docs | |
▼ include | |
► llvm | |
► ADT | |
AddressRanges.h | |
ADL.h | |
AllocatorList.h | |
Any.h | This file provides Any, a non-template class modeled in the spirit of std::any |
APFixedPoint.h | Defines the fixed point number interface |
APFloat.h | This file declares a class to represent arbitrary precision floating point values and provide a variety of arithmetic operations on them |
APInt.h | This file implements a class to represent arbitrary precision integral constant values and operations on them |
APSInt.h | This file implements the APSInt class, which is a simple class that represents an arbitrary sized integer that knows its signedness |
ArrayRef.h | |
bit.h | This file implements the C++20 <bit> header |
Bitfields.h | This file implements methods to test, set and extract typed bits from packed unsigned integers |
BitmaskEnum.h | |
Bitset.h | |
BitVector.h | This file implements the BitVector class |
BreadthFirstIterator.h | This file builds on the ADT/GraphTraits.h file to build a generic breadth first graph iterator |
CachedHashString.h | This file defines CachedHashString and CachedHashStringRef |
CoalescingBitVector.h | A bitvector that uses an IntervalMap to coalesce adjacent elements into intervals |
CombinationGenerator.h | Combination generator |
ConcurrentHashtable.h | |
DAGDeltaAlgorithm.h | |
DeltaAlgorithm.h | |
DeltaTree.h | |
DenseMap.h | This file defines the DenseMap class |
DenseMapInfo.h | This file defines DenseMapInfo traits for DenseMap |
DenseMapInfoVariant.h | This file defines DenseMapInfo traits for DenseMap<std::variant<Ts...>> |
DenseSet.h | This file defines the DenseSet and SmallDenseSet classes |
DepthFirstIterator.h | This file builds on the ADT/GraphTraits.h file to build generic depth first graph iterator |
DirectedGraph.h | This file defines the interface and a base class implementation for a directed graph |
DynamicAPInt.h | |
edit_distance.h | This file defines a Levenshtein distance function that works for any two sequences, with each element of each sequence being analogous to a character in a string |
EnumeratedArray.h | This file defines an array type that can be indexed using scoped enum values |
EpochTracker.h | This file defines the DebugEpochBase and DebugEpochBase::HandleBase classes |
EquivalenceClasses.h | Generic implementation of equivalence classes through the use Tarjan's efficient union-find algorithm |
fallible_iterator.h | |
FloatingPointMode.h | Utilities for dealing with flags related to floating point properties and mode controls |
FoldingSet.h | This file defines a hash set that can be used to remove duplication of nodes in a graph |
FunctionExtras.h | This file provides a collection of function (or more generally, callable) type erasure utilities supplementing those provided by the standard library in <function> |
GenericConvergenceVerifier.h | A verifier for the static rules of convergence control tokens that works with both LLVM IR and MIR |
GenericCycleImpl.h | This template implementation resides in a separate file so that it does not get injected into every .cpp file that includes the generic header |
GenericCycleInfo.h | Find all cycles in a control-flow graph, including irreducible loops |
GenericSSAContext.h | This file defines the little GenericSSAContext<X> template class that can be used to implement IR analyses as templates |
GenericUniformityImpl.h | Implementation of uniformity analysis |
GenericUniformityInfo.h | |
GraphTraits.h | This file defines the little GraphTraits<X> template class that should be specialized by classes that want to be iteratable by generic graph iterators |
Hashing.h | |
identity.h | |
ilist.h | This file defines classes to implement an intrusive doubly linked list class (i.e |
ilist_base.h | |
ilist_iterator.h | |
ilist_node.h | This file defines the ilist_node class template, which is a convenient base class for creating classes that can be used with ilists |
ilist_node_base.h | |
ilist_node_options.h | |
ImmutableList.h | This file defines the ImmutableList class |
ImmutableMap.h | This file defines the ImmutableMap class |
ImmutableSet.h | This file defines the ImutAVLTree and ImmutableSet classes |
IndexedMap.h | This file implements an indexed map |
IntEqClasses.h | Equivalence classes for small integers |
IntervalMap.h | This file implements a coalescing interval map for small objects |
IntervalTree.h | |
IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h | This file defines the RefCountedBase, ThreadSafeRefCountedBase, and IntrusiveRefCntPtr classes |
iterator.h | |
iterator_range.h | This provides a very simple, boring adaptor for a begin and end iterator into a range type |
LazyAtomicPointer.h | |
MapVector.h | This file implements a map that provides insertion order iteration |
PackedVector.h | This file implements the PackedVector class |
PagedVector.h | |
PointerEmbeddedInt.h | |
PointerIntPair.h | This file defines the PointerIntPair class |
PointerSumType.h | |
PointerUnion.h | This file defines the PointerUnion class, which is a discriminated union of pointer types |
PostOrderIterator.h | This file builds on the ADT/GraphTraits.h file to build a generic graph post order iterator |
PriorityQueue.h | This file defines the PriorityQueue class |
PriorityWorklist.h | This file provides a priority worklist |
RewriteBuffer.h | |
RewriteRope.h | |
SCCIterator.h | This builds on the llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h file to find the strongly connected components (SCCs) of a graph in O(N+E) time using Tarjan's DFS algorithm |
ScopedHashTable.h | |
ScopeExit.h | This file defines the make_scope_exit function, which executes user-defined cleanup logic at scope exit |
Sequence.h | Provides some synthesis utilities to produce sequences of values |
SetOperations.h | This file defines generic set operations that may be used on set's of different types, and different element types |
SetVector.h | This file implements a set that has insertion order iteration characteristics |
simple_ilist.h | |
SlowDynamicAPInt.h | |
SmallBitVector.h | This file implements the SmallBitVector class |
SmallPtrSet.h | This file defines the SmallPtrSet class |
SmallSet.h | This file defines the SmallSet class |
SmallString.h | This file defines the SmallString class |
SmallVector.h | This file defines the SmallVector class |
SmallVectorExtras.h | This file defines less commonly used SmallVector utilities |
SparseBitVector.h | This file defines the SparseBitVector class |
SparseMultiSet.h | This file defines the SparseMultiSet class, which adds multiset behavior to the SparseSet |
SparseSet.h | This file defines the SparseSet class derived from the version described in Briggs, Torczon, "An efficient representation for sparse sets", ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 2 Issue 1-4, March-Dec |
StableHashing.h | |
Statistic.h | This file defines the 'Statistic' class, which is designed to be an easy way to expose various metrics from passes |
STLExtras.h | This file contains some templates that are useful if you are working with the STL at all |
STLForwardCompat.h | This file contains library features backported from future STL versions |
STLFunctionalExtras.h | |
StringExtras.h | This file contains some functions that are useful when dealing with strings |
StringMap.h | This file defines the StringMap class |
StringMapEntry.h | This file defines the StringMapEntry class - it is intended to be a low dependency implementation detail of StringMap that is more suitable for inclusion in public headers than StringMap.h itself is |
StringRef.h | |
StringSet.h | StringSet - A set-like wrapper for the StringMap |
StringSwitch.h | This file implements the StringSwitch template, which mimics a switch() statement whose cases are string literals |
StringTable.h | |
TinyPtrVector.h | |
TrieHashIndexGenerator.h | |
TrieRawHashMap.h | |
Twine.h | |
TypeSwitch.h | This file implements the TypeSwitch template, which mimics a switch() statement whose cases are type names |
Uniformity.h | |
UniqueVector.h | |
► Analysis | |
► Utils | |
ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics.h | |
Local.h | |
TFUtils.h | |
TrainingLogger.h | |
AliasAnalysis.h | |
AliasAnalysisEvaluator.h | This file implements a simple N^2 alias analysis accuracy evaluator |
AliasSetTracker.h | |
AssumeBundleQueries.h | |
AssumptionCache.h | |
BasicAliasAnalysis.h | This is the interface for LLVM's primary stateless and local alias analysis |
BlockFrequencyInfo.h | |
BlockFrequencyInfoImpl.h | |
BranchProbabilityInfo.h | |
CallGraph.h | This file provides interfaces used to build and manipulate a call graph, which is a very useful tool for interprocedural optimization |
CallGraphSCCPass.h | |
CallPrinter.h | |
CaptureTracking.h | |
CFG.h | |
CFGPrinter.h | |
CFGSCCPrinter.h | |
CGSCCPassManager.h | This header provides classes for managing passes over SCCs of the call graph |
CmpInstAnalysis.h | |
CodeMetrics.h | |
ConstantFolding.h | |
ConstraintSystem.h | |
CostModel.h | |
CtxProfAnalysis.h | |
CycleAnalysis.h | This file declares an analysis pass that computes CycleInfo for LLVM IR, specialized from GenericCycleInfo |
DDG.h | |
DDGPrinter.h | |
Delinearization.h | |
DemandedBits.h | |
DependenceAnalysis.h | |
DependenceGraphBuilder.h | |
DomConditionCache.h | |
DominanceFrontier.h | |
DominanceFrontierImpl.h | |
DomPrinter.h | |
DomTreeUpdater.h | |
DOTGraphTraitsPass.h | |
DXILMetadataAnalysis.h | |
DXILResource.h | |
EHUtils.h | |
FunctionPropertiesAnalysis.h | |
GenericDomTreeUpdater.h | |
GenericDomTreeUpdaterImpl.h | |
GlobalsModRef.h | This is the interface for a simple mod/ref and alias analysis over globals |
GuardUtils.h | |
HeatUtils.h | |
IndirectCallPromotionAnalysis.h | Interface to identify indirect call promotion candidates |
IndirectCallVisitor.h | |
InlineAdvisor.h | |
InlineCost.h | |
InlineModelFeatureMaps.h | |
InlineOrder.h | |
InlineSizeEstimatorAnalysis.h | |
InstCount.h | |
InstructionPrecedenceTracking.h | |
InstructionSimplify.h | |
InstSimplifyFolder.h | |
InteractiveModelRunner.h | |
IRSimilarityIdentifier.h | |
IteratedDominanceFrontier.h | |
IVDescriptors.h | |
IVUsers.h | |
LastRunTrackingAnalysis.h | |
LazyBlockFrequencyInfo.h | |
LazyBranchProbabilityInfo.h | |
LazyCallGraph.h | Implements a lazy call graph analysis and related passes for the new pass manager |
LazyValueInfo.h | |
Lint.h | |
Loads.h | |
LoopAccessAnalysis.h | |
LoopAnalysisManager.h | This header provides classes for managing per-loop analyses |
LoopCacheAnalysis.h | This file defines the interface for the loop cache analysis |
LoopInfo.h | |
LoopIterator.h | |
LoopNestAnalysis.h | This file defines the interface for the loop nest analysis |
LoopPass.h | |
LoopUnrollAnalyzer.h | |
MemDerefPrinter.h | |
MemoryBuiltins.h | |
MemoryDependenceAnalysis.h | |
MemoryLocation.h | This file provides utility analysis objects describing memory locations |
MemoryProfileInfo.h | |
MemorySSA.h | This file exposes an interface to building/using memory SSA to walk memory instructions using a use/def graph |
MemorySSAUpdater.h | |
MLInlineAdvisor.h | |
MLModelRunner.h | |
ModelUnderTrainingRunner.h | |
ModuleDebugInfoPrinter.h | |
ModuleSummaryAnalysis.h | This is the interface to build a ModuleSummaryIndex for a module |
MustExecute.h | Contains a collection of routines for determining if a given instruction is guaranteed to execute if a given point in control flow is reached |
NoInferenceModelRunner.h | |
ObjCARCAliasAnalysis.h | This file declares a simple ARC-aware AliasAnalysis using special knowledge of Objective C to enhance other optimization passes which rely on the Alias Analysis infrastructure |
ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h | This file defines common analysis utilities used by the ObjC ARC Optimizer |
ObjCARCInstKind.h | |
ObjCARCUtil.h | This file defines ARC utility functions which are used by various parts of the compiler |
OptimizationRemarkEmitter.h | |
OverflowInstAnalysis.h | |
Passes.h | |
PHITransAddr.h | |
PhiValues.h | |
PostDominators.h | |
ProfileSummaryInfo.h | |
PtrUseVisitor.h | This file provides a collection of visitors which walk the (instruction) uses of a pointer |
RegionInfo.h | |
RegionInfoImpl.h | |
RegionIterator.h | |
RegionPass.h | |
RegionPrinter.h | |
ReleaseModeModelRunner.h | |
ReplayInlineAdvisor.h | |
ScalarEvolution.h | |
ScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysis.h | This is the interface for a SCEV-based alias analysis |
ScalarEvolutionDivision.h | |
ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h | |
ScalarEvolutionNormalization.h | |
ScalarEvolutionPatternMatch.h | |
ScopedNoAliasAA.h | This is the interface for a metadata-based scoped no-alias analysis |
SimplifyQuery.h | |
SparsePropagation.h | |
StackLifetime.h | |
StackSafetyAnalysis.h | |
StructuralHash.h | |
SyntheticCountsUtils.h | |
TargetFolder.h | |
TargetLibraryInfo.h | |
TargetTransformInfo.h | This pass exposes codegen information to IR-level passes |
TargetTransformInfoImpl.h | This file provides helpers for the implementation of a TargetTransformInfo-conforming class |
TensorSpec.h | |
Trace.h | |
TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.h | This is the interface for a metadata-based TBAA |
TypeMetadataUtils.h | |
UniformityAnalysis.h | LLVM IR instance of the generic uniformity analysis |
ValueLattice.h | |
ValueLatticeUtils.h | |
ValueTracking.h | |
VectorUtils.h | |
WithCache.h | |
► AsmParser | |
LLLexer.h | |
LLParser.h | |
LLToken.h | |
NumberedValues.h | |
Parser.h | |
SlotMapping.h | |
► BinaryFormat | |
AMDGPUMetadataVerifier.h | This is a verifier for AMDGPU HSA metadata, which can verify both well-typed metadata and untyped metadata |
COFF.h | |
Dwarf.h | This file contains constants used for implementing Dwarf debug support |
DXContainer.h | |
ELF.h | |
GOFF.h | |
MachO.h | |
Magic.h | |
Minidump.h | |
MsgPack.h | This file contains constants used for implementing MessagePack support |
MsgPackDocument.h | This file declares a class that exposes a simple in-memory representation of a document of MsgPack objects, that can be read from MsgPack, written to MsgPack, and inspected and modified in memory |
MsgPackReader.h | |
MsgPackWriter.h | This file contains a MessagePack writer |
Swift.h | |
Wasm.h | |
WasmTraits.h | |
XCOFF.h | |
► Bitcode | |
BitcodeAnalyzer.h | |
BitcodeCommon.h | |
BitcodeConvenience.h | |
BitcodeReader.h | |
BitcodeWriter.h | |
BitcodeWriterPass.h | This file provides a bitcode writing pass |
LLVMBitCodes.h | |
► Bitstream | |
BitCodeEnums.h | |
BitCodes.h | |
BitstreamReader.h | |
BitstreamWriter.h | |
► CGData | |
CodeGenData.h | | | |
CodeGenDataReader.h | |
CodeGenDataWriter.h | |
OutlinedHashTree.h | |
OutlinedHashTreeRecord.h | |
StableFunctionMap.h | |
StableFunctionMapRecord.h | |
► CodeGen | |
► GlobalISel | |
CallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
Combiner.h | This contains the base class for all Combiners generated by TableGen |
CombinerHelper.h | This contains common combine transformations that may be used in a combine pass,or by the target elsewhere |
CombinerInfo.h | Option class for Targets to specify which operations are combined how and when |
CSEInfo.h | Provides analysis for continuously CSEing during GISel passes |
CSEMIRBuilder.h | This file implements a version of MachineIRBuilder which CSEs insts within a MachineBasicBlock |
GenericMachineInstrs.h | Declares convenience wrapper classes for interpreting MachineInstr instances as specific generic operations |
GIMatchTableExecutor.h | |
GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h | |
GISelChangeObserver.h | This contains common code to allow clients to notify changes to machine instr |
GISelKnownBits.h | Provides analysis for querying information about KnownBits during GISel passes |
GISelWorkList.h | |
InlineAsmLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM inline asm to machine code INLINEASM |
InstructionSelect.h | |
InstructionSelector.h | |
IRTranslator.h | This file declares the IRTranslator pass |
LegacyLegalizerInfo.h | Interface for Targets to specify which operations they can successfully select and how the others should be expanded most efficiently |
LegalizationArtifactCombiner.h | |
Legalizer.h | |
LegalizerHelper.h | |
LegalizerInfo.h | Interface for Targets to specify which operations they can successfully select and how the others should be expanded most efficiently |
LoadStoreOpt.h | |
Localizer.h | |
LostDebugLocObserver.h | Tracks DebugLocs between checkpoints and verifies that they are transferred |
MachineIRBuilder.h | This file declares the MachineIRBuilder class |
MIPatternMatch.h | Contains matchers for matching SSA Machine Instructions |
RegBankSelect.h | This file describes the interface of the MachineFunctionPass responsible for assigning the generic virtual registers to register bank |
Utils.h | |
► MIRParser | |
MIParser.h | |
MIRParser.h | |
► PBQP | |
CostAllocator.h | |
Graph.h | |
Math.h | |
ReductionRules.h | |
Solution.h | |
AccelTable.h | This file contains support for writing accelerator tables |
Analysis.h | |
AntiDepBreaker.h | |
AsmPrinter.h | |
AsmPrinterHandler.h | |
AssignmentTrackingAnalysis.h | |
AtomicExpand.h | |
AtomicExpandUtils.h | |
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader.h | |
BasicBlockSectionUtils.h | |
BasicTTIImpl.h | This file provides a helper that implements much of the TTI interface in terms of the target-independent code generator and TargetLowering interfaces |
ByteProvider.h | |
CalcSpillWeights.h | |
CallBrPrepare.h | |
CallingConvLower.h | |
CFIFixup.h | Contains definition of the base CFIFixup pass |
CodeGenCommonISel.h | |
CodeGenPrepare.h | Defines an IR pass for CodeGen Prepare |
CodeGenTargetMachineImpl.h | |
CommandFlags.h | |
ComplexDeinterleavingPass.h | |
CostTable.h | Cost tables and simple lookup functions |
CSEConfigBase.h | |
DAGCombine.h | |
DbgEntityHistoryCalculator.h | |
DeadMachineInstructionElim.h | |
DebugHandlerBase.h | |
DetectDeadLanes.h | Analysis that tracks defined/used subregister lanes across COPY instructions and instructions that get lowered to a COPY (PHI, REG_SEQUENCE, INSERT_SUBREG, EXTRACT_SUBREG) |
DFAPacketizer.h | |
DIE.h | |
DwarfEHPrepare.h | |
DwarfStringPoolEntry.h | |
EarlyIfConversion.h | |
EdgeBundles.h | |
ExecutionDomainFix.h | |
ExpandLargeDivRem.h | |
ExpandLargeFpConvert.h | |
ExpandMemCmp.h | |
ExpandReductions.h | |
ExpandVectorPredication.h | |
FastISel.h | This file defines the FastISel class |
FaultMaps.h | |
FinalizeISel.h | |
FunctionLoweringInfo.h | |
GCMetadata.h | |
GCMetadataPrinter.h | |
GlobalMerge.h | |
GlobalMergeFunctions.h | |
HardwareLoops.h | Defines an IR pass for the creation of hardware loops |
IndirectBrExpand.h | |
IndirectThunks.h | Contains a base ThunkInserter class that simplifies injection of MI thunks as well as a default implementation of MachineFunctionPass wrapping several ThunkInserter s for targets to extend |
InterleavedAccess.h | This file contains the declaration of the InterleavedAccessPass class, its corresponding pass name is interleaved-access |
InterleavedLoadCombine.h | |
IntrinsicLowering.h | |
ISDOpcodes.h | |
JMCInstrumenter.h | |
LatencyPriorityQueue.h | |
LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfo.h | ===- LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfo.h - Lazy Block Frequency -*- C++ -*–===// |
LexicalScopes.h | |
LinkAllAsmWriterComponents.h | |
LinkAllCodegenComponents.h | |
LiveDebugVariables.h | |
LiveInterval.h | |
LiveIntervalCalc.h | |
LiveIntervals.h | |
LiveIntervalUnion.h | |
LivePhysRegs.h | This file implements the LivePhysRegs utility for tracking liveness of physical registers |
LiveRangeCalc.h | |
LiveRangeEdit.h | |
LiveRegMatrix.h | |
LiveRegUnits.h | A set of register units |
LiveStacks.h | |
LiveVariables.h | |
LocalStackSlotAllocation.h | |
LoopTraversal.h | |
LowerEmuTLS.h | |
LowLevelTypeUtils.h | Implement a low-level type suitable for MachineInstr level instruction selection |
MachineBasicBlock.h | |
MachineBlockFrequencyInfo.h | |
MachineBranchProbabilityInfo.h | |
MachineCFGPrinter.h | |
MachineCombinerPattern.h | |
MachineConstantPool.h | This file declares the MachineConstantPool class which is an abstract constant pool to keep track of constants referenced by a function |
MachineConvergenceVerifier.h | This file declares the MIR specialization of the GenericConvergenceVerifier template |
MachineCSE.h | |
MachineCycleAnalysis.h | |
MachineDominanceFrontier.h | |
MachineDominators.h | |
MachineDomTreeUpdater.h | |
MachineFrameInfo.h | |
MachineFunction.h | |
MachineFunctionAnalysis.h | |
MachineFunctionPass.h | |
MachineInstr.h | |
MachineInstrBuilder.h | |
MachineInstrBundle.h | |
MachineInstrBundleIterator.h | |
MachineJumpTableInfo.h | |
MachineLICM.h | |
MachineLoopInfo.h | |
MachineLoopUtils.h | |
MachineMemOperand.h | |
MachineModuleInfo.h | |
MachineModuleInfoImpls.h | |
MachineModuleSlotTracker.h | |
MachineOperand.h | |
MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.h | ===- MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.h - Opt Diagnostics -*- C++ -*-—===// |
MachineOutliner.h | Contains all data structures shared between the outliner implemented in MachineOutliner.cpp and target implementations of the outliner |
MachinePassManager.h | |
MachinePassRegistry.h | |
MachinePipeliner.h | |
MachinePostDominators.h | |
MachineRegionInfo.h | |
MachineRegisterInfo.h | |
MachineScheduler.h | |
MachineSizeOpts.h | |
MachineSSAContext.h | This file declares a specialization of the GenericSSAContext<X> template class for Machine IR |
MachineSSAUpdater.h | |
MachineStableHash.h | |
MachineTraceMetrics.h | |
MachineUniformityAnalysis.h | Machine IR instance of the generic uniformity analysis |
MachineVerifier.h | |
MachORelocation.h | |
MacroFusion.h | |
MBFIWrapper.h | |
MIRFormatter.h | |
MIRFSDiscriminator.h | |
MIRPrinter.h | |
MIRSampleProfile.h | |
MIRYamlMapping.h | |
ModuloSchedule.h | |
MultiHazardRecognizer.h | |
NonRelocatableStringpool.h | |
OptimizePHIs.h | |
Passes.h | |
PBQPRAConstraint.h | |
PeepholeOptimizer.h | |
PHIElimination.h | |
PreISelIntrinsicLowering.h | |
PseudoSourceValue.h | |
PseudoSourceValueManager.h | |
RDFGraph.h | |
RDFLiveness.h | |
RDFRegisters.h | |
ReachingDefAnalysis.h | |
RegAllocCommon.h | |
RegAllocFast.h | |
RegAllocPBQP.h | |
RegAllocRegistry.h | |
Register.h | |
RegisterBank.h | |
RegisterBankInfo.h | |
RegisterClassInfo.h | |
RegisterPressure.h | |
RegisterScavenging.h | This file declares the machine register scavenger class |
RegisterUsageInfo.h | This pass is required to take advantage of the interprocedural register allocation infrastructure |
RegUsageInfoCollector.h | |
RegUsageInfoPropagate.h | |
ReplaceWithVeclib.h | |
ResourcePriorityQueue.h | |
RuntimeLibcallUtil.h | |
SafeStack.h | |
ScheduleDAG.h | |
ScheduleDAGInstrs.h | |
ScheduleDAGMutation.h | |
ScheduleDFS.h | |
ScheduleHazardRecognizer.h | |
SchedulerRegistry.h | |
ScoreboardHazardRecognizer.h | |
SDPatternMatch.h | Contains matchers for matching SelectionDAG nodes and values |
SelectionDAG.h | |
SelectionDAGAddressAnalysis.h | |
SelectionDAGISel.h | |
SelectionDAGNodes.h | |
SelectionDAGTargetInfo.h | |
SelectOptimize.h | This file contains the declaration of the SelectOptimizePass class, its corresponding pass name is select-optimize |
ShadowStackGCLowering.h | |
SjLjEHPrepare.h | |
SlotIndexes.h | |
Spiller.h | |
SpillPlacement.h | |
StackColoring.h | |
StackMaps.h | |
StackProtector.h | |
SwiftErrorValueTracking.h | |
SwitchLoweringUtils.h | |
TailDuplication.h | |
TailDuplicator.h | |
TargetCallingConv.h | |
TargetFrameLowering.h | |
TargetInstrInfo.h | |
TargetLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM code to machine code |
TargetLoweringObjectFileImpl.h | |
TargetOpcodes.h | |
TargetPassConfig.h | Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options pass |
TargetRegisterInfo.h | |
TargetSchedule.h | |
TargetSubtargetInfo.h | |
TileShapeInfo.h | |
TwoAddressInstructionPass.h | |
TypePromotion.h | Defines an IR pass for type promotion |
UnreachableBlockElim.h | |
ValueTypes.h | |
VirtRegMap.h | |
VLIWMachineScheduler.h | |
WasmEHFuncInfo.h | |
WasmEHPrepare.h | |
WindowScheduler.h | |
WinEHFuncInfo.h | |
WinEHPrepare.h | |
► CodeGenTypes | |
LowLevelType.h | Implement a low-level type suitable for MachineInstr level instruction selection |
MachineValueType.h | |
► DebugInfo | |
► BTF | |
BTF.h | This file contains the layout of .BTF and .BTF.ext ELF sections |
BTFContext.h | |
BTFParser.h | |
► CodeView | |
AppendingTypeTableBuilder.h | |
CodeView.h | |
CodeViewError.h | |
CodeViewRecordIO.h | |
ContinuationRecordBuilder.h | |
CVRecord.h | |
CVSymbolVisitor.h | |
CVTypeVisitor.h | |
DebugChecksumsSubsection.h | |
DebugCrossExSubsection.h | |
DebugCrossImpSubsection.h | |
DebugFrameDataSubsection.h | |
DebugInlineeLinesSubsection.h | |
DebugLinesSubsection.h | |
DebugStringTableSubsection.h | |
DebugSubsection.h | |
DebugSubsectionRecord.h | |
DebugSubsectionVisitor.h | |
DebugSymbolRVASubsection.h | |
DebugSymbolsSubsection.h | |
DebugUnknownSubsection.h | |
EnumTables.h | |
Formatters.h | |
FunctionId.h | |
GlobalTypeTableBuilder.h | |
GUID.h | |
LazyRandomTypeCollection.h | |
Line.h | |
MergingTypeTableBuilder.h | |
RecordName.h | |
RecordSerialization.h | |
SimpleTypeSerializer.h | |
StringsAndChecksums.h | |
SymbolDeserializer.h | |
SymbolDumpDelegate.h | |
SymbolDumper.h | |
SymbolRecord.h | |
SymbolRecordHelpers.h | |
SymbolRecordMapping.h | |
SymbolSerializer.h | |
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline.h | |
SymbolVisitorCallbacks.h | |
SymbolVisitorDelegate.h | |
TypeCollection.h | |
TypeDeserializer.h | |
TypeDumpVisitor.h | |
TypeHashing.h | |
TypeIndex.h | |
TypeIndexDiscovery.h | |
TypeRecord.h | |
TypeRecordHelpers.h | |
TypeRecordMapping.h | |
TypeStreamMerger.h | |
TypeSymbolEmitter.h | |
TypeTableCollection.h | |
TypeVisitorCallbackPipeline.h | |
TypeVisitorCallbacks.h | |
► DWARF | |
DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.h | |
DWARFAcceleratorTable.h | |
DWARFAddressRange.h | |
DWARFAttribute.h | |
DWARFCompileUnit.h | |
DWARFContext.h | |
DWARFDataExtractor.h | |
DWARFDebugAbbrev.h | |
DWARFDebugAddr.h | |
DWARFDebugAranges.h | |
DWARFDebugArangeSet.h | |
DWARFDebugFrame.h | |
DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h | |
DWARFDebugLine.h | |
DWARFDebugLoc.h | |
DWARFDebugMacro.h | |
DWARFDebugPubTable.h | |
DWARFDebugRangeList.h | |
DWARFDebugRnglists.h | |
DWARFDie.h | |
DWARFExpression.h | |
DWARFFormValue.h | |
DWARFGdbIndex.h | |
DWARFListTable.h | |
DWARFLocationExpression.h | |
DWARFObject.h | |
DWARFRelocMap.h | |
DWARFSection.h | |
DWARFTypePrinter.h | |
DWARFTypeUnit.h | |
DWARFUnit.h | |
DWARFUnitIndex.h | |
DWARFVerifier.h | |
► GSYM | |
CallSiteInfo.h | |
DwarfTransformer.h | |
ExtractRanges.h | |
FileEntry.h | |
FileWriter.h | |
FunctionInfo.h | |
GsymCreator.h | |
GsymReader.h | |
Header.h | |
InlineInfo.h | |
LineEntry.h | |
LineTable.h | |
LookupResult.h | |
MergedFunctionsInfo.h | |
ObjectFileTransformer.h | |
OutputAggregator.h | |
StringTable.h | |
► LogicalView | |
► Core | |
LVCompare.h | |
LVElement.h | |
LVLine.h | |
LVLocation.h | |
LVObject.h | |
LVOptions.h | |
LVRange.h | |
LVReader.h | |
LVScope.h | |
LVSort.h | |
LVStringPool.h | |
LVSupport.h | |
LVSymbol.h | |
LVType.h | |
► Readers | |
LVBinaryReader.h | |
LVCodeViewReader.h | |
LVCodeViewVisitor.h | |
LVDWARFReader.h | |
LVReaderHandler.h | |
► MSF | |
IMSFFile.h | |
MappedBlockStream.h | |
MSFBuilder.h | |
MSFCommon.h | |
MSFError.h | |
► PDB | |
► DIA | |
DIADataStream.h | |
DIAEnumDebugStreams.h | |
DIAEnumFrameData.h | |
DIAEnumInjectedSources.h | |
DIAEnumLineNumbers.h | |
DIAEnumSectionContribs.h | |
DIAEnumSourceFiles.h | |
DIAEnumSymbols.h | |
DIAEnumTables.h | |
DIAError.h | |
DIAFrameData.h | |
DIAInjectedSource.h | |
DIALineNumber.h | |
DIARawSymbol.h | |
DIASectionContrib.h | |
DIASession.h | |
DIASourceFile.h | |
DIASupport.h | |
DIATable.h | |
DIAUtils.h | |
► Native | |
DbiModuleDescriptor.h | |
DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder.h | |
DbiModuleList.h | |
DbiStream.h | |
DbiStreamBuilder.h | |
EnumTables.h | |
FormatUtil.h | |
GlobalsStream.h | |
GSIStreamBuilder.h | |
Hash.h | |
HashTable.h | |
InfoStream.h | |
InfoStreamBuilder.h | |
InjectedSourceStream.h | |
InputFile.h | |
ISectionContribVisitor.h | |
LinePrinter.h | |
ModuleDebugStream.h | |
NamedStreamMap.h | |
NativeCompilandSymbol.h | |
NativeEnumGlobals.h | |
NativeEnumInjectedSources.h | |
NativeEnumLineNumbers.h | |
NativeEnumModules.h | |
NativeEnumSymbols.h | |
NativeEnumTypes.h | |
NativeExeSymbol.h | |
NativeFunctionSymbol.h | |
NativeInlineSiteSymbol.h | |
NativeLineNumber.h | |
NativePublicSymbol.h | |
NativeRawSymbol.h | |
NativeSession.h | |
NativeSourceFile.h | |
NativeSymbolEnumerator.h | |
NativeTypeArray.h | |
NativeTypeBuiltin.h | |
NativeTypeEnum.h | |
NativeTypeFunctionSig.h | |
NativeTypePointer.h | |
NativeTypeTypedef.h | |
NativeTypeUDT.h | |
NativeTypeVTShape.h | |
PDBFile.h | |
PDBFileBuilder.h | |
PDBStringTable.h | |
PDBStringTableBuilder.h | |
PublicsStream.h | |
RawConstants.h | |
RawError.h | |
RawTypes.h | |
SymbolCache.h | |
SymbolStream.h | |
TpiHashing.h | |
TpiStream.h | |
TpiStreamBuilder.h | |
ConcreteSymbolEnumerator.h | |
GenericError.h | |
IPDBDataStream.h | |
IPDBEnumChildren.h | |
IPDBFrameData.h | |
IPDBInjectedSource.h | |
IPDBLineNumber.h | |
IPDBRawSymbol.h | |
IPDBSectionContrib.h | |
IPDBSession.h | |
IPDBSourceFile.h | |
IPDBTable.h | |
PDB.h | |
PDBContext.h | |
PDBExtras.h | |
PDBSymbol.h | |
PDBSymbolAnnotation.h | |
PDBSymbolBlock.h | |
PDBSymbolCompiland.h | |
PDBSymbolCompilandDetails.h | |
PDBSymbolCompilandEnv.h | |
PDBSymbolCustom.h | |
PDBSymbolData.h | |
PDBSymbolExe.h | |
PDBSymbolFunc.h | |
PDBSymbolFuncDebugEnd.h | |
PDBSymbolFuncDebugStart.h | |
PDBSymbolLabel.h | |
PDBSymbolPublicSymbol.h | |
PDBSymbolThunk.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeArray.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeBaseClass.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeBuiltin.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeCustom.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeDimension.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeEnum.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeFriend.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeFunctionArg.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeFunctionSig.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeManaged.h | |
PDBSymbolTypePointer.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeTypedef.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeUDT.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeVTable.h | |
PDBSymbolTypeVTableShape.h | |
PDBSymbolUnknown.h | |
PDBSymbolUsingNamespace.h | |
PDBSymDumper.h | |
PDBTypes.h | |
UDTLayout.h | |
► Symbolize | |
DIPrinter.h | |
Markup.h | This file declares the log symbolizer markup data model and parser |
MarkupFilter.h | This file declares a filter that replaces symbolizer markup with human-readable expressions |
SymbolizableModule.h | |
SymbolizableObjectFile.h | |
Symbolize.h | |
DIContext.h | |
► Debuginfod | |
BuildIDFetcher.h | This file declares a Build ID fetcher implementation for obtaining debug info from debuginfod |
Debuginfod.h | This file contains several declarations for the debuginfod client and server |
HTTPClient.h | This file contains the declarations of the HTTPClient library for issuing HTTP requests and handling the responses |
HTTPServer.h | This file contains the declarations of the HTTPServer and HTTPServerRequest classes, the HTTPResponse, and StreamingHTTPResponse structs, and the streamFile function |
► Demangle | |
Demangle.h | |
DemangleConfig.h | |
ItaniumDemangle.h | |
MicrosoftDemangle.h | |
MicrosoftDemangleNodes.h | |
StringViewExtras.h | |
Utility.h | |
► DWARFLinker | |
► Classic | |
DWARFLinker.h | |
DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h | |
DWARFLinkerDeclContext.h | |
DWARFStreamer.h | |
► Parallel | |
DWARFLinker.h | |
AddressesMap.h | |
DWARFFile.h | |
DWARFLinkerBase.h | |
IndexedValuesMap.h | |
StringPool.h | |
Utils.h | |
► DWP | |
DWP.h | |
DWPError.h | |
DWPStringPool.h | |
► ExecutionEngine | |
► JITLink | |
aarch32.h | |
aarch64.h | |
COFF.h | |
COFF_x86_64.h | |
DWARFRecordSectionSplitter.h | |
EHFrameSupport.h | |
ELF.h | |
ELF_aarch32.h | |
ELF_aarch64.h | |
ELF_i386.h | |
ELF_loongarch.h | |
ELF_ppc64.h | |
ELF_riscv.h | |
ELF_x86_64.h | |
i386.h | |
JITLink.h | |
JITLinkDylib.h | |
JITLinkMemoryManager.h | |
loongarch.h | |
MachO.h | |
MachO_arm64.h | |
MachO_x86_64.h | |
ppc64.h | |
riscv.h | |
TableManager.h | |
x86_64.h | |
► Orc | |
► Debugging | |
DebuggerSupport.h | |
DebuggerSupportPlugin.h | |
DebugInfoSupport.h | |
PerfSupportPlugin.h | |
VTuneSupportPlugin.h | |
► Shared | |
AllocationActions.h | |
ExecutorAddress.h | |
ExecutorSymbolDef.h | |
MachOObjectFormat.h | |
MemoryFlags.h | |
ObjectFormats.h | |
OrcError.h | |
OrcRTBridge.h | |
PerfSharedStructs.h | |
SimplePackedSerialization.h | |
SimpleRemoteEPCUtils.h | |
TargetProcessControlTypes.h | |
VTuneSharedStructs.h | |
WrapperFunctionUtils.h | |
► TargetProcess | |
ExecutorBootstrapService.h | |
ExecutorSharedMemoryMapperService.h | |
JITLoaderGDB.h | |
JITLoaderPerf.h | |
JITLoaderVTune.h | |
RegisterEHFrames.h | |
SimpleExecutorDylibManager.h | |
SimpleExecutorMemoryManager.h | |
SimpleRemoteEPCServer.h | |
TargetExecutionUtils.h | |
AbsoluteSymbols.h | |
COFFPlatform.h | |
COFFVCRuntimeSupport.h | |
CompileOnDemandLayer.h | |
CompileUtils.h | |
Core.h | |
CoreContainers.h | |
DebugObjectManagerPlugin.h | |
DebugUtils.h | |
DylibManager.h | |
ELFNixPlatform.h | |
EPCDebugObjectRegistrar.h | |
EPCDynamicLibrarySearchGenerator.h | |
EPCEHFrameRegistrar.h | |
EPCGenericDylibManager.h | |
EPCGenericJITLinkMemoryManager.h | |
EPCGenericMemoryAccess.h | |
EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager.h | |
EPCIndirectionUtils.h | |
ExecutionUtils.h | |
ExecutorProcessControl.h | |
IndirectionUtils.h | |
IRCompileLayer.h | |
IRPartitionLayer.h | |
IRTransformLayer.h | |
JITLinkLazyCallThroughManager.h | |
JITLinkRedirectableSymbolManager.h | |
JITLinkReentryTrampolines.h | |
JITTargetMachineBuilder.h | |
Layer.h | |
LazyObjectLinkingLayer.h | |
LazyReexports.h | |
LinkGraphLayer.h | |
LinkGraphLinkingLayer.h | |
LLJIT.h | |
LoadLinkableFile.h | |
LookupAndRecordAddrs.h | |
MachO.h | |
MachOBuilder.h | |
MachOPlatform.h | |
Mangling.h | |
MapperJITLinkMemoryManager.h | |
MaterializationUnit.h | |
MemoryMapper.h | |
ObjectFileInterface.h | |
ObjectLinkingLayer.h | |
ObjectTransformLayer.h | |
OrcABISupport.h | |
RedirectionManager.h | |
ReOptimizeLayer.h | |
RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer.h | |
SectCreate.h | |
SimpleRemoteEPC.h | |
SpeculateAnalyses.h | Contains the Analyses and Result Interpretation to select likely functions to Speculatively compile before they are called |
Speculation.h | |
SymbolStringPool.h | |
TaskDispatch.h | |
ThreadSafeModule.h | |
ExecutionEngine.h | |
GenericValue.h | |
Interpreter.h | |
JITEventListener.h | |
JITSymbol.h | |
MCJIT.h | |
ObjectCache.h | |
OProfileWrapper.h | |
RTDyldMemoryManager.h | |
RuntimeDyld.h | |
RuntimeDyldChecker.h | |
SectionMemoryManager.h | |
► FileCheck | |
FileCheck.h | |
► Frontend | |
► Atomic | |
Atomic.h | |
► Debug | |
Options.h | |
► Driver | |
CodeGenOptions.h | |
► HLSL | |
HLSLResource.h | |
► Offloading | |
OffloadWrapper.h | |
Utility.h | |
► OpenMP | |
ClauseT.h | |
ConstructDecompositionT.h | |
OMP.h | |
OMPAssume.h | This file provides helper functions and classes to deal with OpenMP assumptions, e.g., as used by [begin/end] assumes and assume |
OMPConstants.h | This file defines constans and helpers used when dealing with OpenMP |
OMPContext.h | This file provides helper functions and classes to deal with OpenMP contexts as used by [begin/end] declare variant and metadirective |
OMPDeviceConstants.h | This file defines constans that will be used by both host and device compilation |
OMPGridValues.h | Provides definitions for Target specific Grid Values |
OMPIRBuilder.h | |
► FuzzMutate | |
FuzzerCLI.h | |
IRMutator.h | |
OpDescriptor.h | |
Operations.h | |
Random.h | |
RandomIRBuilder.h | |
► InterfaceStub | |
ELFObjHandler.h | This supports reading and writing of elf dynamic shared objects |
IFSHandler.h | This file declares an interface for reading and writing .ifs (text-based InterFace Stub) files |
IFSStub.h | This file defines an internal representation of an InterFace Stub |
► IR | |
AbstractCallSite.h | |
Analysis.h | Pass manager infrastructure for declaring and invalidating analyses |
Argument.h | |
AssemblyAnnotationWriter.h | |
Assumptions.h | |
AttributeMask.h | |
Attributes.h | This file contains the simple types necessary to represent the attributes associated with functions and their calls |
AutoUpgrade.h | |
BasicBlock.h | |
BuiltinGCs.h | |
CallingConv.h | |
CFG.h | This file provides various utilities for inspecting and working with the control flow graph in LLVM IR |
CmpPredicate.h | |
Comdat.h | This file contains the declaration of the Comdat class, which represents a single COMDAT in LLVM |
Constant.h | |
ConstantFold.h | |
ConstantFolder.h | |
ConstantFPRange.h | |
ConstantRange.h | |
ConstantRangeList.h | |
Constants.h | This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different flavors of constant values that live in LLVM |
ConvergenceVerifier.h | This file declares the LLVM IR specialization of the GenericConvergenceVerifier template |
CycleInfo.h | This file declares the LLVM IR specialization of the GenericCycle templates |
DataLayout.h | |
DbgVariableFragmentInfo.h | |
DebugInfo.h | |
DebugInfoMetadata.h | |
DebugLoc.h | |
DebugProgramInstruction.h | |
DerivedTypes.h | |
DerivedUser.h | |
DiagnosticHandler.h | |
DiagnosticInfo.h | |
DiagnosticPrinter.h | |
DIBuilder.h | |
Dominators.h | |
EHPersonalities.h | |
FixedPointBuilder.h | |
FMF.h | |
FPEnv.h | This file contains the declarations of entities that describe floating point environment and related functions |
Function.h | |
GCStrategy.h | |
GenericConvergenceVerifierImpl.h | A verifier for the static rules of convergence control tokens that works with both LLVM IR and MIR |
GEPNoWrapFlags.h | |
GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h | |
GlobalAlias.h | |
GlobalIFunc.h | This file contains the declaration of the GlobalIFunc class, which represents a single indirect function in the IR |
GlobalObject.h | |
GlobalValue.h | |
GlobalVariable.h | |
GVMaterializer.h | |
InlineAsm.h | |
InstIterator.h | |
InstrTypes.h | |
Instruction.h | |
Instructions.h | |
InstVisitor.h | |
IntrinsicInst.h | |
Intrinsics.h | |
IRBuilder.h | |
IRBuilderFolder.h | |
IRPrintingPasses.h | This file contains an interface for creating legacy passes to print out IR in various granularities |
LegacyPassManager.h | |
LegacyPassManagers.h | |
LegacyPassNameParser.h | |
LLVMContext.h | |
LLVMRemarkStreamer.h | |
Mangler.h | |
MatrixBuilder.h | |
MDBuilder.h | |
MemoryModelRelaxationAnnotations.h | This file provides utility for Memory Model Relaxation Annotations (MMRAs) |
Metadata.h | This file contains the declarations for metadata subclasses |
Module.h | Module.h This file contains the declarations for the Module class |
ModuleSlotTracker.h | |
ModuleSummaryIndex.h | ModuleSummaryIndex.h This file contains the declarations the classes that hold the module index and summary for function importing |
ModuleSummaryIndexYAML.h | |
NoFolder.h | |
NVVMIntrinsicUtils.h | This file contains the definitions of the enumerations and flags associated with NVVM Intrinsics, along with some helper functions |
OperandTraits.h | |
Operator.h | |
OptBisect.h | This file declares the interface for bisecting optimizations |
PassInstrumentation.h | This file defines the Pass Instrumentation classes that provide instrumentation points into the pass execution by PassManager |
PassManager.h | This header defines various interfaces for pass management in LLVM |
PassManagerImpl.h | Provides implementations for PassManager and AnalysisManager template methods |
PassManagerInternal.h | This header provides internal APIs and implementation details used by the pass management interfaces exposed in PassManager.h |
PassTimingInfo.h | This header defines classes/functions to handle pass execution timing information with interfaces for both pass managers |
PatternMatch.h | |
PredIteratorCache.h | |
PrintPasses.h | |
ProfDataUtils.h | This file contains the declarations for profiling metadata utility functions |
ProfileSummary.h | |
PseudoProbe.h | |
ReplaceConstant.h | |
RuntimeLibcalls.h | |
SafepointIRVerifier.h | |
SSAContext.h | This file declares a specialization of the GenericSSAContext<X> class template for LLVM IR |
Statepoint.h | |
StructuralHash.h | |
SymbolTableListTraits.h | |
TrackingMDRef.h | |
Type.h | |
TypedPointerType.h | |
TypeFinder.h | |
Use.h | This defines the Use class |
UseListOrder.h | |
User.h | |
Value.h | |
ValueHandle.h | |
ValueMap.h | |
ValueSymbolTable.h | |
VectorBuilder.h | |
VectorTypeUtils.h | |
Verifier.h | |
VFABIDemangler.h | |
► IRPrinter | |
IRPrintingPasses.h | This file defines passes to print out IR in various granularities |
► IRReader | |
IRReader.h | |
► LineEditor | |
LineEditor.h | |
► Linker | |
IRMover.h | |
Linker.h | |
► LTO | |
► legacy | |
LTOCodeGenerator.h | |
LTOModule.h | |
ThinLTOCodeGenerator.h | |
UpdateCompilerUsed.h | |
Config.h | |
LTO.h | |
LTOBackend.h | |
► MC | |
► MCDisassembler | |
MCDisassembler.h | |
MCExternalSymbolizer.h | |
MCRelocationInfo.h | |
MCSymbolizer.h | |
► MCParser | |
AsmCond.h | |
AsmLexer.h | |
MCAsmLexer.h | |
MCAsmParser.h | |
MCAsmParserExtension.h | |
MCAsmParserUtils.h | |
MCParsedAsmOperand.h | |
MCTargetAsmParser.h | |
ConstantPools.h | |
DXContainerPSVInfo.h | |
LaneBitmask.h | A common definition of LaneBitmask for use in TableGen and CodeGen |
MachineLocation.h | |
MCAsmBackend.h | |
MCAsmInfo.h | |
MCAsmInfoCOFF.h | |
MCAsmInfoDarwin.h | |
MCAsmInfoELF.h | |
MCAsmInfoGOFF.h | This file defines certain target specific asm properties for GOFF (z/OS) based targets |
MCAsmInfoWasm.h | |
MCAsmInfoXCOFF.h | |
MCAsmMacro.h | |
MCAssembler.h | |
MCCodeEmitter.h | |
MCCodeView.h | |
MCContext.h | |
MCDecoderOps.h | |
MCDirectives.h | |
MCDwarf.h | |
MCDXContainerStreamer.h | |
MCDXContainerWriter.h | |
MCELFExtras.h | |
MCELFObjectWriter.h | |
MCELFStreamer.h | |
MCExpr.h | |
MCFixup.h | |
MCFixupKindInfo.h | |
MCFragment.h | |
MCGOFFObjectWriter.h | |
MCGOFFStreamer.h | |
MCInst.h | |
MCInstBuilder.h | |
MCInstPrinter.h | |
MCInstrAnalysis.h | |
MCInstrDesc.h | |
MCInstrInfo.h | |
MCInstrItineraries.h | |
MCLabel.h | |
MCLinkerOptimizationHint.h | |
MCMachObjectWriter.h | |
MCObjectFileInfo.h | |
MCObjectStreamer.h | |
MCObjectWriter.h | |
MCPseudoProbe.h | |
MCRegister.h | |
MCRegisterInfo.h | |
MCSchedule.h | |
MCSection.h | |
MCSectionCOFF.h | |
MCSectionDXContainer.h | |
MCSectionELF.h | |
MCSectionGOFF.h | This file declares the MCSectionGOFF class, which contains all of the necessary machine code sections for the GOFF file format |
MCSectionMachO.h | |
MCSectionSPIRV.h | |
MCSectionWasm.h | |
MCSectionXCOFF.h | |
MCSPIRVObjectWriter.h | |
MCSPIRVStreamer.h | |
MCStreamer.h | |
MCSubtargetInfo.h | |
MCSymbol.h | |
MCSymbolCOFF.h | |
MCSymbolELF.h | |
MCSymbolGOFF.h | This file contains the MCSymbolGOFF class |
MCSymbolMachO.h | |
MCSymbolTableEntry.h | |
MCSymbolWasm.h | |
MCSymbolXCOFF.h | |
MCTargetOptions.h | |
MCTargetOptionsCommandFlags.h | |
MCValue.h | |
MCWasmObjectWriter.h | |
MCWasmStreamer.h | |
MCWin64EH.h | |
MCWinCOFFObjectWriter.h | |
MCWinCOFFStreamer.h | |
MCWinEH.h | |
MCXCOFFObjectWriter.h | |
MCXCOFFStreamer.h | |
SectionKind.h | |
StringTableBuilder.h | |
TargetRegistry.h | |
► MCA | |
► HardwareUnits | |
HardwareUnit.h | This file defines a base class for describing a simulated hardware unit |
LSUnit.h | A Load/Store unit class that models load/store queues and that implements a simple weak memory consistency model |
RegisterFile.h | This file defines a register mapping file class |
ResourceManager.h | The classes here represent processor resource units and their management strategy |
RetireControlUnit.h | This file simulates the hardware responsible for retiring instructions |
Scheduler.h | A scheduler for Processor Resource Units and Processor Resource Groups |
► Stages | |
DispatchStage.h | This file models the dispatch component of an instruction pipeline |
EntryStage.h | This file defines the Entry stage of an instruction pipeline |
ExecuteStage.h | This file defines the execution stage of a default instruction pipeline |
InOrderIssueStage.h | InOrderIssueStage implements an in-order execution pipeline |
InstructionTables.h | This file implements a custom stage to generate instruction tables |
MicroOpQueueStage.h | This file defines a stage that implements a queue of micro opcodes |
RetireStage.h | This file defines the retire stage of a default instruction pipeline |
Stage.h | This file defines a stage |
CodeEmitter.h | A utility class used to compute instruction encodings |
Context.h | This file defines a class for holding ownership of various simulated hardware units |
CustomBehaviour.h | This file defines the base class CustomBehaviour which can be inherited from by specific targets (ex |
HWEventListener.h | This file defines the main interface for hardware event listeners |
IncrementalSourceMgr.h | This file contains IncrementalSourceMgr, an implementation of SourceMgr that allows users to add new instructions incrementally / dynamically |
InstrBuilder.h | A builder class for instructions that are statically analyzed by llvm-mca |
Instruction.h | This file defines abstractions used by the Pipeline to model register reads, register writes and instructions |
Pipeline.h | This file implements an ordered container of stages that simulate the pipeline of a hardware backend |
SourceMgr.h | This file contains abstract class SourceMgr and the default implementation, CircularSourceMgr |
Support.h | Helper functions used by various pipeline components |
View.h | This file defines the main interface for Views |
► ObjCopy | |
► COFF | |
COFFConfig.h | |
COFFObjcopy.h | |
► ELF | |
ELFConfig.h | |
ELFObjcopy.h | |
► MachO | |
MachOConfig.h | |
MachOObjcopy.h | |
► wasm | |
WasmConfig.h | |
WasmObjcopy.h | |
► XCOFF | |
XCOFFConfig.h | |
XCOFFObjcopy.h | |
CommonConfig.h | |
ConfigManager.h | |
MultiFormatConfig.h | |
ObjCopy.h | |
► Object | |
Archive.h | |
ArchiveWriter.h | |
Binary.h | |
BuildID.h | This file declares a library for handling Build IDs and using them to find debug info |
COFF.h | |
COFFImportFile.h | |
COFFModuleDefinition.h | |
CVDebugRecord.h | |
Decompressor.h | |
DXContainer.h | |
ELF.h | |
ELFObjectFile.h | |
ELFTypes.h | |
Error.h | |
FaultMapParser.h | |
GOFF.h | |
GOFFObjectFile.h | |
IRObjectFile.h | |
IRSymtab.h | |
MachO.h | |
MachOUniversal.h | |
MachOUniversalWriter.h | |
Minidump.h | |
ModuleSymbolTable.h | |
ObjectFile.h | |
OffloadBinary.h | |
RelocationResolver.h | |
StackMapParser.h | |
SymbolicFile.h | |
SymbolSize.h | |
TapiFile.h | |
TapiUniversal.h | |
Wasm.h | |
WindowsMachineFlag.h | |
WindowsResource.h | |
XCOFFObjectFile.h | |
► ObjectYAML | |
ArchiveYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of archives |
CodeViewYAMLDebugSections.h | |
CodeViewYAMLSymbols.h | |
CodeViewYAMLTypeHashing.h | |
CodeViewYAMLTypes.h | |
DWARFEmitter.h | Common declarations for yaml2obj |
DWARFYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of DWARF Debug Info |
DXContainerYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of DXContainer |
ELFYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of ELF |
MachOYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of Mach-O |
MinidumpYAML.h | |
ObjectYAML.h | |
OffloadYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of offloading binaries |
WasmYAML.h | This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation of wasm binaries |
YAML.h | |
yaml2obj.h | Common declarations for yaml2obj |
► Option | |
Arg.h | Defines the llvm::Arg class for parsed arguments |
ArgList.h | |
Option.h | |
OptSpecifier.h | |
OptTable.h | |
► Passes | |
CodeGenPassBuilder.h | Interfaces for producing common pass manager configurations |
DroppedVariableStats.h | ===- DroppedVariableStats.h - Opt Diagnostics -*- C++ -*-------------—===// |
DroppedVariableStatsIR.h | ===- DroppedVariableStatsIR.h - Opt Diagnostics -*- C++ -*-----------—===// |
OptimizationLevel.h | This header enumerates the LLVM-provided high-level optimization levels |
PassBuilder.h | Interfaces for registering analysis passes, producing common pass manager configurations, and parsing of pass pipelines |
PassPlugin.h | |
StandardInstrumentations.h | This header defines a class that provides bookkeeping for all standard (i.e in-tree) pass instrumentations | | |
► ProfileData | |
► Coverage | |
CoverageMapping.h | |
CoverageMappingReader.h | |
CoverageMappingWriter.h | |
MCDCTypes.h | |
CtxInstrContextNode.h | |
FunctionId.h | Defines FunctionId class |
GCOV.h | |
HashKeyMap.h | Defines HashKeyMap template |
InstrProf.h | |
InstrProfCorrelator.h | | | |
InstrProfReader.h | |
InstrProfWriter.h | |
ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer.h | |
MemProf.h | | | |
MemProfReader.h | |
MemProfYAML.h | | | |
PGOCtxProfReader.h | Reader for contextual iFDO profile, which comes in bitstream format |
PGOCtxProfWriter.h | |
ProfileCommon.h | |
SampleProf.h | |
SampleProfReader.h | |
SampleProfWriter.h | |
SymbolRemappingReader.h | |
► Remarks | |
BitstreamRemarkContainer.h | |
BitstreamRemarkParser.h | |
BitstreamRemarkSerializer.h | |
HotnessThresholdParser.h | This file implements a simple parser to decode commandline option for remarks hotness threshold that supports both int and a special 'auto' value |
Remark.h | |
RemarkFormat.h | |
RemarkLinker.h | |
RemarkParser.h | |
RemarkSerializer.h | |
RemarkStreamer.h | |
RemarkStringTable.h | |
YAMLRemarkSerializer.h | |
► SandboxIR | |
Argument.h | |
BasicBlock.h | |
Constant.h | |
Context.h | |
Function.h | |
Instruction.h | |
IntrinsicInst.h | |
Module.h | |
Operator.h | |
Pass.h | |
PassManager.h | |
Region.h | |
Tracker.h | |
Type.h | |
Use.h | |
User.h | |
Utils.h | |
Value.h | |
► Support | |
► FileSystem | |
UniqueID.h | |
► Solaris | |
► sys | |
regset.h | |
► SystemZ | |
zOSSupport.h | |
► Windows | |
WindowsSupport.h | |
Alignment.h | |
AlignOf.h | |
Allocator.h | This file defines the BumpPtrAllocator interface |
AllocatorBase.h | This file defines MallocAllocator |
AMDGPUAddrSpace.h | AMDGPU address space definition |
AMDGPUMetadata.h | AMDGPU metadata definitions and in-memory representations |
AMDHSAKernelDescriptor.h | AMDHSA kernel descriptor definitions |
ARMAttributeParser.h | |
ARMBuildAttributes.h | |
ARMWinEH.h | |
ArrayRecycler.h | |
Atomic.h | |
AtomicOrdering.h | Atomic ordering constants |
AutoConvert.h | |
Automaton.h | |
BalancedPartitioning.h | |
Base64.h | |
BCD.h | |
BinaryByteStream.h | |
BinaryItemStream.h | |
BinaryStream.h | |
BinaryStreamArray.h | Lightweight arrays that are backed by an arbitrary BinaryStream |
BinaryStreamError.h | |
BinaryStreamReader.h | |
BinaryStreamRef.h | |
BinaryStreamWriter.h | |
BLAKE3.h | |
BlockFrequency.h | |
BranchProbability.h | |
BuryPointer.h | |
CachePruning.h | |
Caching.h | |
Capacity.h | |
Casting.h | |
CBindingWrapping.h | |
CFGDiff.h | |
CFGUpdate.h | |
CheckedArithmetic.h | |
Chrono.h | |
circular_raw_ostream.h | |
CodeGen.h | |
CodeGenCoverage.h | |
COM.h | Provides a library for accessing COM functionality of the Host OS |
CommandLine.h | |
Compiler.h | |
Compression.h | |
ConvertEBCDIC.h | This file provides utility functions for converting between EBCDIC-1047 and UTF-8 |
ConvertUTF.h | |
CrashRecoveryContext.h | |
CRC.h | |
CSKYAttributeParser.h | |
CSKYAttributes.h | |
DataExtractor.h | |
DataTypes.h | |
Debug.h | |
DebugCounter.h | This file provides an implementation of debug counters |
Discriminator.h | |
DivisionByConstantInfo.h | |
DJB.h | |
DOTGraphTraits.h | |
Duration.h | |
DynamicLibrary.h | |
ELFAttributeParser.h | |
ELFAttributes.h | |
Endian.h | |
EndianStream.h | |
Errc.h | |
Errno.h | |
Error.h | |
ErrorHandling.h | |
ErrorOr.h | Provides ErrorOr<T> smart pointer |
ExitCodes.h | This file contains definitions of exit codes for exit() function |
ExponentialBackoff.h | |
ExtensibleRTTI.h | |
FileCollector.h | |
FileOutputBuffer.h | |
FileSystem.h | |
FileUtilities.h | |
float128.h | |
Format.h | |
FormatAdapters.h | |
FormatCommon.h | |
FormatProviders.h | |
FormattedStream.h | |
FormatVariadic.h | |
FormatVariadicDetails.h | |
GenericDomTree.h | This file defines a set of templates that efficiently compute a dominator tree over a generic graph |
GenericDomTreeConstruction.h | Generic dominator tree construction - this file provides routines to construct immediate dominator information for a flow-graph based on the Semi-NCA algorithm described in this dissertation: |
GenericIteratedDominanceFrontier.h | Compute iterated dominance frontiers using a linear time algorithm |
GenericLoopInfo.h | |
GenericLoopInfoImpl.h | |
GlobPattern.h | |
GraphWriter.h | |
HashBuilder.h | |
HexagonAttributeParser.h | |
HexagonAttributes.h | |
InitLLVM.h | |
InstructionCost.h | This file defines an InstructionCost class that is used when calculating the cost of an instruction, or a group of instructions |
JSON.h | This file supports working with JSON data |
KnownBits.h | |
LEB128.h | |
LineIterator.h | |
LLVMDriver.h | |
Locale.h | |
LockFileManager.h | |
LogicalResult.h | |
ManagedStatic.h | |
MathExtras.h | |
MD5.h | |
MemAlloc.h | This file defines counterparts of C library allocation functions defined in the namespace 'std' |
Memory.h | |
MemoryBuffer.h | |
MemoryBufferRef.h | |
MipsABIFlags.h | |
ModRef.h | |
MSP430AttributeParser.h | This file contains support routines for parsing MSP430 ELF build attributes |
MSP430Attributes.h | This file contains enumerations for MSP430 ELF build attributes as defined in the MSP430 ELF psABI specification |
MSVCErrorWorkarounds.h | |
Mutex.h | |
NativeFormatting.h | |
NVPTXAddrSpace.h | NVPTX address space definition |
OnDiskHashTable.h | Defines facilities for reading and writing on-disk hash tables |
OptimizedStructLayout.h | This file provides an interface for laying out a sequence of fields as a struct in a way that attempts to minimizes the total space requirements of the struct while still satisfying the layout requirements of the individual fields |
OptionStrCmp.h | |
Parallel.h | |
Path.h | |
PerThreadBumpPtrAllocator.h | |
PGOOptions.h | Define option tunables for PGO |
PluginLoader.h | |
PointerLikeTypeTraits.h | |
PrettyStackTrace.h | |
Printable.h | |
Process.h | Provides a library for accessing information about this process and other processes on the operating system |
Program.h | |
RandomNumberGenerator.h | |
raw_os_ostream.h | |
raw_ostream.h | |
raw_sha1_ostream.h | |
raw_socket_stream.h | |
Recycler.h | |
RecyclingAllocator.h | |
Regex.h | |
Registry.h | |
ReverseIteration.h | |
RISCVAttributeParser.h | |
RISCVAttributes.h | |
RISCVISAUtils.h | |
RWMutex.h | |
SaveAndRestore.h | This file provides utility classes that use RAII to save and restore values |
ScaledNumber.h | |
ScopedPrinter.h | |
SHA1.h | |
SHA256.h | |
Signals.h | |
Signposts.h | |
SipHash.h | |
SmallVectorMemoryBuffer.h | |
SMLoc.h | |
SMTAPI.h | |
SourceMgr.h | |
SpecialCaseList.h | |
StringSaver.h | |
SuffixTree.h | |
SuffixTreeNode.h | |
SwapByteOrder.h | |
SystemUtils.h | |
TargetSelect.h | |
TarWriter.h | |
thread.h | |
Threading.h | |
ThreadPool.h | |
ThreadSafeAllocator.h | |
TimeProfiler.h | |
Timer.h | |
ToolOutputFile.h | |
TrailingObjects.h | This header defines support for implementing classes that have some trailing object (or arrays of objects) appended to them |
type_traits.h | |
TypeName.h | |
TypeSize.h | |
Unicode.h | |
UnicodeCharRanges.h | |
Valgrind.h | |
VersionTuple.h | Defines the llvm::VersionTuple class, which represents a version in the form major[.minor[.subminor]] |
VirtualFileSystem.h | Defines the virtual file system interface vfs::FileSystem |
Watchdog.h | |
Win64EH.h | |
WindowsError.h | |
WithColor.h | |
X86DisassemblerDecoderCommon.h | |
X86FoldTablesUtils.h | |
xxhash.h | |
YAMLParser.h | |
YAMLTraits.h | |
► TableGen | |
AArch64ImmCheck.h | This file implements the ImmCheck class which supports the range-checking of immediate values supplied to AArch64 SVE/SME and NEON intrinsics |
DirectiveEmitter.h | |
Error.h | |
Main.h | |
Parser.h | |
Record.h | |
SetTheory.h | |
StringMatcher.h | |
StringToOffsetTable.h | |
TableGenBackend.h | |
TGTimer.h | |
► Target | |
CGPassBuilderOption.h | |
CodeGenCWrappers.h | |
TargetIntrinsicInfo.h | |
TargetLoweringObjectFile.h | |
TargetMachine.h | |
TargetOptions.h | |
► TargetParser | | | |
AArch64TargetParser.h | |
ARMTargetParser.h | |
ARMTargetParserCommon.h | |
CSKYTargetParser.h | |
Host.h | |
LoongArchTargetParser.h | |
PPCTargetParser.h | |
RISCVISAInfo.h | |
RISCVTargetParser.h | |
SubtargetFeature.h | |
TargetParser.h | |
Triple.h | |
X86TargetParser.h | |
► Telemetry | |
Telemetry.h | This file provides the basic framework for Telemetry |
► Testing | |
► ADT | |
StringMap.h | |
StringMapEntry.h | |
► Annotations | |
Annotations.h | |
► Support | |
Error.h | |
SupportHelpers.h | |
► TextAPI | |
Architecture.h | |
ArchitectureSet.h | |
DylibReader.h | |
FileTypes.h | |
InterfaceFile.h | |
PackedVersion.h | |
Platform.h | |
Record.h | Implements the TAPI Record Types |
RecordsSlice.h | Implements the TAPI Record Collection Type |
RecordVisitor.h | |
Symbol.h | |
SymbolSet.h | |
Target.h | |
TextAPIError.h | Define TAPI specific error codes |
TextAPIReader.h | |
TextAPIWriter.h | |
Utils.h | |
► ToolDrivers | |
► llvm-dlltool | |
DlltoolDriver.h | |
► llvm-lib | |
LibDriver.h | |
► Transforms | |
► AggressiveInstCombine | |
AggressiveInstCombine.h | AggressiveInstCombiner - Combine expression patterns to form expressions with fewer, simple instructions |
► Coroutines | |
ABI.h | |
CoroAnnotationElide.h | |
CoroCleanup.h | |
CoroConditionalWrapper.h | |
CoroEarly.h | |
CoroElide.h | |
CoroInstr.h | |
CoroShape.h | |
CoroSplit.h | |
MaterializationUtils.h | |
SpillUtils.h | |
SuspendCrossingInfo.h | |
► HipStdPar | |
HipStdPar.h | AcceleratorCodeSelection - Identify all functions reachable from a kernel, removing those that are unreachable |
► InstCombine | |
InstCombine.h | This file provides the primary interface to the instcombine pass |
InstCombiner.h | This file provides the interface for the instcombine pass implementation |
► Instrumentation | |
AddressSanitizer.h | |
AddressSanitizerCommon.h | |
AddressSanitizerOptions.h | |
BlockCoverageInference.h | This file finds the minimum set of blocks on a CFG that must be instrumented to infer execution coverage for the whole graph |
BoundsChecking.h | |
CFGMST.h | |
CGProfile.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's Call Graph Profile pass |
ControlHeightReduction.h | |
DataFlowSanitizer.h | |
GCOVProfiler.h | This file provides the interface for the GCOV style profiler pass |
HWAddressSanitizer.h | |
InstrOrderFile.h | |
InstrProfiling.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's PGO Instrumentation lowering pass |
KCFI.h | |
LowerAllowCheckPass.h | This file provides the interface for the pass responsible for removing expensive ubsan checks |
MemorySanitizer.h | |
MemProfiler.h | |
NumericalStabilitySanitizer.h | |
PGOCtxProfFlattening.h | |
PGOCtxProfLowering.h | |
PGOForceFunctionAttrs.h | |
PGOInstrumentation.h | This file provides the interface for IR based instrumentation passes ( (profile-gen, and profile-use) |
RealtimeSanitizer.h | |
SanitizerBinaryMetadata.h | |
SanitizerCoverage.h | |
ThreadSanitizer.h | |
TypeSanitizer.h | |
► IPO | |
AlwaysInliner.h | Provides passes to inlining "always_inline" functions |
Annotation2Metadata.h | |
ArgumentPromotion.h | |
Attributor.h | |
BlockExtractor.h | |
CalledValuePropagation.h | |
ConstantMerge.h | |
CrossDSOCFI.h | |
DeadArgumentElimination.h | |
ElimAvailExtern.h | |
EmbedBitcodePass.h | This file provides a pass which clones the current module and runs the provided pass pipeline on the clone |
ExpandVariadics.h | |
ExtractGV.h | |
ForceFunctionAttrs.h | Super simple passes to force specific function attrs from the commandline into the IR for debugging purposes |
FunctionAttrs.h | Provides passes for computing function attributes based on interprocedural analyses |
FunctionImport.h | |
FunctionSpecialization.h | |
GlobalDCE.h | |
GlobalOpt.h | |
GlobalSplit.h | |
HotColdSplitting.h | |
InferFunctionAttrs.h | Interfaces for passes which infer implicit function attributes from the name and signature of function declarations |
Inliner.h | |
Internalize.h | |
IROutliner.h | |
LoopExtractor.h | |
LowerTypeTests.h | |
MemProfContextDisambiguation.h | |
MergeFunctions.h | |
ModuleInliner.h | |
OpenMPOpt.h | |
PartialInlining.h | |
ProfiledCallGraph.h | |
SampleContextTracker.h | This file provides the interface for context-sensitive profile tracker used by CSSPGO |
SampleProfile.h | This file provides the interface for the sampled PGO loader pass |
SampleProfileMatcher.h | This file provides the interface for SampleProfileMatcher |
SampleProfileProbe.h | This file provides the interface for the pseudo probe implementation for AutoFDO |
SCCP.h | |
StripDeadPrototypes.h | |
StripSymbols.h | |
ThinLTOBitcodeWriter.h | |
WholeProgramDevirt.h | |
► Scalar | |
ADCE.h | |
AlignmentFromAssumptions.h | |
AnnotationRemarks.h | |
BDCE.h | |
CallSiteSplitting.h | |
ConstantHoisting.h | |
ConstraintElimination.h | |
CorrelatedValuePropagation.h | |
DCE.h | |
DeadStoreElimination.h | |
DFAJumpThreading.h | |
DivRemPairs.h | |
EarlyCSE.h | This file provides the interface for a simple, fast CSE pass |
FlattenCFG.h | |
Float2Int.h | |
GuardWidening.h | |
GVN.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's Global Value Numbering pass which eliminates fully redundant instructions |
GVNExpression.h | The header file for the GVN pass that contains expression handling classes |
InductiveRangeCheckElimination.h | |
IndVarSimplify.h | |
InferAddressSpaces.h | |
InferAlignment.h | |
InstSimplifyPass.h | Defines passes for running instruction simplification across chunks of IR |
IVUsersPrinter.h | |
JumpTableToSwitch.h | |
JumpThreading.h | See the comments on JumpThreadingPass |
LICM.h | |
LoopAccessAnalysisPrinter.h | |
LoopBoundSplit.h | |
LoopDataPrefetch.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's Loop Data Prefetching Pass |
LoopDeletion.h | |
LoopDistribute.h | |
LoopFlatten.h | |
LoopFuse.h | This file implements the Loop Fusion pass |
LoopIdiomRecognize.h | |
LoopInstSimplify.h | |
LoopInterchange.h | |
LoopLoadElimination.h | This header defines the LoopLoadEliminationPass object |
LoopPassManager.h | This header provides classes for managing a pipeline of passes over loops in LLVM IR |
LoopPredication.h | |
LoopRotation.h | |
LoopSimplifyCFG.h | |
LoopSink.h | |
LoopStrengthReduce.h | |
LoopTermFold.h | |
LoopUnrollAndJamPass.h | |
LoopUnrollPass.h | |
LoopVersioningLICM.h | |
LowerAtomicPass.h | |
LowerConstantIntrinsics.h | The header file for the LowerConstantIntrinsics pass as used by the new pass manager |
LowerExpectIntrinsic.h | The header file for the LowerExpectIntrinsic pass as used by the new pass manager |
LowerGuardIntrinsic.h | |
LowerMatrixIntrinsics.h | |
LowerWidenableCondition.h | |
MakeGuardsExplicit.h | |
MemCpyOptimizer.h | |
MergedLoadStoreMotion.h | This pass performs merges of loads and stores on both sides of a |
MergeICmps.h | |
NaryReassociate.h | |
NewGVN.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's Global Value Numbering pass |
PartiallyInlineLibCalls.h | |
PlaceSafepoints.h | |
Reassociate.h | |
Reg2Mem.h | |
RewriteStatepointsForGC.h | |
ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrin.h | |
Scalarizer.h | This pass converts vector operations into scalar operations (or, optionally, operations on smaller vector widths), in order to expose optimization opportunities on the individual scalar operations |
SCCP.h | |
SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP.h | |
SimpleLoopUnswitch.h | |
SimplifyCFG.h | This file provides the interface for the pass responsible for both simplifying and canonicalizing the CFG |
Sink.h | |
SpeculativeExecution.h | |
SROA.h | This file provides the interface for LLVM's Scalar Replacement of Aggregates pass |
StraightLineStrengthReduce.h | |
StructurizeCFG.h | |
TailRecursionElimination.h | |
WarnMissedTransforms.h | |
► Utils | |
AddDiscriminators.h | |
AMDGPUEmitPrintf.h | |
ASanStackFrameLayout.h | |
AssumeBundleBuilder.h | |
BasicBlockUtils.h | |
BreakCriticalEdges.h | |
BuildLibCalls.h | |
BypassSlowDivision.h | |
CallGraphUpdater.h | This file provides interfaces used to manipulate a call graph, regardless if it is a "old style" CallGraph or an "new style" LazyCallGraph |
CallPromotionUtils.h | |
CanonicalizeAliases.h | |
CanonicalizeFreezeInLoops.h | |
Cloning.h | |
CodeExtractor.h | |
CodeLayout.h | Declares methods and data structures for code layout algorithms |
CodeMoverUtils.h | |
ControlFlowUtils.h | |
CountVisits.h | |
CtorUtils.h | |
Debugify.h | |
DXILUpgrade.h | |
EntryExitInstrumenter.h | |
EscapeEnumerator.h | |
Evaluator.h | |
ExtraPassManager.h | This file provides a pass manager that only runs its passes if the provided marker analysis has been preserved, together with a class to define such a marker analysis |
FixIrreducible.h | |
FunctionComparator.h | |
FunctionImportUtils.h | |
GlobalStatus.h | |
GuardUtils.h | |
HelloWorld.h | |
InjectTLIMappings.h | |
InstructionNamer.h | |
InstructionWorklist.h | |
Instrumentation.h | |
IntegerDivision.h | |
IRNormalizer.h | |
LCSSA.h | |
LibCallsShrinkWrap.h | |
Local.h | |
LongestCommonSequence.h | |
LoopConstrainer.h | |
LoopPeel.h | |
LoopRotationUtils.h | |
LoopSimplify.h | |
LoopUtils.h | |
LoopVersioning.h | |
LowerAtomic.h | |
LowerGlobalDtors.h | |
LowerIFunc.h | |
LowerInvoke.h | |
LowerMemIntrinsics.h | |
LowerSwitch.h | |
MatrixUtils.h | |
Mem2Reg.h | |
MemoryOpRemark.h | |
MemoryTaggingSupport.h | |
MetaRenamer.h | |
MisExpect.h | |
ModuleUtils.h | |
MoveAutoInit.h | |
NameAnonGlobals.h | |
PredicateInfo.h | This file implements the PredicateInfo analysis, which creates an Extended SSA form for operations used in branch comparisons and llvm.assume comparisons |
PromoteMemToReg.h | |
RelLookupTableConverter.h | This file implements relative lookup table converter that converts lookup tables to relative lookup tables to make them PIC-friendly |
SampleProfileInference.h | This file provides the interface for the profile inference algorithm, profi |
SampleProfileLoaderBaseImpl.h | This file provides the interface for the sampled PGO profile loader base implementation |
SampleProfileLoaderBaseUtil.h | This file provides the utility functions for the sampled PGO loader base implementation |
SanitizerStats.h | |
ScalarEvolutionExpander.h | |
SCCPSolver.h | |
SimplifyCFGOptions.h | |
SimplifyIndVar.h | |
SimplifyLibCalls.h | |
SizeOpts.h | |
SplitModule.h | |
SSAUpdater.h | |
SSAUpdaterBulk.h | |
SSAUpdaterImpl.h | |
StripGCRelocates.h | |
StripNonLineTableDebugInfo.h | |
SymbolRewriter.h | |
UnifyFunctionExitNodes.h | |
UnifyLoopExits.h | |
UnrollLoop.h | |
ValueMapper.h | |
VNCoercion.h | |
► Vectorize | |
► SandboxVectorizer | |
► Passes | |
BottomUpVec.h | |
NullPass.h | |
PrintInstructionCount.h | |
RegionsFromMetadata.h | |
DependencyGraph.h | |
Interval.h | |
Legality.h | |
SandboxVectorizer.h | |
SandboxVectorizerPassBuilder.h | |
Scheduler.h | |
SeedCollector.h | |
VecUtils.h | |
LoadStoreVectorizer.h | |
LoopIdiomVectorize.h | |
LoopVectorizationLegality.h | This file defines the LoopVectorizationLegality class |
LoopVectorize.h | |
SLPVectorizer.h | |
VectorCombine.h | |
CFGuard.h | |
IPO.h | |
ObjCARC.h | |
Scalar.h | |
Utils.h | |
► WindowsDriver | |
MSVCPaths.h | |
MSVCSetupApi.h | |
► WindowsManifest | |
WindowsManifestMerger.h | |
► WindowsResource | |
ResourceProcessor.h | |
ResourceScriptToken.h | |
ResourceScriptTokenList.h | |
► XRay | |
BlockIndexer.h | |
BlockPrinter.h | |
BlockVerifier.h | |
FDRLogBuilder.h | |
FDRRecordConsumer.h | |
FDRRecordProducer.h | |
FDRRecords.h | |
FDRTraceExpander.h | |
FDRTraceWriter.h | |
FileHeaderReader.h | |
Graph.h | |
InstrumentationMap.h | |
Profile.h | |
RecordPrinter.h | |
Trace.h | |
XRayRecord.h | |
YAMLXRayRecord.h | |
InitializePasses.h | |
LinkAllIR.h | |
LinkAllPasses.h | |
Pass.h | |
PassAnalysisSupport.h | |
PassInfo.h | |
PassRegistry.h | |
PassSupport.h | |
► llvm-c | |
► Transforms | |
PassBuilder.h | |
Analysis.h | |
BitReader.h | |
BitWriter.h | |
blake3.h | |
Comdat.h | |
Core.h | |
DataTypes.h | |
DebugInfo.h | |
Deprecated.h | |
Disassembler.h | |
DisassemblerTypes.h | |
Error.h | |
ErrorHandling.h | |
ExecutionEngine.h | |
ExternC.h | |
IRReader.h | |
Linker.h | |
LLJIT.h | |
LLJITUtils.h | |
lto.h | |
Object.h | |
Orc.h | |
OrcEE.h | |
Remarks.h | |
Support.h | |
Target.h | |
TargetMachine.h | |
Types.h | |
▼ lib | |
► Analysis | |
► models | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
AliasAnalysis.cpp | |
AliasAnalysisEvaluator.cpp | |
AliasSetTracker.cpp | |
Analysis.cpp | |
AssumeBundleQueries.cpp | |
AssumptionCache.cpp | |
BasicAliasAnalysis.cpp | |
BlockFrequencyInfo.cpp | |
BlockFrequencyInfoImpl.cpp | |
BranchProbabilityInfo.cpp | |
CallGraph.cpp | |
CallGraphSCCPass.cpp | |
CallPrinter.cpp | |
CaptureTracking.cpp | |
CFG.cpp | |
CFGPrinter.cpp | |
CFGSCCPrinter.cpp | |
CGSCCPassManager.cpp | |
CmpInstAnalysis.cpp | |
CodeMetrics.cpp | |
ConstantFolding.cpp | |
ConstraintSystem.cpp | |
CostModel.cpp | |
CtxProfAnalysis.cpp | |
CycleAnalysis.cpp | |
DDG.cpp | |
DDGPrinter.cpp | |
Delinearization.cpp | |
DemandedBits.cpp | |
DependenceAnalysis.cpp | |
DependenceGraphBuilder.cpp | |
DevelopmentModeInlineAdvisor.cpp | |
DomConditionCache.cpp | |
DominanceFrontier.cpp | |
DomPrinter.cpp | |
DomTreeUpdater.cpp | |
DXILMetadataAnalysis.cpp | |
DXILResource.cpp | |
FunctionPropertiesAnalysis.cpp | |
GlobalsModRef.cpp | |
GuardUtils.cpp | |
HeatUtils.cpp | |
ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics.cpp | |
IndirectCallPromotionAnalysis.cpp | |
InlineAdvisor.cpp | |
InlineCost.cpp | |
InlineOrder.cpp | |
InlineSizeEstimatorAnalysis.cpp | |
InstCount.cpp | |
InstructionPrecedenceTracking.cpp | |
InstructionSimplify.cpp | |
InteractiveModelRunner.cpp | |
IRSimilarityIdentifier.cpp | |
IVDescriptors.cpp | |
IVUsers.cpp | |
LastRunTrackingAnalysis.cpp | |
LazyBlockFrequencyInfo.cpp | |
LazyBranchProbabilityInfo.cpp | |
LazyCallGraph.cpp | |
LazyValueInfo.cpp | |
Lint.cpp | |
Loads.cpp | |
Local.cpp | |
LoopAccessAnalysis.cpp | |
LoopAnalysisManager.cpp | |
LoopCacheAnalysis.cpp | This file defines the implementation for the loop cache analysis |
LoopInfo.cpp | |
LoopNestAnalysis.cpp | The implementation for the loop nest analysis |
LoopPass.cpp | |
LoopUnrollAnalyzer.cpp | |
MemDerefPrinter.cpp | |
MemoryBuiltins.cpp | |
MemoryDependenceAnalysis.cpp | |
MemoryLocation.cpp | |
MemoryProfileInfo.cpp | |
MemorySSA.cpp | |
MemorySSAUpdater.cpp | |
MLInlineAdvisor.cpp | |
ModelUnderTrainingRunner.cpp | |
ModuleDebugInfoPrinter.cpp | |
ModuleSummaryAnalysis.cpp | |
MustExecute.cpp | |
NoInferenceModelRunner.cpp | |
ObjCARCAliasAnalysis.cpp | This file defines a simple ARC-aware AliasAnalysis using special knowledge of Objective C to enhance other optimization passes which rely on the Alias Analysis infrastructure |
ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.cpp | |
ObjCARCInstKind.cpp | This file defines several utility functions used by various ARC optimizations which are IMHO too big to be in a header file |
OptimizationRemarkEmitter.cpp | |
OverflowInstAnalysis.cpp | |
PHITransAddr.cpp | |
PhiValues.cpp | |
PostDominators.cpp | |
ProfileSummaryInfo.cpp | |
PtrUseVisitor.cpp | Implementation of the pointer use visitors |
RegionInfo.cpp | |
RegionPass.cpp | |
RegionPrinter.cpp | |
ReplayInlineAdvisor.cpp | |
ScalarEvolution.cpp | |
ScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysis.cpp | |
ScalarEvolutionDivision.cpp | |
ScalarEvolutionNormalization.cpp | |
ScopedNoAliasAA.cpp | |
StackLifetime.cpp | |
StackSafetyAnalysis.cpp | |
StructuralHash.cpp | |
SyntheticCountsUtils.cpp | |
TargetLibraryInfo.cpp | |
TargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
TensorSpec.cpp | |
TFLiteUtils.cpp | |
Trace.cpp | |
TrainingLogger.cpp | |
TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.cpp | |
TypeMetadataUtils.cpp | |
UniformityAnalysis.cpp | |
ValueLattice.cpp | |
ValueLatticeUtils.cpp | |
ValueTracking.cpp | |
VectorUtils.cpp | |
► AsmParser | |
LLLexer.cpp | |
LLParser.cpp | |
Parser.cpp | |
► BinaryFormat | |
AMDGPUMetadataVerifier.cpp | Implements a verifier for AMDGPU HSA metadata |
COFF.cpp | |
Dwarf.cpp | |
DXContainer.cpp | |
ELF.cpp | |
MachO.cpp | |
Magic.cpp | |
Minidump.cpp | |
MsgPackDocument.cpp | |
MsgPackDocumentYAML.cpp | |
MsgPackReader.cpp | This file implements a MessagePack reader |
MsgPackWriter.cpp | This file implements a MessagePack writer |
Wasm.cpp | |
XCOFF.cpp | |
► Bitcode | |
► Reader | |
BitcodeAnalyzer.cpp | |
BitcodeReader.cpp | |
BitReader.cpp | |
MetadataLoader.cpp | |
MetadataLoader.h | |
ValueList.cpp | |
ValueList.h | |
► Writer | |
BitcodeWriter.cpp | |
BitcodeWriterPass.cpp | |
BitWriter.cpp | |
ValueEnumerator.cpp | |
ValueEnumerator.h | |
► Bitstream | |
► Reader | |
BitstreamReader.cpp | |
► CGData | |
CodeGenData.cpp | |
CodeGenDataReader.cpp | |
CodeGenDataWriter.cpp | |
OutlinedHashTree.cpp | |
OutlinedHashTreeRecord.cpp | |
StableFunctionMap.cpp | |
StableFunctionMapRecord.cpp | |
► CodeGen | |
► AsmPrinter | |
AccelTable.cpp | |
AddressPool.cpp | |
AddressPool.h | |
AIXException.cpp | |
ARMException.cpp | |
AsmPrinter.cpp | |
AsmPrinterDwarf.cpp | |
AsmPrinterInlineAsm.cpp | |
ByteStreamer.h | |
CodeViewDebug.cpp | |
CodeViewDebug.h | |
DbgEntityHistoryCalculator.cpp | |
DebugHandlerBase.cpp | |
DebugLocEntry.h | |
DebugLocStream.cpp | |
DebugLocStream.h | |
DIE.cpp | |
DIEHash.cpp | |
DIEHash.h | |
DwarfCFIException.cpp | |
DwarfCompileUnit.cpp | |
DwarfCompileUnit.h | |
DwarfDebug.cpp | |
DwarfDebug.h | |
DwarfException.h | |
DwarfExpression.cpp | |
DwarfExpression.h | |
DwarfFile.cpp | |
DwarfFile.h | |
DwarfStringPool.cpp | |
DwarfStringPool.h | |
DwarfUnit.cpp | |
DwarfUnit.h | |
EHStreamer.cpp | |
EHStreamer.h | |
ErlangGCPrinter.cpp | |
OcamlGCPrinter.cpp | |
PseudoProbePrinter.cpp | |
PseudoProbePrinter.h | |
WasmException.cpp | |
WasmException.h | |
WinCFGuard.cpp | |
WinCFGuard.h | |
WinException.cpp | |
WinException.h | |
► GlobalISel | |
CallLowering.cpp | This file implements some simple delegations needed for call lowering |
Combiner.cpp | |
CombinerHelper.cpp | |
CombinerHelperArtifacts.cpp | |
CombinerHelperCasts.cpp | |
CombinerHelperCompares.cpp | |
CombinerHelperVectorOps.cpp | |
CSEInfo.cpp | |
CSEMIRBuilder.cpp | This file implements the CSEMIRBuilder class which CSEs as it builds instructions |
GIMatchTableExecutor.cpp | This file implements the GIMatchTableExecutor class |
GISelChangeObserver.cpp | |
GISelKnownBits.cpp | |
GlobalISel.cpp | |
InlineAsmLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering from LLVM IR inline asm to MIR INLINEASM |
InstructionSelect.cpp | This file implements the InstructionSelect class |
InstructionSelector.cpp | |
IRTranslator.cpp | This file implements the IRTranslator class |
LegacyLegalizerInfo.cpp | |
LegalityPredicates.cpp | |
LegalizeMutations.cpp | |
Legalizer.cpp | |
LegalizerHelper.cpp | |
LegalizerInfo.cpp | |
LoadStoreOpt.cpp | This file implements the LoadStoreOpt optimization pass |
Localizer.cpp | This file implements the Localizer class |
LostDebugLocObserver.cpp | |
MachineIRBuilder.cpp | This file implements the MachineIRBuidler class |
RegBankSelect.cpp | This file implements the RegBankSelect class |
Utils.cpp | |
► LiveDebugValues | |
InstrRefBasedImpl.cpp | This is a separate implementation of LiveDebugValues, see LiveDebugValues.cpp and VarLocBasedImpl.cpp for more information |
InstrRefBasedImpl.h | |
LiveDebugValues.cpp | The LiveDebugValues pass extends the range of variable locations (specified by DBG_VALUE instructions) from single blocks to successors and any other code locations where the variable location is valid |
LiveDebugValues.h | |
VarLocBasedImpl.cpp | |
► MIRParser | |
MILexer.cpp | |
MILexer.h | |
MIParser.cpp | |
MIRParser.cpp | |
► SelectionDAG | |
DAGCombiner.cpp | |
FastISel.cpp | |
FunctionLoweringInfo.cpp | |
InstrEmitter.cpp | |
InstrEmitter.h | |
LegalizeDAG.cpp | |
LegalizeFloatTypes.cpp | |
LegalizeIntegerTypes.cpp | |
LegalizeTypes.cpp | |
LegalizeTypes.h | |
LegalizeTypesGeneric.cpp | |
LegalizeVectorOps.cpp | |
LegalizeVectorTypes.cpp | |
MatchContext.h | |
ResourcePriorityQueue.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGFast.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGRRList.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGSDNodes.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGSDNodes.h | |
ScheduleDAGVLIW.cpp | |
SDNodeDbgValue.h | |
SelectionDAG.cpp | |
SelectionDAGAddressAnalysis.cpp | |
SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp | |
SelectionDAGBuilder.h | |
SelectionDAGDumper.cpp | |
SelectionDAGISel.cpp | |
SelectionDAGPrinter.cpp | |
SelectionDAGTargetInfo.cpp | |
StatepointLowering.cpp | |
StatepointLowering.h | |
TargetLowering.cpp | |
AggressiveAntiDepBreaker.cpp | |
AggressiveAntiDepBreaker.h | |
AllocationOrder.cpp | |
AllocationOrder.h | |
Analysis.cpp | |
AssignmentTrackingAnalysis.cpp | |
AtomicExpandPass.cpp | |
BasicBlockPathCloning.cpp | BasicBlockPathCloning implementation |
BasicBlockSections.cpp | |
BasicBlockSectionsProfileReader.cpp | |
BasicTargetTransformInfo.cpp | This file provides the implementation of a basic TargetTransformInfo pass predicated on the target abstractions present in the target independent code generator |
BranchFolding.cpp | |
BranchFolding.h | |
BranchRelaxation.cpp | |
BreakFalseDeps.cpp | |
CalcSpillWeights.cpp | |
CallBrPrepare.cpp | |
CallingConvLower.cpp | |
CFGuardLongjmp.cpp | This file contains a machine function pass to insert a symbol after each call to _setjmp and store this in the MachineFunction's LongjmpTargets vector |
CFIFixup.cpp | |
CFIInstrInserter.cpp | |
CodeGen.cpp | |
CodeGenCommonISel.cpp | |
CodeGenPrepare.cpp | |
CodeGenTargetMachineImpl.cpp | |
CommandFlags.cpp | |
ComplexDeinterleavingPass.cpp | |
CriticalAntiDepBreaker.cpp | |
CriticalAntiDepBreaker.h | |
DeadMachineInstructionElim.cpp | |
DetectDeadLanes.cpp | Analysis that tracks defined/used subregister lanes across COPY instructions and instructions that get lowered to a COPY (PHI, REG_SEQUENCE, INSERT_SUBREG, EXTRACT_SUBREG) |
DFAPacketizer.cpp | |
DwarfEHPrepare.cpp | |
EarlyIfConversion.cpp | |
EdgeBundles.cpp | |
EHContGuardCatchret.cpp | This file contains a machine function pass to insert a symbol before each valid catchret target and store this in the MachineFunction's CatchRetTargets vector |
ExecutionDomainFix.cpp | |
ExpandLargeDivRem.cpp | |
ExpandLargeFpConvert.cpp | |
ExpandMemCmp.cpp | |
ExpandPostRAPseudos.cpp | |
ExpandReductions.cpp | |
ExpandVectorPredication.cpp | |
FaultMaps.cpp | |
FEntryInserter.cpp | |
FinalizeISel.cpp | |
FixupStatepointCallerSaved.cpp | Statepoint instruction in deopt parameters contains values which are meaningful to the runtime and should be able to be read at the moment the call returns |
FuncletLayout.cpp | |
GCEmptyBasicBlocks.cpp | This file contains the implementation of empty blocks garbage collection pass |
GCMetadata.cpp | |
GCMetadataPrinter.cpp | |
GCRootLowering.cpp | |
GlobalMerge.cpp | |
GlobalMergeFunctions.cpp | |
HardwareLoops.cpp | Insert hardware loop intrinsics into loops which are deemed profitable by the target, by querying TargetTransformInfo |
IfConversion.cpp | |
ImplicitNullChecks.cpp | |
IndirectBrExpandPass.cpp | Implements an expansion pass to turn indirectbr instructions in the IR into switch instructions |
InitUndef.cpp | |
InlineSpiller.cpp | |
InterferenceCache.cpp | |
InterferenceCache.h | |
InterleavedAccessPass.cpp | |
InterleavedLoadCombinePass.cpp | |
IntrinsicLowering.cpp | |
JMCInstrumenter.cpp | |
KCFI.cpp | |
LatencyPriorityQueue.cpp | |
LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfo.cpp | ===- LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfo.cpp - Lazy Machine Block Frequency –===// |
LexicalScopes.cpp | |
LiveDebugVariables.cpp | |
LiveInterval.cpp | |
LiveIntervalCalc.cpp | |
LiveIntervals.cpp | |
LiveIntervalUnion.cpp | |
LivePhysRegs.cpp | |
LiveRangeCalc.cpp | |
LiveRangeEdit.cpp | |
LiveRangeShrink.cpp | ===------------------------------------------------------------------—===// |
LiveRangeUtils.h | This file contains helper functions to modify live ranges |
LiveRegMatrix.cpp | |
LiveRegUnits.cpp | |
LiveStacks.cpp | |
LiveVariables.cpp | |
LocalStackSlotAllocation.cpp | |
LoopTraversal.cpp | |
LowerEmuTLS.cpp | |
LowLevelTypeUtils.cpp | |
MachineBasicBlock.cpp | |
MachineBlockFrequencyInfo.cpp | |
MachineBlockPlacement.cpp | |
MachineBranchProbabilityInfo.cpp | |
MachineCFGPrinter.cpp | |
MachineCheckDebugify.cpp | |
MachineCombiner.cpp | |
MachineConvergenceVerifier.cpp | |
MachineCopyPropagation.cpp | |
MachineCSE.cpp | |
MachineCycleAnalysis.cpp | |
MachineDebugify.cpp | |
MachineDominanceFrontier.cpp | |
MachineDominators.cpp | |
MachineDomTreeUpdater.cpp | |
MachineFrameInfo.cpp | |
MachineFunction.cpp | |
MachineFunctionAnalysis.cpp | |
MachineFunctionPass.cpp | |
MachineFunctionPrinterPass.cpp | |
MachineFunctionSplitter.cpp | |
MachineInstr.cpp | |
MachineInstrBundle.cpp | |
MachineLateInstrsCleanup.cpp | |
MachineLICM.cpp | |
MachineLoopInfo.cpp | |
MachineLoopUtils.cpp | |
MachineModuleInfo.cpp | |
MachineModuleInfoImpls.cpp | |
MachineModuleSlotTracker.cpp | |
MachineOperand.cpp | |
MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.cpp | ===- MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.cpp - Opt Diagnostic -*- C++ -*—===// |
MachineOutliner.cpp | Replaces repeated sequences of instructions with function calls |
MachinePassManager.cpp | |
MachinePipeliner.cpp | |
MachinePostDominators.cpp | |
MachineRegionInfo.cpp | |
MachineRegisterInfo.cpp | |
MachineScheduler.cpp | |
MachineSink.cpp | |
MachineSizeOpts.cpp | |
MachineSSAContext.cpp | This file defines a specialization of the GenericSSAContext<X> template class for Machine IR |
MachineSSAUpdater.cpp | |
MachineStableHash.cpp | |
MachineStripDebug.cpp | |
MachineTraceMetrics.cpp | |
MachineUniformityAnalysis.cpp | |
MachineVerifier.cpp | |
MacroFusion.cpp | |
MBFIWrapper.cpp | |
MIRCanonicalizerPass.cpp | |
MIRFSDiscriminator.cpp | |
MIRNamerPass.cpp | |
MIRPrinter.cpp | |
MIRPrintingPass.cpp | |
MIRSampleProfile.cpp | |
MIRVRegNamerUtils.cpp | |
MIRVRegNamerUtils.h | |
MIRYamlMapping.cpp | |
MLRegAllocEvictAdvisor.cpp | |
MLRegAllocEvictAdvisor.h | |
MLRegAllocPriorityAdvisor.cpp | |
ModuloSchedule.cpp | |
MultiHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
NonRelocatableStringpool.cpp | |
OptimizePHIs.cpp | |
PatchableFunction.cpp | |
PeepholeOptimizer.cpp | |
PHIElimination.cpp | |
PHIEliminationUtils.cpp | |
PHIEliminationUtils.h | |
PostRAHazardRecognizer.cpp | This runs the hazard recognizer and emits noops when necessary |
PostRASchedulerList.cpp | |
PreISelIntrinsicLowering.cpp | |
ProcessImplicitDefs.cpp | |
PrologEpilogInserter.cpp | |
PseudoProbeInserter.cpp | |
PseudoSourceValue.cpp | |
RDFGraph.cpp | |
RDFLiveness.cpp | |
RDFRegisters.cpp | |
ReachingDefAnalysis.cpp | |
RegAllocBase.cpp | |
RegAllocBase.h | |
RegAllocBasic.cpp | |
RegAllocEvictionAdvisor.cpp | |
RegAllocEvictionAdvisor.h | |
RegAllocFast.cpp | |
RegAllocGreedy.cpp | |
RegAllocGreedy.h | |
RegAllocPBQP.cpp | |
RegAllocPriorityAdvisor.cpp | |
RegAllocPriorityAdvisor.h | |
RegAllocScore.cpp | |
RegAllocScore.h | |
RegisterBank.cpp | This file implements the RegisterBank class |
RegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the RegisterBankInfo class |
RegisterClassInfo.cpp | |
RegisterCoalescer.cpp | |
RegisterCoalescer.h | |
RegisterPressure.cpp | |
RegisterScavenging.cpp | This file implements the machine register scavenger |
RegisterUsageInfo.cpp | |
RegUsageInfoCollector.cpp | |
RegUsageInfoPropagate.cpp | |
RemoveLoadsIntoFakeUses.cpp | The FAKE_USE instruction is used to preserve certain values through optimizations for the sake of debugging |
RemoveRedundantDebugValues.cpp | The RemoveRedundantDebugValues pass removes redundant DBG_VALUEs that appear in MIR after the register allocator |
RenameIndependentSubregs.cpp | |
ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp | |
ResetMachineFunctionPass.cpp | This file implements a pass that will conditionally reset a machine function as if it was just created |
SafeStack.cpp | |
SafeStackLayout.cpp | |
SafeStackLayout.h | |
SanitizerBinaryMetadata.cpp | |
ScheduleDAG.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGInstrs.cpp | |
ScheduleDAGPrinter.cpp | |
ScoreboardHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
SelectOptimize.cpp | |
ShadowStackGCLowering.cpp | |
ShrinkWrap.cpp | |
SjLjEHPrepare.cpp | |
SlotIndexes.cpp | |
SpillPlacement.cpp | |
SplitKit.cpp | |
SplitKit.h | |
StackColoring.cpp | |
StackFrameLayoutAnalysisPass.cpp | |
StackMapLivenessAnalysis.cpp | |
StackMaps.cpp | |
StackProtector.cpp | |
StackSlotColoring.cpp | |
SwiftErrorValueTracking.cpp | |
SwitchLoweringUtils.cpp | |
TailDuplication.cpp | |
TailDuplicator.cpp | |
TargetFrameLoweringImpl.cpp | |
TargetInstrInfo.cpp | |
TargetLoweringBase.cpp | |
TargetLoweringObjectFileImpl.cpp | |
TargetOptionsImpl.cpp | |
TargetPassConfig.cpp | |
TargetRegisterInfo.cpp | |
TargetSchedule.cpp | |
TargetSubtargetInfo.cpp | |
TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp | |
TypePromotion.cpp | This is an opcode based type promotion pass for small types that would otherwise be promoted during legalisation |
UnreachableBlockElim.cpp | |
ValueTypes.cpp | |
VirtRegMap.cpp | |
VLIWMachineScheduler.cpp | |
WasmEHPrepare.cpp | |
WindowScheduler.cpp | |
WinEHPrepare.cpp | |
XRayInstrumentation.cpp | |
► CodeGenTypes | |
LowLevelType.cpp | |
► DebugInfo | |
► BTF | |
BTFContext.cpp | |
BTFParser.cpp | |
► CodeView | |
AppendingTypeTableBuilder.cpp | |
CodeViewError.cpp | |
CodeViewRecordIO.cpp | |
ContinuationRecordBuilder.cpp | |
CVSymbolVisitor.cpp | |
CVTypeVisitor.cpp | |
DebugChecksumsSubsection.cpp | |
DebugCrossExSubsection.cpp | |
DebugCrossImpSubsection.cpp | |
DebugFrameDataSubsection.cpp | |
DebugInlineeLinesSubsection.cpp | |
DebugLinesSubsection.cpp | |
DebugStringTableSubsection.cpp | |
DebugSubsection.cpp | |
DebugSubsectionRecord.cpp | |
DebugSubsectionVisitor.cpp | |
DebugSymbolRVASubsection.cpp | |
DebugSymbolsSubsection.cpp | |
EnumTables.cpp | |
Formatters.cpp | |
GlobalTypeTableBuilder.cpp | |
LazyRandomTypeCollection.cpp | |
Line.cpp | |
MergingTypeTableBuilder.cpp | |
RecordName.cpp | |
RecordSerialization.cpp | |
SimpleTypeSerializer.cpp | |
StringsAndChecksums.cpp | |
SymbolDumper.cpp | |
SymbolRecordHelpers.cpp | |
SymbolRecordMapping.cpp | |
SymbolSerializer.cpp | |
TypeDumpVisitor.cpp | |
TypeHashing.cpp | |
TypeIndex.cpp | |
TypeIndexDiscovery.cpp | |
TypeRecordHelpers.cpp | |
TypeRecordMapping.cpp | |
TypeStreamMerger.cpp | |
TypeTableCollection.cpp | |
► DWARF | |
DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.cpp | |
DWARFAcceleratorTable.cpp | |
DWARFAddressRange.cpp | |
DWARFCompileUnit.cpp | |
DWARFContext.cpp | |
DWARFDataExtractor.cpp | |
DWARFDebugAbbrev.cpp | |
DWARFDebugAddr.cpp | |
DWARFDebugAranges.cpp | |
DWARFDebugArangeSet.cpp | |
DWARFDebugFrame.cpp | |
DWARFDebugInfoEntry.cpp | |
DWARFDebugLine.cpp | |
DWARFDebugLoc.cpp | |
DWARFDebugMacro.cpp | |
DWARFDebugPubTable.cpp | |
DWARFDebugRangeList.cpp | |
DWARFDebugRnglists.cpp | |
DWARFDie.cpp | |
DWARFExpression.cpp | |
DWARFFormValue.cpp | |
DWARFGdbIndex.cpp | |
DWARFListTable.cpp | |
DWARFLocationExpression.cpp | |
DWARFTypeUnit.cpp | |
DWARFUnit.cpp | |
DWARFUnitIndex.cpp | |
DWARFVerifier.cpp | |
► GSYM | |
CallSiteInfo.cpp | |
DwarfTransformer.cpp | |
ExtractRanges.cpp | |
FileWriter.cpp | |
FunctionInfo.cpp | |
GsymCreator.cpp | |
GsymReader.cpp | |
Header.cpp | |
InlineInfo.cpp | |
LineTable.cpp | |
LookupResult.cpp | |
MergedFunctionsInfo.cpp | |
ObjectFileTransformer.cpp | |
► LogicalView | |
► Core | |
LVCompare.cpp | |
LVElement.cpp | |
LVLine.cpp | |
LVLocation.cpp | |
LVObject.cpp | |
LVOptions.cpp | |
LVRange.cpp | |
LVReader.cpp | |
LVScope.cpp | |
LVSort.cpp | |
LVSupport.cpp | |
LVSymbol.cpp | |
LVType.cpp | |
► Readers | |
LVBinaryReader.cpp | |
LVCodeViewReader.cpp | |
LVCodeViewVisitor.cpp | |
LVDWARFReader.cpp | |
LVReaderHandler.cpp | |
► MSF | |
MappedBlockStream.cpp | |
MSFBuilder.cpp | |
MSFCommon.cpp | |
MSFError.cpp | |
► PDB | |
► DIA | |
DIADataStream.cpp | |
DIAEnumDebugStreams.cpp | |
DIAEnumFrameData.cpp | |
DIAEnumInjectedSources.cpp | |
DIAEnumLineNumbers.cpp | |
DIAEnumSectionContribs.cpp | |
DIAEnumSourceFiles.cpp | |
DIAEnumSymbols.cpp | |
DIAEnumTables.cpp | |
DIAError.cpp | |
DIAFrameData.cpp | |
DIAInjectedSource.cpp | |
DIALineNumber.cpp | |
DIARawSymbol.cpp | |
DIASectionContrib.cpp | |
DIASession.cpp | |
DIASourceFile.cpp | |
DIATable.cpp | |
► Native | |
DbiModuleDescriptor.cpp | |
DbiModuleDescriptorBuilder.cpp | |
DbiModuleList.cpp | |
DbiStream.cpp | |
DbiStreamBuilder.cpp | |
EnumTables.cpp | |
FormatUtil.cpp | |
GlobalsStream.cpp | |
GSIStreamBuilder.cpp | |
Hash.cpp | |
HashTable.cpp | |
InfoStream.cpp | |
InfoStreamBuilder.cpp | |
InjectedSourceStream.cpp | |
InputFile.cpp | |
LinePrinter.cpp | |
ModuleDebugStream.cpp | |
NamedStreamMap.cpp | |
NativeCompilandSymbol.cpp | |
NativeEnumGlobals.cpp | |
NativeEnumInjectedSources.cpp | |
NativeEnumLineNumbers.cpp | |
NativeEnumModules.cpp | |
NativeEnumSymbols.cpp | |
NativeEnumTypes.cpp | |
NativeExeSymbol.cpp | |
NativeFunctionSymbol.cpp | |
NativeInlineSiteSymbol.cpp | |
NativeLineNumber.cpp | |
NativePublicSymbol.cpp | |
NativeRawSymbol.cpp | |
NativeSession.cpp | |
NativeSourceFile.cpp | |
NativeSymbolEnumerator.cpp | |
NativeTypeArray.cpp | |
NativeTypeBuiltin.cpp | |
NativeTypeEnum.cpp | |
NativeTypeFunctionSig.cpp | |
NativeTypePointer.cpp | |
NativeTypeTypedef.cpp | |
NativeTypeUDT.cpp | |
NativeTypeVTShape.cpp | |
PDBFile.cpp | |
PDBFileBuilder.cpp | |
PDBStringTable.cpp | |
PDBStringTableBuilder.cpp | |
PublicsStream.cpp | |
RawError.cpp | |
SymbolCache.cpp | |
SymbolStream.cpp | |
TpiHashing.cpp | |
TpiStream.cpp | |
TpiStreamBuilder.cpp | |
GenericError.cpp | |
IPDBSourceFile.cpp | |
PDB.cpp | |
PDBContext.cpp | |
PDBExtras.cpp | |
PDBInterfaceAnchors.cpp | |
PDBSymbol.cpp | |
PDBSymbolAnnotation.cpp | |
PDBSymbolBlock.cpp | |
PDBSymbolCompiland.cpp | |
PDBSymbolCompilandDetails.cpp | |
PDBSymbolCompilandEnv.cpp | |
PDBSymbolCustom.cpp | |
PDBSymbolData.cpp | |
PDBSymbolExe.cpp | |
PDBSymbolFunc.cpp | |
PDBSymbolFuncDebugEnd.cpp | |
PDBSymbolFuncDebugStart.cpp | |
PDBSymbolLabel.cpp | |
PDBSymbolPublicSymbol.cpp | |
PDBSymbolThunk.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeArray.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeBaseClass.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeBuiltin.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeCustom.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeDimension.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeEnum.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeFriend.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeFunctionArg.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeFunctionSig.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeManaged.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypePointer.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeTypedef.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeUDT.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeVTable.cpp | |
PDBSymbolTypeVTableShape.cpp | |
PDBSymbolUnknown.cpp | |
PDBSymbolUsingNamespace.cpp | |
PDBSymDumper.cpp | |
UDTLayout.cpp | |
► Symbolize | |
DIPrinter.cpp | |
Markup.cpp | This file defines the log symbolizer markup data model and parser |
MarkupFilter.cpp | This file defines the implementation of a filter that replaces symbolizer markup with human-readable expressions |
SymbolizableObjectFile.cpp | |
Symbolize.cpp | |
► Debuginfod | |
BuildIDFetcher.cpp | This file defines a DIFetcher implementation for obtaining debug info from debuginfod |
Debuginfod.cpp | This file contains several definitions for the debuginfod client and server |
HTTPClient.cpp | This file defines the implementation of the HTTPClient library for issuing HTTP requests and handling the responses |
HTTPServer.cpp | This file defines the methods of the HTTPServer class and the streamFile function |
► Demangle | |
Demangle.cpp | |
DLangDemangle.cpp | This file defines a demangler for the D programming language as specified in the ABI specification, available at: |
ItaniumDemangle.cpp | |
MicrosoftDemangle.cpp | |
MicrosoftDemangleNodes.cpp | |
RustDemangle.cpp | |
► DWARFLinker | |
► Classic | |
DWARFLinker.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerDeclContext.cpp | |
DWARFStreamer.cpp | |
► Parallel | |
AcceleratorRecordsSaver.cpp | |
AcceleratorRecordsSaver.h | |
ArrayList.h | |
DebugLineSectionEmitter.h | |
DependencyTracker.cpp | |
DependencyTracker.h | |
DIEAttributeCloner.cpp | |
DIEAttributeCloner.h | |
DIEGenerator.h | |
DWARFEmitterImpl.cpp | |
DWARFEmitterImpl.h | |
DWARFLinker.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h | |
DWARFLinkerGlobalData.h | |
DWARFLinkerImpl.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerImpl.h | |
DWARFLinkerTypeUnit.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerTypeUnit.h | |
DWARFLinkerUnit.cpp | |
DWARFLinkerUnit.h | |
OutputSections.cpp | |
OutputSections.h | |
StringEntryToDwarfStringPoolEntryMap.h | |
SyntheticTypeNameBuilder.cpp | |
SyntheticTypeNameBuilder.h | |
TypePool.h | |
DWARFLinkerBase.cpp | |
Utils.cpp | |
► DWP | |
DWP.cpp | |
DWPError.cpp | |
► ExecutionEngine | |
► IntelJITEvents | |
IntelJITEventListener.cpp | |
► IntelJITProfiling | |
IntelJITEventsWrapper.h | |
ittnotify_config.h | |
ittnotify_types.h | |
jitprofiling.c | |
jitprofiling.h | |
► Interpreter | |
Execution.cpp | |
ExternalFunctions.cpp | |
Interpreter.cpp | |
Interpreter.h | |
► JITLink | |
aarch32.cpp | |
aarch64.cpp | |
COFF.cpp | |
COFF_x86_64.cpp | |
COFFDirectiveParser.cpp | |
COFFDirectiveParser.h | |
COFFLinkGraphBuilder.cpp | |
COFFLinkGraphBuilder.h | |
DefineExternalSectionStartAndEndSymbols.h | |
DWARFRecordSectionSplitter.cpp | |
EHFrameSupport.cpp | |
EHFrameSupportImpl.h | |
ELF.cpp | |
ELF_aarch32.cpp | |
ELF_aarch64.cpp | |
ELF_i386.cpp | |
ELF_loongarch.cpp | |
ELF_ppc64.cpp | |
ELF_riscv.cpp | |
ELF_x86_64.cpp | |
ELFLinkGraphBuilder.cpp | |
ELFLinkGraphBuilder.h | |
i386.cpp | |
JITLink.cpp | |
JITLinkGeneric.cpp | |
JITLinkGeneric.h | |
JITLinkMemoryManager.cpp | |
loongarch.cpp | |
MachO.cpp | |
MachO_arm64.cpp | |
MachO_x86_64.cpp | |
MachOLinkGraphBuilder.cpp | |
MachOLinkGraphBuilder.h | |
PerGraphGOTAndPLTStubsBuilder.h | |
ppc64.cpp | |
riscv.cpp | |
SEHFrameSupport.h | |
x86_64.cpp | |
► MCJIT | |
MCJIT.cpp | |
MCJIT.h | |
► OProfileJIT | |
OProfileJITEventListener.cpp | |
OProfileWrapper.cpp | |
► Orc | |
► Debugging | |
DebuggerSupport.cpp | |
DebuggerSupportPlugin.cpp | |
DebugInfoSupport.cpp | |
LLJITUtilsCBindings.cpp | |
PerfSupportPlugin.cpp | |
VTuneSupportPlugin.cpp | |
► Shared | |
AllocationActions.cpp | |
MachOObjectFormat.cpp | |
ObjectFormats.cpp | |
OrcError.cpp | |
OrcRTBridge.cpp | |
SimpleRemoteEPCUtils.cpp | |
SymbolStringPool.cpp | |
► TargetProcess | |
ExecutorSharedMemoryMapperService.cpp | |
JITLoaderGDB.cpp | |
JITLoaderPerf.cpp | |
JITLoaderVTune.cpp | |
OrcRTBootstrap.cpp | |
OrcRTBootstrap.h | |
RegisterEHFrames.cpp | |
SimpleExecutorDylibManager.cpp | |
SimpleExecutorMemoryManager.cpp | |
SimpleRemoteEPCServer.cpp | |
TargetExecutionUtils.cpp | |
AbsoluteSymbols.cpp | |
COFFPlatform.cpp | |
COFFVCRuntimeSupport.cpp | |
CompileOnDemandLayer.cpp | |
CompileUtils.cpp | |
Core.cpp | |
DebugObjectManagerPlugin.cpp | |
DebugUtils.cpp | |
ELFNixPlatform.cpp | |
EPCDebugObjectRegistrar.cpp | |
EPCDynamicLibrarySearchGenerator.cpp | |
EPCEHFrameRegistrar.cpp | |
EPCGenericDylibManager.cpp | |
EPCGenericJITLinkMemoryManager.cpp | |
EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager.cpp | |
EPCIndirectionUtils.cpp | |
ExecutionUtils.cpp | |
ExecutorProcessControl.cpp | |
IndirectionUtils.cpp | |
IRCompileLayer.cpp | |
IRPartitionLayer.cpp | |
IRTransformLayer.cpp | |
JITLinkRedirectableSymbolManager.cpp | |
JITLinkReentryTrampolines.cpp | |
JITTargetMachineBuilder.cpp | |
Layer.cpp | |
LazyObjectLinkingLayer.cpp | |
LazyReexports.cpp | |
LinkGraphLayer.cpp | |
LinkGraphLinkingLayer.cpp | |
LLJIT.cpp | |
LoadLinkableFile.cpp | |
LookupAndRecordAddrs.cpp | |
MachO.cpp | |
MachOPlatform.cpp | |
Mangling.cpp | |
MapperJITLinkMemoryManager.cpp | |
MemoryMapper.cpp | |
ObjectFileInterface.cpp | |
ObjectLinkingLayer.cpp | |
ObjectTransformLayer.cpp | |
OrcABISupport.cpp | |
OrcV2CBindings.cpp | |
RedirectionManager.cpp | |
ReOptimizeLayer.cpp | |
RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer.cpp | |
SectCreate.cpp | |
SimpleRemoteEPC.cpp | |
SpeculateAnalyses.cpp | |
Speculation.cpp | |
TaskDispatch.cpp | |
ThreadSafeModule.cpp | |
► PerfJITEvents | |
PerfJITEventListener.cpp | |
► RuntimeDyld | |
► Targets | |
RuntimeDyldCOFFAArch64.h | |
RuntimeDyldCOFFI386.h | |
RuntimeDyldCOFFThumb.h | |
RuntimeDyldCOFFX86_64.h | |
RuntimeDyldELFMips.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldELFMips.h | |
RuntimeDyldMachOAArch64.h | |
RuntimeDyldMachOARM.h | |
RuntimeDyldMachOI386.h | |
RuntimeDyldMachOX86_64.h | |
JITSymbol.cpp | |
RTDyldMemoryManager.cpp | |
RuntimeDyld.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldChecker.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldCheckerImpl.h | |
RuntimeDyldCOFF.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldCOFF.h | |
RuntimeDyldELF.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldELF.h | |
RuntimeDyldImpl.h | |
RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp | |
RuntimeDyldMachO.h | |
ExecutionEngine.cpp | |
ExecutionEngineBindings.cpp | |
GDBRegistrationListener.cpp | |
SectionMemoryManager.cpp | |
TargetSelect.cpp | |
► Extensions | |
Extensions.cpp | |
► FileCheck | |
FileCheck.cpp | |
FileCheckImpl.h | |
► Frontend | |
► Atomic | |
Atomic.cpp | |
► Driver | |
CodeGenOptions.cpp | |
► HLSL | |
HLSLResource.cpp | |
► Offloading | |
OffloadWrapper.cpp | |
Utility.cpp | |
► OpenACC | |
ACC.cpp | |
► OpenMP | |
OMP.cpp | |
OMPContext.cpp | This file implements helper functions and classes to deal with OpenMP contexts as used by [begin/end] declare variant and metadirective |
OMPIRBuilder.cpp | This file implements the OpenMPIRBuilder class, which is used as a convenient way to create LLVM instructions for OpenMP directives |
► FuzzMutate | |
FuzzerCLI.cpp | |
IRMutator.cpp | |
OpDescriptor.cpp | |
Operations.cpp | |
RandomIRBuilder.cpp | |
► InterfaceStub | |
ELFObjHandler.cpp | |
IFSHandler.cpp | |
IFSStub.cpp | |
► IR | |
AbstractCallSite.cpp | |
AsmWriter.cpp | |
Assumptions.cpp | |
AttributeImpl.h | This file defines various helper methods and classes used by LLVMContextImpl for creating and managing attributes |
Attributes.cpp | |
AutoUpgrade.cpp | |
BasicBlock.cpp | |
BuiltinGCs.cpp | |
Comdat.cpp | |
ConstantFold.cpp | |
ConstantFPRange.cpp | |
ConstantRange.cpp | |
ConstantRangeList.cpp | |
Constants.cpp | |
ConstantsContext.h | |
ConvergenceVerifier.cpp | |
Core.cpp | |
CycleInfo.cpp | |
DataLayout.cpp | |
DebugInfo.cpp | |
DebugInfoMetadata.cpp | |
DebugLoc.cpp | |
DebugProgramInstruction.cpp | |
DiagnosticHandler.cpp | |
DiagnosticInfo.cpp | |
DiagnosticPrinter.cpp | |
DIBuilder.cpp | |
DIExpressionOptimizer.cpp | |
Dominators.cpp | |
EHPersonalities.cpp | |
FPEnv.cpp | This file contains the implementations of entities that describe floating point environment |
Function.cpp | |
GCStrategy.cpp | |
Globals.cpp | |
GVMaterializer.cpp | |
InlineAsm.cpp | |
Instruction.cpp | |
Instructions.cpp | |
IntrinsicInst.cpp | |
Intrinsics.cpp | |
IRBuilder.cpp | |
IRPrintingPasses.cpp | |
LegacyPassManager.cpp | |
LLVMContext.cpp | |
LLVMContextImpl.cpp | |
LLVMContextImpl.h | |
LLVMRemarkStreamer.cpp | |
Mangler.cpp | |
MDBuilder.cpp | |
MemoryModelRelaxationAnnotations.cpp | |
Metadata.cpp | |
MetadataImpl.h | |
Module.cpp | |
ModuleSummaryIndex.cpp | |
Operator.cpp | |
OptBisect.cpp | This file implements support for a bisecting optimizations based on a command line option |
Pass.cpp | |
PassInstrumentation.cpp | This file provides the implementation of PassInstrumentation class |
PassManager.cpp | |
PassRegistry.cpp | |
PassTimingInfo.cpp | |
PrintPasses.cpp | |
ProfDataUtils.cpp | |
ProfileSummary.cpp | |
PseudoProbe.cpp | |
ReplaceConstant.cpp | |
RuntimeLibcalls.cpp | |
SafepointIRVerifier.cpp | |
SSAContext.cpp | This file defines a specialization of the GenericSSAContext<X> template class for LLVM IR |
Statepoint.cpp | |
StructuralHash.cpp | |
SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h | |
Type.cpp | |
TypedPointerType.cpp | |
TypeFinder.cpp | |
Use.cpp | |
User.cpp | |
Value.cpp | |
ValueSymbolTable.cpp | |
VectorBuilder.cpp | |
VectorTypeUtils.cpp | |
Verifier.cpp | |
VFABIDemangler.cpp | |
► IRPrinter | |
IRPrintingPasses.cpp | |
► IRReader | |
IRReader.cpp | |
► LineEditor | |
LineEditor.cpp | |
► Linker | |
IRMover.cpp | |
LinkDiagnosticInfo.h | |
LinkModules.cpp | |
► LTO | |
LTO.cpp | |
LTOBackend.cpp | |
LTOCodeGenerator.cpp | |
LTOModule.cpp | |
ThinLTOCodeGenerator.cpp | |
UpdateCompilerUsed.cpp | |
► MC | |
► MCDisassembler | |
Disassembler.cpp | |
Disassembler.h | |
MCDisassembler.cpp | |
MCExternalSymbolizer.cpp | |
MCRelocationInfo.cpp | |
MCSymbolizer.cpp | |
► MCParser | |
AsmLexer.cpp | |
AsmParser.cpp | |
COFFAsmParser.cpp | |
COFFMasmParser.cpp | |
DarwinAsmParser.cpp | |
ELFAsmParser.cpp | |
GOFFAsmParser.cpp | |
MasmParser.cpp | |
MCAsmLexer.cpp | |
MCAsmParser.cpp | |
MCAsmParserExtension.cpp | |
MCTargetAsmParser.cpp | |
WasmAsmParser.cpp | |
XCOFFAsmParser.cpp | |
ConstantPools.cpp | |
DXContainerPSVInfo.cpp | |
ELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
GOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
MachObjectWriter.cpp | |
MCAsmBackend.cpp | |
MCAsmInfo.cpp | |
MCAsmInfoCOFF.cpp | |
MCAsmInfoDarwin.cpp | |
MCAsmInfoELF.cpp | |
MCAsmInfoGOFF.cpp | This file defines certain target specific asm properties for GOFF (z/OS) based targets |
MCAsmInfoWasm.cpp | |
MCAsmInfoXCOFF.cpp | |
MCAsmMacro.cpp | |
MCAsmStreamer.cpp | |
MCAssembler.cpp | |
MCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
MCCodeView.cpp | |
MCContext.cpp | |
MCDwarf.cpp | |
MCDXContainerStreamer.cpp | |
MCDXContainerWriter.cpp | |
MCELFObjectTargetWriter.cpp | |
MCELFStreamer.cpp | |
MCExpr.cpp | |
MCFragment.cpp | |
MCGOFFStreamer.cpp | |
MCInst.cpp | |
MCInstPrinter.cpp | |
MCInstrAnalysis.cpp | |
MCInstrDesc.cpp | |
MCInstrInfo.cpp | |
MCLabel.cpp | |
MCLinkerOptimizationHint.cpp | |
MCMachObjectTargetWriter.cpp | |
MCMachOStreamer.cpp | |
MCNullStreamer.cpp | |
MCObjectFileInfo.cpp | |
MCObjectStreamer.cpp | |
MCObjectWriter.cpp | |
MCPseudoProbe.cpp | |
MCRegisterInfo.cpp | |
MCSchedule.cpp | |
MCSection.cpp | |
MCSectionCOFF.cpp | |
MCSectionDXContainer.cpp | |
MCSectionELF.cpp | |
MCSectionMachO.cpp | |
MCSectionWasm.cpp | |
MCSectionXCOFF.cpp | |
MCSPIRVStreamer.cpp | |
MCStreamer.cpp | |
MCSubtargetInfo.cpp | |
MCSymbol.cpp | |
MCSymbolELF.cpp | |
MCSymbolXCOFF.cpp | |
MCTargetOptions.cpp | |
MCTargetOptionsCommandFlags.cpp | |
MCValue.cpp | |
MCWasmObjectTargetWriter.cpp | |
MCWasmStreamer.cpp | |
MCWin64EH.cpp | |
MCWinCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
MCWinEH.cpp | |
MCXCOFFObjectTargetWriter.cpp | |
MCXCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
SPIRVObjectWriter.cpp | |
StringTableBuilder.cpp | |
TargetRegistry.cpp | |
WasmObjectWriter.cpp | |
WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
XCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
► MCA | |
► HardwareUnits | |
HardwareUnit.cpp | This file defines the anchor for the base class that describes simulated hardware units |
LSUnit.cpp | A Load-Store Unit for the llvm-mca tool |
RegisterFile.cpp | This file defines a register mapping file class |
ResourceManager.cpp | The classes here represent processor resource units and their management strategy |
RetireControlUnit.cpp | This file simulates the hardware responsible for retiring instructions |
Scheduler.cpp | |
► Stages | |
DispatchStage.cpp | This file models the dispatch component of an instruction pipeline |
EntryStage.cpp | This file defines the Fetch stage of an instruction pipeline |
ExecuteStage.cpp | This file defines the execution stage of an instruction pipeline |
InOrderIssueStage.cpp | InOrderIssueStage implements an in-order execution pipeline |
InstructionTables.cpp | This file implements the method InstructionTables::execute() |
MicroOpQueueStage.cpp | This file defines the MicroOpQueueStage |
RetireStage.cpp | This file defines the retire stage of an instruction pipeline |
Stage.cpp | This file defines a stage |
CodeEmitter.cpp | |
Context.cpp | This file defines a class for holding ownership of various simulated hardware units |
CustomBehaviour.cpp | This file implements methods from the CustomBehaviour interface |
HWEventListener.cpp | This file defines a vtable anchor for class HWEventListener |
IncrementalSourceMgr.cpp | This file defines some implementations for IncrementalSourceMgr |
InstrBuilder.cpp | This file implements the InstrBuilder interface |
Instruction.cpp | |
Pipeline.cpp | This file implements an ordered container of stages that simulate the pipeline of a hardware backend |
Support.cpp | This file implements a few helper functions used by various pipeline components |
View.cpp | This file defines the virtual anchor method in View.h to pin the vtable |
► ObjCopy | |
► COFF | |
COFFObjcopy.cpp | |
COFFObject.cpp | |
COFFObject.h | |
COFFReader.cpp | |
COFFReader.h | |
COFFWriter.cpp | |
COFFWriter.h | |
► ELF | |
ELFObjcopy.cpp | |
ELFObject.cpp | |
ELFObject.h | |
► MachO | |
MachOLayoutBuilder.cpp | |
MachOLayoutBuilder.h | |
MachOObjcopy.cpp | |
MachOObject.cpp | |
MachOObject.h | |
MachOReader.cpp | |
MachOReader.h | |
MachOWriter.cpp | |
MachOWriter.h | |
► wasm | |
WasmObjcopy.cpp | |
WasmObject.cpp | |
WasmObject.h | |
WasmReader.cpp | |
WasmReader.h | |
WasmWriter.cpp | |
WasmWriter.h | |
► XCOFF | |
XCOFFObjcopy.cpp | |
XCOFFObject.h | |
XCOFFReader.cpp | |
XCOFFReader.h | |
XCOFFWriter.cpp | |
XCOFFWriter.h | |
Archive.cpp | |
Archive.h | |
CommonConfig.cpp | |
ConfigManager.cpp | |
ObjCopy.cpp | |
► Object | |
Archive.cpp | |
ArchiveWriter.cpp | |
Binary.cpp | |
BuildID.cpp | This file defines a library for handling Build IDs and using them to find debug info |
COFFImportFile.cpp | |
COFFModuleDefinition.cpp | |
COFFObjectFile.cpp | |
Decompressor.cpp | |
DXContainer.cpp | |
ELF.cpp | |
ELFObjectFile.cpp | |
Error.cpp | |
FaultMapParser.cpp | |
GOFFObjectFile.cpp | |
IRObjectFile.cpp | |
IRSymtab.cpp | |
MachOObjectFile.cpp | |
MachOUniversal.cpp | |
MachOUniversalWriter.cpp | |
Minidump.cpp | |
ModuleSymbolTable.cpp | |
Object.cpp | |
ObjectFile.cpp | |
OffloadBinary.cpp | |
RecordStreamer.cpp | |
RecordStreamer.h | |
RelocationResolver.cpp | |
SymbolicFile.cpp | |
SymbolSize.cpp | |
TapiFile.cpp | |
TapiUniversal.cpp | |
WasmObjectFile.cpp | |
WindowsMachineFlag.cpp | |
WindowsResource.cpp | |
XCOFFObjectFile.cpp | |
► ObjectYAML | |
ArchiveEmitter.cpp | |
ArchiveYAML.cpp | |
CodeViewYAMLDebugSections.cpp | |
CodeViewYAMLSymbols.cpp | |
CodeViewYAMLTypeHashing.cpp | |
CodeViewYAMLTypes.cpp | |
COFFEmitter.cpp | The COFF component of yaml2obj |
COFFYAML.cpp | |
DWARFEmitter.cpp | The DWARF component of yaml2obj |
DXContainerEmitter.cpp | Binary emitter for yaml to DXContainer binary |
DXContainerYAML.cpp | |
ELFEmitter.cpp | The ELF component of yaml2obj |
ELFYAML.cpp | |
GOFFEmitter.cpp | The GOFF component of yaml2obj |
GOFFYAML.cpp | |
MachOEmitter.cpp | The Mach component of yaml2obj |
MachOYAML.cpp | |
MinidumpEmitter.cpp | |
MinidumpYAML.cpp | |
ObjectYAML.cpp | |
OffloadEmitter.cpp | |
OffloadYAML.cpp | |
WasmEmitter.cpp | The Wasm component of yaml2obj |
WasmYAML.cpp | |
XCOFFEmitter.cpp | The xcoff component of yaml2obj |
YAML.cpp | |
yaml2obj.cpp | |
► Option | |
Arg.cpp | |
ArgList.cpp | |
Option.cpp | |
OptTable.cpp | |
► Passes | |
CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp | |
DroppedVariableStatsIR.cpp | ===- DroppedVariableStatsIR.cpp -------------------------------------—===// |
OptimizationLevel.cpp | |
PassBuilder.cpp | This file provides the implementation of the PassBuilder based on our static pass registry as well as related functionality |
PassBuilderBindings.cpp | This file defines the C bindings to the new pass manager |
PassBuilderPipelines.cpp | This file provides the implementation of the PassBuilder based on our static pass registry as well as related functionality |
PassPlugin.cpp | |
StandardInstrumentations.cpp | This file defines IR-printing pass instrumentation callbacks as well as StandardInstrumentations class that manages standard pass instrumentations |
► ProfileData | |
► Coverage | |
CoverageMapping.cpp | |
CoverageMappingReader.cpp | |
CoverageMappingWriter.cpp | |
GCOV.cpp | |
InstrProf.cpp | |
InstrProfCorrelator.cpp | |
InstrProfReader.cpp | |
InstrProfWriter.cpp | |
ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer.cpp | |
MemProf.cpp | |
MemProfReader.cpp | |
PGOCtxProfReader.cpp | |
PGOCtxProfWriter.cpp | |
ProfileSummaryBuilder.cpp | |
SampleProf.cpp | |
SampleProfReader.cpp | |
SampleProfWriter.cpp | |
SymbolRemappingReader.cpp | |
► Remarks | |
BitstreamRemarkParser.cpp | |
BitstreamRemarkParser.h | |
BitstreamRemarkSerializer.cpp | |
Remark.cpp | |
RemarkFormat.cpp | |
RemarkLinker.cpp | |
RemarkParser.cpp | |
RemarkSerializer.cpp | |
RemarkStreamer.cpp | |
RemarkStringTable.cpp | |
YAMLRemarkParser.cpp | |
YAMLRemarkParser.h | |
YAMLRemarkSerializer.cpp | |
► SandboxIR | |
Argument.cpp | |
BasicBlock.cpp | |
Constant.cpp | |
Context.cpp | |
Function.cpp | |
Instruction.cpp | |
Module.cpp | |
Pass.cpp | |
PassManager.cpp | |
Region.cpp | |
Tracker.cpp | |
Type.cpp | |
Use.cpp | |
User.cpp | |
Value.cpp | |
► Support | |
► BLAKE3 | |
blake3.c | |
blake3_avx2.c | |
blake3_avx512.c | |
blake3_dispatch.c | |
blake3_impl.h | |
blake3_neon.c | |
blake3_portable.c | |
blake3_sse2.c | |
blake3_sse41.c | |
llvm_blake3_prefix.h | |
► rpmalloc | |
malloc.c | |
rpmalloc.c | |
rpmalloc.h | |
rpnew.h | |
► Unix | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Unix.h | | | |
► Windows | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
ABIBreak.cpp | |
Allocator.cpp | |
AMDGPUMetadata.cpp | AMDGPU metadata definitions and in-memory representations |
APFixedPoint.cpp | Defines the implementation for the fixed point number interface |
APFloat.cpp | |
APInt.cpp | |
APSInt.cpp | |
ARMAttributeParser.cpp | |
ARMBuildAttrs.cpp | |
ARMWinEH.cpp | |
Atomic.cpp | |
AutoConvert.cpp | |
BalancedPartitioning.cpp | |
Base64.cpp | |
BinaryStreamError.cpp | |
BinaryStreamReader.cpp | |
BinaryStreamRef.cpp | |
BinaryStreamWriter.cpp | |
BlockFrequency.cpp | |
BranchProbability.cpp | |
BuryPointer.cpp | |
CachePruning.cpp | |
Caching.cpp | |
Chrono.cpp | |
circular_raw_ostream.cpp | |
CodeGenCoverage.cpp | This file implements the CodeGenCoverage class |
COM.cpp | |
CommandLine.cpp | |
Compression.cpp | |
ConvertEBCDIC.cpp | This file provides utility functions for converting between EBCDIC-1047 and UTF-8 |
ConvertUTF.cpp | |
ConvertUTFWrapper.cpp | |
CrashRecoveryContext.cpp | |
CRC.cpp | |
CSKYAttributeParser.cpp | |
CSKYAttributes.cpp | |
DAGDeltaAlgorithm.cpp | |
DataExtractor.cpp | |
Debug.cpp | |
DebugCounter.cpp | |
DebugOptions.h | |
DeltaAlgorithm.cpp | |
DeltaTree.cpp | |
DivisionByConstantInfo.cpp | |
DJB.cpp | |
DynamicAPInt.cpp | |
DynamicLibrary.cpp | |
ELFAttributeParser.cpp | |
ELFAttributes.cpp | |
Errno.cpp | |
Error.cpp | |
ErrorHandling.cpp | |
ExponentialBackoff.cpp | |
ExtensibleRTTI.cpp | |
FileCollector.cpp | |
FileOutputBuffer.cpp | |
FileUtilities.cpp | |
FloatingPointMode.cpp | |
FoldingSet.cpp | |
FormattedStream.cpp | |
FormatVariadic.cpp | |
GlobPattern.cpp | |
GraphWriter.cpp | |
HexagonAttributeParser.cpp | |
HexagonAttributes.cpp | |
InitLLVM.cpp | |
InstructionCost.cpp | This file includes the function definitions for the InstructionCost class that is used when calculating the cost of an instruction, or a group of instructions |
IntEqClasses.cpp | |
IntervalMap.cpp | |
JSON.cpp | |
KnownBits.cpp | |
LEB128.cpp | |
LineIterator.cpp | |
Locale.cpp | |
LockFileManager.cpp | |
ManagedStatic.cpp | |
MathExtras.cpp | |
MD5.cpp | |
MemAlloc.cpp | |
Memory.cpp | |
MemoryBuffer.cpp | |
MemoryBufferRef.cpp | |
ModRef.cpp | |
MSP430AttributeParser.cpp | |
MSP430Attributes.cpp | |
NativeFormatting.cpp | |
OptimizedStructLayout.cpp | |
Optional.cpp | |
OptionStrCmp.cpp | |
Parallel.cpp | |
Path.cpp | |
PGOOptions.cpp | |
PluginLoader.cpp | |
PrettyStackTrace.cpp | |
Process.cpp | |
Program.cpp | |
RandomNumberGenerator.cpp | |
raw_os_ostream.cpp | |
raw_ostream.cpp | |
raw_socket_stream.cpp | |
regcomp.c | | | |
regerror.c | |
Regex.cpp | |
regex2.h | |
regex_impl.h | |
regexec.c | |
regfree.c | |
regstrlcpy.c | |
regutils.h | |
RewriteBuffer.cpp | |
RewriteRope.cpp | |
RISCVAttributeParser.cpp | |
RISCVAttributes.cpp | |
RISCVISAUtils.cpp | |
RWMutex.cpp | |
ScaledNumber.cpp | |
ScopedPrinter.cpp | |
SHA1.cpp | |
SHA256.cpp | |
Signals.cpp | |
Signposts.cpp | |
SipHash.cpp | |
SlowDynamicAPInt.cpp | |
SmallPtrSet.cpp | |
SmallVector.cpp | |
SourceMgr.cpp | |
SpecialCaseList.cpp | |
Statistic.cpp | |
StringExtras.cpp | |
StringMap.cpp | |
StringRef.cpp | |
StringSaver.cpp | |
SuffixTree.cpp | |
SuffixTreeNode.cpp | |
SystemUtils.cpp | |
TarWriter.cpp | |
Threading.cpp | |
ThreadPool.cpp | |
TimeProfiler.cpp | |
Timer.cpp | |
ToolOutputFile.cpp | |
TrieRawHashMap.cpp | |
Twine.cpp | |
TypeSize.cpp | |
Unicode.cpp | |
UnicodeCaseFold.cpp | |
UnicodeNameToCodepoint.cpp | |
UnicodeNameToCodepointGenerated.cpp | |
Valgrind.cpp | |
VersionTuple.cpp | |
VirtualFileSystem.cpp | |
Watchdog.cpp | |
WithColor.cpp | |
xxhash.cpp | |
YAMLParser.cpp | |
YAMLTraits.cpp | |
Z3Solver.cpp | |
► TableGen | |
DetailedRecordsBackend.cpp | |
Error.cpp | |
JSONBackend.cpp | |
Main.cpp | |
Parser.cpp | |
Record.cpp | |
SetTheory.cpp | |
StringMatcher.cpp | |
TableGenBackend.cpp | |
TableGenBackendSkeleton.cpp | |
TGLexer.cpp | |
TGLexer.h | |
TGParser.cpp | |
TGParser.h | |
TGTimer.cpp | |
► Target | |
► AArch64 | |
► AsmParser | |
AArch64AsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
AArch64Disassembler.cpp | |
AArch64Disassembler.h | |
AArch64ExternalSymbolizer.cpp | |
AArch64ExternalSymbolizer.h | |
► GISel | |
AArch64CallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
AArch64CallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
AArch64GlobalISelUtils.cpp | |
AArch64GlobalISelUtils.h | |
AArch64InstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for AArch64 |
AArch64LegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AArch64 |
AArch64LegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AArch64 |
AArch64O0PreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
AArch64PostLegalizerCombiner.cpp | Post-legalization combines on generic MachineInstrs |
AArch64PostLegalizerLowering.cpp | Post-legalization lowering for instructions |
AArch64PostSelectOptimize.cpp | |
AArch64PreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
AArch64RegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AArch64 |
AArch64RegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AArch64 |
► MCTargetDesc | |
AArch64AddressingModes.h | |
AArch64AsmBackend.cpp | |
AArch64ELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
AArch64ELFStreamer.cpp | |
AArch64ELFStreamer.h | |
AArch64FixupKinds.h | |
AArch64InstPrinter.cpp | |
AArch64InstPrinter.h | |
AArch64MachObjectWriter.cpp | |
AArch64MCAsmInfo.cpp | |
AArch64MCAsmInfo.h | |
AArch64MCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
AArch64MCExpr.cpp | |
AArch64MCExpr.h | |
AArch64MCTargetDesc.cpp | |
AArch64MCTargetDesc.h | |
AArch64TargetStreamer.cpp | |
AArch64TargetStreamer.h | |
AArch64WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
AArch64WinCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
AArch64WinCOFFStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
AArch64TargetInfo.cpp | |
AArch64TargetInfo.h | |
► Utils | |
AArch64BaseInfo.cpp | |
AArch64BaseInfo.h | |
AArch64SMEAttributes.cpp | |
AArch64SMEAttributes.h | |
AArch64.h | |
AArch64A53Fix835769.cpp | |
AArch64A57FPLoadBalancing.cpp | |
AArch64AdvSIMDScalarPass.cpp | |
AArch64Arm64ECCallLowering.cpp | This file contains the IR transform to lower external or indirect calls for the ARM64EC calling convention |
AArch64AsmPrinter.cpp | |
AArch64BranchTargets.cpp | |
AArch64CallingConvention.cpp | |
AArch64CallingConvention.h | |
AArch64CleanupLocalDynamicTLSPass.cpp | |
AArch64CollectLOH.cpp | |
AArch64CompressJumpTables.cpp | |
AArch64CondBrTuning.cpp | This file contains a pass that transforms CBZ/CBNZ/TBZ/TBNZ instructions into a conditional branch (B.cond), when the NZCV flags can be set for "free" |
AArch64ConditionalCompares.cpp | |
AArch64ConditionOptimizer.cpp | |
AArch64DeadRegisterDefinitionsPass.cpp | |
AArch64ExpandImm.cpp | |
AArch64ExpandImm.h | |
AArch64ExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
AArch64FalkorHWPFFix.cpp | |
AArch64FastISel.cpp | |
AArch64FrameLowering.cpp | |
AArch64FrameLowering.h | |
AArch64InstrInfo.cpp | |
AArch64InstrInfo.h | |
AArch64ISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
AArch64ISelLowering.cpp | |
AArch64ISelLowering.h | |
AArch64LoadStoreOptimizer.cpp | |
AArch64LowerHomogeneousPrologEpilog.cpp | |
AArch64MachineFunctionInfo.cpp | This file implements AArch64-specific per-machine-function information |
AArch64MachineFunctionInfo.h | |
AArch64MachineScheduler.cpp | |
AArch64MachineScheduler.h | |
AArch64MacroFusion.cpp | |
AArch64MacroFusion.h | |
AArch64MCInstLower.cpp | |
AArch64MCInstLower.h | |
AArch64MIPeepholeOpt.cpp | |
AArch64PBQPRegAlloc.cpp | |
AArch64PBQPRegAlloc.h | |
AArch64PerfectShuffle.h | |
AArch64PointerAuth.cpp | |
AArch64PointerAuth.h | |
AArch64PostCoalescerPass.cpp | |
AArch64PromoteConstant.cpp | |
AArch64RedundantCopyElimination.cpp | |
AArch64RegisterInfo.cpp | |
AArch64RegisterInfo.h | |
AArch64SelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
AArch64SelectionDAGInfo.h | |
AArch64SIMDInstrOpt.cpp | |
AArch64SLSHardening.cpp | |
AArch64SpeculationHardening.cpp | |
AArch64StackTagging.cpp | |
AArch64StackTaggingPreRA.cpp | |
AArch64StorePairSuppress.cpp | |
AArch64Subtarget.cpp | |
AArch64Subtarget.h | |
AArch64TargetMachine.cpp | |
AArch64TargetMachine.h | |
AArch64TargetObjectFile.cpp | |
AArch64TargetObjectFile.h | |
AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
AArch64TargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the AArch64 target machine |
SMEABIPass.cpp | |
SMEPeepholeOpt.cpp | |
SVEIntrinsicOpts.cpp | |
► AMDGPU | |
► AsmParser | |
AMDGPUAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
AMDGPUDisassembler.cpp | This file contains definition for AMDGPU ISA disassembler |
AMDGPUDisassembler.h | This file contains declaration for AMDGPU ISA disassembler |
► MCA | |
AMDGPUCustomBehaviour.cpp | This file implements methods from the AMDGPUCustomBehaviour class |
AMDGPUCustomBehaviour.h | This file defines the AMDGPUCustomBehaviour class which inherits from CustomBehaviour |
► MCTargetDesc | |
AMDGPUAsmBackend.cpp | |
AMDGPUELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
AMDGPUELFStreamer.cpp | |
AMDGPUELFStreamer.h | |
AMDGPUFixupKinds.h | |
AMDGPUInstPrinter.cpp | |
AMDGPUInstPrinter.h | |
AMDGPUMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUMCAsmInfo.h | |
AMDGPUMCCodeEmitter.cpp | The AMDGPU code emitter produces machine code that can be executed directly on the GPU device |
AMDGPUMCExpr.cpp | |
AMDGPUMCExpr.h | |
AMDGPUMCKernelDescriptor.cpp | |
AMDGPUMCKernelDescriptor.h | AMDHSA kernel descriptor MCExpr struct for use in MC layer |
AMDGPUMCTargetDesc.cpp | This file provides AMDGPU specific target descriptions |
AMDGPUMCTargetDesc.h | Provides AMDGPU specific target descriptions |
AMDGPUTargetStreamer.cpp | |
AMDGPUTargetStreamer.h | |
R600InstPrinter.cpp | |
R600InstPrinter.h | |
R600MCCodeEmitter.cpp | The R600 code emitter produces machine code that can be executed directly on the GPU device |
R600MCTargetDesc.cpp | This file provides R600 specific target descriptions |
R600MCTargetDesc.h | Provides R600 specific target descriptions |
► TargetInfo | |
AMDGPUTargetInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUTargetInfo.h | |
► Utils | |
AMDGPUAsmUtils.cpp | |
AMDGPUAsmUtils.h | |
AMDGPUBaseInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUBaseInfo.h | |
AMDGPUDelayedMCExpr.cpp | |
AMDGPUDelayedMCExpr.h | |
AMDGPUPALMetadata.cpp | This class has methods called by AMDGPUAsmPrinter to accumulate and print the PAL metadata |
AMDGPUPALMetadata.h | PAL metadata handling |
AMDKernelCodeTInfo.h | |
AMDKernelCodeTUtils.cpp | |
AMDKernelCodeTUtils.h | MC layer struct for AMDGPUMCKernelCodeT, provides MCExpr functionality where required |
SIDefinesUtils.h | |
AMDGPU.h | |
AMDGPUAliasAnalysis.cpp | This is the AMGPU address space based alias analysis pass |
AMDGPUAliasAnalysis.h | This is the AMGPU address space based alias analysis pass |
AMDGPUAlwaysInlinePass.cpp | This pass marks all internal functions as always_inline and creates duplicates of all other functions and marks the duplicates as always_inline |
AMDGPUAnnotateKernelFeatures.cpp | |
AMDGPUAnnotateUniformValues.cpp | This pass adds amdgpu.uniform metadata to IR values so this information can be used during instruction selection |
AMDGPUArgumentUsageInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUArgumentUsageInfo.h | |
AMDGPUAsanInstrumentation.cpp | |
AMDGPUAsanInstrumentation.h | |
AMDGPUAsmPrinter.cpp | The AMDGPUAsmPrinter is used to print both assembly string and also binary code |
AMDGPUAsmPrinter.h | AMDGPU Assembly printer class |
AMDGPUAtomicOptimizer.cpp | This pass optimizes atomic operations by using a single lane of a wavefront to perform the atomic operation, thus reducing contention on that memory location |
AMDGPUAttributor.cpp | |
AMDGPUCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
AMDGPUCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
AMDGPUCodeGenPrepare.cpp | This pass does misc |
AMDGPUCombinerHelper.cpp | |
AMDGPUCombinerHelper.h | This contains common combine transformations that may be used in a combine pass |
AMDGPUCtorDtorLowering.cpp | This pass creates a unified init and fini kernel with the required metadata |
AMDGPUCtorDtorLowering.h | |
AMDGPUExportClustering.cpp | |
AMDGPUExportClustering.h | |
AMDGPUFrameLowering.cpp | |
AMDGPUFrameLowering.h | Interface to describe a layout of a stack frame on an AMDGPU target |
AMDGPUGlobalISelDivergenceLowering.cpp | GlobalISel pass that selects divergent i1 phis as lane mask phis |
AMDGPUGlobalISelUtils.cpp | |
AMDGPUGlobalISelUtils.h | |
AMDGPUHSAMetadataStreamer.cpp | AMDGPU HSA Metadata Streamer |
AMDGPUHSAMetadataStreamer.h | AMDGPU HSA Metadata Streamer |
AMDGPUIGroupLP.cpp | |
AMDGPUIGroupLP.h | |
AMDGPUImageIntrinsicOptimizer.cpp | |
AMDGPUInsertDelayAlu.cpp | Insert s_delay_alu instructions to avoid stalls on GFX11+ |
AMDGPUInstCombineIntrinsic.cpp | |
AMDGPUInstrInfo.cpp | Implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class that is common to all AMD GPUs |
AMDGPUInstrInfo.h | Contains the definition of a TargetInstrInfo class that is common to all AMD GPUs |
AMDGPUInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPUInstructionSelector.h | This file declares the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPUISelDAGToDAG.cpp | Defines an instruction selector for the AMDGPU target |
AMDGPUISelDAGToDAG.h | Defines an instruction selector for the AMDGPU target |
AMDGPUISelLowering.cpp | This is the parent TargetLowering class for hardware code gen targets |
AMDGPUISelLowering.h | Interface definition of the TargetLowering class that is common to all AMD GPUs |
AMDGPULateCodeGenPrepare.cpp | This pass does misc |
AMDGPULegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPULegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPULibCalls.cpp | This file does AMD library function optimizations |
AMDGPULibFunc.cpp | |
AMDGPULibFunc.h | |
AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers.cpp | |
AMDGPULowerKernelArguments.cpp | |
AMDGPULowerKernelAttributes.cpp | |
AMDGPULowerModuleLDSPass.cpp | |
AMDGPUMachineFunction.cpp | |
AMDGPUMachineFunction.h | |
AMDGPUMachineModuleInfo.cpp | AMDGPU Machine Module Info |
AMDGPUMachineModuleInfo.h | AMDGPU Machine Module Info |
AMDGPUMacroFusion.cpp | |
AMDGPUMacroFusion.h | |
AMDGPUMarkLastScratchLoad.cpp | |
AMDGPUMCInstLower.cpp | Code to lower AMDGPU MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst |
AMDGPUMCInstLower.h | Header of lower AMDGPU MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst |
AMDGPUMCResourceInfo.cpp | MC infrastructure to propagate the function level resource usage info |
AMDGPUMCResourceInfo.h | MC infrastructure to propagate the function level resource usage info |
AMDGPUMemoryUtils.cpp | |
AMDGPUMemoryUtils.h | |
AMDGPUMIRFormatter.cpp | Implementation of AMDGPU overrides of MIRFormatter |
AMDGPUMIRFormatter.h | AMDGPU specific overrides of MIRFormatter |
AMDGPUOpenCLEnqueuedBlockLowering.cpp | |
AMDGPUPerfHintAnalysis.cpp | Analyzes if a function potentially memory bound and if a kernel kernel may benefit from limiting number of waves to reduce cache thrashing |
AMDGPUPerfHintAnalysis.h | Analyzes if a function potentially memory bound and if a kernel kernel may benefit from limiting number of waves to reduce cache thrashing |
AMDGPUPostLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
AMDGPUPreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
AMDGPUPrintfRuntimeBinding.cpp | |
AMDGPUPromoteAlloca.cpp | |
AMDGPUPromoteKernelArguments.cpp | |
AMDGPUPTNote.h | Enums and constants for AMDGPU PT_NOTE sections |
AMDGPURegBankCombiner.cpp | |
AMDGPURegBankLegalize.cpp | |
AMDGPURegBankSelect.cpp | |
AMDGPURegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPURegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for AMDGPU |
AMDGPURemoveIncompatibleFunctions.cpp | This pass replaces all uses of functions that use GPU features incompatible with the current GPU with null then deletes the function |
AMDGPUReserveWWMRegs.cpp | This pass should be invoked at the end of wwm-regalloc pipeline |
AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis.cpp | Analyzes how many registers and other resources are used by functions |
AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis.h | Analyzes how many registers and other resources are used by functions |
AMDGPURewriteOutArguments.cpp | |
AMDGPURewriteUndefForPHI.cpp | |
AMDGPUSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
AMDGPUSetWavePriority.cpp | Pass to temporarily raise the wave priority beginning the start of the shader function until its last VMEM instructions to allow younger waves to issue their VMEM instructions as well |
AMDGPUSplitModule.cpp | |
AMDGPUSplitModule.h | |
AMDGPUSubtarget.cpp | Implements the AMDGPU specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
AMDGPUSubtarget.h | Base class for AMDGPU specific classes of TargetSubtarget |
AMDGPUSwLowerLDS.cpp | |
AMDGPUTargetMachine.cpp | This file contains both AMDGPU target machine and the CodeGen pass builder |
AMDGPUTargetMachine.h | The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets |
AMDGPUTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
AMDGPUTargetObjectFile.h | This file declares the AMDGPU-specific subclass of TargetLoweringObjectFile |
AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the AMDGPU target machine |
AMDGPUUnifyDivergentExitNodes.cpp | |
AMDGPUUnifyDivergentExitNodes.h | |
AMDGPUUnifyMetadata.cpp | |
AMDKernelCodeT.h | |
GCNCreateVOPD.cpp | Combine VALU pairs into VOPD instructions Only works on wave32 Has register requirements, we reject creating VOPD if the requirements are not met |
GCNDPPCombine.cpp | |
GCNDPPCombine.h | |
GCNHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
GCNHazardRecognizer.h | |
GCNILPSched.cpp | |
GCNIterativeScheduler.cpp | This file implements the class GCNIterativeScheduler |
GCNIterativeScheduler.h | This file defines the class GCNIterativeScheduler, which uses an iterative approach to find a best schedule for GCN architecture |
GCNMinRegStrategy.cpp | This file defines and implements the class GCNMinRegScheduler, which implements an experimental, simple scheduler whose main goal is to learn ways about consuming less possible registers for a region |
GCNNSAReassign.cpp | Try to reassign registers on GFX10+ from non-sequential to sequential in NSA image instructions |
GCNPreRALongBranchReg.cpp | |
GCNPreRAOptimizations.cpp | This pass combines split register tuple initialization into a single pseudo: |
GCNRegPressure.cpp | This file implements the GCNRegPressure class |
GCNRegPressure.h | This file defines the GCNRegPressure class, which tracks registry pressure by bookkeeping number of SGPR/VGPRs used, weights for large SGPR/VGPRs |
GCNRewritePartialRegUses.cpp | RenameIndependentSubregs pass leaves large partially used super registers, for example: undef %0.sub4:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub5:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub6:VReg_1024 = ... %0.sub7:VReg_1024 = ... use %0.sub4_sub5_sub6_sub7 use %0.sub6_sub7 |
GCNSchedStrategy.cpp | This contains a MachineSchedStrategy implementation for maximizing wave occupancy on GCN hardware |
GCNSchedStrategy.h | |
GCNSubtarget.cpp | Implements the GCN specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
GCNSubtarget.h | AMD GCN specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
GCNVOPDUtils.cpp | |
GCNVOPDUtils.h | |
R600.h | |
R600AsmPrinter.cpp | The R600AsmPrinter is used to print both assembly string and also binary code |
R600AsmPrinter.h | R600 Assembly printer class |
R600ClauseMergePass.cpp | R600EmitClauseMarker pass emits CFAlu instruction in a conservative manner |
R600ControlFlowFinalizer.cpp | This pass compute turns all control flow pseudo instructions into native one computing their address on the fly; it also sets STACK_SIZE info |
R600Defines.h | |
R600EmitClauseMarkers.cpp | Add CF_ALU |
R600ExpandSpecialInstrs.cpp | Vector, Reduction, and Cube instructions need to fill the entire instruction group to work correctly |
R600FrameLowering.cpp | |
R600FrameLowering.h | |
R600InstrInfo.cpp | R600 Implementation of TargetInstrInfo |
R600InstrInfo.h | Interface definition for R600InstrInfo |
R600ISelDAGToDAG.cpp | Defines an instruction selector for the R600 subtarget |
R600ISelLowering.cpp | Custom DAG lowering for R600 |
R600ISelLowering.h | R600 DAG Lowering interface definition |
R600MachineCFGStructurizer.cpp | |
R600MachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
R600MachineFunctionInfo.h | |
R600MachineScheduler.cpp | R600 Machine Scheduler interface |
R600MachineScheduler.h | R600 Machine Scheduler interface |
R600MCInstLower.cpp | Code to lower R600 MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst |
R600OpenCLImageTypeLoweringPass.cpp | This pass resolves calls to OpenCL image attribute, image resource ID and sampler resource ID getter functions |
R600OptimizeVectorRegisters.cpp | This pass merges inputs of swizzeable instructions into vector sharing common data and/or have enough undef subreg using swizzle abilities |
R600Packetizer.cpp | This pass implements instructions packetization for R600 |
R600RegisterInfo.cpp | R600 implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class |
R600RegisterInfo.h | Interface definition for R600RegisterInfo |
R600Subtarget.cpp | Implements the R600 specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
R600Subtarget.h | AMDGPU R600 specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
R600TargetMachine.cpp | This file contains both AMDGPU-R600 target machine and the CodeGen pass builder |
R600TargetMachine.h | The AMDGPU TargetMachine interface definition for hw codegen targets |
R600TargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
R600TargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the R600 target machine |
SIAnnotateControlFlow.cpp | Annotates the control flow with hardware specific intrinsics |
SIDefines.h | |
SIFixSGPRCopies.cpp | Copies from VGPR to SGPR registers are illegal and the register coalescer will sometimes generate these illegal copies in situations like this: |
SIFixSGPRCopies.h | |
SIFixVGPRCopies.cpp | Add implicit use of exec to vector register copies |
SIFoldOperands.cpp | |
SIFoldOperands.h | |
SIFormMemoryClauses.cpp | |
SIFrameLowering.cpp | |
SIFrameLowering.h | |
SIInsertHardClauses.cpp | Insert s_clause instructions to form hard clauses |
SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp | Insert wait instructions for memory reads and writes |
SIInstrInfo.cpp | SI Implementation of TargetInstrInfo |
SIInstrInfo.h | Interface definition for SIInstrInfo |
SIISelLowering.cpp | Custom DAG lowering for SI |
SIISelLowering.h | SI DAG Lowering interface definition |
SILateBranchLowering.cpp | This pass mainly lowers early terminate pseudo instructions |
SILoadStoreOptimizer.cpp | |
SILoadStoreOptimizer.h | |
SILowerControlFlow.cpp | This pass lowers the pseudo control flow instructions to real machine instructions |
SILowerI1Copies.cpp | |
SILowerI1Copies.h | Interface definition of the PhiLoweringHelper class that implements lane mask merging algorithm for divergent i1 phis |
SILowerSGPRSpills.cpp | |
SILowerSGPRSpills.h | |
SILowerWWMCopies.cpp | Lowering the WWM_COPY instructions for various register classes |
SIMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
SIMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
SIMachineScheduler.cpp | SI Machine Scheduler interface |
SIMachineScheduler.h | SI Machine Scheduler interface |
SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp | Memory legalizer - implements memory model |
SIModeRegister.cpp | This pass inserts changes to the Mode register settings as required |
SIModeRegisterDefaults.cpp | |
SIModeRegisterDefaults.h | |
SIOptimizeExecMasking.cpp | |
SIOptimizeExecMaskingPreRA.cpp | This pass performs exec mask handling peephole optimizations which needs to be done before register allocation to reduce register pressure |
SIOptimizeVGPRLiveRange.cpp | This pass tries to remove unnecessary VGPR live ranges in divergent if-else structures and waterfall loops |
SIOptimizeVGPRLiveRange.h | |
SIPeepholeSDWA.cpp | |
SIPeepholeSDWA.h | |
SIPostRABundler.cpp | This pass creates bundles of memory instructions to protect adjacent loads and stores from being rescheduled apart from each other post-RA |
SIPreAllocateWWMRegs.cpp | Pass to pre-allocated WWM registers |
SIPreAllocateWWMRegs.h | |
SIPreEmitPeephole.cpp | This pass performs the peephole optimizations before code emission |
SIProgramInfo.cpp | The SIProgramInfo tracks resource usage and hardware flags for kernels and entry functions |
SIProgramInfo.h | Defines struct to track resource usage and hardware flags for kernels and entry functions |
SIRegisterInfo.cpp | SI implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class |
SIRegisterInfo.h | Interface definition for SIRegisterInfo |
SIShrinkInstructions.cpp | |
SIShrinkInstructions.h | |
SIWholeQuadMode.cpp | This pass adds instructions to enable whole quad mode (strict or non-strict) for pixel shaders, and strict whole wavefront mode for all programs |
► ARC | |
► Disassembler | |
ARCDisassembler.cpp | This file is part of the ARC Disassembler |
► MCTargetDesc | |
ARCInfo.h | |
ARCInstPrinter.cpp | |
ARCInstPrinter.h | This file contains the declaration of the ARCInstPrinter class, which is used to print ARC MCInst to a .s file |
ARCMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
ARCMCAsmInfo.h | |
ARCMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
ARCMCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
ARCTargetInfo.cpp | |
ARCTargetInfo.h | |
ARC.h | |
ARCAsmPrinter.cpp | |
ARCBranchFinalize.cpp | |
ARCExpandPseudos.cpp | |
ARCFrameLowering.cpp | |
ARCFrameLowering.h | |
ARCInstrInfo.cpp | |
ARCInstrInfo.h | |
ARCISelLowering.cpp | |
ARCISelLowering.h | |
ARCMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
ARCMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
ARCMCInstLower.cpp | This file contains code to lower ARC MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
ARCMCInstLower.h | |
ARCOptAddrMode.cpp | This pass folds LD/ST + ADD pairs into Pre/Post-increment form of load/store instructions |
ARCRegisterInfo.cpp | |
ARCRegisterInfo.h | |
ARCSubtarget.cpp | |
ARCSubtarget.h | |
ARCTargetMachine.cpp | |
ARCTargetMachine.h | |
ARCTargetStreamer.h | |
ARCTargetTransformInfo.h | |
► ARM | |
► AsmParser | |
ARMAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
ARMDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
ARMAddressingModes.h | |
ARMAsmBackend.cpp | |
ARMAsmBackend.h | |
ARMAsmBackendDarwin.h | |
ARMAsmBackendELF.h | |
ARMAsmBackendWinCOFF.h | |
ARMBaseInfo.h | |
ARMELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
ARMELFStreamer.cpp | |
ARMFixupKinds.h | |
ARMInstPrinter.cpp | |
ARMInstPrinter.h | |
ARMMachObjectWriter.cpp | |
ARMMachORelocationInfo.cpp | |
ARMMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
ARMMCAsmInfo.h | |
ARMMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
ARMMCExpr.cpp | |
ARMMCExpr.h | |
ARMMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
ARMMCTargetDesc.h | |
ARMTargetStreamer.cpp | |
ARMUnwindOpAsm.cpp | |
ARMUnwindOpAsm.h | |
ARMWinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
ARMWinCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
► TargetInfo | |
ARMTargetInfo.cpp | |
ARMTargetInfo.h | |
► Utils | |
ARMBaseInfo.cpp | |
ARMBaseInfo.h | |
A15SDOptimizer.cpp | |
ARM.h | |
ARMAsmPrinter.cpp | |
ARMAsmPrinter.h | |
ARMBaseInstrInfo.cpp | |
ARMBaseInstrInfo.h | |
ARMBaseRegisterInfo.cpp | |
ARMBaseRegisterInfo.h | |
ARMBasicBlockInfo.cpp | |
ARMBasicBlockInfo.h | |
ARMBlockPlacement.cpp | |
ARMBranchTargets.cpp | |
ARMCallingConv.cpp | |
ARMCallingConv.h | |
ARMCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
ARMCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
ARMConstantIslandPass.cpp | |
ARMConstantPoolValue.cpp | |
ARMConstantPoolValue.h | |
ARMExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
ARMFastISel.cpp | |
ARMFeatures.h | |
ARMFixCortexA57AES1742098Pass.cpp | |
ARMFrameLowering.cpp | |
ARMFrameLowering.h | |
ARMHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
ARMHazardRecognizer.h | |
ARMInstrInfo.cpp | |
ARMInstrInfo.h | |
ARMInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for ARM |
ARMISelLowering.cpp | |
ARMISelLowering.h | |
ARMLatencyMutations.cpp | |
ARMLatencyMutations.h | |
ARMLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for ARM |
ARMLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for ARM |
ARMLoadStoreOptimizer.cpp | |
ARMLowOverheadLoops.cpp | Finalize v8.1-m low-overhead loops by converting the associated pseudo instructions into machine operations |
ARMMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
ARMMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
ARMMacroFusion.cpp | |
ARMMacroFusion.h | |
ARMMCInstLower.cpp | |
ARMOptimizeBarriersPass.cpp | |
ARMParallelDSP.cpp | Armv6 introduced instructions to perform 32-bit SIMD operations |
ARMPerfectShuffle.h | |
ARMRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for ARM |
ARMRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for ARM |
ARMRegisterInfo.cpp | |
ARMRegisterInfo.h | |
ARMSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
ARMSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
ARMSLSHardening.cpp | |
ARMSubtarget.cpp | |
ARMSubtarget.h | |
ARMTargetMachine.cpp | |
ARMTargetMachine.h | |
ARMTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
ARMTargetObjectFile.h | |
ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
ARMTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the ARM target machine |
MLxExpansionPass.cpp | |
MVEGatherScatterLowering.cpp | |
MVELaneInterleavingPass.cpp | |
MVETailPredication.cpp | Armv8.1m introduced MVE, M-Profile Vector Extension, and low-overhead branches to help accelerate DSP applications |
MVETailPredUtils.h | |
MVETPAndVPTOptimisationsPass.cpp | |
MVEVPTBlockPass.cpp | |
Thumb1FrameLowering.cpp | |
Thumb1FrameLowering.h | |
Thumb1InstrInfo.cpp | |
Thumb1InstrInfo.h | |
Thumb2InstrInfo.cpp | |
Thumb2InstrInfo.h | |
Thumb2ITBlockPass.cpp | |
Thumb2SizeReduction.cpp | |
ThumbRegisterInfo.cpp | |
ThumbRegisterInfo.h | |
► AVR | |
► AsmParser | |
AVRAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
AVRDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
AVRAsmBackend.cpp | |
AVRAsmBackend.h | |
AVRELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
AVRELFStreamer.cpp | |
AVRELFStreamer.h | |
AVRFixupKinds.h | |
AVRInstPrinter.cpp | |
AVRInstPrinter.h | |
AVRMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
AVRMCAsmInfo.h | |
AVRMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
AVRMCCodeEmitter.h | |
AVRMCELFStreamer.cpp | |
AVRMCELFStreamer.h | |
AVRMCExpr.cpp | |
AVRMCExpr.h | |
AVRMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
AVRMCTargetDesc.h | |
AVRTargetStreamer.cpp | |
AVRTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
AVRTargetInfo.cpp | |
AVRTargetInfo.h | |
AVR.h | |
AVRAsmPrinter.cpp | |
AVRExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
AVRFrameLowering.cpp | |
AVRFrameLowering.h | |
AVRInstrInfo.cpp | |
AVRInstrInfo.h | |
AVRISelLowering.cpp | |
AVRISelLowering.h | |
AVRMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
AVRMCInstLower.cpp | |
AVRMCInstLower.h | |
AVRRegisterInfo.cpp | |
AVRRegisterInfo.h | |
AVRSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
AVRShiftExpand.cpp | Expand non-8-bit and non-16-bit shift instructions (shl, lshr, ashr) to inline loops, just like avr-gcc |
AVRSubtarget.cpp | |
AVRSubtarget.h | |
AVRTargetMachine.cpp | |
AVRTargetMachine.h | |
AVRTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
AVRTargetObjectFile.h | |
► BPF | |
► AsmParser | |
BPFAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
BPFDisassembler.cpp | |
► GISel | |
BPFCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
BPFCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
BPFInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for BPF |
BPFLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for BPF |
BPFLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for BPF |
BPFRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for BPF |
BPFRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for BPF |
► MCTargetDesc | |
BPFAsmBackend.cpp | |
BPFELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
BPFInstPrinter.cpp | |
BPFInstPrinter.h | |
BPFMCAsmInfo.h | |
BPFMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
BPFMCFixups.h | |
BPFMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
BPFMCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
BPFTargetInfo.cpp | |
BPFTargetInfo.h | |
BPF.h | |
BPFAbstractMemberAccess.cpp | |
BPFAdjustOpt.cpp | |
BPFAsmPrinter.cpp | |
BPFASpaceCastSimplifyPass.cpp | |
BPFCheckAndAdjustIR.cpp | |
BPFFrameLowering.cpp | |
BPFFrameLowering.h | |
BPFInstrInfo.cpp | |
BPFInstrInfo.h | |
BPFIRPeephole.cpp | |
BPFISelLowering.cpp | |
BPFISelLowering.h | |
BPFMCInstLower.cpp | |
BPFMCInstLower.h | |
BPFMIChecking.cpp | |
BPFMIPeephole.cpp | |
BPFMISimplifyPatchable.cpp | |
BPFPreserveDIType.cpp | |
BPFPreserveStaticOffset.cpp | |
BPFRegisterInfo.cpp | |
BPFRegisterInfo.h | |
BPFSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
BPFSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
BPFSubtarget.cpp | |
BPFSubtarget.h | |
BPFTargetMachine.cpp | |
BPFTargetMachine.h | |
BPFTargetTransformInfo.h | |
BTFDebug.cpp | |
BTFDebug.h | This file contains support for writing BTF debug info |
► CSKY | |
► AsmParser | |
CSKYAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
CSKYDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
CSKYAsmBackend.cpp | |
CSKYAsmBackend.h | |
CSKYBaseInfo.h | |
CSKYELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
CSKYELFStreamer.cpp | |
CSKYELFStreamer.h | |
CSKYFixupKinds.h | |
CSKYInstPrinter.cpp | |
CSKYInstPrinter.h | |
CSKYMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
CSKYMCAsmInfo.h | |
CSKYMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
CSKYMCCodeEmitter.h | |
CSKYMCExpr.cpp | |
CSKYMCExpr.h | |
CSKYMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
CSKYMCTargetDesc.h | |
CSKYTargetStreamer.cpp | |
CSKYTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
CSKYTargetInfo.cpp | |
CSKYTargetInfo.h | |
CSKY.h | |
CSKYAsmPrinter.cpp | |
CSKYAsmPrinter.h | |
CSKYCallingConv.h | |
CSKYConstantIslandPass.cpp | |
CSKYConstantPoolValue.cpp | |
CSKYConstantPoolValue.h | |
CSKYFrameLowering.cpp | |
CSKYFrameLowering.h | |
CSKYInstrInfo.cpp | |
CSKYInstrInfo.h | |
CSKYISelLowering.cpp | |
CSKYISelLowering.h | |
CSKYMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
CSKYMCInstLower.cpp | |
CSKYMCInstLower.h | |
CSKYRegisterInfo.cpp | |
CSKYRegisterInfo.h | |
CSKYSubtarget.cpp | |
CSKYSubtarget.h | |
CSKYTargetMachine.cpp | |
CSKYTargetMachine.h | |
CSKYTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
CSKYTargetObjectFile.h | |
► DirectX | |
► DirectXIRPasses | |
PointerTypeAnalysis.cpp | |
PointerTypeAnalysis.h | |
► DXILWriter | |
DXILBitcodeWriter.cpp | |
DXILBitcodeWriter.h | |
DXILValueEnumerator.cpp | |
DXILValueEnumerator.h | |
DXILWriterPass.cpp | |
DXILWriterPass.h | This file provides a bitcode writing pass |
► MCTargetDesc | |
DirectXContainerObjectWriter.cpp | |
DirectXContainerObjectWriter.h | |
DirectXMCTargetDesc.cpp | This file contains DirectX target initializer |
DirectXMCTargetDesc.h | This file contains DirectX target interface |
► TargetInfo | |
DirectXTargetInfo.cpp | This file contains DirectX target initializer |
DirectXTargetInfo.h | |
CBufferDataLayout.cpp | |
CBufferDataLayout.h | |
DirectX.h | |
DirectXAsmPrinter.cpp | |
DirectXFrameLowering.h | |
DirectXInstrInfo.cpp | |
DirectXInstrInfo.h | |
DirectXRegisterInfo.cpp | |
DirectXRegisterInfo.h | |
DirectXSubtarget.cpp | This file implements the DirectX-specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
DirectXSubtarget.h | |
DirectXTargetLowering.h | |
DirectXTargetMachine.cpp | This file contains DirectX target initializer |
DirectXTargetMachine.h | |
DirectXTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
DirectXTargetTransformInfo.h | |
DXContainerGlobals.cpp | |
DXILConstants.h | |
DXILDataScalarization.cpp | |
DXILDataScalarization.h | |
DXILFinalizeLinkage.cpp | |
DXILFinalizeLinkage.h | |
DXILFlattenArrays.cpp | |
DXILFlattenArrays.h | |
DXILIntrinsicExpansion.cpp | |
DXILIntrinsicExpansion.h | |
DXILOpBuilder.cpp | |
DXILOpBuilder.h | |
DXILOpLowering.cpp | |
DXILOpLowering.h | |
DXILPrepare.cpp | |
DXILPrettyPrinter.cpp | |
DXILPrettyPrinter.h | |
DXILResource.cpp | |
DXILResource.h | |
DXILResourceAccess.cpp | |
DXILResourceAccess.h | |
DXILResourceAnalysis.cpp | |
DXILResourceAnalysis.h | |
DXILShaderFlags.cpp | |
DXILShaderFlags.h | |
DXILTranslateMetadata.cpp | |
DXILTranslateMetadata.h | |
► Hexagon | |
► AsmParser | |
HexagonAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
HexagonDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
HexagonAsmBackend.cpp | |
HexagonBaseInfo.h | |
HexagonELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
HexagonFixupKinds.h | |
HexagonInstPrinter.cpp | |
HexagonInstPrinter.h | |
HexagonMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
HexagonMCAsmInfo.h | |
HexagonMCChecker.cpp | |
HexagonMCChecker.h | |
HexagonMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
HexagonMCCodeEmitter.h | Definition for classes that emit Hexagon machine code from MCInsts |
HexagonMCCompound.cpp | |
HexagonMCDuplexInfo.cpp | |
HexagonMCELFStreamer.cpp | |
HexagonMCELFStreamer.h | |
HexagonMCExpr.cpp | |
HexagonMCExpr.h | |
HexagonMCInstrInfo.cpp | |
HexagonMCInstrInfo.h | |
HexagonMCShuffler.cpp | |
HexagonMCShuffler.h | |
HexagonMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
HexagonMCTargetDesc.h | |
HexagonShuffler.cpp | |
HexagonShuffler.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
HexagonTargetInfo.cpp | |
HexagonTargetInfo.h | |
BitTracker.cpp | |
BitTracker.h | |
Hexagon.h | |
HexagonAsmPrinter.cpp | |
HexagonAsmPrinter.h | |
HexagonBitSimplify.cpp | |
HexagonBitTracker.cpp | |
HexagonBitTracker.h | |
HexagonBlockRanges.cpp | |
HexagonBlockRanges.h | |
HexagonBranchRelaxation.cpp | |
HexagonCFGOptimizer.cpp | |
HexagonCommonGEP.cpp | |
HexagonConstExtenders.cpp | |
HexagonConstPropagation.cpp | |
HexagonCopyHoisting.cpp | |
HexagonCopyToCombine.cpp | |
HexagonDepArch.h | | | | | |
HexagonDepITypes.h | |
HexagonDepMask.h | |
HexagonDepTimingClasses.h | |
HexagonEarlyIfConv.cpp | |
HexagonExpandCondsets.cpp | |
HexagonFixupHwLoops.cpp | |
HexagonFrameLowering.cpp | |
HexagonFrameLowering.h | |
HexagonGenExtract.cpp | |
HexagonGenInsert.cpp | |
HexagonGenMemAbsolute.cpp | |
HexagonGenMux.cpp | |
HexagonGenPredicate.cpp | |
HexagonHardwareLoops.cpp | |
HexagonHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
HexagonHazardRecognizer.h | |
HexagonInstrInfo.cpp | |
HexagonInstrInfo.h | |
HexagonISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
HexagonISelDAGToDAG.h | |
HexagonISelDAGToDAGHVX.cpp | |
HexagonISelLowering.cpp | |
HexagonISelLowering.h | |
HexagonISelLoweringHVX.cpp | |
HexagonLoadStoreWidening.cpp | |
HexagonLoopAlign.cpp | |
HexagonLoopIdiomRecognition.cpp | |
HexagonLoopIdiomRecognition.h | |
HexagonMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
HexagonMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
HexagonMachineScheduler.cpp | |
HexagonMachineScheduler.h | |
HexagonMask.cpp | |
HexagonMCInstLower.cpp | |
HexagonNewValueJump.cpp | |
HexagonOptAddrMode.cpp | |
HexagonOptimizeSZextends.cpp | |
HexagonPeephole.cpp | |
HexagonRDFOpt.cpp | |
HexagonRegisterInfo.cpp | |
HexagonRegisterInfo.h | |
HexagonSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
HexagonSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
HexagonSplitConst32AndConst64.cpp | |
HexagonSplitDouble.cpp | |
HexagonSubtarget.cpp | |
HexagonSubtarget.h | |
HexagonTargetMachine.cpp | |
HexagonTargetMachine.h | |
HexagonTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
HexagonTargetObjectFile.h | |
HexagonTargetStreamer.h | |
HexagonTargetTransformInfo.cpp | This file implements a TargetTransformInfo analysis pass specific to the Hexagon target machine |
HexagonTargetTransformInfo.h | This file implements a TargetTransformInfo analysis pass specific to the Hexagon target machine |
HexagonTfrCleanup.cpp | |
HexagonVectorCombine.cpp | |
HexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuse.cpp | |
HexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuse.h | |
HexagonVectorPrint.cpp | |
HexagonVExtract.cpp | |
HexagonVLIWPacketizer.cpp | |
HexagonVLIWPacketizer.h | |
RDFCopy.cpp | |
RDFCopy.h | |
RDFDeadCode.cpp | |
RDFDeadCode.h | |
► Lanai | |
► AsmParser | |
LanaiAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
LanaiDisassembler.cpp | |
LanaiDisassembler.h | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
LanaiAsmBackend.cpp | |
LanaiBaseInfo.h | |
LanaiELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
LanaiFixupKinds.h | |
LanaiInstPrinter.cpp | |
LanaiInstPrinter.h | |
LanaiMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
LanaiMCAsmInfo.h | |
LanaiMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
LanaiMCExpr.cpp | |
LanaiMCExpr.h | |
LanaiMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
LanaiMCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
LanaiTargetInfo.cpp | |
LanaiTargetInfo.h | |
Lanai.h | |
LanaiAluCode.h | |
LanaiAsmPrinter.cpp | |
LanaiCondCode.h | |
LanaiDelaySlotFiller.cpp | |
LanaiFrameLowering.cpp | |
LanaiFrameLowering.h | |
LanaiInstrInfo.cpp | |
LanaiInstrInfo.h | |
LanaiISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
LanaiISelLowering.cpp | |
LanaiISelLowering.h | |
LanaiMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
LanaiMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
LanaiMCInstLower.cpp | |
LanaiMCInstLower.h | |
LanaiMemAluCombiner.cpp | |
LanaiRegisterInfo.cpp | |
LanaiRegisterInfo.h | |
LanaiSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
LanaiSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
LanaiSubtarget.cpp | |
LanaiSubtarget.h | |
LanaiTargetMachine.cpp | |
LanaiTargetMachine.h | |
LanaiTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
LanaiTargetObjectFile.h | |
LanaiTargetTransformInfo.h | |
► LoongArch | |
► AsmParser | |
LoongArchAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
LoongArchDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
LoongArchAsmBackend.cpp | |
LoongArchAsmBackend.h | |
LoongArchBaseInfo.cpp | |
LoongArchBaseInfo.h | |
LoongArchELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
LoongArchELFStreamer.cpp | |
LoongArchELFStreamer.h | |
LoongArchFixupKinds.h | |
LoongArchInstPrinter.cpp | |
LoongArchInstPrinter.h | |
LoongArchMatInt.cpp | |
LoongArchMatInt.h | |
LoongArchMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
LoongArchMCAsmInfo.h | |
LoongArchMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
LoongArchMCExpr.cpp | |
LoongArchMCExpr.h | |
LoongArchMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
LoongArchMCTargetDesc.h | |
LoongArchTargetStreamer.cpp | |
LoongArchTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
LoongArchTargetInfo.cpp | |
LoongArchTargetInfo.h | |
LoongArch.h | |
LoongArchAsmPrinter.cpp | |
LoongArchAsmPrinter.h | |
LoongArchDeadRegisterDefinitions.cpp | |
LoongArchExpandAtomicPseudoInsts.cpp | |
LoongArchExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
LoongArchFrameLowering.cpp | |
LoongArchFrameLowering.h | |
LoongArchInstrInfo.cpp | |
LoongArchInstrInfo.h | |
LoongArchISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
LoongArchISelDAGToDAG.h | |
LoongArchISelLowering.cpp | |
LoongArchISelLowering.h | |
LoongArchMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
LoongArchMCInstLower.cpp | |
LoongArchMergeBaseOffset.cpp | |
LoongArchOptWInstrs.cpp | |
LoongArchRegisterInfo.cpp | |
LoongArchRegisterInfo.h | |
LoongArchSubtarget.cpp | |
LoongArchSubtarget.h | |
LoongArchTargetMachine.cpp | |
LoongArchTargetMachine.h | |
LoongArchTargetTransformInfo.cpp | This file implements a TargetTransformInfo analysis pass specific to the LoongArch target machine |
LoongArchTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the LoongArch target machine |
► M68k | |
► AsmParser | |
M68kAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
M68kDisassembler.cpp | |
► GISel | |
M68kCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
M68kCallLowering.h | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
M68kInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for M68k |
M68kLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for M68k |
M68kLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the MachineLegalizer class for M68k |
M68kRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for M68k |
M68kRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for M68k |
► MCTargetDesc | |
M68kAsmBackend.cpp | This file contains definitions for M68k assembler backend |
M68kBaseInfo.h | This file contains small standalone helper functions and enum definitions for the M68k target useful for the compiler back-end and the MC libraries |
M68kELFObjectWriter.cpp | This file contains definitions for M68k ELF Writers |
M68kFixupKinds.h | This file contains M68k specific fixup entries |
M68kInstPrinter.cpp | This file contains definitions for an M68k MCInst printer |
M68kInstPrinter.h | This file contains declarations for an M68k MCInst printer |
M68kMCAsmInfo.cpp | This file contains the definitions of the M68k MCAsmInfo properties |
M68kMCAsmInfo.h | This file contains the declarations of the M68k MCAsmInfo properties |
M68kMCCodeEmitter.cpp | This file contains defintions for M68k code emitter |
M68kMCCodeEmitter.h | This file contains the declarations for the code emitter which are useful outside of the emitter itself |
M68kMCTargetDesc.cpp | This file provides M68k target specific descriptions |
M68kMCTargetDesc.h | This file provides M68k specific target descriptions |
M68kMemOperandPrinter.h | This file contains memory operand printing logics shared between AsmPrinter |
► TargetInfo | |
M68kTargetInfo.cpp | This file contains M68k target initializer |
M68kTargetInfo.h | |
M68k.h | This file contains the entry points for global functions defined in the M68k target library, as used by the LLVM JIT |
M68kAsmPrinter.cpp | This file contains a printer that converts from our internal representation of machine-dependent LLVM code to GAS-format M68k assembly language |
M68kAsmPrinter.h | This file contains M68k assembler printer declarations |
M68kCallingConv.h | This file contains the custom routines for the M68k Calling Convention that aren't done by tablegen |
M68kCollapseMOVEMPass.cpp | MOVEM is an instruction that moves multiple registers a time according to the given mask |
M68kExpandPseudo.cpp | This file contains a pass that expands pseudo instructions into target instructions to allow proper scheduling, if-conversion, other late optimizations, or simply the encoding of the instructions |
M68kFrameLowering.cpp | This file contains the M68k implementation of TargetFrameLowering class |
M68kFrameLowering.h | This file contains the M68k declaration of TargetFrameLowering class |
M68kInstrBuilder.h | This file exposes functions that may be used with BuildMI from the MachineInstrBuilder.h file to handle M68k'isms in a clean way |
M68kInstrInfo.cpp | This file contains the M68k declaration of the TargetInstrInfo class |
M68kInstrInfo.h | This file contains the M68k implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class |
M68kISelDAGToDAG.cpp | This file defines an instruction selector for the M68K target |
M68kISelLowering.cpp | This file defines the interfaces that M68k uses to lower LLVM code into a selection DAG |
M68kISelLowering.h | This file defines the interfaces that M68k uses to lower LLVM code into a selection DAG |
M68kMachineFunction.cpp | |
M68kMachineFunction.h | This file declares the M68k specific subclass of MachineFunctionInfo |
M68kMCInstLower.cpp | This file contains code to lower M68k MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
M68kMCInstLower.h | This file contains code to lower M68k MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
M68kRegisterInfo.cpp | This file contains the CPU0 implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class |
M68kRegisterInfo.h | This file contains the M68k implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class |
M68kSubtarget.cpp | This file implements the M68k specific subclass of TargetSubtargetInfo |
M68kSubtarget.h | This file declares the M68k specific subclass of TargetSubtargetInfo |
M68kTargetMachine.cpp | This file contains implementation for M68k target machine |
M68kTargetMachine.h | This file declares the M68k specific subclass of TargetMachine |
M68kTargetObjectFile.cpp | This file contains definitions for M68k ELF object file lowering |
M68kTargetObjectFile.h | This file contains declarations for M68k ELF object file lowering |
► Mips | |
► AsmParser | |
MipsAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
MipsDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
MipsABIFlagsSection.cpp | |
MipsABIFlagsSection.h | |
MipsABIInfo.cpp | |
MipsABIInfo.h | |
MipsAsmBackend.cpp | |
MipsAsmBackend.h | |
MipsBaseInfo.h | |
MipsELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
MipsELFStreamer.cpp | |
MipsELFStreamer.h | |
MipsFixupKinds.h | |
MipsInstPrinter.cpp | |
MipsInstPrinter.h | |
MipsMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
MipsMCAsmInfo.h | |
MipsMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
MipsMCCodeEmitter.h | |
MipsMCExpr.cpp | |
MipsMCExpr.h | |
MipsMCNaCl.h | |
MipsMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
MipsMCTargetDesc.h | |
MipsNaClELFStreamer.cpp | |
MipsOptionRecord.cpp | |
MipsTargetStreamer.cpp | |
MipsWinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
MipsWinCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
► TargetInfo | |
MipsTargetInfo.cpp | |
MipsTargetInfo.h | |
MicroMipsSizeReduction.cpp | This pass is used to reduce the size of instructions where applicable |
Mips.h | |
Mips16FrameLowering.cpp | |
Mips16FrameLowering.h | |
Mips16HardFloat.cpp | |
Mips16HardFloatInfo.cpp | |
Mips16HardFloatInfo.h | |
Mips16InstrInfo.cpp | |
Mips16InstrInfo.h | |
Mips16ISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
Mips16ISelDAGToDAG.h | |
Mips16ISelLowering.cpp | |
Mips16ISelLowering.h | |
Mips16RegisterInfo.cpp | |
Mips16RegisterInfo.h | |
MipsAnalyzeImmediate.cpp | |
MipsAnalyzeImmediate.h | |
MipsAsmPrinter.cpp | |
MipsAsmPrinter.h | |
MipsBranchExpansion.cpp | This pass do two things: |
MipsCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
MipsCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
MipsCCState.cpp | |
MipsCCState.h | |
MipsConstantIslandPass.cpp | |
MipsDelaySlotFiller.cpp | |
MipsExpandPseudo.cpp | |
MipsFastISel.cpp | This file defines the MIPS-specific support for the FastISel class |
MipsFrameLowering.cpp | |
MipsFrameLowering.h | |
MipsInstrInfo.cpp | |
MipsInstrInfo.h | |
MipsInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for Mips |
MipsISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
MipsISelDAGToDAG.h | |
MipsISelLowering.cpp | |
MipsISelLowering.h | |
MipsLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for Mips |
MipsLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for Mips |
MipsMachineFunction.cpp | |
MipsMachineFunction.h | |
MipsMCInstLower.cpp | |
MipsMCInstLower.h | |
MipsModuleISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
MipsMulMulBugPass.cpp | |
MipsOptimizePICCall.cpp | |
MipsOptionRecord.h | |
MipsOs16.cpp | |
MipsPostLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
MipsPreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
MipsRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for Mips |
MipsRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for Mips |
MipsRegisterInfo.cpp | |
MipsRegisterInfo.h | |
MipsSEFrameLowering.cpp | |
MipsSEFrameLowering.h | |
MipsSEInstrInfo.cpp | |
MipsSEInstrInfo.h | |
MipsSEISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
MipsSEISelDAGToDAG.h | |
MipsSEISelLowering.cpp | |
MipsSEISelLowering.h | |
MipsSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
MipsSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
MipsSERegisterInfo.cpp | |
MipsSERegisterInfo.h | |
MipsSubtarget.cpp | |
MipsSubtarget.h | |
MipsTargetMachine.cpp | |
MipsTargetMachine.h | |
MipsTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
MipsTargetObjectFile.h | |
MipsTargetStreamer.h | |
MipsTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
MipsTargetTransformInfo.h | |
► MSP430 | |
► AsmParser | |
MSP430AsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
MSP430Disassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
MSP430AsmBackend.cpp | |
MSP430ELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
MSP430ELFStreamer.cpp | |
MSP430FixupKinds.h | |
MSP430InstPrinter.cpp | |
MSP430InstPrinter.h | |
MSP430MCAsmInfo.cpp | |
MSP430MCAsmInfo.h | |
MSP430MCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
MSP430MCTargetDesc.cpp | |
MSP430MCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
MSP430TargetInfo.cpp | |
MSP430TargetInfo.h | |
MSP430.h | |
MSP430AsmPrinter.cpp | |
MSP430BranchSelector.cpp | |
MSP430FrameLowering.cpp | |
MSP430FrameLowering.h | |
MSP430InstrInfo.cpp | |
MSP430InstrInfo.h | |
MSP430ISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
MSP430ISelLowering.cpp | |
MSP430ISelLowering.h | |
MSP430MachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
MSP430MachineFunctionInfo.h | |
MSP430MCInstLower.cpp | |
MSP430MCInstLower.h | |
MSP430RegisterInfo.cpp | |
MSP430RegisterInfo.h | |
MSP430Subtarget.cpp | |
MSP430Subtarget.h | |
MSP430TargetMachine.cpp | |
MSP430TargetMachine.h | |
► NVPTX | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
NVPTXBaseInfo.h | |
NVPTXInstPrinter.cpp | |
NVPTXInstPrinter.h | |
NVPTXMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXMCAsmInfo.h | |
NVPTXMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
NVPTXMCTargetDesc.h | |
NVPTXTargetStreamer.cpp | |
NVPTXTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
NVPTXTargetInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXTargetInfo.h | |
cl_common_defines.h | |
NVPTX.h | |
NVPTXAliasAnalysis.cpp | This is the NVPTX address space based alias analysis pass |
NVPTXAliasAnalysis.h | This is the NVPTX address space based alias analysis pass |
NVPTXAllocaHoisting.cpp | |
NVPTXAllocaHoisting.h | |
NVPTXAsmPrinter.cpp | |
NVPTXAsmPrinter.h | |
NVPTXAssignValidGlobalNames.cpp | |
NVPTXAtomicLower.cpp | |
NVPTXAtomicLower.h | |
NVPTXCtorDtorLowering.cpp | This pass creates a unified init and fini kernel with the required metadata |
NVPTXCtorDtorLowering.h | |
NVPTXFrameLowering.cpp | |
NVPTXFrameLowering.h | |
NVPTXGenericToNVVM.cpp | |
NVPTXImageOptimizer.cpp | |
NVPTXInstrInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXInstrInfo.h | |
NVPTXISelLowering.cpp | |
NVPTXISelLowering.h | |
NVPTXLowerAggrCopies.cpp | |
NVPTXLowerAggrCopies.h | |
NVPTXLowerAlloca.cpp | |
NVPTXLowerArgs.cpp | |
NVPTXLowerUnreachable.cpp | |
NVPTXMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
NVPTXMCExpr.cpp | |
NVPTXMCExpr.h | |
NVPTXPeephole.cpp | |
NVPTXPrologEpilogPass.cpp | |
NVPTXProxyRegErasure.cpp | |
NVPTXRegisterInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXRegisterInfo.h | |
NVPTXReplaceImageHandles.cpp | |
NVPTXSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
NVPTXSubtarget.cpp | |
NVPTXSubtarget.h | |
NVPTXTargetMachine.cpp | |
NVPTXTargetMachine.h | |
NVPTXTargetObjectFile.h | |
NVPTXTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
NVPTXTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the NVPTX target machine |
NVPTXUtilities.cpp | |
NVPTXUtilities.h | |
NVVMIntrRange.cpp | |
NVVMReflect.cpp | |
► PowerPC | |
► AsmParser | |
PPCAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
PPCDisassembler.cpp | |
► GISel | |
PPCCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
PPCCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
PPCInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for PowerPC |
PPCLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for PowerPC |
PPCLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for PowerPC |
PPCRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for PowerPC |
PPCRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for PowerPC |
► MCTargetDesc | |
PPCAsmBackend.cpp | |
PPCELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
PPCELFStreamer.cpp | |
PPCELFStreamer.h | |
PPCFixupKinds.h | |
PPCInstPrinter.cpp | |
PPCInstPrinter.h | |
PPCMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
PPCMCAsmInfo.h | |
PPCMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
PPCMCCodeEmitter.h | |
PPCMCExpr.cpp | |
PPCMCExpr.h | |
PPCMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
PPCMCTargetDesc.h | |
PPCPredicates.cpp | |
PPCPredicates.h | |
PPCXCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
PPCXCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
PPCXCOFFStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
PowerPCTargetInfo.cpp | |
PowerPCTargetInfo.h | |
PPC.h | |
PPCAsmPrinter.cpp | |
PPCBoolRetToInt.cpp | |
PPCBranchCoalescing.cpp | Coalesce basic blocks guarded by the same branch condition into a single basic block |
PPCBranchSelector.cpp | |
PPCCallingConv.cpp | |
PPCCallingConv.h | |
PPCCCState.cpp | |
PPCCCState.h | |
PPCCTRLoops.cpp | |
PPCCTRLoopsVerify.cpp | |
PPCEarlyReturn.cpp | |
PPCExpandAtomicPseudoInsts.cpp | |
PPCFastISel.cpp | |
PPCFrameLowering.cpp | |
PPCFrameLowering.h | |
PPCGenScalarMASSEntries.cpp | |
PPCHazardRecognizers.cpp | |
PPCHazardRecognizers.h | |
PPCInstrBuilder.h | |
PPCInstrInfo.cpp | |
PPCInstrInfo.h | |
PPCISelLowering.cpp | |
PPCISelLowering.h | |
PPCLoopInstrFormPrep.cpp | |
PPCLowerMASSVEntries.cpp | |
PPCMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
PPCMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
PPCMachineScheduler.cpp | |
PPCMachineScheduler.h | |
PPCMacroFusion.cpp | |
PPCMacroFusion.h | |
PPCMCInstLower.cpp | |
PPCMIPeephole.cpp | |
PPCPerfectShuffle.h | |
PPCPreEmitPeephole.cpp | |
PPCReduceCRLogicals.cpp | |
PPCRegisterInfo.cpp | |
PPCRegisterInfo.h | |
PPCSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
PPCSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
PPCSubtarget.cpp | |
PPCSubtarget.h | |
PPCTargetMachine.cpp | |
PPCTargetMachine.h | |
PPCTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
PPCTargetObjectFile.h | |
PPCTargetStreamer.h | |
PPCTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
PPCTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the PPC target machine |
PPCTLSDynamicCall.cpp | |
PPCTOCRegDeps.cpp | |
PPCVSXCopy.cpp | |
PPCVSXFMAMutate.cpp | |
PPCVSXSwapRemoval.cpp | |
► RISCV | |
► AsmParser | |
RISCVAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
RISCVDisassembler.cpp | |
► GISel | |
RISCVCallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
RISCVCallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
RISCVInstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for RISC-V |
RISCVLegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for RISC-V |
RISCVLegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for RISC-V |
RISCVO0PreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
RISCVPostLegalizerCombiner.cpp | Post-legalization combines on generic MachineInstrs |
RISCVPreLegalizerCombiner.cpp | |
RISCVRegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for RISC-V |
RISCVRegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for RISC-V |
► MCA | |
RISCVCustomBehaviour.cpp | This file implements methods from the RISCVCustomBehaviour class |
RISCVCustomBehaviour.h | This file defines the RISCVCustomBehaviour class which inherits from CustomBehaviour |
► MCTargetDesc | |
RISCVAsmBackend.cpp | |
RISCVAsmBackend.h | |
RISCVBaseInfo.cpp | |
RISCVBaseInfo.h | |
RISCVELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
RISCVELFStreamer.cpp | |
RISCVELFStreamer.h | |
RISCVFixupKinds.h | |
RISCVInstPrinter.cpp | |
RISCVInstPrinter.h | |
RISCVMatInt.cpp | |
RISCVMatInt.h | |
RISCVMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
RISCVMCAsmInfo.h | |
RISCVMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
RISCVMCExpr.cpp | |
RISCVMCExpr.h | |
RISCVMCObjectFileInfo.cpp | |
RISCVMCObjectFileInfo.h | |
RISCVMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
RISCVMCTargetDesc.h | |
RISCVTargetStreamer.cpp | |
RISCVTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
RISCVTargetInfo.cpp | |
RISCVTargetInfo.h | |
RISCV.h | |
RISCVAsmPrinter.cpp | |
RISCVCallingConv.cpp | |
RISCVCallingConv.h | |
RISCVCodeGenPrepare.cpp | |
RISCVConstantPoolValue.cpp | |
RISCVConstantPoolValue.h | |
RISCVDeadRegisterDefinitions.cpp | |
RISCVExpandAtomicPseudoInsts.cpp | |
RISCVExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
RISCVFrameLowering.cpp | |
RISCVFrameLowering.h | |
RISCVGatherScatterLowering.cpp | |
RISCVIndirectBranchTracking.cpp | |
RISCVInsertReadWriteCSR.cpp | |
RISCVInsertVSETVLI.cpp | |
RISCVInsertWriteVXRM.cpp | |
RISCVInstrInfo.cpp | |
RISCVInstrInfo.h | |
RISCVISelLowering.cpp | |
RISCVISelLowering.h | |
RISCVLandingPadSetup.cpp | |
RISCVMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
RISCVMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
RISCVMakeCompressible.cpp | |
RISCVMergeBaseOffset.cpp | |
RISCVMoveMerger.cpp | |
RISCVOptWInstrs.cpp | |
RISCVPostRAExpandPseudoInsts.cpp | |
RISCVPushPopOptimizer.cpp | |
RISCVRedundantCopyElimination.cpp | |
RISCVRegisterInfo.cpp | |
RISCVRegisterInfo.h | |
RISCVSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
RISCVSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
RISCVSubtarget.cpp | |
RISCVSubtarget.h | |
RISCVTargetMachine.cpp | |
RISCVTargetMachine.h | |
RISCVTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
RISCVTargetObjectFile.h | |
RISCVTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
RISCVTargetTransformInfo.h | This file defines a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the RISC-V target machine |
RISCVVectorMaskDAGMutation.cpp | |
RISCVVectorPeephole.cpp | |
RISCVVLOptimizer.cpp | |
RISCVZacasABIFix.cpp | |
► Sparc | |
► AsmParser | |
SparcAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
SparcDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
SparcAsmBackend.cpp | |
SparcELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
SparcFixupKinds.h | |
SparcInstPrinter.cpp | |
SparcInstPrinter.h | |
SparcMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
SparcMCAsmInfo.h | |
SparcMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
SparcMCExpr.cpp | |
SparcMCExpr.h | |
SparcMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
SparcMCTargetDesc.h | |
SparcTargetStreamer.cpp | |
SparcTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
SparcTargetInfo.cpp | |
SparcTargetInfo.h | |
DelaySlotFiller.cpp | |
LeonPasses.cpp | |
LeonPasses.h | |
Sparc.h | |
SparcAsmPrinter.cpp | |
SparcFrameLowering.cpp | |
SparcFrameLowering.h | |
SparcInstrInfo.cpp | |
SparcInstrInfo.h | |
SparcISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
SparcISelLowering.cpp | |
SparcISelLowering.h | |
SparcMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
SparcMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
SparcMCInstLower.cpp | |
SparcRegisterInfo.cpp | |
SparcRegisterInfo.h | |
SparcSubtarget.cpp | |
SparcSubtarget.h | |
SparcTargetMachine.cpp | |
SparcTargetMachine.h | |
SparcTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
SparcTargetObjectFile.h | |
► SPIRV | |
► Analysis | |
SPIRVConvergenceRegionAnalysis.cpp | |
SPIRVConvergenceRegionAnalysis.h | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
SPIRVAsmBackend.cpp | |
SPIRVBaseInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVBaseInfo.h | |
SPIRVInstPrinter.cpp | |
SPIRVInstPrinter.h | |
SPIRVMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVMCAsmInfo.h | |
SPIRVMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
SPIRVMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
SPIRVMCTargetDesc.h | |
SPIRVObjectTargetWriter.cpp | |
SPIRVTargetStreamer.cpp | |
SPIRVTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
SPIRVTargetInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVTargetInfo.h | |
SPIRV.h | |
SPIRVAPI.cpp | |
SPIRVAsmPrinter.cpp | |
SPIRVBuiltins.cpp | |
SPIRVBuiltins.h | |
SPIRVCallLowering.cpp | |
SPIRVCallLowering.h | |
SPIRVCommandLine.cpp | |
SPIRVCommandLine.h | |
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker.h | |
SPIRVEmitIntrinsics.cpp | |
SPIRVEmitNonSemanticDI.cpp | |
SPIRVFrameLowering.h | |
SPIRVGlobalRegistry.cpp | |
SPIRVGlobalRegistry.h | |
SPIRVInlineAsmLowering.cpp | |
SPIRVInlineAsmLowering.h | |
SPIRVInstrInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVInstrInfo.h | |
SPIRVInstructionSelector.cpp | |
SPIRVISelLowering.cpp | |
SPIRVISelLowering.h | |
SPIRVLegalizerInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVLegalizerInfo.h | |
SPIRVMCInstLower.cpp | |
SPIRVMCInstLower.h | |
SPIRVMergeRegionExitTargets.cpp | |
SPIRVMetadata.cpp | |
SPIRVMetadata.h | |
SPIRVModuleAnalysis.cpp | |
SPIRVModuleAnalysis.h | |
SPIRVPostLegalizer.cpp | |
SPIRVPreLegalizer.cpp | |
SPIRVPrepareFunctions.cpp | |
SPIRVRegisterBankInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVRegisterBankInfo.h | |
SPIRVRegisterInfo.cpp | |
SPIRVRegisterInfo.h | |
SPIRVRegularizer.cpp | |
SPIRVStripConvergentIntrinsics.cpp | |
SPIRVStructurizer.cpp | |
SPIRVStructurizerWrapper.h | |
SPIRVSubtarget.cpp | |
SPIRVSubtarget.h | |
SPIRVTargetMachine.cpp | |
SPIRVTargetMachine.h | |
SPIRVTargetObjectFile.h | |
SPIRVTargetTransformInfo.h | |
SPIRVUtils.cpp | |
SPIRVUtils.h | |
► SystemZ | |
► AsmParser | |
SystemZAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
SystemZDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
SystemZELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
SystemZGNUInstPrinter.cpp | |
SystemZGNUInstPrinter.h | |
SystemZGOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
SystemZHLASMInstPrinter.cpp | |
SystemZHLASMInstPrinter.h | |
SystemZInstPrinterCommon.cpp | |
SystemZInstPrinterCommon.h | |
SystemZMCAsmBackend.cpp | |
SystemZMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
SystemZMCAsmInfo.h | |
SystemZMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
SystemZMCExpr.cpp | |
SystemZMCExpr.h | |
SystemZMCFixups.h | |
SystemZMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
SystemZMCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
SystemZTargetInfo.cpp | |
SystemZTargetInfo.h | |
SystemZ.h | |
SystemZAsmPrinter.cpp | |
SystemZAsmPrinter.h | |
SystemZCallingConv.cpp | |
SystemZCallingConv.h | |
SystemZConstantPoolValue.cpp | |
SystemZConstantPoolValue.h | |
SystemZCopyPhysRegs.cpp | |
SystemZElimCompare.cpp | |
SystemZFrameLowering.cpp | |
SystemZFrameLowering.h | |
SystemZHazardRecognizer.cpp | |
SystemZHazardRecognizer.h | |
SystemZInstrBuilder.h | |
SystemZInstrInfo.cpp | |
SystemZInstrInfo.h | |
SystemZISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
SystemZISelLowering.cpp | |
SystemZISelLowering.h | |
SystemZLDCleanup.cpp | |
SystemZLongBranch.cpp | |
SystemZMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
SystemZMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
SystemZMachineScheduler.cpp | |
SystemZMachineScheduler.h | |
SystemZMCInstLower.cpp | |
SystemZMCInstLower.h | |
SystemZPostRewrite.cpp | |
SystemZRegisterInfo.cpp | |
SystemZRegisterInfo.h | |
SystemZSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
SystemZSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
SystemZShortenInst.cpp | |
SystemZSubtarget.cpp | |
SystemZSubtarget.h | |
SystemZTargetMachine.cpp | |
SystemZTargetMachine.h | |
SystemZTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
SystemZTargetObjectFile.h | |
SystemZTargetStreamer.h | |
SystemZTargetTransformInfo.cpp | |
SystemZTargetTransformInfo.h | |
SystemZTDC.cpp | |
► VE | |
► AsmParser | |
VEAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
VEDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
VEAsmBackend.cpp | |
VEELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
VEFixupKinds.h | |
VEInstPrinter.cpp | |
VEInstPrinter.h | |
VEMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
VEMCAsmInfo.h | |
VEMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
VEMCExpr.cpp | |
VEMCExpr.h | |
VEMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
VEMCTargetDesc.h | |
VETargetStreamer.cpp | |
VETargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
VETargetInfo.cpp | |
VETargetInfo.h | |
LVLGen.cpp | |
VE.h | |
VEAsmPrinter.cpp | |
VECustomDAG.cpp | |
VECustomDAG.h | |
VEFrameLowering.cpp | |
VEFrameLowering.h | |
VEInstrBuilder.h | |
VEInstrInfo.cpp | |
VEInstrInfo.h | |
VEISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
VEISelLowering.cpp | |
VEISelLowering.h | |
VEMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
VEMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
VEMCInstLower.cpp | |
VERegisterInfo.cpp | |
VERegisterInfo.h | |
VESubtarget.cpp | |
VESubtarget.h | |
VETargetMachine.cpp | |
VETargetMachine.h | |
VETargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the VE target machine |
VVPISelLowering.cpp | |
► WebAssembly | |
► AsmParser | |
WebAssemblyAsmParser.cpp | This file is part of the WebAssembly Assembler |
WebAssemblyAsmTypeCheck.cpp | This file is part of the WebAssembly Assembler |
WebAssemblyAsmTypeCheck.h | This file is part of the WebAssembly Assembler |
► Disassembler | |
WebAssemblyDisassembler.cpp | This file is part of the WebAssembly Disassembler |
► MCTargetDesc | |
WebAssemblyAsmBackend.cpp | This file implements the WebAssemblyAsmBackend class |
WebAssemblyFixupKinds.h | |
WebAssemblyInstPrinter.cpp | Print MCInst instructions to wasm format |
WebAssemblyInstPrinter.h | This class prints an WebAssembly MCInst to wasm file syntax |
WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo.cpp | This file contains the declarations of the WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo properties |
WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo.h | This file contains the declaration of the WebAssemblyMCAsmInfo class |
WebAssemblyMCCodeEmitter.cpp | This file implements the WebAssemblyMCCodeEmitter class |
WebAssemblyMCTargetDesc.cpp | This file provides WebAssembly-specific target descriptions |
WebAssemblyMCTargetDesc.h | This file provides WebAssembly-specific target descriptions |
WebAssemblyMCTypeUtilities.cpp | This file implements several utility functions for WebAssembly type parsing |
WebAssemblyMCTypeUtilities.h | This file contains the declaration of the WebAssembly-specific type parsing utility functions |
WebAssemblyTargetStreamer.cpp | This file defines WebAssembly-specific target streamer classes |
WebAssemblyTargetStreamer.h | This file declares WebAssembly-specific target streamer classes |
WebAssemblyWasmObjectWriter.cpp | This file handles Wasm-specific object emission, converting LLVM's internal fixups into the appropriate relocations |
► TargetInfo | |
WebAssemblyTargetInfo.cpp | This file registers the WebAssembly target |
WebAssemblyTargetInfo.h | This file registers the WebAssembly target |
► Utils | |
WasmAddressSpaces.h | |
WebAssemblyTypeUtilities.cpp | This file implements several utility functions for WebAssembly type parsing |
WebAssemblyTypeUtilities.h | This file contains the declaration of the WebAssembly-specific type parsing utility functions |
WebAssembly.h | This file contains the entry points for global functions defined in the LLVM WebAssembly back-end |
WebAssemblyAddMissingPrototypes.cpp | Add prototypes to prototypes-less functions |
WebAssemblyArgumentMove.cpp | This file moves ARGUMENT instructions after ScheduleDAG scheduling |
WebAssemblyAsmPrinter.cpp | This file contains a printer that converts from our internal representation of machine-dependent LLVM code to the WebAssembly assembly language |
WebAssemblyAsmPrinter.h | |
WebAssemblyCFGSort.cpp | This file implements a CFG sorting pass |
WebAssemblyCFGStackify.cpp | This file implements a CFG stacking pass |
WebAssemblyCleanCodeAfterTrap.cpp | This file remove instruction after trap |
WebAssemblyDebugFixup.cpp | Several prior passes may "stackify" registers, here we ensure any references in such registers in debug_value instructions become stack relative also |
WebAssemblyDebugValueManager.cpp | This file implements the manager for MachineInstr DebugValues |
WebAssemblyDebugValueManager.h | This file contains the declaration of the WebAssembly-specific manager for DebugValues associated with the specific MachineInstr |
WebAssemblyExceptionInfo.cpp | This file implements WebAssemblyException information analysis |
WebAssemblyExceptionInfo.h | This file implements WebAssemblyException information analysis |
WebAssemblyExplicitLocals.cpp | This file converts any remaining registers into WebAssembly locals |
WebAssemblyFastISel.cpp | This file defines the WebAssembly-specific support for the FastISel class |
WebAssemblyFixBrTableDefaults.cpp | |
WebAssemblyFixFunctionBitcasts.cpp | Fix bitcasted functions |
WebAssemblyFixIrreducibleControlFlow.cpp | This file implements a pass that removes irreducible control flow |
WebAssemblyFrameLowering.cpp | This file contains the WebAssembly implementation of TargetFrameLowering class |
WebAssemblyFrameLowering.h | This class implements WebAssembly-specific bits of TargetFrameLowering class |
WebAssemblyInstrInfo.cpp | This file contains the WebAssembly implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class |
WebAssemblyInstrInfo.h | This file contains the WebAssembly implementation of the TargetInstrInfo class |
WebAssemblyISelDAGToDAG.cpp | This file defines an instruction selector for the WebAssembly target |
WebAssemblyISelLowering.cpp | This file implements the WebAssemblyTargetLowering class |
WebAssemblyISelLowering.h | This file defines the interfaces that WebAssembly uses to lower LLVM code into a selection DAG |
WebAssemblyLateEHPrepare.cpp | Does various transformations for exception handling |
WebAssemblyLowerBrUnless.cpp | This file lowers br_unless into br_if with an inverted condition |
WebAssemblyLowerEmscriptenEHSjLj.cpp | This file lowers exception-related instructions and setjmp/longjmp function calls to use Emscripten's library functions |
WebAssemblyLowerRefTypesIntPtrConv.cpp | Lowers IntToPtr and PtrToInt instructions on reference types to Trap instructions since they have been allowed to operate on non-integral pointers |
WebAssemblyMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | This file implements WebAssembly-specific per-machine-function information |
WebAssemblyMachineFunctionInfo.h | This file declares WebAssembly-specific per-machine-function information |
WebAssemblyMCInstLower.cpp | This file contains code to lower WebAssembly MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
WebAssemblyMCInstLower.h | This file declares the class to lower WebAssembly MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
WebAssemblyMCLowerPrePass.cpp | Some information in MC lowering / asm printing gets generated as instructions get emitted, but may be necessary at the start, such as for .globaltype declarations |
WebAssemblyMemIntrinsicResults.cpp | This file implements an optimization pass using memory intrinsic results |
WebAssemblyNullifyDebugValueLists.cpp | Nullify DBG_VALUE_LISTs instructions as a temporary measure before we implement DBG_VALUE_LIST handling in WebAssemblyDebugValueManager |
WebAssemblyOptimizeLiveIntervals.cpp | Optimize LiveIntervals for use in a post-RA context |
WebAssemblyOptimizeReturned.cpp | Optimize calls with "returned" attributes for WebAssembly |
WebAssemblyPeephole.cpp | Late peephole optimizations for WebAssembly |
WebAssemblyRefTypeMem2Local.cpp | Assign reference type allocas to local addrspace (addrspace(1)) so that their loads and stores can be lowered to local.gets/local.sets |
WebAssemblyRegColoring.cpp | This file implements a virtual register coloring pass |
WebAssemblyRegisterInfo.cpp | This file contains the WebAssembly implementation of the TargetRegisterInfo class |
WebAssemblyRegisterInfo.h | This file contains the WebAssembly implementation of the WebAssemblyRegisterInfo class |
WebAssemblyRegNumbering.cpp | This file implements a pass which assigns WebAssembly register numbers for CodeGen virtual registers |
WebAssemblyRegStackify.cpp | This file implements a register stacking pass |
WebAssemblyReplacePhysRegs.cpp | This file implements a pass that replaces physical registers with virtual registers |
WebAssemblyRuntimeLibcallSignatures.cpp | This file contains signature information for runtime libcalls |
WebAssemblyRuntimeLibcallSignatures.h | This file provides signature information for runtime libcalls |
WebAssemblySelectionDAGInfo.cpp | This file implements the WebAssemblySelectionDAGInfo class |
WebAssemblySelectionDAGInfo.h | This file defines the WebAssembly subclass for SelectionDAGTargetInfo |
WebAssemblySetP2AlignOperands.cpp | This file sets the p2align operands on load and store instructions |
WebAssemblySortRegion.cpp | |
WebAssemblySortRegion.h | This file implements regions used in CFGSort and CFGStackify |
WebAssemblySubtarget.cpp | This file implements the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
WebAssemblySubtarget.h | This file declares the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetSubtarget |
WebAssemblyTargetMachine.cpp | This file defines the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetMachine |
WebAssemblyTargetMachine.h | This file declares the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetMachine |
WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile.cpp | This file defines the functions of the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetLoweringObjectFile |
WebAssemblyTargetObjectFile.h | This file declares the WebAssembly-specific subclass of TargetLoweringObjectFile |
WebAssemblyTargetTransformInfo.cpp | This file defines the WebAssembly-specific TargetTransformInfo implementation |
WebAssemblyTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the WebAssembly target machine |
WebAssemblyUtilities.cpp | This file implements several utility functions for WebAssembly |
WebAssemblyUtilities.h | This file contains the declaration of the WebAssembly-specific utility functions |
► X86 | |
► AsmParser | |
X86AsmParser.cpp | |
X86AsmParserCommon.h | |
X86Operand.h | |
► Disassembler | |
X86Disassembler.cpp | |
X86DisassemblerDecoder.h | |
► GISel | |
X86CallLowering.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to machine code calls for GlobalISel |
X86CallLowering.h | This file describes how to lower LLVM calls to machine code calls |
X86InstructionSelector.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the InstructionSelector class for X86 |
X86LegalizerInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for X86 |
X86LegalizerInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the Machinelegalizer class for X86 |
X86RegisterBankInfo.cpp | This file implements the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for X86 |
X86RegisterBankInfo.h | This file declares the targeting of the RegisterBankInfo class for X86 |
► MCA | |
X86CustomBehaviour.cpp | This file implements methods from the X86CustomBehaviour class |
X86CustomBehaviour.h | This file defines the X86CustomBehaviour class which inherits from CustomBehaviour |
► MCTargetDesc | |
X86AsmBackend.cpp | |
X86ATTInstPrinter.cpp | |
X86ATTInstPrinter.h | |
X86BaseInfo.h | |
X86ELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
X86EncodingOptimization.cpp | |
X86EncodingOptimization.h | |
X86FixupKinds.h | |
X86InstComments.cpp | |
X86InstComments.h | |
X86InstPrinterCommon.cpp | |
X86InstPrinterCommon.h | |
X86IntelInstPrinter.cpp | |
X86IntelInstPrinter.h | |
X86MachObjectWriter.cpp | |
X86MCAsmInfo.cpp | |
X86MCAsmInfo.h | |
X86MCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
X86MCExpr.h | |
X86MCTargetDesc.cpp | |
X86MCTargetDesc.h | |
X86MnemonicTables.cpp | |
X86ShuffleDecode.cpp | |
X86ShuffleDecode.h | |
X86TargetStreamer.h | |
X86WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp | |
X86WinCOFFStreamer.cpp | |
X86WinCOFFTargetStreamer.cpp | |
► TargetInfo | |
X86TargetInfo.cpp | |
X86TargetInfo.h | |
ImmutableGraph.h | Description: ImmutableGraph is a fast DAG implementation that cannot be modified, except by creating a new ImmutableGraph |
X86.h | |
X86ArgumentStackSlotRebase.cpp | |
X86AsmPrinter.cpp | |
X86AsmPrinter.h | |
X86AvoidStoreForwardingBlocks.cpp | |
X86AvoidTrailingCall.cpp | |
X86CallFrameOptimization.cpp | |
X86CallingConv.cpp | |
X86CallingConv.h | |
X86CmovConversion.cpp | This file implements a pass that converts X86 cmov instructions into branches when profitable |
X86CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp | This file contains X86 CodeGen pipeline builder |
X86CompressEVEX.cpp | |
X86DiscriminateMemOps.cpp | |
X86DomainReassignment.cpp | |
X86DynAllocaExpander.cpp | |
X86ExpandPseudo.cpp | |
X86FastISel.cpp | |
X86FastPreTileConfig.cpp | |
X86FastTileConfig.cpp | |
X86FixupBWInsts.cpp | This file defines the pass that looks through the machine instructions late in the compilation, and finds byte or word instructions that can be profitably replaced with 32 bit instructions that give equivalent results for the bits of the results that are used |
X86FixupInstTuning.cpp | |
X86FixupLEAs.cpp | |
X86FixupSetCC.cpp | |
X86FixupVectorConstants.cpp | |
X86FlagsCopyLowering.cpp | Lowers COPY nodes of EFLAGS by directly extracting and preserving individual flag bits |
X86FloatingPoint.cpp | |
X86FrameLowering.cpp | |
X86FrameLowering.h | |
X86IndirectBranchTracking.cpp | |
X86IndirectThunks.cpp | Pass that injects an MI thunk that is used to lower indirect calls in a way that prevents speculation on some x86 processors and can be used to mitigate security vulnerabilities due to targeted speculative execution and side channels such as CVE-2017-5715 |
X86InsertPrefetch.cpp | |
X86InsertWait.cpp | |
X86InstCombineIntrinsic.cpp | This file implements a TargetTransformInfo analysis pass specific to the X86 target machine |
X86InstrBuilder.h | |
X86InstrFMA3Info.cpp | |
X86InstrFMA3Info.h | |
X86InstrFoldTables.cpp | |
X86InstrFoldTables.h | |
X86InstrInfo.cpp | |
X86InstrInfo.h | |
X86InterleavedAccess.cpp | This file contains the X86 implementation of the interleaved accesses optimization generating X86-specific instructions/intrinsics for interleaved access groups |
X86IntrinsicsInfo.h | |
X86ISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
X86ISelDAGToDAG.h | |
X86ISelLowering.cpp | |
X86ISelLowering.h | |
X86ISelLoweringCall.cpp | This file implements the lowering of LLVM calls to DAG nodes |
X86LoadValueInjectionLoadHardening.cpp | |
X86LoadValueInjectionRetHardening.cpp | |
X86LowerAMXIntrinsics.cpp | |
X86LowerAMXType.cpp | |
X86LowerTileCopy.cpp | |
X86MachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
X86MachineFunctionInfo.h | |
X86MacroFusion.cpp | |
X86MacroFusion.h | |
X86MCInstLower.cpp | |
X86OptimizeLEAs.cpp | |
X86PadShortFunction.cpp | |
X86PartialReduction.cpp | |
X86PreTileConfig.cpp | |
X86RegisterInfo.cpp | |
X86RegisterInfo.h | |
X86ReturnThunks.cpp | Pass that replaces ret instructions with a jmp to __x86_return_thunk |
X86SelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
X86SelectionDAGInfo.h | |
X86ShuffleDecodeConstantPool.cpp | |
X86ShuffleDecodeConstantPool.h | |
X86SpeculativeExecutionSideEffectSuppression.cpp | This file contains the X86 implementation of the speculative execution side effect suppression mitigation |
X86SpeculativeLoadHardening.cpp | Provide a pass which mitigates speculative execution attacks which operate by speculating incorrectly past some predicate (a type check, bounds check, or other condition) to reach a load with invalid inputs and leak the data accessed by that load using a side channel out of the speculative domain |
X86Subtarget.cpp | |
X86Subtarget.h | |
X86TargetMachine.cpp | |
X86TargetMachine.h | |
X86TargetObjectFile.cpp | |
X86TargetObjectFile.h | |
X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp | This file implements a TargetTransformInfo analysis pass specific to the X86 target machine |
X86TargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the X86 target machine |
X86TileConfig.cpp | |
X86VZeroUpper.cpp | |
X86WinEHState.cpp | |
X86WinFixupBufferSecurityCheck.cpp | |
► XCore | |
► Disassembler | |
XCoreDisassembler.cpp | This file is part of the XCore Disassembler |
► MCTargetDesc | |
XCoreInstPrinter.cpp | |
XCoreInstPrinter.h | This file contains the declaration of the XCoreInstPrinter class, which is used to print XCore MCInst to a .s file |
XCoreMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
XCoreMCAsmInfo.h | |
XCoreMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
XCoreMCTargetDesc.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
XCoreTargetInfo.cpp | |
XCoreTargetInfo.h | |
XCore.h | |
XCoreAsmPrinter.cpp | |
XCoreFrameLowering.cpp | |
XCoreFrameLowering.h | |
XCoreFrameToArgsOffsetElim.cpp | |
XCoreInstrInfo.cpp | |
XCoreInstrInfo.h | |
XCoreISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
XCoreISelLowering.cpp | |
XCoreISelLowering.h | |
XCoreLowerThreadLocal.cpp | This file contains a pass that lowers thread local variables on the XCore |
XCoreMachineFunctionInfo.cpp | |
XCoreMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
XCoreMCInstLower.cpp | This file contains code to lower XCore MachineInstrs to their corresponding MCInst records |
XCoreMCInstLower.h | |
XCoreRegisterInfo.cpp | |
XCoreRegisterInfo.h | |
XCoreSelectionDAGInfo.cpp | |
XCoreSelectionDAGInfo.h | |
XCoreSubtarget.cpp | |
XCoreSubtarget.h | |
XCoreTargetMachine.cpp | |
XCoreTargetMachine.h | |
XCoreTargetObjectFile.cpp | |
XCoreTargetObjectFile.h | |
XCoreTargetStreamer.h | |
XCoreTargetTransformInfo.h | This file a TargetTransformInfo::Concept conforming object specific to the XCore target machine |
► Xtensa | |
► AsmParser | |
XtensaAsmParser.cpp | |
► Disassembler | |
XtensaDisassembler.cpp | |
► MCTargetDesc | |
XtensaAsmBackend.cpp | |
XtensaELFObjectWriter.cpp | |
XtensaFixupKinds.h | |
XtensaInstPrinter.cpp | |
XtensaInstPrinter.h | |
XtensaMCAsmInfo.cpp | |
XtensaMCAsmInfo.h | |
XtensaMCCodeEmitter.cpp | |
XtensaMCExpr.cpp | |
XtensaMCExpr.h | |
XtensaMCTargetDesc.cpp | |
XtensaMCTargetDesc.h | |
XtensaTargetStreamer.cpp | |
XtensaTargetStreamer.h | |
► TargetInfo | |
XtensaTargetInfo.cpp | |
XtensaTargetInfo.h | |
Xtensa.h | |
XtensaAsmPrinter.cpp | |
XtensaAsmPrinter.h | |
XtensaConstantPoolValue.cpp | |
XtensaConstantPoolValue.h | |
XtensaFrameLowering.cpp | |
XtensaFrameLowering.h | |
XtensaInstrInfo.cpp | |
XtensaInstrInfo.h | |
XtensaISelDAGToDAG.cpp | |
XtensaISelLowering.cpp | |
XtensaISelLowering.h | |
XtensaMachineFunctionInfo.h | |
XtensaRegisterInfo.cpp | |
XtensaRegisterInfo.h | |
XtensaSubtarget.cpp | |
XtensaSubtarget.h | |
XtensaTargetMachine.cpp | |
XtensaTargetMachine.h | |
XtensaUtils.cpp | |
XtensaUtils.h | |
Target.cpp | |
TargetIntrinsicInfo.cpp | |
TargetLoweringObjectFile.cpp | |
TargetMachine.cpp | |
TargetMachineC.cpp | |
► TargetParser | |
► Unix | | | |
► Windows | | | |
AArch64TargetParser.cpp | |
ARMTargetParser.cpp | |
ARMTargetParserCommon.cpp | |
CSKYTargetParser.cpp | |
Host.cpp | |
LoongArchTargetParser.cpp | |
PPCTargetParser.cpp | |
RISCVISAInfo.cpp | |
RISCVTargetParser.cpp | |
SubtargetFeature.cpp | |
TargetParser.cpp | |
Triple.cpp | |
X86TargetParser.cpp | |
► Telemetry | |
Telemetry.cpp | |
► Testing | |
► Annotations | |
Annotations.cpp | |
► Support | |
Error.cpp | |
SupportHelpers.cpp | |
► TextAPI | |
► BinaryReader | |
DylibReader.cpp | |
Architecture.cpp | |
ArchitectureSet.cpp | |
InterfaceFile.cpp | |
PackedVersion.cpp | |
Platform.cpp | |
RecordsSlice.cpp | |
RecordVisitor.cpp | |
Symbol.cpp | |
SymbolSet.cpp | |
Target.cpp | |
TextAPIContext.h | |
TextAPIError.cpp | Implements TAPI Error |
TextStub.cpp | |
TextStubCommon.cpp | |
TextStubCommon.h | |
TextStubV5.cpp | |
Utils.cpp | |
► ToolDrivers | |
► llvm-dlltool | |
DlltoolDriver.cpp | |
► llvm-lib | |
LibDriver.cpp | |
► Transforms | |
► AggressiveInstCombine | |
AggressiveInstCombine.cpp | |
AggressiveInstCombineInternal.h | |
TruncInstCombine.cpp | |
► CFGuard | |
CFGuard.cpp | This file contains the IR transform to add Microsoft's Control Flow Guard checks on Windows targets |
► Coroutines | |
CoroAnnotationElide.cpp | |
CoroCleanup.cpp | |
CoroCloner.h | |
CoroConditionalWrapper.cpp | |
CoroEarly.cpp | |
CoroElide.cpp | |
CoroFrame.cpp | |
CoroInternal.h | |
CoroSplit.cpp | |
Coroutines.cpp | |
MaterializationUtils.cpp | |
SpillUtils.cpp | |
SuspendCrossingInfo.cpp | |
► HipStdPar | |
HipStdPar.cpp | |
► InstCombine | |
InstCombineAddSub.cpp | |
InstCombineAndOrXor.cpp | |
InstCombineAtomicRMW.cpp | |
InstCombineCalls.cpp | |
InstCombineCasts.cpp | |
InstCombineCompares.cpp | |
InstCombineInternal.h | This file provides internal interfaces used to implement the InstCombine |
InstCombineLoadStoreAlloca.cpp | |
InstCombineMulDivRem.cpp | |
InstCombineNegator.cpp | |
InstCombinePHI.cpp | |
InstCombineSelect.cpp | |
InstCombineShifts.cpp | |
InstCombineSimplifyDemanded.cpp | |
InstCombineVectorOps.cpp | |
InstructionCombining.cpp | |
► Instrumentation | |
AddressSanitizer.cpp | |
BlockCoverageInference.cpp | |
BoundsChecking.cpp | |
CGProfile.cpp | |
ControlHeightReduction.cpp | |
DataFlowSanitizer.cpp | This file is a part of DataFlowSanitizer, a generalised dynamic data flow analysis |
GCOVProfiling.cpp | |
HWAddressSanitizer.cpp | This file is a part of HWAddressSanitizer, an address basic correctness checker based on tagged addressing |
IndirectCallPromotion.cpp | |
InstrOrderFile.cpp | |
InstrProfiling.cpp | |
KCFI.cpp | |
LowerAllowCheckPass.cpp | |
MemorySanitizer.cpp | This file is a part of MemorySanitizer, a detector of uninitialized reads |
MemProfiler.cpp | |
NumericalStabilitySanitizer.cpp | |
PGOCtxProfFlattening.cpp | |
PGOCtxProfLowering.cpp | |
PGOForceFunctionAttrs.cpp | |
PGOInstrumentation.cpp | |
PGOMemOPSizeOpt.cpp | |
RealtimeSanitizer.cpp | |
SanitizerBinaryMetadata.cpp | |
SanitizerCoverage.cpp | |
ThreadSanitizer.cpp | |
TypeSanitizer.cpp | |
ValueProfileCollector.cpp | |
ValueProfileCollector.h | | | |
► IPO | |
AlwaysInliner.cpp | |
Annotation2Metadata.cpp | |
ArgumentPromotion.cpp | |
Attributor.cpp | |
AttributorAttributes.cpp | |
BarrierNoopPass.cpp | |
BlockExtractor.cpp | |
CalledValuePropagation.cpp | |
ConstantMerge.cpp | |
CrossDSOCFI.cpp | |
DeadArgumentElimination.cpp | |
ElimAvailExtern.cpp | |
EmbedBitcodePass.cpp | |
ExpandVariadics.cpp | |
ExtractGV.cpp | |
ForceFunctionAttrs.cpp | |
FunctionAttrs.cpp | This file implements interprocedural passes which walk the call-graph deducing and/or propagating function attributes |
FunctionImport.cpp | |
FunctionSpecialization.cpp | |
GlobalDCE.cpp | |
GlobalOpt.cpp | |
GlobalSplit.cpp | |
HotColdSplitting.cpp | The goal of hot/cold splitting is to improve the memory locality of code |
InferFunctionAttrs.cpp | |
Inliner.cpp | |
Internalize.cpp | |
IPO.cpp | |
IROutliner.cpp | |
LoopExtractor.cpp | |
LowerTypeTests.cpp | |
MemProfContextDisambiguation.cpp | |
MergeFunctions.cpp | |
ModuleInliner.cpp | |
OpenMPOpt.cpp | |
PartialInlining.cpp | |
SampleContextTracker.cpp | |
SampleProfile.cpp | |
SampleProfileMatcher.cpp | |
SampleProfileProbe.cpp | |
SCCP.cpp | |
StripDeadPrototypes.cpp | |
StripSymbols.cpp | |
ThinLTOBitcodeWriter.cpp | |
WholeProgramDevirt.cpp | |
► ObjCARC | |
ARCRuntimeEntryPoints.h | This file contains a class ARCRuntimeEntryPoints for use in creating/managing references to entry points to the arc objective c runtime |
BlotMapVector.h | |
DependencyAnalysis.cpp | This file defines special dependency analysis routines used in Objective C ARC Optimizations |
DependencyAnalysis.h | This file declares special dependency analysis routines used in Objective C ARC Optimizations |
ObjCARC.cpp | |
ObjCARC.h | This file defines common definitions/declarations used by the ObjC ARC Optimizer |
ObjCARCAPElim.cpp | This file defines ObjC ARC optimizations |
ObjCARCContract.cpp | This file defines late ObjC ARC optimizations |
ObjCARCExpand.cpp | This file defines ObjC ARC optimizations |
ObjCARCOpts.cpp | This file defines ObjC ARC optimizations |
ProvenanceAnalysis.cpp | This file defines a special form of Alias Analysis called Provenance Analysis'' |
ProvenanceAnalysis.h | This file declares a special form of Alias Analysis called Provenance Analysis'' |
ProvenanceAnalysisEvaluator.cpp | |
PtrState.cpp | |
PtrState.h | |
► Scalar | |
ADCE.cpp | |
AlignmentFromAssumptions.cpp | |
AnnotationRemarks.cpp | |
BDCE.cpp | |
CallSiteSplitting.cpp | |
ConstantHoisting.cpp | |
ConstraintElimination.cpp | |
CorrelatedValuePropagation.cpp | |
DCE.cpp | |
DeadStoreElimination.cpp | |
DFAJumpThreading.cpp | |
DivRemPairs.cpp | |
EarlyCSE.cpp | |
FlattenCFGPass.cpp | |
Float2Int.cpp | |
GuardWidening.cpp | |
GVN.cpp | |
GVNHoist.cpp | |
GVNSink.cpp | This pass attempts to sink instructions into successors, reducing static instruction count and enabling if-conversion |
InductiveRangeCheckElimination.cpp | |
IndVarSimplify.cpp | |
InferAddressSpaces.cpp | |
InferAlignment.cpp | |
InstSimplifyPass.cpp | |
IVUsersPrinter.cpp | |
JumpTableToSwitch.cpp | |
JumpThreading.cpp | |
LICM.cpp | |
LoopAccessAnalysisPrinter.cpp | |
LoopBoundSplit.cpp | |
LoopDataPrefetch.cpp | |
LoopDeletion.cpp | |
LoopDistribute.cpp | |
LoopFlatten.cpp | |
LoopFuse.cpp | This file implements the loop fusion pass |
LoopIdiomRecognize.cpp | |
LoopInstSimplify.cpp | |
LoopInterchange.cpp | |
LoopLoadElimination.cpp | |
LoopPassManager.cpp | |
LoopPredication.cpp | |
LoopRotation.cpp | |
LoopSimplifyCFG.cpp | |
LoopSink.cpp | |
LoopStrengthReduce.cpp | |
LoopTermFold.cpp | |
LoopUnrollAndJamPass.cpp | |
LoopUnrollPass.cpp | |
LoopVersioningLICM.cpp | |
LowerAtomicPass.cpp | |
LowerConstantIntrinsics.cpp | |
LowerExpectIntrinsic.cpp | |
LowerGuardIntrinsic.cpp | |
LowerMatrixIntrinsics.cpp | |
LowerWidenableCondition.cpp | |
MakeGuardsExplicit.cpp | |
MemCpyOptimizer.cpp | |
MergedLoadStoreMotion.cpp | This pass performs merges of loads and stores on both sides of a |
MergeICmps.cpp | |
NaryReassociate.cpp | |
NewGVN.cpp | This file implements the new LLVM's Global Value Numbering pass |
PartiallyInlineLibCalls.cpp | |
PlaceSafepoints.cpp | |
Reassociate.cpp | |
Reg2Mem.cpp | |
RewriteStatepointsForGC.cpp | |
Scalar.cpp | |
ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrin.cpp | |
Scalarizer.cpp | |
SCCP.cpp | |
SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP.cpp | |
SimpleLoopUnswitch.cpp | |
SimplifyCFGPass.cpp | |
Sink.cpp | |
SpeculativeExecution.cpp | |
SROA.cpp | This transformation implements the well known scalar replacement of aggregates transformation |
StraightLineStrengthReduce.cpp | |
StructurizeCFG.cpp | |
TailRecursionElimination.cpp | |
WarnMissedTransforms.cpp | |
► Utils | |
AddDiscriminators.cpp | |
AMDGPUEmitPrintf.cpp | |
ASanStackFrameLayout.cpp | |
AssumeBundleBuilder.cpp | |
BasicBlockUtils.cpp | |
BreakCriticalEdges.cpp | |
BuildLibCalls.cpp | |
BypassSlowDivision.cpp | |
CallGraphUpdater.cpp | This file provides interfaces used to manipulate a call graph, regardless if it is a "old style" CallGraph or an "new style" LazyCallGraph |
CallPromotionUtils.cpp | |
CanonicalizeAliases.cpp | |
CanonicalizeFreezeInLoops.cpp | |
CloneFunction.cpp | |
CloneModule.cpp | |
CodeExtractor.cpp | |
CodeLayout.cpp | |
CodeMoverUtils.cpp | |
ControlFlowUtils.cpp | |
CountVisits.cpp | |
CtorUtils.cpp | |
Debugify.cpp | |
DemoteRegToStack.cpp | |
DXILUpgrade.cpp | |
EntryExitInstrumenter.cpp | |
EscapeEnumerator.cpp | |
Evaluator.cpp | |
FixIrreducible.cpp | |
FlattenCFG.cpp | |
FunctionComparator.cpp | |
FunctionImportUtils.cpp | |
GlobalStatus.cpp | |
GuardUtils.cpp | |
HelloWorld.cpp | |
InjectTLIMappings.cpp | |
InlineFunction.cpp | |
InstructionNamer.cpp | |
Instrumentation.cpp | |
IntegerDivision.cpp | |
IRNormalizer.cpp | This file implements the IRNormalizer class which aims to transform LLVM Modules into a normal form by reordering and renaming instructions while preserving the same semantics |
LCSSA.cpp | |
LibCallsShrinkWrap.cpp | |
Local.cpp | |
LoopConstrainer.cpp | |
LoopPeel.cpp | |
LoopRotationUtils.cpp | |
LoopSimplify.cpp | |
LoopUnroll.cpp | |
LoopUnrollAndJam.cpp | |
LoopUnrollRuntime.cpp | |
LoopUtils.cpp | |
LoopVersioning.cpp | |
LowerAtomic.cpp | |
LowerGlobalDtors.cpp | Lower @llvm.global_dtors |
LowerIFunc.cpp | |
LowerInvoke.cpp | |
LowerMemIntrinsics.cpp | |
LowerSwitch.cpp | |
MatrixUtils.cpp | |
Mem2Reg.cpp | |
MemoryOpRemark.cpp | |
MemoryTaggingSupport.cpp | |
MetaRenamer.cpp | |
MisExpect.cpp | |
ModuleUtils.cpp | |
MoveAutoInit.cpp | |
NameAnonGlobals.cpp | |
PredicateInfo.cpp | |
PromoteMemoryToRegister.cpp | |
RelLookupTableConverter.cpp | |
SampleProfileInference.cpp | |
SampleProfileLoaderBaseUtil.cpp | |
SanitizerStats.cpp | |
ScalarEvolutionExpander.cpp | |
SCCPSolver.cpp | |
SimplifyCFG.cpp | |
SimplifyIndVar.cpp | |
SimplifyLibCalls.cpp | |
SizeOpts.cpp | |
SplitModule.cpp | |
SSAUpdater.cpp | |
SSAUpdaterBulk.cpp | |
StripGCRelocates.cpp | |
StripNonLineTableDebugInfo.cpp | |
SymbolRewriter.cpp | |
UnifyFunctionExitNodes.cpp | |
UnifyLoopExits.cpp | |
Utils.cpp | |
ValueMapper.cpp | |
VNCoercion.cpp | |
► Vectorize | |
► SandboxVectorizer | |
► Passes | |
BottomUpVec.cpp | |
RegionsFromMetadata.cpp | |
DependencyGraph.cpp | |
Interval.cpp | |
Legality.cpp | |
SandboxVectorizer.cpp | |
SandboxVectorizerPassBuilder.cpp | |
Scheduler.cpp | |
SeedCollector.cpp | |
LoadStoreVectorizer.cpp | |
LoopIdiomVectorize.cpp | |
LoopVectorizationLegality.cpp | |
LoopVectorizationPlanner.h | This file provides a LoopVectorizationPlanner class |
LoopVectorize.cpp | |
SLPVectorizer.cpp | |
VectorCombine.cpp | |
Vectorize.cpp | |
VPlan.cpp | This is the LLVM vectorization plan |
VPlan.h | This file contains the declarations of the Vectorization Plan base classes: |
VPlanAnalysis.cpp | |
VPlanAnalysis.h | |
VPlanCFG.h | |
VPlanDominatorTree.h | This file implements dominator tree analysis for a single level of a VPlan's H-CFG |
VPlanHCFGBuilder.cpp | This file implements the construction of a VPlan-based Hierarchical CFG (H-CFG) for an incoming IR |
VPlanHCFGBuilder.h | This file defines the VPlanHCFGBuilder class which contains the public interface (buildHierarchicalCFG) to build a VPlan-based Hierarchical CFG (H-CFG) for an incoming IR |
VPlanPatternMatch.h | |
VPlanRecipes.cpp | This file contains implementations for different VPlan recipes |
VPlanSLP.cpp | |
VPlanTransforms.cpp | This file implements a set of utility VPlan to VPlan transformations |
VPlanTransforms.h | This file provides utility VPlan to VPlan transformations |
VPlanUnroll.cpp | This file implements explicit unrolling for VPlans |
VPlanUtils.cpp | |
VPlanUtils.h | |
VPlanValue.h | This file contains the declarations of the entities induced by Vectorization Plans, e.g |
VPlanVerifier.cpp | This file defines the class VPlanVerifier, which contains utility functions to check the consistency and invariants of a VPlan |
VPlanVerifier.h | This file declares the class VPlanVerifier, which contains utility functions to check the consistency of a VPlan |
VPRecipeBuilder.h | |
► WindowsDriver | |
MSVCPaths.cpp | |
► WindowsManifest | |
WindowsManifestMerger.cpp | |
► XRay | |
BlockIndexer.cpp | |
BlockPrinter.cpp | |
BlockVerifier.cpp | |
FDRRecordProducer.cpp | |
FDRRecords.cpp | |
FDRTraceExpander.cpp | |
FDRTraceWriter.cpp | |
FileHeaderReader.cpp | |
InstrumentationMap.cpp | |
LogBuilderConsumer.cpp | |
Profile.cpp | |
RecordInitializer.cpp | |
RecordPrinter.cpp | |
Trace.cpp | |