);
902 lc += sizeof(dysymtab_command);
903 }
905 // If main executable, add LC_LOAD_DYLINKER
906 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE) {
907 // Build LC_LOAD_DYLINKER load command.
908 uint32_t size=pointerAlign(sizeof(dylinker_command)+dyldPath().size()+1);
909 dylinker_command* dl = reinterpret_cast<dylinker_command*>(lc);
910 dl->cmd = LC_LOAD_DYLINKER;
911 dl->cmdsize = size;
912 dl->name = sizeof(dylinker_command); // offset
913 if (_swap)
914 swapStruct(*dl);
915 memcpy(lc+sizeof(dylinker_command), dyldPath().data(), dyldPath().size());
916 lc[sizeof(dylinker_command)+dyldPath().size()] = '\0';
917 lc += size;
918 }
922 writeVersionMinLoadCommand(_file, _swap, lc);
925 {
926 // Note, using a temporary here to appease UB as we may not be aligned
927 // enough for a struct containing a uint64_t when emitting a 32-bit binary
928 source_version_command sv;
929 sv.cmd = LC_SOURCE_VERSION;
930 sv.cmdsize = sizeof(source_version_command);
931 sv.version = _file.sourceVersion;
932 if (_swap)
933 swapStruct(sv);
934 memcpy(lc, &sv, sizeof(source_version_command));
935 lc += sizeof(source_version_command);
936 }
938 // If main executable, add LC_MAIN.
939 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE) {
940 // Build LC_MAIN load command.
941 // Note, using a temporary here to appease UB as we may not be aligned
942 // enough for a struct containing a uint64_t when emitting a 32-bit binary
943 entry_point_command ep;
944 ep.cmd = LC_MAIN;
945 ep.cmdsize = sizeof(entry_point_command);
946 ep.entryoff = _file.entryAddress - _seg1addr;
947 ep.stacksize = _file.stackSize;
948 if (_swap)
949 swapStruct(ep);
950 memcpy(lc, &ep, sizeof(entry_point_command));
951 lc += sizeof(entry_point_command);
952 }
954 // Add LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands
955 for (const DependentDylib &dep : _file.dependentDylibs) {
956 dylib_command* dc = reinterpret_cast<dylib_command*>(lc);
957 uint32_t size = sizeof(dylib_command) + pointerAlign(dep.path.size()+1);
958 dc->cmd = dep.kind;
959 dc->cmdsize = size;
960 dc->dylib.name = sizeof(dylib_command); // offset
961 // needs to be some constant value different than the one in LC_ID_DYLIB
962 dc->dylib.timestamp = 2;
963 dc->dylib.current_version = dep.currentVersion;
964 dc->dylib.compatibility_version = dep.compatVersion;
965 if (_swap)
966 swapStruct(*dc);
967 memcpy(lc+sizeof(dylib_command), dep.path.begin(), dep.path.size());
968 lc[sizeof(dylib_command)+dep.path.size()] = '\0';
969 lc += size;
970 }
972 // Add LC_RPATH
973 for (const StringRef &path : _file.rpaths) {
974 rpath_command *rpc = reinterpret_cast<rpath_command *>(lc);
975 uint32_t size = pointerAlign(sizeof(rpath_command) + path.size() + 1);
976 rpc->cmd = LC_RPATH;
977 rpc->cmdsize = size;
978 rpc->path = sizeof(rpath_command); // offset
979 if (_swap)
980 swapStruct(*rpc);
981 memcpy(lc+sizeof(rpath_command), path.begin(), path.size());
982 lc[sizeof(rpath_command)+path.size()] = '\0';
983 lc += size;
984 }
986 // Add LC_FUNCTION_STARTS if needed.
987 if (_functionStartsSize != 0) {
988 linkedit_data_command* dl = reinterpret_cast<linkedit_data_command*>(lc);
989 dl->cmd = LC_FUNCTION_STARTS;
990 dl->cmdsize = sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
991 dl->dataoff = _startOfFunctionStarts;
992 dl->datasize = _functionStartsSize;
993 if (_swap)
994 swapStruct(*dl);
995 lc += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
996 }
998 // Add LC_DATA_IN_CODE if requested.
999 if (_file.generateDataInCodeLoadCommand) {
1000 linkedit_data_command* dl = reinterpret_cast<linkedit_data_command*>(lc);
1001 dl->cmd = LC_DATA_IN_CODE;
1002 dl->cmdsize = sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
1003 dl->dataoff = _startOfDataInCode;
1004 dl->datasize = _dataInCodeSize;
1005 if (_swap)
1006 swapStruct(*dl);
1007 lc += sizeof(linkedit_data_command);
1008 }
1009 }
1010 return llvm::Error::success();
1013void MachOFileLayout::writeSectionContent() {
1014 for (const Section &s : _file.sections) {
1015 // Copy all section content to output buffer.
1016 if (isZeroFillSection(s.type))
1017 continue;
1018 if (s.content.empty())
1019 continue;
1020 uint32_t offset = _sectInfo[&s].fileOffset;
1021 uint8_t *p = &_buffer[offset];
1022 memcpy(p, &s.content[0], s.content.size());
1023 p += s.content.size();
1024 }
1027void MachOFileLayout::writeRelocations() {
1028 uint32_t relOffset = _startOfRelocations;
1029 for (Section sect : _file.sections) {
1030 for (Relocation r : sect.relocations) {
1031 any_relocation_info* rb = reinterpret_cast<any_relocation_info*>(
1032 &_buffer[relOffset]);
1033 *rb = packRelocation(r, _swap, _bigEndianArch);
1034 relOffset += sizeof(any_relocation_info);
1035 }
1036 }
1039void MachOFileLayout::appendSymbols(const std::vector<Symbol> &symbols,
1040 uint32_t &symOffset, uint32_t &strOffset) {
1041 for (const Symbol &sym : symbols) {
1042 if (_is64) {
1043 nlist_64* nb = reinterpret_cast<nlist_64*>(&_buffer[symOffset]);
1044 nb->n_strx = strOffset - _startOfSymbolStrings;
1045 nb->n_type = sym.type | sym.scope;
1046 nb->n_sect = sym.sect;
1047 nb->n_desc = sym.desc;
1048 nb->n_value = sym.value;
1049 if (_swap)
1050 swapStruct(*nb);
1051 symOffset += sizeof(nlist_64);
1052 } else {
1053 nlist* nb = reinterpret_cast<nlist*>(&_buffer[symOffset]);
1054 nb->n_strx = strOffset - _startOfSymbolStrings;
1055 nb->n_type = sym.type | sym.scope;
1056 nb->n_sect = sym.sect;
1057 nb->n_desc = sym.desc;
1058 nb->n_value = sym.value;
1059 if (_swap)
1060 swapStruct(*nb);
1061 symOffset += sizeof(nlist);
1062 }
1063 memcpy(&_buffer[strOffset], sym.name.begin(), sym.name.size());
1064 strOffset += sym.name.size();
1065 _buffer[strOffset++] ='\0'; // Strings in table have nul terminator.
1066 }
1069void MachOFileLayout::writeFunctionStartsInfo() {
1070 if (!_functionStartsSize)
1071 return;
1072 memcpy(&_buffer[_startOfFunctionStarts], _file.functionStarts.data(),
1073 _functionStartsSize);
1076void MachOFileLayout::writeDataInCodeInfo() {
1077 uint32_t offset = _startOfDataInCode;
1078 for (const DataInCode &entry : _file.dataInCode) {
1079 data_in_code_entry *dst = reinterpret_cast<data_in_code_entry*>(
1080 &_buffer[offset]);
1081 dst->offset = entry.offset;
1082 dst->length = entry.length;
1083 dst->kind = entry.kind;
1084 if (_swap)
1085 swapStruct(*dst);
1086 offset += sizeof(data_in_code_entry);
1087 }
1090void MachOFileLayout::writeSymbolTable() {
1091 // Write symbol table and symbol strings in parallel.
1092 uint32_t symOffset = _startOfSymbols;
1093 uint32_t strOffset = _startOfSymbolStrings;
1094 // Reserve n_strx offset of zero to mean no name.
1095 _buffer[strOffset++] = ' ';
1096 _buffer[strOffset++] = '\0';
1097 appendSymbols(_file.stabsSymbols, symOffset, strOffset);
1098 appendSymbols(_file.localSymbols, symOffset, strOffset);
1099 appendSymbols(_file.globalSymbols, symOffset, strOffset);
1100 appendSymbols(_file.undefinedSymbols, symOffset, strOffset);
1101 // Write indirect symbol table array.
1102 uint32_t *indirects = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>
1103 (&_buffer[_startOfIndirectSymbols]);
1104 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
1105 // Object files have sections in same order as input normalized file.
1106 for (const Section &section : _file.sections) {
1107 for (uint32_t index : section.indirectSymbols) {
1108 if (_swap)
1109 *indirects++ = llvm::sys::getSwappedBytes(index);
1110 else
1111 *indirects++ = index;
1112 }
1113 }
1114 } else {
1115 // Final linked images must sort sections from normalized file.
1116 for (const Segment &seg : _file.segments) {
1117 SegExtraInfo &segInfo = _segInfo[&seg];
1118 for (const Section *section : segInfo.sections) {
1119 for (uint32_t index : section->indirectSymbols) {
1120 if (_swap)
1121 *indirects++ = llvm::sys::getSwappedBytes(index);
1122 else
1123 *indirects++ = index;
1124 }
1125 }
1126 }
1127 }
1130void MachOFileLayout::writeRebaseInfo() {
1131 memcpy(&_buffer[_startOfRebaseInfo], _rebaseInfo.bytes(), _rebaseInfo.size());
1134void MachOFileLayout::writeBindingInfo() {
1135 memcpy(&_buffer[_startOfBindingInfo],
1136 _bindingInfo.bytes(), _bindingInfo.size());
1139void MachOFileLayout::writeLazyBindingInfo() {
1140 memcpy(&_buffer[_startOfLazyBindingInfo],
1141 _lazyBindingInfo.bytes(), _lazyBindingInfo.size());
1144void MachOFileLayout::writeExportInfo() {
1145 memcpy(&_buffer[_startOfExportTrie], _exportTrie.bytes(), _exportTrie.size());
1148void MachOFileLayout::buildLinkEditInfo() {
1149 buildRebaseInfo();
1150 buildBindInfo();
1151 buildLazyBindInfo();
1152 buildExportTrie();
1153 computeSymbolTableSizes();
1154 computeFunctionStartsSize();
1155 computeDataInCodeSize();
1158void MachOFileLayout::buildSectionRelocations() {
1162void MachOFileLayout::buildRebaseInfo() {
1163 // TODO: compress rebasing info.
1164 for (const RebaseLocation& entry : _file.rebasingInfo) {
1165 _rebaseInfo.append_byte(REBASE_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM | entry.kind);
1167 | entry.segIndex);
1168 _rebaseInfo.append_uleb128(entry.segOffset);
1169 _rebaseInfo.append_uleb128(REBASE_OPCODE_DO_REBASE_IMM_TIMES | 1);
1170 }
1171 _rebaseInfo.append_byte(REBASE_OPCODE_DONE);
1172 _rebaseInfo.align(_is64 ? 8 : 4);
1175void MachOFileLayout::buildBindInfo() {
1176 // TODO: compress bind info.
1177 uint64_t lastAddend = 0;
1178 int lastOrdinal = 0x80000000;
1179 StringRef lastSymbolName;
1180 BindType lastType = (BindType)0;
1181 Hex32 lastSegOffset = ~0U;
1182 uint8_t lastSegIndex = (uint8_t)~0U;
1183 for (const BindLocation& entry : _file.bindingInfo) {
1184 if (entry.ordinal != lastOrdinal) {
1185 if (entry.ordinal <= 0)
1186 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_SPECIAL_IMM |
1187 (entry.ordinal & BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
1188 else if (entry.ordinal <= BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK)
1189 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_IMM |
1190 entry.ordinal);
1191 else {
1192 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_ULEB);
1193 _bindingInfo.append_uleb128(entry.ordinal);
1194 }
1195 lastOrdinal = entry.ordinal;
1196 }
1198 if (lastSymbolName != entry.symbolName) {
1199 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM);
1200 _bindingInfo.append_string(entry.symbolName);
1201 lastSymbolName = entry.symbolName;
1202 }
1204 if (lastType != entry.kind) {
1205 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM | entry.kind);
1206 lastType = entry.kind;
1207 }
1209 if (lastSegIndex != entry.segIndex || lastSegOffset != entry.segOffset) {
1210 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB
1211 | entry.segIndex);
1212 _bindingInfo.append_uleb128(entry.segOffset);
1213 lastSegIndex = entry.segIndex;
1214 lastSegOffset = entry.segOffset;
1215 }
1216 if (entry.addend != lastAddend) {
1217 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_ADDEND_SLEB);
1218 _bindingInfo.append_sleb128(entry.addend);
1219 lastAddend = entry.addend;
1220 }
1221 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND);
1222 }
1223 _bindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_DONE);
1224 _bindingInfo.align(_is64 ? 8 : 4);
1227void MachOFileLayout::buildLazyBindInfo() {
1228 for (const BindLocation& entry : _file.lazyBindingInfo) {
1229 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB
1230 | entry.segIndex);
1231 _lazyBindingInfo.append_uleb128(entry.segOffset);
1232 if (entry.ordinal <= 0)
1233 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_SPECIAL_IMM |
1234 (entry.ordinal & BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK));
1235 else if (entry.ordinal <= BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK)
1236 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_IMM |
1237 entry.ordinal);
1238 else {
1239 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_ULEB);
1240 _lazyBindingInfo.append_uleb128(entry.ordinal);
1241 }
1242 // FIXME: We need to | the opcode here with flags.
1243 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM);
1244 _lazyBindingInfo.append_string(entry.symbolName);
1245 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND);
1246 _lazyBindingInfo.append_byte(BIND_OPCODE_DONE);
1247 }
1248 _lazyBindingInfo.align(_is64 ? 8 : 4);
1251void TrieNode::addSymbol(const Export& entry,
1252 BumpPtrAllocator &allocator,
1253 std::vector<TrieNode*> &allNodes) {
1254 StringRef partialStr = entry.name.drop_front(_cummulativeString.size());
1255 for (TrieEdge &edge : _children) {
1256 StringRef edgeStr = edge._subString;
1257 if (partialStr.startswith(edgeStr)) {
1258 // Already have matching edge, go down that path.
1259 edge._child->addSymbol(entry, allocator, allNodes);
1260 return;
1261 }
1262 // See if string has commmon prefix with existing edge.
1263 for (int n=edgeStr.size()-1; n > 0; --n) {
1264 if (partialStr.substr(0, n).equals(edgeStr.substr(0, n))) {
1265 // Splice in new node: was A -> C, now A -> B -> C
1266 StringRef bNodeStr = edge._child->_cummulativeString;
1267 bNodeStr = bNodeStr.drop_back(edgeStr.size()-n).copy(allocator);
1268 auto *bNode = new (allocator) TrieNode(bNodeStr);
1269 allNodes.push_back(bNode);
1270 TrieNode* cNode = edge._child;
1271 StringRef abEdgeStr = edgeStr.substr(0,n).copy(allocator);
1272 StringRef bcEdgeStr = edgeStr.substr(n).copy(allocator);
1273 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("trie-builder", llvm::dbgs()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "splice in TrieNode('"
<< bNodeStr << "') between edge '" << abEdgeStr
<< "' and edge='" << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n"; } }
while (false)
1274 << "splice in TrieNode('" << bNodeStrdo { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "splice in TrieNode('"
<< bNodeStr << "') between edge '" << abEdgeStr
<< "' and edge='" << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n"; } }
while (false)
1275 << "') between edge '"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "splice in TrieNode('"
<< bNodeStr << "') between edge '" << abEdgeStr
<< "' and edge='" << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n"; } }
while (false)
1276 << abEdgeStr << "' and edge='"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "splice in TrieNode('"
<< bNodeStr << "') between edge '" << abEdgeStr
<< "' and edge='" << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n"; } }
while (false)
1277 << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "splice in TrieNode('"
<< bNodeStr << "') between edge '" << abEdgeStr
<< "' and edge='" << bcEdgeStr<< "'\n"; } }
while (false)
1278 TrieEdge& abEdge = edge;
1279 abEdge._subString = abEdgeStr;
1280 abEdge._child = bNode;
1281 auto *bcEdge = new (allocator) TrieEdge(bcEdgeStr, cNode);
1282 bNode->_children.insert(bNode->_children.end(), bcEdge);
1283 bNode->addSymbol(entry, allocator, allNodes);
1284 return;
1285 }
1286 }
1287 }
1288 if (entry.flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT) {
1289 assert(entry.otherOffset != 0)((entry.otherOffset != 0) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("entry.otherOffset != 0", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1289, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1290 }
1292 assert(entry.otherOffset != 0)((entry.otherOffset != 0) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("entry.otherOffset != 0", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1292, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1293 }
1294 // No commonality with any existing child, make a new edge.
1295 auto *newNode = new (allocator) TrieNode(entry.name.copy(allocator));
1296 auto *newEdge = new (allocator) TrieEdge(partialStr, newNode);
1297 _children.insert(_children.end(), newEdge);
1298 DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("trie-builder", llvm::dbgs()do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "new TrieNode('" <<
entry.name << "') with edge '" << partialStr <<
"' from node='" << _cummulativeString << "'\n"; }
} while (false)
1299 << "new TrieNode('" << entry.name << "') with edge '"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "new TrieNode('" <<
entry.name << "') with edge '" << partialStr <<
"' from node='" << _cummulativeString << "'\n"; }
} while (false)
1300 << partialStr << "' from node='"do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "new TrieNode('" <<
entry.name << "') with edge '" << partialStr <<
"' from node='" << _cummulativeString << "'\n"; }
} while (false)
1301 << _cummulativeString << "'\n")do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("trie-builder")) { llvm::dbgs() << "new TrieNode('" <<
entry.name << "') with edge '" << partialStr <<
"' from node='" << _cummulativeString << "'\n"; }
} while (false)
1302 newNode->_address = entry.offset;
1303 newNode->_flags = entry.flags | entry.kind;
1304 newNode->_other = entry.otherOffset;
1305 if ((entry.flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT) && !entry.otherName.empty())
1306 newNode->_importedName = entry.otherName.copy(allocator);
1307 newNode->_hasExportInfo = true;
1308 allNodes.push_back(newNode);
1311void TrieNode::addOrderedNodes(const Export& entry,
1312 std::vector<TrieNode*> &orderedNodes) {
1313 if (!_ordered) {
1314 orderedNodes.push_back(this);
1315 _ordered = true;
1316 }
1318 StringRef partialStr = entry.name.drop_front(_cummulativeString.size());
1319 for (TrieEdge &edge : _children) {
1320 StringRef edgeStr = edge._subString;
1321 if (partialStr.startswith(edgeStr)) {
1322 // Already have matching edge, go down that path.
1323 edge._child->addOrderedNodes(entry, orderedNodes);
1324 return;
1325 }
1326 }
1329bool TrieNode::updateOffset(uint32_t& offset) {
1330 uint32_t nodeSize = 1; // Length when no export info
1331 if (_hasExportInfo) {
1333 nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags);
1334 nodeSize += llvm::getULEB128Size(_other); // Other contains ordinal.
1335 nodeSize += _importedName.size();
1336 ++nodeSize; // Trailing zero in imported name.
1337 } else {
1338 nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags) + llvm::getULEB128Size(_address);
1340 nodeSize += llvm::getULEB128Size(_other);
1341 }
1342 // Overall node size so far is uleb128 of export info + actual export info.
1343 nodeSize += llvm::getULEB128Size(nodeSize);
1344 }
1345 // Compute size of all child edges.
1346 ++nodeSize; // Byte for number of chidren.
1347 for (TrieEdge &edge : _children) {
1348 nodeSize += edge._subString.size() + 1 // String length.
1349 + llvm::getULEB128Size(edge._child->_trieOffset); // Offset len.
1350 }
1351 // On input, 'offset' is new prefered location for this node.
1352 bool result = (_trieOffset != offset);
1353 // Store new location in node object for use by parents.
1354 _trieOffset = offset;
1355 // Update offset for next iteration.
1356 offset += nodeSize;
1357 // Return true if _trieOffset was changed.
1358 return result;
1361void TrieNode::appendToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer &out) {
1362 if (_hasExportInfo) {
1364 if (!_importedName.empty()) {
1365 // nodes with re-export info: size, flags, ordinal, import-name
1366 uint32_t nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags)
1367 + llvm::getULEB128Size(_other)
1368 + _importedName.size() + 1;
1369 assert(nodeSize < 256)((nodeSize < 256) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("nodeSize < 256", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1369, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1370 out.append_byte(nodeSize);
1371 out.append_uleb128(_flags);
1372 out.append_uleb128(_other);
1373 out.append_string(_importedName);
1374 } else {
1375 // nodes without re-export info: size, flags, ordinal, empty-string
1376 uint32_t nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags)
1377 + llvm::getULEB128Size(_other) + 1;
1378 assert(nodeSize < 256)((nodeSize < 256) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("nodeSize < 256", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1378, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1379 out.append_byte(nodeSize);
1380 out.append_uleb128(_flags);
1381 out.append_uleb128(_other);
1382 out.append_byte(0);
1383 }
1384 } else if ( _flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER ) {
1385 // Nodes with export info: size, flags, address, other
1386 uint32_t nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags)
1387 + llvm::getULEB128Size(_address)
1388 + llvm::getULEB128Size(_other);
1389 assert(nodeSize < 256)((nodeSize < 256) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("nodeSize < 256", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1389, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1390 out.append_byte(nodeSize);
1391 out.append_uleb128(_flags);
1392 out.append_uleb128(_address);
1393 out.append_uleb128(_other);
1394 } else {
1395 // Nodes with export info: size, flags, address
1396 uint32_t nodeSize = llvm::getULEB128Size(_flags)
1397 + llvm::getULEB128Size(_address);
1398 assert(nodeSize < 256)((nodeSize < 256) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("nodeSize < 256", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1398, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1399 out.append_byte(nodeSize);
1400 out.append_uleb128(_flags);
1401 out.append_uleb128(_address);
1402 }
1403 } else {
1404 // Node with no export info.
1405 uint32_t nodeSize = 0;
1406 out.append_byte(nodeSize);
1407 }
1408 // Add number of children.
1409 assert(_children.size() < 256)((_children.size() < 256) ? static_cast<void> (0) : __assert_fail
("_children.size() < 256", "/build/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-8~svn345461/tools/lld/lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileBinaryWriter.cpp"
, 1409, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1410 out.append_byte(_children.size());
1411 // Append each child edge substring and node offset.
1412 for (TrieEdge &edge : _children) {
1413 out.append_string(edge._subString);
1414 out.append_uleb128(edge._child->_trieOffset);
1415 }
1418void MachOFileLayout::buildExportTrie() {
1419 if (_file.exportInfo.empty())
1420 return;
1422 // For all temporary strings and objects used building trie.
1423 BumpPtrAllocator allocator;
1425 // Build trie of all exported symbols.
1426 auto *rootNode = new (allocator) TrieNode(StringRef());
1427 std::vector<TrieNode*> allNodes;
1428 allNodes.reserve(_file.exportInfo.size()*2);
1429 allNodes.push_back(rootNode);
1430 for (const Export& entry : _file.exportInfo) {
1431 rootNode->addSymbol(entry, allocator, allNodes);
1432 }
1434 std::vector<TrieNode*> orderedNodes;
1435 orderedNodes.reserve(allNodes.size());
1437 for (const Export& entry : _file.exportInfo)
1438 rootNode->addOrderedNodes(entry, orderedNodes);
1440 // Assign each node in the vector an offset in the trie stream, iterating
1441 // until all uleb128 sizes have stabilized.
1442 bool more;
1443 do {
1444 uint32_t offset = 0;
1445 more = false;
1446 for (TrieNode* node : orderedNodes) {
1447 if (node->updateOffset(offset))
1448 more = true;
1449 }
1450 } while (more);
1452 // Serialize trie to ByteBuffer.
1453 for (TrieNode* node : orderedNodes) {
1454 node->appendToByteBuffer(_exportTrie);
1455 }
1456 _exportTrie.align(_is64 ? 8 : 4);
1459void MachOFileLayout::computeSymbolTableSizes() {
1460 // MachO symbol tables have three ranges: locals, globals, and undefines
1461 const size_t nlistSize = (_is64 ? sizeof(nlist_64) : sizeof(nlist));
1462 _symbolTableSize = nlistSize * (_file.stabsSymbols.size()
1463 + _file.localSymbols.size()
1464 + _file.globalSymbols.size()
1465 + _file.undefinedSymbols.size());
1466 // Always reserve 1-byte for the empty string and 1-byte for its terminator.
1467 _symbolStringPoolSize = 2;
1468 for (const Symbol &sym : _file.stabsSymbols) {
1469 _symbolStringPoolSize += (sym.name.size()+1);
1470 }
1471 for (const Symbol &sym : _file.localSymbols) {
1472 _symbolStringPoolSize += (sym.name.size()+1);
1473 }
1474 for (const Symbol &sym : _file.globalSymbols) {
1475 _symbolStringPoolSize += (sym.name.size()+1);
1476 }
1477 for (const Symbol &sym : _file.undefinedSymbols) {
1478 _symbolStringPoolSize += (sym.name.size()+1);
1479 }
1480 _symbolTableLocalsStartIndex = 0;
1481 _symbolTableGlobalsStartIndex = _file.stabsSymbols.size() +
1482 _file.localSymbols.size();
1483 _symbolTableUndefinesStartIndex = _symbolTableGlobalsStartIndex
1484 + _file.globalSymbols.size();
1486 _indirectSymbolTableCount = 0;
1487 for (const Section &sect : _file.sections) {
1488 _indirectSymbolTableCount += sect.indirectSymbols.size();
1489 }
1492void MachOFileLayout::computeFunctionStartsSize() {
1493 _functionStartsSize = _file.functionStarts.size();
1496void MachOFileLayout::computeDataInCodeSize() {
1497 _dataInCodeSize = _file.dataInCode.size() * sizeof(data_in_code_entry);
1500void MachOFileLayout::writeLinkEditContent() {
1501 if (_file.fileType == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
1502 writeRelocations();
1503 writeFunctionStartsInfo();
1504 writeDataInCodeInfo();
1505 writeSymbolTable();
1506 } else {
1507 writeRebaseInfo();
1508 writeBindingInfo();
1509 writeLazyBindingInfo();
1510 // TODO: add weak binding info
1511 writeExportInfo();
1512 writeFunctionStartsInfo();
1513 writeDataInCodeInfo();
1514 writeSymbolTable();
1515 }
1518llvm::Error MachOFileLayout::writeBinary(StringRef path) {
1519 // Check for pending error from constructor.
1520 if (_ec)
1521 return llvm::errorCodeToError(_ec);
1522 // Create FileOutputBuffer with calculated size.
1523 unsigned flags = 0;
1524 if (_file.fileType != llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT)
1525 flags = llvm::FileOutputBuffer::F_executable;
1526 Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileOutputBuffer>> fobOrErr =
1527 llvm::FileOutputBuffer::create(path, size(), flags);
1528 if (Error E = fobOrErr.takeError())
1529 return E;
1530 std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileOutputBuffer> &fob = *fobOrErr;
1531 // Write content.
1532 _buffer = fob->getBufferStart();
1533 writeMachHeader();
1534 if (auto ec = writeLoadCommands())
1535 return ec;
1536 writeSectionContent();
1537 writeLinkEditContent();
1538 if (Error E = fob->commit())
1539 return E;
1541 return llvm::Error::success();
1544/// Takes in-memory normalized view and writes a mach-o object file.
1545llvm::Error writeBinary(const NormalizedFile &file, StringRef path) {
1546 MachOFileLayout layout(file);
1547 return layout.writeBinary(path);
1550} // namespace normalized
1551} // namespace mach_o
1552} // namespace lld