LLVM 19.0.0git
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llvm::AAIsDead Struct Referenceabstract

An abstract interface for liveness abstract attribute. More...

#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/Attributor.h"

Inheritance diagram for llvm::AAIsDead:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

 State encoding bits. A set bit in the state means the property holds. More...
using Base = StateWrapper< BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >, AbstractAttribute >
- Public Types inherited from llvm::StateWrapper< BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >, AbstractAttribute >
using StateType = BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >
 Provide static access to the type of the state.
- Public Types inherited from llvm::AbstractAttribute
using StateType = AbstractState
- Public Types inherited from llvm::IRPosition
enum  Kind : char {
 The positions we distinguish in the IR. More...
using CallBaseContext = CallBase
- Public Types inherited from llvm::AADepGraphNode
using DepTy = PointerIntPair< AADepGraphNode *, 1 >
using DepSetTy = SmallSetVector< DepTy, 2 >
using iterator = mapped_iterator< DepSetTy::iterator, decltype(&DepGetVal)>
using aaiterator = mapped_iterator< DepSetTy::iterator, decltype(&DepGetValAA)>
- Public Types inherited from llvm::BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >
using super = IntegerStateBase< uint8_t, BestState, WorstState >
using base_t = uint8_t
- Public Types inherited from llvm::IntegerStateBase< base_ty, BestState, WorstState >
using base_t = base_ty

Public Member Functions

 AAIsDead (const IRPosition &IRP, Attributor &A)
virtual bool isAssumedDead (const BasicBlock *BB) const =0
 Returns true if BB is assumed dead.
virtual bool isEdgeDead (const BasicBlock *From, const BasicBlock *To) const
 Return if the edge from From BB to To BB is assumed dead.
const std::string getName () const override
 See AbstractAttribute::getName()
const chargetIdAddr () const override
 See AbstractAttribute::getIdAddr()
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::StateWrapper< BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >, AbstractAttribute >
 StateWrapper (const IRPosition &IRP, Ts... Args)
StateTypegetState () override
 See AbstractAttribute::getState(...).
const StateTypegetState () const override
 See AbstractAttribute::getState(...).
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::AbstractAttribute
 AbstractAttribute (const IRPosition &IRP)
virtual ~AbstractAttribute ()=default
 Virtual destructor.
virtual void initialize (Attributor &A)
 Initialize the state with the information in the Attributor A.
virtual bool isQueryAA () const
 A query AA is always scheduled as long as we do updates because it does lazy computation that cannot be determined to be done from the outside.
virtual StateTypegetState ()=0
 Return the internal abstract state for inspection.
virtual const StateTypegetState () const =0
const IRPositiongetIRPosition () const
 Return an IR position, see struct IRPosition.
IRPositiongetIRPosition ()
void print (raw_ostream &OS) const
 Helper functions, for debug purposes only.
void print (Attributor *, raw_ostream &OS) const override
virtual void printWithDeps (raw_ostream &OS) const
void dump () const
virtual const std::string getAsStr (Attributor *A) const =0
 This function should return the "summarized" assumed state as string.
virtual const std::string getName () const =0
 This function should return the name of the AbstractAttribute.
virtual const chargetIdAddr () const =0
 This function should return the address of the ID of the AbstractAttribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::IRPosition
 IRPosition ()
 Default constructor available to create invalid positions implicitly.
bool operator== (const IRPosition &RHS) const
bool operator!= (const IRPosition &RHS) const
ValuegetAnchorValue () const
 Return the value this abstract attribute is anchored with.
FunctiongetAssociatedFunction () const
 Return the associated function, if any.
ArgumentgetAssociatedArgument () const
 Return the associated argument, if any.
bool isFnInterfaceKind () const
 Return true if the position refers to a function interface, that is the function scope, the function return, or an argument.
bool isFunctionScope () const
 Return true if this is a function or call site position.
FunctiongetAnchorScope () const
 Return the Function surrounding the anchor value.
InstructiongetCtxI () const
 Return the context instruction, if any.
ValuegetAssociatedValue () const
 Return the value this abstract attribute is associated with.
TypegetAssociatedType () const
 Return the type this abstract attribute is associated with.
int getCalleeArgNo () const
 Return the callee argument number of the associated value if it is an argument or call site argument, otherwise a negative value.
int getCallSiteArgNo () const
 Return the call site argument number of the associated value if it is an argument or call site argument, otherwise a negative value.
unsigned getAttrIdx () const
 Return the index in the attribute list for this position.
ValuegetAttrListAnchor () const
 Return the value attributes are attached to.
AttributeList getAttrList () const
 Return the attributes associated with this function or call site scope.
void setAttrList (const AttributeList &AttrList) const
 Update the attributes associated with this function or call site scope.
unsigned getNumArgs () const
 Return the number of arguments associated with this function or call site scope.
ValuegetArg (unsigned ArgNo) const
 Return theargument ArgNo associated with this function or call site scope.
Kind getPositionKind () const
 Return the associated position kind.
bool isAnyCallSitePosition () const
bool isArgumentPosition () const
 Return true if the position is an argument or call site argument.
IRPosition stripCallBaseContext () const
 Return the same position without the call base context.
const CallBaseContextgetCallBaseContext () const
 Get the call base context from the position.
bool hasCallBaseContext () const
 Check if the position has any call base context.
 operator void * () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::AADepGraphNode
virtual ~AADepGraphNode ()=default
aaiterator begin ()
aaiterator end ()
iterator child_begin ()
iterator child_end ()
void print (raw_ostream &OS) const
virtual void print (Attributor *, raw_ostream &OS) const
DepSetTygetDeps ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::BitIntegerState< uint8_t, 3, 0 >
 BitIntegerState ()=default
 BitIntegerState (base_t Assumed)
bool isKnown (base_t BitsEncoding=BestState) const
 Return true if the bits set in BitsEncoding are "known bits".
bool isAssumed (base_t BitsEncoding=BestState) const
 Return true if the bits set in BitsEncoding are "assumed bits".
BitIntegerStateaddKnownBits (base_t Bits)
 Add the bits in BitsEncoding to the "known bits".
BitIntegerStateremoveAssumedBits (base_t BitsEncoding)
 Remove the bits in BitsEncoding from the "assumed bits" if not known.
BitIntegerStateremoveKnownBits (base_t BitsEncoding)
 Remove the bits in BitsEncoding from the "known bits".
BitIntegerStateintersectAssumedBits (base_t BitsEncoding)
 Keep only "assumed bits" also set in BitsEncoding but all known ones.
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::IntegerStateBase< base_ty, BestState, WorstState >
 IntegerStateBase ()=default
 IntegerStateBase (base_t Assumed)
bool isValidState () const override
 See AbstractState::isValidState() NOTE: For now we simply pretend that the worst possible state is invalid.
bool isAtFixpoint () const override
 See AbstractState::isAtFixpoint()
ChangeStatus indicateOptimisticFixpoint () override
 See AbstractState::indicateOptimisticFixpoint(...)
ChangeStatus indicatePessimisticFixpoint () override
 See AbstractState::indicatePessimisticFixpoint(...)
base_t getKnown () const
 Return the known state encoding.
base_t getAssumed () const
 Return the assumed state encoding.
bool operator== (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R) const
 Equality for IntegerStateBase.
bool operator!= (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R) const
 Inequality for IntegerStateBase.
void operator^= (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R)
 "Clamp" this state with R.
void operator+= (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R)
 "Clamp" this state with R.
void operator|= (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R)
void operator&= (const IntegerStateBase< base_t, BestState, WorstState > &R)
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::AbstractState
virtual ~AbstractState ()=default
virtual bool isValidState () const =0
 Return if this abstract state is in a valid state.
virtual bool isAtFixpoint () const =0
 Return if this abstract state is fixed, thus does not need to be updated if information changes as it cannot change itself.
virtual ChangeStatus indicateOptimisticFixpoint ()=0
 Indicate that the abstract state should converge to the optimistic state.
virtual ChangeStatus indicatePessimisticFixpoint ()=0
 Indicate that the abstract state should converge to the pessimistic state.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isValidIRPositionForInit (Attributor &A, const IRPosition &IRP)
 See AbstractAttribute::isValidIRPositionForInit.
static AAIsDeadcreateForPosition (const IRPosition &IRP, Attributor &A)
 Create an abstract attribute view for the position IRP.
static bool mayCatchAsynchronousExceptions (const Function &F)
 Determine if F might catch asynchronous exceptions.
static bool classof (const AbstractAttribute *AA)
 This function should return true if the type of the AA is AAIsDead.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::AbstractAttribute
static bool classof (const AADepGraphNode *DGN)
 This function is used to identify if an DGN is of type AbstractAttribute so that the dyn_cast and cast can use such information to cast an AADepGraphNode to an AbstractAttribute.
static bool hasTrivialInitializer ()
 Return false if this AA does anything non-trivial (hence not done by default) in its initializer.
static bool requiresCalleeForCallBase ()
 Return true if this AA requires a "callee" (or an associted function) for a call site positon.
static bool requiresNonAsmForCallBase ()
 Return true if this AA requires non-asm "callee" for a call site positon.
static bool requiresCallersForArgOrFunction ()
 Return true if this AA requires all callees for an argument or function positon.
static bool isValidIRPositionForInit (Attributor &A, const IRPosition &IRP)
 Return false if an AA should not be created for IRP.
static bool isValidIRPositionForUpdate (Attributor &A, const IRPosition &IRP)
 Return false if an AA should not be updated for IRP.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::IRPosition
static const IRPosition value (const Value &V, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position describing the value of V.
static const IRPosition inst (const Instruction &I, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position describing the instruction I.
static const IRPosition function (const Function &F, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position describing the function scope of F.
static const IRPosition returned (const Function &F, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position describing the returned value of F.
static const IRPosition argument (const Argument &Arg, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position describing the argument Arg.
static const IRPosition callsite_function (const CallBase &CB)
 Create a position describing the function scope of CB.
static const IRPosition callsite_returned (const CallBase &CB)
 Create a position describing the returned value of CB.
static const IRPosition callsite_argument (const CallBase &CB, unsigned ArgNo)
 Create a position describing the argument of CB at position ArgNo.
static const IRPosition callsite_argument (AbstractCallSite ACS, unsigned ArgNo)
 Create a position describing the argument of ACS at position ArgNo.
static const IRPosition function_scope (const IRPosition &IRP, const CallBaseContext *CBContext=nullptr)
 Create a position with function scope matching the "context" of IRP.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::IntegerStateBase< base_ty, BestState, WorstState >
static constexpr base_t getBestState ()
 Return the best possible representable state.
static constexpr base_t getBestState (const IntegerStateBase &)
static constexpr base_t getWorstState ()
 Return the worst possible representable state.
static constexpr base_t getWorstState (const IntegerStateBase &)

Static Public Attributes

static const char ID = 0
 Unique ID (due to the unique address)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from llvm::AbstractAttribute
static constexpr Attribute::AttrKind IRAttributeKind = Attribute::None
 Compile time access to the IR attribute kind.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from llvm::IRPosition
static const IRPosition EmptyKey
 Special DenseMap key values.
static const IRPosition TombstoneKey

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool isAssumedDead () const =0
 The query functions are protected such that other attributes need to go through the Attributor interfaces: Attributor::isAssumedDead(...)
virtual bool isKnownDead () const =0
 Returns true if the underlying value is known dead.
virtual bool isKnownDead (const BasicBlock *BB) const =0
 Returns true if BB is known dead.
virtual bool isAssumedDead (const Instruction *I) const =0
 Returns true if I is assumed dead.
virtual bool isKnownDead (const Instruction *I) const =0
 Returns true if I is known dead.
virtual bool isRemovableStore () const
 Return true if the underlying value is a store that is known to be removable.
template<typename T >
bool isLiveInstSet (T begin, T end) const
 This method is used to check if at least one instruction in a collection of instructions is live.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::AbstractAttribute
ChangeStatus update (Attributor &A)
 Hook for the Attributor to trigger an update of the internal state.
virtual ChangeStatus manifest (Attributor &A)
 Hook for the Attributor to trigger the manifestation of the information represented by the abstract attribute in the LLVM-IR.
virtual void trackStatistics () const =0
 Hook to enable custom statistic tracking, called after manifest that resulted in a change if statistics are enabled.
virtual ChangeStatus updateImpl (Attributor &A)=0
 The actual update/transfer function which has to be implemented by the derived classes.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::AADepGraphNode
 operator AbstractAttribute * ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::IntegerStateBase< base_ty, BestState, WorstState >
virtual void handleNewAssumedValue (base_t Value)=0
 Handle a new assumed value Value. Subtype dependent.
virtual void handleNewKnownValue (base_t Value)=0
 Handle a new known value Value. Subtype dependent.
virtual void joinOR (base_t AssumedValue, base_t KnownValue)=0
 Handle a value Value. Subtype dependent.
virtual void joinAND (base_t AssumedValue, base_t KnownValue)=0
 Handle a new assumed value Value. Subtype dependent.


struct Attributor

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::AADepGraphNode
static AADepGraphNodeDepGetVal (const DepTy &DT)
static AbstractAttributeDepGetValAA (const DepTy &DT)
- Protected Attributes inherited from llvm::AADepGraphNode
DepSetTy Deps
 Set of dependency graph nodes which should be updated if this one is updated.
- Protected Attributes inherited from llvm::IntegerStateBase< base_ty, BestState, WorstState >
base_t Known = getWorstState()
 The known state encoding in an integer of type base_t.
base_t Assumed = getBestState()
 The assumed state encoding in an integer of type base_t.

Detailed Description

An abstract interface for liveness abstract attribute.

Definition at line 3974 of file Attributor.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Base

Definition at line 3976 of file Attributor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

State encoding bits. A set bit in the state means the property holds.


Definition at line 3988 of file Attributor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AAIsDead()

llvm::AAIsDead::AAIsDead ( const IRPosition IRP,
Attributor A 

Definition at line 3977 of file Attributor.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ classof()

static bool llvm::AAIsDead::classof ( const AbstractAttribute AA)

This function should return true if the type of the AA is AAIsDead.

Definition at line 4060 of file Attributor.h.

References llvm::AbstractAttribute::getIdAddr().

◆ createForPosition()

static AAIsDead & llvm::AAIsDead::createForPosition ( const IRPosition IRP,
Attributor A 

Create an abstract attribute view for the position IRP.

◆ getIdAddr()

const char * llvm::AAIsDead::getIdAddr ( ) const

See AbstractAttribute::getIdAddr()

Implements llvm::AbstractAttribute.

Definition at line 4057 of file Attributor.h.

References ID.

◆ getName()

const std::string llvm::AAIsDead::getName ( ) const

See AbstractAttribute::getName()

Implements llvm::AbstractAttribute.

Definition at line 4054 of file Attributor.h.

◆ isAssumedDead() [1/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isAssumedDead ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

The query functions are protected such that other attributes need to go through the Attributor interfaces: Attributor::isAssumedDead(...)

Returns true if the underlying value is assumed dead.

Referenced by llvm::Attributor::isAssumedDead(), and isLiveInstSet().

◆ isAssumedDead() [2/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isAssumedDead ( const BasicBlock BB) const
pure virtual

Returns true if BB is assumed dead.

◆ isAssumedDead() [3/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isAssumedDead ( const Instruction I) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns true if I is assumed dead.

◆ isEdgeDead()

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isEdgeDead ( const BasicBlock From,
const BasicBlock To 
) const

Return if the edge from From BB to To BB is assumed dead.

This is specifically useful in AAReachability.

Definition at line 4049 of file Attributor.h.

◆ isKnownDead() [1/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isKnownDead ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns true if the underlying value is known dead.

Referenced by llvm::Attributor::isAssumedDead().

◆ isKnownDead() [2/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isKnownDead ( const BasicBlock BB) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns true if BB is known dead.

◆ isKnownDead() [3/3]

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isKnownDead ( const Instruction I) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns true if I is known dead.

◆ isLiveInstSet()

template<typename T >
bool llvm::AAIsDead::isLiveInstSet ( T  begin,
T  end 
) const

This method is used to check if at least one instruction in a collection of instructions is live.

Definition at line 4023 of file Attributor.h.

References assert(), llvm::AADepGraphNode::begin(), llvm::AADepGraphNode::end(), llvm::IRPosition::getAssociatedFunction(), llvm::AbstractAttribute::getIRPosition(), I, isAssumedDead(), and llvm::make_range().

◆ isRemovableStore()

virtual bool llvm::AAIsDead::isRemovableStore ( ) const

Return true if the underlying value is a store that is known to be removable.

This is different from dead stores as the removable store can have an effect on live values, especially loads, but that effect is propagated which allows us to remove the store in turn.

Definition at line 4019 of file Attributor.h.

Referenced by llvm::Attributor::isAssumedDead().

◆ isValidIRPositionForInit()

static bool llvm::AAIsDead::isValidIRPositionForInit ( Attributor A,
const IRPosition IRP 

◆ mayCatchAsynchronousExceptions()

static bool llvm::AAIsDead::mayCatchAsynchronousExceptions ( const Function F)

Determine if F might catch asynchronous exceptions.

Definition at line 4040 of file Attributor.h.

References llvm::canSimplifyInvokeNoUnwind(), and F.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Attributor

friend struct Attributor

Definition at line 4067 of file Attributor.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ID

const char AAIsDead::ID = 0

Unique ID (due to the unique address)

Definition at line 4065 of file Attributor.h.

Referenced by getIdAddr().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: