LLVM 19.0.0git
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1//===- VarLocBasedImpl.cpp - Tracking Debug Value MIs with VarLoc class----===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9/// \file VarLocBasedImpl.cpp
11/// LiveDebugValues is an optimistic "available expressions" dataflow
12/// algorithm. The set of expressions is the set of machine locations
13/// (registers, spill slots, constants, and target indices) that a variable
14/// fragment might be located, qualified by a DIExpression and indirect-ness
15/// flag, while each variable is identified by a DebugVariable object. The
16/// availability of an expression begins when a DBG_VALUE instruction specifies
17/// the location of a DebugVariable, and continues until that location is
18/// clobbered or re-specified by a different DBG_VALUE for the same
19/// DebugVariable.
21/// The output of LiveDebugValues is additional DBG_VALUE instructions,
22/// placed to extend variable locations as far they're available. This file
23/// and the VarLocBasedLDV class is an implementation that explicitly tracks
24/// locations, using the VarLoc class.
26/// The canonical "available expressions" problem doesn't have expression
27/// clobbering, instead when a variable is re-assigned, any expressions using
28/// that variable get invalidated. LiveDebugValues can map onto "available
29/// expressions" by having every register represented by a variable, which is
30/// used in an expression that becomes available at a DBG_VALUE instruction.
31/// When the register is clobbered, its variable is effectively reassigned, and
32/// expressions computed from it become unavailable. A similar construct is
33/// needed when a DebugVariable has its location re-specified, to invalidate
34/// all other locations for that DebugVariable.
36/// Using the dataflow analysis to compute the available expressions, we create
37/// a DBG_VALUE at the beginning of each block where the expression is
38/// live-in. This propagates variable locations into every basic block where
39/// the location can be determined, rather than only having DBG_VALUEs in blocks
40/// where locations are specified due to an assignment or some optimization.
41/// Movements of values between registers and spill slots are annotated with
42/// DBG_VALUEs too to track variable values bewteen locations. All this allows
43/// DbgEntityHistoryCalculator to focus on only the locations within individual
44/// blocks, facilitating testing and improving modularity.
46/// We follow an optimisic dataflow approach, with this lattice:
48/// \verbatim
49/// ┬ "Unknown"
50/// |
51/// v
52/// True
53/// |
54/// v
55/// ⊥ False
56/// \endverbatim With "True" signifying that the expression is available (and
57/// thus a DebugVariable's location is the corresponding register), while
58/// "False" signifies that the expression is unavailable. "Unknown"s never
59/// survive to the end of the analysis (see below).
61/// Formally, all DebugVariable locations that are live-out of a block are
62/// initialized to \top. A blocks live-in values take the meet of the lattice
63/// value for every predecessors live-outs, except for the entry block, where
64/// all live-ins are \bot. The usual dataflow propagation occurs: the transfer
65/// function for a block assigns an expression for a DebugVariable to be "True"
66/// if a DBG_VALUE in the block specifies it; "False" if the location is
67/// clobbered; or the live-in value if it is unaffected by the block. We
68/// visit each block in reverse post order until a fixedpoint is reached. The
69/// solution produced is maximal.
71/// Intuitively, we start by assuming that every expression / variable location
72/// is at least "True", and then propagate "False" from the entry block and any
73/// clobbers until there are no more changes to make. This gives us an accurate
74/// solution because all incorrect locations will have a "False" propagated into
75/// them. It also gives us a solution that copes well with loops by assuming
76/// that variable locations are live-through every loop, and then removing those
77/// that are not through dataflow.
79/// Within LiveDebugValues: each variable location is represented by a
80/// VarLoc object that identifies the source variable, the set of
81/// machine-locations that currently describe it (a single location for
82/// DBG_VALUE or multiple for DBG_VALUE_LIST), and the DBG_VALUE inst that
83/// specifies the location. Each VarLoc is indexed in the (function-scope) \p
84/// VarLocMap, giving each VarLoc a set of unique indexes, each of which
85/// corresponds to one of the VarLoc's machine-locations and can be used to
86/// lookup the VarLoc in the VarLocMap. Rather than operate directly on machine
87/// locations, the dataflow analysis in this pass identifies locations by their
88/// indices in the VarLocMap, meaning all the variable locations in a block can
89/// be described by a sparse vector of VarLocMap indices.
91/// All the storage for the dataflow analysis is local to the ExtendRanges
92/// method and passed down to helper methods. "OutLocs" and "InLocs" record the
93/// in and out lattice values for each block. "OpenRanges" maintains a list of
94/// variable locations and, with the "process" method, evaluates the transfer
95/// function of each block. "flushPendingLocs" installs debug value instructions
96/// for each live-in location at the start of blocks, while "Transfers" records
97/// transfers of values between machine-locations.
99/// We avoid explicitly representing the "Unknown" (\top) lattice value in the
100/// implementation. Instead, unvisited blocks implicitly have all lattice
101/// values set as "Unknown". After being visited, there will be path back to
102/// the entry block where the lattice value is "False", and as the transfer
103/// function cannot make new "Unknown" locations, there are no scenarios where
104/// a block can have an "Unknown" location after being visited. Similarly, we
105/// don't enumerate all possible variable locations before exploring the
106/// function: when a new location is discovered, all blocks previously explored
107/// were implicitly "False" but unrecorded, and become explicitly "False" when
108/// a new VarLoc is created with its bit not set in predecessor InLocs or
109/// OutLocs.
113#include "LiveDebugValues.h"
116#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
118#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
119#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
120#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
121#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
137#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
139#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
140#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
142#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
143#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
147#include <algorithm>
148#include <cassert>
149#include <cstdint>
150#include <functional>
151#include <map>
152#include <optional>
153#include <queue>
154#include <tuple>
155#include <utility>
156#include <vector>
158using namespace llvm;
160#define DEBUG_TYPE "livedebugvalues"
162STATISTIC(NumInserted, "Number of DBG_VALUE instructions inserted");
164/// If \p Op is a stack or frame register return true, otherwise return false.
165/// This is used to avoid basing the debug entry values on the registers, since
166/// we do not support it at the moment.
168 const MachineInstr &MI,
169 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
170 if (!Op.isReg())
171 return false;
173 const MachineFunction *MF = MI.getParent()->getParent();
174 const TargetLowering *TLI = MF->getSubtarget().getTargetLowering();
176 Register FP = TRI->getFrameRegister(*MF);
177 Register Reg = Op.getReg();
179 return Reg && Reg != SP && Reg != FP;
182namespace {
184// Max out the number of statically allocated elements in DefinedRegsSet, as
185// this prevents fallback to std::set::count() operations.
186using DefinedRegsSet = SmallSet<Register, 32>;
188// The IDs in this set correspond to MachineLocs in VarLocs, as well as VarLocs
189// that represent Entry Values; every VarLoc in the set will also appear
190// exactly once at Location=0.
191// As a result, each VarLoc may appear more than once in this "set", but each
192// range corresponding to a Reg, SpillLoc, or EntryValue type will still be a
193// "true" set (i.e. each VarLoc may appear only once), and the range Location=0
194// is the set of all VarLocs.
195using VarLocSet = CoalescingBitVector<uint64_t>;
197/// A type-checked pair of {Register Location (or 0), Index}, used to index
198/// into a \ref VarLocMap. This can be efficiently converted to a 64-bit int
199/// for insertion into a \ref VarLocSet, and efficiently converted back. The
200/// type-checker helps ensure that the conversions aren't lossy.
202/// Why encode a location /into/ the VarLocMap index? This makes it possible
203/// to find the open VarLocs killed by a register def very quickly. This is a
204/// performance-critical operation for LiveDebugValues.
205struct LocIndex {
206 using u32_location_t = uint32_t;
207 using u32_index_t = uint32_t;
209 u32_location_t Location; // Physical registers live in the range [1;2^30) (see
210 // \ref MCRegister), so we have plenty of range left
211 // here to encode non-register locations.
212 u32_index_t Index;
214 /// The location that has an entry for every VarLoc in the map.
215 static constexpr u32_location_t kUniversalLocation = 0;
217 /// The first location that is reserved for VarLocs with locations of kind
218 /// RegisterKind.
219 static constexpr u32_location_t kFirstRegLocation = 1;
221 /// The first location greater than 0 that is not reserved for VarLocs with
222 /// locations of kind RegisterKind.
223 static constexpr u32_location_t kFirstInvalidRegLocation = 1 << 30;
225 /// A special location reserved for VarLocs with locations of kind
226 /// SpillLocKind.
227 static constexpr u32_location_t kSpillLocation = kFirstInvalidRegLocation;
229 /// A special location reserved for VarLocs of kind EntryValueBackupKind and
230 /// EntryValueCopyBackupKind.
231 static constexpr u32_location_t kEntryValueBackupLocation =
232 kFirstInvalidRegLocation + 1;
234 /// A special location reserved for VarLocs with locations of kind
235 /// WasmLocKind.
236 /// TODO Placing all Wasm target index locations in this single kWasmLocation
237 /// may cause slowdown in compilation time in very large functions. Consider
238 /// giving a each target index/offset pair its own u32_location_t if this
239 /// becomes a problem.
240 static constexpr u32_location_t kWasmLocation = kFirstInvalidRegLocation + 2;
242 LocIndex(u32_location_t Location, u32_index_t Index)
245 uint64_t getAsRawInteger() const {
246 return (static_cast<uint64_t>(Location) << 32) | Index;
247 }
249 template<typename IntT> static LocIndex fromRawInteger(IntT ID) {
250 static_assert(std::is_unsigned_v<IntT> && sizeof(ID) == sizeof(uint64_t),
251 "Cannot convert raw integer to LocIndex");
252 return {static_cast<u32_location_t>(ID >> 32),
253 static_cast<u32_index_t>(ID)};
254 }
256 /// Get the start of the interval reserved for VarLocs of kind RegisterKind
257 /// which reside in \p Reg. The end is at rawIndexForReg(Reg+1)-1.
258 static uint64_t rawIndexForReg(Register Reg) {
259 return LocIndex(Reg, 0).getAsRawInteger();
260 }
262 /// Return a range covering all set indices in the interval reserved for
263 /// \p Location in \p Set.
264 static auto indexRangeForLocation(const VarLocSet &Set,
265 u32_location_t Location) {
266 uint64_t Start = LocIndex(Location, 0).getAsRawInteger();
267 uint64_t End = LocIndex(Location + 1, 0).getAsRawInteger();
268 return Set.half_open_range(Start, End);
269 }
272// Simple Set for storing all the VarLoc Indices at a Location bucket.
273using VarLocsInRange = SmallSet<LocIndex::u32_index_t, 32>;
274// Vector of all `LocIndex`s for a given VarLoc; the same Location should not
275// appear in any two of these, as each VarLoc appears at most once in any
276// Location bucket.
277using LocIndices = SmallVector<LocIndex, 2>;
279class VarLocBasedLDV : public LDVImpl {
281 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
282 const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
283 const TargetFrameLowering *TFI;
284 TargetPassConfig *TPC;
285 BitVector CalleeSavedRegs;
287 VarLocSet::Allocator Alloc;
289 const MachineInstr *LastNonDbgMI;
291 enum struct TransferKind { TransferCopy, TransferSpill, TransferRestore };
293 using FragmentInfo = DIExpression::FragmentInfo;
294 using OptFragmentInfo = std::optional<DIExpression::FragmentInfo>;
296 /// A pair of debug variable and value location.
297 struct VarLoc {
298 // The location at which a spilled variable resides. It consists of a
299 // register and an offset.
300 struct SpillLoc {
301 unsigned SpillBase;
302 StackOffset SpillOffset;
303 bool operator==(const SpillLoc &Other) const {
304 return SpillBase == Other.SpillBase && SpillOffset == Other.SpillOffset;
305 }
306 bool operator!=(const SpillLoc &Other) const {
307 return !(*this == Other);
308 }
309 };
311 // Target indices used for wasm-specific locations.
312 struct WasmLoc {
313 // One of TargetIndex values defined in WebAssembly.h. We deal with
314 // local-related TargetIndex in this analysis (TI_LOCAL and
315 // TI_LOCAL_INDIRECT). Stack operands (TI_OPERAND_STACK) will be handled
316 // separately WebAssemblyDebugFixup pass, and we don't associate debug
317 // info with values in global operands (TI_GLOBAL_RELOC) at the moment.
318 int Index;
319 int64_t Offset;
320 bool operator==(const WasmLoc &Other) const {
321 return Index == Other.Index && Offset == Other.Offset;
322 }
323 bool operator!=(const WasmLoc &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); }
324 };
326 /// Identity of the variable at this location.
327 const DebugVariable Var;
329 /// The expression applied to this location.
330 const DIExpression *Expr;
332 /// DBG_VALUE to clone var/expr information from if this location
333 /// is moved.
334 const MachineInstr &MI;
336 enum class MachineLocKind {
337 InvalidKind = 0,
338 RegisterKind,
339 SpillLocKind,
340 ImmediateKind,
341 WasmLocKind
342 };
344 enum class EntryValueLocKind {
345 NonEntryValueKind = 0,
346 EntryValueKind,
347 EntryValueBackupKind,
348 EntryValueCopyBackupKind
349 } EVKind = EntryValueLocKind::NonEntryValueKind;
351 /// The value location. Stored separately to avoid repeatedly
352 /// extracting it from MI.
353 union MachineLocValue {
354 uint64_t RegNo;
355 SpillLoc SpillLocation;
356 uint64_t Hash;
357 int64_t Immediate;
358 const ConstantFP *FPImm;
359 const ConstantInt *CImm;
360 WasmLoc WasmLocation;
361 MachineLocValue() : Hash(0) {}
362 };
364 /// A single machine location; its Kind is either a register, spill
365 /// location, or immediate value.
366 /// If the VarLoc is not a NonEntryValueKind, then it will use only a
367 /// single MachineLoc of RegisterKind.
368 struct MachineLoc {
369 MachineLocKind Kind;
370 MachineLocValue Value;
371 bool operator==(const MachineLoc &Other) const {
372 if (Kind != Other.Kind)
373 return false;
374 switch (Kind) {
375 case MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind:
376 return Value.SpillLocation == Other.Value.SpillLocation;
377 case MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind:
378 return Value.WasmLocation == Other.Value.WasmLocation;
379 case MachineLocKind::RegisterKind:
380 case MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind:
381 return Value.Hash == Other.Value.Hash;
382 default:
383 llvm_unreachable("Invalid kind");
384 }
385 }
386 bool operator<(const MachineLoc &Other) const {
387 switch (Kind) {
388 case MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind:
389 return std::make_tuple(
390 Kind, Value.SpillLocation.SpillBase,
391 Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getFixed(),
392 Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getScalable()) <
393 std::make_tuple(
394 Other.Kind, Other.Value.SpillLocation.SpillBase,
395 Other.Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getFixed(),
396 Other.Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getScalable());
397 case MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind:
398 return std::make_tuple(Kind, Value.WasmLocation.Index,
399 Value.WasmLocation.Offset) <
400 std::make_tuple(Other.Kind, Other.Value.WasmLocation.Index,
401 Other.Value.WasmLocation.Offset);
402 case MachineLocKind::RegisterKind:
403 case MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind:
404 return std::tie(Kind, Value.Hash) <
405 std::tie(Other.Kind, Other.Value.Hash);
406 default:
407 llvm_unreachable("Invalid kind");
408 }
409 }
410 };
412 /// The set of machine locations used to determine the variable's value, in
413 /// conjunction with Expr. Initially populated with MI's debug operands,
414 /// but may be transformed independently afterwards.
416 /// Used to map the index of each location in Locs back to the index of its
417 /// original debug operand in MI. Used when multiple location operands are
418 /// coalesced and the original MI's operands need to be accessed while
419 /// emitting a debug value.
420 SmallVector<unsigned, 8> OrigLocMap;
422 VarLoc(const MachineInstr &MI)
423 : Var(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
424 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt()),
425 Expr(MI.getDebugExpression()), MI(MI) {
426 assert(MI.isDebugValue() && "not a DBG_VALUE");
427 assert((MI.isDebugValueList() || MI.getNumOperands() == 4) &&
428 "malformed DBG_VALUE");
429 for (const MachineOperand &Op : MI.debug_operands()) {
430 MachineLoc ML = GetLocForOp(Op);
431 auto It = find(Locs, ML);
432 if (It == Locs.end()) {
433 Locs.push_back(ML);
434 OrigLocMap.push_back(MI.getDebugOperandIndex(&Op));
435 } else {
436 // ML duplicates an element in Locs; replace references to Op
437 // with references to the duplicating element.
438 unsigned OpIdx = Locs.size();
439 unsigned DuplicatingIdx = std::distance(Locs.begin(), It);
440 Expr = DIExpression::replaceArg(Expr, OpIdx, DuplicatingIdx);
441 }
442 }
444 // We create the debug entry values from the factory functions rather
445 // than from this ctor.
446 assert(EVKind != EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueKind &&
447 !isEntryBackupLoc());
448 }
450 static MachineLoc GetLocForOp(const MachineOperand &Op) {
451 MachineLocKind Kind;
452 MachineLocValue Loc;
453 if (Op.isReg()) {
454 Kind = MachineLocKind::RegisterKind;
455 Loc.RegNo = Op.getReg();
456 } else if (Op.isImm()) {
457 Kind = MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind;
458 Loc.Immediate = Op.getImm();
459 } else if (Op.isFPImm()) {
460 Kind = MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind;
461 Loc.FPImm = Op.getFPImm();
462 } else if (Op.isCImm()) {
463 Kind = MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind;
464 Loc.CImm = Op.getCImm();
465 } else if (Op.isTargetIndex()) {
466 Kind = MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind;
467 Loc.WasmLocation = {Op.getIndex(), Op.getOffset()};
468 } else
469 llvm_unreachable("Invalid Op kind for MachineLoc.");
470 return {Kind, Loc};
471 }
473 /// Take the variable and machine-location in DBG_VALUE MI, and build an
474 /// entry location using the given expression.
475 static VarLoc CreateEntryLoc(const MachineInstr &MI,
476 const DIExpression *EntryExpr, Register Reg) {
477 VarLoc VL(MI);
478 assert(VL.Locs.size() == 1 &&
479 VL.Locs[0].Kind == MachineLocKind::RegisterKind);
480 VL.EVKind = EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueKind;
481 VL.Expr = EntryExpr;
482 VL.Locs[0].Value.RegNo = Reg;
483 return VL;
484 }
486 /// Take the variable and machine-location from the DBG_VALUE (from the
487 /// function entry), and build an entry value backup location. The backup
488 /// location will turn into the normal location if the backup is valid at
489 /// the time of the primary location clobbering.
490 static VarLoc CreateEntryBackupLoc(const MachineInstr &MI,
491 const DIExpression *EntryExpr) {
492 VarLoc VL(MI);
493 assert(VL.Locs.size() == 1 &&
494 VL.Locs[0].Kind == MachineLocKind::RegisterKind);
495 VL.EVKind = EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueBackupKind;
496 VL.Expr = EntryExpr;
497 return VL;
498 }
500 /// Take the variable and machine-location from the DBG_VALUE (from the
501 /// function entry), and build a copy of an entry value backup location by
502 /// setting the register location to NewReg.
503 static VarLoc CreateEntryCopyBackupLoc(const MachineInstr &MI,
504 const DIExpression *EntryExpr,
505 Register NewReg) {
506 VarLoc VL(MI);
507 assert(VL.Locs.size() == 1 &&
508 VL.Locs[0].Kind == MachineLocKind::RegisterKind);
509 VL.EVKind = EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueCopyBackupKind;
510 VL.Expr = EntryExpr;
511 VL.Locs[0].Value.RegNo = NewReg;
512 return VL;
513 }
515 /// Copy the register location in DBG_VALUE MI, updating the register to
516 /// be NewReg.
517 static VarLoc CreateCopyLoc(const VarLoc &OldVL, const MachineLoc &OldML,
518 Register NewReg) {
519 VarLoc VL = OldVL;
520 for (MachineLoc &ML : VL.Locs)
521 if (ML == OldML) {
522 ML.Kind = MachineLocKind::RegisterKind;
523 ML.Value.RegNo = NewReg;
524 return VL;
525 }
526 llvm_unreachable("Should have found OldML in new VarLoc.");
527 }
529 /// Take the variable described by DBG_VALUE* MI, and create a VarLoc
530 /// locating it in the specified spill location.
531 static VarLoc CreateSpillLoc(const VarLoc &OldVL, const MachineLoc &OldML,
532 unsigned SpillBase, StackOffset SpillOffset) {
533 VarLoc VL = OldVL;
534 for (MachineLoc &ML : VL.Locs)
535 if (ML == OldML) {
536 ML.Kind = MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind;
537 ML.Value.SpillLocation = {SpillBase, SpillOffset};
538 return VL;
539 }
540 llvm_unreachable("Should have found OldML in new VarLoc.");
541 }
543 /// Create a DBG_VALUE representing this VarLoc in the given function.
544 /// Copies variable-specific information such as DILocalVariable and
545 /// inlining information from the original DBG_VALUE instruction, which may
546 /// have been several transfers ago.
547 MachineInstr *BuildDbgValue(MachineFunction &MF) const {
548 assert(!isEntryBackupLoc() &&
549 "Tried to produce DBG_VALUE for backup VarLoc");
550 const DebugLoc &DbgLoc = MI.getDebugLoc();
551 bool Indirect = MI.isIndirectDebugValue();
552 const auto &IID = MI.getDesc();
553 const DILocalVariable *Var = MI.getDebugVariable();
554 NumInserted++;
556 const DIExpression *DIExpr = Expr;
558 for (unsigned I = 0, E = Locs.size(); I < E; ++I) {
559 MachineLocKind LocKind = Locs[I].Kind;
560 MachineLocValue Loc = Locs[I].Value;
561 const MachineOperand &Orig = MI.getDebugOperand(OrigLocMap[I]);
562 switch (LocKind) {
563 case MachineLocKind::RegisterKind:
564 // An entry value is a register location -- but with an updated
565 // expression. The register location of such DBG_VALUE is always the
566 // one from the entry DBG_VALUE, it does not matter if the entry value
567 // was copied in to another register due to some optimizations.
568 // Non-entry value register locations are like the source
569 // DBG_VALUE, but with the register number from this VarLoc.
571 EVKind == EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueKind ? Orig.getReg()
572 : Register(Loc.RegNo),
573 false));
574 break;
575 case MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind: {
576 // Spills are indirect DBG_VALUEs, with a base register and offset.
577 // Use the original DBG_VALUEs expression to build the spilt location
578 // on top of. FIXME: spill locations created before this pass runs
579 // are not recognized, and not handled here.
580 unsigned Base = Loc.SpillLocation.SpillBase;
581 auto *TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
582 if (MI.isNonListDebugValue()) {
583 auto Deref = Indirect ? DIExpression::DerefAfter : 0;
584 DIExpr = TRI->prependOffsetExpression(
585 DIExpr, DIExpression::ApplyOffset | Deref,
586 Loc.SpillLocation.SpillOffset);
587 Indirect = true;
588 } else {
590 TRI->getOffsetOpcodes(Loc.SpillLocation.SpillOffset, Ops);
591 Ops.push_back(dwarf::DW_OP_deref);
592 DIExpr = DIExpression::appendOpsToArg(DIExpr, Ops, I);
593 }
595 break;
596 }
597 case MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind: {
598 MOs.push_back(Orig);
599 break;
600 }
601 case MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind: {
602 MOs.push_back(Orig);
603 break;
604 }
605 case MachineLocKind::InvalidKind:
606 llvm_unreachable("Tried to produce DBG_VALUE for invalid VarLoc");
607 }
608 }
609 return BuildMI(MF, DbgLoc, IID, Indirect, MOs, Var, DIExpr);
610 }
612 /// Is the Loc field a constant or constant object?
613 bool isConstant(MachineLocKind Kind) const {
614 return Kind == MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind;
615 }
617 /// Check if the Loc field is an entry backup location.
618 bool isEntryBackupLoc() const {
619 return EVKind == EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueBackupKind ||
620 EVKind == EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueCopyBackupKind;
621 }
623 /// If this variable is described by register \p Reg holding the entry
624 /// value, return true.
625 bool isEntryValueBackupReg(Register Reg) const {
626 return EVKind == EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueBackupKind && usesReg(Reg);
627 }
629 /// If this variable is described by register \p Reg holding a copy of the
630 /// entry value, return true.
631 bool isEntryValueCopyBackupReg(Register Reg) const {
632 return EVKind == EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueCopyBackupKind &&
633 usesReg(Reg);
634 }
636 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by \p Reg, return true.
637 bool usesReg(Register Reg) const {
638 MachineLoc RegML;
639 RegML.Kind = MachineLocKind::RegisterKind;
640 RegML.Value.RegNo = Reg;
641 return is_contained(Locs, RegML);
642 }
644 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by \p Reg, return true.
645 unsigned getRegIdx(Register Reg) const {
646 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Locs.size(); ++Idx)
647 if (Locs[Idx].Kind == MachineLocKind::RegisterKind &&
648 Register{static_cast<unsigned>(Locs[Idx].Value.RegNo)} == Reg)
649 return Idx;
650 llvm_unreachable("Could not find given Reg in Locs");
651 }
653 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by 1 or more registers,
654 /// add each of them to \p Regs and return true.
655 bool getDescribingRegs(SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &Regs) const {
656 bool AnyRegs = false;
657 for (const auto &Loc : Locs)
658 if (Loc.Kind == MachineLocKind::RegisterKind) {
659 Regs.push_back(Loc.Value.RegNo);
660 AnyRegs = true;
661 }
662 return AnyRegs;
663 }
665 bool containsSpillLocs() const {
666 return any_of(Locs, [](VarLoc::MachineLoc ML) {
667 return ML.Kind == VarLoc::MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind;
668 });
669 }
671 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by \p SpillLocation,
672 /// return true.
673 bool usesSpillLoc(SpillLoc SpillLocation) const {
674 MachineLoc SpillML;
675 SpillML.Kind = MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind;
676 SpillML.Value.SpillLocation = SpillLocation;
677 return is_contained(Locs, SpillML);
678 }
680 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by \p SpillLocation,
681 /// return the index .
682 unsigned getSpillLocIdx(SpillLoc SpillLocation) const {
683 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Locs.size(); ++Idx)
684 if (Locs[Idx].Kind == MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind &&
685 Locs[Idx].Value.SpillLocation == SpillLocation)
686 return Idx;
687 llvm_unreachable("Could not find given SpillLoc in Locs");
688 }
690 bool containsWasmLocs() const {
691 return any_of(Locs, [](VarLoc::MachineLoc ML) {
692 return ML.Kind == VarLoc::MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind;
693 });
694 }
696 /// If this variable is described in whole or part by \p WasmLocation,
697 /// return true.
698 bool usesWasmLoc(WasmLoc WasmLocation) const {
699 MachineLoc WasmML;
700 WasmML.Kind = MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind;
701 WasmML.Value.WasmLocation = WasmLocation;
702 return is_contained(Locs, WasmML);
703 }
705 /// Determine whether the lexical scope of this value's debug location
706 /// dominates MBB.
707 bool dominates(LexicalScopes &LS, MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
708 return LS.dominates(MI.getDebugLoc().get(), &MBB);
709 }
711#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
712 // TRI and TII can be null.
713 void dump(const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, const TargetInstrInfo *TII,
714 raw_ostream &Out = dbgs()) const {
715 Out << "VarLoc(";
716 for (const MachineLoc &MLoc : Locs) {
717 if (Locs.begin() != &MLoc)
718 Out << ", ";
719 switch (MLoc.Kind) {
720 case MachineLocKind::RegisterKind:
721 Out << printReg(MLoc.Value.RegNo, TRI);
722 break;
723 case MachineLocKind::SpillLocKind:
724 Out << printReg(MLoc.Value.SpillLocation.SpillBase, TRI);
725 Out << "[" << MLoc.Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getFixed() << " + "
726 << MLoc.Value.SpillLocation.SpillOffset.getScalable()
727 << "x vscale"
728 << "]";
729 break;
730 case MachineLocKind::ImmediateKind:
731 Out << MLoc.Value.Immediate;
732 break;
733 case MachineLocKind::WasmLocKind: {
734 if (TII) {
735 auto Indices = TII->getSerializableTargetIndices();
736 auto Found =
737 find_if(Indices, [&](const std::pair<int, const char *> &I) {
738 return I.first == MLoc.Value.WasmLocation.Index;
739 });
740 assert(Found != Indices.end());
741 Out << Found->second;
742 if (MLoc.Value.WasmLocation.Offset > 0)
743 Out << " + " << MLoc.Value.WasmLocation.Offset;
744 } else {
745 Out << "WasmLoc";
746 }
747 break;
748 }
749 case MachineLocKind::InvalidKind:
750 llvm_unreachable("Invalid VarLoc in dump method");
751 }
752 }
754 Out << ", \"" << Var.getVariable()->getName() << "\", " << *Expr << ", ";
755 if (Var.getInlinedAt())
756 Out << "!" << Var.getInlinedAt()->getMetadataID() << ")\n";
757 else
758 Out << "(null))";
760 if (isEntryBackupLoc())
761 Out << " (backup loc)\n";
762 else
763 Out << "\n";
764 }
767 bool operator==(const VarLoc &Other) const {
768 return std::tie(EVKind, Var, Expr, Locs) ==
769 std::tie(Other.EVKind, Other.Var, Other.Expr, Other.Locs);
770 }
772 /// This operator guarantees that VarLocs are sorted by Variable first.
773 bool operator<(const VarLoc &Other) const {
774 return std::tie(Var, EVKind, Locs, Expr) <
775 std::tie(Other.Var, Other.EVKind, Other.Locs, Other.Expr);
776 }
777 };
779#ifndef NDEBUG
780 using VarVec = SmallVector<VarLoc, 32>;
783 /// VarLocMap is used for two things:
784 /// 1) Assigning LocIndices to a VarLoc. The LocIndices can be used to
785 /// virtually insert a VarLoc into a VarLocSet.
786 /// 2) Given a LocIndex, look up the unique associated VarLoc.
787 class VarLocMap {
788 /// Map a VarLoc to an index within the vector reserved for its location
789 /// within Loc2Vars.
790 std::map<VarLoc, LocIndices> Var2Indices;
792 /// Map a location to a vector which holds VarLocs which live in that
793 /// location.
796 public:
797 /// Retrieve LocIndices for \p VL.
798 LocIndices insert(const VarLoc &VL) {
799 LocIndices &Indices = Var2Indices[VL];
800 // If Indices is not empty, VL is already in the map.
801 if (!Indices.empty())
802 return Indices;
804 // LocIndices are determined by EVKind and MLs; each Register has a
805 // unique location, while all SpillLocs use a single bucket, and any EV
806 // VarLocs use only the Backup bucket or none at all (except the
807 // compulsory entry at the universal location index). LocIndices will
808 // always have an index at the universal location index as the last index.
809 if (VL.EVKind == VarLoc::EntryValueLocKind::NonEntryValueKind) {
810 VL.getDescribingRegs(Locations);
811 assert(all_of(Locations,
812 [](auto RegNo) {
813 return RegNo < LocIndex::kFirstInvalidRegLocation;
814 }) &&
815 "Physreg out of range?");
816 if (VL.containsSpillLocs())
817 Locations.push_back(LocIndex::kSpillLocation);
818 if (VL.containsWasmLocs())
819 Locations.push_back(LocIndex::kWasmLocation);
820 } else if (VL.EVKind != VarLoc::EntryValueLocKind::EntryValueKind) {
821 LocIndex::u32_location_t Loc = LocIndex::kEntryValueBackupLocation;
822 Locations.push_back(Loc);
823 }
824 Locations.push_back(LocIndex::kUniversalLocation);
825 for (LocIndex::u32_location_t Location : Locations) {
826 auto &Vars = Loc2Vars[Location];
827 Indices.push_back(
828 {Location, static_cast<LocIndex::u32_index_t>(Vars.size())});
829 Vars.push_back(VL);
830 }
831 return Indices;
832 }
834 LocIndices getAllIndices(const VarLoc &VL) const {
835 auto IndIt = Var2Indices.find(VL);
836 assert(IndIt != Var2Indices.end() && "VarLoc not tracked");
837 return IndIt->second;
838 }
840 /// Retrieve the unique VarLoc associated with \p ID.
841 const VarLoc &operator[](LocIndex ID) const {
842 auto LocIt = Loc2Vars.find(ID.Location);
843 assert(LocIt != Loc2Vars.end() && "Location not tracked");
844 return LocIt->second[ID.Index];
845 }
846 };
848 using VarLocInMBB =
850 struct TransferDebugPair {
851 MachineInstr *TransferInst; ///< Instruction where this transfer occurs.
852 LocIndex LocationID; ///< Location number for the transfer dest.
853 };
854 using TransferMap = SmallVector<TransferDebugPair, 4>;
855 // Types for recording Entry Var Locations emitted by a single MachineInstr,
856 // as well as recording MachineInstr which last defined a register.
857 using InstToEntryLocMap = std::multimap<const MachineInstr *, LocIndex>;
858 using RegDefToInstMap = DenseMap<Register, MachineInstr *>;
860 // Types for recording sets of variable fragments that overlap. For a given
861 // local variable, we record all other fragments of that variable that could
862 // overlap it, to reduce search time.
863 using FragmentOfVar =
864 std::pair<const DILocalVariable *, DIExpression::FragmentInfo>;
865 using OverlapMap =
868 // Helper while building OverlapMap, a map of all fragments seen for a given
869 // DILocalVariable.
870 using VarToFragments =
873 /// Collects all VarLocs from \p CollectFrom. Each unique VarLoc is added
874 /// to \p Collected once, in order of insertion into \p VarLocIDs.
875 static void collectAllVarLocs(SmallVectorImpl<VarLoc> &Collected,
876 const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
877 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
879 /// Get the registers which are used by VarLocs of kind RegisterKind tracked
880 /// by \p CollectFrom.
881 void getUsedRegs(const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
882 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UsedRegs) const;
884 /// This holds the working set of currently open ranges. For fast
885 /// access, this is done both as a set of VarLocIDs, and a map of
886 /// DebugVariable to recent VarLocID. Note that a DBG_VALUE ends all
887 /// previous open ranges for the same variable. In addition, we keep
888 /// two different maps (Vars/EntryValuesBackupVars), so erase/insert
889 /// methods act differently depending on whether a VarLoc is primary
890 /// location or backup one. In the case the VarLoc is backup location
891 /// we will erase/insert from the EntryValuesBackupVars map, otherwise
892 /// we perform the operation on the Vars.
893 class OpenRangesSet {
894 VarLocSet::Allocator &Alloc;
895 VarLocSet VarLocs;
896 // Map the DebugVariable to recent primary location ID.
898 // Map the DebugVariable to recent backup location ID.
900 OverlapMap &OverlappingFragments;
902 public:
903 OpenRangesSet(VarLocSet::Allocator &Alloc, OverlapMap &_OLapMap)
904 : Alloc(Alloc), VarLocs(Alloc), OverlappingFragments(_OLapMap) {}
906 const VarLocSet &getVarLocs() const { return VarLocs; }
908 // Fetches all VarLocs in \p VarLocIDs and inserts them into \p Collected.
909 // This method is needed to get every VarLoc once, as each VarLoc may have
910 // multiple indices in a VarLocMap (corresponding to each applicable
911 // location), but all VarLocs appear exactly once at the universal location
912 // index.
913 void getUniqueVarLocs(SmallVectorImpl<VarLoc> &Collected,
914 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) const {
915 collectAllVarLocs(Collected, VarLocs, VarLocIDs);
916 }
918 /// Terminate all open ranges for VL.Var by removing it from the set.
919 void erase(const VarLoc &VL);
921 /// Terminate all open ranges listed as indices in \c KillSet with
922 /// \c Location by removing them from the set.
923 void erase(const VarLocsInRange &KillSet, const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
924 LocIndex::u32_location_t Location);
926 /// Insert a new range into the set.
927 void insert(LocIndices VarLocIDs, const VarLoc &VL);
929 /// Insert a set of ranges.
930 void insertFromLocSet(const VarLocSet &ToLoad, const VarLocMap &Map);
932 std::optional<LocIndices> getEntryValueBackup(DebugVariable Var);
934 /// Empty the set.
935 void clear() {
936 VarLocs.clear();
937 Vars.clear();
938 EntryValuesBackupVars.clear();
939 }
941 /// Return whether the set is empty or not.
942 bool empty() const {
943 assert(Vars.empty() == EntryValuesBackupVars.empty() &&
944 Vars.empty() == VarLocs.empty() &&
945 "open ranges are inconsistent");
946 return VarLocs.empty();
947 }
949 /// Get an empty range of VarLoc IDs.
950 auto getEmptyVarLocRange() const {
952 getVarLocs().end());
953 }
955 /// Get all set IDs for VarLocs with MLs of kind RegisterKind in \p Reg.
956 auto getRegisterVarLocs(Register Reg) const {
957 return LocIndex::indexRangeForLocation(getVarLocs(), Reg);
958 }
960 /// Get all set IDs for VarLocs with MLs of kind SpillLocKind.
961 auto getSpillVarLocs() const {
962 return LocIndex::indexRangeForLocation(getVarLocs(),
963 LocIndex::kSpillLocation);
964 }
966 /// Get all set IDs for VarLocs of EVKind EntryValueBackupKind or
967 /// EntryValueCopyBackupKind.
968 auto getEntryValueBackupVarLocs() const {
969 return LocIndex::indexRangeForLocation(
970 getVarLocs(), LocIndex::kEntryValueBackupLocation);
971 }
973 /// Get all set IDs for VarLocs with MLs of kind WasmLocKind.
974 auto getWasmVarLocs() const {
975 return LocIndex::indexRangeForLocation(getVarLocs(),
976 LocIndex::kWasmLocation);
977 }
978 };
980 /// Collect all VarLoc IDs from \p CollectFrom for VarLocs with MLs of kind
981 /// RegisterKind which are located in any reg in \p Regs. The IDs for each
982 /// VarLoc correspond to entries in the universal location bucket, which every
983 /// VarLoc has exactly 1 entry for. Insert collected IDs into \p Collected.
984 static void collectIDsForRegs(VarLocsInRange &Collected,
985 const DefinedRegsSet &Regs,
986 const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
987 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
989 VarLocSet &getVarLocsInMBB(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB, VarLocInMBB &Locs) {
990 std::unique_ptr<VarLocSet> &VLS = Locs[MBB];
991 if (!VLS)
992 VLS = std::make_unique<VarLocSet>(Alloc);
993 return *VLS;
994 }
996 const VarLocSet &getVarLocsInMBB(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
997 const VarLocInMBB &Locs) const {
998 auto It = Locs.find(MBB);
999 assert(It != Locs.end() && "MBB not in map");
1000 return *It->second;
1001 }
1003 /// Tests whether this instruction is a spill to a stack location.
1004 bool isSpillInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI, MachineFunction *MF);
1006 /// Decide if @MI is a spill instruction and return true if it is. We use 2
1007 /// criteria to make this decision:
1008 /// - Is this instruction a store to a spill slot?
1009 /// - Is there a register operand that is both used and killed?
1010 /// TODO: Store optimization can fold spills into other stores (including
1011 /// other spills). We do not handle this yet (more than one memory operand).
1012 bool isLocationSpill(const MachineInstr &MI, MachineFunction *MF,
1013 Register &Reg);
1015 /// Returns true if the given machine instruction is a debug value which we
1016 /// can emit entry values for.
1017 ///
1018 /// Currently, we generate debug entry values only for parameters that are
1019 /// unmodified throughout the function and located in a register.
1020 bool isEntryValueCandidate(const MachineInstr &MI,
1021 const DefinedRegsSet &Regs) const;
1023 /// If a given instruction is identified as a spill, return the spill location
1024 /// and set \p Reg to the spilled register.
1025 std::optional<VarLoc::SpillLoc> isRestoreInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
1026 MachineFunction *MF,
1027 Register &Reg);
1028 /// Given a spill instruction, extract the register and offset used to
1029 /// address the spill location in a target independent way.
1030 VarLoc::SpillLoc extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(const MachineInstr &MI);
1031 void insertTransferDebugPair(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1032 TransferMap &Transfers, VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1033 LocIndex OldVarID, TransferKind Kind,
1034 const VarLoc::MachineLoc &OldLoc,
1035 Register NewReg = Register());
1037 void transferDebugValue(const MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1038 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1039 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1040 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs);
1041 void transferSpillOrRestoreInst(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1042 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, TransferMap &Transfers);
1043 void cleanupEntryValueTransfers(const MachineInstr *MI,
1044 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1045 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, const VarLoc &EntryVL,
1046 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers);
1047 void removeEntryValue(const MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1048 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, const VarLoc &EntryVL,
1049 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1050 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs);
1051 void emitEntryValues(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1052 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1053 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1054 VarLocsInRange &KillSet);
1055 void recordEntryValue(const MachineInstr &MI,
1056 const DefinedRegsSet &DefinedRegs,
1057 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges, VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
1058 void transferRegisterCopy(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1059 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, TransferMap &Transfers);
1060 void transferRegisterDef(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1061 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1062 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1063 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs);
1064 void transferWasmDef(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1065 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
1066 bool transferTerminator(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1067 VarLocInMBB &OutLocs, const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
1069 void process(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1070 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, TransferMap &Transfers,
1071 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1072 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs);
1074 void accumulateFragmentMap(MachineInstr &MI, VarToFragments &SeenFragments,
1075 OverlapMap &OLapMap);
1077 bool join(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, VarLocInMBB &OutLocs, VarLocInMBB &InLocs,
1078 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1082 /// Create DBG_VALUE insts for inlocs that have been propagated but
1083 /// had their instruction creation deferred.
1084 void flushPendingLocs(VarLocInMBB &PendingInLocs, VarLocMap &VarLocIDs);
1086 bool ExtendRanges(MachineFunction &MF, MachineDominatorTree *DomTree,
1087 TargetPassConfig *TPC, unsigned InputBBLimit,
1088 unsigned InputDbgValLimit) override;
1091 /// Default construct and initialize the pass.
1092 VarLocBasedLDV();
1094 ~VarLocBasedLDV();
1096 /// Print to ostream with a message.
1097 void printVarLocInMBB(const MachineFunction &MF, const VarLocInMBB &V,
1098 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, const char *msg,
1099 raw_ostream &Out) const;
1102} // end anonymous namespace
1105// Implementation
1108VarLocBasedLDV::VarLocBasedLDV() = default;
1110VarLocBasedLDV::~VarLocBasedLDV() = default;
1112/// Erase a variable from the set of open ranges, and additionally erase any
1113/// fragments that may overlap it. If the VarLoc is a backup location, erase
1114/// the variable from the EntryValuesBackupVars set, indicating we should stop
1115/// tracking its backup entry location. Otherwise, if the VarLoc is primary
1116/// location, erase the variable from the Vars set.
1117void VarLocBasedLDV::OpenRangesSet::erase(const VarLoc &VL) {
1118 // Erasure helper.
1119 auto DoErase = [&VL, this](DebugVariable VarToErase) {
1120 auto *EraseFrom = VL.isEntryBackupLoc() ? &EntryValuesBackupVars : &Vars;
1121 auto It = EraseFrom->find(VarToErase);
1122 if (It != EraseFrom->end()) {
1123 LocIndices IDs = It->second;
1124 for (LocIndex ID : IDs)
1125 VarLocs.reset(ID.getAsRawInteger());
1126 EraseFrom->erase(It);
1127 }
1128 };
1130 DebugVariable Var = VL.Var;
1132 // Erase the variable/fragment that ends here.
1133 DoErase(Var);
1135 // Extract the fragment. Interpret an empty fragment as one that covers all
1136 // possible bits.
1137 FragmentInfo ThisFragment = Var.getFragmentOrDefault();
1139 // There may be fragments that overlap the designated fragment. Look them up
1140 // in the pre-computed overlap map, and erase them too.
1141 auto MapIt = OverlappingFragments.find({Var.getVariable(), ThisFragment});
1142 if (MapIt != OverlappingFragments.end()) {
1143 for (auto Fragment : MapIt->second) {
1144 VarLocBasedLDV::OptFragmentInfo FragmentHolder;
1145 if (!DebugVariable::isDefaultFragment(Fragment))
1146 FragmentHolder = VarLocBasedLDV::OptFragmentInfo(Fragment);
1147 DoErase({Var.getVariable(), FragmentHolder, Var.getInlinedAt()});
1148 }
1149 }
1152void VarLocBasedLDV::OpenRangesSet::erase(const VarLocsInRange &KillSet,
1153 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1154 LocIndex::u32_location_t Location) {
1155 VarLocSet RemoveSet(Alloc);
1156 for (LocIndex::u32_index_t ID : KillSet) {
1157 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[LocIndex(Location, ID)];
1158 auto *EraseFrom = VL.isEntryBackupLoc() ? &EntryValuesBackupVars : &Vars;
1159 EraseFrom->erase(VL.Var);
1160 LocIndices VLI = VarLocIDs.getAllIndices(VL);
1161 for (LocIndex ID : VLI)
1162 RemoveSet.set(ID.getAsRawInteger());
1163 }
1164 VarLocs.intersectWithComplement(RemoveSet);
1167void VarLocBasedLDV::OpenRangesSet::insertFromLocSet(const VarLocSet &ToLoad,
1168 const VarLocMap &Map) {
1169 VarLocsInRange UniqueVarLocIDs;
1170 DefinedRegsSet Regs;
1171 Regs.insert(LocIndex::kUniversalLocation);
1172 collectIDsForRegs(UniqueVarLocIDs, Regs, ToLoad, Map);
1173 for (uint64_t ID : UniqueVarLocIDs) {
1174 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1175 const VarLoc &VarL = Map[Idx];
1176 const LocIndices Indices = Map.getAllIndices(VarL);
1177 insert(Indices, VarL);
1178 }
1181void VarLocBasedLDV::OpenRangesSet::insert(LocIndices VarLocIDs,
1182 const VarLoc &VL) {
1183 auto *InsertInto = VL.isEntryBackupLoc() ? &EntryValuesBackupVars : &Vars;
1184 for (LocIndex ID : VarLocIDs)
1185 VarLocs.set(ID.getAsRawInteger());
1186 InsertInto->insert({VL.Var, VarLocIDs});
1189/// Return the Loc ID of an entry value backup location, if it exists for the
1190/// variable.
1192VarLocBasedLDV::OpenRangesSet::getEntryValueBackup(DebugVariable Var) {
1193 auto It = EntryValuesBackupVars.find(Var);
1194 if (It != EntryValuesBackupVars.end())
1195 return It->second;
1197 return std::nullopt;
1200void VarLocBasedLDV::collectIDsForRegs(VarLocsInRange &Collected,
1201 const DefinedRegsSet &Regs,
1202 const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
1203 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
1204 assert(!Regs.empty() && "Nothing to collect");
1205 SmallVector<Register, 32> SortedRegs;
1206 append_range(SortedRegs, Regs);
1207 array_pod_sort(SortedRegs.begin(), SortedRegs.end());
1208 auto It = CollectFrom.find(LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(SortedRegs.front()));
1209 auto End = CollectFrom.end();
1210 for (Register Reg : SortedRegs) {
1211 // The half-open interval [FirstIndexForReg, FirstInvalidIndex) contains
1212 // all possible VarLoc IDs for VarLocs with MLs of kind RegisterKind which
1213 // live in Reg.
1214 uint64_t FirstIndexForReg = LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(Reg);
1215 uint64_t FirstInvalidIndex = LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(Reg + 1);
1216 It.advanceToLowerBound(FirstIndexForReg);
1218 // Iterate through that half-open interval and collect all the set IDs.
1219 for (; It != End && *It < FirstInvalidIndex; ++It) {
1220 LocIndex ItIdx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(*It);
1221 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[ItIdx];
1222 LocIndices LI = VarLocIDs.getAllIndices(VL);
1223 // For now, the back index is always the universal location index.
1224 assert(LI.back().Location == LocIndex::kUniversalLocation &&
1225 "Unexpected order of LocIndices for VarLoc; was it inserted into "
1226 "the VarLocMap correctly?");
1227 Collected.insert(LI.back().Index);
1228 }
1230 if (It == End)
1231 return;
1232 }
1235void VarLocBasedLDV::getUsedRegs(const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
1236 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UsedRegs) const {
1237 // All register-based VarLocs are assigned indices greater than or equal to
1238 // FirstRegIndex.
1239 uint64_t FirstRegIndex =
1240 LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(LocIndex::kFirstRegLocation);
1241 uint64_t FirstInvalidIndex =
1242 LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(LocIndex::kFirstInvalidRegLocation);
1243 for (auto It = CollectFrom.find(FirstRegIndex),
1244 End = CollectFrom.find(FirstInvalidIndex);
1245 It != End;) {
1246 // We found a VarLoc ID for a VarLoc that lives in a register. Figure out
1247 // which register and add it to UsedRegs.
1248 uint32_t FoundReg = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(*It).Location;
1249 assert((UsedRegs.empty() || FoundReg != UsedRegs.back()) &&
1250 "Duplicate used reg");
1251 UsedRegs.push_back(FoundReg);
1253 // Skip to the next /set/ register. Note that this finds a lower bound, so
1254 // even if there aren't any VarLocs living in `FoundReg+1`, we're still
1255 // guaranteed to move on to the next register (or to end()).
1256 uint64_t NextRegIndex = LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(FoundReg + 1);
1257 It.advanceToLowerBound(NextRegIndex);
1258 }
1262// Debug Range Extension Implementation
1265#ifndef NDEBUG
1266void VarLocBasedLDV::printVarLocInMBB(const MachineFunction &MF,
1267 const VarLocInMBB &V,
1268 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1269 const char *msg,
1270 raw_ostream &Out) const {
1271 Out << '\n' << msg << '\n';
1272 for (const MachineBasicBlock &BB : MF) {
1273 if (!V.count(&BB))
1274 continue;
1275 const VarLocSet &L = getVarLocsInMBB(&BB, V);
1276 if (L.empty())
1277 continue;
1279 collectAllVarLocs(VarLocs, L, VarLocIDs);
1280 Out << "MBB: " << BB.getNumber() << ":\n";
1281 for (const VarLoc &VL : VarLocs) {
1282 Out << " Var: " << VL.Var.getVariable()->getName();
1283 Out << " MI: ";
1284 VL.dump(TRI, TII, Out);
1285 }
1286 }
1287 Out << "\n";
1292VarLocBasedLDV::extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(const MachineInstr &MI) {
1293 assert(MI.hasOneMemOperand() &&
1294 "Spill instruction does not have exactly one memory operand?");
1295 auto MMOI = MI.memoperands_begin();
1296 const PseudoSourceValue *PVal = (*MMOI)->getPseudoValue();
1298 "Inconsistent memory operand in spill instruction");
1299 int FI = cast<FixedStackPseudoSourceValue>(PVal)->getFrameIndex();
1300 const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
1301 Register Reg;
1303 return {Reg, Offset};
1306/// Do cleanup of \p EntryValTransfers created by \p TRInst, by removing the
1307/// Transfer, which uses the to-be-deleted \p EntryVL.
1308void VarLocBasedLDV::cleanupEntryValueTransfers(
1309 const MachineInstr *TRInst, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges, VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1310 const VarLoc &EntryVL, InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers) {
1311 if (EntryValTransfers.empty() || TRInst == nullptr)
1312 return;
1314 auto TransRange = EntryValTransfers.equal_range(TRInst);
1315 for (auto &TDPair : llvm::make_range(TransRange.first, TransRange.second)) {
1316 const VarLoc &EmittedEV = VarLocIDs[TDPair.second];
1317 if (std::tie(EntryVL.Var, EntryVL.Locs[0].Value.RegNo, EntryVL.Expr) ==
1318 std::tie(EmittedEV.Var, EmittedEV.Locs[0].Value.RegNo,
1319 EmittedEV.Expr)) {
1320 OpenRanges.erase(EmittedEV);
1321 EntryValTransfers.erase(TRInst);
1322 break;
1323 }
1324 }
1327/// Try to salvage the debug entry value if we encounter a new debug value
1328/// describing the same parameter, otherwise stop tracking the value. Return
1329/// true if we should stop tracking the entry value and do the cleanup of
1330/// emitted Entry Value Transfers, otherwise return false.
1331void VarLocBasedLDV::removeEntryValue(const MachineInstr &MI,
1332 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1333 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1334 const VarLoc &EntryVL,
1335 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1336 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs) {
1337 // Skip the DBG_VALUE which is the debug entry value itself.
1338 if (&MI == &EntryVL.MI)
1339 return;
1341 // If the parameter's location is not register location, we can not track
1342 // the entry value any more. It doesn't have the TransferInst which defines
1343 // register, so no Entry Value Transfers have been emitted already.
1344 if (!MI.getDebugOperand(0).isReg())
1345 return;
1347 // Try to get non-debug instruction responsible for the DBG_VALUE.
1348 const MachineInstr *TransferInst = nullptr;
1349 Register Reg = MI.getDebugOperand(0).getReg();
1350 if (Reg.isValid() && RegSetInstrs.contains(Reg))
1351 TransferInst = RegSetInstrs.find(Reg)->second;
1353 // Case of the parameter's DBG_VALUE at the start of entry MBB.
1354 if (!TransferInst && !LastNonDbgMI && MI.getParent()->isEntryBlock())
1355 return;
1357 // If the debug expression from the DBG_VALUE is not empty, we can assume the
1358 // parameter's value has changed indicating that we should stop tracking its
1359 // entry value as well.
1360 if (MI.getDebugExpression()->getNumElements() == 0 && TransferInst) {
1361 // If the DBG_VALUE comes from a copy instruction that copies the entry
1362 // value, it means the parameter's value has not changed and we should be
1363 // able to use its entry value.
1364 // TODO: Try to keep tracking of an entry value if we encounter a propagated
1365 // DBG_VALUE describing the copy of the entry value. (Propagated entry value
1366 // does not indicate the parameter modification.)
1367 auto DestSrc = TII->isCopyLikeInstr(*TransferInst);
1368 if (DestSrc) {
1369 const MachineOperand *SrcRegOp, *DestRegOp;
1370 SrcRegOp = DestSrc->Source;
1371 DestRegOp = DestSrc->Destination;
1372 if (Reg == DestRegOp->getReg()) {
1373 for (uint64_t ID : OpenRanges.getEntryValueBackupVarLocs()) {
1374 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID)];
1375 if (VL.isEntryValueCopyBackupReg(Reg) &&
1376 // Entry Values should not be variadic.
1377 VL.MI.getDebugOperand(0).getReg() == SrcRegOp->getReg())
1378 return;
1379 }
1380 }
1381 }
1382 }
1384 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Deleting a DBG entry value because of: ";
1385 MI.print(dbgs(), /*IsStandalone*/ false,
1386 /*SkipOpers*/ false, /*SkipDebugLoc*/ false,
1387 /*AddNewLine*/ true, TII));
1388 cleanupEntryValueTransfers(TransferInst, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, EntryVL,
1389 EntryValTransfers);
1390 OpenRanges.erase(EntryVL);
1393/// End all previous ranges related to @MI and start a new range from @MI
1394/// if it is a DBG_VALUE instr.
1395void VarLocBasedLDV::transferDebugValue(const MachineInstr &MI,
1396 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1397 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1398 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1399 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs) {
1400 if (!MI.isDebugValue())
1401 return;
1402 const DILocalVariable *Var = MI.getDebugVariable();
1403 const DIExpression *Expr = MI.getDebugExpression();
1404 const DILocation *DebugLoc = MI.getDebugLoc();
1405 const DILocation *InlinedAt = DebugLoc->getInlinedAt();
1407 "Expected inlined-at fields to agree");
1409 DebugVariable V(Var, Expr, InlinedAt);
1411 // Check if this DBG_VALUE indicates a parameter's value changing.
1412 // If that is the case, we should stop tracking its entry value.
1413 auto EntryValBackupID = OpenRanges.getEntryValueBackup(V);
1414 if (Var->isParameter() && EntryValBackupID) {
1415 const VarLoc &EntryVL = VarLocIDs[EntryValBackupID->back()];
1416 removeEntryValue(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, EntryVL, EntryValTransfers,
1417 RegSetInstrs);
1418 }
1420 if (all_of(MI.debug_operands(), [](const MachineOperand &MO) {
1421 return (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg()) || MO.isImm() || MO.isFPImm() ||
1422 MO.isCImm() || MO.isTargetIndex();
1423 })) {
1424 // Use normal VarLoc constructor for registers and immediates.
1425 VarLoc VL(MI);
1426 // End all previous ranges of VL.Var.
1427 OpenRanges.erase(VL);
1429 LocIndices IDs = VarLocIDs.insert(VL);
1430 // Add the VarLoc to OpenRanges from this DBG_VALUE.
1431 OpenRanges.insert(IDs, VL);
1432 } else if (MI.memoperands().size() > 0) {
1433 llvm_unreachable("DBG_VALUE with mem operand encountered after regalloc?");
1434 } else {
1435 // This must be an undefined location. If it has an open range, erase it.
1436 assert(MI.isUndefDebugValue() &&
1437 "Unexpected non-undef DBG_VALUE encountered");
1438 VarLoc VL(MI);
1439 OpenRanges.erase(VL);
1440 }
1443// This should be removed later, doesn't fit the new design.
1444void VarLocBasedLDV::collectAllVarLocs(SmallVectorImpl<VarLoc> &Collected,
1445 const VarLocSet &CollectFrom,
1446 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
1447 // The half-open interval [FirstIndexForReg, FirstInvalidIndex) contains all
1448 // possible VarLoc IDs for VarLocs with MLs of kind RegisterKind which live
1449 // in Reg.
1450 uint64_t FirstIndex = LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(LocIndex::kUniversalLocation);
1451 uint64_t FirstInvalidIndex =
1452 LocIndex::rawIndexForReg(LocIndex::kUniversalLocation + 1);
1453 // Iterate through that half-open interval and collect all the set IDs.
1454 for (auto It = CollectFrom.find(FirstIndex), End = CollectFrom.end();
1455 It != End && *It < FirstInvalidIndex; ++It) {
1456 LocIndex RegIdx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(*It);
1457 Collected.push_back(VarLocIDs[RegIdx]);
1458 }
1461/// Turn the entry value backup locations into primary locations.
1462void VarLocBasedLDV::emitEntryValues(MachineInstr &MI,
1463 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1464 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1465 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1466 VarLocsInRange &KillSet) {
1467 // Do not insert entry value locations after a terminator.
1468 if (MI.isTerminator())
1469 return;
1471 for (uint32_t ID : KillSet) {
1472 // The KillSet IDs are indices for the universal location bucket.
1473 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex(LocIndex::kUniversalLocation, ID);
1474 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[Idx];
1475 if (!VL.Var.getVariable()->isParameter())
1476 continue;
1478 auto DebugVar = VL.Var;
1479 std::optional<LocIndices> EntryValBackupIDs =
1480 OpenRanges.getEntryValueBackup(DebugVar);
1482 // If the parameter has the entry value backup, it means we should
1483 // be able to use its entry value.
1484 if (!EntryValBackupIDs)
1485 continue;
1487 const VarLoc &EntryVL = VarLocIDs[EntryValBackupIDs->back()];
1488 VarLoc EntryLoc = VarLoc::CreateEntryLoc(EntryVL.MI, EntryVL.Expr,
1489 EntryVL.Locs[0].Value.RegNo);
1490 LocIndices EntryValueIDs = VarLocIDs.insert(EntryLoc);
1491 assert(EntryValueIDs.size() == 1 &&
1492 "EntryValue loc should not be variadic");
1493 EntryValTransfers.insert({&MI, EntryValueIDs.back()});
1494 OpenRanges.insert(EntryValueIDs, EntryLoc);
1495 }
1498/// Create new TransferDebugPair and insert it in \p Transfers. The VarLoc
1499/// with \p OldVarID should be deleted form \p OpenRanges and replaced with
1500/// new VarLoc. If \p NewReg is different than default zero value then the
1501/// new location will be register location created by the copy like instruction,
1502/// otherwise it is variable's location on the stack.
1503void VarLocBasedLDV::insertTransferDebugPair(
1504 MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges, TransferMap &Transfers,
1505 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, LocIndex OldVarID, TransferKind Kind,
1506 const VarLoc::MachineLoc &OldLoc, Register NewReg) {
1507 const VarLoc &OldVarLoc = VarLocIDs[OldVarID];
1509 auto ProcessVarLoc = [&MI, &OpenRanges, &Transfers, &VarLocIDs](VarLoc &VL) {
1510 LocIndices LocIds = VarLocIDs.insert(VL);
1512 // Close this variable's previous location range.
1513 OpenRanges.erase(VL);
1515 // Record the new location as an open range, and a postponed transfer
1516 // inserting a DBG_VALUE for this location.
1517 OpenRanges.insert(LocIds, VL);
1518 assert(!MI.isTerminator() && "Cannot insert DBG_VALUE after terminator");
1519 TransferDebugPair MIP = {&MI, LocIds.back()};
1520 Transfers.push_back(MIP);
1521 };
1523 // End all previous ranges of VL.Var.
1524 OpenRanges.erase(VarLocIDs[OldVarID]);
1525 switch (Kind) {
1526 case TransferKind::TransferCopy: {
1527 assert(NewReg &&
1528 "No register supplied when handling a copy of a debug value");
1529 // Create a DBG_VALUE instruction to describe the Var in its new
1530 // register location.
1531 VarLoc VL = VarLoc::CreateCopyLoc(OldVarLoc, OldLoc, NewReg);
1532 ProcessVarLoc(VL);
1534 dbgs() << "Creating VarLoc for register copy:";
1535 VL.dump(TRI, TII);
1536 });
1537 return;
1538 }
1539 case TransferKind::TransferSpill: {
1540 // Create a DBG_VALUE instruction to describe the Var in its spilled
1541 // location.
1542 VarLoc::SpillLoc SpillLocation = extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
1543 VarLoc VL = VarLoc::CreateSpillLoc(
1544 OldVarLoc, OldLoc, SpillLocation.SpillBase, SpillLocation.SpillOffset);
1545 ProcessVarLoc(VL);
1547 dbgs() << "Creating VarLoc for spill:";
1548 VL.dump(TRI, TII);
1549 });
1550 return;
1551 }
1552 case TransferKind::TransferRestore: {
1553 assert(NewReg &&
1554 "No register supplied when handling a restore of a debug value");
1555 // DebugInstr refers to the pre-spill location, therefore we can reuse
1556 // its expression.
1557 VarLoc VL = VarLoc::CreateCopyLoc(OldVarLoc, OldLoc, NewReg);
1558 ProcessVarLoc(VL);
1560 dbgs() << "Creating VarLoc for restore:";
1561 VL.dump(TRI, TII);
1562 });
1563 return;
1564 }
1565 }
1566 llvm_unreachable("Invalid transfer kind");
1569/// A definition of a register may mark the end of a range.
1570void VarLocBasedLDV::transferRegisterDef(MachineInstr &MI,
1571 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1572 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1573 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
1574 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs) {
1576 // Meta Instructions do not affect the debug liveness of any register they
1577 // define.
1578 if (MI.isMetaInstruction())
1579 return;
1581 MachineFunction *MF = MI.getMF();
1582 const TargetLowering *TLI = MF->getSubtarget().getTargetLowering();
1585 // Find the regs killed by MI, and find regmasks of preserved regs.
1586 DefinedRegsSet DeadRegs;
1588 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
1589 // Determine whether the operand is a register def.
1590 if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg() && MO.getReg().isPhysical() &&
1591 !(MI.isCall() && MO.getReg() == SP)) {
1592 // Remove ranges of all aliased registers.
1593 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(MO.getReg(), TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1594 // FIXME: Can we break out of this loop early if no insertion occurs?
1595 DeadRegs.insert(*RAI);
1596 RegSetInstrs.erase(MO.getReg());
1597 RegSetInstrs.insert({MO.getReg(), &MI});
1598 } else if (MO.isRegMask()) {
1599 RegMasks.push_back(MO.getRegMask());
1600 }
1601 }
1603 // Erase VarLocs which reside in one of the dead registers. For performance
1604 // reasons, it's critical to not iterate over the full set of open VarLocs.
1605 // Iterate over the set of dying/used regs instead.
1606 if (!RegMasks.empty()) {
1608 getUsedRegs(OpenRanges.getVarLocs(), UsedRegs);
1609 for (Register Reg : UsedRegs) {
1610 // Remove ranges of all clobbered registers. Register masks don't usually
1611 // list SP as preserved. Assume that call instructions never clobber SP,
1612 // because some backends (e.g., AArch64) never list SP in the regmask.
1613 // While the debug info may be off for an instruction or two around
1614 // callee-cleanup calls, transferring the DEBUG_VALUE across the call is
1615 // still a better user experience.
1616 if (Reg == SP)
1617 continue;
1618 bool AnyRegMaskKillsReg =
1619 any_of(RegMasks, [Reg](const uint32_t *RegMask) {
1620 return MachineOperand::clobbersPhysReg(RegMask, Reg);
1621 });
1622 if (AnyRegMaskKillsReg)
1623 DeadRegs.insert(Reg);
1624 if (AnyRegMaskKillsReg) {
1625 RegSetInstrs.erase(Reg);
1626 RegSetInstrs.insert({Reg, &MI});
1627 }
1628 }
1629 }
1631 if (DeadRegs.empty())
1632 return;
1634 VarLocsInRange KillSet;
1635 collectIDsForRegs(KillSet, DeadRegs, OpenRanges.getVarLocs(), VarLocIDs);
1636 OpenRanges.erase(KillSet, VarLocIDs, LocIndex::kUniversalLocation);
1638 if (TPC) {
1639 auto &TM = TPC->getTM<TargetMachine>();
1640 if (TM.Options.ShouldEmitDebugEntryValues())
1641 emitEntryValues(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, EntryValTransfers, KillSet);
1642 }
1645void VarLocBasedLDV::transferWasmDef(MachineInstr &MI,
1646 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1647 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
1648 // If this is not a Wasm local.set or local.tee, which sets local values,
1649 // return.
1650 int Index;
1651 int64_t Offset;
1652 if (!TII->isExplicitTargetIndexDef(MI, Index, Offset))
1653 return;
1655 // Find the target indices killed by MI, and delete those variable locations
1656 // from the open range.
1657 VarLocsInRange KillSet;
1658 VarLoc::WasmLoc Loc{Index, Offset};
1659 for (uint64_t ID : OpenRanges.getWasmVarLocs()) {
1660 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1661 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[Idx];
1662 assert(VL.containsWasmLocs() && "Broken VarLocSet?");
1663 if (VL.usesWasmLoc(Loc))
1664 KillSet.insert(ID);
1665 }
1666 OpenRanges.erase(KillSet, VarLocIDs, LocIndex::kWasmLocation);
1669bool VarLocBasedLDV::isSpillInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
1670 MachineFunction *MF) {
1671 // TODO: Handle multiple stores folded into one.
1672 if (!MI.hasOneMemOperand())
1673 return false;
1675 if (!MI.getSpillSize(TII) && !MI.getFoldedSpillSize(TII))
1676 return false; // This is not a spill instruction, since no valid size was
1677 // returned from either function.
1679 return true;
1682bool VarLocBasedLDV::isLocationSpill(const MachineInstr &MI,
1683 MachineFunction *MF, Register &Reg) {
1684 if (!isSpillInstruction(MI, MF))
1685 return false;
1687 auto isKilledReg = [&](const MachineOperand MO, Register &Reg) {
1688 if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isUse()) {
1689 Reg = 0;
1690 return false;
1691 }
1692 Reg = MO.getReg();
1693 return MO.isKill();
1694 };
1696 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
1697 // In a spill instruction generated by the InlineSpiller the spilled
1698 // register has its kill flag set.
1699 if (isKilledReg(MO, Reg))
1700 return true;
1701 if (Reg != 0) {
1702 // Check whether next instruction kills the spilled register.
1703 // FIXME: Current solution does not cover search for killed register in
1704 // bundles and instructions further down the chain.
1705 auto NextI = std::next(MI.getIterator());
1706 // Skip next instruction that points to basic block end iterator.
1707 if (MI.getParent()->end() == NextI)
1708 continue;
1709 Register RegNext;
1710 for (const MachineOperand &MONext : NextI->operands()) {
1711 // Return true if we came across the register from the
1712 // previous spill instruction that is killed in NextI.
1713 if (isKilledReg(MONext, RegNext) && RegNext == Reg)
1714 return true;
1715 }
1716 }
1717 }
1718 // Return false if we didn't find spilled register.
1719 return false;
1723VarLocBasedLDV::isRestoreInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
1724 MachineFunction *MF, Register &Reg) {
1725 if (!MI.hasOneMemOperand())
1726 return std::nullopt;
1728 // FIXME: Handle folded restore instructions with more than one memory
1729 // operand.
1730 if (MI.getRestoreSize(TII)) {
1731 Reg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
1732 return extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
1733 }
1734 return std::nullopt;
1737/// A spilled register may indicate that we have to end the current range of
1738/// a variable and create a new one for the spill location.
1739/// A restored register may indicate the reverse situation.
1740/// We don't want to insert any instructions in process(), so we just create
1741/// the DBG_VALUE without inserting it and keep track of it in \p Transfers.
1742/// It will be inserted into the BB when we're done iterating over the
1743/// instructions.
1744void VarLocBasedLDV::transferSpillOrRestoreInst(MachineInstr &MI,
1745 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1746 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1747 TransferMap &Transfers) {
1748 MachineFunction *MF = MI.getMF();
1749 TransferKind TKind;
1750 Register Reg;
1751 std::optional<VarLoc::SpillLoc> Loc;
1753 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Examining instruction: "; MI.dump(););
1755 // First, if there are any DBG_VALUEs pointing at a spill slot that is
1756 // written to, then close the variable location. The value in memory
1757 // will have changed.
1758 VarLocsInRange KillSet;
1759 if (isSpillInstruction(MI, MF)) {
1760 Loc = extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
1761 for (uint64_t ID : OpenRanges.getSpillVarLocs()) {
1762 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1763 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[Idx];
1764 assert(VL.containsSpillLocs() && "Broken VarLocSet?");
1765 if (VL.usesSpillLoc(*Loc)) {
1766 // This location is overwritten by the current instruction -- terminate
1767 // the open range, and insert an explicit DBG_VALUE $noreg.
1768 //
1769 // Doing this at a later stage would require re-interpreting all
1770 // DBG_VALUes and DIExpressions to identify whether they point at
1771 // memory, and then analysing all memory writes to see if they
1772 // overwrite that memory, which is expensive.
1773 //
1774 // At this stage, we already know which DBG_VALUEs are for spills and
1775 // where they are located; it's best to fix handle overwrites now.
1776 KillSet.insert(ID);
1777 unsigned SpillLocIdx = VL.getSpillLocIdx(*Loc);
1778 VarLoc::MachineLoc OldLoc = VL.Locs[SpillLocIdx];
1779 VarLoc UndefVL = VarLoc::CreateCopyLoc(VL, OldLoc, 0);
1780 LocIndices UndefLocIDs = VarLocIDs.insert(UndefVL);
1781 Transfers.push_back({&MI, UndefLocIDs.back()});
1782 }
1783 }
1784 OpenRanges.erase(KillSet, VarLocIDs, LocIndex::kSpillLocation);
1785 }
1787 // Try to recognise spill and restore instructions that may create a new
1788 // variable location.
1789 if (isLocationSpill(MI, MF, Reg)) {
1790 TKind = TransferKind::TransferSpill;
1791 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Recognized as spill: "; MI.dump(););
1792 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Register: " << Reg << " " << printReg(Reg, TRI)
1793 << "\n");
1794 } else {
1795 if (!(Loc = isRestoreInstruction(MI, MF, Reg)))
1796 return;
1797 TKind = TransferKind::TransferRestore;
1798 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Recognized as restore: "; MI.dump(););
1799 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Register: " << Reg << " " << printReg(Reg, TRI)
1800 << "\n");
1801 }
1802 // Check if the register or spill location is the location of a debug value.
1803 auto TransferCandidates = OpenRanges.getEmptyVarLocRange();
1804 if (TKind == TransferKind::TransferSpill)
1805 TransferCandidates = OpenRanges.getRegisterVarLocs(Reg);
1806 else if (TKind == TransferKind::TransferRestore)
1807 TransferCandidates = OpenRanges.getSpillVarLocs();
1808 for (uint64_t ID : TransferCandidates) {
1809 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1810 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[Idx];
1811 unsigned LocIdx;
1812 if (TKind == TransferKind::TransferSpill) {
1813 assert(VL.usesReg(Reg) && "Broken VarLocSet?");
1814 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spilling Register " << printReg(Reg, TRI) << '('
1815 << VL.Var.getVariable()->getName() << ")\n");
1816 LocIdx = VL.getRegIdx(Reg);
1817 } else {
1818 assert(TKind == TransferKind::TransferRestore && VL.containsSpillLocs() &&
1819 "Broken VarLocSet?");
1820 if (!VL.usesSpillLoc(*Loc))
1821 // The spill location is not the location of a debug value.
1822 continue;
1823 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Restoring Register " << printReg(Reg, TRI) << '('
1824 << VL.Var.getVariable()->getName() << ")\n");
1825 LocIdx = VL.getSpillLocIdx(*Loc);
1826 }
1827 VarLoc::MachineLoc MLoc = VL.Locs[LocIdx];
1828 insertTransferDebugPair(MI, OpenRanges, Transfers, VarLocIDs, Idx, TKind,
1829 MLoc, Reg);
1830 // FIXME: A comment should explain why it's correct to return early here,
1831 // if that is in fact correct.
1832 return;
1833 }
1836/// If \p MI is a register copy instruction, that copies a previously tracked
1837/// value from one register to another register that is callee saved, we
1838/// create new DBG_VALUE instruction described with copy destination register.
1839void VarLocBasedLDV::transferRegisterCopy(MachineInstr &MI,
1840 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1841 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
1842 TransferMap &Transfers) {
1843 auto DestSrc = TII->isCopyLikeInstr(MI);
1844 if (!DestSrc)
1845 return;
1847 const MachineOperand *DestRegOp = DestSrc->Destination;
1848 const MachineOperand *SrcRegOp = DestSrc->Source;
1850 if (!DestRegOp->isDef())
1851 return;
1853 auto isCalleeSavedReg = [&](Register Reg) {
1854 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(Reg, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1855 if (CalleeSavedRegs.test(*RAI))
1856 return true;
1857 return false;
1858 };
1860 Register SrcReg = SrcRegOp->getReg();
1861 Register DestReg = DestRegOp->getReg();
1863 // We want to recognize instructions where destination register is callee
1864 // saved register. If register that could be clobbered by the call is
1865 // included, there would be a great chance that it is going to be clobbered
1866 // soon. It is more likely that previous register location, which is callee
1867 // saved, is going to stay unclobbered longer, even if it is killed.
1868 if (!isCalleeSavedReg(DestReg))
1869 return;
1871 // Remember an entry value movement. If we encounter a new debug value of
1872 // a parameter describing only a moving of the value around, rather then
1873 // modifying it, we are still able to use the entry value if needed.
1874 if (isRegOtherThanSPAndFP(*DestRegOp, MI, TRI)) {
1875 for (uint64_t ID : OpenRanges.getEntryValueBackupVarLocs()) {
1876 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1877 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[Idx];
1878 if (VL.isEntryValueBackupReg(SrcReg)) {
1879 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Copy of the entry value: "; MI.dump(););
1880 VarLoc EntryValLocCopyBackup =
1881 VarLoc::CreateEntryCopyBackupLoc(VL.MI, VL.Expr, DestReg);
1882 // Stop tracking the original entry value.
1883 OpenRanges.erase(VL);
1885 // Start tracking the entry value copy.
1886 LocIndices EntryValCopyLocIDs = VarLocIDs.insert(EntryValLocCopyBackup);
1887 OpenRanges.insert(EntryValCopyLocIDs, EntryValLocCopyBackup);
1888 break;
1889 }
1890 }
1891 }
1893 if (!SrcRegOp->isKill())
1894 return;
1896 for (uint64_t ID : OpenRanges.getRegisterVarLocs(SrcReg)) {
1897 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
1898 assert(VarLocIDs[Idx].usesReg(SrcReg) && "Broken VarLocSet?");
1899 VarLoc::MachineLocValue Loc;
1900 Loc.RegNo = SrcReg;
1901 VarLoc::MachineLoc MLoc{VarLoc::MachineLocKind::RegisterKind, Loc};
1902 insertTransferDebugPair(MI, OpenRanges, Transfers, VarLocIDs, Idx,
1903 TransferKind::TransferCopy, MLoc, DestReg);
1904 // FIXME: A comment should explain why it's correct to return early here,
1905 // if that is in fact correct.
1906 return;
1907 }
1910/// Terminate all open ranges at the end of the current basic block.
1911bool VarLocBasedLDV::transferTerminator(MachineBasicBlock *CurMBB,
1912 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1913 VarLocInMBB &OutLocs,
1914 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
1915 bool Changed = false;
1917 VarVec VarLocs;
1918 OpenRanges.getUniqueVarLocs(VarLocs, VarLocIDs);
1919 for (VarLoc &VL : VarLocs) {
1920 // Copy OpenRanges to OutLocs, if not already present.
1921 dbgs() << "Add to OutLocs in MBB #" << CurMBB->getNumber() << ": ";
1922 VL.dump(TRI, TII);
1923 }
1924 });
1925 VarLocSet &VLS = getVarLocsInMBB(CurMBB, OutLocs);
1926 Changed = VLS != OpenRanges.getVarLocs();
1927 // New OutLocs set may be different due to spill, restore or register
1928 // copy instruction processing.
1929 if (Changed)
1930 VLS = OpenRanges.getVarLocs();
1931 OpenRanges.clear();
1932 return Changed;
1935/// Accumulate a mapping between each DILocalVariable fragment and other
1936/// fragments of that DILocalVariable which overlap. This reduces work during
1937/// the data-flow stage from "Find any overlapping fragments" to "Check if the
1938/// known-to-overlap fragments are present".
1939/// \param MI A previously unprocessed DEBUG_VALUE instruction to analyze for
1940/// fragment usage.
1941/// \param SeenFragments Map from DILocalVariable to all fragments of that
1942/// Variable which are known to exist.
1943/// \param OverlappingFragments The overlap map being constructed, from one
1944/// Var/Fragment pair to a vector of fragments known to overlap.
1945void VarLocBasedLDV::accumulateFragmentMap(MachineInstr &MI,
1946 VarToFragments &SeenFragments,
1947 OverlapMap &OverlappingFragments) {
1948 DebugVariable MIVar(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
1949 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt());
1950 FragmentInfo ThisFragment = MIVar.getFragmentOrDefault();
1952 // If this is the first sighting of this variable, then we are guaranteed
1953 // there are currently no overlapping fragments either. Initialize the set
1954 // of seen fragments, record no overlaps for the current one, and return.
1955 auto SeenIt = SeenFragments.find(MIVar.getVariable());
1956 if (SeenIt == SeenFragments.end()) {
1957 SmallSet<FragmentInfo, 4> OneFragment;
1958 OneFragment.insert(ThisFragment);
1959 SeenFragments.insert({MIVar.getVariable(), OneFragment});
1961 OverlappingFragments.insert({{MIVar.getVariable(), ThisFragment}, {}});
1962 return;
1963 }
1965 // If this particular Variable/Fragment pair already exists in the overlap
1966 // map, it has already been accounted for.
1967 auto IsInOLapMap =
1968 OverlappingFragments.insert({{MIVar.getVariable(), ThisFragment}, {}});
1969 if (!IsInOLapMap.second)
1970 return;
1972 auto &ThisFragmentsOverlaps = IsInOLapMap.first->second;
1973 auto &AllSeenFragments = SeenIt->second;
1975 // Otherwise, examine all other seen fragments for this variable, with "this"
1976 // fragment being a previously unseen fragment. Record any pair of
1977 // overlapping fragments.
1978 for (const auto &ASeenFragment : AllSeenFragments) {
1979 // Does this previously seen fragment overlap?
1980 if (DIExpression::fragmentsOverlap(ThisFragment, ASeenFragment)) {
1981 // Yes: Mark the current fragment as being overlapped.
1982 ThisFragmentsOverlaps.push_back(ASeenFragment);
1983 // Mark the previously seen fragment as being overlapped by the current
1984 // one.
1985 auto ASeenFragmentsOverlaps =
1986 OverlappingFragments.find({MIVar.getVariable(), ASeenFragment});
1987 assert(ASeenFragmentsOverlaps != OverlappingFragments.end() &&
1988 "Previously seen var fragment has no vector of overlaps");
1989 ASeenFragmentsOverlaps->second.push_back(ThisFragment);
1990 }
1991 }
1993 AllSeenFragments.insert(ThisFragment);
1996/// This routine creates OpenRanges.
1997void VarLocBasedLDV::process(MachineInstr &MI, OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
1998 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs, TransferMap &Transfers,
1999 InstToEntryLocMap &EntryValTransfers,
2000 RegDefToInstMap &RegSetInstrs) {
2001 if (!MI.isDebugInstr())
2002 LastNonDbgMI = &MI;
2003 transferDebugValue(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, EntryValTransfers,
2004 RegSetInstrs);
2005 transferRegisterDef(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, EntryValTransfers,
2006 RegSetInstrs);
2007 transferWasmDef(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs);
2008 transferRegisterCopy(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, Transfers);
2009 transferSpillOrRestoreInst(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, Transfers);
2012/// This routine joins the analysis results of all incoming edges in @MBB by
2013/// inserting a new DBG_VALUE instruction at the start of the @MBB - if the same
2014/// source variable in all the predecessors of @MBB reside in the same location.
2015bool VarLocBasedLDV::join(
2016 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, VarLocInMBB &OutLocs, VarLocInMBB &InLocs,
2017 const VarLocMap &VarLocIDs,
2020 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "join MBB: " << MBB.getNumber() << "\n");
2022 VarLocSet InLocsT(Alloc); // Temporary incoming locations.
2024 // For all predecessors of this MBB, find the set of VarLocs that
2025 // can be joined.
2026 int NumVisited = 0;
2027 for (auto *p : MBB.predecessors()) {
2028 // Ignore backedges if we have not visited the predecessor yet. As the
2029 // predecessor hasn't yet had locations propagated into it, most locations
2030 // will not yet be valid, so treat them as all being uninitialized and
2031 // potentially valid. If a location guessed to be correct here is
2032 // invalidated later, we will remove it when we revisit this block.
2033 if (!Visited.count(p)) {
2034 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " ignoring unvisited pred MBB: " << p->getNumber()
2035 << "\n");
2036 continue;
2037 }
2038 auto OL = OutLocs.find(p);
2039 // Join is null in case of empty OutLocs from any of the pred.
2040 if (OL == OutLocs.end())
2041 return false;
2043 // Just copy over the Out locs to incoming locs for the first visited
2044 // predecessor, and for all other predecessors join the Out locs.
2045 VarLocSet &OutLocVLS = *OL->second;
2046 if (!NumVisited)
2047 InLocsT = OutLocVLS;
2048 else
2049 InLocsT &= OutLocVLS;
2052 if (!InLocsT.empty()) {
2053 VarVec VarLocs;
2054 collectAllVarLocs(VarLocs, InLocsT, VarLocIDs);
2055 for (const VarLoc &VL : VarLocs)
2056 dbgs() << " gathered candidate incoming var: "
2057 << VL.Var.getVariable()->getName() << "\n";
2058 }
2059 });
2061 NumVisited++;
2062 }
2064 // Filter out DBG_VALUES that are out of scope.
2065 VarLocSet KillSet(Alloc);
2066 bool IsArtificial = ArtificialBlocks.count(&MBB);
2067 if (!IsArtificial) {
2068 for (uint64_t ID : InLocsT) {
2069 LocIndex Idx = LocIndex::fromRawInteger(ID);
2070 if (!VarLocIDs[Idx].dominates(LS, MBB)) {
2071 KillSet.set(ID);
2073 auto Name = VarLocIDs[Idx].Var.getVariable()->getName();
2074 dbgs() << " killing " << Name << ", it doesn't dominate MBB\n";
2075 });
2076 }
2077 }
2078 }
2079 InLocsT.intersectWithComplement(KillSet);
2081 // As we are processing blocks in reverse post-order we
2082 // should have processed at least one predecessor, unless it
2083 // is the entry block which has no predecessor.
2084 assert((NumVisited || MBB.pred_empty()) &&
2085 "Should have processed at least one predecessor");
2087 VarLocSet &ILS = getVarLocsInMBB(&MBB, InLocs);
2088 bool Changed = false;
2089 if (ILS != InLocsT) {
2090 ILS = InLocsT;
2091 Changed = true;
2092 }
2094 return Changed;
2097void VarLocBasedLDV::flushPendingLocs(VarLocInMBB &PendingInLocs,
2098 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
2099 // PendingInLocs records all locations propagated into blocks, which have
2100 // not had DBG_VALUE insts created. Go through and create those insts now.
2101 for (auto &Iter : PendingInLocs) {
2102 // Map is keyed on a constant pointer, unwrap it so we can insert insts.
2103 auto &MBB = const_cast<MachineBasicBlock &>(*Iter.first);
2104 VarLocSet &Pending = *Iter.second;
2107 collectAllVarLocs(VarLocs, Pending, VarLocIDs);
2109 for (VarLoc DiffIt : VarLocs) {
2110 // The ID location is live-in to MBB -- work out what kind of machine
2111 // location it is and create a DBG_VALUE.
2112 if (DiffIt.isEntryBackupLoc())
2113 continue;
2114 MachineInstr *MI = DiffIt.BuildDbgValue(*MBB.getParent());
2117 (void)MI;
2118 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inserted: "; MI->dump(););
2119 }
2120 }
2123bool VarLocBasedLDV::isEntryValueCandidate(
2124 const MachineInstr &MI, const DefinedRegsSet &DefinedRegs) const {
2125 assert(MI.isDebugValue() && "This must be DBG_VALUE.");
2127 // TODO: Add support for local variables that are expressed in terms of
2128 // parameters entry values.
2129 // TODO: Add support for modified arguments that can be expressed
2130 // by using its entry value.
2131 auto *DIVar = MI.getDebugVariable();
2132 if (!DIVar->isParameter())
2133 return false;
2135 // Do not consider parameters that belong to an inlined function.
2136 if (MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt())
2137 return false;
2139 // Only consider parameters that are described using registers. Parameters
2140 // that are passed on the stack are not yet supported, so ignore debug
2141 // values that are described by the frame or stack pointer.
2142 if (!isRegOtherThanSPAndFP(MI.getDebugOperand(0), MI, TRI))
2143 return false;
2145 // If a parameter's value has been propagated from the caller, then the
2146 // parameter's DBG_VALUE may be described using a register defined by some
2147 // instruction in the entry block, in which case we shouldn't create an
2148 // entry value.
2149 if (DefinedRegs.count(MI.getDebugOperand(0).getReg()))
2150 return false;
2152 // TODO: Add support for parameters that have a pre-existing debug expressions
2153 // (e.g. fragments).
2154 // A simple deref expression is equivalent to an indirect debug value.
2155 const DIExpression *Expr = MI.getDebugExpression();
2156 if (Expr->getNumElements() > 0 && !Expr->isDeref())
2157 return false;
2159 return true;
2162/// Collect all register defines (including aliases) for the given instruction.
2163static void collectRegDefs(const MachineInstr &MI, DefinedRegsSet &Regs,
2164 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
2165 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.all_defs()) {
2166 if (MO.getReg() && MO.getReg().isPhysical()) {
2167 Regs.insert(MO.getReg());
2168 for (MCRegAliasIterator AI(MO.getReg(), TRI, true); AI.isValid(); ++AI)
2169 Regs.insert(*AI);
2170 }
2171 }
2174/// This routine records the entry values of function parameters. The values
2175/// could be used as backup values. If we loose the track of some unmodified
2176/// parameters, the backup values will be used as a primary locations.
2177void VarLocBasedLDV::recordEntryValue(const MachineInstr &MI,
2178 const DefinedRegsSet &DefinedRegs,
2179 OpenRangesSet &OpenRanges,
2180 VarLocMap &VarLocIDs) {
2181 if (TPC) {
2182 auto &TM = TPC->getTM<TargetMachine>();
2183 if (!TM.Options.ShouldEmitDebugEntryValues())
2184 return;
2185 }
2187 DebugVariable V(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
2188 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt());
2190 if (!isEntryValueCandidate(MI, DefinedRegs) ||
2191 OpenRanges.getEntryValueBackup(V))
2192 return;
2194 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Creating the backup entry location: "; MI.dump(););
2196 // Create the entry value and use it as a backup location until it is
2197 // valid. It is valid until a parameter is not changed.
2199 DIExpression::prepend(MI.getDebugExpression(), DIExpression::EntryValue);
2200 VarLoc EntryValLocAsBackup = VarLoc::CreateEntryBackupLoc(MI, NewExpr);
2201 LocIndices EntryValLocIDs = VarLocIDs.insert(EntryValLocAsBackup);
2202 OpenRanges.insert(EntryValLocIDs, EntryValLocAsBackup);
2205/// Calculate the liveness information for the given machine function and
2206/// extend ranges across basic blocks.
2207bool VarLocBasedLDV::ExtendRanges(MachineFunction &MF,
2208 MachineDominatorTree *DomTree,
2209 TargetPassConfig *TPC, unsigned InputBBLimit,
2210 unsigned InputDbgValLimit) {
2211 (void)DomTree;
2212 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nDebug Range Extension: " << MF.getName() << "\n");
2214 if (!MF.getFunction().getSubprogram())
2215 // VarLocBaseLDV will already have removed all DBG_VALUEs.
2216 return false;
2218 // Skip functions from NoDebug compilation units.
2219 if (MF.getFunction().getSubprogram()->getUnit()->getEmissionKind() ==
2221 return false;
2224 TII = MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
2225 TFI = MF.getSubtarget().getFrameLowering();
2226 TFI->getCalleeSaves(MF, CalleeSavedRegs);
2227 this->TPC = TPC;
2228 LS.initialize(MF);
2230 bool Changed = false;
2231 bool OLChanged = false;
2232 bool MBBJoined = false;
2234 VarLocMap VarLocIDs; // Map VarLoc<>unique ID for use in bitvectors.
2235 OverlapMap OverlapFragments; // Map of overlapping variable fragments.
2236 OpenRangesSet OpenRanges(Alloc, OverlapFragments);
2237 // Ranges that are open until end of bb.
2238 VarLocInMBB OutLocs; // Ranges that exist beyond bb.
2239 VarLocInMBB InLocs; // Ranges that are incoming after joining.
2240 TransferMap Transfers; // DBG_VALUEs associated with transfers (such as
2241 // spills, copies and restores).
2242 // Map responsible MI to attached Transfer emitted from Backup Entry Value.
2243 InstToEntryLocMap EntryValTransfers;
2244 // Map a Register to the last MI which clobbered it.
2245 RegDefToInstMap RegSetInstrs;
2247 VarToFragments SeenFragments;
2249 // Blocks which are artificial, i.e. blocks which exclusively contain
2250 // instructions without locations, or with line 0 locations.
2255 std::priority_queue<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>,
2256 std::greater<unsigned int>>
2257 Worklist;
2258 std::priority_queue<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>,
2259 std::greater<unsigned int>>
2260 Pending;
2262 // Set of register defines that are seen when traversing the entry block
2263 // looking for debug entry value candidates.
2264 DefinedRegsSet DefinedRegs;
2266 // Only in the case of entry MBB collect DBG_VALUEs representing
2267 // function parameters in order to generate debug entry values for them.
2268 MachineBasicBlock &First_MBB = *(MF.begin());
2269 for (auto &MI : First_MBB) {
2270 collectRegDefs(MI, DefinedRegs, TRI);
2271 if (MI.isDebugValue())
2272 recordEntryValue(MI, DefinedRegs, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs);
2273 }
2275 // Initialize per-block structures and scan for fragment overlaps.
2276 for (auto &MBB : MF)
2277 for (auto &MI : MBB)
2278 if (MI.isDebugValue())
2279 accumulateFragmentMap(MI, SeenFragments, OverlapFragments);
2281 auto hasNonArtificialLocation = [](const MachineInstr &MI) -> bool {
2282 if (const DebugLoc &DL = MI.getDebugLoc())
2283 return DL.getLine() != 0;
2284 return false;
2285 };
2286 for (auto &MBB : MF)
2287 if (none_of(MBB.instrs(), hasNonArtificialLocation))
2288 ArtificialBlocks.insert(&MBB);
2290 LLVM_DEBUG(printVarLocInMBB(MF, OutLocs, VarLocIDs,
2291 "OutLocs after initialization", dbgs()));
2294 unsigned int RPONumber = 0;
2295 for (MachineBasicBlock *MBB : RPOT) {
2296 OrderToBB[RPONumber] = MBB;
2297 BBToOrder[MBB] = RPONumber;
2298 Worklist.push(RPONumber);
2299 ++RPONumber;
2300 }
2302 if (RPONumber > InputBBLimit) {
2303 unsigned NumInputDbgValues = 0;
2304 for (auto &MBB : MF)
2305 for (auto &MI : MBB)
2306 if (MI.isDebugValue())
2307 ++NumInputDbgValues;
2308 if (NumInputDbgValues > InputDbgValLimit) {
2309 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Disabling VarLocBasedLDV: " << MF.getName()
2310 << " has " << RPONumber << " basic blocks and "
2311 << NumInputDbgValues
2312 << " input DBG_VALUEs, exceeding limits.\n");
2313 return false;
2314 }
2315 }
2317 // This is a standard "union of predecessor outs" dataflow problem.
2318 // To solve it, we perform join() and process() using the two worklist method
2319 // until the ranges converge.
2320 // Ranges have converged when both worklists are empty.
2322 while (!Worklist.empty() || !Pending.empty()) {
2323 // We track what is on the pending worklist to avoid inserting the same
2324 // thing twice. We could avoid this with a custom priority queue, but this
2325 // is probably not worth it.
2327 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing Worklist\n");
2328 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
2329 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = OrderToBB[Worklist.top()];
2330 Worklist.pop();
2331 MBBJoined = join(*MBB, OutLocs, InLocs, VarLocIDs, Visited,
2332 ArtificialBlocks);
2333 MBBJoined |= Visited.insert(MBB).second;
2334 if (MBBJoined) {
2335 MBBJoined = false;
2336 Changed = true;
2337 // Now that we have started to extend ranges across BBs we need to
2338 // examine spill, copy and restore instructions to see whether they
2339 // operate with registers that correspond to user variables.
2340 // First load any pending inlocs.
2341 OpenRanges.insertFromLocSet(getVarLocsInMBB(MBB, InLocs), VarLocIDs);
2342 LastNonDbgMI = nullptr;
2343 RegSetInstrs.clear();
2344 for (auto &MI : *MBB)
2345 process(MI, OpenRanges, VarLocIDs, Transfers, EntryValTransfers,
2346 RegSetInstrs);
2347 OLChanged |= transferTerminator(MBB, OpenRanges, OutLocs, VarLocIDs);
2349 LLVM_DEBUG(printVarLocInMBB(MF, OutLocs, VarLocIDs,
2350 "OutLocs after propagating", dbgs()));
2351 LLVM_DEBUG(printVarLocInMBB(MF, InLocs, VarLocIDs,
2352 "InLocs after propagating", dbgs()));
2354 if (OLChanged) {
2355 OLChanged = false;
2356 for (auto *s : MBB->successors())
2357 if (OnPending.insert(s).second) {
2358 Pending.push(BBToOrder[s]);
2359 }
2360 }
2361 }
2362 }
2363 Worklist.swap(Pending);
2364 // At this point, pending must be empty, since it was just the empty
2365 // worklist
2366 assert(Pending.empty() && "Pending should be empty");
2367 }
2369 // Add any DBG_VALUE instructions created by location transfers.
2370 for (auto &TR : Transfers) {
2371 assert(!TR.TransferInst->isTerminator() &&
2372 "Cannot insert DBG_VALUE after terminator");
2373 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = TR.TransferInst->getParent();
2374 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[TR.LocationID];
2375 MachineInstr *MI = VL.BuildDbgValue(MF);
2376 MBB->insertAfterBundle(TR.TransferInst->getIterator(), MI);
2377 }
2378 Transfers.clear();
2380 // Add DBG_VALUEs created using Backup Entry Value location.
2381 for (auto &TR : EntryValTransfers) {
2382 MachineInstr *TRInst = const_cast<MachineInstr *>(TR.first);
2383 assert(!TRInst->isTerminator() &&
2384 "Cannot insert DBG_VALUE after terminator");
2385 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = TRInst->getParent();
2386 const VarLoc &VL = VarLocIDs[TR.second];
2387 MachineInstr *MI = VL.BuildDbgValue(MF);
2388 MBB->insertAfterBundle(TRInst->getIterator(), MI);
2389 }
2390 EntryValTransfers.clear();
2392 // Deferred inlocs will not have had any DBG_VALUE insts created; do
2393 // that now.
2394 flushPendingLocs(InLocs, VarLocIDs);
2396 LLVM_DEBUG(printVarLocInMBB(MF, OutLocs, VarLocIDs, "Final OutLocs", dbgs()));
2397 LLVM_DEBUG(printVarLocInMBB(MF, InLocs, VarLocIDs, "Final InLocs", dbgs()));
2398 return Changed;
2401LDVImpl *
2404 return new VarLocBasedLDV();
static bool isConstant(const MachineInstr &MI)
MachineBasicBlock & MBB
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
A bitvector that uses an IntervalMap to coalesce adjacent elements into intervals.
static void clear(coro::Shape &Shape)
Definition: Coroutines.cpp:148
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:101
This file defines the DenseMap class.
This file contains constants used for implementing Dwarf debug support.
std::string Name
std::optional< std::vector< StOtherPiece > > Other
Definition: ELFYAML.cpp:1294
bool End
Definition: ELF_riscv.cpp:480
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
static cl::opt< unsigned > InputBBLimit("livedebugvalues-input-bb-limit", cl::desc("Maximum input basic blocks before DBG_VALUE limit applies"), cl::init(10000), cl::Hidden)
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
static DebugLoc getDebugLoc(MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator FirstMI, MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator LastMI)
Return the first found DebugLoc that has a DILocation, given a range of instructions.
unsigned const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI
const char LLVMTargetMachineRef TM
This file builds on the ADT/GraphTraits.h file to build a generic graph post order iterator.
static StringRef getName(Value *V)
static bool dominates(InstrPosIndexes &PosIndexes, const MachineInstr &A, const MachineInstr &B)
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file defines the SmallPtrSet class.
This file defines the SmallSet class.
This file defines the SmallVector class.
This file defines the 'Statistic' class, which is designed to be an easy way to expose various metric...
Definition: Statistic.h:167
This file describes how to lower LLVM code to machine code.
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options pass.
static bool isRegOtherThanSPAndFP(const MachineOperand &Op, const MachineInstr &MI, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI)
If Op is a stack or frame register return true, otherwise return false.
static void collectRegDefs(const MachineInstr &MI, DefinedRegsSet &Regs, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI)
Collect all register defines (including aliases) for the given instruction.
Handle-class for a particular "location".
bool test(unsigned Idx) const
Definition: BitVector.h:461
A bitvector that, under the hood, relies on an IntervalMap to coalesce elements into intervals.
ConstantFP - Floating Point Values [float, double].
Definition: Constants.h:269
This is the shared class of boolean and integer constants.
Definition: Constants.h:81
DWARF expression.
unsigned getNumElements() const
DbgVariableFragmentInfo FragmentInfo
static bool fragmentsOverlap(const FragmentInfo &A, const FragmentInfo &B)
Check if fragments overlap between a pair of FragmentInfos.
static DIExpression * appendOpsToArg(const DIExpression *Expr, ArrayRef< uint64_t > Ops, unsigned ArgNo, bool StackValue=false)
Create a copy of Expr by appending the given list of Ops to each instance of the operand DW_OP_LLVM_a...
bool isDeref() const
Return whether there is exactly one operator and it is a DW_OP_deref;.
static DIExpression * replaceArg(const DIExpression *Expr, uint64_t OldArg, uint64_t NewArg)
Create a copy of Expr with each instance of DW_OP_LLVM_arg, \p OldArg replaced with DW_OP_LLVM_arg,...
static DIExpression * prepend(const DIExpression *Expr, uint8_t Flags, int64_t Offset=0)
Prepend DIExpr with a deref and offset operation and optionally turn it into a stack value or/and an ...
bool isValidLocationForIntrinsic(const DILocation *DL) const
Check that a location is valid for this variable.
Debug location.
StringRef getName() const
This class represents an Operation in the Expression.
A debug info location.
Definition: DebugLoc.h:33
Identifies a unique instance of a variable.
static bool isDefaultFragment(const FragmentInfo F)
const DILocation * getInlinedAt() const
FragmentInfo getFragmentOrDefault() const
const DILocalVariable * getVariable() const
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:155
bool erase(const KeyT &Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:345
bool empty() const
Definition: DenseMap.h:98
iterator end()
Definition: DenseMap.h:84
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const std::pair< KeyT, ValueT > &KV)
Definition: DenseMap.h:220
DISubprogram * getSubprogram() const
Get the attached subprogram.
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1830
LexicalScopes - This class provides interface to collect and use lexical scoping information from mac...
MCRegAliasIterator enumerates all registers aliasing Reg.
instr_iterator instr_begin()
instr_iterator insert(instr_iterator I, MachineInstr *M)
Insert MI into the instruction list before I, possibly inside a bundle.
int getNumber() const
MachineBasicBlocks are uniquely numbered at the function level, unless they're not in a MachineFuncti...
const MachineFunction * getParent() const
Return the MachineFunction containing this basic block.
iterator_range< succ_iterator > successors()
iterator_range< pred_iterator > predecessors()
instr_iterator insertAfterBundle(instr_iterator I, MachineInstr *MI)
If I is bundled then insert MI into the instruction list after the end of the bundle,...
DominatorTree Class - Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase that is used to compute a normal dominat...
const TargetSubtargetInfo & getSubtarget() const
getSubtarget - Return the subtarget for which this machine code is being compiled.
StringRef getName() const
getName - Return the name of the corresponding LLVM function.
Function & getFunction()
Return the LLVM function that this machine code represents.
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:69
bool isTerminator(QueryType Type=AnyInBundle) const
Returns true if this instruction part of the terminator for a basic block.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:974
const MachineBasicBlock * getParent() const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:346
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
bool isReg() const
isReg - Tests if this is a MO_Register operand.
bool isRegMask() const
isRegMask - Tests if this is a MO_RegisterMask operand.
Register getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
static bool clobbersPhysReg(const uint32_t *RegMask, MCRegister PhysReg)
clobbersPhysReg - Returns true if this RegMask clobbers PhysReg.
const uint32_t * getRegMask() const
getRegMask - Returns a bit mask of registers preserved by this RegMask operand.
static MachineOperand CreateReg(Register Reg, bool isDef, bool isImp=false, bool isKill=false, bool isDead=false, bool isUndef=false, bool isEarlyClobber=false, unsigned SubReg=0, bool isDebug=false, bool isInternalRead=false, bool isRenamable=false)
unsigned getMetadataID() const
Definition: Metadata.h:102
virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS, const Module *M) const
print - Print out the internal state of the pass.
Definition: Pass.cpp:130
void dump() const
Definition: Pass.cpp:136
Special value supplied for machine level alias analysis.
Wrapper class representing virtual and physical registers.
Definition: Register.h:19
constexpr bool isPhysical() const
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
Definition: Register.h:95
A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across al...
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:323
size_type count(ConstPtrType Ptr) const
count - Return 1 if the specified pointer is in the set, 0 otherwise.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:412
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:344
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:479
SmallSet - This maintains a set of unique values, optimizing for the case when the set is small (less...
Definition: SmallSet.h:135
std::pair< const_iterator, bool > insert(const T &V)
insert - Insert an element into the set if it isn't already there.
Definition: SmallSet.h:179
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:94
size_t size() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:91
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: SmallVector.h:586
iterator insert(iterator I, T &&Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:818
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:426
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1209
StackOffset holds a fixed and a scalable offset in bytes.
Definition: TypeSize.h:33
Information about stack frame layout on the target.
virtual void getCalleeSaves(const MachineFunction &MF, BitVector &SavedRegs) const
Returns the callee-saved registers as computed by determineCalleeSaves in the BitVector SavedRegs.
virtual StackOffset getFrameIndexReference(const MachineFunction &MF, int FI, Register &FrameReg) const
getFrameIndexReference - This method should return the base register and offset used to reference a f...
TargetInstrInfo - Interface to description of machine instruction set.
Register getStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore() const
If a physical register, this specifies the register that llvm.savestack/llvm.restorestack should save...
This class defines information used to lower LLVM code to legal SelectionDAG operators that the targe...
Primary interface to the complete machine description for the target machine.
Definition: TargetMachine.h:77
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
TMC & getTM() const
Get the right type of TargetMachine for this target.
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
virtual const TargetRegisterInfo * getRegisterInfo() const
getRegisterInfo - If register information is available, return it.
virtual const TargetFrameLowering * getFrameLowering() const
virtual const TargetInstrInfo * getInstrInfo() const
virtual const TargetLowering * getTargetLowering() const
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
self_iterator getIterator()
Definition: ilist_node.h:132
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:52
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
std::pair< const DILocalVariable *, DIExpression::FragmentInfo > FragmentOfVar
Types for recording sets of variable fragments that overlap.
unsigned ID
LLVM IR allows to use arbitrary numbers as calling convention identifiers.
Definition: CallingConv.h:24
All possible values of the reg field in the ModR/M byte.
const_iterator end(StringRef path)
Get end iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:236
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
void dump(const SparseBitVector< ElementSize > &LHS, raw_ostream &out)
@ Offset
Definition: DWP.cpp:480
bool operator<(int64_t V1, const APSInt &V2)
Definition: APSInt.h:361
auto find(R &&Range, const T &Val)
Provide wrappers to std::find which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1742
bool all_of(R &&range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::all_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1722
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI(MachineFunction &MF, const MIMetadata &MIMD, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
Builder interface. Specify how to create the initial instruction itself.
bool operator!=(uint64_t V1, const APInt &V2)
Definition: APInt.h:2062
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
void append_range(Container &C, Range &&R)
Wrapper function to append range R to container C.
Definition: STLExtras.h:2067
bool operator==(const AddressRangeValuePair &LHS, const AddressRangeValuePair &RHS)
void erase(Container &C, ValueType V)
Wrapper function to remove a value from a container:
Definition: STLExtras.h:2059
bool any_of(R &&range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::any_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1729
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
bool none_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::none_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1736
LDVImpl * makeVarLocBasedLiveDebugValues()
auto find_if(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::find_if which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1749
bool is_contained(R &&Range, const E &Element)
Returns true if Element is found in Range.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1879
void array_pod_sort(IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End)
array_pod_sort - This sorts an array with the specified start and end extent.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1607
Printable printReg(Register Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr, unsigned SubIdx=0, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI=nullptr)
Prints virtual and physical registers with or without a TRI instance.