class | llvm::CoroSubFnInst |
| This class represents the llvm.coro.subfn.addr instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAllocInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.alloc instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAwaitSuspendInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.await.suspend.{void,bool,handle} instructions. More...
class | llvm::AnyCoroIdInst |
| This represents a common base class for llvm.coro.id instructions. More...
class | llvm::CoroIdInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.id instruction. More...
struct | llvm::CoroIdInst::Info |
class | llvm::AnyCoroIdRetconInst |
| This represents either the llvm.coro.id.retcon or llvm.coro.id.retcon.once instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroIdRetconInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.id.retcon instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroIdRetconOnceInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.id.retcon.once instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroIdAsyncInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.id.async instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAsyncContextAllocInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.context.alloc instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAsyncContextDeallocInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.context.dealloc instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAsyncResumeInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.async.resume instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAsyncSizeReplace |
| This represents the llvm.coro.async.size.replace instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroFrameInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.frame instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroFreeInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.free instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroBeginInst |
| This class represents the llvm.coro.begin or llvm.coro.begin.custom.abi instructions. More...
class | llvm::CoroSaveInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.save instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroPromiseInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.promise instruction. More...
class | llvm::AnyCoroSuspendInst |
class | llvm::CoroSuspendInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.suspend instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroSuspendAsyncInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.suspend.async instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroSuspendRetconInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.suspend.retcon instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroSizeInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.size instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAlignInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.align instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroEndResults |
| This represents the llvm.end.results instruction. More...
class | llvm::AnyCoroEndInst |
class | llvm::CoroEndInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.end instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAsyncEndInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.end instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAllocaAllocInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.alloca.alloc instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAllocaGetInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.alloca.get instruction. More...
class | llvm::CoroAllocaFreeInst |
| This represents the llvm.coro.alloca.free instruction. More...