LLVM 20.0.0git
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
lto.h File Reference
#include "llvm-c/ExternC.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

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struct  LTOObjectBuffer
 Type to wrap a single object returned by ThinLTO. More...


#define LTO_API_VERSION   29


typedef bool lto_bool_t
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueLTOModule * lto_module_t
 opaque reference to a loaded object module
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueLTOCodeGenerator * lto_code_gen_t
 opaque reference to a code generator
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueThinLTOCodeGenerator * thinlto_code_gen_t
 opaque reference to a thin code generator
typedef void(* lto_diagnostic_handler_t) (lto_codegen_diagnostic_severity_t severity, const char *diag, void *ctxt)
 Diagnostic handler type.
typedef struct LLVMOpaqueLTOInput * lto_input_t
 Opaque reference to an LTO input file.


enum  lto_symbol_attributes {
enum  lto_debug_model { LTO_DEBUG_MODEL_NONE = 0 , LTO_DEBUG_MODEL_DWARF = 1 }
enum  lto_codegen_diagnostic_severity_t { LTO_DS_ERROR = 0 , LTO_DS_WARNING = 1 , LTO_DS_REMARK = 3 , LTO_DS_NOTE = 2 }
 Diagnostic severity. More...


LLVM_C_EXTERN_C_BEGIN const charlto_get_version (void)
 Returns a printable string.
const charlto_get_error_message (void)
 Returns the last error string or NULL if last operation was successful.
lto_bool_t lto_module_is_object_file (const char *path)
 Checks if a file is a loadable object file.
lto_bool_t lto_module_is_object_file_for_target (const char *path, const char *target_triple_prefix)
 Checks if a file is a loadable object compiled for requested target.
lto_bool_t lto_module_has_objc_category (const void *mem, size_t length)
 Return true if Buffer contains a bitcode file with ObjC code (category or class) in it.
lto_bool_t lto_module_is_object_file_in_memory (const void *mem, size_t length)
 Checks if a buffer is a loadable object file.
lto_bool_t lto_module_is_object_file_in_memory_for_target (const void *mem, size_t length, const char *target_triple_prefix)
 Checks if a buffer is a loadable object compiled for requested target.
lto_module_t lto_module_create (const char *path)
 Loads an object file from disk.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_from_memory (const void *mem, size_t length)
 Loads an object file from memory.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_from_memory_with_path (const void *mem, size_t length, const char *path)
 Loads an object file from memory with an extra path argument.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_in_local_context (const void *mem, size_t length, const char *path)
 Loads an object file in its own context.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_in_codegen_context (const void *mem, size_t length, const char *path, lto_code_gen_t cg)
 Loads an object file in the codegen context.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_from_fd (int fd, const char *path, size_t file_size)
 Loads an object file from disk.
lto_module_t lto_module_create_from_fd_at_offset (int fd, const char *path, size_t file_size, size_t map_size, off_t offset)
 Loads an object file from disk.
void lto_module_dispose (lto_module_t mod)
 Frees all memory internally allocated by the module.
const charlto_module_get_target_triple (lto_module_t mod)
 Returns triple string which the object module was compiled under.
void lto_module_set_target_triple (lto_module_t mod, const char *triple)
 Sets triple string with which the object will be codegened.
unsigned int lto_module_get_num_symbols (lto_module_t mod)
 Returns the number of symbols in the object module.
const charlto_module_get_symbol_name (lto_module_t mod, unsigned int index)
 Returns the name of the ith symbol in the object module.
lto_symbol_attributes lto_module_get_symbol_attribute (lto_module_t mod, unsigned int index)
 Returns the attributes of the ith symbol in the object module.
const charlto_module_get_linkeropts (lto_module_t mod)
 Returns the module's linker options.
lto_bool_t lto_module_get_macho_cputype (lto_module_t mod, unsigned int *out_cputype, unsigned int *out_cpusubtype)
 If targeting mach-o on darwin, this function gets the CPU type and subtype that will end up being encoded in the mach-o header.
lto_bool_t lto_module_has_ctor_dtor (lto_module_t mod)
 This function can be used by the linker to check if a given module has any constructor or destructor functions.
void lto_codegen_set_diagnostic_handler (lto_code_gen_t, lto_diagnostic_handler_t, void *)
 Set a diagnostic handler and the related context (void *).
lto_code_gen_t lto_codegen_create (void)
 Instantiates a code generator.
lto_code_gen_t lto_codegen_create_in_local_context (void)
 Instantiate a code generator in its own context.
void lto_codegen_dispose (lto_code_gen_t)
 Frees all code generator and all memory it internally allocated.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_add_module (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_module_t mod)
 Add an object module to the set of modules for which code will be generated.
void lto_codegen_set_module (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_module_t mod)
 Sets the object module for code generation.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_set_debug_model (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_debug_model)
 Sets if debug info should be generated.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_set_pic_model (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_codegen_model)
 Sets which PIC code model to generated.
void lto_codegen_set_cpu (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *cpu)
 Sets the cpu to generate code for.
void lto_codegen_set_assembler_path (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *path)
 Sets the location of the assembler tool to run.
void lto_codegen_set_assembler_args (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char **args, int nargs)
 Sets extra arguments that libLTO should pass to the assembler.
void lto_codegen_add_must_preserve_symbol (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *symbol)
 Adds to a list of all global symbols that must exist in the final generated code.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_write_merged_modules (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *path)
 Writes a new object file at the specified path that contains the merged contents of all modules added so far.
const void * lto_codegen_compile (lto_code_gen_t cg, size_t *length)
 Generates code for all added modules into one native object file.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_compile_to_file (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char **name)
 Generates code for all added modules into one native object file.
lto_bool_t lto_codegen_optimize (lto_code_gen_t cg)
 Runs optimization for the merged module.
const void * lto_codegen_compile_optimized (lto_code_gen_t cg, size_t *length)
 Generates code for the optimized merged module into one native object file.
unsigned int lto_api_version (void)
 Returns the runtime API version.
void lto_set_debug_options (const char *const *options, int number)
 Parses options immediately, making them available as early as possible.
void lto_codegen_debug_options (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *)
 Sets options to help debug codegen bugs.
void lto_codegen_debug_options_array (lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *const *, int number)
 Same as the previous function, but takes every option separately through an array.
void lto_initialize_disassembler (void)
 Initializes LLVM disassemblers.
void lto_codegen_set_should_internalize (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_bool_t ShouldInternalize)
 Sets if we should run internalize pass during optimization and code generation.
void lto_codegen_set_should_embed_uselists (lto_code_gen_t cg, lto_bool_t ShouldEmbedUselists)
 Set whether to embed uselists in bitcode.
lto_input_t lto_input_create (const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const char *path)
 Creates an LTO input file from a buffer.
void lto_input_dispose (lto_input_t input)
 Frees all memory internally allocated by the LTO input file.
unsigned lto_input_get_num_dependent_libraries (lto_input_t input)
 Returns the number of dependent library specifiers for the given LTO input file.
const charlto_input_get_dependent_library (lto_input_t input, size_t index, size_t *size)
 Returns the ith dependent library specifier for the given LTO input file.
const char *constlto_runtime_lib_symbols_list (size_t *size)
 Returns the list of libcall symbols that can be generated by LTO that might not be visible from the symbol table of bitcode files.
thinlto_code_gen_t thinlto_create_codegen (void)
 Instantiates a ThinLTO code generator.
void thinlto_codegen_dispose (thinlto_code_gen_t cg)
 Frees the generator and all memory it internally allocated.
void thinlto_codegen_add_module (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *identifier, const char *data, int length)
 Add a module to a ThinLTO code generator.
void thinlto_codegen_process (thinlto_code_gen_t cg)
 Optimize and codegen all the modules added to the codegenerator using ThinLTO.
unsigned int thinlto_module_get_num_objects (thinlto_code_gen_t cg)
 Returns the number of object files produced by the ThinLTO CodeGenerator.
LTOObjectBuffer thinlto_module_get_object (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned int index)
 Returns a reference to the ith object file produced by the ThinLTO CodeGenerator.
unsigned int thinlto_module_get_num_object_files (thinlto_code_gen_t cg)
 Returns the number of object files produced by the ThinLTO CodeGenerator.
const charthinlto_module_get_object_file (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned int index)
 Returns the path to the ith object file produced by the ThinLTO CodeGenerator.
lto_bool_t thinlto_codegen_set_pic_model (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, lto_codegen_model)
 Sets which PIC code model to generate.
void thinlto_codegen_set_savetemps_dir (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *save_temps_dir)
 Sets the path to a directory to use as a storage for temporary bitcode files.
void thinlto_set_generated_objects_dir (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *save_temps_dir)
 Set the path to a directory where to save generated object files.
void thinlto_codegen_set_cpu (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *cpu)
 Sets the cpu to generate code for.
void thinlto_codegen_disable_codegen (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, lto_bool_t disable)
 Disable CodeGen, only run the stages till codegen and stop.
void thinlto_codegen_set_codegen_only (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, lto_bool_t codegen_only)
 Perform CodeGen only: disable all other stages.
void thinlto_debug_options (const char *const *options, int number)
 Parse -mllvm style debug options.
lto_bool_t lto_module_is_thinlto (lto_module_t mod)
 Test if a module has support for ThinLTO linking.
void thinlto_codegen_add_must_preserve_symbol (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *name, int length)
 Adds a symbol to the list of global symbols that must exist in the final generated code.
void thinlto_codegen_add_cross_referenced_symbol (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *name, int length)
 Adds a symbol to the list of global symbols that are cross-referenced between ThinLTO files.
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_dir (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, const char *cache_dir)
 Sets the path to a directory to use as a cache storage for incremental build.
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_pruning_interval (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, int interval)
 Sets the cache pruning interval (in seconds).
void thinlto_codegen_set_final_cache_size_relative_to_available_space (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned percentage)
 Sets the maximum cache size that can be persistent across build, in terms of percentage of the available space on the disk.
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_entry_expiration (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned expiration)
 Sets the expiration (in seconds) for an entry in the cache.
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_size_bytes (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned max_size_bytes)
 Sets the maximum size of the cache directory (in bytes).
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_size_megabytes (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned max_size_megabytes)
 Same as thinlto_codegen_set_cache_size_bytes, except the maximum size is in megabytes (2^20 bytes).
void thinlto_codegen_set_cache_size_files (thinlto_code_gen_t cg, unsigned max_size_files)
 Sets the maximum number of files in the cache directory.

Typedef Documentation

◆ lto_bool_t

typedef bool lto_bool_t

Definition at line 31 of file lto.h.