DirectX Container


The DirectX Container (DXContainer) file format is the binary file format for compiled shaders targeting the DirectX runtime. The file format is also called the DXIL Container or DXBC file format. Because the file format can be used to include either DXIL or DXBC compiled shaders, the nomenclature in LLVM is simply DirectX Container.

DirectX Container files are read by the compiler and associated tools as well as the DirectX runtime, profiling tools and other users. This document serves as a companion to the implementation in LLVM to more completely document the file format for its many users.

Basic Structure

A DXContainer file begins with a header, and is then followed by a sequence of “parts”, which are analogous to object file sections. Each part contains a part header, and some number of bytes of data after the header in a defined format.

DX Container data structures are encoded little-endian in the binary file.

The LLVM versions of all data structures described and/or referenced in this file are defined in llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/DXContainer.h. Some pseudo code is provided in blocks below to ease understanding of this document, but reading it with the header available will provide the most clarity.

File Header

struct Header {
  uint8_t Magic[4];
  uint8_t Digest[16];
  uint16_t MajorVersion;
  uint16_t MinorVersion;
  uint32_t FileSize;
  uint32_t PartCount;

The DXContainer header matches the pseudo-definition above. It begins with a four character code (magic number) with the value DXBC to denote the file format.

The Digest is a 128bit hash digest computed with a proprietary algorithm and encoded in the binary by the bytecode validator.

The MajorVersion and MinorVersion encode the file format version 1.0.

The remaining fields encode 32-bit unsigned integers for the file size and number of parts.

Following the part header is an array of PartCount 32-bit unsigned integers specifying the offsets of each part header.

Part Data

struct PartHeader {
  uint8_t Name[4];
  uint32_t Size;

Each part begins with a part header. A part header includes the 4-character part name, and a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the size of the part data. The part header is followed by Size bytes of data comprising the part. The format does not explicitly require 32-bit alignment of parts, although LLVM does implement this restriction in the writer code (because it’s a good idea). The LLVM object reader code does not assume inputs are correctly aligned to avoid undefined behavior caused by misaligned inputs generated by other compilers.

Part Formats

The part name indicates the format of the part data. There are 24 part headers used by DXC and FXC. Not all compiled shaders contain all parts. In the list below parts generated only by DXC are marked with †, and parts generated only by FXC are marked with *.

  1. DXIL† - Stores the DXIL bytecode.

  2. HASH† - Stores the shader MD5 hash.

  3. ILDB† - Stores the DXIL bytecode with LLVM Debug Information embedded in the module.

  4. ILDN† - Stores shader debug name for external debug information.

  5. ISG1 - Stores the input signature for Shader Model 5.1+.

  6. ISGN* - Stores the input signature for Shader Model 4 and earlier.

  7. OSG1 - Stores the output signature for Shader Model 5.1+.

  8. OSG5* - Stores the output signature for Shader Model 5.

  9. OSGN* - Stores the output signature for Shader Model 4 and earlier.

  10. PCSG* - Stores the patch constant signature for Shader Model 5.1 and earlier.

  11. PDBI† - Stores PDB information.

  12. PRIV - Stores arbitrary private data (Not encoded by either FXC or DXC).

  13. PSG1 - Stores the patch constant signature for Shader Model 6+.

  14. PSV0 - Stores Pipeline State Validation data.

  15. RDAT† - Stores Runtime Data.

  16. RDEF* - Stores resource definitions.

  17. RTS0 - Stores compiled root signature.

  18. SFI0 - Stores shader feature flags.

  19. SHDR* - Stores compiled DXBC bytecode.

  20. SHEX* - Stores compiled DXBC bytecode.

  21. DXBC* - Stores compiled DXBC bytecode.

  22. SRCI† - Stores shader source information.

  23. STAT† - Stores shader statistics.

  24. VERS† - Stores shader compiler version information.


The DXIL part is comprised of three data structures: the ProgramHeader, the BitcodeHeader and the bitcode serialized LLVM 3.7 IR Module.

The ProgramHeader contains the shader model version and pipeline stage enumeration value. This identifies the target profile of the contained shader bitcode.

The BitcodeHeader contains the DXIL version information and refers to the start of the bitcode data.


The HASH part contains a 32-bit unsigned integer with the shader hash flags, and a 128-bit MD5 hash digest. The flags field can either have the value 0 to indicate no flags, or 1 to indicate that the file hash was computed including the source code that produced the binary.

Program Signature (SG1) Parts

struct ProgramSignatureHeader {
  uint32_t ParamCount;
  uint32_t FirstParamOffset;

The program signature parts (ISG1, OSG1, & PSG1) all use the same data structures to encode inputs, outputs and patch information. The ProgramSignatureHeader includes two 32-bit unsigned integers to specify the number of signature parameters and the offset of the first parameter.

Beginning at FirstParamOffset bytes from the start of the ProgramSignatureHeader, ParamCount ProgramSignatureElement structures are written. Following the ProgramSignatureElements is a string table of null terminated strings padded to 32-byte alignment. This string table matches the DWARF string table format as implemented by LLVM.

Each ProgramSignatureElement encodes a NameOffset value which specifies the offset into the string table. A value of 0 denotes no name. The offsets encoded here are from the beginning of the ProgramSignatureHeader not the beginning of the string table.

The ProgramSignatureElement contains several enumeration fields which are defined in llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/DXContainerConstants.def. These fields encode the D3D system value, the type of data and its precision requirements.

PSV0 Part

The Pipeline State Validation data encodes versioned runtime information structures. These structures use a scheme where in lieu of encoding a version number, they encode the size of the structure and each new version of the structure is additive. This allows readers to infer the version of the structure by comparing the encoded size with the size of known structures. If the encoded size is larger than any known structure, the largest known structure can validly parse the data represented in the known structure.

In LLVM we represent the versions of the associated data structures with versioned namespaces under the llvm::dxbc::PSV namespace (e.g. v0, v1). Each structure in the v0 namespace is the base version, the structures in the v1 namespace inherit from the v0 namespace, and the v2 structures inherit from the v1 structures, and so on.

The high-level structure of the PSV data is:

  1. RuntimeInfo structure

  2. Resource bindings

  3. Signature elements

  4. Mask Vectors (Output, Input, InputPatch, PatchOutput)

Immediately following the part header for the PSV0 part is a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the size of the RuntimeInfo structure that follows.

Immediately following the RuntimeInfo structure is a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the number of resource bindings. If the number of resources is greater than zero, another unsigned 32-bit integer follows to specify the size of the ResourceBindInfo structure. This is followed by the specified number of structures of the specified size (which infers the version of the structure).

For version 0 of the data this ends the part data.

PSV0 Signature Elements

The signature elements are conceptually a single concept but the data is encoded in three different blocks. The first block is a string table, the second block is an index table, and the third block is the elements themselves, which in turn are separeated by input, output and patch constant or primitive elements.

Signature elements capture much of the same data captured in the SG1 parts. The use of an index table allows de-duplciation of data for a more compact final representation.

The string table begins with a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the table size. This string table uses the DXContainer format as implemented in LLVM. This format prefixes the string table with a null byte so that offset 0 is a null string, and pads to 32-byte alignment.

The index table begins with a 32-bit unsigned integer specifying the size of the table, and is followed by that many 32-bit unsigned integers representing the table. The index table may or may not deduplicate repeated sequences (both DXC and Clang do). The indices signify the indices in the flattened aggregate representation which the signature element describes. A single semantic may have more than one entry in this table to denote the different attributes of its members.

For example given the following code:

struct VSOut_1
    float4 f3 : VOUT2;
    float3 f4 : VOUT3;

struct VSOut
    float4 f1 : VOUT0;
    float2 f2[4] : VOUT1;
    VSOut_1 s;
    int4 f5 : VOUT4;

void main(out VSOut o1 : A) {

The semantic A gets expanded into 5 output signature elements. Those elements are:


In the example below, it is a coincidence that the rows match the indices, in more complicated examples with multiple semantics this is not the case.

  1. Index 0 starts at row 0, contains 4 columns, and is float32. This represents f1 in the source.

  2. Index 1, 2, 3, and 4 starts at row 1, contains two columns and is float32. This represents f2 in the source, and it spreads across rows 1 - 4.

  3. Index 5 starts at row 5, contains 4 columns, and is float32. This represents f3 in the source.

  4. Index 6 starts at row 6, contains 3 columns, and is float32. This represents f4.

  5. Index 7 starts at row 7, contains 4 columns, and is signed 32-bit integer. This represents f5 in the source.

The LLVM obj2yaml tool can parse this data out of the PSV and present it in human readable YAML. For the example above it produces the output:

  - Name:            A
    Indices:         [ 0 ]
    StartRow:        0
    Cols:            4
    StartCol:        0
    Allocated:       true
    Kind:            Arbitrary
    ComponentType:   Float32
    Interpolation:   Linear
    DynamicMask:     0x0
    Stream:          0
  - Name:            A
    Indices:         [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
    StartRow:        1
    Cols:            2
    StartCol:        0
    Allocated:       true
    Kind:            Arbitrary
    ComponentType:   Float32
    Interpolation:   Linear
    DynamicMask:     0x0
    Stream:          0
  - Name:            A
    Indices:         [ 5 ]
    StartRow:        5
    Cols:            4
    StartCol:        0
    Allocated:       true
    Kind:            Arbitrary
    ComponentType:   Float32
    Interpolation:   Linear
    DynamicMask:     0x0
    Stream:          0
  - Name:            A
    Indices:         [ 6 ]
    StartRow:        6
    Cols:            3
    StartCol:        0
    Allocated:       true
    Kind:            Arbitrary
    ComponentType:   Float32
    Interpolation:   Linear
    DynamicMask:     0x0
    Stream:          0
  - Name:            A
    Indices:         [ 7 ]
    StartRow:        7
    Cols:            4
    StartCol:        0
    Allocated:       true
    Kind:            Arbitrary
    ComponentType:   SInt32
    Interpolation:   Constant
    DynamicMask:     0x0
    Stream:          0

The number of signature elements of each type is encoded in the llvm::dxbc::PSV::v1::RuntimeInfo structure. If any of the element count values are non-zero, the size of the ProgramSignatureElement structure is encoded next to allow versioning of that structure. Today there is only one version. Following the size field is the specified number of signature elements in the order input, output, then patch constant or primitive.

Following the signature elements is a sequence of mask vectors encoded as a series of 32-bit integers. Each 32-bit integer in the mask encodes values for 8 input/output/patch or primitive elements. The mask vector is filled from least significant bit to most significant bit with each added element shifting the previous elements left. A reader needs to consult the total number of vectors encoded in the RuntimeInfo structure to know how to read the mask vector.

If the shader has UsesViewID enabled in the RuntimeInfo an output mask vector will be included. The output mask vector is four arrays of 32-bit unsigned integers. Each of the four arrays corresponds to an output stream. Geometry shaders have a maximum of four output streams, all other shader stages only support one output stream. Each bit in the mask vector identifies one column of an output from the output signature depends on the ViewID.

If the shader has UsesViewID enabled, it is a hull shader, and it has patch constant or primitive vector elements, a patch constant or primitive vector mask will be included. It is identical in structure to the output mask vector. Each bit in the mask vector identifies one column of a patch constant output which depends on the ViewID.

The next series of mask vectors are similar in structure to the output mask vector, but they contain an extra dimension.

The output/input map is encoded next if the shader has inputs and outputs. The output/input mask encodes which outputs are impacted by each column of each input. The size for each mask vector is the size of the output max vector * the number of inputs * 4 (for each component). Each bit in the mask vector identifies one column of an output and a column of an input. A value of 1 means the output is impacted by the input.

If the shader is a hull shader, and it has inputs and patch outputs, an input to patch map will be included next. This is identical in structure to the output/input map. The dimensions are defined by the size of the patch constant or primitive vector mask * the number of inputs * 4 (for each component). Each bit in the mask vector identifies one column of a patch constant output and a column of an input. A value of 1 means the output is impacted by the input.

If the shader is a domain shader, and it has outputs and patch outputs, an output patch map will be included next. This is identical in structure to the output/input map. The dimensions are defined by the size of the patch constant or primitive vector mask * the number of outputs * 4 (for each component). Each bit in the mask vector identifies one column of a patch constant input and a column of an output. A value of 1 means the output is impacted by the primitive input.

SFI0 Part

The SFI0 part encodes a 64-bit unsigned integer bitmask of the feature flags. This denotes which optional features the shader requires. The flag values are defined in llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/DXContainerConstants.def.