LLVM 20.0.0git
MCA Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for MCA:


directory  HardwareUnits
directory  Stages


file  CodeEmitter.cpp [code]
file  Context.cpp [code]
 This file defines a class for holding ownership of various simulated hardware units.
file  CustomBehaviour.cpp [code]
 This file implements methods from the CustomBehaviour interface.
file  HWEventListener.cpp [code]
 This file defines a vtable anchor for class HWEventListener.
file  IncrementalSourceMgr.cpp [code]
 This file defines some implementations for IncrementalSourceMgr.
file  InstrBuilder.cpp [code]
 This file implements the InstrBuilder interface.
file  Instruction.cpp [code]
file  Pipeline.cpp [code]
 This file implements an ordered container of stages that simulate the pipeline of a hardware backend.
file  Support.cpp [code]
 This file implements a few helper functions used by various pipeline components.
file  View.cpp [code]
 This file defines the virtual anchor method in View.h to pin the vtable.