BasicBlock ** | unwrap (LLVMBasicBlockRef *BBs) |
void | LLVMShutdown () |
| Deallocate and destroy all ManagedStatic variables.
void | LLVMGetVersion (unsigned *Major, unsigned *Minor, unsigned *Patch) |
| Return the major, minor, and patch version of LLVM.
char * | LLVMCreateMessage (const char *Message) |
void | LLVMDisposeMessage (char *Message) |
static LLVMContext & | getGlobalContext () |
LLVMContextRef | LLVMContextCreate () |
| Create a new context.
LLVMContextRef | LLVMGetGlobalContext () |
| Obtain the global context instance.
void | LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMDiagnosticHandler Handler, void *DiagnosticContext) |
| Set the diagnostic handler for this context.
LLVMDiagnosticHandler | LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Get the diagnostic handler of this context.
void * | LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Get the diagnostic context of this context.
void | LLVMContextSetYieldCallback (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMYieldCallback Callback, void *OpaqueHandle) |
| Set the yield callback function for this context.
LLVMBool | LLVMContextShouldDiscardValueNames (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Retrieve whether the given context is set to discard all value names.
void | LLVMContextSetDiscardValueNames (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMBool Discard) |
| Set whether the given context discards all value names.
void | LLVMContextDispose (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Destroy a context instance.
unsigned | LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name, unsigned SLen) |
unsigned | LLVMGetMDKindID (const char *Name, unsigned SLen) |
unsigned | LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName (const char *Name, size_t SLen) |
| Return an unique id given the name of a enum attribute, or 0 if no attribute by that name exists.
unsigned | LLVMGetLastEnumAttributeKind (void) |
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMCreateEnumAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, uint64_t Val) |
| Create an enum attribute.
unsigned | LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
| Get the unique id corresponding to the enum attribute passed as argument.
uint64_t | LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
| Get the enum attribute's value.
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMCreateTypeAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, LLVMTypeRef type_ref) |
| Create a type attribute.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetTypeAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
| Get the type attribute's value.
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMCreateConstantRangeAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned KindID, unsigned NumBits, const uint64_t LowerWords[], const uint64_t UpperWords[]) |
| Create a ConstantRange attribute.
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMCreateStringAttribute (LLVMContextRef C, const char *K, unsigned KLength, const char *V, unsigned VLength) |
| Create a string attribute.
const char * | LLVMGetStringAttributeKind (LLVMAttributeRef A, unsigned *Length) |
| Get the string attribute's kind.
const char * | LLVMGetStringAttributeValue (LLVMAttributeRef A, unsigned *Length) |
| Get the string attribute's value.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsEnumAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
| Check for the different types of attributes.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsStringAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsTypeAttribute (LLVMAttributeRef A) |
char * | LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef DI) |
| Return a string representation of the DiagnosticInfo.
LLVMDiagnosticSeverity | LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity (LLVMDiagnosticInfoRef DI) |
| Return an enum LLVMDiagnosticSeverity.
LLVMModuleRef | LLVMModuleCreateWithName (const char *ModuleID) |
| Create a new, empty module in the global context.
LLVMModuleRef | LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext (const char *ModuleID, LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a new, empty module in a specific context.
void | LLVMDisposeModule (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Destroy a module instance.
const char * | LLVMGetModuleIdentifier (LLVMModuleRef M, size_t *Len) |
| Obtain the identifier of a module.
void | LLVMSetModuleIdentifier (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Ident, size_t Len) |
| Set the identifier of a module to a string Ident with length Len.
const char * | LLVMGetSourceFileName (LLVMModuleRef M, size_t *Len) |
| Obtain the module's original source file name.
void | LLVMSetSourceFileName (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t Len) |
| Set the original source file name of a module to a string Name with length Len.
const char * | LLVMGetDataLayoutStr (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain the data layout for a module.
const char * | LLVMGetDataLayout (LLVMModuleRef M) |
void | LLVMSetDataLayout (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *DataLayoutStr) |
| Set the data layout for a module.
const char * | LLVMGetTarget (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain the target triple for a module.
void | LLVMSetTarget (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Triple) |
| Set the target triple for a module.
static Module::ModFlagBehavior | map_to_llvmModFlagBehavior (LLVMModuleFlagBehavior Behavior) |
static LLVMModuleFlagBehavior | map_from_llvmModFlagBehavior (Module::ModFlagBehavior Behavior) |
LLVMModuleFlagEntry * | LLVMCopyModuleFlagsMetadata (LLVMModuleRef M, size_t *Len) |
| Returns the module flags as an array of flag-key-value triples.
void | LLVMDisposeModuleFlagsMetadata (LLVMModuleFlagEntry *Entries) |
| Destroys module flags metadata entries.
LLVMModuleFlagBehavior | LLVMModuleFlagEntriesGetFlagBehavior (LLVMModuleFlagEntry *Entries, unsigned Index) |
| Returns the flag behavior for a module flag entry at a specific index.
const char * | LLVMModuleFlagEntriesGetKey (LLVMModuleFlagEntry *Entries, unsigned Index, size_t *Len) |
| Returns the key for a module flag entry at a specific index.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMModuleFlagEntriesGetMetadata (LLVMModuleFlagEntry *Entries, unsigned Index) |
| Returns the metadata for a module flag entry at a specific index.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMGetModuleFlag (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Key, size_t KeyLen) |
| Add a module-level flag to the module-level flags metadata if it doesn't already exist.
void | LLVMAddModuleFlag (LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMModuleFlagBehavior Behavior, const char *Key, size_t KeyLen, LLVMMetadataRef Val) |
| Add a module-level flag to the module-level flags metadata if it doesn't already exist.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsNewDbgInfoFormat (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Soon to be deprecated.
void | LLVMSetIsNewDbgInfoFormat (LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMBool UseNewFormat) |
| Soon to be deprecated.
void | LLVMDumpModule (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Dump a representation of a module to stderr.
LLVMBool | LLVMPrintModuleToFile (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Filename, char **ErrorMessage) |
| Print a representation of a module to a file.
char * | LLVMPrintModuleToString (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Return a string representation of the module.
void | LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm2 (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Asm, size_t Len) |
| Set inline assembly for a module.
void | LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Asm) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm2 instead.
void | LLVMAppendModuleInlineAsm (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Asm, size_t Len) |
| Append inline assembly to a module.
const char * | LLVMGetModuleInlineAsm (LLVMModuleRef M, size_t *Len) |
| Get inline assembly for a module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetInlineAsm (LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *AsmString, size_t AsmStringSize, const char *Constraints, size_t ConstraintsSize, LLVMBool HasSideEffects, LLVMBool IsAlignStack, LLVMInlineAsmDialect Dialect, LLVMBool CanThrow) |
| Create the specified uniqued inline asm string.
const char * | LLVMGetInlineAsmAsmString (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal, size_t *Len) |
| Get the template string used for an inline assembly snippet.
const char * | LLVMGetInlineAsmConstraintString (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal, size_t *Len) |
| Get the raw constraint string for an inline assembly snippet.
LLVMInlineAsmDialect | LLVMGetInlineAsmDialect (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal) |
| Get the dialect used by the inline asm snippet.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetInlineAsmFunctionType (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal) |
| Get the function type of the inline assembly snippet.
LLVMBool | LLVMGetInlineAsmHasSideEffects (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal) |
| Get if the inline asm snippet has side effects.
LLVMBool | LLVMGetInlineAsmNeedsAlignedStack (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal) |
| Get if the inline asm snippet needs an aligned stack.
LLVMBool | LLVMGetInlineAsmCanUnwind (LLVMValueRef InlineAsmVal) |
| Get if the inline asm snippet may unwind the stack.
LLVMContextRef | LLVMGetModuleContext (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain the context to which this module is associated.
LLVMTypeKind | LLVMGetTypeKind (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain the enumerated type of a Type instance.
LLVMBool | LLVMTypeIsSized (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Whether the type has a known size.
LLVMContextRef | LLVMGetTypeContext (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain the context to which this type instance is associated.
void | LLVMDumpType (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Dump a representation of a type to stderr.
char * | LLVMPrintTypeToString (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Return a string representation of the type.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt1TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain an integer type from a context with specified bit width.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt8TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt16TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt32TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt64TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt128TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMIntTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned NumBits) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt1Type (void) |
| Obtain an integer type from the global context with a specified bit width.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt8Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt16Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt32Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt64Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMInt128Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMIntType (unsigned NumBits) |
unsigned | LLVMGetIntTypeWidth (LLVMTypeRef IntegerTy) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMHalfTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 16-bit floating point type from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMBFloatTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 16-bit brain floating point type from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMFloatTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 32-bit floating point type from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMDoubleTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 64-bit floating point type from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 80-bit floating point type (X87) from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMFP128TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 128-bit floating point type (112-bit mantissa) from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Obtain a 128-bit floating point type (two 64-bits) from a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMX86AMXTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a X86 AMX type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMHalfType (void) |
| Obtain a floating point type from the global context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMBFloatType (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMFloatType (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMDoubleType (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMX86FP80Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMFP128Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMPPCFP128Type (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMX86AMXType (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMFunctionType (LLVMTypeRef ReturnType, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, unsigned ParamCount, LLVMBool IsVarArg) |
| Obtain a function type consisting of a specified signature.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsFunctionVarArg (LLVMTypeRef FunctionTy) |
| Returns whether a function type is variadic.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetReturnType (LLVMTypeRef FunctionTy) |
| Obtain the Type this function Type returns.
unsigned | LLVMCountParamTypes (LLVMTypeRef FunctionTy) |
| Obtain the number of parameters this function accepts.
void | LLVMGetParamTypes (LLVMTypeRef FunctionTy, LLVMTypeRef *Dest) |
| Obtain the types of a function's parameters.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMStructTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMTypeRef *ElementTypes, unsigned ElementCount, LLVMBool Packed) |
| Create a new structure type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMStructType (LLVMTypeRef *ElementTypes, unsigned ElementCount, LLVMBool Packed) |
| Create a new structure type in the global context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMStructCreateNamed (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name) |
| Create an empty structure in a context having a specified name.
const char * | LLVMGetStructName (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain the name of a structure.
void | LLVMStructSetBody (LLVMTypeRef StructTy, LLVMTypeRef *ElementTypes, unsigned ElementCount, LLVMBool Packed) |
| Set the contents of a structure type.
unsigned | LLVMCountStructElementTypes (LLVMTypeRef StructTy) |
| Get the number of elements defined inside the structure.
void | LLVMGetStructElementTypes (LLVMTypeRef StructTy, LLVMTypeRef *Dest) |
| Get the elements within a structure.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMStructGetTypeAtIndex (LLVMTypeRef StructTy, unsigned i) |
| Get the type of the element at a given index in the structure.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsPackedStruct (LLVMTypeRef StructTy) |
| Determine whether a structure is packed.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsOpaqueStruct (LLVMTypeRef StructTy) |
| Determine whether a structure is opaque.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsLiteralStruct (LLVMTypeRef StructTy) |
| Determine whether a structure is literal.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetTypeByName (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMGetTypeByName2 instead.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetTypeByName2 (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name) |
| Obtain a Type from a context by its registered name.
void | LLVMGetSubtypes (LLVMTypeRef Tp, LLVMTypeRef *Arr) |
| Returns type's subtypes.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMArrayType (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, unsigned ElementCount) |
| Create a fixed size array type that refers to a specific type.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMArrayType2 (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, uint64_t ElementCount) |
| Create a fixed size array type that refers to a specific type.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMPointerType (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, unsigned AddressSpace) |
| Create a pointer type that points to a defined type.
LLVMBool | LLVMPointerTypeIsOpaque (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Determine whether a pointer is opaque.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMVectorType (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, unsigned ElementCount) |
| Create a vector type that contains a defined type and has a specific number of elements.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMScalableVectorType (LLVMTypeRef ElementType, unsigned ElementCount) |
| Create a vector type that contains a defined type and has a scalable number of elements.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetElementType (LLVMTypeRef WrappedTy) |
| Obtain the element type of an array or vector type.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumContainedTypes (LLVMTypeRef Tp) |
| Return the number of types in the derived type.
unsigned | LLVMGetArrayLength (LLVMTypeRef ArrayTy) |
| Obtain the length of an array type.
uint64_t | LLVMGetArrayLength2 (LLVMTypeRef ArrayTy) |
| Obtain the length of an array type.
unsigned | LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace (LLVMTypeRef PointerTy) |
| Obtain the address space of a pointer type.
unsigned | LLVMGetVectorSize (LLVMTypeRef VectorTy) |
| Obtain the (possibly scalable) number of elements in a vector type.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetConstantPtrAuthPointer (LLVMValueRef PtrAuth) |
| Get the pointer value for the associated ConstantPtrAuth constant.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetConstantPtrAuthKey (LLVMValueRef PtrAuth) |
| Get the key value for the associated ConstantPtrAuth constant.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetConstantPtrAuthDiscriminator (LLVMValueRef PtrAuth) |
| Get the discriminator value for the associated ConstantPtrAuth constant.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetConstantPtrAuthAddrDiscriminator (LLVMValueRef PtrAuth) |
| Get the address discriminator value for the associated ConstantPtrAuth constant.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMPointerTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C, unsigned AddressSpace) |
| Create an opaque pointer type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMVoidTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a void type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMLabelTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a label type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMTokenTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a token type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMMetadataTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
| Create a metadata type in a context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMVoidType (void) |
| These are similar to the above functions except they operate on the global context.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMLabelType (void) |
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMTargetExtTypeInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name, LLVMTypeRef *TypeParams, unsigned TypeParamCount, unsigned *IntParams, unsigned IntParamCount) |
| Create a target extension type in LLVM context.
const char * | LLVMGetTargetExtTypeName (LLVMTypeRef TargetExtTy) |
| Obtain the name for this target extension type.
unsigned | LLVMGetTargetExtTypeNumTypeParams (LLVMTypeRef TargetExtTy) |
| Obtain the number of type parameters for this target extension type.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetTargetExtTypeTypeParam (LLVMTypeRef TargetExtTy, unsigned Idx) |
| Get the type parameter at the given index for the target extension type.
unsigned | LLVMGetTargetExtTypeNumIntParams (LLVMTypeRef TargetExtTy) |
| Obtain the number of int parameters for this target extension type.
unsigned | LLVMGetTargetExtTypeIntParam (LLVMTypeRef TargetExtTy, unsigned Idx) |
| Get the int parameter at the given index for the target extension type.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMTypeOf (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Obtain the type of a value.
LLVMValueKind | LLVMGetValueKind (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Obtain the enumerated type of a Value instance.
const char * | LLVMGetValueName2 (LLVMValueRef Val, size_t *Length) |
| Obtain the string name of a value.
void | LLVMSetValueName2 (LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Set the string name of a value.
const char * | LLVMGetValueName (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMGetValueName2 instead.
void | LLVMSetValueName (LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMSetValueName2 instead.
void | LLVMDumpValue (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Dump a representation of a value to stderr.
char * | LLVMPrintValueToString (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Return a string representation of the value.
char * | LLVMPrintDbgRecordToString (LLVMDbgRecordRef Record) |
| Return a string representation of the DbgRecord.
void | LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith (LLVMValueRef OldVal, LLVMValueRef NewVal) |
| Replace all uses of a value with another one.
int | LLVMHasMetadata (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Determine whether an instruction has any metadata attached.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetMetadata (LLVMValueRef Inst, unsigned KindID) |
| Return metadata associated with an instruction value.
static MDNode * | extractMDNode (MetadataAsValue *MAV) |
void | LLVMSetMetadata (LLVMValueRef Inst, unsigned KindID, LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Set metadata associated with an instruction value.
static LLVMValueMetadataEntry * | llvm_getMetadata (size_t *NumEntries, llvm::function_ref< void(MetadataEntries &)> AccessMD) |
LLVMValueMetadataEntry * | LLVMInstructionGetAllMetadataOtherThanDebugLoc (LLVMValueRef Value, size_t *NumEntries) |
| Returns the metadata associated with an instruction value, but filters out all the debug locations.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMIsAMDNode (LLVMValueRef Val) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMIsAValueAsMetadata (LLVMValueRef Val) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMIsAMDString (LLVMValueRef Val) |
LLVMUseRef | LLVMGetFirstUse (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Obtain the first use of a value.
LLVMUseRef | LLVMGetNextUse (LLVMUseRef U) |
| Obtain the next use of a value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetUser (LLVMUseRef U) |
| Obtain the user value for a user.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetUsedValue (LLVMUseRef U) |
| Obtain the value this use corresponds to.
static LLVMValueRef | getMDNodeOperandImpl (LLVMContext &Context, const MDNode *N, unsigned Index) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetOperand (LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain an operand at a specific index in a llvm::User value.
LLVMUseRef | LLVMGetOperandUse (LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain the use of an operand at a specific index in a llvm::User value.
void | LLVMSetOperand (LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned Index, LLVMValueRef Op) |
| Set an operand at a specific index in a llvm::User value.
int | LLVMGetNumOperands (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Obtain the number of operands in a llvm::User value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNull (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain a constant value referring to the null instance of a type.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstAllOnes (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain a constant value referring to the instance of a type consisting of all ones.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetUndef (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain a constant value referring to an undefined value of a type.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPoison (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain a constant value referring to a poison value of a type.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsConstant (LLVMValueRef Ty) |
| Determine whether the specified value instance is constant.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsNull (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Determine whether a value instance is null.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsUndef (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Determine whether a value instance is undefined.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsPoison (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Determine whether a value instance is poisonous.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstPointerNull (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
| Obtain a constant that is a constant pointer pointing to NULL for a specified type.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMMDStringInContext2 (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Str, size_t SLen) |
| Create an MDString value from a given string value.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMMDNodeInContext2 (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMMetadataRef *MDs, size_t Count) |
| Create an MDNode value with the given array of operands.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMMDStringInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Str, unsigned SLen) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMMDStringInContext2 instead.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMMDString (const char *Str, unsigned SLen) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMMDStringInContext2 instead.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMMDNodeInContext (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMValueRef *Vals, unsigned Count) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMMDNodeInContext2 instead.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMMDNode (LLVMValueRef *Vals, unsigned Count) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMMDNodeInContext2 instead.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMMetadataAsValue (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMMetadataRef MD) |
| Obtain a Metadata as a Value.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMValueAsMetadata (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Obtain a Value as a Metadata.
const char * | LLVMGetMDString (LLVMValueRef V, unsigned *Length) |
| Obtain the underlying string from a MDString value.
unsigned | LLVMGetMDNodeNumOperands (LLVMValueRef V) |
| Obtain the number of operands from an MDNode value.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetFirstNamedMetadata (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the first NamedMDNode in a Module.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetLastNamedMetadata (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the last NamedMDNode in a Module.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetNextNamedMetadata (LLVMNamedMDNodeRef NMD) |
| Advance a NamedMDNode iterator to the next NamedMDNode.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetPreviousNamedMetadata (LLVMNamedMDNodeRef NMD) |
| Decrement a NamedMDNode iterator to the previous NamedMDNode.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetNamedMetadata (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Retrieve a NamedMDNode with the given name, returning NULL if no such node exists.
LLVMNamedMDNodeRef | LLVMGetOrInsertNamedMetadata (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Retrieve a NamedMDNode with the given name, creating a new node if no such node exists.
const char * | LLVMGetNamedMetadataName (LLVMNamedMDNodeRef NMD, size_t *NameLen) |
| Retrieve the name of a NamedMDNode.
void | LLVMGetMDNodeOperands (LLVMValueRef V, LLVMValueRef *Dest) |
| Obtain the given MDNode's operands.
void | LLVMReplaceMDNodeOperandWith (LLVMValueRef V, unsigned Index, LLVMMetadataRef Replacement) |
| Replace an operand at a specific index in a llvm::MDNode value.
unsigned | LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) |
| Obtain the number of operands for named metadata in a module.
void | LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, LLVMValueRef *Dest) |
| Obtain the named metadata operands for a module.
void | LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Add an operand to named metadata.
const char * | LLVMGetDebugLocDirectory (LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned *Length) |
| Return the directory of the debug location for this value, which must be an llvm::Instruction, llvm::GlobalVariable, or llvm::Function.
const char * | LLVMGetDebugLocFilename (LLVMValueRef Val, unsigned *Length) |
| Return the filename of the debug location for this value, which must be an llvm::Instruction, llvm::GlobalVariable, or llvm::Function.
unsigned | LLVMGetDebugLocLine (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Return the line number of the debug location for this value, which must be an llvm::Instruction, llvm::GlobalVariable, or llvm::Function.
unsigned | LLVMGetDebugLocColumn (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Return the column number of the debug location for this value, which must be an llvm::Instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstInt (LLVMTypeRef IntTy, unsigned long long N, LLVMBool SignExtend) |
| Obtain a constant value for an integer type.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision (LLVMTypeRef IntTy, unsigned NumWords, const uint64_t Words[]) |
| Obtain a constant value for an integer of arbitrary precision.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstIntOfString (LLVMTypeRef IntTy, const char Str[], uint8_t Radix) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize (LLVMTypeRef IntTy, const char Str[], unsigned SLen, uint8_t Radix) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstReal (LLVMTypeRef RealTy, double N) |
| Obtain a constant value referring to a double floating point value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstRealOfString (LLVMTypeRef RealTy, const char *Text) |
| Obtain a constant for a floating point value parsed from a string.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize (LLVMTypeRef RealTy, const char Str[], unsigned SLen) |
unsigned long long | LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
| Obtain the zero extended value for an integer constant value.
long long | LLVMConstIntGetSExtValue (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
| Obtain the sign extended value for an integer constant value.
double | LLVMConstRealGetDouble (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMBool *LosesInfo) |
| Obtain the double value for an floating point constant value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstStringInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Str, unsigned Length, LLVMBool DontNullTerminate) |
| Create a ConstantDataSequential and initialize it with a string.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstStringInContext2 (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Str, size_t Length, LLVMBool DontNullTerminate) |
| Create a ConstantDataSequential and initialize it with a string.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstString (const char *Str, unsigned Length, LLVMBool DontNullTerminate) |
| Create a ConstantDataSequential with string content in the global context.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetAggregateElement (LLVMValueRef C, unsigned Idx) |
| Get element of a constant aggregate (struct, array or vector) at the specified index.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetElementAsConstant (LLVMValueRef C, unsigned idx) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsConstantString (LLVMValueRef C) |
| Returns true if the specified constant is an array of i8.
const char * | LLVMGetAsString (LLVMValueRef C, size_t *Length) |
| Get the given constant data sequential as a string.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstArray (LLVMTypeRef ElementTy, LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, unsigned Length) |
| Create a ConstantArray from values.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstArray2 (LLVMTypeRef ElementTy, LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, uint64_t Length) |
| Create a ConstantArray from values.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstStructInContext (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, unsigned Count, LLVMBool Packed) |
| Create an anonymous ConstantStruct with the specified values.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstStruct (LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, unsigned Count, LLVMBool Packed) |
| Create a ConstantStruct in the global Context.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNamedStruct (LLVMTypeRef StructTy, LLVMValueRef *ConstantVals, unsigned Count) |
| Create a non-anonymous ConstantStruct from values.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstVector (LLVMValueRef *ScalarConstantVals, unsigned Size) |
| Create a ConstantVector from values.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstantPtrAuth (LLVMValueRef Ptr, LLVMValueRef Key, LLVMValueRef Disc, LLVMValueRef AddrDisc) |
| Create a ConstantPtrAuth constant with the given values.
static LLVMOpcode | map_to_llvmopcode (int opcode) |
static int | map_from_llvmopcode (LLVMOpcode code) |
static GEPNoWrapFlags | mapFromLLVMGEPNoWrapFlags (LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags GEPFlags) |
static LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags | mapToLLVMGEPNoWrapFlags (GEPNoWrapFlags GEPFlags) |
LLVMOpcode | LLVMGetConstOpcode (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAlignOf (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMSizeOf (LLVMTypeRef Ty) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNeg (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNSWNeg (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNUWNeg (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNot (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstAdd (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNSWAdd (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNUWAdd (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstSub (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNSWSub (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNUWSub (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstMul (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNSWMul (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstNUWMul (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstXor (LLVMValueRef LHSConstant, LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstGEP2 (LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMValueRef *ConstantIndices, unsigned NumIndices) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstInBoundsGEP2 (LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMValueRef *ConstantIndices, unsigned NumIndices) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstGEPWithNoWrapFlags (LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMValueRef *ConstantIndices, unsigned NumIndices, LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags NoWrapFlags) |
| Creates a constant GetElementPtr expression.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstTrunc (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstPtrToInt (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstIntToPtr (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstBitCast (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstAddrSpaceCast (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstPointerCast (LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, LLVMTypeRef ToType) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstExtractElement (LLVMValueRef VectorConstant, LLVMValueRef IndexConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstInsertElement (LLVMValueRef VectorConstant, LLVMValueRef ElementValueConstant, LLVMValueRef IndexConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstShuffleVector (LLVMValueRef VectorAConstant, LLVMValueRef VectorBConstant, LLVMValueRef MaskConstant) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMConstInlineAsm (LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *AsmString, const char *Constraints, LLVMBool HasSideEffects, LLVMBool IsAlignStack) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMGetInlineAsm instead.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBlockAddress (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetBlockAddressFunction (LLVMValueRef BlockAddr) |
| Gets the function associated with a given BlockAddress constant value.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetBlockAddressBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef BlockAddr) |
| Gets the basic block associated with a given BlockAddress constant value.
LLVMModuleRef | LLVMGetGlobalParent (LLVMValueRef Global) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsDeclaration (LLVMValueRef Global) |
LLVMLinkage | LLVMGetLinkage (LLVMValueRef Global) |
void | LLVMSetLinkage (LLVMValueRef Global, LLVMLinkage Linkage) |
const char * | LLVMGetSection (LLVMValueRef Global) |
void | LLVMSetSection (LLVMValueRef Global, const char *Section) |
LLVMVisibility | LLVMGetVisibility (LLVMValueRef Global) |
void | LLVMSetVisibility (LLVMValueRef Global, LLVMVisibility Viz) |
LLVMDLLStorageClass | LLVMGetDLLStorageClass (LLVMValueRef Global) |
void | LLVMSetDLLStorageClass (LLVMValueRef Global, LLVMDLLStorageClass Class) |
LLVMUnnamedAddr | LLVMGetUnnamedAddress (LLVMValueRef Global) |
void | LLVMSetUnnamedAddress (LLVMValueRef Global, LLVMUnnamedAddr UnnamedAddr) |
LLVMBool | LLVMHasUnnamedAddr (LLVMValueRef Global) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMGetUnnamedAddress instead.
void | LLVMSetUnnamedAddr (LLVMValueRef Global, LLVMBool HasUnnamedAddr) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMSetUnnamedAddress instead.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGlobalGetValueType (LLVMValueRef Global) |
| Returns the "value type" of a global value.
unsigned | LLVMGetAlignment (LLVMValueRef V) |
| Obtain the preferred alignment of the value.
void | LLVMSetAlignment (LLVMValueRef V, unsigned Bytes) |
| Set the preferred alignment of the value.
LLVMValueMetadataEntry * | LLVMGlobalCopyAllMetadata (LLVMValueRef Value, size_t *NumEntries) |
| Retrieves an array of metadata entries representing the metadata attached to this value.
unsigned | LLVMValueMetadataEntriesGetKind (LLVMValueMetadataEntry *Entries, unsigned Index) |
| Returns the kind of a value metadata entry at a specific index.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMValueMetadataEntriesGetMetadata (LLVMValueMetadataEntry *Entries, unsigned Index) |
| Returns the underlying metadata node of a value metadata entry at a specific index.
void | LLVMDisposeValueMetadataEntries (LLVMValueMetadataEntry *Entries) |
| Destroys value metadata entries.
void | LLVMGlobalSetMetadata (LLVMValueRef Global, unsigned Kind, LLVMMetadataRef MD) |
| Sets a metadata attachment, erasing the existing metadata attachment if it already exists for the given kind.
void | LLVMGlobalEraseMetadata (LLVMValueRef Global, unsigned Kind) |
| Erases a metadata attachment of the given kind if it exists.
void | LLVMGlobalClearMetadata (LLVMValueRef Global) |
| Removes all metadata attachments from this value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAddGlobal (LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace (LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name, unsigned AddressSpace) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNamedGlobal (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstGlobal (LLVMModuleRef M) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastGlobal (LLVMModuleRef M) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextGlobal (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousGlobal (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMDeleteGlobal (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetInitializer (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMSetInitializer (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar, LLVMValueRef ConstantVal) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsThreadLocal (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMSetThreadLocal (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar, LLVMBool IsThreadLocal) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsGlobalConstant (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMSetGlobalConstant (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar, LLVMBool IsConstant) |
LLVMThreadLocalMode | LLVMGetThreadLocalMode (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMSetThreadLocalMode (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar, LLVMThreadLocalMode Mode) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsExternallyInitialized (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) |
void | LLVMSetExternallyInitialized (LLVMValueRef GlobalVar, LLVMBool IsExtInit) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAddAlias2 (LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef ValueTy, unsigned AddrSpace, LLVMValueRef Aliasee, const char *Name) |
| Add a GlobalAlias with the given value type, address space and aliasee.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNamedGlobalAlias (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Obtain a GlobalAlias value from a Module by its name.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstGlobalAlias (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the first GlobalAlias in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastGlobalAlias (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the last GlobalAlias in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextGlobalAlias (LLVMValueRef GA) |
| Advance a GlobalAlias iterator to the next GlobalAlias.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousGlobalAlias (LLVMValueRef GA) |
| Decrement a GlobalAlias iterator to the previous GlobalAlias.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAliasGetAliasee (LLVMValueRef Alias) |
| Retrieve the target value of an alias.
void | LLVMAliasSetAliasee (LLVMValueRef Alias, LLVMValueRef Aliasee) |
| Set the target value of an alias.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAddFunction (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, LLVMTypeRef FunctionTy) |
| Add a function to a module under a specified name.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNamedFunction (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name) |
| Obtain a Function value from a Module by its name.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstFunction (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the first Function in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastFunction (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the last Function in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextFunction (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Advance a Function iterator to the next Function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousFunction (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Decrement a Function iterator to the previous Function.
void | LLVMDeleteFunction (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Remove a function from its containing module and deletes it.
LLVMBool | LLVMHasPersonalityFn (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Check whether the given function has a personality function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPersonalityFn (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the personality function attached to the function.
void | LLVMSetPersonalityFn (LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef PersonalityFn) |
| Set the personality function attached to the function.
unsigned | LLVMGetIntrinsicID (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the ID number from a function instance.
static Intrinsic::ID | llvm_map_to_intrinsic_id (unsigned ID) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetIntrinsicDeclaration (LLVMModuleRef Mod, unsigned ID, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, size_t ParamCount) |
| Create or insert the declaration of an intrinsic.
const char * | LLVMIntrinsicGetName (unsigned ID, size_t *NameLength) |
| Retrieves the name of an intrinsic.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMIntrinsicGetType (LLVMContextRef Ctx, unsigned ID, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, size_t ParamCount) |
| Retrieves the type of an intrinsic.
const char * | LLVMIntrinsicCopyOverloadedName (unsigned ID, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, size_t ParamCount, size_t *NameLength) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMIntrinsicCopyOverloadedName2 instead.
const char * | LLVMIntrinsicCopyOverloadedName2 (LLVMModuleRef Mod, unsigned ID, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, size_t ParamCount, size_t *NameLength) |
| Copies the name of an overloaded intrinsic identified by a given list of parameter types.
unsigned | LLVMLookupIntrinsicID (const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Obtain the intrinsic ID number which matches the given function name.
LLVMBool | LLVMIntrinsicIsOverloaded (unsigned ID) |
| Obtain if the intrinsic identified by the given ID is overloaded.
unsigned | LLVMGetFunctionCallConv (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the calling function of a function.
void | LLVMSetFunctionCallConv (LLVMValueRef Fn, unsigned CC) |
| Set the calling convention of a function.
const char * | LLVMGetGC (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the name of the garbage collector to use during code generation.
void | LLVMSetGC (LLVMValueRef Fn, const char *GC) |
| Define the garbage collector to use during code generation.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPrefixData (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Gets the prefix data associated with a function.
LLVMBool | LLVMHasPrefixData (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Check if a given function has prefix data.
void | LLVMSetPrefixData (LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef prefixData) |
| Sets the prefix data for the function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPrologueData (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Gets the prologue data associated with a function.
LLVMBool | LLVMHasPrologueData (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Check if a given function has prologue data.
void | LLVMSetPrologueData (LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef prologueData) |
| Sets the prologue data for the function.
void | LLVMAddAttributeAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, LLVMAttributeRef A) |
| Add an attribute to a function.
unsigned | LLVMGetAttributeCountAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx) |
void | LLVMGetAttributesAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, LLVMAttributeRef *Attrs) |
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMGetEnumAttributeAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, unsigned KindID) |
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMGetStringAttributeAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, const char *K, unsigned KLen) |
void | LLVMRemoveEnumAttributeAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, unsigned KindID) |
void | LLVMRemoveStringAttributeAtIndex (LLVMValueRef F, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, const char *K, unsigned KLen) |
void | LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr (LLVMValueRef Fn, const char *A, const char *V) |
| Add a target-dependent attribute to a function.
unsigned | LLVMCountParams (LLVMValueRef FnRef) |
| Obtain the number of parameters in a function.
void | LLVMGetParams (LLVMValueRef FnRef, LLVMValueRef *ParamRefs) |
| Obtain the parameters in a function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetParam (LLVMValueRef FnRef, unsigned index) |
| Obtain the parameter at the specified index.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetParamParent (LLVMValueRef V) |
| Obtain the function to which this argument belongs.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstParam (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the first parameter to a function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastParam (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the last parameter to a function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextParam (LLVMValueRef Arg) |
| Obtain the next parameter to a function.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousParam (LLVMValueRef Arg) |
| Obtain the previous parameter to a function.
void | LLVMSetParamAlignment (LLVMValueRef Arg, unsigned align) |
| Set the alignment for a function parameter.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMAddGlobalIFunc (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t NameLen, LLVMTypeRef Ty, unsigned AddrSpace, LLVMValueRef Resolver) |
| Add a global indirect function to a module under a specified name.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNamedGlobalIFunc (LLVMModuleRef M, const char *Name, size_t NameLen) |
| Obtain a GlobalIFunc value from a Module by its name.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstGlobalIFunc (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the first GlobalIFunc in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastGlobalIFunc (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Obtain an iterator to the last GlobalIFunc in a Module.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextGlobalIFunc (LLVMValueRef IFunc) |
| Advance a GlobalIFunc iterator to the next GlobalIFunc.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousGlobalIFunc (LLVMValueRef IFunc) |
| Decrement a GlobalIFunc iterator to the previous GlobalIFunc.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetGlobalIFuncResolver (LLVMValueRef IFunc) |
| Retrieves the resolver function associated with this indirect function, or NULL if it doesn't not exist.
void | LLVMSetGlobalIFuncResolver (LLVMValueRef IFunc, LLVMValueRef Resolver) |
| Sets the resolver function associated with this indirect function.
void | LLVMEraseGlobalIFunc (LLVMValueRef IFunc) |
| Remove a global indirect function from its parent module and delete it.
void | LLVMRemoveGlobalIFunc (LLVMValueRef IFunc) |
| Remove a global indirect function from its parent module.
LLVMOperandBundleRef | LLVMCreateOperandBundle (const char *Tag, size_t TagLen, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs) |
| Create a new operand bundle.
void | LLVMDisposeOperandBundle (LLVMOperandBundleRef Bundle) |
| Destroy an operand bundle.
const char * | LLVMGetOperandBundleTag (LLVMOperandBundleRef Bundle, size_t *Len) |
| Obtain the tag of an operand bundle as a string.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumOperandBundleArgs (LLVMOperandBundleRef Bundle) |
| Obtain the number of operands for an operand bundle.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetOperandBundleArgAtIndex (LLVMOperandBundleRef Bundle, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain the operand for an operand bundle at the given index.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBasicBlockAsValue (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Convert a basic block instance to a value type.
LLVMBool | LLVMValueIsBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Determine whether an LLVMValueRef is itself a basic block.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMValueAsBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Val) |
| Convert an LLVMValueRef to an LLVMBasicBlockRef instance.
const char * | LLVMGetBasicBlockName (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Obtain the string name of a basic block.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetBasicBlockParent (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Obtain the function to which a basic block belongs.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Obtain the terminator instruction for a basic block.
unsigned | LLVMCountBasicBlocks (LLVMValueRef FnRef) |
| Obtain the number of basic blocks in a function.
void | LLVMGetBasicBlocks (LLVMValueRef FnRef, LLVMBasicBlockRef *BasicBlocksRefs) |
| Obtain all of the basic blocks in a function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the basic block that corresponds to the entry point of a function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the first basic block in a function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetLastBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Fn) |
| Obtain the last basic block in a function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetNextBasicBlock (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Advance a basic block iterator.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Go backwards in a basic block iterator.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMCreateBasicBlockInContext (LLVMContextRef C, const char *Name) |
| Create a new basic block without inserting it into a function.
void | LLVMInsertExistingBasicBlockAfterInsertBlock (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Insert the given basic block after the insertion point of the given builder.
void | LLVMAppendExistingBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Append the given basic block to the basic block list of the given function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMValueRef FnRef, const char *Name) |
| Append a basic block to the end of a function.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMAppendBasicBlock (LLVMValueRef FnRef, const char *Name) |
| Append a basic block to the end of a function using the global context.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext (LLVMContextRef C, LLVMBasicBlockRef BBRef, const char *Name) |
| Insert a basic block in a function before another basic block.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMInsertBasicBlock (LLVMBasicBlockRef BBRef, const char *Name) |
| Insert a basic block in a function using the global context.
void | LLVMDeleteBasicBlock (LLVMBasicBlockRef BBRef) |
| Remove a basic block from a function and delete it.
void | LLVMRemoveBasicBlockFromParent (LLVMBasicBlockRef BBRef) |
| Remove a basic block from a function.
void | LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB, LLVMBasicBlockRef MovePos) |
| Move a basic block to before another one.
void | LLVMMoveBasicBlockAfter (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB, LLVMBasicBlockRef MovePos) |
| Move a basic block to after another one.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetInstructionParent (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the basic block to which an instruction belongs.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetFirstInstruction (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Obtain the first instruction in a basic block.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetLastInstruction (LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
| Obtain the last instruction in a basic block.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetNextInstruction (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the instruction that occurs after the one specified.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetPreviousInstruction (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the instruction that occurred before this one.
void | LLVMInstructionRemoveFromParent (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Remove an instruction.
void | LLVMInstructionEraseFromParent (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Remove and delete an instruction.
void | LLVMDeleteInstruction (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Delete an instruction.
LLVMIntPredicate | LLVMGetICmpPredicate (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the predicate of an instruction.
LLVMRealPredicate | LLVMGetFCmpPredicate (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the float predicate of an instruction.
LLVMOpcode | LLVMGetInstructionOpcode (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the code opcode for an individual instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMInstructionClone (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Create a copy of 'this' instruction that is identical in all ways except the following:
LLVMValueRef | LLVMIsATerminatorInst (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Determine whether an instruction is a terminator.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumArgOperands (LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Obtain the argument count for a call instruction.
unsigned | LLVMGetInstructionCallConv (LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Obtain the calling convention for a call instruction.
void | LLVMSetInstructionCallConv (LLVMValueRef Instr, unsigned CC) |
| Set the calling convention for a call instruction.
void | LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment (LLVMValueRef Instr, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, unsigned align) |
void | LLVMAddCallSiteAttribute (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, LLVMAttributeRef A) |
unsigned | LLVMGetCallSiteAttributeCount (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx) |
void | LLVMGetCallSiteAttributes (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, LLVMAttributeRef *Attrs) |
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMGetCallSiteEnumAttribute (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, unsigned KindID) |
LLVMAttributeRef | LLVMGetCallSiteStringAttribute (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, const char *K, unsigned KLen) |
void | LLVMRemoveCallSiteEnumAttribute (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, unsigned KindID) |
void | LLVMRemoveCallSiteStringAttribute (LLVMValueRef C, LLVMAttributeIndex Idx, const char *K, unsigned KLen) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetCalledValue (LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Obtain the pointer to the function invoked by this instruction.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetCalledFunctionType (LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Obtain the function type called by this instruction.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumOperandBundles (LLVMValueRef C) |
| Obtain the number of operand bundles attached to this instruction.
LLVMOperandBundleRef | LLVMGetOperandBundleAtIndex (LLVMValueRef C, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain the operand bundle attached to this instruction at the given index.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsTailCall (LLVMValueRef Call) |
| Obtain whether a call instruction is a tail call.
void | LLVMSetTailCall (LLVMValueRef Call, LLVMBool isTailCall) |
| Set whether a call instruction is a tail call.
LLVMTailCallKind | LLVMGetTailCallKind (LLVMValueRef Call) |
| Obtain a tail call kind of the call instruction.
void | LLVMSetTailCallKind (LLVMValueRef Call, LLVMTailCallKind kind) |
| Set the call kind of the call instruction.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetNormalDest (LLVMValueRef Invoke) |
| Return the normal destination basic block.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetUnwindDest (LLVMValueRef Invoke) |
| Return the unwind destination basic block.
void | LLVMSetNormalDest (LLVMValueRef Invoke, LLVMBasicBlockRef B) |
| Set the normal destination basic block.
void | LLVMSetUnwindDest (LLVMValueRef Invoke, LLVMBasicBlockRef B) |
| Set the unwind destination basic block.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetCallBrDefaultDest (LLVMValueRef CallBr) |
| Get the default destination of a CallBr instruction.
unsigned | LLVMGetCallBrNumIndirectDests (LLVMValueRef CallBr) |
| Get the number of indirect destinations of a CallBr instruction.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetCallBrIndirectDest (LLVMValueRef CallBr, unsigned Idx) |
| Get the indirect destination of a CallBr instruction at the given index.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumSuccessors (LLVMValueRef Term) |
| Return the number of successors that this terminator has.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetSuccessor (LLVMValueRef Term, unsigned i) |
| Return the specified successor.
void | LLVMSetSuccessor (LLVMValueRef Term, unsigned i, LLVMBasicBlockRef block) |
| Update the specified successor to point at the provided block.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsConditional (LLVMValueRef Branch) |
| Return if a branch is conditional.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetCondition (LLVMValueRef Branch) |
| Return the condition of a branch instruction.
void | LLVMSetCondition (LLVMValueRef Branch, LLVMValueRef Cond) |
| Set the condition of a branch instruction.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetSwitchDefaultDest (LLVMValueRef Switch) |
| Obtain the default destination basic block of a switch instruction.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetAllocatedType (LLVMValueRef Alloca) |
| Obtain the type that is being allocated by the alloca instruction.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsInBounds (LLVMValueRef GEP) |
| Check whether the given GEP operator is inbounds.
void | LLVMSetIsInBounds (LLVMValueRef GEP, LLVMBool InBounds) |
| Set the given GEP instruction to be inbounds or not.
LLVMTypeRef | LLVMGetGEPSourceElementType (LLVMValueRef GEP) |
| Get the source element type of the given GEP operator.
LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags | LLVMGEPGetNoWrapFlags (LLVMValueRef GEP) |
| Get the no-wrap related flags for the given GEP instruction.
void | LLVMGEPSetNoWrapFlags (LLVMValueRef GEP, LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags NoWrapFlags) |
| Set the no-wrap related flags for the given GEP instruction.
void | LLVMAddIncoming (LLVMValueRef PhiNode, LLVMValueRef *IncomingValues, LLVMBasicBlockRef *IncomingBlocks, unsigned Count) |
| Add an incoming value to the end of a PHI list.
unsigned | LLVMCountIncoming (LLVMValueRef PhiNode) |
| Obtain the number of incoming basic blocks to a PHI node.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetIncomingValue (LLVMValueRef PhiNode, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain an incoming value to a PHI node as an LLVMValueRef.
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetIncomingBlock (LLVMValueRef PhiNode, unsigned Index) |
| Obtain an incoming value to a PHI node as an LLVMBasicBlockRef.
unsigned | LLVMGetNumIndices (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the number of indices.
const unsigned * | LLVMGetIndices (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Obtain the indices as an array.
LLVMBuilderRef | LLVMCreateBuilderInContext (LLVMContextRef C) |
LLVMBuilderRef | LLVMCreateBuilder (void) |
static void | LLVMPositionBuilderImpl (IRBuilder<> *Builder, BasicBlock *Block, Instruction *Instr, bool BeforeDbgRecords) |
void | LLVMPositionBuilder (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMBasicBlockRef Block, LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Set the builder position before Instr but after any attached debug records, or if Instr is null set the position to the end of Block.
void | LLVMPositionBuilderBeforeDbgRecords (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMBasicBlockRef Block, LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Set the builder position before Instr and any attached debug records, or if Instr is null set the position to the end of Block.
void | LLVMPositionBuilderBefore (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Set the builder position before Instr but after any attached debug records.
void | LLVMPositionBuilderBeforeInstrAndDbgRecords (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Instr) |
| Set the builder position before Instr and any attached debug records.
void | LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMBasicBlockRef Block) |
LLVMBasicBlockRef | LLVMGetInsertBlock (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
void | LLVMClearInsertionPosition (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
void | LLVMInsertIntoBuilder (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Instr) |
void | LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Instr, const char *Name) |
void | LLVMDisposeBuilder (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation2 (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
| Get location information used by debugging information.
void | LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation2 (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Loc) |
| Set location information used by debugging information.
void | LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef L) |
| Deprecated: Passing the NULL location will crash.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
| Deprecated: Returning the NULL location will crash.
void | LLVMSetInstDebugLocation (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Attempts to set the debug location for the given instruction using the current debug location for the given builder.
void | LLVMAddMetadataToInst (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Adds the metadata registered with the given builder to the given instruction.
void | LLVMBuilderSetDefaultFPMathTag (LLVMBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef FPMathTag) |
| Set the default floating-point math metadata for the given builder.
LLVMMetadataRef | LLVMBuilderGetDefaultFPMathTag (LLVMBuilderRef Builder) |
| Get the dafult floating-point math metadata for a given builder.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildRetVoid (LLVMBuilderRef B) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildRet (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAggregateRet (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef *RetVals, unsigned N) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildBr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCondBr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef If, LLVMBasicBlockRef Then, LLVMBasicBlockRef Else) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSwitch (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, LLVMBasicBlockRef Else, unsigned NumCases) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIndirectBr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Addr, unsigned NumDests) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCallBr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMBasicBlockRef DefaultDest, LLVMBasicBlockRef *IndirectDests, unsigned NumIndirectDests, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, LLVMOperandBundleRef *Bundles, unsigned NumBundles, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildInvoke2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, LLVMBasicBlockRef Then, LLVMBasicBlockRef Catch, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildInvokeWithOperandBundles (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, LLVMBasicBlockRef Then, LLVMBasicBlockRef Catch, LLVMOperandBundleRef *Bundles, unsigned NumBundles, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildLandingPad (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef PersFn, unsigned NumClauses, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCatchPad (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef ParentPad, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCleanupPad (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef ParentPad, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildResume (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Exn) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCatchSwitch (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef ParentPad, LLVMBasicBlockRef UnwindBB, unsigned NumHandlers, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCatchRet (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef CatchPad, LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCleanupRet (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef CatchPad, LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildUnreachable (LLVMBuilderRef B) |
void | LLVMAddCase (LLVMValueRef Switch, LLVMValueRef OnVal, LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) |
void | LLVMAddDestination (LLVMValueRef IndirectBr, LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) |
unsigned | LLVMGetNumClauses (LLVMValueRef LandingPad) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetClause (LLVMValueRef LandingPad, unsigned Idx) |
void | LLVMAddClause (LLVMValueRef LandingPad, LLVMValueRef ClauseVal) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsCleanup (LLVMValueRef LandingPad) |
void | LLVMSetCleanup (LLVMValueRef LandingPad, LLVMBool Val) |
void | LLVMAddHandler (LLVMValueRef CatchSwitch, LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) |
unsigned | LLVMGetNumHandlers (LLVMValueRef CatchSwitch) |
void | LLVMGetHandlers (LLVMValueRef CatchSwitch, LLVMBasicBlockRef *Handlers) |
| Obtain the basic blocks acting as handlers for a catchswitch instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetParentCatchSwitch (LLVMValueRef CatchPad) |
| Get the parent catchswitch instruction of a catchpad instruction.
void | LLVMSetParentCatchSwitch (LLVMValueRef CatchPad, LLVMValueRef CatchSwitch) |
| Set the parent catchswitch instruction of a catchpad instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMGetArgOperand (LLVMValueRef Funclet, unsigned i) |
void | LLVMSetArgOperand (LLVMValueRef Funclet, unsigned i, LLVMValueRef value) |
static FastMathFlags | mapFromLLVMFastMathFlags (LLVMFastMathFlags FMF) |
static LLVMFastMathFlags | mapToLLVMFastMathFlags (FastMathFlags FMF) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAdd (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNSWAdd (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNUWAdd (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFAdd (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSub (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNSWSub (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNUWSub (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFSub (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildMul (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNSWMul (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNUWMul (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFMul (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildUDiv (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildExactUDiv (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSDiv (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildExactSDiv (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFDiv (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildURem (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSRem (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFRem (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildShl (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildLShr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAShr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAnd (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildOr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildXor (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildBinOp (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMOpcode Op, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNeg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNSWNeg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNUWNeg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFNeg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildNot (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V, const char *Name) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetNUW (LLVMValueRef ArithInst) |
void | LLVMSetNUW (LLVMValueRef ArithInst, LLVMBool HasNUW) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetNSW (LLVMValueRef ArithInst) |
void | LLVMSetNSW (LLVMValueRef ArithInst, LLVMBool HasNSW) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetExact (LLVMValueRef DivOrShrInst) |
void | LLVMSetExact (LLVMValueRef DivOrShrInst, LLVMBool IsExact) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetNNeg (LLVMValueRef NonNegInst) |
| Gets if the instruction has the non-negative flag set.
void | LLVMSetNNeg (LLVMValueRef NonNegInst, LLVMBool IsNonNeg) |
| Sets the non-negative flag for the instruction.
LLVMFastMathFlags | LLVMGetFastMathFlags (LLVMValueRef FPMathInst) |
| Get the flags for which fast-math-style optimizations are allowed for this value.
void | LLVMSetFastMathFlags (LLVMValueRef FPMathInst, LLVMFastMathFlags FMF) |
| Sets the flags for which fast-math-style optimizations are allowed for this value.
LLVMBool | LLVMCanValueUseFastMathFlags (LLVMValueRef V) |
| Check if a given value can potentially have fast math flags.
LLVMBool | LLVMGetIsDisjoint (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
| Gets whether the instruction has the disjoint flag set.
void | LLVMSetIsDisjoint (LLVMValueRef Inst, LLVMBool IsDisjoint) |
| Sets the disjoint flag for the instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildMalloc (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildArrayMalloc (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildMemSet (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Ptr, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMValueRef Len, unsigned Align) |
| Creates and inserts a memset to the specified pointer and the specified value.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildMemCpy (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Dst, unsigned DstAlign, LLVMValueRef Src, unsigned SrcAlign, LLVMValueRef Size) |
| Creates and inserts a memcpy between the specified pointers.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildMemMove (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Dst, unsigned DstAlign, LLVMValueRef Src, unsigned SrcAlign, LLVMValueRef Size) |
| Creates and inserts a memmove between the specified pointers.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAlloca (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildArrayAlloca (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFree (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef PointerVal) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildLoad2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef PointerVal, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildStore (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMValueRef PointerVal) |
static AtomicOrdering | mapFromLLVMOrdering (LLVMAtomicOrdering Ordering) |
static LLVMAtomicOrdering | mapToLLVMOrdering (AtomicOrdering Ordering) |
static AtomicRMWInst::BinOp | mapFromLLVMRMWBinOp (LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp BinOp) |
static LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp | mapToLLVMRMWBinOp (AtomicRMWInst::BinOp BinOp) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFence (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMAtomicOrdering Ordering, LLVMBool isSingleThread, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildGEP2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Pointer, LLVMValueRef *Indices, unsigned NumIndices, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Pointer, LLVMValueRef *Indices, unsigned NumIndices, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildGEPWithNoWrapFlags (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Pointer, LLVMValueRef *Indices, unsigned NumIndices, const char *Name, LLVMGEPNoWrapFlags NoWrapFlags) |
| Creates a GetElementPtr instruction.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildStructGEP2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Pointer, unsigned Idx, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildGlobalString (LLVMBuilderRef B, const char *Str, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr (LLVMBuilderRef B, const char *Str, const char *Name) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetVolatile (LLVMValueRef MemAccessInst) |
void | LLVMSetVolatile (LLVMValueRef MemAccessInst, LLVMBool isVolatile) |
LLVMBool | LLVMGetWeak (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst) |
void | LLVMSetWeak (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst, LLVMBool isWeak) |
LLVMAtomicOrdering | LLVMGetOrdering (LLVMValueRef MemAccessInst) |
void | LLVMSetOrdering (LLVMValueRef MemAccessInst, LLVMAtomicOrdering Ordering) |
LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp | LLVMGetAtomicRMWBinOp (LLVMValueRef Inst) |
void | LLVMSetAtomicRMWBinOp (LLVMValueRef Inst, LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp BinOp) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildTrunc (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildZExt (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSExt (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFPToUI (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFPToSI (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildUIToFP (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSIToFP (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFPTrunc (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFPExt (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildPtrToInt (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIntToPtr (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildBitCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAddrSpaceCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMOpcode Op, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildPointerCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIntCast2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, LLVMBool IsSigned, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIntCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
| Deprecated: This cast is always signed.
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFPCast (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, const char *Name) |
LLVMOpcode | LLVMGetCastOpcode (LLVMValueRef Src, LLVMBool SrcIsSigned, LLVMTypeRef DestTy, LLVMBool DestIsSigned) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildICmp (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMIntPredicate Op, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFCmp (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMRealPredicate Op, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildPhi (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCall2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildCallWithOperandBundles (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Fn, LLVMValueRef *Args, unsigned NumArgs, LLVMOperandBundleRef *Bundles, unsigned NumBundles, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildSelect (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef If, LLVMValueRef Then, LLVMValueRef Else, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildVAArg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef List, LLVMTypeRef Ty, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildExtractElement (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef VecVal, LLVMValueRef Index, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildInsertElement (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef VecVal, LLVMValueRef EltVal, LLVMValueRef Index, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildShuffleVector (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef V1, LLVMValueRef V2, LLVMValueRef Mask, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildExtractValue (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef AggVal, unsigned Index, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildInsertValue (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef AggVal, LLVMValueRef EltVal, unsigned Index, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildFreeze (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIsNull (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildIsNotNull (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Val, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildPtrDiff2 (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMTypeRef ElemTy, LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS, const char *Name) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAtomicRMW (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp op, LLVMValueRef PTR, LLVMValueRef Val, LLVMAtomicOrdering ordering, LLVMBool singleThread) |
LLVMValueRef | LLVMBuildAtomicCmpXchg (LLVMBuilderRef B, LLVMValueRef Ptr, LLVMValueRef Cmp, LLVMValueRef New, LLVMAtomicOrdering SuccessOrdering, LLVMAtomicOrdering FailureOrdering, LLVMBool singleThread) |
unsigned | LLVMGetNumMaskElements (LLVMValueRef SVInst) |
| Get the number of elements in the mask of a ShuffleVector instruction.
int | LLVMGetMaskValue (LLVMValueRef SVInst, unsigned Elt) |
| Get the mask value at position Elt in the mask of a ShuffleVector instruction.
int | LLVMGetUndefMaskElem (void) |
LLVMBool | LLVMIsAtomicSingleThread (LLVMValueRef AtomicInst) |
void | LLVMSetAtomicSingleThread (LLVMValueRef AtomicInst, LLVMBool NewValue) |
LLVMAtomicOrdering | LLVMGetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst) |
void | LLVMSetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst, LLVMAtomicOrdering Ordering) |
LLVMAtomicOrdering | LLVMGetCmpXchgFailureOrdering (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst) |
void | LLVMSetCmpXchgFailureOrdering (LLVMValueRef CmpXchgInst, LLVMAtomicOrdering Ordering) |
LLVMModuleProviderRef | LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Changes the type of M so it can be passed to FunctionPassManagers and the JIT.
void | LLVMDisposeModuleProvider (LLVMModuleProviderRef MP) |
| Destroys the module M.
LLVMBool | LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile (const char *Path, LLVMMemoryBufferRef *OutMemBuf, char **OutMessage) |
LLVMBool | LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN (LLVMMemoryBufferRef *OutMemBuf, char **OutMessage) |
LLVMMemoryBufferRef | LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRange (const char *InputData, size_t InputDataLength, const char *BufferName, LLVMBool RequiresNullTerminator) |
LLVMMemoryBufferRef | LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy (const char *InputData, size_t InputDataLength, const char *BufferName) |
const char * | LLVMGetBufferStart (LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) |
size_t | LLVMGetBufferSize (LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) |
void | LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer (LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) |
LLVMPassManagerRef | LLVMCreatePassManager () |
| Constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline.
LLVMPassManagerRef | LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule (LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Constructs a new function-by-function pass pipeline over the module provider.
LLVMPassManagerRef | LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager (LLVMModuleProviderRef P) |
| Deprecated: Use LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule instead.
LLVMBool | LLVMRunPassManager (LLVMPassManagerRef PM, LLVMModuleRef M) |
| Initializes, executes on the provided module, and finalizes all of the passes scheduled in the pass manager.
LLVMBool | LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager (LLVMPassManagerRef FPM) |
| Initializes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager.
LLVMBool | LLVMRunFunctionPassManager (LLVMPassManagerRef FPM, LLVMValueRef F) |
| Executes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager on the provided function.
LLVMBool | LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager (LLVMPassManagerRef FPM) |
| Finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager.
void | LLVMDisposePassManager (LLVMPassManagerRef PM) |
| Frees the memory of a pass pipeline.
LLVMBool | LLVMStartMultithreaded () |
| Deprecated: Multi-threading can only be enabled/disabled with the compile time define LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS.
void | LLVMStopMultithreaded () |
| Deprecated: Multi-threading can only be enabled/disabled with the compile time define LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS.
LLVMBool | LLVMIsMultithreaded () |
| Check whether LLVM is executing in thread-safe mode or not.