LLVM 19.0.0git
Namespaces | Macros | Functions | Variables
AddressSanitizer.cpp File Reference
#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation/AddressSanitizer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/GlobalsModRef.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/MemoryBuiltins.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/StackSafetyAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/Demangle/Demangle.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Argument.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Comdat.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/EHPersonalities.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalAlias.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Use.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionMachO.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation/AddressSanitizerCommon.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation/AddressSanitizerOptions.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ASanStackFrameLayout.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ModuleUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/PromoteMemToReg.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  llvm
 This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.


#define DEBUG_TYPE   "asan"


 STATISTIC (NumInstrumentedReads, "Number of instrumented reads")
 STATISTIC (NumInstrumentedWrites, "Number of instrumented writes")
 STATISTIC (NumOptimizedAccessesToGlobalVar, "Number of optimized accesses to global vars")
 STATISTIC (NumOptimizedAccessesToStackVar, "Number of optimized accesses to stack vars")
static ShadowMapping getShadowMapping (const Triple &TargetTriple, int LongSize, bool IsKasan)
void llvm::getAddressSanitizerParams (const Triple &TargetTriple, int LongSize, bool IsKasan, uint64_t *ShadowBase, int *MappingScale, bool *OrShadowOffset)
static uint64_t getRedzoneSizeForScale (int MappingScale)
static uint64_t GetCtorAndDtorPriority (Triple &TargetTriple)
static size_t TypeStoreSizeToSizeIndex (uint32_t TypeSize)
static bool GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler (GlobalVariable *G)
 Check if G has been created by a trusted compiler pass.
static bool isUnsupportedAMDGPUAddrspace (Value *Addr)
static bool isPointerOperand (Value *V)
static bool isInterestingPointerComparison (Instruction *I)
static bool isInterestingPointerSubtraction (Instruction *I)
static void doInstrumentAddress (AddressSanitizer *Pass, Instruction *I, Instruction *InsertBefore, Value *Addr, MaybeAlign Alignment, unsigned Granularity, TypeSize TypeStoreSize, bool IsWrite, Value *SizeArgument, bool UseCalls, uint32_t Exp, RuntimeCallInserter &RTCI)
static int StackMallocSizeClass (uint64_t LocalStackSize)
static void findStoresToUninstrumentedArgAllocas (AddressSanitizer &ASan, Instruction &InsBefore, SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &InitInsts)
 Collect instructions in the entry block after InsBefore which initialize permanent storage for a function argument.


static const uint64_t kDefaultShadowScale = 3
static const uint64_t kDefaultShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 29
static const uint64_t kDefaultShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 44
static const uint64_t kDynamicShadowSentinel
static const uint64_t kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetBase = 0x7FFFFFFF
static const uint64_t kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetAlignMask = ~0xFFFULL
static const uint64_t kLinuxKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdffffc0000000000
static const uint64_t kPPC64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 44
static const uint64_t kSystemZ_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 52
static const uint64_t kMIPS_ShadowOffsetN32 = 1ULL << 29
static const uint64_t kMIPS32_ShadowOffset32 = 0x0aaa0000
static const uint64_t kMIPS64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 37
static const uint64_t kAArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 36
static const uint64_t kLoongArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46
static const uint64_t kRISCV64_ShadowOffset64 = kDynamicShadowSentinel
static const uint64_t kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 30
static const uint64_t kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46
static const uint64_t kFreeBSDAArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 47
static const uint64_t kFreeBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdffff7c000000000
static const uint64_t kNetBSD_ShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 30
static const uint64_t kNetBSD_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46
static const uint64_t kNetBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdfff900000000000
static const uint64_t kPS_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 40
static const uint64_t kWindowsShadowOffset32 = 3ULL << 28
static const uint64_t kEmscriptenShadowOffset = 0
static const uint64_t kWindowsShadowOffset64 = kDynamicShadowSentinel
static const size_t kMinStackMallocSize = 1 << 6
static const size_t kMaxStackMallocSize = 1 << 16
static const uintptr_t kCurrentStackFrameMagic = 0x41B58AB3
static const uintptr_t kRetiredStackFrameMagic = 0x45E0360E
const char kAsanModuleCtorName [] = "asan.module_ctor"
const char kAsanModuleDtorName [] = "asan.module_dtor"
static const uint64_t kAsanCtorAndDtorPriority = 1
static const uint64_t kAsanEmscriptenCtorAndDtorPriority = 50
const char kAsanReportErrorTemplate [] = "__asan_report_"
const char kAsanRegisterGlobalsName [] = "__asan_register_globals"
const char kAsanUnregisterGlobalsName [] = "__asan_unregister_globals"
const char kAsanRegisterImageGlobalsName [] = "__asan_register_image_globals"
const char kAsanUnregisterImageGlobalsName []
const char kAsanRegisterElfGlobalsName [] = "__asan_register_elf_globals"
const char kAsanUnregisterElfGlobalsName [] = "__asan_unregister_elf_globals"
const char kAsanPoisonGlobalsName [] = "__asan_before_dynamic_init"
const char kAsanUnpoisonGlobalsName [] = "__asan_after_dynamic_init"
const char kAsanInitName [] = "__asan_init"
const char kAsanVersionCheckNamePrefix [] = "__asan_version_mismatch_check_v"
const char kAsanPtrCmp [] = "__sanitizer_ptr_cmp"
const char kAsanPtrSub [] = "__sanitizer_ptr_sub"
const char kAsanHandleNoReturnName [] = "__asan_handle_no_return"
static const int kMaxAsanStackMallocSizeClass = 10
const char kAsanStackMallocNameTemplate [] = "__asan_stack_malloc_"
const char kAsanStackMallocAlwaysNameTemplate []
const char kAsanStackFreeNameTemplate [] = "__asan_stack_free_"
const char kAsanGenPrefix [] = "___asan_gen_"
const char kODRGenPrefix [] = "__odr_asan_gen_"
const char kSanCovGenPrefix [] = "__sancov_gen_"
const char kAsanSetShadowPrefix [] = "__asan_set_shadow_"
const char kAsanPoisonStackMemoryName [] = "__asan_poison_stack_memory"
const char kAsanUnpoisonStackMemoryName [] = "__asan_unpoison_stack_memory"
const char kAsanGlobalsRegisteredFlagName [] = "___asan_globals_registered"
const char kAsanOptionDetectUseAfterReturn []
const char kAsanShadowMemoryDynamicAddress []
const char kAsanAllocaPoison [] = "__asan_alloca_poison"
const char kAsanAllocasUnpoison [] = "__asan_allocas_unpoison"
const char kAMDGPUAddressSharedName [] = "llvm.amdgcn.is.shared"
const char kAMDGPUAddressPrivateName [] = "llvm.amdgcn.is.private"
const char kAMDGPUBallotName [] = "llvm.amdgcn.ballot.i64"
const char kAMDGPUUnreachableName [] = "llvm.amdgcn.unreachable"
static const size_t kNumberOfAccessSizes = 5
static const uint64_t kAllocaRzSize = 32
constexpr size_t kCompileKernelShift = 0
constexpr size_t kCompileKernelMask = 0x1
constexpr size_t kAccessSizeIndexShift = 1
constexpr size_t kAccessSizeIndexMask = 0xf
constexpr size_t kIsWriteShift = 5
constexpr size_t kIsWriteMask = 0x1
static cl::opt< boolClEnableKasan ("asan-kernel", cl::desc("Enable KernelAddressSanitizer instrumentation"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClRecover ("asan-recover", cl::desc("Enable recovery mode (continue-after-error)."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClInsertVersionCheck ("asan-guard-against-version-mismatch", cl::desc("Guard against compiler/runtime version mismatch."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClInstrumentReads ("asan-instrument-reads", cl::desc("instrument read instructions"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClInstrumentWrites ("asan-instrument-writes", cl::desc("instrument write instructions"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClUseStackSafety ("asan-use-stack-safety", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true), cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Use Stack Safety analysis results"), cl::Optional)
static cl::opt< boolClInstrumentAtomics ("asan-instrument-atomics", cl::desc("instrument atomic instructions (rmw, cmpxchg)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClInstrumentByval ("asan-instrument-byval", cl::desc("instrument byval call arguments"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClAlwaysSlowPath ("asan-always-slow-path", cl::desc("use instrumentation with slow path for all accesses"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClForceDynamicShadow ("asan-force-dynamic-shadow", cl::desc("Load shadow address into a local variable for each function"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClWithIfunc ("asan-with-ifunc", cl::desc("Access dynamic shadow through an ifunc global on " "platforms that support this"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClWithIfuncSuppressRemat ("asan-with-ifunc-suppress-remat", cl::desc("Suppress rematerialization of dynamic shadow address by passing " "it through inline asm in prologue."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< int > ClMaxInsnsToInstrumentPerBB ("asan-max-ins-per-bb", cl::init(10000), cl::desc("maximal number of instructions to instrument in any given BB"), cl::Hidden)
static cl::opt< boolClStack ("asan-stack", cl::desc("Handle stack memory"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< uint32_tClMaxInlinePoisoningSize ("asan-max-inline-poisoning-size", cl::desc("Inline shadow poisoning for blocks up to the given size in bytes."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(64))
static cl::opt< AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnModeClUseAfterReturn ("asan-use-after-return", cl::desc("Sets the mode of detection for stack-use-after-return."), cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Never, "never", "Never detect stack use after return."), clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Runtime, "runtime", "Detect stack use after return if " "binary flag 'ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return' is set."), clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Always, "always", "Always detect stack use after return.")), cl::Hidden, cl::init(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Runtime))
static cl::opt< boolClRedzoneByvalArgs ("asan-redzone-byval-args", cl::desc("Create redzones for byval " "arguments (extra copy " "required)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClUseAfterScope ("asan-use-after-scope", cl::desc("Check stack-use-after-scope"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClGlobals ("asan-globals", cl::desc("Handle global objects"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClInitializers ("asan-initialization-order", cl::desc("Handle C++ initializer order"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClInvalidPointerPairs ("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-pair", cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >=, - with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClInvalidPointerCmp ("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-cmp", cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >= with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClInvalidPointerSub ("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-sub", cl::desc("Instrument - operations with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< unsignedClRealignStack ("asan-realign-stack", cl::desc("Realign stack to the value of this flag (power of two)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(32))
static cl::opt< int > ClInstrumentationWithCallsThreshold ("asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold", cl::desc("If the function being instrumented contains more than " "this number of memory accesses, use callbacks instead of " "inline checks (-1 means never use callbacks)."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(7000))
static cl::opt< std::string > ClMemoryAccessCallbackPrefix ("asan-memory-access-callback-prefix", cl::desc("Prefix for memory access callbacks"), cl::Hidden, cl::init("__asan_"))
static cl::opt< boolClKasanMemIntrinCallbackPrefix ("asan-kernel-mem-intrinsic-prefix", cl::desc("Use prefix for memory intrinsics in KASAN mode"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClInstrumentDynamicAllocas ("asan-instrument-dynamic-allocas", cl::desc("instrument dynamic allocas"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClSkipPromotableAllocas ("asan-skip-promotable-allocas", cl::desc("Do not instrument promotable allocas"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< AsanCtorKindClConstructorKind ("asan-constructor-kind", cl::desc("Sets the ASan constructor kind"), cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::None, "none", "No constructors"), clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global constructors")), cl::init(AsanCtorKind::Global), cl::Hidden)
static cl::opt< int > ClMappingScale ("asan-mapping-scale", cl::desc("scale of asan shadow mapping"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0))
static cl::opt< uint64_tClMappingOffset ("asan-mapping-offset", cl::desc("offset of asan shadow mapping [EXPERIMENTAL]"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0))
static cl::opt< boolClOpt ("asan-opt", cl::desc("Optimize instrumentation"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClOptimizeCallbacks ("asan-optimize-callbacks", cl::desc("Optimize callbacks"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClOptSameTemp ("asan-opt-same-temp", cl::desc("Instrument the same temp just once"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClOptGlobals ("asan-opt-globals", cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar globals"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClOptStack ("asan-opt-stack", cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar stack variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolClDynamicAllocaStack ("asan-stack-dynamic-alloca", cl::desc("Use dynamic alloca to represent stack variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< uint32_tClForceExperiment ("asan-force-experiment", cl::desc("Force optimization experiment (for testing)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0))
static cl::opt< boolClUsePrivateAlias ("asan-use-private-alias", cl::desc("Use private aliases for global variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClUseOdrIndicator ("asan-use-odr-indicator", cl::desc("Use odr indicators to improve ODR reporting"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClUseGlobalsGC ("asan-globals-live-support", cl::desc("Use linker features to support dead " "code stripping of globals"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< boolClWithComdat ("asan-with-comdat", cl::desc("Place ASan constructors in comdat sections"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true))
static cl::opt< AsanDtorKindClOverrideDestructorKind ("asan-destructor-kind", cl::desc("Sets the ASan destructor kind. The default is to use the value " "provided to the pass constructor"), cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::None, "none", "No destructors"), clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global destructors")), cl::init(AsanDtorKind::Invalid), cl::Hidden)
static cl::opt< int > ClDebug ("asan-debug", cl::desc("debug"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0))
static cl::opt< int > ClDebugStack ("asan-debug-stack", cl::desc("debug stack"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0))
static cl::opt< std::string > ClDebugFunc ("asan-debug-func", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Debug func"))
static cl::opt< int > ClDebugMin ("asan-debug-min", cl::desc("Debug min inst"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(-1))
static cl::opt< int > ClDebugMax ("asan-debug-max", cl::desc("Debug max inst"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(-1))

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DEBUG_TYPE   "asan"

Definition at line 94 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ doInstrumentAddress()

static void doInstrumentAddress ( AddressSanitizer *  Pass,
Instruction I,
Instruction InsertBefore,
Value Addr,
MaybeAlign  Alignment,
unsigned  Granularity,
TypeSize  TypeStoreSize,
bool  IsWrite,
Value SizeArgument,
bool  UseCalls,
uint32_t  Exp,
RuntimeCallInserter &  RTCI 

◆ findStoresToUninstrumentedArgAllocas()

static void findStoresToUninstrumentedArgAllocas ( AddressSanitizer &  ASan,
Instruction InsBefore,
SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &  InitInsts 

Collect instructions in the entry block after InsBefore which initialize permanent storage for a function argument.

These instructions must remain in the entry block so that uninitialized values do not appear in backtraces. An added benefit is that this conserves spill slots. This does not move stores before instrumented / "interesting" allocas.

Definition at line 3339 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References llvm::Instruction::getNextNonDebugInstruction(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, bool >::push_back().

◆ GetCtorAndDtorPriority()

static uint64_t GetCtorAndDtorPriority ( Triple TargetTriple)

◆ getRedzoneSizeForScale()

static uint64_t getRedzoneSizeForScale ( int  MappingScale)

Definition at line 631 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ getShadowMapping()

static ShadowMapping getShadowMapping ( const Triple TargetTriple,
int  LongSize,
bool  IsKasan 

Definition at line 478 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References llvm::Triple::aarch64, llvm::Triple::aarch64_be, ClForceDynamicShadow, ClMappingOffset, ClMappingScale, ClWithIfunc, llvm::Triple::getArch(), llvm::Triple::getEnvironment(), llvm::Triple::GNUABIN32, llvm::Triple::isAMDGPU(), llvm::Triple::isAndroid(), llvm::Triple::isAndroidVersionLT(), llvm::Triple::isARM(), llvm::Triple::isDriverKit(), llvm::Triple::isiOS(), llvm::Triple::isLoongArch64(), llvm::Triple::isMacOSX(), llvm::Triple::isMIPS32(), llvm::Triple::isMIPS64(), llvm::Triple::isOSEmscripten(), llvm::Triple::isOSFreeBSD(), llvm::Triple::isOSFuchsia(), llvm::Triple::isOSLinux(), llvm::Triple::isOSNetBSD(), llvm::Triple::isOSWindows(), llvm::Triple::isPS(), llvm::Triple::isThumb(), llvm::Triple::isWatchOS(), kAArch64_ShadowOffset64, kDefaultShadowOffset32, kDefaultShadowOffset64, kDefaultShadowScale, kDynamicShadowSentinel, kEmscriptenShadowOffset, kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset32, kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset64, kFreeBSDAArch64_ShadowOffset64, kFreeBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64, kLinuxKasan_ShadowOffset64, kLoongArch64_ShadowOffset64, kMIPS32_ShadowOffset32, kMIPS64_ShadowOffset64, kMIPS_ShadowOffsetN32, kNetBSD_ShadowOffset32, kNetBSD_ShadowOffset64, kNetBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64, kPPC64_ShadowOffset64, kPS_ShadowOffset64, kRISCV64_ShadowOffset64, kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetAlignMask, kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetBase, kSystemZ_ShadowOffset64, kWindowsShadowOffset32, kWindowsShadowOffset64, llvm::Triple::ppc64, llvm::Triple::ppc64le, llvm::Triple::riscv64, llvm::Triple::systemz, and llvm::Triple::x86_64.

Referenced by llvm::getAddressSanitizerParams().

◆ GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler()

static bool GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler ( GlobalVariable G)

Check if G has been created by a trusted compiler pass.

Definition at line 1288 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References G, kAsanGenPrefix, kODRGenPrefix, and kSanCovGenPrefix.

◆ isInterestingPointerComparison()

static bool isInterestingPointerComparison ( Instruction I)

Definition at line 1541 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References I, and isPointerOperand().

◆ isInterestingPointerSubtraction()

static bool isInterestingPointerSubtraction ( Instruction I)

Definition at line 1555 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References I, and isPointerOperand().

◆ isPointerOperand()

static bool isPointerOperand ( Value V)

Definition at line 1534 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ isUnsupportedAMDGPUAddrspace()

static bool isUnsupportedAMDGPUAddrspace ( Value Addr)

Definition at line 1306 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References Addr, and llvm::Type::getPointerAddressSpace().

◆ StackMallocSizeClass()

static int StackMallocSizeClass ( uint64_t  LocalStackSize)

◆ STATISTIC() [1/4]

STATISTIC ( NumInstrumentedReads  ,
"Number of instrumented reads"   

◆ STATISTIC() [2/4]

STATISTIC ( NumInstrumentedWrites  ,
"Number of instrumented writes"   

◆ STATISTIC() [3/4]

STATISTIC ( NumOptimizedAccessesToGlobalVar  ,
"Number of optimized accesses to global vars"   

◆ STATISTIC() [4/4]

STATISTIC ( NumOptimizedAccessesToStackVar  ,
"Number of optimized accesses to stack vars"   

◆ TypeStoreSizeToSizeIndex()

static size_t TypeStoreSizeToSizeIndex ( uint32_t  TypeSize)

Definition at line 1281 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

References assert(), llvm::countr_zero(), and kNumberOfAccessSizes.

Variable Documentation

◆ ClAlwaysSlowPath

cl::opt< bool > ClAlwaysSlowPath("asan-always-slow-path", cl::desc("use instrumentation with slow path for all accesses"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-always-slow-path"  ,
cl::desc("use instrumentation with slow path for all accesses")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClConstructorKind

cl::opt< AsanCtorKind > ClConstructorKind("asan-constructor-kind", cl::desc("Sets the ASan constructor kind"), cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::None, "none", "No constructors"), clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global constructors")), cl::init(AsanCtorKind::Global), cl::Hidden) ( "asan-constructor-kind"  ,
cl::desc("Sets the ASan constructor kind")  ,
cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::None, "none", "No constructors"), clEnumValN(AsanCtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global constructors"))  ,
cl::init(AsanCtorKind::Global)  ,

◆ ClDebug

cl::opt< int > ClDebug("asan-debug", cl::desc("debug"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0)) ( "asan-debug"  ,
cl::desc("debug")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClDebugFunc

cl::opt< std::string > ClDebugFunc("asan-debug-func", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Debug func")) ( "asan-debug-func"  ,
cl::Hidden  ,
cl::desc("Debug func")   

◆ ClDebugMax

cl::opt< int > ClDebugMax("asan-debug-max", cl::desc("Debug max inst"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(-1)) ( "asan-debug-max"  ,
cl::desc("Debug max inst")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClDebugMin

cl::opt< int > ClDebugMin("asan-debug-min", cl::desc("Debug min inst"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(-1)) ( "asan-debug-min"  ,
cl::desc("Debug min inst")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClDebugStack

cl::opt< int > ClDebugStack("asan-debug-stack", cl::desc("debug stack"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0)) ( "asan-debug-stack"  ,
cl::desc("debug stack")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClDynamicAllocaStack

cl::opt< bool > ClDynamicAllocaStack("asan-stack-dynamic-alloca", cl::desc("Use dynamic alloca to represent stack variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-stack-dynamic-alloca"  ,
cl::desc("Use dynamic alloca to represent stack variables")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClEnableKasan

cl::opt< bool > ClEnableKasan("asan-kernel", cl::desc("Enable KernelAddressSanitizer instrumentation"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-kernel"  ,
cl::desc("Enable KernelAddressSanitizer instrumentation")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClForceDynamicShadow

cl::opt< bool > ClForceDynamicShadow("asan-force-dynamic-shadow", cl::desc("Load shadow address into a local variable for each function"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-force-dynamic-shadow"  ,
cl::desc("Load shadow address into a local variable for each function")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ ClForceExperiment

cl::opt< uint32_t > ClForceExperiment("asan-force-experiment", cl::desc("Force optimization experiment (for testing)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0)) ( "asan-force-experiment"  ,
cl::desc("Force optimization experiment (for testing)")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClGlobals

cl::opt< bool > ClGlobals("asan-globals", cl::desc("Handle global objects"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-globals"  ,
cl::desc("Handle global objects")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInitializers

cl::opt< bool > ClInitializers("asan-initialization-order", cl::desc("Handle C++ initializer order"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-initialization-order"  ,
cl::desc("Handle C++ initializer order")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInsertVersionCheck

cl::opt< bool > ClInsertVersionCheck("asan-guard-against-version-mismatch", cl::desc("Guard against compiler/runtime version mismatch."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-guard-against-version-mismatch"  ,
cl::desc("Guard against compiler/runtime version mismatch.")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentationWithCallsThreshold

cl::opt< int > ClInstrumentationWithCallsThreshold("asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold", cl::desc("If the function being instrumented contains more than " "this number of memory accesses, use callbacks instead of " "inline checks (-1 means never use callbacks)."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(7000)) ( "asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold"  ,
cl::desc("If the function being instrumented contains more than " "this number of memory accesses, use callbacks instead of " "inline checks (-1 means never use callbacks).")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentAtomics

cl::opt< bool > ClInstrumentAtomics("asan-instrument-atomics", cl::desc("instrument atomic instructions (rmw, cmpxchg)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-instrument-atomics"  ,
cl::desc("instrument atomic instructions (rmw, cmpxchg)")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentByval

cl::opt< bool > ClInstrumentByval("asan-instrument-byval", cl::desc("instrument byval call arguments"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-instrument-byval"  ,
cl::desc("instrument byval call arguments")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentDynamicAllocas

cl::opt< bool > ClInstrumentDynamicAllocas("asan-instrument-dynamic-allocas", cl::desc("instrument dynamic allocas"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-instrument-dynamic-allocas"  ,
cl::desc("instrument dynamic allocas")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentReads

cl::opt< bool > ClInstrumentReads("asan-instrument-reads", cl::desc("instrument read instructions"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-instrument-reads"  ,
cl::desc("instrument read instructions")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInstrumentWrites

cl::opt< bool > ClInstrumentWrites("asan-instrument-writes", cl::desc("instrument write instructions"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-instrument-writes"  ,
cl::desc("instrument write instructions")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInvalidPointerCmp

cl::opt< bool > ClInvalidPointerCmp("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-cmp", cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >= with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-detect-invalid-pointer-cmp"  ,
cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >= with pointer operands")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInvalidPointerPairs

cl::opt< bool > ClInvalidPointerPairs("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-pair", cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >=, - with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-detect-invalid-pointer-pair"  ,
cl::desc("Instrument <, <=, >, >=, - with pointer operands")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClInvalidPointerSub

cl::opt< bool > ClInvalidPointerSub("asan-detect-invalid-pointer-sub", cl::desc("Instrument - operations with pointer operands"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-detect-invalid-pointer-sub"  ,
cl::desc("Instrument - operations with pointer operands")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClKasanMemIntrinCallbackPrefix

cl::opt< bool > ClKasanMemIntrinCallbackPrefix("asan-kernel-mem-intrinsic-prefix", cl::desc("Use prefix for memory intrinsics in KASAN mode"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-kernel-mem-intrinsic-prefix"  ,
cl::desc("Use prefix for memory intrinsics in KASAN mode")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClMappingOffset

cl::opt< uint64_t > ClMappingOffset("asan-mapping-offset", cl::desc("offset of asan shadow mapping [EXPERIMENTAL]"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0)) ( "asan-mapping-offset"  ,
cl::desc("offset of asan shadow mapping [EXPERIMENTAL]")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ ClMappingScale

cl::opt< int > ClMappingScale("asan-mapping-scale", cl::desc("scale of asan shadow mapping"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(0)) ( "asan-mapping-scale"  ,
cl::desc("scale of asan shadow mapping")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ ClMaxInlinePoisoningSize

cl::opt< uint32_t > ClMaxInlinePoisoningSize("asan-max-inline-poisoning-size", cl::desc( "Inline shadow poisoning for blocks up to the given size in bytes."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(64)) ( "asan-max-inline-poisoning-size"  ,
cl::desc( "Inline shadow poisoning for blocks up to the given size in bytes.")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClMaxInsnsToInstrumentPerBB

cl::opt< int > ClMaxInsnsToInstrumentPerBB("asan-max-ins-per-bb", cl::init(10000), cl::desc("maximal number of instructions to instrument in any given BB"), cl::Hidden) ( "asan-max-ins-per-bb"  ,
cl::init(10000)  ,
cl::desc("maximal number of instructions to instrument in any given BB")  ,

◆ ClMemoryAccessCallbackPrefix

cl::opt< std::string > ClMemoryAccessCallbackPrefix("asan-memory-access-callback-prefix", cl::desc("Prefix for memory access callbacks"), cl::Hidden, cl::init("__asan_")) ( "asan-memory-access-callback-prefix"  ,
cl::desc("Prefix for memory access callbacks")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOpt

cl::opt< bool > ClOpt("asan-opt", cl::desc("Optimize instrumentation"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-opt"  ,
cl::desc("Optimize instrumentation")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOptGlobals

cl::opt< bool > ClOptGlobals("asan-opt-globals", cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar globals"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-opt-globals"  ,
cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar globals")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOptimizeCallbacks

cl::opt< bool > ClOptimizeCallbacks("asan-optimize-callbacks", cl::desc("Optimize callbacks"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-optimize-callbacks"  ,
cl::desc("Optimize callbacks")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOptSameTemp

cl::opt< bool > ClOptSameTemp("asan-opt-same-temp", cl::desc("Instrument the same temp just once"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-opt-same-temp"  ,
cl::desc("Instrument the same temp just once")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOptStack

cl::opt< bool > ClOptStack("asan-opt-stack", cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar stack variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-opt-stack"  ,
cl::desc("Don't instrument scalar stack variables")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClOverrideDestructorKind

cl::opt< AsanDtorKind > ClOverrideDestructorKind("asan-destructor-kind", cl::desc("Sets the ASan destructor kind. The default is to use the value " "provided to the pass constructor"), cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::None, "none", "No destructors"), clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global destructors")), cl::init(AsanDtorKind::Invalid), cl::Hidden) ( "asan-destructor-kind"  ,
cl::desc("Sets the ASan destructor kind. The default is to use the value " "provided to the pass constructor")  ,
cl::values(clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::None, "none", "No destructors"), clEnumValN(AsanDtorKind::Global, "global", "Use global destructors"))  ,
cl::init(AsanDtorKind::Invalid)  ,

◆ ClRealignStack

cl::opt< unsigned > ClRealignStack("asan-realign-stack", cl::desc("Realign stack to the value of this flag (power of two)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(32)) ( "asan-realign-stack"  ,
cl::desc("Realign stack to the value of this flag (power of two)")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClRecover

cl::opt< bool > ClRecover("asan-recover", cl::desc("Enable recovery mode (continue-after-error)."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-recover"  ,
cl::desc("Enable recovery mode (continue-after-error).")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClRedzoneByvalArgs

cl::opt< bool > ClRedzoneByvalArgs("asan-redzone-byval-args", cl::desc("Create redzones for byval " "arguments (extra copy " "required)"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-redzone-byval-args"  ,
cl::desc("Create redzones for byval " "arguments (extra copy " "required)")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClSkipPromotableAllocas

cl::opt< bool > ClSkipPromotableAllocas("asan-skip-promotable-allocas", cl::desc("Do not instrument promotable allocas"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-skip-promotable-allocas"  ,
cl::desc("Do not instrument promotable allocas")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClStack

cl::opt< bool > ClStack("asan-stack", cl::desc("Handle stack memory"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-stack"  ,
cl::desc("Handle stack memory")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUseAfterReturn

cl::opt< AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode > ClUseAfterReturn("asan-use-after-return", cl::desc("Sets the mode of detection for stack-use-after-return."), cl::values( clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Never, "never", "Never detect stack use after return."), clEnumValN( AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Runtime, "runtime", "Detect stack use after return if " "binary flag 'ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return' is set."), clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Always, "always", "Always detect stack use after return.")), cl::Hidden, cl::init(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Runtime)) ( "asan-use-after-return"  ,
cl::desc("Sets the mode of detection for stack-use-after-return.")  ,
cl::values( clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Never, "never", "Never detect stack use after return."), clEnumValN( AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Runtime, "runtime", "Detect stack use after return if " "binary flag 'ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return' is set."), clEnumValN(AsanDetectStackUseAfterReturnMode::Always, "always", "Always detect stack use after return."))  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUseAfterScope

cl::opt< bool > ClUseAfterScope("asan-use-after-scope", cl::desc("Check stack-use-after-scope"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) ( "asan-use-after-scope"  ,
cl::desc("Check stack-use-after-scope")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUseGlobalsGC

cl::opt< bool > ClUseGlobalsGC("asan-globals-live-support", cl::desc("Use linker features to support dead " "code stripping of globals"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-globals-live-support"  ,
cl::desc("Use linker features to support dead " "code stripping of globals")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUseOdrIndicator

cl::opt< bool > ClUseOdrIndicator("asan-use-odr-indicator", cl::desc("Use odr indicators to improve ODR reporting"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-use-odr-indicator"  ,
cl::desc("Use odr indicators to improve ODR reporting")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUsePrivateAlias

cl::opt< bool > ClUsePrivateAlias("asan-use-private-alias", cl::desc("Use private aliases for global variables"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-use-private-alias"  ,
cl::desc("Use private aliases for global variables")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClUseStackSafety

cl::opt< bool > ClUseStackSafety("asan-use-stack-safety", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true), cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Use Stack Safety analysis results"), cl::Optional) ( "asan-use-stack-safety"  ,
cl::Hidden  ,
cl::init(true ,
cl::Hidden  ,
cl::desc("Use Stack Safety analysis results")  ,

◆ ClWithComdat

cl::opt< bool > ClWithComdat("asan-with-comdat", cl::desc("Place ASan constructors in comdat sections"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-with-comdat"  ,
cl::desc("Place ASan constructors in comdat sections")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ ClWithIfunc

cl::opt< bool > ClWithIfunc("asan-with-ifunc", cl::desc("Access dynamic shadow through an ifunc global on " "platforms that support this"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-with-ifunc"  ,
cl::desc("Access dynamic shadow through an ifunc global on " "platforms that support this")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ ClWithIfuncSuppressRemat

cl::opt< bool > ClWithIfuncSuppressRemat("asan-with-ifunc-suppress-remat", cl::desc("Suppress rematerialization of dynamic shadow address by passing " "it through inline asm in prologue."), cl::Hidden, cl::init(true)) ( "asan-with-ifunc-suppress-remat"  ,
cl::desc("Suppress rematerialization of dynamic shadow address by passing " "it through inline asm in prologue.")  ,
cl::Hidden  ,

◆ kAArch64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kAArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 36

Definition at line 109 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kAccessSizeIndexMask

constexpr size_t kAccessSizeIndexMask = 0xf

Definition at line 190 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAccessSizeIndexShift

constexpr size_t kAccessSizeIndexShift = 1

Definition at line 189 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAllocaRzSize

const uint64_t kAllocaRzSize = 32

Definition at line 184 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAMDGPUAddressPrivateName

const char kAMDGPUAddressPrivateName[] = "llvm.amdgcn.is.private"

Definition at line 177 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAMDGPUAddressSharedName

const char kAMDGPUAddressSharedName[] = "llvm.amdgcn.is.shared"

Definition at line 176 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAMDGPUBallotName

const char kAMDGPUBallotName[] = "llvm.amdgcn.ballot.i64"

Definition at line 178 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAMDGPUUnreachableName

const char kAMDGPUUnreachableName[] = "llvm.amdgcn.unreachable"

Definition at line 179 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanAllocaPoison

const char kAsanAllocaPoison[] = "__asan_alloca_poison"

Definition at line 173 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanAllocasUnpoison

const char kAsanAllocasUnpoison[] = "__asan_allocas_unpoison"

Definition at line 174 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanCtorAndDtorPriority

const uint64_t kAsanCtorAndDtorPriority = 1

Definition at line 133 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by GetCtorAndDtorPriority().

◆ kAsanEmscriptenCtorAndDtorPriority

const uint64_t kAsanEmscriptenCtorAndDtorPriority = 50

Definition at line 135 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by GetCtorAndDtorPriority().

◆ kAsanGenPrefix

const char kAsanGenPrefix[] = "___asan_gen_"

Definition at line 156 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler().

◆ kAsanGlobalsRegisteredFlagName

const char kAsanGlobalsRegisteredFlagName[] = "___asan_globals_registered"

Definition at line 165 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanHandleNoReturnName

const char kAsanHandleNoReturnName[] = "__asan_handle_no_return"

Definition at line 150 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanInitName

const char kAsanInitName[] = "__asan_init"

Definition at line 146 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanModuleCtorName

const char kAsanModuleCtorName[] = "asan.module_ctor"

Definition at line 131 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanModuleDtorName

const char kAsanModuleDtorName[] = "asan.module_dtor"

Definition at line 132 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanOptionDetectUseAfterReturn

const char kAsanOptionDetectUseAfterReturn[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 167 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanPoisonGlobalsName

const char kAsanPoisonGlobalsName[] = "__asan_before_dynamic_init"

Definition at line 144 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanPoisonStackMemoryName

const char kAsanPoisonStackMemoryName[] = "__asan_poison_stack_memory"

Definition at line 160 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanPtrCmp

const char kAsanPtrCmp[] = "__sanitizer_ptr_cmp"

Definition at line 148 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanPtrSub

const char kAsanPtrSub[] = "__sanitizer_ptr_sub"

Definition at line 149 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanRegisterElfGlobalsName

const char kAsanRegisterElfGlobalsName[] = "__asan_register_elf_globals"

Definition at line 142 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanRegisterGlobalsName

const char kAsanRegisterGlobalsName[] = "__asan_register_globals"

Definition at line 137 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanRegisterImageGlobalsName

const char kAsanRegisterImageGlobalsName[] = "__asan_register_image_globals"

Definition at line 139 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanReportErrorTemplate

const char kAsanReportErrorTemplate[] = "__asan_report_"

Definition at line 136 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanSetShadowPrefix

const char kAsanSetShadowPrefix[] = "__asan_set_shadow_"

Definition at line 159 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanShadowMemoryDynamicAddress

const char kAsanShadowMemoryDynamicAddress[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 170 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanStackFreeNameTemplate

const char kAsanStackFreeNameTemplate[] = "__asan_stack_free_"

Definition at line 155 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanStackMallocAlwaysNameTemplate

const char kAsanStackMallocAlwaysNameTemplate[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 153 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanStackMallocNameTemplate

const char kAsanStackMallocNameTemplate[] = "__asan_stack_malloc_"

Definition at line 152 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanUnpoisonGlobalsName

const char kAsanUnpoisonGlobalsName[] = "__asan_after_dynamic_init"

Definition at line 145 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanUnpoisonStackMemoryName

const char kAsanUnpoisonStackMemoryName[] = "__asan_unpoison_stack_memory"

Definition at line 161 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanUnregisterElfGlobalsName

const char kAsanUnregisterElfGlobalsName[] = "__asan_unregister_elf_globals"

Definition at line 143 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanUnregisterGlobalsName

const char kAsanUnregisterGlobalsName[] = "__asan_unregister_globals"

Definition at line 138 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanUnregisterImageGlobalsName

const char kAsanUnregisterImageGlobalsName[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 140 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kAsanVersionCheckNamePrefix

const char kAsanVersionCheckNamePrefix[] = "__asan_version_mismatch_check_v"

Definition at line 147 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kCompileKernelMask

constexpr size_t kCompileKernelMask = 0x1

Definition at line 188 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kCompileKernelShift

constexpr size_t kCompileKernelShift = 0

Definition at line 187 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kCurrentStackFrameMagic

const uintptr_t kCurrentStackFrameMagic = 0x41B58AB3

Definition at line 128 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kDefaultShadowOffset32

const uint64_t kDefaultShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 29

Definition at line 97 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kDefaultShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kDefaultShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 44

Definition at line 98 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kDefaultShadowScale

const uint64_t kDefaultShadowScale = 3

Definition at line 96 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kDynamicShadowSentinel

const uint64_t kDynamicShadowSentinel
Initial value:

Definition at line 99 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kEmscriptenShadowOffset

const uint64_t kEmscriptenShadowOffset = 0

Definition at line 121 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset32

const uint64_t kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 30

Definition at line 112 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kFreeBSD_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46

Definition at line 113 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kFreeBSDAArch64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kFreeBSDAArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 47

Definition at line 114 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kFreeBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kFreeBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdffff7c000000000

Definition at line 115 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kIsWriteMask

constexpr size_t kIsWriteMask = 0x1

Definition at line 192 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kIsWriteShift

constexpr size_t kIsWriteShift = 5

Definition at line 191 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kLinuxKasan_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kLinuxKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdffffc0000000000

Definition at line 103 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kLoongArch64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kLoongArch64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46

Definition at line 110 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kMaxAsanStackMallocSizeClass

const int kMaxAsanStackMallocSizeClass = 10

Definition at line 151 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kMaxStackMallocSize

const size_t kMaxStackMallocSize = 1 << 16

Definition at line 127 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by StackMallocSizeClass().

◆ kMinStackMallocSize

const size_t kMinStackMallocSize = 1 << 6

Definition at line 126 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by StackMallocSizeClass().

◆ kMIPS32_ShadowOffset32

const uint64_t kMIPS32_ShadowOffset32 = 0x0aaa0000

Definition at line 107 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kMIPS64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kMIPS64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 37

Definition at line 108 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kMIPS_ShadowOffsetN32

const uint64_t kMIPS_ShadowOffsetN32 = 1ULL << 29

Definition at line 106 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kNetBSD_ShadowOffset32

const uint64_t kNetBSD_ShadowOffset32 = 1ULL << 30

Definition at line 116 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kNetBSD_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kNetBSD_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 46

Definition at line 117 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kNetBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kNetBSDKasan_ShadowOffset64 = 0xdfff900000000000

Definition at line 118 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kNumberOfAccessSizes

const size_t kNumberOfAccessSizes = 5

Definition at line 182 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by TypeSizeToSizeIndex(), and TypeStoreSizeToSizeIndex().

◆ kODRGenPrefix

const char kODRGenPrefix[] = "__odr_asan_gen_"

Definition at line 157 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler().

◆ kPPC64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kPPC64_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 44

Definition at line 104 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kPS_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kPS_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 40

Definition at line 119 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kRetiredStackFrameMagic

const uintptr_t kRetiredStackFrameMagic = 0x45E0360E

Definition at line 129 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

◆ kRISCV64_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kRISCV64_ShadowOffset64 = kDynamicShadowSentinel

Definition at line 111 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kSanCovGenPrefix

const char kSanCovGenPrefix[] = "__sancov_gen_"

Definition at line 158 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by GlobalWasGeneratedByCompiler().

◆ kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetAlignMask

const uint64_t kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetAlignMask = ~0xFFFULL

Definition at line 102 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetBase

const uint64_t kSmallX86_64ShadowOffsetBase = 0x7FFFFFFF

Definition at line 101 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kSystemZ_ShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kSystemZ_ShadowOffset64 = 1ULL << 52

Definition at line 105 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kWindowsShadowOffset32

const uint64_t kWindowsShadowOffset32 = 3ULL << 28

Definition at line 120 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().

◆ kWindowsShadowOffset64

const uint64_t kWindowsShadowOffset64 = kDynamicShadowSentinel

Definition at line 124 of file AddressSanitizer.cpp.

Referenced by getShadowMapping().