LLVM 20.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry, including all inherited members.
add(const Constant *C, MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
add(const GlobalVariable *GV, MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
add(const Function *F, MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
add(const Argument *Arg, MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
add(const MachineInstr *MI, MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addAssignPtrTypeInstr(Value *Val, CallInst *AssignPtrTyCI) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addDeducedCompositeType(Value *Val, Type *Ty) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addDeducedElementType(Value *Val, Type *Ty) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addForwardCall(const Function *F, MachineInstr *MI) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addGlobalObject(const Value *V, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addMutated(Value *Val, Type *Ty) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addReturnType(const Function *ArgF, TypedPointerType *DerivedTy) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
addValueAttrs(MachineInstr *Key, std::pair< Type *, std::string > Val) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
assignFloatTypeToVReg(unsigned BitWidth, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
assignIntTypeToVReg(unsigned BitWidth, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
assignSPIRVTypeToVReg(SPIRVType *Type, Register VReg, const MachineFunction &MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
assignTypeToVReg(const Type *Type, Register VReg, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite, bool EmitIR=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
assignVectTypeToVReg(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
buildConstantFP(APFloat Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType=nullptr) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
buildConstantInt(uint64_t Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType, bool EmitIR=true, bool ZeroAsNull=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
buildConstantSampler(Register Res, unsigned AddrMode, unsigned Param, unsigned FilerMode, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
buildGlobalVariable(Register Reg, SPIRVType *BaseType, StringRef Name, const GlobalValue *GV, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass Storage, const MachineInstr *Init, bool IsConst, bool HasLinkageTy, SPIRV::LinkageType::LinkageType LinkageType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, bool IsInstSelector) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
CurMF | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
find(const MachineInstr *MI, MachineFunction *MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
find(const Constant *C, MachineFunction *MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
find(const GlobalVariable *GV, MachineFunction *MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
find(const Function *F, MachineFunction *MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findAssignPtrTypeInstr(const Value *Val) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findDeducedCompositeType(const Value *Val) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findDeducedElementType(const Value *Val) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findMutated(const Value *Val) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findReturnType(const Function *ArgF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
findValueAttrs(const MachineInstr *Key, Type *&Ty, StringRef &Name) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getBound() | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getDeducedGlobalValueType(const GlobalValue *Global) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getForwardCalls(const Function *F) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getFunctionByDefinition(const MachineInstr *MI) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getFunctionDefinition(const Function *F) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getFunctionDefinitionByUse(const MachineOperand *Use) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getGlobalObject(const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getNumScalarOrVectorTotalBitWidth(const SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConsIntVector(uint64_t Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType, bool EmitIR=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstFP(APFloat Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstInt(uint64_t Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstIntArray(uint64_t Val, size_t Num, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstNullPtr(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstVector(uint64_t Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateConstVector(APFloat Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateGlobalVariableWithBinding(const SPIRVType *VarType, uint32_t Set, uint32_t Binding, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeByOpcode(const Type *Ty, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, unsigned Opcode) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeCoopMatr(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, const TargetExtType *ExtensionType, const SPIRVType *ElemType, uint32_t Scope, uint32_t Rows, uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Use) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeDeviceEvent(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeFunctionWithArgs(const Type *Ty, SPIRVType *RetType, const SmallVectorImpl< SPIRVType * > &ArgTypes, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeImage(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SampledType, SPIRV::Dim::Dim Dim, uint32_t Depth, uint32_t Arrayed, uint32_t Multisampled, uint32_t Sampled, SPIRV::ImageFormat::ImageFormat ImageFormat, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypePipe(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeSampledImage(SPIRVType *ImageType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateOpTypeSampler(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVArrayType(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVBoolType(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVBoolType(MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVFloatType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVIntegerType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVIntegerType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVPointerType(SPIRVType *BaseType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SClass=SPIRV::StorageClass::Function) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVPointerType(SPIRVType *BaseType, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SClass=SPIRV::StorageClass::Function) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVType(const Type *Type, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite, bool EmitIR=true) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, unsigned SPIRVOPcode, Type *LLVMTy) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVTypeByName(StringRef TypeStr, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SC=SPIRV::StorageClass::Function, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getOrCreateUndef(MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getPointeeType(SPIRVType *PtrType) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getPointeeTypeOp(Register PtrReg) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getPointerSize() const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
getPointerStorageClass(Register VReg) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getPointerStorageClass(const SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getRegClass(SPIRVType *SpvType) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getRegType(SPIRVType *SpvType) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getResultType(Register VReg) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getScalarOrVectorBitWidth(const SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getScalarOrVectorComponentCount(Register VReg) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getScalarOrVectorComponentCount(SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getScalarOrVectorComponentType(Register VReg) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getScalarOrVectorComponentType(SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getSPIRVTypeForVReg(Register VReg, const MachineFunction *MF=nullptr) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getSPIRVTypeID(const SPIRVType *SpirvType) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
getTypeForSPIRVType(const SPIRVType *Ty) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
hasConstFunPtr() | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
hasSPIRVTypeForVReg(Register VReg) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
invalidateMachineInstr(MachineInstr *MI) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
isAggregateType(SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
isBitcastCompatible(const SPIRVType *Type1, const SPIRVType *Type2) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
isScalarOfType(Register VReg, unsigned TypeOpcode) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
isScalarOrVectorOfType(Register VReg, unsigned TypeOpcode) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
isScalarOrVectorSigned(const SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
recordFunctionDefinition(const Function *F, const MachineOperand *MO) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
recordFunctionPointer(const MachineOperand *MO, const Function *F) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
retrieveScalarOrVectorIntType(const SPIRVType *Type) const | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
setBound(unsigned V) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
setCurrentFunc(MachineFunction &MF) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
SPIRVGlobalRegistry(unsigned PointerSize) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | |
updateIfExistAssignPtrTypeInstr(Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal, bool DeleteOld) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |
updateIfExistDeducedElementType(Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal, bool DeleteOld) | llvm::SPIRVGlobalRegistry | inline |