LLVM 19.0.0git
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1//===- InstrRefBasedImpl.cpp - Tracking Debug Value MIs -------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
8/// \file InstrRefBasedImpl.cpp
10/// This is a separate implementation of LiveDebugValues, see
11/// LiveDebugValues.cpp and VarLocBasedImpl.cpp for more information.
13/// This pass propagates variable locations between basic blocks, resolving
14/// control flow conflicts between them. The problem is SSA construction, where
15/// each debug instruction assigns the *value* that a variable has, and every
16/// instruction where the variable is in scope uses that variable. The resulting
17/// map of instruction-to-value is then translated into a register (or spill)
18/// location for each variable over each instruction.
20/// The primary difference from normal SSA construction is that we cannot
21/// _create_ PHI values that contain variable values. CodeGen has already
22/// completed, and we can't alter it just to make debug-info complete. Thus:
23/// we can identify function positions where we would like a PHI value for a
24/// variable, but must search the MachineFunction to see whether such a PHI is
25/// available. If no such PHI exists, the variable location must be dropped.
27/// To achieve this, we perform two kinds of analysis. First, we identify
28/// every value defined by every instruction (ignoring those that only move
29/// another value), then re-compute an SSA-form representation of the
30/// MachineFunction, using value propagation to eliminate any un-necessary
31/// PHI values. This gives us a map of every value computed in the function,
32/// and its location within the register file / stack.
34/// Secondly, for each variable we perform the same analysis, where each debug
35/// instruction is considered a def, and every instruction where the variable
36/// is in lexical scope as a use. Value propagation is used again to eliminate
37/// any un-necessary PHIs. This gives us a map of each variable to the value
38/// it should have in a block.
40/// Once both are complete, we have two maps for each block:
41/// * Variables to the values they should have,
42/// * Values to the register / spill slot they are located in.
43/// After which we can marry-up variable values with a location, and emit
44/// DBG_VALUE instructions specifying those locations. Variable locations may
45/// be dropped in this process due to the desired variable value not being
46/// resident in any machine location, or because there is no PHI value in any
47/// location that accurately represents the desired value. The building of
48/// location lists for each block is left to DbgEntityHistoryCalculator.
50/// This pass is kept efficient because the size of the first SSA problem
51/// is proportional to the working-set size of the function, which the compiler
52/// tries to keep small. (It's also proportional to the number of blocks).
53/// Additionally, we repeatedly perform the second SSA problem analysis with
54/// only the variables and blocks in a single lexical scope, exploiting their
55/// locality.
57/// ### Terminology
59/// A machine location is a register or spill slot, a value is something that's
60/// defined by an instruction or PHI node, while a variable value is the value
61/// assigned to a variable. A variable location is a machine location, that must
62/// contain the appropriate variable value. A value that is a PHI node is
63/// occasionally called an mphi.
65/// The first SSA problem is the "machine value location" problem,
66/// because we're determining which machine locations contain which values.
67/// The "locations" are constant: what's unknown is what value they contain.
69/// The second SSA problem (the one for variables) is the "variable value
70/// problem", because it's determining what values a variable has, rather than
71/// what location those values are placed in.
73/// TODO:
74/// Overlapping fragments
75/// Entry values
76/// Add back DEBUG statements for debugging this
77/// Collect statistics
81#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
83#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
85#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
105#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
107#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
108#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
110#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
112#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
118#include <algorithm>
119#include <cassert>
120#include <climits>
121#include <cstdint>
122#include <functional>
123#include <queue>
124#include <tuple>
125#include <utility>
126#include <vector>
128#include "InstrRefBasedImpl.h"
129#include "LiveDebugValues.h"
130#include <optional>
132using namespace llvm;
133using namespace LiveDebugValues;
135// SSAUpdaterImple sets DEBUG_TYPE, change it.
136#undef DEBUG_TYPE
137#define DEBUG_TYPE "livedebugvalues"
139// Act more like the VarLoc implementation, by propagating some locations too
140// far and ignoring some transfers.
141static cl::opt<bool> EmulateOldLDV("emulate-old-livedebugvalues", cl::Hidden,
142 cl::desc("Act like old LiveDebugValues did"),
143 cl::init(false));
145// Limit for the maximum number of stack slots we should track, past which we
146// will ignore any spills. InstrRefBasedLDV gathers detailed information on all
147// stack slots which leads to high memory consumption, and in some scenarios
148// (such as asan with very many locals) the working set of the function can be
149// very large, causing many spills. In these scenarios, it is very unlikely that
150// the developer has hundreds of variables live at the same time that they're
151// carefully thinking about -- instead, they probably autogenerated the code.
152// When this happens, gracefully stop tracking excess spill slots, rather than
153// consuming all the developer's memory.
155 StackWorkingSetLimit("livedebugvalues-max-stack-slots", cl::Hidden,
156 cl::desc("livedebugvalues-stack-ws-limit"),
157 cl::init(250));
159DbgOpID DbgOpID::UndefID = DbgOpID(0xffffffff);
161/// Tracker for converting machine value locations and variable values into
162/// variable locations (the output of LiveDebugValues), recorded as DBG_VALUEs
163/// specifying block live-in locations and transfers within blocks.
165/// Operating on a per-block basis, this class takes a (pre-loaded) MLocTracker
166/// and must be initialized with the set of variable values that are live-in to
167/// the block. The caller then repeatedly calls process(). TransferTracker picks
168/// out variable locations for the live-in variable values (if there _is_ a
169/// location) and creates the corresponding DBG_VALUEs. Then, as the block is
170/// stepped through, transfers of values between machine locations are
171/// identified and if profitable, a DBG_VALUE created.
173/// This is where debug use-before-defs would be resolved: a variable with an
174/// unavailable value could materialize in the middle of a block, when the
175/// value becomes available. Or, we could detect clobbers and re-specify the
176/// variable in a backup location. (XXX these are unimplemented).
181 /// This machine location tracker is assumed to always contain the up-to-date
182 /// value mapping for all machine locations. TransferTracker only reads
183 /// information from it. (XXX make it const?)
189 /// Record of all changes in variable locations at a block position. Awkwardly
190 /// we allow inserting either before or after the point: MBB != nullptr
191 /// indicates it's before, otherwise after.
192 struct Transfer {
193 MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator Pos; /// Position to insert DBG_VALUes
194 MachineBasicBlock *MBB; /// non-null if we should insert after.
195 /// Vector of DBG_VALUEs to insert. Store with their DebugVariableID so that
196 /// they can be sorted into a stable order for emission at a later time.
198 };
200 /// Stores the resolved operands (machine locations and constants) and
201 /// qualifying meta-information needed to construct a concrete DBG_VALUE-like
202 /// instruction.
209 : Ops(Ops.begin(), Ops.end()), Properties(Properties) {}
211 /// Returns all the LocIdx values used in this struct, in the order in which
212 /// they appear as operands in the debug value; may contain duplicates.
213 auto loc_indices() const {
214 return map_range(
216 Ops, [](const ResolvedDbgOp &Op) { return !Op.IsConst; }),
217 [](const ResolvedDbgOp &Op) { return Op.Loc; });
218 }
219 };
221 /// Collection of transfers (DBG_VALUEs) to be inserted.
224 /// Local cache of what-value-is-in-what-LocIdx. Used to identify differences
225 /// between TransferTrackers view of variable locations and MLocTrackers. For
226 /// example, MLocTracker observes all clobbers, but TransferTracker lazily
227 /// does not.
230 /// Map from LocIdxes to which DebugVariables are based that location.
231 /// Mantained while stepping through the block. Not accurate if
232 /// VarLocs[Idx] != MTracker->LocIdxToIDNum[Idx].
235 /// Map from DebugVariable to it's current location and qualifying meta
236 /// information. To be used in conjunction with ActiveMLocs to construct
237 /// enough information for the DBG_VALUEs for a particular LocIdx.
240 /// Temporary cache of DBG_VALUEs to be entered into the Transfers collection.
243 /// Record of a use-before-def: created when a value that's live-in to the
244 /// current block isn't available in any machine location, but it will be
245 /// defined in this block.
247 /// Value of this variable, def'd in block.
249 /// Identity of this variable.
251 /// Additional variable properties.
255 : Values(Values.begin(), Values.end()), VarID(VarID),
257 };
259 /// Map from instruction index (within the block) to the set of UseBeforeDefs
260 /// that become defined at that instruction.
263 /// The set of variables that are in UseBeforeDefs and can become a location
264 /// once the relevant value is defined. An element being erased from this
265 /// collection prevents the use-before-def materializing.
273 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
274 const BitVector &CalleeSavedRegs, const TargetPassConfig &TPC)
278 auto &TM = TPC.getTM<TargetMachine>();
279 ShouldEmitDebugEntryValues = TM.Options.ShouldEmitDebugEntryValues();
280 }
282 bool isCalleeSaved(LocIdx L) const {
283 unsigned Reg = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L];
284 if (Reg >= MTracker->NumRegs)
285 return false;
286 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(Reg, &TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
287 if (CalleeSavedRegs.test(*RAI))
288 return true;
289 return false;
290 };
292 // An estimate of the expected lifespan of values at a machine location, with
293 // a greater value corresponding to a longer expected lifespan, i.e. spill
294 // slots generally live longer than callee-saved registers which generally
295 // live longer than non-callee-saved registers. The minimum value of 0
296 // corresponds to an illegal location that cannot have a "lifespan" at all.
297 enum class LocationQuality : unsigned char {
298 Illegal = 0,
299 Register,
301 SpillSlot,
303 };
306 unsigned Location : 24;
307 unsigned Quality : 8;
309 public:
310 LocationAndQuality() : Location(0), Quality(0) {}
312 : Location(L.asU64()), Quality(static_cast<unsigned>(Q)) {}
313 LocIdx getLoc() const {
314 if (!Quality)
315 return LocIdx::MakeIllegalLoc();
316 return LocIdx(Location);
317 }
318 LocationQuality getQuality() const { return LocationQuality(Quality); }
319 bool isIllegal() const { return !Quality; }
320 bool isBest() const { return getQuality() == LocationQuality::Best; }
321 };
323 using ValueLocPair = std::pair<ValueIDNum, LocationAndQuality>;
325 static inline bool ValueToLocSort(const ValueLocPair &A,
326 const ValueLocPair &B) {
327 return A.first < B.first;
328 };
330 // Returns the LocationQuality for the location L iff the quality of L is
331 // is strictly greater than the provided minimum quality.
332 std::optional<LocationQuality>
334 if (L.isIllegal())
335 return std::nullopt;
337 return std::nullopt;
338 if (MTracker->isSpill(L))
341 return std::nullopt;
342 if (isCalleeSaved(L))
344 if (Min >= LocationQuality::Register)
345 return std::nullopt;
347 }
349 /// For a variable \p Var with the live-in value \p Value, attempts to resolve
350 /// the DbgValue to a concrete DBG_VALUE, emitting that value and loading the
351 /// tracking information to track Var throughout the block.
352 /// \p ValueToLoc is a map containing the best known location for every
353 /// ValueIDNum that Value may use.
354 /// \p MBB is the basic block that we are loading the live-in value for.
355 /// \p DbgOpStore is the map containing the DbgOpID->DbgOp mapping needed to
356 /// determine the values used by Value.
358 const SmallVectorImpl<ValueLocPair> &ValueToLoc,
360 SmallVector<DbgOp> DbgOps;
361 SmallVector<ResolvedDbgOp> ResolvedDbgOps;
362 bool IsValueValid = true;
363 unsigned LastUseBeforeDef = 0;
365 // If every value used by the incoming DbgValue is available at block
366 // entry, ResolvedDbgOps will contain the machine locations/constants for
367 // those values and will be used to emit a debug location.
368 // If one or more values are not yet available, but will all be defined in
369 // this block, then LastUseBeforeDef will track the instruction index in
370 // this BB at which the last of those values is defined, DbgOps will
371 // contain the values that we will emit when we reach that instruction.
372 // If one or more values are undef or not available throughout this block,
373 // and we can't recover as an entry value, we set IsValueValid=false and
374 // skip this variable.
375 for (DbgOpID ID : Value.getDbgOpIDs()) {
376 DbgOp Op = DbgOpStore.find(ID);
377 DbgOps.push_back(Op);
378 if (ID.isUndef()) {
379 IsValueValid = false;
380 break;
381 }
382 if (ID.isConst()) {
383 ResolvedDbgOps.push_back(Op.MO);
384 continue;
385 }
387 // Search for the desired ValueIDNum, to examine the best location found
388 // for it. Use an empty ValueLocPair to search for an entry in ValueToLoc.
389 const ValueIDNum &Num = Op.ID;
390 ValueLocPair Probe(Num, LocationAndQuality());
391 auto ValuesPreferredLoc = std::lower_bound(
392 ValueToLoc.begin(), ValueToLoc.end(), Probe, ValueToLocSort);
394 // There must be a legitimate entry found for Num.
395 assert(ValuesPreferredLoc != ValueToLoc.end() &&
396 ValuesPreferredLoc->first == Num);
398 if (ValuesPreferredLoc->second.isIllegal()) {
399 // If it's a def that occurs in this block, register it as a
400 // use-before-def to be resolved as we step through the block.
401 // Continue processing values so that we add any other UseBeforeDef
402 // entries needed for later.
403 if (Num.getBlock() == (unsigned)MBB.getNumber() && !Num.isPHI()) {
404 LastUseBeforeDef = std::max(LastUseBeforeDef,
405 static_cast<unsigned>(Num.getInst()));
406 continue;
407 }
408 recoverAsEntryValue(VarID, Value.Properties, Num);
409 IsValueValid = false;
410 break;
411 }
413 // Defer modifying ActiveVLocs until after we've confirmed we have a
414 // live range.
415 LocIdx M = ValuesPreferredLoc->second.getLoc();
416 ResolvedDbgOps.push_back(M);
417 }
419 // If we cannot produce a valid value for the LiveIn value within this
420 // block, skip this variable.
421 if (!IsValueValid)
422 return;
424 // Add UseBeforeDef entry for the last value to be defined in this block.
425 if (LastUseBeforeDef) {
426 addUseBeforeDef(VarID, Value.Properties, DbgOps, LastUseBeforeDef);
427 return;
428 }
430 // The LiveIn value is available at block entry, begin tracking and record
431 // the transfer.
432 for (const ResolvedDbgOp &Op : ResolvedDbgOps)
433 if (!Op.IsConst)
434 ActiveMLocs[Op.Loc].insert(VarID);
435 auto NewValue = ResolvedDbgValue{ResolvedDbgOps, Value.Properties};
436 auto Result = ActiveVLocs.insert(std::make_pair(VarID, NewValue));
437 if (!Result.second)
438 Result.first->second = NewValue;
439 auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(VarID);
441 std::make_pair(VarID, &*MTracker->emitLoc(ResolvedDbgOps, Var, DILoc,
442 Value.Properties)));
443 }
445 /// Load object with live-in variable values. \p mlocs contains the live-in
446 /// values in each machine location, while \p vlocs the live-in variable
447 /// values. This method picks variable locations for the live-in variables,
448 /// creates DBG_VALUEs and puts them in #Transfers, then prepares the other
449 /// object fields to track variable locations as we step through the block.
450 /// FIXME: could just examine mloctracker instead of passing in \p mlocs?
451 void
453 const SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<DebugVariableID, DbgValue>> &VLocs,
454 unsigned NumLocs) {
456 ActiveVLocs.clear();
457 VarLocs.clear();
458 VarLocs.reserve(NumLocs);
459 UseBeforeDefs.clear();
462 // Mapping of the preferred locations for each value. Collected into this
463 // vector then sorted for easy searching.
466 // Initialized the preferred-location map with illegal locations, to be
467 // filled in later.
468 for (const auto &VLoc : VLocs)
469 if (VLoc.second.Kind == DbgValue::Def)
470 for (DbgOpID OpID : VLoc.second.getDbgOpIDs())
471 if (!OpID.ID.IsConst)
472 ValueToLoc.push_back(
473 {DbgOpStore.find(OpID).ID, LocationAndQuality()});
475 llvm::sort(ValueToLoc, ValueToLocSort);
476 ActiveMLocs.reserve(VLocs.size());
477 ActiveVLocs.reserve(VLocs.size());
479 // Produce a map of value numbers to the current machine locs they live
480 // in. When emulating VarLocBasedImpl, there should only be one
481 // location; when not, we get to pick.
482 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
483 LocIdx Idx = Location.Idx;
484 ValueIDNum &VNum = MLocs[Idx.asU64()];
485 if (VNum == ValueIDNum::EmptyValue)
486 continue;
487 VarLocs.push_back(VNum);
489 // Is there a variable that wants a location for this value? If not, skip.
490 ValueLocPair Probe(VNum, LocationAndQuality());
491 auto VIt = std::lower_bound(ValueToLoc.begin(), ValueToLoc.end(), Probe,
493 if (VIt == ValueToLoc.end() || VIt->first != VNum)
494 continue;
496 auto &Previous = VIt->second;
497 // If this is the first location with that value, pick it. Otherwise,
498 // consider whether it's a "longer term" location.
499 std::optional<LocationQuality> ReplacementQuality =
500 getLocQualityIfBetter(Idx, Previous.getQuality());
501 if (ReplacementQuality)
502 Previous = LocationAndQuality(Idx, *ReplacementQuality);
503 }
505 // Now map variables to their picked LocIdxes.
506 for (const auto &Var : VLocs) {
507 loadVarInloc(MBB, DbgOpStore, ValueToLoc, Var.first, Var.second);
508 }
510 }
512 /// Record that \p Var has value \p ID, a value that becomes available
513 /// later in the function.
515 const DbgValueProperties &Properties,
516 const SmallVectorImpl<DbgOp> &DbgOps, unsigned Inst) {
517 UseBeforeDefs[Inst].emplace_back(DbgOps, VarID, Properties);
519 }
521 /// After the instruction at index \p Inst and position \p pos has been
522 /// processed, check whether it defines a variable value in a use-before-def.
523 /// If so, and the variable value hasn't changed since the start of the
524 /// block, create a DBG_VALUE.
526 auto MIt = UseBeforeDefs.find(Inst);
527 if (MIt == UseBeforeDefs.end())
528 return;
530 // Map of values to the locations that store them for every value used by
531 // the variables that may have become available.
534 // Populate ValueToLoc with illegal default mappings for every value used by
535 // any UseBeforeDef variables for this instruction.
536 for (auto &Use : MIt->second) {
537 if (!UseBeforeDefVariables.count(Use.VarID))
538 continue;
540 for (DbgOp &Op : Use.Values) {
541 assert(!Op.isUndef() && "UseBeforeDef erroneously created for a "
542 "DbgValue with undef values.");
543 if (Op.IsConst)
544 continue;
546 ValueToLoc.insert({Op.ID, LocationAndQuality()});
547 }
548 }
550 // Exit early if we have no DbgValues to produce.
551 if (ValueToLoc.empty())
552 return;
554 // Determine the best location for each desired value.
555 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
556 LocIdx Idx = Location.Idx;
557 ValueIDNum &LocValueID = Location.Value;
559 // Is there a variable that wants a location for this value? If not, skip.
560 auto VIt = ValueToLoc.find(LocValueID);
561 if (VIt == ValueToLoc.end())
562 continue;
564 auto &Previous = VIt->second;
565 // If this is the first location with that value, pick it. Otherwise,
566 // consider whether it's a "longer term" location.
567 std::optional<LocationQuality> ReplacementQuality =
568 getLocQualityIfBetter(Idx, Previous.getQuality());
569 if (ReplacementQuality)
570 Previous = LocationAndQuality(Idx, *ReplacementQuality);
571 }
573 // Using the map of values to locations, produce a final set of values for
574 // this variable.
575 for (auto &Use : MIt->second) {
576 if (!UseBeforeDefVariables.count(Use.VarID))
577 continue;
581 for (DbgOp &Op : Use.Values) {
582 if (Op.IsConst) {
583 DbgOps.push_back(Op.MO);
584 continue;
585 }
586 LocIdx NewLoc = ValueToLoc.find(Op.ID)->second.getLoc();
587 if (NewLoc.isIllegal())
588 break;
589 DbgOps.push_back(NewLoc);
590 }
592 // If at least one value used by this debug value is no longer available,
593 // i.e. one of the values was killed before we finished defining all of
594 // the values used by this variable, discard.
595 if (DbgOps.size() != Use.Values.size())
596 continue;
598 // Otherwise, we're good to go.
599 auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(Use.VarID);
600 PendingDbgValues.push_back(std::make_pair(
601 Use.VarID, MTracker->emitLoc(DbgOps, Var, DILoc, Use.Properties)));
602 }
603 flushDbgValues(pos, nullptr);
604 }
606 /// Helper to move created DBG_VALUEs into Transfers collection.
608 if (PendingDbgValues.size() == 0)
609 return;
611 // Pick out the instruction start position.
613 if (MBB && Pos == MBB->begin())
614 BundleStart = MBB->instr_begin();
615 else
616 BundleStart = getBundleStart(Pos->getIterator());
618 Transfers.push_back({BundleStart, MBB, PendingDbgValues});
620 }
623 const DIExpression *Expr) const {
624 if (!Var.getVariable()->isParameter())
625 return false;
627 if (Var.getInlinedAt())
628 return false;
630 if (Expr->getNumElements() > 0 && !Expr->isDeref())
631 return false;
633 return true;
634 }
636 bool isEntryValueValue(const ValueIDNum &Val) const {
637 // Must be in entry block (block number zero), and be a PHI / live-in value.
638 if (Val.getBlock() || !Val.isPHI())
639 return false;
641 // Entry values must enter in a register.
642 if (MTracker->isSpill(Val.getLoc()))
643 return false;
648 return Reg != SP && Reg != FP;
649 }
652 const DbgValueProperties &Prop,
653 const ValueIDNum &Num) {
654 // Is this variable location a candidate to be an entry value. First,
655 // should we be trying this at all?
657 return false;
659 const DIExpression *DIExpr = Prop.DIExpr;
661 // We don't currently emit entry values for DBG_VALUE_LISTs.
662 if (Prop.IsVariadic) {
663 // If this debug value can be converted to be non-variadic, then do so;
664 // otherwise give up.
665 auto NonVariadicExpression =
667 if (!NonVariadicExpression)
668 return false;
669 DIExpr = *NonVariadicExpression;
670 }
672 auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(VarID);
674 // Is the variable appropriate for entry values (i.e., is a parameter).
675 if (!isEntryValueVariable(Var, DIExpr))
676 return false;
678 // Is the value assigned to this variable still the entry value?
679 if (!isEntryValueValue(Num))
680 return false;
682 // Emit a variable location using an entry value expression.
687 PendingDbgValues.push_back(std::make_pair(
688 VarID, &*emitMOLoc(MO, Var, {NewExpr, Prop.Indirect, false})));
689 return true;
690 }
692 /// Change a variable value after encountering a DBG_VALUE inside a block.
693 void redefVar(const MachineInstr &MI) {
694 DebugVariable Var(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
695 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt());
696 DbgValueProperties Properties(MI);
697 DebugVariableID VarID = DVMap.getDVID(Var);
699 // Ignore non-register locations, we don't transfer those.
700 if (MI.isUndefDebugValue() ||
701 all_of(MI.debug_operands(),
702 [](const MachineOperand &MO) { return !MO.isReg(); })) {
703 auto It = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID);
704 if (It != ActiveVLocs.end()) {
705 for (LocIdx Loc : It->second.loc_indices())
706 ActiveMLocs[Loc].erase(VarID);
707 ActiveVLocs.erase(It);
708 }
709 // Any use-before-defs no longer apply.
711 return;
712 }
715 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.debug_operands()) {
716 if (MO.isReg()) {
717 // Any undef regs have already been filtered out above.
718 Register Reg = MO.getReg();
719 LocIdx NewLoc = MTracker->getRegMLoc(Reg);
720 NewLocs.push_back(NewLoc);
721 } else {
722 NewLocs.push_back(MO);
723 }
724 }
726 redefVar(MI, Properties, NewLocs);
727 }
729 /// Handle a change in variable location within a block. Terminate the
730 /// variables current location, and record the value it now refers to, so
731 /// that we can detect location transfers later on.
732 void redefVar(const MachineInstr &MI, const DbgValueProperties &Properties,
734 DebugVariable Var(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
735 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt());
736 DebugVariableID VarID = DVMap.getDVID(Var);
737 // Any use-before-defs no longer apply.
740 // Erase any previous location.
741 auto It = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID);
742 if (It != ActiveVLocs.end()) {
743 for (LocIdx Loc : It->second.loc_indices())
744 ActiveMLocs[Loc].erase(VarID);
745 }
747 // If there _is_ no new location, all we had to do was erase.
748 if (NewLocs.empty()) {
749 if (It != ActiveVLocs.end())
750 ActiveVLocs.erase(It);
751 return;
752 }
755 for (ResolvedDbgOp &Op : NewLocs) {
756 if (Op.IsConst)
757 continue;
759 LocIdx NewLoc = Op.Loc;
761 // Check whether our local copy of values-by-location in #VarLocs is out
762 // of date. Wipe old tracking data for the location if it's been clobbered
763 // in the meantime.
764 if (MTracker->readMLoc(NewLoc) != VarLocs[NewLoc.asU64()]) {
765 for (const auto &P : ActiveMLocs[NewLoc]) {
766 auto LostVLocIt = ActiveVLocs.find(P);
767 if (LostVLocIt != ActiveVLocs.end()) {
768 for (LocIdx Loc : LostVLocIt->second.loc_indices()) {
769 // Every active variable mapping for NewLoc will be cleared, no
770 // need to track individual variables.
771 if (Loc == NewLoc)
772 continue;
773 LostMLocs.emplace_back(Loc, P);
774 }
775 }
776 ActiveVLocs.erase(P);
777 }
778 for (const auto &LostMLoc : LostMLocs)
779 ActiveMLocs[LostMLoc.first].erase(LostMLoc.second);
780 LostMLocs.clear();
781 It = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID);
782 ActiveMLocs[NewLoc.asU64()].clear();
783 VarLocs[NewLoc.asU64()] = MTracker->readMLoc(NewLoc);
784 }
786 ActiveMLocs[NewLoc].insert(VarID);
787 }
789 if (It == ActiveVLocs.end()) {
790 ActiveVLocs.insert(
791 std::make_pair(VarID, ResolvedDbgValue(NewLocs, Properties)));
792 } else {
793 It->second.Ops.assign(NewLocs);
794 It->second.Properties = Properties;
795 }
796 }
798 /// Account for a location \p mloc being clobbered. Examine the variable
799 /// locations that will be terminated: and try to recover them by using
800 /// another location. Optionally, given \p MakeUndef, emit a DBG_VALUE to
801 /// explicitly terminate a location if it can't be recovered.
803 bool MakeUndef = true) {
804 auto ActiveMLocIt = ActiveMLocs.find(MLoc);
805 if (ActiveMLocIt == ActiveMLocs.end())
806 return;
808 // What was the old variable value?
809 ValueIDNum OldValue = VarLocs[MLoc.asU64()];
810 clobberMloc(MLoc, OldValue, Pos, MakeUndef);
811 }
812 /// Overload that takes an explicit value \p OldValue for when the value in
813 /// \p MLoc has changed and the TransferTracker's locations have not been
814 /// updated yet.
815 void clobberMloc(LocIdx MLoc, ValueIDNum OldValue,
816 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos, bool MakeUndef = true) {
817 auto ActiveMLocIt = ActiveMLocs.find(MLoc);
818 if (ActiveMLocIt == ActiveMLocs.end())
819 return;
823 // Examine the remaining variable locations: if we can find the same value
824 // again, we can recover the location.
825 std::optional<LocIdx> NewLoc;
826 for (auto Loc : MTracker->locations())
827 if (Loc.Value == OldValue)
828 NewLoc = Loc.Idx;
830 // If there is no location, and we weren't asked to make the variable
831 // explicitly undef, then stop here.
832 if (!NewLoc && !MakeUndef) {
833 // Try and recover a few more locations with entry values.
834 for (DebugVariableID VarID : ActiveMLocIt->second) {
835 auto &Prop = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID)->second.Properties;
836 recoverAsEntryValue(VarID, Prop, OldValue);
837 }
838 flushDbgValues(Pos, nullptr);
839 return;
840 }
842 // Examine all the variables based on this location.
844 // If no new location has been found, every variable that depends on this
845 // MLoc is dead, so end their existing MLoc->Var mappings as well.
847 for (DebugVariableID VarID : ActiveMLocIt->second) {
848 auto ActiveVLocIt = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID);
849 // Re-state the variable location: if there's no replacement then NewLoc
850 // is std::nullopt and a $noreg DBG_VALUE will be created. Otherwise, a
851 // DBG_VALUE identifying the alternative location will be emitted.
852 const DbgValueProperties &Properties = ActiveVLocIt->second.Properties;
854 // Produce the new list of debug ops - an empty list if no new location
855 // was found, or the existing list with the substitution MLoc -> NewLoc
856 // otherwise.
858 if (NewLoc) {
859 ResolvedDbgOp OldOp(MLoc);
860 ResolvedDbgOp NewOp(*NewLoc);
861 // Insert illegal ops to overwrite afterwards.
862 DbgOps.insert(DbgOps.begin(), ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops.size(),
864 replace_copy(ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops, DbgOps.begin(), OldOp, NewOp);
865 }
867 auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(VarID);
868 PendingDbgValues.push_back(std::make_pair(
869 VarID, &*MTracker->emitLoc(DbgOps, Var, DILoc, Properties)));
871 // Update machine locations <=> variable locations maps. Defer updating
872 // ActiveMLocs to avoid invalidating the ActiveMLocIt iterator.
873 if (!NewLoc) {
874 for (LocIdx Loc : ActiveVLocIt->second.loc_indices()) {
875 if (Loc != MLoc)
876 LostMLocs.emplace_back(Loc, VarID);
877 }
878 ActiveVLocs.erase(ActiveVLocIt);
879 } else {
880 ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops = DbgOps;
881 NewMLocs.insert(VarID);
882 }
883 }
885 // Remove variables from ActiveMLocs if they no longer use any other MLocs
886 // due to being killed by this clobber.
887 for (auto &LocVarIt : LostMLocs) {
888 auto LostMLocIt = ActiveMLocs.find(LocVarIt.first);
889 assert(LostMLocIt != ActiveMLocs.end() &&
890 "Variable was using this MLoc, but ActiveMLocs[MLoc] has no "
891 "entries?");
892 LostMLocIt->second.erase(LocVarIt.second);
893 }
895 // We lazily track what locations have which values; if we've found a new
896 // location for the clobbered value, remember it.
897 if (NewLoc)
898 VarLocs[NewLoc->asU64()] = OldValue;
900 flushDbgValues(Pos, nullptr);
902 // Commit ActiveMLoc changes.
903 ActiveMLocIt->second.clear();
904 if (!NewMLocs.empty())
905 for (DebugVariableID VarID : NewMLocs)
906 ActiveMLocs[*NewLoc].insert(VarID);
907 }
909 /// Transfer variables based on \p Src to be based on \p Dst. This handles
910 /// both register copies as well as spills and restores. Creates DBG_VALUEs
911 /// describing the movement.
913 // Does Src still contain the value num we expect? If not, it's been
914 // clobbered in the meantime, and our variable locations are stale.
915 if (VarLocs[Src.asU64()] != MTracker->readMLoc(Src))
916 return;
918 // assert(ActiveMLocs[Dst].size() == 0);
919 //^^^ Legitimate scenario on account of un-clobbered slot being assigned to?
921 // Move set of active variables from one location to another.
922 auto MovingVars = ActiveMLocs[Src];
923 ActiveMLocs[Dst].insert(MovingVars.begin(), MovingVars.end());
924 VarLocs[Dst.asU64()] = VarLocs[Src.asU64()];
926 // For each variable based on Src; create a location at Dst.
927 ResolvedDbgOp SrcOp(Src);
928 ResolvedDbgOp DstOp(Dst);
929 for (DebugVariableID VarID : MovingVars) {
930 auto ActiveVLocIt = ActiveVLocs.find(VarID);
931 assert(ActiveVLocIt != ActiveVLocs.end());
933 // Update all instances of Src in the variable's tracked values to Dst.
934 std::replace(ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops.begin(),
935 ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops.end(), SrcOp, DstOp);
937 auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(VarID);
938 MachineInstr *MI = MTracker->emitLoc(ActiveVLocIt->second.Ops, Var, DILoc,
939 ActiveVLocIt->second.Properties);
940 PendingDbgValues.push_back(std::make_pair(VarID, MI));
941 }
942 ActiveMLocs[Src].clear();
943 flushDbgValues(Pos, nullptr);
945 // XXX XXX XXX "pretend to be old LDV" means dropping all tracking data
946 // about the old location.
947 if (EmulateOldLDV)
948 VarLocs[Src.asU64()] = ValueIDNum::EmptyValue;
949 }
952 const DebugVariable &Var,
953 const DbgValueProperties &Properties) {
954 DebugLoc DL = DILocation::get(Var.getVariable()->getContext(), 0, 0,
955 Var.getVariable()->getScope(),
956 const_cast<DILocation *>(Var.getInlinedAt()));
957 auto MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE));
958 MIB.add(MO);
959 if (Properties.Indirect)
960 MIB.addImm(0);
961 else
962 MIB.addReg(0);
963 MIB.addMetadata(Var.getVariable());
964 MIB.addMetadata(Properties.DIExpr);
965 return MIB;
966 }
970// Implementation
973ValueIDNum ValueIDNum::EmptyValue = {UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX};
974ValueIDNum ValueIDNum::TombstoneValue = {UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX - 1};
976#ifndef NDEBUG
977void ResolvedDbgOp::dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack) const {
978 if (IsConst) {
979 dbgs() << MO;
980 } else {
981 dbgs() << MTrack->LocIdxToName(Loc);
982 }
984void DbgOp::dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack) const {
985 if (IsConst) {
986 dbgs() << MO;
987 } else if (!isUndef()) {
988 dbgs() << MTrack->IDAsString(ID);
989 }
991void DbgOpID::dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack, const DbgOpIDMap *OpStore) const {
992 if (!OpStore) {
993 dbgs() << "ID(" << asU32() << ")";
994 } else {
995 OpStore->find(*this).dump(MTrack);
996 }
998void DbgValue::dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack,
999 const DbgOpIDMap *OpStore) const {
1000 if (Kind == NoVal) {
1001 dbgs() << "NoVal(" << BlockNo << ")";
1002 } else if (Kind == VPHI || Kind == Def) {
1003 if (Kind == VPHI)
1004 dbgs() << "VPHI(" << BlockNo << ",";
1005 else
1006 dbgs() << "Def(";
1007 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < getDbgOpIDs().size(); ++Idx) {
1008 getDbgOpID(Idx).dump(MTrack, OpStore);
1009 if (Idx != 0)
1010 dbgs() << ",";
1011 }
1012 dbgs() << ")";
1013 }
1014 if (Properties.Indirect)
1015 dbgs() << " indir";
1016 if (Properties.DIExpr)
1017 dbgs() << " " << *Properties.DIExpr;
1022 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
1023 const TargetLowering &TLI)
1024 : MF(MF), TII(TII), TRI(TRI), TLI(TLI),
1025 LocIdxToIDNum(ValueIDNum::EmptyValue), LocIdxToLocID(0) {
1027 reset();
1029 assert(NumRegs < (1u << NUM_LOC_BITS)); // Detect bit packing failure
1031 // Always track SP. This avoids the implicit clobbering caused by regmasks
1032 // from affectings its values. (LiveDebugValues disbelieves calls and
1033 // regmasks that claim to clobber SP).
1035 if (SP) {
1036 unsigned ID = getLocID(SP);
1039 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(SP, &TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1040 SPAliases.insert(*RAI);
1041 }
1043 // Build some common stack positions -- full registers being spilt to the
1044 // stack.
1045 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{8, 0}, 0});
1046 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{16, 0}, 1});
1047 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{32, 0}, 2});
1048 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{64, 0}, 3});
1049 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{128, 0}, 4});
1050 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{256, 0}, 5});
1051 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{512, 0}, 6});
1053 // Traverse all the subregister idxes, and ensure there's an index for them.
1054 // Duplicates are no problem: we're interested in their position in the
1055 // stack slot, we don't want to type the slot.
1056 for (unsigned int I = 1; I < TRI.getNumSubRegIndices(); ++I) {
1057 unsigned Size = TRI.getSubRegIdxSize(I);
1058 unsigned Offs = TRI.getSubRegIdxOffset(I);
1059 unsigned Idx = StackSlotIdxes.size();
1061 // Some subregs have -1, -2 and so forth fed into their fields, to mean
1062 // special backend things. Ignore those.
1063 if (Size > 60000 || Offs > 60000)
1064 continue;
1066 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{Size, Offs}, Idx});
1067 }
1069 // There may also be strange register class sizes (think x86 fp80s).
1070 for (const TargetRegisterClass *RC : TRI.regclasses()) {
1071 unsigned Size = TRI.getRegSizeInBits(*RC);
1073 // We might see special reserved values as sizes, and classes for other
1074 // stuff the machine tries to model. If it's more than 512 bits, then it
1075 // is very unlikely to be a register than can be spilt.
1076 if (Size > 512)
1077 continue;
1079 unsigned Idx = StackSlotIdxes.size();
1080 StackSlotIdxes.insert({{Size, 0}, Idx});
1081 }
1083 for (auto &Idx : StackSlotIdxes)
1084 StackIdxesToPos[Idx.second] = Idx.first;
1090 assert(ID != 0);
1091 LocIdx NewIdx = LocIdx(LocIdxToIDNum.size());
1092 LocIdxToIDNum.grow(NewIdx);
1093 LocIdxToLocID.grow(NewIdx);
1095 // Default: it's an mphi.
1096 ValueIDNum ValNum = {CurBB, 0, NewIdx};
1097 // Was this reg ever touched by a regmask?
1098 for (const auto &MaskPair : reverse(Masks)) {
1099 if (MaskPair.first->clobbersPhysReg(ID)) {
1100 // There was an earlier def we skipped.
1101 ValNum = {CurBB, MaskPair.second, NewIdx};
1102 break;
1103 }
1104 }
1106 LocIdxToIDNum[NewIdx] = ValNum;
1107 LocIdxToLocID[NewIdx] = ID;
1108 return NewIdx;
1111void MLocTracker::writeRegMask(const MachineOperand *MO, unsigned CurBB,
1112 unsigned InstID) {
1113 // Def any register we track have that isn't preserved. The regmask
1114 // terminates the liveness of a register, meaning its value can't be
1115 // relied upon -- we represent this by giving it a new value.
1116 for (auto Location : locations()) {
1117 unsigned ID = LocIdxToLocID[Location.Idx];
1118 // Don't clobber SP, even if the mask says it's clobbered.
1119 if (ID < NumRegs && !SPAliases.count(ID) && MO->clobbersPhysReg(ID))
1120 defReg(ID, CurBB, InstID);
1121 }
1122 Masks.push_back(std::make_pair(MO, InstID));
1125std::optional<SpillLocationNo> MLocTracker::getOrTrackSpillLoc(SpillLoc L) {
1126 SpillLocationNo SpillID(SpillLocs.idFor(L));
1128 if (SpillID.id() == 0) {
1129 // If there is no location, and we have reached the limit of how many stack
1130 // slots to track, then don't track this one.
1131 if (SpillLocs.size() >= StackWorkingSetLimit)
1132 return std::nullopt;
1134 // Spill location is untracked: create record for this one, and all
1135 // subregister slots too.
1136 SpillID = SpillLocationNo(SpillLocs.insert(L));
1137 for (unsigned StackIdx = 0; StackIdx < NumSlotIdxes; ++StackIdx) {
1138 unsigned L = getSpillIDWithIdx(SpillID, StackIdx);
1139 LocIdx Idx = LocIdx(LocIdxToIDNum.size()); // New idx
1141 LocIdxToLocID.grow(Idx);
1142 LocIDToLocIdx.push_back(Idx);
1143 LocIdxToLocID[Idx] = L;
1144 // Initialize to PHI value; corresponds to the location's live-in value
1145 // during transfer function construction.
1147 }
1148 }
1149 return SpillID;
1153 unsigned ID = LocIdxToLocID[Idx];
1154 if (ID >= NumRegs) {
1156 ID -= NumRegs;
1157 unsigned Slot = ID / NumSlotIdxes;
1158 return Twine("slot ")
1159 .concat(Twine(Slot).concat(Twine(" sz ").concat(Twine(Pos.first)
1160 .concat(Twine(" offs ").concat(Twine(Pos.second))))))
1161 .str();
1162 } else {
1163 return TRI.getRegAsmName(ID).str();
1164 }
1167std::string MLocTracker::IDAsString(const ValueIDNum &Num) const {
1168 std::string DefName = LocIdxToName(Num.getLoc());
1169 return Num.asString(DefName);
1172#ifndef NDEBUG
1174 for (auto Location : locations()) {
1175 std::string MLocName = LocIdxToName(Location.Value.getLoc());
1176 std::string DefName = Location.Value.asString(MLocName);
1177 dbgs() << LocIdxToName(Location.Idx) << " --> " << DefName << "\n";
1178 }
1182 for (auto Location : locations()) {
1183 std::string foo = LocIdxToName(Location.Idx);
1184 dbgs() << "Idx " << Location.Idx.asU64() << " " << foo << "\n";
1185 }
1191 const DebugVariable &Var, const DILocation *DILoc,
1192 const DbgValueProperties &Properties) {
1193 DebugLoc DL = DebugLoc(DILoc);
1195 const MCInstrDesc &Desc = Properties.IsVariadic
1196 ? TII.get(TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE_LIST)
1197 : TII.get(TargetOpcode::DBG_VALUE);
1200 assert(all_of(DbgOps,
1201 [](const ResolvedDbgOp &Op) {
1202 return Op.IsConst || !Op.Loc.isIllegal();
1203 }) &&
1204 "Did not expect illegal ops in DbgOps.");
1205 assert((DbgOps.size() == 0 ||
1206 DbgOps.size() == Properties.getLocationOpCount()) &&
1207 "Expected to have either one DbgOp per MI LocationOp, or none.");
1210 auto GetRegOp = [](unsigned Reg) -> MachineOperand {
1212 /* Reg */ Reg, /* isDef */ false, /* isImp */ false,
1213 /* isKill */ false, /* isDead */ false,
1214 /* isUndef */ false, /* isEarlyClobber */ false,
1215 /* SubReg */ 0, /* isDebug */ true);
1216 };
1220 auto EmitUndef = [&]() {
1221 MOs.clear();
1222 MOs.assign(Properties.getLocationOpCount(), GetRegOp(0));
1223 return BuildMI(MF, DL, Desc, false, MOs, Var.getVariable(),
1224 Properties.DIExpr);
1225 };
1227 // Don't bother passing any real operands to BuildMI if any of them would be
1228 // $noreg.
1229 if (DbgOps.empty())
1230 return EmitUndef();
1232 bool Indirect = Properties.Indirect;
1234 const DIExpression *Expr = Properties.DIExpr;
1236 assert(DbgOps.size() == Properties.getLocationOpCount());
1238 // If all locations are valid, accumulate them into our list of
1239 // MachineOperands. For any spilled locations, either update the indirectness
1240 // register or apply the appropriate transformations in the DIExpression.
1241 for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < Properties.getLocationOpCount(); ++Idx) {
1242 const ResolvedDbgOp &Op = DbgOps[Idx];
1244 if (Op.IsConst) {
1245 MOs.push_back(Op.MO);
1246 continue;
1247 }
1249 LocIdx MLoc = Op.Loc;
1250 unsigned LocID = LocIdxToLocID[MLoc];
1251 if (LocID >= NumRegs) {
1252 SpillLocationNo SpillID = locIDToSpill(LocID);
1253 StackSlotPos StackIdx = locIDToSpillIdx(LocID);
1254 unsigned short Offset = StackIdx.second;
1256 // TODO: support variables that are located in spill slots, with non-zero
1257 // offsets from the start of the spill slot. It would require some more
1258 // complex DIExpression calculations. This doesn't seem to be produced by
1259 // LLVM right now, so don't try and support it.
1260 // Accept no-subregister slots and subregisters where the offset is zero.
1261 // The consumer should already have type information to work out how large
1262 // the variable is.
1263 if (Offset == 0) {
1264 const SpillLoc &Spill = SpillLocs[SpillID.id()];
1265 unsigned Base = Spill.SpillBase;
1267 // There are several ways we can dereference things, and several inputs
1268 // to consider:
1269 // * NRVO variables will appear with IsIndirect set, but should have
1270 // nothing else in their DIExpressions,
1271 // * Variables with DW_OP_stack_value in their expr already need an
1272 // explicit dereference of the stack location,
1273 // * Values that don't match the variable size need DW_OP_deref_size,
1274 // * Everything else can just become a simple location expression.
1276 // We need to use deref_size whenever there's a mismatch between the
1277 // size of value and the size of variable portion being read.
1278 // Additionally, we should use it whenever dealing with stack_value
1279 // fragments, to avoid the consumer having to determine the deref size
1280 // from DW_OP_piece.
1281 bool UseDerefSize = false;
1282 unsigned ValueSizeInBits = getLocSizeInBits(MLoc);
1283 unsigned DerefSizeInBytes = ValueSizeInBits / 8;
1284 if (auto Fragment = Var.getFragment()) {
1285 unsigned VariableSizeInBits = Fragment->SizeInBits;
1286 if (VariableSizeInBits != ValueSizeInBits || Expr->isComplex())
1287 UseDerefSize = true;
1288 } else if (auto Size = Var.getVariable()->getSizeInBits()) {
1289 if (*Size != ValueSizeInBits) {
1290 UseDerefSize = true;
1291 }
1292 }
1294 SmallVector<uint64_t, 5> OffsetOps;
1295 TRI.getOffsetOpcodes(Spill.SpillOffset, OffsetOps);
1296 bool StackValue = false;
1298 if (Properties.Indirect) {
1299 // This is something like an NRVO variable, where the pointer has been
1300 // spilt to the stack. It should end up being a memory location, with
1301 // the pointer to the variable loaded off the stack with a deref:
1302 assert(!Expr->isImplicit());
1303 OffsetOps.push_back(dwarf::DW_OP_deref);
1304 } else if (UseDerefSize && Expr->isSingleLocationExpression()) {
1305 // TODO: Figure out how to handle deref size issues for variadic
1306 // values.
1307 // We're loading a value off the stack that's not the same size as the
1308 // variable. Add / subtract stack offset, explicitly deref with a
1309 // size, and add DW_OP_stack_value if not already present.
1310 OffsetOps.push_back(dwarf::DW_OP_deref_size);
1311 OffsetOps.push_back(DerefSizeInBytes);
1312 StackValue = true;
1313 } else if (Expr->isComplex() || Properties.IsVariadic) {
1314 // A variable with no size ambiguity, but with extra elements in it's
1315 // expression. Manually dereference the stack location.
1316 OffsetOps.push_back(dwarf::DW_OP_deref);
1317 } else {
1318 // A plain value that has been spilt to the stack, with no further
1319 // context. Request a location expression, marking the DBG_VALUE as
1320 // IsIndirect.
1321 Indirect = true;
1322 }
1324 Expr = DIExpression::appendOpsToArg(Expr, OffsetOps, Idx, StackValue);
1325 MOs.push_back(GetRegOp(Base));
1326 } else {
1327 // This is a stack location with a weird subregister offset: emit an
1328 // undef DBG_VALUE instead.
1329 return EmitUndef();
1330 }
1331 } else {
1332 // Non-empty, non-stack slot, must be a plain register.
1333 MOs.push_back(GetRegOp(LocID));
1334 }
1335 }
1337 return BuildMI(MF, DL, Desc, Indirect, MOs, Var.getVariable(), Expr);
1340/// Default construct and initialize the pass.
1344 unsigned Reg = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L];
1345 return isCalleeSavedReg(Reg);
1348 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(R, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1349 if (CalleeSavedRegs.test(*RAI))
1350 return true;
1351 return false;
1355// Debug Range Extension Implementation
1358#ifndef NDEBUG
1359// Something to restore in the future.
1360// void InstrRefBasedLDV::printVarLocInMBB(..)
1364InstrRefBasedLDV::extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(const MachineInstr &MI) {
1365 assert(MI.hasOneMemOperand() &&
1366 "Spill instruction does not have exactly one memory operand?");
1367 auto MMOI = MI.memoperands_begin();
1368 const PseudoSourceValue *PVal = (*MMOI)->getPseudoValue();
1370 "Inconsistent memory operand in spill instruction");
1371 int FI = cast<FixedStackPseudoSourceValue>(PVal)->getFrameIndex();
1372 const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
1373 Register Reg;
1375 return MTracker->getOrTrackSpillLoc({Reg, Offset});
1380 std::optional<SpillLocationNo> SpillLoc = extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
1381 if (!SpillLoc)
1382 return std::nullopt;
1384 // Where in the stack slot is this value defined -- i.e., what size of value
1385 // is this? An important question, because it could be loaded into a register
1386 // from the stack at some point. Happily the memory operand will tell us
1387 // the size written to the stack.
1388 auto *MemOperand = *MI.memoperands_begin();
1389 LocationSize SizeInBits = MemOperand->getSizeInBits();
1390 assert(SizeInBits.hasValue() && "Expected to find a valid size!");
1392 // Find that position in the stack indexes we're tracking.
1393 auto IdxIt = MTracker->StackSlotIdxes.find({SizeInBits.getValue(), 0});
1394 if (IdxIt == MTracker->StackSlotIdxes.end())
1395 // That index is not tracked. This is suprising, and unlikely to ever
1396 // occur, but the safe action is to indicate the variable is optimised out.
1397 return std::nullopt;
1399 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(*SpillLoc, IdxIt->second);
1400 return MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
1403/// End all previous ranges related to @MI and start a new range from @MI
1404/// if it is a DBG_VALUE instr.
1405bool InstrRefBasedLDV::transferDebugValue(const MachineInstr &MI) {
1406 if (!MI.isDebugValue())
1407 return false;
1409 assert(MI.getDebugVariable()->isValidLocationForIntrinsic(MI.getDebugLoc()) &&
1410 "Expected inlined-at fields to agree");
1412 // If there are no instructions in this lexical scope, do no location tracking
1413 // at all, this variable shouldn't get a legitimate location range.
1414 auto *Scope = LS.findLexicalScope(MI.getDebugLoc().get());
1415 if (Scope == nullptr)
1416 return true; // handled it; by doing nothing
1418 // MLocTracker needs to know that this register is read, even if it's only
1419 // read by a debug inst.
1420 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.debug_operands())
1421 if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg() != 0)
1422 (void)MTracker->readReg(MO.getReg());
1424 // If we're preparing for the second analysis (variables), the machine value
1425 // locations are already solved, and we report this DBG_VALUE and the value
1426 // it refers to to VLocTracker.
1427 if (VTracker) {
1428 SmallVector<DbgOpID> DebugOps;
1429 // Feed defVar the new variable location, or if this is a DBG_VALUE $noreg,
1430 // feed defVar None.
1431 if (!MI.isUndefDebugValue()) {
1432 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.debug_operands()) {
1433 // There should be no undef registers here, as we've screened for undef
1434 // debug values.
1435 if (MO.isReg()) {
1436 DebugOps.push_back(DbgOpStore.insert(MTracker->readReg(MO.getReg())));
1437 } else if (MO.isImm() || MO.isFPImm() || MO.isCImm()) {
1438 DebugOps.push_back(DbgOpStore.insert(MO));
1439 } else {
1440 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected debug operand type.");
1441 }
1442 }
1443 }
1444 VTracker->defVar(MI, DbgValueProperties(MI), DebugOps);
1445 }
1447 // If performing final tracking of transfers, report this variable definition
1448 // to the TransferTracker too.
1449 if (TTracker)
1450 TTracker->redefVar(MI);
1451 return true;
1454std::optional<ValueIDNum> InstrRefBasedLDV::getValueForInstrRef(
1455 unsigned InstNo, unsigned OpNo, MachineInstr &MI,
1456 const FuncValueTable *MLiveOuts, const FuncValueTable *MLiveIns) {
1457 // Various optimizations may have happened to the value during codegen,
1458 // recorded in the value substitution table. Apply any substitutions to
1459 // the instruction / operand number in this DBG_INSTR_REF, and collect
1460 // any subregister extractions performed during optimization.
1461 const MachineFunction &MF = *MI.getParent()->getParent();
1463 // Create dummy substitution with Src set, for lookup.
1464 auto SoughtSub =
1465 MachineFunction::DebugSubstitution({InstNo, OpNo}, {0, 0}, 0);
1467 SmallVector<unsigned, 4> SeenSubregs;
1468 auto LowerBoundIt = llvm::lower_bound(MF.DebugValueSubstitutions, SoughtSub);
1469 while (LowerBoundIt != MF.DebugValueSubstitutions.end() &&
1470 LowerBoundIt->Src == SoughtSub.Src) {
1471 std::tie(InstNo, OpNo) = LowerBoundIt->Dest;
1472 SoughtSub.Src = LowerBoundIt->Dest;
1473 if (unsigned Subreg = LowerBoundIt->Subreg)
1474 SeenSubregs.push_back(Subreg);
1475 LowerBoundIt = llvm::lower_bound(MF.DebugValueSubstitutions, SoughtSub);
1476 }
1478 // Default machine value number is <None> -- if no instruction defines
1479 // the corresponding value, it must have been optimized out.
1480 std::optional<ValueIDNum> NewID;
1482 // Try to lookup the instruction number, and find the machine value number
1483 // that it defines. It could be an instruction, or a PHI.
1484 auto InstrIt = DebugInstrNumToInstr.find(InstNo);
1485 auto PHIIt = llvm::lower_bound(DebugPHINumToValue, InstNo);
1486 if (InstrIt != DebugInstrNumToInstr.end()) {
1487 const MachineInstr &TargetInstr = *InstrIt->second.first;
1488 uint64_t BlockNo = TargetInstr.getParent()->getNumber();
1490 // Pick out the designated operand. It might be a memory reference, if
1491 // a register def was folded into a stack store.
1493 TargetInstr.hasOneMemOperand()) {
1494 std::optional<LocIdx> L = findLocationForMemOperand(TargetInstr);
1495 if (L)
1496 NewID = ValueIDNum(BlockNo, InstrIt->second.second, *L);
1497 } else if (OpNo != MachineFunction::DebugOperandMemNumber) {
1498 // Permit the debug-info to be completely wrong: identifying a nonexistant
1499 // operand, or one that is not a register definition, means something
1500 // unexpected happened during optimisation. Broken debug-info, however,
1501 // shouldn't crash the compiler -- instead leave the variable value as
1502 // None, which will make it appear "optimised out".
1503 if (OpNo < TargetInstr.getNumOperands()) {
1504 const MachineOperand &MO = TargetInstr.getOperand(OpNo);
1506 if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg()) {
1507 unsigned LocID = MTracker->getLocID(MO.getReg());
1508 LocIdx L = MTracker->LocIDToLocIdx[LocID];
1509 NewID = ValueIDNum(BlockNo, InstrIt->second.second, L);
1510 }
1511 }
1513 if (!NewID) {
1515 { dbgs() << "Seen instruction reference to illegal operand\n"; });
1516 }
1517 }
1518 // else: NewID is left as None.
1519 } else if (PHIIt != DebugPHINumToValue.end() && PHIIt->InstrNum == InstNo) {
1520 // It's actually a PHI value. Which value it is might not be obvious, use
1521 // the resolver helper to find out.
1522 assert(MLiveOuts && MLiveIns);
1523 NewID = resolveDbgPHIs(*MI.getParent()->getParent(), *MLiveOuts, *MLiveIns,
1524 MI, InstNo);
1525 }
1527 // Apply any subregister extractions, in reverse. We might have seen code
1528 // like this:
1529 // CALL64 @foo, implicit-def $rax
1530 // %0:gr64 = COPY $rax
1531 // %1:gr32 = COPY %0.sub_32bit
1532 // %2:gr16 = COPY %1.sub_16bit
1533 // %3:gr8 = COPY %2.sub_8bit
1534 // In which case each copy would have been recorded as a substitution with
1535 // a subregister qualifier. Apply those qualifiers now.
1536 if (NewID && !SeenSubregs.empty()) {
1537 unsigned Offset = 0;
1538 unsigned Size = 0;
1540 // Look at each subregister that we passed through, and progressively
1541 // narrow in, accumulating any offsets that occur. Substitutions should
1542 // only ever be the same or narrower width than what they read from;
1543 // iterate in reverse order so that we go from wide to small.
1544 for (unsigned Subreg : reverse(SeenSubregs)) {
1545 unsigned ThisSize = TRI->getSubRegIdxSize(Subreg);
1546 unsigned ThisOffset = TRI->getSubRegIdxOffset(Subreg);
1547 Offset += ThisOffset;
1548 Size = (Size == 0) ? ThisSize : std::min(Size, ThisSize);
1549 }
1551 // If that worked, look for an appropriate subregister with the register
1552 // where the define happens. Don't look at values that were defined during
1553 // a stack write: we can't currently express register locations within
1554 // spills.
1555 LocIdx L = NewID->getLoc();
1556 if (NewID && !MTracker->isSpill(L)) {
1557 // Find the register class for the register where this def happened.
1558 // FIXME: no index for this?
1559 Register Reg = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L];
1560 const TargetRegisterClass *TRC = nullptr;
1561 for (const auto *TRCI : TRI->regclasses())
1562 if (TRCI->contains(Reg))
1563 TRC = TRCI;
1564 assert(TRC && "Couldn't find target register class?");
1566 // If the register we have isn't the right size or in the right place,
1567 // Try to find a subregister inside it.
1568 unsigned MainRegSize = TRI->getRegSizeInBits(*TRC);
1569 if (Size != MainRegSize || Offset) {
1570 // Enumerate all subregisters, searching.
1571 Register NewReg = 0;
1572 for (MCPhysReg SR : TRI->subregs(Reg)) {
1573 unsigned Subreg = TRI->getSubRegIndex(Reg, SR);
1574 unsigned SubregSize = TRI->getSubRegIdxSize(Subreg);
1575 unsigned SubregOffset = TRI->getSubRegIdxOffset(Subreg);
1576 if (SubregSize == Size && SubregOffset == Offset) {
1577 NewReg = SR;
1578 break;
1579 }
1580 }
1582 // If we didn't find anything: there's no way to express our value.
1583 if (!NewReg) {
1584 NewID = std::nullopt;
1585 } else {
1586 // Re-state the value as being defined within the subregister
1587 // that we found.
1588 LocIdx NewLoc = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(NewReg);
1589 NewID = ValueIDNum(NewID->getBlock(), NewID->getInst(), NewLoc);
1590 }
1591 }
1592 } else {
1593 // If we can't handle subregisters, unset the new value.
1594 NewID = std::nullopt;
1595 }
1596 }
1598 return NewID;
1601bool InstrRefBasedLDV::transferDebugInstrRef(MachineInstr &MI,
1602 const FuncValueTable *MLiveOuts,
1603 const FuncValueTable *MLiveIns) {
1604 if (!MI.isDebugRef())
1605 return false;
1607 // Only handle this instruction when we are building the variable value
1608 // transfer function.
1609 if (!VTracker && !TTracker)
1610 return false;
1612 const DILocalVariable *Var = MI.getDebugVariable();
1613 const DIExpression *Expr = MI.getDebugExpression();
1614 const DILocation *DebugLoc = MI.getDebugLoc();
1615 const DILocation *InlinedAt = DebugLoc->getInlinedAt();
1617 "Expected inlined-at fields to agree");
1619 DebugVariable V(Var, Expr, InlinedAt);
1621 auto *Scope = LS.findLexicalScope(MI.getDebugLoc().get());
1622 if (Scope == nullptr)
1623 return true; // Handled by doing nothing. This variable is never in scope.
1625 SmallVector<DbgOpID> DbgOpIDs;
1626 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.debug_operands()) {
1627 if (!MO.isDbgInstrRef()) {
1628 assert(!MO.isReg() && "DBG_INSTR_REF should not contain registers");
1629 DbgOpID ConstOpID = DbgOpStore.insert(DbgOp(MO));
1630 DbgOpIDs.push_back(ConstOpID);
1631 continue;
1632 }
1634 unsigned InstNo = MO.getInstrRefInstrIndex();
1635 unsigned OpNo = MO.getInstrRefOpIndex();
1637 // Default machine value number is <None> -- if no instruction defines
1638 // the corresponding value, it must have been optimized out.
1639 std::optional<ValueIDNum> NewID =
1640 getValueForInstrRef(InstNo, OpNo, MI, MLiveOuts, MLiveIns);
1641 // We have a value number or std::nullopt. If the latter, then kill the
1642 // entire debug value.
1643 if (NewID) {
1644 DbgOpIDs.push_back(DbgOpStore.insert(*NewID));
1645 } else {
1646 DbgOpIDs.clear();
1647 break;
1648 }
1649 }
1651 // We have a DbgOpID for every value or for none. Tell the variable value
1652 // tracker about it. The rest of this LiveDebugValues implementation acts
1653 // exactly the same for DBG_INSTR_REFs as DBG_VALUEs (just, the former can
1654 // refer to values that aren't immediately available).
1655 DbgValueProperties Properties(Expr, false, true);
1656 if (VTracker)
1657 VTracker->defVar(MI, Properties, DbgOpIDs);
1659 // If we're on the final pass through the function, decompose this INSTR_REF
1660 // into a plain DBG_VALUE.
1661 if (!TTracker)
1662 return true;
1664 // Fetch the concrete DbgOps now, as we will need them later.
1665 SmallVector<DbgOp> DbgOps;
1666 for (DbgOpID OpID : DbgOpIDs) {
1667 DbgOps.push_back(DbgOpStore.find(OpID));
1668 }
1670 // Pick a location for the machine value number, if such a location exists.
1671 // (This information could be stored in TransferTracker to make it faster).
1673 SmallVector<ValueIDNum> ValuesToFind;
1674 // Initialized the preferred-location map with illegal locations, to be
1675 // filled in later.
1676 for (const DbgOp &Op : DbgOps) {
1677 if (!Op.IsConst)
1678 if (FoundLocs.insert({Op.ID, TransferTracker::LocationAndQuality()})
1679 .second)
1680 ValuesToFind.push_back(Op.ID);
1681 }
1683 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
1684 LocIdx CurL = Location.Idx;
1685 ValueIDNum ID = MTracker->readMLoc(CurL);
1686 auto ValueToFindIt = find(ValuesToFind, ID);
1687 if (ValueToFindIt == ValuesToFind.end())
1688 continue;
1689 auto &Previous = FoundLocs.find(ID)->second;
1690 // If this is the first location with that value, pick it. Otherwise,
1691 // consider whether it's a "longer term" location.
1692 std::optional<TransferTracker::LocationQuality> ReplacementQuality =
1693 TTracker->getLocQualityIfBetter(CurL, Previous.getQuality());
1694 if (ReplacementQuality) {
1695 Previous = TransferTracker::LocationAndQuality(CurL, *ReplacementQuality);
1696 if (Previous.isBest()) {
1697 ValuesToFind.erase(ValueToFindIt);
1698 if (ValuesToFind.empty())
1699 break;
1700 }
1701 }
1702 }
1705 for (const DbgOp &DbgOp : DbgOps) {
1706 if (DbgOp.IsConst) {
1707 NewLocs.push_back(DbgOp.MO);
1708 continue;
1709 }
1710 LocIdx FoundLoc = FoundLocs.find(DbgOp.ID)->second.getLoc();
1711 if (FoundLoc.isIllegal()) {
1712 NewLocs.clear();
1713 break;
1714 }
1715 NewLocs.push_back(FoundLoc);
1716 }
1717 // Tell transfer tracker that the variable value has changed.
1718 TTracker->redefVar(MI, Properties, NewLocs);
1720 // If there were values with no location, but all such values are defined in
1721 // later instructions in this block, this is a block-local use-before-def.
1722 if (!DbgOps.empty() && NewLocs.empty()) {
1723 bool IsValidUseBeforeDef = true;
1724 uint64_t LastUseBeforeDef = 0;
1725 for (auto ValueLoc : FoundLocs) {
1726 ValueIDNum NewID = ValueLoc.first;
1727 LocIdx FoundLoc = ValueLoc.second.getLoc();
1728 if (!FoundLoc.isIllegal())
1729 continue;
1730 // If we have an value with no location that is not defined in this block,
1731 // then it has no location in this block, leaving this value undefined.
1732 if (NewID.getBlock() != CurBB || NewID.getInst() <= CurInst) {
1733 IsValidUseBeforeDef = false;
1734 break;
1735 }
1736 LastUseBeforeDef = std::max(LastUseBeforeDef, NewID.getInst());
1737 }
1738 if (IsValidUseBeforeDef) {
1739 DebugVariableID VID = DVMap.insertDVID(V, MI.getDebugLoc().get());
1740 TTracker->addUseBeforeDef(VID, {MI.getDebugExpression(), false, true},
1741 DbgOps, LastUseBeforeDef);
1742 }
1743 }
1745 // Produce a DBG_VALUE representing what this DBG_INSTR_REF meant.
1746 // This DBG_VALUE is potentially a $noreg / undefined location, if
1747 // FoundLoc is illegal.
1748 // (XXX -- could morph the DBG_INSTR_REF in the future).
1749 MachineInstr *DbgMI =
1750 MTracker->emitLoc(NewLocs, V, MI.getDebugLoc().get(), Properties);
1751 DebugVariableID ID = DVMap.getDVID(V);
1753 TTracker->PendingDbgValues.push_back(std::make_pair(ID, DbgMI));
1754 TTracker->flushDbgValues(MI.getIterator(), nullptr);
1755 return true;
1758bool InstrRefBasedLDV::transferDebugPHI(MachineInstr &MI) {
1759 if (!MI.isDebugPHI())
1760 return false;
1762 // Analyse these only when solving the machine value location problem.
1763 if (VTracker || TTracker)
1764 return true;
1766 // First operand is the value location, either a stack slot or register.
1767 // Second is the debug instruction number of the original PHI.
1768 const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(0);
1769 unsigned InstrNum = MI.getOperand(1).getImm();
1771 auto EmitBadPHI = [this, &MI, InstrNum]() -> bool {
1772 // Helper lambda to do any accounting when we fail to find a location for
1773 // a DBG_PHI. This can happen if DBG_PHIs are malformed, or refer to a
1774 // dead stack slot, for example.
1775 // Record a DebugPHIRecord with an empty value + location.
1776 DebugPHINumToValue.push_back(
1777 {InstrNum, MI.getParent(), std::nullopt, std::nullopt});
1778 return true;
1779 };
1781 if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg()) {
1782 // The value is whatever's currently in the register. Read and record it,
1783 // to be analysed later.
1784 Register Reg = MO.getReg();
1785 ValueIDNum Num = MTracker->readReg(Reg);
1786 auto PHIRec = DebugPHIRecord(
1787 {InstrNum, MI.getParent(), Num, MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(Reg)});
1788 DebugPHINumToValue.push_back(PHIRec);
1790 // Ensure this register is tracked.
1791 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(MO.getReg(), TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1792 MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(*RAI);
1793 } else if (MO.isFI()) {
1794 // The value is whatever's in this stack slot.
1795 unsigned FI = MO.getIndex();
1797 // If the stack slot is dead, then this was optimized away.
1798 // FIXME: stack slot colouring should account for slots that get merged.
1799 if (MFI->isDeadObjectIndex(FI))
1800 return EmitBadPHI();
1802 // Identify this spill slot, ensure it's tracked.
1803 Register Base;
1804 StackOffset Offs = TFI->getFrameIndexReference(*MI.getMF(), FI, Base);
1805 SpillLoc SL = {Base, Offs};
1806 std::optional<SpillLocationNo> SpillNo = MTracker->getOrTrackSpillLoc(SL);
1808 // We might be able to find a value, but have chosen not to, to avoid
1809 // tracking too much stack information.
1810 if (!SpillNo)
1811 return EmitBadPHI();
1813 // Any stack location DBG_PHI should have an associate bit-size.
1814 assert(MI.getNumOperands() == 3 && "Stack DBG_PHI with no size?");
1815 unsigned slotBitSize = MI.getOperand(2).getImm();
1817 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getLocID(*SpillNo, {slotBitSize, 0});
1818 LocIdx SpillLoc = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
1819 ValueIDNum Result = MTracker->readMLoc(SpillLoc);
1821 // Record this DBG_PHI for later analysis.
1822 auto DbgPHI = DebugPHIRecord({InstrNum, MI.getParent(), Result, SpillLoc});
1823 DebugPHINumToValue.push_back(DbgPHI);
1824 } else {
1825 // Else: if the operand is neither a legal register or a stack slot, then
1826 // we're being fed illegal debug-info. Record an empty PHI, so that any
1827 // debug users trying to read this number will be put off trying to
1828 // interpret the value.
1830 { dbgs() << "Seen DBG_PHI with unrecognised operand format\n"; });
1831 return EmitBadPHI();
1832 }
1834 return true;
1837void InstrRefBasedLDV::transferRegisterDef(MachineInstr &MI) {
1838 // Meta Instructions do not affect the debug liveness of any register they
1839 // define.
1840 if (MI.isImplicitDef()) {
1841 // Except when there's an implicit def, and the location it's defining has
1842 // no value number. The whole point of an implicit def is to announce that
1843 // the register is live, without be specific about it's value. So define
1844 // a value if there isn't one already.
1845 ValueIDNum Num = MTracker->readReg(MI.getOperand(0).getReg());
1846 // Has a legitimate value -> ignore the implicit def.
1847 if (Num.getLoc() != 0)
1848 return;
1849 // Otherwise, def it here.
1850 } else if (MI.isMetaInstruction())
1851 return;
1853 // We always ignore SP defines on call instructions, they don't actually
1854 // change the value of the stack pointer... except for win32's _chkstk. This
1855 // is rare: filter quickly for the common case (no stack adjustments, not a
1856 // call, etc). If it is a call that modifies SP, recognise the SP register
1857 // defs.
1858 bool CallChangesSP = false;
1859 if (AdjustsStackInCalls && MI.isCall() && MI.getOperand(0).isSymbol() &&
1860 !strcmp(MI.getOperand(0).getSymbolName(), StackProbeSymbolName.data()))
1861 CallChangesSP = true;
1863 // Test whether we should ignore a def of this register due to it being part
1864 // of the stack pointer.
1865 auto IgnoreSPAlias = [this, &MI, CallChangesSP](Register R) -> bool {
1866 if (CallChangesSP)
1867 return false;
1868 return MI.isCall() && MTracker->SPAliases.count(R);
1869 };
1871 // Find the regs killed by MI, and find regmasks of preserved regs.
1872 // Max out the number of statically allocated elements in `DeadRegs`, as this
1873 // prevents fallback to std::set::count() operations.
1874 SmallSet<uint32_t, 32> DeadRegs;
1877 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
1878 // Determine whether the operand is a register def.
1879 if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg() && MO.getReg().isPhysical() &&
1880 !IgnoreSPAlias(MO.getReg())) {
1881 // Remove ranges of all aliased registers.
1882 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(MO.getReg(), TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1883 // FIXME: Can we break out of this loop early if no insertion occurs?
1884 DeadRegs.insert(*RAI);
1885 } else if (MO.isRegMask()) {
1886 RegMasks.push_back(MO.getRegMask());
1887 RegMaskPtrs.push_back(&MO);
1888 }
1889 }
1891 // Tell MLocTracker about all definitions, of regmasks and otherwise.
1892 for (uint32_t DeadReg : DeadRegs)
1893 MTracker->defReg(DeadReg, CurBB, CurInst);
1895 for (const auto *MO : RegMaskPtrs)
1896 MTracker->writeRegMask(MO, CurBB, CurInst);
1898 // If this instruction writes to a spill slot, def that slot.
1899 if (hasFoldedStackStore(MI)) {
1900 if (std::optional<SpillLocationNo> SpillNo =
1901 extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI)) {
1902 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < MTracker->NumSlotIdxes; ++I) {
1903 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(*SpillNo, I);
1904 LocIdx L = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
1905 MTracker->setMLoc(L, ValueIDNum(CurBB, CurInst, L));
1906 }
1907 }
1908 }
1910 if (!TTracker)
1911 return;
1913 // When committing variable values to locations: tell transfer tracker that
1914 // we've clobbered things. It may be able to recover the variable from a
1915 // different location.
1917 // Inform TTracker about any direct clobbers.
1918 for (uint32_t DeadReg : DeadRegs) {
1919 LocIdx Loc = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(DeadReg);
1920 TTracker->clobberMloc(Loc, MI.getIterator(), false);
1921 }
1923 // Look for any clobbers performed by a register mask. Only test locations
1924 // that are actually being tracked.
1925 if (!RegMaskPtrs.empty()) {
1926 for (auto L : MTracker->locations()) {
1927 // Stack locations can't be clobbered by regmasks.
1928 if (MTracker->isSpill(L.Idx))
1929 continue;
1931 Register Reg = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L.Idx];
1932 if (IgnoreSPAlias(Reg))
1933 continue;
1935 for (const auto *MO : RegMaskPtrs)
1936 if (MO->clobbersPhysReg(Reg))
1937 TTracker->clobberMloc(L.Idx, MI.getIterator(), false);
1938 }
1939 }
1941 // Tell TTracker about any folded stack store.
1942 if (hasFoldedStackStore(MI)) {
1943 if (std::optional<SpillLocationNo> SpillNo =
1944 extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI)) {
1945 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < MTracker->NumSlotIdxes; ++I) {
1946 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(*SpillNo, I);
1947 LocIdx L = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
1948 TTracker->clobberMloc(L, MI.getIterator(), true);
1949 }
1950 }
1951 }
1954void InstrRefBasedLDV::performCopy(Register SrcRegNum, Register DstRegNum) {
1955 // In all circumstances, re-def all aliases. It's definitely a new value now.
1956 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(DstRegNum, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
1957 MTracker->defReg(*RAI, CurBB, CurInst);
1959 ValueIDNum SrcValue = MTracker->readReg(SrcRegNum);
1960 MTracker->setReg(DstRegNum, SrcValue);
1962 // Copy subregisters from one location to another.
1963 for (MCSubRegIndexIterator SRI(SrcRegNum, TRI); SRI.isValid(); ++SRI) {
1964 unsigned SrcSubReg = SRI.getSubReg();
1965 unsigned SubRegIdx = SRI.getSubRegIndex();
1966 unsigned DstSubReg = TRI->getSubReg(DstRegNum, SubRegIdx);
1967 if (!DstSubReg)
1968 continue;
1970 // Do copy. There are two matching subregisters, the source value should
1971 // have been def'd when the super-reg was, the latter might not be tracked
1972 // yet.
1973 // This will force SrcSubReg to be tracked, if it isn't yet. Will read
1974 // mphi values if it wasn't tracked.
1975 LocIdx SrcL = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(SrcSubReg);
1976 LocIdx DstL = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(DstSubReg);
1977 (void)SrcL;
1978 (void)DstL;
1979 ValueIDNum CpyValue = MTracker->readReg(SrcSubReg);
1981 MTracker->setReg(DstSubReg, CpyValue);
1982 }
1986InstrRefBasedLDV::isSpillInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
1987 MachineFunction *MF) {
1988 // TODO: Handle multiple stores folded into one.
1989 if (!MI.hasOneMemOperand())
1990 return std::nullopt;
1992 // Reject any memory operand that's aliased -- we can't guarantee its value.
1993 auto MMOI = MI.memoperands_begin();
1994 const PseudoSourceValue *PVal = (*MMOI)->getPseudoValue();
1995 if (PVal->isAliased(MFI))
1996 return std::nullopt;
1998 if (!MI.getSpillSize(TII) && !MI.getFoldedSpillSize(TII))
1999 return std::nullopt; // This is not a spill instruction, since no valid size
2000 // was returned from either function.
2002 return extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
2005bool InstrRefBasedLDV::isLocationSpill(const MachineInstr &MI,
2006 MachineFunction *MF, unsigned &Reg) {
2007 if (!isSpillInstruction(MI, MF))
2008 return false;
2010 int FI;
2011 Reg = TII->isStoreToStackSlotPostFE(MI, FI);
2012 return Reg != 0;
2016InstrRefBasedLDV::isRestoreInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
2017 MachineFunction *MF, unsigned &Reg) {
2018 if (!MI.hasOneMemOperand())
2019 return std::nullopt;
2021 // FIXME: Handle folded restore instructions with more than one memory
2022 // operand.
2023 if (MI.getRestoreSize(TII)) {
2024 Reg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
2025 return extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
2026 }
2027 return std::nullopt;
2030bool InstrRefBasedLDV::transferSpillOrRestoreInst(MachineInstr &MI) {
2031 // XXX -- it's too difficult to implement VarLocBasedImpl's stack location
2032 // limitations under the new model. Therefore, when comparing them, compare
2033 // versions that don't attempt spills or restores at all.
2034 if (EmulateOldLDV)
2035 return false;
2037 // Strictly limit ourselves to plain loads and stores, not all instructions
2038 // that can access the stack.
2039 int DummyFI = -1;
2040 if (!TII->isStoreToStackSlotPostFE(MI, DummyFI) &&
2041 !TII->isLoadFromStackSlotPostFE(MI, DummyFI))
2042 return false;
2044 MachineFunction *MF = MI.getMF();
2045 unsigned Reg;
2047 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Examining instruction: "; MI.dump(););
2049 // Strictly limit ourselves to plain loads and stores, not all instructions
2050 // that can access the stack.
2051 int FIDummy;
2052 if (!TII->isStoreToStackSlotPostFE(MI, FIDummy) &&
2053 !TII->isLoadFromStackSlotPostFE(MI, FIDummy))
2054 return false;
2056 // First, if there are any DBG_VALUEs pointing at a spill slot that is
2057 // written to, terminate that variable location. The value in memory
2058 // will have changed. DbgEntityHistoryCalculator doesn't try to detect this.
2059 if (std::optional<SpillLocationNo> Loc = isSpillInstruction(MI, MF)) {
2060 // Un-set this location and clobber, so that earlier locations don't
2061 // continue past this store.
2062 for (unsigned SlotIdx = 0; SlotIdx < MTracker->NumSlotIdxes; ++SlotIdx) {
2063 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(*Loc, SlotIdx);
2064 std::optional<LocIdx> MLoc = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
2065 if (!MLoc)
2066 continue;
2068 // We need to over-write the stack slot with something (here, a def at
2069 // this instruction) to ensure no values are preserved in this stack slot
2070 // after the spill. It also prevents TTracker from trying to recover the
2071 // location and re-installing it in the same place.
2072 ValueIDNum Def(CurBB, CurInst, *MLoc);
2073 MTracker->setMLoc(*MLoc, Def);
2074 if (TTracker)
2075 TTracker->clobberMloc(*MLoc, MI.getIterator());
2076 }
2077 }
2079 // Try to recognise spill and restore instructions that may transfer a value.
2080 if (isLocationSpill(MI, MF, Reg)) {
2081 // isLocationSpill returning true should guarantee we can extract a
2082 // location.
2083 SpillLocationNo Loc = *extractSpillBaseRegAndOffset(MI);
2085 auto DoTransfer = [&](Register SrcReg, unsigned SpillID) {
2086 auto ReadValue = MTracker->readReg(SrcReg);
2087 LocIdx DstLoc = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
2088 MTracker->setMLoc(DstLoc, ReadValue);
2090 if (TTracker) {
2091 LocIdx SrcLoc = MTracker->getRegMLoc(SrcReg);
2092 TTracker->transferMlocs(SrcLoc, DstLoc, MI.getIterator());
2093 }
2094 };
2096 // Then, transfer subreg bits.
2097 for (MCPhysReg SR : TRI->subregs(Reg)) {
2098 // Ensure this reg is tracked,
2099 (void)MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(SR);
2100 unsigned SubregIdx = TRI->getSubRegIndex(Reg, SR);
2101 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getLocID(Loc, SubregIdx);
2102 DoTransfer(SR, SpillID);
2103 }
2105 // Directly lookup size of main source reg, and transfer.
2106 unsigned Size = TRI->getRegSizeInBits(Reg, *MRI);
2107 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getLocID(Loc, {Size, 0});
2108 DoTransfer(Reg, SpillID);
2109 } else {
2110 std::optional<SpillLocationNo> Loc = isRestoreInstruction(MI, MF, Reg);
2111 if (!Loc)
2112 return false;
2114 // Assumption: we're reading from the base of the stack slot, not some
2115 // offset into it. It seems very unlikely LLVM would ever generate
2116 // restores where this wasn't true. This then becomes a question of what
2117 // subregisters in the destination register line up with positions in the
2118 // stack slot.
2120 // Def all registers that alias the destination.
2121 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(Reg, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI)
2122 MTracker->defReg(*RAI, CurBB, CurInst);
2124 // Now find subregisters within the destination register, and load values
2125 // from stack slot positions.
2126 auto DoTransfer = [&](Register DestReg, unsigned SpillID) {
2127 LocIdx SrcIdx = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
2128 auto ReadValue = MTracker->readMLoc(SrcIdx);
2129 MTracker->setReg(DestReg, ReadValue);
2130 };
2132 for (MCPhysReg SR : TRI->subregs(Reg)) {
2133 unsigned Subreg = TRI->getSubRegIndex(Reg, SR);
2134 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getLocID(*Loc, Subreg);
2135 DoTransfer(SR, SpillID);
2136 }
2138 // Directly look up this registers slot idx by size, and transfer.
2139 unsigned Size = TRI->getRegSizeInBits(Reg, *MRI);
2140 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getLocID(*Loc, {Size, 0});
2141 DoTransfer(Reg, SpillID);
2142 }
2143 return true;
2146bool InstrRefBasedLDV::transferRegisterCopy(MachineInstr &MI) {
2147 auto DestSrc = TII->isCopyLikeInstr(MI);
2148 if (!DestSrc)
2149 return false;
2151 const MachineOperand *DestRegOp = DestSrc->Destination;
2152 const MachineOperand *SrcRegOp = DestSrc->Source;
2154 Register SrcReg = SrcRegOp->getReg();
2155 Register DestReg = DestRegOp->getReg();
2157 // Ignore identity copies. Yep, these make it as far as LiveDebugValues.
2158 if (SrcReg == DestReg)
2159 return true;
2161 // For emulating VarLocBasedImpl:
2162 // We want to recognize instructions where destination register is callee
2163 // saved register. If register that could be clobbered by the call is
2164 // included, there would be a great chance that it is going to be clobbered
2165 // soon. It is more likely that previous register, which is callee saved, is
2166 // going to stay unclobbered longer, even if it is killed.
2167 //
2168 // For InstrRefBasedImpl, we can track multiple locations per value, so
2169 // ignore this condition.
2170 if (EmulateOldLDV && !isCalleeSavedReg(DestReg))
2171 return false;
2173 // InstrRefBasedImpl only followed killing copies.
2174 if (EmulateOldLDV && !SrcRegOp->isKill())
2175 return false;
2177 // Before we update MTracker, remember which values were present in each of
2178 // the locations about to be overwritten, so that we can recover any
2179 // potentially clobbered variables.
2180 DenseMap<LocIdx, ValueIDNum> ClobberedLocs;
2181 if (TTracker) {
2182 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(DestReg, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI) {
2183 LocIdx ClobberedLoc = MTracker->getRegMLoc(*RAI);
2184 auto MLocIt = TTracker->ActiveMLocs.find(ClobberedLoc);
2185 // If ActiveMLocs isn't tracking this location or there are no variables
2186 // using it, don't bother remembering.
2187 if (MLocIt == TTracker->ActiveMLocs.end() || MLocIt->second.empty())
2188 continue;
2189 ValueIDNum Value = MTracker->readReg(*RAI);
2190 ClobberedLocs[ClobberedLoc] = Value;
2191 }
2192 }
2194 // Copy MTracker info, including subregs if available.
2195 InstrRefBasedLDV::performCopy(SrcReg, DestReg);
2197 // The copy might have clobbered variables based on the destination register.
2198 // Tell TTracker about it, passing the old ValueIDNum to search for
2199 // alternative locations (or else terminating those variables).
2200 if (TTracker) {
2201 for (auto LocVal : ClobberedLocs) {
2202 TTracker->clobberMloc(LocVal.first, LocVal.second, MI.getIterator(), false);
2203 }
2204 }
2206 // Only produce a transfer of DBG_VALUE within a block where old LDV
2207 // would have. We might make use of the additional value tracking in some
2208 // other way, later.
2209 if (TTracker && isCalleeSavedReg(DestReg) && SrcRegOp->isKill())
2210 TTracker->transferMlocs(MTracker->getRegMLoc(SrcReg),
2211 MTracker->getRegMLoc(DestReg), MI.getIterator());
2213 // VarLocBasedImpl would quit tracking the old location after copying.
2214 if (EmulateOldLDV && SrcReg != DestReg)
2215 MTracker->defReg(SrcReg, CurBB, CurInst);
2217 return true;
2220/// Accumulate a mapping between each DILocalVariable fragment and other
2221/// fragments of that DILocalVariable which overlap. This reduces work during
2222/// the data-flow stage from "Find any overlapping fragments" to "Check if the
2223/// known-to-overlap fragments are present".
2224/// \param MI A previously unprocessed debug instruction to analyze for
2225/// fragment usage.
2226void InstrRefBasedLDV::accumulateFragmentMap(MachineInstr &MI) {
2227 assert(MI.isDebugValueLike());
2228 DebugVariable MIVar(MI.getDebugVariable(), MI.getDebugExpression(),
2229 MI.getDebugLoc()->getInlinedAt());
2230 FragmentInfo ThisFragment = MIVar.getFragmentOrDefault();
2232 // If this is the first sighting of this variable, then we are guaranteed
2233 // there are currently no overlapping fragments either. Initialize the set
2234 // of seen fragments, record no overlaps for the current one, and return.
2235 auto SeenIt = SeenFragments.find(MIVar.getVariable());
2236 if (SeenIt == SeenFragments.end()) {
2237 SmallSet<FragmentInfo, 4> OneFragment;
2238 OneFragment.insert(ThisFragment);
2239 SeenFragments.insert({MIVar.getVariable(), OneFragment});
2241 OverlapFragments.insert({{MIVar.getVariable(), ThisFragment}, {}});
2242 return;
2243 }
2245 // If this particular Variable/Fragment pair already exists in the overlap
2246 // map, it has already been accounted for.
2247 auto IsInOLapMap =
2248 OverlapFragments.insert({{MIVar.getVariable(), ThisFragment}, {}});
2249 if (!IsInOLapMap.second)
2250 return;
2252 auto &ThisFragmentsOverlaps = IsInOLapMap.first->second;
2253 auto &AllSeenFragments = SeenIt->second;
2255 // Otherwise, examine all other seen fragments for this variable, with "this"
2256 // fragment being a previously unseen fragment. Record any pair of
2257 // overlapping fragments.
2258 for (const auto &ASeenFragment : AllSeenFragments) {
2259 // Does this previously seen fragment overlap?
2260 if (DIExpression::fragmentsOverlap(ThisFragment, ASeenFragment)) {
2261 // Yes: Mark the current fragment as being overlapped.
2262 ThisFragmentsOverlaps.push_back(ASeenFragment);
2263 // Mark the previously seen fragment as being overlapped by the current
2264 // one.
2265 auto ASeenFragmentsOverlaps =
2266 OverlapFragments.find({MIVar.getVariable(), ASeenFragment});
2267 assert(ASeenFragmentsOverlaps != OverlapFragments.end() &&
2268 "Previously seen var fragment has no vector of overlaps");
2269 ASeenFragmentsOverlaps->second.push_back(ThisFragment);
2270 }
2271 }
2273 AllSeenFragments.insert(ThisFragment);
2276void InstrRefBasedLDV::process(MachineInstr &MI,
2277 const FuncValueTable *MLiveOuts,
2278 const FuncValueTable *MLiveIns) {
2279 // Try to interpret an MI as a debug or transfer instruction. Only if it's
2280 // none of these should we interpret it's register defs as new value
2281 // definitions.
2282 if (transferDebugValue(MI))
2283 return;
2284 if (transferDebugInstrRef(MI, MLiveOuts, MLiveIns))
2285 return;
2286 if (transferDebugPHI(MI))
2287 return;
2288 if (transferRegisterCopy(MI))
2289 return;
2290 if (transferSpillOrRestoreInst(MI))
2291 return;
2292 transferRegisterDef(MI);
2295void InstrRefBasedLDV::produceMLocTransferFunction(
2297 unsigned MaxNumBlocks) {
2298 // Because we try to optimize around register mask operands by ignoring regs
2299 // that aren't currently tracked, we set up something ugly for later: RegMask
2300 // operands that are seen earlier than the first use of a register, still need
2301 // to clobber that register in the transfer function. But this information
2302 // isn't actively recorded. Instead, we track each RegMask used in each block,
2303 // and accumulated the clobbered but untracked registers in each block into
2304 // the following bitvector. Later, if new values are tracked, we can add
2305 // appropriate clobbers.
2306 SmallVector<BitVector, 32> BlockMasks;
2307 BlockMasks.resize(MaxNumBlocks);
2309 // Reserve one bit per register for the masks described above.
2310 unsigned BVWords = MachineOperand::getRegMaskSize(TRI->getNumRegs());
2311 for (auto &BV : BlockMasks)
2312 BV.resize(TRI->getNumRegs(), true);
2314 // Step through all instructions and inhale the transfer function.
2315 for (auto &MBB : MF) {
2316 // Object fields that are read by trackers to know where we are in the
2317 // function.
2318 CurBB = MBB.getNumber();
2319 CurInst = 1;
2321 // Set all machine locations to a PHI value. For transfer function
2322 // production only, this signifies the live-in value to the block.
2323 MTracker->reset();
2324 MTracker->setMPhis(CurBB);
2326 // Step through each instruction in this block.
2327 for (auto &MI : MBB) {
2328 // Pass in an empty unique_ptr for the value tables when accumulating the
2329 // machine transfer function.
2330 process(MI, nullptr, nullptr);
2332 // Also accumulate fragment map.
2333 if (MI.isDebugValueLike())
2334 accumulateFragmentMap(MI);
2336 // Create a map from the instruction number (if present) to the
2337 // MachineInstr and its position.
2338 if (uint64_t InstrNo = MI.peekDebugInstrNum()) {
2339 auto InstrAndPos = std::make_pair(&MI, CurInst);
2340 auto InsertResult =
2341 DebugInstrNumToInstr.insert(std::make_pair(InstrNo, InstrAndPos));
2343 // There should never be duplicate instruction numbers.
2344 assert(InsertResult.second);
2345 (void)InsertResult;
2346 }
2348 ++CurInst;
2349 }
2351 // Produce the transfer function, a map of machine location to new value. If
2352 // any machine location has the live-in phi value from the start of the
2353 // block, it's live-through and doesn't need recording in the transfer
2354 // function.
2355 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
2356 LocIdx Idx = Location.Idx;
2357 ValueIDNum &P = Location.Value;
2358 if (P.isPHI() && P.getLoc() == Idx.asU64())
2359 continue;
2361 // Insert-or-update.
2362 auto &TransferMap = MLocTransfer[CurBB];
2363 auto Result = TransferMap.insert(std::make_pair(Idx.asU64(), P));
2364 if (!Result.second)
2365 Result.first->second = P;
2366 }
2368 // Accumulate any bitmask operands into the clobbered reg mask for this
2369 // block.
2370 for (auto &P : MTracker->Masks) {
2371 BlockMasks[CurBB].clearBitsNotInMask(P.first->getRegMask(), BVWords);
2372 }
2373 }
2375 // Compute a bitvector of all the registers that are tracked in this block.
2376 BitVector UsedRegs(TRI->getNumRegs());
2377 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
2378 unsigned ID = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[Location.Idx];
2379 // Ignore stack slots, and aliases of the stack pointer.
2380 if (ID >= TRI->getNumRegs() || MTracker->SPAliases.count(ID))
2381 continue;
2382 UsedRegs.set(ID);
2383 }
2385 // Check that any regmask-clobber of a register that gets tracked, is not
2386 // live-through in the transfer function. It needs to be clobbered at the
2387 // very least.
2388 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < MaxNumBlocks; ++I) {
2389 BitVector &BV = BlockMasks[I];
2390 BV.flip();
2391 BV &= UsedRegs;
2392 // This produces all the bits that we clobber, but also use. Check that
2393 // they're all clobbered or at least set in the designated transfer
2394 // elem.
2395 for (unsigned Bit : BV.set_bits()) {
2396 unsigned ID = MTracker->getLocID(Bit);
2397 LocIdx Idx = MTracker->LocIDToLocIdx[ID];
2398 auto &TransferMap = MLocTransfer[I];
2400 // Install a value representing the fact that this location is effectively
2401 // written to in this block. As there's no reserved value, instead use
2402 // a value number that is never generated. Pick the value number for the
2403 // first instruction in the block, def'ing this location, which we know
2404 // this block never used anyway.
2405 ValueIDNum NotGeneratedNum = ValueIDNum(I, 1, Idx);
2406 auto Result =
2407 TransferMap.insert(std::make_pair(Idx.asU64(), NotGeneratedNum));
2408 if (!Result.second) {
2409 ValueIDNum &ValueID = Result.first->second;
2410 if (ValueID.getBlock() == I && ValueID.isPHI())
2411 // It was left as live-through. Set it to clobbered.
2412 ValueID = NotGeneratedNum;
2413 }
2414 }
2415 }
2418bool InstrRefBasedLDV::mlocJoin(
2420 FuncValueTable &OutLocs, ValueTable &InLocs) {
2421 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "join MBB: " << MBB.getNumber() << "\n");
2422 bool Changed = false;
2424 // Handle value-propagation when control flow merges on entry to a block. For
2425 // any location without a PHI already placed, the location has the same value
2426 // as its predecessors. If a PHI is placed, test to see whether it's now a
2427 // redundant PHI that we can eliminate.
2430 for (auto *Pred : MBB.predecessors())
2431 BlockOrders.push_back(Pred);
2433 // Visit predecessors in RPOT order.
2434 auto Cmp = [&](const MachineBasicBlock *A, const MachineBasicBlock *B) {
2435 return BBToOrder.find(A)->second < BBToOrder.find(B)->second;
2436 };
2437 llvm::sort(BlockOrders, Cmp);
2439 // Skip entry block.
2440 if (BlockOrders.size() == 0) {
2441 // FIXME: We don't use assert here to prevent instr-ref-unreachable.mir
2442 // failing.
2444 << "Found not reachable block " << MBB.getFullName()
2445 << " from entry which may lead out of "
2446 "bound access to VarLocs\n");
2447 return false;
2448 }
2450 // Step through all machine locations, look at each predecessor and test
2451 // whether we can eliminate redundant PHIs.
2452 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
2453 LocIdx Idx = Location.Idx;
2455 // Pick out the first predecessors live-out value for this location. It's
2456 // guaranteed to not be a backedge, as we order by RPO.
2457 ValueIDNum FirstVal = OutLocs[*BlockOrders[0]][Idx.asU64()];
2459 // If we've already eliminated a PHI here, do no further checking, just
2460 // propagate the first live-in value into this block.
2461 if (InLocs[Idx.asU64()] != ValueIDNum(MBB.getNumber(), 0, Idx)) {
2462 if (InLocs[Idx.asU64()] != FirstVal) {
2463 InLocs[Idx.asU64()] = FirstVal;
2464 Changed |= true;
2465 }
2466 continue;
2467 }
2469 // We're now examining a PHI to see whether it's un-necessary. Loop around
2470 // the other live-in values and test whether they're all the same.
2471 bool Disagree = false;
2472 for (unsigned int I = 1; I < BlockOrders.size(); ++I) {
2473 const MachineBasicBlock *PredMBB = BlockOrders[I];
2474 const ValueIDNum &PredLiveOut = OutLocs[*PredMBB][Idx.asU64()];
2476 // Incoming values agree, continue trying to eliminate this PHI.
2477 if (FirstVal == PredLiveOut)
2478 continue;
2480 // We can also accept a PHI value that feeds back into itself.
2481 if (PredLiveOut == ValueIDNum(MBB.getNumber(), 0, Idx))
2482 continue;
2484 // Live-out of a predecessor disagrees with the first predecessor.
2485 Disagree = true;
2486 }
2488 // No disagreement? No PHI. Otherwise, leave the PHI in live-ins.
2489 if (!Disagree) {
2490 InLocs[Idx.asU64()] = FirstVal;
2491 Changed |= true;
2492 }
2493 }
2495 // TODO: Reimplement NumInserted and NumRemoved.
2496 return Changed;
2499void InstrRefBasedLDV::findStackIndexInterference(
2501 // We could spend a bit of time finding the exact, minimal, set of stack
2502 // indexes that interfere with each other, much like reg units. Or, we can
2503 // rely on the fact that:
2504 // * The smallest / lowest index will interfere with everything at zero
2505 // offset, which will be the largest set of registers,
2506 // * Most indexes with non-zero offset will end up being interference units
2507 // anyway.
2508 // So just pick those out and return them.
2510 // We can rely on a single-byte stack index existing already, because we
2511 // initialize them in MLocTracker.
2512 auto It = MTracker->StackSlotIdxes.find({8, 0});
2513 assert(It != MTracker->StackSlotIdxes.end());
2514 Slots.push_back(It->second);
2516 // Find anything that has a non-zero offset and add that too.
2517 for (auto &Pair : MTracker->StackSlotIdxes) {
2518 // Is offset zero? If so, ignore.
2519 if (!Pair.first.second)
2520 continue;
2521 Slots.push_back(Pair.second);
2522 }
2525void InstrRefBasedLDV::placeMLocPHIs(
2527 FuncValueTable &MInLocs, SmallVectorImpl<MLocTransferMap> &MLocTransfer) {
2528 SmallVector<unsigned, 4> StackUnits;
2529 findStackIndexInterference(StackUnits);
2531 // To avoid repeatedly running the PHI placement algorithm, leverage the
2532 // fact that a def of register MUST also def its register units. Find the
2533 // units for registers, place PHIs for them, and then replicate them for
2534 // aliasing registers. Some inputs that are never def'd (DBG_PHIs of
2535 // arguments) don't lead to register units being tracked, just place PHIs for
2536 // those registers directly. Stack slots have their own form of "unit",
2537 // store them to one side.
2538 SmallSet<Register, 32> RegUnitsToPHIUp;
2539 SmallSet<LocIdx, 32> NormalLocsToPHI;
2541 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
2542 LocIdx L = Location.Idx;
2543 if (MTracker->isSpill(L)) {
2544 StackSlots.insert(MTracker->locIDToSpill(MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L]));
2545 continue;
2546 }
2548 Register R = MTracker->LocIdxToLocID[L];
2549 SmallSet<Register, 8> FoundRegUnits;
2550 bool AnyIllegal = false;
2551 for (MCRegUnit Unit : TRI->regunits(R.asMCReg())) {
2552 for (MCRegUnitRootIterator URoot(Unit, TRI); URoot.isValid(); ++URoot) {
2553 if (!MTracker->isRegisterTracked(*URoot)) {
2554 // Not all roots were loaded into the tracking map: this register
2555 // isn't actually def'd anywhere, we only read from it. Generate PHIs
2556 // for this reg, but don't iterate units.
2557 AnyIllegal = true;
2558 } else {
2559 FoundRegUnits.insert(*URoot);
2560 }
2561 }
2562 }
2564 if (AnyIllegal) {
2565 NormalLocsToPHI.insert(L);
2566 continue;
2567 }
2569 RegUnitsToPHIUp.insert(FoundRegUnits.begin(), FoundRegUnits.end());
2570 }
2572 // Lambda to fetch PHIs for a given location, and write into the PHIBlocks
2573 // collection.
2575 auto CollectPHIsForLoc = [&](LocIdx L) {
2576 // Collect the set of defs.
2578 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < OrderToBB.size(); ++I) {
2579 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = OrderToBB[I];
2580 const auto &TransferFunc = MLocTransfer[MBB->getNumber()];
2581 if (TransferFunc.contains(L))
2582 DefBlocks.insert(MBB);
2583 }
2585 // The entry block defs the location too: it's the live-in / argument value.
2586 // Only insert if there are other defs though; everything is trivially live
2587 // through otherwise.
2588 if (!DefBlocks.empty())
2589 DefBlocks.insert(&*MF.begin());
2591 // Ask the SSA construction algorithm where we should put PHIs. Clear
2592 // anything that might have been hanging around from earlier.
2593 PHIBlocks.clear();
2594 BlockPHIPlacement(AllBlocks, DefBlocks, PHIBlocks);
2595 };
2597 auto InstallPHIsAtLoc = [&PHIBlocks, &MInLocs](LocIdx L) {
2598 for (const MachineBasicBlock *MBB : PHIBlocks)
2599 MInLocs[*MBB][L.asU64()] = ValueIDNum(MBB->getNumber(), 0, L);
2600 };
2602 // For locations with no reg units, just place PHIs.
2603 for (LocIdx L : NormalLocsToPHI) {
2604 CollectPHIsForLoc(L);
2605 // Install those PHI values into the live-in value array.
2606 InstallPHIsAtLoc(L);
2607 }
2609 // For stack slots, calculate PHIs for the equivalent of the units, then
2610 // install for each index.
2611 for (SpillLocationNo Slot : StackSlots) {
2612 for (unsigned Idx : StackUnits) {
2613 unsigned SpillID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(Slot, Idx);
2614 LocIdx L = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(SpillID);
2615 CollectPHIsForLoc(L);
2616 InstallPHIsAtLoc(L);
2618 // Find anything that aliases this stack index, install PHIs for it too.
2619 unsigned Size, Offset;
2620 std::tie(Size, Offset) = MTracker->StackIdxesToPos[Idx];
2621 for (auto &Pair : MTracker->StackSlotIdxes) {
2622 unsigned ThisSize, ThisOffset;
2623 std::tie(ThisSize, ThisOffset) = Pair.first;
2624 if (ThisSize + ThisOffset <= Offset || Size + Offset <= ThisOffset)
2625 continue;
2627 unsigned ThisID = MTracker->getSpillIDWithIdx(Slot, Pair.second);
2628 LocIdx ThisL = MTracker->getSpillMLoc(ThisID);
2629 InstallPHIsAtLoc(ThisL);
2630 }
2631 }
2632 }
2634 // For reg units, place PHIs, and then place them for any aliasing registers.
2635 for (Register R : RegUnitsToPHIUp) {
2636 LocIdx L = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(R);
2637 CollectPHIsForLoc(L);
2639 // Install those PHI values into the live-in value array.
2640 InstallPHIsAtLoc(L);
2642 // Now find aliases and install PHIs for those.
2643 for (MCRegAliasIterator RAI(R, TRI, true); RAI.isValid(); ++RAI) {
2644 // Super-registers that are "above" the largest register read/written by
2645 // the function will alias, but will not be tracked.
2646 if (!MTracker->isRegisterTracked(*RAI))
2647 continue;
2649 LocIdx AliasLoc = MTracker->lookupOrTrackRegister(*RAI);
2650 InstallPHIsAtLoc(AliasLoc);
2651 }
2652 }
2655void InstrRefBasedLDV::buildMLocValueMap(
2656 MachineFunction &MF, FuncValueTable &MInLocs, FuncValueTable &MOutLocs,
2657 SmallVectorImpl<MLocTransferMap> &MLocTransfer) {
2658 std::priority_queue<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>,
2659 std::greater<unsigned int>>
2660 Worklist, Pending;
2662 // We track what is on the current and pending worklist to avoid inserting
2663 // the same thing twice. We could avoid this with a custom priority queue,
2664 // but this is probably not worth it.
2665 SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock *, 16> OnPending, OnWorklist;
2667 // Initialize worklist with every block to be visited. Also produce list of
2668 // all blocks.
2670 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < BBToOrder.size(); ++I) {
2671 Worklist.push(I);
2672 OnWorklist.insert(OrderToBB[I]);
2673 AllBlocks.insert(OrderToBB[I]);
2674 }
2676 // Initialize entry block to PHIs. These represent arguments.
2677 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations())
2678 MInLocs.tableForEntryMBB()[Location.Idx.asU64()] =
2679 ValueIDNum(0, 0, Location.Idx);
2681 MTracker->reset();
2683 // Start by placing PHIs, using the usual SSA constructor algorithm. Consider
2684 // any machine-location that isn't live-through a block to be def'd in that
2685 // block.
2686 placeMLocPHIs(MF, AllBlocks, MInLocs, MLocTransfer);
2688 // Propagate values to eliminate redundant PHIs. At the same time, this
2689 // produces the table of Block x Location => Value for the entry to each
2690 // block.
2691 // The kind of PHIs we can eliminate are, for example, where one path in a
2692 // conditional spills and restores a register, and the register still has
2693 // the same value once control flow joins, unbeknowns to the PHI placement
2694 // code. Propagating values allows us to identify such un-necessary PHIs and
2695 // remove them.
2697 while (!Worklist.empty() || !Pending.empty()) {
2698 // Vector for storing the evaluated block transfer function.
2701 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
2702 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = OrderToBB[Worklist.top()];
2703 CurBB = MBB->getNumber();
2704 Worklist.pop();
2706 // Join the values in all predecessor blocks.
2707 bool InLocsChanged;
2708 InLocsChanged = mlocJoin(*MBB, Visited, MOutLocs, MInLocs[*MBB]);
2709 InLocsChanged |= Visited.insert(MBB).second;
2711 // Don't examine transfer function if we've visited this loc at least
2712 // once, and inlocs haven't changed.
2713 if (!InLocsChanged)
2714 continue;
2716 // Load the current set of live-ins into MLocTracker.
2717 MTracker->loadFromArray(MInLocs[*MBB], CurBB);
2719 // Each element of the transfer function can be a new def, or a read of
2720 // a live-in value. Evaluate each element, and store to "ToRemap".
2721 ToRemap.clear();
2722 for (auto &P : MLocTransfer[CurBB]) {
2723 if (P.second.getBlock() == CurBB && P.second.isPHI()) {
2724 // This is a movement of whatever was live in. Read it.
2725 ValueIDNum NewID = MTracker->readMLoc(P.second.getLoc());
2726 ToRemap.push_back(std::make_pair(P.first, NewID));
2727 } else {
2728 // It's a def. Just set it.
2729 assert(P.second.getBlock() == CurBB);
2730 ToRemap.push_back(std::make_pair(P.first, P.second));
2731 }
2732 }
2734 // Commit the transfer function changes into mloc tracker, which
2735 // transforms the contents of the MLocTracker into the live-outs.
2736 for (auto &P : ToRemap)
2737 MTracker->setMLoc(P.first, P.second);
2739 // Now copy out-locs from mloc tracker into out-loc vector, checking
2740 // whether changes have occurred. These changes can have come from both
2741 // the transfer function, and mlocJoin.
2742 bool OLChanged = false;
2743 for (auto Location : MTracker->locations()) {
2744 OLChanged |= MOutLocs[*MBB][Location.Idx.asU64()] != Location.Value;
2745 MOutLocs[*MBB][Location.Idx.asU64()] = Location.Value;
2746 }
2748 MTracker->reset();
2750 // No need to examine successors again if out-locs didn't change.
2751 if (!OLChanged)
2752 continue;
2754 // All successors should be visited: put any back-edges on the pending
2755 // list for the next pass-through, and any other successors to be
2756 // visited this pass, if they're not going to be already.
2757 for (auto *s : MBB->successors()) {
2758 // Does branching to this successor represent a back-edge?
2759 if (BBToOrder[s] > BBToOrder[MBB]) {
2760 // No: visit it during this dataflow iteration.
2761 if (OnWorklist.insert(s).second)
2762 Worklist.push(BBToOrder[s]);
2763 } else {
2764 // Yes: visit it on the next iteration.
2765 if (OnPending.insert(s).second)
2766 Pending.push(BBToOrder[s]);
2767 }
2768 }
2769 }
2771 Worklist.swap(Pending);
2772 std::swap(OnPending, OnWorklist);
2773 OnPending.clear();
2774 // At this point, pending must be empty, since it was just the empty
2775 // worklist
2776 assert(Pending.empty() && "Pending should be empty");
2777 }
2779 // Once all the live-ins don't change on mlocJoin(), we've eliminated all
2780 // redundant PHIs.
2783void InstrRefBasedLDV::BlockPHIPlacement(
2784 const SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &AllBlocks,
2785 const SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &DefBlocks,
2787 // Apply IDF calculator to the designated set of location defs, storing
2788 // required PHIs into PHIBlocks. Uses the dominator tree stored in the
2789 // InstrRefBasedLDV object.
2792 IDF.setLiveInBlocks(AllBlocks);
2793 IDF.setDefiningBlocks(DefBlocks);
2794 IDF.calculate(PHIBlocks);
2797bool InstrRefBasedLDV::pickVPHILoc(
2799 const LiveIdxT &LiveOuts, FuncValueTable &MOutLocs,
2800 const SmallVectorImpl<const MachineBasicBlock *> &BlockOrders) {
2802 // No predecessors means no PHIs.
2803 if (BlockOrders.empty())
2804 return false;
2806 // All the location operands that do not already agree need to be joined,
2807 // track the indices of each such location operand here.
2808 SmallDenseSet<unsigned> LocOpsToJoin;
2810 auto FirstValueIt = LiveOuts.find(BlockOrders[0]);
2811 if (FirstValueIt == LiveOuts.end())
2812 return false;
2813 const DbgValue &FirstValue = *FirstValueIt->second;
2815 for (const auto p : BlockOrders) {
2816 auto OutValIt = LiveOuts.find(p);
2817 if (OutValIt == LiveOuts.end())
2818 // If we have a predecessor not in scope, we'll never find a PHI position.
2819 return false;
2820 const DbgValue &OutVal = *OutValIt->second;
2822 // No-values cannot have locations we can join on.
2823 if (OutVal.Kind == DbgValue::NoVal)
2824 return false;
2826 // For unjoined VPHIs where we don't know the location, we definitely
2827 // can't find a join loc unless the VPHI is a backedge.
2828 if (OutVal.isUnjoinedPHI() && OutVal.BlockNo != MBB.getNumber())
2829 return false;
2831 if (!FirstValue.Properties.isJoinable(OutVal.Properties))
2832 return false;
2834 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < FirstValue.getLocationOpCount(); ++Idx) {
2835 // An unjoined PHI has no defined locations, and so a shared location must
2836 // be found for every operand.
2837 if (OutVal.isUnjoinedPHI()) {
2838 LocOpsToJoin.insert(Idx);
2839 continue;
2840 }
2841 DbgOpID FirstValOp = FirstValue.getDbgOpID(Idx);
2842 DbgOpID OutValOp = OutVal.getDbgOpID(Idx);
2843 if (FirstValOp != OutValOp) {
2844 // We can never join constant ops - the ops must either both be equal
2845 // constant ops or non-const ops.
2846 if (FirstValOp.isConst() || OutValOp.isConst())
2847 return false;
2848 else
2849 LocOpsToJoin.insert(Idx);
2850 }
2851 }
2852 }
2854 SmallVector<DbgOpID> NewDbgOps;
2856 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < FirstValue.getLocationOpCount(); ++Idx) {
2857 // If this op doesn't need to be joined because the values agree, use that
2858 // already-agreed value.
2859 if (!LocOpsToJoin.contains(Idx)) {
2860 NewDbgOps.push_back(FirstValue.getDbgOpID(Idx));
2861 continue;
2862 }
2864 std::optional<ValueIDNum> JoinedOpLoc =
2865 pickOperandPHILoc(Idx, MBB, LiveOuts, MOutLocs, BlockOrders);
2867 if (!JoinedOpLoc)
2868 return false;
2870 NewDbgOps.push_back(DbgOpStore.insert(*JoinedOpLoc));
2871 }
2873 OutValues.append(NewDbgOps);
2874 return true;
2877std::optional<ValueIDNum> InstrRefBasedLDV::pickOperandPHILoc(
2878 unsigned DbgOpIdx, const MachineBasicBlock &MBB, const LiveIdxT &LiveOuts,
2879 FuncValueTable &MOutLocs,
2880 const SmallVectorImpl<const MachineBasicBlock *> &BlockOrders) {
2882 // Collect a set of locations from predecessor where its live-out value can
2883 // be found.
2885 unsigned NumLocs = MTracker->getNumLocs();
2887 for (const auto p : BlockOrders) {
2888 auto OutValIt = LiveOuts.find(p);
2889 assert(OutValIt != LiveOuts.end());
2890 const DbgValue &OutVal = *OutValIt->second;
2891 DbgOpID OutValOpID = OutVal.getDbgOpID(DbgOpIdx);
2892 DbgOp OutValOp = DbgOpStore.find(OutValOpID);
2893 assert(!OutValOp.IsConst);
2895 // Create new empty vector of locations.
2896 Locs.resize(Locs.size() + 1);
2898 // If the live-in value is a def, find the locations where that value is
2899 // present. Do the same for VPHIs where we know the VPHI value.
2900 if (OutVal.Kind == DbgValue::Def ||
2901 (OutVal.Kind == DbgValue::VPHI && OutVal.BlockNo != MBB.getNumber() &&
2902 !OutValOp.isUndef())) {
2903 ValueIDNum ValToLookFor = OutValOp.ID;
2904 // Search the live-outs of the predecessor for the specified value.
2905 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < NumLocs; ++I) {
2906 if (MOutLocs[*p][I] == ValToLookFor)
2907 Locs.back().push_back(LocIdx(I));
2908 }
2909 } else {
2910 assert(OutVal.Kind == DbgValue::VPHI);
2911 // Otherwise: this is a VPHI on a backedge feeding back into itself, i.e.
2912 // a value that's live-through the whole loop. (It has to be a backedge,
2913 // because a block can't dominate itself). We can accept as a PHI location
2914 // any location where the other predecessors agree, _and_ the machine
2915 // locations feed back into themselves. Therefore, add all self-looping
2916 // machine-value PHI locations.
2917 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < NumLocs; ++I) {
2918 ValueIDNum MPHI(MBB.getNumber(), 0, LocIdx(I));
2919 if (MOutLocs[*p][I] == MPHI)
2920 Locs.back().push_back(LocIdx(I));
2921 }
2922 }
2923 }
2924 // We should have found locations for all predecessors, or returned.
2925 assert(Locs.size() == BlockOrders.size());
2927 // Starting with the first set of locations, take the intersection with
2928 // subsequent sets.
2929 SmallVector<LocIdx, 4> CandidateLocs = Locs[0];
2930 for (unsigned int I = 1; I < Locs.size(); ++I) {
2931 auto &LocVec = Locs[I];
2932 SmallVector<LocIdx, 4> NewCandidates;
2933 std::set_intersection(CandidateLocs.begin(), CandidateLocs.end(),
2934 LocVec.begin(), LocVec.end(), std::inserter(NewCandidates, NewCandidates.begin()));
2935 CandidateLocs = NewCandidates;
2936 }
2937 if (CandidateLocs.empty())
2938 return std::nullopt;
2940 // We now have a set of LocIdxes that contain the right output value in
2941 // each of the predecessors. Pick the lowest; if there's a register loc,
2942 // that'll be it.
2943 LocIdx L = *CandidateLocs.begin();
2945 // Return a PHI-value-number for the found location.
2946 ValueIDNum PHIVal = {(unsigned)MBB.getNumber(), 0, L};
2947 return PHIVal;
2950bool InstrRefBasedLDV::vlocJoin(
2951 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, LiveIdxT &VLOCOutLocs,
2953 DbgValue &LiveIn) {
2954 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "join MBB: " << MBB.getNumber() << "\n");
2955 bool Changed = false;
2957 // Order predecessors by RPOT order, for exploring them in that order.
2960 auto Cmp = [&](MachineBasicBlock *A, MachineBasicBlock *B) {
2961 return BBToOrder[A] < BBToOrder[B];
2962 };
2964 llvm::sort(BlockOrders, Cmp);
2966 unsigned CurBlockRPONum = BBToOrder[&MBB];
2968 // Collect all the incoming DbgValues for this variable, from predecessor
2969 // live-out values.
2971 bool Bail = false;
2972 int BackEdgesStart = 0;
2973 for (auto *p : BlockOrders) {
2974 // If the predecessor isn't in scope / to be explored, we'll never be
2975 // able to join any locations.
2976 if (!BlocksToExplore.contains(p)) {
2977 Bail = true;
2978 break;
2979 }
2981 // All Live-outs will have been initialized.
2982 DbgValue &OutLoc = *VLOCOutLocs.find(p)->second;
2984 // Keep track of where back-edges begin in the Values vector. Relies on
2985 // BlockOrders being sorted by RPO.
2986 unsigned ThisBBRPONum = BBToOrder[p];
2987 if (ThisBBRPONum < CurBlockRPONum)
2988 ++BackEdgesStart;
2990 Values.push_back(std::make_pair(p, &OutLoc));
2991 }
2993 // If there were no values, or one of the predecessors couldn't have a
2994 // value, then give up immediately. It's not safe to produce a live-in
2995 // value. Leave as whatever it was before.
2996 if (Bail || Values.size() == 0)
2997 return false;
2999 // All (non-entry) blocks have at least one non-backedge predecessor.
3000 // Pick the variable value from the first of these, to compare against
3001 // all others.
3002 const DbgValue &FirstVal = *Values[0].second;
3004 // If the old live-in value is not a PHI then either a) no PHI is needed
3005 // here, or b) we eliminated the PHI that was here. If so, we can just
3006 // propagate in the first parent's incoming value.
3007 if (LiveIn.Kind != DbgValue::VPHI || LiveIn.BlockNo != MBB.getNumber()) {
3008 Changed = LiveIn != FirstVal;
3009 if (Changed)
3010 LiveIn = FirstVal;
3011 return Changed;
3012 }
3014 // Scan for variable values that can never be resolved: if they have
3015 // different DIExpressions, different indirectness, or are mixed constants /
3016 // non-constants.
3017 for (const auto &V : Values) {
3018 if (!V.second->Properties.isJoinable(FirstVal.Properties))
3019 return false;
3020 if (V.second->Kind == DbgValue::NoVal)
3021 return false;
3022 if (!V.second->hasJoinableLocOps(FirstVal))
3023 return false;
3024 }
3026 // Try to eliminate this PHI. Do the incoming values all agree?
3027 bool Disagree = false;
3028 for (auto &V : Values) {
3029 if (*V.second == FirstVal)
3030 continue; // No disagreement.
3032 // If both values are not equal but have equal non-empty IDs then they refer
3033 // to the same value from different sources (e.g. one is VPHI and the other
3034 // is Def), which does not cause disagreement.
3035 if (V.second->hasIdenticalValidLocOps(FirstVal))
3036 continue;
3038 // Eliminate if a backedge feeds a VPHI back into itself.
3039 if (V.second->Kind == DbgValue::VPHI &&
3040 V.second->BlockNo == MBB.getNumber() &&
3041 // Is this a backedge?
3042 std::distance(Values.begin(), &V) >= BackEdgesStart)
3043 continue;
3045 Disagree = true;
3046 }
3048 // No disagreement -> live-through value.
3049 if (!Disagree) {
3050 Changed = LiveIn != FirstVal;
3051 if (Changed)
3052 LiveIn = FirstVal;
3053 return Changed;
3054 } else {
3055 // Otherwise use a VPHI.
3056 DbgValue VPHI(MBB.getNumber(), FirstVal.Properties, DbgValue::VPHI);
3057 Changed = LiveIn != VPHI;
3058 if (Changed)
3059 LiveIn = VPHI;
3060 return Changed;
3061 }
3064void InstrRefBasedLDV::getBlocksForScope(
3065 const DILocation *DILoc,
3067 const SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &AssignBlocks) {
3068 // Get the set of "normal" in-lexical-scope blocks.
3069 LS.getMachineBasicBlocks(DILoc, BlocksToExplore);
3071 // VarLoc LiveDebugValues tracks variable locations that are defined in
3072 // blocks not in scope. This is something we could legitimately ignore, but
3073 // lets allow it for now for the sake of coverage.
3074 BlocksToExplore.insert(AssignBlocks.begin(), AssignBlocks.end());
3076 // Storage for artificial blocks we intend to add to BlocksToExplore.
3079 // To avoid needlessly dropping large volumes of variable locations, propagate
3080 // variables through aritifical blocks, i.e. those that don't have any
3081 // instructions in scope at all. To accurately replicate VarLoc
3082 // LiveDebugValues, this means exploring all artificial successors too.
3083 // Perform a depth-first-search to enumerate those blocks.
3084 for (const auto *MBB : BlocksToExplore) {
3085 // Depth-first-search state: each node is a block and which successor
3086 // we're currently exploring.
3087 SmallVector<std::pair<const MachineBasicBlock *,
3089 8>
3090 DFS;
3092 // Find any artificial successors not already tracked.
3093 for (auto *succ : MBB->successors()) {
3094 if (BlocksToExplore.count(succ))
3095 continue;
3096 if (!ArtificialBlocks.count(succ))
3097 continue;
3098 ToAdd.insert(succ);
3099 DFS.push_back({succ, succ->succ_begin()});
3100 }
3102 // Search all those blocks, depth first.
3103 while (!DFS.empty()) {
3104 const MachineBasicBlock *CurBB = DFS.back().first;
3105 MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator &CurSucc = DFS.back().second;
3106 // Walk back if we've explored this blocks successors to the end.
3107 if (CurSucc == CurBB->succ_end()) {
3108 DFS.pop_back();
3109 continue;
3110 }
3112 // If the current successor is artificial and unexplored, descend into
3113 // it.
3114 if (!ToAdd.count(*CurSucc) && ArtificialBlocks.count(*CurSucc)) {
3115 ToAdd.insert(*CurSucc);
3116 DFS.push_back({*CurSucc, (*CurSucc)->succ_begin()});
3117 continue;
3118 }
3120 ++CurSucc;
3121 }
3122 };
3124 BlocksToExplore.insert(ToAdd.begin(), ToAdd.end());
3127void InstrRefBasedLDV::buildVLocValueMap(
3128 const DILocation *DILoc,
3129 const SmallSet<DebugVariableID, 4> &VarsWeCareAbout,
3130 SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &AssignBlocks, LiveInsT &Output,
3131 FuncValueTable &MOutLocs, FuncValueTable &MInLocs,
3132 SmallVectorImpl<VLocTracker> &AllTheVLocs) {
3133 // This method is much like buildMLocValueMap: but focuses on a single
3134 // LexicalScope at a time. Pick out a set of blocks and variables that are
3135 // to have their value assignments solved, then run our dataflow algorithm
3136 // until a fixedpoint is reached.
3137 std::priority_queue<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>,
3138 std::greater<unsigned int>>
3139 Worklist, Pending;
3140 SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock *, 16> OnWorklist, OnPending;
3142 // The set of blocks we'll be examining.
3145 // The order in which to examine them (RPO).
3147 SmallVector<unsigned, 32> BlockOrderNums;
3149 getBlocksForScope(DILoc, BlocksToExplore, AssignBlocks);
3151 // Single block scope: not interesting! No propagation at all. Note that
3152 // this could probably go above ArtificialBlocks without damage, but
3153 // that then produces output differences from original-live-debug-values,
3154 // which propagates from a single block into many artificial ones.
3155 if (BlocksToExplore.size() == 1)
3156 return;
3158 // Convert a const set to a non-const set. LexicalScopes
3159 // getMachineBasicBlocks returns const MBB pointers, IDF wants mutable ones.
3160 // (Neither of them mutate anything).
3161 SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock *, 8> MutBlocksToExplore;
3162 for (const auto *MBB : BlocksToExplore)
3163 MutBlocksToExplore.insert(const_cast<MachineBasicBlock *>(MBB));
3165 // Picks out relevants blocks RPO order and sort them. Sort their
3166 // order-numbers and map back to MBB pointers later, to avoid repeated
3167 // DenseMap queries during comparisons.
3168 for (const auto *MBB : BlocksToExplore)
3169 BlockOrderNums.push_back(BBToOrder[MBB]);
3171 llvm::sort(BlockOrderNums);
3172 for (unsigned int I : BlockOrderNums)
3173 BlockOrders.push_back(OrderToBB[I]);
3174 BlockOrderNums.clear();
3175 unsigned NumBlocks = BlockOrders.size();
3177 // Allocate some vectors for storing the live ins and live outs. Large.
3178 SmallVector<DbgValue, 32> LiveIns, LiveOuts;
3179 LiveIns.reserve(NumBlocks);
3180 LiveOuts.reserve(NumBlocks);
3182 // Initialize all values to start as NoVals. This signifies "it's live
3183 // through, but we don't know what it is".
3184 DbgValueProperties EmptyProperties(EmptyExpr, false, false);
3185 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < NumBlocks; ++I) {
3186 DbgValue EmptyDbgValue(I, EmptyProperties, DbgValue::NoVal);
3187 LiveIns.push_back(EmptyDbgValue);
3188 LiveOuts.push_back(EmptyDbgValue);
3189 }
3191 // Produce by-MBB indexes of live-in/live-outs, to ease lookup within
3192 // vlocJoin.
3193 LiveIdxT LiveOutIdx, LiveInIdx;
3194 LiveOutIdx.reserve(NumBlocks);
3195 LiveInIdx.reserve(NumBlocks);
3196 for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumBlocks; ++I) {
3197 LiveOutIdx[BlockOrders[I]] = &LiveOuts[I];
3198 LiveInIdx[BlockOrders[I]] = &LiveIns[I];
3199 }
3201 // Loop over each variable and place PHIs for it, then propagate values
3202 // between blocks. This keeps the locality of working on one lexical scope at
3203 // at time, but avoids re-processing variable values because some other
3204 // variable has been assigned.
3205 for (DebugVariableID VarID : VarsWeCareAbout) {
3206 // Re-initialize live-ins and live-outs, to clear the remains of previous
3207 // variables live-ins / live-outs.
3208 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < NumBlocks; ++I) {
3209 DbgValue EmptyDbgValue(I, EmptyProperties, DbgValue::NoVal);
3210 LiveIns[I] = EmptyDbgValue;
3211 LiveOuts[I] = EmptyDbgValue;
3212 }
3214 // Place PHIs for variable values, using the LLVM IDF calculator.
3215 // Collect the set of blocks where variables are def'd.
3217 for (const MachineBasicBlock *ExpMBB : BlocksToExplore) {
3218 auto &TransferFunc = AllTheVLocs[ExpMBB->getNumber()].Vars;
3219 if (TransferFunc.contains(VarID))
3220 DefBlocks.insert(const_cast<MachineBasicBlock *>(ExpMBB));
3221 }
3225 // Request the set of PHIs we should insert for this variable. If there's
3226 // only one value definition, things are very simple.
3227 if (DefBlocks.size() == 1) {
3228 placePHIsForSingleVarDefinition(MutBlocksToExplore, *DefBlocks.begin(),
3229 AllTheVLocs, VarID, Output);
3230 continue;
3231 }
3233 // Otherwise: we need to place PHIs through SSA and propagate values.
3234 BlockPHIPlacement(MutBlocksToExplore, DefBlocks, PHIBlocks);
3236 // Insert PHIs into the per-block live-in tables for this variable.
3237 for (MachineBasicBlock *PHIMBB : PHIBlocks) {
3238 unsigned BlockNo = PHIMBB->getNumber();
3239 DbgValue *LiveIn = LiveInIdx[PHIMBB];
3240 *LiveIn = DbgValue(BlockNo, EmptyProperties, DbgValue::VPHI);
3241 }
3243 for (auto *MBB : BlockOrders) {
3244 Worklist.push(BBToOrder[MBB]);
3245 OnWorklist.insert(MBB);
3246 }
3248 // Iterate over all the blocks we selected, propagating the variables value.
3249 // This loop does two things:
3250 // * Eliminates un-necessary VPHIs in vlocJoin,
3251 // * Evaluates the blocks transfer function (i.e. variable assignments) and
3252 // stores the result to the blocks live-outs.
3253 // Always evaluate the transfer function on the first iteration, and when
3254 // the live-ins change thereafter.
3255 bool FirstTrip = true;
3256 while (!Worklist.empty() || !Pending.empty()) {
3257 while (!Worklist.empty()) {
3258 auto *MBB = OrderToBB[Worklist.top()];
3259 CurBB = MBB->getNumber();
3260 Worklist.pop();
3262 auto LiveInsIt = LiveInIdx.find(MBB);
3263 assert(LiveInsIt != LiveInIdx.end());
3264 DbgValue *LiveIn = LiveInsIt->second;
3266 // Join values from predecessors. Updates LiveInIdx, and writes output
3267 // into JoinedInLocs.
3268 bool InLocsChanged =
3269 vlocJoin(*MBB, LiveOutIdx, BlocksToExplore, *LiveIn);
3272 for (const auto *Pred : MBB->predecessors())
3273 Preds.push_back(Pred);
3275 // If this block's live-in value is a VPHI, try to pick a machine-value
3276 // for it. This makes the machine-value available and propagated
3277 // through all blocks by the time value propagation finishes. We can't
3278 // do this any earlier as it needs to read the block live-outs.
3279 if (LiveIn->Kind == DbgValue::VPHI && LiveIn->BlockNo == (int)CurBB) {
3280 // There's a small possibility that on a preceeding path, a VPHI is
3281 // eliminated and transitions from VPHI-with-location to
3282 // live-through-value. As a result, the selected location of any VPHI
3283 // might change, so we need to re-compute it on each iteration.
3284 SmallVector<DbgOpID> JoinedOps;
3286 if (pickVPHILoc(JoinedOps, *MBB, LiveOutIdx, MOutLocs, Preds)) {
3287 bool NewLocPicked = !equal(LiveIn->getDbgOpIDs(), JoinedOps);
3288 InLocsChanged |= NewLocPicked;
3289 if (NewLocPicked)
3290 LiveIn->setDbgOpIDs(JoinedOps);
3291 }
3292 }
3294 if (!InLocsChanged && !FirstTrip)
3295 continue;
3297 DbgValue *LiveOut = LiveOutIdx[MBB];
3298 bool OLChanged = false;
3300 // Do transfer function.
3301 auto &VTracker = AllTheVLocs[MBB->getNumber()];
3302 auto TransferIt = VTracker.Vars.find(VarID);
3303 if (TransferIt != VTracker.Vars.end()) {
3304 // Erase on empty transfer (DBG_VALUE $noreg).
3305 if (TransferIt->second.Kind == DbgValue::Undef) {
3306 DbgValue NewVal(MBB->getNumber(), EmptyProperties, DbgValue::NoVal);
3307 if (*LiveOut != NewVal) {
3308 *LiveOut = NewVal;
3309 OLChanged = true;
3310 }
3311 } else {
3312 // Insert new variable value; or overwrite.
3313 if (*LiveOut != TransferIt->second) {
3314 *LiveOut = TransferIt->second;
3315 OLChanged = true;
3316 }
3317 }
3318 } else {
3319 // Just copy live-ins to live-outs, for anything not transferred.
3320 if (*LiveOut != *LiveIn) {
3321 *LiveOut = *LiveIn;
3322 OLChanged = true;
3323 }
3324 }
3326 // If no live-out value changed, there's no need to explore further.
3327 if (!OLChanged)
3328 continue;
3330 // We should visit all successors. Ensure we'll visit any non-backedge
3331 // successors during this dataflow iteration; book backedge successors
3332 // to be visited next time around.
3333 for (auto *s : MBB->successors()) {
3334 // Ignore out of scope / not-to-be-explored successors.
3335 if (!LiveInIdx.contains(s))
3336 continue;
3338 if (BBToOrder[s] > BBToOrder[MBB]) {
3339 if (OnWorklist.insert(s).second)
3340 Worklist.push(BBToOrder[s]);
3341 } else if (OnPending.insert(s).second && (FirstTrip || OLChanged)) {
3342 Pending.push(BBToOrder[s]);
3343 }
3344 }
3345 }
3346 Worklist.swap(Pending);
3347 std::swap(OnWorklist, OnPending);
3348 OnPending.clear();
3349 assert(Pending.empty());
3350 FirstTrip = false;
3351 }
3353 // Save live-ins to output vector. Ignore any that are still marked as being
3354 // VPHIs with no location -- those are variables that we know the value of,
3355 // but are not actually available in the register file.
3356 for (auto *MBB : BlockOrders) {
3357 DbgValue *BlockLiveIn = LiveInIdx[MBB];
3358 if (BlockLiveIn->Kind == DbgValue::NoVal)
3359 continue;
3360 if (BlockLiveIn->isUnjoinedPHI())
3361 continue;
3362 if (BlockLiveIn->Kind == DbgValue::VPHI)
3363 BlockLiveIn->Kind = DbgValue::Def;
3364 [[maybe_unused]] auto &[Var, DILoc] = DVMap.lookupDVID(VarID);
3365 assert(BlockLiveIn->Properties.DIExpr->getFragmentInfo() ==
3366 Var.getFragment() &&
3367 "Fragment info missing during value prop");
3368 Output[MBB->getNumber()].push_back(std::make_pair(VarID, *BlockLiveIn));
3369 }
3370 } // Per-variable loop.
3372 BlockOrders.clear();
3373 BlocksToExplore.clear();
3376void InstrRefBasedLDV::placePHIsForSingleVarDefinition(
3377 const SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &InScopeBlocks,
3378 MachineBasicBlock *AssignMBB, SmallVectorImpl<VLocTracker> &AllTheVLocs,
3379 DebugVariableID VarID, LiveInsT &Output) {
3380 // If there is a single definition of the variable, then working out it's
3381 // value everywhere is very simple: it's every block dominated by the
3382 // definition. At the dominance frontier, the usual algorithm would:
3383 // * Place PHIs,
3384 // * Propagate values into them,
3385 // * Find there's no incoming variable value from the other incoming branches
3386 // of the dominance frontier,
3387 // * Specify there's no variable value in blocks past the frontier.
3388 // This is a common case, hence it's worth special-casing it.
3390 // Pick out the variables value from the block transfer function.
3391 VLocTracker &VLocs = AllTheVLocs[AssignMBB->getNumber()];
3392 auto ValueIt = VLocs.Vars.find(VarID);
3393 const DbgValue &Value = ValueIt->second;
3395 // If it's an explicit assignment of "undef", that means there is no location
3396 // anyway, anywhere.
3397 if (Value.Kind == DbgValue::Undef)
3398 return;
3400 // Assign the variable value to entry to each dominated block that's in scope.
3401 // Skip the definition block -- it's assigned the variable value in the middle
3402 // of the block somewhere.
3403 for (auto *ScopeBlock : InScopeBlocks) {
3404 if (!DomTree->properlyDominates(AssignMBB, ScopeBlock))
3405 continue;
3407 Output[ScopeBlock->getNumber()].push_back({VarID, Value});
3408 }
3410 // All blocks that aren't dominated have no live-in value, thus no variable
3411 // value will be given to them.
3414#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
3416 const MLocTransferMap &mloc_transfer) const {
3417 for (const auto &P : mloc_transfer) {
3418 std::string foo = MTracker->LocIdxToName(P.first);
3419 std::string bar = MTracker->IDAsString(P.second);
3420 dbgs() << "Loc " << foo << " --> " << bar << "\n";
3421 }
3425void InstrRefBasedLDV::initialSetup(MachineFunction &MF) {
3426 // Build some useful data structures.
3428 LLVMContext &Context = MF.getFunction().getContext();
3429 EmptyExpr = DIExpression::get(Context, {});
3431 auto hasNonArtificialLocation = [](const MachineInstr &MI) -> bool {
3432 if (const DebugLoc &DL = MI.getDebugLoc())
3433 return DL.getLine() != 0;
3434 return false;
3435 };
3437 // Collect a set of all the artificial blocks. Collect the size too, ilist
3438 // size calls are O(n).
3439 unsigned int Size = 0;
3440 for (auto &MBB : MF) {
3441 ++Size;
3442 if (none_of(MBB.instrs(), hasNonArtificialLocation))
3443 ArtificialBlocks.insert(&MBB);
3444 }
3446 // Compute mappings of block <=> RPO order.
3448 unsigned int RPONumber = 0;
3449 OrderToBB.reserve(Size);
3450 BBToOrder.reserve(Size);
3451 BBNumToRPO.reserve(Size);
3452 auto processMBB = [&](MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
3453 OrderToBB.push_back(MBB);
3454 BBToOrder[MBB] = RPONumber;
3455 BBNumToRPO[MBB->getNumber()] = RPONumber;
3456 ++RPONumber;
3457 };
3458 for (MachineBasicBlock *MBB : RPOT)
3459 processMBB(MBB);
3460 for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF)
3461 if (!BBToOrder.contains(&MBB))
3462 processMBB(&MBB);
3464 // Order value substitutions by their "source" operand pair, for quick lookup.
3465 llvm::sort(MF.DebugValueSubstitutions);
3468 // As an expensive check, test whether there are any duplicate substitution
3469 // sources in the collection.
3470 if (MF.DebugValueSubstitutions.size() > 2) {
3471 for (auto It = MF.DebugValueSubstitutions.begin();
3472 It != std::prev(MF.DebugValueSubstitutions.end()); ++It) {
3473 assert(It->Src != std::next(It)->Src && "Duplicate variable location "
3474 "substitution seen");
3475 }
3476 }
3480// Produce an "ejection map" for blocks, i.e., what's the highest-numbered
3481// lexical scope it's used in. When exploring in DFS order and we pass that
3482// scope, the block can be processed and any tracking information freed.
3483void InstrRefBasedLDV::makeDepthFirstEjectionMap(
3484 SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &EjectionMap,
3485 const ScopeToDILocT &ScopeToDILocation,
3486 ScopeToAssignBlocksT &ScopeToAssignBlocks) {
3489 auto *TopScope = LS.getCurrentFunctionScope();
3491 // Unlike lexical scope explorers, we explore in reverse order, to find the
3492 // "last" lexical scope used for each block early.
3493 WorkStack.push_back({TopScope, TopScope->getChildren().size() - 1});
3495 while (!WorkStack.empty()) {
3496 auto &ScopePosition = WorkStack.back();
3497 LexicalScope *WS = ScopePosition.first;
3498 ssize_t ChildNum = ScopePosition.second--;
3501 if (ChildNum >= 0) {
3502 // If ChildNum is positive, there are remaining children to explore.
3503 // Push the child and its children-count onto the stack.
3504 auto &ChildScope = Children[ChildNum];
3505 WorkStack.push_back(
3506 std::make_pair(ChildScope, ChildScope->getChildren().size() - 1));
3507 } else {
3508 WorkStack.pop_back();
3510 // We've explored all children and any later blocks: examine all blocks
3511 // in our scope. If they haven't yet had an ejection number set, then
3512 // this scope will be the last to use that block.
3513 auto DILocationIt = ScopeToDILocation.find(WS);
3514 if (DILocationIt != ScopeToDILocation.end()) {
3515 getBlocksForScope(DILocationIt->second, BlocksToExplore,
3516 ScopeToAssignBlocks.find(WS)->second);
3517 for (const auto *MBB : BlocksToExplore) {
3518 unsigned BBNum = MBB->getNumber();
3519 if (EjectionMap[BBNum] == 0)
3520 EjectionMap[BBNum] = WS->getDFSOut();
3521 }
3523 BlocksToExplore.clear();
3524 }
3525 }
3526 }
3529bool InstrRefBasedLDV::depthFirstVLocAndEmit(
3530 unsigned MaxNumBlocks, const ScopeToDILocT &ScopeToDILocation,
3531 const ScopeToVarsT &ScopeToVars, ScopeToAssignBlocksT &ScopeToAssignBlocks,
3532 LiveInsT &Output, FuncValueTable &MOutLocs, FuncValueTable &MInLocs,
3534 const TargetPassConfig &TPC) {
3535 TTracker =
3536 new TransferTracker(TII, MTracker, MF, DVMap, *TRI, CalleeSavedRegs, TPC);
3537 unsigned NumLocs = MTracker->getNumLocs();
3538 VTracker = nullptr;
3540 // No scopes? No variable locations.
3541 if (!LS.getCurrentFunctionScope())
3542 return false;
3544 // Build map from block number to the last scope that uses the block.
3545 SmallVector<unsigned, 16> EjectionMap;
3546 EjectionMap.resize(MaxNumBlocks, 0);
3547 makeDepthFirstEjectionMap(EjectionMap, ScopeToDILocation,
3548 ScopeToAssignBlocks);
3550 // Helper lambda for ejecting a block -- if nothing is going to use the block,
3551 // we can translate the variable location information into DBG_VALUEs and then
3552 // free all of InstrRefBasedLDV's data structures.
3553 auto EjectBlock = [&](MachineBasicBlock &MBB) -> void {
3554 unsigned BBNum = MBB.getNumber();
3555 AllTheVLocs[BBNum].clear();
3557 // Prime the transfer-tracker, and then step through all the block
3558 // instructions, installing transfers.
3559 MTracker->reset();
3560 MTracker->loadFromArray(MInLocs[MBB], BBNum);
3561 TTracker->loadInlocs(MBB, MInLocs[MBB], DbgOpStore, Output[BBNum], NumLocs);
3563 CurBB = BBNum;
3564 CurInst = 1;
3565 for (auto &MI : MBB) {
3566 process(MI, &MOutLocs, &MInLocs);
3567 TTracker->checkInstForNewValues(CurInst, MI.getIterator());
3568 ++CurInst;
3569 }
3571 // Free machine-location tables for this block.
3572 MInLocs.ejectTableForBlock(MBB);
3573 MOutLocs.ejectTableForBlock(MBB);
3574 // We don't need live-in variable values for this block either.
3575 Output[BBNum].clear();
3576 AllTheVLocs[BBNum].clear();
3577 };
3581 WorkStack.push_back({LS.getCurrentFunctionScope(), 0});
3582 unsigned HighestDFSIn = 0;
3584 // Proceed to explore in depth first order.
3585 while (!WorkStack.empty()) {
3586 auto &ScopePosition = WorkStack.back();
3587 LexicalScope *WS = ScopePosition.first;
3588 ssize_t ChildNum = ScopePosition.second++;
3590 // We obesrve scopes with children twice here, once descending in, once
3591 // ascending out of the scope nest. Use HighestDFSIn as a ratchet to ensure
3592 // we don't process a scope twice. Additionally, ignore scopes that don't
3593 // have a DILocation -- by proxy, this means we never tracked any variable
3594 // assignments in that scope.
3595 auto DILocIt = ScopeToDILocation.find(WS);
3596 if (HighestDFSIn <= WS->getDFSIn() && DILocIt != ScopeToDILocation.end()) {
3597 const DILocation *DILoc = DILocIt->second;
3598 auto &VarsWeCareAbout = ScopeToVars.find(WS)->second;
3599 auto &BlocksInScope = ScopeToAssignBlocks.find(WS)->second;
3601 buildVLocValueMap(DILoc, VarsWeCareAbout, BlocksInScope, Output, MOutLocs,
3602 MInLocs, AllTheVLocs);
3603 }
3605 HighestDFSIn = std::max(HighestDFSIn, WS->getDFSIn());
3607 // Descend into any scope nests.
3609 if (ChildNum < (ssize_t)Children.size()) {
3610 // There are children to explore -- push onto stack and continue.
3611 auto &ChildScope = Children[ChildNum];
3612 WorkStack.push_back(std::make_pair(ChildScope, 0));
3613 } else {
3614 WorkStack.pop_back();
3616 // We've explored a leaf, or have explored all the children of a scope.
3617 // Try to eject any blocks where this is the last scope it's relevant to.
3618 auto DILocationIt = ScopeToDILocation.find(WS);
3619 if (DILocationIt == ScopeToDILocation.end())
3620 continue;
3622 getBlocksForScope(DILocationIt->second, BlocksToExplore,
3623 ScopeToAssignBlocks.find(WS)->second);
3624 for (const auto *MBB : BlocksToExplore)
3625 if (WS->getDFSOut() == EjectionMap[MBB->getNumber()])
3626 EjectBlock(const_cast<MachineBasicBlock &>(*MBB));
3628 BlocksToExplore.clear();
3629 }
3630 }
3632 // Some artificial blocks may not have been ejected, meaning they're not
3633 // connected to an actual legitimate scope. This can technically happen
3634 // with things like the entry block. In theory, we shouldn't need to do
3635 // anything for such out-of-scope blocks, but for the sake of being similar
3636 // to VarLocBasedLDV, eject these too.
3637 for (auto *MBB : ArtificialBlocks)
3638 if (MInLocs.hasTableFor(*MBB))
3639 EjectBlock(*MBB);
3641 return emitTransfers();
3644bool InstrRefBasedLDV::emitTransfers() {
3645 // Go through all the transfers recorded in the TransferTracker -- this is
3646 // both the live-ins to a block, and any movements of values that happen
3647 // in the middle.
3648 for (auto &P : TTracker->Transfers) {
3649 // We have to insert DBG_VALUEs in a consistent order, otherwise they
3650 // appear in DWARF in different orders. Use the order that they appear
3651 // when walking through each block / each instruction, stored in
3652 // DVMap.
3653 llvm::sort(P.Insts, llvm::less_first());
3655 // Insert either before or after the designated point...
3656 if (P.MBB) {
3657 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *P.MBB;
3658 for (const auto &Pair : P.Insts)
3659 MBB.insert(P.Pos, Pair.second);
3660 } else {
3661 // Terminators, like tail calls, can clobber things. Don't try and place
3662 // transfers after them.
3663 if (P.Pos->isTerminator())
3664 continue;
3666 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *P.Pos->getParent();
3667 for (const auto &Pair : P.Insts)
3668 MBB.insertAfterBundle(P.Pos, Pair.second);
3669 }
3670 }
3672 return TTracker->Transfers.size() != 0;
3675/// Calculate the liveness information for the given machine function and
3676/// extend ranges across basic blocks.
3677bool InstrRefBasedLDV::ExtendRanges(MachineFunction &MF,
3678 MachineDominatorTree *DomTree,
3679 TargetPassConfig *TPC,
3680 unsigned InputBBLimit,
3681 unsigned InputDbgValLimit) {
3682 // No subprogram means this function contains no debuginfo.
3683 if (!MF.getFunction().getSubprogram())
3684 return false;
3686 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nDebug Range Extension\n");
3687 this->TPC = TPC;
3689 this->DomTree = DomTree;
3690 TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
3691 MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
3692 TII = MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
3693 TFI = MF.getSubtarget().getFrameLowering();
3694 TFI->getCalleeSaves(MF, CalleeSavedRegs);
3695 MFI = &MF.getFrameInfo();
3696 LS.initialize(MF);
3698 const auto &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
3699 AdjustsStackInCalls = MFI->adjustsStack() &&
3700 STI.getFrameLowering()->stackProbeFunctionModifiesSP();
3701 if (AdjustsStackInCalls)
3702 StackProbeSymbolName = STI.getTargetLowering()->getStackProbeSymbolName(MF);
3704 MTracker =
3705 new MLocTracker(MF, *TII, *TRI, *MF.getSubtarget().getTargetLowering());
3706 VTracker = nullptr;
3707 TTracker = nullptr;
3711 LiveInsT SavedLiveIns;
3713 int MaxNumBlocks = -1;
3714 for (auto &MBB : MF)
3715 MaxNumBlocks = std::max(MBB.getNumber(), MaxNumBlocks);
3716 assert(MaxNumBlocks >= 0);
3717 ++MaxNumBlocks;
3719 initialSetup(MF);
3721 MLocTransfer.resize(MaxNumBlocks);
3722 vlocs.resize(MaxNumBlocks, VLocTracker(DVMap, OverlapFragments, EmptyExpr));
3723 SavedLiveIns.resize(MaxNumBlocks);
3725 produceMLocTransferFunction(MF, MLocTransfer, MaxNumBlocks);
3727 // Allocate and initialize two array-of-arrays for the live-in and live-out
3728 // machine values. The outer dimension is the block number; while the inner
3729 // dimension is a LocIdx from MLocTracker.
3730 unsigned NumLocs = MTracker->getNumLocs();
3731 FuncValueTable MOutLocs(MaxNumBlocks, NumLocs);
3732 FuncValueTable MInLocs(MaxNumBlocks, NumLocs);
3734 // Solve the machine value dataflow problem using the MLocTransfer function,
3735 // storing the computed live-ins / live-outs into the array-of-arrays. We use
3736 // both live-ins and live-outs for decision making in the variable value
3737 // dataflow problem.
3738 buildMLocValueMap(MF, MInLocs, MOutLocs, MLocTransfer);
3740 // Patch up debug phi numbers, turning unknown block-live-in values into
3741 // either live-through machine values, or PHIs.
3742 for (auto &DBG_PHI : DebugPHINumToValue) {
3743 // Identify unresolved block-live-ins.
3744 if (!DBG_PHI.ValueRead)
3745 continue;
3747 ValueIDNum &Num = *DBG_PHI.ValueRead;
3748 if (!Num.isPHI())
3749 continue;
3751 unsigned BlockNo = Num.getBlock();
3752 LocIdx LocNo = Num.getLoc();
3753 ValueIDNum ResolvedValue = MInLocs[BlockNo][LocNo.asU64()];
3754 // If there is no resolved value for this live-in then it is not directly
3755 // reachable from the entry block -- model it as a PHI on entry to this
3756 // block, which means we leave the ValueIDNum unchanged.
3757 if (ResolvedValue != ValueIDNum::EmptyValue)
3758 Num = ResolvedValue;
3759 }
3760 // Later, we'll be looking up ranges of instruction numbers.
3761 llvm::sort(DebugPHINumToValue);
3763 // Walk back through each block / instruction, collecting DBG_VALUE
3764 // instructions and recording what machine value their operands refer to.
3765 for (MachineBasicBlock *MBB : OrderToBB) {
3766 CurBB = MBB->getNumber();
3767 VTracker = &vlocs[CurBB];
3768 VTracker->MBB = MBB;
3769 MTracker->loadFromArray(MInLocs[*MBB], CurBB);
3770 CurInst = 1;
3771 for (auto &MI : *MBB) {
3772 process(MI, &MOutLocs, &MInLocs);
3773 ++CurInst;
3774 }
3775 MTracker->reset();
3776 }
3778 // Map from one LexicalScope to all the variables in that scope.
3779 ScopeToVarsT ScopeToVars;
3781 // Map from One lexical scope to all blocks where assignments happen for
3782 // that scope.
3783 ScopeToAssignBlocksT ScopeToAssignBlocks;
3785 // Store map of DILocations that describes scopes.
3786 ScopeToDILocT ScopeToDILocation;
3788 // To mirror old LiveDebugValues, enumerate variables in RPOT order. Otherwise
3789 // the order is unimportant, it just has to be stable.
3790 unsigned VarAssignCount = 0;
3791 for (unsigned int I = 0; I < OrderToBB.size(); ++I) {
3792 auto *MBB = OrderToBB[I];
3793 auto *VTracker = &vlocs[MBB->getNumber()];
3794 // Collect each variable with a DBG_VALUE in this block.
3795 for (auto &idx : VTracker->Vars) {
3796 DebugVariableID VarID = idx.first;
3797 const DILocation *ScopeLoc = VTracker->Scopes[VarID];
3798 assert(ScopeLoc != nullptr);
3799 auto *Scope = LS.findLexicalScope(ScopeLoc);
3801 // No insts in scope -> shouldn't have been recorded.
3802 assert(Scope != nullptr);
3804 ScopeToVars[Scope].insert(VarID);
3805 ScopeToAssignBlocks[Scope].insert(VTracker->MBB);
3806 ScopeToDILocation[Scope] = ScopeLoc;
3807 ++VarAssignCount;
3808 }
3809 }
3811 bool Changed = false;
3813 // If we have an extremely large number of variable assignments and blocks,
3814 // bail out at this point. We've burnt some time doing analysis already,
3815 // however we should cut our losses.
3816 if ((unsigned)MaxNumBlocks > InputBBLimit &&
3817 VarAssignCount > InputDbgValLimit) {
3818 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Disabling InstrRefBasedLDV: " << MF.getName()
3819 << " has " << MaxNumBlocks << " basic blocks and "
3820 << VarAssignCount
3821 << " variable assignments, exceeding limits.\n");
3822 } else {
3823 // Optionally, solve the variable value problem and emit to blocks by using
3824 // a lexical-scope-depth search. It should be functionally identical to
3825 // the "else" block of this condition.
3826 Changed = depthFirstVLocAndEmit(
3827 MaxNumBlocks, ScopeToDILocation, ScopeToVars, ScopeToAssignBlocks,
3828 SavedLiveIns, MOutLocs, MInLocs, vlocs, MF, *TPC);
3829 }
3831 delete MTracker;
3832 delete TTracker;
3833 MTracker = nullptr;
3834 VTracker = nullptr;
3835 TTracker = nullptr;
3837 ArtificialBlocks.clear();
3838 OrderToBB.clear();
3839 BBToOrder.clear();
3840 BBNumToRPO.clear();
3841 DebugInstrNumToInstr.clear();
3842 DebugPHINumToValue.clear();
3843 OverlapFragments.clear();
3844 SeenFragments.clear();
3845 SeenDbgPHIs.clear();
3846 DbgOpStore.clear();
3847 DVMap.clear();
3849 return Changed;
3853 return new InstrRefBasedLDV();
3856namespace {
3857class LDVSSABlock;
3858class LDVSSAUpdater;
3860// Pick a type to identify incoming block values as we construct SSA. We
3861// can't use anything more robust than an integer unfortunately, as SSAUpdater
3862// expects to zero-initialize the type.
3863typedef uint64_t BlockValueNum;
3865/// Represents an SSA PHI node for the SSA updater class. Contains the block
3866/// this PHI is in, the value number it would have, and the expected incoming
3867/// values from parent blocks.
3868class LDVSSAPhi {
3871 LDVSSABlock *ParentBlock;
3872 BlockValueNum PHIValNum;
3873 LDVSSAPhi(BlockValueNum PHIValNum, LDVSSABlock *ParentBlock)
3874 : ParentBlock(ParentBlock), PHIValNum(PHIValNum) {}
3876 LDVSSABlock *getParent() { return ParentBlock; }
3879/// Thin wrapper around a block predecessor iterator. Only difference from a
3880/// normal block iterator is that it dereferences to an LDVSSABlock.
3881class LDVSSABlockIterator {
3884 LDVSSAUpdater &Updater;
3886 LDVSSABlockIterator(MachineBasicBlock::pred_iterator PredIt,
3887 LDVSSAUpdater &Updater)
3888 : PredIt(PredIt), Updater(Updater) {}
3890 bool operator!=(const LDVSSABlockIterator &OtherIt) const {
3891 return OtherIt.PredIt != PredIt;
3892 }
3894 LDVSSABlockIterator &operator++() {
3895 ++PredIt;
3896 return *this;
3897 }
3899 LDVSSABlock *operator*();
3902/// Thin wrapper around a block for SSA Updater interface. Necessary because
3903/// we need to track the PHI value(s) that we may have observed as necessary
3904/// in this block.
3905class LDVSSABlock {
3908 LDVSSAUpdater &Updater;
3909 using PHIListT = SmallVector<LDVSSAPhi, 1>;
3910 /// List of PHIs in this block. There should only ever be one.
3911 PHIListT PHIList;
3913 LDVSSABlock(MachineBasicBlock &BB, LDVSSAUpdater &Updater)
3914 : BB(BB), Updater(Updater) {}
3916 LDVSSABlockIterator succ_begin() {
3917 return LDVSSABlockIterator(BB.succ_begin(), Updater);
3918 }
3920 LDVSSABlockIterator succ_end() {
3921 return LDVSSABlockIterator(BB.succ_end(), Updater);
3922 }
3924 /// SSAUpdater has requested a PHI: create that within this block record.
3925 LDVSSAPhi *newPHI(BlockValueNum Value) {
3926 PHIList.emplace_back(Value, this);
3927 return &PHIList.back();
3928 }
3930 /// SSAUpdater wishes to know what PHIs already exist in this block.
3931 PHIListT &phis() { return PHIList; }
3934/// Utility class for the SSAUpdater interface: tracks blocks, PHIs and values
3935/// while SSAUpdater is exploring the CFG. It's passed as a handle / baton to
3936// SSAUpdaterTraits<LDVSSAUpdater>.
3937class LDVSSAUpdater {
3939 /// Map of value numbers to PHI records.
3941 /// Map of which blocks generate Undef values -- blocks that are not
3942 /// dominated by any Def.
3944 /// Map of machine blocks to our own records of them.
3946 /// Machine location where any PHI must occur.
3947 LocIdx Loc;
3948 /// Table of live-in machine value numbers for blocks / locations.
3949 const FuncValueTable &MLiveIns;
3951 LDVSSAUpdater(LocIdx L, const FuncValueTable &MLiveIns)
3952 : Loc(L), MLiveIns(MLiveIns) {}
3954 void reset() {
3955 for (auto &Block : BlockMap)
3956 delete Block.second;
3958 PHIs.clear();
3959 PoisonMap.clear();
3960 BlockMap.clear();
3961 }
3963 ~LDVSSAUpdater() { reset(); }
3965 /// For a given MBB, create a wrapper block for it. Stores it in the
3966 /// LDVSSAUpdater block map.
3967 LDVSSABlock *getSSALDVBlock(MachineBasicBlock *BB) {
3968 auto it = BlockMap.find(BB);
3969 if (it == BlockMap.end()) {
3970 BlockMap[BB] = new LDVSSABlock(*BB, *this);
3971 it = BlockMap.find(BB);
3972 }
3973 return it->second;
3974 }
3976 /// Find the live-in value number for the given block. Looks up the value at
3977 /// the PHI location on entry.
3978 BlockValueNum getValue(LDVSSABlock *LDVBB) {
3979 return MLiveIns[LDVBB->BB][Loc.asU64()].asU64();
3980 }
3983LDVSSABlock *LDVSSABlockIterator::operator*() {
3984 return Updater.getSSALDVBlock(*PredIt);
3987#ifndef NDEBUG
3989raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &out, const LDVSSAPhi &PHI) {
3990 out << "SSALDVPHI " << PHI.PHIValNum;
3991 return out;
3996} // namespace
3998namespace llvm {
4000/// Template specialization to give SSAUpdater access to CFG and value
4001/// information. SSAUpdater calls methods in these traits, passing in the
4002/// LDVSSAUpdater object, to learn about blocks and the values they define.
4003/// It also provides methods to create PHI nodes and track them.
4004template <> class SSAUpdaterTraits<LDVSSAUpdater> {
4006 using BlkT = LDVSSABlock;
4007 using ValT = BlockValueNum;
4008 using PhiT = LDVSSAPhi;
4009 using BlkSucc_iterator = LDVSSABlockIterator;
4011 // Methods to access block successors -- dereferencing to our wrapper class.
4012 static BlkSucc_iterator BlkSucc_begin(BlkT *BB) { return BB->succ_begin(); }
4013 static BlkSucc_iterator BlkSucc_end(BlkT *BB) { return BB->succ_end(); }
4015 /// Iterator for PHI operands.
4016 class PHI_iterator {
4017 private:
4018 LDVSSAPhi *PHI;
4019 unsigned Idx;
4021 public:
4022 explicit PHI_iterator(LDVSSAPhi *P) // begin iterator
4023 : PHI(P), Idx(0) {}
4024 PHI_iterator(LDVSSAPhi *P, bool) // end iterator
4025 : PHI(P), Idx(PHI->IncomingValues.size()) {}
4027 PHI_iterator &operator++() {
4028 Idx++;
4029 return *this;
4030 }
4031 bool operator==(const PHI_iterator &X) const { return Idx == X.Idx; }
4032 bool operator!=(const PHI_iterator &X) const { return !operator==(X); }
4034 BlockValueNum getIncomingValue() { return PHI->IncomingValues[Idx].second; }
4036 LDVSSABlock *getIncomingBlock() { return PHI->IncomingValues[Idx].first; }
4037 };
4039 static inline PHI_iterator PHI_begin(PhiT *PHI) { return PHI_iterator(PHI); }
4041 static inline PHI_iterator PHI_end(PhiT *PHI) {
4042 return PHI_iterator(PHI, true);
4043 }
4045 /// FindPredecessorBlocks - Put the predecessors of BB into the Preds
4046 /// vector.
4047 static void FindPredecessorBlocks(LDVSSABlock *BB,
4049 for (MachineBasicBlock *Pred : BB->BB.predecessors())
4050 Preds->push_back(BB->Updater.getSSALDVBlock(Pred));
4051 }
4053 /// GetPoisonVal - Normally creates an IMPLICIT_DEF instruction with a new
4054 /// register. For LiveDebugValues, represents a block identified as not having
4055 /// any DBG_PHI predecessors.
4056 static BlockValueNum GetPoisonVal(LDVSSABlock *BB, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater) {
4057 // Create a value number for this block -- it needs to be unique and in the
4058 // "poison" collection, so that we know it's not real. Use a number
4059 // representing a PHI into this block.
4060 BlockValueNum Num = ValueIDNum(BB->BB.getNumber(), 0, Updater->Loc).asU64();
4061 Updater->PoisonMap[&BB->BB] = Num;
4062 return Num;
4063 }
4065 /// CreateEmptyPHI - Create a (representation of a) PHI in the given block.
4066 /// SSAUpdater will populate it with information about incoming values. The
4067 /// value number of this PHI is whatever the machine value number problem
4068 /// solution determined it to be. This includes non-phi values if SSAUpdater
4069 /// tries to create a PHI where the incoming values are identical.
4070 static BlockValueNum CreateEmptyPHI(LDVSSABlock *BB, unsigned NumPreds,
4071 LDVSSAUpdater *Updater) {
4072 BlockValueNum PHIValNum = Updater->getValue(BB);
4073 LDVSSAPhi *PHI = BB->newPHI(PHIValNum);
4074 Updater->PHIs[PHIValNum] = PHI;
4075 return PHIValNum;
4076 }
4078 /// AddPHIOperand - Add the specified value as an operand of the PHI for
4079 /// the specified predecessor block.
4080 static void AddPHIOperand(LDVSSAPhi *PHI, BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSABlock *Pred) {
4081 PHI->IncomingValues.push_back(std::make_pair(Pred, Val));
4082 }
4084 /// ValueIsPHI - Check if the instruction that defines the specified value
4085 /// is a PHI instruction.
4086 static LDVSSAPhi *ValueIsPHI(BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater) {
4087 return Updater->PHIs.lookup(Val);
4088 }
4090 /// ValueIsNewPHI - Like ValueIsPHI but also check if the PHI has no source
4091 /// operands, i.e., it was just added.
4092 static LDVSSAPhi *ValueIsNewPHI(BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater) {
4093 LDVSSAPhi *PHI = ValueIsPHI(Val, Updater);
4094 if (PHI && PHI->IncomingValues.size() == 0)
4095 return PHI;
4096 return nullptr;
4097 }
4099 /// GetPHIValue - For the specified PHI instruction, return the value
4100 /// that it defines.
4101 static BlockValueNum GetPHIValue(LDVSSAPhi *PHI) { return PHI->PHIValNum; }
4104} // end namespace llvm
4106std::optional<ValueIDNum> InstrRefBasedLDV::resolveDbgPHIs(
4107 MachineFunction &MF, const FuncValueTable &MLiveOuts,
4108 const FuncValueTable &MLiveIns, MachineInstr &Here, uint64_t InstrNum) {
4109 // This function will be called twice per DBG_INSTR_REF, and might end up
4110 // computing lots of SSA information: memoize it.
4111 auto SeenDbgPHIIt = SeenDbgPHIs.find(std::make_pair(&Here, InstrNum));
4112 if (SeenDbgPHIIt != SeenDbgPHIs.end())
4113 return SeenDbgPHIIt->second;
4115 std::optional<ValueIDNum> Result =
4116 resolveDbgPHIsImpl(MF, MLiveOuts, MLiveIns, Here, InstrNum);
4117 SeenDbgPHIs.insert({std::make_pair(&Here, InstrNum), Result});
4118 return Result;
4121std::optional<ValueIDNum> InstrRefBasedLDV::resolveDbgPHIsImpl(
4122 MachineFunction &MF, const FuncValueTable &MLiveOuts,
4123 const FuncValueTable &MLiveIns, MachineInstr &Here, uint64_t InstrNum) {
4124 // Pick out records of DBG_PHI instructions that have been observed. If there
4125 // are none, then we cannot compute a value number.
4126 auto RangePair = std::equal_range(DebugPHINumToValue.begin(),
4127 DebugPHINumToValue.end(), InstrNum);
4128 auto LowerIt = RangePair.first;
4129 auto UpperIt = RangePair.second;
4131 // No DBG_PHI means there can be no location.
4132 if (LowerIt == UpperIt)
4133 return std::nullopt;
4135 // If any DBG_PHIs referred to a location we didn't understand, don't try to
4136 // compute a value. There might be scenarios where we could recover a value
4137 // for some range of DBG_INSTR_REFs, but at this point we can have high
4138 // confidence that we've seen a bug.
4139 auto DBGPHIRange = make_range(LowerIt, UpperIt);
4140 for (const DebugPHIRecord &DBG_PHI : DBGPHIRange)
4141 if (!DBG_PHI.ValueRead)
4142 return std::nullopt;
4144 // If there's only one DBG_PHI, then that is our value number.
4145 if (std::distance(LowerIt, UpperIt) == 1)
4146 return *LowerIt->ValueRead;
4148 // Pick out the location (physreg, slot) where any PHIs must occur. It's
4149 // technically possible for us to merge values in different registers in each
4150 // block, but highly unlikely that LLVM will generate such code after register
4151 // allocation.
4152 LocIdx Loc = *LowerIt->ReadLoc;
4154 // We have several DBG_PHIs, and a use position (the Here inst). All each
4155 // DBG_PHI does is identify a value at a program position. We can treat each
4156 // DBG_PHI like it's a Def of a value, and the use position is a Use of a
4157 // value, just like SSA. We use the bulk-standard LLVM SSA updater class to
4158 // determine which Def is used at the Use, and any PHIs that happen along
4159 // the way.
4160 // Adapted LLVM SSA Updater:
4161 LDVSSAUpdater Updater(Loc, MLiveIns);
4162 // Map of which Def or PHI is the current value in each block.
4164 // Set of PHIs that we have created along the way.
4165 SmallVector<LDVSSAPhi *, 8> CreatedPHIs;
4167 // Each existing DBG_PHI is a Def'd value under this model. Record these Defs
4168 // for the SSAUpdater.
4169 for (const auto &DBG_PHI : DBGPHIRange) {
4170 LDVSSABlock *Block = Updater.getSSALDVBlock(DBG_PHI.MBB);
4171 const ValueIDNum &Num = *DBG_PHI.ValueRead;
4172 AvailableValues.insert(std::make_pair(Block, Num.asU64()));
4173 }
4175 LDVSSABlock *HereBlock = Updater.getSSALDVBlock(Here.getParent());
4176 const auto &AvailIt = AvailableValues.find(HereBlock);
4177 if (AvailIt != AvailableValues.end()) {
4178 // Actually, we already know what the value is -- the Use is in the same
4179 // block as the Def.
4180 return ValueIDNum::fromU64(AvailIt->second);
4181 }
4183 // Otherwise, we must use the SSA Updater. It will identify the value number
4184 // that we are to use, and the PHIs that must happen along the way.
4185 SSAUpdaterImpl<LDVSSAUpdater> Impl(&Updater, &AvailableValues, &CreatedPHIs);
4186 BlockValueNum ResultInt = Impl.GetValue(Updater.getSSALDVBlock(Here.getParent()));
4189 // We have the number for a PHI, or possibly live-through value, to be used
4190 // at this Use. There are a number of things we have to check about it though:
4191 // * Does any PHI use an 'Undef' (like an IMPLICIT_DEF) value? If so, this
4192 // Use was not completely dominated by DBG_PHIs and we should abort.
4193 // * Are the Defs or PHIs clobbered in a block? SSAUpdater isn't aware that
4194 // we've left SSA form. Validate that the inputs to each PHI are the
4195 // expected values.
4196 // * Is a PHI we've created actually a merging of values, or are all the
4197 // predecessor values the same, leading to a non-PHI machine value number?
4198 // (SSAUpdater doesn't know that either). Remap validated PHIs into the
4199 // the ValidatedValues collection below to sort this out.
4202 // Define all the input DBG_PHI values in ValidatedValues.
4203 for (const auto &DBG_PHI : DBGPHIRange) {
4204 LDVSSABlock *Block = Updater.getSSALDVBlock(DBG_PHI.MBB);
4205 const ValueIDNum &Num = *DBG_PHI.ValueRead;
4206 ValidatedValues.insert(std::make_pair(Block, Num));
4207 }
4209 // Sort PHIs to validate into RPO-order.
4210 SmallVector<LDVSSAPhi *, 8> SortedPHIs;
4211 for (auto &PHI : CreatedPHIs)
4212 SortedPHIs.push_back(PHI);
4214 llvm::sort(SortedPHIs, [&](LDVSSAPhi *A, LDVSSAPhi *B) {
4215 return BBToOrder[&A->getParent()->BB] < BBToOrder[&B->getParent()->BB];
4216 });
4218 for (auto &PHI : SortedPHIs) {
4219 ValueIDNum ThisBlockValueNum = MLiveIns[PHI->ParentBlock->BB][Loc.asU64()];
4221 // Are all these things actually defined?
4222 for (auto &PHIIt : PHI->IncomingValues) {
4223 // Any undef input means DBG_PHIs didn't dominate the use point.
4224 if (Updater.PoisonMap.contains(&PHIIt.first->BB))
4225 return std::nullopt;
4227 ValueIDNum ValueToCheck;
4228 const ValueTable &BlockLiveOuts = MLiveOuts[PHIIt.first->BB];
4230 auto VVal = ValidatedValues.find(PHIIt.first);
4231 if (VVal == ValidatedValues.end()) {
4232 // We cross a loop, and this is a backedge. LLVMs tail duplication
4233 // happens so late that DBG_PHI instructions should not be able to
4234 // migrate into loops -- meaning we can only be live-through this
4235 // loop.
4236 ValueToCheck = ThisBlockValueNum;
4237 } else {
4238 // Does the block have as a live-out, in the location we're examining,
4239 // the value that we expect? If not, it's been moved or clobbered.
4240 ValueToCheck = VVal->second;
4241 }
4243 if (BlockLiveOuts[Loc.asU64()] != ValueToCheck)
4244 return std::nullopt;
4245 }
4247 // Record this value as validated.
4248 ValidatedValues.insert({PHI->ParentBlock, ThisBlockValueNum});
4249 }
4251 // All the PHIs are valid: we can return what the SSAUpdater said our value
4252 // number was.
4253 return Result;
Rewrite undef for PHI
MachineBasicBlock & MBB
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
static cl::opt< unsigned > MaxNumBlocks("debug-ata-max-blocks", cl::init(10000), cl::desc("Maximum num basic blocks before debug info dropped"), cl::Hidden)
static const Function * getParent(const Value *V)
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
Mark debug helper function definitions like dump() that should not be stripped from debug builds.
Definition: Compiler.h:537
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:101
This file defines the DenseMap class.
This file contains constants used for implementing Dwarf debug support.
uint64_t Size
static GCMetadataPrinterRegistry::Add< ErlangGCPrinter > X("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
Compute iterated dominance frontiers using a linear time algorithm.
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
static cl::opt< unsigned > StackWorkingSetLimit("livedebugvalues-max-stack-slots", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("livedebugvalues-stack-ws-limit"), cl::init(250))
static cl::opt< bool > EmulateOldLDV("emulate-old-livedebugvalues", cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Act like old LiveDebugValues did"), cl::init(false))
#define NUM_LOC_BITS
static cl::opt< unsigned > InputBBLimit("livedebugvalues-input-bb-limit", cl::desc("Maximum input basic blocks before DBG_VALUE limit applies"), cl::init(10000), cl::Hidden)
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
unsigned const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI
#define P(N)
const char LLVMTargetMachineRef TM
This file builds on the ADT/GraphTraits.h file to build a generic graph post order iterator.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file contains some templates that are useful if you are working with the STL at all.
This file defines the SmallPtrSet class.
This file defines the SmallSet class.
This file defines the SmallVector class.
This file describes how to lower LLVM code to machine code.
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options pass.
Class storing the complete set of values that are observed by DbgValues within the current function.
DbgOp find(DbgOpID ID) const
Returns the DbgOp associated with ID.
DbgOpID insert(DbgOp Op)
If Op does not already exist in this map, it is inserted and the corresponding DbgOpID is returned.
Meta qualifiers for a value.
bool isJoinable(const DbgValueProperties &Other) const
Class recording the (high level) value of a variable.
int BlockNo
For a NoVal or VPHI DbgValue, which block it was generated in.
DbgValueProperties Properties
Qualifiers for the ValueIDNum above.
ArrayRef< DbgOpID > getDbgOpIDs() const
void setDbgOpIDs(ArrayRef< DbgOpID > NewIDs)
void dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack=nullptr, const DbgOpIDMap *OpStore=nullptr) const
DbgOpID getDbgOpID(unsigned Index) const
KindT Kind
Discriminator for whether this is a constant or an in-program value.
unsigned getLocationOpCount() const
Mapping from DebugVariable to/from a unique identifying number.
const VarAndLoc & lookupDVID(DebugVariableID ID) const
DebugVariableID insertDVID(DebugVariable &Var, const DILocation *Loc)
DebugVariableID getDVID(const DebugVariable &Var) const
DenseMap< const MachineBasicBlock *, DbgValue * > LiveIdxT
Live in/out structure for the variable values: a per-block map of variables to their values.
DenseMap< const LexicalScope *, const DILocation * > ScopeToDILocT
Mapping from lexical scopes to a DILocation in that scope.
std::optional< LocIdx > findLocationForMemOperand(const MachineInstr &MI)
SmallVector< SmallVector< VarAndLoc, 8 >, 8 > LiveInsT
Vector (per block) of a collection (inner smallvector) of live-ins.
Default construct and initialize the pass.
DIExpression::FragmentInfo FragmentInfo
bool hasFoldedStackStore(const MachineInstr &MI)
DenseMap< const LexicalScope *, SmallPtrSet< MachineBasicBlock *, 4 > > ScopeToAssignBlocksT
Mapping from lexical scopes to blocks where variables in that scope are assigned.
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump_mloc_transfer(const MLocTransferMap &mloc_transfer) const
DenseMap< const LexicalScope *, SmallSet< DebugVariableID, 4 > > ScopeToVarsT
Mapping from lexical scopes to variables in that scope.
Handle-class for a particular "location".
static LocIdx MakeIllegalLoc()
Tracker for what values are in machine locations.
unsigned getLocSizeInBits(LocIdx L) const
How large is this location (aka, how wide is a value defined there?).
bool isRegisterTracked(Register R)
Is register R currently tracked by MLocTracker?
std::optional< SpillLocationNo > getOrTrackSpillLoc(SpillLoc L)
Find LocIdx for SpillLoc L, creating a new one if it's not tracked.
void loadFromArray(ValueTable &Locs, unsigned NewCurBB)
Load values for each location from array of ValueIDNums.
IndexedMap< unsigned, LocIdxToIndexFunctor > LocIdxToLocID
Inverse map of LocIDToLocIdx.
unsigned getSpillIDWithIdx(SpillLocationNo Spill, unsigned Idx)
Given a spill number, and a slot within the spill, calculate the ID number for that location.
iterator_range< MLocIterator > locations()
Return a range over all locations currently tracked.
SmallSet< Register, 8 > SPAliases
When clobbering register masks, we chose to not believe the machine model and don't clobber SP.
unsigned getLocID(Register Reg)
Produce location ID number for a Register.
const TargetLowering & TLI
const TargetRegisterInfo & TRI
unsigned NumRegs
Cached local copy of the number of registers the target has.
DenseMap< StackSlotPos, unsigned > StackSlotIdxes
Map from a size/offset pair describing a position in a stack slot, to a numeric identifier for that p...
LocIdx lookupOrTrackRegister(unsigned ID)
void setReg(Register R, ValueIDNum ValueID)
Set a register to a value number.
SpillLocationNo locIDToSpill(unsigned ID) const
Return the spill number that a location ID corresponds to.
void reset()
Wipe any un-necessary location records after traversing a block.
DenseMap< unsigned, StackSlotPos > StackIdxesToPos
Inverse of StackSlotIdxes.
std::string IDAsString(const ValueIDNum &Num) const
void writeRegMask(const MachineOperand *MO, unsigned CurBB, unsigned InstID)
Record a RegMask operand being executed.
std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > StackSlotPos
Pair for describing a position within a stack slot – first the size in bits, then the offset.
const TargetInstrInfo & TII
bool isSpill(LocIdx Idx) const
Return true if Idx is a spill machine location.
LocIdx getRegMLoc(Register R)
Determine the LocIdx of an existing register.
MachineInstrBuilder emitLoc(const SmallVectorImpl< ResolvedDbgOp > &DbgOps, const DebugVariable &Var, const DILocation *DILoc, const DbgValueProperties &Properties)
Create a DBG_VALUE based on debug operands DbgOps.
void setMLoc(LocIdx L, ValueIDNum Num)
Set a locaiton to a certain value.
LocToValueType LocIdxToIDNum
Map of LocIdxes to the ValueIDNums that they store.
std::vector< LocIdx > LocIDToLocIdx
"Map" of machine location IDs (i.e., raw register or spill number) to the LocIdx key / number for tha...
SmallVector< std::pair< const MachineOperand *, unsigned >, 32 > Masks
Collection of register mask operands that have been observed.
unsigned NumSlotIdxes
Number of slot indexes the target has – distinct segments of a stack slot that can take on the value ...
UniqueVector< SpillLoc > SpillLocs
Unique-ification of spill.
ValueIDNum readMLoc(LocIdx L)
Read the value of a particular location.
void setMPhis(unsigned NewCurBB)
Reset all locations to contain a PHI value at the designated block.
ValueIDNum readReg(Register R)
void defReg(Register R, unsigned BB, unsigned Inst)
Record a definition of the specified register at the given block / inst.
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump()
LocIdx trackRegister(unsigned ID)
Create a LocIdx for an untracked register ID.
MLocTracker(MachineFunction &MF, const TargetInstrInfo &TII, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, const TargetLowering &TLI)
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump_mloc_map()
StackSlotPos locIDToSpillIdx(unsigned ID) const
Returns the spill-slot size/offs that a location ID corresponds to.
LocIdx getSpillMLoc(unsigned SpillID)
std::string LocIdxToName(LocIdx Idx) const
Thin wrapper around an integer – designed to give more type safety to spill location numbers.
Collection of DBG_VALUEs observed when traversing a block.
SmallDenseMap< DebugVariableID, const DILocation *, 8 > Scopes
void defVar(const MachineInstr &MI, const DbgValueProperties &Properties, const SmallVectorImpl< DbgOpID > &DebugOps)
MapVector< DebugVariableID, DbgValue > Vars
Map DebugVariable to the latest Value it's defined to have.
Unique identifier for a value defined by an instruction, as a value type.
static ValueIDNum fromU64(uint64_t v)
std::string asString(const std::string &mlocname) const
static ValueIDNum TombstoneValue
LocationAndQuality(LocIdx L, LocationQuality Q)
Tracker for converting machine value locations and variable values into variable locations (the outpu...
const DebugVariableMap & DVMap
DenseSet< DebugVariableID > UseBeforeDefVariables
The set of variables that are in UseBeforeDefs and can become a location once the relevant value is d...
const BitVector & CalleeSavedRegs
void loadInlocs(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, ValueTable &MLocs, DbgOpIDMap &DbgOpStore, const SmallVectorImpl< std::pair< DebugVariableID, DbgValue > > &VLocs, unsigned NumLocs)
Load object with live-in variable values.
const TargetLowering * TLI
void addUseBeforeDef(DebugVariableID VarID, const DbgValueProperties &Properties, const SmallVectorImpl< DbgOp > &DbgOps, unsigned Inst)
Record that Var has value ID, a value that becomes available later in the function.
SmallVector< ValueIDNum, 32 > VarLocs
Local cache of what-value-is-in-what-LocIdx.
MLocTracker * MTracker
This machine location tracker is assumed to always contain the up-to-date value mapping for all machi...
void transferMlocs(LocIdx Src, LocIdx Dst, MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos)
Transfer variables based on Src to be based on Dst.
MachineFunction & MF
std::optional< LocationQuality > getLocQualityIfBetter(LocIdx L, LocationQuality Min) const
SmallVector< std::pair< DebugVariableID, MachineInstr * >, 4 > PendingDbgValues
Temporary cache of DBG_VALUEs to be entered into the Transfers collection.
bool isEntryValueVariable(const DebugVariable &Var, const DIExpression *Expr) const
void checkInstForNewValues(unsigned Inst, MachineBasicBlock::iterator pos)
After the instruction at index Inst and position pos has been processed, check whether it defines a v...
const TargetInstrInfo * TII
DenseMap< LocIdx, SmallSet< DebugVariableID, 4 > > ActiveMLocs
Map from LocIdxes to which DebugVariables are based that location.
MachineInstrBuilder emitMOLoc(const MachineOperand &MO, const DebugVariable &Var, const DbgValueProperties &Properties)
TransferTracker(const TargetInstrInfo *TII, MLocTracker *MTracker, MachineFunction &MF, const DebugVariableMap &DVMap, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, const BitVector &CalleeSavedRegs, const TargetPassConfig &TPC)
bool isEntryValueValue(const ValueIDNum &Val) const
const TargetRegisterInfo & TRI
void redefVar(const MachineInstr &MI)
Change a variable value after encountering a DBG_VALUE inside a block.
bool recoverAsEntryValue(DebugVariableID VarID, const DbgValueProperties &Prop, const ValueIDNum &Num)
bool isCalleeSaved(LocIdx L) const
void clobberMloc(LocIdx MLoc, MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos, bool MakeUndef=true)
Account for a location mloc being clobbered.
void flushDbgValues(MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos, MachineBasicBlock *MBB)
Helper to move created DBG_VALUEs into Transfers collection.
DenseMap< DebugVariableID, ResolvedDbgValue > ActiveVLocs
Map from DebugVariable to it's current location and qualifying meta information.
DenseMap< unsigned, SmallVector< UseBeforeDef, 1 > > UseBeforeDefs
Map from instruction index (within the block) to the set of UseBeforeDefs that become defined at that...
void clobberMloc(LocIdx MLoc, ValueIDNum OldValue, MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos, bool MakeUndef=true)
Overload that takes an explicit value OldValue for when the value in MLoc has changed and the Transfe...
SmallVector< Transfer, 32 > Transfers
Collection of transfers (DBG_VALUEs) to be inserted.
void redefVar(const MachineInstr &MI, const DbgValueProperties &Properties, SmallVectorImpl< ResolvedDbgOp > &NewLocs)
Handle a change in variable location within a block.
void loadVarInloc(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, DbgOpIDMap &DbgOpStore, const SmallVectorImpl< ValueLocPair > &ValueToLoc, DebugVariableID VarID, DbgValue Value)
For a variable Var with the live-in value Value, attempts to resolve the DbgValue to a concrete DBG_V...
std::pair< ValueIDNum, LocationAndQuality > ValueLocPair
static bool ValueToLocSort(const ValueLocPair &A, const ValueLocPair &B)
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
bool test(unsigned Idx) const
Definition: BitVector.h:461
BitVector & flip()
Definition: BitVector.h:431
iterator_range< const_set_bits_iterator > set_bits() const
Definition: BitVector.h:140
DWARF expression.
unsigned getNumElements() const
bool isImplicit() const
Return whether this is an implicit location description.
static bool fragmentsOverlap(const FragmentInfo &A, const FragmentInfo &B)
Check if fragments overlap between a pair of FragmentInfos.
static DIExpression * appendOpsToArg(const DIExpression *Expr, ArrayRef< uint64_t > Ops, unsigned ArgNo, bool StackValue=false)
Create a copy of Expr by appending the given list of Ops to each instance of the operand DW_OP_LLVM_a...
bool isComplex() const
Return whether the location is computed on the expression stack, meaning it cannot be a simple regist...
static std::optional< FragmentInfo > getFragmentInfo(expr_op_iterator Start, expr_op_iterator End)
Retrieve the details of this fragment expression.
static std::optional< const DIExpression * > convertToNonVariadicExpression(const DIExpression *Expr)
If Expr is a valid single-location expression, i.e.
bool isDeref() const
Return whether there is exactly one operator and it is a DW_OP_deref;.
static DIExpression * prepend(const DIExpression *Expr, uint8_t Flags, int64_t Offset=0)
Prepend DIExpr with a deref and offset operation and optionally turn it into a stack value or/and an ...
bool isSingleLocationExpression() const
Return whether the evaluated expression makes use of a single location at the start of the expression...
DILocalScope * getScope() const
Get the local scope for this variable.
bool isValidLocationForIntrinsic(const DILocation *DL) const
Check that a location is valid for this variable.
Debug location.
std::optional< uint64_t > getSizeInBits() const
Determines the size of the variable's type.
This class represents an Operation in the Expression.
A debug info location.
Definition: DebugLoc.h:33
Identifies a unique instance of a variable.
const DILocation * getInlinedAt() const
std::optional< FragmentInfo > getFragment() const
const DILocalVariable * getVariable() const
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:155
bool erase(const KeyT &Val)
Definition: DenseMap.h:345
unsigned size() const
Definition: DenseMap.h:99
bool empty() const
Definition: DenseMap.h:98
iterator end()
Definition: DenseMap.h:84
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const std::pair< KeyT, ValueT > &KV)
Definition: DenseMap.h:220
void reserve(size_type NumEntries)
Grow the densemap so that it can contain at least NumEntries items before resizing again.
Definition: DenseMap.h:103
Implements a dense probed hash-table based set.
Definition: DenseSet.h:271
DISubprogram * getSubprogram() const
Get the attached subprogram.
Definition: Metadata.cpp:1830
LLVMContext & getContext() const
getContext - Return a reference to the LLVMContext associated with this function.
Definition: Function.cpp:358
Determine the iterated dominance frontier, given a set of defining blocks, and optionally,...
StorageT::size_type size() const
Definition: IndexedMap.h:79
void grow(IndexT n)
Definition: IndexedMap.h:69
This is an important class for using LLVM in a threaded context.
Definition: LLVMContext.h:67
LexicalScope - This class is used to track scope information.
Definition: LexicalScopes.h:44
unsigned getDFSIn() const
SmallVectorImpl< LexicalScope * > & getChildren()
Definition: LexicalScopes.h:65
unsigned getDFSOut() const
void initialize(const MachineFunction &)
initialize - Scan machine function and constuct lexical scope nest, resets the instance if necessary.
LexicalScope * findLexicalScope(const DILocation *DL)
findLexicalScope - Find lexical scope, either regular or inlined, for the given DebugLoc.
void getMachineBasicBlocks(const DILocation *DL, SmallPtrSetImpl< const MachineBasicBlock * > &MBBs)
getMachineBasicBlocks - Populate given set using machine basic blocks which have machine instructions...
LexicalScope * getCurrentFunctionScope() const
getCurrentFunctionScope - Return lexical scope for the current function.
bool hasValue() const
TypeSize getValue() const
Describe properties that are true of each instruction in the target description file.
Definition: MCInstrDesc.h:198
const MCInstrDesc & get(unsigned Opcode) const
Return the machine instruction descriptor that corresponds to the specified instruction opcode.
Definition: MCInstrInfo.h:63
MCRegAliasIterator enumerates all registers aliasing Reg.
MCRegUnitRootIterator enumerates the root registers of a register unit.
bool isValid() const
Check if the iterator is at the end of the list.
unsigned getNumSubRegIndices() const
Return the number of sub-register indices understood by the target.
iterator_range< MCSubRegIterator > subregs(MCRegister Reg) const
Return an iterator range over all sub-registers of Reg, excluding Reg.
unsigned getSubRegIndex(MCRegister RegNo, MCRegister SubRegNo) const
For a given register pair, return the sub-register index if the second register is a sub-register of ...
iterator_range< MCRegUnitIterator > regunits(MCRegister Reg) const
Returns an iterator range over all regunits for Reg.
unsigned getNumRegs() const
Return the number of registers this target has (useful for sizing arrays holding per register informa...
Iterator that enumerates the sub-registers of a Reg and the associated sub-register indices.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
LLVMContext & getContext() const
Definition: Metadata.h:1231
instr_iterator instr_begin()
instr_iterator insert(instr_iterator I, MachineInstr *M)
Insert MI into the instruction list before I, possibly inside a bundle.
int getNumber() const
MachineBasicBlocks are uniquely numbered at the function level, unless they're not in a MachineFuncti...
std::vector< MachineBasicBlock * >::const_iterator const_succ_iterator
bool isEntryBlock() const
Returns true if this is the entry block of the function.
Instructions::iterator instr_iterator
const MachineFunction * getParent() const
Return the MachineFunction containing this basic block.
std::string getFullName() const
Return a formatted string to identify this block and its parent function.
iterator_range< succ_iterator > successors()
iterator_range< pred_iterator > predecessors()
instr_iterator insertAfterBundle(instr_iterator I, MachineInstr *MI)
If I is bundled then insert MI into the instruction list after the end of the bundle,...
std::vector< MachineBasicBlock * >::iterator pred_iterator
DominatorTree Class - Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase that is used to compute a normal dominat...
bool properlyDominates(const MachineDomTreeNode *A, const MachineDomTreeNode *B) const
MachineDominatorTree & getBase()
bool adjustsStack() const
Return true if this function adjusts the stack – e.g., when calling another function.
bool isDeadObjectIndex(int ObjectIdx) const
Returns true if the specified index corresponds to a dead object.
Replacement definition for a debug instruction reference.
SmallVector< DebugSubstitution, 8 > DebugValueSubstitutions
Debug value substitutions: a collection of DebugSubstitution objects, recording changes in where a va...
const TargetSubtargetInfo & getSubtarget() const
getSubtarget - Return the subtarget for which this machine code is being compiled.
MachineFrameInfo & getFrameInfo()
getFrameInfo - Return the frame info object for the current function.
MachineRegisterInfo & getRegInfo()
getRegInfo - Return information about the registers currently in use.
static const unsigned int DebugOperandMemNumber
A reserved operand number representing the instructions memory operand, for instructions that have a ...
Function & getFunction()
Return the LLVM function that this machine code represents.
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:69
const MachineBasicBlock * getParent() const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:346
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Retuns the total number of operands.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:572
bool hasOneMemOperand() const
Return true if this instruction has exactly one MachineMemOperand.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:815
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:579
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
unsigned getInstrRefOpIndex() const
unsigned getInstrRefInstrIndex() const
bool isReg() const
isReg - Tests if this is a MO_Register operand.
bool isRegMask() const
isRegMask - Tests if this is a MO_RegisterMask operand.
static unsigned getRegMaskSize(unsigned NumRegs)
Returns number of elements needed for a regmask array.
Register getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
bool isDbgInstrRef() const
bool isFI() const
isFI - Tests if this is a MO_FrameIndex operand.
static bool clobbersPhysReg(const uint32_t *RegMask, MCRegister PhysReg)
clobbersPhysReg - Returns true if this RegMask clobbers PhysReg.
const uint32_t * getRegMask() const
getRegMask - Returns a bit mask of registers preserved by this RegMask operand.
static MachineOperand CreateReg(Register Reg, bool isDef, bool isImp=false, bool isKill=false, bool isDead=false, bool isUndef=false, bool isEarlyClobber=false, unsigned SubReg=0, bool isDebug=false, bool isInternalRead=false, bool isRenamable=false)
void dump() const
Definition: Pass.cpp:136
Special value supplied for machine level alias analysis.
virtual bool isAliased(const MachineFrameInfo *) const
Test whether the memory pointed to by this PseudoSourceValue may also be pointed to by an LLVM IR Val...
Wrapper class representing virtual and physical registers.
Definition: Register.h:19
constexpr bool isPhysical() const
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
Definition: Register.h:95
static BlockValueNum CreateEmptyPHI(LDVSSABlock *BB, unsigned NumPreds, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater)
CreateEmptyPHI - Create a (representation of a) PHI in the given block.
static BlockValueNum GetPoisonVal(LDVSSABlock *BB, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater)
GetPoisonVal - Normally creates an IMPLICIT_DEF instruction with a new register.
static BlkSucc_iterator BlkSucc_end(BlkT *BB)
static PHI_iterator PHI_begin(PhiT *PHI)
static void AddPHIOperand(LDVSSAPhi *PHI, BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSABlock *Pred)
AddPHIOperand - Add the specified value as an operand of the PHI for the specified predecessor block.
static void FindPredecessorBlocks(LDVSSABlock *BB, SmallVectorImpl< LDVSSABlock * > *Preds)
FindPredecessorBlocks - Put the predecessors of BB into the Preds vector.
static BlockValueNum GetPHIValue(LDVSSAPhi *PHI)
GetPHIValue - For the specified PHI instruction, return the value that it defines.
static LDVSSAPhi * ValueIsNewPHI(BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater)
ValueIsNewPHI - Like ValueIsPHI but also check if the PHI has no source operands, i....
static PHI_iterator PHI_end(PhiT *PHI)
static LDVSSAPhi * ValueIsPHI(BlockValueNum Val, LDVSSAUpdater *Updater)
ValueIsPHI - Check if the instruction that defines the specified value is a PHI instruction.
static BlkSucc_iterator BlkSucc_begin(BlkT *BB)
Implements a dense probed hash-table based set with some number of buckets stored inline.
Definition: DenseSet.h:290
size_type size() const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:94
A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across al...
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:323
iterator end() const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:437
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:344
iterator begin() const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:432
bool contains(ConstPtrType Ptr) const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:418
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:479
SmallSet - This maintains a set of unique values, optimizing for the case when the set is small (less...
Definition: SmallSet.h:135
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: SmallSet.h:223
const_iterator end() const
Definition: SmallSet.h:229
std::pair< const_iterator, bool > insert(const T &V)
insert - Insert an element into the set if it isn't already there.
Definition: SmallSet.h:179
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:94
size_t size() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:91
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: SmallVector.h:586
void assign(size_type NumElts, ValueParamT Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:717
reference emplace_back(ArgTypes &&... Args)
Definition: SmallVector.h:950
void reserve(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:676
iterator erase(const_iterator CI)
Definition: SmallVector.h:750
void append(ItTy in_start, ItTy in_end)
Add the specified range to the end of the SmallVector.
Definition: SmallVector.h:696
iterator insert(iterator I, T &&Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:818
void resize(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:651
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:426
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1209
StackOffset holds a fixed and a scalable offset in bytes.
Definition: TypeSize.h:33
std::string str() const
str - Get the contents as an std::string.
Definition: StringRef.h:215
constexpr const char * data() const
data - Get a pointer to the start of the string (which may not be null terminated).
Definition: StringRef.h:131
virtual void getCalleeSaves(const MachineFunction &MF, BitVector &SavedRegs) const
Returns the callee-saved registers as computed by determineCalleeSaves in the BitVector SavedRegs.
virtual StackOffset getFrameIndexReference(const MachineFunction &MF, int FI, Register &FrameReg) const
getFrameIndexReference - This method should return the base register and offset used to reference a f...
TargetInstrInfo - Interface to description of machine instruction set.
std::optional< DestSourcePair > isCopyLikeInstr(const MachineInstr &MI) const
virtual Register isStoreToStackSlotPostFE(const MachineInstr &MI, int &FrameIndex) const
Check for post-frame ptr elimination stack locations as well.
virtual Register isLoadFromStackSlotPostFE(const MachineInstr &MI, int &FrameIndex) const
Check for post-frame ptr elimination stack locations as well.
Register getStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore() const
If a physical register, this specifies the register that llvm.savestack/llvm.restorestack should save...
This class defines information used to lower LLVM code to legal SelectionDAG operators that the targe...
Primary interface to the complete machine description for the target machine.
Definition: TargetMachine.h:77
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
TMC & getTM() const
Get the right type of TargetMachine for this target.
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
iterator_range< regclass_iterator > regclasses() const
TypeSize getRegSizeInBits(const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const
Return the size in bits of a register from class RC.
unsigned getSubRegIdxSize(unsigned Idx) const
Get the size of the bit range covered by a sub-register index.
MCRegister getSubReg(MCRegister Reg, unsigned Idx) const
Returns the physical register number of sub-register "Index" for physical register RegNo.
virtual StringRef getRegAsmName(MCRegister Reg) const
Return the assembly name for Reg.
unsigned getSubRegIdxOffset(unsigned Idx) const
Get the offset of the bit range covered by a sub-register index.
virtual Register getFrameRegister(const MachineFunction &MF) const =0
Debug information queries.
virtual void getOffsetOpcodes(const StackOffset &Offset, SmallVectorImpl< uint64_t > &Ops) const
Gets the DWARF expression opcodes for Offset.
virtual const TargetRegisterInfo * getRegisterInfo() const
getRegisterInfo - If register information is available, return it.
virtual const TargetFrameLowering * getFrameLowering() const
virtual const TargetInstrInfo * getInstrInfo() const
virtual const TargetLowering * getTargetLowering() const
Twine - A lightweight data structure for efficiently representing the concatenation of temporary valu...
Definition: Twine.h:81
std::string str() const
Return the twine contents as a std::string.
Definition: Twine.cpp:17
Twine concat(const Twine &Suffix) const
Definition: Twine.h:525
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const ValueT &V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:206
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< ValueT > V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:179
bool contains(const_arg_type_t< ValueT > V) const
Check if the set contains the given element.
Definition: DenseSet.h:185
bool erase(const ValueT &V)
Definition: DenseSet.h:101
size_type count(const_arg_type_t< ValueT > V) const
Return 1 if the specified key is in the set, 0 otherwise.
Definition: DenseSet.h:97
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:52
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
unsigned ID
LLVM IR allows to use arbitrary numbers as calling convention identifiers.
Definition: CallingConv.h:24
All possible values of the reg field in the ModR/M byte.
initializer< Ty > init(const Ty &Val)
Definition: CommandLine.h:443
NodeAddr< DefNode * > Def
Definition: RDFGraph.h:384
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
@ Offset
Definition: DWP.cpp:480
auto find(R &&Range, const T &Val)
Provide wrappers to std::find which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1742
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator getBundleStart(MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator I)
Returns an iterator to the first instruction in the bundle containing I.
bool all_of(R &&range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::all_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1722
auto size(R &&Range, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< decltype(Range.begin())>::iterator_category >::value, void > *=nullptr)
Get the size of a range.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1680
MachineInstrBuilder BuildMI(MachineFunction &MF, const MIMetadata &MIMD, const MCInstrDesc &MCID)
Builder interface. Specify how to create the initial instruction itself.
APInt operator*(APInt a, uint64_t RHS)
Definition: APInt.h:2184
bool operator!=(uint64_t V1, const APInt &V2)
Definition: APInt.h:2062
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
LDVImpl * makeInstrRefBasedLiveDebugValues()
bool operator==(const AddressRangeValuePair &LHS, const AddressRangeValuePair &RHS)
auto map_range(ContainerTy &&C, FuncTy F)
Definition: STLExtras.h:377
auto reverse(ContainerTy &&C)
Definition: STLExtras.h:419
void sort(IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End)
Definition: STLExtras.h:1647
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
bool none_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::none_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1736
detail::concat_range< ValueT, RangeTs... > concat(RangeTs &&... Ranges)
Concatenated range across two or more ranges.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1176
iterator_range< filter_iterator< detail::IterOfRange< RangeT >, PredicateT > > make_filter_range(RangeT &&Range, PredicateT Pred)
Convenience function that takes a range of elements and a predicate, and return a new filter_iterator...
Definition: STLExtras.h:572
RNSuccIterator< NodeRef, BlockT, RegionT > succ_begin(NodeRef Node)
RNSuccIterator< NodeRef, BlockT, RegionT > succ_end(NodeRef Node)
auto lower_bound(R &&Range, T &&Value)
Provide wrappers to std::lower_bound which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1954
raw_ostream & operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const APFixedPoint &FX)
Definition: APFixedPoint.h:293
OutputIt replace_copy(R &&Range, OutputIt Out, const T &OldValue, const T &NewValue)
Provide wrappers to std::replace_copy which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitl...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1840
bool equal(L &&LRange, R &&RRange)
Wrapper function around std::equal to detect if pair-wise elements between two ranges are the same.
Definition: STLExtras.h:2025
void swap(llvm::BitVector &LHS, llvm::BitVector &RHS)
Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
Definition: BitVector.h:860
An ID used in the DbgOpIDMap (below) to lookup a stored DbgOp.
void dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack, const DbgOpIDMap *OpStore) const
TODO: Might pack better if we changed this to a Struct of Arrays, since MachineOperand is width 32,...
void dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack) const
A collection of ValueTables, one per BB in a function, with convenient accessor methods.
void ejectTableForBlock(const MachineBasicBlock &MBB)
Frees the memory of the ValueTable associated with MBB.
ValueTable & tableForEntryMBB() const
Returns the ValueTable associated with the entry MachineBasicBlock.
bool hasTableFor(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const
Returns true if the ValueTable associated with MBB has not been freed.
A DbgOp whose ID (if any) has resolved to an actual location, LocIdx.
void dump(const MLocTracker *MTrack) const
Stores the resolved operands (machine locations and constants) and qualifying meta-information needed...
SmallVector< ResolvedDbgOp > Ops
ResolvedDbgValue(SmallVectorImpl< ResolvedDbgOp > &Ops, DbgValueProperties Properties)
auto loc_indices() const
Returns all the LocIdx values used in this struct, in the order in which they appear as operands in t...
Record of all changes in variable locations at a block position.
SmallVector< std::pair< DebugVariableID, MachineInstr * >, 4 > Insts
non-null if we should insert after.
MachineBasicBlock * MBB
Position to insert DBG_VALUes.
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator Pos
Record of a use-before-def: created when a value that's live-in to the current block isn't available ...
UseBeforeDef(ArrayRef< DbgOp > Values, DebugVariableID VarID, const DbgValueProperties &Properties)
DbgValueProperties Properties
Additional variable properties.
DebugVariableID VarID
Identity of this variable.
SmallVector< DbgOp > Values
Value of this variable, def'd in block.
Description of the encoding of one expression Op.
Function object to check whether the first component of a container supported by std::get (like std::...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1450