LLVM 20.0.0git
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1//===- LiveInterval.cpp - Live Interval Representation --------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the LiveRange and LiveInterval classes. Given some
10// numbering of each the machine instructions an interval [i, j) is said to be a
11// live range for register v if there is no instruction with number j' >= j
12// such that v is live at j' and there is no instruction with number i' < i such
13// that v is live at i'. In this implementation ranges can have holes,
14// i.e. a range might look like [1,20), [50,65), [1000,1001). Each
15// individual segment is represented as an instance of LiveRange::Segment,
16// and the whole range is represented as an instance of LiveRange.
21#include "LiveRangeUtils.h"
22#include "RegisterCoalescer.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
35#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
36#include "llvm/MC/LaneBitmask.h"
38#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
40#include <algorithm>
41#include <cassert>
42#include <cstddef>
43#include <iterator>
44#include <utility>
46using namespace llvm;
48namespace {
51// Implementation of various methods necessary for calculation of live ranges.
52// The implementation of the methods abstracts from the concrete type of the
53// segment collection.
55// Implementation of the class follows the Template design pattern. The base
56// class contains generic algorithms that call collection-specific methods,
57// which are provided in concrete subclasses. In order to avoid virtual calls
58// these methods are provided by means of C++ template instantiation.
59// The base class calls the methods of the subclass through method impl(),
60// which casts 'this' pointer to the type of the subclass.
64template <typename ImplT, typename IteratorT, typename CollectionT>
65class CalcLiveRangeUtilBase {
67 LiveRange *LR;
70 CalcLiveRangeUtilBase(LiveRange *LR) : LR(LR) {}
73 using Segment = LiveRange::Segment;
74 using iterator = IteratorT;
76 /// A counterpart of LiveRange::createDeadDef: Make sure the range has a
77 /// value defined at @p Def.
78 /// If @p ForVNI is null, and there is no value defined at @p Def, a new
79 /// value will be allocated using @p VNInfoAllocator.
80 /// If @p ForVNI is null, the return value is the value defined at @p Def,
81 /// either a pre-existing one, or the one newly created.
82 /// If @p ForVNI is not null, then @p Def should be the location where
83 /// @p ForVNI is defined. If the range does not have a value defined at
84 /// @p Def, the value @p ForVNI will be used instead of allocating a new
85 /// one. If the range already has a value defined at @p Def, it must be
86 /// same as @p ForVNI. In either case, @p ForVNI will be the return value.
87 VNInfo *createDeadDef(SlotIndex Def, VNInfo::Allocator *VNInfoAllocator,
88 VNInfo *ForVNI) {
89 assert(!Def.isDead() && "Cannot define a value at the dead slot");
90 assert((!ForVNI || ForVNI->def == Def) &&
91 "If ForVNI is specified, it must match Def");
92 iterator I = impl().find(Def);
93 if (I == segments().end()) {
94 VNInfo *VNI = ForVNI ? ForVNI : LR->getNextValue(Def, *VNInfoAllocator);
95 impl().insertAtEnd(Segment(Def, Def.getDeadSlot(), VNI));
96 return VNI;
97 }
99 Segment *S = segmentAt(I);
100 if (SlotIndex::isSameInstr(Def, S->start)) {
101 assert((!ForVNI || ForVNI == S->valno) && "Value number mismatch");
102 assert(S->valno->def == S->start && "Inconsistent existing value def");
104 // It is possible to have both normal and early-clobber defs of the same
105 // register on an instruction. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is
106 // possible to specify in inline assembly.
107 //
108 // Just convert everything to early-clobber.
109 Def = std::min(Def, S->start);
110 if (Def != S->start)
111 S->start = S->valno->def = Def;
112 return S->valno;
113 }
114 assert(SlotIndex::isEarlierInstr(Def, S->start) && "Already live at def");
115 VNInfo *VNI = ForVNI ? ForVNI : LR->getNextValue(Def, *VNInfoAllocator);
116 segments().insert(I, Segment(Def, Def.getDeadSlot(), VNI));
117 return VNI;
118 }
120 VNInfo *extendInBlock(SlotIndex StartIdx, SlotIndex Use) {
121 if (segments().empty())
122 return nullptr;
123 iterator I =
124 impl().findInsertPos(Segment(Use.getPrevSlot(), Use, nullptr));
125 if (I == segments().begin())
126 return nullptr;
127 --I;
128 if (I->end <= StartIdx)
129 return nullptr;
130 if (I->end < Use)
131 extendSegmentEndTo(I, Use);
132 return I->valno;
133 }
135 std::pair<VNInfo*,bool> extendInBlock(ArrayRef<SlotIndex> Undefs,
136 SlotIndex StartIdx, SlotIndex Use) {
137 if (segments().empty())
138 return std::make_pair(nullptr, false);
139 SlotIndex BeforeUse = Use.getPrevSlot();
140 iterator I = impl().findInsertPos(Segment(BeforeUse, Use, nullptr));
141 if (I == segments().begin())
142 return std::make_pair(nullptr, LR->isUndefIn(Undefs, StartIdx, BeforeUse));
143 --I;
144 if (I->end <= StartIdx)
145 return std::make_pair(nullptr, LR->isUndefIn(Undefs, StartIdx, BeforeUse));
146 if (I->end < Use) {
147 if (LR->isUndefIn(Undefs, I->end, BeforeUse))
148 return std::make_pair(nullptr, true);
149 extendSegmentEndTo(I, Use);
150 }
151 return std::make_pair(I->valno, false);
152 }
154 /// This method is used when we want to extend the segment specified
155 /// by I to end at the specified endpoint. To do this, we should
156 /// merge and eliminate all segments that this will overlap
157 /// with. The iterator is not invalidated.
158 void extendSegmentEndTo(iterator I, SlotIndex NewEnd) {
159 assert(I != segments().end() && "Not a valid segment!");
160 Segment *S = segmentAt(I);
161 VNInfo *ValNo = I->valno;
163 // Search for the first segment that we can't merge with.
164 iterator MergeTo = std::next(I);
165 for (; MergeTo != segments().end() && NewEnd >= MergeTo->end; ++MergeTo)
166 assert(MergeTo->valno == ValNo && "Cannot merge with differing values!");
168 // If NewEnd was in the middle of a segment, make sure to get its endpoint.
169 S->end = std::max(NewEnd, std::prev(MergeTo)->end);
171 // If the newly formed segment now touches the segment after it and if they
172 // have the same value number, merge the two segments into one segment.
173 if (MergeTo != segments().end() && MergeTo->start <= I->end &&
174 MergeTo->valno == ValNo) {
175 S->end = MergeTo->end;
176 ++MergeTo;
177 }
179 // Erase any dead segments.
180 segments().erase(std::next(I), MergeTo);
181 }
183 /// This method is used when we want to extend the segment specified
184 /// by I to start at the specified endpoint. To do this, we should
185 /// merge and eliminate all segments that this will overlap with.
186 iterator extendSegmentStartTo(iterator I, SlotIndex NewStart) {
187 assert(I != segments().end() && "Not a valid segment!");
188 Segment *S = segmentAt(I);
189 VNInfo *ValNo = I->valno;
191 // Search for the first segment that we can't merge with.
192 iterator MergeTo = I;
193 do {
194 if (MergeTo == segments().begin()) {
195 S->start = NewStart;
196 segments().erase(MergeTo, I);
197 return I;
198 }
199 assert(MergeTo->valno == ValNo && "Cannot merge with differing values!");
200 --MergeTo;
201 } while (NewStart <= MergeTo->start);
203 // If we start in the middle of another segment, just delete a range and
204 // extend that segment.
205 if (MergeTo->end >= NewStart && MergeTo->valno == ValNo) {
206 segmentAt(MergeTo)->end = S->end;
207 } else {
208 // Otherwise, extend the segment right after.
209 ++MergeTo;
210 Segment *MergeToSeg = segmentAt(MergeTo);
211 MergeToSeg->start = NewStart;
212 MergeToSeg->end = S->end;
213 }
215 segments().erase(std::next(MergeTo), std::next(I));
216 return MergeTo;
217 }
219 iterator addSegment(Segment S) {
220 SlotIndex Start = S.start, End = S.end;
221 iterator I = impl().findInsertPos(S);
223 // If the inserted segment starts in the middle or right at the end of
224 // another segment, just extend that segment to contain the segment of S.
225 if (I != segments().begin()) {
226 iterator B = std::prev(I);
227 if (S.valno == B->valno) {
228 if (B->start <= Start && B->end >= Start) {
229 extendSegmentEndTo(B, End);
230 return B;
231 }
232 } else {
233 // Check to make sure that we are not overlapping two live segments with
234 // different valno's.
235 assert(B->end <= Start &&
236 "Cannot overlap two segments with differing ValID's"
237 " (did you def the same reg twice in a MachineInstr?)");
238 }
239 }
241 // Otherwise, if this segment ends in the middle of, or right next
242 // to, another segment, merge it into that segment.
243 if (I != segments().end()) {
244 if (S.valno == I->valno) {
245 if (I->start <= End) {
246 I = extendSegmentStartTo(I, Start);
248 // If S is a complete superset of a segment, we may need to grow its
249 // endpoint as well.
250 if (End > I->end)
251 extendSegmentEndTo(I, End);
252 return I;
253 }
254 } else {
255 // Check to make sure that we are not overlapping two live segments with
256 // different valno's.
257 assert(I->start >= End &&
258 "Cannot overlap two segments with differing ValID's");
259 }
260 }
262 // Otherwise, this is just a new segment that doesn't interact with
263 // anything.
264 // Insert it.
265 return segments().insert(I, S);
266 }
269 ImplT &impl() { return *static_cast<ImplT *>(this); }
271 CollectionT &segments() { return impl().segmentsColl(); }
273 Segment *segmentAt(iterator I) { return const_cast<Segment *>(&(*I)); }
277// Instantiation of the methods for calculation of live ranges
278// based on a segment vector.
281class CalcLiveRangeUtilVector;
282using CalcLiveRangeUtilVectorBase =
283 CalcLiveRangeUtilBase<CalcLiveRangeUtilVector, LiveRange::iterator,
286class CalcLiveRangeUtilVector : public CalcLiveRangeUtilVectorBase {
288 CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(LiveRange *LR) : CalcLiveRangeUtilVectorBase(LR) {}
291 friend CalcLiveRangeUtilVectorBase;
293 LiveRange::Segments &segmentsColl() { return LR->segments; }
295 void insertAtEnd(const Segment &S) { LR->segments.push_back(S); }
297 iterator find(SlotIndex Pos) { return LR->find(Pos); }
299 iterator findInsertPos(Segment S) { return llvm::upper_bound(*LR, S.start); }
303// Instantiation of the methods for calculation of live ranges
304// based on a segment set.
307class CalcLiveRangeUtilSet;
308using CalcLiveRangeUtilSetBase =
309 CalcLiveRangeUtilBase<CalcLiveRangeUtilSet, LiveRange::SegmentSet::iterator,
312class CalcLiveRangeUtilSet : public CalcLiveRangeUtilSetBase {
314 CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(LiveRange *LR) : CalcLiveRangeUtilSetBase(LR) {}
317 friend CalcLiveRangeUtilSetBase;
319 LiveRange::SegmentSet &segmentsColl() { return *LR->segmentSet; }
321 void insertAtEnd(const Segment &S) {
322 LR->segmentSet->insert(LR->segmentSet->end(), S);
323 }
325 iterator find(SlotIndex Pos) {
326 iterator I =
327 LR->segmentSet->upper_bound(Segment(Pos, Pos.getNextSlot(), nullptr));
328 if (I == LR->segmentSet->begin())
329 return I;
330 iterator PrevI = std::prev(I);
331 if (Pos < (*PrevI).end)
332 return PrevI;
333 return I;
334 }
336 iterator findInsertPos(Segment S) {
337 iterator I = LR->segmentSet->upper_bound(S);
338 if (I != LR->segmentSet->end() && !(S.start < *I))
339 ++I;
340 return I;
341 }
344} // end anonymous namespace
347// LiveRange methods
351 return llvm::partition_point(*this,
352 [&](const Segment &X) { return X.end <= Pos; });
356 // Use the segment set, if it is available.
357 if (segmentSet != nullptr)
358 return CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(this).createDeadDef(Def, &VNIAlloc, nullptr);
359 // Otherwise use the segment vector.
360 return CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(this).createDeadDef(Def, &VNIAlloc, nullptr);
364 // Use the segment set, if it is available.
365 if (segmentSet != nullptr)
366 return CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(this).createDeadDef(VNI->def, nullptr, VNI);
367 // Otherwise use the segment vector.
368 return CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(this).createDeadDef(VNI->def, nullptr, VNI);
371// overlaps - Return true if the intersection of the two live ranges is
372// not empty.
374// An example for overlaps():
376// 0: A = ...
377// 4: B = ...
378// 8: C = A + B ;; last use of A
380// The live ranges should look like:
382// A = [3, 11)
383// B = [7, x)
384// C = [11, y)
386// A->overlaps(C) should return false since we want to be able to join
387// A and C.
390 const_iterator StartPos) const {
391 assert(!empty() && "empty range");
392 const_iterator i = begin();
393 const_iterator ie = end();
394 const_iterator j = StartPos;
395 const_iterator je = other.end();
397 assert((StartPos->start <= i->start || StartPos == other.begin()) &&
398 StartPos != other.end() && "Bogus start position hint!");
400 if (i->start < j->start) {
401 i = std::upper_bound(i, ie, j->start);
402 if (i != begin()) --i;
403 } else if (j->start < i->start) {
404 ++StartPos;
405 if (StartPos != other.end() && StartPos->start <= i->start) {
406 assert(StartPos < other.end() && i < end());
407 j = std::upper_bound(j, je, i->start);
408 if (j != other.begin()) --j;
409 }
410 } else {
411 return true;
412 }
414 if (j == je) return false;
416 while (i != ie) {
417 if (i->start > j->start) {
418 std::swap(i, j);
419 std::swap(ie, je);
420 }
422 if (i->end > j->start)
423 return true;
424 ++i;
425 }
427 return false;
431 const SlotIndexes &Indexes) const {
432 assert(!empty() && "empty range");
433 if (Other.empty())
434 return false;
436 // Use binary searches to find initial positions.
437 const_iterator I = find(Other.beginIndex());
438 const_iterator IE = end();
439 if (I == IE)
440 return false;
441 const_iterator J = Other.find(I->start);
442 const_iterator JE = Other.end();
443 if (J == JE)
444 return false;
446 while (true) {
447 // J has just been advanced to satisfy:
448 assert(J->end > I->start);
449 // Check for an overlap.
450 if (J->start < I->end) {
451 // I and J are overlapping. Find the later start.
452 SlotIndex Def = std::max(I->start, J->start);
453 // Allow the overlap if Def is a coalescable copy.
454 if (Def.isBlock() ||
455 !CP.isCoalescable(Indexes.getInstructionFromIndex(Def)))
456 return true;
457 }
458 // Advance the iterator that ends first to check for more overlaps.
459 if (J->end > I->end) {
460 std::swap(I, J);
461 std::swap(IE, JE);
462 }
463 // Advance J until J->end > I->start.
464 do
465 if (++J == JE)
466 return false;
467 while (J->end <= I->start);
468 }
471/// overlaps - Return true if the live range overlaps an interval specified
472/// by [Start, End).
474 assert(Start < End && "Invalid range");
476 return I != begin() && (--I)->end > Start;
480 if (empty())
481 return Other.empty();
484 for (const Segment &O : Other.segments) {
485 I = advanceTo(I, O.start);
486 if (I == end() || I->start > O.start)
487 return false;
489 // Check adjacent live segments and see if we can get behind O.end.
490 while (I->end < O.end) {
492 // Get next segment and abort if it was not adjacent.
493 ++I;
494 if (I == end() || Last->end != I->start)
495 return false;
496 }
497 }
498 return true;
501/// ValNo is dead, remove it. If it is the largest value number, just nuke it
502/// (and any other deleted values neighboring it), otherwise mark it as ~1U so
503/// it can be nuked later.
504void LiveRange::markValNoForDeletion(VNInfo *ValNo) {
505 if (ValNo->id == getNumValNums()-1) {
506 do {
508 } while (!valnos.empty() && valnos.back()->isUnused());
509 } else {
510 ValNo->markUnused();
511 }
514/// RenumberValues - Renumber all values in order of appearance and delete the
515/// remaining unused values.
518 valnos.clear();
519 for (const Segment &S : segments) {
520 VNInfo *VNI = S.valno;
521 if (!Seen.insert(VNI).second)
522 continue;
523 assert(!VNI->isUnused() && "Unused valno used by live segment");
524 VNI->id = (unsigned)valnos.size();
525 valnos.push_back(VNI);
526 }
529void LiveRange::addSegmentToSet(Segment S) {
530 CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(this).addSegment(S);
534 // Use the segment set, if it is available.
535 if (segmentSet != nullptr) {
536 addSegmentToSet(S);
537 return end();
538 }
539 // Otherwise use the segment vector.
540 return CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(this).addSegment(S);
544 // Check that the segment belongs to the back of the list.
545 assert(segments.empty() || segments.back().end <= S.start);
549std::pair<VNInfo*,bool> LiveRange::extendInBlock(ArrayRef<SlotIndex> Undefs,
550 SlotIndex StartIdx, SlotIndex Kill) {
551 // Use the segment set, if it is available.
552 if (segmentSet != nullptr)
553 return CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(this).extendInBlock(Undefs, StartIdx, Kill);
554 // Otherwise use the segment vector.
555 return CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(this).extendInBlock(Undefs, StartIdx, Kill);
559 // Use the segment set, if it is available.
560 if (segmentSet != nullptr)
561 return CalcLiveRangeUtilSet(this).extendInBlock(StartIdx, Kill);
562 // Otherwise use the segment vector.
563 return CalcLiveRangeUtilVector(this).extendInBlock(StartIdx, Kill);
567 bool RemoveDeadValNo) {
568 // Find the Segment containing this span.
569 iterator I = find(Start);
571 // No Segment found, so nothing to do.
572 if (I == end())
573 return;
575 assert(I->containsInterval(Start, End)
576 && "Segment is not entirely in range!");
578 // If the span we are removing is at the start of the Segment, adjust it.
579 VNInfo *ValNo = I->valno;
580 if (I->start == Start) {
581 if (I->end == End) {
582 segments.erase(I); // Removed the whole Segment.
584 if (RemoveDeadValNo)
585 removeValNoIfDead(ValNo);
586 } else
587 I->start = End;
588 return;
589 }
591 // Otherwise if the span we are removing is at the end of the Segment,
592 // adjust the other way.
593 if (I->end == End) {
594 I->end = Start;
595 return;
596 }
598 // Otherwise, we are splitting the Segment into two pieces.
599 SlotIndex OldEnd = I->end;
600 I->end = Start; // Trim the old segment.
602 // Insert the new one.
603 segments.insert(std::next(I), Segment(End, OldEnd, ValNo));
607 VNInfo *ValNo = I->valno;
608 I = segments.erase(I);
609 if (RemoveDeadValNo)
610 removeValNoIfDead(ValNo);
611 return I;
615 if (none_of(*this, [=](const Segment &S) { return S.valno == ValNo; }))
616 markValNoForDeletion(ValNo);
619/// removeValNo - Remove all the segments defined by the specified value#.
620/// Also remove the value# from value# list.
622 if (empty()) return;
624 [ValNo](const Segment &S) { return S.valno == ValNo; });
625 // Now that ValNo is dead, remove it.
626 markValNoForDeletion(ValNo);
630 const int *LHSValNoAssignments,
631 const int *RHSValNoAssignments,
632 SmallVectorImpl<VNInfo *> &NewVNInfo) {
633 assert(verify());
634 assert(Other.verify());
636 // Determine if any of our values are mapped. This is uncommon, so we want
637 // to avoid the range scan if not.
638 bool MustMapCurValNos = false;
639 unsigned NumVals = getNumValNums();
640 unsigned NumNewVals = NewVNInfo.size();
641 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumVals; ++i) {
642 unsigned LHSValID = LHSValNoAssignments[i];
643 if (i != LHSValID ||
644 (NewVNInfo[LHSValID] && NewVNInfo[LHSValID] != getValNumInfo(i))) {
645 MustMapCurValNos = true;
646 break;
647 }
648 }
650 // If we have to apply a mapping to our base range assignment, rewrite it now.
651 if (MustMapCurValNos && !empty()) {
652 // Map the first live range.
654 iterator OutIt = begin();
655 OutIt->valno = NewVNInfo[LHSValNoAssignments[OutIt->valno->id]];
656 for (iterator I = std::next(OutIt), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
657 VNInfo* nextValNo = NewVNInfo[LHSValNoAssignments[I->valno->id]];
658 assert(nextValNo && "Huh?");
660 // If this live range has the same value # as its immediate predecessor,
661 // and if they are neighbors, remove one Segment. This happens when we
662 // have [0,4:0)[4,7:1) and map 0/1 onto the same value #.
663 if (OutIt->valno == nextValNo && OutIt->end == I->start) {
664 OutIt->end = I->end;
665 } else {
666 // Didn't merge. Move OutIt to the next segment,
667 ++OutIt;
668 OutIt->valno = nextValNo;
669 if (OutIt != I) {
670 OutIt->start = I->start;
671 OutIt->end = I->end;
672 }
673 }
674 }
675 // If we merge some segments, chop off the end.
676 ++OutIt;
677 segments.erase(OutIt, end());
678 }
680 // Rewrite Other values before changing the VNInfo ids.
681 // This can leave Other in an invalid state because we're not coalescing
682 // touching segments that now have identical values. That's OK since Other is
683 // not supposed to be valid after calling join();
684 for (Segment &S : Other.segments)
685 S.valno = NewVNInfo[RHSValNoAssignments[S.valno->id]];
687 // Update val# info. Renumber them and make sure they all belong to this
688 // LiveRange now. Also remove dead val#'s.
689 unsigned NumValNos = 0;
690 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumNewVals; ++i) {
691 VNInfo *VNI = NewVNInfo[i];
692 if (VNI) {
693 if (NumValNos >= NumVals)
694 valnos.push_back(VNI);
695 else
696 valnos[NumValNos] = VNI;
697 VNI->id = NumValNos++; // Renumber val#.
698 }
699 }
700 if (NumNewVals < NumVals)
701 valnos.resize(NumNewVals); // shrinkify
703 // Okay, now insert the RHS live segments into the LHS.
704 LiveRangeUpdater Updater(this);
705 for (Segment &S : Other.segments)
706 Updater.add(S);
709/// Merge all of the segments in RHS into this live range as the specified
710/// value number. The segments in RHS are allowed to overlap with segments in
711/// the current range, but only if the overlapping segments have the
712/// specified value number.
714 VNInfo *LHSValNo) {
715 LiveRangeUpdater Updater(this);
716 for (const Segment &S : RHS.segments)
717 Updater.add(S.start, S.end, LHSValNo);
720/// MergeValueInAsValue - Merge all of the live segments of a specific val#
721/// in RHS into this live range as the specified value number.
722/// The segments in RHS are allowed to overlap with segments in the
723/// current range, it will replace the value numbers of the overlaped
724/// segments with the specified value number.
726 const VNInfo *RHSValNo,
727 VNInfo *LHSValNo) {
728 LiveRangeUpdater Updater(this);
729 for (const Segment &S : RHS.segments)
730 if (S.valno == RHSValNo)
731 Updater.add(S.start, S.end, LHSValNo);
734/// MergeValueNumberInto - This method is called when two value nubmers
735/// are found to be equivalent. This eliminates V1, replacing all
736/// segments with the V1 value number with the V2 value number. This can
737/// cause merging of V1/V2 values numbers and compaction of the value space.
739 assert(V1 != V2 && "Identical value#'s are always equivalent!");
741 // This code actually merges the (numerically) larger value number into the
742 // smaller value number, which is likely to allow us to compactify the value
743 // space. The only thing we have to be careful of is to preserve the
744 // instruction that defines the result value.
746 // Make sure V2 is smaller than V1.
747 if (V1->id < V2->id) {
748 V1->copyFrom(*V2);
749 std::swap(V1, V2);
750 }
752 // Merge V1 segments into V2.
753 for (iterator I = begin(); I != end(); ) {
754 iterator S = I++;
755 if (S->valno != V1) continue; // Not a V1 Segment.
757 // Okay, we found a V1 live range. If it had a previous, touching, V2 live
758 // range, extend it.
759 if (S != begin()) {
760 iterator Prev = S-1;
761 if (Prev->valno == V2 && Prev->end == S->start) {
762 Prev->end = S->end;
764 // Erase this live-range.
765 segments.erase(S);
766 I = Prev+1;
767 S = Prev;
768 }
769 }
771 // Okay, now we have a V1 or V2 live range that is maximally merged forward.
772 // Ensure that it is a V2 live-range.
773 S->valno = V2;
775 // If we can merge it into later V2 segments, do so now. We ignore any
776 // following V1 segments, as they will be merged in subsequent iterations
777 // of the loop.
778 if (I != end()) {
779 if (I->start == S->end && I->valno == V2) {
780 S->end = I->end;
782 I = S+1;
783 }
784 }
785 }
787 // Now that V1 is dead, remove it.
788 markValNoForDeletion(V1);
790 return V2;
794 assert(segmentSet != nullptr && "segment set must have been created");
795 assert(
796 segments.empty() &&
797 "segment set can be used only initially before switching to the array");
798 segments.append(segmentSet->begin(), segmentSet->end());
799 segmentSet = nullptr;
800 assert(verify());
804 ArrayRef<SlotIndex>::iterator SlotI = Slots.begin();
805 ArrayRef<SlotIndex>::iterator SlotE = Slots.end();
807 // If there are no regmask slots, we have nothing to search.
808 if (SlotI == SlotE)
809 return false;
811 // Start our search at the first segment that ends after the first slot.
812 const_iterator SegmentI = find(*SlotI);
813 const_iterator SegmentE = end();
815 // If there are no segments that end after the first slot, we're done.
816 if (SegmentI == SegmentE)
817 return false;
819 // Look for each slot in the live range.
820 for ( ; SlotI != SlotE; ++SlotI) {
821 // Go to the next segment that ends after the current slot.
822 // The slot may be within a hole in the range.
823 SegmentI = advanceTo(SegmentI, *SlotI);
824 if (SegmentI == SegmentE)
825 return false;
827 // If this segment contains the slot, we're done.
828 if (SegmentI->contains(*SlotI))
829 return true;
830 // Otherwise, look for the next slot.
831 }
833 // We didn't find a segment containing any of the slots.
834 return false;
837void LiveInterval::freeSubRange(SubRange *S) {
838 S->~SubRange();
839 // Memory was allocated with BumpPtr allocator and is not freed here.
843 SubRange **NextPtr = &SubRanges;
844 SubRange *I = *NextPtr;
845 while (I != nullptr) {
846 if (!I->empty()) {
847 NextPtr = &I->Next;
848 I = *NextPtr;
849 continue;
850 }
851 // Skip empty subranges until we find the first nonempty one.
852 do {
853 SubRange *Next = I->Next;
854 freeSubRange(I);
855 I = Next;
856 } while (I != nullptr && I->empty());
857 *NextPtr = I;
858 }
862 for (SubRange *I = SubRanges, *Next; I != nullptr; I = Next) {
863 Next = I->Next;
864 freeSubRange(I);
865 }
866 SubRanges = nullptr;
869/// For each VNI in \p SR, check whether or not that value defines part
870/// of the mask describe by \p LaneMask and if not, remove that value
871/// from \p SR.
873 LaneBitmask LaneMask,
874 const SlotIndexes &Indexes,
875 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
876 unsigned ComposeSubRegIdx) {
877 // Phys reg should not be tracked at subreg level.
878 // Same for noreg (Reg == 0).
879 if (!Register::isVirtualRegister(Reg) || !Reg)
880 return;
881 // Remove the values that don't define those lanes.
882 SmallVector<VNInfo *, 8> ToBeRemoved;
883 for (VNInfo *VNI : SR.valnos) {
884 if (VNI->isUnused())
885 continue;
886 // PHI definitions don't have MI attached, so there is nothing
887 // we can use to strip the VNI.
888 if (VNI->isPHIDef())
889 continue;
890 const MachineInstr *MI = Indexes.getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def);
891 assert(MI && "Cannot find the definition of a value");
892 bool hasDef = false;
893 for (ConstMIBundleOperands MOI(*MI); MOI.isValid(); ++MOI) {
894 if (!MOI->isReg() || !MOI->isDef())
895 continue;
896 if (MOI->getReg() != Reg)
897 continue;
898 LaneBitmask OrigMask = TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(MOI->getSubReg());
899 LaneBitmask ExpectedDefMask =
900 ComposeSubRegIdx
901 ? TRI.composeSubRegIndexLaneMask(ComposeSubRegIdx, OrigMask)
902 : OrigMask;
903 if ((ExpectedDefMask & LaneMask).none())
904 continue;
905 hasDef = true;
906 break;
907 }
909 if (!hasDef)
910 ToBeRemoved.push_back(VNI);
911 }
912 for (VNInfo *VNI : ToBeRemoved)
913 SR.removeValNo(VNI);
915 // If the subrange is empty at this point, the MIR is invalid. Do not assert
916 // and let the verifier catch this case.
920 BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, LaneBitmask LaneMask,
921 std::function<void(LiveInterval::SubRange &)> Apply,
922 const SlotIndexes &Indexes, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
923 unsigned ComposeSubRegIdx) {
924 LaneBitmask ToApply = LaneMask;
925 for (SubRange &SR : subranges()) {
926 LaneBitmask SRMask = SR.LaneMask;
927 LaneBitmask Matching = SRMask & LaneMask;
928 if (Matching.none())
929 continue;
931 SubRange *MatchingRange;
932 if (SRMask == Matching) {
933 // The subrange fits (it does not cover bits outside \p LaneMask).
934 MatchingRange = &SR;
935 } else {
936 // We have to split the subrange into a matching and non-matching part.
937 // Reduce lanemask of existing lane to non-matching part.
938 SR.LaneMask = SRMask & ~Matching;
939 // Create a new subrange for the matching part
940 MatchingRange = createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Matching, SR);
941 // Now that the subrange is split in half, make sure we
942 // only keep in the subranges the VNIs that touch the related half.
943 stripValuesNotDefiningMask(reg(), *MatchingRange, Matching, Indexes, TRI,
944 ComposeSubRegIdx);
945 stripValuesNotDefiningMask(reg(), SR, SR.LaneMask, Indexes, TRI,
946 ComposeSubRegIdx);
947 }
948 Apply(*MatchingRange);
949 ToApply &= ~Matching;
950 }
951 // Create a new subrange if there are uncovered bits left.
952 if (ToApply.any()) {
953 SubRange *NewRange = createSubRange(Allocator, ToApply);
954 Apply(*NewRange);
955 }
958unsigned LiveInterval::getSize() const {
959 unsigned Sum = 0;
960 for (const Segment &S : segments)
961 Sum += S.start.distance(S.end);
962 return Sum;
966 LaneBitmask LaneMask,
968 const SlotIndexes &Indexes) const {
969 assert(reg().isVirtual());
970 LaneBitmask VRegMask = MRI.getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(reg());
971 assert((VRegMask & LaneMask).any());
972 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo();
973 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MRI.def_operands(reg())) {
974 if (!MO.isUndef())
975 continue;
976 unsigned SubReg = MO.getSubReg();
977 assert(SubReg != 0 && "Undef should only be set on subreg defs");
978 LaneBitmask DefMask = TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubReg);
979 LaneBitmask UndefMask = VRegMask & ~DefMask;
980 if ((UndefMask & LaneMask).any()) {
981 const MachineInstr &MI = *MO.getParent();
982 bool EarlyClobber = MO.isEarlyClobber();
983 SlotIndex Pos = Indexes.getInstructionIndex(MI).getRegSlot(EarlyClobber);
984 Undefs.push_back(Pos);
985 }
986 }
990 return OS << '[' << S.start << ',' << S.end << ':' << S.valno->id << ')';
993#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
995 dbgs() << *this << '\n';
1000 if (empty())
1001 OS << "EMPTY";
1002 else {
1003 for (const Segment &S : segments) {
1004 OS << S;
1005 assert(S.valno == getValNumInfo(S.valno->id) && "Bad VNInfo");
1006 }
1007 }
1009 // Print value number info.
1010 if (getNumValNums()) {
1011 OS << ' ';
1012 unsigned vnum = 0;
1013 for (const_vni_iterator i = vni_begin(), e = vni_end(); i != e;
1014 ++i, ++vnum) {
1015 const VNInfo *vni = *i;
1016 if (vnum) OS << ' ';
1017 OS << vnum << '@';
1018 if (vni->isUnused()) {
1019 OS << 'x';
1020 } else {
1021 OS << vni->def;
1022 if (vni->isPHIDef())
1023 OS << "-phi";
1024 }
1025 }
1026 }
1030 OS << " L" << PrintLaneMask(LaneMask) << ' '
1031 << static_cast<const LiveRange &>(*this);
1035 OS << printReg(reg()) << ' ';
1036 super::print(OS);
1037 // Print subranges
1038 for (const SubRange &SR : subranges())
1039 OS << SR;
1040 OS << " weight:" << Weight;
1043#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
1045 dbgs() << *this << '\n';
1049 dbgs() << *this << '\n';
1053 dbgs() << *this << '\n';
1057#ifndef NDEBUG
1058bool LiveRange::verify() const {
1059 for (const_iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
1060 if (!I->start.isValid())
1061 return false;
1062 if (!I->end.isValid())
1063 return false;
1064 if (I->start >= I->end)
1065 return false;
1066 if (I->valno == nullptr)
1067 return false;
1068 if (I->valno->id >= valnos.size())
1069 return false;
1070 if (I->valno != valnos[I->valno->id])
1071 return false;
1072 if (std::next(I) != E) {
1073 if (I->end > std::next(I)->start)
1074 return false;
1075 if (I->end == std::next(I)->start) {
1076 if (I->valno == std::next(I)->valno)
1077 return false;
1078 }
1079 }
1080 }
1082 return true;
1086 if (!super::verify())
1087 return false;
1089 // Make sure SubRanges are fine and LaneMasks are disjunct.
1090 LaneBitmask Mask;
1091 LaneBitmask MaxMask = MRI != nullptr ? MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(reg())
1093 for (const SubRange &SR : subranges()) {
1094 // Subrange lanemask should be disjunct to any previous subrange masks.
1095 if ((Mask & SR.LaneMask).any())
1096 return false;
1098 Mask |= SR.LaneMask;
1100 // subrange mask should not contained in maximum lane mask for the vreg.
1101 if ((Mask & ~MaxMask).any())
1102 return false;
1104 // empty subranges must be removed.
1105 if (SR.empty())
1106 return false;
1108 if (!SR.verify())
1109 return false;
1111 // Main liverange should cover subrange.
1112 if (!covers(SR))
1113 return false;
1114 }
1116 return true;
1121// LiveRangeUpdater class
1124// The LiveRangeUpdater class always maintains these invariants:
1126// - When LastStart is invalid, Spills is empty and the iterators are invalid.
1127// This is the initial state, and the state created by flush().
1128// In this state, isDirty() returns false.
1130// Otherwise, segments are kept in three separate areas:
1132// 1. [begin; WriteI) at the front of LR.
1133// 2. [ReadI; end) at the back of LR.
1134// 3. Spills.
1136// - LR.begin() <= WriteI <= ReadI <= LR.end().
1137// - Segments in all three areas are fully ordered and coalesced.
1138// - Segments in area 1 precede and can't coalesce with segments in area 2.
1139// - Segments in Spills precede and can't coalesce with segments in area 2.
1140// - No coalescing is possible between segments in Spills and segments in area
1141// 1, and there are no overlapping segments.
1143// The segments in Spills are not ordered with respect to the segments in area
1144// 1. They need to be merged.
1146// When they exist, Spills.back().start <= LastStart,
1147// and WriteI[-1].start <= LastStart.
1149#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
1151 if (!isDirty()) {
1152 if (LR)
1153 OS << "Clean updater: " << *LR << '\n';
1154 else
1155 OS << "Null updater.\n";
1156 return;
1157 }
1158 assert(LR && "Can't have null LR in dirty updater.");
1159 OS << " updater with gap = " << (ReadI - WriteI)
1160 << ", last start = " << LastStart
1161 << ":\n Area 1:";
1162 for (const auto &S : make_range(LR->begin(), WriteI))
1163 OS << ' ' << S;
1164 OS << "\n Spills:";
1165 for (unsigned I = 0, E = Spills.size(); I != E; ++I)
1166 OS << ' ' << Spills[I];
1167 OS << "\n Area 2:";
1168 for (const auto &S : make_range(ReadI, LR->end()))
1169 OS << ' ' << S;
1170 OS << '\n';
1174 print(errs());
1178// Determine if A and B should be coalesced.
1179static inline bool coalescable(const LiveRange::Segment &A,
1180 const LiveRange::Segment &B) {
1181 assert(A.start <= B.start && "Unordered live segments.");
1182 if (A.end == B.start)
1183 return A.valno == B.valno;
1184 if (A.end < B.start)
1185 return false;
1186 assert(A.valno == B.valno && "Cannot overlap different values");
1187 return true;
1191 assert(LR && "Cannot add to a null destination");
1193 // Fall back to the regular add method if the live range
1194 // is using the segment set instead of the segment vector.
1195 if (LR->segmentSet != nullptr) {
1196 LR->addSegmentToSet(Seg);
1197 return;
1198 }
1200 // Flush the state if Start moves backwards.
1201 if (!LastStart.isValid() || LastStart > Seg.start) {
1202 if (isDirty())
1203 flush();
1204 // This brings us to an uninitialized state. Reinitialize.
1205 assert(Spills.empty() && "Leftover spilled segments");
1206 WriteI = ReadI = LR->begin();
1207 }
1209 // Remember start for next time.
1210 LastStart = Seg.start;
1212 // Advance ReadI until it ends after Seg.start.
1213 LiveRange::iterator E = LR->end();
1214 if (ReadI != E && ReadI->end <= Seg.start) {
1215 // First try to close the gap between WriteI and ReadI with spills.
1216 if (ReadI != WriteI)
1217 mergeSpills();
1218 // Then advance ReadI.
1219 if (ReadI == WriteI)
1220 ReadI = WriteI = LR->find(Seg.start);
1221 else
1222 while (ReadI != E && ReadI->end <= Seg.start)
1223 *WriteI++ = *ReadI++;
1224 }
1226 assert(ReadI == E || ReadI->end > Seg.start);
1228 // Check if the ReadI segment begins early.
1229 if (ReadI != E && ReadI->start <= Seg.start) {
1230 assert(ReadI->valno == Seg.valno && "Cannot overlap different values");
1231 // Bail if Seg is completely contained in ReadI.
1232 if (ReadI->end >= Seg.end)
1233 return;
1234 // Coalesce into Seg.
1235 Seg.start = ReadI->start;
1236 ++ReadI;
1237 }
1239 // Coalesce as much as possible from ReadI into Seg.
1240 while (ReadI != E && coalescable(Seg, *ReadI)) {
1241 Seg.end = std::max(Seg.end, ReadI->end);
1242 ++ReadI;
1243 }
1245 // Try coalescing Spills.back() into Seg.
1246 if (!Spills.empty() && coalescable(Spills.back(), Seg)) {
1247 Seg.start = Spills.back().start;
1248 Seg.end = std::max(Spills.back().end, Seg.end);
1249 Spills.pop_back();
1250 }
1252 // Try coalescing Seg into WriteI[-1].
1253 if (WriteI != LR->begin() && coalescable(WriteI[-1], Seg)) {
1254 WriteI[-1].end = std::max(WriteI[-1].end, Seg.end);
1255 return;
1256 }
1258 // Seg doesn't coalesce with anything, and needs to be inserted somewhere.
1259 if (WriteI != ReadI) {
1260 *WriteI++ = Seg;
1261 return;
1262 }
1264 // Finally, append to LR or Spills.
1265 if (WriteI == E) {
1266 LR->segments.push_back(Seg);
1267 WriteI = ReadI = LR->end();
1268 } else
1269 Spills.push_back(Seg);
1272// Merge as many spilled segments as possible into the gap between WriteI
1273// and ReadI. Advance WriteI to reflect the inserted instructions.
1274void LiveRangeUpdater::mergeSpills() {
1275 // Perform a backwards merge of Spills and [SpillI;WriteI).
1276 size_t GapSize = ReadI - WriteI;
1277 size_t NumMoved = std::min(Spills.size(), GapSize);
1278 LiveRange::iterator Src = WriteI;
1279 LiveRange::iterator Dst = Src + NumMoved;
1280 LiveRange::iterator SpillSrc = Spills.end();
1281 LiveRange::iterator B = LR->begin();
1283 // This is the new WriteI position after merging spills.
1284 WriteI = Dst;
1286 // Now merge Src and Spills backwards.
1287 while (Src != Dst) {
1288 if (Src != B && Src[-1].start > SpillSrc[-1].start)
1289 *--Dst = *--Src;
1290 else
1291 *--Dst = *--SpillSrc;
1292 }
1293 assert(NumMoved == size_t(Spills.end() - SpillSrc));
1294 Spills.erase(SpillSrc, Spills.end());
1298 if (!isDirty())
1299 return;
1300 // Clear the dirty state.
1301 LastStart = SlotIndex();
1303 assert(LR && "Cannot add to a null destination");
1305 // Nothing to merge?
1306 if (Spills.empty()) {
1307 LR->segments.erase(WriteI, ReadI);
1308 assert(LR->verify());
1309 return;
1310 }
1312 // Resize the WriteI - ReadI gap to match Spills.
1313 size_t GapSize = ReadI - WriteI;
1314 if (GapSize < Spills.size()) {
1315 // The gap is too small. Make some room.
1316 size_t WritePos = WriteI - LR->begin();
1317 LR->segments.insert(ReadI, Spills.size() - GapSize, LiveRange::Segment());
1318 // This also invalidated ReadI, but it is recomputed below.
1319 WriteI = LR->begin() + WritePos;
1320 } else {
1321 // Shrink the gap if necessary.
1322 LR->segments.erase(WriteI + Spills.size(), ReadI);
1323 }
1324 ReadI = WriteI + Spills.size();
1325 mergeSpills();
1326 assert(LR->verify());
1330 // Create initial equivalence classes.
1331 EqClass.clear();
1332 EqClass.grow(LR.getNumValNums());
1334 const VNInfo *used = nullptr, *unused = nullptr;
1336 // Determine connections.
1337 for (const VNInfo *VNI : LR.valnos) {
1338 // Group all unused values into one class.
1339 if (VNI->isUnused()) {
1340 if (unused)
1341 EqClass.join(unused->id, VNI->id);
1342 unused = VNI;
1343 continue;
1344 }
1345 used = VNI;
1346 if (VNI->isPHIDef()) {
1347 const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = LIS.getMBBFromIndex(VNI->def);
1348 assert(MBB && "Phi-def has no defining MBB");
1349 // Connect to values live out of predecessors.
1350 for (MachineBasicBlock *Pred : MBB->predecessors())
1351 if (const VNInfo *PVNI = LR.getVNInfoBefore(LIS.getMBBEndIdx(Pred)))
1352 EqClass.join(VNI->id, PVNI->id);
1353 } else {
1354 // Normal value defined by an instruction. Check for two-addr redef.
1355 // FIXME: This could be coincidental. Should we really check for a tied
1356 // operand constraint?
1357 // Note that VNI->def may be a use slot for an early clobber def.
1358 if (const VNInfo *UVNI = LR.getVNInfoBefore(VNI->def))
1359 EqClass.join(VNI->id, UVNI->id);
1360 }
1361 }
1363 // Lump all the unused values in with the last used value.
1364 if (used && unused)
1365 EqClass.join(used->id, unused->id);
1367 EqClass.compress();
1368 return EqClass.getNumClasses();
1373 // Rewrite instructions.
1374 for (MachineOperand &MO :
1375 llvm::make_early_inc_range(MRI.reg_operands(LI.reg()))) {
1376 MachineInstr *MI = MO.getParent();
1377 const VNInfo *VNI;
1378 if (MI->isDebugValue()) {
1379 // DBG_VALUE instructions don't have slot indexes, so get the index of
1380 // the instruction before them. The value is defined there too.
1381 SlotIndex Idx = LIS.getSlotIndexes()->getIndexBefore(*MI);
1382 VNI = LI.Query(Idx).valueOut();
1383 } else {
1384 SlotIndex Idx = LIS.getInstructionIndex(*MI);
1385 LiveQueryResult LRQ = LI.Query(Idx);
1386 VNI = MO.readsReg() ? LRQ.valueIn() : LRQ.valueDefined();
1387 }
1388 // In the case of an <undef> use that isn't tied to any def, VNI will be
1389 // NULL. If the use is tied to a def, VNI will be the defined value.
1390 if (!VNI)
1391 continue;
1392 if (unsigned EqClass = getEqClass(VNI))
1393 MO.setReg(LIV[EqClass - 1]->reg());
1394 }
1396 // Distribute subregister liveranges.
1397 if (LI.hasSubRanges()) {
1398 unsigned NumComponents = EqClass.getNumClasses();
1399 SmallVector<unsigned, 8> VNIMapping;
1401 BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS.getVNInfoAllocator();
1402 for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : LI.subranges()) {
1403 // Create new subranges in the split intervals and construct a mapping
1404 // for the VNInfos in the subrange.
1405 unsigned NumValNos = SR.valnos.size();
1406 VNIMapping.clear();
1407 VNIMapping.reserve(NumValNos);
1408 SubRanges.clear();
1409 SubRanges.resize(NumComponents-1, nullptr);
1410 for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumValNos; ++I) {
1411 const VNInfo &VNI = *SR.valnos[I];
1412 unsigned ComponentNum;
1413 if (VNI.isUnused()) {
1414 ComponentNum = 0;
1415 } else {
1416 const VNInfo *MainRangeVNI = LI.getVNInfoAt(VNI.def);
1417 assert(MainRangeVNI != nullptr
1418 && "SubRange def must have corresponding main range def");
1419 ComponentNum = getEqClass(MainRangeVNI);
1420 if (ComponentNum > 0 && SubRanges[ComponentNum-1] == nullptr) {
1421 SubRanges[ComponentNum-1]
1422 = LIV[ComponentNum-1]->createSubRange(Allocator, SR.LaneMask);
1423 }
1424 }
1425 VNIMapping.push_back(ComponentNum);
1426 }
1427 DistributeRange(SR, SubRanges.data(), VNIMapping);
1428 }
1430 }
1432 // Distribute main liverange.
1433 DistributeRange(LI, LIV, EqClass);
unsigned SubReg
unsigned const MachineRegisterInfo * MRI
MachineBasicBlock & MBB
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
Mark debug helper function definitions like dump() that should not be stripped from debug builds.
Definition: Compiler.h:622
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
bool End
Definition: ELF_riscv.cpp:480
static GCMetadataPrinterRegistry::Add< ErlangGCPrinter > X("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
A common definition of LaneBitmask for use in TableGen and CodeGen.
static void createDeadDef(SlotIndexes &Indexes, VNInfo::Allocator &Alloc, LiveRange &LR, const MachineOperand &MO)
static bool coalescable(const LiveRange::Segment &A, const LiveRange::Segment &B)
static void stripValuesNotDefiningMask(unsigned Reg, LiveInterval::SubRange &SR, LaneBitmask LaneMask, const SlotIndexes &Indexes, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, unsigned ComposeSubRegIdx)
For each VNI in SR, check whether or not that value defines part of the mask describe by LaneMask and...
This file contains helper functions to modify live ranges.
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
unsigned const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI
place backedge safepoints impl
Basic Register Allocator
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file contains some templates that are useful if you are working with the STL at all.
raw_pwrite_stream & OS
This file defines the SmallPtrSet class.
This file defines the SmallVector class.
Value * RHS
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
iterator end() const
Definition: ArrayRef.h:157
iterator begin() const
Definition: ArrayRef.h:156
Allocate memory in an ever growing pool, as if by bump-pointer.
Definition: Allocator.h:66
A helper class for register coalescers.
void Distribute(LiveInterval &LI, LiveInterval *LIV[], MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
Distribute values in LI into a separate LiveIntervals for each connected component.
unsigned Classify(const LiveRange &LR)
Classify the values in LR into connected components.
ConstMIBundleOperands - Iterate over all operands in a const bundle of machine instructions.
A live range for subregisters.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:694
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const
LiveInterval - This class represents the liveness of a register, or stack slot.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:687
void removeEmptySubRanges()
Removes all subranges without any segments (subranges without segments are not considered valid and s...
Register reg() const
Definition: LiveInterval.h:718
bool hasSubRanges() const
Returns true if subregister liveness information is available.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:810
unsigned getSize() const
getSize - Returns the sum of sizes of all the LiveRange's.
SubRange * createSubRangeFrom(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, LaneBitmask LaneMask, const LiveRange &CopyFrom)
Like createSubRange() but the new range is filled with a copy of the liveness information in CopyFrom...
Definition: LiveInterval.h:801
iterator_range< subrange_iterator > subranges()
Definition: LiveInterval.h:782
void refineSubRanges(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, LaneBitmask LaneMask, std::function< void(LiveInterval::SubRange &)> Apply, const SlotIndexes &Indexes, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, unsigned ComposeSubRegIdx=0)
Refines the subranges to support LaneMask.
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const
void computeSubRangeUndefs(SmallVectorImpl< SlotIndex > &Undefs, LaneBitmask LaneMask, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, const SlotIndexes &Indexes) const
For a given lane mask LaneMask, compute indexes at which the lane is marked undefined by subregister ...
SubRange * createSubRange(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, LaneBitmask LaneMask)
Creates a new empty subregister live range.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:792
void clearSubRanges()
Removes all subregister liveness information.
Result of a LiveRange query.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:90
VNInfo * valueIn() const
Return the value that is live-in to the instruction.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:105
VNInfo * valueOut() const
Return the value leaving the instruction, if any.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:123
VNInfo * valueDefined() const
Return the value defined by this instruction, if any.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:135
Helper class for performant LiveRange bulk updates.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:943
void print(raw_ostream &) const
void flush()
Flush the updater state to LR so it is valid and contains all added segments.
void add(LiveRange::Segment)
Add a segment to LR and coalesce when possible, just like LR.addSegment().
This class represents the liveness of a register, stack slot, etc.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:157
VNInfo * getValNumInfo(unsigned ValNo)
getValNumInfo - Returns pointer to the specified val#.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:317
iterator addSegment(Segment S)
Add the specified Segment to this range, merging segments as appropriate.
Segments::iterator iterator
Definition: LiveInterval.h:212
void join(LiveRange &Other, const int *ValNoAssignments, const int *RHSValNoAssignments, SmallVectorImpl< VNInfo * > &NewVNInfo)
join - Join two live ranges (this, and other) together.
void MergeValueInAsValue(const LiveRange &RHS, const VNInfo *RHSValNo, VNInfo *LHSValNo)
MergeValueInAsValue - Merge all of the segments of a specific val# in RHS into this live range as the...
VNInfo * createDeadDef(SlotIndex Def, VNInfo::Allocator &VNIAlloc)
createDeadDef - Make sure the range has a value defined at Def.
std::set< Segment > SegmentSet
Definition: LiveInterval.h:209
bool isLiveAtIndexes(ArrayRef< SlotIndex > Slots) const
bool covers(const LiveRange &Other) const
Returns true if all segments of the Other live range are completely covered by this live range.
vni_iterator vni_begin()
Definition: LiveInterval.h:224
iterator advanceTo(iterator I, SlotIndex Pos)
advanceTo - Advance the specified iterator to point to the Segment containing the specified position,...
Definition: LiveInterval.h:271
std::unique_ptr< SegmentSet > segmentSet
Definition: LiveInterval.h:210
void removeValNo(VNInfo *ValNo)
removeValNo - Remove all the segments defined by the specified value#.
bool empty() const
Definition: LiveInterval.h:382
void RenumberValues()
RenumberValues - Renumber all values in order of appearance and remove unused values.
bool overlaps(const LiveRange &other) const
overlaps - Return true if the intersection of the two live ranges is not empty.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:448
bool overlapsFrom(const LiveRange &Other, const_iterator StartPos) const
overlapsFrom - Return true if the intersection of the two live ranges is not empty.
LiveQueryResult Query(SlotIndex Idx) const
Query Liveness at Idx.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:542
iterator end()
Definition: LiveInterval.h:216
VNInfo * getVNInfoBefore(SlotIndex Idx) const
getVNInfoBefore - Return the VNInfo that is live up to but not necessarily including Idx,...
Definition: LiveInterval.h:429
std::pair< VNInfo *, bool > extendInBlock(ArrayRef< SlotIndex > Undefs, SlotIndex StartIdx, SlotIndex Kill)
Attempt to extend a value defined after StartIdx to include Use.
bool verify() const
Walk the range and assert if any invariants fail to hold.
void append(const LiveRange::Segment S)
Append a segment to the list of segments.
VNInfo * MergeValueNumberInto(VNInfo *V1, VNInfo *V2)
MergeValueNumberInto - This method is called when two value numbers are found to be equivalent.
unsigned getNumValNums() const
Definition: LiveInterval.h:313
iterator begin()
Definition: LiveInterval.h:215
Segments segments
Definition: LiveInterval.h:203
VNInfoList valnos
Definition: LiveInterval.h:204
void MergeSegmentsInAsValue(const LiveRange &RHS, VNInfo *LHSValNo)
Merge all of the live segments of a specific val# in RHS into this live range as the specified value ...
bool isUndefIn(ArrayRef< SlotIndex > Undefs, SlotIndex Begin, SlotIndex End) const
Returns true if there is an explicit "undef" between Begin End.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:608
vni_iterator vni_end()
Definition: LiveInterval.h:225
VNInfo * getNextValue(SlotIndex Def, VNInfo::Allocator &VNInfoAllocator)
getNextValue - Create a new value number and return it.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:331
void removeSegment(SlotIndex Start, SlotIndex End, bool RemoveDeadValNo=false)
Remove the specified interval from this live range.
void removeValNoIfDead(VNInfo *ValNo)
Mark ValNo for deletion if no segments in this range use it.
void dump() const
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const
void flushSegmentSet()
Flush segment set into the regular segment vector.
VNInfo * getVNInfoAt(SlotIndex Idx) const
getVNInfoAt - Return the VNInfo that is live at Idx, or NULL.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:421
iterator find(SlotIndex Pos)
find - Return an iterator pointing to the first segment that ends after Pos, or end().
bool isValid() const
isValid - Returns true until all the operands have been visited.
iterator_range< pred_iterator > predecessors()
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:69
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
MachineRegisterInfo - Keep track of information for virtual and physical registers,...
static constexpr bool isVirtualRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the virtual register namespace.
Definition: Register.h:71
SlotIndex - An opaque wrapper around machine indexes.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:65
static bool isSameInstr(SlotIndex A, SlotIndex B)
isSameInstr - Return true if A and B refer to the same instruction.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:176
static bool isEarlierInstr(SlotIndex A, SlotIndex B)
isEarlierInstr - Return true if A refers to an instruction earlier than B.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:182
SlotIndex getNextSlot() const
Returns the next slot in the index list.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:252
SlotIndex getRegSlot(bool EC=false) const
Returns the register use/def slot in the current instruction for a normal or early-clobber def.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:237
SlotIndexes pass.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:297
SlotIndex getInstructionIndex(const MachineInstr &MI, bool IgnoreBundle=false) const
Returns the base index for the given instruction.
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:379
MachineInstr * getInstructionFromIndex(SlotIndex index) const
Returns the instruction for the given index, or null if the given index has no instruction associated...
Definition: SlotIndexes.h:397
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:384
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:519
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:81
size_t size() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:78
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: SmallVector.h:573
void reserve(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:663
iterator erase(const_iterator CI)
Definition: SmallVector.h:737
void append(ItTy in_start, ItTy in_end)
Add the specified range to the end of the SmallVector.
Definition: SmallVector.h:683
iterator insert(iterator I, T &&Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:805
void resize(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:638
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:413
pointer data()
Return a pointer to the vector's buffer, even if empty().
Definition: SmallVector.h:286
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
VNInfo - Value Number Information.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:53
void copyFrom(VNInfo &src)
Copy from the parameter into this VNInfo.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:70
void markUnused()
Mark this value as unused.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:84
bool isUnused() const
Returns true if this value is unused.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:81
unsigned id
The ID number of this value.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:58
SlotIndex def
The index of the defining instruction.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:61
bool isPHIDef() const
Returns true if this value is defined by a PHI instruction (or was, PHI instructions may have been el...
Definition: LiveInterval.h:78
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:52
This provides a very simple, boring adaptor for a begin and end iterator into a range type.
NodeAddr< DefNode * > Def
Definition: RDFGraph.h:384
const_iterator begin(StringRef path LLVM_LIFETIME_BOUND, Style style=Style::native)
Get begin iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:226
const_iterator end(StringRef path LLVM_LIFETIME_BOUND)
Get end iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:235
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
auto find(R &&Range, const T &Val)
Provide wrappers to std::find which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1759
auto partition_point(R &&Range, Predicate P)
Binary search for the first iterator in a range where a predicate is false.
Definition: STLExtras.h:2050
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
iterator_range< early_inc_iterator_impl< detail::IterOfRange< RangeT > > > make_early_inc_range(RangeT &&Range)
Make a range that does early increment to allow mutation of the underlying range without disrupting i...
Definition: STLExtras.h:657
Printable PrintLaneMask(LaneBitmask LaneMask)
Create Printable object to print LaneBitmasks on a raw_ostream.
Definition: LaneBitmask.h:92
auto upper_bound(R &&Range, T &&Value)
Provide wrappers to std::upper_bound which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1991
static void DistributeRange(LiveRangeT &LR, LiveRangeT *SplitLRs[], EqClassesT VNIClasses)
Helper function that distributes live range value numbers and the corresponding segments of a primary...
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
bool none_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::none_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1753
raw_fd_ostream & errs()
This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for standard error.
@ Other
Any other memory.
auto lower_bound(R &&Range, T &&Value)
Provide wrappers to std::lower_bound which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1978
raw_ostream & operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const APFixedPoint &FX)
Definition: APFixedPoint.h:303
void erase_if(Container &C, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide a container algorithm similar to C++ Library Fundamentals v2's erase_if which is equivalent t...
Definition: STLExtras.h:2099
Printable printReg(Register Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr, unsigned SubIdx=0, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI=nullptr)
Prints virtual and physical registers with or without a TRI instance.
void swap(llvm::BitVector &LHS, llvm::BitVector &RHS)
Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
Definition: BitVector.h:860
ListT< IteratorSpecifierT< T, I, E > > IteratorT
Definition: ClauseT.h:277
static constexpr LaneBitmask getAll()
Definition: LaneBitmask.h:82
constexpr bool none() const
Definition: LaneBitmask.h:52
constexpr bool any() const
Definition: LaneBitmask.h:53
This represents a simple continuous liveness interval for a value.
Definition: LiveInterval.h:162