LLVM 19.0.0git
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
rpmalloc.c File Reference
#include "rpmalloc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  span_t
struct  span_cache_t
struct  span_large_cache_t
struct  heap_size_class_t
struct  heap_t
struct  size_class_t
struct  global_cache_t


#define __has_builtin(b)   0
 Build time configurable limits.
#define _rpmalloc_memcpy_const(x, y, s)   memcpy(x, y, s)
#define _rpmalloc_memset_const(x, y, s)   memset(x, y, s)
#define rpmalloc_assume(cond)   0
#define HEAP_ARRAY_SIZE   47
 Size of heap hashmap.
 Enable per-thread cache.
 Enable global cache shared between all threads, requires thread cache.
 Enable validation of args to public entry points.
 Enable statistics collection.
#define ENABLE_ASSERTS   0
 Enable asserts.
 Override standard library malloc/free and new/delete entry points.
#define ENABLE_PRELOAD   0
 Support preloading.
#define DISABLE_UNMAP   0
 Disable unmapping memory pages (also enables unlimited cache)
 Enable unlimited global cache (no unmapping until finalization)
 Enable adaptive thread cache size based on use heuristics.
 Default number of spans to map in call to map more virtual memory (default values yield 4MiB here)
 Multiplier for global cache.
 Enable unlimited global cache (no unmapping until finalization)
 Enable adaptive thread cache size based on use heuristics.
#define PLATFORM_POSIX   1
#define FORCEINLINE   inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
 Platform and arch specifics.
#define rpmalloc_assert(truth, message)
#define EXPECTED(x)   __builtin_expect((x), 1)
#define UNEXPECTED(x)   __builtin_expect((x), 0)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc(counter)
 Statistics related functions (evaluate to nothing when statistics not enabled)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_dec(counter)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_add(counter, value)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_add64(counter, value)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_add_peak(counter, value, peak)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_sub(counter, value)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc_alloc(heap, class_idx)
#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc_free(heap, class_idx)
 Preconfigured limits and sizes.
 Small granularity shift count.
#define SMALL_CLASS_COUNT   65
 Number of small block size classes.
 Maximum size of a small block.
 Granularity of a medium allocation block.
 Medium granularity shift count.
 Number of medium block size classes.
 Total number of small + medium size classes.
#define LARGE_CLASS_COUNT   63
 Number of large block size classes.
 Maximum size of a medium block.
#define LARGE_SIZE_LIMIT    ((LARGE_CLASS_COUNT * _memory_span_size) - SPAN_HEADER_SIZE)
 Maximum size of a large block.
#define SPAN_HEADER_SIZE   128
 Size of a span header (must be a multiple of SMALL_GRANULARITY and a power of two)
 Number of spans in thread cache.
 Number of spans to transfer between thread and global cache.
 Number of spans in thread cache for large spans (must be greater than LARGE_CLASS_COUNT / 2)
 Number of spans to transfer between thread and global cache for large spans.
#define pointer_offset(ptr, ofs)   (void *)((char *)(ptr) + (ptrdiff_t)(ofs))
#define pointer_diff(first, second)    (ptrdiff_t)((const char *)(first) - (const char *)(second))
#define INVALID_POINTER   ((void *)((uintptr_t) - 1))
#define SIZE_CLASS_HUGE   ((uint32_t) - 1)
 Flag indicating span is the first (master) span of a split superspan.
 Flag indicating span is a secondary (sub) span of a split superspan.
 Flag indicating span has blocks with increased alignment.
 Flag indicating an unmapped master span.
#define _memory_default_span_size   (64 * 1024)
 Global data.
#define _memory_default_span_size_shift   16
#define _memory_default_span_mask   (~((uintptr_t)(_memory_span_size - 1)))
#define _memory_span_size   _memory_default_span_size
 Hardwired span size.
#define _memory_span_size_shift   _memory_default_span_size_shift
#define _memory_span_mask   _memory_default_span_mask
#define TLS_MODEL   __attribute__((tls_model("initial-exec")))
 Thread local heap and ID.


typedef volatile _Atomic(int32_t)
 Atomic access abstraction (since MSVC does not do C11 yet)
typedef struct heap_t heap_t
 Data types.
typedef struct span_t span_t
 Span of memory pages.
typedef struct span_list_t span_list_t
 Span list.
typedef struct span_active_t span_active_t
 Span active data.
typedef struct size_class_t size_class_t
 Size class definition.
typedef struct global_cache_t global_cache_t
 Global cache.
typedef struct span_cache_t span_cache_t
typedef struct span_large_cache_t span_large_cache_t
typedef struct heap_size_class_t heap_size_class_t


static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store32 (atomic32_t *dst, int32_t val)
static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_incr32 (atomic32_t *val)
static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_decr32 (atomic32_t *val)
static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_add32 (atomic32_t *val, int32_t add)
static FORCEINLINE int atomic_cas32_acquire (atomic32_t *dst, int32_t val, int32_t ref)
static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store32_release (atomic32_t *dst, int32_t val)
static FORCEINLINE int64_t atomic_load64 (atomic64_t *val)
static FORCEINLINE int64_t atomic_add64 (atomic64_t *val, int64_t add)
static FORCEINLINE void * atomic_load_ptr (atomicptr_t *src)
static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store_ptr (atomicptr_t *dst, void *val)
static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store_ptr_release (atomicptr_t *dst, void *val)
static FORCEINLINE void * atomic_exchange_ptr_acquire (atomicptr_t *dst, void *val)
static FORCEINLINE int atomic_cas_ptr (atomicptr_t *dst, void *val, void *ref)
 _Static_assert ((SMALL_GRANULARITY &(SMALL_GRANULARITY - 1))==0, "Small granularity must be power of two")
 _Static_assert ((SPAN_HEADER_SIZE &(SPAN_HEADER_SIZE - 1))==0, "Span header size must be power of two")
 _Static_assert (sizeof(span_t)<=SPAN_HEADER_SIZE, "span size mismatch")
 _Static_assert (sizeof(size_class_t)==8, "Size class size mismatch")
static heap_tget_thread_heap_raw (void)
static heap_tget_thread_heap (void)
 Get the current thread heap.
static uintptr_t get_thread_id (void)
 Fast thread ID.
static void set_thread_heap (heap_t *heap)
 Set the current thread heap.
void rpmalloc_set_main_thread (void)
 Set main thread ID.
static void _rpmalloc_spin (void)
static void _rpmalloc_set_name (void *address, size_t size)
 Low level memory map/unmap.
static void * _rpmalloc_mmap (size_t size, size_t *offset)
 Map more virtual memory.
static void _rpmalloc_unmap (void *address, size_t size, size_t offset, size_t release)
 Unmap virtual memory.
static void * _rpmalloc_mmap_os (size_t size, size_t *offset)
 Default implementation to map new pages to virtual memory.
static void _rpmalloc_unmap_os (void *address, size_t size, size_t offset, size_t release)
 Default implementation to unmap pages from virtual memory.
static void _rpmalloc_span_mark_as_subspan_unless_master (span_t *master, span_t *subspan, size_t span_count)
 Declare the span to be a subspan and store distance from master span and span count.
static span_t_rpmalloc_global_get_reserved_spans (size_t span_count)
 Use global reserved spans to fulfill a memory map request (reserve size must be checked by caller)
static void _rpmalloc_global_set_reserved_spans (span_t *master, span_t *reserve, size_t reserve_span_count)
 Store the given spans as global reserve (must only be called from within new heap allocation, not thread safe)
static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_add (span_t **head, span_t *span)
 Span linked list management.
static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_pop_head (span_t **head, span_t *span)
 Pop head span from double linked list.
static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_remove (span_t **head, span_t *span)
 Remove a span from double linked list.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_cache_insert (heap_t *heap, span_t *span)
 Span control.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_finalize (heap_t *heap)
static void _rpmalloc_heap_set_reserved_spans (heap_t *heap, span_t *master, span_t *reserve, size_t reserve_span_count)
 Store the given spans as reserve in the given heap.
static span_t_rpmalloc_span_map_from_reserve (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
 Use reserved spans to fulfill a memory map request (reserve size must be checked by caller)
static size_t _rpmalloc_span_align_count (size_t span_count)
 Get the aligned number of spans to map in based on wanted count, configured mapping granularity and the page size.
static void _rpmalloc_span_initialize (span_t *span, size_t total_span_count, size_t span_count, size_t align_offset)
 Setup a newly mapped span.
static void _rpmalloc_span_unmap (span_t *span)
 Unmap memory pages for the given number of spans (or mark as unused if no partial unmappings)
static span_t_rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
 Map an aligned set of spans, taking configured mapping granularity and the page size into account.
static span_t_rpmalloc_span_map (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
 Map in memory pages for the given number of spans (or use previously reserved pages)
static void _rpmalloc_span_release_to_cache (heap_t *heap, span_t *span)
 Move the span (used for small or medium allocations) to the heap thread cache.
static uint32_t free_list_partial_init (void **list, void **first_block, void *page_start, void *block_start, uint32_t block_count, uint32_t block_size)
 Initialize a (partial) free list up to next system memory page, while reserving the first block as allocated, returning number of blocks in list.
static void * _rpmalloc_span_initialize_new (heap_t *heap, heap_size_class_t *heap_size_class, span_t *span, uint32_t class_idx)
 Initialize an unused span (from cache or mapped) to be new active span, putting the initial free list in heap class free list.
static void _rpmalloc_span_extract_free_list_deferred (span_t *span)
static int _rpmalloc_span_is_fully_utilized (span_t *span)
static int _rpmalloc_span_finalize (heap_t *heap, size_t iclass, span_t *span, span_t **list_head)
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_huge (span_t *)
 Global cache.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_cache_adopt_deferred (heap_t *heap, span_t **single_span)
 Adopt the deferred span cache list, optionally extracting the first single span for immediate re-use.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_unmap (heap_t *heap)
static void _rpmalloc_heap_global_finalize (heap_t *heap)
static span_t_rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_extract (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
 Extract the given number of spans from the different cache levels.
static span_t_rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_deferred_extract (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
static span_t_rpmalloc_heap_reserved_extract (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
static span_t_rpmalloc_heap_global_cache_extract (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count)
 Extract a span from the global cache.
static void _rpmalloc_inc_span_statistics (heap_t *heap, size_t span_count, uint32_t class_idx)
static span_t_rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span (heap_t *heap, heap_size_class_t *heap_size_class, size_t span_count, uint32_t class_idx)
 Get a span from one of the cache levels (thread cache, reserved, global cache) or fallback to mapping more memory.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_initialize (heap_t *heap)
static void _rpmalloc_heap_orphan (heap_t *heap, int first_class)
static heap_t_rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new (void)
 Allocate a new heap from newly mapped memory pages.
static heap_t_rpmalloc_heap_extract_orphan (heap_t **heap_list)
static heap_t_rpmalloc_heap_allocate (int first_class)
 Allocate a new heap, potentially reusing a previously orphaned heap.
static void _rpmalloc_heap_release (void *heapptr, int first_class, int release_cache)
static void _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw (void *heapptr, int release_cache)
static void _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw_fc (void *heapptr)
static void * free_list_pop (void **list)
 Allocation entry points.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback (heap_t *heap, heap_size_class_t *heap_size_class, uint32_t class_idx)
 Allocate a small/medium sized memory block from the given heap.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_small (heap_t *heap, size_t size)
 Allocate a small sized memory block from the given heap.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_medium (heap_t *heap, size_t size)
 Allocate a medium sized memory block from the given heap.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_large (heap_t *heap, size_t size)
 Allocate a large sized memory block from the given heap.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_huge (heap_t *heap, size_t size)
 Allocate a huge block by mapping memory pages directly.
static void * _rpmalloc_allocate (heap_t *heap, size_t size)
 Allocate a block of the given size.
static void * _rpmalloc_aligned_allocate (heap_t *heap, size_t alignment, size_t size)
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_direct_small_or_medium (span_t *span, void *block)
 Deallocation entry points.
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_free_span (heap_t *heap, span_t *span)
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_small_or_medium (span_t *span, void *block)
 Put the block in the deferred free list of the owning span.
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_small_or_medium (span_t *span, void *p)
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_large (span_t *span)
 Deallocate the given large memory block to the current heap.
static void _rpmalloc_deallocate (void *p)
 Deallocate the given block.
static size_t _rpmalloc_usable_size (void *p)
 Reallocation entry points.
static void * _rpmalloc_reallocate (heap_t *heap, void *p, size_t size, size_t oldsize, unsigned int flags)
 Reallocate the given block to the given size.
static void * _rpmalloc_aligned_reallocate (heap_t *heap, void *ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size, size_t oldsize, unsigned int flags)
static void _rpmalloc_adjust_size_class (size_t iclass)
 Adjust and optimize the size class properties for the given class.
int rpmalloc_initialize (void)
 Initialize the allocator and setup global data.
int rpmalloc_initialize_config (const rpmalloc_config_t *config)
 Initialize allocator with given configuration.
void rpmalloc_finalize (void)
 Finalize the allocator.
void rpmalloc_thread_initialize (void)
 Initialize thread, assign heap.
void rpmalloc_thread_finalize (int release_caches)
 Finalize thread, orphan heap.
int rpmalloc_is_thread_initialized (void)
 Query if allocator is initialized for calling thread.
const rpmalloc_config_trpmalloc_config (void)
 Get allocator configuration.
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpmalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a memory block of at least the given size.
void rpfree (void *ptr)
 Free the given memory block.
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpcalloc (size_t num, size_t size)
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rprealloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
 Reallocate the given block to at least the given size.
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size, size_t oldsize, unsigned int flags)
 Reallocate the given block to at least the given size and alignment,.
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_alloc (size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_calloc (size_t alignment, size_t num, size_t size)
RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpmemalign (size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.
int rpposix_memalign (void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size)
 Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.
size_t rpmalloc_usable_size (void *ptr)
 Query the usable size of the given memory block (from given pointer to the end of block)
void rpmalloc_thread_collect (void)
 Perform deferred deallocations pending for the calling thread heap.
void rpmalloc_thread_statistics (rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t *stats)
 Get per-thread statistics.
void rpmalloc_global_statistics (rpmalloc_global_statistics_t *stats)
 Get global statistics.
void rpmalloc_dump_statistics (void *file)
 Dump all statistics in human readable format to file (should be a FILE*)
void rpmalloc_linker_reference (void)
 Dummy empty function for forcing linker symbol inclusion.


static int _rpmalloc_initialized
 Initialized flag.
static uintptr_t _rpmalloc_main_thread_id
 Main thread ID.
static rpmalloc_config_t _memory_config
static size_t _memory_page_size
 Memory page size.
static size_t _memory_page_size_shift
 Shift to divide by page size.
static size_t _memory_map_granularity
 Granularity at which memory pages are mapped by OS.
static size_t _memory_span_map_count
 Number of spans to map in each map call.
static size_t _memory_heap_reserve_count
 Number of spans to keep reserved in each heap.
static size_class_t _memory_size_class [SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]
 Global size classes.
static size_t _memory_medium_size_limit
 Run-time size limit of medium blocks.
static atomic32_t _memory_heap_id
 Heap ID counter.
static int _memory_huge_pages
 Huge page support.
static span_t_memory_global_reserve
 Global reserved spans.
static size_t _memory_global_reserve_count
 Global reserved count.
static span_t_memory_global_reserve_master
 Global reserved master.
static heap_t_memory_heaps [HEAP_ARRAY_SIZE]
 All heaps.
static atomic32_t _memory_global_lock
 Used to restrict access to mapping memory for huge pages.
static heap_t_memory_orphan_heaps
 Orphaned heaps.
static _Thread_local heap_t *_memory_thread_heap TLS_MODEL

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __has_builtin

#define __has_builtin (   b)    0

Build time configurable limits.

Definition at line 37 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_default_span_mask

#define _memory_default_span_mask   (~((uintptr_t)(_memory_span_size - 1)))

Definition at line 760 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_default_span_size

#define _memory_default_span_size   (64 * 1024)

Global data.

Default span size (64KiB)

Definition at line 758 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_default_span_size_shift

#define _memory_default_span_size_shift   16

Definition at line 759 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_span_mask

#define _memory_span_mask   _memory_default_span_mask

Definition at line 785 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_span_size

#define _memory_span_size   _memory_default_span_size

Hardwired span size.

Definition at line 783 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _memory_span_size_shift

#define _memory_span_size_shift   _memory_default_span_size_shift

Definition at line 784 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_memcpy_const

#define _rpmalloc_memcpy_const (   x,
)    memcpy(x, y, s)

Definition at line 64 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_memset_const

#define _rpmalloc_memset_const (   x,
)    memset(x, y, s)

Definition at line 65 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_add

#define _rpmalloc_stat_add (   counter,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 427 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_add64

#define _rpmalloc_stat_add64 (   counter,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 430 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_add_peak

#define _rpmalloc_stat_add_peak (   counter,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 433 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_dec

#define _rpmalloc_stat_dec (   counter)
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 424 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_inc

#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc (   counter)
do { \
} while (0)

Statistics related functions (evaluate to nothing when statistics not enabled)

Definition at line 421 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_inc_alloc

#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc_alloc (   heap,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 439 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_inc_free

#define _rpmalloc_stat_inc_free (   heap,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 442 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ _rpmalloc_stat_sub

#define _rpmalloc_stat_sub (   counter,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 436 of file rpmalloc.c.



Default number of spans to map in call to map more virtual memory (default values yield 4MiB here)

Definition at line 129 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define DISABLE_UNMAP   0

Disable unmapping memory pages (also enables unlimited cache)

Definition at line 116 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable adaptive thread cache size based on use heuristics.

Definition at line 152 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable adaptive thread cache size based on use heuristics.

Definition at line 152 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define ENABLE_ASSERTS   0

Enable asserts.

Definition at line 104 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable global cache shared between all threads, requires thread cache.

Definition at line 92 of file rpmalloc.c.



Override standard library malloc/free and new/delete entry points.

Definition at line 108 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define ENABLE_PRELOAD   0

Support preloading.

Definition at line 112 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable statistics collection.

Definition at line 100 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable per-thread cache.

Definition at line 88 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable unlimited global cache (no unmapping until finalization)

Definition at line 147 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable unlimited global cache (no unmapping until finalization)

Definition at line 147 of file rpmalloc.c.



Enable validation of args to public entry points.

Definition at line 96 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define EXPECTED (   x)    __builtin_expect((x), 1)

Definition at line 380 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define FORCEINLINE   inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))

Platform and arch specifics.

Definition at line 172 of file rpmalloc.c.



Multiplier for global cache.

Definition at line 133 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define HEAP_ARRAY_SIZE   47

Size of heap hashmap.

Definition at line 84 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define INVALID_POINTER   ((void *)((uintptr_t) - 1))

Definition at line 503 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define LARGE_CLASS_COUNT   63

Number of large block size classes.

Definition at line 468 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define LARGE_SIZE_LIMIT    ((LARGE_CLASS_COUNT * _memory_span_size) - SPAN_HEADER_SIZE)

Maximum size of a large block.

Definition at line 473 of file rpmalloc.c.



Number of spans in thread cache.

Definition at line 479 of file rpmalloc.c.



Number of spans in thread cache for large spans (must be greater than LARGE_CLASS_COUNT / 2)

Definition at line 484 of file rpmalloc.c.



Number of medium block size classes.

Definition at line 464 of file rpmalloc.c.



Granularity of a medium allocation block.

Definition at line 460 of file rpmalloc.c.



Medium granularity shift count.

Definition at line 462 of file rpmalloc.c.



Maximum size of a medium block.

Definition at line 470 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define PLATFORM_POSIX   1

Definition at line 160 of file rpmalloc.c.



Definition at line 159 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ pointer_diff

#define pointer_diff (   first,
)     (ptrdiff_t)((const char *)(first) - (const char *)(second))

Definition at line 500 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ pointer_offset

#define pointer_offset (   ptr,
)    (void *)((char *)(ptr) + (ptrdiff_t)(ofs))

Definition at line 499 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ rpmalloc_assert

#define rpmalloc_assert (   truth,
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 258 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ rpmalloc_assume

#define rpmalloc_assume (   cond)    0

Definition at line 79 of file rpmalloc.c.



Total number of small + medium size classes.

Definition at line 466 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define SIZE_CLASS_HUGE   ((uint32_t) - 1)

Definition at line 506 of file rpmalloc.c.



Definition at line 505 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define SMALL_CLASS_COUNT   65

Number of small block size classes.

Definition at line 456 of file rpmalloc.c.



Preconfigured limits and sizes.

Granularity of a small allocation block (must be power of two)

Definition at line 452 of file rpmalloc.c.



Small granularity shift count.

Definition at line 454 of file rpmalloc.c.



Maximum size of a small block.

Definition at line 458 of file rpmalloc.c.



Flag indicating span has blocks with increased alignment.

Definition at line 532 of file rpmalloc.c.



Flag indicating span is the first (master) span of a split superspan.

Definition at line 528 of file rpmalloc.c.



Flag indicating span is a secondary (sub) span of a split superspan.

Definition at line 530 of file rpmalloc.c.



Flag indicating an unmapped master span.

Definition at line 534 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define SPAN_HEADER_SIZE   128

Size of a span header (must be a multiple of SMALL_GRANULARITY and a power of two)

Definition at line 477 of file rpmalloc.c.



Number of spans to transfer between thread and global cache.

Definition at line 481 of file rpmalloc.c.



Number of spans to transfer between thread and global cache for large spans.

Definition at line 486 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define TLS_MODEL   __attribute__((tls_model("initial-exec")))

Thread local heap and ID.

Current thread heap

Definition at line 862 of file rpmalloc.c.


#define UNEXPECTED (   x)    __builtin_expect((x), 0)

Definition at line 381 of file rpmalloc.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _Atomic

typedef volatile _Atomic(int32_t)

Atomic access abstraction (since MSVC does not do C11 yet)

Definition at line 329 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ global_cache_t

Global cache.

Definition at line 525 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ heap_size_class_t

Definition at line 662 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ heap_t

typedef struct heap_t heap_t

Data types.

A memory heap, per thread

Definition at line 515 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ size_class_t

typedef struct size_class_t size_class_t

Size class definition.

Definition at line 523 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ span_active_t

typedef struct span_active_t span_active_t

Span active data.

Definition at line 521 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ span_cache_t

typedef struct span_cache_t span_cache_t

Definition at line 645 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ span_large_cache_t

Definition at line 651 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ span_list_t

typedef struct span_list_t span_list_t

Span list.

Definition at line 519 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ span_t

typedef struct span_t span_t

Span of memory pages.

Definition at line 517 of file rpmalloc.c.

Function Documentation

◆ _rpmalloc_adjust_size_class()

static void _rpmalloc_adjust_size_class ( size_t  iclass)

Adjust and optimize the size class properties for the given class.

Definition at line 3022 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_size_class, _memory_span_size, _rpmalloc_memcpy_const, size_class_t::block_count, size_class_t::block_size, size_class_t::class_idx, SMALL_CLASS_COUNT, and SPAN_HEADER_SIZE.

Referenced by rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _rpmalloc_aligned_allocate()

static void * _rpmalloc_aligned_allocate ( heap_t heap,
size_t  alignment,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_aligned_reallocate()

static void * _rpmalloc_aligned_reallocate ( heap_t heap,
void *  ptr,
size_t  alignment,
size_t  size,
size_t  oldsize,
unsigned int  flags 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate ( heap_t heap,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback ( heap_t heap,
heap_size_class_t heap_size_class,
uint32_t  class_idx 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate_huge()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_huge ( heap_t heap,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate_large()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_large ( heap_t heap,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate_medium()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_medium ( heap_t heap,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_allocate_small()

static void * _rpmalloc_allocate_small ( heap_t heap,
size_t  size 

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate ( void *  p)

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_free_span()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_free_span ( heap_t heap,
span_t span 

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_small_or_medium()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_small_or_medium ( span_t span,
void *  block 

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_direct_small_or_medium()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_direct_small_or_medium ( span_t span,
void *  block 

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_huge()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_huge ( span_t span)

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_large()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_large ( span_t span)

◆ _rpmalloc_deallocate_small_or_medium()

static void _rpmalloc_deallocate_small_or_medium ( span_t span,
void *  p 

◆ _rpmalloc_global_get_reserved_spans()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_global_get_reserved_spans ( size_t  span_count)

Use global reserved spans to fulfill a memory map request (reserve size must be checked by caller)

Definition at line 1186 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_global_reserve, _memory_global_reserve_count, _memory_global_reserve_master, _memory_span_size_shift, _rpmalloc_span_mark_as_subspan_unless_master(), and pointer_offset.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new(), and _rpmalloc_span_map().

◆ _rpmalloc_global_set_reserved_spans()

static void _rpmalloc_global_set_reserved_spans ( span_t master,
span_t reserve,
size_t  reserve_span_count 

Store the given spans as global reserve (must only be called from within new heap allocation, not thread safe)

Definition at line 1201 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_global_reserve, _memory_global_reserve_count, and _memory_global_reserve_master.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new(), and _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_allocate()

static heap_t * _rpmalloc_heap_allocate ( int  first_class)

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new()

static heap_t * _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new ( void  )

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_cache_adopt_deferred()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_cache_adopt_deferred ( heap_t heap,
span_t **  single_span 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_cache_insert()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_cache_insert ( heap_t heap,
span_t span 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span ( heap_t heap,
heap_size_class_t heap_size_class,
size_t  span_count,
uint32_t  class_idx 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_extract_orphan()

static heap_t * _rpmalloc_heap_extract_orphan ( heap_t **  heap_list)

Definition at line 2216 of file rpmalloc.c.

References heap_t::next_orphan.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_finalize()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_finalize ( heap_t heap)

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_global_cache_extract()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_heap_global_cache_extract ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_global_finalize()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_global_finalize ( heap_t heap)

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_initialize()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_initialize ( heap_t heap)

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_orphan()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_orphan ( heap_t heap,
int  first_class 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_release()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_release ( void *  heapptr,
int  first_class,
int  release_cache 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw ( void *  heapptr,
int  release_cache 

Definition at line 2299 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_heap_release().

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw_fc(), and rpmalloc_thread_finalize().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw_fc()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw_fc ( void *  heapptr)

Definition at line 2303 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw().

Referenced by rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_reserved_extract()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_heap_reserved_extract ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

Definition at line 1984 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_span_map(), and heap_t::spans_reserved.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_set_reserved_spans()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_set_reserved_spans ( heap_t heap,
span_t master,
span_t reserve,
size_t  reserve_span_count 

Store the given spans as reserve in the given heap.

Definition at line 1775 of file rpmalloc.c.

References heap_t::span_reserve, heap_t::span_reserve_master, and heap_t::spans_reserved.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new(), _rpmalloc_span_map(), and _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_deferred_extract()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_deferred_extract ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_extract()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_extract ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

Extract the given number of spans from the different cache levels.

Definition at line 1955 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_stat_inc, span_cache_t::count, and span_cache_t::span.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span(), and _rpmalloc_heap_thread_cache_deferred_extract().

◆ _rpmalloc_heap_unmap()

static void _rpmalloc_heap_unmap ( heap_t heap)

◆ _rpmalloc_inc_span_statistics()

static void _rpmalloc_inc_span_statistics ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count,
uint32_t  class_idx 

Definition at line 2031 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_stat_add_peak, atomic_incr32(), and atomic_store32().

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_extract_new_span().

◆ _rpmalloc_mmap()

static void * _rpmalloc_mmap ( size_t  size,
size_t *  offset 

◆ _rpmalloc_mmap_os()

static void * _rpmalloc_mmap_os ( size_t  size,
size_t *  offset 

◆ _rpmalloc_reallocate()

static void * _rpmalloc_reallocate ( heap_t heap,
void *  p,
size_t  size,
size_t  oldsize,
unsigned int  flags 

◆ _rpmalloc_set_name()

static void _rpmalloc_set_name ( void *  address,
size_t  size 

Low level memory map/unmap.

Definition at line 986 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_config, _memory_huge_pages, rpmalloc_config_t::huge_page_name, name, and rpmalloc_config_t::page_name.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_mmap_os().

◆ _rpmalloc_span_align_count()

static size_t _rpmalloc_span_align_count ( size_t  span_count)

Get the aligned number of spans to map in based on wanted count, configured mapping granularity and the page size.

Definition at line 1296 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_page_size, _memory_span_map_count, and _memory_span_size.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count().

◆ _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_add()

static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_add ( span_t **  head,
span_t span 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_pop_head()

static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_pop_head ( span_t **  head,
span_t span 

Pop head span from double linked list.

Definition at line 1223 of file rpmalloc.c.

References span_t::next, and rpmalloc_assert.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback().

◆ _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_remove()

static void _rpmalloc_span_double_link_list_remove ( span_t **  head,
span_t span 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_extract_free_list_deferred()

static void _rpmalloc_span_extract_free_list_deferred ( span_t span)

◆ _rpmalloc_span_finalize()

static int _rpmalloc_span_finalize ( heap_t heap,
size_t  iclass,
span_t span,
span_t **  list_head 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_initialize()

static void _rpmalloc_span_initialize ( span_t span,
size_t  total_span_count,
size_t  span_count,
size_t  align_offset 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_initialize_new()

static void * _rpmalloc_span_initialize_new ( heap_t heap,
heap_size_class_t heap_size_class,
span_t span,
uint32_t  class_idx 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_is_fully_utilized()

static int _rpmalloc_span_is_fully_utilized ( span_t span)

◆ _rpmalloc_span_map()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_span_map ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_map_from_reserve()

static span_t * _rpmalloc_span_map_from_reserve ( heap_t heap,
size_t  span_count 

Use reserved spans to fulfill a memory map request (reserve size must be checked by caller)

Definition at line 1278 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_span_size, _rpmalloc_span_mark_as_subspan_unless_master(), _rpmalloc_stat_inc, LARGE_CLASS_COUNT, pointer_offset, heap_t::span_reserve, heap_t::span_reserve_master, and heap_t::spans_reserved.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_span_map().

◆ _rpmalloc_span_mark_as_subspan_unless_master()

static void _rpmalloc_span_mark_as_subspan_unless_master ( span_t master,
span_t subspan,
size_t  span_count 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_release_to_cache()

static void _rpmalloc_span_release_to_cache ( heap_t heap,
span_t span 

◆ _rpmalloc_span_unmap()

static void _rpmalloc_span_unmap ( span_t span)

◆ _rpmalloc_spin()

static void _rpmalloc_spin ( void  )

◆ _rpmalloc_unmap()

static void _rpmalloc_unmap ( void *  address,
size_t  size,
size_t  offset,
size_t  release 

◆ _rpmalloc_unmap_os()

static void _rpmalloc_unmap_os ( void *  address,
size_t  size,
size_t  offset,
size_t  release 

◆ _rpmalloc_usable_size()

static size_t _rpmalloc_usable_size ( void *  p)

Reallocation entry points.

Initialization, finalization and utility.

Get the usable size of the given block

Definition at line 3002 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_page_size, _memory_span_mask, _memory_span_size, span_t::block_size, pointer_diff, pointer_offset, span_t::size_class, SIZE_CLASS_COUNT, SIZE_CLASS_LARGE, span_t::span_count, and SPAN_HEADER_SIZE.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_aligned_reallocate(), and rpmalloc_usable_size().

◆ _Static_assert() [1/4]

_Static_assert ( (SMALL_GRANULARITY &(SMALL_GRANULARITY - 1))  = =0,
"Small granularity must be power of two"   

◆ _Static_assert() [2/4]

_Static_assert ( (SPAN_HEADER_SIZE &(SPAN_HEADER_SIZE - 1))  = =0,
"Span header size must be power of two"   

◆ _Static_assert() [3/4]

_Static_assert ( sizeof(size_class_t = =8,
"Size class size mismatch"   

◆ _Static_assert() [4/4]

_Static_assert ( sizeof(span_t)<=  SPAN_HEADER_SIZE,
"span size mismatch"   

◆ atomic_add32()

static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_add32 ( atomic32_t *  val,
int32_t  add 

Definition at line 345 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_span_unmap(), and rpmalloc_finalize().

◆ atomic_add64()

static FORCEINLINE int64_t atomic_add64 ( atomic64_t *  val,
int64_t  add 

Definition at line 359 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ atomic_cas32_acquire()

static FORCEINLINE int atomic_cas32_acquire ( atomic32_t *  dst,
int32_t  val,
int32_t  ref 

◆ atomic_cas_ptr()

static FORCEINLINE int atomic_cas_ptr ( atomicptr_t *  dst,
void *  val,
void *  ref 

Definition at line 375 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_deallocate_defer_free_span().

◆ atomic_decr32()

static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_decr32 ( atomic32_t *  val)

◆ atomic_exchange_ptr_acquire()

static FORCEINLINE void * atomic_exchange_ptr_acquire ( atomicptr_t *  dst,
void *  val 

◆ atomic_incr32()

static FORCEINLINE int32_t atomic_incr32 ( atomic32_t *  val)

Definition at line 339 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_initialize(), and _rpmalloc_inc_span_statistics().

◆ atomic_load64()

static FORCEINLINE int64_t atomic_load64 ( atomic64_t *  val)

Definition at line 356 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by rpmalloc_dump_statistics(), and rpmalloc_thread_statistics().

◆ atomic_load_ptr()

static FORCEINLINE void * atomic_load_ptr ( atomicptr_t *  src)

◆ atomic_store32()

static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store32 ( atomic32_t *  dst,
int32_t  val 

◆ atomic_store32_release()

static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store32_release ( atomic32_t *  dst,
int32_t  val 

◆ atomic_store_ptr()

static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store_ptr ( atomicptr_t *  dst,
void *  val 

Definition at line 365 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ atomic_store_ptr_release()

static FORCEINLINE void atomic_store_ptr_release ( atomicptr_t *  dst,
void *  val 

◆ free_list_partial_init()

static uint32_t free_list_partial_init ( void **  list,
void **  first_block,
void *  page_start,
void *  block_start,
uint32_t  block_count,
uint32_t  block_size 

Initialize a (partial) free list up to next system memory page, while reserving the first block as allocated, returning number of blocks in list.

Definition at line 1484 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_page_size, pointer_offset, and rpmalloc_assert.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback(), and _rpmalloc_span_initialize_new().

◆ free_list_pop()

static void * free_list_pop ( void **  list)

Allocation entry points.

Pop first block from a free list

Definition at line 2369 of file rpmalloc.c.

References block.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_allocate_from_heap_fallback(), _rpmalloc_allocate_medium(), and _rpmalloc_allocate_small().

◆ get_thread_heap()

static heap_t * get_thread_heap ( void  )

Get the current thread heap.

Definition at line 882 of file rpmalloc.c.

References EXPECTED, get_thread_heap_raw(), and rpmalloc_initialize().

Referenced by rpaligned_alloc(), rpaligned_realloc(), rpcalloc(), rpmalloc(), and rprealloc().

◆ get_thread_heap_raw()

static heap_t * get_thread_heap_raw ( void  )

◆ get_thread_id()

static uintptr_t get_thread_id ( void  )

◆ rpaligned_alloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_alloc ( size_t  alignment,
size_t  size 

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.

Definition at line 3438 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_aligned_allocate(), and get_thread_heap().

Referenced by rpaligned_calloc(), rpmemalign(), and rpposix_memalign().

◆ rpaligned_calloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_calloc ( size_t  alignment,
size_t  num,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 3444 of file rpmalloc.c.

References block, and rpaligned_alloc().

◆ rpaligned_realloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpaligned_realloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  alignment,
size_t  size,
size_t  oldsize,
unsigned int  flags 

Reallocate the given block to at least the given size and alignment,.

Definition at line 3424 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_page_size, _rpmalloc_aligned_reallocate(), and get_thread_heap().

◆ rpcalloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpcalloc ( size_t  num,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 3387 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_allocate(), block, and get_thread_heap().

◆ rpfree()

void rpfree ( void *  ptr)

Free the given memory block.

Definition at line 3385 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_deallocate().

◆ rpmalloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpmalloc ( size_t  size)

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size.

Definition at line 3374 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_allocate(), and get_thread_heap().

◆ rpmalloc_config()

const rpmalloc_config_t * rpmalloc_config ( void  )

Get allocator configuration.

Definition at line 3370 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _memory_config.

◆ rpmalloc_dump_statistics()

void rpmalloc_dump_statistics ( void *  file)

◆ rpmalloc_finalize()

void rpmalloc_finalize ( void  )

◆ rpmalloc_global_statistics()

void rpmalloc_global_statistics ( rpmalloc_global_statistics_t stats)

◆ rpmalloc_initialize()

int rpmalloc_initialize ( void  )

Initialize the allocator and setup global data.

Initialize allocator with default configuration.

Definition at line 3047 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_initialized, rpmalloc_initialize_config(), and rpmalloc_thread_initialize().

Referenced by get_thread_heap().

◆ rpmalloc_initialize_config()

int rpmalloc_initialize_config ( const rpmalloc_config_t config)

◆ rpmalloc_is_thread_initialized()

int rpmalloc_is_thread_initialized ( void  )

Query if allocator is initialized for calling thread.

Definition at line 3366 of file rpmalloc.c.

References get_thread_heap_raw().

◆ rpmalloc_linker_reference()

void rpmalloc_linker_reference ( void  )

Dummy empty function for forcing linker symbol inclusion.

Definition at line 3992 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_initialized.

Referenced by rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ rpmalloc_set_main_thread()

void rpmalloc_set_main_thread ( void  )

Set main thread ID.

Definition at line 941 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_main_thread_id, and get_thread_id().

◆ rpmalloc_thread_collect()

void rpmalloc_thread_collect ( void  )

Perform deferred deallocations pending for the calling thread heap.

Definition at line 3487 of file rpmalloc.c.

◆ rpmalloc_thread_finalize()

void rpmalloc_thread_finalize ( int  release_caches)

Finalize thread, orphan heap.

Finalize allocator for calling thread.

Definition at line 3356 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_heap_release_raw(), get_thread_heap_raw(), and set_thread_heap().

Referenced by rpmalloc_finalize().

◆ rpmalloc_thread_initialize()

void rpmalloc_thread_initialize ( void  )

Initialize thread, assign heap.

Initialize allocator for calling thread.

Definition at line 3342 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_heap_allocate(), _rpmalloc_stat_inc, get_thread_heap_raw(), and set_thread_heap().

Referenced by rpmalloc_initialize(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ rpmalloc_thread_statistics()

void rpmalloc_thread_statistics ( rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t stats)

◆ rpmalloc_usable_size()

size_t rpmalloc_usable_size ( void *  ptr)

Query the usable size of the given memory block (from given pointer to the end of block)

Definition at line 3483 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_usable_size().

◆ rpmemalign()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rpmemalign ( size_t  alignment,
size_t  size 

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.

Definition at line 3469 of file rpmalloc.c.

References rpaligned_alloc().

◆ rpposix_memalign()

int rpposix_memalign ( void **  memptr,
size_t  alignment,
size_t  size 

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment.

Definition at line 3474 of file rpmalloc.c.

References rpaligned_alloc().

◆ rprealloc()

RPMALLOC_ALLOCATOR void * rprealloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Reallocate the given block to at least the given size.

Definition at line 3413 of file rpmalloc.c.

References _rpmalloc_reallocate(), and get_thread_heap().

◆ set_thread_heap()

static void set_thread_heap ( heap_t heap)

Set the current thread heap.

Definition at line 927 of file rpmalloc.c.

References get_thread_id(), and heap_t::owner_thread.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_release(), rpmalloc_thread_finalize(), and rpmalloc_thread_initialize().

Variable Documentation

◆ _memory_config

rpmalloc_config_t _memory_config

◆ _memory_global_lock

atomic32_t _memory_global_lock

Used to restrict access to mapping memory for huge pages.

Definition at line 812 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate(), _rpmalloc_heap_release(), _rpmalloc_span_map(), _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count(), rpmalloc_finalize(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_global_reserve

span_t* _memory_global_reserve

◆ _memory_global_reserve_count

size_t _memory_global_reserve_count

◆ _memory_global_reserve_master

span_t* _memory_global_reserve_master

◆ _memory_heap_id

atomic32_t _memory_heap_id

Heap ID counter.

Definition at line 796 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_initialize().

◆ _memory_heap_reserve_count

size_t _memory_heap_reserve_count

Number of spans to keep reserved in each heap.

Definition at line 790 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate_new(), _rpmalloc_span_map(), _rpmalloc_span_map_aligned_count(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_heaps

heap_t* _memory_heaps[HEAP_ARRAY_SIZE]

◆ _memory_huge_pages

int _memory_huge_pages

Huge page support.

Definition at line 798 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_mmap_os(), _rpmalloc_set_name(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_map_granularity

size_t _memory_map_granularity

Granularity at which memory pages are mapped by OS.

Definition at line 773 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_mmap_os(), _rpmalloc_unmap_os(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_medium_size_limit

size_t _memory_medium_size_limit

Run-time size limit of medium blocks.

Definition at line 794 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_aligned_allocate(), _rpmalloc_allocate(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_orphan_heaps

heap_t* _memory_orphan_heaps

Orphaned heaps.

Definition at line 814 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_allocate(), _rpmalloc_heap_orphan(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _memory_page_size

size_t _memory_page_size

◆ _memory_page_size_shift

size_t _memory_page_size_shift

◆ _memory_size_class

size_class_t _memory_size_class[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]

◆ _memory_span_map_count

size_t _memory_span_map_count

Number of spans to map in each map call.

Definition at line 788 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_span_align_count(), _rpmalloc_span_map(), and rpmalloc_initialize_config().

◆ _rpmalloc_initialized

int _rpmalloc_initialized

Initialized flag.

Definition at line 763 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by rpmalloc_finalize(), rpmalloc_initialize(), rpmalloc_initialize_config(), and rpmalloc_linker_reference().

◆ _rpmalloc_main_thread_id

uintptr_t _rpmalloc_main_thread_id

Main thread ID.

Definition at line 765 of file rpmalloc.c.

Referenced by _rpmalloc_heap_release(), and rpmalloc_set_main_thread().


_Thread_local heap_t* _memory_thread_heap TLS_MODEL

Definition at line 870 of file rpmalloc.c.