file | AMDGPU.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUAliasAnalysis.cpp [code] |
| This is the AMGPU address space based alias analysis pass.
file | AMDGPUAliasAnalysis.h [code] |
| This is the AMGPU address space based alias analysis pass.
file | AMDGPUAlwaysInlinePass.cpp [code] |
| This pass marks all internal functions as always_inline and creates duplicates of all other functions and marks the duplicates as always_inline.
file | AMDGPUAnnotateKernelFeatures.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUAnnotateUniformValues.cpp [code] |
| This pass adds amdgpu.uniform metadata to IR values so this information can be used during instruction selection.
file | AMDGPUArgumentUsageInfo.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUArgumentUsageInfo.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUAsanInstrumentation.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUAsanInstrumentation.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUAsmPrinter.cpp [code] |
| The AMDGPUAsmPrinter is used to print both assembly string and also binary code.
file | AMDGPUAsmPrinter.h [code] |
| AMDGPU Assembly printer class.
file | AMDGPUAtomicOptimizer.cpp [code] |
| This pass optimizes atomic operations by using a single lane of a wavefront to perform the atomic operation, thus reducing contention on that memory location.
file | AMDGPUAttributor.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUCallLowering.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel.
file | AMDGPUCallLowering.h [code] |
| This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls.
file | AMDGPUCodeGenPrepare.cpp [code] |
| This pass does misc.
file | AMDGPUCombinerHelper.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUCombinerHelper.h [code] |
| This contains common combine transformations that may be used in a combine pass.
file | AMDGPUCtorDtorLowering.cpp [code] |
| This pass creates a unified init and fini kernel with the required metadata.
file | AMDGPUCtorDtorLowering.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUExportClustering.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUExportClustering.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUFrameLowering.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUFrameLowering.h [code] |
| Interface to describe a layout of a stack frame on an AMDGPU target.
file | AMDGPUGlobalISelDivergenceLowering.cpp [code] |
| GlobalISel pass that selects divergent i1 phis as lane mask phis.
file | AMDGPUGlobalISelUtils.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUGlobalISelUtils.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUHSAMetadataStreamer.cpp [code] |
| AMDGPU HSA Metadata Streamer.
file | AMDGPUHSAMetadataStreamer.h [code] |
| AMDGPU HSA Metadata Streamer.
file | AMDGPUIGroupLP.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUIGroupLP.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUImageIntrinsicOptimizer.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUInsertDelayAlu.cpp [code] |
| Insert s_delay_alu instructions to avoid stalls on GFX11+.
file | AMDGPUInstCombineIntrinsic.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUInstrInfo.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class that is common to all AMD GPUs.
file | AMDGPUInstrInfo.h [code] |
| Contains the definition of a TargetInstrInfo class that is common to all AMD GPUs.
file | AMDGPUInstructionSelector.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPUInstructionSelector.h [code] |
| This file declares the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPUISelDAGToDAG.cpp [code] |
| Defines an instruction selector for the AMDGPU target.
file | AMDGPUISelDAGToDAG.h [code] |
| Defines an instruction selector for the AMDGPU target.
file | AMDGPUISelLowering.cpp [code] |
| This is the parent TargetLowering class for hardware code gen targets.
file | AMDGPUISelLowering.h [code] |
| Interface definition of the TargetLowering class that is common to all AMD GPUs.
file | AMDGPULateCodeGenPrepare.cpp [code] |
| This pass does misc.
file | AMDGPULegalizerInfo.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPULegalizerInfo.h [code] |
| This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPULibCalls.cpp [code] |
| This file does AMD library function optimizations.
file | AMDGPULibFunc.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPULibFunc.h [code] |
file | AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPULowerKernelArguments.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPULowerKernelAttributes.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPULowerModuleLDSPass.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUMachineFunction.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUMachineFunction.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUMachineModuleInfo.cpp [code] |
| AMDGPU Machine Module Info.
file | AMDGPUMachineModuleInfo.h [code] |
| AMDGPU Machine Module Info.
file | AMDGPUMacroFusion.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUMacroFusion.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUMarkLastScratchLoad.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUMCInstLower.cpp [code] |
| Code to lower AMDGPU MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst.
file | AMDGPUMCInstLower.h [code] |
| Header of lower AMDGPU MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst.
file | AMDGPUMCResourceInfo.cpp [code] |
| MC infrastructure to propagate the function level resource usage info.
file | AMDGPUMCResourceInfo.h [code] |
| MC infrastructure to propagate the function level resource usage info.
file | AMDGPUMemoryUtils.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUMemoryUtils.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUMIRFormatter.cpp [code] |
| Implementation of AMDGPU overrides of MIRFormatter.
file | AMDGPUMIRFormatter.h [code] |
| AMDGPU specific overrides of MIRFormatter.
file | AMDGPUOpenCLEnqueuedBlockLowering.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUOpenCLEnqueuedBlockLowering.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUPerfHintAnalysis.cpp [code] |
| Analyzes if a function potentially memory bound and if a kernel kernel may benefit from limiting number of waves to reduce cache thrashing.
file | AMDGPUPerfHintAnalysis.h [code] |
| Analyzes if a function potentially memory bound and if a kernel kernel may benefit from limiting number of waves to reduce cache thrashing.
file | AMDGPUPostLegalizerCombiner.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPreLegalizerCombiner.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPreloadKernArgProlog.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPreloadKernArgProlog.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUPrintfRuntimeBinding.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPromoteAlloca.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPromoteKernelArguments.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUPTNote.h [code] |
| Enums and constants for AMDGPU PT_NOTE sections.
file | AMDGPURegBankCombiner.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPURegBankLegalize.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPURegBankSelect.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPURegisterBankInfo.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPURegisterBankInfo.h [code] |
| This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AMDGPU.
file | AMDGPURemoveIncompatibleFunctions.cpp [code] |
| This pass replaces all uses of functions that use GPU features incompatible with the current GPU with null then deletes the function.
file | AMDGPURemoveIncompatibleFunctions.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUReserveWWMRegs.cpp [code] |
| This pass should be invoked at the end of wwm-regalloc pipeline.
file | AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis.cpp [code] |
| Analyzes how many registers and other resources are used by functions.
file | AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis.h [code] |
| Analyzes how many registers and other resources are used by functions.
file | AMDGPURewriteOutArguments.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPURewriteUndefForPHI.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUSelectionDAGInfo.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUSelectionDAGInfo.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUSetWavePriority.cpp [code] |
| Pass to temporarily raise the wave priority beginning the start of the shader function until its last VMEM instructions to allow younger waves to issue their VMEM instructions as well.
file | AMDGPUSplitModule.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUSplitModule.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUSubtarget.cpp [code] |
| Implements the AMDGPU specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
file | AMDGPUSubtarget.h [code] |
| Base class for AMDGPU specific classes of TargetSubtarget.
file | AMDGPUSwLowerLDS.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUTargetMachine.cpp [code] |
| This file contains both AMDGPU target machine and the CodeGen pass builder.
file | AMDGPUTargetMachine.h [code] |
| The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets.
file | AMDGPUTargetObjectFile.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUTargetObjectFile.h [code] |
| This file declares the AMDGPU-specific subclass of TargetLoweringObjectFile.
file | AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.h [code] |
| This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the AMDGPU target machine.
file | AMDGPUUnifyDivergentExitNodes.cpp [code] |
file | AMDGPUUnifyDivergentExitNodes.h [code] |
file | AMDGPUUnifyMetadata.cpp [code] |
file | AMDKernelCodeT.h [code] |
file | GCNCreateVOPD.cpp [code] |
| Combine VALU pairs into VOPD instructions Only works on wave32 Has register requirements, we reject creating VOPD if the requirements are not met.
file | GCNDPPCombine.cpp [code] |
file | GCNDPPCombine.h [code] |
file | GCNHazardRecognizer.cpp [code] |
file | GCNHazardRecognizer.h [code] |
file | GCNILPSched.cpp [code] |
file | GCNIterativeScheduler.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the class GCNIterativeScheduler.
file | GCNIterativeScheduler.h [code] |
| This file defines the class GCNIterativeScheduler, which uses an iterative approach to find a best schedule for GCN architecture.
file | GCNMinRegStrategy.cpp [code] |
| This file defines and implements the class GCNMinRegScheduler, which implements an experimental, simple scheduler whose main goal is to learn ways about consuming less possible registers for a region.
file | GCNNSAReassign.cpp [code] |
| Try to reassign registers on GFX10+ from non-sequential to sequential in NSA image instructions.
file | GCNPreRALongBranchReg.cpp [code] |
file | GCNPreRAOptimizations.cpp [code] |
| This pass combines split register tuple initialization into a single pseudo:
file | GCNRegPressure.cpp [code] |
| This file implements the GCNRegPressure class.
file | GCNRegPressure.h [code] |
| This file defines the GCNRegPressure class, which tracks registry pressure by bookkeeping number of SGPR/VGPRs used, weights for large SGPR/VGPRs.
file | GCNRewritePartialRegUses.cpp [code] |
| RenameIndependentSubregs pass leaves large partially used super registers, for example: undef %0.sub4:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub5:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub6:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub7:VReg_1024 = ... use %0.sub4_sub5_sub6_sub7 use %0.sub6_sub7.
file | GCNSchedStrategy.cpp [code] |
| This contains a MachineSchedStrategy implementation for maximizing wave occupancy on GCN hardware.
file | GCNSchedStrategy.h [code] |
file | GCNSubtarget.cpp [code] |
| Implements the GCN specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
file | GCNSubtarget.h [code] |
| AMD GCN specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
file | GCNVOPDUtils.cpp [code] |
file | GCNVOPDUtils.h [code] |
file | R600.h [code] |
file | R600AsmPrinter.cpp [code] |
| The R600AsmPrinter is used to print both assembly string and also binary code.
file | R600AsmPrinter.h [code] |
| R600 Assembly printer class.
file | R600ClauseMergePass.cpp [code] |
| R600EmitClauseMarker pass emits CFAlu instruction in a conservative manner.
file | R600ControlFlowFinalizer.cpp [code] |
| This pass compute turns all control flow pseudo instructions into native one computing their address on the fly; it also sets STACK_SIZE info.
file | R600Defines.h [code] |
file | R600EmitClauseMarkers.cpp [code] |
| Add CF_ALU.
file | R600ExpandSpecialInstrs.cpp [code] |
| Vector, Reduction, and Cube instructions need to fill the entire instruction group to work correctly.
file | R600FrameLowering.cpp [code] |
file | R600FrameLowering.h [code] |
file | R600InstrInfo.cpp [code] |
| R600 Implementation of TargetInstrInfo.
file | R600InstrInfo.h [code] |
| Interface definition for R600InstrInfo.
file | R600ISelDAGToDAG.cpp [code] |
| Defines an instruction selector for the R600 subtarget.
file | R600ISelLowering.cpp [code] |
| Custom DAG lowering for R600.
file | R600ISelLowering.h [code] |
| R600 DAG Lowering interface definition.
file | R600MachineCFGStructurizer.cpp [code] |
file | R600MachineFunctionInfo.cpp [code] |
file | R600MachineFunctionInfo.h [code] |
file | R600MachineScheduler.cpp [code] |
| R600 Machine Scheduler interface.
file | R600MachineScheduler.h [code] |
| R600 Machine Scheduler interface.
file | R600MCInstLower.cpp [code] |
| Code to lower R600 MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst.
file | R600OpenCLImageTypeLoweringPass.cpp [code] |
| This pass resolves calls to OpenCL image attribute, image resource ID and sampler resource ID getter functions.
file | R600OptimizeVectorRegisters.cpp [code] |
| This pass merges inputs of swizzeable instructions into vector sharing common data and/or have enough undef subreg using swizzle abilities.
file | R600Packetizer.cpp [code] |
| This pass implements instructions packetization for R600.
file | R600RegisterInfo.cpp [code] |
| R600 implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class.
file | R600RegisterInfo.h [code] |
| Interface definition for R600RegisterInfo.
file | R600Subtarget.cpp [code] |
| Implements the R600 specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
file | R600Subtarget.h [code] |
| AMDGPU R600 specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
file | R600TargetMachine.cpp [code] |
| This file contains both AMDGPU-R600 target machine and the CodeGen pass builder.
file | R600TargetMachine.h [code] |
| The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets.
file | R600TargetTransformInfo.cpp [code] |
file | R600TargetTransformInfo.h [code] |
| This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the R600 target machine.
file | SIAnnotateControlFlow.cpp [code] |
| Annotates the control flow with hardware specific intrinsics.
file | SIDefines.h [code] |
file | SIFixSGPRCopies.cpp [code] |
| Copies from VGPR to SGPR registers are illegal and the register coalescer will sometimes generate these illegal copies in situations like this:
file | SIFixSGPRCopies.h [code] |
file | SIFixVGPRCopies.cpp [code] |
| Add implicit use of exec to vector register copies.
file | SIFoldOperands.cpp [code] |
file | SIFoldOperands.h [code] |
file | SIFormMemoryClauses.cpp [code] |
file | SIFrameLowering.cpp [code] |
file | SIFrameLowering.h [code] |
file | SIInsertHardClauses.cpp [code] |
| Insert s_clause instructions to form hard clauses.
file | SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp [code] |
| Insert wait instructions for memory reads and writes.
file | SIInstrInfo.cpp [code] |
| SI Implementation of TargetInstrInfo.
file | SIInstrInfo.h [code] |
| Interface definition for SIInstrInfo.
file | SIISelLowering.cpp [code] |
| Custom DAG lowering for SI.
file | SIISelLowering.h [code] |
| SI DAG Lowering interface definition.
file | SILateBranchLowering.cpp [code] |
| This pass mainly lowers early terminate pseudo instructions.
file | SILoadStoreOptimizer.cpp [code] |
file | SILoadStoreOptimizer.h [code] |
file | SILowerControlFlow.cpp [code] |
| This pass lowers the pseudo control flow instructions to real machine instructions.
file | SILowerI1Copies.cpp [code] |
file | SILowerI1Copies.h [code] |
| Interface definition of the PhiLoweringHelper class that implements lane mask merging algorithm for divergent i1 phis.
file | SILowerSGPRSpills.cpp [code] |
file | SILowerSGPRSpills.h [code] |
file | SILowerWWMCopies.cpp [code] |
| Lowering the WWM_COPY instructions for various register classes.
file | SIMachineFunctionInfo.cpp [code] |
file | SIMachineFunctionInfo.h [code] |
file | SIMachineScheduler.cpp [code] |
| SI Machine Scheduler interface.
file | SIMachineScheduler.h [code] |
| SI Machine Scheduler interface.
file | SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp [code] |
| Memory legalizer - implements memory model.
file | SIModeRegister.cpp [code] |
| This pass inserts changes to the Mode register settings as required.
file | SIModeRegisterDefaults.cpp [code] |
file | SIModeRegisterDefaults.h [code] |
file | SIOptimizeExecMasking.cpp [code] |
file | SIOptimizeExecMaskingPreRA.cpp [code] |
| This pass performs exec mask handling peephole optimizations which needs to be done before register allocation to reduce register pressure.
file | SIOptimizeVGPRLiveRange.cpp [code] |
| This pass tries to remove unnecessary VGPR live ranges in divergent if-else structures and waterfall loops.
file | SIOptimizeVGPRLiveRange.h [code] |
file | SIPeepholeSDWA.cpp [code] |
file | SIPeepholeSDWA.h [code] |
file | SIPostRABundler.cpp [code] |
| This pass creates bundles of memory instructions to protect adjacent loads and stores from being rescheduled apart from each other post-RA.
file | SIPreAllocateWWMRegs.cpp [code] |
| Pass to pre-allocated WWM registers.
file | SIPreAllocateWWMRegs.h [code] |
file | SIPreEmitPeephole.cpp [code] |
| This pass performs the peephole optimizations before code emission.
file | SIProgramInfo.cpp [code] |
| The SIProgramInfo tracks resource usage and hardware flags for kernels and entry functions.
file | SIProgramInfo.h [code] |
| Defines struct to track resource usage and hardware flags for kernels and entry functions.
file | SIRegisterInfo.cpp [code] |
| SI implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class.
file | SIRegisterInfo.h [code] |
| Interface definition for SIRegisterInfo.
file | SIShrinkInstructions.cpp [code] |
file | SIShrinkInstructions.h [code] |
file | SIWholeQuadMode.cpp [code] |
| This pass adds instructions to enable whole quad mode (strict or non-strict) for pixel shaders, and strict whole wavefront mode for all programs.