Bug Summary

Warning:line 1734, column 9
Value stored to 'Index' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name llvm-objdump.cpp -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17 -I tools/llvm-objdump -I /build/source/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump -I include -I /build/source/llvm/include -D _DEBUG -D _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -D _GNU_SOURCE -D _LIBCPP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D NDEBUG -U NDEBUG -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/clang/17/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm=build-llvm -fmacro-prefix-map=/build/source/= -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm=build-llvm -fcoverage-prefix-map=/build/source/= -source-date-epoch 1677842174 -O3 -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-class-memaccess -Wno-redundant-move -Wno-pessimizing-move -Wno-noexcept-type -Wno-comment -Wno-misleading-indentation -std=c++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir=/build/source/build-llvm -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm=build-llvm -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/= -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/build-llvm=build-llvm -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/source/= -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2023-03-03-140516-16496-1 -x c++ /build/source/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp
1//===-- llvm-objdump.cpp - Object file dumping utility for llvm -----------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This program is a utility that works like binutils "objdump", that is, it
10// dumps out a plethora of information about an object file depending on the
11// flags.
13// The flags and output of this program should be near identical to those of
14// binutils objdump.
18#include "llvm-objdump.h"
19#include "COFFDump.h"
20#include "ELFDump.h"
21#include "MachODump.h"
22#include "ObjdumpOptID.h"
23#include "OffloadDump.h"
24#include "SourcePrinter.h"
25#include "WasmDump.h"
26#include "XCOFFDump.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/SetOperations.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
31#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
32#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
33#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
34#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
35#include "llvm/DebugInfo/Symbolize/SymbolizableModule.h"
36#include "llvm/DebugInfo/Symbolize/Symbolize.h"
37#include "llvm/Debuginfod/BuildIDFetcher.h"
38#include "llvm/Debuginfod/Debuginfod.h"
39#include "llvm/Debuginfod/HTTPClient.h"
40#include "llvm/Demangle/Demangle.h"
41#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
42#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
43#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler/MCDisassembler.h"
44#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler/MCRelocationInfo.h"
45#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
46#include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
47#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrAnalysis.h"
48#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
49#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectFileInfo.h"
50#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
51#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
52#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
53#include "llvm/MC/TargetRegistry.h"
54#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
55#include "llvm/Object/BuildID.h"
56#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
57#include "llvm/Object/COFFImportFile.h"
58#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
59#include "llvm/Object/ELFTypes.h"
60#include "llvm/Object/FaultMapParser.h"
61#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
62#include "llvm/Object/MachOUniversal.h"
63#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
64#include "llvm/Object/OffloadBinary.h"
65#include "llvm/Object/Wasm.h"
66#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
67#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
68#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
69#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
70#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
71#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
72#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
73#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
74#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
75#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
76#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
77#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
78#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
79#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
80#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
81#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
82#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
83#include "llvm/TargetParser/Host.h"
84#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
85#include <algorithm>
86#include <cctype>
87#include <cstring>
88#include <optional>
89#include <system_error>
90#include <unordered_map>
91#include <utility>
93using namespace llvm;
94using namespace llvm::object;
95using namespace llvm::objdump;
96using namespace llvm::opt;
98namespace {
100class CommonOptTable : public opt::GenericOptTable {
102 CommonOptTable(ArrayRef<Info> OptionInfos, const char *Usage,
103 const char *Description)
104 : opt::GenericOptTable(OptionInfos), Usage(Usage),
105 Description(Description) {
106 setGroupedShortOptions(true);
107 }
109 void printHelp(StringRef Argv0, bool ShowHidden = false) const {
110 Argv0 = sys::path::filename(Argv0);
111 opt::GenericOptTable::printHelp(outs(), (Argv0 + Usage).str().c_str(),
112 Description, ShowHidden, ShowHidden);
113 // TODO Replace this with OptTable API once it adds extrahelp support.
114 outs() << "\nPass @FILE as argument to read options from FILE.\n";
115 }
118 const char *Usage;
119 const char *Description;
122// ObjdumpOptID is in ObjdumpOptID.h
123namespace objdump_opt {
124#define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) \
125 static constexpr StringLiteral NAME##_init[] = VALUE; \
126 static constexpr ArrayRef<StringLiteral> NAME(NAME##_init, \
127 std::size(NAME##_init) - 1);
128#include "ObjdumpOpts.inc"
129#undef PREFIX
131static constexpr opt::OptTable::Info ObjdumpInfoTable[] = {
135 METAVAR, OBJDUMP_##ID, opt::Option::KIND##Class, \
138#include "ObjdumpOpts.inc"
139#undef OPTION
141} // namespace objdump_opt
143class ObjdumpOptTable : public CommonOptTable {
145 ObjdumpOptTable()
146 : CommonOptTable(objdump_opt::ObjdumpInfoTable,
147 " [options] <input object files>",
148 "llvm object file dumper") {}
151enum OtoolOptID {
152 OTOOL_INVALID = 0, // This is not an option ID.
155 OTOOL_##ID,
156#include "OtoolOpts.inc"
157#undef OPTION
160namespace otool {
161#define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) \
162 static constexpr StringLiteral NAME##_init[] = VALUE; \
163 static constexpr ArrayRef<StringLiteral> NAME(NAME##_init, \
164 std::size(NAME##_init) - 1);
165#include "OtoolOpts.inc"
166#undef PREFIX
168static constexpr opt::OptTable::Info OtoolInfoTable[] = {
172 METAVAR, OTOOL_##ID, opt::Option::KIND##Class, \
175#include "OtoolOpts.inc"
176#undef OPTION
178} // namespace otool
180class OtoolOptTable : public CommonOptTable {
182 OtoolOptTable()
183 : CommonOptTable(otool::OtoolInfoTable, " [option...] [file...]",
184 "Mach-O object file displaying tool") {}
187} // namespace
189#define DEBUG_TYPE"objdump" "objdump"
191static uint64_t AdjustVMA;
192static bool AllHeaders;
193static std::string ArchName;
194bool objdump::ArchiveHeaders;
195bool objdump::Demangle;
196bool objdump::Disassemble;
197bool objdump::DisassembleAll;
198bool objdump::SymbolDescription;
199static std::vector<std::string> DisassembleSymbols;
200static bool DisassembleZeroes;
201static std::vector<std::string> DisassemblerOptions;
202DIDumpType objdump::DwarfDumpType;
203static bool DynamicRelocations;
204static bool FaultMapSection;
205static bool FileHeaders;
206bool objdump::SectionContents;
207static std::vector<std::string> InputFilenames;
208bool objdump::PrintLines;
209static bool MachOOpt;
210std::string objdump::MCPU;
211std::vector<std::string> objdump::MAttrs;
212bool objdump::ShowRawInsn;
213bool objdump::LeadingAddr;
214static bool Offloading;
215static bool RawClangAST;
216bool objdump::Relocations;
217bool objdump::PrintImmHex;
218bool objdump::PrivateHeaders;
219std::vector<std::string> objdump::FilterSections;
220bool objdump::SectionHeaders;
221static bool ShowAllSymbols;
222static bool ShowLMA;
223bool objdump::PrintSource;
225static uint64_t StartAddress;
226static bool HasStartAddressFlag;
227static uint64_t StopAddress = UINT64_MAX(18446744073709551615UL);
228static bool HasStopAddressFlag;
230bool objdump::SymbolTable;
231static bool SymbolizeOperands;
232static bool DynamicSymbolTable;
233std::string objdump::TripleName;
234bool objdump::UnwindInfo;
235static bool Wide;
236std::string objdump::Prefix;
237uint32_t objdump::PrefixStrip;
239DebugVarsFormat objdump::DbgVariables = DVDisabled;
241int objdump::DbgIndent = 52;
243static StringSet<> DisasmSymbolSet;
244StringSet<> objdump::FoundSectionSet;
245static StringRef ToolName;
247std::unique_ptr<BuildIDFetcher> BIDFetcher;
248ExitOnError ExitOnErr;
250namespace {
251struct FilterResult {
252 // True if the section should not be skipped.
253 bool Keep;
255 // True if the index counter should be incremented, even if the section should
256 // be skipped. For example, sections may be skipped if they are not included
257 // in the --section flag, but we still want those to count toward the section
258 // count.
259 bool IncrementIndex;
261} // namespace
263static FilterResult checkSectionFilter(object::SectionRef S) {
264 if (FilterSections.empty())
265 return {/*Keep=*/true, /*IncrementIndex=*/true};
267 Expected<StringRef> SecNameOrErr = S.getName();
268 if (!SecNameOrErr) {
269 consumeError(SecNameOrErr.takeError());
270 return {/*Keep=*/false, /*IncrementIndex=*/false};
271 }
272 StringRef SecName = *SecNameOrErr;
274 // StringSet does not allow empty key so avoid adding sections with
275 // no name (such as the section with index 0) here.
276 if (!SecName.empty())
277 FoundSectionSet.insert(SecName);
279 // Only show the section if it's in the FilterSections list, but always
280 // increment so the indexing is stable.
281 return {/*Keep=*/is_contained(FilterSections, SecName),
282 /*IncrementIndex=*/true};
285SectionFilter objdump::ToolSectionFilter(object::ObjectFile const &O,
286 uint64_t *Idx) {
287 // Start at UINT64_MAX so that the first index returned after an increment is
288 // zero (after the unsigned wrap).
289 if (Idx)
290 *Idx = UINT64_MAX(18446744073709551615UL);
291 return SectionFilter(
292 [Idx](object::SectionRef S) {
293 FilterResult Result = checkSectionFilter(S);
294 if (Idx != nullptr && Result.IncrementIndex)
295 *Idx += 1;
296 return Result.Keep;
297 },
298 O);
301std::string objdump::getFileNameForError(const object::Archive::Child &C,
302 unsigned Index) {
303 Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = C.getName();
304 if (NameOrErr)
305 return std::string(NameOrErr.get());
306 // If we have an error getting the name then we print the index of the archive
307 // member. Since we are already in an error state, we just ignore this error.
308 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
309 return "<file index: " + std::to_string(Index) + ">";
312void objdump::reportWarning(const Twine &Message, StringRef File) {
313 // Output order between errs() and outs() matters especially for archive
314 // files where the output is per member object.
315 outs().flush();
316 WithColor::warning(errs(), ToolName)
317 << "'" << File << "': " << Message << "\n";
320[[noreturn]] void objdump::reportError(StringRef File, const Twine &Message) {
321 outs().flush();
322 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName) << "'" << File << "': " << Message << "\n";
323 exit(1);
326[[noreturn]] void objdump::reportError(Error E, StringRef FileName,
327 StringRef ArchiveName,
328 StringRef ArchitectureName) {
329 assert(E)(static_cast <bool> (E) ? void (0) : __assert_fail ("E"
, "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 329, __extension__
330 outs().flush();
331 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName);
332 if (ArchiveName != "")
333 errs() << ArchiveName << "(" << FileName << ")";
334 else
335 errs() << "'" << FileName << "'";
336 if (!ArchitectureName.empty())
337 errs() << " (for architecture " << ArchitectureName << ")";
338 errs() << ": ";
339 logAllUnhandledErrors(std::move(E), errs());
340 exit(1);
343static void reportCmdLineWarning(const Twine &Message) {
344 WithColor::warning(errs(), ToolName) << Message << "\n";
347[[noreturn]] static void reportCmdLineError(const Twine &Message) {
348 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName) << Message << "\n";
349 exit(1);
352static void warnOnNoMatchForSections() {
353 SetVector<StringRef> MissingSections;
354 for (StringRef S : FilterSections) {
355 if (FoundSectionSet.count(S))
356 return;
357 // User may specify a unnamed section. Don't warn for it.
358 if (!S.empty())
359 MissingSections.insert(S);
360 }
362 // Warn only if no section in FilterSections is matched.
363 for (StringRef S : MissingSections)
364 reportCmdLineWarning("section '" + S +
365 "' mentioned in a -j/--section option, but not "
366 "found in any input file");
369static const Target *getTarget(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
370 // Figure out the target triple.
371 Triple TheTriple("unknown-unknown-unknown");
372 if (TripleName.empty()) {
373 TheTriple = Obj->makeTriple();
374 } else {
375 TheTriple.setTriple(Triple::normalize(TripleName));
376 auto Arch = Obj->getArch();
377 if (Arch == Triple::arm || Arch == Triple::armeb)
378 Obj->setARMSubArch(TheTriple);
379 }
381 // Get the target specific parser.
382 std::string Error;
383 const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(ArchName, TheTriple,
384 Error);
385 if (!TheTarget)
386 reportError(Obj->getFileName(), "can't find target: " + Error);
388 // Update the triple name and return the found target.
389 TripleName = TheTriple.getTriple();
390 return TheTarget;
393bool objdump::isRelocAddressLess(RelocationRef A, RelocationRef B) {
394 return A.getOffset() < B.getOffset();
397static Error getRelocationValueString(const RelocationRef &Rel,
398 SmallVectorImpl<char> &Result) {
399 const ObjectFile *Obj = Rel.getObject();
400 if (auto *ELF = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(Obj))
401 return getELFRelocationValueString(ELF, Rel, Result);
402 if (auto *COFF = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(Obj))
403 return getCOFFRelocationValueString(COFF, Rel, Result);
404 if (auto *Wasm = dyn_cast<WasmObjectFile>(Obj))
405 return getWasmRelocationValueString(Wasm, Rel, Result);
406 if (auto *MachO = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(Obj))
407 return getMachORelocationValueString(MachO, Rel, Result);
408 if (auto *XCOFF = dyn_cast<XCOFFObjectFile>(Obj))
409 return getXCOFFRelocationValueString(*XCOFF, Rel, Result);
410 llvm_unreachable("unknown object file format")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("unknown object file format"
, "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 410)
413/// Indicates whether this relocation should hidden when listing
414/// relocations, usually because it is the trailing part of a multipart
415/// relocation that will be printed as part of the leading relocation.
416static bool getHidden(RelocationRef RelRef) {
417 auto *MachO = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(RelRef.getObject());
418 if (!MachO)
419 return false;
421 unsigned Arch = MachO->getArch();
422 DataRefImpl Rel = RelRef.getRawDataRefImpl();
423 uint64_t Type = MachO->getRelocationType(Rel);
425 // On arches that use the generic relocations, GENERIC_RELOC_PAIR
426 // is always hidden.
427 if (Arch == Triple::x86 || Arch == Triple::arm || Arch == Triple::ppc)
428 return Type == MachO::GENERIC_RELOC_PAIR;
430 if (Arch == Triple::x86_64) {
431 // On x86_64, X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED is hidden only when it follows
432 // an X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR.
433 if (Type == MachO::X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED && Rel.d.a > 0) {
434 DataRefImpl RelPrev = Rel;
435 RelPrev.d.a--;
436 uint64_t PrevType = MachO->getRelocationType(RelPrev);
437 if (PrevType == MachO::X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR)
438 return true;
439 }
440 }
442 return false;
445namespace {
447/// Get the column at which we want to start printing the instruction
448/// disassembly, taking into account anything which appears to the left of it.
449unsigned getInstStartColumn(const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
450 return !ShowRawInsn ? 16 : STI.getTargetTriple().isX86() ? 40 : 24;
453static bool isAArch64Elf(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
454 const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(&Obj);
455 return Elf && Elf->getEMachine() == ELF::EM_AARCH64;
458static bool isArmElf(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
459 const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(&Obj);
460 return Elf && Elf->getEMachine() == ELF::EM_ARM;
463static bool isCSKYElf(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
464 const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(&Obj);
465 return Elf && Elf->getEMachine() == ELF::EM_CSKY;
468static bool hasMappingSymbols(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
469 return isArmElf(Obj) || isAArch64Elf(Obj) || isCSKYElf(Obj) ;
472static bool isMappingSymbol(const SymbolInfoTy &Sym) {
473 return Sym.Name.startswith("$d") || Sym.Name.startswith("$x") ||
474 Sym.Name.startswith("$a") || Sym.Name.startswith("$t");
477static void printRelocation(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, StringRef FileName,
478 const RelocationRef &Rel, uint64_t Address,
479 bool Is64Bits) {
480 StringRef Fmt = Is64Bits ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" ": " : "%08" PRIx64"l" "x" ": ";
481 SmallString<16> Name;
482 SmallString<32> Val;
483 Rel.getTypeName(Name);
484 if (Error E = getRelocationValueString(Rel, Val))
485 reportError(std::move(E), FileName);
486 OS << (Is64Bits || !LeadingAddr ? "\t\t" : "\t\t\t");
487 if (LeadingAddr)
488 OS << format(Fmt.data(), Address);
489 OS << Name << "\t" << Val;
492static void AlignToInstStartColumn(size_t Start, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI,
493 raw_ostream &OS) {
494 // The output of printInst starts with a tab. Print some spaces so that
495 // the tab has 1 column and advances to the target tab stop.
496 unsigned TabStop = getInstStartColumn(STI);
497 unsigned Column = OS.tell() - Start;
498 OS.indent(Column < TabStop - 1 ? TabStop - 1 - Column : 7 - Column % 8);
501class PrettyPrinter {
503 virtual ~PrettyPrinter() = default;
504 virtual void
505 printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
506 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
507 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
508 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
509 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) {
510 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
511 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
512 LVP.printBetweenInsts(OS, false);
514 size_t Start = OS.tell();
515 if (LeadingAddr)
516 OS << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ":", Address.Address);
517 if (ShowRawInsn) {
518 OS << ' ';
519 dumpBytes(Bytes, OS);
520 }
522 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
524 if (MI) {
525 // See MCInstPrinter::printInst. On targets where a PC relative immediate
526 // is relative to the next instruction and the length of a MCInst is
527 // difficult to measure (x86), this is the address of the next
528 // instruction.
529 uint64_t Addr =
530 Address.Address + (STI.getTargetTriple().isX86() ? Bytes.size() : 0);
531 IP.printInst(MI, Addr, "", STI, OS);
532 } else
533 OS << "\t<unknown>";
534 }
536PrettyPrinter PrettyPrinterInst;
538class HexagonPrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
540 void printLead(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes, uint64_t Address,
541 formatted_raw_ostream &OS) {
542 uint32_t opcode =
543 (Bytes[3] << 24) | (Bytes[2] << 16) | (Bytes[1] << 8) | Bytes[0];
544 if (LeadingAddr)
545 OS << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ":", Address);
546 if (ShowRawInsn) {
547 OS << "\t";
548 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(0, 4), OS);
549 OS << format("\t%08" PRIx32"x", opcode);
550 }
551 }
552 void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
553 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
554 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
555 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
556 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
557 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
558 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP, "");
559 if (!MI) {
560 printLead(Bytes, Address.Address, OS);
561 OS << " <unknown>";
562 return;
563 }
564 std::string Buffer;
565 {
566 raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer);
567 IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, TempStream);
568 }
569 StringRef Contents(Buffer);
570 // Split off bundle attributes
571 auto PacketBundle = Contents.rsplit('\n');
572 // Split off first instruction from the rest
573 auto HeadTail = PacketBundle.first.split('\n');
574 auto Preamble = " { ";
575 auto Separator = "";
577 // Hexagon's packets require relocations to be inline rather than
578 // clustered at the end of the packet.
579 std::vector<RelocationRef>::const_iterator RelCur = Rels->begin();
580 std::vector<RelocationRef>::const_iterator RelEnd = Rels->end();
581 auto PrintReloc = [&]() -> void {
582 while ((RelCur != RelEnd) && (RelCur->getOffset() <= Address.Address)) {
583 if (RelCur->getOffset() == Address.Address) {
584 printRelocation(OS, ObjectFilename, *RelCur, Address.Address, false);
585 return;
586 }
587 ++RelCur;
588 }
589 };
591 while (!HeadTail.first.empty()) {
592 OS << Separator;
593 Separator = "\n";
594 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
595 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP, "");
596 printLead(Bytes, Address.Address, OS);
597 OS << Preamble;
598 Preamble = " ";
599 StringRef Inst;
600 auto Duplex = HeadTail.first.split('\v');
601 if (!Duplex.second.empty()) {
602 OS << Duplex.first;
603 OS << "; ";
604 Inst = Duplex.second;
605 }
606 else
607 Inst = HeadTail.first;
608 OS << Inst;
609 HeadTail = HeadTail.second.split('\n');
610 if (HeadTail.first.empty())
611 OS << " } " << PacketBundle.second;
612 PrintReloc();
613 Bytes = Bytes.slice(4);
614 Address.Address += 4;
615 }
616 }
618HexagonPrettyPrinter HexagonPrettyPrinterInst;
620class AMDGCNPrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
622 void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
623 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
624 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
625 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
626 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
627 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
628 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
630 if (MI) {
631 SmallString<40> InstStr;
632 raw_svector_ostream IS(InstStr);
634 IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, IS);
636 OS << left_justify(IS.str(), 60);
637 } else {
638 // an unrecognized encoding - this is probably data so represent it
639 // using the .long directive, or .byte directive if fewer than 4 bytes
640 // remaining
641 if (Bytes.size() >= 4) {
642 OS << format("\t.long 0x%08" PRIx32"x" " ",
643 support::endian::read32<support::little>(Bytes.data()));
644 OS.indent(42);
645 } else {
646 OS << format("\t.byte 0x%02" PRIx8"x", Bytes[0]);
647 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < Bytes.size(); i++)
648 OS << format(", 0x%02" PRIx8"x", Bytes[i]);
649 OS.indent(55 - (6 * Bytes.size()));
650 }
651 }
653 OS << format("// %012" PRIX64"l" "X" ":", Address.Address);
654 if (Bytes.size() >= 4) {
655 // D should be casted to uint32_t here as it is passed by format to
656 // snprintf as vararg.
657 for (uint32_t D :
658 ArrayRef(reinterpret_cast<const support::little32_t *>(Bytes.data()),
659 Bytes.size() / 4))
660 OS << format(" %08" PRIX32"X", D);
661 } else {
662 for (unsigned char B : Bytes)
663 OS << format(" %02" PRIX8"X", B);
664 }
666 if (!Annot.empty())
667 OS << " // " << Annot;
668 }
670AMDGCNPrettyPrinter AMDGCNPrettyPrinterInst;
672class BPFPrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
674 void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
675 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
676 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
677 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
678 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
679 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
680 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
681 if (LeadingAddr)
682 OS << format("%8" PRId64"l" "d" ":", Address.Address / 8);
683 if (ShowRawInsn) {
684 OS << "\t";
685 dumpBytes(Bytes, OS);
686 }
687 if (MI)
688 IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, OS);
689 else
690 OS << "\t<unknown>";
691 }
693BPFPrettyPrinter BPFPrettyPrinterInst;
695class ARMPrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
697 void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
698 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
699 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
700 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
701 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
702 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
703 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
704 LVP.printBetweenInsts(OS, false);
706 size_t Start = OS.tell();
707 if (LeadingAddr)
708 OS << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ":", Address.Address);
709 if (ShowRawInsn) {
710 size_t Pos = 0, End = Bytes.size();
711 if (STI.checkFeatures("+thumb-mode")) {
712 for (; Pos + 2 <= End; Pos += 2)
713 OS << ' '
714 << format_hex_no_prefix(
715 llvm::support::endian::read<uint16_t>(
716 Bytes.data() + Pos, InstructionEndianness),
717 4);
718 } else {
719 for (; Pos + 4 <= End; Pos += 4)
720 OS << ' '
721 << format_hex_no_prefix(
722 llvm::support::endian::read<uint32_t>(
723 Bytes.data() + Pos, InstructionEndianness),
724 8);
725 }
726 if (Pos < End) {
727 OS << ' ';
728 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Pos), OS);
729 }
730 }
732 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
734 if (MI) {
735 IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, OS);
736 } else
737 OS << "\t<unknown>";
738 }
740 void setInstructionEndianness(llvm::support::endianness Endianness) {
741 InstructionEndianness = Endianness;
742 }
745 llvm::support::endianness InstructionEndianness = llvm::support::little;
747ARMPrettyPrinter ARMPrettyPrinterInst;
749class AArch64PrettyPrinter : public PrettyPrinter {
751 void printInst(MCInstPrinter &IP, const MCInst *MI, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
752 object::SectionedAddress Address, formatted_raw_ostream &OS,
753 StringRef Annot, MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, SourcePrinter *SP,
754 StringRef ObjectFilename, std::vector<RelocationRef> *Rels,
755 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) override {
756 if (SP && (PrintSource || PrintLines))
757 SP->printSourceLine(OS, Address, ObjectFilename, LVP);
758 LVP.printBetweenInsts(OS, false);
760 size_t Start = OS.tell();
761 if (LeadingAddr)
762 OS << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ":", Address.Address);
763 if (ShowRawInsn) {
764 size_t Pos = 0, End = Bytes.size();
765 for (; Pos + 4 <= End; Pos += 4)
766 OS << ' '
767 << format_hex_no_prefix(
768 llvm::support::endian::read<uint32_t>(Bytes.data() + Pos,
769 llvm::support::little),
770 8);
771 if (Pos < End) {
772 OS << ' ';
773 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Pos), OS);
774 }
775 }
777 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
779 if (MI) {
780 IP.printInst(MI, Address.Address, "", STI, OS);
781 } else
782 OS << "\t<unknown>";
783 }
785AArch64PrettyPrinter AArch64PrettyPrinterInst;
787PrettyPrinter &selectPrettyPrinter(Triple const &Triple) {
788 switch(Triple.getArch()) {
789 default:
790 return PrettyPrinterInst;
791 case Triple::hexagon:
792 return HexagonPrettyPrinterInst;
793 case Triple::amdgcn:
794 return AMDGCNPrettyPrinterInst;
795 case Triple::bpfel:
796 case Triple::bpfeb:
797 return BPFPrettyPrinterInst;
798 case Triple::arm:
799 case Triple::armeb:
800 case Triple::thumb:
801 case Triple::thumbeb:
802 return ARMPrettyPrinterInst;
803 case Triple::aarch64:
804 case Triple::aarch64_be:
805 case Triple::aarch64_32:
806 return AArch64PrettyPrinterInst;
807 }
811static uint8_t getElfSymbolType(const ObjectFile &Obj, const SymbolRef &Sym) {
812 assert(Obj.isELF())(static_cast <bool> (Obj.isELF()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Obj.isELF()", "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 812
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
813 if (auto *Elf32LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
814 return unwrapOrError(Elf32LEObj->getSymbol(Sym.getRawDataRefImpl()),
815 Obj.getFileName())
816 ->getType();
817 if (auto *Elf64LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF64LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
818 return unwrapOrError(Elf64LEObj->getSymbol(Sym.getRawDataRefImpl()),
819 Obj.getFileName())
820 ->getType();
821 if (auto *Elf32BEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
822 return unwrapOrError(Elf32BEObj->getSymbol(Sym.getRawDataRefImpl()),
823 Obj.getFileName())
824 ->getType();
825 if (auto *Elf64BEObj = cast<ELF64BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
826 return unwrapOrError(Elf64BEObj->getSymbol(Sym.getRawDataRefImpl()),
827 Obj.getFileName())
828 ->getType();
829 llvm_unreachable("Unsupported binary format")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unsupported binary format"
, "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 829)
832template <class ELFT>
833static void
834addDynamicElfSymbols(const ELFObjectFile<ELFT> &Obj,
835 std::map<SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> &AllSymbols) {
836 for (auto Symbol : Obj.getDynamicSymbolIterators()) {
837 uint8_t SymbolType = Symbol.getELFType();
838 if (SymbolType == ELF::STT_SECTION)
839 continue;
841 uint64_t Address = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getAddress(), Obj.getFileName());
842 // ELFSymbolRef::getAddress() returns size instead of value for common
843 // symbols which is not desirable for disassembly output. Overriding.
844 if (SymbolType == ELF::STT_COMMON)
845 Address = unwrapOrError(Obj.getSymbol(Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl()),
846 Obj.getFileName())
847 ->st_value;
849 StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getName(), Obj.getFileName());
850 if (Name.empty())
851 continue;
853 section_iterator SecI =
854 unwrapOrError(Symbol.getSection(), Obj.getFileName());
855 if (SecI == Obj.section_end())
856 continue;
858 AllSymbols[*SecI].emplace_back(Address, Name, SymbolType);
859 }
862static void
863addDynamicElfSymbols(const ELFObjectFileBase &Obj,
864 std::map<SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> &AllSymbols) {
865 if (auto *Elf32LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
866 addDynamicElfSymbols(*Elf32LEObj, AllSymbols);
867 else if (auto *Elf64LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF64LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
868 addDynamicElfSymbols(*Elf64LEObj, AllSymbols);
869 else if (auto *Elf32BEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
870 addDynamicElfSymbols(*Elf32BEObj, AllSymbols);
871 else if (auto *Elf64BEObj = cast<ELF64BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
872 addDynamicElfSymbols(*Elf64BEObj, AllSymbols);
873 else
874 llvm_unreachable("Unsupported binary format")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unsupported binary format"
, "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 874)
877static std::optional<SectionRef> getWasmCodeSection(const WasmObjectFile &Obj) {
878 for (auto SecI : Obj.sections()) {
879 const WasmSection &Section = Obj.getWasmSection(SecI);
880 if (Section.Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_CODE)
881 return SecI;
882 }
883 return std::nullopt;
886static void
887addMissingWasmCodeSymbols(const WasmObjectFile &Obj,
888 std::map<SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> &AllSymbols) {
889 std::optional<SectionRef> Section = getWasmCodeSection(Obj);
890 if (!Section)
891 return;
892 SectionSymbolsTy &Symbols = AllSymbols[*Section];
894 std::set<uint64_t> SymbolAddresses;
895 for (const auto &Sym : Symbols)
896 SymbolAddresses.insert(Sym.Addr);
898 for (const wasm::WasmFunction &Function : Obj.functions()) {
899 uint64_t Address = Function.CodeSectionOffset;
900 // Only add fallback symbols for functions not already present in the symbol
901 // table.
902 if (SymbolAddresses.count(Address))
903 continue;
904 // This function has no symbol, so it should have no SymbolName.
905 assert(Function.SymbolName.empty())(static_cast <bool> (Function.SymbolName.empty()) ? void
(0) : __assert_fail ("Function.SymbolName.empty()", "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp"
, 905, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
906 // We use DebugName for the name, though it may be empty if there is no
907 // "name" custom section, or that section is missing a name for this
908 // function.
909 StringRef Name = Function.DebugName;
910 Symbols.emplace_back(Address, Name, ELF::STT_NOTYPE);
911 }
914static void addPltEntries(const ObjectFile &Obj,
915 std::map<SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> &AllSymbols,
916 StringSaver &Saver) {
917 std::optional<SectionRef> Plt;
918 for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj.sections()) {
919 Expected<StringRef> SecNameOrErr = Section.getName();
920 if (!SecNameOrErr) {
921 consumeError(SecNameOrErr.takeError());
922 continue;
923 }
924 if (*SecNameOrErr == ".plt")
925 Plt = Section;
926 }
927 if (!Plt)
928 return;
929 if (auto *ElfObj = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(&Obj)) {
930 for (auto PltEntry : ElfObj->getPltAddresses()) {
931 if (PltEntry.first) {
932 SymbolRef Symbol(*PltEntry.first, ElfObj);
933 uint8_t SymbolType = getElfSymbolType(Obj, Symbol);
934 if (Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Symbol.getName()) {
935 if (!NameOrErr->empty())
936 AllSymbols[*Plt].emplace_back(
937 PltEntry.second, Saver.save((*NameOrErr + "@plt").str()),
938 SymbolType);
939 continue;
940 } else {
941 // The warning has been reported in disassembleObject().
942 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
943 }
944 }
945 reportWarning("PLT entry at 0x" + Twine::utohexstr(PltEntry.second) +
946 " references an invalid symbol",
947 Obj.getFileName());
948 }
949 }
952// Normally the disassembly output will skip blocks of zeroes. This function
953// returns the number of zero bytes that can be skipped when dumping the
954// disassembly of the instructions in Buf.
955static size_t countSkippableZeroBytes(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Buf) {
956 // Find the number of leading zeroes.
957 size_t N = 0;
958 while (N < Buf.size() && !Buf[N])
959 ++N;
961 // We may want to skip blocks of zero bytes, but unless we see
962 // at least 8 of them in a row.
963 if (N < 8)
964 return 0;
966 // We skip zeroes in multiples of 4 because do not want to truncate an
967 // instruction if it starts with a zero byte.
968 return N & ~0x3;
971// Returns a map from sections to their relocations.
972static std::map<SectionRef, std::vector<RelocationRef>>
973getRelocsMap(object::ObjectFile const &Obj) {
974 std::map<SectionRef, std::vector<RelocationRef>> Ret;
975 uint64_t I = (uint64_t)-1;
976 for (SectionRef Sec : Obj.sections()) {
977 ++I;
978 Expected<section_iterator> RelocatedOrErr = Sec.getRelocatedSection();
979 if (!RelocatedOrErr)
980 reportError(Obj.getFileName(),
981 "section (" + Twine(I) +
982 "): failed to get a relocated section: " +
983 toString(RelocatedOrErr.takeError()));
985 section_iterator Relocated = *RelocatedOrErr;
986 if (Relocated == Obj.section_end() || !checkSectionFilter(*Relocated).Keep)
987 continue;
988 std::vector<RelocationRef> &V = Ret[*Relocated];
989 append_range(V, Sec.relocations());
990 // Sort relocations by address.
991 llvm::stable_sort(V, isRelocAddressLess);
992 }
993 return Ret;
996// Used for --adjust-vma to check if address should be adjusted by the
997// specified value for a given section.
998// For ELF we do not adjust non-allocatable sections like debug ones,
999// because they are not loadable.
1000// TODO: implement for other file formats.
1001static bool shouldAdjustVA(const SectionRef &Section) {
1002 const ObjectFile *Obj = Section.getObject();
1003 if (Obj->isELF())
1004 return ELFSectionRef(Section).getFlags() & ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
1005 return false;
1009typedef std::pair<uint64_t, char> MappingSymbolPair;
1010static char getMappingSymbolKind(ArrayRef<MappingSymbolPair> MappingSymbols,
1011 uint64_t Address) {
1012 auto It =
1013 partition_point(MappingSymbols, [Address](const MappingSymbolPair &Val) {
1014 return Val.first <= Address;
1015 });
1016 // Return zero for any address before the first mapping symbol; this means
1017 // we should use the default disassembly mode, depending on the target.
1018 if (It == MappingSymbols.begin())
1019 return '\x00';
1020 return (It - 1)->second;
1023static uint64_t dumpARMELFData(uint64_t SectionAddr, uint64_t Index,
1024 uint64_t End, const ObjectFile &Obj,
1025 ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
1026 ArrayRef<MappingSymbolPair> MappingSymbols,
1027 const MCSubtargetInfo &STI, raw_ostream &OS) {
1028 support::endianness Endian =
1029 Obj.isLittleEndian() ? support::little : support::big;
1030 size_t Start = OS.tell();
1031 OS << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ": ", SectionAddr + Index);
1032 if (Index + 4 <= End) {
1033 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Index, 4), OS);
1034 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
1035 OS << "\t.word\t"
1036 << format_hex(support::endian::read32(Bytes.data() + Index, Endian),
1037 10);
1038 return 4;
1039 }
1040 if (Index + 2 <= End) {
1041 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Index, 2), OS);
1042 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
1043 OS << "\t.short\t"
1044 << format_hex(support::endian::read16(Bytes.data() + Index, Endian), 6);
1045 return 2;
1046 }
1047 dumpBytes(Bytes.slice(Index, 1), OS);
1048 AlignToInstStartColumn(Start, STI, OS);
1049 OS << "\t.byte\t" << format_hex(Bytes[Index], 4);
1050 return 1;
1053static void dumpELFData(uint64_t SectionAddr, uint64_t Index, uint64_t End,
1054 ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes) {
1055 // print out data up to 8 bytes at a time in hex and ascii
1056 uint8_t AsciiData[9] = {'\0'};
1057 uint8_t Byte;
1058 int NumBytes = 0;
1060 for (; Index < End; ++Index) {
1061 if (NumBytes == 0)
1062 outs() << format("%8" PRIx64"l" "x" ":", SectionAddr + Index);
1063 Byte = Bytes.slice(Index)[0];
1064 outs() << format(" %02x", Byte);
1065 AsciiData[NumBytes] = isPrint(Byte) ? Byte : '.';
1067 uint8_t IndentOffset = 0;
1068 NumBytes++;
1069 if (Index == End - 1 || NumBytes > 8) {
1070 // Indent the space for less than 8 bytes data.
1071 // 2 spaces for byte and one for space between bytes
1072 IndentOffset = 3 * (8 - NumBytes);
1073 for (int Excess = NumBytes; Excess < 8; Excess++)
1074 AsciiData[Excess] = '\0';
1075 NumBytes = 8;
1076 }
1077 if (NumBytes == 8) {
1078 AsciiData[8] = '\0';
1079 outs() << std::string(IndentOffset, ' ') << " ";
1080 outs() << reinterpret_cast<char *>(AsciiData);
1081 outs() << '\n';
1082 NumBytes = 0;
1083 }
1084 }
1087SymbolInfoTy objdump::createSymbolInfo(const ObjectFile &Obj,
1088 const SymbolRef &Symbol) {
1089 const StringRef FileName = Obj.getFileName();
1090 const uint64_t Addr = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getAddress(), FileName);
1091 const StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getName(), FileName);
1093 if (Obj.isXCOFF() && SymbolDescription) {
1094 const auto &XCOFFObj = cast<XCOFFObjectFile>(Obj);
1095 DataRefImpl SymbolDRI = Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl();
1097 const uint32_t SymbolIndex = XCOFFObj.getSymbolIndex(SymbolDRI.p);
1098 std::optional<XCOFF::StorageMappingClass> Smc =
1099 getXCOFFSymbolCsectSMC(XCOFFObj, Symbol);
1100 return SymbolInfoTy(Addr, Name, Smc, SymbolIndex,
1101 isLabel(XCOFFObj, Symbol));
1102 } else if (Obj.isXCOFF()) {
1103 const SymbolRef::Type SymType = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getType(), FileName);
1104 return SymbolInfoTy(Addr, Name, SymType, true);
1105 } else
1106 return SymbolInfoTy(Addr, Name,
1107 Obj.isELF() ? getElfSymbolType(Obj, Symbol)
1108 : (uint8_t)ELF::STT_NOTYPE);
1111static SymbolInfoTy createDummySymbolInfo(const ObjectFile &Obj,
1112 const uint64_t Addr, StringRef &Name,
1113 uint8_t Type) {
1114 if (Obj.isXCOFF() && SymbolDescription)
1115 return SymbolInfoTy(Addr, Name, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, false);
1116 else
1117 return SymbolInfoTy(Addr, Name, Type);
1120static void
1121collectBBAddrMapLabels(const std::unordered_map<uint64_t, BBAddrMap> &AddrToBBAddrMap,
1122 uint64_t SectionAddr, uint64_t Start, uint64_t End,
1123 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::vector<std::string>> &Labels) {
1124 if (AddrToBBAddrMap.empty())
1125 return;
1126 Labels.clear();
1127 uint64_t StartAddress = SectionAddr + Start;
1128 uint64_t EndAddress = SectionAddr + End;
1129 auto Iter = AddrToBBAddrMap.find(StartAddress);
1130 if (Iter == AddrToBBAddrMap.end())
1131 return;
1132 for (unsigned I = 0, Size = Iter->second.BBEntries.size(); I < Size; ++I) {
1133 uint64_t BBAddress = Iter->second.BBEntries[I].Offset + Iter->second.Addr;
1134 if (BBAddress >= EndAddress)
1135 continue;
1136 Labels[BBAddress].push_back(("BB" + Twine(I)).str());
1137 }
1140static void collectLocalBranchTargets(
1141 ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes, const MCInstrAnalysis *MIA, MCDisassembler *DisAsm,
1142 MCInstPrinter *IP, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI, uint64_t SectionAddr,
1143 uint64_t Start, uint64_t End, std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> &Labels) {
1144 // So far only supports PowerPC and X86.
1145 if (!STI->getTargetTriple().isPPC() && !STI->getTargetTriple().isX86())
1146 return;
1148 Labels.clear();
1149 unsigned LabelCount = 0;
1150 Start += SectionAddr;
1151 End += SectionAddr;
1152 uint64_t Index = Start;
1153 while (Index < End) {
1154 // Disassemble a real instruction and record function-local branch labels.
1155 MCInst Inst;
1156 uint64_t Size;
1157 ArrayRef<uint8_t> ThisBytes = Bytes.slice(Index - SectionAddr);
1158 bool Disassembled =
1159 DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, ThisBytes, Index, nulls());
1160 if (Size == 0)
1161 Size = std::min<uint64_t>(ThisBytes.size(),
1162 DisAsm->suggestBytesToSkip(ThisBytes, Index));
1164 if (Disassembled && MIA) {
1165 uint64_t Target;
1166 bool TargetKnown = MIA->evaluateBranch(Inst, Index, Size, Target);
1167 // On PowerPC, if the address of a branch is the same as the target, it
1168 // means that it's a function call. Do not mark the label for this case.
1169 if (TargetKnown && (Target >= Start && Target < End) &&
1170 !Labels.count(Target) &&
1171 !(STI->getTargetTriple().isPPC() && Target == Index))
1172 Labels[Target] = ("L" + Twine(LabelCount++)).str();
1173 }
1174 Index += Size;
1175 }
1178// Create an MCSymbolizer for the target and add it to the MCDisassembler.
1179// This is currently only used on AMDGPU, and assumes the format of the
1180// void * argument passed to AMDGPU's createMCSymbolizer.
1181static void addSymbolizer(
1182 MCContext &Ctx, const Target *Target, StringRef TripleName,
1183 MCDisassembler *DisAsm, uint64_t SectionAddr, ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes,
1184 SectionSymbolsTy &Symbols,
1185 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> &SynthesizedLabelNames) {
1187 std::unique_ptr<MCRelocationInfo> RelInfo(
1188 Target->createMCRelocationInfo(TripleName, Ctx));
1189 if (!RelInfo)
1190 return;
1191 std::unique_ptr<MCSymbolizer> Symbolizer(Target->createMCSymbolizer(
1192 TripleName, nullptr, nullptr, &Symbols, &Ctx, std::move(RelInfo)));
1193 MCSymbolizer *SymbolizerPtr = &*Symbolizer;
1194 DisAsm->setSymbolizer(std::move(Symbolizer));
1196 if (!SymbolizeOperands)
1197 return;
1199 // Synthesize labels referenced by branch instructions by
1200 // disassembling, discarding the output, and collecting the referenced
1201 // addresses from the symbolizer.
1202 for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Bytes.size();) {
1203 MCInst Inst;
1204 uint64_t Size;
1205 ArrayRef<uint8_t> ThisBytes = Bytes.slice(Index);
1206 const uint64_t ThisAddr = SectionAddr + Index;
1207 DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, ThisBytes, ThisAddr, nulls());
1208 if (Size == 0)
1209 Size = std::min<uint64_t>(ThisBytes.size(),
1210 DisAsm->suggestBytesToSkip(ThisBytes, Index));
1211 Index += Size;
1212 }
1213 ArrayRef<uint64_t> LabelAddrsRef = SymbolizerPtr->getReferencedAddresses();
1214 // Copy and sort to remove duplicates.
1215 std::vector<uint64_t> LabelAddrs;
1216 LabelAddrs.insert(LabelAddrs.end(), LabelAddrsRef.begin(),
1217 LabelAddrsRef.end());
1218 llvm::sort(LabelAddrs);
1219 LabelAddrs.resize(std::unique(LabelAddrs.begin(), LabelAddrs.end()) -
1220 LabelAddrs.begin());
1221 // Add the labels.
1222 for (unsigned LabelNum = 0; LabelNum != LabelAddrs.size(); ++LabelNum) {
1223 auto Name = std::make_unique<std::string>();
1224 *Name = (Twine("L") + Twine(LabelNum)).str();
1225 SynthesizedLabelNames.push_back(std::move(Name));
1226 Symbols.push_back(SymbolInfoTy(
1227 LabelAddrs[LabelNum], *SynthesizedLabelNames.back(), ELF::STT_NOTYPE));
1228 }
1229 llvm::stable_sort(Symbols);
1230 // Recreate the symbolizer with the new symbols list.
1231 RelInfo.reset(Target->createMCRelocationInfo(TripleName, Ctx));
1232 Symbolizer.reset(Target->createMCSymbolizer(
1233 TripleName, nullptr, nullptr, &Symbols, &Ctx, std::move(RelInfo)));
1234 DisAsm->setSymbolizer(std::move(Symbolizer));
1237static StringRef getSegmentName(const MachOObjectFile *MachO,
1238 const SectionRef &Section) {
1239 if (MachO) {
1240 DataRefImpl DR = Section.getRawDataRefImpl();
1241 StringRef SegmentName = MachO->getSectionFinalSegmentName(DR);
1242 return SegmentName;
1243 }
1244 return "";
1247static void emitPostInstructionInfo(formatted_raw_ostream &FOS,
1248 const MCAsmInfo &MAI,
1249 const MCSubtargetInfo &STI,
1250 StringRef Comments,
1251 LiveVariablePrinter &LVP) {
1252 do {
1253 if (!Comments.empty()) {
1254 // Emit a line of comments.
1255 StringRef Comment;
1256 std::tie(Comment, Comments) = Comments.split('\n');
1257 // MAI.getCommentColumn() assumes that instructions are printed at the
1258 // position of 8, while getInstStartColumn() returns the actual position.
1259 unsigned CommentColumn =
1260 MAI.getCommentColumn() - 8 + getInstStartColumn(STI);
1261 FOS.PadToColumn(CommentColumn);
1262 FOS << MAI.getCommentString() << ' ' << Comment;
1263 }
1264 LVP.printAfterInst(FOS);
1265 FOS << '\n';
1266 } while (!Comments.empty());
1267 FOS.flush();
1270static void createFakeELFSections(ObjectFile &Obj) {
1271 assert(Obj.isELF())(static_cast <bool> (Obj.isELF()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Obj.isELF()", "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 1271
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1272 if (auto *Elf32LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
1273 Elf32LEObj->createFakeSections();
1274 else if (auto *Elf64LEObj = dyn_cast<ELF64LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
1275 Elf64LEObj->createFakeSections();
1276 else if (auto *Elf32BEObj = dyn_cast<ELF32BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
1277 Elf32BEObj->createFakeSections();
1278 else if (auto *Elf64BEObj = cast<ELF64BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
1279 Elf64BEObj->createFakeSections();
1280 else
1281 llvm_unreachable("Unsupported binary format")::llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal("Unsupported binary format"
, "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp", 1281)
1284// Tries to fetch a more complete version of the given object file using its
1285// Build ID. Returns std::nullopt if nothing was found.
1286static std::optional<OwningBinary<Binary>>
1287fetchBinaryByBuildID(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
1288 std::optional<object::BuildIDRef> BuildID = getBuildID(&Obj);
1289 if (!BuildID)
1290 return std::nullopt;
1291 std::optional<std::string> Path = BIDFetcher->fetch(*BuildID);
1292 if (!Path)
1293 return std::nullopt;
1294 Expected<OwningBinary<Binary>> DebugBinary = createBinary(*Path);
1295 if (!DebugBinary) {
1296 reportWarning(toString(DebugBinary.takeError()), *Path);
1297 return std::nullopt;
1298 }
1299 return std::move(*DebugBinary);
1302static void disassembleObject(const Target *TheTarget, ObjectFile &Obj,
1303 const ObjectFile &DbgObj, MCContext &Ctx,
1304 MCDisassembler *PrimaryDisAsm,
1305 MCDisassembler *SecondaryDisAsm,
1306 const MCInstrAnalysis *MIA, MCInstPrinter *IP,
1307 const MCSubtargetInfo *PrimarySTI,
1308 const MCSubtargetInfo *SecondarySTI,
1309 PrettyPrinter &PIP, SourcePrinter &SP,
1310 bool InlineRelocs) {
1311 const MCSubtargetInfo *STI = PrimarySTI;
1312 MCDisassembler *DisAsm = PrimaryDisAsm;
1313 bool PrimaryIsThumb = false;
1314 if (isArmElf(Obj))
1315 PrimaryIsThumb = STI->checkFeatures("+thumb-mode");
1317 std::map<SectionRef, std::vector<RelocationRef>> RelocMap;
1318 if (InlineRelocs)
1319 RelocMap = getRelocsMap(Obj);
1320 bool Is64Bits = Obj.getBytesInAddress() > 4;
1322 // Create a mapping from virtual address to symbol name. This is used to
1323 // pretty print the symbols while disassembling.
1324 std::map<SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> AllSymbols;
1325 SectionSymbolsTy AbsoluteSymbols;
1326 const StringRef FileName = Obj.getFileName();
1327 const MachOObjectFile *MachO = dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(&Obj);
1328 for (const SymbolRef &Symbol : Obj.symbols()) {
1329 Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Symbol.getName();
1330 if (!NameOrErr) {
1331 reportWarning(toString(NameOrErr.takeError()), FileName);
1332 continue;
1333 }
1334 if (NameOrErr->empty() && !(Obj.isXCOFF() && SymbolDescription))
1335 continue;
1337 if (Obj.isELF() && getElfSymbolType(Obj, Symbol) == ELF::STT_SECTION)
1338 continue;
1340 if (MachO) {
1341 // __mh_(execute|dylib|dylinker|bundle|preload|object)_header are special
1342 // symbols that support MachO header introspection. They do not bind to
1343 // code locations and are irrelevant for disassembly.
1344 if (NameOrErr->startswith("__mh_") && NameOrErr->endswith("_header"))
1345 continue;
1346 // Don't ask a Mach-O STAB symbol for its section unless you know that
1347 // STAB symbol's section field refers to a valid section index. Otherwise
1348 // the symbol may error trying to load a section that does not exist.
1349 DataRefImpl SymDRI = Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl();
1350 uint8_t NType = (MachO->is64Bit() ?
1351 MachO->getSymbol64TableEntry(SymDRI).n_type:
1352 MachO->getSymbolTableEntry(SymDRI).n_type);
1353 if (NType & MachO::N_STAB)
1354 continue;
1355 }
1357 section_iterator SecI = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getSection(), FileName);
1358 if (SecI != Obj.section_end())
1359 AllSymbols[*SecI].push_back(createSymbolInfo(Obj, Symbol));
1360 else
1361 AbsoluteSymbols.push_back(createSymbolInfo(Obj, Symbol));
1362 }
1364 if (AllSymbols.empty() && Obj.isELF())
1365 addDynamicElfSymbols(cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(Obj), AllSymbols);
1367 if (Obj.isWasm())
1368 addMissingWasmCodeSymbols(cast<WasmObjectFile>(Obj), AllSymbols);
1370 if (Obj.isELF() && Obj.sections().empty())
1371 createFakeELFSections(Obj);
1373 BumpPtrAllocator A;
1374 StringSaver Saver(A);
1375 addPltEntries(Obj, AllSymbols, Saver);
1377 // Create a mapping from virtual address to section. An empty section can
1378 // cause more than one section at the same address. Sort such sections to be
1379 // before same-addressed non-empty sections so that symbol lookups prefer the
1380 // non-empty section.
1381 std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, SectionRef>> SectionAddresses;
1382 for (SectionRef Sec : Obj.sections())
1383 SectionAddresses.emplace_back(Sec.getAddress(), Sec);
1384 llvm::stable_sort(SectionAddresses, [](const auto &LHS, const auto &RHS) {
1385 if (LHS.first != RHS.first)
1386 return LHS.first < RHS.first;
1387 return LHS.second.getSize() < RHS.second.getSize();
1388 });
1390 // Linked executables (.exe and .dll files) typically don't include a real
1391 // symbol table but they might contain an export table.
1392 if (const auto *COFFObj = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(&Obj)) {
1393 for (const auto &ExportEntry : COFFObj->export_directories()) {
1394 StringRef Name;
1395 if (Error E = ExportEntry.getSymbolName(Name))
1396 reportError(std::move(E), Obj.getFileName());
1397 if (Name.empty())
1398 continue;
1400 uint32_t RVA;
1401 if (Error E = ExportEntry.getExportRVA(RVA))
1402 reportError(std::move(E), Obj.getFileName());
1404 uint64_t VA = COFFObj->getImageBase() + RVA;
1405 auto Sec = partition_point(
1406 SectionAddresses, [VA](const std::pair<uint64_t, SectionRef> &O) {
1407 return O.first <= VA;
1408 });
1409 if (Sec != SectionAddresses.begin()) {
1410 --Sec;
1411 AllSymbols[Sec->second].emplace_back(VA, Name, ELF::STT_NOTYPE);
1412 } else
1413 AbsoluteSymbols.emplace_back(VA, Name, ELF::STT_NOTYPE);
1414 }
1415 }
1417 // Sort all the symbols, this allows us to use a simple binary search to find
1418 // Multiple symbols can have the same address. Use a stable sort to stabilize
1419 // the output.
1420 StringSet<> FoundDisasmSymbolSet;
1421 for (std::pair<const SectionRef, SectionSymbolsTy> &SecSyms : AllSymbols)
1422 llvm::stable_sort(SecSyms.second);
1423 llvm::stable_sort(AbsoluteSymbols);
1425 std::unique_ptr<DWARFContext> DICtx;
1426 LiveVariablePrinter LVP(*Ctx.getRegisterInfo(), *STI);
1428 if (DbgVariables != DVDisabled) {
1429 DICtx = DWARFContext::create(DbgObj);
1430 for (const std::unique_ptr<DWARFUnit> &CU : DICtx->compile_units())
1431 LVP.addCompileUnit(CU->getUnitDIE(false));
1432 }
1434 LLVM_DEBUG(LVP.dump())do { if (::llvm::DebugFlag && ::llvm::isCurrentDebugType
("objdump")) { LVP.dump(); } } while (false)
1436 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, BBAddrMap> AddrToBBAddrMap;
1437 auto ReadBBAddrMap = [&](std::optional<unsigned> SectionIndex =
1438 std::nullopt) {
1439 AddrToBBAddrMap.clear();
1440 if (const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(&Obj)) {
1441 auto BBAddrMapsOrErr = Elf->readBBAddrMap(SectionIndex);
1442 if (!BBAddrMapsOrErr)
1443 reportWarning(toString(BBAddrMapsOrErr.takeError()), Obj.getFileName());
1444 for (auto &FunctionBBAddrMap : *BBAddrMapsOrErr)
1445 AddrToBBAddrMap.emplace(FunctionBBAddrMap.Addr,
1446 std::move(FunctionBBAddrMap));
1447 }
1448 };
1450 // For non-relocatable objects, Read all LLVM_BB_ADDR_MAP sections into a
1451 // single mapping, since they don't have any conflicts.
1452 if (SymbolizeOperands && !Obj.isRelocatableObject())
1453 ReadBBAddrMap();
1455 for (const SectionRef &Section : ToolSectionFilter(Obj)) {
1456 if (FilterSections.empty() && !DisassembleAll &&
1457 (!Section.isText() || Section.isVirtual()))
1458 continue;
1460 uint64_t SectionAddr = Section.getAddress();
1461 uint64_t SectSize = Section.getSize();
1462 if (!SectSize)
1463 continue;
1465 // For relocatable object files, read the LLVM_BB_ADDR_MAP section
1466 // corresponding to this section, if present.
1467 if (SymbolizeOperands && Obj.isRelocatableObject())
1468 ReadBBAddrMap(Section.getIndex());
1470 // Get the list of all the symbols in this section.
1471 SectionSymbolsTy &Symbols = AllSymbols[Section];
1472 std::vector<MappingSymbolPair> MappingSymbols;
1473 if (hasMappingSymbols(Obj)) {
1474 for (const auto &Symb : Symbols) {
1475 uint64_t Address = Symb.Addr;
1476 StringRef Name = Symb.Name;
1477 if (Name.startswith("$d"))
1478 MappingSymbols.emplace_back(Address - SectionAddr, 'd');
1479 if (Name.startswith("$x"))
1480 MappingSymbols.emplace_back(Address - SectionAddr, 'x');
1481 if (Name.startswith("$a"))
1482 MappingSymbols.emplace_back(Address - SectionAddr, 'a');
1483 if (Name.startswith("$t"))
1484 MappingSymbols.emplace_back(Address - SectionAddr, 't');
1485 }
1486 }
1488 llvm::sort(MappingSymbols);
1490 ArrayRef<uint8_t> Bytes = arrayRefFromStringRef(
1491 unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), Obj.getFileName()));
1493 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> SynthesizedLabelNames;
1494 if (Obj.isELF() && Obj.getArch() == Triple::amdgcn) {
1495 // AMDGPU disassembler uses symbolizer for printing labels
1496 addSymbolizer(Ctx, TheTarget, TripleName, DisAsm, SectionAddr, Bytes,
1497 Symbols, SynthesizedLabelNames);
1498 }
1500 StringRef SegmentName = getSegmentName(MachO, Section);
1501 StringRef SectionName = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj.getFileName());
1502 // If the section has no symbol at the start, just insert a dummy one.
1503 if (Symbols.empty() || Symbols[0].Addr != 0) {
1504 Symbols.insert(Symbols.begin(),
1505 createDummySymbolInfo(Obj, SectionAddr, SectionName,
1506 Section.isText() ? ELF::STT_FUNC
1507 : ELF::STT_OBJECT));
1508 }
1510 SmallString<40> Comments;
1511 raw_svector_ostream CommentStream(Comments);
1513 uint64_t VMAAdjustment = 0;
1514 if (shouldAdjustVA(Section))
1515 VMAAdjustment = AdjustVMA;
1517 // In executable and shared objects, r_offset holds a virtual address.
1518 // Subtract SectionAddr from the r_offset field of a relocation to get
1519 // the section offset.
1520 uint64_t RelAdjustment = Obj.isRelocatableObject() ? 0 : SectionAddr;
1521 uint64_t Size;
1522 uint64_t Index;
1523 bool PrintedSection = false;
1524 std::vector<RelocationRef> Rels = RelocMap[Section];
1525 std::vector<RelocationRef>::const_iterator RelCur = Rels.begin();
1526 std::vector<RelocationRef>::const_iterator RelEnd = Rels.end();
1528 // Loop over each chunk of code between two points where at least
1529 // one symbol is defined.
1530 for (size_t SI = 0, SE = Symbols.size(); SI != SE;) {
1531 // Advance SI past all the symbols starting at the same address,
1532 // and make an ArrayRef of them.
1533 unsigned FirstSI = SI;
1534 uint64_t Start = Symbols[SI].Addr;
1535 ArrayRef<SymbolInfoTy> SymbolsHere;
1536 while (SI != SE && Symbols[SI].Addr == Start)
1537 ++SI;
1538 SymbolsHere = ArrayRef<SymbolInfoTy>(&Symbols[FirstSI], SI - FirstSI);
1540 // Get the demangled names of all those symbols. We end up with a vector
1541 // of StringRef that holds the names we're going to use, and a vector of
1542 // std::string that stores the new strings returned by demangle(), if
1543 // any. If we don't call demangle() then that vector can stay empty.
1544 std::vector<StringRef> SymNamesHere;
1545 std::vector<std::string> DemangledSymNamesHere;
1546 if (Demangle) {
1547 // Fetch the demangled names and store them locally.
1548 for (const SymbolInfoTy &Symbol : SymbolsHere)
1549 DemangledSymNamesHere.push_back(demangle(Symbol.Name.str()));
1550 // Now we've finished modifying that vector, it's safe to make
1551 // a vector of StringRefs pointing into it.
1552 SymNamesHere.insert(SymNamesHere.begin(), DemangledSymNamesHere.begin(),
1553 DemangledSymNamesHere.end());
1554 } else {
1555 for (const SymbolInfoTy &Symbol : SymbolsHere)
1556 SymNamesHere.push_back(Symbol.Name);
1557 }
1559 // Distinguish ELF data from code symbols, which will be used later on to
1560 // decide whether to 'disassemble' this chunk as a data declaration via
1561 // dumpELFData(), or whether to treat it as code.
1562 //
1563 // If data _and_ code symbols are defined at the same address, the code
1564 // takes priority, on the grounds that disassembling code is our main
1565 // purpose here, and it would be a worse failure to _not_ interpret
1566 // something that _was_ meaningful as code than vice versa.
1567 //
1568 // Any ELF symbol type that is not clearly data will be regarded as code.
1569 // In particular, one of the uses of STT_NOTYPE is for branch targets
1570 // inside functions, for which STT_FUNC would be inaccurate.
1571 //
1572 // So here, we spot whether there's any non-data symbol present at all,
1573 // and only set the DisassembleAsData flag if there isn't. Also, we use
1574 // this distinction to inform the decision of which symbol to print at
1575 // the head of the section, so that if we're printing code, we print a
1576 // code-related symbol name to go with it.
1577 bool DisassembleAsData = false;
1578 size_t DisplaySymIndex = SymbolsHere.size() - 1;
1579 if (Obj.isELF() && !DisassembleAll && Section.isText()) {
1580 DisassembleAsData = true; // unless we find a code symbol below
1582 for (size_t i = 0; i < SymbolsHere.size(); ++i) {
1583 uint8_t SymTy = SymbolsHere[i].Type;
1584 if (SymTy != ELF::STT_OBJECT && SymTy != ELF::STT_COMMON) {
1585 DisassembleAsData = false;
1586 DisplaySymIndex = i;
1587 }
1588 }
1589 }
1591 // Decide which symbol(s) from this collection we're going to print.
1592 std::vector<bool> SymsToPrint(SymbolsHere.size(), false);
1593 // If the user has given the --disassemble-symbols option, then we must
1594 // display every symbol in that set, and no others.
1595 if (!DisasmSymbolSet.empty()) {
1596 bool FoundAny = false;
1597 for (size_t i = 0; i < SymbolsHere.size(); ++i) {
1598 if (DisasmSymbolSet.count(SymNamesHere[i])) {
1599 SymsToPrint[i] = true;
1600 FoundAny = true;
1601 }
1602 }
1604 // And if none of the symbols here is one that the user asked for, skip
1605 // disassembling this entire chunk of code.
1606 if (!FoundAny)
1607 continue;
1608 } else {
1609 // Otherwise, print whichever symbol at this location is last in the
1610 // Symbols array, because that array is pre-sorted in a way intended to
1611 // correlate with priority of which symbol to display.
1612 SymsToPrint[DisplaySymIndex] = true;
1613 }
1615 // Now that we know we're disassembling this section, override the choice
1616 // of which symbols to display by printing _all_ of them at this address
1617 // if the user asked for all symbols.
1618 //
1619 // That way, '--show-all-symbols --disassemble-symbol=foo' will print
1620 // only the chunk of code headed by 'foo', but also show any other
1621 // symbols defined at that address, such as aliases for 'foo', or the ARM
1622 // mapping symbol preceding its code.
1623 if (ShowAllSymbols) {
1624 for (size_t i = 0; i < SymbolsHere.size(); ++i)
1625 SymsToPrint[i] = true;
1626 }
1628 if (Start < SectionAddr || StopAddress <= Start)
1629 continue;
1631 for (size_t i = 0; i < SymbolsHere.size(); ++i)
1632 FoundDisasmSymbolSet.insert(SymNamesHere[i]);
1634 // The end is the section end, the beginning of the next symbol, or
1635 // --stop-address.
1636 uint64_t End = std::min<uint64_t>(SectionAddr + SectSize, StopAddress);
1637 if (SI < SE)
1638 End = std::min(End, Symbols[SI].Addr);
1639 if (Start >= End || End <= StartAddress)
1640 continue;
1641 Start -= SectionAddr;
1642 End -= SectionAddr;
1644 if (!PrintedSection) {
1645 PrintedSection = true;
1646 outs() << "\nDisassembly of section ";
1647 if (!SegmentName.empty())
1648 outs() << SegmentName << ",";
1649 outs() << SectionName << ":\n";
1650 }
1652 outs() << '\n';
1654 for (size_t i = 0; i < SymbolsHere.size(); ++i) {
1655 if (!SymsToPrint[i])
1656 continue;
1658 const SymbolInfoTy &Symbol = SymbolsHere[i];
1659 const StringRef SymbolName = SymNamesHere[i];
1661 if (LeadingAddr)
1662 outs() << format(Is64Bits ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" " " : "%08" PRIx64"l" "x" " ",
1663 SectionAddr + Start + VMAAdjustment);
1664 if (Obj.isXCOFF() && SymbolDescription) {
1665 outs() << getXCOFFSymbolDescription(Symbol, SymbolName) << ":\n";
1666 } else
1667 outs() << '<' << SymbolName << ">:\n";
1668 }
1670 // Don't print raw contents of a virtual section. A virtual section
1671 // doesn't have any contents in the file.
1672 if (Section.isVirtual()) {
1673 outs() << "...\n";
1674 continue;
1675 }
1677 // See if any of the symbols defined at this location triggers target-
1678 // specific disassembly behavior, e.g. of special descriptors or function
1679 // prelude information.
1680 //
1681 // We stop this loop at the first symbol that triggers some kind of
1682 // interesting behavior (if any), on the assumption that if two symbols
1683 // defined at the same address trigger two conflicting symbol handlers,
1684 // the object file is probably confused anyway, and it would make even
1685 // less sense to present the output of _both_ handlers, because that
1686 // would describe the same data twice.
1687 for (size_t SHI = 0; SHI < SymbolsHere.size(); ++SHI) {
1688 SymbolInfoTy Symbol = SymbolsHere[SHI];
1690 auto Status =
1691 DisAsm->onSymbolStart(Symbol, Size, Bytes.slice(Start, End - Start),
1692 SectionAddr + Start, CommentStream);
1694 if (!Status) {
1695 // If onSymbolStart returns std::nullopt, that means it didn't trigger
1696 // any interesting handling for this symbol. Try the other symbols
1697 // defined at this address.
1698 continue;
1699 }
1701 if (*Status == MCDisassembler::Fail) {
1702 // If onSymbolStart returns Fail, that means it identified some kind
1703 // of special data at this address, but wasn't able to disassemble it
1704 // meaningfully. So we fall back to disassembling the failed region
1705 // as bytes, assuming that the target detected the failure before
1706 // printing anything.
1707 //
1708 // Return values Success or SoftFail (i.e no 'real' failure) are
1709 // expected to mean that the target has emitted its own output.
1710 //
1711 // Either way, 'Size' will have been set to the amount of data
1712 // covered by whatever prologue the target identified. So we advance
1713 // our own position to beyond that. Sometimes that will be the entire
1714 // distance to the next symbol, and sometimes it will be just a
1715 // prologue and we should start disassembling instructions from where
1716 // it left off.
1717 outs() << "// Error in decoding " << SymNamesHere[SHI]
1718 << " : Decoding failed region as bytes.\n";
1719 for (uint64_t I = 0; I < Size; ++I) {
1720 outs() << "\t.byte\t " << format_hex(Bytes[I], 1, /*Upper=*/true)
1721 << "\n";
1722 }
1723 }
1724 Start += Size;
1725 break;
1726 }
1728 Index = Start;
1729 if (SectionAddr < StartAddress)
1730 Index = std::max<uint64_t>(Index, StartAddress - SectionAddr);
1732 if (DisassembleAsData) {
1733 dumpELFData(SectionAddr, Index, End, Bytes);
1734 Index = End;
Value stored to 'Index' is never read
1735 continue;
1736 }
1738 bool DumpARMELFData = false;
1739 formatted_raw_ostream FOS(outs());
1741 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> AllLabels;
1742 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::vector<std::string>> BBAddrMapLabels;
1743 if (SymbolizeOperands) {
1744 collectLocalBranchTargets(Bytes, MIA, DisAsm, IP, PrimarySTI,
1745 SectionAddr, Index, End, AllLabels);
1746 collectBBAddrMapLabels(AddrToBBAddrMap, SectionAddr, Index, End,
1747 BBAddrMapLabels);
1748 }
1750 while (Index < End) {
1751 // ARM and AArch64 ELF binaries can interleave data and text in the
1752 // same section. We rely on the markers introduced to understand what
1753 // we need to dump. If the data marker is within a function, it is
1754 // denoted as a word/short etc.
1755 if (!MappingSymbols.empty()) {
1756 char Kind = getMappingSymbolKind(MappingSymbols, Index);
1757 DumpARMELFData = Kind == 'd';
1758 if (SecondarySTI) {
1759 if (Kind == 'a') {
1760 STI = PrimaryIsThumb ? SecondarySTI : PrimarySTI;
1761 DisAsm = PrimaryIsThumb ? SecondaryDisAsm : PrimaryDisAsm;
1762 } else if (Kind == 't') {
1763 STI = PrimaryIsThumb ? PrimarySTI : SecondarySTI;
1764 DisAsm = PrimaryIsThumb ? PrimaryDisAsm : SecondaryDisAsm;
1765 }
1766 }
1767 }
1769 if (DumpARMELFData) {
1770 Size = dumpARMELFData(SectionAddr, Index, End, Obj, Bytes,
1771 MappingSymbols, *STI, FOS);
1772 } else {
1773 // When -z or --disassemble-zeroes are given we always dissasemble
1774 // them. Otherwise we might want to skip zero bytes we see.
1775 if (!DisassembleZeroes) {
1776 uint64_t MaxOffset = End - Index;
1777 // For --reloc: print zero blocks patched by relocations, so that
1778 // relocations can be shown in the dump.
1779 if (RelCur != RelEnd)
1780 MaxOffset = std::min(RelCur->getOffset() - RelAdjustment - Index,
1781 MaxOffset);
1783 if (size_t N =
1784 countSkippableZeroBytes(Bytes.slice(Index, MaxOffset))) {
1785 FOS << "\t\t..." << '\n';
1786 Index += N;
1787 continue;
1788 }
1789 }
1791 // Print local label if there's any.
1792 auto Iter1 = BBAddrMapLabels.find(SectionAddr + Index);
1793 if (Iter1 != BBAddrMapLabels.end()) {
1794 for (StringRef Label : Iter1->second)
1795 FOS << "<" << Label << ">:\n";
1796 } else {
1797 auto Iter2 = AllLabels.find(SectionAddr + Index);
1798 if (Iter2 != AllLabels.end())
1799 FOS << "<" << Iter2->second << ">:\n";
1800 }
1802 // Disassemble a real instruction or a data when disassemble all is
1803 // provided
1804 MCInst Inst;
1805 ArrayRef<uint8_t> ThisBytes = Bytes.slice(Index);
1806 uint64_t ThisAddr = SectionAddr + Index;
1807 bool Disassembled = DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, Size, ThisBytes,
1808 ThisAddr, CommentStream);
1809 if (Size == 0)
1810 Size = std::min<uint64_t>(
1811 ThisBytes.size(),
1812 DisAsm->suggestBytesToSkip(ThisBytes, ThisAddr));
1814 LVP.update({Index, Section.getIndex()},
1815 {Index + Size, Section.getIndex()}, Index + Size != End);
1817 IP->setCommentStream(CommentStream);
1819 PIP.printInst(
1820 *IP, Disassembled ? &Inst : nullptr, Bytes.slice(Index, Size),
1821 {SectionAddr + Index + VMAAdjustment, Section.getIndex()}, FOS,
1822 "", *STI, &SP, Obj.getFileName(), &Rels, LVP);
1824 IP->setCommentStream(llvm::nulls());
1826 // If disassembly has failed, avoid analysing invalid/incomplete
1827 // instruction information. Otherwise, try to resolve the target
1828 // address (jump target or memory operand address) and print it on the
1829 // right of the instruction.
1830 if (Disassembled && MIA) {
1831 // Branch targets are printed just after the instructions.
1832 llvm::raw_ostream *TargetOS = &FOS;
1833 uint64_t Target;
1834 bool PrintTarget =
1835 MIA->evaluateBranch(Inst, SectionAddr + Index, Size, Target);
1836 if (!PrintTarget)
1837 if (std::optional<uint64_t> MaybeTarget =
1838 MIA->evaluateMemoryOperandAddress(
1839 Inst, STI, SectionAddr + Index, Size)) {
1840 Target = *MaybeTarget;
1841 PrintTarget = true;
1842 // Do not print real address when symbolizing.
1843 if (!SymbolizeOperands) {
1844 // Memory operand addresses are printed as comments.
1845 TargetOS = &CommentStream;
1846 *TargetOS << "0x" << Twine::utohexstr(Target);
1847 }
1848 }
1849 if (PrintTarget) {
1850 // In a relocatable object, the target's section must reside in
1851 // the same section as the call instruction or it is accessed
1852 // through a relocation.
1853 //
1854 // In a non-relocatable object, the target may be in any section.
1855 // In that case, locate the section(s) containing the target
1856 // address and find the symbol in one of those, if possible.
1857 //
1858 // N.B. We don't walk the relocations in the relocatable case yet.
1859 std::vector<const SectionSymbolsTy *> TargetSectionSymbols;
1860 if (!Obj.isRelocatableObject()) {
1861 auto It = llvm::partition_point(
1862 SectionAddresses,
1863 [=](const std::pair<uint64_t, SectionRef> &O) {
1864 return O.first <= Target;
1865 });
1866 uint64_t TargetSecAddr = 0;
1867 while (It != SectionAddresses.begin()) {
1868 --It;
1869 if (TargetSecAddr == 0)
1870 TargetSecAddr = It->first;
1871 if (It->first != TargetSecAddr)
1872 break;
1873 TargetSectionSymbols.push_back(&AllSymbols[It->second]);
1874 }
1875 } else {
1876 TargetSectionSymbols.push_back(&Symbols);
1877 }
1878 TargetSectionSymbols.push_back(&AbsoluteSymbols);
1880 // Find the last symbol in the first candidate section whose
1881 // offset is less than or equal to the target. If there are no
1882 // such symbols, try in the next section and so on, before finally
1883 // using the nearest preceding absolute symbol (if any), if there
1884 // are no other valid symbols.
1885 const SymbolInfoTy *TargetSym = nullptr;
1886 for (const SectionSymbolsTy *TargetSymbols :
1887 TargetSectionSymbols) {
1888 auto It = llvm::partition_point(
1889 *TargetSymbols,
1890 [=](const SymbolInfoTy &O) { return O.Addr <= Target; });
1891 while (It != TargetSymbols->begin()) {
1892 --It;
1893 // Skip mapping symbols to avoid possible ambiguity as they
1894 // do not allow uniquely identifying the target address.
1895 if (!hasMappingSymbols(Obj) || !isMappingSymbol(*It)) {
1896 TargetSym = &*It;
1897 break;
1898 }
1899 }
1900 if (TargetSym)
1901 break;
1902 }
1904 // Print the labels corresponding to the target if there's any.
1905 bool BBAddrMapLabelAvailable = BBAddrMapLabels.count(Target);
1906 bool LabelAvailable = AllLabels.count(Target);
1907 if (TargetSym != nullptr) {
1908 uint64_t TargetAddress = TargetSym->Addr;
1909 uint64_t Disp = Target - TargetAddress;
1910 std::string TargetName = TargetSym->Name.str();
1911 if (Demangle)
1912 TargetName = demangle(TargetName);
1914 *TargetOS << " <";
1915 if (!Disp) {
1916 // Always Print the binary symbol precisely corresponding to
1917 // the target address.
1918 *TargetOS << TargetName;
1919 } else if (BBAddrMapLabelAvailable) {
1920 *TargetOS << BBAddrMapLabels[Target].front();
1921 } else if (LabelAvailable) {
1922 *TargetOS << AllLabels[Target];
1923 } else {
1924 // Always Print the binary symbol plus an offset if there's no
1925 // local label corresponding to the target address.
1926 *TargetOS << TargetName << "+0x" << Twine::utohexstr(Disp);
1927 }
1928 *TargetOS << ">";
1929 } else if (BBAddrMapLabelAvailable) {
1930 *TargetOS << " <" << BBAddrMapLabels[Target].front() << ">";
1931 } else if (LabelAvailable) {
1932 *TargetOS << " <" << AllLabels[Target] << ">";
1933 }
1934 // By convention, each record in the comment stream should be
1935 // terminated.
1936 if (TargetOS == &CommentStream)
1937 *TargetOS << "\n";
1938 }
1939 }
1940 }
1942 assert(Ctx.getAsmInfo())(static_cast <bool> (Ctx.getAsmInfo()) ? void (0) : __assert_fail
("Ctx.getAsmInfo()", "llvm/tools/llvm-objdump/llvm-objdump.cpp"
, 1942, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
1943 emitPostInstructionInfo(FOS, *Ctx.getAsmInfo(), *STI,
1944 CommentStream.str(), LVP);
1945 Comments.clear();
1947 // Hexagon does this in pretty printer
1948 if (Obj.getArch() != Triple::hexagon) {
1949 // Print relocation for instruction and data.
1950 while (RelCur != RelEnd) {
1951 uint64_t Offset = RelCur->getOffset() - RelAdjustment;
1952 // If this relocation is hidden, skip it.
1953 if (getHidden(*RelCur) || SectionAddr + Offset < StartAddress) {
1954 ++RelCur;
1955 continue;
1956 }
1958 // Stop when RelCur's offset is past the disassembled
1959 // instruction/data. Note that it's possible the disassembled data
1960 // is not the complete data: we might see the relocation printed in
1961 // the middle of the data, but this matches the binutils objdump
1962 // output.
1963 if (Offset >= Index + Size)
1964 break;
1966 // When --adjust-vma is used, update the address printed.
1967 if (RelCur->getSymbol() != Obj.symbol_end()) {
1968 Expected<section_iterator> SymSI =
1969 RelCur->getSymbol()->getSection();
1970 if (SymSI && *SymSI != Obj.section_end() &&
1971 shouldAdjustVA(**SymSI))
1972 Offset += AdjustVMA;
1973 }
1975 printRelocation(FOS, Obj.getFileName(), *RelCur,
1976 SectionAddr + Offset, Is64Bits);
1977 LVP.printAfterOtherLine(FOS, true);
1978 ++RelCur;
1979 }
1980 }
1982 Index += Size;
1983 }
1984 }
1985 }
1986 StringSet<> MissingDisasmSymbolSet =
1987 set_difference(DisasmSymbolSet, FoundDisasmSymbolSet);
1988 for (StringRef Sym : MissingDisasmSymbolSet.keys())
1989 reportWarning("failed to disassemble missing symbol " + Sym, FileName);
1992static void disassembleObject(ObjectFile *Obj, bool InlineRelocs) {
1993 // If information useful for showing the disassembly is missing, try to find a
1994 // more complete binary and disassemble that instead.
1995 OwningBinary<Binary> FetchedBinary;
1996 if (Obj->symbols().empty()) {
1997 if (std::optional<OwningBinary<Binary>> FetchedBinaryOpt =
1998 fetchBinaryByBuildID(*Obj)) {
1999 if (auto *O = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(FetchedBinaryOpt->getBinary())) {
2000 if (!O->symbols().empty() ||
2001 (!O->sections().empty() && Obj->sections().empty())) {
2002 FetchedBinary = std::move(*FetchedBinaryOpt);
2003 Obj = O;
2004 }
2005 }
2006 }
2007 }
2009 const Target *TheTarget = getTarget(Obj);
2011 // Package up features to be passed to target/subtarget
2012 Expected<SubtargetFeatures> FeaturesValue = Obj->getFeatures();
2013 if (!FeaturesValue)
2014 reportError(FeaturesValue.takeError(), Obj->getFileName());
2015 SubtargetFeatures Features = *FeaturesValue;
2016 if (!MAttrs.empty()) {
2017 for (unsigned I = 0; I != MAttrs.size(); ++I)
2018 Features.AddFeature(MAttrs[I]);
2019 } else if (MCPU.empty() && Obj->getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64) {
2020 Features.AddFeature("+all");
2021 }
2023 std::unique_ptr<const MCRegisterInfo> MRI(
2024 TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TripleName));
2025 if (!MRI)
2026 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2027 "no register info for target " + TripleName);
2029 // Set up disassembler.
2030 MCTargetOptions MCOptions;
2031 std::unique_ptr<const MCAsmInfo> AsmInfo(
2032 TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*MRI, TripleName, MCOptions));
2033 if (!AsmInfo)
2034 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2035 "no assembly info for target " + TripleName);
2037 if (MCPU.empty())
2038 MCPU = Obj->tryGetCPUName().value_or("").str();
2040 if (isArmElf(*Obj)) {
2041 // When disassembling big-endian Arm ELF, the instruction endianness is
2042 // determined in a complex way. In relocatable objects, AAELF32 mandates
2043 // that instruction endianness matches the ELF file endianness; in
2044 // executable images, that's true unless the file header has the EF_ARM_BE8
2045 // flag, in which case instructions are little-endian regardless of data
2046 // endianness.
2047 //
2048 // We must set the big-endian-instructions SubtargetFeature to make the
2049 // disassembler read the instructions the right way round, and also tell
2050 // our own prettyprinter to retrieve the encodings the same way to print in
2051 // hex.
2052 const auto *Elf32BE = dyn_cast<ELF32BEObjectFile>(Obj);
2054 if (Elf32BE && (Elf32BE->isRelocatableObject() ||
2055 !(Elf32BE->getPlatformFlags() & ELF::EF_ARM_BE8))) {
2056 Features.AddFeature("+big-endian-instructions");
2057 ARMPrettyPrinterInst.setInstructionEndianness(llvm::support::big);
2058 } else {
2059 ARMPrettyPrinterInst.setInstructionEndianness(llvm::support::little);
2060 }
2061 }
2063 std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo> STI(
2064 TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TripleName, MCPU, Features.getString()));
2065 if (!STI)
2066 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2067 "no subtarget info for target " + TripleName);
2068 std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrInfo> MII(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
2069 if (!MII)
2070 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2071 "no instruction info for target " + TripleName);
2072 MCContext Ctx(Triple(TripleName), AsmInfo.get(), MRI.get(), STI.get());
2073 // FIXME: for now initialize MCObjectFileInfo with default values
2074 std::unique_ptr<MCObjectFileInfo> MOFI(
2075 TheTarget->createMCObjectFileInfo(Ctx, /*PIC=*/false));
2076 Ctx.setObjectFileInfo(MOFI.get());
2078 std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> DisAsm(
2079 TheTarget->createMCDisassembler(*STI, Ctx));
2080 if (!DisAsm)
2081 reportError(Obj->getFileName(), "no disassembler for target " + TripleName);
2083 // If we have an ARM object file, we need a second disassembler, because
2084 // ARM CPUs have two different instruction sets: ARM mode, and Thumb mode.
2085 // We use mapping symbols to switch between the two assemblers, where
2086 // appropriate.
2087 std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> SecondaryDisAsm;
2088 std::unique_ptr<const MCSubtargetInfo> SecondarySTI;
2089 if (isArmElf(*Obj) && !STI->checkFeatures("+mclass")) {
2090 if (STI->checkFeatures("+thumb-mode"))
2091 Features.AddFeature("-thumb-mode");
2092 else
2093 Features.AddFeature("+thumb-mode");
2094 SecondarySTI.reset(TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TripleName, MCPU,
2095 Features.getString()));
2096 SecondaryDisAsm.reset(TheTarget->createMCDisassembler(*SecondarySTI, Ctx));
2097 }
2099 std::unique_ptr<const MCInstrAnalysis> MIA(
2100 TheTarget->createMCInstrAnalysis(MII.get()));
2102 int AsmPrinterVariant = AsmInfo->getAssemblerDialect();
2103 std::unique_ptr<MCInstPrinter> IP(TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(
2104 Triple(TripleName), AsmPrinterVariant, *AsmInfo, *MII, *MRI));
2105 if (!IP)
2106 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2107 "no instruction printer for target " + TripleName);
2108 IP->setPrintImmHex(PrintImmHex);
2109 IP->setPrintBranchImmAsAddress(true);
2110 IP->setSymbolizeOperands(SymbolizeOperands);
2111 IP->setMCInstrAnalysis(MIA.get());
2113 PrettyPrinter &PIP = selectPrettyPrinter(Triple(TripleName));
2115 const ObjectFile *DbgObj = Obj;
2116 if (!FetchedBinary.getBinary() && !Obj->hasDebugInfo()) {
2117 if (std::optional<OwningBinary<Binary>> DebugBinaryOpt =
2118 fetchBinaryByBuildID(*Obj)) {
2119 if (auto *FetchedObj =
2120 dyn_cast<const ObjectFile>(DebugBinaryOpt->getBinary())) {
2121 if (FetchedObj->hasDebugInfo()) {
2122 FetchedBinary = std::move(*DebugBinaryOpt);
2123 DbgObj = FetchedObj;
2124 }
2125 }
2126 }
2127 }
2129 std::unique_ptr<object::Binary> DSYMBinary;
2130 std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> DSYMBuf;
2131 if (!DbgObj->hasDebugInfo()) {
2132 if (const MachOObjectFile *MachOOF = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(&*Obj)) {
2133 DbgObj = objdump::getMachODSymObject(MachOOF, Obj->getFileName(),
2134 DSYMBinary, DSYMBuf);
2135 if (!DbgObj)
2136 return;
2137 }
2138 }
2140 SourcePrinter SP(DbgObj, TheTarget->getName());
2142 for (StringRef Opt : DisassemblerOptions)
2143 if (!IP->applyTargetSpecificCLOption(Opt))
2144 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2145 "Unrecognized disassembler option: " + Opt);
2147 disassembleObject(TheTarget, *Obj, *DbgObj, Ctx, DisAsm.get(),
2148 SecondaryDisAsm.get(), MIA.get(), IP.get(), STI.get(),
2149 SecondarySTI.get(), PIP, SP, InlineRelocs);
2152void objdump::printRelocations(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
2153 StringRef Fmt = Obj->getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" :
2154 "%08" PRIx64"l" "x";
2156 // Build a mapping from relocation target to a vector of relocation
2157 // sections. Usually, there is an only one relocation section for
2158 // each relocated section.
2159 MapVector<SectionRef, std::vector<SectionRef>> SecToRelSec;
2160 uint64_t Ndx;
2161 for (const SectionRef &Section : ToolSectionFilter(*Obj, &Ndx)) {
2162 if (Obj->isELF() && (ELFSectionRef(Section).getFlags() & ELF::SHF_ALLOC))
2163 continue;
2164 if (Section.relocation_begin() == Section.relocation_end())
2165 continue;
2166 Expected<section_iterator> SecOrErr = Section.getRelocatedSection();
2167 if (!SecOrErr)
2168 reportError(Obj->getFileName(),
2169 "section (" + Twine(Ndx) +
2170 "): unable to get a relocation target: " +
2171 toString(SecOrErr.takeError()));
2172 SecToRelSec[**SecOrErr].push_back(Section);
2173 }
2175 for (std::pair<SectionRef, std::vector<SectionRef>> &P : SecToRelSec) {
2176 StringRef SecName = unwrapOrError(P.first.getName(), Obj->getFileName());
2177 outs() << "\nRELOCATION RECORDS FOR [" << SecName << "]:\n";
2178 uint32_t OffsetPadding = (Obj->getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? 16 : 8);
2179 uint32_t TypePadding = 24;
2180 outs() << left_justify("OFFSET", OffsetPadding) << " "
2181 << left_justify("TYPE", TypePadding) << " "
2182 << "VALUE\n";
2184 for (SectionRef Section : P.second) {
2185 for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : Section.relocations()) {
2186 uint64_t Address = Reloc.getOffset();
2187 SmallString<32> RelocName;
2188 SmallString<32> ValueStr;
2189 if (Address < StartAddress || Address > StopAddress || getHidden(Reloc))
2190 continue;
2191 Reloc.getTypeName(RelocName);
2192 if (Error E = getRelocationValueString(Reloc, ValueStr))
2193 reportError(std::move(E), Obj->getFileName());
2195 outs() << format(Fmt.data(), Address) << " "
2196 << left_justify(RelocName, TypePadding) << " " << ValueStr
2197 << "\n";
2198 }
2199 }
2200 }
2203void objdump::printDynamicRelocations(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
2204 // For the moment, this option is for ELF only
2205 if (!Obj->isELF())
2206 return;
2208 const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(Obj);
2209 if (!Elf || !any_of(Elf->sections(), [](const ELFSectionRef Sec) {
2210 return Sec.getType() == ELF::SHT_DYNAMIC;
2211 })) {
2212 reportError(Obj->getFileName(), "not a dynamic object");
2213 return;
2214 }
2216 std::vector<SectionRef> DynRelSec = Obj->dynamic_relocation_sections();
2217 if (DynRelSec.empty())
2218 return;
2220 outs() << "\nDYNAMIC RELOCATION RECORDS\n";
2221 const uint32_t OffsetPadding = (Obj->getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? 16 : 8);
2222 const uint32_t TypePadding = 24;
2223 outs() << left_justify("OFFSET", OffsetPadding) << ' '
2224 << left_justify("TYPE", TypePadding) << " VALUE\n";
2226 StringRef Fmt = Obj->getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" : "%08" PRIx64"l" "x";
2227 for (const SectionRef &Section : DynRelSec)
2228 for (const RelocationRef &Reloc : Section.relocations()) {
2229 uint64_t Address = Reloc.getOffset();
2230 SmallString<32> RelocName;
2231 SmallString<32> ValueStr;
2232 Reloc.getTypeName(RelocName);
2233 if (Error E = getRelocationValueString(Reloc, ValueStr))
2234 reportError(std::move(E), Obj->getFileName());
2235 outs() << format(Fmt.data(), Address) << ' '
2236 << left_justify(RelocName, TypePadding) << ' ' << ValueStr << '\n';
2237 }
2240// Returns true if we need to show LMA column when dumping section headers. We
2241// show it only when the platform is ELF and either we have at least one section
2242// whose VMA and LMA are different and/or when --show-lma flag is used.
2243static bool shouldDisplayLMA(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
2244 if (!Obj.isELF())
2245 return false;
2246 for (const SectionRef &S : ToolSectionFilter(Obj))
2247 if (S.getAddress() != getELFSectionLMA(S))
2248 return true;
2249 return ShowLMA;
2252static size_t getMaxSectionNameWidth(const ObjectFile &Obj) {
2253 // Default column width for names is 13 even if no names are that long.
2254 size_t MaxWidth = 13;
2255 for (const SectionRef &Section : ToolSectionFilter(Obj)) {
2256 StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj.getFileName());
2257 MaxWidth = std::max(MaxWidth, Name.size());
2258 }
2259 return MaxWidth;
2262void objdump::printSectionHeaders(ObjectFile &Obj) {
2263 if (Obj.isELF() && Obj.sections().empty())
2264 createFakeELFSections(Obj);
2266 size_t NameWidth = getMaxSectionNameWidth(Obj);
2267 size_t AddressWidth = 2 * Obj.getBytesInAddress();
2268 bool HasLMAColumn = shouldDisplayLMA(Obj);
2269 outs() << "\nSections:\n";
2270 if (HasLMAColumn)
2271 outs() << "Idx " << left_justify("Name", NameWidth) << " Size "
2272 << left_justify("VMA", AddressWidth) << " "
2273 << left_justify("LMA", AddressWidth) << " Type\n";
2274 else
2275 outs() << "Idx " << left_justify("Name", NameWidth) << " Size "
2276 << left_justify("VMA", AddressWidth) << " Type\n";
2278 uint64_t Idx;
2279 for (const SectionRef &Section : ToolSectionFilter(Obj, &Idx)) {
2280 StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj.getFileName());
2281 uint64_t VMA = Section.getAddress();
2282 if (shouldAdjustVA(Section))
2283 VMA += AdjustVMA;
2285 uint64_t Size = Section.getSize();
2287 std::string Type = Section.isText() ? "TEXT" : "";
2288 if (Section.isData())
2289 Type += Type.empty() ? "DATA" : ", DATA";
2290 if (Section.isBSS())
2291 Type += Type.empty() ? "BSS" : ", BSS";
2292 if (Section.isDebugSection())
2293 Type += Type.empty() ? "DEBUG" : ", DEBUG";
2295 if (HasLMAColumn)
2296 outs() << format("%3" PRIu64"l" "u" " %-*s %08" PRIx64"l" "x" " ", Idx, NameWidth,
2297 Name.str().c_str(), Size)
2298 << format_hex_no_prefix(VMA, AddressWidth) << " "
2299 << format_hex_no_prefix(getELFSectionLMA(Section), AddressWidth)
2300 << " " << Type << "\n";
2301 else
2302 outs() << format("%3" PRIu64"l" "u" " %-*s %08" PRIx64"l" "x" " ", Idx, NameWidth,
2303 Name.str().c_str(), Size)
2304 << format_hex_no_prefix(VMA, AddressWidth) << " " << Type << "\n";
2305 }
2308void objdump::printSectionContents(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
2309 const MachOObjectFile *MachO = dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(Obj);
2311 for (const SectionRef &Section : ToolSectionFilter(*Obj)) {
2312 StringRef Name = unwrapOrError(Section.getName(), Obj->getFileName());
2313 uint64_t BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
2314 uint64_t Size = Section.getSize();
2315 if (!Size)
2316 continue;
2318 outs() << "Contents of section ";
2319 StringRef SegmentName = getSegmentName(MachO, Section);
2320 if (!SegmentName.empty())
2321 outs() << SegmentName << ",";
2322 outs() << Name << ":\n";
2323 if (Section.isBSS()) {
2324 outs() << format("<skipping contents of bss section at [%04" PRIx64"l" "x"
2325 ", %04" PRIx64"l" "x" ")>\n",
2326 BaseAddr, BaseAddr + Size);
2327 continue;
2328 }
2330 StringRef Contents = unwrapOrError(Section.getContents(), Obj->getFileName());
2332 // Dump out the content as hex and printable ascii characters.
2333 for (std::size_t Addr = 0, End = Contents.size(); Addr < End; Addr += 16) {
2334 outs() << format(" %04" PRIx64"l" "x" " ", BaseAddr + Addr);
2335 // Dump line of hex.
2336 for (std::size_t I = 0; I < 16; ++I) {
2337 if (I != 0 && I % 4 == 0)
2338 outs() << ' ';
2339 if (Addr + I < End)
2340 outs() << hexdigit((Contents[Addr + I] >> 4) & 0xF, true)
2341 << hexdigit(Contents[Addr + I] & 0xF, true);
2342 else
2343 outs() << " ";
2344 }
2345 // Print ascii.
2346 outs() << " ";
2347 for (std::size_t I = 0; I < 16 && Addr + I < End; ++I) {
2348 if (isPrint(static_cast<unsigned char>(Contents[Addr + I]) & 0xFF))
2349 outs() << Contents[Addr + I];
2350 else
2351 outs() << ".";
2352 }
2353 outs() << "\n";
2354 }
2355 }
2358void objdump::printSymbolTable(const ObjectFile &O, StringRef ArchiveName,
2359 StringRef ArchitectureName, bool DumpDynamic) {
2360 if (O.isCOFF() && !DumpDynamic) {
2361 outs() << "\nSYMBOL TABLE:\n";
2362 printCOFFSymbolTable(cast<const COFFObjectFile>(O));
2363 return;
2364 }
2366 const StringRef FileName = O.getFileName();
2368 if (!DumpDynamic) {
2369 outs() << "\nSYMBOL TABLE:\n";
2370 for (auto I = O.symbol_begin(); I != O.symbol_end(); ++I)
2371 printSymbol(O, *I, {}, FileName, ArchiveName, ArchitectureName,
2372 DumpDynamic);
2373 return;
2374 }
2376 outs() << "\nDYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE:\n";
2377 if (!O.isELF()) {
2378 reportWarning(
2379 "this operation is not currently supported for this file format",
2380 FileName);
2381 return;
2382 }
2384 const ELFObjectFileBase *ELF = cast<const ELFObjectFileBase>(&O);
2385 auto Symbols = ELF->getDynamicSymbolIterators();
2386 Expected<std::vector<VersionEntry>> SymbolVersionsOrErr =
2387 ELF->readDynsymVersions();
2388 if (!SymbolVersionsOrErr) {
2389 reportWarning(toString(SymbolVersionsOrErr.takeError()), FileName);
2390 SymbolVersionsOrErr = std::vector<VersionEntry>();
2391 (void)!SymbolVersionsOrErr;
2392 }
2393 for (auto &Sym : Symbols)
2394 printSymbol(O, Sym, *SymbolVersionsOrErr, FileName, ArchiveName,
2395 ArchitectureName, DumpDynamic);
2398void objdump::printSymbol(const ObjectFile &O, const SymbolRef &Symbol,
2399 ArrayRef<VersionEntry> SymbolVersions,
2400 StringRef FileName, StringRef ArchiveName,
2401 StringRef ArchitectureName, bool DumpDynamic) {
2402 const MachOObjectFile *MachO = dyn_cast<const MachOObjectFile>(&O);
2403 uint64_t Address = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getAddress(), FileName, ArchiveName,
2404 ArchitectureName);
2405 if ((Address < StartAddress) || (Address > StopAddress))
2406 return;
2407 SymbolRef::Type Type =
2408 unwrapOrError(Symbol.getType(), FileName, ArchiveName, ArchitectureName);
2409 uint32_t Flags =
2410 unwrapOrError(Symbol.getFlags(), FileName, ArchiveName, ArchitectureName);
2412 // Don't ask a Mach-O STAB symbol for its section unless you know that
2413 // STAB symbol's section field refers to a valid section index. Otherwise
2414 // the symbol may error trying to load a section that does not exist.
2415 bool IsSTAB = false;
2416 if (MachO) {
2417 DataRefImpl SymDRI = Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl();
2418 uint8_t NType =
2419 (MachO->is64Bit() ? MachO->getSymbol64TableEntry(SymDRI).n_type
2420 : MachO->getSymbolTableEntry(SymDRI).n_type);
2421 if (NType & MachO::N_STAB)
2422 IsSTAB = true;
2423 }
2424 section_iterator Section = IsSTAB
2425 ? O.section_end()
2426 : unwrapOrError(Symbol.getSection(), FileName,
2427 ArchiveName, ArchitectureName);
2429 StringRef Name;
2430 if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_Debug && Section != O.section_end()) {
2431 if (Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Section->getName())
2432 Name = *NameOrErr;
2433 else
2434 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
2436 } else {
2437 Name = unwrapOrError(Symbol.getName(), FileName, ArchiveName,
2438 ArchitectureName);
2439 }
2441 bool Global = Flags & SymbolRef::SF_Global;
2442 bool Weak = Flags & SymbolRef::SF_Weak;
2443 bool Absolute = Flags & SymbolRef::SF_Absolute;
2444 bool Common = Flags & SymbolRef::SF_Common;
2445 bool Hidden = Flags & SymbolRef::SF_Hidden;
2447 char GlobLoc = ' ';
2448 if ((Section != O.section_end() || Absolute) && !Weak)
2449 GlobLoc = Global ? 'g' : 'l';
2450 char IFunc = ' ';
2451 if (O.isELF()) {
2452 if (ELFSymbolRef(Symbol).getELFType() == ELF::STT_GNU_IFUNC)
2453 IFunc = 'i';
2454 if (ELFSymbolRef(Symbol).getBinding() == ELF::STB_GNU_UNIQUE)
2455 GlobLoc = 'u';
2456 }
2458 char Debug = ' ';
2459 if (DumpDynamic)
2460 Debug = 'D';
2461 else if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_Debug || Type == SymbolRef::ST_File)
2462 Debug = 'd';
2464 char FileFunc = ' ';
2465 if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_File)
2466 FileFunc = 'f';
2467 else if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_Function)
2468 FileFunc = 'F';
2469 else if (Type == SymbolRef::ST_Data)
2470 FileFunc = 'O';
2472 const char *Fmt = O.getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" : "%08" PRIx64"l" "x";
2474 outs() << format(Fmt, Address) << " "
2475 << GlobLoc // Local -> 'l', Global -> 'g', Neither -> ' '
2476 << (Weak ? 'w' : ' ') // Weak?
2477 << ' ' // Constructor. Not supported yet.
2478 << ' ' // Warning. Not supported yet.
2479 << IFunc // Indirect reference to another symbol.
2480 << Debug // Debugging (d) or dynamic (D) symbol.
2481 << FileFunc // Name of function (F), file (f) or object (O).
2482 << ' ';
2483 if (Absolute) {
2484 outs() << "*ABS*";
2485 } else if (Common) {
2486 outs() << "*COM*";
2487 } else if (Section == O.section_end()) {
2488 if (O.isXCOFF()) {
2489 XCOFFSymbolRef XCOFFSym = cast<const XCOFFObjectFile>(O).toSymbolRef(
2490 Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl());
2491 if (XCOFF::N_DEBUG == XCOFFSym.getSectionNumber())
2492 outs() << "*DEBUG*";
2493 else
2494 outs() << "*UND*";
2495 } else
2496 outs() << "*UND*";
2497 } else {
2498 StringRef SegmentName = getSegmentName(MachO, *Section);
2499 if (!SegmentName.empty())
2500 outs() << SegmentName << ",";
2501 StringRef SectionName = unwrapOrError(Section->getName(), FileName);
2502 outs() << SectionName;
2503 if (O.isXCOFF()) {
2504 std::optional<SymbolRef> SymRef =
2505 getXCOFFSymbolContainingSymbolRef(cast<XCOFFObjectFile>(O), Symbol);
2506 if (SymRef) {
2508 Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = SymRef->getName();
2510 if (NameOrErr) {
2511 outs() << " (csect:";
2512 std::string SymName(NameOrErr.get());
2514 if (Demangle)
2515 SymName = demangle(SymName);
2517 if (SymbolDescription)
2518 SymName = getXCOFFSymbolDescription(createSymbolInfo(O, *SymRef),
2519 SymName);
2521 outs() << ' ' << SymName;
2522 outs() << ") ";
2523 } else
2524 reportWarning(toString(NameOrErr.takeError()), FileName);
2525 }
2526 }
2527 }
2529 if (Common)
2530 outs() << '\t' << format(Fmt, static_cast<uint64_t>(Symbol.getAlignment()));
2531 else if (O.isXCOFF())
2532 outs() << '\t'
2533 << format(Fmt, cast<XCOFFObjectFile>(O).getSymbolSize(
2534 Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl()));
2535 else if (O.isELF())
2536 outs() << '\t' << format(Fmt, ELFSymbolRef(Symbol).getSize());
2538 if (O.isELF()) {
2539 if (!SymbolVersions.empty()) {
2540 const VersionEntry &Ver =
2541 SymbolVersions[Symbol.getRawDataRefImpl().d.b - 1];
2542 std::string Str;
2543 if (!Ver.Name.empty())
2544 Str = Ver.IsVerDef ? ' ' + Ver.Name : '(' + Ver.Name + ')';
2545 outs() << ' ' << left_justify(Str, 12);
2546 }
2548 uint8_t Other = ELFSymbolRef(Symbol).getOther();
2549 switch (Other) {
2550 case ELF::STV_DEFAULT:
2551 break;
2552 case ELF::STV_INTERNAL:
2553 outs() << " .internal";
2554 break;
2555 case ELF::STV_HIDDEN:
2556 outs() << " .hidden";
2557 break;
2559 outs() << " .protected";
2560 break;
2561 default:
2562 outs() << format(" 0x%02x", Other);
2563 break;
2564 }
2565 } else if (Hidden) {
2566 outs() << " .hidden";
2567 }
2569 std::string SymName(Name);
2570 if (Demangle)
2571 SymName = demangle(SymName);
2573 if (O.isXCOFF() && SymbolDescription)
2574 SymName = getXCOFFSymbolDescription(createSymbolInfo(O, Symbol), SymName);
2576 outs() << ' ' << SymName << '\n';
2579static void printUnwindInfo(const ObjectFile *O) {
2580 outs() << "Unwind info:\n\n";
2582 if (const COFFObjectFile *Coff = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(O))
2583 printCOFFUnwindInfo(Coff);
2584 else if (const MachOObjectFile *MachO = dyn_cast<MachOObjectFile>(O))
2585 printMachOUnwindInfo(MachO);
2586 else
2587 // TODO: Extract DWARF dump tool to objdump.
2588 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName)
2589 << "This operation is only currently supported "
2590 "for COFF and MachO object files.\n";
2593/// Dump the raw contents of the __clangast section so the output can be piped
2594/// into llvm-bcanalyzer.
2595static void printRawClangAST(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
2596 if (outs().is_displayed()) {
2597 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName)
2598 << "The -raw-clang-ast option will dump the raw binary contents of "
2599 "the clang ast section.\n"
2600 "Please redirect the output to a file or another program such as "
2601 "llvm-bcanalyzer.\n";
2602 return;
2603 }
2605 StringRef ClangASTSectionName("__clangast");
2606 if (Obj->isCOFF()) {
2607 ClangASTSectionName = "clangast";
2608 }
2610 std::optional<object::SectionRef> ClangASTSection;
2611 for (auto Sec : ToolSectionFilter(*Obj)) {
2612 StringRef Name;
2613 if (Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Sec.getName())
2614 Name = *NameOrErr;
2615 else
2616 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
2618 if (Name == ClangASTSectionName) {
2619 ClangASTSection = Sec;
2620 break;
2621 }
2622 }
2623 if (!ClangASTSection)
2624 return;
2626 StringRef ClangASTContents =
2627 unwrapOrError(ClangASTSection->getContents(), Obj->getFileName());
2628 outs().write(ClangASTContents.data(), ClangASTContents.size());
2631static void printFaultMaps(const ObjectFile *Obj) {
2632 StringRef FaultMapSectionName;
2634 if (Obj->isELF()) {
2635 FaultMapSectionName = ".llvm_faultmaps";
2636 } else if (Obj->isMachO()) {
2637 FaultMapSectionName = "__llvm_faultmaps";
2638 } else {
2639 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName)
2640 << "This operation is only currently supported "
2641 "for ELF and Mach-O executable files.\n";
2642 return;
2643 }
2645 std::optional<object::SectionRef> FaultMapSection;
2647 for (auto Sec : ToolSectionFilter(*Obj)) {
2648 StringRef Name;
2649 if (Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Sec.getName())
2650 Name = *NameOrErr;
2651 else
2652 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
2654 if (Name == FaultMapSectionName) {
2655 FaultMapSection = Sec;
2656 break;
2657 }
2658 }
2660 outs() << "FaultMap table:\n";
2662 if (!FaultMapSection) {
2663 outs() << "<not found>\n";
2664 return;
2665 }
2667 StringRef FaultMapContents =
2668 unwrapOrError(FaultMapSection->getContents(), Obj->getFileName());
2669 FaultMapParser FMP(FaultMapContents.bytes_begin(),
2670 FaultMapContents.bytes_end());
2672 outs() << FMP;
2675static void printPrivateFileHeaders(const ObjectFile *O, bool OnlyFirst) {
2676 if (O->isELF()) {
2677 printELFFileHeader(O);
2678 printELFDynamicSection(O);
2679 printELFSymbolVersionInfo(O);
2680 return;
2681 }
2682 if (O->isCOFF())
2683 return printCOFFFileHeader(cast<object::COFFObjectFile>(*O));
2684 if (O->isWasm())
2685 return printWasmFileHeader(O);
2686 if (O->isMachO()) {
2687 printMachOFileHeader(O);
2688 if (!OnlyFirst)
2689 printMachOLoadCommands(O);
2690 return;
2691 }
2692 reportError(O->getFileName(), "Invalid/Unsupported object file format");
2695static void printFileHeaders(const ObjectFile *O) {
2696 if (!O->isELF() && !O->isCOFF())
2697 reportError(O->getFileName(), "Invalid/Unsupported object file format");
2699 Triple::ArchType AT = O->getArch();
2700 outs() << "architecture: " << Triple::getArchTypeName(AT) << "\n";
2701 uint64_t Address = unwrapOrError(O->getStartAddress(), O->getFileName());
2703 StringRef Fmt = O->getBytesInAddress() > 4 ? "%016" PRIx64"l" "x" : "%08" PRIx64"l" "x";
2704 outs() << "start address: "
2705 << "0x" << format(Fmt.data(), Address) << "\n";
2708static void printArchiveChild(StringRef Filename, const Archive::Child &C) {
2709 Expected<sys::fs::perms> ModeOrErr = C.getAccessMode();
2710 if (!ModeOrErr) {
2711 WithColor::error(errs(), ToolName) << "ill-formed archive entry.\n";
2712 consumeError(ModeOrErr.takeError());
2713 return;
2714 }
2715 sys::fs::perms Mode = ModeOrErr.get();
2716 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::owner_read) ? "r" : "-");
2717 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::owner_write) ? "w" : "-");
2718 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::owner_exe) ? "x" : "-");
2719 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::group_read) ? "r" : "-");
2720 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::group_write) ? "w" : "-");
2721 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::group_exe) ? "x" : "-");
2722 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::others_read) ? "r" : "-");
2723 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::others_write) ? "w" : "-");
2724 outs() << ((Mode & sys::fs::others_exe) ? "x" : "-");
2726 outs() << " ";
2728 outs() << format("%d/%d %6" PRId64"l" "d" " ", unwrapOrError(C.getUID(), Filename),
2729 unwrapOrError(C.getGID(), Filename),
2730 unwrapOrError(C.getRawSize(), Filename));
2732 StringRef RawLastModified = C.getRawLastModified();
2733 unsigned Seconds;
2734 if (RawLastModified.getAsInteger(10, Seconds))
2735 outs() << "(date: \"" << RawLastModified
2736 << "\" contains non-decimal chars) ";
2737 else {
2738 // Since ctime(3) returns a 26 character string of the form:
2739 // "Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\n\0"
2740 // just print 24 characters.
2741 time_t t = Seconds;
2742 outs() << format("%.24s ", ctime(&t));
2743 }
2745 StringRef Name = "";
2746 Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = C.getName();
2747 if (!NameOrErr) {
2748 consumeError(NameOrErr.takeError());
2749 Name = unwrapOrError(C.getRawName(), Filename);
2750 } else {
2751 Name = NameOrErr.get();
2752 }
2753 outs() << Name << "\n";
2756// For ELF only now.
2757static bool shouldWarnForInvalidStartStopAddress(ObjectFile *Obj) {
2758 if (const auto *Elf = dyn_cast<ELFObjectFileBase>(Obj)) {
2759 if (Elf->getEType() != ELF::ET_REL)
2760 return true;
2761 }
2762 return false;
2765static void checkForInvalidStartStopAddress(ObjectFile *Obj,
2766 uint64_t Start, uint64_t Stop) {
2767 if (!shouldWarnForInvalidStartStopAddress(Obj))
2768 return;
2770 for (const SectionRef &Section : Obj->sections())
2771 if (ELFSectionRef(Section).getFlags() & ELF::SHF_ALLOC) {
2772 uint64_t BaseAddr = Section.getAddress();
2773 uint64_t Size = Section.getSize();
2774 if ((Start < BaseAddr + Size) && Stop > BaseAddr)
2775 return;
2776 }
2778 if (!HasStartAddressFlag)
2779 reportWarning("no section has address less than 0x" +
2780 Twine::utohexstr(Stop) + " specified by --stop-address",
2781 Obj->getFileName());
2782 else if (!HasStopAddressFlag)
2783 reportWarning("no section has address greater than or equal to 0x" +
2784 Twine::utohexstr(Start) + " specified by --start-address",
2785 Obj->getFileName());
2786 else
2787 reportWarning("no section overlaps the range [0x" +
2788 Twine::utohexstr(Start) + ",0x" + Twine::utohexstr(Stop) +
2789 ") specified by --start-address/--stop-address",
2790 Obj->getFileName());
2793static void dumpObject(ObjectFile *O, const Archive *A = nullptr,
2794 const Archive::Child *C = nullptr) {
2795 // Avoid other output when using a raw option.
2796 if (!RawClangAST) {
2797 outs() << '\n';
2798 if (A)
2799 outs() << A->getFileName() << "(" << O->getFileName() << ")";
2800 else
2801 outs() << O->getFileName();
2802 outs() << ":\tfile format " << O->getFileFormatName().lower() << "\n";
2803 }
2805 if (HasStartAddressFlag || HasStopAddressFlag)
2806 checkForInvalidStartStopAddress(O, StartAddress, StopAddress);
2808 // Note: the order here matches GNU objdump for compatability.
2809 StringRef ArchiveName = A ? A->getFileName() : "";
2810 if (ArchiveHeaders && !MachOOpt && C)
2811 printArchiveChild(ArchiveName, *C);
2812 if (FileHeaders)
2813 printFileHeaders(O);
2814 if (PrivateHeaders || FirstPrivateHeader)
2815 printPrivateFileHeaders(O, FirstPrivateHeader);
2816 if (SectionHeaders)
2817 printSectionHeaders(*O);
2818 if (SymbolTable)
2819 printSymbolTable(*O, ArchiveName);
2820 if (DynamicSymbolTable)
2821 printSymbolTable(*O, ArchiveName, /*ArchitectureName=*/"",
2822 /*DumpDynamic=*/true);
2823 if (DwarfDumpType != DIDT_Null) {
2824 std::unique_ptr<DIContext> DICtx = DWARFContext::create(*O);
2825 // Dump the complete DWARF structure.
2826 DIDumpOptions DumpOpts;
2827 DumpOpts.DumpType = DwarfDumpType;
2828 DICtx->dump(outs(), DumpOpts);
2829 }
2830 if (Relocations && !Disassemble)
2831 printRelocations(O);
2832 if (DynamicRelocations)
2833 printDynamicRelocations(O);
2834 if (SectionContents)
2835 printSectionContents(O);
2836 if (Disassemble)
2837 disassembleObject(O, Relocations);
2838 if (UnwindInfo)
2839 printUnwindInfo(O);
2841 // Mach-O specific options:
2842 if (ExportsTrie)
2843 printExportsTrie(O);
2844 if (Rebase)
2845 printRebaseTable(O);
2846 if (Bind)
2847 printBindTable(O);
2848 if (LazyBind)
2849 printLazyBindTable(O);
2850 if (WeakBind)
2851 printWeakBindTable(O);
2853 // Other special sections:
2854 if (RawClangAST)
2855 printRawClangAST(O);
2856 if (FaultMapSection)
2857 printFaultMaps(O);
2858 if (Offloading)
2859 dumpOffloadBinary(*O);
2862static void dumpObject(const COFFImportFile *I, const Archive *A,
2863 const Archive::Child *C = nullptr) {
2864 StringRef ArchiveName = A ? A->getFileName() : "";
2866 // Avoid other output when using a raw option.
2867 if (!RawClangAST)
2868 outs() << '\n'
2869 << ArchiveName << "(" << I->getFileName() << ")"
2870 << ":\tfile format COFF-import-file"
2871 << "\n\n";
2873 if (ArchiveHeaders && !MachOOpt && C)
2874 printArchiveChild(ArchiveName, *C);
2875 if (SymbolTable)
2876 printCOFFSymbolTable(*I);
2879/// Dump each object file in \a a;
2880static void dumpArchive(const Archive *A) {
2881 Error Err = Error::success();
2882 unsigned I = -1;
2883 for (auto &C : A->children(Err)) {
2884 ++I;
2885 Expected<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> ChildOrErr = C.getAsBinary();
2886 if (!ChildOrErr) {
2887 if (auto E = isNotObjectErrorInvalidFileType(ChildOrErr.takeError()))
2888 reportError(std::move(E), getFileNameForError(C, I), A->getFileName());
2889 continue;
2890 }
2891 if (ObjectFile *O = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get()))
2892 dumpObject(O, A, &C);
2893 else if (COFFImportFile *I = dyn_cast<COFFImportFile>(&*ChildOrErr.get()))
2894 dumpObject(I, A, &C);
2895 else
2896 reportError(errorCodeToError(object_error::invalid_file_type),
2897 A->getFileName());
2898 }
2899 if (Err)
2900 reportError(std::move(Err), A->getFileName());
2903/// Open file and figure out how to dump it.
2904static void dumpInput(StringRef file) {
2905 // If we are using the Mach-O specific object file parser, then let it parse
2906 // the file and process the command line options. So the -arch flags can
2907 // be used to select specific slices, etc.
2908 if (MachOOpt) {
2909 parseInputMachO(file);
2910 return;
2911 }
2913 // Attempt to open the binary.
2914 OwningBinary<Binary> OBinary = unwrapOrError(createBinary(file), file);
2915 Binary &Binary = *OBinary.getBinary();
2917 if (Archive *A = dyn_cast<Archive>(&Binary))
2918 dumpArchive(A);
2919 else if (ObjectFile *O = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(&Binary))
2920 dumpObject(O);
2921 else if (MachOUniversalBinary *UB = dyn_cast<MachOUniversalBinary>(&Binary))
2922 parseInputMachO(UB);
2923 else if (OffloadBinary *OB = dyn_cast<OffloadBinary>(&Binary))
2924 dumpOffloadSections(*OB);
2925 else
2926 reportError(errorCodeToError(object_error::invalid_file_type), file);
2929template <typename T>
2930static void parseIntArg(const llvm::opt::InputArgList &InputArgs, int ID,
2931 T &Value) {
2932 if (const opt::Arg *A = InputArgs.getLastArg(ID)) {
2933 StringRef V(A->getValue());
2934 if (!llvm::to_integer(V, Value, 0)) {
2935 reportCmdLineError(A->getSpelling() +
2936 ": expected a non-negative integer, but got '" + V +
2937 "'");
2938 }
2939 }
2942static object::BuildID parseBuildIDArg(const opt::Arg *A) {
2943 StringRef V(A->getValue());
2944 std::string Bytes;
2945 if (!tryGetFromHex(V, Bytes))
2946 reportCmdLineError(A->getSpelling() + ": expected a build ID, but got '" +
2947 V + "'");
2948 ArrayRef<uint8_t> BuildID(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Bytes.data()),
2949 Bytes.size());
2950 return object::BuildID(BuildID.begin(), BuildID.end());
2953void objdump::invalidArgValue(const opt::Arg *A) {
2954 reportCmdLineError("'" + StringRef(A->getValue()) +
2955 "' is not a valid value for '" + A->getSpelling() + "'");
2958static std::vector<std::string>
2959commaSeparatedValues(const llvm::opt::InputArgList &InputArgs, int ID) {
2960 std::vector<std::string> Values;
2961 for (StringRef Value : InputArgs.getAllArgValues(ID)) {
2962 llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 2> SplitValues;
2963 llvm::SplitString(Value, SplitValues, ",");
2964 for (StringRef SplitValue : SplitValues)
2965 Values.push_back(SplitValue.str());
2966 }
2967 return Values;
2970static void parseOtoolOptions(const llvm::opt::InputArgList &InputArgs) {
2971 MachOOpt = true;
2972 FullLeadingAddr = true;
2973 PrintImmHex = true;
2975 ArchName = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OTOOL_arch).str();
2976 LinkOptHints = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_C);
2977 if (InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_d))
2978 FilterSections.push_back("__DATA,__data");
2979 DylibId = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_D);
2980 UniversalHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_f);
2981 DataInCode = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_G);
2982 FirstPrivateHeader = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_h);
2983 IndirectSymbols = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_I);
2984 ShowRawInsn = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_j);
2985 PrivateHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_l);
2986 DylibsUsed = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_L);
2987 MCPU = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OTOOL_mcpu_EQ).str();
2988 ObjcMetaData = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_o);
2989 DisSymName = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OTOOL_p).str();
2990 InfoPlist = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_P);
2991 Relocations = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_r);
2992 if (const Arg *A = InputArgs.getLastArg(OTOOL_s)) {
2993 auto Filter = (A->getValue(0) + StringRef(",") + A->getValue(1)).str();
2994 FilterSections.push_back(Filter);
2995 }
2996 if (InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_t))
2997 FilterSections.push_back("__TEXT,__text");
2998 Verbose = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_v) || InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_V) ||
2999 InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_o);
3000 SymbolicOperands = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_V);
3001 if (InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_x))
3002 FilterSections.push_back(",__text");
3003 LeadingAddr = LeadingHeaders = !InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_X);
3005 ChainedFixups = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_chained_fixups);
3006 DyldInfo = InputArgs.hasArg(OTOOL_dyld_info);
3008 InputFilenames = InputArgs.getAllArgValues(OTOOL_INPUT);
3009 if (InputFilenames.empty())
3010 reportCmdLineError("no input file");
3012 for (const Arg *A : InputArgs) {
3013 const Option &O = A->getOption();
3014 if (O.getGroup().isValid() && O.getGroup().getID() == OTOOL_grp_obsolete) {
3015 reportCmdLineWarning(O.getPrefixedName() +
3016 " is obsolete and not implemented");
3017 }
3018 }
3021static void parseObjdumpOptions(const llvm::opt::InputArgList &InputArgs) {
3022 parseIntArg(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_adjust_vma_EQ, AdjustVMA);
3023 AllHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_all_headers);
3024 ArchName = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OBJDUMP_arch_name_EQ).str();
3025 ArchiveHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_archive_headers);
3026 Demangle = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_demangle);
3027 Disassemble = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_disassemble);
3028 DisassembleAll = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_disassemble_all);
3029 SymbolDescription = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_symbol_description);
3030 DisassembleSymbols =
3031 commaSeparatedValues(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_disassemble_symbols_EQ);
3032 DisassembleZeroes = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_disassemble_zeroes);
3033 if (const opt::Arg *A = InputArgs.getLastArg(OBJDUMP_dwarf_EQ)) {
3034 DwarfDumpType = StringSwitch<DIDumpType>(A->getValue())
3035 .Case("frames", DIDT_DebugFrame)
3036 .Default(DIDT_Null);
3037 if (DwarfDumpType == DIDT_Null)
3038 invalidArgValue(A);
3039 }
3040 DynamicRelocations = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_dynamic_reloc);
3041 FaultMapSection = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_fault_map_section);
3042 Offloading = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_offloading);
3043 FileHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_file_headers);
3044 SectionContents = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_full_contents);
3045 PrintLines = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_line_numbers);
3046 InputFilenames = InputArgs.getAllArgValues(OBJDUMP_INPUT);
3047 MachOOpt = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_macho);
3048 MCPU = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OBJDUMP_mcpu_EQ).str();
3049 MAttrs = commaSeparatedValues(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_mattr_EQ);
3050 ShowRawInsn = !InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_no_show_raw_insn);
3051 LeadingAddr = !InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_no_leading_addr);
3052 RawClangAST = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_raw_clang_ast);
3053 Relocations = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_reloc);
3054 PrintImmHex =
3055 InputArgs.hasFlag(OBJDUMP_print_imm_hex, OBJDUMP_no_print_imm_hex, true);
3056 PrivateHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_private_headers);
3057 FilterSections = InputArgs.getAllArgValues(OBJDUMP_section_EQ);
3058 SectionHeaders = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_section_headers);
3059 ShowAllSymbols = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_show_all_symbols);
3060 ShowLMA = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_show_lma);
3061 PrintSource = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_source);
3062 parseIntArg(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_start_address_EQ, StartAddress);
3063 HasStartAddressFlag = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_start_address_EQ);
3064 parseIntArg(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_stop_address_EQ, StopAddress);
3065 HasStopAddressFlag = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_stop_address_EQ);
3066 SymbolTable = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_syms);
3067 SymbolizeOperands = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_symbolize_operands);
3068 DynamicSymbolTable = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_dynamic_syms);
3069 TripleName = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OBJDUMP_triple_EQ).str();
3070 UnwindInfo = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_unwind_info);
3071 Wide = InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_wide);
3072 Prefix = InputArgs.getLastArgValue(OBJDUMP_prefix).str();
3073 parseIntArg(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_prefix_strip, PrefixStrip);
3074 if (const opt::Arg *A = InputArgs.getLastArg(OBJDUMP_debug_vars_EQ)) {
3075 DbgVariables = StringSwitch<DebugVarsFormat>(A->getValue())
3076 .Case("ascii", DVASCII)
3077 .Case("unicode", DVUnicode)
3078 .Default(DVInvalid);
3079 if (DbgVariables == DVInvalid)
3080 invalidArgValue(A);
3081 }
3082 parseIntArg(InputArgs, OBJDUMP_debug_vars_indent_EQ, DbgIndent);
3084 parseMachOOptions(InputArgs);
3086 // Parse -M (--disassembler-options) and deprecated
3087 // --x86-asm-syntax={att,intel}.
3088 //
3089 // Note, for x86, the asm dialect (AssemblerDialect) is initialized when the
3090 // MCAsmInfo is constructed. MCInstPrinter::applyTargetSpecificCLOption is
3091 // called too late. For now we have to use the internal cl::opt option.
3092 const char *AsmSyntax = nullptr;
3093 for (const auto *A : InputArgs.filtered(OBJDUMP_disassembler_options_EQ,
3094 OBJDUMP_x86_asm_syntax_att,
3095 OBJDUMP_x86_asm_syntax_intel)) {
3096 switch (A->getOption().getID()) {
3097 case OBJDUMP_x86_asm_syntax_att:
3098 AsmSyntax = "--x86-asm-syntax=att";
3099 continue;
3100 case OBJDUMP_x86_asm_syntax_intel:
3101 AsmSyntax = "--x86-asm-syntax=intel";
3102 continue;
3103 }
3105 SmallVector<StringRef, 2> Values;
3106 llvm::SplitString(A->getValue(), Values, ",");
3107 for (StringRef V : Values) {
3108 if (V == "att")
3109 AsmSyntax = "--x86-asm-syntax=att";
3110 else if (V == "intel")
3111 AsmSyntax = "--x86-asm-syntax=intel";
3112 else
3113 DisassemblerOptions.push_back(V.str());
3114 }
3115 }
3116 if (AsmSyntax) {
3117 const char *Argv[] = {"llvm-objdump", AsmSyntax};
3118 llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(2, Argv);
3119 }
3121 // Look up any provided build IDs, then append them to the input filenames.
3122 for (const opt::Arg *A : InputArgs.filtered(OBJDUMP_build_id)) {
3123 object::BuildID BuildID = parseBuildIDArg(A);
3124 std::optional<std::string> Path = BIDFetcher->fetch(BuildID);
3125 if (!Path) {
3126 reportCmdLineError(A->getSpelling() + ": could not find build ID '" +
3127 A->getValue() + "'");
3128 }
3129 InputFilenames.push_back(std::move(*Path));
3130 }
3132 // objdump defaults to a.out if no filenames specified.
3133 if (InputFilenames.empty())
3134 InputFilenames.push_back("a.out");
3137int main(int argc, char **argv) {
3138 using namespace llvm;
3139 InitLLVM X(argc, argv);
3141 ToolName = argv[0];
3142 std::unique_ptr<CommonOptTable> T;
3143 OptSpecifier Unknown, HelpFlag, HelpHiddenFlag, VersionFlag;
3145 StringRef Stem = sys::path::stem(ToolName);
3146 auto Is = [=](StringRef Tool) {
3147 // We need to recognize the following filenames:
3148 //
3149 // llvm-objdump -> objdump
3150 // llvm-otool-10.exe -> otool
3151 // powerpc64-unknown-freebsd13-objdump -> objdump
3152 auto I = Stem.rfind_insensitive(Tool);
3153 return I != StringRef::npos &&
3154 (I + Tool.size() == Stem.size() || !isAlnum(Stem[I + Tool.size()]));
3155 };
3156 if (Is("otool")) {
3157 T = std::make_unique<OtoolOptTable>();
3158 Unknown = OTOOL_UNKNOWN;
3159 HelpFlag = OTOOL_help;
3160 HelpHiddenFlag = OTOOL_help_hidden;
3161 VersionFlag = OTOOL_version;
3162 } else {
3163 T = std::make_unique<ObjdumpOptTable>();
3164 Unknown = OBJDUMP_UNKNOWN;
3165 HelpFlag = OBJDUMP_help;
3166 HelpHiddenFlag = OBJDUMP_help_hidden;
3167 VersionFlag = OBJDUMP_version;
3168 }
3170 BumpPtrAllocator A;
3171 StringSaver Saver(A);
3172 opt::InputArgList InputArgs =
3173 T->parseArgs(argc, argv, Unknown, Saver,
3174 [&](StringRef Msg) { reportCmdLineError(Msg); });
3176 if (InputArgs.size() == 0 || InputArgs.hasArg(HelpFlag)) {
3177 T->printHelp(ToolName);
3178 return 0;
3179 }
3180 if (InputArgs.hasArg(HelpHiddenFlag)) {
3181 T->printHelp(ToolName, /*ShowHidden=*/true);
3182 return 0;
3183 }
3185 // Initialize targets and assembly printers/parsers.
3186 InitializeAllTargetInfos();
3187 InitializeAllTargetMCs();
3188 InitializeAllDisassemblers();
3190 if (InputArgs.hasArg(VersionFlag)) {
3191 cl::PrintVersionMessage();
3192 if (!Is("otool")) {
3193 outs() << '\n';
3194 TargetRegistry::printRegisteredTargetsForVersion(outs());
3195 }
3196 return 0;
3197 }
3199 // Initialize debuginfod.
3200 const bool ShouldUseDebuginfodByDefault =
3201 InputArgs.hasArg(OBJDUMP_build_id) || canUseDebuginfod();
3202 std::vector<std::string> DebugFileDirectories =
3203 InputArgs.getAllArgValues(OBJDUMP_debug_file_directory);
3204 if (InputArgs.hasFlag(OBJDUMP_debuginfod, OBJDUMP_no_debuginfod,
3205 ShouldUseDebuginfodByDefault)) {
3206 HTTPClient::initialize();
3207 BIDFetcher =
3208 std::make_unique<DebuginfodFetcher>(std::move(DebugFileDirectories));
3209 } else {
3210 BIDFetcher =
3211 std::make_unique<BuildIDFetcher>(std::move(DebugFileDirectories));
3212 }
3214 if (Is("otool"))
3215 parseOtoolOptions(InputArgs);
3216 else
3217 parseObjdumpOptions(InputArgs);
3219 if (StartAddress >= StopAddress)
3220 reportCmdLineError("start address should be less than stop address");
3222 // Removes trailing separators from prefix.
3223 while (!Prefix.empty() && sys::path::is_separator(Prefix.back()))
3224 Prefix.pop_back();
3226 if (AllHeaders)
3227 ArchiveHeaders = FileHeaders = PrivateHeaders = Relocations =
3228 SectionHeaders = SymbolTable = true;
3230 if (DisassembleAll || PrintSource || PrintLines ||
3231 !DisassembleSymbols.empty())
3232 Disassemble = true;
3234 if (!ArchiveHeaders && !Disassemble && DwarfDumpType == DIDT_Null &&
3235 !DynamicRelocations && !FileHeaders && !PrivateHeaders && !RawClangAST &&
3236 !Relocations && !SectionHeaders && !SectionContents && !SymbolTable &&
3237 !DynamicSymbolTable && !UnwindInfo && !FaultMapSection && !Offloading &&
3238 !(MachOOpt &&
3239 (Bind || DataInCode || ChainedFixups || DyldInfo || DylibId ||
3240 DylibsUsed || ExportsTrie || FirstPrivateHeader ||
3241 FunctionStartsType != FunctionStartsMode::None || IndirectSymbols ||
3242 InfoPlist || LazyBind || LinkOptHints || ObjcMetaData || Rebase ||
3243 Rpaths || UniversalHeaders || WeakBind || !FilterSections.empty()))) {
3244 T->printHelp(ToolName);
3245 return 2;
3246 }
3248 DisasmSymbolSet.insert(DisassembleSymbols.begin(), DisassembleSymbols.end());
3250 llvm::for_each(InputFilenames, dumpInput);
3252 warnOnNoMatchForSections();
3254 return EXIT_SUCCESS0;