LLVM 19.0.0git
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1//===-- AMDGPULowerModuleLDSPass.cpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*-=//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This pass eliminates local data store, LDS, uses from non-kernel functions.
10// LDS is contiguous memory allocated per kernel execution.
12// Background.
14// The programming model is global variables, or equivalently function local
15// static variables, accessible from kernels or other functions. For uses from
16// kernels this is straightforward - assign an integer to the kernel for the
17// memory required by all the variables combined, allocate them within that.
18// For uses from functions there are performance tradeoffs to choose between.
20// This model means the GPU runtime can specify the amount of memory allocated.
21// If this is more than the kernel assumed, the excess can be made available
22// using a language specific feature, which IR represents as a variable with
23// no initializer. This feature is referred to here as "Dynamic LDS" and is
24// lowered slightly differently to the normal case.
26// Consequences of this GPU feature:
27// - memory is limited and exceeding it halts compilation
28// - a global accessed by one kernel exists independent of other kernels
29// - a global exists independent of simultaneous execution of the same kernel
30// - the address of the global may be different from different kernels as they
31// do not alias, which permits only allocating variables they use
32// - if the address is allowed to differ, functions need help to find it
34// Uses from kernels are implemented here by grouping them in a per-kernel
35// struct instance. This duplicates the variables, accurately modelling their
36// aliasing properties relative to a single global representation. It also
37// permits control over alignment via padding.
39// Uses from functions are more complicated and the primary purpose of this
40// IR pass. Several different lowering are chosen between to meet requirements
41// to avoid allocating any LDS where it is not necessary, as that impacts
42// occupancy and may fail the compilation, while not imposing overhead on a
43// feature whose primary advantage over global memory is performance. The basic
44// design goal is to avoid one kernel imposing overhead on another.
46// Implementation.
48// LDS variables with constant annotation or non-undef initializer are passed
49// through unchanged for simplification or error diagnostics in later passes.
50// Non-undef initializers are not yet implemented for LDS.
52// LDS variables that are always allocated at the same address can be found
53// by lookup at that address. Otherwise runtime information/cost is required.
55// The simplest strategy possible is to group all LDS variables in a single
56// struct and allocate that struct in every kernel such that the original
57// variables are always at the same address. LDS is however a limited resource
58// so this strategy is unusable in practice. It is not implemented here.
60// Strategy | Precise allocation | Zero runtime cost | General purpose |
61// --------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------+
62// Module | No | Yes | Yes |
63// Table | Yes | No | Yes |
64// Kernel | Yes | Yes | No |
65// Hybrid | Yes | Partial | Yes |
67// "Module" spends LDS memory to save cycles. "Table" spends cycles and global
68// memory to save LDS. "Kernel" is as fast as kernel allocation but only works
69// for variables that are known reachable from a single kernel. "Hybrid" picks
70// between all three. When forced to choose between LDS and cycles we minimise
71// LDS use.
73// The "module" lowering implemented here finds LDS variables which are used by
74// non-kernel functions and creates a new struct with a field for each of those
75// LDS variables. Variables that are only used from kernels are excluded.
77// The "table" lowering implemented here has three components.
78// First kernels are assigned a unique integer identifier which is available in
79// functions it calls through the intrinsic amdgcn_lds_kernel_id. The integer
80// is passed through a specific SGPR, thus works with indirect calls.
81// Second, each kernel allocates LDS variables independent of other kernels and
82// writes the addresses it chose for each variable into an array in consistent
83// order. If the kernel does not allocate a given variable, it writes undef to
84// the corresponding array location. These arrays are written to a constant
85// table in the order matching the kernel unique integer identifier.
86// Third, uses from non-kernel functions are replaced with a table lookup using
87// the intrinsic function to find the address of the variable.
89// "Kernel" lowering is only applicable for variables that are unambiguously
90// reachable from exactly one kernel. For those cases, accesses to the variable
91// can be lowered to ConstantExpr address of a struct instance specific to that
92// one kernel. This is zero cost in space and in compute. It will raise a fatal
93// error on any variable that might be reachable from multiple kernels and is
94// thus most easily used as part of the hybrid lowering strategy.
96// Hybrid lowering is a mixture of the above. It uses the zero cost kernel
97// lowering where it can. It lowers the variable accessed by the greatest
98// number of kernels using the module strategy as that is free for the first
99// variable. Any futher variables that can be lowered with the module strategy
100// without incurring LDS memory overhead are. The remaining ones are lowered
101// via table.
103// Consequences
104// - No heuristics or user controlled magic numbers, hybrid is the right choice
105// - Kernels that don't use functions (or have had them all inlined) are not
106// affected by any lowering for kernels that do.
107// - Kernels that don't make indirect function calls are not affected by those
108// that do.
109// - Variables which are used by lots of kernels, e.g. those injected by a
110// language runtime in most kernels, are expected to have no overhead
111// - Implementations that instantiate templates per-kernel where those templates
112// use LDS are expected to hit the "Kernel" lowering strategy
113// - The runtime properties impose a cost in compiler implementation complexity
115// Dynamic LDS implementation
116// Dynamic LDS is lowered similarly to the "table" strategy above and uses the
117// same intrinsic to identify which kernel is at the root of the dynamic call
118// graph. This relies on the specified behaviour that all dynamic LDS variables
119// alias one another, i.e. are at the same address, with respect to a given
120// kernel. Therefore this pass creates new dynamic LDS variables for each kernel
121// that allocates any dynamic LDS and builds a table of addresses out of those.
122// The AMDGPUPromoteAlloca pass skips kernels that use dynamic LDS.
123// The corresponding optimisation for "kernel" lowering where the table lookup
124// is elided is not implemented.
127// Implementation notes / limitations
128// A single LDS global variable represents an instance per kernel that can reach
129// said variables. This pass essentially specialises said variables per kernel.
130// Handling ConstantExpr during the pass complicated this significantly so now
131// all ConstantExpr uses of LDS variables are expanded to instructions. This
132// may need amending when implementing non-undef initialisers.
134// Lowering is split between this IR pass and the back end. This pass chooses
135// where given variables should be allocated and marks them with metadata,
136// MD_absolute_symbol. The backend places the variables in coincidentally the
137// same location and raises a fatal error if something has gone awry. This works
138// in practice because the only pass between this one and the backend that
139// changes LDS is PromoteAlloca and the changes it makes do not conflict.
141// Addresses are written to constant global arrays based on the same metadata.
143// The backend lowers LDS variables in the order of traversal of the function.
144// This is at odds with the deterministic layout required. The workaround is to
145// allocate the fixed-address variables immediately upon starting the function
146// where they can be placed as intended. This requires a means of mapping from
147// the function to the variables that it allocates. For the module scope lds,
148// this is via metadata indicating whether the variable is not required. If a
149// pass deletes that metadata, a fatal error on disagreement with the absolute
150// symbol metadata will occur. For kernel scope and dynamic, this is by _name_
151// correspondence between the function and the variable. It requires the
152// kernel to have a name (which is only a limitation for tests in practice) and
153// for nothing to rename the corresponding symbols. This is a hazard if the pass
154// is run multiple times during debugging. Alternative schemes considered all
155// involve bespoke metadata.
157// If the name correspondence can be replaced, multiple distinct kernels that
158// have the same memory layout can map to the same kernel id (as the address
159// itself is handled by the absolute symbol metadata) and that will allow more
160// uses of the "kernel" style faster lowering and reduce the size of the lookup
161// tables.
163// There is a test that checks this does not fire for a graphics shader. This
164// lowering is expected to work for graphics if the isKernel test is changed.
166// The current markUsedByKernel is sufficient for PromoteAlloca but is elided
167// before codegen. Replacing this with an equivalent intrinsic which lasts until
168// shortly after the machine function lowering of LDS would help break the name
169// mapping. The other part needed is probably to amend PromoteAlloca to embed
170// the LDS variables it creates in the same struct created here. That avoids the
171// current hazard where a PromoteAlloca LDS variable might be allocated before
172// the kernel scope (and thus error on the address check). Given a new invariant
173// that no LDS variables exist outside of the structs managed here, and an
174// intrinsic that lasts until after the LDS frame lowering, it should be
175// possible to drop the name mapping and fold equivalent memory layouts.
179#include "AMDGPU.h"
180#include "AMDGPUTargetMachine.h"
181#include "Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h"
183#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
184#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
185#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
186#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
190#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
191#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
192#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
193#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
194#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
195#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicsAMDGPU.h"
196#include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
199#include "llvm/Pass.h"
201#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
202#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
208#include <vector>
210#include <cstdio>
212#define DEBUG_TYPE "amdgpu-lower-module-lds"
214using namespace llvm;
215using namespace AMDGPU;
217namespace {
219cl::opt<bool> SuperAlignLDSGlobals(
220 "amdgpu-super-align-lds-globals",
221 cl::desc("Increase alignment of LDS if it is not on align boundary"),
222 cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
224enum class LoweringKind { module, table, kernel, hybrid };
225cl::opt<LoweringKind> LoweringKindLoc(
226 "amdgpu-lower-module-lds-strategy",
227 cl::desc("Specify lowering strategy for function LDS access:"), cl::Hidden,
228 cl::init(LoweringKind::hybrid),
230 clEnumValN(LoweringKind::table, "table", "Lower via table lookup"),
231 clEnumValN(LoweringKind::module, "module", "Lower via module struct"),
233 LoweringKind::kernel, "kernel",
234 "Lower variables reachable from one kernel, otherwise abort"),
235 clEnumValN(LoweringKind::hybrid, "hybrid",
236 "Lower via mixture of above strategies")));
238template <typename T> std::vector<T> sortByName(std::vector<T> &&V) {
239 llvm::sort(V.begin(), V.end(), [](const auto *L, const auto *R) {
240 return L->getName() < R->getName();
241 });
242 return {std::move(V)};
245class AMDGPULowerModuleLDS {
246 const AMDGPUTargetMachine &TM;
248 static void
249 removeLocalVarsFromUsedLists(Module &M,
250 const DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> &LocalVars) {
251 // The verifier rejects used lists containing an inttoptr of a constant
252 // so remove the variables from these lists before replaceAllUsesWith
253 SmallPtrSet<Constant *, 8> LocalVarsSet;
254 for (GlobalVariable *LocalVar : LocalVars)
255 LocalVarsSet.insert(cast<Constant>(LocalVar->stripPointerCasts()));
258 M, [&LocalVarsSet](Constant *C) { return LocalVarsSet.count(C); });
260 for (GlobalVariable *LocalVar : LocalVars)
261 LocalVar->removeDeadConstantUsers();
262 }
264 static void markUsedByKernel(Function *Func, GlobalVariable *SGV) {
265 // The llvm.amdgcn.module.lds instance is implicitly used by all kernels
266 // that might call a function which accesses a field within it. This is
267 // presently approximated to 'all kernels' if there are any such functions
268 // in the module. This implicit use is redefined as an explicit use here so
269 // that later passes, specifically PromoteAlloca, account for the required
270 // memory without any knowledge of this transform.
272 // An operand bundle on llvm.donothing works because the call instruction
273 // survives until after the last pass that needs to account for LDS. It is
274 // better than inline asm as the latter survives until the end of codegen. A
275 // totally robust solution would be a function with the same semantics as
276 // llvm.donothing that takes a pointer to the instance and is lowered to a
277 // no-op after LDS is allocated, but that is not presently necessary.
279 // This intrinsic is eliminated shortly before instruction selection. It
280 // does not suffice to indicate to ISel that a given global which is not
281 // immediately used by the kernel must still be allocated by it. An
282 // equivalent target specific intrinsic which lasts until immediately after
283 // codegen would suffice for that, but one would still need to ensure that
284 // the variables are allocated in the anticipated order.
285 BasicBlock *Entry = &Func->getEntryBlock();
286 IRBuilder<> Builder(Entry, Entry->getFirstNonPHIIt());
288 Function *Decl =
289 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(Func->getParent(), Intrinsic::donothing, {});
291 Value *UseInstance[1] = {
292 Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(SGV->getValueType(), SGV, 0)};
294 Builder.CreateCall(
295 Decl, {}, {OperandBundleDefT<Value *>("ExplicitUse", UseInstance)});
296 }
299 AMDGPULowerModuleLDS(const AMDGPUTargetMachine &TM_) : TM(TM_) {}
301 struct LDSVariableReplacement {
302 GlobalVariable *SGV = nullptr;
303 DenseMap<GlobalVariable *, Constant *> LDSVarsToConstantGEP;
304 };
306 // remap from lds global to a constantexpr gep to where it has been moved to
307 // for each kernel
308 // an array with an element for each kernel containing where the corresponding
309 // variable was remapped to
311 static Constant *getAddressesOfVariablesInKernel(
313 const DenseMap<GlobalVariable *, Constant *> &LDSVarsToConstantGEP) {
314 // Create a ConstantArray containing the address of each Variable within the
315 // kernel corresponding to LDSVarsToConstantGEP, or poison if that kernel
316 // does not allocate it
317 // TODO: Drop the ptrtoint conversion
319 Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
321 ArrayType *KernelOffsetsType = ArrayType::get(I32, Variables.size());
324 for (GlobalVariable *GV : Variables) {
325 auto ConstantGepIt = LDSVarsToConstantGEP.find(GV);
326 if (ConstantGepIt != LDSVarsToConstantGEP.end()) {
327 auto elt = ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(ConstantGepIt->second, I32);
328 Elements.push_back(elt);
329 } else {
330 Elements.push_back(PoisonValue::get(I32));
331 }
332 }
333 return ConstantArray::get(KernelOffsetsType, Elements);
334 }
336 static GlobalVariable *buildLookupTable(
338 ArrayRef<Function *> kernels,
340 if (Variables.empty()) {
341 return nullptr;
342 }
343 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
345 const size_t NumberVariables = Variables.size();
346 const size_t NumberKernels = kernels.size();
348 ArrayType *KernelOffsetsType =
349 ArrayType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), NumberVariables);
351 ArrayType *AllKernelsOffsetsType =
352 ArrayType::get(KernelOffsetsType, NumberKernels);
354 Constant *Missing = PoisonValue::get(KernelOffsetsType);
355 std::vector<Constant *> overallConstantExprElts(NumberKernels);
356 for (size_t i = 0; i < NumberKernels; i++) {
357 auto Replacement = KernelToReplacement.find(kernels[i]);
358 overallConstantExprElts[i] =
359 (Replacement == KernelToReplacement.end())
360 ? Missing
361 : getAddressesOfVariablesInKernel(
362 Ctx, Variables, Replacement->second.LDSVarsToConstantGEP);
363 }
365 Constant *init =
366 ConstantArray::get(AllKernelsOffsetsType, overallConstantExprElts);
368 return new GlobalVariable(
369 M, AllKernelsOffsetsType, true, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, init,
370 "llvm.amdgcn.lds.offset.table", nullptr, GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal,
372 }
374 void replaceUseWithTableLookup(Module &M, IRBuilder<> &Builder,
375 GlobalVariable *LookupTable,
376 GlobalVariable *GV, Use &U,
377 Value *OptionalIndex) {
378 // Table is a constant array of the same length as OrderedKernels
379 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
380 Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
381 auto *I = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
383 Value *tableKernelIndex = getTableLookupKernelIndex(M, I->getFunction());
385 if (auto *Phi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
386 BasicBlock *BB = Phi->getIncomingBlock(U);
387 Builder.SetInsertPoint(&(*(BB->getFirstInsertionPt())));
388 } else {
389 Builder.SetInsertPoint(I);
390 }
392 SmallVector<Value *, 3> GEPIdx = {
393 ConstantInt::get(I32, 0),
394 tableKernelIndex,
395 };
396 if (OptionalIndex)
397 GEPIdx.push_back(OptionalIndex);
399 Value *Address = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
400 LookupTable->getValueType(), LookupTable, GEPIdx, GV->getName());
402 Value *loaded = Builder.CreateLoad(I32, Address);
404 Value *replacement =
405 Builder.CreateIntToPtr(loaded, GV->getType(), GV->getName());
407 U.set(replacement);
408 }
410 void replaceUsesInInstructionsWithTableLookup(
411 Module &M, ArrayRef<GlobalVariable *> ModuleScopeVariables,
412 GlobalVariable *LookupTable) {
414 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
415 IRBuilder<> Builder(Ctx);
416 Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
418 for (size_t Index = 0; Index < ModuleScopeVariables.size(); Index++) {
419 auto *GV = ModuleScopeVariables[Index];
421 for (Use &U : make_early_inc_range(GV->uses())) {
422 auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
423 if (!I)
424 continue;
426 replaceUseWithTableLookup(M, Builder, LookupTable, GV, U,
427 ConstantInt::get(I32, Index));
428 }
429 }
430 }
432 static DenseSet<Function *> kernelsThatIndirectlyAccessAnyOfPassedVariables(
433 Module &M, LDSUsesInfoTy &LDSUsesInfo,
434 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &VariableSet) {
436 DenseSet<Function *> KernelSet;
438 if (VariableSet.empty())
439 return KernelSet;
441 for (Function &Func : M.functions()) {
442 if (Func.isDeclaration() || !isKernelLDS(&Func))
443 continue;
444 for (GlobalVariable *GV : LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access[&Func]) {
445 if (VariableSet.contains(GV)) {
446 KernelSet.insert(&Func);
447 break;
448 }
449 }
450 }
452 return KernelSet;
453 }
455 static GlobalVariable *
456 chooseBestVariableForModuleStrategy(const DataLayout &DL,
457 VariableFunctionMap &LDSVars) {
458 // Find the global variable with the most indirect uses from kernels
460 struct CandidateTy {
461 GlobalVariable *GV = nullptr;
462 size_t UserCount = 0;
463 size_t Size = 0;
465 CandidateTy() = default;
467 CandidateTy(GlobalVariable *GV, uint64_t UserCount, uint64_t AllocSize)
468 : GV(GV), UserCount(UserCount), Size(AllocSize) {}
470 bool operator<(const CandidateTy &Other) const {
471 // Fewer users makes module scope variable less attractive
472 if (UserCount < Other.UserCount) {
473 return true;
474 }
475 if (UserCount > Other.UserCount) {
476 return false;
477 }
479 // Bigger makes module scope variable less attractive
480 if (Size < Other.Size) {
481 return false;
482 }
484 if (Size > Other.Size) {
485 return true;
486 }
488 // Arbitrary but consistent
489 return GV->getName() < Other.GV->getName();
490 }
491 };
493 CandidateTy MostUsed;
495 for (auto &K : LDSVars) {
496 GlobalVariable *GV = K.first;
497 if (K.second.size() <= 1) {
498 // A variable reachable by only one kernel is best lowered with kernel
499 // strategy
500 continue;
501 }
502 CandidateTy Candidate(
503 GV, K.second.size(),
504 DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV->getValueType()).getFixedValue());
505 if (MostUsed < Candidate)
506 MostUsed = Candidate;
507 }
509 return MostUsed.GV;
510 }
512 static void recordLDSAbsoluteAddress(Module *M, GlobalVariable *GV,
513 uint32_t Address) {
514 // Write the specified address into metadata where it can be retrieved by
515 // the assembler. Format is a half open range, [Address Address+1)
516 LLVMContext &Ctx = M->getContext();
517 auto *IntTy =
518 M->getDataLayout().getIntPtrType(Ctx, AMDGPUAS::LOCAL_ADDRESS);
519 auto *MinC = ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(IntTy, Address));
520 auto *MaxC = ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(IntTy, Address + 1));
521 GV->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_absolute_symbol,
522 MDNode::get(Ctx, {MinC, MaxC}));
523 }
525 DenseMap<Function *, Value *> tableKernelIndexCache;
526 Value *getTableLookupKernelIndex(Module &M, Function *F) {
527 // Accesses from a function use the amdgcn_lds_kernel_id intrinsic which
528 // lowers to a read from a live in register. Emit it once in the entry
529 // block to spare deduplicating it later.
530 auto [It, Inserted] = tableKernelIndexCache.try_emplace(F);
531 if (Inserted) {
532 Function *Decl =
533 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(&M, Intrinsic::amdgcn_lds_kernel_id, {});
535 auto InsertAt = F->getEntryBlock().getFirstNonPHIOrDbgOrAlloca();
536 IRBuilder<> Builder(&*InsertAt);
538 It->second = Builder.CreateCall(Decl, {});
539 }
541 return It->second;
542 }
544 static std::vector<Function *> assignLDSKernelIDToEachKernel(
545 Module *M, DenseSet<Function *> const &KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS,
546 DenseSet<Function *> const &KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS) {
547 // Associate kernels in the set with an arbitrary but reproducible order and
548 // annotate them with that order in metadata. This metadata is recognised by
549 // the backend and lowered to a SGPR which can be read from using
550 // amdgcn_lds_kernel_id.
552 std::vector<Function *> OrderedKernels;
553 if (!KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS.empty() ||
554 !KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS.empty()) {
556 for (Function &Func : M->functions()) {
557 if (Func.isDeclaration())
558 continue;
559 if (!isKernelLDS(&Func))
560 continue;
562 if (KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS.contains(&Func) ||
563 KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS.contains(&Func)) {
564 assert(Func.hasName()); // else fatal error earlier
565 OrderedKernels.push_back(&Func);
566 }
567 }
569 // Put them in an arbitrary but reproducible order
570 OrderedKernels = sortByName(std::move(OrderedKernels));
572 // Annotate the kernels with their order in this vector
573 LLVMContext &Ctx = M->getContext();
574 IRBuilder<> Builder(Ctx);
576 if (OrderedKernels.size() > UINT32_MAX) {
577 // 32 bit keeps it in one SGPR. > 2**32 kernels won't fit on the GPU
578 report_fatal_error("Unimplemented LDS lowering for > 2**32 kernels");
579 }
581 for (size_t i = 0; i < OrderedKernels.size(); i++) {
582 Metadata *AttrMDArgs[1] = {
584 };
585 OrderedKernels[i]->setMetadata("llvm.amdgcn.lds.kernel.id",
586 MDNode::get(Ctx, AttrMDArgs));
587 }
588 }
589 return OrderedKernels;
590 }
592 static void partitionVariablesIntoIndirectStrategies(
593 Module &M, LDSUsesInfoTy const &LDSUsesInfo,
594 VariableFunctionMap &LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly,
595 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> &ModuleScopeVariables,
596 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> &TableLookupVariables,
597 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> &KernelAccessVariables,
598 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> &DynamicVariables) {
600 GlobalVariable *HybridModuleRoot =
601 LoweringKindLoc != LoweringKind::hybrid
602 ? nullptr
603 : chooseBestVariableForModuleStrategy(
604 M.getDataLayout(), LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly);
606 DenseSet<Function *> const EmptySet;
607 DenseSet<Function *> const &HybridModuleRootKernels =
608 HybridModuleRoot
609 ? LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly[HybridModuleRoot]
610 : EmptySet;
612 for (auto &K : LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly) {
613 // Each iteration of this loop assigns exactly one global variable to
614 // exactly one of the implementation strategies.
616 GlobalVariable *GV = K.first;
618 assert(K.second.size() != 0);
620 if (AMDGPU::isDynamicLDS(*GV)) {
621 DynamicVariables.insert(GV);
622 continue;
623 }
625 switch (LoweringKindLoc) {
626 case LoweringKind::module:
627 ModuleScopeVariables.insert(GV);
628 break;
630 case LoweringKind::table:
631 TableLookupVariables.insert(GV);
632 break;
634 case LoweringKind::kernel:
635 if (K.second.size() == 1) {
636 KernelAccessVariables.insert(GV);
637 } else {
639 "cannot lower LDS '" + GV->getName() +
640 "' to kernel access as it is reachable from multiple kernels");
641 }
642 break;
644 case LoweringKind::hybrid: {
645 if (GV == HybridModuleRoot) {
646 assert(K.second.size() != 1);
647 ModuleScopeVariables.insert(GV);
648 } else if (K.second.size() == 1) {
649 KernelAccessVariables.insert(GV);
650 } else if (set_is_subset(K.second, HybridModuleRootKernels)) {
651 ModuleScopeVariables.insert(GV);
652 } else {
653 TableLookupVariables.insert(GV);
654 }
655 break;
656 }
657 }
658 }
660 // All LDS variables accessed indirectly have now been partitioned into
661 // the distinct lowering strategies.
662 assert(ModuleScopeVariables.size() + TableLookupVariables.size() +
663 KernelAccessVariables.size() + DynamicVariables.size() ==
664 LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly.size());
665 }
667 static GlobalVariable *lowerModuleScopeStructVariables(
668 Module &M, DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &ModuleScopeVariables,
669 DenseSet<Function *> const &KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS) {
670 // Create a struct to hold the ModuleScopeVariables
671 // Replace all uses of those variables from non-kernel functions with the
672 // new struct instance Replace only the uses from kernel functions that will
673 // allocate this instance. That is a space optimisation - kernels that use a
674 // subset of the module scope struct and do not need to allocate it for
675 // indirect calls will only allocate the subset they use (they do so as part
676 // of the per-kernel lowering).
677 if (ModuleScopeVariables.empty()) {
678 return nullptr;
679 }
681 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
683 LDSVariableReplacement ModuleScopeReplacement =
684 createLDSVariableReplacement(M, "llvm.amdgcn.module.lds",
685 ModuleScopeVariables);
687 appendToCompilerUsed(M, {static_cast<GlobalValue *>(
689 cast<Constant>(ModuleScopeReplacement.SGV),
690 PointerType::getUnqual(Ctx)))});
692 // module.lds will be allocated at zero in any kernel that allocates it
693 recordLDSAbsoluteAddress(&M, ModuleScopeReplacement.SGV, 0);
695 // historic
696 removeLocalVarsFromUsedLists(M, ModuleScopeVariables);
698 // Replace all uses of module scope variable from non-kernel functions
699 replaceLDSVariablesWithStruct(
700 M, ModuleScopeVariables, ModuleScopeReplacement, [&](Use &U) {
701 Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
702 if (!I) {
703 return false;
704 }
705 Function *F = I->getFunction();
706 return !isKernelLDS(F);
707 });
709 // Replace uses of module scope variable from kernel functions that
710 // allocate the module scope variable, otherwise leave them unchanged
711 // Record on each kernel whether the module scope global is used by it
713 for (Function &Func : M.functions()) {
714 if (Func.isDeclaration() || !isKernelLDS(&Func))
715 continue;
717 if (KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS.contains(&Func)) {
718 replaceLDSVariablesWithStruct(
719 M, ModuleScopeVariables, ModuleScopeReplacement, [&](Use &U) {
720 Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
721 if (!I) {
722 return false;
723 }
724 Function *F = I->getFunction();
725 return F == &Func;
726 });
728 markUsedByKernel(&Func, ModuleScopeReplacement.SGV);
729 }
730 }
732 return ModuleScopeReplacement.SGV;
733 }
736 lowerKernelScopeStructVariables(
737 Module &M, LDSUsesInfoTy &LDSUsesInfo,
738 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &ModuleScopeVariables,
739 DenseSet<Function *> const &KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS,
740 GlobalVariable *MaybeModuleScopeStruct) {
742 // Create a struct for each kernel for the non-module-scope variables.
745 for (Function &Func : M.functions()) {
746 if (Func.isDeclaration() || !isKernelLDS(&Func))
747 continue;
749 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> KernelUsedVariables;
750 // Allocating variables that are used directly in this struct to get
751 // alignment aware allocation and predictable frame size.
752 for (auto &v : LDSUsesInfo.direct_access[&Func]) {
753 if (!AMDGPU::isDynamicLDS(*v)) {
754 KernelUsedVariables.insert(v);
755 }
756 }
758 // Allocating variables that are accessed indirectly so that a lookup of
759 // this struct instance can find them from nested functions.
760 for (auto &v : LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access[&Func]) {
761 if (!AMDGPU::isDynamicLDS(*v)) {
762 KernelUsedVariables.insert(v);
763 }
764 }
766 // Variables allocated in module lds must all resolve to that struct,
767 // not to the per-kernel instance.
768 if (KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS.contains(&Func)) {
769 for (GlobalVariable *v : ModuleScopeVariables) {
770 KernelUsedVariables.erase(v);
771 }
772 }
774 if (KernelUsedVariables.empty()) {
775 // Either used no LDS, or the LDS it used was all in the module struct
776 // or dynamically sized
777 continue;
778 }
780 // The association between kernel function and LDS struct is done by
781 // symbol name, which only works if the function in question has a
782 // name This is not expected to be a problem in practice as kernels
783 // are called by name making anonymous ones (which are named by the
784 // backend) difficult to use. This does mean that llvm test cases need
785 // to name the kernels.
786 if (!Func.hasName()) {
787 report_fatal_error("Anonymous kernels cannot use LDS variables");
788 }
790 std::string VarName =
791 (Twine("llvm.amdgcn.kernel.") + Func.getName() + ".lds").str();
793 auto Replacement =
794 createLDSVariableReplacement(M, VarName, KernelUsedVariables);
796 // If any indirect uses, create a direct use to ensure allocation
797 // TODO: Simpler to unconditionally mark used but that regresses
798 // codegen in test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/noclobber-barrier.ll
799 auto Accesses = LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access.find(&Func);
800 if ((Accesses != LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access.end()) &&
801 !Accesses->second.empty())
802 markUsedByKernel(&Func, Replacement.SGV);
804 // remove preserves existing codegen
805 removeLocalVarsFromUsedLists(M, KernelUsedVariables);
806 KernelToReplacement[&Func] = Replacement;
808 // Rewrite uses within kernel to the new struct
809 replaceLDSVariablesWithStruct(
810 M, KernelUsedVariables, Replacement, [&Func](Use &U) {
811 Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
812 return I && I->getFunction() == &Func;
813 });
814 }
815 return KernelToReplacement;
816 }
818 static GlobalVariable *
819 buildRepresentativeDynamicLDSInstance(Module &M, LDSUsesInfoTy &LDSUsesInfo,
820 Function *func) {
821 // Create a dynamic lds variable with a name associated with the passed
822 // function that has the maximum alignment of any dynamic lds variable
823 // reachable from this kernel. Dynamic LDS is allocated after the static LDS
824 // allocation, possibly after alignment padding. The representative variable
825 // created here has the maximum alignment of any other dynamic variable
826 // reachable by that kernel. All dynamic LDS variables are allocated at the
827 // same address in each kernel in order to provide the documented aliasing
828 // semantics. Setting the alignment here allows this IR pass to accurately
829 // predict the exact constant at which it will be allocated.
831 assert(isKernelLDS(func));
833 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
834 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
835 Align MaxDynamicAlignment(1);
837 auto UpdateMaxAlignment = [&MaxDynamicAlignment, &DL](GlobalVariable *GV) {
838 if (AMDGPU::isDynamicLDS(*GV)) {
839 MaxDynamicAlignment =
840 std::max(MaxDynamicAlignment, AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, GV));
841 }
842 };
844 for (GlobalVariable *GV : LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access[func]) {
845 UpdateMaxAlignment(GV);
846 }
848 for (GlobalVariable *GV : LDSUsesInfo.direct_access[func]) {
849 UpdateMaxAlignment(GV);
850 }
852 assert(func->hasName()); // Checked by caller
853 auto emptyCharArray = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx), 0);
855 M, emptyCharArray, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, nullptr,
856 Twine("llvm.amdgcn." + func->getName() + ".dynlds"), nullptr, GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal, AMDGPUAS::LOCAL_ADDRESS,
857 false);
858 N->setAlignment(MaxDynamicAlignment);
861 return N;
862 }
864 DenseMap<Function *, GlobalVariable *> lowerDynamicLDSVariables(
865 Module &M, LDSUsesInfoTy &LDSUsesInfo,
866 DenseSet<Function *> const &KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS,
867 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &DynamicVariables,
868 std::vector<Function *> const &OrderedKernels) {
869 DenseMap<Function *, GlobalVariable *> KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS;
870 if (!KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS.empty()) {
871 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
872 IRBuilder<> Builder(Ctx);
873 Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
875 std::vector<Constant *> newDynamicLDS;
877 // Table is built in the same order as OrderedKernels
878 for (auto &func : OrderedKernels) {
880 if (KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS.contains(func)) {
881 assert(isKernelLDS(func));
882 if (!func->hasName()) {
883 report_fatal_error("Anonymous kernels cannot use LDS variables");
884 }
887 buildRepresentativeDynamicLDSInstance(M, LDSUsesInfo, func);
889 KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS[func] = N;
891 markUsedByKernel(func, N);
893 auto emptyCharArray = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx), 0);
895 emptyCharArray, N, ConstantInt::get(I32, 0), true);
896 newDynamicLDS.push_back(ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(GEP, I32));
897 } else {
898 newDynamicLDS.push_back(PoisonValue::get(I32));
899 }
900 }
901 assert(OrderedKernels.size() == newDynamicLDS.size());
903 ArrayType *t = ArrayType::get(I32, newDynamicLDS.size());
904 Constant *init = ConstantArray::get(t, newDynamicLDS);
905 GlobalVariable *table = new GlobalVariable(
906 M, t, true, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, init,
907 "llvm.amdgcn.dynlds.offset.table", nullptr,
910 for (GlobalVariable *GV : DynamicVariables) {
911 for (Use &U : make_early_inc_range(GV->uses())) {
912 auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
913 if (!I)
914 continue;
915 if (isKernelLDS(I->getFunction()))
916 continue;
918 replaceUseWithTableLookup(M, Builder, table, GV, U, nullptr);
919 }
920 }
921 }
922 return KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS;
923 }
925 bool runOnModule(Module &M) {
926 CallGraph CG = CallGraph(M);
927 bool Changed = superAlignLDSGlobals(M);
931 Changed = true; // todo: narrow this down
933 // For each kernel, what variables does it access directly or through
934 // callees
935 LDSUsesInfoTy LDSUsesInfo = getTransitiveUsesOfLDS(CG, M);
937 // For each variable accessed through callees, which kernels access it
938 VariableFunctionMap LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly;
939 for (auto &K : LDSUsesInfo.indirect_access) {
940 Function *F = K.first;
942 for (GlobalVariable *GV : K.second) {
943 LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly[GV].insert(F);
944 }
945 }
947 // Partition variables accessed indirectly into the different strategies
948 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> ModuleScopeVariables;
949 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> TableLookupVariables;
950 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> KernelAccessVariables;
951 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> DynamicVariables;
952 partitionVariablesIntoIndirectStrategies(
953 M, LDSUsesInfo, LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly,
954 ModuleScopeVariables, TableLookupVariables, KernelAccessVariables,
955 DynamicVariables);
957 // If the kernel accesses a variable that is going to be stored in the
958 // module instance through a call then that kernel needs to allocate the
959 // module instance
960 const DenseSet<Function *> KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS =
961 kernelsThatIndirectlyAccessAnyOfPassedVariables(M, LDSUsesInfo,
962 ModuleScopeVariables);
963 const DenseSet<Function *> KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS =
964 kernelsThatIndirectlyAccessAnyOfPassedVariables(M, LDSUsesInfo,
965 TableLookupVariables);
967 const DenseSet<Function *> KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS =
968 kernelsThatIndirectlyAccessAnyOfPassedVariables(M, LDSUsesInfo,
969 DynamicVariables);
971 GlobalVariable *MaybeModuleScopeStruct = lowerModuleScopeStructVariables(
972 M, ModuleScopeVariables, KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS);
975 lowerKernelScopeStructVariables(M, LDSUsesInfo, ModuleScopeVariables,
976 KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS,
977 MaybeModuleScopeStruct);
979 // Lower zero cost accesses to the kernel instances just created
980 for (auto &GV : KernelAccessVariables) {
981 auto &funcs = LDSToKernelsThatNeedToAccessItIndirectly[GV];
982 assert(funcs.size() == 1); // Only one kernel can access it
983 LDSVariableReplacement Replacement =
984 KernelToReplacement[*(funcs.begin())];
987 Vec.insert(GV);
989 replaceLDSVariablesWithStruct(M, Vec, Replacement, [](Use &U) {
990 return isa<Instruction>(U.getUser());
991 });
992 }
994 // The ith element of this vector is kernel id i
995 std::vector<Function *> OrderedKernels =
996 assignLDSKernelIDToEachKernel(&M, KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS,
997 KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS);
999 if (!KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS.empty()) {
1000 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
1001 IRBuilder<> Builder(Ctx);
1003 // The order must be consistent between lookup table and accesses to
1004 // lookup table
1005 auto TableLookupVariablesOrdered =
1006 sortByName(std::vector<GlobalVariable *>(TableLookupVariables.begin(),
1007 TableLookupVariables.end()));
1009 GlobalVariable *LookupTable = buildLookupTable(
1010 M, TableLookupVariablesOrdered, OrderedKernels, KernelToReplacement);
1011 replaceUsesInInstructionsWithTableLookup(M, TableLookupVariablesOrdered,
1012 LookupTable);
1014 // Strip amdgpu-no-lds-kernel-id from all functions reachable from the
1015 // kernel. We may have inferred this wasn't used prior to the pass.
1016 //
1017 // TODO: We could filter out subgraphs that do not access LDS globals.
1018 for (Function *F : KernelsThatAllocateTableLDS)
1019 removeFnAttrFromReachable(CG, F, {"amdgpu-no-lds-kernel-id"});
1020 }
1022 DenseMap<Function *, GlobalVariable *> KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS =
1023 lowerDynamicLDSVariables(M, LDSUsesInfo,
1024 KernelsThatIndirectlyAllocateDynamicLDS,
1025 DynamicVariables, OrderedKernels);
1027 // All kernel frames have been allocated. Calculate and record the
1028 // addresses.
1029 {
1030 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
1032 for (Function &Func : M.functions()) {
1033 if (Func.isDeclaration() || !isKernelLDS(&Func))
1034 continue;
1036 // All three of these are optional. The first variable is allocated at
1037 // zero. They are allocated by AMDGPUMachineFunction as one block.
1038 // Layout:
1039 //{
1040 // module.lds
1041 // alignment padding
1042 // kernel instance
1043 // alignment padding
1044 // dynamic lds variables
1045 //}
1047 const bool AllocateModuleScopeStruct =
1048 MaybeModuleScopeStruct &&
1049 KernelsThatAllocateModuleLDS.contains(&Func);
1051 auto Replacement = KernelToReplacement.find(&Func);
1052 const bool AllocateKernelScopeStruct =
1053 Replacement != KernelToReplacement.end();
1055 const bool AllocateDynamicVariable =
1056 KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS.contains(&Func);
1058 uint32_t Offset = 0;
1060 if (AllocateModuleScopeStruct) {
1061 // Allocated at zero, recorded once on construction, not once per
1062 // kernel
1063 Offset += DL.getTypeAllocSize(MaybeModuleScopeStruct->getValueType());
1064 }
1066 if (AllocateKernelScopeStruct) {
1067 GlobalVariable *KernelStruct = Replacement->second.SGV;
1068 Offset = alignTo(Offset, AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, KernelStruct));
1069 recordLDSAbsoluteAddress(&M, KernelStruct, Offset);
1070 Offset += DL.getTypeAllocSize(KernelStruct->getValueType());
1071 }
1073 // If there is dynamic allocation, the alignment needed is included in
1074 // the static frame size. There may be no reference to the dynamic
1075 // variable in the kernel itself, so without including it here, that
1076 // alignment padding could be missed.
1077 if (AllocateDynamicVariable) {
1078 GlobalVariable *DynamicVariable = KernelToCreatedDynamicLDS[&Func];
1079 Offset = alignTo(Offset, AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, DynamicVariable));
1080 recordLDSAbsoluteAddress(&M, DynamicVariable, Offset);
1081 }
1083 if (Offset != 0) {
1084 (void)TM; // TODO: Account for target maximum LDS
1085 std::string Buffer;
1086 raw_string_ostream SS{Buffer};
1087 SS << format("%u", Offset);
1089 // Instead of explicitly marking kernels that access dynamic variables
1090 // using special case metadata, annotate with min-lds == max-lds, i.e.
1091 // that there is no more space available for allocating more static
1092 // LDS variables. That is the right condition to prevent allocating
1093 // more variables which would collide with the addresses assigned to
1094 // dynamic variables.
1095 if (AllocateDynamicVariable)
1096 SS << format(",%u", Offset);
1098 Func.addFnAttr("amdgpu-lds-size", Buffer);
1099 }
1100 }
1101 }
1103 for (auto &GV : make_early_inc_range(M.globals()))
1105 // probably want to remove from used lists
1107 if (GV.use_empty())
1108 GV.eraseFromParent();
1109 }
1111 return Changed;
1112 }
1115 // Increase the alignment of LDS globals if necessary to maximise the chance
1116 // that we can use aligned LDS instructions to access them.
1117 static bool superAlignLDSGlobals(Module &M) {
1118 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
1119 bool Changed = false;
1120 if (!SuperAlignLDSGlobals) {
1121 return Changed;
1122 }
1124 for (auto &GV : M.globals()) {
1126 // Only changing alignment of LDS variables
1127 continue;
1128 }
1129 if (!GV.hasInitializer()) {
1130 // cuda/hip extern __shared__ variable, leave alignment alone
1131 continue;
1132 }
1134 Align Alignment = AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, &GV);
1135 TypeSize GVSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV.getValueType());
1137 if (GVSize > 8) {
1138 // We might want to use a b96 or b128 load/store
1139 Alignment = std::max(Alignment, Align(16));
1140 } else if (GVSize > 4) {
1141 // We might want to use a b64 load/store
1142 Alignment = std::max(Alignment, Align(8));
1143 } else if (GVSize > 2) {
1144 // We might want to use a b32 load/store
1145 Alignment = std::max(Alignment, Align(4));
1146 } else if (GVSize > 1) {
1147 // We might want to use a b16 load/store
1148 Alignment = std::max(Alignment, Align(2));
1149 }
1151 if (Alignment != AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, &GV)) {
1152 Changed = true;
1153 GV.setAlignment(Alignment);
1154 }
1155 }
1156 return Changed;
1157 }
1159 static LDSVariableReplacement createLDSVariableReplacement(
1160 Module &M, std::string VarName,
1161 DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &LDSVarsToTransform) {
1162 // Create a struct instance containing LDSVarsToTransform and map from those
1163 // variables to ConstantExprGEP
1164 // Variables may be introduced to meet alignment requirements. No aliasing
1165 // metadata is useful for these as they have no uses. Erased before return.
1167 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
1168 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
1169 assert(!LDSVarsToTransform.empty());
1172 LayoutFields.reserve(LDSVarsToTransform.size());
1173 {
1174 // The order of fields in this struct depends on the order of
1175 // variables in the argument which varies when changing how they
1176 // are identified, leading to spurious test breakage.
1177 auto Sorted = sortByName(std::vector<GlobalVariable *>(
1178 LDSVarsToTransform.begin(), LDSVarsToTransform.end()));
1180 for (GlobalVariable *GV : Sorted) {
1182 DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV->getValueType()),
1183 AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, GV));
1184 LayoutFields.emplace_back(F);
1185 }
1186 }
1188 performOptimizedStructLayout(LayoutFields);
1190 std::vector<GlobalVariable *> LocalVars;
1191 BitVector IsPaddingField;
1192 LocalVars.reserve(LDSVarsToTransform.size()); // will be at least this large
1193 IsPaddingField.reserve(LDSVarsToTransform.size());
1194 {
1195 uint64_t CurrentOffset = 0;
1196 for (auto &F : LayoutFields) {
1197 GlobalVariable *FGV =
1198 static_cast<GlobalVariable *>(const_cast<void *>(F.Id));
1199 Align DataAlign = F.Alignment;
1201 uint64_t DataAlignV = DataAlign.value();
1202 if (uint64_t Rem = CurrentOffset % DataAlignV) {
1203 uint64_t Padding = DataAlignV - Rem;
1205 // Append an array of padding bytes to meet alignment requested
1206 // Note (o + (a - (o % a)) ) % a == 0
1207 // (offset + Padding ) % align == 0
1209 Type *ATy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx), Padding);
1210 LocalVars.push_back(new GlobalVariable(
1211 M, ATy, false, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
1214 IsPaddingField.push_back(true);
1215 CurrentOffset += Padding;
1216 }
1218 LocalVars.push_back(FGV);
1219 IsPaddingField.push_back(false);
1220 CurrentOffset += F.Size;
1221 }
1222 }
1224 std::vector<Type *> LocalVarTypes;
1225 LocalVarTypes.reserve(LocalVars.size());
1226 std::transform(
1227 LocalVars.cbegin(), LocalVars.cend(), std::back_inserter(LocalVarTypes),
1228 [](const GlobalVariable *V) -> Type * { return V->getValueType(); });
1230 StructType *LDSTy = StructType::create(Ctx, LocalVarTypes, VarName + ".t");
1232 Align StructAlign = AMDGPU::getAlign(DL, LocalVars[0]);
1234 GlobalVariable *SGV = new GlobalVariable(
1235 M, LDSTy, false, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, PoisonValue::get(LDSTy),
1237 false);
1238 SGV->setAlignment(StructAlign);
1241 Type *I32 = Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx);
1242 for (size_t I = 0; I < LocalVars.size(); I++) {
1243 GlobalVariable *GV = LocalVars[I];
1244 Constant *GEPIdx[] = {ConstantInt::get(I32, 0), ConstantInt::get(I32, I)};
1245 Constant *GEP = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(LDSTy, SGV, GEPIdx, true);
1246 if (IsPaddingField[I]) {
1247 assert(GV->use_empty());
1248 GV->eraseFromParent();
1249 } else {
1250 Map[GV] = GEP;
1251 }
1252 }
1253 assert(Map.size() == LDSVarsToTransform.size());
1254 return {SGV, std::move(Map)};
1255 }
1257 template <typename PredicateTy>
1258 static void replaceLDSVariablesWithStruct(
1259 Module &M, DenseSet<GlobalVariable *> const &LDSVarsToTransformArg,
1260 const LDSVariableReplacement &Replacement, PredicateTy Predicate) {
1261 LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
1262 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
1264 // A hack... we need to insert the aliasing info in a predictable order for
1265 // lit tests. Would like to have them in a stable order already, ideally the
1266 // same order they get allocated, which might mean an ordered set container
1267 auto LDSVarsToTransform = sortByName(std::vector<GlobalVariable *>(
1268 LDSVarsToTransformArg.begin(), LDSVarsToTransformArg.end()));
1270 // Create alias.scope and their lists. Each field in the new structure
1271 // does not alias with all other fields.
1272 SmallVector<MDNode *> AliasScopes;
1273 SmallVector<Metadata *> NoAliasList;
1274 const size_t NumberVars = LDSVarsToTransform.size();
1275 if (NumberVars > 1) {
1276 MDBuilder MDB(Ctx);
1277 AliasScopes.reserve(NumberVars);
1279 for (size_t I = 0; I < NumberVars; I++) {
1281 AliasScopes.push_back(Scope);
1282 }
1283 NoAliasList.append(&AliasScopes[1], AliasScopes.end());
1284 }
1286 // Replace uses of ith variable with a constantexpr to the corresponding
1287 // field of the instance that will be allocated by AMDGPUMachineFunction
1288 for (size_t I = 0; I < NumberVars; I++) {
1289 GlobalVariable *GV = LDSVarsToTransform[I];
1290 Constant *GEP = Replacement.LDSVarsToConstantGEP.at(GV);
1292 GV->replaceUsesWithIf(GEP, Predicate);
1294 APInt APOff(DL.getIndexTypeSizeInBits(GEP->getType()), 0);
1295 GEP->stripAndAccumulateInBoundsConstantOffsets(DL, APOff);
1296 uint64_t Offset = APOff.getZExtValue();
1298 Align A =
1299 commonAlignment(Replacement.SGV->getAlign().valueOrOne(), Offset);
1301 if (I)
1302 NoAliasList[I - 1] = AliasScopes[I - 1];
1303 MDNode *NoAlias =
1304 NoAliasList.empty() ? nullptr : MDNode::get(Ctx, NoAliasList);
1305 MDNode *AliasScope =
1306 AliasScopes.empty() ? nullptr : MDNode::get(Ctx, {AliasScopes[I]});
1308 refineUsesAlignmentAndAA(GEP, A, DL, AliasScope, NoAlias);
1309 }
1310 }
1312 static void refineUsesAlignmentAndAA(Value *Ptr, Align A,
1313 const DataLayout &DL, MDNode *AliasScope,
1314 MDNode *NoAlias, unsigned MaxDepth = 5) {
1315 if (!MaxDepth || (A == 1 && !AliasScope))
1316 return;
1318 for (User *U : Ptr->users()) {
1319 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U)) {
1320 if (AliasScope && I->mayReadOrWriteMemory()) {
1321 MDNode *AS = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope);
1322 AS = (AS ? MDNode::getMostGenericAliasScope(AS, AliasScope)
1323 : AliasScope);
1324 I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope, AS);
1326 MDNode *NA = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias);
1327 NA = (NA ? MDNode::intersect(NA, NoAlias) : NoAlias);
1328 I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_noalias, NA);
1329 }
1330 }
1332 if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(U)) {
1333 LI->setAlignment(std::max(A, LI->getAlign()));
1334 continue;
1335 }
1336 if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(U)) {
1337 if (SI->getPointerOperand() == Ptr)
1338 SI->setAlignment(std::max(A, SI->getAlign()));
1339 continue;
1340 }
1341 if (auto *AI = dyn_cast<AtomicRMWInst>(U)) {
1342 // None of atomicrmw operations can work on pointers, but let's
1343 // check it anyway in case it will or we will process ConstantExpr.
1344 if (AI->getPointerOperand() == Ptr)
1345 AI->setAlignment(std::max(A, AI->getAlign()));
1346 continue;
1347 }
1348 if (auto *AI = dyn_cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(U)) {
1349 if (AI->getPointerOperand() == Ptr)
1350 AI->setAlignment(std::max(A, AI->getAlign()));
1351 continue;
1352 }
1353 if (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(U)) {
1354 unsigned BitWidth = DL.getIndexTypeSizeInBits(GEP->getType());
1355 APInt Off(BitWidth, 0);
1356 if (GEP->getPointerOperand() == Ptr) {
1357 Align GA;
1358 if (GEP->accumulateConstantOffset(DL, Off))
1359 GA = commonAlignment(A, Off.getLimitedValue());
1360 refineUsesAlignmentAndAA(GEP, GA, DL, AliasScope, NoAlias,
1361 MaxDepth - 1);
1362 }
1363 continue;
1364 }
1365 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U)) {
1366 if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast ||
1367 I->getOpcode() == Instruction::AddrSpaceCast)
1368 refineUsesAlignmentAndAA(I, A, DL, AliasScope, NoAlias, MaxDepth - 1);
1369 }
1370 }
1371 }
1374class AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacy : public ModulePass {
1376 const AMDGPUTargetMachine *TM;
1377 static char ID;
1379 AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacy(const AMDGPUTargetMachine *TM_ = nullptr)
1380 : ModulePass(ID), TM(TM_) {
1382 }
1384 void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
1385 if (!TM)
1387 }
1389 bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
1390 if (!TM) {
1391 auto &TPC = getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>();
1392 TM = &TPC.getTM<AMDGPUTargetMachine>();
1393 }
1395 return AMDGPULowerModuleLDS(*TM).runOnModule(M);
1396 }
1399} // namespace
1400char AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacy::ID = 0;
1402char &llvm::AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacyPassID = AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacy::ID;
1405 "Lower uses of LDS variables from non-kernel functions",
1406 false, false)
1409 "Lower uses of LDS variables from non-kernel functions",
1412ModulePass *
1414 return new AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacy(TM);
1419 return AMDGPULowerModuleLDS(TM).runOnModule(M) ? PreservedAnalyses::none()
aarch64 promote const
Lower uses of LDS variables from non kernel functions
#define DEBUG_TYPE
AMDGPU promote alloca to vector or LDS
The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets.
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
This file implements the BitVector class.
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
This file provides interfaces used to build and manipulate a call graph, which is a very useful tool ...
Definition: CommandLine.h:686
This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different fla...
Given that RA is a live propagate it s liveness to any other values it uses(according to Uses). void DeadArgumentEliminationPass
This file defines the DenseMap class.
This file defines the DenseSet and SmallDenseSet classes.
uint64_t Size
std::optional< std::vector< StOtherPiece > > Other
Definition: ELFYAML.cpp:1294
Hexagon Common GEP
static const unsigned MaxDepth
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:55
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
This file provides an interface for laying out a sequence of fields as a struct in a way that attempt...
const char LLVMTargetMachineRef TM
Definition: PassSupport.h:55
#define INITIALIZE_PASS_END(passName, arg, name, cfg, analysis)
Definition: PassSupport.h:59
#define INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(passName, arg, name, cfg, analysis)
Definition: PassSupport.h:52
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file contains some templates that are useful if you are working with the STL at all.
This file defines generic set operations that may be used on set's of different types,...
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options pass.
Class for arbitrary precision integers.
Definition: APInt.h:78
uint64_t getZExtValue() const
Get zero extended value.
Definition: APInt.h:1500
A container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their results.
Definition: PassManager.h:253
Represent the analysis usage information of a pass.
AnalysisUsage & addRequired()
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
size_t size() const
size - Get the array size.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:165
bool empty() const
empty - Check if the array is empty.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:160
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:61
const_iterator getFirstInsertionPt() const
Returns an iterator to the first instruction in this block that is suitable for inserting a non-PHI i...
Definition: BasicBlock.cpp:414
void reserve(unsigned N)
Definition: BitVector.h:348
void push_back(bool Val)
Definition: BitVector.h:466
The basic data container for the call graph of a Module of IR.
Definition: CallGraph.h:72
static Constant * get(ArrayType *T, ArrayRef< Constant * > V)
Definition: Constants.cpp:1292
static ConstantAsMetadata * get(Constant *C)
Definition: Metadata.h:528
static Constant * getPointerBitCastOrAddrSpaceCast(Constant *C, Type *Ty)
Create a BitCast or AddrSpaceCast for a pointer type depending on the address space.
Definition: Constants.cpp:2230
static Constant * getPtrToInt(Constant *C, Type *Ty, bool OnlyIfReduced=false)
Definition: Constants.cpp:2255
static Constant * getGetElementPtr(Type *Ty, Constant *C, ArrayRef< Constant * > IdxList, GEPNoWrapFlags NW=GEPNoWrapFlags::none(), std::optional< ConstantRange > InRange=std::nullopt, Type *OnlyIfReducedTy=nullptr)
Getelementptr form.
Definition: Constants.h:1240
This is an important base class in LLVM.
Definition: Constant.h:42
void removeDeadConstantUsers() const
If there are any dead constant users dangling off of this constant, remove them.
Definition: Constants.cpp:723
A parsed version of the target data layout string in and methods for querying it.
Definition: DataLayout.h:110
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:155
std::pair< iterator, bool > try_emplace(KeyT &&Key, Ts &&... Args)
Definition: DenseMap.h:235
iterator end()
Definition: DenseMap.h:84
bool contains(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val) const
Return true if the specified key is in the map, false otherwise.
Definition: DenseMap.h:145
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const std::pair< KeyT, ValueT > &KV)
Definition: DenseMap.h:220
Implements a dense probed hash-table based set.
Definition: DenseSet.h:271
void setMetadata(unsigned KindID, MDNode *Node)
Set a particular kind of metadata attachment.
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1487
void setAlignment(Align Align)
Sets the alignment attribute of the GlobalObject.
Definition: Globals.cpp:137
PointerType * getType() const
Global values are always pointers.
Definition: GlobalValue.h:294
@ InternalLinkage
Rename collisions when linking (static functions).
Definition: GlobalValue.h:59
@ ExternalLinkage
Externally visible function.
Definition: GlobalValue.h:52
Type * getValueType() const
Definition: GlobalValue.h:296
bool hasInitializer() const
Definitions have initializers, declarations don't.
void eraseFromParent()
eraseFromParent - This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module and deletes it.
Definition: Globals.cpp:481
Value * CreateIntToPtr(Value *V, Type *DestTy, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2127
Value * CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(Type *Ty, Value *Ptr, unsigned Idx0, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1894
Value * CreateInBoundsGEP(Type *Ty, Value *Ptr, ArrayRef< Value * > IdxList, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1879
ConstantInt * getInt32(uint32_t C)
Get a constant 32-bit value.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:483
LoadInst * CreateLoad(Type *Ty, Value *Ptr, const char *Name)
Provided to resolve 'CreateLoad(Ty, Ptr, "...")' correctly, instead of converting the string to 'bool...
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1795
void SetInsertPoint(BasicBlock *TheBB)
This specifies that created instructions should be appended to the end of the specified block.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:177
CallInst * CreateCall(FunctionType *FTy, Value *Callee, ArrayRef< Value * > Args=std::nullopt, const Twine &Name="", MDNode *FPMathTag=nullptr)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2417
This provides a uniform API for creating instructions and inserting them into a basic block: either a...
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2671
This is an important class for using LLVM in a threaded context.
Definition: LLVMContext.h:67
MDNode * createAnonymousAliasScope(MDNode *Domain, StringRef Name=StringRef())
Return metadata appropriate for an alias scope root node.
Definition: MDBuilder.h:174
MDNode * createAnonymousAliasScopeDomain(StringRef Name=StringRef())
Return metadata appropriate for an alias scope domain node.
Definition: MDBuilder.h:167
Metadata node.
Definition: Metadata.h:1067
static MDNode * getMostGenericAliasScope(MDNode *A, MDNode *B)
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1135
static MDTuple * get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef< Metadata * > MDs)
Definition: Metadata.h:1541
static MDNode * intersect(MDNode *A, MDNode *B)
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1122
Root of the metadata hierarchy.
Definition: Metadata.h:62
ModulePass class - This class is used to implement unstructured interprocedural optimizations and ana...
Definition: Pass.h:251
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M)=0
runOnModule - Virtual method overriden by subclasses to process the module being operated on.
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module.
Definition: Module.h:65
A container for an operand bundle being viewed as a set of values rather than a set of uses.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:1189
static PassRegistry * getPassRegistry()
getPassRegistry - Access the global registry object, which is automatically initialized at applicatio...
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &) const
getAnalysisUsage - This function should be overriden by passes that need analysis information to do t...
Definition: Pass.cpp:98
static PoisonValue * get(Type *T)
Static factory methods - Return an 'poison' object of the specified type.
Definition: Constants.cpp:1852
A set of analyses that are preserved following a run of a transformation pass.
Definition: Analysis.h:111
static PreservedAnalyses none()
Convenience factory function for the empty preserved set.
Definition: Analysis.h:114
static PreservedAnalyses all()
Construct a special preserved set that preserves all passes.
Definition: Analysis.h:117
size_type count(ConstPtrType Ptr) const
count - Return 1 if the specified pointer is in the set, 0 otherwise.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:412
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:344
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:479
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:94
reference emplace_back(ArgTypes &&... Args)
Definition: SmallVector.h:950
void reserve(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:676
void append(ItTy in_start, ItTy in_end)
Add the specified range to the end of the SmallVector.
Definition: SmallVector.h:696
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:426
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1209
Class to represent struct types.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:216
static StructType * create(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name)
This creates an identified struct.
Definition: Type.cpp:513
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
Twine - A lightweight data structure for efficiently representing the concatenation of temporary valu...
Definition: Twine.h:81
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed.
Definition: Type.h:45
unsigned getPointerAddressSpace() const
Get the address space of this pointer or pointer vector type.
static IntegerType * getInt8Ty(LLVMContext &C)
static IntegerType * getInt32Ty(LLVMContext &C)
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
void replaceUsesWithIf(Value *New, llvm::function_ref< bool(Use &U)> ShouldReplace)
Go through the uses list for this definition and make each use point to "V" if the callback ShouldRep...
Definition: Value.cpp:542
bool use_empty() const
Definition: Value.h:344
iterator_range< use_iterator > uses()
Definition: Value.h:376
bool hasName() const
Definition: Value.h:261
StringRef getName() const
Return a constant reference to the value's name.
Definition: Value.cpp:309
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const ValueT &V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:206
size_type size() const
Definition: DenseSet.h:81
bool contains(const_arg_type_t< ValueT > V) const
Check if the set contains the given element.
Definition: DenseSet.h:185
bool erase(const ValueT &V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:101
A raw_ostream that writes to an std::string.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:661
Address space for local memory.
Address space for constant memory (VTX2).
bool isDynamicLDS(const GlobalVariable &GV)
void removeFnAttrFromReachable(CallGraph &CG, Function *KernelRoot, ArrayRef< StringRef > FnAttrs)
Strip FnAttr attribute from any functions where we may have introduced its use.
LDSUsesInfoTy getTransitiveUsesOfLDS(const CallGraph &CG, Module &M)
bool isLDSVariableToLower(const GlobalVariable &GV)
bool eliminateConstantExprUsesOfLDSFromAllInstructions(Module &M)
Align getAlign(const DataLayout &DL, const GlobalVariable *GV)
bool isKernelLDS(const Function *F)
@ C
The default llvm calling convention, compatible with C.
Definition: CallingConv.h:34
unsigned ID
LLVM IR allows to use arbitrary numbers as calling convention identifiers.
Definition: CallingConv.h:24
Function * getDeclaration(Module *M, ID id, ArrayRef< Type * > Tys=std::nullopt)
Create or insert an LLVM Function declaration for an intrinsic, and return it.
Definition: Function.cpp:1513
ValuesClass values(OptsTy... Options)
Helper to build a ValuesClass by forwarding a variable number of arguments as an initializer list to ...
Definition: CommandLine.h:711
initializer< Ty > init(const Ty &Val)
Definition: CommandLine.h:443
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
@ Offset
Definition: DWP.cpp:480
bool operator<(int64_t V1, const APSInt &V2)
Definition: APSInt.h:361
bool set_is_subset(const S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
set_is_subset(A, B) - Return true iff A in B
iterator_range< early_inc_iterator_impl< detail::IterOfRange< RangeT > > > make_early_inc_range(RangeT &&Range)
Make a range that does early increment to allow mutation of the underlying range without disrupting i...
Definition: STLExtras.h:656
void initializeAMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacyPass(PassRegistry &)
void sort(IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End)
Definition: STLExtras.h:1647
void report_fatal_error(Error Err, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
Report a serious error, calling any installed error handler.
Definition: Error.cpp:167
char & AMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacyPassID
void removeFromUsedLists(Module &M, function_ref< bool(Constant *)> ShouldRemove)
Removes global values from the llvm.used and llvm.compiler.used arrays.
format_object< Ts... > format(const char *Fmt, const Ts &... Vals)
These are helper functions used to produce formatted output.
Definition: Format.h:125
ModulePass * createAMDGPULowerModuleLDSLegacyPass(const AMDGPUTargetMachine *TM=nullptr)
void appendToCompilerUsed(Module &M, ArrayRef< GlobalValue * > Values)
Adds global values to the llvm.compiler.used list.
std::pair< uint64_t, Align > performOptimizedStructLayout(MutableArrayRef< OptimizedStructLayoutField > Fields)
Compute a layout for a struct containing the given fields, making a best-effort attempt to minimize t...
uint64_t alignTo(uint64_t Size, Align A)
Returns a multiple of A needed to store Size bytes.
Definition: Alignment.h:155
constexpr unsigned BitWidth
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:191
Align commonAlignment(Align A, uint64_t Offset)
Returns the alignment that satisfies both alignments.
Definition: Alignment.h:212
#define N
PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM)
const AMDGPUTargetMachine & TM
Definition: AMDGPU.h:134
FunctionVariableMap direct_access
FunctionVariableMap indirect_access
This struct is a compact representation of a valid (non-zero power of two) alignment.
Definition: Alignment.h:39
uint64_t value() const
This is a hole in the type system and should not be abused.
Definition: Alignment.h:85