Specification of DXIL Operations using TableGen Representation


DirectXShaderCompiler encapsulates, among other information, various DXIL Operations in hctdb.py. DXIL Operations are represented in one of the following two ways:

  1. Using LLVM instructions.

  2. Using LLVM External functions. These are represented in LLVM IR as follows:

    • “Standard” LLVM intrinsics (e.g., llvm.sin.*) and

    • HLSL intrinsics (defined as LLVM intrinsics in llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td, e.g., llvm.dx.*)

    These are collectively referred to as LLVM Intrinsics in this note.

Following is the complete list of attributes of DXIL Ops with the corresponding field name as used in hctdb.py. A DXIL Op is represented by a set of associated attributes. These are consumed in DXIL backend passes as well as in other usage scenarios such as validation, DXIL reader, etc.

  1. Attributes consumed in DXIL backend passes

    1. Name of operation (dxil_op)

    2. A string that documents the operation (doc) - This is not strictly necessary but is included for readability and documentation of the operation.

    3. The generic or HLSL-specific intrinsic that maps to the operation (llvm_name).

    4. Unique Integer ID (dxil_opid)

    5. Operation Class signifying the name and function signature of the operation (dxil_class). This string is an integral part of the DXIL Op function name and is constructed in the format dx.op.<class-name>.<overload-type>. Each DXIL Op call target function name is required to conform to this format per existing contract with the driver.

    6. List of valid overload types for the operation (oload_types).

    7. Required DXIL Version with support for the operation.

    8. Required minimum Shader Model (shader_model).

    9. Minimum shader model required with translation by linker (shader_model_translated)

    10. List of shader stages applicable to (shader_stages), empty, if applicable to all stages.

    11. Memory access attributes of the operation (fn_attr).

    12. Boolean attributes of operation to indicate if it

      • is some kind of a derivative (is_derivative)

      • requires gradient calculation (is_gradient)

      • is a sampler feedback (is_feedback)

      • requires in-wave, cross-lane functionality (is_wave)

      • requires that all of its inputs are uniform across the wave (requires_uniform_inputs).

      • is a barrier operation (is_barrier).


DXIL backend passes depend on various attributes of DXIL Operations. For example, DXILOpLowering pass will need information such as the DXIL operation an LLVM intrinsic is to be lowered to, along with valid overload and parameter types etc. The TableGen file - llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td - is used to represent DXIL Operations by specifying their attributes listed above. DXIL.td is designed to be the single source of reference of DXIL Operations primarily for the implementation of passes in DXIL backend in llvm-project repo - analogous to hctdb.py for DirectXShadeCompiler repo. However, the current design does not intend to encapsulate various validation rules, present in hctdb.py, but do not pertain to DXIL Operations. It needs to have a rich representation capabilities that TableGen backends (such as DXILEmitter) can rely on. Additionally, the DXIL Op specification should be easy to read and comprehend.

This note provides the design of the specification DXIL Ops as TableGen class DXILOp by specifying its attributes identified above.

DXIL Operation Specification

The DXIL Operation is represented using the TableGen class DXILOp. The DXIL operation attributes are specified as fields of the DXILOp class as described below.

  1. Each DXIL Operation is represented as a TableGen record. The name of each of the records signifies operation name.

  2. A documentation string for the operation.

  3. The LLVM Intrinsic that maps to the operation is represented as Intrinsic defined in Intrinsics.td.

  4. The unique operation id is represented by an integer.

  5. DXIL Operation Class is represented as follows

    // Abstraction of DXIL Operation class.
    class DXILOpClass;

    Concrete operation records, such as unary are defined by inheriting from DXILOpClass.

  6. Return and argument types of the operation are represented as dag``s using the special markers ``out and ins. An overload type, if supported by the operation, is denoted as the positional type dxil_overload_ty in the argument or in the result, where dxil_overload_ty is defined to be synonymous to llvm_any_ty.

    defvar dxil_overload_ty = llvm_any_ty
  7. Valid overload types and shader stages predicated on Shader Model version are specified as a list of Constraint records. Representation of Constraints class is described a later section.

  8. Various attributes of the DXIL Operation that are not predicated on Shader Model version are represented as a dag using the special marker attrs. Representation of Attributes class is described in a later section.

A DXIL Operation is represented by the following TableGen class by encapsulating the various TableGen representations of its attributes described above.

// Abstraction DXIL Operation
class DXILOp {
  // A short description of the operation
  string Doc = "";

  // Opcode of DXIL Operation
  int OpCode = 0;

  // Class of DXIL Operation.
  DXILOpClass OpClass = UnknownOpClass;

  // LLVM Intrinsic DXIL Operation maps to
  Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = ?;

  // Dag containing the arguments of the op. Default to 0 arguments.
  dag arguments = (ins);

  // Results of the op. Default to 0 results.
  dag result = (out);

  // List of constraints predicated on Shader Model version
  list<SMVersionConstraints> sm_constraints;

  // Non-predicated operation attributes
  dag attrtibutes = (attrs);
  Version DXILVersion = ?;

Constraint Specification

DXIL Operation attributes such as valid overload types and valid shader stages are predicated on Shader Model version. These are represented as list of constrained attributes.

Following is the definition of a generic constraint and the associated predicate

// Primitive predicate
class Pred;

// Generic constraint
class Constraint<Pred pred> {
  Pred predicate = pred;

Shader Model version is represented as follows:

// Abstract class to represent major and minor version values
class Version<int major, int minor> {
  int Major = major;
  int Minor = minor;

// Valid Shader model version records

// Definition of Shader Model 6.0 - 6.8 and DXIL Version 1.0 - 1.8
foreach i = 0...8 in {
  def SM6_#i : Version<6, i>;
  def DX1_#i : Version<1, i>;

A shader model version predicate class is defined as

class SMVersion<Version ver> : Pred {
  Version SMVersion = ver;

A constraint class to represent overload types and shader stages predicated on shader model version is defined as

class SMVersionConstraints<SMVersion smver, dag oloads, dag stages> : Constraint<smver> {
  dag overload_types = oloads;
  dag stage_kinds = stages;

The dag overload_types and dag shader_kinds use a special markers overloads and stages, respectively.

Examples of Constraints

Consider a DXIL Operation that is valid in Shader Model 6.2 and later,

  1. with valid overload types half, float, i16 and i32

  2. is valid for stages pixel and compute

  3. with valid overload types double and i614 if Shader Model version 6.3 and later

  4. is valid for all stages if Shader Model version 6.3 and later

This is represented as

                       (overloads llvm_half_ty, llvm_float_ty, llvm_i16_ty, llvm_i32_ty),
                       (stages pixel, compute)>,
                       (overloads llvm_half_ty, llvm_float_ty, llvm_double_ty,
                              llvm_i16_ty, llvm_i32_ty, llvm_i64_ty),
                       (stages allKinds)>];

Consider a DXIL operation that is valid in Shader Model version 6.2 and later,

  1. with no overload types, i.e., all argument typess and result type are fixed.

  2. is valid for all stages.

This is represented as

[SMVersionConstraints<SMVersion<SM6_2>, (overloads), (stages allKinds)>];

Specifying attributes predicated on Shader Model version using the single field sm_constraints not only allows for all of them to be specified together but also allows for a single place to specify minimum shader model version that supports the operation. Thus, a separate fiels is not needed to specify minimum shader model version.

Attribute Specification

DXIL Operation attributes that are not predicated on any constraint, are represented as a dag of Attribute records of the following abstract DXILAttributes class.

class DXILAttributes;

Following example records represent memory attributes

def ReadOnly : DXILOpAttributes;
def ReadNone : DXILOpAttributes;

DXIL Operation Specification Example

Following illustrates the specification of the DXIL Op Sin

def Sin  : DXILOp {
  let Doc ="Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.";
  let OpCode = 13;
  let OpClass = unary;
  let LLVMIntrinsic = int_sin;
  let arguments = (ins LLVMMatchType<0>);
  let result = (out dxil_overload_ty);
  let sm_constraints = [SMVersionConstraints<SMVersion<SM6_0>,
                        (overloads llvm_half_ty, llvm_float_ty),
                        (stages allKinds)>];
  let attributes = (attrs ReadNone);
  let DXILVersion = DX1_0;


This note sketches the design of a readable and maintainable TableGen specification of DXIL Ops in DXIL.td intended to serve as a single source of reference for TableGen backends (such as DXILEmitter) that generate C++ representations used in DXIL backend passes.