77 const unsigned PointerSize;
97 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ =
98 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite,
101 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier accessQual =
102 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite,
106 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccessQual,
142 return DT.find(
MI, MF);
146 return DT.find(
C, MF);
150 return DT.find(GV, MF);
154 return DT.find(
F, MF);
161 Reg2GO[std::make_pair(MF, R)] = V;
164 auto It = Reg2GO.
find(std::make_pair(MF, R));
165 return It == Reg2GO.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
170 FunResPointerTypes[ArgF] = DerivedTy;
174 auto It = FunResPointerTypes.
175 return It == FunResPointerTypes.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
181 AssignPtrTypeInstr[Val] = AssignPtrTyCI;
185 auto It = AssignPtrTypeInstr.
186 return It == AssignPtrTypeInstr.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
193 AssignPtrTypeInstr.
194 AssignPtrTypeInstr[NewVal] = CI;
204 auto It = MutatedAggRet.
205 return It == MutatedAggRet.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
211 ValueAttrs[Key] = Val;
215 auto It = ValueAttrs.
216 if (It == ValueAttrs.
218 Ty = It->second.first;
219 Name = It->second.second;
228 auto It = DeducedElTys.
229 return It == DeducedElTys.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
236 DeducedElTys.
237 DeducedElTys[NewVal] = Ty;
242 DeducedNestedTys[Val] = Ty;
246 auto It = DeducedNestedTys.
247 return It == DeducedNestedTys.
end() ? nullptr : It->second;
256 if (
Value *GlobalElem =
257 Global->getNumOperands() > 0 ?
Global->getOperand(0) :
260 return ElementTy ? ElementTy :
268 auto ResF = InstrToFunction.
269 if (ResF == InstrToFunction.
271 auto ResReg = FunctionToInstr.
272 return ResReg == FunctionToInstr.
end() ? nullptr : ResReg->second;
280 auto MOIt = FunctionToInstr.
281 return MOIt == FunctionToInstr.
end() ? nullptr : MOIt->second->getParent();
289 auto FIt = FunctionToInstrRev.
290 return FIt == FunctionToInstrRev.
end() ? nullptr : FIt->second;
296 InstrToFunction[MO] =
301 FunctionToInstr[
F] = MO;
316 auto It = ForwardCalls.
317 return It == ForwardCalls.
end() ? nullptr : &It->second;
324 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ =
325 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite,
347 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ =
348 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite,
352 auto Res = SPIRVToLLVMType.
367 SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SC = SPIRV::StorageClass::Function,
368 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ =
369 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite);
399 return Type && (
Type->getOpcode() == SPIRV::OpTypeStruct &&
400 Type->getOpcode() == SPIRV::OpTypeArray);
441 SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass
459 const Type *adjustIntTypeByWidth(
const Type *Ty)
460 unsigned adjustOpTypeIntWidth(
unsigned Width)
463 bool IsSigned =
481 SPIRVType *getOpTypePointer(SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SC,
485 SPIRVType *getOpTypeForwardPointer(SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SC,
494 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual);
496 std::tuple<Register, ConstantInt *, bool, unsigned> getOrCreateConstIntReg(
499 std::tuple<Register, ConstantFP *, bool, unsigned> getOrCreateConstFloatReg(
510 unsigned BitWidth,
unsigned ElemCnt,
511 bool ZeroAsNull =
522 bool ZeroAsNull =
525 bool ZeroAsNull =
528 bool ZeroAsNull =
534 bool ZeroAsNull =
537 bool ZeroAsNull =
553 SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass Storage,
556 SPIRV::LinkageType::LinkageType LinkageType,
558 bool IsInstSelector);
570 unsigned SPIRVOPcode,
Type *LLVMTy);
577 unsigned NumElements,
588 SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SClass = SPIRV::StorageClass::Function);
591 SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SClass = SPIRV::StorageClass::Function);
597 SPIRV::ImageFormat::ImageFormat ImageFormat,
598 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual);
611 SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual);
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
This file declares the MachineIRBuilder class.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This class represents an incoming formal argument to a Function.
This class represents a function call, abstracting a target machine's calling convention.
This is an important base class in LLVM.
This class represents an Operation in the Expression.
iterator find(const_arg_type_t< KeyT > Val)
bool erase(const KeyT &Val)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const std::pair< KeyT, ValueT > &KV)
Helper class to build MachineInstr.
Representation of each machine instruction.
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
MachineInstr * getParent()
getParent - Return the instruction that this operand belongs to.
Wrapper class representing virtual and physical registers.
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypePipe(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual)
void recordFunctionDefinition(const Function *F, const MachineOperand *MO)
unsigned getNumScalarOrVectorTotalBitWidth(const SPIRVType *Type) const
SPIRVType * getSPIRVTypeForVReg(Register VReg, const MachineFunction *MF=nullptr) const
const TypedPointerType * findReturnType(const Function *ArgF)
void addForwardCall(const Function *F, MachineInstr *MI)
Register getOrCreateConstInt(uint64_t Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true)
void addAssignPtrTypeInstr(Value *Val, CallInst *AssignPtrTyCI)
Register getOrCreateGlobalVariableWithBinding(const SPIRVType *VarType, uint32_t Set, uint32_t Binding, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
const Value * getGlobalObject(const MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
SPIRVType * assignFloatTypeToVReg(unsigned BitWidth, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
void assignSPIRVTypeToVReg(SPIRVType *Type, Register VReg, const MachineFunction &MF)
void setBound(unsigned V)
SPIRVType * assignVectTypeToVReg(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
Register getOrCreateUndef(MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
void add(const Constant *C, MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
Type * findDeducedCompositeType(const Value *Val)
void add(const MachineInstr *MI, MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVBoolType(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
Register getOrCreateConsIntVector(uint64_t Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType, bool EmitIR=true)
const Type * getTypeForSPIRVType(const SPIRVType *Ty) const
Register buildConstantSampler(Register Res, unsigned AddrMode, unsigned Param, unsigned FilerMode, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType)
bool isBitcastCompatible(const SPIRVType *Type1, const SPIRVType *Type2) const
unsigned getScalarOrVectorComponentCount(Register VReg) const
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVFloatType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeImage(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SampledType, SPIRV::Dim::Dim Dim, uint32_t Depth, uint32_t Arrayed, uint32_t Multisampled, uint32_t Sampled, SPIRV::ImageFormat::ImageFormat ImageFormat, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AccQual)
bool isScalarOrVectorSigned(const SPIRVType *Type) const
void addDeducedElementType(Value *Val, Type *Ty)
void add(const GlobalVariable *GV, MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
Register find(const Constant *C, MachineFunction *MF)
unsigned getPointerSize() const
void add(const Argument *Arg, MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
const MachineInstr * getFunctionDefinition(const Function *F)
void addReturnType(const Function *ArgF, TypedPointerType *DerivedTy)
const MachineOperand * getFunctionDefinitionByUse(const MachineOperand *Use)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeByOpcode(const Type *Ty, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, unsigned Opcode)
Register buildConstantFP(APFloat Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType=nullptr)
SPIRVType * getPointeeType(SPIRVType *PtrType)
void invalidateMachineInstr(MachineInstr *MI)
Register getSPIRVTypeID(const SPIRVType *SpirvType) const
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVType(const Type *Type, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite, bool EmitIR=true)
void addMutated(Value *Val, Type *Ty)
void updateIfExistDeducedElementType(Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal, bool DeleteOld)
bool isScalarOfType(Register VReg, unsigned TypeOpcode) const
Register find(const Function *F, MachineFunction *MF)
Register buildGlobalVariable(Register Reg, SPIRVType *BaseType, StringRef Name, const GlobalValue *GV, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass Storage, const MachineInstr *Init, bool IsConst, bool HasLinkageTy, SPIRV::LinkageType::LinkageType LinkageType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, bool IsInstSelector)
void add(const Function *F, MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
SPIRVType * assignIntTypeToVReg(unsigned BitWidth, Register VReg, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
bool findValueAttrs(const MachineInstr *Key, Type *&Ty, StringRef &Name)
unsigned getPointeeTypeOp(Register PtrReg)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeSampledImage(SPIRVType *ImageType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVTypeByName(StringRef TypeStr, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SC=SPIRV::StorageClass::Function, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite)
Type * findMutated(const Value *Val)
void addGlobalObject(const Value *V, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R)
SPIRVType * getScalarOrVectorComponentType(Register VReg) const
Register find(const GlobalVariable *GV, MachineFunction *MF)
bool hasSPIRVTypeForVReg(Register VReg) const
void addDeducedCompositeType(Value *Val, Type *Ty)
SPIRVType * assignTypeToVReg(const Type *Type, Register VReg, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::AccessQualifier::AccessQualifier AQ=SPIRV::AccessQualifier::ReadWrite, bool EmitIR=true)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeFunctionWithArgs(const Type *Ty, SPIRVType *RetType, const SmallVectorImpl< SPIRVType * > &ArgTypes, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
void recordFunctionPointer(const MachineOperand *MO, const Function *F)
SmallPtrSet< MachineInstr *, 8 > * getForwardCalls(const Function *F)
bool isAggregateType(SPIRVType *Type) const
const TargetRegisterClass * getRegClass(SPIRVType *SpvType) const
void updateIfExistAssignPtrTypeInstr(Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal, bool DeleteOld)
bool isScalarOrVectorOfType(Register VReg, unsigned TypeOpcode) const
Register getOrCreateConstIntArray(uint64_t Val, size_t Num, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
MachineFunction * setCurrentFunc(MachineFunction &MF)
Register getOrCreateConstVector(uint64_t Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeDeviceEvent(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
Register find(const MachineInstr *MI, MachineFunction *MF)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVPointerType(SPIRVType *BaseType, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass SClass=SPIRV::StorageClass::Function)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeCoopMatr(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, const TargetExtType *ExtensionType, const SPIRVType *ElemType, uint32_t Scope, uint32_t Rows, uint32_t Columns, uint32_t Use)
SPIRVType * getResultType(Register VReg)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVVectorType(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVIntegerType(unsigned BitWidth, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
Type * getDeducedGlobalValueType(const GlobalValue *Global)
LLT getRegType(SPIRVType *SpvType) const
void addValueAttrs(MachineInstr *Key, std::pair< Type *, std::string > Val)
const Function * getFunctionByDefinition(const MachineInstr *MI)
SPIRVType * getOrCreateSPIRVArrayType(SPIRVType *BaseType, unsigned NumElements, MachineInstr &I, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII)
SPIRV::StorageClass::StorageClass getPointerStorageClass(Register VReg) const
SPIRVType * getOrCreateOpTypeSampler(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder)
Type * findDeducedElementType(const Value *Val)
Register getOrCreateConstFP(APFloat Val, MachineInstr &I, SPIRVType *SpvType, const SPIRVInstrInfo &TII, bool ZeroAsNull=true)
CallInst * findAssignPtrTypeInstr(const Value *Val)
Register getOrCreateConstNullPtr(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType)
unsigned getScalarOrVectorBitWidth(const SPIRVType *Type) const
Register buildConstantInt(uint64_t Val, MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder, SPIRVType *SpvType, bool EmitIR=true, bool ZeroAsNull=true)
const SPIRVType * retrieveScalarOrVectorIntType(const SPIRVType *Type) const
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Class to represent struct types.
Class to represent target extensions types, which are generally unintrospectable from target-independ...
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed.
A few GPU targets, such as DXIL and SPIR-V, have typed pointers.
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
LLVM Value Representation.
@ C
The default llvm calling convention, compatible with C.
std::tuple< const Type *, unsigned, unsigned > SpecialTypeDescriptor
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
@ Global
Append to llvm.global_dtors.
constexpr unsigned BitWidth