LLVM 19.0.0git
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1//===-- AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers.cpp ---------------------------=//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This pass lowers operations on buffer fat pointers (addrspace 7) to
10// operations on buffer resources (addrspace 8) and is needed for correct
11// codegen.
13// # Background
15// Address space 7 (the buffer fat pointer) is a 160-bit pointer that consists
16// of a 128-bit buffer descriptor and a 32-bit offset into that descriptor.
17// The buffer resource part needs to be it needs to be a "raw" buffer resource
18// (it must have a stride of 0 and bounds checks must be in raw buffer mode
19// or disabled).
21// When these requirements are met, a buffer resource can be treated as a
22// typical (though quite wide) pointer that follows typical LLVM pointer
23// semantics. This allows the frontend to reason about such buffers (which are
24// often encountered in the context of SPIR-V kernels).
26// However, because of their non-power-of-2 size, these fat pointers cannot be
27// present during translation to MIR (though this restriction may be lifted
28// during the transition to GlobalISel). Therefore, this pass is needed in order
29// to correctly implement these fat pointers.
31// The resource intrinsics take the resource part (the address space 8 pointer)
32// and the offset part (the 32-bit integer) as separate arguments. In addition,
33// many users of these buffers manipulate the offset while leaving the resource
34// part alone. For these reasons, we want to typically separate the resource
35// and offset parts into separate variables, but combine them together when
36// encountering cases where this is required, such as by inserting these values
37// into aggretates or moving them to memory.
39// Therefore, at a high level, `ptr addrspace(7) %x` becomes `ptr addrspace(8)
40// %x.rsrc` and `i32 %x.off`, which will be combined into `{ptr addrspace(8),
41// i32} %x = {%x.rsrc, %x.off}` if needed. Similarly, `vector<Nxp7>` becomes
42// `{vector<Nxp8>, vector<Nxi32 >}` and its component parts.
44// # Implementation
46// This pass proceeds in three main phases:
48// ## Rewriting loads and stores of p7
50// The first phase is to rewrite away all loads and stors of `ptr addrspace(7)`,
51// including aggregates containing such pointers, to ones that use `i160`. This
52// is handled by `StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor` , which visits loads, stores, and
53// allocas and, if the loaded or stored type contains `ptr addrspace(7)`,
54// rewrites that type to one where the p7s are replaced by i160s, copying other
55// parts of aggregates as needed. In the case of a store, each pointer is
56// `ptrtoint`d to i160 before storing, and load integers are `inttoptr`d back.
57// This same transformation is applied to vectors of pointers.
59// Such a transformation allows the later phases of the pass to not need
60// to handle buffer fat pointers moving to and from memory, where we load
61// have to handle the incompatibility between a `{Nxp8, Nxi32}` representation
62// and `Nxi60` directly. Instead, that transposing action (where the vectors
63// of resources and vectors of offsets are concatentated before being stored to
64// memory) are handled through implementing `inttoptr` and `ptrtoint` only.
66// Atomics operations on `ptr addrspace(7)` values are not suppported, as the
67// hardware does not include a 160-bit atomic.
69// ## Type remapping
71// We use a `ValueMapper` to mangle uses of [vectors of] buffer fat pointers
72// to the corresponding struct type, which has a resource part and an offset
73// part.
75// This uses a `BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap` and a `FatPtrConstMaterializer`
76// to, usually by way of `setType`ing values. Constants are handled here
77// because there isn't a good way to fix them up later.
79// This has the downside of leaving the IR in an invalid state (for example,
80// the instruction `getelementptr {ptr addrspace(8), i32} %p, ...` will exist),
81// but all such invalid states will be resolved by the third phase.
83// Functions that don't take buffer fat pointers are modified in place. Those
84// that do take such pointers have their basic blocks moved to a new function
85// with arguments that are {ptr addrspace(8), i32} arguments and return values.
86// This phase also records intrinsics so that they can be remangled or deleted
87// later.
90// ## Splitting pointer structs
92// The meat of this pass consists of defining semantics for operations that
93// produce or consume [vectors of] buffer fat pointers in terms of their
94// resource and offset parts. This is accomplished throgh the `SplitPtrStructs`
95// visitor.
97// In the first pass through each function that is being lowered, the splitter
98// inserts new instructions to implement the split-structures behavior, which is
99// needed for correctness and performance. It records a list of "split users",
100// instructions that are being replaced by operations on the resource and offset
101// parts.
103// Split users do not necessarily need to produce parts themselves (
104// a `load float, ptr addrspace(7)` does not, for example), but, if they do not
105// generate fat buffer pointers, they must RAUW in their replacement
106// instructions during the initial visit.
108// When these new instructions are created, they use the split parts recorded
109// for their initial arguments in order to generate their replacements, creating
110// a parallel set of instructions that does not refer to the original fat
111// pointer values but instead to their resource and offset components.
113// Instructions, such as `extractvalue`, that produce buffer fat pointers from
114// sources that do not have split parts, have such parts generated using
115// `extractvalue`. This is also the initial handling of PHI nodes, which
116// are then cleaned up.
118// ### Conditionals
120// PHI nodes are initially given resource parts via `extractvalue`. However,
121// this is not an efficient rewrite of such nodes, as, in most cases, the
122// resource part in a conditional or loop remains constant throughout the loop
123// and only the offset varies. Failing to optimize away these constant resources
124// would cause additional registers to be sent around loops and might lead to
125// waterfall loops being generated for buffer operations due to the
126// "non-uniform" resource argument.
128// Therefore, after all instructions have been visited, the pointer splitter
129// post-processes all encountered conditionals. Given a PHI node or select,
130// getPossibleRsrcRoots() collects all values that the resource parts of that
131// conditional's input could come from as well as collecting all conditional
132// instructions encountered during the search. If, after filtering out the
133// initial node itself, the set of encountered conditionals is a subset of the
134// potential roots and there is a single potential resource that isn't in the
135// conditional set, that value is the only possible value the resource argument
136// could have throughout the control flow.
138// If that condition is met, then a PHI node can have its resource part changed
139// to the singleton value and then be replaced by a PHI on the offsets.
140// Otherwise, each PHI node is split into two, one for the resource part and one
141// for the offset part, which replace the temporary `extractvalue` instructions
142// that were added during the first pass.
144// Similar logic applies to `select`, where
145// `%z = select i1 %cond, %cond, ptr addrspace(7) %x, ptr addrspace(7) %y`
146// can be split into `%z.rsrc = %x.rsrc` and
147// `%z.off = select i1 %cond, ptr i32 %x.off, i32 %y.off`
148// if both `%x` and `%y` have the same resource part, but two `select`
149// operations will be needed if they do not.
151// ### Final processing
153// After conditionals have been cleaned up, the IR for each function is
154// rewritten to remove all the old instructions that have been split up.
156// Any instruction that used to produce a buffer fat pointer (and therefore now
157// produces a resource-and-offset struct after type remapping) is
158// replaced as follows:
159// 1. All debug value annotations are cloned to reflect that the resource part
160// and offset parts are computed separately and constitute different
161// fragments of the underlying source language variable.
162// 2. All uses that were themselves split are replaced by a `poison` of the
163// struct type, as they will themselves be erased soon. This rule, combined
164// with debug handling, should leave the use lists of split instructions
165// empty in almost all cases.
166// 3. If a user of the original struct-valued result remains, the structure
167// needed for the new types to work is constructed out of the newly-defined
168// parts, and the original instruction is replaced by this structure
169// before being erased. Instructions requiring this construction include
170// `ret` and `insertvalue`.
172// # Consequences
174// This pass does not alter the CFG.
176// Alias analysis information will become coarser, as the LLVM alias analyzer
177// cannot handle the buffer intrinsics. Specifically, while we can determine
178// that the following two loads do not alias:
179// ```
180// %y = getelementptr i32, ptr addrspace(7) %x, i32 1
181// %a = load i32, ptr addrspace(7) %x
182// %b = load i32, ptr addrspace(7) %y
183// ```
184// we cannot (except through some code that runs during scheduling) determine
185// that the rewritten loads below do not alias.
186// ```
187// %y.off = add i32 %x.off, 1
188// %a = call @llvm.amdgcn.raw.ptr.buffer.load(ptr addrspace(8) %x.rsrc, i32
189// %x.off, ...)
190// %b = call @llvm.amdgcn.raw.ptr.buffer.load(ptr addrspace(8)
191// %x.rsrc, i32 %y.off, ...)
192// ```
193// However, existing alias information is preserved.
196#include "AMDGPU.h"
197#include "AMDGPUTargetMachine.h"
198#include "GCNSubtarget.h"
199#include "SIDefines.h"
201#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
206#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
207#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h"
208#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
209#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
210#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
211#include "llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h"
212#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
213#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
214#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicsAMDGPU.h"
215#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
216#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
217#include "llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h"
220#include "llvm/Pass.h"
222#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
228#define DEBUG_TYPE "amdgpu-lower-buffer-fat-pointers"
230using namespace llvm;
232static constexpr unsigned BufferOffsetWidth = 32;
234namespace {
235/// Recursively replace instances of ptr addrspace(7) and vector<Nxptr
236/// addrspace(7)> with some other type as defined by the relevant subclass.
237class BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase : public ValueMapTypeRemapper {
240 Type *remapTypeImpl(Type *Ty, SmallPtrSetImpl<StructType *> &Seen);
243 virtual Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) = 0;
244 virtual Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) = 0;
246 const DataLayout &DL;
249 BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase(const DataLayout &DL) : DL(DL) {}
250 Type *remapType(Type *SrcTy) override;
251 void clear() { Map.clear(); }
254/// Remap ptr addrspace(7) to i160 and vector<Nxptr addrspace(7)> to
255/// vector<Nxi60> in order to correctly handling loading/storing these values
256/// from memory.
257class BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap : public BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase {
258 using BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase;
261 Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) override { return DL.getIntPtrType(PT); }
262 Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) override { return DL.getIntPtrType(VT); }
265/// Remap ptr addrspace(7) to {ptr addrspace(8), i32} (the resource and offset
266/// parts of the pointer) so that we can easily rewrite operations on these
267/// values that aren't loading them from or storing them to memory.
268class BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap : public BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase {
269 using BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase;
272 Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) override;
273 Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) override;
275} // namespace
277// This code is adapted from the type remapper in lib/Linker/IRMover.cpp
278Type *BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::remapTypeImpl(
280 Type **Entry = &Map[Ty];
281 if (*Entry)
282 return *Entry;
283 if (auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
284 if (PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER) {
285 return *Entry = remapScalar(PT);
286 }
287 }
288 if (auto *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
289 auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(VT->getElementType());
290 if (PT && PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER) {
291 return *Entry = remapVector(VT);
292 }
293 return *Entry = Ty;
294 }
295 // Whether the type is one that is structurally uniqued - that is, if it is
296 // not a named struct (the only kind of type where multiple structurally
297 // identical types that have a distinct `Type*`)
298 StructType *TyAsStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
299 bool IsUniqued = !TyAsStruct || TyAsStruct->isLiteral();
300 // Base case for ints, floats, opaque pointers, and so on, which don't
301 // require recursion.
302 if (Ty->getNumContainedTypes() == 0 && IsUniqued)
303 return *Entry = Ty;
304 if (!IsUniqued) {
305 // Create a dummy type for recursion purposes.
306 if (!Seen.insert(TyAsStruct).second) {
307 StructType *Placeholder = StructType::create(Ty->getContext());
308 return *Entry = Placeholder;
309 }
310 }
311 bool Changed = false;
312 SmallVector<Type *> ElementTypes(Ty->getNumContainedTypes(), nullptr);
313 for (unsigned int I = 0, E = Ty->getNumContainedTypes(); I < E; ++I) {
314 Type *OldElem = Ty->getContainedType(I);
315 Type *NewElem = remapTypeImpl(OldElem, Seen);
316 ElementTypes[I] = NewElem;
317 Changed |= (OldElem != NewElem);
318 }
319 // Recursive calls to remapTypeImpl() may have invalidated pointer.
320 Entry = &Map[Ty];
321 if (!Changed) {
322 return *Entry = Ty;
323 }
324 if (auto *ArrTy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty))
325 return *Entry = ArrayType::get(ElementTypes[0], ArrTy->getNumElements());
326 if (auto *FnTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty))
327 return *Entry = FunctionType::get(ElementTypes[0],
328 ArrayRef(ElementTypes).slice(1),
329 FnTy->isVarArg());
330 if (auto *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
331 // Genuine opaque types don't have a remapping.
332 if (STy->isOpaque())
333 return *Entry = Ty;
334 bool IsPacked = STy->isPacked();
335 if (IsUniqued)
336 return *Entry = StructType::get(Ty->getContext(), ElementTypes, IsPacked);
337 SmallString<16> Name(STy->getName());
338 STy->setName("");
339 Type **RecursionEntry = &Map[Ty];
340 if (*RecursionEntry) {
341 auto *Placeholder = cast<StructType>(*RecursionEntry);
342 Placeholder->setBody(ElementTypes, IsPacked);
343 Placeholder->setName(Name);
344 return *Entry = Placeholder;
345 }
346 return *Entry = StructType::create(Ty->getContext(), ElementTypes, Name,
347 IsPacked);
348 }
349 llvm_unreachable("Unknown type of type that contains elements");
352Type *BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::remapType(Type *SrcTy) {
354 return remapTypeImpl(SrcTy, Visited);
357Type *BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap::remapScalar(PointerType *PT) {
358 LLVMContext &Ctx = PT->getContext();
359 return StructType::get(PointerType::get(Ctx, AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE),
363Type *BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap::remapVector(VectorType *VT) {
364 ElementCount EC = VT->getElementCount();
365 LLVMContext &Ctx = VT->getContext();
366 Type *RsrcVec =
367 VectorType::get(PointerType::get(Ctx, AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE), EC);
368 Type *OffVec = VectorType::get(IntegerType::get(Ctx, BufferOffsetWidth), EC);
369 return StructType::get(RsrcVec, OffVec);
372static bool isBufferFatPtrOrVector(Type *Ty) {
373 if (auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty->getScalarType()))
374 return PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER;
375 return false;
378// True if the type is {ptr addrspace(8), i32} or a struct containing vectors of
379// those types. Used to quickly skip instructions we don't need to process.
380static bool isSplitFatPtr(Type *Ty) {
381 auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
382 if (!ST)
383 return false;
384 if (!ST->isLiteral() || ST->getNumElements() != 2)
385 return false;
386 auto *MaybeRsrc =
387 dyn_cast<PointerType>(ST->getElementType(0)->getScalarType());
388 auto *MaybeOff =
389 dyn_cast<IntegerType>(ST->getElementType(1)->getScalarType());
390 return MaybeRsrc && MaybeOff &&
391 MaybeRsrc->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE &&
392 MaybeOff->getBitWidth() == BufferOffsetWidth;
395// True if the result type or any argument types are buffer fat pointers.
397 Type *T = C->getType();
398 return isBufferFatPtrOrVector(T) || any_of(C->operands(), [](const Use &U) {
399 return isBufferFatPtrOrVector(U.get()->getType());
400 });
403namespace {
404/// Convert [vectors of] buffer fat pointers to integers when they are read from
405/// or stored to memory. This ensures that these pointers will have the same
406/// memory layout as before they are lowered, even though they will no longer
407/// have their previous layout in registers/in the program (they'll be broken
408/// down into resource and offset parts). This has the downside of imposing
409/// marshalling costs when reading or storing these values, but since placing
410/// such pointers into memory is an uncommon operation at best, we feel that
411/// this cost is acceptable for better performance in the common case.
412class StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor
413 : public InstVisitor<StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor, bool> {
414 BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *TypeMap;
416 ValueToValueMapTy ConvertedForStore;
418 IRBuilder<> IRB;
420 // Convert all the buffer fat pointers within the input value to inttegers
421 // so that it can be stored in memory.
422 Value *fatPtrsToInts(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To, const Twine &Name);
423 // Convert all the i160s that need to be buffer fat pointers (as specified)
424 // by the To type) into those pointers to preserve the semantics of the rest
425 // of the program.
426 Value *intsToFatPtrs(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To, const Twine &Name);
429 StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor(BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *TypeMap, LLVMContext &Ctx)
430 : TypeMap(TypeMap), IRB(Ctx) {}
431 bool processFunction(Function &F);
433 bool visitInstruction(Instruction &I) { return false; }
435 bool visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
436 bool visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI);
439} // namespace
441Value *StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::fatPtrsToInts(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To,
442 const Twine &Name) {
443 if (From == To)
444 return V;
445 ValueToValueMapTy::iterator Find = ConvertedForStore.find(V);
446 if (Find != ConvertedForStore.end())
447 return Find->second;
449 Value *Cast = IRB.CreatePtrToInt(V, To, Name + ".int");
450 ConvertedForStore[V] = Cast;
451 return Cast;
452 }
453 if (From->getNumContainedTypes() == 0)
454 return V;
455 // Structs, arrays, and other compound types.
457 if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(From)) {
458 Type *FromPart = AT->getArrayElementType();
459 Type *ToPart = cast<ArrayType>(To)->getElementType();
460 for (uint64_t I = 0, E = AT->getArrayNumElements(); I < E; ++I) {
461 Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, I);
462 Value *NewField =
463 fatPtrsToInts(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(I));
464 Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, I);
465 }
466 } else {
467 for (auto [Idx, FromPart, ToPart] :
468 enumerate(From->subtypes(), To->subtypes())) {
469 Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, Idx);
470 Value *NewField =
471 fatPtrsToInts(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(Idx));
472 Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, Idx);
473 }
474 }
475 ConvertedForStore[V] = Ret;
476 return Ret;
479Value *StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::intsToFatPtrs(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To,
480 const Twine &Name) {
481 if (From == To)
482 return V;
483 if (isBufferFatPtrOrVector(To)) {
484 Value *Cast = IRB.CreateIntToPtr(V, To, Name + ".ptr");
485 return Cast;
486 }
487 if (From->getNumContainedTypes() == 0)
488 return V;
489 // Structs, arrays, and other compound types.
491 if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(From)) {
492 Type *FromPart = AT->getArrayElementType();
493 Type *ToPart = cast<ArrayType>(To)->getElementType();
494 for (uint64_t I = 0, E = AT->getArrayNumElements(); I < E; ++I) {
495 Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, I);
496 Value *NewField =
497 intsToFatPtrs(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(I));
498 Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, I);
499 }
500 } else {
501 for (auto [Idx, FromPart, ToPart] :
502 enumerate(From->subtypes(), To->subtypes())) {
503 Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, Idx);
504 Value *NewField =
505 intsToFatPtrs(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(Idx));
506 Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, Idx);
507 }
508 }
509 return Ret;
512bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::processFunction(Function &F) {
513 bool Changed = false;
514 // The visitors will mutate GEPs and allocas, but will push loads and stores
515 // to the worklist to avoid invalidation.
517 Changed |= visit(I);
518 }
519 ConvertedForStore.clear();
520 return Changed;
523bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I) {
524 Type *Ty = I.getAllocatedType();
525 Type *NewTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
526 if (Ty == NewTy)
527 return false;
528 I.setAllocatedType(NewTy);
529 return true;
532bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I) {
533 Type *Ty = I.getSourceElementType();
534 Type *NewTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
535 if (Ty == NewTy)
536 return false;
537 // We'll be rewriting the type `ptr addrspace(7)` out of existence soon, so
538 // make sure GEPs don't have different semantics with the new type.
539 I.setSourceElementType(NewTy);
540 I.setResultElementType(TypeMap->remapType(I.getResultElementType()));
541 return true;
544bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
545 Type *Ty = LI.getType();
546 Type *IntTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
547 if (Ty == IntTy)
548 return false;
550 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&LI);
551 auto *NLI = cast<LoadInst>(LI.clone());
552 NLI->mutateType(IntTy);
553 NLI = IRB.Insert(NLI);
554 copyMetadataForLoad(*NLI, LI);
555 NLI->takeName(&LI);
557 Value *CastBack = intsToFatPtrs(NLI, IntTy, Ty, NLI->getName());
558 LI.replaceAllUsesWith(CastBack);
559 LI.eraseFromParent();
560 return true;
563bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
564 Value *V = SI.getValueOperand();
565 Type *Ty = V->getType();
566 Type *IntTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
567 if (Ty == IntTy)
568 return false;
570 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&SI);
571 Value *IntV = fatPtrsToInts(V, Ty, IntTy, V->getName());
572 for (auto *Dbg : at::getAssignmentMarkers(&SI))
573 Dbg->setValue(IntV);
575 SI.setOperand(0, IntV);
576 return true;
579/// Return the ptr addrspace(8) and i32 (resource and offset parts) in a lowered
580/// buffer fat pointer constant.
581static std::pair<Constant *, Constant *>
583 assert(isSplitFatPtr(C->getType()) && "Not a split fat buffer pointer");
584 return std::make_pair(C->getAggregateElement(0u), C->getAggregateElement(1u));
587namespace {
588/// Handle the remapping of ptr addrspace(7) constants.
589class FatPtrConstMaterializer final : public ValueMaterializer {
590 BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap;
591 // An internal mapper that is used to recurse into the arguments of constants.
592 // While the documentation for `ValueMapper` specifies not to use it
593 // recursively, examination of the logic in mapValue() shows that it can
594 // safely be used recursively when handling constants, like it does in its own
595 // logic.
596 ValueMapper InternalMapper;
598 Constant *materializeBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C);
601 // UnderlyingMap is the value map this materializer will be filling.
602 FatPtrConstMaterializer(BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap,
603 ValueToValueMapTy &UnderlyingMap)
604 : TypeMap(TypeMap),
605 InternalMapper(UnderlyingMap, RF_None, TypeMap, this) {}
606 virtual ~FatPtrConstMaterializer() = default;
608 Value *materialize(Value *V) override;
610} // namespace
612Constant *FatPtrConstMaterializer::materializeBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C) {
613 Type *SrcTy = C->getType();
614 auto *NewTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(TypeMap->remapType(SrcTy));
615 if (C->isNullValue())
616 return ConstantAggregateZero::getNullValue(NewTy);
617 if (isa<PoisonValue>(C)) {
618 return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy,
619 {PoisonValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(0)),
620 PoisonValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(1))});
621 }
622 if (isa<UndefValue>(C)) {
623 return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy,
624 {UndefValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(0)),
625 UndefValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(1))});
626 }
628 if (auto *VC = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(C)) {
629 if (Constant *S = VC->getSplatValue()) {
630 Constant *NewS = InternalMapper.mapConstant(*S);
631 if (!NewS)
632 return nullptr;
633 auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(NewS);
634 auto EC = VC->getType()->getElementCount();
635 return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {ConstantVector::getSplat(EC, Rsrc),
636 ConstantVector::getSplat(EC, Off)});
637 }
640 for (Value *Op : VC->operand_values()) {
641 auto *NewOp = dyn_cast_or_null<Constant>(InternalMapper.mapValue(*Op));
642 if (!NewOp)
643 return nullptr;
644 auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(NewOp);
645 Rsrcs.push_back(Rsrc);
646 Offs.push_back(Off);
647 }
648 Constant *RsrcVec = ConstantVector::get(Rsrcs);
649 Constant *OffVec = ConstantVector::get(Offs);
650 return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {RsrcVec, OffVec});
651 }
653 if (isa<GlobalValue>(C))
654 report_fatal_error("Global values containing ptr addrspace(7) (buffer "
655 "fat pointer) values are not supported");
657 if (isa<ConstantExpr>(C))
658 report_fatal_error("Constant exprs containing ptr addrspace(7) (buffer "
659 "fat pointer) values should have been expanded earlier");
661 return nullptr;
664Value *FatPtrConstMaterializer::materialize(Value *V) {
665 Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V);
666 if (!C)
667 return nullptr;
668 // Structs and other types that happen to contain fat pointers get remapped
669 // by the mapValue() logic.
671 return nullptr;
672 return materializeBufferFatPtrConst(C);
675using PtrParts = std::pair<Value *, Value *>;
676namespace {
677// The visitor returns the resource and offset parts for an instruction if they
678// can be computed, or (nullptr, nullptr) for cases that don't have a meaningful
679// value mapping.
680class SplitPtrStructs : public InstVisitor<SplitPtrStructs, PtrParts> {
681 ValueToValueMapTy RsrcParts;
682 ValueToValueMapTy OffParts;
684 // Track instructions that have been rewritten into a user of the component
685 // parts of their ptr addrspace(7) input. Instructions that produced
686 // ptr addrspace(7) parts should **not** be RAUW'd before being added to this
687 // set, as that replacement will be handled in a post-visit step. However,
688 // instructions that yield values that aren't fat pointers (ex. ptrtoint)
689 // should RAUW themselves with new instructions that use the split parts
690 // of their arguments during processing.
691 DenseSet<Instruction *> SplitUsers;
693 // Nodes that need a second look once we've computed the parts for all other
694 // instructions to see if, for example, we really need to phi on the resource
695 // part.
696 SmallVector<Instruction *> Conditionals;
697 // Temporary instructions produced while lowering conditionals that should be
698 // killed.
699 SmallVector<Instruction *> ConditionalTemps;
701 // Subtarget info, needed for determining what cache control bits to set.
702 const TargetMachine *TM;
703 const GCNSubtarget *ST = nullptr;
705 IRBuilder<> IRB;
707 // Copy metadata between instructions if applicable.
708 void copyMetadata(Value *Dest, Value *Src);
710 // Get the resource and offset parts of the value V, inserting appropriate
711 // extractvalue calls if needed.
712 PtrParts getPtrParts(Value *V);
714 // Given an instruction that could produce multiple resource parts (a PHI or
715 // select), collect the set of possible instructions that could have provided
716 // its resource parts that it could have (the `Roots`) and the set of
717 // conditional instructions visited during the search (`Seen`). If, after
718 // removing the root of the search from `Seen` and `Roots`, `Seen` is a subset
719 // of `Roots` and `Roots - Seen` contains one element, the resource part of
720 // that element can replace the resource part of all other elements in `Seen`.
721 void getPossibleRsrcRoots(Instruction *I, SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Roots,
723 void processConditionals();
725 // If an instruction hav been split into resource and offset parts,
726 // delete that instruction. If any of its uses have not themselves been split
727 // into parts (for example, an insertvalue), construct the structure
728 // that the type rewrites declared should be produced by the dying instruction
729 // and use that.
730 // Also, kill the temporary extractvalue operations produced by the two-stage
731 // lowering of PHIs and conditionals.
732 void killAndReplaceSplitInstructions(SmallVectorImpl<Instruction *> &Origs);
734 void setAlign(CallInst *Intr, Align A, unsigned RsrcArgIdx);
735 void insertPreMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order, SyncScope::ID SSID);
736 void insertPostMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order, SyncScope::ID SSID);
737 Value *handleMemoryInst(Instruction *I, Value *Arg, Value *Ptr, Type *Ty,
738 Align Alignment, AtomicOrdering Order,
739 bool IsVolatile, SyncScope::ID SSID);
742 SplitPtrStructs(LLVMContext &Ctx, const TargetMachine *TM)
743 : TM(TM), IRB(Ctx) {}
745 void processFunction(Function &F);
769} // namespace
771void SplitPtrStructs::copyMetadata(Value *Dest, Value *Src) {
772 auto *DestI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Dest);
773 auto *SrcI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Src);
775 if (!DestI || !SrcI)
776 return;
778 DestI->copyMetadata(*SrcI);
781PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::getPtrParts(Value *V) {
782 assert(isSplitFatPtr(V->getType()) && "it's not meaningful to get the parts "
783 "of something that wasn't rewritten");
784 auto *RsrcEntry = &RsrcParts[V];
785 auto *OffEntry = &OffParts[V];
786 if (*RsrcEntry && *OffEntry)
787 return {*RsrcEntry, *OffEntry};
789 if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V)) {
790 auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(C);
791 return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
792 }
795 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
796 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Recursing to split parts of " << *I << "\n");
797 auto [Rsrc, Off] = visit(*I);
798 if (Rsrc && Off)
799 return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
800 // We'll be creating the new values after the relevant instruction.
801 // This instruction generates a value and so isn't a terminator.
802 IRB.SetInsertPoint(*I->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
803 IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(I->getDebugLoc());
804 } else if (auto *A = dyn_cast<Argument>(V)) {
805 IRB.SetInsertPointPastAllocas(A->getParent());
806 IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(DebugLoc());
807 }
808 Value *Rsrc = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, 0, V->getName() + ".rsrc");
809 Value *Off = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, 1, V->getName() + ".off");
810 return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
813/// Returns the instruction that defines the resource part of the value V.
814/// Note that this is not getUnderlyingObject(), since that looks through
815/// operations like ptrmask which might modify the resource part.
817/// We can limit ourselves to just looking through GEPs followed by looking
818/// through addrspacecasts because only those two operations preserve the
819/// resource part, and because operations on an `addrspace(8)` (which is the
820/// legal input to this addrspacecast) would produce a different resource part.
822 while (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(V))
823 V = GEP->getPointerOperand();
824 while (auto *ASC = dyn_cast<AddrSpaceCastOperator>(V))
825 V = ASC->getPointerOperand();
826 return V;
829void SplitPtrStructs::getPossibleRsrcRoots(Instruction *I,
832 if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
833 if (!Seen.insert(I).second)
834 return;
835 for (Value *In : PHI->incoming_values()) {
836 In = rsrcPartRoot(In);
837 Roots.insert(In);
838 if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(In))
839 getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(In), Roots, Seen);
840 }
841 } else if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(I)) {
842 if (!Seen.insert(SI).second)
843 return;
844 Value *TrueVal = rsrcPartRoot(SI->getTrueValue());
845 Value *FalseVal = rsrcPartRoot(SI->getFalseValue());
846 Roots.insert(TrueVal);
847 Roots.insert(FalseVal);
848 if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(TrueVal))
849 getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(TrueVal), Roots, Seen);
850 if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(FalseVal))
851 getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(FalseVal), Roots, Seen);
852 } else {
853 llvm_unreachable("getPossibleRsrcParts() only works on phi and select");
854 }
857void SplitPtrStructs::processConditionals() {
861 for (Instruction *I : Conditionals) {
862 // These have to exist by now because we've visited these nodes.
863 Value *Rsrc = RsrcParts[I];
864 Value *Off = OffParts[I];
865 assert(Rsrc && Off && "must have visited conditionals by now");
867 std::optional<Value *> MaybeRsrc;
868 auto MaybeFoundRsrc = FoundRsrcs.find(I);
869 if (MaybeFoundRsrc != FoundRsrcs.end()) {
870 MaybeRsrc = MaybeFoundRsrc->second;
871 } else {
873 Roots.clear();
874 Seen.clear();
875 getPossibleRsrcRoots(I, Roots, Seen);
876 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing conditional: " << *I << "\n");
877#ifndef NDEBUG
878 for (Value *V : Roots)
879 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Root: " << *V << "\n");
880 for (Value *V : Seen)
881 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Seen: " << *V << "\n");
883 // If we are our own possible root, then we shouldn't block our
884 // replacement with a valid incoming value.
885 Roots.erase(I);
886 // We don't want to block the optimization for conditionals that don't
887 // refer to themselves but did see themselves during the traversal.
888 Seen.erase(I);
890 if (set_is_subset(Seen, Roots)) {
891 auto Diff = set_difference(Roots, Seen);
892 if (Diff.size() == 1) {
893 Value *RootVal = *Diff.begin();
894 // Handle the case where previous loops already looked through
895 // an addrspacecast.
896 if (isSplitFatPtr(RootVal->getType()))
897 MaybeRsrc = std::get<0>(getPtrParts(RootVal));
898 else
899 MaybeRsrc = RootVal;
900 }
901 }
902 }
904 if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
905 Value *NewRsrc;
906 StructType *PHITy = cast<StructType>(PHI->getType());
907 IRB.SetInsertPoint(*PHI->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
908 IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(PHI->getDebugLoc());
909 if (MaybeRsrc) {
910 NewRsrc = *MaybeRsrc;
911 } else {
912 Type *RsrcTy = PHITy->getElementType(0);
913 auto *RsrcPHI = IRB.CreatePHI(RsrcTy, PHI->getNumIncomingValues());
914 RsrcPHI->takeName(Rsrc);
915 for (auto [V, BB] : llvm::zip(PHI->incoming_values(), PHI->blocks())) {
916 Value *VRsrc = std::get<0>(getPtrParts(V));
917 RsrcPHI->addIncoming(VRsrc, BB);
918 }
919 copyMetadata(RsrcPHI, PHI);
920 NewRsrc = RsrcPHI;
921 }
923 Type *OffTy = PHITy->getElementType(1);
924 auto *NewOff = IRB.CreatePHI(OffTy, PHI->getNumIncomingValues());
925 NewOff->takeName(Off);
926 for (auto [V, BB] : llvm::zip(PHI->incoming_values(), PHI->blocks())) {
927 assert(OffParts.count(V) && "An offset part had to be created by now");
928 Value *VOff = std::get<1>(getPtrParts(V));
929 NewOff->addIncoming(VOff, BB);
930 }
931 copyMetadata(NewOff, PHI);
933 // Note: We don't eraseFromParent() the temporaries because we don't want
934 // to put the corrections maps in an inconstent state. That'll be handed
935 // during the rest of the killing. Also, `ValueToValueMapTy` guarantees
936 // that references in that map will be updated as well.
937 ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Rsrc));
938 ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Off));
939 Rsrc->replaceAllUsesWith(NewRsrc);
940 Off->replaceAllUsesWith(NewOff);
942 // Save on recomputing the cycle traversals in known-root cases.
943 if (MaybeRsrc)
944 for (Value *V : Seen)
945 FoundRsrcs[cast<Instruction>(V)] = NewRsrc;
946 } else if (isa<SelectInst>(I)) {
947 if (MaybeRsrc) {
948 ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Rsrc));
949 Rsrc->replaceAllUsesWith(*MaybeRsrc);
950 for (Value *V : Seen)
951 FoundRsrcs[cast<Instruction>(V)] = *MaybeRsrc;
952 }
953 } else {
954 llvm_unreachable("Only PHIs and selects go in the conditionals list");
955 }
956 }
959void SplitPtrStructs::killAndReplaceSplitInstructions(
961 for (Instruction *I : ConditionalTemps)
962 I->eraseFromParent();
964 for (Instruction *I : Origs) {
965 if (!SplitUsers.contains(I))
966 continue;
969 findDbgValues(Dbgs, I);
970 for (auto *Dbg : Dbgs) {
971 IRB.SetInsertPoint(Dbg);
972 auto &DL = I->getDataLayout();
973 assert(isSplitFatPtr(I->getType()) &&
974 "We should've RAUW'd away loads, stores, etc. at this point");
975 auto *OffDbg = cast<DbgValueInst>(Dbg->clone());
976 copyMetadata(OffDbg, Dbg);
977 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(I);
979 int64_t RsrcSz = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(Rsrc->getType());
980 int64_t OffSz = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(Off->getType());
982 std::optional<DIExpression *> RsrcExpr =
984 RsrcSz);
985 std::optional<DIExpression *> OffExpr =
986 DIExpression::createFragmentExpression(Dbg->getExpression(), RsrcSz,
987 OffSz);
988 if (OffExpr) {
989 OffDbg->setExpression(*OffExpr);
990 OffDbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, Off);
991 IRB.Insert(OffDbg);
992 } else {
993 OffDbg->deleteValue();
994 }
995 if (RsrcExpr) {
996 Dbg->setExpression(*RsrcExpr);
997 Dbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, Rsrc);
998 } else {
999 Dbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, UndefValue::get(I->getType()));
1000 }
1001 }
1003 Value *Poison = PoisonValue::get(I->getType());
1004 I->replaceUsesWithIf(Poison, [&](const Use &U) -> bool {
1005 if (const auto *UI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
1006 return SplitUsers.contains(UI);
1007 return false;
1008 });
1010 if (I->use_empty()) {
1011 I->eraseFromParent();
1012 continue;
1013 }
1014 IRB.SetInsertPoint(*I->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
1015 IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(I->getDebugLoc());
1016 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(I);
1017 Value *Struct = PoisonValue::get(I->getType());
1018 Struct = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Struct, Rsrc, 0);
1019 Struct = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Struct, Off, 1);
1020 copyMetadata(Struct, I);
1021 Struct->takeName(I);
1022 I->replaceAllUsesWith(Struct);
1023 I->eraseFromParent();
1024 }
1027void SplitPtrStructs::setAlign(CallInst *Intr, Align A, unsigned RsrcArgIdx) {
1028 LLVMContext &Ctx = Intr->getContext();
1029 Intr->addParamAttr(RsrcArgIdx, Attribute::getWithAlignment(Ctx, A));
1032void SplitPtrStructs::insertPreMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order,
1033 SyncScope::ID SSID) {
1034 switch (Order) {
1035 case AtomicOrdering::Release:
1036 case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
1037 case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
1038 IRB.CreateFence(AtomicOrdering::Release, SSID);
1039 break;
1040 default:
1041 break;
1042 }
1045void SplitPtrStructs::insertPostMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order,
1046 SyncScope::ID SSID) {
1047 switch (Order) {
1048 case AtomicOrdering::Acquire:
1049 case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
1050 case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
1051 IRB.CreateFence(AtomicOrdering::Acquire, SSID);
1052 break;
1053 default:
1054 break;
1055 }
1058Value *SplitPtrStructs::handleMemoryInst(Instruction *I, Value *Arg, Value *Ptr,
1059 Type *Ty, Align Alignment,
1060 AtomicOrdering Order, bool IsVolatile,
1061 SyncScope::ID SSID) {
1062 IRB.SetInsertPoint(I);
1064 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1066 if (Arg)
1067 Args.push_back(Arg);
1068 Args.push_back(Rsrc);
1069 Args.push_back(Off);
1070 insertPreMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
1071 // soffset is always 0 for these cases, where we always want any offset to be
1072 // part of bounds checking and we don't know which parts of the GEPs is
1073 // uniform.
1074 Args.push_back(IRB.getInt32(0));
1076 uint32_t Aux = 0;
1077 bool IsInvariant =
1078 (isa<LoadInst>(I) && I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load));
1079 bool IsNonTemporal = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal);
1080 // Atomic loads and stores need glc, atomic read-modify-write doesn't.
1081 bool IsOneWayAtomic =
1082 !isa<AtomicRMWInst>(I) && Order != AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic;
1083 if (IsOneWayAtomic)
1084 Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::GLC;
1085 if (IsNonTemporal && !IsInvariant)
1086 Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::SLC;
1087 if (isa<LoadInst>(I) && ST->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX10)
1088 Aux |= (Aux & AMDGPU::CPol::GLC ? AMDGPU::CPol::DLC : 0);
1089 if (IsVolatile)
1091 Args.push_back(IRB.getInt32(Aux));
1094 if (isa<LoadInst>(I))
1095 // TODO: Do we need to do something about atomic loads?
1096 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_load;
1097 else if (isa<StoreInst>(I))
1098 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_store;
1099 else if (auto *RMW = dyn_cast<AtomicRMWInst>(I)) {
1100 switch (RMW->getOperation()) {
1102 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_swap;
1103 break;
1104 case AtomicRMWInst::Add:
1105 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_add;
1106 break;
1107 case AtomicRMWInst::Sub:
1108 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_sub;
1109 break;
1110 case AtomicRMWInst::And:
1111 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_and;
1112 break;
1113 case AtomicRMWInst::Or:
1114 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_or;
1115 break;
1116 case AtomicRMWInst::Xor:
1117 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_xor;
1118 break;
1119 case AtomicRMWInst::Max:
1120 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_smax;
1121 break;
1122 case AtomicRMWInst::Min:
1123 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_smin;
1124 break;
1126 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_umax;
1127 break;
1129 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_umin;
1130 break;
1132 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fadd;
1133 break;
1135 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fmax;
1136 break;
1138 IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fmin;
1139 break;
1140 case AtomicRMWInst::FSub: {
1141 report_fatal_error("atomic floating point subtraction not supported for "
1142 "buffer resources and should've been expanded away");
1143 break;
1144 }
1146 report_fatal_error("atomic nand not supported for buffer resources and "
1147 "should've been expanded away");
1148 break;
1151 report_fatal_error("wrapping increment/decrement not supported for "
1152 "buffer resources and should've ben expanded away");
1153 break;
1155 llvm_unreachable("Not sure how we got a bad binop");
1156 }
1157 }
1159 auto *Call = IRB.CreateIntrinsic(IID, Ty, Args);
1160 copyMetadata(Call, I);
1161 setAlign(Call, Alignment, Arg ? 1 : 0);
1162 Call->takeName(I);
1164 insertPostMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
1165 // The "no moving p7 directly" rewrites ensure that this load or store won't
1166 // itself need to be split into parts.
1167 SplitUsers.insert(I);
1168 I->replaceAllUsesWith(Call);
1169 return Call;
1172PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
1173 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1176PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
1178 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1179 handleMemoryInst(&LI, nullptr, LI.getPointerOperand(), LI.getType(),
1180 LI.getAlign(), LI.getOrdering(), LI.isVolatile(),
1181 LI.getSyncScopeID());
1182 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1185PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
1186 if (!isSplitFatPtr(SI.getPointerOperandType()))
1187 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1188 Value *Arg = SI.getValueOperand();
1189 handleMemoryInst(&SI, Arg, SI.getPointerOperand(), Arg->getType(),
1190 SI.getAlign(), SI.getOrdering(), SI.isVolatile(),
1191 SI.getSyncScopeID());
1192 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1195PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitAtomicRMWInst(AtomicRMWInst &AI) {
1197 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1198 Value *Arg = AI.getValOperand();
1199 handleMemoryInst(&AI, Arg, AI.getPointerOperand(), Arg->getType(),
1200 AI.getAlign(), AI.getOrdering(), AI.isVolatile(),
1201 AI.getSyncScopeID());
1202 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1205// Unlike load, store, and RMW, cmpxchg needs special handling to account
1206// for the boolean argument.
1207PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitAtomicCmpXchgInst(AtomicCmpXchgInst &AI) {
1208 Value *Ptr = AI.getPointerOperand();
1209 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1210 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1211 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&AI);
1213 Type *Ty = AI.getNewValOperand()->getType();
1214 AtomicOrdering Order = AI.getMergedOrdering();
1215 SyncScope::ID SSID = AI.getSyncScopeID();
1216 bool IsNonTemporal = AI.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal);
1218 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1219 insertPreMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
1221 uint32_t Aux = 0;
1222 if (IsNonTemporal)
1223 Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::SLC;
1224 if (AI.isVolatile())
1226 auto *Call =
1227 IRB.CreateIntrinsic(Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_cmpswap, Ty,
1228 {AI.getNewValOperand(), AI.getCompareOperand(), Rsrc,
1229 Off, IRB.getInt32(0), IRB.getInt32(Aux)});
1230 copyMetadata(Call, &AI);
1231 setAlign(Call, AI.getAlign(), 2);
1232 Call->takeName(&AI);
1233 insertPostMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
1235 Value *Res = PoisonValue::get(AI.getType());
1236 Res = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Res, Call, 0);
1237 if (!AI.isWeak()) {
1238 Value *Succeeded = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(Call, AI.getCompareOperand());
1239 Res = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Res, Succeeded, 1);
1240 }
1241 SplitUsers.insert(&AI);
1242 AI.replaceAllUsesWith(Res);
1243 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1246PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP) {
1247 using namespace llvm::PatternMatch;
1248 Value *Ptr = GEP.getPointerOperand();
1249 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1250 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1251 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&GEP);
1253 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1254 const DataLayout &DL = GEP.getDataLayout();
1255 bool InBounds = GEP.isInBounds();
1257 // In order to call emitGEPOffset() and thus not have to reimplement it,
1258 // we need the GEP result to have ptr addrspace(7) type.
1260 if (auto *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Off->getType()))
1261 FatPtrTy = VectorType::get(FatPtrTy, VT->getElementCount());
1262 GEP.mutateType(FatPtrTy);
1263 Value *OffAccum = emitGEPOffset(&IRB, DL, &GEP);
1264 GEP.mutateType(Ptr->getType());
1265 if (match(OffAccum, m_Zero())) { // Constant-zero offset
1266 SplitUsers.insert(&GEP);
1267 return {Rsrc, Off};
1268 }
1270 bool HasNonNegativeOff = false;
1271 if (auto *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(OffAccum)) {
1272 HasNonNegativeOff = !CI->isNegative();
1273 }
1274 Value *NewOff;
1275 if (match(Off, m_Zero())) {
1276 NewOff = OffAccum;
1277 } else {
1278 NewOff = IRB.CreateAdd(Off, OffAccum, "",
1279 /*hasNUW=*/InBounds && HasNonNegativeOff,
1280 /*hasNSW=*/false);
1281 }
1282 copyMetadata(NewOff, &GEP);
1283 NewOff->takeName(&GEP);
1284 SplitUsers.insert(&GEP);
1285 return {Rsrc, NewOff};
1288PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitPtrToIntInst(PtrToIntInst &PI) {
1289 Value *Ptr = PI.getPointerOperand();
1290 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1291 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1292 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&PI);
1294 Type *ResTy = PI.getType();
1295 unsigned Width = ResTy->getScalarSizeInBits();
1297 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1298 const DataLayout &DL = PI.getDataLayout();
1299 unsigned FatPtrWidth = DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER);
1301 Value *Res;
1302 if (Width <= BufferOffsetWidth) {
1303 Res = IRB.CreateIntCast(Off, ResTy, /*isSigned=*/false,
1304 PI.getName() + ".off");
1305 } else {
1306 Value *RsrcInt = IRB.CreatePtrToInt(Rsrc, ResTy, PI.getName() + ".rsrc");
1307 Value *Shl = IRB.CreateShl(
1308 RsrcInt,
1309 ConstantExpr::getIntegerValue(ResTy, APInt(Width, BufferOffsetWidth)),
1310 "", Width >= FatPtrWidth, Width > FatPtrWidth);
1311 Value *OffCast = IRB.CreateIntCast(Off, ResTy, /*isSigned=*/false,
1312 PI.getName() + ".off");
1313 Res = IRB.CreateOr(Shl, OffCast);
1314 }
1316 copyMetadata(Res, &PI);
1317 Res->takeName(&PI);
1318 SplitUsers.insert(&PI);
1319 PI.replaceAllUsesWith(Res);
1320 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1323PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitIntToPtrInst(IntToPtrInst &IP) {
1324 if (!isSplitFatPtr(IP.getType()))
1325 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1326 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&IP);
1327 const DataLayout &DL = IP.getDataLayout();
1328 unsigned RsrcPtrWidth = DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE);
1329 Value *Int = IP.getOperand(0);
1330 Type *IntTy = Int->getType();
1331 Type *RsrcIntTy = IntTy->getWithNewBitWidth(RsrcPtrWidth);
1332 unsigned Width = IntTy->getScalarSizeInBits();
1334 auto *RetTy = cast<StructType>(IP.getType());
1335 Type *RsrcTy = RetTy->getElementType(0);
1336 Type *OffTy = RetTy->getElementType(1);
1337 Value *RsrcPart = IRB.CreateLShr(
1338 Int,
1339 ConstantExpr::getIntegerValue(IntTy, APInt(Width, BufferOffsetWidth)));
1340 Value *RsrcInt = IRB.CreateIntCast(RsrcPart, RsrcIntTy, /*isSigned=*/false);
1341 Value *Rsrc = IRB.CreateIntToPtr(RsrcInt, RsrcTy, IP.getName() + ".rsrc");
1342 Value *Off =
1343 IRB.CreateIntCast(Int, OffTy, /*IsSigned=*/false, IP.getName() + ".off");
1345 copyMetadata(Rsrc, &IP);
1346 SplitUsers.insert(&IP);
1347 return {Rsrc, Off};
1350PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitAddrSpaceCastInst(AddrSpaceCastInst &I) {
1351 if (!isSplitFatPtr(I.getType()))
1352 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1353 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1354 Value *In = I.getPointerOperand();
1355 // No-op casts preserve parts
1356 if (In->getType() == I.getType()) {
1357 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(In);
1358 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1359 return {Rsrc, Off};
1360 }
1361 if (I.getSrcAddressSpace() != AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE)
1362 report_fatal_error("Only buffer resources (addrspace 8) can be cast to "
1363 "buffer fat pointers (addrspace 7)");
1364 Type *OffTy = cast<StructType>(I.getType())->getElementType(1);
1365 Value *ZeroOff = Constant::getNullValue(OffTy);
1366 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1367 return {In, ZeroOff};
1370PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitICmpInst(ICmpInst &Cmp) {
1371 Value *Lhs = Cmp.getOperand(0);
1372 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Lhs->getType()))
1373 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1374 Value *Rhs = Cmp.getOperand(1);
1375 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&Cmp);
1376 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = Cmp.getPredicate();
1378 assert((Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE) &&
1379 "Pointer comparison is only equal or unequal");
1380 auto [LhsRsrc, LhsOff] = getPtrParts(Lhs);
1381 auto [RhsRsrc, RhsOff] = getPtrParts(Rhs);
1382 Value *RsrcCmp =
1383 IRB.CreateICmp(Pred, LhsRsrc, RhsRsrc, Cmp.getName() + ".rsrc");
1384 copyMetadata(RsrcCmp, &Cmp);
1385 Value *OffCmp = IRB.CreateICmp(Pred, LhsOff, RhsOff, Cmp.getName() + ".off");
1386 copyMetadata(OffCmp, &Cmp);
1388 Value *Res = nullptr;
1389 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ)
1390 Res = IRB.CreateAnd(RsrcCmp, OffCmp);
1391 else if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
1392 Res = IRB.CreateOr(RsrcCmp, OffCmp);
1393 copyMetadata(Res, &Cmp);
1394 Res->takeName(&Cmp);
1395 SplitUsers.insert(&Cmp);
1396 Cmp.replaceAllUsesWith(Res);
1397 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1400PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitFreezeInst(FreezeInst &I) {
1401 if (!isSplitFatPtr(I.getType()))
1402 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1403 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1404 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(I.getOperand(0));
1406 Value *RsrcRes = IRB.CreateFreeze(Rsrc, I.getName() + ".rsrc");
1407 copyMetadata(RsrcRes, &I);
1408 Value *OffRes = IRB.CreateFreeze(Off, I.getName() + ".off");
1409 copyMetadata(OffRes, &I);
1410 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1411 return {RsrcRes, OffRes};
1414PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitExtractElementInst(ExtractElementInst &I) {
1415 if (!isSplitFatPtr(I.getType()))
1416 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1417 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1418 Value *Vec = I.getVectorOperand();
1419 Value *Idx = I.getIndexOperand();
1420 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Vec);
1422 Value *RsrcRes = IRB.CreateExtractElement(Rsrc, Idx, I.getName() + ".rsrc");
1423 copyMetadata(RsrcRes, &I);
1424 Value *OffRes = IRB.CreateExtractElement(Off, Idx, I.getName() + ".off");
1425 copyMetadata(OffRes, &I);
1426 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1427 return {RsrcRes, OffRes};
1430PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitInsertElementInst(InsertElementInst &I) {
1431 // The mutated instructions temporarily don't return vectors, and so
1432 // we need the generic getType() here to avoid crashes.
1433 if (!isSplitFatPtr(cast<Instruction>(I).getType()))
1434 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1435 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1436 Value *Vec = I.getOperand(0);
1437 Value *Elem = I.getOperand(1);
1438 Value *Idx = I.getOperand(2);
1439 auto [VecRsrc, VecOff] = getPtrParts(Vec);
1440 auto [ElemRsrc, ElemOff] = getPtrParts(Elem);
1442 Value *RsrcRes =
1443 IRB.CreateInsertElement(VecRsrc, ElemRsrc, Idx, I.getName() + ".rsrc");
1444 copyMetadata(RsrcRes, &I);
1445 Value *OffRes =
1446 IRB.CreateInsertElement(VecOff, ElemOff, Idx, I.getName() + ".off");
1447 copyMetadata(OffRes, &I);
1448 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1449 return {RsrcRes, OffRes};
1452PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitShuffleVectorInst(ShuffleVectorInst &I) {
1453 // Cast is needed for the same reason as insertelement's.
1454 if (!isSplitFatPtr(cast<Instruction>(I).getType()))
1455 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1456 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1458 Value *V1 = I.getOperand(0);
1459 Value *V2 = I.getOperand(1);
1460 ArrayRef<int> Mask = I.getShuffleMask();
1461 auto [V1Rsrc, V1Off] = getPtrParts(V1);
1462 auto [V2Rsrc, V2Off] = getPtrParts(V2);
1464 Value *RsrcRes =
1465 IRB.CreateShuffleVector(V1Rsrc, V2Rsrc, Mask, I.getName() + ".rsrc");
1466 copyMetadata(RsrcRes, &I);
1467 Value *OffRes =
1468 IRB.CreateShuffleVector(V1Off, V2Off, Mask, I.getName() + ".off");
1469 copyMetadata(OffRes, &I);
1470 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1471 return {RsrcRes, OffRes};
1474PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitPHINode(PHINode &PHI) {
1475 if (!isSplitFatPtr(PHI.getType()))
1476 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1477 IRB.SetInsertPoint(*PHI.getInsertionPointAfterDef());
1478 // Phi nodes will be handled in post-processing after we've visited every
1479 // instruction. However, instead of just returning {nullptr, nullptr},
1480 // we explicitly create the temporary extractvalue operations that are our
1481 // temporary results so that they end up at the beginning of the block with
1482 // the PHIs.
1483 Value *TmpRsrc = IRB.CreateExtractValue(&PHI, 0, PHI.getName() + ".rsrc");
1484 Value *TmpOff = IRB.CreateExtractValue(&PHI, 1, PHI.getName() + ".off");
1485 Conditionals.push_back(&PHI);
1486 SplitUsers.insert(&PHI);
1487 return {TmpRsrc, TmpOff};
1490PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI) {
1491 if (!isSplitFatPtr(SI.getType()))
1492 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1493 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&SI);
1495 Value *Cond = SI.getCondition();
1496 Value *True = SI.getTrueValue();
1497 Value *False = SI.getFalseValue();
1498 auto [TrueRsrc, TrueOff] = getPtrParts(True);
1499 auto [FalseRsrc, FalseOff] = getPtrParts(False);
1501 Value *RsrcRes =
1502 IRB.CreateSelect(Cond, TrueRsrc, FalseRsrc, SI.getName() + ".rsrc", &SI);
1503 copyMetadata(RsrcRes, &SI);
1504 Conditionals.push_back(&SI);
1505 Value *OffRes =
1506 IRB.CreateSelect(Cond, TrueOff, FalseOff, SI.getName() + ".off", &SI);
1507 copyMetadata(OffRes, &SI);
1508 SplitUsers.insert(&SI);
1509 return {RsrcRes, OffRes};
1512/// Returns true if this intrinsic needs to be removed when it is
1513/// applied to `ptr addrspace(7)` values. Calls to these intrinsics are
1514/// rewritten into calls to versions of that intrinsic on the resource
1515/// descriptor.
1517 switch (IID) {
1518 default:
1519 return false;
1520 case Intrinsic::ptrmask:
1521 case Intrinsic::invariant_start:
1522 case Intrinsic::invariant_end:
1523 case Intrinsic::launder_invariant_group:
1524 case Intrinsic::strip_invariant_group:
1525 return true;
1526 }
1529PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitIntrinsicInst(IntrinsicInst &I) {
1530 Intrinsic::ID IID = I.getIntrinsicID();
1531 switch (IID) {
1532 default:
1533 break;
1534 case Intrinsic::ptrmask: {
1535 Value *Ptr = I.getArgOperand(0);
1536 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1537 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1538 Value *Mask = I.getArgOperand(1);
1539 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1540 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1541 if (Mask->getType() != Off->getType())
1542 report_fatal_error("offset width is not equal to index width of fat "
1543 "pointer (data layout not set up correctly?)");
1544 Value *OffRes = IRB.CreateAnd(Off, Mask, I.getName() + ".off");
1545 copyMetadata(OffRes, &I);
1546 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1547 return {Rsrc, OffRes};
1548 }
1549 // Pointer annotation intrinsics that, given their object-wide nature
1550 // operate on the resource part.
1551 case Intrinsic::invariant_start: {
1552 Value *Ptr = I.getArgOperand(1);
1553 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1554 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1555 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1556 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1557 Type *NewTy = PointerType::get(I.getContext(), AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE);
1558 auto *NewRsrc = IRB.CreateIntrinsic(IID, {NewTy}, {I.getOperand(0), Rsrc});
1559 copyMetadata(NewRsrc, &I);
1560 NewRsrc->takeName(&I);
1561 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1562 I.replaceAllUsesWith(NewRsrc);
1563 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1564 }
1565 case Intrinsic::invariant_end: {
1566 Value *RealPtr = I.getArgOperand(2);
1567 if (!isSplitFatPtr(RealPtr->getType()))
1568 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1569 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1570 Value *RealRsrc = getPtrParts(RealPtr).first;
1571 Value *InvPtr = I.getArgOperand(0);
1572 Value *Size = I.getArgOperand(1);
1573 Value *NewRsrc = IRB.CreateIntrinsic(IID, {RealRsrc->getType()},
1574 {InvPtr, Size, RealRsrc});
1575 copyMetadata(NewRsrc, &I);
1576 NewRsrc->takeName(&I);
1577 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1578 I.replaceAllUsesWith(NewRsrc);
1579 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1580 }
1581 case Intrinsic::launder_invariant_group:
1582 case Intrinsic::strip_invariant_group: {
1583 Value *Ptr = I.getArgOperand(0);
1584 if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
1585 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1586 IRB.SetInsertPoint(&I);
1587 auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
1588 Value *NewRsrc = IRB.CreateIntrinsic(IID, {Rsrc->getType()}, {Rsrc});
1589 copyMetadata(NewRsrc, &I);
1590 NewRsrc->takeName(&I);
1591 SplitUsers.insert(&I);
1592 return {NewRsrc, Off};
1593 }
1594 }
1595 return {nullptr, nullptr};
1598void SplitPtrStructs::processFunction(Function &F) {
1599 ST = &TM->getSubtarget<GCNSubtarget>(F);
1601 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Splitting pointer structs in function: " << F.getName()
1602 << "\n");
1603 for (Instruction &I : instructions(F))
1604 Originals.push_back(&I);
1605 for (Instruction *I : Originals) {
1606 auto [Rsrc, Off] = visit(I);
1607 assert(((Rsrc && Off) || (!Rsrc && !Off)) &&
1608 "Can't have a resource but no offset");
1609 if (Rsrc)
1610 RsrcParts[I] = Rsrc;
1611 if (Off)
1612 OffParts[I] = Off;
1613 }
1614 processConditionals();
1615 killAndReplaceSplitInstructions(Originals);
1617 // Clean up after ourselves to save on memory.
1618 RsrcParts.clear();
1619 OffParts.clear();
1620 SplitUsers.clear();
1621 Conditionals.clear();
1622 ConditionalTemps.clear();
1625namespace {
1626class AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers : public ModulePass {
1628 static char ID;
1630 AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers() : ModulePass(ID) {
1633 }
1635 bool run(Module &M, const TargetMachine &TM);
1636 bool runOnModule(Module &M) override;
1638 void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override;
1640} // namespace
1642/// Returns true if there are values that have a buffer fat pointer in them,
1643/// which means we'll need to perform rewrites on this function. As a side
1644/// effect, this will populate the type remapping cache.
1646 BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap) {
1647 bool HasFatPointers = false;
1648 for (const BasicBlock &BB : F)
1649 for (const Instruction &I : BB)
1650 HasFatPointers |= (I.getType() != TypeMap->remapType(I.getType()));
1651 return HasFatPointers;
1655 BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap) {
1656 Type *Ty = F.getFunctionType();
1657 return Ty != TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
1660/// Move the body of `OldF` into a new function, returning it.
1662 ValueToValueMapTy &CloneMap) {
1663 bool IsIntrinsic = OldF->isIntrinsic();
1664 Function *NewF =
1665 Function::Create(NewTy, OldF->getLinkage(), OldF->getAddressSpace());
1667 NewF->copyAttributesFrom(OldF);
1668 NewF->copyMetadata(OldF, 0);
1669 NewF->takeName(OldF);
1670 NewF->updateAfterNameChange();
1672 OldF->getParent()->getFunctionList().insertAfter(OldF->getIterator(), NewF);
1674 while (!OldF->empty()) {
1675 BasicBlock *BB = &OldF->front();
1676 BB->removeFromParent();
1677 BB->insertInto(NewF);
1678 CloneMap[BB] = BB;
1679 for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
1680 CloneMap[&I] = &I;
1681 }
1682 }
1684 AttributeMask PtrOnlyAttrs;
1685 for (auto K :
1686 {Attribute::Dereferenceable, Attribute::DereferenceableOrNull,
1687 Attribute::NoAlias, Attribute::NoCapture, Attribute::NoFree,
1688 Attribute::NonNull, Attribute::NullPointerIsValid, Attribute::ReadNone,
1689 Attribute::ReadOnly, Attribute::WriteOnly}) {
1690 PtrOnlyAttrs.addAttribute(K);
1691 }
1693 AttributeList OldAttrs = OldF->getAttributes();
1695 for (auto [I, OldArg, NewArg] : enumerate(OldF->args(), NewF->args())) {
1696 CloneMap[&NewArg] = &OldArg;
1697 NewArg.takeName(&OldArg);
1698 Type *OldArgTy = OldArg.getType(), *NewArgTy = NewArg.getType();
1699 // Temporarily mutate type of `NewArg` to allow RAUW to work.
1700 NewArg.mutateType(OldArgTy);
1701 OldArg.replaceAllUsesWith(&NewArg);
1702 NewArg.mutateType(NewArgTy);
1704 AttributeSet ArgAttr = OldAttrs.getParamAttrs(I);
1705 // Intrinsics get their attributes fixed later.
1706 if (OldArgTy != NewArgTy && !IsIntrinsic)
1707 ArgAttr = ArgAttr.removeAttributes(NewF->getContext(), PtrOnlyAttrs);
1708 ArgAttrs.push_back(ArgAttr);
1709 }
1710 AttributeSet RetAttrs = OldAttrs.getRetAttrs();
1711 if (OldF->getReturnType() != NewF->getReturnType() && !IsIntrinsic)
1712 RetAttrs = RetAttrs.removeAttributes(NewF->getContext(), PtrOnlyAttrs);
1714 NewF->getContext(), OldAttrs.getFnAttrs(), RetAttrs, ArgAttrs));
1715 return NewF;
1719 for (Argument &A : F->args())
1720 CloneMap[&A] = &A;
1721 for (BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
1722 CloneMap[&BB] = &BB;
1723 for (Instruction &I : BB)
1724 CloneMap[&I] = &I;
1725 }
1728bool AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers::run(Module &M, const TargetMachine &TM) {
1729 bool Changed = false;
1730 const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
1731 // Record the functions which need to be remapped.
1732 // The second element of the pair indicates whether the function has to have
1733 // its arguments or return types adjusted.
1736 BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap StructTM(DL);
1737 BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap IntTM(DL);
1738 for (const GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals()) {
1739 if (GV.getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER)
1740 report_fatal_error("Global variables with a buffer fat pointer address "
1741 "space (7) are not supported");
1742 Type *VT = GV.getValueType();
1743 if (VT != StructTM.remapType(VT))
1744 report_fatal_error("Global variables that contain buffer fat pointers "
1745 "(address space 7 pointers) are unsupported. Use "
1746 "buffer resource pointers (address space 8) instead.");
1747 }
1749 {
1750 // Collect all constant exprs and aggregates referenced by any function.
1752 for (Function &F : M.functions())
1753 for (Instruction &I : instructions(F))
1754 for (Value *Op : I.operands())
1755 if (isa<ConstantExpr>(Op) || isa<ConstantAggregate>(Op))
1756 Worklist.push_back(cast<Constant>(Op));
1758 // Recursively look for any referenced buffer pointer constants.
1760 SetVector<Constant *> BufferFatPtrConsts;
1761 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
1762 Constant *C = Worklist.pop_back_val();
1763 if (!Visited.insert(C).second)
1764 continue;
1765 if (isBufferFatPtrOrVector(C->getType()))
1766 BufferFatPtrConsts.insert(C);
1767 for (Value *Op : C->operands())
1768 if (isa<ConstantExpr>(Op) || isa<ConstantAggregate>(Op))
1769 Worklist.push_back(cast<Constant>(Op));
1770 }
1772 // Expand all constant expressions using fat buffer pointers to
1773 // instructions.
1775 BufferFatPtrConsts.getArrayRef(), /*RestrictToFunc=*/nullptr,
1776 /*RemoveDeadConstants=*/false, /*IncludeSelf=*/true);
1777 }
1779 StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor MemOpsRewrite(&IntTM, M.getContext());
1780 for (Function &F : M.functions()) {
1781 bool InterfaceChange = hasFatPointerInterface(F, &StructTM);
1782 bool BodyChanges = containsBufferFatPointers(F, &StructTM);
1783 Changed |= MemOpsRewrite.processFunction(F);
1784 if (InterfaceChange || BodyChanges)
1785 NeedsRemap.push_back(std::make_pair(&F, InterfaceChange));
1786 }
1787 if (NeedsRemap.empty())
1788 return Changed;
1790 SmallVector<Function *> NeedsPostProcess;
1791 SmallVector<Function *> Intrinsics;
1792 // Keep one big map so as to memoize constants across functions.
1793 ValueToValueMapTy CloneMap;
1794 FatPtrConstMaterializer Materializer(&StructTM, CloneMap);
1796 ValueMapper LowerInFuncs(CloneMap, RF_None, &StructTM, &Materializer);
1797 for (auto [F, InterfaceChange] : NeedsRemap) {
1798 Function *NewF = F;
1799 if (InterfaceChange)
1801 F, cast<FunctionType>(StructTM.remapType(F->getFunctionType())),
1802 CloneMap);
1803 else
1804 makeCloneInPraceMap(F, CloneMap);
1805 LowerInFuncs.remapFunction(*NewF);
1806 if (NewF->isIntrinsic())
1807 Intrinsics.push_back(NewF);
1808 else
1809 NeedsPostProcess.push_back(NewF);
1810 if (InterfaceChange) {
1811 F->replaceAllUsesWith(NewF);
1812 F->eraseFromParent();
1813 }
1814 Changed = true;
1815 }
1816 StructTM.clear();
1817 IntTM.clear();
1818 CloneMap.clear();
1820 SplitPtrStructs Splitter(M.getContext(), &TM);
1821 for (Function *F : NeedsPostProcess)
1822 Splitter.processFunction(*F);
1823 for (Function *F : Intrinsics) {
1824 if (isRemovablePointerIntrinsic(F->getIntrinsicID())) {
1825 F->eraseFromParent();
1826 } else {
1827 std::optional<Function *> NewF = Intrinsic::remangleIntrinsicFunction(F);
1828 if (NewF)
1829 F->replaceAllUsesWith(*NewF);
1830 }
1831 }
1832 return Changed;
1835bool AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers::runOnModule(Module &M) {
1836 TargetPassConfig &TPC = getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>();
1837 const TargetMachine &TM = TPC.getTM<TargetMachine>();
1838 return run(M, TM);
1841char AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers::ID = 0;
1843char &llvm::AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointersID = AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers::ID;
1845void AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
1849#define PASS_DESC "Lower buffer fat pointer operations to buffer resources"
1851 false, false)
1854 false)
1855#undef PASS_DESC
1858 return new AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers();
1863 return AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers().run(M, TM) ? PreservedAnalyses::none()
unsigned Intr
static Function * moveFunctionAdaptingType(Function *OldF, FunctionType *NewTy, ValueToValueMapTy &CloneMap)
Move the body of OldF into a new function, returning it.
static void makeCloneInPraceMap(Function *F, ValueToValueMapTy &CloneMap)
static bool isBufferFatPtrOrVector(Type *Ty)
static bool isSplitFatPtr(Type *Ty)
std::pair< Value *, Value * > PtrParts
static bool hasFatPointerInterface(const Function &F, BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap)
static bool isRemovablePointerIntrinsic(Intrinsic::ID IID)
Returns true if this intrinsic needs to be removed when it is applied to ptr addrspace(7) values.
static bool containsBufferFatPointers(const Function &F, BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap)
Returns true if there are values that have a buffer fat pointer in them, which means we'll need to pe...
static Value * rsrcPartRoot(Value *V)
Returns the instruction that defines the resource part of the value V.
static constexpr unsigned BufferOffsetWidth
static bool isBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C)
static std::pair< Constant *, Constant * > splitLoweredFatBufferConst(Constant *C)
Return the ptr addrspace(8) and i32 (resource and offset parts) in a lowered buffer fat pointer const...
Rewrite undef for PHI
The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets.
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
Expand Atomic instructions
Atomic ordering constants.
BlockVerifier::State From
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different fla...
static void clear(coro::Shape &Shape)
Definition: Coroutines.cpp:148
return RetTy
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:101
std::string Name
uint64_t Size
AMD GCN specific subclass of TargetSubtarget.
Hexagon Common GEP
static const T * Find(StringRef S, ArrayRef< T > A)
Find KV in array using binary search.
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:55
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
This file contains the declarations for metadata subclasses.
uint64_t IntrinsicInst * II
const char LLVMTargetMachineRef TM
Definition: PassSupport.h:55
#define INITIALIZE_PASS_END(passName, arg, name, cfg, analysis)
Definition: PassSupport.h:59
#define INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(passName, arg, name, cfg, analysis)
Definition: PassSupport.h:52
const SmallVectorImpl< MachineOperand > & Cond
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file defines generic set operations that may be used on set's of different types,...
This file defines the SmallVector class.
static SymbolRef::Type getType(const Symbol *Sym)
Definition: TapiFile.cpp:40
@ Struct
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options pass.
Class for arbitrary precision integers.
Definition: APInt.h:78
This class represents a conversion between pointers from one address space to another.
an instruction to allocate memory on the stack
Definition: Instructions.h:61
A container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their results.
Definition: PassManager.h:253
Represent the analysis usage information of a pass.
AnalysisUsage & addRequired()
This class represents an incoming formal argument to a Function.
Definition: Argument.h:31
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
ArrayRef< T > slice(size_t N, size_t M) const
slice(n, m) - Chop off the first N elements of the array, and keep M elements in the array.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:195
An instruction that atomically checks whether a specified value is in a memory location,...
Definition: Instructions.h:495
AtomicOrdering getMergedOrdering() const
Returns a single ordering which is at least as strong as both the success and failure orderings for t...
Definition: Instructions.h:599
bool isVolatile() const
Return true if this is a cmpxchg from a volatile memory location.
Definition: Instructions.h:547
Align getAlign() const
Return the alignment of the memory that is being allocated by the instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:536
bool isWeak() const
Return true if this cmpxchg may spuriously fail.
Definition: Instructions.h:554
SyncScope::ID getSyncScopeID() const
Returns the synchronization scope ID of this cmpxchg instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:612
an instruction that atomically reads a memory location, combines it with another value,...
Definition: Instructions.h:696
Align getAlign() const
Return the alignment of the memory that is being allocated by the instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:809
bool isVolatile() const
Return true if this is a RMW on a volatile memory location.
Definition: Instructions.h:819
@ Add
*p = old + v
Definition: Instructions.h:712
@ FAdd
*p = old + v
Definition: Instructions.h:733
@ Min
*p = old <signed v ? old : v
Definition: Instructions.h:726
@ Or
*p = old | v
Definition: Instructions.h:720
@ Sub
*p = old - v
Definition: Instructions.h:714
@ And
*p = old & v
Definition: Instructions.h:716
@ Xor
*p = old ^ v
Definition: Instructions.h:722
@ FSub
*p = old - v
Definition: Instructions.h:736
@ UIncWrap
Increment one up to a maximum value.
Definition: Instructions.h:748
@ Max
*p = old >signed v ? old : v
Definition: Instructions.h:724
@ UMin
*p = old <unsigned v ? old : v
Definition: Instructions.h:730
@ FMin
*p = minnum(old, v) minnum matches the behavior of llvm.minnum.
Definition: Instructions.h:744
@ UMax
*p = old >unsigned v ? old : v
Definition: Instructions.h:728
@ FMax
*p = maxnum(old, v) maxnum matches the behavior of llvm.maxnum.
Definition: Instructions.h:740
@ UDecWrap
Decrement one until a minimum value or zero.
Definition: Instructions.h:752
@ Nand
*p = ~(old & v)
Definition: Instructions.h:718
Value * getPointerOperand()
Definition: Instructions.h:852
SyncScope::ID getSyncScopeID() const
Returns the synchronization scope ID of this rmw instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:843
Value * getValOperand()
Definition: Instructions.h:856
AtomicOrdering getOrdering() const
Returns the ordering constraint of this rmw instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:829
AttributeSet getFnAttrs() const
The function attributes are returned.
static AttributeList get(LLVMContext &C, ArrayRef< std::pair< unsigned, Attribute > > Attrs)
Create an AttributeList with the specified parameters in it.
AttributeSet getRetAttrs() const
The attributes for the ret value are returned.
AttributeSet getParamAttrs(unsigned ArgNo) const
The attributes for the argument or parameter at the given index are returned.
AttributeMask & addAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Val)
Add an attribute to the mask.
Definition: AttributeMask.h:44
AttributeSet removeAttributes(LLVMContext &C, const AttributeMask &AttrsToRemove) const
Remove the specified attributes from this set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:894
static Attribute getWithAlignment(LLVMContext &Context, Align Alignment)
Return a uniquified Attribute object that has the specific alignment set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:232
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:61
void removeFromParent()
Unlink 'this' from the containing function, but do not delete it.
Definition: BasicBlock.cpp:273
void insertInto(Function *Parent, BasicBlock *InsertBefore=nullptr)
Insert unlinked basic block into a function.
Definition: BasicBlock.cpp:198
This class represents a function call, abstracting a target machine's calling convention.
This enumeration lists the possible predicates for CmpInst subclasses.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:757
static Constant * get(StructType *T, ArrayRef< Constant * > V)
Definition: Constants.cpp:1357
static Constant * getSplat(ElementCount EC, Constant *Elt)
Return a ConstantVector with the specified constant in each element.
Definition: Constants.cpp:1450
static Constant * get(ArrayRef< Constant * > V)
Definition: Constants.cpp:1399
This is an important base class in LLVM.
Definition: Constant.h:42
static Constant * getNullValue(Type *Ty)
Constructor to create a '0' constant of arbitrary type.
Definition: Constants.cpp:370
static std::optional< DIExpression * > createFragmentExpression(const DIExpression *Expr, unsigned OffsetInBits, unsigned SizeInBits)
Create a DIExpression to describe one part of an aggregate variable that is fragmented across multipl...
This class represents an Operation in the Expression.
A parsed version of the target data layout string in and methods for querying it.
Definition: DataLayout.h:110
A debug info location.
Definition: DebugLoc.h:33
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:155
iterator end()
Definition: DenseMap.h:84
Implements a dense probed hash-table based set.
Definition: DenseSet.h:271
This instruction extracts a single (scalar) element from a VectorType value.
This class represents a freeze function that returns random concrete value if an operand is either a ...
static Function * Create(FunctionType *Ty, LinkageTypes Linkage, unsigned AddrSpace, const Twine &N="", Module *M=nullptr)
Definition: Function.h:165
bool empty() const
Definition: Function.h:822
const BasicBlock & front() const
Definition: Function.h:823
iterator_range< arg_iterator > args()
Definition: Function.h:855
bool IsNewDbgInfoFormat
Is this function using intrinsics to record the position of debugging information,...
Definition: Function.h:108
AttributeList getAttributes() const
Return the attribute list for this Function.
Definition: Function.h:350
bool isIntrinsic() const
isIntrinsic - Returns true if the function's name starts with "llvm.".
Definition: Function.h:247
void setAttributes(AttributeList Attrs)
Set the attribute list for this Function.
Definition: Function.h:353
LLVMContext & getContext() const
getContext - Return a reference to the LLVMContext associated with this function.
Definition: Function.cpp:358
void updateAfterNameChange()
Update internal caches that depend on the function name (such as the intrinsic ID and libcall cache).
Definition: Function.cpp:976
Type * getReturnType() const
Returns the type of the ret val.
Definition: Function.h:212
void copyAttributesFrom(const Function *Src)
copyAttributesFrom - copy all additional attributes (those not needed to create a Function) from the ...
Definition: Function.cpp:839
an instruction for type-safe pointer arithmetic to access elements of arrays and structs
Definition: Instructions.h:915
void copyMetadata(const GlobalObject *Src, unsigned Offset)
Copy metadata from Src, adjusting offsets by Offset.
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1755
LinkageTypes getLinkage() const
Definition: GlobalValue.h:546
void setDLLStorageClass(DLLStorageClassTypes C)
Definition: GlobalValue.h:284
unsigned getAddressSpace() const
Definition: GlobalValue.h:205
Module * getParent()
Get the module that this global value is contained inside of...
Definition: GlobalValue.h:656
DLLStorageClassTypes getDLLStorageClass() const
Definition: GlobalValue.h:275
This instruction compares its operands according to the predicate given to the constructor.
This provides a uniform API for creating instructions and inserting them into a basic block: either a...
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2671
This instruction inserts a single (scalar) element into a VectorType value.
Base class for instruction visitors.
Definition: InstVisitor.h:78
RetTy visitFreezeInst(FreezeInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:200
RetTy visitPtrToIntInst(PtrToIntInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:185
RetTy visitExtractElementInst(ExtractElementInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:191
RetTy visitIntrinsicInst(IntrinsicInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:219
RetTy visitShuffleVectorInst(ShuffleVectorInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:193
RetTy visitAtomicCmpXchgInst(AtomicCmpXchgInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:171
RetTy visitIntToPtrInst(IntToPtrInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:186
RetTy visitPHINode(PHINode &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:175
RetTy visitStoreInst(StoreInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:170
RetTy visitInsertElementInst(InsertElementInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:192
RetTy visitAtomicRMWInst(AtomicRMWInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:172
RetTy visitAddrSpaceCastInst(AddrSpaceCastInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:188
RetTy visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:168
RetTy visitICmpInst(ICmpInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:166
RetTy visitSelectInst(SelectInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:189
RetTy visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:174
void visitInstruction(Instruction &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:280
RetTy visitLoadInst(LoadInst &I)
Definition: InstVisitor.h:169
Instruction * clone() const
Create a copy of 'this' instruction that is identical in all ways except the following:
InstListType::iterator eraseFromParent()
This method unlinks 'this' from the containing basic block and deletes it.
Definition: Instruction.cpp:92
MDNode * getMetadata(unsigned KindID) const
Get the metadata of given kind attached to this Instruction.
Definition: Instruction.h:381
const DataLayout & getDataLayout() const
Get the data layout of the module this instruction belongs to.
Definition: Instruction.cpp:74
This class represents a cast from an integer to a pointer.
static IntegerType * get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits)
This static method is the primary way of constructing an IntegerType.
Definition: Type.cpp:278
A wrapper class for inspecting calls to intrinsic functions.
Definition: IntrinsicInst.h:48
This is an important class for using LLVM in a threaded context.
Definition: LLVMContext.h:67
An instruction for reading from memory.
Definition: Instructions.h:174
Value * getPointerOperand()
Definition: Instructions.h:253
bool isVolatile() const
Return true if this is a load from a volatile memory location.
Definition: Instructions.h:203
AtomicOrdering getOrdering() const
Returns the ordering constraint of this load instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:218
Type * getPointerOperandType() const
Definition: Instructions.h:256
SyncScope::ID getSyncScopeID() const
Returns the synchronization scope ID of this load instruction.
Definition: Instructions.h:228
Align getAlign() const
Return the alignment of the access that is being performed.
Definition: Instructions.h:209
ModulePass class - This class is used to implement unstructured interprocedural optimizations and ana...
Definition: Pass.h:251
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M)=0
runOnModule - Virtual method overriden by subclasses to process the module being operated on.
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module.
Definition: Module.h:65
const FunctionListType & getFunctionList() const
Get the Module's list of functions (constant).
Definition: Module.h:613
static PassRegistry * getPassRegistry()
getPassRegistry - Access the global registry object, which is automatically initialized at applicatio...
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &) const
getAnalysisUsage - This function should be overriden by passes that need analysis information to do t...
Definition: Pass.cpp:98
static PoisonValue * get(Type *T)
Static factory methods - Return an 'poison' object of the specified type.
Definition: Constants.cpp:1852
A set of analyses that are preserved following a run of a transformation pass.
Definition: Analysis.h:111
static PreservedAnalyses none()
Convenience factory function for the empty preserved set.
Definition: Analysis.h:114
static PreservedAnalyses all()
Construct a special preserved set that preserves all passes.
Definition: Analysis.h:117
This class represents a cast from a pointer to an integer.
Value * getPointerOperand()
Gets the pointer operand.
This class represents the LLVM 'select' instruction.
A vector that has set insertion semantics.
Definition: SetVector.h:57
ArrayRef< value_type > getArrayRef() const
Definition: SetVector.h:84
bool insert(const value_type &X)
Insert a new element into the SetVector.
Definition: SetVector.h:162
This instruction constructs a fixed permutation of two input vectors.
A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across al...
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:323
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:344
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:479
SmallString - A SmallString is just a SmallVector with methods and accessors that make it work better...
Definition: SmallString.h:26
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:94
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: SmallVector.h:586
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:426
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1209
An instruction for storing to memory.
Definition: Instructions.h:290
Class to represent struct types.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:216
static StructType * get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef< Type * > Elements, bool isPacked=false)
This static method is the primary way to create a literal StructType.
Definition: Type.cpp:373
static StructType * create(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name)
This creates an identified struct.
Definition: Type.cpp:513
bool isLiteral() const
Return true if this type is uniqued by structural equivalence, false if it is a struct definition.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:282
Type * getElementType(unsigned N) const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:342
Primary interface to the complete machine description for the target machine.
Definition: TargetMachine.h:77
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
TMC & getTM() const
Get the right type of TargetMachine for this target.
Twine - A lightweight data structure for efficiently representing the concatenation of temporary valu...
Definition: Twine.h:81
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed.
Definition: Type.h:45
Type * getArrayElementType() const
Definition: Type.h:404
ArrayRef< Type * > subtypes() const
Definition: Type.h:361
unsigned getNumContainedTypes() const
Return the number of types in the derived type.
Definition: Type.h:383
unsigned getScalarSizeInBits() const LLVM_READONLY
If this is a vector type, return the getPrimitiveSizeInBits value for the element type.
Type * getWithNewBitWidth(unsigned NewBitWidth) const
Given an integer or vector type, change the lane bitwidth to NewBitwidth, whilst keeping the old numb...
LLVMContext & getContext() const
Return the LLVMContext in which this type was uniqued.
Definition: Type.h:129
Type * getContainedType(unsigned i) const
This method is used to implement the type iterator (defined at the end of the file).
Definition: Type.h:377
Type * getScalarType() const
If this is a vector type, return the element type, otherwise return 'this'.
Definition: Type.h:348
static UndefValue * get(Type *T)
Static factory methods - Return an 'undef' object of the specified type.
Definition: Constants.cpp:1833
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
Value * getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: User.h:169
This is a class that can be implemented by clients to remap types when cloning constants and instruct...
Definition: ValueMapper.h:41
virtual Type * remapType(Type *SrcTy)=0
The client should implement this method if they want to remap types while mapping values.
void clear()
Definition: ValueMap.h:145
Context for (re-)mapping values (and metadata).
Definition: ValueMapper.h:149
This is a class that can be implemented by clients to materialize Values on demand.
Definition: ValueMapper.h:54
virtual Value * materialize(Value *V)=0
This method can be implemented to generate a mapped Value on demand.
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
Type * getType() const
All values are typed, get the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:255
void replaceAllUsesWith(Value *V)
Change all uses of this to point to a new Value.
Definition: Value.cpp:534
StringRef getName() const
Return a constant reference to the value's name.
Definition: Value.cpp:309
void takeName(Value *V)
Transfer the name from V to this value.
Definition: Value.cpp:383
self_iterator getIterator()
Definition: ilist_node.h:132
iterator insertAfter(iterator where, pointer New)
Definition: ilist.h:174
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
Address space for 160-bit buffer fat pointers.
Address space for 128-bit buffer resources.
constexpr char Args[]
Key for Kernel::Metadata::mArgs.
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< E > Mask()
Get a bitmask with 1s in all places up to the high-order bit of E's largest value.
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:121
@ Entry
Definition: COFF.h:811
@ C
The default llvm calling convention, compatible with C.
Definition: CallingConv.h:34
unsigned ID
LLVM IR allows to use arbitrary numbers as calling convention identifiers.
Definition: CallingConv.h:24
std::optional< Function * > remangleIntrinsicFunction(Function *F)
Definition: Function.cpp:1833
bool match(Val *V, const Pattern &P)
Definition: PatternMatch.h:49
is_zero m_Zero()
Match any null constant or a vector with all elements equal to 0.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:612
AssignmentMarkerRange getAssignmentMarkers(DIAssignID *ID)
Return a range of dbg.assign intrinsics which use \ID as an operand.
Definition: DebugInfo.cpp:1808
PointerTypeMap run(const Module &M)
Compute the PointerTypeMap for the module M.
@ FalseVal
Definition: TGLexer.h:59
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
detail::zippy< detail::zip_shortest, T, U, Args... > zip(T &&t, U &&u, Args &&...args)
zip iterator for two or more iteratable types.
Definition: STLExtras.h:853
ModulePass * createAMDGPULowerBufferFatPointersPass()
auto enumerate(FirstRange &&First, RestRanges &&...Rest)
Given two or more input ranges, returns a new range whose values are are tuples (A,...
Definition: STLExtras.h:2400
void copyMetadataForLoad(LoadInst &Dest, const LoadInst &Source)
Copy the metadata from the source instruction to the destination (the replacement for the source inst...
Definition: Local.cpp:3367
bool set_is_subset(const S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
set_is_subset(A, B) - Return true iff A in B
iterator_range< early_inc_iterator_impl< detail::IterOfRange< RangeT > > > make_early_inc_range(RangeT &&Range)
Make a range that does early increment to allow mutation of the underlying range without disrupting i...
Definition: STLExtras.h:656
void findDbgValues(SmallVectorImpl< DbgValueInst * > &DbgValues, Value *V, SmallVectorImpl< DbgVariableRecord * > *DbgVariableRecords=nullptr)
Finds the llvm.dbg.value intrinsics describing a value.
Definition: DebugInfo.cpp:138
bool convertUsersOfConstantsToInstructions(ArrayRef< Constant * > Consts, Function *RestrictToFunc=nullptr, bool RemoveDeadConstants=true, bool IncludeSelf=false)
Replace constant expressions users of the given constants with instructions.
bool any_of(R &&range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::any_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1729
Value * emitGEPOffset(IRBuilderBase *Builder, const DataLayout &DL, User *GEP, bool NoAssumptions=false)
Given a getelementptr instruction/constantexpr, emit the code necessary to compute the offset from th...
Definition: Local.cpp:22
@ RF_None
Definition: ValueMapper.h:71
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
void report_fatal_error(Error Err, bool gen_crash_diag=true)
Report a serious error, calling any installed error handler.
Definition: Error.cpp:167
char & AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointersID
Atomic ordering for LLVM's memory model.
S1Ty set_difference(const S1Ty &S1, const S2Ty &S2)
set_difference(A, B) - Return A - B
Definition: SetOperations.h:93
void initializeAMDGPULowerBufferFatPointersPass(PassRegistry &)
PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM)
This struct is a compact representation of a valid (non-zero power of two) alignment.
Definition: Alignment.h:39