Bug Summary

Warning:line 433, column 41
The left operand of '>=' is a garbage value

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name TileUsingInterface.cpp -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17 -I tools/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms -I /build/source/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms -I include -I /build/source/llvm/include -I /build/source/mlir/include -I tools/mlir/include -D MLIR_CUDA_CONVERSIONS_ENABLED=1 -D MLIR_ROCM_CONVERSIONS_ENABLED=1 -D _DEBUG -D _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -D _GNU_SOURCE -D _LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D NDEBUG -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/= -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/= -source-date-epoch 1677967784 -O2 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-class-memaccess -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-noexcept-type -Wno-comment -Wno-misleading-indentation -std=c++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins=build-llvm/tools/clang/stage2-bins -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/= -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2023-03-04-235500-16467-1 -x c++ /build/source/mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp
1//===- Tiling.cpp - Implementation of tiling using TilingInterface -------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the tiling using TilingInterface.
13#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.h"
15#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
16#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
17#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/Utils/Utils.h"
18#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
19#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Utils/Utils.h"
20#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
21#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/IndexingUtils.h"
22#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
23#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
24#include "mlir/Interfaces/DestinationStyleOpInterface.h"
25#include "mlir/Interfaces/TilingInterface.h"
26#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
27#include <optional>
29#define DEBUG_TYPE"tile-using-interface" "tile-using-interface"
31using namespace mlir;
33scf::SCFTilingOptions &
34scf::SCFTilingOptions::setTileSizes(ArrayRef<int64_t> ts) {
35 assert(!tileSizeComputationFunction && "tile sizes already set")(static_cast <bool> (!tileSizeComputationFunction &&
"tile sizes already set") ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!tileSizeComputationFunction && \"tile sizes already set\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 35
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
36 SmallVector<int64_t> tileSizes(ts.begin(), ts.end());
37 tileSizeComputationFunction = [tileSizes](OpBuilder &b, Operation *op) {
38 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
39 b.setInsertionPointToStart(
40 &op->getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>().getBody().front());
41 return llvm::to_vector<4>(map_range(tileSizes, [&](int64_t s) {
42 Value v = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op->getLoc(), s);
43 return v;
44 }));
45 };
46 return *this;
49/// Helper method to adjust the interchange vector to match the iteration
50/// domain.
51static SmallVector<int64_t>
52fillInterchangeVector(ArrayRef<int64_t> interchangeVector,
53 size_t iterationDomainSize) {
54 SmallVector<int64_t> filledVector = llvm::to_vector(interchangeVector);
55 if (filledVector.size() < iterationDomainSize) {
56 auto range = llvm::seq<int64_t>(filledVector.size(), iterationDomainSize);
57 filledVector.append(range.begin(), range.end());
58 }
59 if (filledVector.size() > iterationDomainSize)
60 filledVector.resize(iterationDomainSize);
61 return filledVector;
65// tileUsingSCFForOp implementation.
68// Check if `stride` evenly divides the trip count `size - offset`.
69static bool tileDividesIterationDomain(Range loopRange) {
70 std::optional<int64_t> offsetAsInt = getConstantIntValue(loopRange.offset);
71 if (!offsetAsInt)
72 return false;
73 std::optional<int64_t> sizeAsInt = getConstantIntValue(loopRange.size);
74 if (!sizeAsInt)
75 return false;
76 std::optional<int64_t> strideAsInt = getConstantIntValue(loopRange.stride);
77 if (!strideAsInt)
78 return false;
79 return ((sizeAsInt.value() - offsetAsInt.value()) % strideAsInt.value() == 0);
82/// Returns the bounded tile size given the current `iv`, `loopRange` and
83/// `tileSize`, i.e., `min(tileSize, range.end() - iv)`.
84static OpFoldResult getBoundedTileSize(OpBuilder &b, Location loc,
85 Range loopRange, Value iv,
86 Value tileSize) {
87 std::optional<int64_t> ts = getConstantIntValue(tileSize);
88 if (ts && ts.value() == 1)
89 return getAsOpFoldResult(tileSize);
91 if (tileDividesIterationDomain(
92 Range{loopRange.offset, loopRange.size, tileSize}))
93 return tileSize;
95 // The tile size to use (to avoid out of bounds access) is minimum of
96 // `tileSize` and `ub - iv`, where `iv` is the induction variable of the tiled
97 // loop.
98 AffineExpr s0, s1, d0;
99 bindDims(b.getContext(), d0);
100 bindSymbols(b.getContext(), s0, s1);
101 AffineMap minMap = AffineMap::get(1, 2, {s0, s1 - d0}, b.getContext());
102 Value size = getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(b, loc, loopRange.size);
103 return makeComposedFoldedAffineMin(
104 b, loc, minMap, SmallVector<OpFoldResult>{iv, tileSize, size});
107/// Generate an empty loop nest that represents the tiled loop nest shell.
108/// - `loopRanges` specifies the lb, ub and step of the untiled iteration space.
109/// - `tileSizeVals` is the tile sizes to use. Zero represent untiled loops.
110/// - In `offsets` and `sizes` return the multi-dimensional offset and size of
111/// the
112/// tile processed within the inner most loop.
113static SmallVector<scf::ForOp>
114generateTileLoopNest(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
115 ArrayRef<Range> loopRanges, ArrayRef<Value> tileSizeVals,
116 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> &offsets,
117 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> &sizes) {
118 assert(!loopRanges.empty() && "expected at least one loop range")(static_cast <bool> (!loopRanges.empty() && "expected at least one loop range"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("!loopRanges.empty() && \"expected at least one loop range\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 118
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
119 assert(loopRanges.size() == tileSizeVals.size() &&(static_cast <bool> (loopRanges.size() == tileSizeVals.
size() && "expected as many tile sizes as loop ranges"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("loopRanges.size() == tileSizeVals.size() && \"expected as many tile sizes as loop ranges\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 120
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
120 "expected as many tile sizes as loop ranges")(static_cast <bool> (loopRanges.size() == tileSizeVals.
size() && "expected as many tile sizes as loop ranges"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("loopRanges.size() == tileSizeVals.size() && \"expected as many tile sizes as loop ranges\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 120
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
121 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
122 SmallVector<scf::ForOp> loops;
123 offsets.resize(loopRanges.size());
124 sizes.resize(loopRanges.size());
126 for (auto loopRange : llvm::enumerate(loopRanges)) {
127 Value offset =
128 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(builder, loc, loopRange.value().offset);
129 Value size =
130 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(builder, loc, loopRange.value().size);
131 Value tileSize = tileSizeVals[loopRange.index()];
132 // No loops if tile size is zero. Set offset and size to the loop
133 // offset and size.
134 if (matchPattern(tileSize, m_Zero())) {
135 offsets[loopRange.index()] = offset;
136 sizes[loopRange.index()] = size;
137 continue;
138 }
140 auto loop = builder.create<scf::ForOp>(
141 loc, offset, size, tileSize, ValueRange{},
142 [&](OpBuilder &bodyBuilder, Location bodyLoc, Value iv,
143 ValueRange /*iterArgs*/) {
144 sizes[loopRange.index()] = getBoundedTileSize(
145 bodyBuilder, bodyLoc, loopRange.value(), iv, tileSize);
146 builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc);
147 });
148 offsets[loopRange.index()] = loop.getInductionVar();
149 loops.push_back(loop);
150 builder.setInsertionPoint(loop.getBody()->getTerminator());
151 }
152 return loops;
155/// For a value to be yielded (`yieldedValue`) from within a loop nest `loops`,
156/// construct the destructive update pattern that inserts the yielded
157/// value into a destination tensor provided by `initValue` at offset
158/// `tileOffsets` and size `tileSizes`. For example,
160/// ```mlir
161/// scf.for %iv0 = ... {
162/// %0 = tiled_op
163/// }
164/// ```
166/// is transformed to
168/// ```mlir
169/// scf.for %iv0 = ... iter_args(%arg = %0) {
170/// %1 = tensor.extract_slice %arg
171/// %2 = tiled_op
172/// %3 = tensor.insert_slice %2 into %arg
173/// scf.yield %3
174/// }
175/// ```
176/// TODO: This API can be cleaned up by using `SubsetExtractOpInterface`.
177static SmallVector<Value>
178yieldTiledValues(RewriterBase &rewriter, ValueRange initValues,
179 ValueRange yieldedValues,
180 ArrayRef<SmallVector<OpFoldResult>> tileOffsetsList,
181 ArrayRef<SmallVector<OpFoldResult>> tileSizesList,
182 MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
183 NewYieldValueFn yieldValueFn =
184 [&](OpBuilder &b, Location loc,
185 ArrayRef<BlockArgument> newBBArgs) -> SmallVector<Value> {
186 SmallVector<Value> inserts;
187 for (const auto &yieldedValue : llvm::enumerate(yieldedValues)) {
188 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tileOffsets =
189 tileOffsetsList[yieldedValue.index()];
190 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tileSizes = tileSizesList[yieldedValue.index()];
191 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> tileStrides(tileOffsets.size(),
192 b.getIndexAttr(1));
193 Value insert = b.create<tensor::InsertSliceOp>(
194 loc, yieldedValue.value(), newBBArgs[yieldedValue.index()],
195 tileOffsets, tileSizes, tileStrides);
196 inserts.push_back(insert);
197 }
198 return inserts;
199 };
201 SmallVector<scf::ForOp> newLoops =
202 replaceLoopNestWithNewYields(rewriter, loops, initValues, yieldValueFn,
203 /*replaceIterOperandsUsesInLoop =*/false);
204 for (const auto &loop : llvm::enumerate(loops)) {
205 rewriter.eraseOp(loop.value());
206 loops[loop.index()] = newLoops[loop.index()];
207 }
208 return llvm::to_vector(llvm::map_range(
209 loops.front().getResults().take_back(yieldedValues.size()),
210 [](OpResult r) -> Value { return r; }));
213/// If the tiled operation is destination passing style, update the
214/// slice of the destination used (which refers to the untiled destination)
215/// to use the corresponding region argument of the innermost loop.
217/// ```mlir
218/// %0 =
219/// scf.for %iv0 = ... iter_args(%arg = %0) {
220/// %1 = tensor.extract_slice %0
221/// %2 = tiled_op
222/// %3 = tensor.insert_slice %2 into %arg
223/// scf.yield %3
224/// }
225/// ```
227/// is transformed to
229/// ```mlir
230/// scf.for %iv0 = ... iter_args(%arg = %0) {
231/// %1 = tensor.extract_slice %arg
232/// %2 = tiled_op
233/// %3 = tensor.insert_slice %2 into %arg
234/// scf.yield %3
235/// }
236/// ```
237static void
238updateDestinationOperandsForTiledOp(OpBuilder &builder,
239 ValueRange tiledOpDestinationValues,
240 ValueRange bbArgsList) {
241 for (const auto &destValue : llvm::enumerate(tiledOpDestinationValues)) {
242 auto sliceOp = destValue.value().getDefiningOp<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>();
243 if (!sliceOp)
244 continue;
245 sliceOp.setOperand(0, bbArgsList[destValue.index()]);
246 }
249/// Helper method to yield the values of the tiled op, as well as
250/// update the destination operands of the tiled op, if it is
251/// a destination passing style op.
252static SmallVector<Value>
253yieldTiledValues(RewriterBase &rewriter, ArrayRef<Value> initValues,
254 Operation *tiledOp,
255 ArrayRef<SmallVector<OpFoldResult>> tileOffsetsList,
256 ArrayRef<SmallVector<OpFoldResult>> tileSizesList,
257 MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
258 SmallVector<Value> replacements =
259 yieldTiledValues(rewriter, initValues, tiledOp->getResults(),
260 tileOffsetsList, tileSizesList, loops);
261 if (auto dstOp = dyn_cast<DestinationStyleOpInterface>(tiledOp)) {
262 auto innerMostLoop = loops.back();
263 SmallVector<Value> tiledOpDestinationTensors = dstOp.getDpsInitOperands();
264 updateDestinationOperandsForTiledOp(rewriter, tiledOpDestinationTensors,
265 innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs());
266 }
267 return replacements;
270/// Implementation of tiling transformation of `op` that implements the
271/// `TilingInterface` using `scf.for` to iterate over the tiles.
273mlir::scf::tileUsingSCFForOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, TilingInterface op,
274 const scf::SCFTilingOptions &options) {
275 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
276 rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(op);
278 if (!options.tileSizeComputationFunction) {
279 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
280 op, "missing tile size computation function");
281 }
283 // 1. Get the range of the loops that are represented by the operation.
284 SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain = op.getIterationDomain(rewriter);
285 size_t numLoops = iterationDomain.size();
286 if (numLoops == 0) {
287 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
288 op, "unable to tile op with no iteration domain");
289 }
291 // 2. Materialize the tile sizes. Enforce the convention that "tiling by zero"
292 // skips tiling a particular dimension. This convention is significantly
293 // simpler to handle instead of adjusting affine maps to account for missing
294 // dimensions.
295 SmallVector<Value> tileSizeVector =
296 options.tileSizeComputationFunction(rewriter, op);
297 if (tileSizeVector.size() < iterationDomain.size()) {
298 auto zero = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), 0);
299 tileSizeVector.append(numLoops - tileSizeVector.size(), zero);
300 }
302 scf::SCFTilingResult tilingResult;
303 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsets, sizes;
304 {
305 // If there is an interchange specified, permute the iteration domain and
306 // the tile sizes.
307 SmallVector<int64_t> interchangeVector;
308 if (!options.interchangeVector.empty()) {
309 interchangeVector = fillInterchangeVector(options.interchangeVector,
310 iterationDomain.size());
311 }
312 if (!interchangeVector.empty()) {
313 if (!isPermutationVector(interchangeVector)) {
314 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
315 op, "invalid intechange vector, not a permutation of the entire "
316 "iteration space");
317 }
319 applyPermutationToVector(iterationDomain, interchangeVector);
320 applyPermutationToVector(tileSizeVector, interchangeVector);
321 }
323 // 3. Materialize an empty loop nest that iterates over the tiles. These
324 // loops for now do not return any values even if the original operation has
325 // results.
326 tilingResult.loops = generateTileLoopNest(
327 rewriter, op.getLoc(), iterationDomain, tileSizeVector, offsets, sizes);
329 if (!interchangeVector.empty()) {
330 auto inversePermutation = invertPermutationVector(interchangeVector);
331 applyPermutationToVector(offsets, inversePermutation);
332 applyPermutationToVector(sizes, inversePermutation);
333 }
334 }
336 LLVM_DEBUG({do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
337 if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()) {do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
338 llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
339 tilingResult.loops.front().dump();do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
340 llvm::dbgs() << "\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
341 }do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
342 })do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "LoopNest shell :\n"; tilingResult.
loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
344 // 4. Generate the tiled implementation within the inner most loop.
345 if (!tilingResult.loops.empty())
346 rewriter.setInsertionPoint(
347 tilingResult.loops.back().getBody()->getTerminator());
348 SmallVector<Operation *> tiledImplementation =
349 op.getTiledImplementation(rewriter, offsets, sizes);
350 tilingResult.tiledOps.append(tiledImplementation);
351 if (op->getNumResults() == 0) {
352 // nothing more to do.
353 return tilingResult;
354 }
356 // If loops are empty, the tiled op is used as the replacement for the untiled
357 // op.
358 if (tilingResult.loops.empty()) {
359 tilingResult.replacements = llvm::to_vector(
360 llvm::map_range(tiledImplementation[0]->getResults(),
361 [](OpResult result) -> Value { return result; }));
362 return tilingResult;
363 }
365 // 5. Yield all the results of the tiled operation. The surrounding loop
366 // nest is modified to insert a destructive update pattern to yield
367 // from the loop nest values to replace the untiled op with.
368 int64_t numResults = op->getNumResults();
369 SmallVector<SmallVector<OpFoldResult>> resultOffsetsList(numResults),
370 resultSizesList(numResults);
371 for (const auto &result : llvm::enumerate(op->getResults())) {
372 if (failed(op.getResultTilePosition(rewriter, result.index(), offsets,
373 sizes,
374 resultOffsetsList[result.index()],
375 resultSizesList[result.index()]))) {
376 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
377 op, "failed to get slice of result produced");
378 }
379 }
381 SmallVector<Value> destinationTensors;
382 if (failed(tensor::getOrCreateDestinations(rewriter, op.getLoc(), op,
383 destinationTensors)))
384 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "failed to get destinations");
386 tilingResult.replacements = yieldTiledValues(
387 rewriter, destinationTensors, tilingResult.tiledOps.back(),
388 resultOffsetsList, resultSizesList, tilingResult.loops);
390 LLVM_DEBUG({do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
391 if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()) {do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
392 llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
393 tilingResult.loops.front().dump();do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
394 llvm::dbgs() << "\n";do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
395 }do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
396 })do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("tile-using-interface")) { { if (!tilingResult.loops.empty()
) { llvm::dbgs() << "After tiled implementation :\n"; tilingResult
.loops.front().dump(); llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; } }; } } while
397 return tilingResult;
401mlir::scf::tileReductionUsingScf(PatternRewriter &b,
402 PartialReductionOpInterface op,
403 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tileSize) {
404 Location loc = op.getLoc();
405 // Ops implementing PartialReductionOpInterface are expected to implement
406 // TilingInterface.
407 auto tilingInterfaceOp = cast<TilingInterface>(op.getOperation());
408 SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain = tilingInterfaceOp.getIterationDomain(b);
409 SmallVector<Value> tileSizeVector =
410 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(b, loc, tileSize);
411 if (tileSizeVector.size() < iterationDomain.size()) {
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
412 auto zero = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0);
413 tileSizeVector.append(iterationDomain.size() - tileSizeVector.size(), zero);
414 }
415 if (op->getNumResults() != 1)
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
416 return b.notifyMatchFailure(
417 op, "don't support ops with multiple results for now");
418 SmallVector<utils::IteratorType> iterators =
419 tilingInterfaceOp.getLoopIteratorTypes();
420 int64_t numReductionDims = llvm::count(
421 tilingInterfaceOp.getLoopIteratorTypes(), utils::IteratorType::reduction);
422 if (numReductionDims != 1)
Assuming 'numReductionDims' is equal to 1
Taking false branch
423 return b.notifyMatchFailure(
424 op, "only support ops with one reduction dimension.");
425 int reductionDim;
'reductionDim' declared without an initial value
426 for (auto &[idx, iteratorType] :
427 llvm::enumerate(tilingInterfaceOp.getLoopIteratorTypes())) {
428 if (iteratorType == utils::IteratorType::reduction) {
429 reductionDim = idx;
430 break;
431 }
432 }
433 if (static_cast<size_t>(reductionDim) >= tileSize.size())
The left operand of '>=' is a garbage value
434 return b.notifyMatchFailure(op, "reduction dimension must be tiled");
436 // 1. create the inital tensor value.
437 FailureOr<Operation *> identityTensor =
438 op.generateInitialTensorForPartialReduction(b, loc, tileSize,
439 reductionDim);
440 if (failed(identityTensor))
441 return b.notifyMatchFailure(op,
442 "cannot create a tensor of identity value.");
443 // 2. Create the nested loops.
444 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsets, sizes;
445 SmallVector<scf::ForOp> loops = generateTileLoopNest(
446 b, loc, iterationDomain, tileSizeVector, offsets, sizes);
448 // 3. Generate the tiled implementation within the inner most loop.
449 b.setInsertionPoint(loops.back().getBody()->getTerminator());
450 Operation *parallelOp = op.tileToPartialReduction(
451 b, loc, (*identityTensor)->getResults(), offsets, sizes, reductionDim);
453 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultSizesList;
454 for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++)
455 resultSizesList.push_back(
456 b.createOrFold<tensor::DimOp>(loc, parallelOp->getResult(0), i));
457 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> outOffsets(offsets.size(), b.getIndexAttr(0));
458 SmallVector<Value> replacements = yieldTiledValues(
459 b, (*identityTensor)->getResults(), parallelOp->getResults(), outOffsets,
460 resultSizesList, loops);
462 auto dstOp = cast<DestinationStyleOpInterface>(parallelOp);
463 auto innerMostLoop = loops.back();
464 SmallVector<Value> destinationTensors = dstOp.getDpsInitOperands();
465 assert(destinationTensors.size() ==(static_cast <bool> (destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop
.getRegionIterArgs().size() && "unexpected number of outputs"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs().size() && \"unexpected number of outputs\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 467
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
466 innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs().size() &&(static_cast <bool> (destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop
.getRegionIterArgs().size() && "unexpected number of outputs"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs().size() && \"unexpected number of outputs\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 467
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
467 "unexpected number of outputs")(static_cast <bool> (destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop
.getRegionIterArgs().size() && "unexpected number of outputs"
) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("destinationTensors.size() == innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs().size() && \"unexpected number of outputs\""
, "mlir/lib/Dialect/SCF/Transforms/TileUsingInterface.cpp", 467
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
468 updateDestinationOperandsForTiledOp(b, destinationTensors,
469 innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs());
471 // 4. Apply the merge reduction to combine all the partial values.
472 b.setInsertionPointAfter(*loops.begin());
473 Operation *mergeOp = op.mergeReductions(b, loc, replacements, reductionDim);
474 b.replaceOp(op, mergeOp->getResults());
476 SCFReductionTilingResult results;
477 results.initialOp = *identityTensor;
478 results.loops = std::move(loops);
479 results.parallelTiledOp = parallelOp;
480 results.mergeOp = mergeOp;
481 return results;
484// tileConsumerAndFuseProducerGreedilyUsingSCFForOp implementation.
487/// Return the untiled producer whose slice is used in a tiled consumer. The
488/// method traverses the tile loop nest (`loops`) if needed, and returns the
489/// `iter_args` of the outer most that is encountered. Traversing the iter_args
490/// indicates that this is a destination operand of the consumer. If there was
491/// no loop traversal needed, the second value of the returned tuple is empty.
492static std::tuple<OpResult, std::optional<OpOperand *>>
493getUntiledProducerFromSliceSource(OpOperand *source,
494 ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
495 std::optional<OpOperand *> destinationIterArg;
496 auto loopIt = loops.rbegin();
497 while (auto iterArg = source->get().dyn_cast<BlockArgument>()) {
498 scf::ForOp loop = *loopIt;
499 if (iterArg.getOwner()->getParentOp() != loop)
500 break;
501 source = &loop.getOpOperandForRegionIterArg(iterArg);
502 loopIt++;
503 }
504 if (loopIt == loops.rend())
505 destinationIterArg = source;
506 return {source->get().dyn_cast<OpResult>(), destinationIterArg};
509/// Implementation of fusing producer of a single slice by computing the
510/// slice of the producer in-place.
512mlir::scf::tileAndFuseProducerOfSlice(RewriterBase &rewriter,
513 tensor::ExtractSliceOp candidateSliceOp,
514 MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
515 // 1. Get the producer of the source (potentially walking through
516 // `iter_args` of nested `scf.for`)
517 auto [fusableProducer, destinationIterArg] =
518 getUntiledProducerFromSliceSource(&candidateSliceOp->getOpOperand(0),
519 loops);
520 if (!fusableProducer)
521 return std::nullopt;
523 // 2. Generate the tiled implementation of the producer of the source
524 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
525 rewriter.setInsertionPoint(candidateSliceOp);
526 FailureOr<Value> fusedProducerValue =
527 tensor::replaceExtractSliceWithTiledProducer(rewriter, candidateSliceOp,
528 fusableProducer);
529 if (failed(fusedProducerValue))
530 return std::nullopt;
531 rewriter.replaceAllUsesWith(candidateSliceOp, fusedProducerValue.value());
533 // 3. If the slice is for a destination operand, for example,
534 //
535 // ```mlir
536 // %0 = linalg.init
537 // %1 = linalg.fill .. outs(%0 : )
538 // %2 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg0 = %1) {
539 // %3 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg1 = %arg0) {
540 // %4 = tensor.extract_slice %arg1 [..]
541 // .. = linalg.matmul .. outs(%4 : )
542 // }
543 // }
544 // ```
545 //
546 // the IR is currently
547 //
548 // ```
549 // %0 = linalg.init
550 // %1 = linalg.fill
551 // %2 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg0 = %1 /* incorrect value */ ) {
552 // %3 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg1 = %arg0) {
553 // %4 = tensor.extract_slice %0 /*incorrect value */ [..]
554 // %5 = linalg.fill .. outs(%4 : )
555 // .. = linalg.matmul .. outs(%5 : )
556 // }
557 // }
558 // ```
559 //
560 // The untiled `linalg.fill` is still used as the `init_value` since it
561 // was originally a destination operand of the untiled `linalg.matmul`.
562 // When fusing an operand that is a destination operand.
563 // - Update the iter_arg of the outer most loop to use the destination
564 // of the untiled producer.
565 // - Update the destination of the slice of the tiled producer generated
566 // to use the same basic block argument as the slice that was used to
567 // generate inplace the tiled implementation of the producer.
568 // With this the IR will be.
569 //
570 // ```
571 // %0 = linalg.init
572 // %1 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg0 = %0 /* corrected value */ ) {
573 // %2 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg1 = %arg0) {
574 // %3 = tensor.extract_slice %arg1 /* corrected value */ [..]
575 // %4 = linalg.fill .. outs(%3 : )
576 // .. = linalg.matmul .. outs(%4 : )
577 // }
578 // }
579 // ```
580 // TODO: This can be modeled better if the `DestinationStyleOpInterface`.
581 // Update to use that when it does become available.
582 scf::ForOp outerMostLoop = loops.front();
583 std::optional<unsigned> iterArgNumber;
584 if (destinationIterArg) {
585 iterArgNumber =
586 outerMostLoop.getIterArgNumberForOpOperand(*destinationIterArg.value());
587 }
588 if (iterArgNumber) {
589 int64_t resultNumber = fusableProducer.getResultNumber();
590 if (auto dstOp =
591 dyn_cast<DestinationStyleOpInterface>(fusableProducer.getOwner())) {
592 outerMostLoop.setIterArg(iterArgNumber.value(),
593 dstOp.getTiedOpOperand(fusableProducer)->get());
594 }
595 if (auto dstOp = fusedProducerValue.value()
596 .getDefiningOp<DestinationStyleOpInterface>()) {
597 scf::ForOp innerMostLoop = loops.back();
598 updateDestinationOperandsForTiledOp(
599 rewriter, dstOp.getDpsInitOperand(resultNumber)->get(),
600 innerMostLoop.getRegionIterArgs()[iterArgNumber.value()]);
601 }
602 }
603 return scf::SCFFuseProducerOfSliceResult{fusableProducer,
604 fusedProducerValue.value()};
607/// Reconstruct the fused producer from within the tiled-and-fused code.
608void mlir::scf::yieldReplacementForFusedProducer(
609 RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::ExtractSliceOp sliceOp,
610 scf::SCFFuseProducerOfSliceResult fusedProducerInfo,
611 MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
612 auto [fusableProducer, fusedProducerValue] = fusedProducerInfo;
613 SmallVector<Value> initValues;
614 FailureOr<Value> initValue = tensor::getOrCreateDestination(
615 rewriter, fusableProducer.getOwner()->getLoc(), fusableProducer);
616 if (succeeded(initValue)) {
617 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultOffsets = sliceOp.getMixedOffsets();
618 SmallVector<OpFoldResult> resultSizes = sliceOp.getMixedSizes();
619 SmallVector<Value> yieldedVals =
620 yieldTiledValues(rewriter, initValue.value(), fusedProducerValue,
621 resultOffsets, resultSizes, loops);
622 }
623 if (auto dstStyleProducer =
624 fusedProducerValue.getDefiningOp<DestinationStyleOpInterface>()) {
625 Value dstValue =
626 dstStyleProducer.getDpsInitOperand(fusableProducer.getResultNumber())
627 ->get();
628 updateDestinationOperandsForTiledOp(
629 rewriter, dstValue, loops.back().getRegionIterArgs().back());
630 }
633/// Implementation of tile consumer and fuse producer greedily.
636 RewriterBase &rewriter, TilingInterface consumer,
637 const scf::SCFTileAndFuseOptions &options) {
638 // This transformation is only valid for ops that return values (i.e. not
639 // valid to use with operations that have memref operands).
640 if (!consumer->getNumResults()) {
641 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
642 consumer, "invalid pattern for op with no results");
643 }
645 // 1. First tile the consumer.
646 scf::SCFTileAndFuseResult tileAndFuseResult;
647 llvm::SmallDenseMap<Value, int64_t> yieldedValueToResultNumber;
648 {
649 FailureOr<scf::SCFTilingResult> tilingResult =
650 tileUsingSCFForOp(rewriter, consumer, options.tilingOptions);
651 if (failed(tilingResult))
652 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(consumer, "failed to tile consumer");
653 for (auto *tiledOp : tilingResult->tiledOps)
654 tileAndFuseResult.tiledAndFusedOps.insert(tiledOp);
655 tileAndFuseResult.loops = std::move(tilingResult->loops);
656 for (const auto &result : llvm::enumerate(
657 llvm::zip(consumer->getResults(), tilingResult->replacements))) {
658 tileAndFuseResult.replacements[std::get<0>(result.value())] =
659 std::get<1>(result.value());
660 yieldedValueToResultNumber[tilingResult->tiledOps.back()->getResult(
661 result.index())] = result.index();
662 }
663 }
665 // If there are no loops generated, fusion is immaterial.
666 if (tileAndFuseResult.loops.empty())
667 return tileAndFuseResult;
669 // 2. Typically, the operands of the tiled operation are slices of the
670 // operands of the untiled operation. These are expressed in IR using
671 // `tensor.extract_slice` operations with source being the operands of the
672 // untiled operation. Create a worklist of these `tensor.extract_slice`
673 // operations. If the producers of the source of the `tensor.extract_slice`
674 // can be tiled such that the tiled value is generated in-place, that
675 // effectively tiles + fuses the operations.
676 auto addCandidateSlices = [](Operation *fusedOp,
677 std::deque<tensor::ExtractSliceOp> &candidates) {
678 for (Value operand : fusedOp->getOperands())
679 if (auto sliceOp = operand.getDefiningOp<tensor::ExtractSliceOp>())
680 candidates.push_back(sliceOp);
681 };
683 std::deque<tensor::ExtractSliceOp> candidates;
684 addCandidateSlices(tileAndFuseResult.tiledAndFusedOps.back(), candidates);
685 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
686 while (!candidates.empty()) {
687 // Traverse the slices in BFS fashion.
688 tensor::ExtractSliceOp candidateSliceOp = candidates.front();
689 candidates.pop_front();
691 // The operands of the fused producer might themselved be slices of
692 // values produced by operations that implement the `TilingInterface`.
693 // Add these operations to the worklist.
694 std::optional<scf::SCFFuseProducerOfSliceResult> fusedProducer =
695 tileAndFuseProducerOfSlice(rewriter, candidateSliceOp,
696 tileAndFuseResult.loops);
697 if (!fusedProducer)
698 continue;
700 if (Operation *tiledAndFusedOp =
701 fusedProducer->tiledAndFusedProducer.getDefiningOp()) {
702 tileAndFuseResult.tiledAndFusedOps.insert(tiledAndFusedOp);
703 addCandidateSlices(tiledAndFusedOp, candidates);
704 }
705 }
706 return tileAndFuseResult;
710// lowerToLoopsUsingSCFForOp implementation.
714mlir::scf::lowerToLoopsUsingSCFForOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
715 TilingInterface op) {
716 // TODO: Handle cases where the op has results if needed.
717 if (op->getNumResults() > 0) {
718 return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
719 op, "unable to lower to loops operations with return values");
720 }
722 SmallVector<Range> domain = op.getIterationDomain(rewriter);
723 SmallVector<Value> ivs;
724 SmallVector<scf::ForOp> loops;
725 Location loc = op.getLoc();
726 for (auto loopRange : domain) {
727 Value offsetVal =
728 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, loopRange.offset);
729 Value sizeVal =
730 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, loopRange.size);
731 Value strideVal =
732 getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, loopRange.stride);
733 auto loop = rewriter.create<scf::ForOp>(op.getLoc(), offsetVal, sizeVal,
734 strideVal, ValueRange{});
735 loops.push_back(loop);
736 ivs.push_back(loop.getInductionVar());
737 rewriter.setInsertionPoint(loop.getBody()->getTerminator());
738 }
739 if (failed(op.generateScalarImplementation(rewriter, op.getLoc(), ivs))) {
740 return failure();
741 }
742 return loops;